path: root/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h
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1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h b/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h
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+ * @file llvoiceclient.h
+ * @brief Declaration of LLVoiceClient class which is the interface to the voice client process.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $License$
+ */
+// This would create a circular reference -- just do a forward definition of necessary class names.
+//#include "llvoavatar.h"
+class LLVOAvatar;
+class LLVivoxProtocolParser;
+#include "lliopipe.h"
+#include "llpumpio.h"
+#include "llchainio.h"
+#include "lliosocket.h"
+#include "v3math.h"
+#include "llframetimer.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+class LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver
+ virtual ~LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver() { }
+ virtual void onChange() = 0;
+class LLVoiceClientStatusObserver
+ typedef enum e_voice_status_type
+ {
+ } EStatusType;
+ virtual ~LLVoiceClientStatusObserver() { }
+ virtual void onChange(EStatusType status, const std::string &channelURI, bool proximal) = 0;
+ static const char *status2string(EStatusType inStatus);
+class LLVoiceClient: public LLSingleton<LLVoiceClient>
+ LOG_CLASS(LLVoiceClient);
+ public:
+ LLVoiceClient();
+ ~LLVoiceClient();
+ public:
+ static void init(LLPumpIO *pump); // Call this once at application startup (creates connector)
+ static void terminate(); // Call this to clean up during shutdown
+ protected:
+ bool writeString(const std::string &str);
+ public:
+ enum serviceType
+ {
+ serviceTypeUnknown, // Unknown, returned if no data on the avatar is available
+ serviceTypeA, // spatialized local chat
+ serviceTypeB, // remote multi-party chat
+ serviceTypeC // one-to-one and small group chat
+ };
+ /////////////////////////////
+ // session control messages
+ void connect();
+ void connectorCreate();
+ void connectorShutdown();
+ void requestVoiceAccountProvision(S32 retries = 3);
+ void userAuthorized(
+ const std::string& firstName,
+ const std::string& lastName,
+ const LLUUID &agentID);
+ void login(const std::string& accountName, const std::string &password);
+ void loginSendMessage();
+ void logout();
+ void logoutSendMessage();
+ void channelGetListSendMessage();
+ void sessionCreateSendMessage();
+ void sessionConnectSendMessage();
+ void sessionTerminate();
+ void sessionTerminateSendMessage();
+ void sessionTerminateByHandle(std::string &sessionHandle);
+ void getCaptureDevicesSendMessage();
+ void getRenderDevicesSendMessage();
+ void clearCaptureDevices();
+ void addCaptureDevice(const std::string& name);
+ void setCaptureDevice(const std::string& name);
+ void clearRenderDevices();
+ void addRenderDevice(const std::string& name);
+ void setRenderDevice(const std::string& name);
+ void tuningStart();
+ void tuningStop();
+ bool inTuningMode();
+ void tuningRenderStartSendMessage(const std::string& name, bool loop);
+ void tuningRenderStopSendMessage();
+ void tuningCaptureStartSendMessage(int duration);
+ void tuningCaptureStopSendMessage();
+ void tuningSetMicVolume(float volume);
+ void tuningSetSpeakerVolume(float volume);
+ float tuningGetEnergy(void);
+ // This returns true when it's safe to bring up the "device settings" dialog in the prefs.
+ // i.e. when the daemon is running and connected, and the device lists are populated.
+ bool deviceSettingsAvailable();
+ // Requery the vivox daemon for the current list of input/output devices.
+ // If you pass true for clearCurrentList, deviceSettingsAvailable() will be false until the query has completed
+ // (use this if you want to know when it's done).
+ // If you pass false, you'll have no way to know when the query finishes, but the device lists will not appear empty in the interim.
+ void refreshDeviceLists(bool clearCurrentList = true);
+ // Call this if the connection to the daemon terminates unexpectedly. It will attempt to reset everything and relaunch.
+ void daemonDied();
+ // Call this if we're just giving up on voice (can't provision an account, etc.). It will clean up and go away.
