path: root/indra/newview/llvosky.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llvosky.cpp')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvosky.cpp b/indra/newview/llvosky.cpp
index a64df57d0b..5f55f6c310 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvosky.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvosky.cpp
@@ -77,77 +77,6 @@ static const LLVector2 TEX11 = LLVector2(1.f, 1.f);
-F32 clip_side_to_horizon(const LLVector3& V0, const LLVector3& V1, const F32 cos_max_angle)
- const LLVector3 V = V1 - V0;
- const F32 k2 = 1.f/(cos_max_angle * cos_max_angle) - 1;
- const F32 A = V.mV[0] * V.mV[0] + V.mV[1] * V.mV[1] - k2 * V.mV[2] * V.mV[2];
- const F32 B = V0.mV[0] * V.mV[0] + V0.mV[1] * V.mV[1] - k2 * V0.mV[2] * V.mV[2];
- const F32 C = V0.mV[0] * V0.mV[0] + V0.mV[1] * V0.mV[1] - k2 * V0.mV[2] * V0.mV[2];
- if (fabs(A) < 1e-7)
- {
- return -0.1f; // v0 is cone origin and v1 is on the surface of the cone.
- }
- const F32 det = sqrt(B*B - A*C);
- const F32 t1 = (-B - det) / A;
- const F32 t2 = (-B + det) / A;
- const F32 z1 = V0.mV[2] + t1 * V.mV[2];
- const F32 z2 = V0.mV[2] + t2 * V.mV[2];
- if (z1 * cos_max_angle < 0)
- {
- return t2;
- }
- else if (z2 * cos_max_angle < 0)
- {
- return t1;
- }
- else if ((t1 < 0) || (t1 > 1))
- {
- return t2;
- }
- else
- {
- return t1;
- }
-// Clips quads with top and bottom sides parallel to horizon.
-BOOL clip_quad_to_horizon(F32& t_left, F32& t_right, LLVector3 v_clipped[4],
- const LLVector3 v_corner[4], const F32 cos_max_angle)
- t_left = clip_side_to_horizon(v_corner[1], v_corner[0], cos_max_angle);
- t_right = clip_side_to_horizon(v_corner[3], v_corner[2], cos_max_angle);
- if ((t_left >= 1) || (t_right >= 1))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //const BOOL left_clip = (t_left > 0);
- //const BOOL right_clip = (t_right > 0);
- //if (!left_clip && !right_clip)
- {
- for (S32 vtx = 0; vtx < 4; ++vtx)
- {
- v_clipped[vtx] = v_corner[vtx];
- }
- }
-/* else
- {
- v_clipped[0] = v_corner[0];
- v_clipped[1] = left_clip ? ((1 - t_left) * v_corner[1] + t_left * v_corner[0])
- : v_corner[1];
- v_clipped[2] = v_corner[2];
- v_clipped[3] = right_clip ? ((1 - t_right) * v_corner[3] + t_right * v_corner[2])
- : v_corner[3];
- }*/
- return TRUE;
@@ -767,9 +696,12 @@ BOOL LLVOSky::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable)
const static F32 elevation_factor = 0.0f/sResolution;
- const F32 cos_max_angle = cosHorizon(elevation_factor);
- mSun.setDraw(updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(drawable, FACE_SUN, TRUE, mSun, cos_max_angle, up, right));
- mMoon.setDraw(updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(drawable, FACE_MOON, FALSE, mMoon, cos_max_angle, up, right));
+ bool draw_sun = updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(drawable, FACE_SUN, mSun, up, right);
+ bool draw_moon = updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(drawable, FACE_MOON, mMoon, up, right);
+ mSun.setDraw(draw_sun);
+ mMoon.setDraw(draw_moon);
const F32 water_height = gAgent.getRegion()->getWaterHeight() + 0.01f;
// LLWorld::getInstance()->getWaterHeight() + 0.01f;
@@ -820,9 +752,7 @@ BOOL LLVOSky::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable)
return TRUE;
-BOOL LLVOSky::updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, const S32 f, const BOOL is_sun,
- LLHeavenBody& hb, const F32 cos_max_angle,
- const LLVector3 &up, const LLVector3 &right)
+BOOL LLVOSky::updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, const S32 f, LLHeavenBody& hb, const LLVector3 &up, const LLVector3 &right)
mHeavenlyBodyUpdated = TRUE ;
@@ -835,50 +765,31 @@ BOOL LLVOSky::updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, const S32 f, cons
LLVector3 to_dir = hb.getDirection();
- if (!is_sun)
- {
- to_dir.mV[2] = llmax(to_dir.mV[2]+0.1f, 0.1f);
- }
- LLVector3 draw_pos = to_dir * HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST;
