path: root/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
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1 files changed, 942 insertions, 942 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
index 62b4c390d0..5304c7baf0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerstats.cpp
@@ -1,942 +1,942 @@
- * @file llviewerstats.cpp
- * @brief LLViewerStats class implementation
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-#include "llviewerstats.h"
-#include "llviewerthrottle.h"
-#include "message.h"
-#include "llfloaterreg.h"
-#include "llmemory.h"
-#include "lltimer.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h"
-#include "pipeline.h"
-#include "lltexturefetch.h"
-#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
-#include "llviewertexturelist.h"
-#include "lltexlayer.h"
-#include "lltexlayerparams.h"
-#include "llsurface.h"
-#include "llvlmanager.h"
-#include "llagent.h"
-#include "llagentcamera.h"
-#include "llviewercontrol.h"
-#include "llversioninfo.h"
-#include "llfloatertools.h"
-#include "lldebugview.h"
-#include "llfasttimerview.h"
-#include "llviewerregion.h"
-#include "llvoavatar.h"
-#include "llvoavatarself.h"
-#include "llworld.h"
-#include "llfeaturemanager.h"
-#include "llviewernetwork.h"
-#include "llmeshrepository.h" //for LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived
-#include "llperfstats.h"
-#include "llsdserialize.h"
-#include "llsdutil.h"
-#include "llcorehttputil.h"
-#include "llvoicevivox.h"
-#include "llinventorymodel.h"
-#include "lluiusage.h"
-#include "lltranslate.h"
-// "Minimal Vulkan" to get max API Version
-// Calls
- #if defined(_WIN32)
- #define VKAPI_ATTR
- #define VKAPI_CALL __stdcall
- #else
- #define VKAPI_ATTR
- #define VKAPI_CALL
- #define VKAPI_PTR
- #endif // _WIN32
-// Macros
- // +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- // |31|30|29|28|27|26|25|24|23|22|21|20|19|18|17|16|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
- // +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- // <variant> <-------major-------><-----------minor-----------> <--------------patch-------------->
- // 0x7 0x7F 0x3FF 0xFFF
- #define VK_API_VERSION_MAJOR( version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 22) & 0x07FU) // 7 bits
- #define VK_API_VERSION_MINOR( version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 12) & 0x3FFU) // 10 bits
- #define VK_API_VERSION_PATCH( version) (((uint32_t)(version) ) & 0xFFFU) // 12 bits
- #define VK_API_VERSION_VARIANT(version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 29) & 0x007U) // 3 bits
- // NOTE: variant is first parameter! This is to match vulkan/vulkan_core.h
- #define VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(variant, major, minor, patch) (0\
- | (((uint32_t)(major & 0x07FU)) << 22) \
- | (((uint32_t)(minor & 0x3FFU)) << 12) \
- | (((uint32_t)(patch & 0xFFFU)) ) \
- | (((uint32_t)(variant & 0x007U)) << 29) )
- #define VK_DEFINE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T* object;
-// Types
- typedef enum VkResult
- {
- } VkResult;
-// Prototypes
- typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkVoidFunction )(void);
- typedef PFN_vkVoidFunction (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr )(VkInstance instance, const char* pName);
- typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion)(uint32_t* pApiVersion);
-namespace LLStatViewer
-LLTrace::CountStatHandle<> FPS("FPS", "Frames rendered"),
- PACKETS_IN("Packets In", "Packets received"),
- PACKETS_LOST("packetsloststat", "Packets lost"),
- PACKETS_OUT("packetsoutstat", "Packets sent"),
- TEXTURE_PACKETS("texturepacketsstat", "Texture data packets received"),
- CHAT_COUNT("chatcount", "Chat messages sent"),
- IM_COUNT("imcount", "IMs sent"),
- OBJECT_CREATE("objectcreate", "Number of objects created"),
- OBJECT_REZ("objectrez", "Object rez count"),
- LOGIN_TIMEOUTS("logintimeouts", "Number of login attempts that timed out"),
- LSL_SAVES("lslsaves", "Number of times user has saved a script"),
- ANIMATION_UPLOADS("animationuploads", "Animations uploaded"),
- FLY("fly", "Fly count"),
- TELEPORT("teleport", "Teleport count"),
- DELETE_OBJECT("deleteobject", "Objects deleted"),
- SNAPSHOT("snapshot", "Snapshots taken"),
- UPLOAD_SOUND("uploadsound", "Sounds uploaded"),
- UPLOAD_TEXTURE("uploadtexture", "Textures uploaded"),
- EDIT_TEXTURE("edittexture", "Changes to textures on objects"),
- KILLED("killed", "Number of times killed"),
- FRAMETIME_DOUBLED("frametimedoubled", "Ratio of frames 2x longer than previous"),
- TEX_BAKES("texbakes", "Number of times avatar textures have been baked"),
- TEX_REBAKES("texrebakes", "Number of times avatar textures have been forced to rebake"),
- NUM_NEW_OBJECTS("numnewobjectsstat", "Number of objects in scene that were not previously in cache");
-LLTrace::CountStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Kilotriangles> >
- TRIANGLES_DRAWN("trianglesdrawnstat");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Kilotriangles> >
- TRIANGLES_DRAWN_PER_FRAME("trianglesdrawnperframestat");
-LLTrace::CountStatHandle<F64Kilobytes >
- ACTIVE_MESSAGE_DATA_RECEIVED("activemessagedatareceived", "Message system data received on all active regions"),
- LAYERS_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("layersdatareceived", "Network data received for layer data (terrain)"),
- OBJECT_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("objectdatareceived", "Network data received for objects"),
- ASSET_UDP_DATA_RECEIVED("assetudpdatareceived", "Network data received for assets (animations, sounds) over UDP message system"),
- TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("texturedatareceived", "Network data received for textures"),
- MESSAGE_SYSTEM_DATA_IN("messagedatain", "Incoming message system network data"),
- MESSAGE_SYSTEM_DATA_OUT("messagedataout", "Outgoing message system network data");
-LLTrace::CountStatHandle<F64Seconds >
- SIM_20_FPS_TIME("sim20fpstime", "Seconds with sim FPS below 20"),
- SIM_PHYSICS_20_FPS_TIME("simphysics20fpstime", "Seconds with physics FPS below 20"),
- LOSS_5_PERCENT_TIME("loss5percenttime", "Seconds with packet loss > 5%");
-SimMeasurement<> SIM_TIME_DILATION("simtimedilation", "Simulator time scale", LL_SIM_STAT_TIME_DILATION),
- SIM_FPS("simfps", "Simulator framerate", LL_SIM_STAT_FPS),
- SIM_PHYSICS_FPS("simphysicsfps", "Simulator physics framerate", LL_SIM_STAT_PHYSFPS),
- SIM_AGENT_UPS("simagentups", "", LL_SIM_STAT_AGENTUPS),
- SIM_SCRIPT_EPS("simscripteps", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SCRIPT_EPS),
- SIM_MAIN_AGENTS("simmainagents", "Number of avatars in current region", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMAGENTMAIN),
- SIM_CHILD_AGENTS("simchildagents", "Number of avatars in neighboring regions", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMAGENTCHILD),
- SIM_OBJECTS("simobjects", "", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMTASKS),
- SIM_ACTIVE_OBJECTS("simactiveobjects", "Number of scripted and/or moving objects", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMTASKSACTIVE),
- SIM_ACTIVE_SCRIPTS("simactivescripts", "Number of scripted objects", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMSCRIPTSACTIVE),
-SimMeasurement<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Percent> >
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<> FPS_SAMPLE("fpssample"),
- NUM_IMAGES("numimagesstat"),
- NUM_RAW_IMAGES("numrawimagesstat"),
- NUM_MATERIALS("nummaterials"),
- NUM_OBJECTS("numobjectsstat"),
- NUM_ACTIVE_OBJECTS("numactiveobjectsstat"),
- ENABLE_VBO("enablevbo", "Vertex Buffers Enabled"),
- VISIBLE_AVATARS("visibleavatars", "Visible Avatars"),
- SHADER_OBJECTS("shaderobjects", "Object Shaders"),
- DRAW_DISTANCE("drawdistance", "Draw Distance"),
- WINDOW_WIDTH("windowwidth", "Window width"),
- WINDOW_HEIGHT("windowheight", "Window height");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> >
- PACKETS_LOST_PERCENT("packetslostpercentstat");
-static LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<bool>
- CHAT_BUBBLES("chatbubbles", "Chat Bubbles Enabled");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Megabytes > FORMATTED_MEM("formattedmemstat");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Kilobytes > DELTA_BANDWIDTH("deltabandwidth", "Increase/Decrease in bandwidth based on packet loss"),
- MAX_BANDWIDTH("maxbandwidth", "Max bandwidth setting");
-SimMeasurement<F64Milliseconds > SIM_FRAME_TIME("simframemsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_FRAMEMS),
- SIM_NET_TIME("simnetmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_NETMS),
- SIM_OTHER_TIME("simsimothermsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMOTHERMS),
- SIM_PHYSICS_TIME("simsimphysicsmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMPHYSICSMS),
- SIM_AI_TIME("simsimaistepmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMAISTEPTIMEMS),
- SIM_AGENTS_TIME("simagentmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_AGENTMS),
- SIM_IMAGES_TIME("simimagesmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_IMAGESMS),