+ void giveUp();
+ /////////////////////////////
+ // Response/Event handlers
+ void connectorCreateResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString, std::string &connectorHandle);
+ void loginResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString, std::string &accountHandle);
+ void channelGetListResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString);
+ void sessionCreateResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString, std::string &sessionHandle);
+ void sessionConnectResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString);
+ void sessionTerminateResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString);
+ void logoutResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString);
+ void connectorShutdownResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusString);
+ void loginStateChangeEvent(std::string &accountHandle, int statusCode, std::string &statusString, int state);
+ void sessionNewEvent(std::string &accountHandle, std::string &eventSessionHandle, int state, std::string &nameString, std::string &uriString);
+ void sessionStateChangeEvent(std::string &uriString, int statusCode, std::string &statusString, std::string &sessionHandle, int state, bool isChannel, std::string &nameString);
+ void participantStateChangeEvent(std::string &uriString, int statusCode, std::string &statusString, int state, std::string &nameString, std::string &displayNameString, int participantType);
+ void participantPropertiesEvent(std::string &uriString, int statusCode, std::string &statusString, bool isLocallyMuted, bool isModeratorMuted, bool isSpeaking, int volume, F32 energy);
+ void auxAudioPropertiesEvent(F32 energy);
+ void muteListChanged();
+ /////////////////////////////
+ // Sending updates of current state
+ void setCameraPosition(const LLVector3d &position, const LLVector3 &velocity, const LLMatrix3 &rot);
+ void setAvatarPosition(const LLVector3d &position, const LLVector3 &velocity, const LLMatrix3 &rot);
+ bool channelFromRegion(LLViewerRegion *region, std::string &name);
+ void leaveChannel(void); // call this on logout or teleport begin
+ void setMuteMic(bool muted); // Use this to mute the local mic (for when the client is minimized, etc), ignoring user PTT state.
+ void setUserPTTState(bool ptt);
+ bool getUserPTTState();
+ void toggleUserPTTState(void);
+ void setVoiceEnabled(bool enabled);
+ static bool voiceEnabled();
+ void setUsePTT(bool usePTT);
+ void setPTTIsToggle(bool PTTIsToggle);
+ void setPTTKey(std::string &key);
+ void setEarLocation(S32 loc);
+ void setVoiceVolume(F32 volume);
+ void setMicGain(F32 volume);
+ void setUserVolume(const LLUUID& id, F32 volume); // set's volume for specified agent, from 0-1 (where .5 is nominal)
+ void setVivoxDebugServerName(std::string &serverName);
+ // PTT key triggering
+ void keyDown(KEY key, MASK mask);
+ void keyUp(KEY key, MASK mask);
+ void middleMouseState(bool down);
+ /////////////////////////////
+ // Accessors for data related to nearby speakers
+ BOOL getVoiceEnabled(const LLUUID& id); // true if we've received data for this avatar
+ BOOL getIsSpeaking(const LLUUID& id);
+ F32 getCurrentPower(const LLUUID& id); // "power" is related to "amplitude" in a defined way. I'm just not sure what the formula is...
+ BOOL getPTTPressed(const LLUUID& id); // This is the inverse of the "locally muted" property.
+ BOOL getOnMuteList(const LLUUID& id);
+ F32 getUserVolume(const LLUUID& id);
+ LLString getDisplayName(const LLUUID& id);
+ // MBW -- XXX -- Not sure how to get this data out of the TVC
+ BOOL getUsingPTT(const LLUUID& id);
+ serviceType getServiceType(const LLUUID& id); // type of chat the user is involved in (see bHear scope doc for definitions of A/B/C)
+ std::string getGroupID(const LLUUID& id); // group ID if the user is in group chat (empty string if not applicable)
+ /////////////////////////////
+ BOOL getAreaVoiceDisabled(); // returns true if the area the avatar is in is speech-disabled.
+ // Use this to determine whether to show a "no speech" icon in the menu bar.
+ struct participantState
+ {
+ public:
+ participantState(const std::string &uri);
+ std::string mURI;
+ std::string mName;
+ std::string mDisplayName;
+ bool mPTT;
+ bool mIsSpeaking;
+ LLFrameTimer mSpeakingTimeout;
+ F32 mLastSpokeTimestamp;
+ F32 mPower;
+ int mVolume;
+ serviceType mServiceType;
+ std::string mGroupID;
+ bool mOnMuteList; // true if this avatar is on the user's mute list (and should be muted)
+ int mUserVolume;
+ bool mVolumeDirty; // true if this participant needs a volume command sent (either mOnMuteList or mUserVolume has changed)
+ bool mAvatarIDValid;
+ LLUUID mAvatarID;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, participantState*> participantMap;
+ participantState *findParticipant(const std::string &uri);
+ participantState *findParticipantByAvatar(LLVOAvatar *avatar);
+ participantState *findParticipantByID(const LLUUID& id);
+ participantMap *getParticipantList(void);
+ void addObserver(LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver* observer);
+ void removeObserver(LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver* observer);
+ void addStatusObserver(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver* observer);
+ void removeStatusObserver(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver* observer);
+ static void onAvatarNameLookup(const LLUUID& id, const char* first, const char* last, BOOL is_group, void* user_data);
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> deviceList;
+ deviceList *getCaptureDevices();
+ deviceList *getRenderDevices();
+ void setNonSpatialChannel(
+ const std::string &uri,
+ const std::string &credentials);
+ void setSpatialChannel(
+ const std::string &uri,
+ const std::string &credentials);
+ void callUser(LLUUID &uuid);
+ void answerInvite(std::string &sessionHandle, LLUUID& other_user_id);
+ void declineInvite(std::string &sessionHandle);
+ void leaveNonSpatialChannel();
+ // Returns the URI of the current channel, or an empty string if not currently in a channel.
