path: root/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp')
1 files changed, 2346 insertions, 579 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp b/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
index f18aa8b4e6..a2854dd6d8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltexturefetch.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
#include "llstl.h"
#include "lltexturefetch.h"
-#include "llcurl.h"
#include "lldir.h"
#include "llhttpclient.h"
#include "llhttpstatuscodes.h"
@@ -52,22 +52,216 @@
#include "llviewerstats.h"
#include "llviewerassetstats.h"
#include "llworld.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#include "llstartup.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "httprequest.h"
+#include "httphandler.h"
+#include "httpresponse.h"
+#include "bufferarray.h"
+#include "bufferstream.h"
+bool LLTextureFetchDebugger::sDebuggerEnabled = false ;
+LLStat LLTextureFetch::sCacheHitRate("texture_cache_hits", 128);
+LLStat LLTextureFetch::sCacheReadLatency("texture_cache_read_latency", 128);
+// Introduction
+// This is an attempt to document what's going on in here after-the-fact.
+// It's a sincere attempt to be accurate but there will be mistakes.
+// Purpose
+// What is this module trying to do? It accepts requests to load textures
+// at a given priority and discard level and notifies the caller when done
+// (successfully or not). Additional constraints are:
+// * Support a local texture cache. Don't hit network when possible
+// to avoid it.
+// * Use UDP or HTTP as directed or as fallback. HTTP is tried when
+// not disabled and a URL is available. UDP when a URL isn't
+// available or HTTP attempts fail.
+// * Asynchronous (using threads). Main thread is not to be blocked or
+// burdened.
+// * High concurrency. Many requests need to be in-flight and at various
+// stages of completion.
+// * Tolerate frequent re-prioritizations of requests. Priority is
+// a reflection of a camera's viewpoint and as that viewpoint changes,
+// objects and textures become more and less relevant and that is
+// expressed at this level by priority changes and request cancelations.
+// The caller interfaces that fall out of the above and shape the
+// implementation are:
+// * createRequest - Load j2c image via UDP or HTTP at given discard level and priority
+// * deleteRequest - Request removal of prior request
+// * getRequestFinished - Test if request is finished returning data to caller
+// * updateRequestPriority - Change priority of existing request
+// * getFetchState - Retrieve progress on existing request
+// Everything else in here is mostly plumbing, metrics and debug.
+// The Work Queue
+// The two central classes are LLTextureFetch and LLTextureFetchWorker.
+// LLTextureFetch combines threading with a priority queue of work
+// requests. The priority queue is sorted by a U32 priority derived
+// from the F32 priority in the APIs. The *only* work request that
+// receives service time by this thread is the highest priority
+// request. All others wait until it is complete or a dynamic priority
+// change has re-ordered work.
+// LLTextureFetchWorker implements the work request and is 1:1 with
+// texture fetch requests. Embedded in each is a state machine that
+// walks it through the cache, HTTP, UDP, image decode and retry
+// steps of texture acquisition.
+// Threads
+// Several threads are actively invoking code in this module. They
+// include:
+// 1. Tmain Main thread of execution
+// 2. Ttf LLTextureFetch's worker thread provided by LLQueuedThread
+// 3. Tcurl LLCurl's worker thread (should disappear over time)
+// 4. Ttc LLTextureCache's worker thread
+// 5. Tid Image decoder's worker thread
+// 6. Thl HTTP library's worker thread
+// Mutexes/Condition Variables
+// 1. Mt Mutex defined for LLThread's condition variable (base class of
+// LLTextureFetch)
+// 2. Ct Condition variable for LLThread and used by lock/unlockData().
+// 3. Mwtd Special LLWorkerThread mutex used for request deletion
+// operations (base class of LLTextureFetch)
+// 4. Mfq LLTextureFetch's mutex covering request and command queue
+// data.
+// 5. Mfnq LLTextureFetch's mutex covering udp and http request
+// queue data.
+// 6. Mwc Mutex covering LLWorkerClass's members (base class of
+// LLTextureFetchWorker). One per request.
+// 7. Mw LLTextureFetchWorker's mutex. One per request.
+// Lock Ordering Rules
+// Not an exhaustive list but shows the order of lock acquisition
+// needed to prevent deadlocks. 'A < B' means acquire 'A' before
+// acquiring 'B'.
+// 1. Mw < Mfnq
+// (there are many more...)
+// Method and Member Definitions
+// With the above, we'll try to document what threads can call what
+// methods (using T* for any), what locks must be held on entry and
+// are taken out during execution and what data is covered by which
+// lock (if any). This latter category will be especially prone to
+// error so be skeptical.
+// A line like: "// Locks: M<xxx>" indicates a method that must
+// be invoked by a caller holding the 'M<xxx>' lock. Similarly,
+// "// Threads: T<xxx>" means that a caller should be running in
+// the indicated thread.
+// For data members, a trailing comment like "// M<xxx>" means that
+// the data member is covered by the specified lock. Absence of a
+// comment can mean the member is unlocked or that I didn't bother
+// to do the archaeology. In the case of LLTextureFetchWorker,
+// most data members added by the leaf class are actually covered
+// by the Mw lock. You may also see "// T<xxx>" which means that
+// the member's usage is restricted to one thread (except for
+// perhaps construction and destruction) and so explicit locking
+// isn't used.
+// In code, a trailing comment like "// [-+]M<xxx>" indicates a
+// lock acquision or release point.
+// Worker Lifecycle
+// The threading and responder model makes it very likely that
+// other components are holding on to a pointer to a worker request.
+// So, uncoordinated deletions of requests is a guarantee of memory
+// corruption in a short time. So destroying a request involves
+// invocations's of LLQueuedThread/LLWorkerThread's abort/stop
+// logic that removes workers and puts them ona delete queue for
+// 2-phase destruction. That second phase is deferrable by calls
+// to deleteOK() which only allow final destruction (via dtor)
+// once deleteOK has determined that the request is in a safe
+// state.
+// Worker State Machine
+// (ASCII art needed)
+// Priority Scheme
+// and other wait states
+// [PRIORITY_HIGH, PRIORITY_URGENT) - External event delivered,
+// rapidly transitioning through states,
+// no waiting allowed
+// By itself, the above work queue model would fail the concurrency
+// and liveness requirements of the interface. A high priority
+// request could find itself on the head and stalled for external
+// reasons (see VWR-28996). So a few additional constraints are
+// required to keep things running:
+// * Anything that can make forward progress must be kept at a
+// higher priority than anything that can't.
+// * On completion of external events, the associated request
+// needs to be elevated beyond the normal range to handle
+// any data delivery and release any external resource.
+// This effort is made to keep higher-priority entities moving
+// forward in their state machines at every possible step of
+// processing. It's not entirely proven that this produces the
+// experiencial benefits promised.
+// Tuning/Parameterization Constants
+static const S32 HTTP_REQUESTS_IN_QUEUE_HIGH_WATER = 40; // Maximum requests to have active in HTTP
+static const S32 HTTP_REQUESTS_IN_QUEUE_LOW_WATER = 20; // Active level at which to refill
-class LLTextureFetchWorker : public LLWorkerClass
+class LLTextureFetchWorker : public LLWorkerClass, public LLCore::HttpHandler
friend class LLTextureFetch;
- friend class HTTPGetResponder;
+ friend class LLTextureFetchDebugger;
class CacheReadResponder : public LLTextureCache::ReadResponder
+ // Threads: Ttf
CacheReadResponder(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, const LLUUID& id, LLImageFormatted* image)
: mFetcher(fetcher), mID(id)
+ // Threads: Ttc
virtual void completed(bool success)
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = mFetcher->getWorker(mID);
@@ -84,10 +278,14 @@ private:
class CacheWriteResponder : public LLTextureCache::WriteResponder
+ // Threads: Ttf
CacheWriteResponder(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, const LLUUID& id)
: mFetcher(fetcher), mID(id)
+ // Threads: Ttc
virtual void completed(bool success)
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = mFetcher->getWorker(mID);
@@ -104,10 +302,14 @@ private:
class DecodeResponder : public LLImageDecodeThread::Responder
+ // Threads: Ttf
DecodeResponder(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, const LLUUID& id, LLTextureFetchWorker* worker)
: mFetcher(fetcher), mID(id), mWorker(worker)
+ // Threads: Tid
virtual void completed(bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImageRaw* aux)
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = mFetcher->getWorker(mID);
@@ -140,22 +342,35 @@ private:
+ // Threads: Ttf
/*virtual*/ bool doWork(S32 param); // Called from LLWorkerThread::processRequest()
+ // Threads: Ttf
/*virtual*/ void finishWork(S32 param, bool completed); // called from finishRequest() (WORK THREAD)
- /*virtual*/ bool deleteOK(); // called from update() (WORK THREAD)
+ // Threads: Tmain
+ /*virtual*/ bool deleteOK(); // called from update()
- // void relese() { --mActiveCount; }
- S32 callbackHttpGet(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
- const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer,
- bool partial, bool success);
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ // Locks: Mw
+ S32 callbackHttpGet(LLCore::HttpResponse * response,
+ bool partial, bool success);
+ // Threads: Ttc
void callbackCacheRead(bool success, LLImageFormatted* image,
S32 imagesize, BOOL islocal);
+ // Threads: Ttc
void callbackCacheWrite(bool success);
+ // Threads: Tid
void callbackDecoded(bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImageRaw* aux);
- void setGetStatus(U32 status, const std::string& reason)
+ // Threads: T*
+ void setGetStatus(LLCore::HttpStatus status, const std::string& reason)
LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
@@ -167,33 +382,93 @@ public:
bool getCanUseHTTP() const { return mCanUseHTTP; }
LLTextureFetch & getFetcher() { return *mFetcher; }
+ // Inherited from LLCore::HttpHandler
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ virtual void onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response);
LLTextureFetchWorker(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, const LLHost& host,
F32 priority, S32 discard, S32 size);
+ // Threads: Tmain
/*virtual*/ void startWork(S32 param); // called from addWork() (MAIN THREAD)
+ // Threads: Tmain
/*virtual*/ void endWork(S32 param, bool aborted); // called from doWork() (MAIN THREAD)
+ // Locks: Mw
void resetFormattedData();
+ // Locks: Mw
void setImagePriority(F32 priority);
+ // Locks: Mw (ctor invokes without lock)
void setDesiredDiscard(S32 discard, S32 size);
+ // Threads: T*
+ // Locks: Mw
bool insertPacket(S32 index, U8* data, S32 size);
+ // Locks: Mw
void clearPackets();
+ // Locks: Mw
void setupPacketData();
+ // Locks: Mw (ctor invokes without lock)
U32 calcWorkPriority();
+ // Locks: Mw
void removeFromCache();
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ // Locks: Mw
bool processSimulatorPackets();
+ // Threads: Ttf
bool writeToCacheComplete();
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ void recordTextureStart(bool is_http);
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ void recordTextureDone(bool is_http);
void lockWorkMutex() { mWorkMutex.lock(); }
void unlockWorkMutex() { mWorkMutex.unlock(); }
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ // Locks: Mw
+ bool acquireHttpSemaphore()
+ {
+ llassert(! mHttpHasResource);
+ if (mFetcher->mHttpSemaphore <= 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mHttpHasResource = true;
+ mFetcher->mHttpSemaphore--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ // Locks: Mw
+ void releaseHttpSemaphore()
+ {
+ llassert(mHttpHasResource);
+ mHttpHasResource = false;
+ mFetcher->mHttpSemaphore++;
+ }
enum e_state // mState
+ // *NOTE: Do not change the order/value of state variables, some code
+ // depends upon specific ordering/adjacency.