- SIM_SCRIPTS_TIME("simscriptmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SCRIPTMS),
- SIM_PUMP_IO_TIME("simpumpiomsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_IOPUMPTIME);
-SimMeasurement<F64Kilobytes > SIM_UNACKED_BYTES("simtotalunackedbytes", "", LL_SIM_STAT_TOTAL_UNACKED_BYTES);
-SimMeasurement<F64Megabytes > SIM_PHYSICS_MEM("physicsmemoryallocated", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMPHYSICSMEMORY);
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Milliseconds > FRAMETIME_JITTER("frametimejitter", "Average delta between successive frame times"),
- FRAMETIME_SLEW("frametimeslew", "Average delta between frame time and mean"),
- FRAMETIME("frametime", "Measured frame time"),
- SIM_PING("simpingstat");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Meters> > AGENT_POSITION_SNAP("agentpositionsnap", "agent position corrections");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<> LOADING_WEARABLES_LONG_DELAY("loadingwearableslongdelay", "Wearables took too long to load");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Milliseconds > REGION_CROSSING_TIME("regioncrossingtime", "CROSSING_AVG"),
- FRAME_STACKTIME("framestacktime", "FRAME_SECS"),
- UPDATE_STACKTIME("updatestacktime", "UPDATE_SECS"),
- NETWORK_STACKTIME("networkstacktime", "NETWORK_SECS"),
- IMAGE_STACKTIME("imagestacktime", "IMAGE_SECS"),
- REBUILD_STACKTIME("rebuildstacktime", "REBUILD_SECS"),
- RENDER_STACKTIME("renderstacktime", "RENDER_SECS");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Seconds > AVATAR_EDIT_TIME("avataredittime", "Seconds in Edit Appearance"),
- TOOLBOX_TIME("toolboxtime", "Seconds using Toolbox"),
- MOUSELOOK_TIME("mouselooktime", "Seconds in Mouselook"),
- FPS_10_TIME("fps10time", "Seconds below 10 FPS"),
- FPS_8_TIME("fps8time", "Seconds below 8 FPS"),
- FPS_2_TIME("fps2time", "Seconds below 2 FPS");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > OBJECT_CACHE_HIT_RATE("object_cache_hits");
-LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Seconds > TEXTURE_FETCH_TIME("texture_fetch_time");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > SCENERY_FRAME_PCT("scenery_frame_pct");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > AVATAR_FRAME_PCT("avatar_frame_pct");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > HUDS_FRAME_PCT("huds_frame_pct");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > UI_FRAME_PCT("ui_frame_pct");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > SWAP_FRAME_PCT("swap_frame_pct");
-LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > IDLE_FRAME_PCT("idle_frame_pct");
-: mLastTimeDiff(0.0)
- getRecording().start();
-void LLViewerStats::resetStats()
- getRecording().reset();
-void LLViewerStats::updateFrameStats(const F64Seconds time_diff)
- if (getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::PACKETS_LOST_PERCENT) > F32Percent(5.0))
- {
- add(LLStatViewer::LOSS_5_PERCENT_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- F32 sim_fps = getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::SIM_FPS);
- if (0.f < sim_fps && sim_fps < 20.f)
- {
- add(LLStatViewer::SIM_20_FPS_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- F32 sim_physics_fps = getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::SIM_PHYSICS_FPS);
- if (0.f < sim_physics_fps && sim_physics_fps < 20.f)
- {
- add(LLStatViewer::SIM_PHYSICS_20_FPS_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.5)
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::FPS_2_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.125)
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::FPS_8_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.1)
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::FPS_10_TIME, time_diff);
- }
- if (gFrameCount && mLastTimeDiff > (F64Seconds)0.0)
- {
- // new "stutter" meter
- add(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_DOUBLED, time_diff >= 2.0 * mLastTimeDiff ? 1 : 0);
- sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME, time_diff);
- // old stats that were never really used
- F64Seconds jit = (F64Seconds) std::fabs((mLastTimeDiff - time_diff));
- sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_JITTER, jit);
- F32Seconds average_frametime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() / (F32)gFrameCount;
- sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_SLEW, F64Milliseconds (average_frametime - time_diff));
- F32 max_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth();
- F32 delta_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getCurrentBandwidth() - max_bandwidth;
- sample(LLStatViewer::DELTA_BANDWIDTH, F64Bits(delta_bandwidth));
- sample(LLStatViewer::MAX_BANDWIDTH, F64Bits(max_bandwidth));
- }
- mLastTimeDiff = time_diff;
-void LLViewerStats::addToMessage(LLSD &body)
- LLSD &misc = body["misc"];
- misc["Version"] = TRUE;
- //TODO RN: get last value, not mean
- misc["Vertex Buffers Enabled"] = getRecording().getMean(LLStatViewer::ENABLE_VBO);
- body["AgentPositionSnaps"] = getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value(); //mAgentPositionSnaps.asLLSD();
- LL_INFOS() << "STAT: AgentPositionSnaps: Mean = " << getRecording().getMean(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value() << "; StdDev = " << getRecording().getStandardDeviation(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value()
- << "; Count = " << getRecording().getSampleCount(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP) << LL_ENDL;
-// *NOTE:Mani The following methods used to exist in viewer.cpp
-// Moving them here, but not merging them into LLViewerStats yet.
-U32 gTotalLandIn = 0,
- gTotalLandOut = 0,
- gTotalWaterIn = 0,
- gTotalWaterOut = 0;
-F32 gAveLandCompression = 0.f,
- gAveWaterCompression = 0.f,
- gBestLandCompression = 1.f,
- gBestWaterCompression = 1.f,
- gWorstLandCompression = 0.f,
- gWorstWaterCompression = 0.f;
-U32Bytes gTotalWorldData,
- gTotalObjectData,
- gTotalTextureData;
-U32 gSimPingCount = 0;
-U32Bits gObjectData;
-F32Milliseconds gAvgSimPing(0.f);
-// rely on default initialization
-U32Bytes gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[LLViewerTexture::MAX_GL_IMAGE_CATEGORY];
-extern U32 gVisCompared;
-extern U32 gVisTested;
-void update_statistics()
- gTotalWorldData += gVLManager.getTotalBytes();
- gTotalObjectData += gObjectData;
- // make sure we have a valid time delta for this frame
- if (gFrameIntervalSeconds > 0.f)
- {
- if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK)
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::MOUSELOOK_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
- }
- else if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_CUSTOMIZE_AVATAR)
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::AVATAR_EDIT_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
- }
- else if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("build"))
- {
- record(LLStatViewer::TOOLBOX_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
- }
- }
- LLTrace::Recording& last_frame_recording = LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getLastRecording();
- record(LLStatViewer::TRIANGLES_DRAWN_PER_FRAME, last_frame_recording.getSum(LLStatViewer::TRIANGLES_DRAWN));
- sample(LLStatViewer::ENABLE_VBO, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderVBOEnable"));
- sample(LLStatViewer::DRAW_DISTANCE, (F64)gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderFarClip"));
- sample(LLStatViewer::CHAT_BUBBLES, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseChatBubbles"));
- typedef LLTrace::StatType<LLTrace::TimeBlockAccumulator>::instance_tracker_t stat_type_t;
- record(LLStatViewer::FRAME_STACKTIME, last_frame_recording.getSum(*stat_type_t::getInstance("Frame")));
- if (gAgent.getRegion() && isAgentAvatarValid())
- {
- LLCircuitData *cdp = gMessageSystem->mCircuitInfo.findCircuit(gAgent.getRegion()->getHost());
- if (cdp)
- {
- sample(LLStatViewer::SIM_PING, F64Milliseconds(cdp->getPingDelay()));
- gAvgSimPing = ((gAvgSimPing * gSimPingCount) + cdp->getPingDelay()) / (gSimPingCount + 1);
- gSimPingCount++;
- }
- else
- {
- sample(LLStatViewer::SIM_PING, U32Seconds(10));
- }
- }
- if (LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::FPS))
- {
- sample(LLStatViewer::FPS_SAMPLE, LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getPeriodMeanPerSec(LLStatViewer::FPS));
- }
- add(LLStatViewer::FPS, 1);
- F64Bits layer_bits = gVLManager.getLandBits() + gVLManager.getWindBits() + gVLManager.getCloudBits();
- add(LLStatViewer::LAYERS_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED, layer_bits);
- add(LLStatViewer::OBJECT_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED, gObjectData);
- add(LLStatViewer::ASSET_UDP_DATA_RECEIVED, F64Bits(gTransferManager.getTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET)));
- gTransferManager.resetTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET);
- sample(LLStatViewer::VISIBLE_AVATARS, LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars);
- LLWorld *world = LLWorld::getInstance(); // not LLSingleton
- if (world)
- {
- world->updateNetStats();
- world->requestCacheMisses();
- }
- // Reset all of these values.
