path: root/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
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1 files changed, 1087 insertions, 1063 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
index a779a1735c..1552532a97 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h
@@ -1,1063 +1,1087 @@
- * @file llvoavatar.h
- * @brief Declaration of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation of
- * LLViewerObject
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <map>
-#include <deque>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
-#include "imageids.h" // IMG_INVISIBLE
-#include "llchat.h"
-#include "lldrawpoolalpha.h"
-#include "llviewerobject.h"
-#include "llcharacter.h"
-#include "llviewerjointmesh.h"
-#include "llviewerjointattachment.h"
-#include "llrendertarget.h"
-#include "llvoavatardefines.h"
-#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
-#include "lldriverparam.h"
-#include "material_codes.h" // LL_MCODE_END
-extern const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_EYE;
-class LLTexLayerSet;
-class LLVoiceVisualizer;
-class LLHUDNameTag;
-class LLHUDEffectSpiral;
-class LLTexGlobalColor;
-class LLVOAvatarBoneInfo;
-class LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo;
-// LLVOAvatar
-class LLVOAvatar :
- public LLViewerObject,
- public LLCharacter,
- public boost::signals2::trackable
- friend class LLVOAvatarSelf;
- struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo;
- struct LLMaskedMorph;
- ** **
- **/
- LLVOAvatar(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);
- virtual void markDead();
- static void initClass(); // Initialize data that's only init'd once per class.
- static void cleanupClass(); // Cleanup data that's only init'd once per class.
- virtual void initInstance(); // Called after construction to initialize the class.
- virtual ~LLVOAvatar();
- BOOL loadSkeletonNode();
- BOOL loadMeshNodes();
- virtual BOOL loadLayersets();
-/** Initialization
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLViewerObject interface and related
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void updateGL();
- virtual LLVOAvatar* asAvatar();
- virtual U32 processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
- void **user_data,
- U32 block_num,
- const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
- LLDataPacker *dp);
- virtual BOOL idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time);
- virtual BOOL updateLOD();
- BOOL updateJointLODs();
- virtual BOOL isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate.
- virtual void updateTextures();
- virtual S32 setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid); // If setting a baked texture, need to request it from a non-local sim.
- virtual void onShift(const LLVector3& shift_vector);
- virtual U32 getPartitionType() const;
- virtual const LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const;
- virtual void updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped);
- virtual LLDrawable* createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);
- virtual BOOL updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
- virtual void setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent);
- virtual void updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
- virtual void updateSpatialExtents(LLVector3& newMin, LLVector3 &newMax);
- virtual void getSpatialExtents(LLVector3& newMin, LLVector3& newMax);
- virtual BOOL lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end,
- S32 face = -1, // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
- BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
- S32* face_hit = NULL, // which face was hit
- LLVector3* intersection = NULL, // return the intersection point
- LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
- LLVector3* normal = NULL, // return the surface normal at the intersection point
- LLVector3* bi_normal = NULL); // return the surface bi-normal at the intersection point
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LLCharacter interface and related
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual LLVector3 getCharacterPosition();
- virtual LLQuaternion getCharacterRotation();
- virtual LLVector3 getCharacterVelocity();
- virtual LLVector3 getCharacterAngularVelocity();
- virtual LLJoint* getCharacterJoint(U32 num);
- virtual BOOL allocateCharacterJoints(U32 num);
- virtual LLUUID remapMotionID(const LLUUID& id);
- virtual BOOL startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset = 0.f);
- virtual BOOL stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate = FALSE);
- virtual void stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
- virtual void requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
- LLMotion* findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const;
- void startDefaultMotions();
- void dumpAnimationState();
- virtual LLJoint* getJoint(const std::string &name);
- virtual LLJoint* getRootJoint() { return &mRoot; }
- virtual const char* getAnimationPrefix() { return "avatar"; }
- virtual const LLUUID& getID();
- virtual LLVector3 getVolumePos(S32 joint_index, LLVector3& volume_offset);
- virtual LLJoint* findCollisionVolume(U32 volume_id);
- virtual S32 getCollisionVolumeID(std::string &name);
- virtual void addDebugText(const std::string& text);
- virtual F32 getTimeDilation();
- virtual void getGround(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
- virtual F32 getPixelArea() const;
- virtual LLPolyMesh* getHeadMesh();
- virtual LLPolyMesh* getUpperBodyMesh();
- virtual LLVector3d getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position);
- virtual LLVector3 getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position);
- virtual void updateVisualParams();
-/** Inherited
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- ** STATE
- **/
- virtual bool isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent
- bool isBuilt() const { return mIsBuilt; }
- BOOL mSupportsAlphaLayers; // For backwards compatibility, TRUE for 1.23+ clients
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Updates
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent);
- void idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled);
- void idleUpdateMisc(bool detailed_update);
- virtual void idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation();
- void idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled);
- void idleUpdateLoadingEffect();
- void idleUpdateWindEffect();
- void idleUpdateNameTag(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
- void idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name);
- LLVector3 idleUpdateNameTagPosition(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
- void idleUpdateNameTagAlpha(BOOL new_name, F32 alpha);
- LLColor4 getNameTagColor(bool is_friend);
- void clearNameTag();
- static void invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id);
- // force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off
- static void invalidateNameTags();
- void addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font);
- void idleUpdateRenderCost();
- void idleUpdateBelowWater();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Static preferences (controlled by user settings/menus)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static S32 sRenderName;
- static BOOL sRenderGroupTitles;
- static U32 sMaxVisible; //(affected by control "RenderAvatarMaxVisible")
- static F32 sRenderDistance; //distance at which avatars will render.