// NOTE: Affects LLTextureBar::draw in lltextureview.cpp (debug hack)
@@ -201,8 +476,10 @@ private:
+ WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE, // Waiting for HTTP resources
+ WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2, // Waiting for HTTP resources
+ SEND_HTTP_REQ, // Commit to sending as HTTP
+ WAIT_HTTP_REQ, // Request sent, wait for completion
@@ -242,11 +519,12 @@ private:
S32 mDecodedDiscard;
LLFrameTimer mRequestedTimer;
LLFrameTimer mFetchTimer;
+ LLTimer mCacheReadTimer;
+ F32 mCacheReadTime;
LLTextureCache::handle_t mCacheReadHandle;
LLTextureCache::handle_t mCacheWriteHandle;
- U8* mBuffer;
- S32 mBufferSize;
S32 mRequestedSize;
+ S32 mRequestedOffset;
S32 mDesiredSize;
S32 mFileSize;
S32 mCachedSize;
@@ -258,12 +536,12 @@ private:
BOOL mNeedsAux;
BOOL mHaveAllData;
BOOL mInLocalCache;
+ BOOL mInCache;
bool mCanUseHTTP ;
bool mCanUseNET ; //can get from asset server.
- S32 mHTTPFailCount;
S32 mRetryAttempt;
S32 mActiveCount;
- U32 mGetStatus;
+ LLCore::HttpStatus mGetStatus;
std::string mGetReason;
// Work Data
@@ -283,105 +561,19 @@ private:
U8 mImageCodec;
LLViewerAssetStats::duration_t mMetricsStartTime;
-class HTTPGetResponder : public LLCurl::Responder
- LOG_CLASS(HTTPGetResponder);
- HTTPGetResponder(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, const LLUUID& id, U64 startTime, S32 requestedSize, U32 offset, bool redir)
- : mFetcher(fetcher), mID(id), mStartTime(startTime), mRequestedSize(requestedSize), mOffset(offset), mFollowRedir(redir)
- {
- }
- ~HTTPGetResponder()
- {
- }
- virtual void completedRaw(U32 status, const std::string& reason,
- const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
- const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer)
- {
- static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_viewer_log(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureDownloadsToViewerLog");
- static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_sim(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureDownloadsToSimulator");
- static LLCachedControl<bool> log_texture_traffic(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureNetworkTraffic") ;
- if (log_to_viewer_log || log_to_sim)
- {
- mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestStartTime(mID, mStartTime);
- U64 timeNow = LLTimer::getTotalTime();
- mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestType(mID, LLTextureInfoDetails::REQUEST_TYPE_HTTP);
- mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestSize(mID, mRequestedSize);
- mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestOffset(mID, mOffset);
- mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestCompleteTimeAndLog(mID, timeNow);
- }
- lldebugs << "HTTP COMPLETE: " << mID << llendl;
- LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = mFetcher->getWorker(mID);
- if (worker)
- {
- bool success = false;
- bool partial = false;
- if (HTTP_OK <= status && status < HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES)
- {
- success = true;
- if (HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT == status) // partial information
- {
- partial = true;
- }
- }
- if (!success)
- {
- worker->setGetStatus(status, reason);
-// llwarns << "CURL GET FAILED, status:" << status << " reason:" << reason << llendl;
- }
- S32 data_size = worker->callbackHttpGet(channels, buffer, partial, success);
- if(log_texture_traffic && data_size > 0)
- {
- LLViewerTexture* tex = LLViewerTextureManager::findTexture(mID) ;
- if(tex)
- {
- gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[tex->getBoostLevel()] += data_size ;
- }
- }
- mFetcher->removeFromHTTPQueue(mID, data_size);
- if (worker->mMetricsStartTime)
- {
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_response_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- true,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == worker->mType,
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp() - worker->mMetricsStartTime);
- worker->mMetricsStartTime = 0;
- }
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_dequeue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- true,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == worker->mType);
- }
- else
- {
- mFetcher->removeFromHTTPQueue(mID);
- llwarns << "Worker not found: " << mID << llendl;
- }
- }
- virtual bool followRedir()
- {
- return mFollowRedir;
- }
- LLTextureFetch* mFetcher;
- U64 mStartTime;
- S32 mRequestedSize;
- U32 mOffset;
- bool mFollowRedir;
+ LLCore::HttpHandle mHttpHandle; // Handle of any active request
+ LLCore::BufferArray * mHttpBufferArray; // Refcounted pointer to response data
+ int mHttpPolicyClass;
+ bool mHttpActive; // Active request to http library
+ unsigned int mHttpReplySize; // Actual received data size
+ unsigned int mHttpReplyOffset; // Actual received data offset
+ bool mHttpHasResource; // Counts against Fetcher's mHttpSemaphore
+ // State history
+ U32 mCacheReadCount;
+ U32 mCacheWriteCount;
+ U32 mResourceWaitCount; // Requests entering WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2
@@ -617,13 +809,15 @@ const char* LLTextureFetchWorker::sStateDescs[] = {
- "DONE",
+ "DONE"
// static
@@ -639,6 +833,7 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker::LLTextureFetchWorker(LLTextureFetch* fetcher,
S32 discard, // Desired discard
S32 size) // Desired size
: LLWorkerClass(fetcher, "TextureFetch"),
+ LLCore::HttpHandler(),
@@ -653,11 +848,11 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker::LLTextureFetchWorker(LLTextureFetch* fetcher,
+ mCacheReadTime(0.f),
- mBuffer(NULL),
- mBufferSize(0),
+ mRequestedOffset(0),
@@ -669,20 +864,29 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker::LLTextureFetchWorker(LLTextureFetch* fetcher,
+ mInCache(FALSE),
- mHTTPFailCount(0),
- mGetStatus(0),
- mMetricsStartTime(0)
+ mMetricsStartTime(0),
+ mHttpBufferArray(NULL),
+ mHttpPolicyClass(mFetcher->mHttpPolicyClass),
+ mHttpActive(false),
+ mHttpReplySize(0U),
+ mHttpReplyOffset(0U),
+ mHttpHasResource(false),
+ mCacheReadCount(0U),
+ mCacheWriteCount(0U),
+ mResourceWaitCount(0U)
mCanUseNET = mUrl.empty() ;
mType = host.isOk() ? LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE : LLImageBase::TYPE_NORMAL;
// llinfos << "Create: " << mID << " mHost:" << host << " Discard=" << discard << llendl;
@@ -701,7 +905,20 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker::~LLTextureFetchWorker()
// << " Requested=" << mRequestedDiscard
// << " Desired=" << mDesiredDiscard << llendl;
- lockWorkMutex();
+ lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw (should be useless)
+ if (mHttpHasResource)
+ {
+ // Last-chance catchall to recover the resource. Using an
+ // atomic datatype solely because this can be running in
+ // another thread.
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ }
+ if (mHttpActive)
+ {
+ // Issue a cancel on a live request...