- gVLManager.resetBitCounts();
- gObjectData = (U32Bytes)0;
-// gDecodedBits = 0;
- // Only update texture stats periodically so that they are less noisy
- {
- static const F32 texture_stats_freq = 10.f;
- static LLFrameTimer texture_stats_timer;
- if (texture_stats_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() >= texture_stats_freq)
- {
- gTotalTextureData = LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED);
- texture_stats_timer.reset();
- }
- }
- if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("scene_load_stats"))
- {
- static const F32 perf_stats_freq = 1;
- static LLFrameTimer perf_stats_timer;
- if (perf_stats_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() >= perf_stats_freq)
- {
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t args;
- LLPerfStats::bufferToggleLock.lock(); // prevent toggle for a moment
- auto tot_frame_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_FRAME);
- // cumulative avatar time (includes idle processing, attachments and base av)
- auto tot_avatar_time_raw = LLPerfStats::us_to_raw(LLVOAvatar::getTotalGPURenderTime());
- // cumulative avatar render specific time (a bit arbitrary as the processing is too.)
- // auto tot_av_idle_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSum(AvType, LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_IDLE);
- // auto tot_avatar_render_time_raw = tot_avatar_time_raw - tot_av_idle_time_raw;
- // the time spent this frame on the "display()" call. Treated as "tot time rendering"
- auto tot_render_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_DISPLAY);
- // sleep time is basically forced sleep when window out of focus
- auto tot_sleep_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_SLEEP);
- // time spent on UI
- auto tot_ui_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_UI);
- // cumulative time spent rendering HUDS
- auto tot_huds_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_HUDS);
- // "idle" time. This is the time spent in the idle poll section of the main loop
- auto tot_idle_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_IDLE);
- // similar to sleep time, induced by FPS limit
- //auto tot_limit_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_FPSLIMIT);
- // swap time is time spent in swap buffer
- auto tot_swap_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_SWAP);
- LLPerfStats::bufferToggleLock.unlock();
- auto tot_frame_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_frame_time_raw);
- auto tot_avatar_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_avatar_time_raw);
- auto tot_huds_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_huds_time_raw);
- // UI time includes HUD time so dedut that before we calc percentages
- auto tot_ui_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_ui_time_raw - tot_huds_time_raw);
- // auto tot_sleep_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_sleep_time_raw );
- // auto tot_limit_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_limit_time_raw );
- // auto tot_render_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_render_time_raw );
- auto tot_idle_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_idle_time_raw);
- auto tot_swap_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_swap_time_raw);
- auto tot_scene_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_render_time_raw - tot_avatar_time_raw - tot_swap_time_raw - tot_ui_time_raw);
- // auto tot_overhead_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_frame_time_raw - tot_render_time_raw - tot_idle_time_raw );
- // // remove time spent sleeping for fps limit or out of focus.
- // tot_frame_time_ns -= tot_limit_time_ns;
- // tot_frame_time_ns -= tot_sleep_time_ns;
- if (tot_frame_time_ns != 0)
- {
- auto pct_avatar_time = (tot_avatar_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- auto pct_huds_time = (tot_huds_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- auto pct_ui_time = (tot_ui_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- auto pct_idle_time = (tot_idle_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- auto pct_swap_time = (tot_swap_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- auto pct_scene_render_time = (tot_scene_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
- pct_avatar_time = llclamp(pct_avatar_time, 0., 100.);
- pct_huds_time = llclamp(pct_huds_time, 0., 100.);
- pct_ui_time = llclamp(pct_ui_time, 0., 100.);
- pct_idle_time = llclamp(pct_idle_time, 0., 100.);
- pct_swap_time = llclamp(pct_swap_time, 0., 100.);
- pct_scene_render_time = llclamp(pct_scene_render_time, 0., 100.);
- if (tot_sleep_time_raw == 0)
- {
- sample(LLStatViewer::SCENERY_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_scene_render_time));
- sample(LLStatViewer::AVATAR_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_avatar_time));
- sample(LLStatViewer::HUDS_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_huds_time));
- sample(LLStatViewer::UI_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_ui_time));
- sample(LLStatViewer::SWAP_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_swap_time));
- sample(LLStatViewer::IDLE_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_idle_time));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("performance") << "Scene time 0. Skipping til we have data." << LL_ENDL;
- }
- perf_stats_timer.reset();
- }
- }
- * The sim-side LLSD is in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:forwardViewerStats.
- *
- * There's also a compatibility shim for the old fixed-format sim
- * stats in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:processViewerStats.
- *
- * If you move stats around here, make the corresponding changes in
- * those locations, too.
- */
-void send_viewer_stats(bool include_preferences)
- // IW 9/23/02 I elected not to move this into LLViewerStats
- // because it depends on too many viewer.cpp globals.
- // Someday we may want to merge all our stats into a central place
- // but that day is not today.
- // Only send stats if the agent is connected to a region.
- if (!gAgent.getRegion())
- {
- return;
- }
- LLSD body;
- std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("ViewerStats");
- if (url.empty()) {
- LL_WARNS() << "Could not get ViewerStats capability" << LL_ENDL;
- return;
- }
- LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().pause();
- LLSD &agent = body["agent"];
- time_t ltime;
- time(&ltime);
- F32 run_time = F32(LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds());
- agent["start_time"] = S32(ltime - S32(run_time));
- // The first stat set must have a 0 run time if it doesn't actually
- // contain useful data in terms of FPS, etc. We use half the
- // SEND_STATS_PERIOD seconds as the point at which these statistics become
- // valid. Data warehouse uses a 0 value here to easily discard these
- // records with non-useful FPS values etc.
- if (run_time < (SEND_STATS_PERIOD / 2))
- {
- agent["run_time"] = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- agent["run_time"] = run_time;
- }
- // send fps only for time app spends in foreground
- agent["fps"] = (F32)gForegroundFrameCount / gForegroundTime.getElapsedTimeF32();
- agent["version"] = LLVersionInfo::instance().getChannelAndVersion();
- std::string language = LLUI::getLanguage();
- agent["language"] = language;
- agent["sim_fps"] = ((F32) gFrameCount - gSimFrames) /
- (F32) (gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() - gSimLastTime);
- gSimLastTime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32();
- gSimFrames = (F32) gFrameCount;
- agent["agents_in_view"] = LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars;
- agent["ping"] = gAvgSimPing.value();
- agent["meters_traveled"] = gAgent.getDistanceTraveled();
- agent["regions_visited"] = gAgent.getRegionsVisited();
- agent["mem_use"] = LLMemory::getCurrentRSS() / 1024.0;
- agent["translation"] = LLTranslate::instance().asLLSD();
- LLSD &system = body["system"];
- system["ram"] = (S32) gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryKB().value();
- system["os"] = LLOSInfo::instance().getOSStringSimple();
- system["cpu"] = gSysCPU.getCPUString();
- system["cpu_sse"] = gSysCPU.getSSEVersions();
- system["address_size"] = ADDRESS_SIZE;
- system["os_bitness"] = LLOSInfo::instance().getOSBitness();
- system["hardware_concurrency"] = (LLSD::Integer) std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
- unsigned char MACAddress[MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES];
- LLUUID::getNodeID(MACAddress);
- std::string macAddressString = llformat("%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x",
- MACAddress[0],MACAddress[1],MACAddress[2],
- MACAddress[3],MACAddress[4],MACAddress[5]);
- system["mac_address"] = macAddressString;
- system["serial_number"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getSerialNumber();
- std::string gpu_desc = llformat(
- "%-6s Class %d ",
- gGLManager.mGLVendorShort.substr(0,6).c_str(),
- (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass())
- + gGLManager.getRawGLString();
- system["gpu"] = gpu_desc;
- system["gpu_class"] = (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass();
- system["gpu_memory_bandwidth"] = LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUMemoryBandwidth();
- system["gpu_vendor"] = gGLManager.mGLVendorShort;
- system["gpu_version"] = gGLManager.mDriverVersionVendorString;
- system["opengl_version"] = gGLManager.mGLVersionString;
- gGLManager.asLLSD(system["gl"]);
- S32 shader_level = 0;
- if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred)
- {
- if (LLPipeline::RenderShadowDetail > 0)
- {
- shader_level = 5;
- }
- else if (LLPipeline::RenderDeferredSSAO)
- {
- shader_level = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- shader_level = 3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- shader_level = 2;
- }
- system["shader_level"] = shader_level;
- LLSD &download = body["downloads"];
- download["world_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalWorldData).value();
- download["object_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalObjectData).value();
- download["texture_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalTextureData).value();
- download["mesh_kbytes"] = LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived/1024.0;
- LLSD &in = body["stats"]["net"]["in"];
- in["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesIn / 1024.0;
- in["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsIn;
- in["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsIn;
- in["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesIn -
- gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesIn) / 1024.0;
- LLSD &out = body["stats"]["net"]["out"];
- out["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesOut / 1024.0;
- out["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsOut;
- out["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsOut;
- out["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesOut -
- gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesOut) / 1024.0;
- LLSD &fail = body["stats"]["failures"];
- fail["send_packet"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mSendPacketFailureCount;
- fail["dropped"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mDroppedPackets;
- fail["resent"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mResentPackets;
- fail["failed_resends"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mFailedResendPackets;
- fail["off_circuit"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mOffCircuitPackets;
- fail["invalid"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mInvalidOnCircuitPackets;
- fail["missing_updater"] = (S32) LLAppViewer::instance()->isUpdaterMissing();
- LLSD &inventory = body["inventory"];
- inventory["usable"] = gInventory.isInventoryUsable();
- LLSD& validation_info = inventory["validation_info"];
- gInventory.mValidationInfo->asLLSD(validation_info);
- body["ui"] = LLUIUsage::instance().asLLSD();
- body["stats"]["voice"] = LLVoiceVivoxStats::getInstance()->read();
- // Misc stats, two strings and two ints
- // These are not expecticed to persist across multiple releases
- // Comment any changes with your name and the expected release revision
- // If the current revision is recent, ping the previous author before overriding
- LLSD &misc = body["stats"]["misc"];
-#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
- // Probe for Vulkan capability (Dave Houlton 05/2020)
- //
- // Check for presense of a Vulkan loader dll, as a proxy for a Vulkan-capable gpu.