+ // NOTE that it will return an empty string if it's in the process of joining a channel.
+ std::string getCurrentChannel();
+ // returns true iff the user is currently in a proximal (local spatial) channel.
+ // Note that gestures should only fire if this returns true.
+ bool inProximalChannel();
+ std::string sipURIFromID(const LLUUID &id);
+ private:
+ // internal state for a simple state machine. This is used to deal with the asynchronous nature of some of the messages.
+ // Note: if you change this list, please make corresponding changes to LLVoiceClient::state2string().
+ enum state
+ {
+ stateDisabled, // Voice is turned off.
+ stateStart, // Class is initialized, socket is created
+ stateDaemonLaunched, // Daemon has been launched
+ stateConnecting, // connect() call has been issued
+ stateIdle, // socket is connected, ready for messaging
+ stateConnectorStart, // connector needs to be started
+ stateConnectorStarting, // waiting for connector handle
+ stateConnectorStarted, // connector handle received
+ stateMicTuningNoLogin, // mic tuning before login
+ stateLoginRetry, // need to retry login (failed due to changing password)
+ stateLoginRetryWait, // waiting for retry timer
+ stateNeedsLogin, // send login request
+ stateLoggingIn, // waiting for account handle
+ stateLoggedIn, // account handle received
+ stateNoChannel, //
+ stateMicTuningLoggedIn, // mic tuning for a logged in user
+ stateSessionCreate, // need to send Session.Create command
+ stateSessionConnect, // need to send Session.Connect command
+ stateJoiningSession, // waiting for session handle
+ stateSessionJoined, // session handle received
+ stateRunning, // in session, steady state
+ stateLeavingSession, // waiting for terminate session response
+ stateSessionTerminated, // waiting for terminate session response
+ stateLoggingOut, // waiting for logout response
+ stateLoggedOut, // logout response received
+ stateConnectorStopping, // waiting for connector stop
+ stateConnectorStopped, // connector stop received
+ // We go to this state if the login fails because the account needs to be provisioned.
+ // error states. No way to recover from these yet.
+ stateConnectorFailed,
+ stateConnectorFailedWaiting,
+ stateLoginFailed,
+ stateLoginFailedWaiting,
+ stateJoinSessionFailed,
+ stateJoinSessionFailedWaiting,
+ stateJail // Go here when all else has failed. Nothing will be retried, we're done.
+ };
+ state mState;
+ bool mSessionTerminateRequested;
+ bool mNonSpatialChannel;
+ void setState(state inState);
+ state getState(void) { return mState; };
+ static const char *state2string(state inState);
+ void stateMachine();
+ static void idle(void *user_data);
+ LLHost mDaemonHost;
+ LLSocket::ptr_t mSocket;
+ bool mConnected;
+ void closeSocket(void);
+ LLPumpIO *mPump;
+ friend class LLVivoxProtocolParser;
+ std::string mAccountName;
+ std::string mAccountPassword;
+ std::string mAccountDisplayName;
+ std::string mAccountFirstName;
+ std::string mAccountLastName;
+ std::string mNextP2PSessionURI; // URI of the P2P session to join next
+ std::string mNextSessionURI; // URI of the session to join next
+ std::string mNextSessionHandle; // Session handle of the session to join next
+ std::string mNextSessionHash; // Password hash for the session to join next
+ bool mNextSessionSpatial; // Will next session be a spatial chat?
+ bool mNextSessionNoReconnect; // Next session should not auto-reconnect (i.e. user -> user chat)
+ bool mNextSessionResetOnClose; // If this is true, go back to spatial chat when the next session terminates.
