path: root/indra/newview/llviewertexture.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llviewertexture.h')
1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewertexture.h b/indra/newview/llviewertexture.h
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index 0000000000..7cb8bea4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewertexture.h
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+ * @file llviewertexture.h
+ * @brief Object for managing images and their textures
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "lltexture.h"
+#include "lltimer.h"
+#include "llframetimer.h"
+#include "llhost.h"
+#include "llgltypes.h"
+#include "llrender.h"
+#include "llmetricperformancetester.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#define MAX_VIDEO_RAM_IN_MEGA_BYTES 512 // 512MB max for performance reasons.
+class LLFace;
+class LLImageGL ;
+class LLImageRaw;
+class LLViewerObject;
+class LLViewerTexture;
+class LLViewerFetchedTexture ;
+class LLViewerMediaTexture ;
+class LLTexturePipelineTester ;
+typedef void (*loaded_callback_func)( BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* src_aux, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata );
+class LLVFile;
+class LLMessageSystem;
+class LLViewerMediaImpl ;
+class LLVOVolume ;
+class LLLoadedCallbackEntry
+ typedef std::set< LLUUID > source_callback_list_t;
+ LLLoadedCallbackEntry(loaded_callback_func cb,
+ S32 discard_level,
+ BOOL need_imageraw, // Needs image raw for the callback
+ void* userdata,
+ source_callback_list_t* src_callback_list,
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* target,
+ BOOL pause);
+ ~LLLoadedCallbackEntry();
+ void removeTexture(LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex) ;
+ loaded_callback_func mCallback;
+ S32 mLastUsedDiscard;
+ S32 mDesiredDiscard;
+ BOOL mNeedsImageRaw;
+ BOOL mPaused;
+ void* mUserData;
+ source_callback_list_t* mSourceCallbackList;
+ static void cleanUpCallbackList(LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t* callback_list) ;
+class LLTextureBar;
+class LLViewerTexture : public LLTexture
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ enum EBoostLevel
+ {
+ BOOST_HIGH = 10,
+ BOOST_TERRAIN , // has to be high priority for minimap / low detail
+ BOOST_AVATAR_SELF , // needed for baking avatar
+ BOOST_SUPER_HIGH , //textures higher than this need to be downloaded at the required resolution without delay.
+ //other texture Categories
+ };
+ static S32 getTotalNumOfCategories() ;
+ static S32 getIndexFromCategory(S32 category) ;
+ static S32 getCategoryFromIndex(S32 index) ;
+ typedef std::vector<LLFace*> ll_face_list_t;
+ typedef std::vector<LLVOVolume*> ll_volume_list_t;
+ virtual ~LLViewerTexture();
+ LOG_CLASS(LLViewerTexture);
+ static void initClass();
+ static void updateClass(const F32 velocity, const F32 angular_velocity) ;
+ LLViewerTexture(BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ LLViewerTexture(const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps) ;
+ LLViewerTexture(const LLImageRaw* raw, BOOL usemipmaps) ;
+ LLViewerTexture(const U32 width, const U32 height, const U8 components, BOOL usemipmaps) ;
+ virtual S8 getType() const;
+ virtual BOOL isMissingAsset()const ;
+ virtual void dump(); // debug info to llinfos
+ /*virtual*/ bool bindDefaultImage(const S32 stage = 0) ;
+ /*virtual*/ void forceImmediateUpdate() ;
+ const LLUUID& getID() const { return mID; }
+ void setBoostLevel(S32 level);
+ S32 getBoostLevel() { return mBoostLevel; }
+ void addTextureStats(F32 virtual_size, BOOL needs_gltexture = TRUE) const;
+ void resetTextureStats();
+ void setMaxVirtualSizeResetInterval(S32 interval)const {mMaxVirtualSizeResetInterval = interval;}
+ void resetMaxVirtualSizeResetCounter()const {mMaxVirtualSizeResetCounter = mMaxVirtualSizeResetInterval;}
+ virtual F32 getMaxVirtualSize() ;
+ LLFrameTimer* getLastReferencedTimer() {return &mLastReferencedTimer ;}