- // False-positives and false-negatives are possible, but unlikely. We'll get a good
- // approximation of Vulkan capability within current user systems from this. More
- // detailed information on versions and extensions can come later.
- static bool vulkan_oneshot = false;
- static bool vulkan_detected = false;
- static std::string vulkan_max_api_version( "0.0" ); // Unknown/None
- if (!vulkan_oneshot)
- {
- // The 32-bit and 64-bit versions normally exist in:
- // C:\Windows\System32
- // C:\Windows\SysWOW64
- HMODULE vulkan_loader = LoadLibraryA("vulkan-1.dll");
- if (NULL != vulkan_loader)
- {
- vulkan_detected = true;
- vulkan_max_api_version = "1.0"; // We have at least 1.0. See the note about vkEnumerateInstanceVersion() below.
- // We use Run-Time Dynamic Linking (via GetProcAddress()) instead of Load-Time Dynamic Linking (via directly calling vkGetInstanceProcAddr()).
- // This allows us to:
- // a) not need the header: #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
- // (and not need to set the corresponding "Additional Include Directories" as long as we provide the equivalent Vulkan types/prototypes/etc.)
- // b) not need to link to: vulkan-1.lib
- // (and not need to set the corresponding "Additional Library Directories")
- // The former will allow Second Life to start and run even if the vulkan.dll is missing.
- // The latter will require us to:
- // a) link with vulkan-1.lib
- // b) cause a System Error at startup if the .dll is not found:
- // "The code execution cannot proceed because vulkan-1.dll was not found."
- //
- // See:
- //
- //
- // NOTE: Technically we can use GetProcAddress() as a replacement for vkGetInstanceProcAddr()
- // but the canonical recommendation (mandate?) is to use vkGetInstanceProcAddr().
- PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr pGetInstanceProcAddr = (PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr) GetProcAddress(vulkan_loader, "vkGetInstanceProcAddr");
- if(pGetInstanceProcAddr)
- {
- // Check for vkEnumerateInstanceVersion. If it exists then we have at least 1.1 and can query the max API version.
- // NOTE: Each VkPhysicalDevice that supports Vulkan has its own VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.apiVersion which is separate from the max API version!
- // See:
- PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion pEnumerateInstanceVersion = (PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion) pGetInstanceProcAddr(NULL, "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion");
- if(pEnumerateInstanceVersion)
- {
- uint32_t version = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(0,1,1,0); // e.g. 4202631 =
- VkResult status = pEnumerateInstanceVersion( &version );
- if (status != VK_SUCCESS)
- {
- LL_INFOS("Vulkan") << "Failed to get Vulkan version. Assuming 1.0" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- else
- {
- //
- int major = VK_API_VERSION_MAJOR ( version );
- int minor = VK_API_VERSION_MINOR ( version );
- int patch = VK_API_VERSION_PATCH ( version );
- int variant = VK_API_VERSION_VARIANT( version );
- vulkan_max_api_version = llformat( "%d.%d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch, variant );
- LL_INFOS("Vulkan") << "Vulkan API version: " << vulkan_max_api_version << ", Raw version: " << version << LL_ENDL;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LL_WARNS("Vulkan") << "FAILED to get Vulkan vkGetInstanceProcAddr()!" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- FreeLibrary(vulkan_loader);
- }
- vulkan_oneshot = true;
- }
- misc["string_1"] = vulkan_detected ? llformat("Vulkan driver is detected") : llformat("No Vulkan driver detected");
- misc["VulkanMaxApiVersion"] = vulkan_max_api_version;
- misc["string_1"] = llformat("Unused");
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
- misc["string_2"] = llformat("Unused");
- misc["int_1"] = LLSD::Integer(0);
- misc["int_2"] = LLSD::Integer(0);
- LL_INFOS() << "Misc Stats: int_1: " << misc["int_1"] << " int_2: " << misc["int_2"] << LL_ENDL;
- LL_INFOS() << "Misc Stats: string_1: " << misc["string_1"] << " string_2: " << misc["string_2"] << LL_ENDL;
- body["DisplayNamesEnabled"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseDisplayNames");
- body["DisplayNamesShowUsername"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NameTagShowUsernames");
- // Preferences
- if (include_preferences)
- {
- bool diffs_only = true; // only log preferences that differ from default
- body["preferences"]["settings"] = gSavedSettings.asLLSD(diffs_only);
- body["preferences"]["settings_per_account"] = gSavedPerAccountSettings.asLLSD(diffs_only);
- }
- body["MinimalSkin"] = false;
- LL_INFOS("LogViewerStatsPacket") << "Sending viewer statistics: " << body << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS("LogViewerStatsPacket");
- std::string filename("viewer_stats_packet.xml");
- llofstream of(filename.c_str());
- LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(body,of);
- // The session ID token must never appear in logs
- body["session_id"] = gAgentSessionID;
- LLViewerStats::getInstance()->addToMessage(body);
- LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::messageHttpPost(url, body,
- "Statistics posted to sim", "Failed to post statistics to sim");
- LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().resume();
-LLTimer& LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseTimer(const std::string& phase_name)
- phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
- if (iter == mPhaseMap.end())
- {
- LLTimer timer;
- mPhaseMap[phase_name] = timer;
- }
- LLTimer& timer = mPhaseMap[phase_name];
- return timer;
-void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::startPhase(const std::string& phase_name)
- LLTimer& timer = getPhaseTimer(phase_name);
- timer.start();
- //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "startPhase " << phase_name << LL_ENDL;
-void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::clearPhases()
- //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "clearPhases" << LL_ENDL;
- mPhaseMap.clear();
-LLSD LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::asLLSD()
- LLSD result;
- for (phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.begin(); iter != mPhaseMap.end(); ++iter)
- {
- const std::string& phase_name = iter->first;
- result[phase_name]["completed"] = LLSD::Integer(!(iter->second.getStarted()));
- result[phase_name]["elapsed"] = iter->second.getElapsedTimeF32();
- }
- return result;
-// static initializer
-LLViewerStats::phase_stats_t LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::sStats;
-void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::stopPhase(const std::string& phase_name)
- phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
- if (iter != mPhaseMap.end())
- {
- if (iter->second.getStarted())
- {
- // Going from started to stopped state - record stats.