+ /*F32 rad = hb.getDiskRadius();
+ F32 d = to_dir * LLVector3::z_axis;
+ if (d < -(rad * 0.5f))
+ {
+ hb.setVisible(FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }*/
+ LLVector3 draw_pos = to_dir * HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST;
LLVector3 hb_right = to_dir % LLVector3::z_axis;
LLVector3 hb_up = hb_right % to_dir;
- //const static F32 cos_max_turn = sqrt(3.f) / 2; // 30 degrees
- //const F32 cos_turn_right = 1. / (llmax(cos_max_turn, hb_right * right));
- //const F32 cos_turn_up = 1. / llmax(cos_max_turn, hb_up * up);
- const F32 enlargm_factor = ( 1 - to_dir.mV[2] );
- F32 horiz_enlargement = 1 + enlargm_factor * 0.3f;
- F32 vert_enlargement = 1 + enlargm_factor * 0.2f;
- // Parameters for the water reflection
- hb.setU(HEAVENLY_BODY_FACTOR * horiz_enlargement * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_right);
- hb.setV(HEAVENLY_BODY_FACTOR * vert_enlargement * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_up);
- // End of parameters for the water reflection
+ const LLVector3 scaled_right = HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_right;
+ const LLVector3 scaled_up = HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_up;
- const LLVector3 scaled_right = HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST * hb.getU();
- const LLVector3 scaled_up = HEAVENLY_BODY_DIST * hb.getV();
- //const LLVector3 scaled_right = horiz_enlargement * HEAVENLY_BODY_SCALE * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_right;//right;
- //const LLVector3 scaled_up = vert_enlargement * HEAVENLY_BODY_SCALE * hb.getDiskRadius() * hb_up;//up;
LLVector3 v_clipped[4];
- hb.corner(0) = draw_pos - scaled_right + scaled_up;
- hb.corner(1) = draw_pos - scaled_right - scaled_up;
- hb.corner(2) = draw_pos + scaled_right + scaled_up;
- hb.corner(3) = draw_pos + scaled_right - scaled_up;
+ v_clipped[0] = draw_pos - scaled_right + scaled_up;
+ v_clipped[1] = draw_pos - scaled_right - scaled_up;
+ v_clipped[2] = draw_pos + scaled_right + scaled_up;
+ v_clipped[3] = draw_pos + scaled_right - scaled_up;
- F32 t_left, t_right;
- if (!clip_quad_to_horizon(t_left, t_right, v_clipped, hb.corners(), cos_max_angle))
- {
- hb.setVisible(FALSE);
- return FALSE;
- }
facep = mFace[f];
@@ -928,87 +839,9 @@ BOOL LLVOSky::updateHeavenlyBodyGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, const S32 f, cons
- if (is_sun)
- {
- if ((t_left > 0) && (t_right > 0))
- {
- F32 t = (t_left + t_right) * 0.5f;
- mSun.setHorizonVisibility(0.5f * (1 + cos(t * F_PI)));
- }
- else
- {
- mSun.setHorizonVisibility();
- }
- updateSunHaloGeometry(drawable);
- }
return TRUE;
-void LLVOSky::updateSunHaloGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable )
-#if 0
- const LLVector3* v_corner = mSun.corners();
- LLStrider<LLVector3> verticesp;
- LLStrider<LLVector3> normalsp;
- LLStrider<LLVector2> texCoordsp;
- LLStrider<U16> indicesp;
- S32 index_offset;
- LLFace *face;
- const LLVector3 right = 2 * (v_corner[2] - v_corner[0]);
- LLVector3 up = 2 * (v_corner[2] - v_corner[3]);
- up.normalize();
- F32 size = right.length();
- up = size * up;
- const LLVector3 draw_pos = 0.25 * (v_corner[0] + v_corner[1] + v_corner[2] + v_corner[3]);
- LLVector3 v_glow_corner[4];
- v_glow_corner[0] = draw_pos - right + up;
- v_glow_corner[1] = draw_pos - right - up;
- v_glow_corner[2] = draw_pos + right + up;
- v_glow_corner[3] = draw_pos + right - up;
- face = mFace[FACE_BLOOM];
- if (face->mVertexBuffer.isNull())
- {
- face->setSize(4, 6);
- face->setGeomIndex(0);
- face->setIndicesIndex(0);
- face->mVertexBuffer = new LLVertexBuffer(LLDrawPoolWater::VERTEX_DATA_MASK, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB);
- face->mVertexBuffer->allocateBuffer(4, 6, TRUE);
- }
- index_offset = face->getGeometry(verticesp,normalsp,texCoordsp, indicesp);
- if (-1 == index_offset)
- {
- return;
- }