+ mFetcher->getHttpRequest().requestCancel(mHttpHandle, NULL);
+ }
if (mCacheReadHandle != LLTextureCache::nullHandle() && mFetcher->mTextureCache)
mFetcher->mTextureCache->readComplete(mCacheReadHandle, true);
@@ -712,10 +929,18 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker::~LLTextureFetchWorker()
mFormattedImage = NULL;
- unlockWorkMutex();
- mFetcher->removeFromHTTPQueue(mID);
+ if (mHttpBufferArray)
+ {
+ mHttpBufferArray->release();
+ mHttpBufferArray = NULL;
+ }
+ unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
+ mFetcher->removeFromHTTPQueue(mID, 0);
+ mFetcher->removeHttpWaiter(mID);
+ mFetcher->updateStateStats(mCacheReadCount, mCacheWriteCount, mResourceWaitCount);
+// Locks: Mw
void LLTextureFetchWorker::clearPackets()
for_each(mPackets.begin(), mPackets.end(), DeletePointer());
@@ -725,6 +950,7 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::clearPackets()
mFirstPacket = 0;
+// Locks: Mw
void LLTextureFetchWorker::setupPacketData()
S32 data_size = 0;
@@ -757,6 +983,7 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::setupPacketData()
+// Locks: Mw (ctor invokes without lock)
U32 LLTextureFetchWorker::calcWorkPriority()
//llassert_always(mImagePriority >= 0 && mImagePriority <= LLViewerFetchedTexture::maxDecodePriority());
@@ -766,7 +993,7 @@ U32 LLTextureFetchWorker::calcWorkPriority()
return mWorkPriority;
-// mWorkMutex is locked
+// Locks: Mw (ctor invokes without lock)
void LLTextureFetchWorker::setDesiredDiscard(S32 discard, S32 size)
bool prioritize = false;
@@ -802,6 +1029,7 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::setDesiredDiscard(S32 discard, S32 size)
+// Locks: Mw
void LLTextureFetchWorker::setImagePriority(F32 priority)
// llassert_always(priority >= 0 && priority <= LLViewerTexture::maxDecodePriority());
@@ -815,30 +1043,37 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::setImagePriority(F32 priority)
+// Locks: Mw
void LLTextureFetchWorker::resetFormattedData()
- FREE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), mBuffer);
- mBuffer = NULL;
- mBufferSize = 0;
+ if (mHttpBufferArray)
+ {
+ mHttpBufferArray->release();
+ mHttpBufferArray = NULL;
+ }
if (mFormattedImage.notNull())
+ mHttpReplySize = 0;
+ mHttpReplyOffset = 0;
mHaveAllData = FALSE;
-// Called from MAIN thread
+// Threads: Tmain
void LLTextureFetchWorker::startWork(S32 param)
-#include "llviewertexturelist.h" // debug
-// Called from LLWorkerThread::processRequest()
+// Threads: Ttf
bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
+ static const LLCore::HttpStatus http_not_found(HTTP_NOT_FOUND); // 404
+ static const LLCore::HttpStatus http_service_unavail(HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); // 503
+ static const LLCore::HttpStatus http_not_sat(HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); // 416;
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex); // +Mw
if ((mFetcher->isQuitting() || getFlags(LLWorkerClass::WCF_DELETE_REQUESTED)))
@@ -882,20 +1117,26 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
mLoadedDiscard = -1;
mDecodedDiscard = -1;
mRequestedSize = 0;
+ mRequestedOffset = 0;
mFileSize = 0;
mCachedSize = 0;
mLoaded = FALSE;
mSentRequest = UNSENT;
mDecoded = FALSE;
mWritten = FALSE;
- FREE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), mBuffer);
- mBuffer = NULL;
- mBufferSize = 0;
+ if (mHttpBufferArray)
+ {
+ mHttpBufferArray->release();
+ mHttpBufferArray = NULL;
+ }
+ mHttpReplySize = 0;
+ mHttpReplyOffset = 0;
mHaveAllData = FALSE;
clearPackets(); // TODO: Shouldn't be necessary
mCacheReadHandle = LLTextureCache::nullHandle();
mCacheWriteHandle = LLTextureCache::nullHandle();
+ mInCache = FALSE;
mDesiredSize = llmax(mDesiredSize, TEXTURE_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE); // min desired size is TEXTURE_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << mID << ": Priority: " << llformat("%8.0f",mImagePriority)
<< " Desired Discard: " << mDesiredDiscard << " Desired Size: " << mDesiredSize << LL_ENDL;
@@ -922,20 +1163,24 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority); // Set priority first since Responder may change it
// read file from local disk
+ ++mCacheReadCount;
std::string filename = mUrl.substr(7, std::string::npos);
CacheReadResponder* responder = new CacheReadResponder(mFetcher, mID, mFormattedImage);
mCacheReadHandle = mFetcher->mTextureCache->readFromCache(filename, mID, cache_priority,
offset, size, responder);
+ mCacheReadTimer.reset();
- else if (mUrl.empty())
+ else if (mUrl.empty() && mFetcher->canLoadFromCache())
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority); // Set priority first since Responder may change it
+ ++mCacheReadCount;
CacheReadResponder* responder = new CacheReadResponder(mFetcher, mID, mFormattedImage);
mCacheReadHandle = mFetcher->mTextureCache->readFromCache(mID, cache_priority,
offset, size, responder);
+ mCacheReadTimer.reset();
- else if(mCanUseHTTP)
+ else if(!mUrl.empty() && mCanUseHTTP)
if (!(, 7, "http://") == 0))
@@ -943,7 +1188,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
llwarns << "Unknown URL Type: " << mUrl << llendl;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
- mState = SEND_HTTP_REQ;
@@ -963,6 +1208,9 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
+ //
+ //This should never happen
+ //
return false;
@@ -982,11 +1230,12 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
llassert_always(mFormattedImage->getDataSize() > 0);
mLoadedDiscard = mDesiredDiscard;
+ mInCache = TRUE;
mWriteToCacheState = NOT_WRITE ;
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << mID << ": Cached. Bytes: " << mFormattedImage->getDataSize()
<< " Size: " << llformat("%dx%d",mFormattedImage->getWidth(),mFormattedImage->getHeight())
<< " Desired Discard: " << mDesiredDiscard << " Desired Size: " << mDesiredSize << LL_ENDL;
- // fall through
+ LLTextureFetch::sCacheHitRate.addValue(100.f);
@@ -1001,7 +1250,9 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << mID << ": Not in Cache" << LL_ENDL;
// fall through
+ LLTextureFetch::sCacheHitRate.addValue(0.f);
@@ -1040,7 +1291,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
if (mCanUseHTTP && !mUrl.empty())
- mState = LLTextureFetchWorker::SEND_HTTP_REQ;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
if(mWriteToCacheState != NOT_WRITE)
@@ -1057,13 +1308,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
mRequestedDiscard = mDesiredDiscard;
mSentRequest = QUEUED;
- if (! mMetricsStartTime)
- {
- mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
- }
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- false,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
+ recordTextureStart(false);
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return false;
@@ -1074,12 +1319,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
//llassert_always(mFetcher->mNetworkQueue.find(mID) != mFetcher->mNetworkQueue.end());
// Make certain this is in the network queue
- //if (! mMetricsStartTime)
- //{
- // mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
- //}
- //LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE, false,
- // LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
+ //recordTextureStart(false);
//setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return false;
@@ -1104,194 +1344,250 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
mWriteToCacheState = SHOULD_WRITE;
- if (mMetricsStartTime)
- {
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_response_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- false,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType,
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp() - mMetricsStartTime);
- mMetricsStartTime = 0;
- }
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_dequeue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- false,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
+ recordTextureDone(false);
mFetcher->addToNetworkQueue(this); // failsafe
- if (! mMetricsStartTime)
- {
- mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
- }
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- false,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
+ recordTextureStart(false);
return false;
+ if (mState == WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE)
+ {
+ // NOTE:
+ // control the number of the http requests issued for:
+ // 1, not openning too many file descriptors at the same time;
+ // 2, control the traffic of http so udp gets bandwidth.
+ //
+ // If it looks like we're busy, keep this request here.
+ // Otherwise, advance into the HTTP states.
+ if (mFetcher->getHttpWaitersCount() || ! acquireHttpSemaphore())
+ {
+ setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
+ mFetcher->addHttpWaiter(this->mID);
+ ++mResourceWaitCount;
+ return false;
+ }
+ mState = SEND_HTTP_REQ;
+ // *NOTE: You must invoke releaseHttpSemaphore() if you transition
+ // to a state other than SEND_HTTP_REQ or WAIT_HTTP_REQ or abort
+ // the request.
+ }
+ if (mState == WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2)
+ {
+ // Just idle it if we make it to the head...
+ return false;
+ }
if (mState == SEND_HTTP_REQ)
- if(mCanUseHTTP)
+ if (! mCanUseHTTP)
- //NOTE:
- //control the number of the http requests issued for:
- //1, not openning too many file descriptors at the same time;
- //2, control the traffic of http so udp gets bandwidth.
- //
- static const S32 MAX_NUM_OF_HTTP_REQUESTS_IN_QUEUE = 8 ;
- if(mFetcher->getNumHTTPRequests() > MAX_NUM_OF_HTTP_REQUESTS_IN_QUEUE)
- {
- return false ; //wait.
- }
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true; // abort
+ }
- mFetcher->removeFromNetworkQueue(this, false);
+ mFetcher->removeFromNetworkQueue(this, false);
- S32 cur_size = 0;
- if (mFormattedImage.notNull())
+ S32 cur_size = 0;
+ if (mFormattedImage.notNull())
+ {
+ cur_size = mFormattedImage->getDataSize(); // amount of data we already have
+ if (mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel() == 0)
- cur_size = mFormattedImage->getDataSize(); // amount of data we already have
- if (mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel() == 0)
+ if (cur_size > 0)
- if(cur_size > 0)
- {
- // We already have all the data, just decode it
- mLoadedDiscard = mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel();
- mState = DECODE_IMAGE;
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true ; //abort.