- iter->second.stop();
- }
- }
-// static
-LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator& LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseStats(const std::string& phase_name)
- phase_stats_t::iterator it = sStats.find(phase_name);
- if (it == sStats.end())
- {
- LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator new_stats;
- sStats[phase_name] = new_stats;
- }
- return sStats[phase_name];
-// static
-void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::recordPhaseStat(const std::string& phase_name, F32 value)
- LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator& stats = getPhaseStats(phase_name);
- stats.push(value);
-bool LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseValues(const std::string& phase_name, F32& elapsed, bool& completed)
- phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
- bool found = false;
- if (iter != mPhaseMap.end())
- {
- found = true;
- elapsed = iter->second.getElapsedTimeF32();
- completed = !iter->second.getStarted();
- //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << " phase_name " << phase_name << " elapsed " << elapsed << " completed " << completed << " timer addr " << (S32)(&iter->second) << LL_ENDL;
- }
- else
- {
- //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << " phase_name " << phase_name << " NOT FOUND" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- return found;
+ * @file llviewerstats.cpp
+ * @brief LLViewerStats class implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llviewerstats.h"
+#include "llviewerthrottle.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "lltimer.h"
+#include "llappviewer.h"
+#include "pipeline.h"
+#include "lltexturefetch.h"
+#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
+#include "llviewertexturelist.h"
+#include "lltexlayer.h"
+#include "lltexlayerparams.h"
+#include "llsurface.h"
+#include "llvlmanager.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llagentcamera.h"
+#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llversioninfo.h"
+#include "llfloatertools.h"
+#include "lldebugview.h"
+#include "llfasttimerview.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llvoavatar.h"
+#include "llvoavatarself.h"
+#include "llworld.h"
+#include "llfeaturemanager.h"
+#include "llviewernetwork.h"
+#include "llmeshrepository.h" //for LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived
+#include "llperfstats.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#include "llcorehttputil.h"
+#include "llvoicevivox.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "lluiusage.h"
+#include "lltranslate.h"
+// "Minimal Vulkan" to get max API Version
+// Calls
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define VKAPI_ATTR
+ #define VKAPI_CALL __stdcall
+ #else
+ #define VKAPI_ATTR
+ #define VKAPI_CALL
+ #define VKAPI_PTR
+ #endif // _WIN32
+// Macros
+ // +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ // |31|30|29|28|27|26|25|24|23|22|21|20|19|18|17|16|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
+ // +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ // <variant> <-------major-------><-----------minor-----------> <--------------patch-------------->
+ // 0x7 0x7F 0x3FF 0xFFF
+ #define VK_API_VERSION_MAJOR( version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 22) & 0x07FU) // 7 bits
+ #define VK_API_VERSION_MINOR( version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 12) & 0x3FFU) // 10 bits
+ #define VK_API_VERSION_PATCH( version) (((uint32_t)(version) ) & 0xFFFU) // 12 bits
+ #define VK_API_VERSION_VARIANT(version) (((uint32_t)(version) >> 29) & 0x007U) // 3 bits
+ // NOTE: variant is first parameter! This is to match vulkan/vulkan_core.h
+ #define VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(variant, major, minor, patch) (0\
+ | (((uint32_t)(major & 0x07FU)) << 22) \
+ | (((uint32_t)(minor & 0x3FFU)) << 12) \
+ | (((uint32_t)(patch & 0xFFFU)) ) \
+ | (((uint32_t)(variant & 0x007U)) << 29) )
+ #define VK_DEFINE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T* object;
+// Types
+ typedef enum VkResult
+ {
+ } VkResult;
+// Prototypes
+ typedef void (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkVoidFunction )(void);
+ typedef PFN_vkVoidFunction (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr )(VkInstance instance, const char* pName);
+ typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion)(uint32_t* pApiVersion);
+namespace LLStatViewer
+LLTrace::CountStatHandle<> FPS("FPS", "Frames rendered"),
+ PACKETS_IN("Packets In", "Packets received"),
+ PACKETS_LOST("packetsloststat", "Packets lost"),
+ PACKETS_OUT("packetsoutstat", "Packets sent"),
+ TEXTURE_PACKETS("texturepacketsstat", "Texture data packets received"),
+ CHAT_COUNT("chatcount", "Chat messages sent"),
+ IM_COUNT("imcount", "IMs sent"),
+ OBJECT_CREATE("objectcreate", "Number of objects created"),
+ OBJECT_REZ("objectrez", "Object rez count"),
+ LOGIN_TIMEOUTS("logintimeouts", "Number of login attempts that timed out"),
+ LSL_SAVES("lslsaves", "Number of times user has saved a script"),
+ ANIMATION_UPLOADS("animationuploads", "Animations uploaded"),
+ FLY("fly", "Fly count"),
+ TELEPORT("teleport", "Teleport count"),
+ DELETE_OBJECT("deleteobject", "Objects deleted"),
+ SNAPSHOT("snapshot", "Snapshots taken"),
+ UPLOAD_SOUND("uploadsound", "Sounds uploaded"),
+ UPLOAD_TEXTURE("uploadtexture", "Textures uploaded"),
+ EDIT_TEXTURE("edittexture", "Changes to textures on objects"),
+ KILLED("killed", "Number of times killed"),
+ FRAMETIME_DOUBLED("frametimedoubled", "Ratio of frames 2x longer than previous"),
+ TEX_BAKES("texbakes", "Number of times avatar textures have been baked"),
+ TEX_REBAKES("texrebakes", "Number of times avatar textures have been forced to rebake"),
+ NUM_NEW_OBJECTS("numnewobjectsstat", "Number of objects in scene that were not previously in cache");
+LLTrace::CountStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Kilotriangles> >
+ TRIANGLES_DRAWN("trianglesdrawnstat");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Kilotriangles> >
+ TRIANGLES_DRAWN_PER_FRAME("trianglesdrawnperframestat");
+LLTrace::CountStatHandle<F64Kilobytes >
+ ACTIVE_MESSAGE_DATA_RECEIVED("activemessagedatareceived", "Message system data received on all active regions"),
+ LAYERS_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("layersdatareceived", "Network data received for layer data (terrain)"),
+ OBJECT_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("objectdatareceived", "Network data received for objects"),
+ ASSET_UDP_DATA_RECEIVED("assetudpdatareceived", "Network data received for assets (animations, sounds) over UDP message system"),
+ TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED("texturedatareceived", "Network data received for textures"),
+ MESSAGE_SYSTEM_DATA_IN("messagedatain", "Incoming message system network data"),
+ MESSAGE_SYSTEM_DATA_OUT("messagedataout", "Outgoing message system network data");
+LLTrace::CountStatHandle<F64Seconds >
+ SIM_20_FPS_TIME("sim20fpstime", "Seconds with sim FPS below 20"),
+ SIM_PHYSICS_20_FPS_TIME("simphysics20fpstime", "Seconds with physics FPS below 20"),
+ LOSS_5_PERCENT_TIME("loss5percenttime", "Seconds with packet loss > 5%");
+SimMeasurement<> SIM_TIME_DILATION("simtimedilation", "Simulator time scale", LL_SIM_STAT_TIME_DILATION),
+ SIM_FPS("simfps", "Simulator framerate", LL_SIM_STAT_FPS),
+ SIM_PHYSICS_FPS("simphysicsfps", "Simulator physics framerate", LL_SIM_STAT_PHYSFPS),
+ SIM_AGENT_UPS("simagentups", "", LL_SIM_STAT_AGENTUPS),
+ SIM_SCRIPT_EPS("simscripteps", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SCRIPT_EPS),
+ SIM_MAIN_AGENTS("simmainagents", "Number of avatars in current region", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMAGENTMAIN),
+ SIM_CHILD_AGENTS("simchildagents", "Number of avatars in neighboring regions", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMAGENTCHILD),
+ SIM_OBJECTS("simobjects", "", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMTASKS),
+ SIM_ACTIVE_OBJECTS("simactiveobjects", "Number of scripted and/or moving objects", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMTASKSACTIVE),
+ SIM_ACTIVE_SCRIPTS("simactivescripts", "Number of scripted objects", LL_SIM_STAT_NUMSCRIPTSACTIVE),
+SimMeasurement<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Percent> >
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<> FPS_SAMPLE("fpssample"),
+ NUM_IMAGES("numimagesstat"),
+ NUM_RAW_IMAGES("numrawimagesstat"),
+ NUM_MATERIALS("nummaterials"),
+ NUM_OBJECTS("numobjectsstat"),
+ NUM_ACTIVE_OBJECTS("numactiveobjectsstat"),
+ ENABLE_VBO("enablevbo", "Vertex Buffers Enabled"),
+ VISIBLE_AVATARS("visibleavatars", "Visible Avatars"),
+ SHADER_OBJECTS("shaderobjects", "Object Shaders"),
+ DRAW_DISTANCE("drawdistance", "Draw Distance"),
+ WINDOW_WIDTH("windowwidth", "Window width"),
+ WINDOW_HEIGHT("windowheight", "Window height");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> >
+ PACKETS_LOST_PERCENT("packetslostpercentstat");
+static LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<bool>
+ CHAT_BUBBLES("chatbubbles", "Chat Bubbles Enabled");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Megabytes > FORMATTED_MEM("formattedmemstat");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Kilobytes > DELTA_BANDWIDTH("deltabandwidth", "Increase/Decrease in bandwidth based on packet loss"),
+ MAX_BANDWIDTH("maxbandwidth", "Max bandwidth setting");
+SimMeasurement<F64Milliseconds > SIM_FRAME_TIME("simframemsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_FRAMEMS),
+ SIM_NET_TIME("simnetmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_NETMS),