- for (S32 vtx = 0; vtx < 4; ++vtx)
- {
- *(verticesp++) = v_glow_corner[vtx] + mCameraPosAgent;
- }
- *(texCoordsp++) = TEX01;
- *(texCoordsp++) = TEX00;
- *(texCoordsp++) = TEX11;
- *(texCoordsp++) = TEX10;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 0;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 2;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 1;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 1;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 2;
- *indicesp++ = index_offset + 3;
F32 dtReflection(const LLVector3& p, F32 cos_dir_from_top, F32 sin_dir_from_top, F32 diff_angl_dir)
LLVector3 P = p;
@@ -1070,9 +903,6 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
LLVector3 look_at_right = look_at % LLVector3::z_axis;
- const static F32 cos_horizon_angle = cosHorizon(0.0f/sResolution);
- //const static F32 horizon_angle = acos(cos_horizon_angle);
const F32 enlargm_factor = ( 1 - to_dir.mV[2] );
F32 horiz_enlargement = 1 + enlargm_factor * 0.3f;
F32 vert_enlargement = 1 + enlargm_factor * 0.2f;
@@ -1087,22 +917,10 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
LLVector3 top_hb = v_corner[0] = stretch_corner[0] = hb_pos - Right + Up;
v_corner[1] = stretch_corner[1] = hb_pos - Right - Up;
- F32 dt_hor, dt;
- dt_hor = clip_side_to_horizon(v_corner[1], v_corner[0], cos_horizon_angle);
LLVector2 TEX0t = TEX00;
LLVector2 TEX1t = TEX10;
LLVector3 lower_corner = v_corner[1];
- if ((dt_hor > 0) && (dt_hor < 1))
- {
- TEX0t = LLVector2(0, dt_hor);
- TEX1t = LLVector2(1, dt_hor);
- lower_corner = (1 - dt_hor) * v_corner[1] + dt_hor * v_corner[0];
- }
- else
- dt_hor = llmax(0.0f, llmin(1.0f, dt_hor));
const F32 cos_angle_of_view = fabs(top_hb.mV[VZ]);
const F32 extension = llmin (5.0f, 1.0f / cos_angle_of_view);
@@ -1114,9 +932,6 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
stretch_corner[0] = lower_corner + extension * (stretch_corner[0] - lower_corner);
stretch_corner[1] = lower_corner + extension * (stretch_corner[1] - lower_corner);
- dt = dt_hor;
F32 cos_dir_from_top[2];
LLVector3 dir = stretch_corner[0];
@@ -1205,9 +1020,8 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
F32 dt_tex = dtReflection(P, cos_dir_from_top[0], sin_dir_from_top, diff_angl_dir);
- dt = dt_tex;
- TEX0tt = LLVector2(0, dt);
- TEX1tt = LLVector2(1, dt);
+ TEX0tt = LLVector2(0, dt_tex);
+ TEX1tt = LLVector2(1, dt_tex);
@@ -1331,8 +1145,6 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
left *= raws_inv;
right *= raws_inv;
- F32 dt_raw = dt;
for (S32 raw = 0; raw < raws; ++raw)
F32 dt_v0 = raw * raws_inv;
@@ -1341,8 +1153,7 @@ void LLVOSky::updateReflectionGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable, F32 H,
const LLVector3 BR = v_refl_corner[3] + (F32)raw * right;
const LLVector3 EL = BL + left;
const LLVector3 ER = BR + right;
- dt_v0 = dt_raw;
- dt_raw = dt_v1 = dtReflection(EL, cos_dir_from_top[0], sin_dir_from_top, diff_angl_dir);
+ dt_v0 = dt_v1 = dtReflection(EL, cos_dir_from_top[0], sin_dir_from_top, diff_angl_dir);
for (S32 col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
F32 dt_h0 = col * cols_inv;
@@ -1403,7 +1214,10 @@ void LLVOSky::initSunDirection(const LLVector3 &sun_dir, const LLVector3 &sun_an
void LLVOSky::setSunDirection(const LLVector3 &sun_dir, const LLVector3 &moon_dir)
LLVector3 sun_direction = (sun_dir.length() == 0) ? LLVector3::x_axis : sun_dir;
+ LLVector3 moon_direction = (moon_dir.length() == 0) ? LLVector3::x_axis : moon_dir;
+ moon_direction.normalize();
// Push the sun "South" as it approaches directly overhead so that we can always see bump mapping
// on the upward facing faces of cubes.
@@ -1424,7 +1238,7 @@ void LLVOSky::setSunDirection(const LLVector3 &sun_dir, const LLVector3 &moon_di
F32 dp = mLastLightingDirection * sun_direction;
- mMoon.setDirection(moon_dir);
+ mMoon.setDirection(moon_direction);
if (dp < 0.995f) { //the sun jumped a great deal, update immediately