+ S32 getFullWidth() const { return mFullWidth; }
+ S32 getFullHeight() const { return mFullHeight; }
+ /*virtual*/ void setKnownDrawSize(S32 width, S32 height);
+ virtual void addFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ virtual void removeFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ S32 getNumFaces() const;
+ const ll_face_list_t* getFaceList() const {return &mFaceList;}
+ virtual void addVolume(LLVOVolume* volumep);
+ virtual void removeVolume(LLVOVolume* volumep);
+ S32 getNumVolumes() const;
+ const ll_volume_list_t* getVolumeList() const { return &mVolumeList; }
+ void generateGLTexture() ;
+ void destroyGLTexture() ;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //functions to access LLImageGL
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*virtual*/S32 getWidth(S32 discard_level = -1) const;
+ /*virtual*/S32 getHeight(S32 discard_level = -1) const;
+ BOOL hasGLTexture() const ;
+ LLGLuint getTexName() const ;
+ BOOL createGLTexture() ;
+ BOOL createGLTexture(S32 discard_level, const LLImageRaw* imageraw, S32 usename = 0, BOOL to_create = TRUE, S32 category = LLViewerTexture::OTHER);
+ virtual void setCachedRawImage(S32 discard_level, LLImageRaw* imageraw) ;
+ void setFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions option);
+ void setExplicitFormat(LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, LLGLenum type_format = 0, BOOL swap_bytes = FALSE);
+ void setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode mode);
+ BOOL setSubImage(const LLImageRaw* imageraw, S32 x_pos, S32 y_pos, S32 width, S32 height);
+ BOOL setSubImage(const U8* datap, S32 data_width, S32 data_height, S32 x_pos, S32 y_pos, S32 width, S32 height);
+ void setGLTextureCreated (bool initialized);
+ void setCategory(S32 category) ;
+ LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode getAddressMode(void) const ;
+ S32 getMaxDiscardLevel() const;
+ S32 getDiscardLevel() const;
+ S8 getComponents() const ;
+ BOOL getBoundRecently() const;
+ S32 getTextureMemory() const ;
+ LLGLenum getPrimaryFormat() const;
+ BOOL getIsAlphaMask() const ;
+ LLTexUnit::eTextureType getTarget(void) const ;
+ BOOL getMask(const LLVector2 &tc);
+ F32 getTimePassedSinceLastBound();
+ BOOL getMissed() const ;
+ BOOL isJustBound()const ;
+ void forceUpdateBindStats(void) const;
+ U32 getTexelsInAtlas() const ;
+ U32 getTexelsInGLTexture() const ;
+ BOOL isGLTextureCreated() const ;
+ S32 getDiscardLevelInAtlas() const ;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //end of functions to access LLImageGL
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-----------------
+ /*virtual*/ void setActive() ;
+ void forceActive() ;
+ void setNoDelete() ;
+ void dontDiscard() { mDontDiscard = 1; mTextureState = NO_DELETE; }
+ BOOL getDontDiscard() const { return mDontDiscard; }
+ //-----------------
+ BOOL isLargeImage() ;
+ void setParcelMedia(LLViewerMediaTexture* media) {mParcelMedia = media;}
+ BOOL hasParcelMedia() const { return mParcelMedia != NULL;}
+ LLViewerMediaTexture* getParcelMedia() const { return mParcelMedia;}
+ /*virtual*/ void updateBindStatsForTester() ;
+ void cleanup() ;
+ void init(bool firstinit) ;
+ void reorganizeFaceList() ;
+ void reorganizeVolumeList() ;
+ void setTexelsPerImage();
+ //note: do not make this function public.
+ /*virtual*/ LLImageGL* getGLTexture() const ;
+ virtual void switchToCachedImage();
+ S32 mBoostLevel; // enum describing priority level
+ S32 mFullWidth;
+ S32 mFullHeight;
+ BOOL mUseMipMaps ;
+ S8 mComponents;
+ F32 mTexelsPerImage; // Texels per image.
+ mutable S8 mNeedsGLTexture;
+ mutable F32 mMaxVirtualSize; // The largest virtual size of the image, in pixels - how much data to we need?
+ mutable S32 mMaxVirtualSizeResetCounter ;
+ mutable S32 mMaxVirtualSizeResetInterval;
+ mutable F32 mAdditionalDecodePriority; // priority add to mDecodePriority.