- static BOOL sShowAnimationDebug; // show animation debug info
- static BOOL sUseImpostors; //use impostors for far away avatars
- static BOOL sShowFootPlane; // show foot collision plane reported by server
- static BOOL sShowCollisionVolumes; // show skeletal collision volumes
- static BOOL sVisibleInFirstPerson;
- static S32 sNumLODChangesThisFrame;
- static S32 sNumVisibleChatBubbles;
- static BOOL sDebugInvisible;
- static BOOL sShowAttachmentPoints;
- static F32 sLODFactor; // user-settable LOD factor
- static BOOL sJointDebug; // output total number of joints being touched for each avatar
- static BOOL sDebugAvatarRotation;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Region state
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLHost getObjectHost() const;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Loading state
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL isFullyLoaded() const;
- bool visualParamWeightsAreDefault();
- virtual BOOL getIsCloud();
- BOOL updateIsFullyLoaded();
- BOOL processFullyLoadedChange(bool loading);
- void updateRuthTimer(bool loading);
- F32 calcMorphAmount();
- BOOL mFullyLoaded;
- BOOL mPreviousFullyLoaded;
- BOOL mFullyLoadedInitialized;
- S32 mFullyLoadedFrameCounter;
- LLFrameTimer mFullyLoadedTimer;
- LLFrameTimer mRuthTimer;
- LLFrameTimer mInvisibleTimer;
-/** State
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- void updateHeadOffset();
- F32 getPelvisToFoot() const { return mPelvisToFoot; }
- LLVector3 mHeadOffset; // current head position
- LLViewerJoint mRoot;
- static BOOL parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename);
- void buildCharacter();
- virtual BOOL loadAvatar();
- BOOL setupBone(const LLVOAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLViewerJoint* parent, S32 &current_volume_num, S32 &current_joint_num);
- BOOL buildSkeleton(const LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info);
- BOOL mIsBuilt; // state of deferred character building
- S32 mNumJoints;
- LLViewerJoint* mSkeleton;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Pelvis height adjustment members.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLVector3 mBodySize;
- S32 mLastSkeletonSerialNum;
- F32 mPelvisToFoot;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cached pointers to well known joints
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLViewerJoint* mPelvisp;
- LLViewerJoint* mTorsop;
- LLViewerJoint* mChestp;
- LLViewerJoint* mNeckp;
- LLViewerJoint* mHeadp;
- LLViewerJoint* mSkullp;
- LLViewerJoint* mEyeLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mEyeRightp;
- LLViewerJoint* mHipLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mHipRightp;
- LLViewerJoint* mKneeLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mKneeRightp;
- LLViewerJoint* mAnkleLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mAnkleRightp;
- LLViewerJoint* mFootLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mFootRightp;
- LLViewerJoint* mWristLeftp;
- LLViewerJoint* mWristRightp;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // XML parse tree
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static LLXmlTree sXMLTree; // avatar config file
- static LLXmlTree sSkeletonXMLTree; // avatar skeleton file
-/** Skeleton
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- U32 renderImpostor(LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255), S32 diffuse_channel = 0);
- U32 renderRigid();
- U32 renderSkinned(EAvatarRenderPass pass);
- U32 renderTransparent(BOOL first_pass);
- void renderCollisionVolumes();
- static void deleteCachedImages(bool clearAll=true);
- static void destroyGL();
- static void restoreGL();
- BOOL mIsDummy; // for special views
- S32 mSpecialRenderMode; // special lighting
- bool shouldAlphaMask();
- BOOL mNeedsSkin; // avatar has been animated and verts have not been updated
- S32 mUpdatePeriod;
- S32 mNumInitFaces; //number of faces generated when creating the avatar drawable, does not inculde splitted faces due to long vertex buffer.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Morph masks
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL morphMaskNeedsUpdate(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
- void addMaskedMorph(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index, LLPolyMorphTarget* morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer);
- void applyMorphMask(U8* tex_data, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Visibility
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void updateVisibility();
- U32 mVisibilityRank;
- BOOL mVisible;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Shadowing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void updateShadowFaces();
- LLDrawable* mShadow;
- LLFace* mShadow0Facep;
- LLFace* mShadow1Facep;
- LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mShadowImagep;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Impostors
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL isImpostor() const;
- BOOL needsImpostorUpdate() const;
- const LLVector3& getImpostorOffset() const;
- const LLVector2& getImpostorDim() const;
- void getImpostorValues(LLVector3* extents, LLVector3& angle, F32& distance) const;
- void cacheImpostorValues();
- void setImpostorDim(const LLVector2& dim);
- static void resetImpostors();
- static void updateImpostors();
- LLRenderTarget mImpostor;
- BOOL mNeedsImpostorUpdate;
- LLVector3 mImpostorOffset;
- LLVector2 mImpostorDim;
- BOOL mNeedsAnimUpdate;
- LLVector3 mImpostorExtents[2];
- LLVector3 mImpostorAngle;
- F32 mImpostorDistance;
- F32 mImpostorPixelArea;
- LLVector3 mLastAnimExtents[2];
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Wind rippling in clothes
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLVector4 mWindVec;
- F32 mRipplePhase;
- BOOL mBelowWater;
- F32 mWindFreq;
- LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer;
- F32 mRippleTimeLast;
- LLVector3 mRippleAccel;
- LLVector3 mLastVel;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Culling
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void cullAvatarsByPixelArea();
- BOOL isCulled() const { return mCulled; }
- BOOL mCulled;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Freeze counter
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void updateFreezeCounter(S32 counter = 0);
- static S32 sFreezeCounter;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constants
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel getAvatarBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR; }
- virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel getAvatarBakedBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; }
- virtual S32 getTexImageSize() const;
- virtual S32 getTexImageArea() const { return getTexImageSize()*getTexImageSize(); }
-/** Rendering
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Loading status
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL isTextureDefined(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
- virtual BOOL isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
- virtual BOOL isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLWearable *wearable) const;
- BOOL isFullyBaked();
- static BOOL areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(S32& grey_avatars);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Baked textures
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void releaseComponentTextures(); // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY !
- static void onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
- static void onInitialBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
- static void onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
- virtual void removeMissingBakedTextures();
- void useBakedTexture(const LLUUID& id);
- typedef std::deque<LLMaskedMorph *> morph_list_t;
- struct BakedTextureData
- {
- LLUUID mLastTextureIndex;
- LLTexLayerSet* mTexLayerSet; // Only exists for self
- bool mIsLoaded;
- bool mIsUsed;
- LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex mTextureIndex;
- U32 mMaskTexName;
- // Stores pointers to the joint meshes that this baked texture deals with
- std::vector< LLViewerJointMesh * > mMeshes; // std::vector<LLViewerJointMesh> mJoints[i]->mMeshParts
- morph_list_t mMaskedMorphs;
- };
- typedef std::vector<BakedTextureData> bakedtexturedata_vec_t;
- bakedtexturedata_vec_t mBakedTextureDatas;
- LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t mCallbackTextureList ;
- BOOL mLoadedCallbacksPaused;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Local Textures
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void setLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerTexture* tex, BOOL baked_version_exits, U32 index = 0);
- virtual void addLocalTextureStats(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked, U32 index = 0);
- // MULTI-WEARABLE: make self-only?