+ SIM_OTHER_TIME("simsimothermsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMOTHERMS),
+ SIM_PHYSICS_TIME("simsimphysicsmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMPHYSICSMS),
+ SIM_AI_TIME("simsimaistepmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMAISTEPTIMEMS),
+ SIM_AGENTS_TIME("simagentmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_AGENTMS),
+ SIM_IMAGES_TIME("simimagesmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_IMAGESMS),
+ SIM_SCRIPTS_TIME("simscriptmsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SCRIPTMS),
+ SIM_PUMP_IO_TIME("simpumpiomsec", "", LL_SIM_STAT_IOPUMPTIME);
+SimMeasurement<F64Kilobytes > SIM_UNACKED_BYTES("simtotalunackedbytes", "", LL_SIM_STAT_TOTAL_UNACKED_BYTES);
+SimMeasurement<F64Megabytes > SIM_PHYSICS_MEM("physicsmemoryallocated", "", LL_SIM_STAT_SIMPHYSICSMEMORY);
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<F64Milliseconds > FRAMETIME_JITTER("frametimejitter", "Average delta between successive frame times"),
+ FRAMETIME_SLEW("frametimeslew", "Average delta between frame time and mean"),
+ FRAMETIME("frametime", "Measured frame time"),
+ SIM_PING("simpingstat");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F64, LLUnits::Meters> > AGENT_POSITION_SNAP("agentpositionsnap", "agent position corrections");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<> LOADING_WEARABLES_LONG_DELAY("loadingwearableslongdelay", "Wearables took too long to load");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Milliseconds > REGION_CROSSING_TIME("regioncrossingtime", "CROSSING_AVG"),
+ FRAME_STACKTIME("framestacktime", "FRAME_SECS"),
+ UPDATE_STACKTIME("updatestacktime", "UPDATE_SECS"),
+ NETWORK_STACKTIME("networkstacktime", "NETWORK_SECS"),
+ IMAGE_STACKTIME("imagestacktime", "IMAGE_SECS"),
+ REBUILD_STACKTIME("rebuildstacktime", "REBUILD_SECS"),
+ RENDER_STACKTIME("renderstacktime", "RENDER_SECS");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Seconds > AVATAR_EDIT_TIME("avataredittime", "Seconds in Edit Appearance"),
+ TOOLBOX_TIME("toolboxtime", "Seconds using Toolbox"),
+ MOUSELOOK_TIME("mouselooktime", "Seconds in Mouselook"),
+ FPS_10_TIME("fps10time", "Seconds below 10 FPS"),
+ FPS_8_TIME("fps8time", "Seconds below 8 FPS"),
+ FPS_2_TIME("fps2time", "Seconds below 2 FPS");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > OBJECT_CACHE_HIT_RATE("object_cache_hits");
+LLTrace::EventStatHandle<F64Seconds > TEXTURE_FETCH_TIME("texture_fetch_time");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > SCENERY_FRAME_PCT("scenery_frame_pct");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > AVATAR_FRAME_PCT("avatar_frame_pct");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > HUDS_FRAME_PCT("huds_frame_pct");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > UI_FRAME_PCT("ui_frame_pct");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > SWAP_FRAME_PCT("swap_frame_pct");
+LLTrace::SampleStatHandle<LLUnit<F32, LLUnits::Percent> > IDLE_FRAME_PCT("idle_frame_pct");
+: mLastTimeDiff(0.0)
+ getRecording().start();
+void LLViewerStats::resetStats()
+ getRecording().reset();
+void LLViewerStats::updateFrameStats(const F64Seconds time_diff)
+ if (getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::PACKETS_LOST_PERCENT) > F32Percent(5.0))
+ {
+ add(LLStatViewer::LOSS_5_PERCENT_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ F32 sim_fps = getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::SIM_FPS);
+ if (0.f < sim_fps && sim_fps < 20.f)
+ {
+ add(LLStatViewer::SIM_20_FPS_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ F32 sim_physics_fps = getRecording().getLastValue(LLStatViewer::SIM_PHYSICS_FPS);
+ if (0.f < sim_physics_fps && sim_physics_fps < 20.f)
+ {
+ add(LLStatViewer::SIM_PHYSICS_20_FPS_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.5)
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::FPS_2_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.125)
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::FPS_8_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ if (time_diff >= (F64Seconds)0.1)
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::FPS_10_TIME, time_diff);
+ }
+ if (gFrameCount && mLastTimeDiff > (F64Seconds)0.0)
+ {
+ // new "stutter" meter
+ add(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_DOUBLED, time_diff >= 2.0 * mLastTimeDiff ? 1 : 0);
+ sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME, time_diff);
+ // old stats that were never really used
+ F64Seconds jit = (F64Seconds) std::fabs((mLastTimeDiff - time_diff));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_JITTER, jit);
+ F32Seconds average_frametime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() / (F32)gFrameCount;
+ sample(LLStatViewer::FRAMETIME_SLEW, F64Milliseconds (average_frametime - time_diff));
+ F32 max_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth();
+ F32 delta_bandwidth = gViewerThrottle.getCurrentBandwidth() - max_bandwidth;
+ sample(LLStatViewer::DELTA_BANDWIDTH, F64Bits(delta_bandwidth));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::MAX_BANDWIDTH, F64Bits(max_bandwidth));
+ }
+ mLastTimeDiff = time_diff;
+void LLViewerStats::addToMessage(LLSD &body)
+ LLSD &misc = body["misc"];
+ misc["Version"] = true;
+ //TODO RN: get last value, not mean
+ misc["Vertex Buffers Enabled"] = getRecording().getMean(LLStatViewer::ENABLE_VBO);
+ body["AgentPositionSnaps"] = getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value(); //mAgentPositionSnaps.asLLSD();
+ LL_INFOS() << "STAT: AgentPositionSnaps: Mean = " << getRecording().getMean(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value() << "; StdDev = " << getRecording().getStandardDeviation(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP).value()
+ << "; Count = " << getRecording().getSampleCount(LLStatViewer::AGENT_POSITION_SNAP) << LL_ENDL;
+// *NOTE:Mani The following methods used to exist in viewer.cpp
+// Moving them here, but not merging them into LLViewerStats yet.
+U32 gTotalLandIn = 0,
+ gTotalLandOut = 0,
+ gTotalWaterIn = 0,
+ gTotalWaterOut = 0;
+F32 gAveLandCompression = 0.f,
+ gAveWaterCompression = 0.f,
+ gBestLandCompression = 1.f,
+ gBestWaterCompression = 1.f,
+ gWorstLandCompression = 0.f,
+ gWorstWaterCompression = 0.f;
+U32Bytes gTotalWorldData,
+ gTotalObjectData,
+ gTotalTextureData;
+U32 gSimPingCount = 0;
+U32Bits gObjectData;
+F32Milliseconds gAvgSimPing(0.f);
+// rely on default initialization
+U32Bytes gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[LLViewerTexture::MAX_GL_IMAGE_CATEGORY];
+extern U32 gVisCompared;
+extern U32 gVisTested;
+void update_statistics()
+ gTotalWorldData += gVLManager.getTotalBytes();
+ gTotalObjectData += gObjectData;
+ // make sure we have a valid time delta for this frame
+ if (gFrameIntervalSeconds > 0.f)
+ {
+ if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK)
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::MOUSELOOK_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
+ }
+ else if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_CUSTOMIZE_AVATAR)
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::AVATAR_EDIT_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
+ }
+ else if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("build"))
+ {
+ record(LLStatViewer::TOOLBOX_TIME, gFrameIntervalSeconds);
+ }
+ }
+ LLTrace::Recording& last_frame_recording = LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getLastRecording();
+ record(LLStatViewer::TRIANGLES_DRAWN_PER_FRAME, last_frame_recording.getSum(LLStatViewer::TRIANGLES_DRAWN));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::ENABLE_VBO, (F64)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderVBOEnable"));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::DRAW_DISTANCE, (F64)gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderFarClip"));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::CHAT_BUBBLES, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseChatBubbles"));
+ typedef LLTrace::StatType<LLTrace::TimeBlockAccumulator>::instance_tracker_t stat_type_t;
+ record(LLStatViewer::FRAME_STACKTIME, last_frame_recording.getSum(*stat_type_t::getInstance("Frame")));
+ if (gAgent.getRegion() && isAgentAvatarValid())
+ {
+ LLCircuitData *cdp = gMessageSystem->mCircuitInfo.findCircuit(gAgent.getRegion()->getHost());
+ if (cdp)
+ {
+ sample(LLStatViewer::SIM_PING, F64Milliseconds(cdp->getPingDelay()));
+ gAvgSimPing = ((gAvgSimPing * gSimPingCount) + cdp->getPingDelay()) / (gSimPingCount + 1);
+ gSimPingCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sample(LLStatViewer::SIM_PING, U32Seconds(10));
+ }
+ }
+ if (LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::FPS))
+ {
+ sample(LLStatViewer::FPS_SAMPLE, LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getPeriodMeanPerSec(LLStatViewer::FPS));
+ }
+ add(LLStatViewer::FPS, 1);
+ F64Bits layer_bits = gVLManager.getLandBits() + gVLManager.getWindBits() + gVLManager.getCloudBits();
+ add(LLStatViewer::LAYERS_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED, layer_bits);
+ add(LLStatViewer::OBJECT_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED, gObjectData);
+ add(LLStatViewer::ASSET_UDP_DATA_RECEIVED, F64Bits(gTransferManager.getTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET)));
+ gTransferManager.resetTransferBitsIn(LLTCT_ASSET);
+ sample(LLStatViewer::VISIBLE_AVATARS, LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars);
+ LLWorld *world = LLWorld::getInstance(); // not LLSingleton
+ if (world)
+ {
+ world->updateNetStats();
+ world->requestCacheMisses();
+ }
+ // Reset all of these values.