+ LLFrameTimer mLastReferencedTimer;
+ //GL texture
+ LLPointer<LLImageGL> mGLTexturep ;
+ S8 mDontDiscard; // Keep full res version of this image (for UI, etc)
+ ll_face_list_t mFaceList ; //reverse pointer pointing to the faces using this image as texture
+ U32 mNumFaces ;
+ LLFrameTimer mLastFaceListUpdateTimer ;
+ ll_volume_list_t mVolumeList;
+ U32 mNumVolumes;
+ LLFrameTimer mLastVolumeListUpdateTimer;
+ //do not use LLPointer here.
+ LLViewerMediaTexture* mParcelMedia ;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ DELETED = 0, //removed from memory
+ DELETION_CANDIDATE, //ready to be removed from memory
+ INACTIVE, //not be used for the last certain period (i.e., 30 seconds).
+ ACTIVE, //just being used, can become inactive if not being used for a certain time (10 seconds).
+ NO_DELETE = 99 //stay in memory, can not be removed.
+ } LLGLTextureState;
+ LLGLTextureState mTextureState ;
+ static const U32 sCurrentFileVersion;
+ static S32 sImageCount;
+ static S32 sRawCount;
+ static S32 sAuxCount;
+ static LLFrameTimer sEvaluationTimer;
+ static F32 sDesiredDiscardBias;
+ static F32 sDesiredDiscardScale;
+ static S32 sBoundTextureMemoryInBytes;
+ static S32 sTotalTextureMemoryInBytes;
+ static S32 sMaxBoundTextureMemInMegaBytes;
+ static S32 sMaxTotalTextureMemInMegaBytes;
+ static S32 sMaxDesiredTextureMemInBytes ;
+ static S8 sCameraMovingDiscardBias;
+ static S32 sMaxSculptRez ;
+ static S32 sMinLargeImageSize ;
+ static S32 sMaxSmallImageSize ;
+ static BOOL sFreezeImageScalingDown ;//do not scale down image res if set.
+ static F32 sCurrentTime ;
+ static BOOL sUseTextureAtlas ;
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> sNullImagep; // Null texture for non-textured objects.
+//textures are managed in gTextureList.
+//raw image data is fetched from remote or local cache
+//but the raw image this texture pointing to is fixed.
+class LLViewerFetchedTexture : public LLViewerTexture
+ friend class LLTextureBar; // debug info only
+ friend class LLTextureView; // debug info only
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLViewerFetchedTexture();
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture(const LLUUID& id, const LLHost& host = LLHost::invalid, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture(const LLImageRaw* raw, BOOL usemipmaps);
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ static F32 maxDecodePriority();
+ struct Compare
+ {
+ // lhs < rhs
+ bool operator()(const LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> &lhs, const LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> &rhs) const
+ {
+ const LLViewerFetchedTexture* lhsp = (const LLViewerFetchedTexture*)lhs;
+ const LLViewerFetchedTexture* rhsp = (const LLViewerFetchedTexture*)rhs;
+ // greater priority is "less"
+ const F32 lpriority = lhsp->getDecodePriority();
+ const F32 rpriority = rhsp->getDecodePriority();
+ if (lpriority > rpriority) // higher priority
+ return true;
+ if (lpriority < rpriority)
+ return false;
+ return lhsp < rhsp;
+ }
+ };
+ /*virtual*/ S8 getType() const ;
+ /*virtual*/ void forceImmediateUpdate() ;
+ /*virtual*/ void dump() ;
+ // Set callbacks to get called when the image gets updated with higher
+ // resolution versions.
+ void setLoadedCallback(loaded_callback_func cb,
+ S32 discard_level, BOOL keep_imageraw, BOOL needs_aux,
+ void* userdata, LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t* src_callback_list, BOOL pause = FALSE);
+ bool hasCallbacks() { return mLoadedCallbackList.empty() ? false : true; }
+ void pauseLoadedCallbacks(const LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t* callback_list);
+ void unpauseLoadedCallbacks(const LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t* callback_list);
+ bool doLoadedCallbacks();
+ void deleteCallbackEntry(const LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t* callback_list);
+ void clearCallbackEntryList() ;
+ void addToCreateTexture();
+ // ONLY call from LLViewerTextureList
+ BOOL createTexture(S32 usename = 0);
+ void destroyTexture() ;
+ virtual void processTextureStats() ;
+ F32 calcDecodePriority() ;
+ BOOL needsAux() const { return mNeedsAux; }
+ // Host we think might have this image, used for baked av textures.