- virtual void setBakedReady(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, BOOL baked_version_exists, U32 index = 0);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Texture accessors
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void setImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep, const U32 index);
- virtual LLViewerTexture* getImage(const U8 te, const U32 index) const;
- virtual const LLTextureEntry* getTexEntry(const U8 te_num) const;
- virtual void setTexEntry(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry &te);
- void checkTextureLoading() ;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Layers
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void deleteLayerSetCaches(bool clearAll = true);
- void addBakedTextureStats(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Composites
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void invalidateComposite(LLTexLayerSet* layerset, BOOL upload_result);
- virtual void invalidateAll();
- virtual void setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(bool b) {}
- virtual void setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(U32 index, bool b) {}
- virtual bool isCompositeUpdateEnabled(U32 index) { return false; }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Static texture/mesh/baked dictionary
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static BOOL isIndexLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
- static BOOL isIndexBakedTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
- static const LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary *getDictionary() { return sAvatarDictionary; }
- static LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary* sAvatarDictionary;
- static LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo* sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
- static LLVOAvatarXmlInfo* sAvatarXmlInfo;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Messaging
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void onFirstTEMessageReceived();
- BOOL mFirstTEMessageReceived;
- BOOL mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived;
-/** Textures
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- void updateMeshTextures();
- void updateSexDependentLayerSets(BOOL upload_bake);
- void dirtyMesh(); // Dirty the avatar mesh
- void updateMeshData();
- void releaseMeshData();
- virtual void restoreMeshData();
- void dirtyMesh(S32 priority); // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
- S32 mDirtyMesh; // 0 -- not dirty, 1 -- morphed, 2 -- LOD
- BOOL mMeshTexturesDirty;
- typedef std::multimap<std::string, LLPolyMesh*> polymesh_map_t;
- polymesh_map_t mMeshes;
- std::vector<LLViewerJoint *> mMeshLOD;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Destroy invisible mesh
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL mMeshValid;
- LLFrameTimer mMeshInvisibleTime;
-/** Meshes
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- void processAvatarAppearance(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys);
- void hideSkirt();
- void startAppearanceAnimation();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Appearance morphing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL getIsAppearanceAnimating() const { return mAppearanceAnimating; }
- BOOL mAppearanceAnimating;
- LLFrameTimer mAppearanceMorphTimer;
- F32 mLastAppearanceBlendTime;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Clothing colors (convenience functions to access visual parameters)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& new_color, BOOL upload_bake);
- LLColor4 getClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te);
- static BOOL teToColorParams(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, U32 *param_name);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Global colors
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLColor4 getGlobalColor(const std::string& color_name ) const;
- void onGlobalColorChanged(const LLTexGlobalColor* global_color, BOOL upload_bake);
- LLTexGlobalColor* mTexSkinColor;
- LLTexGlobalColor* mTexHairColor;
- LLTexGlobalColor* mTexEyeColor;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Visibility
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL isVisible() const;
- void setVisibilityRank(U32 rank);
- U32 getVisibilityRank() const { return mVisibilityRank; } // unused
- static S32 sNumVisibleAvatars; // Number of instances of this class
- static LLColor4 getDummyColor();
-/** Appearance
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- virtual BOOL isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type ) const;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Attachments
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void clampAttachmentPositions();
- virtual const LLViewerJointAttachment* attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
- virtual BOOL detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
- static LLVOAvatar* findAvatarFromAttachment(LLViewerObject* obj);
- LLViewerJointAttachment* getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object);
- void lazyAttach();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Map of attachment points, by ID
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- S32 getAttachmentCount(); // Warning: order(N) not order(1) // currently used only by -self
- typedef std::map<S32, LLViewerJointAttachment*> attachment_map_t;
- attachment_map_t mAttachmentPoints;
- std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> > mPendingAttachment;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // HUD functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL hasHUDAttachment() const;
- LLBBox getHUDBBox() const;
- void rebuildHUD();
- void resetHUDAttachments();
- BOOL canAttachMoreObjects() const;
- BOOL canAttachMoreObjects(U32 n) const;
- U32 getNumAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)
-/** Wearables
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Animations
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) const;
- void processAnimationStateChanges();
- BOOL processSingleAnimationStateChange(const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start);
- void resetAnimations();
- LLTimer mAnimTimer;
- F32 mTimeLast;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Animation state data
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator AnimIterator;
- std::map<LLUUID, S32> mSignaledAnimations; // requested state of Animation name/value
- std::map<LLUUID, S32> mPlayingAnimations; // current state of Animation name/value
- typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID> AnimationSourceMap;
- typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator AnimSourceIterator;
- AnimationSourceMap mAnimationSources; // object ids that triggered anim ids
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Chat
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void addChat(const LLChat& chat);
- void clearChat();
- void startTyping() { mTyping = TRUE; mTypingTimer.reset(); }
- void stopTyping() { mTyping = FALSE; }
- BOOL mVisibleChat;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Lip synch morphs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool mLipSyncActive; // we're morphing for lip sync
- LLVisualParam* mOohMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
- LLVisualParam* mAahMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Flight
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL mInAir;
- LLFrameTimer mTimeInAir;
-/** Actions
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- F32 mSpeedAccum; // measures speed (for diagnostics mostly).