+ gVLManager.resetBitCounts();
+ gObjectData = (U32Bytes)0;
+// gDecodedBits = 0;
+ // Only update texture stats periodically so that they are less noisy
+ {
+ static const F32 texture_stats_freq = 10.f;
+ static LLFrameTimer texture_stats_timer;
+ if (texture_stats_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() >= texture_stats_freq)
+ {
+ gTotalTextureData = LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::TEXTURE_NETWORK_DATA_RECEIVED);
+ texture_stats_timer.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("scene_load_stats"))
+ {
+ static const F32 perf_stats_freq = 1;
+ static LLFrameTimer perf_stats_timer;
+ if (perf_stats_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() >= perf_stats_freq)
+ {
+ LLStringUtil::format_map_t args;
+ LLPerfStats::bufferToggleLock.lock(); // prevent toggle for a moment
+ auto tot_frame_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_FRAME);
+ // cumulative avatar time (includes idle processing, attachments and base av)
+ auto tot_avatar_time_raw = LLPerfStats::us_to_raw(LLVOAvatar::getTotalGPURenderTime());
+ // cumulative avatar render specific time (a bit arbitrary as the processing is too.)
+ // auto tot_av_idle_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSum(AvType, LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_IDLE);
+ // auto tot_avatar_render_time_raw = tot_avatar_time_raw - tot_av_idle_time_raw;
+ // the time spent this frame on the "display()" call. Treated as "tot time rendering"
+ auto tot_render_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_DISPLAY);
+ // sleep time is basically forced sleep when window out of focus
+ auto tot_sleep_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_SLEEP);
+ // time spent on UI
+ auto tot_ui_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_UI);
+ // cumulative time spent rendering HUDS
+ auto tot_huds_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_HUDS);
+ // "idle" time. This is the time spent in the idle poll section of the main loop
+ auto tot_idle_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_IDLE);
+ // similar to sleep time, induced by FPS limit
+ //auto tot_limit_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_FPSLIMIT);
+ // swap time is time spent in swap buffer
+ auto tot_swap_time_raw = LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::getSceneStat(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_SWAP);
+ LLPerfStats::bufferToggleLock.unlock();
+ auto tot_frame_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_frame_time_raw);
+ auto tot_avatar_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_avatar_time_raw);
+ auto tot_huds_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_huds_time_raw);
+ // UI time includes HUD time so dedut that before we calc percentages
+ auto tot_ui_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_ui_time_raw - tot_huds_time_raw);
+ // auto tot_sleep_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_sleep_time_raw );
+ // auto tot_limit_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_limit_time_raw );
+ // auto tot_render_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_render_time_raw );
+ auto tot_idle_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_idle_time_raw);
+ auto tot_swap_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_swap_time_raw);
+ auto tot_scene_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns(tot_render_time_raw - tot_avatar_time_raw - tot_swap_time_raw - tot_ui_time_raw);
+ // auto tot_overhead_time_ns = LLPerfStats::raw_to_ns( tot_frame_time_raw - tot_render_time_raw - tot_idle_time_raw );
+ // // remove time spent sleeping for fps limit or out of focus.
+ // tot_frame_time_ns -= tot_limit_time_ns;
+ // tot_frame_time_ns -= tot_sleep_time_ns;
+ if (tot_frame_time_ns != 0)
+ {
+ auto pct_avatar_time = (tot_avatar_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ auto pct_huds_time = (tot_huds_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ auto pct_ui_time = (tot_ui_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ auto pct_idle_time = (tot_idle_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ auto pct_swap_time = (tot_swap_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ auto pct_scene_render_time = (tot_scene_time_ns * 100) / tot_frame_time_ns;
+ pct_avatar_time = llclamp(pct_avatar_time, 0., 100.);
+ pct_huds_time = llclamp(pct_huds_time, 0., 100.);
+ pct_ui_time = llclamp(pct_ui_time, 0., 100.);
+ pct_idle_time = llclamp(pct_idle_time, 0., 100.);
+ pct_swap_time = llclamp(pct_swap_time, 0., 100.);
+ pct_scene_render_time = llclamp(pct_scene_render_time, 0., 100.);
+ if (tot_sleep_time_raw == 0)
+ {
+ sample(LLStatViewer::SCENERY_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_scene_render_time));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::AVATAR_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_avatar_time));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::HUDS_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_huds_time));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::UI_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_ui_time));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::SWAP_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_swap_time));
+ sample(LLStatViewer::IDLE_FRAME_PCT, (U32)llround(pct_idle_time));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("performance") << "Scene time 0. Skipping til we have data." << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ perf_stats_timer.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ * The sim-side LLSD is in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:forwardViewerStats.
+ *
+ * There's also a compatibility shim for the old fixed-format sim
+ * stats in newsim/llagentinfo.cpp:processViewerStats.
+ *
+ * If you move stats around here, make the corresponding changes in
+ * those locations, too.
+ */
+void send_viewer_stats(bool include_preferences)
+ // IW 9/23/02 I elected not to move this into LLViewerStats
+ // because it depends on too many viewer.cpp globals.
+ // Someday we may want to merge all our stats into a central place
+ // but that day is not today.
+ // Only send stats if the agent is connected to a region.
+ if (!gAgent.getRegion())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLSD body;
+ std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("ViewerStats");
+ if (url.empty()) {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Could not get ViewerStats capability" << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().pause();
+ LLSD &agent = body["agent"];
+ time_t ltime;
+ time(&ltime);
+ F32 run_time = F32(LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds());
+ agent["start_time"] = S32(ltime - S32(run_time));
+ // The first stat set must have a 0 run time if it doesn't actually
+ // contain useful data in terms of FPS, etc. We use half the
+ // SEND_STATS_PERIOD seconds as the point at which these statistics become
+ // valid. Data warehouse uses a 0 value here to easily discard these
+ // records with non-useful FPS values etc.
+ if (run_time < (SEND_STATS_PERIOD / 2))
+ {
+ agent["run_time"] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ agent["run_time"] = run_time;
+ }
+ // send fps only for time app spends in foreground
+ agent["fps"] = (F32)gForegroundFrameCount / gForegroundTime.getElapsedTimeF32();
+ agent["version"] = LLVersionInfo::instance().getChannelAndVersion();
+ std::string language = LLUI::getLanguage();
+ agent["language"] = language;
+ agent["sim_fps"] = ((F32) gFrameCount - gSimFrames) /
+ (F32) (gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32() - gSimLastTime);
+ gSimLastTime = gRenderStartTime.getElapsedTimeF32();
+ gSimFrames = (F32) gFrameCount;
+ agent["agents_in_view"] = LLVOAvatar::sNumVisibleAvatars;
+ agent["ping"] = gAvgSimPing.value();
+ agent["meters_traveled"] = gAgent.getDistanceTraveled();
+ agent["regions_visited"] = gAgent.getRegionsVisited();
+ agent["mem_use"] = LLMemory::getCurrentRSS() / 1024.0;
+ agent["translation"] = LLTranslate::instance().asLLSD();
+ LLSD &system = body["system"];
+ system["ram"] = (S32) gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryKB().value();
+ system["os"] = LLOSInfo::instance().getOSStringSimple();
+ system["cpu"] = gSysCPU.getCPUString();
+ system["cpu_sse"] = gSysCPU.getSSEVersions();
+ system["address_size"] = ADDRESS_SIZE;
+ system["os_bitness"] = LLOSInfo::instance().getOSBitness();
+ system["hardware_concurrency"] = (LLSD::Integer) std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
+ unsigned char MACAddress[MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES];
+ LLUUID::getNodeID(MACAddress);
+ std::string macAddressString = llformat("%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x",
+ MACAddress[0],MACAddress[1],MACAddress[2],
+ MACAddress[3],MACAddress[4],MACAddress[5]);
+ system["mac_address"] = macAddressString;
+ system["serial_number"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getSerialNumber();
+ std::string gpu_desc = llformat(
+ "%-6s Class %d ",
+ gGLManager.mGLVendorShort.substr(0,6).c_str(),
+ (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass())
+ + gGLManager.getRawGLString();
+ system["gpu"] = gpu_desc;
+ system["gpu_class"] = (S32)LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUClass();
+ system["gpu_memory_bandwidth"] = LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->getGPUMemoryBandwidth();
+ system["gpu_vendor"] = gGLManager.mGLVendorShort;
+ system["gpu_version"] = gGLManager.mDriverVersionVendorString;
+ system["opengl_version"] = gGLManager.mGLVersionString;
+ gGLManager.asLLSD(system["gl"]);
+ S32 shader_level = 0;
+ if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred)
+ {
+ if (LLPipeline::RenderShadowDetail > 0)
+ {
+ shader_level = 5;
+ }
+ else if (LLPipeline::RenderDeferredSSAO)
+ {
+ shader_level = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shader_level = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shader_level = 2;
+ }
+ system["shader_level"] = shader_level;
+ LLSD &download = body["downloads"];
+ download["world_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalWorldData).value();
+ download["object_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalObjectData).value();
+ download["texture_kbytes"] = F64Kilobytes(gTotalTextureData).value();
+ download["mesh_kbytes"] = LLMeshRepository::sBytesReceived/1024.0;
+ LLSD &in = body["stats"]["net"]["in"];
+ in["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesIn / 1024.0;
+ in["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsIn;
+ in["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsIn;
+ in["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesIn -
+ gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesIn) / 1024.0;
+ LLSD &out = body["stats"]["net"]["out"];
+ out["kbytes"] = gMessageSystem->mTotalBytesOut / 1024.0;
+ out["packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mPacketsOut;
+ out["compressed_packets"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mCompressedPacketsOut;
+ out["savings"] = (gMessageSystem->mUncompressedBytesOut -
+ gMessageSystem->mCompressedBytesOut) / 1024.0;
+ LLSD &fail = body["stats"]["failures"];
+ fail["send_packet"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mSendPacketFailureCount;
+ fail["dropped"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mDroppedPackets;
+ fail["resent"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mResentPackets;
+ fail["failed_resends"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mFailedResendPackets;
+ fail["off_circuit"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mOffCircuitPackets;
+ fail["invalid"] = (S32) gMessageSystem->mInvalidOnCircuitPackets;
+ fail["missing_updater"] = (S32) LLAppViewer::instance()->isUpdaterMissing();
+ LLSD &inventory = body["inventory"];
+ inventory["usable"] = gInventory.isInventoryUsable();
+ LLSD& validation_info = inventory["validation_info"];
+ gInventory.mValidationInfo->asLLSD(validation_info);
+ body["ui"] = LLUIUsage::instance().asLLSD();
+ body["stats"]["voice"] = LLVoiceVivoxStats::getInstance()->read();
+ // Misc stats, two strings and two ints
+ // These are not expecticed to persist across multiple releases
+ // Comment any changes with your name and the expected release revision
+ // If the current revision is recent, ping the previous author before overriding
+ LLSD &misc = body["stats"]["misc"];
+#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
+ // Probe for Vulkan capability (Dave Houlton 05/2020)
+ //
+ // Check for presense of a Vulkan loader dll, as a proxy for a Vulkan-capable gpu.