+ void setTargetHost(LLHost host) { mTargetHost = host; }
+ LLHost getTargetHost() const { return mTargetHost; }
+ // Set the decode priority for this image...
+ // the priority list, and cause horrible things to happen.
+ void setDecodePriority(F32 priority = -1.0f);
+ F32 getDecodePriority() const { return mDecodePriority; };
+ void setAdditionalDecodePriority(F32 priority) ;
+ void updateVirtualSize() ;
+ S32 getDesiredDiscardLevel() { return mDesiredDiscardLevel; }
+ void setMinDiscardLevel(S32 discard) { mMinDesiredDiscardLevel = llmin(mMinDesiredDiscardLevel,(S8)discard); }
+ bool updateFetch();
+ // Override the computation of discard levels if we know the exact output
+ // size of the image. Used for UI textures to not decode, even if we have
+ // more data.
+ /*virtual*/ void setKnownDrawSize(S32 width, S32 height);
+ void setIsMissingAsset();
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL isMissingAsset() const { return mIsMissingAsset; }
+ // returns dimensions of original image for local files (before power of two scaling)
+ // and returns 0 for all asset system images
+ S32 getOriginalWidth() { return mOrigWidth; }
+ S32 getOriginalHeight() { return mOrigHeight; }
+ BOOL isInImageList() const {return mInImageList ;}
+ void setInImageList(BOOL flag) {mInImageList = flag ;}
+ LLFrameTimer* getLastPacketTimer() {return &mLastPacketTimer;}
+ U32 getFetchPriority() const { return mFetchPriority ;}
+ F32 getDownloadProgress() const {return mDownloadProgress ;}
+ LLImageRaw* reloadRawImage(S8 discard_level) ;
+ void destroyRawImage();
+ const std::string& getUrl() const {return mUrl;}
+ //---------------
+ BOOL isDeleted() ;
+ BOOL isInactive() ;
+ BOOL isDeletionCandidate();
+ void setDeletionCandidate() ;
+ void setInactive() ;
+ BOOL getUseDiscard() const { return mUseMipMaps && !mDontDiscard; }
+ //---------------
+ void setForSculpt();
+ BOOL forSculpt() const {return mForSculpt;}
+ BOOL isForSculptOnly() const;
+ //raw image management
+ void checkCachedRawSculptImage() ;
+ LLImageRaw* getRawImage()const { return mRawImage ;}
+ S32 getRawImageLevel() const {return mRawDiscardLevel;}
+ LLImageRaw* getCachedRawImage() const { return mCachedRawImage ;}
+ S32 getCachedRawImageLevel() const {return mCachedRawDiscardLevel;}
+ BOOL isCachedRawImageReady() const {return mCachedRawImageReady ;}
+ BOOL isRawImageValid()const { return mIsRawImageValid ; }
+ void forceToSaveRawImage(S32 desired_discard = 0, bool from_callback = false) ;
+ /*virtual*/ void setCachedRawImage(S32 discard_level, LLImageRaw* imageraw) ;
+ void destroySavedRawImage() ;
+ LLImageRaw* getSavedRawImage() ;
+ BOOL hasSavedRawImage() const ;
+ F32 getElapsedLastReferencedSavedRawImageTime() const ;
+ BOOL isFullyLoaded() const;
+ BOOL hasFetcher() const { return mHasFetcher;}
+ void setCanUseHTTP(bool can_use_http) {mCanUseHTTP = can_use_http;}
+ /*virtual*/ void switchToCachedImage();
+ S32 getCurrentDiscardLevelForFetching() ;
+ void init(bool firstinit) ;
+ void cleanup() ;
+ void saveRawImage() ;
+ void setCachedRawImage() ;
+ //for atlas
+ void resetFaceAtlas() ;
+ void invalidateAtlas(BOOL rebuild_geom) ;
+ BOOL insertToAtlas() ;
+ BOOL mFullyLoaded;
+ std::string mLocalFileName;
+ S32 mOrigWidth;
+ S32 mOrigHeight;
+ // Override the computation of discard levels if we know the exact output size of the image.