- BOOL mTurning; // controls hysteresis on avatar rotation
- F32 mSpeed; // misc. animation repeated state
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Collision volumes
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- S32 mNumCollisionVolumes;
- LLViewerJointCollisionVolume* mCollisionVolumes;
- BOOL allocateCollisionVolumes(U32 num);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Dimensions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
- void resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
- void resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm);
- void slamPosition(); // Slam position to transmitted position (for teleport);
- void computeBodySize();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Material being stepped on
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL mStepOnLand;
- U8 mStepMaterial;
- LLVector3 mStepObjectVelocity;
-/** Physics
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- virtual BOOL setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
- virtual void addChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
- virtual void removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sitting
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void sitDown(BOOL bSitting);
- BOOL isSitting(){return mIsSitting;}
- void sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object);
- void getOffObject();
- // set this property only with LLVOAvatar::sitDown method
- BOOL mIsSitting;
-/** Hierarchy
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- ** NAME
- **/
- std::string getFullname() const; // Returns "FirstName LastName"
- static void getAnimLabels(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* labels);
- static void getAnimNames(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* names);
- std::string mNameString; // UTF-8 title + name + status
- std::string mTitle;
- bool mNameAway;
- bool mNameBusy;
- bool mNameMute;
- bool mNameAppearance;
- bool mNameFriend;
- bool mNameCloud;
- F32 mNameAlpha;
- BOOL mRenderGroupTitles;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Display the name (then optionally fade it out)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLFrameTimer mChatTimer;
- LLPointer<LLHUDNameTag> mNameText;
- LLFrameTimer mTimeVisible;
- std::deque<LLChat> mChats;
- BOOL mTyping;
- LLFrameTimer mTypingTimer;
-/** Name
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Voice visualizer
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Responsible for detecting the user's voice signal (and when the
- // user speaks, it puts a voice symbol over the avatar's head) and gesticulations
- LLPointer<LLVoiceVisualizer> mVoiceVisualizer;
- int mCurrentGesticulationLevel;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Step sound
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- const LLUUID& getStepSound() const;
- // Global table of sound ids per material, and the ground
- const static LLUUID sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END];
- const static LLUUID sStepSoundOnLand;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Foot step state (for generating sounds)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setFootPlane(const LLVector4 &plane) { mFootPlane = plane; }
- LLVector4 mFootPlane;
- BOOL mWasOnGroundLeft;
- BOOL mWasOnGroundRight;
-/** Sounds
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // General
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void dumpArchetypeXML(void*);
- static void dumpBakedStatus();
- const std::string getBakedStatusForPrintout() const;
- void dumpAvatarTEs(const std::string& context) const;
- static F32 sUnbakedTime; // Total seconds with >=1 unbaked avatars
- static F32 sUnbakedUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
- static F32 sGreyTime; // Total seconds with >=1 grey avatars
- static F32 sGreyUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
- S32 getUnbakedPixelAreaRank();
- BOOL mHasGrey;
- F32 mMinPixelArea;
- F32 mMaxPixelArea;
- F32 mAdjustedPixelArea;
- std::string mDebugText;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Avatar Rez Metrics
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- F32 debugGetExistenceTimeElapsedF32() const { return mDebugExistenceTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
- LLFrameTimer mRuthDebugTimer; // For tracking how long it takes for av to rez
- LLFrameTimer mDebugExistenceTimer; // Debugging for how long the avatar has been in memory.
-/** Diagnostics
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
- ** **
- **/
-protected: // Shared with LLVOAvatarSelf
- struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo
- {
- LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
- ~LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
- BOOL parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- BOOL parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- BOOL parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- BOOL parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- BOOL parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- BOOL parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
- struct LLVOAvatarMeshInfo
- {
- typedef std::pair<LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*,BOOL> morph_info_pair_t;
- typedef std::vector<morph_info_pair_t> morph_info_list_t;
- LLVOAvatarMeshInfo() : mLOD(0), mMinPixelArea(.1f) {}
- ~LLVOAvatarMeshInfo()
- {
- morph_info_list_t::iterator iter;
- for (iter = mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++)
- {
- delete iter->first;
- }
- mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.clear();
- }
- std::string mType;
- S32 mLOD;
- std::string mMeshFileName;
- std::string mReferenceMeshName;
- F32 mMinPixelArea;
- morph_info_list_t mPolyMorphTargetInfoList;
- };
- typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMeshInfo*> mesh_info_list_t;
- mesh_info_list_t mMeshInfoList;
- typedef std::vector<LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*> skeletal_distortion_info_list_t;
- skeletal_distortion_info_list_t mSkeletalDistortionInfoList;
- struct LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo
- {
- LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo()
- : mGroup(-1), mAttachmentID(-1), mPieMenuSlice(-1), mVisibleFirstPerson(FALSE),
- mIsHUDAttachment(FALSE), mHasPosition(FALSE), mHasRotation(FALSE) {}
- std::string mName;
- std::string mJointName;
- LLVector3 mPosition;
- LLVector3 mRotationEuler;
- S32 mGroup;
- S32 mAttachmentID;
- S32 mPieMenuSlice;
- BOOL mVisibleFirstPerson;
- BOOL mIsHUDAttachment;
- BOOL mHasPosition;
- BOOL mHasRotation;
- };
- typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo*> attachment_info_list_t;
- attachment_info_list_t mAttachmentInfoList;
- LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexSkinColorInfo;
- LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexHairColorInfo;
- LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexEyeColorInfo;
- typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerSetInfo*> layer_info_list_t;
- layer_info_list_t mLayerInfoList;
- typedef std::vector<LLDriverParamInfo*> driver_info_list_t;
- driver_info_list_t mDriverInfoList;
- struct LLVOAvatarMorphInfo
- {
- LLVOAvatarMorphInfo()
- : mInvert(FALSE) {}
- std::string mName;
- std::string mRegion;
- std::string mLayer;
- BOOL mInvert;
- };
- typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMorphInfo*> morph_info_list_t;
- morph_info_list_t mMorphMaskInfoList;
- };
- struct LLMaskedMorph
- {
- LLMaskedMorph(LLPolyMorphTarget *morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer) :
- mMorphTarget(morph_target),
- mInvert(invert),
- mLayer(layer)
- {
- morph_target->addPendingMorphMask();
- }
- LLPolyMorphTarget *mMorphTarget;
- BOOL mInvert;
- std::string mLayer;
- };
-/** Support classes
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************/
-}; // LLVOAvatar
-extern const F32 SELF_ADDITIONAL_PRI;
-#endif // LL_VO_AVATAR_H
+ * @file llvoavatar.h
+ * @brief Declaration of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation of
+ * LLViewerObject
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include "imageids.h" // IMG_INVISIBLE
+#include "llchat.h"
+#include "lldrawpoolalpha.h"
+#include "llviewerobject.h"
+#include "llcharacter.h"
+#include "llviewerjointmesh.h"
+#include "llviewerjointattachment.h"
+#include "llrendertarget.h"
+#include "llvoavatardefines.h"
+#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
+#include "lldriverparam.h"
+#include "material_codes.h" // LL_MCODE_END
+extern const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_EYE;
+class LLTexLayerSet;
+class LLVoiceVisualizer;
+class LLHUDNameTag;
+class LLHUDEffectSpiral;
+class LLTexGlobalColor;
+class LLVOAvatarBoneInfo;
+class LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+// LLVOAvatar
+class LLVOAvatar :
+ public LLViewerObject,
+ public LLCharacter,
+ public boost::signals2::trackable
+ friend class LLVOAvatarSelf;
+ struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo;
+ struct LLMaskedMorph;
+ ** **
+ **/
+ LLVOAvatar(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);
+ virtual void markDead();
+ static void initClass(); // Initialize data that's only init'd once per class.