+ // False-positives and false-negatives are possible, but unlikely. We'll get a good
+ // approximation of Vulkan capability within current user systems from this. More
+ // detailed information on versions and extensions can come later.
+ static bool vulkan_oneshot = false;
+ static bool vulkan_detected = false;
+ static std::string vulkan_max_api_version( "0.0" ); // Unknown/None
+ if (!vulkan_oneshot)
+ {
+ // The 32-bit and 64-bit versions normally exist in:
+ // C:\Windows\System32
+ // C:\Windows\SysWOW64
+ HMODULE vulkan_loader = LoadLibraryA("vulkan-1.dll");
+ if (NULL != vulkan_loader)
+ {
+ vulkan_detected = true;
+ vulkan_max_api_version = "1.0"; // We have at least 1.0. See the note about vkEnumerateInstanceVersion() below.
+ // We use Run-Time Dynamic Linking (via GetProcAddress()) instead of Load-Time Dynamic Linking (via directly calling vkGetInstanceProcAddr()).
+ // This allows us to:
+ // a) not need the header: #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
+ // (and not need to set the corresponding "Additional Include Directories" as long as we provide the equivalent Vulkan types/prototypes/etc.)
+ // b) not need to link to: vulkan-1.lib
+ // (and not need to set the corresponding "Additional Library Directories")
+ // The former will allow Second Life to start and run even if the vulkan.dll is missing.
+ // The latter will require us to:
+ // a) link with vulkan-1.lib
+ // b) cause a System Error at startup if the .dll is not found:
+ // "The code execution cannot proceed because vulkan-1.dll was not found."
+ //
+ // See:
+ //
+ //
+ // NOTE: Technically we can use GetProcAddress() as a replacement for vkGetInstanceProcAddr()
+ // but the canonical recommendation (mandate?) is to use vkGetInstanceProcAddr().
+ PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr pGetInstanceProcAddr = (PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr) GetProcAddress(vulkan_loader, "vkGetInstanceProcAddr");
+ if(pGetInstanceProcAddr)
+ {
+ // Check for vkEnumerateInstanceVersion. If it exists then we have at least 1.1 and can query the max API version.
+ // NOTE: Each VkPhysicalDevice that supports Vulkan has its own VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.apiVersion which is separate from the max API version!
+ // See:
+ PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion pEnumerateInstanceVersion = (PFN_vkEnumerateInstanceVersion) pGetInstanceProcAddr(NULL, "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion");
+ if(pEnumerateInstanceVersion)
+ {
+ uint32_t version = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(0,1,1,0); // e.g. 4202631 =
+ VkResult status = pEnumerateInstanceVersion( &version );
+ if (status != VK_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ LL_INFOS("Vulkan") << "Failed to get Vulkan version. Assuming 1.0" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ int major = VK_API_VERSION_MAJOR ( version );
+ int minor = VK_API_VERSION_MINOR ( version );
+ int patch = VK_API_VERSION_PATCH ( version );
+ int variant = VK_API_VERSION_VARIANT( version );
+ vulkan_max_api_version = llformat( "%d.%d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch, variant );
+ LL_INFOS("Vulkan") << "Vulkan API version: " << vulkan_max_api_version << ", Raw version: " << version << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Vulkan") << "FAILED to get Vulkan vkGetInstanceProcAddr()!" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ FreeLibrary(vulkan_loader);
+ }
+ vulkan_oneshot = true;
+ }
+ misc["string_1"] = vulkan_detected ? llformat("Vulkan driver is detected") : llformat("No Vulkan driver detected");
+ misc["VulkanMaxApiVersion"] = vulkan_max_api_version;
+ misc["string_1"] = llformat("Unused");
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+ misc["string_2"] = llformat("Unused");
+ misc["int_1"] = LLSD::Integer(0);
+ misc["int_2"] = LLSD::Integer(0);
+ LL_INFOS() << "Misc Stats: int_1: " << misc["int_1"] << " int_2: " << misc["int_2"] << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_INFOS() << "Misc Stats: string_1: " << misc["string_1"] << " string_2: " << misc["string_2"] << LL_ENDL;
+ body["DisplayNamesEnabled"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseDisplayNames");
+ body["DisplayNamesShowUsername"] = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NameTagShowUsernames");
+ // Preferences
+ if (include_preferences)
+ {
+ bool diffs_only = true; // only log preferences that differ from default
+ body["preferences"]["settings"] = gSavedSettings.asLLSD(diffs_only);
+ body["preferences"]["settings_per_account"] = gSavedPerAccountSettings.asLLSD(diffs_only);
+ }
+ body["MinimalSkin"] = false;
+ LL_INFOS("LogViewerStatsPacket") << "Sending viewer statistics: " << body << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("LogViewerStatsPacket");
+ std::string filename("viewer_stats_packet.xml");
+ llofstream of(filename.c_str());
+ LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(body,of);
+ // The session ID token must never appear in logs
+ body["session_id"] = gAgentSessionID;
+ LLViewerStats::getInstance()->addToMessage(body);
+ LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::messageHttpPost(url, body,
+ "Statistics posted to sim", "Failed to post statistics to sim");
+ LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().resume();
+LLTimer& LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseTimer(const std::string& phase_name)
+ phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
+ if (iter == mPhaseMap.end())
+ {
+ LLTimer timer;
+ mPhaseMap[phase_name] = timer;
+ }
+ LLTimer& timer = mPhaseMap[phase_name];
+ return timer;
+void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::startPhase(const std::string& phase_name)
+ LLTimer& timer = getPhaseTimer(phase_name);
+ timer.start();
+ //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "startPhase " << phase_name << LL_ENDL;
+void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::clearPhases()
+ //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "clearPhases" << LL_ENDL;
+ mPhaseMap.clear();
+LLSD LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::asLLSD()
+ LLSD result;
+ for (phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.begin(); iter != mPhaseMap.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ const std::string& phase_name = iter->first;
+ result[phase_name]["completed"] = LLSD::Integer(!(iter->second.getStarted()));
+ result[phase_name]["elapsed"] = iter->second.getElapsedTimeF32();
+ }
+ return result;
+// static initializer
+LLViewerStats::phase_stats_t LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::sStats;
+void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::stopPhase(const std::string& phase_name)
+ phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
+ if (iter != mPhaseMap.end())
+ {
+ if (iter->second.getStarted())
+ {
+ // Going from started to stopped state - record stats.
+ iter->second.stop();
+ }
+ }
+// static
+LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator& LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseStats(const std::string& phase_name)
+ phase_stats_t::iterator it = sStats.find(phase_name);
+ if (it == sStats.end())
+ {
+ LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator new_stats;
+ sStats[phase_name] = new_stats;
+ }
+ return sStats[phase_name];
+// static
+void LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::recordPhaseStat(const std::string& phase_name, F32 value)
+ LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator& stats = getPhaseStats(phase_name);
+ stats.push(value);
+bool LLViewerStats::PhaseMap::getPhaseValues(const std::string& phase_name, F32& elapsed, bool& completed)
+ phase_map_t::iterator iter = mPhaseMap.find(phase_name);
+ bool found = false;
+ if (iter != mPhaseMap.end())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ elapsed = iter->second.getElapsedTimeF32();
+ completed = !iter->second.getStarted();
+ //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << " phase_name " << phase_name << " elapsed " << elapsed << " completed " << completed << " timer addr " << (S32)(&iter->second) << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << " phase_name " << phase_name << " NOT FOUND" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ return found;