+ // Used for UI textures to not decode, even if we have more data.
+ S32 mKnownDrawWidth;
+ S32 mKnownDrawHeight;
+ BOOL mKnownDrawSizeChanged ;
+ std::string mUrl;
+ S32 mRequestedDiscardLevel;
+ F32 mRequestedDownloadPriority;
+ S32 mFetchState;
+ U32 mFetchPriority;
+ F32 mDownloadProgress;
+ F32 mFetchDeltaTime;
+ F32 mRequestDeltaTime;
+ F32 mDecodePriority; // The priority for decoding this image.
+ S32 mMinDiscardLevel;
+ S8 mDesiredDiscardLevel; // The discard level we'd LIKE to have - if we have it and there's space
+ S8 mMinDesiredDiscardLevel; // The minimum discard level we'd like to have
+ S8 mNeedsAux; // We need to decode the auxiliary channels
+ S8 mDecodingAux; // Are we decoding high components
+ S8 mIsRawImageValid;
+ S8 mHasFetcher; // We've made a fecth request
+ S8 mIsFetching; // Fetch request is active
+ bool mCanUseHTTP ; //This texture can be fetched through http if true.
+ mutable S8 mIsMissingAsset; // True if we know that there is no image asset with this image id in the database.
+ typedef std::list<LLLoadedCallbackEntry*> callback_list_t;
+ S8 mLoadedCallbackDesiredDiscardLevel;
+ BOOL mPauseLoadedCallBacks;
+ callback_list_t mLoadedCallbackList;
+ LLPointer<LLImageRaw> mRawImage;
+ S32 mRawDiscardLevel;
+ // Used ONLY for cloth meshes right now. Make SURE you know what you're
+ // doing if you use it for anything else! - djs
+ LLPointer<LLImageRaw> mAuxRawImage;
+ //keep a copy of mRawImage for some special purposes
+ //when mForceToSaveRawImage is set.
+ BOOL mForceToSaveRawImage ;
+ LLPointer<LLImageRaw> mSavedRawImage;
+ S32 mSavedRawDiscardLevel;
+ S32 mDesiredSavedRawDiscardLevel;
+ F32 mLastReferencedSavedRawImageTime ;
+ //a small version of the copy of the raw image (<= 64 * 64)
+ LLPointer<LLImageRaw> mCachedRawImage;
+ S32 mCachedRawDiscardLevel;
+ BOOL mCachedRawImageReady; //the rez of the mCachedRawImage reaches the upper limit.
+ LLHost mTargetHost; // if LLHost::invalid, just request from agent's simulator
+ // Timers
+ LLFrameTimer mLastPacketTimer; // Time since last packet.
+ LLFrameTimer mStopFetchingTimer; // Time since mDecodePriority == 0.f.
+ BOOL mInImageList; // TRUE if image is in list (in which case don't reset priority!)
+ BOOL mNeedsCreateTexture;
+ BOOL mForSculpt ; //a flag if the texture is used as sculpt data.
+ BOOL mIsFetched ; //is loaded from remote or from cache, not generated locally.
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> sMissingAssetImagep; // Texture to show for an image asset that is not in the database
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> sWhiteImagep; // Texture to show NOTHING (whiteness)
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> sDefaultImagep; // "Default" texture for error cases, the only case of fetched texture which is generated in local.
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture> sSmokeImagep; // Old "Default" translucent texture
+//the image data is fetched from remote or from local cache
+//the resolution of the texture is adjustable: depends on the view-dependent parameters.
+class LLViewerLODTexture : public LLViewerFetchedTexture
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLViewerLODTexture(){}
+ LLViewerLODTexture(const LLUUID& id, const LLHost& host = LLHost::invalid, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ LLViewerLODTexture(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ /*virtual*/ S8 getType() const;
+ // Process image stats to determine priority/quality requirements.