+ static void cleanupClass(); // Cleanup data that's only init'd once per class.
+ virtual void initInstance(); // Called after construction to initialize the class.
+ virtual ~LLVOAvatar();
+ BOOL loadSkeletonNode();
+ BOOL loadMeshNodes();
+ virtual BOOL loadLayersets();
+/** Initialization
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LLViewerObject interface and related
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void updateGL();
+ virtual LLVOAvatar* asAvatar();
+ virtual U32 processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
+ void **user_data,
+ U32 block_num,
+ const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
+ LLDataPacker *dp);
+ virtual BOOL idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time);
+ virtual BOOL updateLOD();
+ BOOL updateJointLODs();
+ void updateLODRiggedAttachments( void );
+ virtual BOOL isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate.
+ virtual void updateTextures();
+ virtual S32 setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid); // If setting a baked texture, need to request it from a non-local sim.
+ virtual void onShift(const LLVector4a& shift_vector);
+ virtual U32 getPartitionType() const;
+ virtual const LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const;
+ virtual void updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped);
+ virtual LLDrawable* createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);
+ virtual BOOL updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
+ virtual void setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent);
+ virtual void updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
+ virtual void updateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a &newMax);
+ virtual void getSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a& newMax);
+ virtual BOOL lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end,
+ S32 face = -1, // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
+ BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
+ S32* face_hit = NULL, // which face was hit
+ LLVector3* intersection = NULL, // return the intersection point
+ LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
+ LLVector3* normal = NULL, // return the surface normal at the intersection point
+ LLVector3* bi_normal = NULL); // return the surface bi-normal at the intersection point
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LLCharacter interface and related
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual LLVector3 getCharacterPosition();
+ virtual LLQuaternion getCharacterRotation();
+ virtual LLVector3 getCharacterVelocity();
+ virtual LLVector3 getCharacterAngularVelocity();
+ virtual LLJoint* getCharacterJoint(U32 num);
+ virtual BOOL allocateCharacterJoints(U32 num);
+ virtual LLUUID remapMotionID(const LLUUID& id);
+ virtual BOOL startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset = 0.f);
+ virtual BOOL stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate = FALSE);
+ virtual void stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
+ virtual void requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
+ LLMotion* findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const;
+ void startDefaultMotions();
+ void dumpAnimationState();
+ virtual LLJoint* getJoint(const std::string &name);
+ virtual LLJoint* getRootJoint() { return &mRoot; }
+ void resetJointPositions( void );
+ void resetJointPositionsToDefault( void );
+ void resetSpecificJointPosition( const std::string& name );
+ virtual const char* getAnimationPrefix() { return "avatar"; }
+ virtual const LLUUID& getID();
+ virtual LLVector3 getVolumePos(S32 joint_index, LLVector3& volume_offset);
+ virtual LLJoint* findCollisionVolume(U32 volume_id);
+ virtual S32 getCollisionVolumeID(std::string &name);
+ virtual void addDebugText(const std::string& text);
+ virtual F32 getTimeDilation();
+ virtual void getGround(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+ virtual F32 getPixelArea() const;
+ virtual LLPolyMesh* getHeadMesh();
+ virtual LLPolyMesh* getUpperBodyMesh();
+ virtual LLVector3d getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position);
+ virtual LLVector3 getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position);
+ virtual void updateVisualParams();
+/** Inherited
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ ** STATE
+ **/
+ virtual bool isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent
+ bool isBuilt() const { return mIsBuilt; }
+private: //aligned members
+ LLVector4a mImpostorExtents[2];
+ BOOL mSupportsAlphaLayers; // For backwards compatibility, TRUE for 1.23+ clients
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Updates
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual BOOL updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent);
+ void idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled);
+ void idleUpdateMisc(bool detailed_update);
+ virtual void idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation();
+ void idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled);
+ void idleUpdateLoadingEffect();
+ void idleUpdateWindEffect();
+ void idleUpdateNameTag(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
+ void idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name);
+ LLVector3 idleUpdateNameTagPosition(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
+ void idleUpdateNameTagAlpha(BOOL new_name, F32 alpha);
+ LLColor4 getNameTagColor(bool is_friend);
+ void clearNameTag();
+ static void invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id);
+ // force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off
+ static void invalidateNameTags();
+ void addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font);
+ void idleUpdateRenderCost();
+ void idleUpdateBelowWater();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static preferences (controlled by user settings/menus)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static S32 sRenderName;
+ static BOOL sRenderGroupTitles;
+ static U32 sMaxVisible; //(affected by control "RenderAvatarMaxVisible")
+ static F32 sRenderDistance; //distance at which avatars will render.