+ std::string mSessionStateEventHandle; // session handle received in SessionStateChangeEvents
+ std::string mSessionStateEventURI; // session URI received in SessionStateChangeEvents
+ bool mTuningMode;
+ float mTuningEnergy;
+ std::string mTuningAudioFile;
+ int mTuningMicVolume;
+ bool mTuningMicVolumeDirty;
+ int mTuningSpeakerVolume;
+ bool mTuningSpeakerVolumeDirty;
+ bool mTuningCaptureRunning;
+ std::string mSpatialSessionURI;
+ bool mSessionResetOnClose;
+ int mVivoxErrorStatusCode;
+ std::string mVivoxErrorStatusString;
+ std::string mChannelName; // Name of the channel to be looked up
+ bool mAreaVoiceDisabled;
+ std::string mSessionURI; // URI of the session we're in.
+ bool mSessionP2P; // true if this session is a p2p call
+ S32 mCurrentParcelLocalID; // Used to detect parcel boundary crossings
+ std::string mCurrentRegionName; // Used to detect parcel boundary crossings
+ std::string mConnectorHandle; // returned by "Create Connector" message
+ std::string mAccountHandle; // returned by login message
+ std::string mSessionHandle; // returned by ?
+ U32 mCommandCookie;
+ std::string mAccountServerName;
+ std::string mAccountServerURI;
+ int mLoginRetryCount;
+ participantMap mParticipantMap;
+ bool mParticipantMapChanged;
+ deviceList mCaptureDevices;
+ deviceList mRenderDevices;
+ std::string mCaptureDevice;
+ std::string mRenderDevice;
+ bool mCaptureDeviceDirty;
+ bool mRenderDeviceDirty;
+ participantState *addParticipant(const std::string &uri);
+ // Note: after removeParticipant returns, the participant* that was passed to it will have been deleted.
+ // Take care not to use the pointer again after that.
+ void removeParticipant(participantState *participant);
+ void removeAllParticipants();
+ void updateMuteState(participantState *participant);
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> channelMap;
+ channelMap mChannelMap;
+ // These are used by the parser when processing a channel list response.
+ void clearChannelMap(void);
+ void addChannelMapEntry(std::string &name, std::string &uri);
+ std::string findChannelURI(std::string &name);
+ // This should be called when the code detects we have changed parcels.
+ // It initiates the call to the server that gets the parcel channel.
+ void parcelChanged();
+ void switchChannel(std::string uri = "", bool spatial = true, bool noReconnect = false, std::string hash = "");
+ void joinSession(std::string handle, std::string uri);
+ std::string nameFromAvatar(LLVOAvatar *avatar);
+ std::string nameFromID(const LLUUID &id);
+ bool IDFromName(const std::string name, LLUUID &uuid);
+ std::string displayNameFromAvatar(LLVOAvatar *avatar);
+ std::string sipURIFromAvatar(LLVOAvatar *avatar);
+ std::string sipURIFromName(std::string &name);
+ void sendPositionalUpdate(void);
+ void buildSetCaptureDevice(std::ostringstream &stream);
+ void buildSetRenderDevice(std::ostringstream &stream);
+ void enforceTether(void);
+ bool mSpatialCoordsDirty;
+ LLVector3d mCameraPosition;
+ LLVector3d mCameraRequestedPosition;
+ LLVector3 mCameraVelocity;
+ LLMatrix3 mCameraRot;
+ LLVector3d mAvatarPosition;
+ LLVector3 mAvatarVelocity;
+ LLMatrix3 mAvatarRot;
+ bool mPTTDirty;
+ bool mPTT;
+ bool mUsePTT;
+ bool mPTTIsMiddleMouse;
+ KEY mPTTKey;
+ bool mPTTIsToggle;
+ bool mUserPTTState;
+ bool mMuteMic;
+ // Set to true when the mute state of someone in the participant list changes.
+ // The code will have to walk the list to find the changed participant(s).
+ bool mVolumeDirty;
+ enum
+ {
+ earLocCamera = 0, // ear at camera
+ earLocAvatar, // ear at avatar
+ earLocMixed // ear at avatar location/camera direction
+ };
+ S32 mEarLocation;
+ bool mSpeakerVolumeDirty;
+ bool mSpeakerMuteDirty;
+ int mSpeakerVolume;
+ int mMicVolume;
+ bool mMicVolumeDirty;
+ bool mVoiceEnabled;
+ bool mWriteInProgress;
+ std::string mWriteString;
+ size_t mWriteOffset;
+ LLTimer mUpdateTimer;
+ typedef std::set<LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver*> observer_set_t;
+ observer_set_t mObservers;
+ void notifyObservers();
+ typedef std::set<LLVoiceClientStatusObserver*> status_observer_set_t;
+ status_observer_set_t mStatusObservers;
+ void notifyStatusObservers(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver::EStatusType status);
+extern LLVoiceClient *gVoiceClient;