+ /*virtual*/ void processTextureStats();
+ BOOL isUpdateFrozen() ;
+ void init(bool firstinit) ;
+ void scaleDown() ;
+ F32 mDiscardVirtualSize; // Virtual size used to calculate desired discard
+ F32 mCalculatedDiscardLevel; // Last calculated discard level
+//the image data is fetched from the media pipeline periodically
+//the resolution of the texture is also adjusted by the media pipeline
+class LLViewerMediaTexture : public LLViewerTexture
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLViewerMediaTexture() ;
+ LLViewerMediaTexture(const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE, LLImageGL* gl_image = NULL) ;
+ /*virtual*/ S8 getType() const;
+ void reinit(BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE);
+ BOOL getUseMipMaps() {return mUseMipMaps ; }
+ void setUseMipMaps(BOOL mipmap) ;
+ void setPlaying(BOOL playing) ;
+ BOOL isPlaying() const {return mIsPlaying;}
+ void setMediaImpl() ;
+ void initVirtualSize() ;
+ void invalidateMediaImpl() ;
+ void addMediaToFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ void removeMediaFromFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ /*virtual*/ void addFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ /*virtual*/ void removeFace(LLFace* facep) ;
+ /*virtual*/ F32 getMaxVirtualSize() ;
+ void switchTexture(LLFace* facep) ;
+ BOOL findFaces() ;
+ void stopPlaying() ;
+ //
+ //an instant list, recording all faces referencing or can reference to this media texture.
+ //NOTE: it is NOT thread safe.
+ //
+ std::list< LLFace* > mMediaFaceList ;
+ //an instant list keeping all textures which are replaced by the current media texture,
+ //is only used to avoid the removal of those textures from memory.
+ std::list< LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> > mTextureList ;
+ LLViewerMediaImpl* mMediaImplp ;
+ BOOL mIsPlaying ;
+ U32 mUpdateVirtualSizeTime ;
+ static void updateClass() ;
+ static void cleanUpClass() ;
+ static LLViewerMediaTexture* findMediaTexture(const LLUUID& media_id) ;
+ static void removeMediaImplFromTexture(const LLUUID& media_id) ;
+ typedef std::map< LLUUID, LLPointer<LLViewerMediaTexture> > media_map_t ;
+ static media_map_t sMediaMap ;
+//just an interface class, do not create instance from this class.
+class LLViewerTextureManager
+ //make the constructor private to preclude creating instances from this class.
+ LLViewerTextureManager(){}
+ //texture pipeline tester
+ static LLTexturePipelineTester* sTesterp ;
+ //returns NULL if tex is not a LLViewerFetchedTexture nor derived from LLViewerFetchedTexture.
+ static LLViewerFetchedTexture* staticCastToFetchedTexture(LLTexture* tex, BOOL report_error = FALSE) ;
+ //
+ //"find-texture" just check if the texture exists, if yes, return it, otherwise return null.
+ //
+ static LLViewerTexture* findTexture(const LLUUID& id) ;
+ static LLViewerMediaTexture* findMediaTexture(const LLUUID& id) ;
+ static LLViewerMediaTexture* createMediaTexture(const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE, LLImageGL* gl_image = NULL) ;
+ //
+ //"get-texture" will create a new texture if the texture does not exist.
+ //
+ static LLViewerMediaTexture* getMediaTexture(const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE, LLImageGL* gl_image = NULL) ;
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> getLocalTexture(BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE, BOOL generate_gl_tex = TRUE);
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> getLocalTexture(const LLUUID& id, BOOL usemipmaps, BOOL generate_gl_tex = TRUE) ;
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> getLocalTexture(const LLImageRaw* raw, BOOL usemipmaps) ;
+ static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> getLocalTexture(const U32 width, const U32 height, const U8 components, BOOL usemipmaps, BOOL generate_gl_tex = TRUE) ;
+ static LLViewerFetchedTexture* getFetchedTexture(const LLUUID &image_id,
+ BOOL usemipmap = TRUE,
+ LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE, // Get the requested level immediately upon creation.