- }
+ // We already have all the data, just decode it
+ mLoadedDiscard = mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel();
+ setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+ mState = DECODE_IMAGE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return false;
- }
- mRequestedSize = mDesiredSize;
- mRequestedDiscard = mDesiredDiscard;
- mRequestedSize -= cur_size;
- S32 offset = cur_size;
- mBufferSize = cur_size; // This will get modified by callbackHttpGet()
- bool res = false;
- if (!mUrl.empty())
- {
- mLoaded = FALSE;
- mGetStatus = 0;
- mGetReason.clear();
- LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "HTTP GET: " << mID << " Offset: " << offset
- << " Bytes: " << mRequestedSize
- << " Bandwidth(kbps): " << mFetcher->getTextureBandwidth() << "/" << mFetcher->mMaxBandwidth
- << LL_ENDL;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
- mState = WAIT_HTTP_REQ;
- mFetcher->addToHTTPQueue(mID);
- if (! mMetricsStartTime)
+ else
- mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true; // abort.
- LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
- true,
- LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
- // Will call callbackHttpGet when curl request completes
- std::vector<std::string> headers;
- headers.push_back("Accept: image/x-j2c");
- res = mFetcher->mCurlGetRequest->getByteRange(mUrl, headers, offset, mRequestedSize,
- new HTTPGetResponder(mFetcher, mID, LLTimer::getTotalTime(), mRequestedSize, offset, true));
- if (!res)
- {
- llwarns << "HTTP GET request failed for " << mID << llendl;
- resetFormattedData();
- ++mHTTPFailCount;
- return true; // failed
- }
- // fall through
- else //can not use http fetch.
+ mRequestedSize = mDesiredSize;
+ mRequestedDiscard = mDesiredDiscard;
+ mRequestedSize -= cur_size;
+ mRequestedOffset = cur_size;
+ if (mRequestedOffset)
- return true ; //abort
+ // Texture fetching often issues 'speculative' loads that
+ // start beyond the end of the actual asset. Some cache/web
+ // systems, e.g. Varnish, will respond to this not with a
+ // 416 but with a 200 and the entire asset in the response
+ // body. By ensuring that we always have a partially
+ // satisfiable Range request, we avoid that hit to the network.
+ // We just have to deal with the overlapping data which is made
+ // somewhat harder by the fact that grid services don't necessarily
+ // return the Content-Range header on 206 responses. *Sigh*
+ mRequestedOffset -= 1;
+ mRequestedSize += 1;
+ if (!mUrl.empty())
+ {
+ mRequestedTimer.reset();
+ mLoaded = FALSE;
+ mGetStatus = LLCore::HttpStatus();
+ mGetReason.clear();
+ LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "HTTP GET: " << mID << " Offset: " << mRequestedOffset
+ << " Bytes: " << mRequestedSize
+ << " Bandwidth(kbps): " << mFetcher->getTextureBandwidth() << "/" << mFetcher->mMaxBandwidth
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ // Will call callbackHttpGet when curl request completes
+ mHttpHandle = mFetcher->mHttpRequest->requestGetByteRange(mHttpPolicyClass,
+ mWorkPriority,
+ mUrl,
+ mRequestedOffset,
+ mRequestedSize,
+ mFetcher->mHttpOptions,
+ mFetcher->mHttpHeaders,
+ this);
+ }
+ {
+ llwarns << "HTTP GET request failed for " << mID << llendl;
+ resetFormattedData();
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true; // failed
+ }
+ mHttpActive = true;
+ mFetcher->addToHTTPQueue(mID);
+ recordTextureStart(true);
+ setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
+ mState = WAIT_HTTP_REQ;
+ // fall through
if (mState == WAIT_HTTP_REQ)
+ // *NOTE: As stated above, all transitions out of this state should
+ // call releaseHttpSemaphore().
if (mLoaded)
S32 cur_size = mFormattedImage.notNull() ? mFormattedImage->getDataSize() : 0;
if (mRequestedSize < 0)
- S32 max_attempts;
- if (mGetStatus == HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
+ if (http_not_found == mGetStatus)
- mHTTPFailCount = max_attempts = 1; // Don't retry
+ if(mWriteToCacheState == NOT_WRITE) //map tiles
+ {
+ mState = DONE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true; // failed, means no map tile on the empty region.
+ }
llwarns << "Texture missing from server (404): " << mUrl << llendl;
- //roll back to try UDP
- if(mCanUseNET)
+ // roll back to try UDP
+ if (mCanUseNET)
- mState = INIT ;
- mCanUseHTTP = false ;
+ mState = INIT;
+ mCanUseHTTP = false;
+ mUrl.clear();
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
- return false ;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return false;
- else if (mGetStatus == HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
+ else if (http_service_unavail == mGetStatus)
- // *TODO: Should probably introduce a timer here to delay future HTTP requsts
- // for a short time (~1s) to ease server load? Ideally the server would queue
- // requests instead of returning 503... we already limit the number pending.
- ++mHTTPFailCount;
- max_attempts = mHTTPFailCount+1; // Keep retrying
LL_INFOS_ONCE("Texture") << "Texture server busy (503): " << mUrl << LL_ENDL;
+ else if (http_not_sat == mGetStatus)
+ {
+ // Allowed, we'll accept whatever data we have as complete.
+ mHaveAllData = TRUE;
+ }
- const S32 HTTP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 3;
- max_attempts = HTTP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT + 1;
- ++mHTTPFailCount;
llinfos << "HTTP GET failed for: " << mUrl
- << " Status: " << mGetStatus << " Reason: '" << mGetReason << "'"
- << " Attempt:" << mHTTPFailCount+1 << "/" << max_attempts << llendl;
+ << " Status: " << mGetStatus.toHex()
+ << " Reason: '" << mGetReason << "'"
+ << llendl;
- if (mHTTPFailCount >= max_attempts)
+ mUrl.clear();
+ if (cur_size > 0)
- if (cur_size > 0)
- {
- // Use available data
- mLoadedDiscard = mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel();
- mState = DECODE_IMAGE;
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- resetFormattedData();
- mState = DONE;
- return true; // failed
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mState = SEND_HTTP_REQ;
- return false; // retry
+ // Use available data
+ mLoadedDiscard = mFormattedImage->getDiscardLevel();
+ setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+ mState = DECODE_IMAGE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return false;
+ // Fail harder
+ resetFormattedData();
+ mState = DONE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true; // failed
+ }
+ // Clear the url since we're done with the fetch
+ // Note: mUrl is used to check is fetching is required so failure to clear it will force an http fetch
+ // next time the texture is requested, even if the data have already been fetched.
+ if(mWriteToCacheState != NOT_WRITE)
+ {
+ mUrl.clear();
- llassert_always(mBufferSize == cur_size + mRequestedSize);
- if(!mBufferSize)//no data received.
+ if (! mHttpBufferArray || ! mHttpBufferArray->size())
- FREE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), mBuffer);
- mBuffer = NULL;
+ // no data received.
+ if (mHttpBufferArray)
+ {
+ mHttpBufferArray->release();
+ mHttpBufferArray = NULL;
+ }
- //abort.
+ // abort.
mState = DONE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
return true;
+ S32 append_size(mHttpBufferArray->size());
+ S32 total_size(cur_size + append_size);
+ S32 src_offset(0);
+ llassert_always(append_size == mRequestedSize);
+ if (mHttpReplyOffset && mHttpReplyOffset != cur_size)
+ {
+ // In case of a partial response, our offset may
+ // not be trivially contiguous with the data we have.
+ // Get back into alignment.
+ if (mHttpReplyOffset > cur_size)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Partial HTTP response produces break in image data for texture "
+ << mID << ". Aborting load." << LL_ENDL;
+ mState = DONE;
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
+ return true;
+ }
+ src_offset = cur_size - mHttpReplyOffset;
+ append_size -= src_offset;
+ total_size -= src_offset;
+ mRequestedSize -= src_offset; // Make requested values reflect useful part
+ mRequestedOffset += src_offset;
+ }
if (mFormattedImage.isNull())
// For now, create formatted image based on extension
@@ -1303,38 +1599,50 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
- if (mHaveAllData && mRequestedDiscard == 0) //the image file is fully loaded.
+ if (mHaveAllData) //the image file is fully loaded.
- mFileSize = mBufferSize;
+ mFileSize = total_size;
else //the file size is unknown.
- mFileSize = mBufferSize + 1 ; //flag the file is not fully loaded.
+ mFileSize = total_size + 1 ; //flag the file is not fully loaded.
- U8* buffer = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), mBufferSize);
+ U8 * buffer = (U8 *) ALLOCATE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), total_size);
if (cur_size > 0)
memcpy(buffer, mFormattedImage->getData(), cur_size);
- memcpy(buffer + cur_size, mBuffer, mRequestedSize); // append
+ mHttpBufferArray->read(src_offset, (char *) buffer + cur_size, append_size);
// NOTE: setData releases current data and owns new data (buffer)
- mFormattedImage->setData(buffer, mBufferSize);
- // delete temp data
- FREE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), mBuffer); // Note: not 'buffer' (assigned in setData())
- mBuffer = NULL;
- mBufferSize = 0;
+ mFormattedImage->setData(buffer, total_size);
+ // Done with buffer array
+ mHttpBufferArray->release();
+ mHttpBufferArray = NULL;
+ mHttpReplySize = 0;
+ mHttpReplyOffset = 0;
mLoadedDiscard = mRequestedDiscard;
- if(mWriteToCacheState != NOT_WRITE)
+ if (mWriteToCacheState != NOT_WRITE)
mWriteToCacheState = SHOULD_WRITE ;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+ releaseHttpSemaphore();
return false;
+ // *HISTORY: There was a texture timeout test here originally that
+ // would cancel a request that was over 120 seconds old. That's
+ // probably not a good idea. Particularly rich regions can take
+ // an enormous amount of time to load textures. We'll revisit the
+ // various possible timeout components (total request time, connection
+ // time, I/O time, with and without retries, etc.) in the future.