+ static BOOL sShowAnimationDebug; // show animation debug info
+ static BOOL sUseImpostors; //use impostors for far away avatars
+ static BOOL sShowFootPlane; // show foot collision plane reported by server
+ static BOOL sShowCollisionVolumes; // show skeletal collision volumes
+ static BOOL sVisibleInFirstPerson;
+ static S32 sNumLODChangesThisFrame;
+ static S32 sNumVisibleChatBubbles;
+ static BOOL sDebugInvisible;
+ static BOOL sShowAttachmentPoints;
+ static F32 sLODFactor; // user-settable LOD factor
+ static BOOL sJointDebug; // output total number of joints being touched for each avatar
+ static BOOL sDebugAvatarRotation;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Region state
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLHost getObjectHost() const;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Loading state
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL isFullyLoaded() const;
+ bool visualParamWeightsAreDefault();
+ virtual BOOL getIsCloud();
+ BOOL updateIsFullyLoaded();
+ BOOL processFullyLoadedChange(bool loading);
+ void updateRuthTimer(bool loading);
+ F32 calcMorphAmount();
+ BOOL mFullyLoaded;
+ BOOL mPreviousFullyLoaded;
+ BOOL mFullyLoadedInitialized;
+ S32 mFullyLoadedFrameCounter;
+ LLFrameTimer mFullyLoadedTimer;
+ LLFrameTimer mRuthTimer;
+ LLFrameTimer mInvisibleTimer;
+/** State
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ void updateHeadOffset();
+ F32 getPelvisToFoot() const { return mPelvisToFoot; }
+ void setPelvisOffset( bool hasOffset, const LLVector3& translation, F32 offset ) ;
+ bool hasPelvisOffset( void ) { return mHasPelvisOffset; }
+ void postPelvisSetRecalc( void );
+ void setPelvisOffset( F32 pelvixFixupAmount );
+ bool mHasPelvisOffset;
+ LLVector3 mPelvisOffset;
+ F32 mLastPelvisToFoot;
+ F32 mPelvisFixup;
+ LLVector3 mHeadOffset; // current head position
+ LLViewerJoint mRoot;
+ static BOOL parseSkeletonFile(const std::string& filename);
+ void buildCharacter();
+ virtual BOOL loadAvatar();
+ BOOL setupBone(const LLVOAvatarBoneInfo* info, LLViewerJoint* parent, S32 &current_volume_num, S32 &current_joint_num);
+ BOOL buildSkeleton(const LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info);
+ BOOL mIsBuilt; // state of deferred character building
+ S32 mNumJoints;
+ LLViewerJoint* mSkeleton;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pelvis height adjustment members.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector3 mBodySize;
+ S32 mLastSkeletonSerialNum;
+ F32 mPelvisToFoot;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Cached pointers to well known joints
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLViewerJoint* mPelvisp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mTorsop;
+ LLViewerJoint* mChestp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mNeckp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mHeadp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mSkullp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mEyeLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mEyeRightp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mHipLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mHipRightp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mKneeLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mKneeRightp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mAnkleLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mAnkleRightp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mFootLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mFootRightp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mWristLeftp;
+ LLViewerJoint* mWristRightp;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // XML parse tree
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static LLXmlTree sXMLTree; // avatar config file
+ static LLXmlTree sSkeletonXMLTree; // avatar skeleton file
+/** Skeleton
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ U32 renderImpostor(LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255), S32 diffuse_channel = 0);
+ U32 renderRigid();
+ U32 renderSkinned(EAvatarRenderPass pass);
+ F32 getLastSkinTime() { return mLastSkinTime; }
+ U32 renderSkinnedAttachments();
+ U32 renderTransparent(BOOL first_pass);
+ void renderCollisionVolumes();
+ static void deleteCachedImages(bool clearAll=true);
+ static void destroyGL();
+ static void restoreGL();
+ BOOL mIsDummy; // for special views
+ S32 mSpecialRenderMode; // special lighting
+ bool shouldAlphaMask();
+ BOOL mNeedsSkin; // avatar has been animated and verts have not been updated
+ F32 mLastSkinTime; //value of gFrameTimeSeconds at last skin update
+ S32 mUpdatePeriod;
+ S32 mNumInitFaces; //number of faces generated when creating the avatar drawable, does not inculde splitted faces due to long vertex buffer.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Morph masks
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL morphMaskNeedsUpdate(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
+ void addMaskedMorph(LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index, LLPolyMorphTarget* morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer);
+ void applyMorphMask(U8* tex_data, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, LLVOAvatarDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLVOAvatarDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Visibility
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void updateVisibility();
+ U32 mVisibilityRank;
+ BOOL mVisible;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Shadowing
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void updateShadowFaces();
+ LLDrawable* mShadow;
+ LLFace* mShadow0Facep;
+ LLFace* mShadow1Facep;
+ LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mShadowImagep;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Impostors
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL isImpostor() const;
+ BOOL needsImpostorUpdate() const;
+ const LLVector3& getImpostorOffset() const;
+ const LLVector2& getImpostorDim() const;
+ void getImpostorValues(LLVector4a* extents, LLVector3& angle, F32& distance) const;
+ void cacheImpostorValues();
+ void setImpostorDim(const LLVector2& dim);
+ static void resetImpostors();
+ static void updateImpostors();
+ LLRenderTarget mImpostor;
+ BOOL mNeedsImpostorUpdate;
+ LLVector3 mImpostorOffset;
+ LLVector2 mImpostorDim;
+ BOOL mNeedsAnimUpdate;
+ LLVector3 mImpostorAngle;
+ F32 mImpostorDistance;
+ F32 mImpostorPixelArea;
+ LLVector3 mLastAnimExtents[2];
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Wind rippling in clothes
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLVector4 mWindVec;
+ F32 mRipplePhase;
+ BOOL mBelowWater;
+ F32 mWindFreq;
+ LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer;
+ F32 mRippleTimeLast;
+ LLVector3 mRippleAccel;
+ LLVector3 mLastVel;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Culling
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void cullAvatarsByPixelArea();
+ BOOL isCulled() const { return mCulled; }
+ BOOL mCulled;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Freeze counter
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void updateFreezeCounter(S32 counter = 0);
+ static S32 sFreezeCounter;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Constants
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel getAvatarBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR; }
+ virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel getAvatarBakedBoostLevel() const { return LLViewerTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; }
+ virtual S32 getTexImageSize() const;
+ virtual S32 getTexImageArea() const { return getTexImageSize()*getTexImageSize(); }
+/** Rendering
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Loading status
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual BOOL isTextureDefined(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
+ virtual BOOL isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
+ virtual BOOL isTextureVisible(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLWearable *wearable) const;
+ BOOL isFullyBaked();
+ static BOOL areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(S32& grey_avatars);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Baked textures
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void releaseComponentTextures(); // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY !
+ static void onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+ static void onInitialBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+ static void onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
+ virtual void removeMissingBakedTextures();
+ void useBakedTexture(const LLUUID& id);
+ typedef std::deque<LLMaskedMorph *> morph_list_t;
+ struct BakedTextureData
+ {
+ LLUUID mLastTextureIndex;
+ LLTexLayerSet* mTexLayerSet; // Only exists for self
+ bool mIsLoaded;
+ bool mIsUsed;
+ LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex mTextureIndex;
+ U32 mMaskTexName;
+ // Stores pointers to the joint meshes that this baked texture deals with
+ std::vector< LLViewerJointMesh * > mMeshes; // std::vector<LLViewerJointMesh> mJoints[i]->mMeshParts
+ morph_list_t mMaskedMorphs;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<BakedTextureData> bakedtexturedata_vec_t;
+ bakedtexturedata_vec_t mBakedTextureDatas;
+ LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t mCallbackTextureList ;
+ BOOL mLoadedCallbacksPaused;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Local Textures
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void setLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerTexture* tex, BOOL baked_version_exits, U32 index = 0);
+ virtual void addLocalTextureStats(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked, U32 index = 0);
+ // MULTI-WEARABLE: make self-only?