+ S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE,
+ LLGLint internal_format = 0,
+ LLGLenum primary_format = 0,
+ LLHost request_from_host = LLHost()
+ );
+ static LLViewerFetchedTexture* getFetchedTextureFromFile(const std::string& filename,
+ BOOL usemipmap = TRUE,
+ LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE,
+ S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE,
+ LLGLint internal_format = 0,
+ LLGLenum primary_format = 0,
+ const LLUUID& force_id = LLUUID::null
+ );
+ static LLViewerFetchedTexture* getFetchedTextureFromUrl(const std::string& url,
+ BOOL usemipmap = TRUE,
+ LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel boost_priority = LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE,
+ S8 texture_type = LLViewerTexture::FETCHED_TEXTURE,
+ LLGLint internal_format = 0,
+ LLGLenum primary_format = 0,
+ const LLUUID& force_id = LLUUID::null
+ );
+ static LLViewerFetchedTexture* getFetchedTextureFromHost(const LLUUID& image_id, LLHost host) ;
+ static void init() ;
+ static void cleanup() ;
+//this class is used for test/debug only
+//it tracks the activities of the texture pipeline
+//records them, and outputs them to log files
+class LLTexturePipelineTester : public LLMetricPerformanceTester
+ enum
+ {
+ MIN_LARGE_IMAGE_AREA = 262144 //512 * 512
+ };
+ LLTexturePipelineTester() ;
+ ~LLTexturePipelineTester() ;
+ void update();
+ void updateTextureBindingStats(const LLViewerTexture* imagep) ;
+ void updateTextureLoadingStats(const LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, const LLImageRaw* raw_imagep, BOOL from_cache) ;
+ void updateGrayTextureBinding() ;
+ void setStablizingTime() ;
+ /*virtual*/ void analyzePerformance(std::ofstream* os, LLSD* base, LLSD* current) ;
+ void reset() ;
+ void updateStablizingTime() ;
+ /*virtual*/ void outputTestRecord(LLSD* sd) ;
+ BOOL mPause ;
+ BOOL mUsingDefaultTexture; //if set, some textures are still gray.
+ U32 mTotalBytesUsed ; //total bytes of textures bound/used for the current frame.
+ U32 mTotalBytesUsedForLargeImage ; //total bytes of textures bound/used for the current frame for images larger than 256 * 256.
+ U32 mLastTotalBytesUsed ; //total bytes of textures bound/used for the previous frame.
+ U32 mLastTotalBytesUsedForLargeImage ; //total bytes of textures bound/used for the previous frame for images larger than 256 * 256.
+ //
+ //data size
+ //
+ U32 mTotalBytesLoaded ; //total bytes fetched by texture pipeline
+ U32 mTotalBytesLoadedFromCache ; //total bytes fetched by texture pipeline from local cache
+ U32 mTotalBytesLoadedForLargeImage ; //total bytes fetched by texture pipeline for images larger than 256 * 256.
+ U32 mTotalBytesLoadedForSculpties ; //total bytes fetched by texture pipeline for sculpties
+ //
+ //time
+ //NOTE: the error tolerances of the following timers is one frame time.
+ //
+ F32 mStartFetchingTime ;
+ F32 mTotalGrayTime ; //total loading time when no gray textures.
+ F32 mTotalStablizingTime ; //total stablizing time when texture memory overflows
+ F32 mStartTimeLoadingSculpties ; //the start moment of loading sculpty images.
+ F32 mEndTimeLoadingSculpties ; //the end moment of loading sculpty images.
+ F32 mStartStablizingTime ;
+ F32 mEndStablizingTime ;
+ //
+ //The following members are used for performance analyzing
+ //
+ class LLTextureTestSession : public LLTestSession
+ {
+ public:
+ LLTextureTestSession() ;
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLTextureTestSession() ;
+ void reset() ;
+ F32 mTotalFetchingTime ;
+ F32 mTotalGrayTime ;
+ F32 mTotalStablizingTime ;
+ F32 mStartTimeLoadingSculpties ;
+ F32 mTotalTimeLoadingSculpties ;
+ S32 mTotalBytesLoaded ;
+ S32 mTotalBytesLoadedFromCache ;
+ S32 mTotalBytesLoadedForLargeImage ;
+ S32 mTotalBytesLoadedForSculpties ;
+ typedef struct _texture_instant_preformance_t
+ {
+ S32 mAverageBytesUsedPerSecond ;
+ S32 mAverageBytesUsedForLargeImagePerSecond ;
+ F32 mAveragePercentageBytesUsedPerSecond ;
+ F32 mTime ;
+ }texture_instant_preformance_t ;
+ std::vector<texture_instant_preformance_t> mInstantPerformanceList ;
+ S32 mInstantPerformanceListCounter ;
+ };
+ /*virtual*/ LLMetricPerformanceTester::LLTestSession* loadTestSession(LLSD* log) ;
+ /*virtual*/ void compareTestSessions(std::ofstream* os) ;