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return false;
@@ -1343,11 +1651,12 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
if (mState == DECODE_IMAGE)
static LLCachedControl<bool> textures_decode_disabled(gSavedSettings,"TextureDecodeDisabled");
- if(textures_decode_disabled)
+ setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority); // Set priority first since Responder may change it
+ if (textures_decode_disabled)
// for debug use, don't decode
mState = DONE;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return true;
@@ -1355,7 +1664,6 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
// We aborted, don't decode
mState = DONE;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return true;
@@ -1365,7 +1673,6 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
//abort, don't decode
mState = DONE;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return true;
if (mLoadedDiscard < 0)
@@ -1374,10 +1681,9 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
//abort, don't decode
mState = DONE;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority);
return true;
- setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_LOW | mWorkPriority); // Set priority first since Responder may change it
mRawImage = NULL;
mAuxImage = NULL;
@@ -1396,6 +1702,11 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
if (mDecoded)
+ if(mFetcher->getFetchDebugger() && !mInLocalCache)
+ {
+ mFetcher->getFetchDebugger()->addHistoryEntry(this);
+ }
if (mDecodedDiscard < 0)
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << mID << ": Failed to Decode." << LL_ENDL;
@@ -1458,10 +1769,11 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
U32 cache_priority = mWorkPriority;
mWritten = FALSE;
+ ++mCacheWriteCount;
CacheWriteResponder* responder = new CacheWriteResponder(mFetcher, mID);
mCacheWriteHandle = mFetcher->mTextureCache->writeToCache(mID, cache_priority,
mFormattedImage->getData(), datasize,
- mFileSize, responder);
+ mFileSize, mRawImage, mDecodedDiscard, responder);
// fall through
@@ -1502,9 +1814,84 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::doWork(S32 param)
return false;
+} // -Mw
+// Threads: Ttf
+// virtual
+void LLTextureFetchWorker::onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response)
+ static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_viewer_log(gSavedSettings, "LogTextureDownloadsToViewerLog");
+ static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_sim(gSavedSettings, "LogTextureDownloadsToSimulator");
+ static LLCachedControl<bool> log_texture_traffic(gSavedSettings, "LogTextureNetworkTraffic") ;
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex); // +Mw
+ mHttpActive = false;
+ if (log_to_viewer_log || log_to_sim)
+ {
+ U64 timeNow = LLTimer::getTotalTime();
+ mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestStartTime(mID, mMetricsStartTime);
+ mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestType(mID, LLTextureInfoDetails::REQUEST_TYPE_HTTP);
+ mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestSize(mID, mRequestedSize);
+ mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestOffset(mID, mRequestedOffset);
+ mFetcher->mTextureInfo.setRequestCompleteTimeAndLog(mID, timeNow);
+ }
-// Called from MAIN thread
+ bool success = true;
+ bool partial = false;
+ LLCore::HttpStatus status(response->getStatus());
+ lldebugs << "HTTP COMPLETE: " << mID
+ << " status: " << status.toHex()
+ << " '" << status.toString() << "'"
+ << llendl;
+// unsigned int offset(0), length(0), full_length(0);
+// response->getRange(&offset, &length, &full_length);
+// llwarns << "HTTP COMPLETE: " << mID << " handle: " << handle
+// << " status: " << status.toULong() << " '" << status.toString() << "'"
+// << " req offset: " << mRequestedOffset << " req length: " << mRequestedSize
+// << " offset: " << offset << " length: " << length
+// << llendl;
+ if (! status)
+ {
+ success = false;
+ std::string reason(status.toString());
+ setGetStatus(status, reason);
+ llwarns << "CURL GET FAILED, status: " << status.toHex()
+ << " reason: " << reason << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A warning about partial (HTTP 206) data. Some grid services
+ // do *not* return a 'Content-Range' header in the response to
+ // Range requests with a 206 status. We're forced to assume
+ // we get what we asked for in these cases until we can fix
+ // the services.
+ static const LLCore::HttpStatus par_status(HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT);
+ partial = (par_status == status);
+ }
+ S32 data_size = callbackHttpGet(response, partial, success);
+ if (log_texture_traffic && data_size > 0)
+ {
+ LLViewerTexture* tex = LLViewerTextureManager::findTexture(mID);
+ if (tex)
+ {
+ gTotalTextureBytesPerBoostLevel[tex->getBoostLevel()] += data_size ;
+ }
+ }
+ mFetcher->removeFromHTTPQueue(mID, data_size);
+ recordTextureDone(true);
+} // -Mw
+// Threads: Tmain
void LLTextureFetchWorker::endWork(S32 param, bool aborted)
if (mDecodeHandle != 0)
@@ -1517,6 +1904,8 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::endWork(S32 param, bool aborted)
+// Threads: Ttf
// virtual
void LLTextureFetchWorker::finishWork(S32 param, bool completed)
@@ -1533,10 +1922,37 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::finishWork(S32 param, bool completed)
+// LLQueuedThread's update() method is asking if it's okay to
+// delete this worker. You'll notice we're not locking in here
+// which is a slight concern. Caller is expected to have made
+// this request 'quiet' by whatever means...
+// Threads: Tmain
// virtual
bool LLTextureFetchWorker::deleteOK()
bool delete_ok = true;
+ if (mHttpActive)
+ {
+ // HTTP library has a pointer to this worker
+ // and will dereference it to do notification.
+ delete_ok = false;
+ }
+ if (WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2 == mState)
+ {
+ if (mFetcher->isHttpWaiter(mID))
+ {
+ // Don't delete the worker out from under the releaseHttpWaiters()
+ // method. Keep the pointers valid, clean up after that method
+ // has recognized the cancelation and removed the UUID from the
+ // waiter list.
+ delete_ok = false;
+ }
+ }
// Allow any pending reads or writes to complete
if (mCacheReadHandle != LLTextureCache::nullHandle())
@@ -1571,6 +1987,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::deleteOK()
return delete_ok;
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetchWorker::removeFromCache()
if (!mInLocalCache)
@@ -1582,6 +1999,8 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::removeFromCache()
+// Threads: Ttf
+// Locks: Mw
bool LLTextureFetchWorker::processSimulatorPackets()
if (mFormattedImage.isNull() || mRequestedSize < 0)
@@ -1642,14 +2061,13 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::processSimulatorPackets()
-S32 LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
- const LLIOPipe::buffer_ptr_t& buffer,
- bool partial, bool success)
+// Threads: Ttf
+// Locks: Mw
+S32 LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet(LLCore::HttpResponse * response,
+ bool partial, bool success)
S32 data_size = 0 ;
- LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
if (mState != WAIT_HTTP_REQ)
llwarns << "callbackHttpGet for unrequested fetch worker: " << mID
@@ -1664,27 +2082,68 @@ S32 LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
if (success)
// get length of stream:
- data_size = buffer->countAfter(, NULL);
+ LLCore::BufferArray * body(response->getBody());
+ data_size = body ? body->size() : 0;
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "HTTP RECEIVED: " << mID.asString() << " Bytes: " << data_size << LL_ENDL;
if (data_size > 0)
// *TODO: set the formatted image data here directly to avoid the copy
- mBuffer = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), data_size);
- buffer->readAfter(, NULL, mBuffer, data_size);
- mBufferSize += data_size;
- if (data_size < mRequestedSize && mRequestedDiscard == 0)
+ // Hold on to body for later copy
+ llassert_always(NULL == mHttpBufferArray);
+ body->addRef();
+ mHttpBufferArray = body;
+ if (partial)
+ {
+ unsigned int offset(0), length(0), full_length(0);
+ response->getRange(&offset, &length, &full_length);
+ if (! offset && ! length)
+ {
+ // This is the case where we receive a 206 status but
+ // there wasn't a useful Content-Range header in the response.
+ // This could be because it was badly formatted but is more
+ // likely due to capabilities services which scrub headers
+ // from responses. Assume we got what we asked for...
+ mHttpReplySize = data_size;
+ mHttpReplyOffset = mRequestedOffset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mHttpReplySize = length;
+ mHttpReplyOffset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! partial)
+ {
+ // Response indicates this is the entire asset regardless
+ // of our asking for a byte range. Mark it so and drop
+ // any partial data we might have so that the current
+ // response body becomes the entire dataset.