+ virtual void setBakedReady(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex type, BOOL baked_version_exists, U32 index = 0);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Texture accessors
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void setImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep, const U32 index);
+ virtual LLViewerTexture* getImage(const U8 te, const U32 index) const;
+ virtual const LLTextureEntry* getTexEntry(const U8 te_num) const;
+ virtual void setTexEntry(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry &te);
+ void checkTextureLoading() ;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Layers
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void deleteLayerSetCaches(bool clearAll = true);
+ void addBakedTextureStats(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Composites
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void invalidateComposite(LLTexLayerSet* layerset, BOOL upload_result);
+ virtual void invalidateAll();
+ virtual void setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(bool b) {}
+ virtual void setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(U32 index, bool b) {}
+ virtual bool isCompositeUpdateEnabled(U32 index) { return false; }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static texture/mesh/baked dictionary
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static BOOL isIndexLocalTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
+ static BOOL isIndexBakedTexture(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex i);
+ static const LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary *getDictionary() { return sAvatarDictionary; }
+ static LLVOAvatarDefines::LLVOAvatarDictionary* sAvatarDictionary;
+ static LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo* sAvatarSkeletonInfo;
+ static LLVOAvatarXmlInfo* sAvatarXmlInfo;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Messaging
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void onFirstTEMessageReceived();
+ BOOL mFirstTEMessageReceived;
+ BOOL mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived;
+/** Textures
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ void updateMeshTextures();
+ void updateSexDependentLayerSets(BOOL upload_bake);
+ void dirtyMesh(); // Dirty the avatar mesh
+ void updateMeshData();
+ void releaseMeshData();
+ virtual void restoreMeshData();
+ void dirtyMesh(S32 priority); // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
+ S32 mDirtyMesh; // 0 -- not dirty, 1 -- morphed, 2 -- LOD
+ BOOL mMeshTexturesDirty;
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, LLPolyMesh*> polymesh_map_t;
+ polymesh_map_t mMeshes;
+ std::vector<LLViewerJoint *> mMeshLOD;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Destroy invisible mesh
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL mMeshValid;
+ LLFrameTimer mMeshInvisibleTime;
+/** Meshes
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ void processAvatarAppearance(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys);
+ void hideSkirt();
+ void startAppearanceAnimation();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Appearance morphing
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL getIsAppearanceAnimating() const { return mAppearanceAnimating; }
+ BOOL mAppearanceAnimating;
+ LLFrameTimer mAppearanceMorphTimer;
+ F32 mLastAppearanceBlendTime;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Clothing colors (convenience functions to access visual parameters)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void setClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& new_color, BOOL upload_bake);
+ LLColor4 getClothesColor(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te);
+ static BOOL teToColorParams(LLVOAvatarDefines::ETextureIndex te, U32 *param_name);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Global colors
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLColor4 getGlobalColor(const std::string& color_name ) const;
+ void onGlobalColorChanged(const LLTexGlobalColor* global_color, BOOL upload_bake);
+ LLTexGlobalColor* mTexSkinColor;
+ LLTexGlobalColor* mTexHairColor;
+ LLTexGlobalColor* mTexEyeColor;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Visibility
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL isVisible() const;
+ void setVisibilityRank(U32 rank);
+ U32 getVisibilityRank() const { return mVisibilityRank; } // unused
+ static S32 sNumVisibleAvatars; // Number of instances of this class
+ static LLColor4 getDummyColor();
+/** Appearance
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ virtual BOOL isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type ) const;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Attachments
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void clampAttachmentPositions();
+ virtual const LLViewerJointAttachment* attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
+ virtual BOOL detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
+ void cleanupAttachedMesh( LLViewerObject* pVO );
+ static LLVOAvatar* findAvatarFromAttachment(LLViewerObject* obj);
+ LLViewerJointAttachment* getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object);
+ void lazyAttach();
+ void rebuildRiggedAttachments( void );
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Map of attachment points, by ID
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ S32 getAttachmentCount(); // Warning: order(N) not order(1) // currently used only by -self
+ typedef std::map<S32, LLViewerJointAttachment*> attachment_map_t;
+ attachment_map_t mAttachmentPoints;
+ std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> > mPendingAttachment;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HUD functions
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL hasHUDAttachment() const;
+ LLBBox getHUDBBox() const;
+ void rebuildHUD();
+ void resetHUDAttachments();
+ BOOL canAttachMoreObjects() const;
+ BOOL canAttachMoreObjects(U32 n) const;
+ U32 getNumAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)
+/** Wearables
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Animations
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) const;
+ void processAnimationStateChanges();
+ BOOL processSingleAnimationStateChange(const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start);
+ void resetAnimations();
+ LLTimer mAnimTimer;
+ F32 mTimeLast;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Animation state data
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator AnimIterator;
+ std::map<LLUUID, S32> mSignaledAnimations; // requested state of Animation name/value
+ std::map<LLUUID, S32> mPlayingAnimations; // current state of Animation name/value
+ typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID> AnimationSourceMap;
+ typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator AnimSourceIterator;
+ AnimationSourceMap mAnimationSources; // object ids that triggered anim ids
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Chat
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void addChat(const LLChat& chat);
+ void clearChat();
+ void startTyping() { mTyping = TRUE; mTypingTimer.reset(); }
+ void stopTyping() { mTyping = FALSE; }
+ BOOL mVisibleChat;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Lip synch morphs
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool mLipSyncActive; // we're morphing for lip sync
+ LLVisualParam* mOohMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
+ LLVisualParam* mAahMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Flight
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL mInAir;
+ LLFrameTimer mTimeInAir;
+/** Actions
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ F32 mSpeedAccum; // measures speed (for diagnostics mostly).