+ if (data_size <= mRequestedOffset)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Fetched entire texture " << mID
+ << " when it was expected to be marked complete. mImageSize: "
+ << mFileSize << " datasize: " << mFormattedImage->getDataSize()
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ mHaveAllData = TRUE;
+ llassert_always(mDecodeHandle == 0);
+ mFormattedImage = NULL; // discard any previous data we had
+ }
+ else if (data_size < mRequestedSize)
mHaveAllData = TRUE;
else if (data_size > mRequestedSize)
- // *TODO: This shouldn't be happening any more
+ // *TODO: This shouldn't be happening any more (REALLY don't expect this anymore)
llwarns << "data_size = " << data_size << " > requested: " << mRequestedSize << llendl;
mHaveAllData = TRUE;
llassert_always(mDecodeHandle == 0);
mFormattedImage = NULL; // discard any previous data we had
- mBufferSize = data_size;
@@ -1699,6 +2158,7 @@ S32 LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
mRequestedSize = -1; // error
mLoaded = TRUE;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
@@ -1707,10 +2167,11 @@ S32 LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackHttpGet(const LLChannelDescriptors& channels,
+// Threads: Ttc
void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackCacheRead(bool success, LLImageFormatted* image,
S32 imagesize, BOOL islocal)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex); // +Mw
// llwarns << "Read callback for " << mID << " with state = " << mState << llendl;
@@ -1730,11 +2191,12 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackCacheRead(bool success, LLImageFormatted* ima
mLoaded = TRUE;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+} // -Mw
+// Threads: Ttc
void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackCacheWrite(bool success)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex); // +Mw
if (mState != WAIT_ON_WRITE)
// llwarns << "Write callback for " << mID << " with state = " << mState << llendl;
@@ -1742,13 +2204,14 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackCacheWrite(bool success)
mWritten = TRUE;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+} // -Mw
+// Threads: Tid
void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded(bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImageRaw* aux)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mWorkMutex); // +Mw
if (mDecodeHandle == 0)
return; // aborted, ignore
@@ -1780,10 +2243,12 @@ void LLTextureFetchWorker::callbackDecoded(bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImag
mDecoded = TRUE;
// llinfos << mID << " : DECODE COMPLETE " << llendl;
setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | mWorkPriority);
+ mCacheReadTime = mCacheReadTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
+} // -Mw
+// Threads: Ttf
bool LLTextureFetchWorker::writeToCacheComplete()
// Complete write to cache
@@ -1806,6 +2271,36 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::writeToCacheComplete()
+// Threads: Ttf
+void LLTextureFetchWorker::recordTextureStart(bool is_http)
+ if (! mMetricsStartTime)
+ {
+ mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
+ }
+ LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
+ is_http,
+ LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
+// Threads: Ttf
+void LLTextureFetchWorker::recordTextureDone(bool is_http)
+ if (mMetricsStartTime)
+ {
+ LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_response_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
+ is_http,
+ LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType,
+ LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp() - mMetricsStartTime);
+ mMetricsStartTime = 0;
+ }
+ LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_dequeue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::AT_TEXTURE,
+ is_http,
+ LLImageBase::TYPE_AVATAR_BAKE == mType);
// public
@@ -1823,17 +2318,49 @@ LLTextureFetch::LLTextureFetch(LLTextureCache* cache, LLImageDecodeThread* image
- mCurlGetRequest(NULL),
- mQAMode(qa_mode)
+ mQAMode(qa_mode),
+ mHttpRequest(NULL),
+ mHttpOptions(NULL),
+ mHttpHeaders(NULL),
+ mHttpMetricsHeaders(NULL),
+ mHttpPolicyClass(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID),
+ mTotalCacheReadCount(0U),
+ mTotalCacheWriteCount(0U),
+ mTotalResourceWaitCount(0U),
+ mFetchDebugger(NULL),
+ mFetchSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_ALL),
+ mOriginFetchSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_ALL),
+ mFetcherLocked(FALSE)
- mCurlPOSTRequestCount = 0;
mMaxBandwidth = gSavedSettings.getF32("ThrottleBandwidthKBPS");
mTextureInfo.setUpLogging(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LogTextureDownloadsToViewerLog"), gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LogTextureDownloadsToSimulator"), gSavedSettings.getU32("TextureLoggingThreshold"));
+ LLTextureFetchDebugger::sDebuggerEnabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("TextureFetchDebuggerEnabled");
+ if(LLTextureFetchDebugger::isEnabled())
+ {
+ mFetchDebugger = new LLTextureFetchDebugger(this, cache, imagedecodethread) ;
+ mFetchSource = (e_tex_source)gSavedSettings.getS32("TextureFetchSource");
+ if(mFetchSource < 0 && mFetchSource >= INVALID_SOURCE)
+ {
+ mFetchSource = LLTextureFetch::FROM_ALL;
+ gSavedSettings.setS32("TextureFetchSource", 0);
+ }
+ mOriginFetchSource = mFetchSource;
+ }
+ mHttpRequest = new LLCore::HttpRequest;
+ mHttpOptions = new LLCore::HttpOptions;
+ mHttpHeaders = new LLCore::HttpHeaders;
+ mHttpHeaders->mHeaders.push_back("Accept: image/x-j2c");
+ mHttpMetricsHeaders = new LLCore::HttpHeaders;
+ mHttpMetricsHeaders->mHeaders.push_back("Content-Type: application/llsd+xml");
+ mHttpPolicyClass = LLAppViewer::instance()->getAppCoreHttp().getPolicyDefault();
- clearDeleteList() ;
+ clearDeleteList();
while (! mCommands.empty())
@@ -1841,6 +2368,32 @@ LLTextureFetch::~LLTextureFetch()
delete req;
+ if (mHttpOptions)
+ {
+ mHttpOptions->release();
+ mHttpOptions = NULL;
+ }
+ if (mHttpHeaders)
+ {
+ mHttpHeaders->release();
+ mHttpHeaders = NULL;
+ }
+ if (mHttpMetricsHeaders)
+ {
+ mHttpMetricsHeaders->release();
+ mHttpMetricsHeaders = NULL;
+ }
+ mHttpWaitResource.clear();
+ delete mHttpRequest;
+ mHttpRequest = NULL;
+ delete mFetchDebugger;
+ mFetchDebugger = NULL;
// ~LLQueuedThread() called here
@@ -1848,6 +2401,10 @@ LLTextureFetch::~LLTextureFetch()
bool LLTextureFetch::createRequest(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, const LLHost& host, F32 priority,
S32 w, S32 h, S32 c, S32 desired_discard, bool needs_aux, bool can_use_http)
+ if(mFetcherLocked)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
if (mDebugPause)
return false;
@@ -1891,6 +2448,8 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::createRequest(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, con
+ // If the requester knows nothing about the file, we fetch the smallest
+ // amount of data at the lowest resolution (highest discard level) possible.
desired_discard = MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL;
@@ -1902,7 +2461,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::createRequest(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, con
return false; // need to wait for previous aborted request to complete
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
worker->mNeedsAux = needs_aux;
@@ -1911,41 +2470,44 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::createRequest(const std::string& url, const LLUUID& id, con
if (!worker->haveWork())
worker->mState = LLTextureFetchWorker::INIT;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
worker->addWork(0, LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | worker->mWorkPriority);
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
worker = new LLTextureFetchWorker(this, url, id, host, priority, desired_discard, desired_size);
- lockQueue() ;
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
mRequestMap[id] = worker;
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
worker->mNeedsAux = needs_aux;
worker->setCanUseHTTP(can_use_http) ;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
// llinfos << "REQUESTED: " << id << " Discard: " << desired_discard << llendl;
return true;
+// Threads: T* (but Ttf in practice)
// protected
void LLTextureFetch::addToNetworkQueue(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker)
- lockQueue() ;
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
bool in_request_map = (mRequestMap.find(worker->mID) != mRequestMap.end()) ;
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
- LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
if (in_request_map)
// only add to the queue if in the request map
@@ -1957,44 +2519,52 @@ void LLTextureFetch::addToNetworkQueue(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker)
+} // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::removeFromNetworkQueue(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker, bool cancel)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
size_t erased = mNetworkQueue.erase(worker->mID);
if (cancel && erased > 0)
+} // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
// protected
void LLTextureFetch::addToHTTPQueue(const LLUUID& id)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
+} // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::removeFromHTTPQueue(const LLUUID& id, S32 received_size)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
mHTTPTextureBits += received_size * 8; // Approximate - does not include header bits
+} // -Mfnq
+// NB: If you change deleteRequest() you should probably make
+// parallel changes in removeRequest(). They're functionally
+// identical with only argument variations.
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::deleteRequest(const LLUUID& id, bool cancel)
- lockQueue() ;
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = getWorkerAfterLock(id);
if (worker)
size_t erased_1 = mRequestMap.erase(worker->mID);
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
llassert_always(erased_1 > 0) ;
removeFromNetworkQueue(worker, cancel);
llassert_always(!(worker->getFlags(LLWorkerClass::WCF_DELETE_REQUESTED))) ;
@@ -2002,15 +2572,25 @@ void LLTextureFetch::deleteRequest(const LLUUID& id, bool cancel)
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
+// NB: If you change removeRequest() you should probably make
+// parallel changes in deleteRequest(). They're functionally
+// identical with only argument variations.
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::removeRequest(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker, bool cancel)
- lockQueue() ;
+ if(!worker)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
size_t erased_1 = mRequestMap.erase(worker->mID);
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
llassert_always(erased_1 > 0) ;
removeFromNetworkQueue(worker, cancel);
@@ -2019,34 +2599,57 @@ void LLTextureFetch::removeRequest(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker, bool cancel)
+void LLTextureFetch::deleteAllRequests()
+ while(1)
+ {
+ lockQueue();
+ if(mRequestMap.empty())
+ {
+ unlockQueue() ;
+ break;
+ }
+ LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = mRequestMap.begin()->second;
+ unlockQueue() ;
+ removeRequest(worker, true);
+ }
+// Threads: T*
S32 LLTextureFetch::getNumRequests()
- lockQueue() ;
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
S32 size = (S32)mRequestMap.size();
- unlockQueue() ;
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
- return size ;
+ return size;
+// Threads: T*
S32 LLTextureFetch::getNumHTTPRequests()
- mNetworkQueueMutex.lock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfq
S32 size = (S32)mHTTPTextureQueue.size();
- mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfq
- return size ;
+ return size;
+// Threads: T*
U32 LLTextureFetch::getTotalNumHTTPRequests()
- mNetworkQueueMutex.lock() ;
- U32 size = mTotalHTTPRequests ;
- mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfq
+ U32 size = mTotalHTTPRequests;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfq
- return size ;
+ return size;
// call lockQueue() first!
+// Threads: T*
+// Locks: Mfq
LLTextureFetchWorker* LLTextureFetch::getWorkerAfterLock(const LLUUID& id)
LLTextureFetchWorker* res = NULL;
@@ -2058,14 +2661,16 @@ LLTextureFetchWorker* LLTextureFetch::getWorkerAfterLock(const LLUUID& id)
return res;
+// Threads: T*
LLTextureFetchWorker* LLTextureFetch::getWorker(const LLUUID& id)
- LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex) ;
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex); // +Mfq
- return getWorkerAfterLock(id) ;
+ return getWorkerAfterLock(id);
+} // -Mfq
+// Threads: T*
bool LLTextureFetch::getRequestFinished(const LLUUID& id, S32& discard_level,
LLPointer<LLImageRaw>& raw, LLPointer<LLImageRaw>& aux)
@@ -2088,17 +2693,22 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::getRequestFinished(const LLUUID& id, S32& discard_level,
else if (worker->checkWork())
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
discard_level = worker->mDecodedDiscard;
raw = worker->mRawImage;
aux = worker->mAuxImage;
+ F32 cache_read_time = worker->mCacheReadTime;
+ if (cache_read_time != 0.f)
+ {
+ sCacheReadLatency.addValue(cache_read_time * 1000.f);
+ }
res = true;
LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << id << ": Request Finished. State: " << worker->mState << " Discard: " << discard_level << LL_ENDL;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
if ((worker->mDecodedDiscard >= 0) &&
(worker->mDecodedDiscard < discard_level || discard_level < 0) &&
(worker->mState >= LLTextureFetchWorker::WAIT_ON_WRITE))
@@ -2108,7 +2718,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::getRequestFinished(const LLUUID& id, S32& discard_level,
raw = worker->mRawImage;
aux = worker->mAuxImage;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
@@ -2118,15 +2728,16 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::getRequestFinished(const LLUUID& id, S32& discard_level,
return res;
+// Threads: T*
bool LLTextureFetch::updateRequestPriority(const LLUUID& id, F32 priority)
bool res = false;
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = getWorker(id);
if (worker)
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
res = true;
return res;
@@ -2141,24 +2752,24 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::updateRequestPriority(const LLUUID& id, F32 priority)
// in step, at least until this can be refactored and
// the redundancy eliminated.
-// May be called from any thread
+// Threads: T*
S32 LLTextureFetch::getPending()
S32 res;
- lockData();
+ lockData(); // +Ct
- LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex); // +Mfq
res = mRequestQueue.size();
- res += mCurlPOSTRequestCount;
res += mCommands.size();
- }
- unlockData();
+ } // -Mfq
+ unlockData(); // -Ct
return res;
+// Locks: Ct
// virtual
bool LLTextureFetch::runCondition()
@@ -2173,56 +2784,65 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::runCondition()
bool have_no_commands(false);
- LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex);
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex); // +Mfq
have_no_commands = mCommands.empty();
- }
- bool have_no_curl_requests(0 == mCurlPOSTRequestCount);
+ } // -Mfq
return ! (have_no_commands
- && have_no_curl_requests
&& (mRequestQueue.empty() && mIdleThread)); // From base class
-// MAIN THREAD (unthreaded envs), WORKER THREAD (threaded envs)
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetch::commonUpdate()
+ // Release waiters
+ releaseHttpWaiters();
// Run a cross-thread command, if any.
- // Update Curl on same thread as mCurlGetRequest was constructed
- S32 processed = mCurlGetRequest->process();
- if (processed > 0)
+ // Deliver all completion notifications
+ LLCore::HttpStatus status = mHttpRequest->update(0);
+ if (! status)
- lldebugs << "processed: " << processed << " messages." << llendl;
+ LL_INFOS_ONCE("Texture") << "Problem during HTTP servicing. Reason: "
+ << status.toString()
+ << LL_ENDL;
+// Threads: Tmain
S32 LLTextureFetch::update(F32 max_time_ms)
static LLCachedControl<F32> band_width(gSavedSettings,"ThrottleBandwidthKBPS");
- mNetworkQueueMutex.lock() ;
- mMaxBandwidth = band_width ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ mMaxBandwidth = band_width;
- gTextureList.sTextureBits += mHTTPTextureBits ;
- mHTTPTextureBits = 0 ;
+ gTextureList.sTextureBits += mHTTPTextureBits;
+ mHTTPTextureBits = 0;
- mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
S32 res = LLWorkerThread::update(max_time_ms);
if (!mDebugPause)
- sendRequestListToSimulators();
+ // this is the startup state when send_complete_agent_movement() message is sent.
+ // Before this, the RequestImages message sent by sendRequestListToSimulators
+ // won't work so don't bother trying
+ if (LLStartUp::getStartupState() > STATE_AGENT_SEND)
+ {
+ sendRequestListToSimulators();
+ }
if (!mThreaded)
@@ -2230,10 +2850,17 @@ S32 LLTextureFetch::update(F32 max_time_ms)
+ if (mFetchDebugger)
+ {
+ mFetchDebugger->tryToStopDebug(); //check if need to stop debugger.
+ }
return res;
-//called in the MAIN thread after the TextureCacheThread shuts down.
+// called in the MAIN thread after the TextureCacheThread shuts down.
+// Threads: Tmain
void LLTextureFetch::shutDownTextureCacheThread()
@@ -2243,7 +2870,9 @@ void LLTextureFetch::shutDownTextureCacheThread()
-//called in the MAIN thread after the ImageDecodeThread shuts down.
+// called in the MAIN thread after the ImageDecodeThread shuts down.
+// Threads: Tmain
void LLTextureFetch::shutDownImageDecodeThread()
@@ -2253,26 +2882,27 @@ void LLTextureFetch::shutDownImageDecodeThread()
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetch::startThread()
- // Construct mCurlGetRequest from Worker Thread
- mCurlGetRequest = new LLCurlRequest();
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetch::endThread()
- // Destroy mCurlGetRequest from Worker Thread
- delete mCurlGetRequest;
- mCurlGetRequest = NULL;
+ LL_INFOS("Texture") << "CacheReads: " << mTotalCacheReadCount
+ << ", CacheWrites: " << mTotalCacheWriteCount
+ << ", ResWaits: " << mTotalResourceWaitCount
+ << ", TotalHTTPReq: " << getTotalNumHTTPRequests()
+ << LL_ENDL;
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetch::threadedUpdate()
- llassert_always(mCurlGetRequest);
+ llassert_always(mHttpRequest);
+#if 0
// Limit update frequency
const F32 PROCESS_TIME = 0.05f;
static LLFrameTimer process_timer;
@@ -2281,9 +2911,10 @@ void LLTextureFetch::threadedUpdate()
#if 0
const F32 INFO_TIME = 1.0f;
static LLFrameTimer info_timer;
@@ -2297,11 +2928,11 @@ void LLTextureFetch::threadedUpdate()
+// Threads: Tmain
void LLTextureFetch::sendRequestListToSimulators()
// All requests
@@ -2327,48 +2958,48 @@ void LLTextureFetch::sendRequestListToSimulators()
typedef std::map< LLHost, request_list_t > work_request_map_t;
work_request_map_t requests;
- LLMutexLock lock2(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
- for (queue_t::iterator iter = mNetworkQueue.begin(); iter != mNetworkQueue.end(); )
- {
- queue_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLTextureFetchWorker* req = getWorker(*curiter);
- if (!req)
+ LLMutexLock lock2(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
+ for (queue_t::iterator iter = mNetworkQueue.begin(); iter != mNetworkQueue.end(); )
- mNetworkQueue.erase(curiter);
- continue; // paranoia
- }
- if ((req->mState != LLTextureFetchWorker::LOAD_FROM_NETWORK) &&
- (req->mState != LLTextureFetchWorker::LOAD_FROM_SIMULATOR))
- {
- // We already received our URL, remove from the queue
- llwarns << "Worker: " << req->mID << " in mNetworkQueue but in wrong state: " << req->mState << llendl;
- mNetworkQueue.erase(curiter);
- continue;
- }
- if (req->mID == mDebugID)
- {
- mDebugCount++; // for setting breakpoints
- }
- if (req->mSentRequest == LLTextureFetchWorker::SENT_SIM &&
- req->mTotalPackets > 0 &&
- req->mLastPacket >= req->mTotalPackets-1)
- {
- // We have all the packets... make sure this is high priority
+ queue_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
+ LLTextureFetchWorker* req = getWorker(*curiter);
+ if (!req)
+ {
+ mNetworkQueue.erase(curiter);
+ continue; // paranoia
+ }
+ if ((req->mState != LLTextureFetchWorker::LOAD_FROM_NETWORK) &&
+ (req->mState != LLTextureFetchWorker::LOAD_FROM_SIMULATOR))
+ {
+ // We already received our URL, remove from the queue
+ llwarns << "Worker: " << req->mID << " in mNetworkQueue but in wrong state: " << req->mState << llendl;
+ mNetworkQueue.erase(curiter);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (req->mID == mDebugID)
+ {
+ mDebugCount++; // for setting breakpoints
+ }
+ if (req->mSentRequest == LLTextureFetchWorker::SENT_SIM &&
+ req->mTotalPackets > 0 &&
+ req->mLastPacket >= req->mTotalPackets-1)
+ {
+ // We have all the packets... make sure this is high priority
// req->setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | req->mWorkPriority);
- continue;
- }
- F32 elapsed = req->mRequestedTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- {
- F32 delta_priority = llabs(req->mRequestedPriority - req->mImagePriority);
- if ((req->mSimRequestedDiscard != req->mDesiredDiscard) ||
- (delta_priority > MIN_DELTA_PRIORITY && elapsed >= MIN_REQUEST_TIME) ||
- (elapsed >= SIM_LAZY_FLUSH_TIMEOUT))
+ continue;
+ }
+ F32 elapsed = req->mRequestedTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- requests[req->mHost].insert(req);
+ F32 delta_priority = llabs(req->mRequestedPriority - req->mImagePriority);
+ if ((req->mSimRequestedDiscard != req->mDesiredDiscard) ||
+ (delta_priority > MIN_DELTA_PRIORITY && elapsed >= MIN_REQUEST_TIME) ||
+ (elapsed >= SIM_LAZY_FLUSH_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ requests[req->mHost].insert(req);
+ }
- }
- }
+ } // -Mfnq
for (work_request_map_t::iterator iter1 = requests.begin();
iter1 != requests.end(); ++iter1)
@@ -2391,9 +3022,9 @@ void LLTextureFetch::sendRequestListToSimulators()
if (req->mSentRequest != LLTextureFetchWorker::SENT_SIM)
// Initialize packet data based on data read from cache
- req->lockWorkMutex();