+ BOOL mTurning; // controls hysteresis on avatar rotation
+ F32 mSpeed; // misc. animation repeated state
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Collision volumes
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ S32 mNumCollisionVolumes;
+ LLViewerJointCollisionVolume* mCollisionVolumes;
+ BOOL allocateCollisionVolumes(U32 num);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Dimensions
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+ bool distanceToGround( const LLVector3d &startPoint, LLVector3d &collisionPoint, F32 distToIntersectionAlongRay );
+ void resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
+ void resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm);
+ void slamPosition(); // Slam position to transmitted position (for teleport);
+ void computeBodySize();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Material being stepped on
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ BOOL mStepOnLand;
+ U8 mStepMaterial;
+ LLVector3 mStepObjectVelocity;
+/** Physics
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ virtual BOOL setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
+ virtual void addChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
+ virtual void removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sitting
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void sitDown(BOOL bSitting);
+ BOOL isSitting(){return mIsSitting;}
+ void sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object);
+ void getOffObject();
+ // set this property only with LLVOAvatar::sitDown method
+ BOOL mIsSitting;
+/** Hierarchy
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ ** NAME
+ **/
+ std::string getFullname() const; // Returns "FirstName LastName"
+ static void getAnimLabels(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* labels);
+ static void getAnimNames(LLDynamicArray<std::string>* names);
+ std::string mNameString; // UTF-8 title + name + status
+ std::string mTitle;
+ bool mNameAway;
+ bool mNameBusy;
+ bool mNameMute;
+ bool mNameAppearance;
+ bool mNameFriend;
+ bool mNameCloud;
+ F32 mNameAlpha;
+ BOOL mRenderGroupTitles;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Display the name (then optionally fade it out)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLFrameTimer mChatTimer;
+ LLPointer<LLHUDNameTag> mNameText;
+ LLFrameTimer mTimeVisible;
+ std::deque<LLChat> mChats;
+ BOOL mTyping;
+ LLFrameTimer mTypingTimer;
+/** Name
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Voice visualizer
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Responsible for detecting the user's voice signal (and when the
+ // user speaks, it puts a voice symbol over the avatar's head) and gesticulations
+ LLPointer<LLVoiceVisualizer> mVoiceVisualizer;
+ int mCurrentGesticulationLevel;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Step sound
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const LLUUID& getStepSound() const;
+ // Global table of sound ids per material, and the ground
+ const static LLUUID sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END];
+ const static LLUUID sStepSoundOnLand;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Foot step state (for generating sounds)
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void setFootPlane(const LLVector4 &plane) { mFootPlane = plane; }
+ LLVector4 mFootPlane;
+ BOOL mWasOnGroundLeft;
+ BOOL mWasOnGroundRight;
+/** Sounds
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // General
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void dumpArchetypeXML(void*);
+ static void dumpBakedStatus();
+ const std::string getBakedStatusForPrintout() const;
+ void dumpAvatarTEs(const std::string& context) const;
+ static F32 sUnbakedTime; // Total seconds with >=1 unbaked avatars
+ static F32 sUnbakedUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
+ static F32 sGreyTime; // Total seconds with >=1 grey avatars
+ static F32 sGreyUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
+ S32 getUnbakedPixelAreaRank();
+ BOOL mHasGrey;
+ F32 mMinPixelArea;
+ F32 mMaxPixelArea;
+ F32 mAdjustedPixelArea;
+ std::string mDebugText;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Avatar Rez Metrics
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ F32 debugGetExistenceTimeElapsedF32() const { return mDebugExistenceTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
+ LLFrameTimer mRuthDebugTimer; // For tracking how long it takes for av to rez
+ LLFrameTimer mDebugExistenceTimer; // Debugging for how long the avatar has been in memory.
+/** Diagnostics
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ ** **
+ **/
+protected: // Shared with LLVOAvatarSelf
+ struct LLVOAvatarXmlInfo
+ {
+ LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
+ ~LLVOAvatarXmlInfo();
+ BOOL parseXmlSkeletonNode(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlMeshNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlColorNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlLayerNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlDriverNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ BOOL parseXmlMorphNodes(LLXmlTreeNode* root);
+ struct LLVOAvatarMeshInfo
+ {
+ typedef std::pair<LLPolyMorphTargetInfo*,BOOL> morph_info_pair_t;
+ typedef std::vector<morph_info_pair_t> morph_info_list_t;
+ LLVOAvatarMeshInfo() : mLOD(0), mMinPixelArea(.1f) {}
+ ~LLVOAvatarMeshInfo()
+ {
+ morph_info_list_t::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.begin(); iter != mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ delete iter->first;
+ }
+ mPolyMorphTargetInfoList.clear();
+ }
+ std::string mType;
+ S32 mLOD;
+ std::string mMeshFileName;
+ std::string mReferenceMeshName;
+ F32 mMinPixelArea;
+ morph_info_list_t mPolyMorphTargetInfoList;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMeshInfo*> mesh_info_list_t;
+ mesh_info_list_t mMeshInfoList;
+ typedef std::vector<LLPolySkeletalDistortionInfo*> skeletal_distortion_info_list_t;
+ skeletal_distortion_info_list_t mSkeletalDistortionInfoList;
+ struct LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo
+ {
+ LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo()
+ : mGroup(-1), mAttachmentID(-1), mPieMenuSlice(-1), mVisibleFirstPerson(FALSE),
+ mIsHUDAttachment(FALSE), mHasPosition(FALSE), mHasRotation(FALSE) {}
+ std::string mName;
+ std::string mJointName;
+ LLVector3 mPosition;
+ LLVector3 mRotationEuler;
+ S32 mGroup;
+ S32 mAttachmentID;
+ S32 mPieMenuSlice;
+ BOOL mVisibleFirstPerson;
+ BOOL mIsHUDAttachment;
+ BOOL mHasPosition;
+ BOOL mHasRotation;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo*> attachment_info_list_t;
+ attachment_info_list_t mAttachmentInfoList;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexSkinColorInfo;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexHairColorInfo;
+ LLTexGlobalColorInfo *mTexEyeColorInfo;
+ typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerSetInfo*> layer_info_list_t;
+ layer_info_list_t mLayerInfoList;
+ typedef std::vector<LLDriverParamInfo*> driver_info_list_t;
+ driver_info_list_t mDriverInfoList;
+ struct LLVOAvatarMorphInfo
+ {
+ LLVOAvatarMorphInfo()
+ : mInvert(FALSE) {}
+ std::string mName;
+ std::string mRegion;
+ std::string mLayer;
+ BOOL mInvert;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<LLVOAvatarMorphInfo*> morph_info_list_t;
+ morph_info_list_t mMorphMaskInfoList;
+ };
+ struct LLMaskedMorph
+ {
+ LLMaskedMorph(LLPolyMorphTarget *morph_target, BOOL invert, std::string layer) :
+ mMorphTarget(morph_target),
+ mInvert(invert),
+ mLayer(layer)
+ {
+ morph_target->addPendingMorphMask();
+ }
+ LLPolyMorphTarget *mMorphTarget;
+ BOOL mInvert;
+ std::string mLayer;
+ };
+/** Support classes
+ ** **
+ *******************************************************************************/
+}; // LLVOAvatar
+extern const F32 SELF_ADDITIONAL_PRI;
+#endif // LL_VO_AVATAR_H