+ req->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
- req->unlockWorkMutex();
+ req->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
if (0 == sim_request_count)
@@ -2422,12 +3053,12 @@ void LLTextureFetch::sendRequestListToSimulators()
mTextureInfo.setRequestType(req->mID, LLTextureInfoDetails::REQUEST_TYPE_UDP);
- req->lockWorkMutex();
+ req->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
req->mSentRequest = LLTextureFetchWorker::SENT_SIM;
req->mSimRequestedDiscard = req->mDesiredDiscard;
req->mRequestedPriority = req->mImagePriority;
- req->unlockWorkMutex();
+ req->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
if (sim_request_count >= IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
@@ -2448,55 +3079,57 @@ void LLTextureFetch::sendRequestListToSimulators()
// Send cancelations
- LLMutexLock lock2(&mNetworkQueueMutex);
- if (gMessageSystem && !mCancelQueue.empty())
- {
- for (cancel_queue_t::iterator iter1 = mCancelQueue.begin();
- iter1 != mCancelQueue.end(); ++iter1)
+ LLMutexLock lock2(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
+ if (gMessageSystem && !mCancelQueue.empty())
- LLHost host = iter1->first;
- if (host == LLHost::invalid)
- {
- host = gAgent.getRegionHost();
- }
- S32 request_count = 0;
- for (queue_t::iterator iter2 = iter1->second.begin();
- iter2 != iter1->second.end(); ++iter2)
+ for (cancel_queue_t::iterator iter1 = mCancelQueue.begin();
+ iter1 != mCancelQueue.end(); ++iter1)
- if (0 == request_count)
+ LLHost host = iter1->first;
+ if (host == LLHost::invalid)
- gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestImage);
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ host = gAgent.getRegionHost();
- gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_RequestImage);
- gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_Image, *iter2);
- gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_DiscardLevel, -1);
- gMessageSystem->addF32Fast(_PREHASH_DownloadPriority, 0);
- gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Packet, 0);
- gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Type, 0);
+ S32 request_count = 0;
+ for (queue_t::iterator iter2 = iter1->second.begin();
+ iter2 != iter1->second.end(); ++iter2)
+ {
+ if (0 == request_count)
+ {
+ gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestImage);
+ gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
+ gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
+ gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ }
+ gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_RequestImage);
+ gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_Image, *iter2);
+ gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_DiscardLevel, -1);
+ gMessageSystem->addF32Fast(_PREHASH_DownloadPriority, 0);
+ gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Packet, 0);
+ gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Type, 0);
// llinfos << "CANCELING IMAGE REQUEST: " << (*iter2) << llendl;
- request_count++;
- if (request_count >= IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
+ request_count++;
+ if (request_count >= IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
+ {
+ gMessageSystem->sendSemiReliable(host, NULL, NULL);
+ request_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (request_count > 0 && request_count < IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
gMessageSystem->sendSemiReliable(host, NULL, NULL);
- request_count = 0;
- if (request_count > 0 && request_count < IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
- {
- gMessageSystem->sendSemiReliable(host, NULL, NULL);
- }
+ mCancelQueue.clear();
- mCancelQueue.clear();
- }
- }
+ } // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
+// Locks: Mw
bool LLTextureFetchWorker::insertPacket(S32 index, U8* data, S32 size)
@@ -2529,6 +3162,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetchWorker::insertPacket(S32 index, U8* data, S32 size)
return true;
+// Threads: T*
bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImageHeader(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U8 codec, U16 packets, U32 totalbytes,
U16 data_size, U8* data)
@@ -2563,14 +3197,14 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImageHeader(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U8
if (!res)
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
- mNetworkQueueMutex.lock() ;
- mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
return false;
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
// Copy header data into image object
worker->mImageCodec = codec;
@@ -2581,10 +3215,12 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImageHeader(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U8
res = worker->insertPacket(0, data, data_size);
worker->setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | worker->mWorkPriority);
worker->mState = LLTextureFetchWorker::LOAD_FROM_SIMULATOR;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
return res;
+// Threads: T*
bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImagePacket(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U16 packet_num, U16 data_size, U8* data)
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = getWorker(id);
@@ -2609,14 +3245,14 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImagePacket(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U1
if (!res)
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
- mNetworkQueueMutex.lock() ;
- mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock() ;
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
return false;
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
res = worker->insertPacket(packet_num, data, data_size);
@@ -2633,7 +3269,7 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImagePacket(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U1
removeFromNetworkQueue(worker, true); // failsafe
- if(packet_num >= (worker->mTotalPackets - 1))
+ if (packet_num >= (worker->mTotalPackets - 1))
static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_viewer_log(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureDownloadsToViewerLog");
static LLCachedControl<bool> log_to_sim(gSavedSettings,"LogTextureDownloadsToSimulator");
@@ -2645,12 +3281,14 @@ bool LLTextureFetch::receiveImagePacket(const LLHost& host, const LLUUID& id, U1
mTextureInfo.setRequestCompleteTimeAndLog(id, timeNow);
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
return res;
+// Threads: T*
BOOL LLTextureFetch::isFromLocalCache(const LLUUID& id)
BOOL from_cache = FALSE ;
@@ -2658,14 +3296,15 @@ BOOL LLTextureFetch::isFromLocalCache(const LLUUID& id)
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = getWorker(id);
if (worker)
- worker->lockWorkMutex() ;
- from_cache = worker->mInLocalCache ;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex() ;
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
+ from_cache = worker->mInLocalCache;
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
return from_cache ;
+// Threads: T*
S32 LLTextureFetch::getFetchState(const LLUUID& id, F32& data_progress_p, F32& requested_priority_p,
U32& fetch_priority_p, F32& fetch_dtime_p, F32& request_dtime_p, bool& can_use_http)
@@ -2679,7 +3318,7 @@ S32 LLTextureFetch::getFetchState(const LLUUID& id, F32& data_progress_p, F32& r
LLTextureFetchWorker* worker = getWorker(id);
if (worker && worker->haveWork())
- worker->lockWorkMutex();
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
state = worker->mState;
fetch_dtime = worker->mFetchTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
request_dtime = worker->mRequestedTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
@@ -2706,7 +3345,7 @@ S32 LLTextureFetch::getFetchState(const LLUUID& id, F32& data_progress_p, F32& r
fetch_priority = worker->getPriority();
can_use_http = worker->getCanUseHTTP() ;
- worker->unlockWorkMutex();
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
data_progress_p = data_progress;
requested_priority_p = requested_priority;
@@ -2730,12 +3369,219 @@ void LLTextureFetch::dump()
<< " STATE: " << worker->sStateDescs[worker->mState]
<< llendl;
+ llinfos << "LLTextureFetch ACTIVE_HTTP:" << llendl;
+ for (queue_t::const_iterator iter(mHTTPTextureQueue.begin());
+ mHTTPTextureQueue.end() != iter;
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ llinfos << " ID: " << (*iter) << llendl;
+ }
+ llinfos << "LLTextureFetch WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE:" << llendl;
+ for (wait_http_res_queue_t::const_iterator iter(mHttpWaitResource.begin());
+ mHttpWaitResource.end() != iter;
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ llinfos << " ID: " << (*iter) << llendl;
+ }
+// HTTP Resource Waiting Methods
+// Threads: Ttf
+void LLTextureFetch::addHttpWaiter(const LLUUID & tid)
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ mHttpWaitResource.insert(tid);
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
+// Threads: Ttf
+void LLTextureFetch::removeHttpWaiter(const LLUUID & tid)
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ wait_http_res_queue_t::iterator iter(mHttpWaitResource.find(tid));
+ if (mHttpWaitResource.end() != iter)
+ {
+ mHttpWaitResource.erase(iter);
+ }
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
+bool LLTextureFetch::isHttpWaiter(const LLUUID & tid)
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ wait_http_res_queue_t::iterator iter(mHttpWaitResource.find(tid));
+ const bool ret(mHttpWaitResource.end() != iter);
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
+ return ret;
+// Release as many requests as permitted from the WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2
+// state to the SEND_HTTP_REQ state based on their current priority.
+// This data structures and code associated with this looks a bit
+// indirect and naive but it's done in the name of safety. An
+// ordered container may become invalid from time to time due to
+// priority changes caused by actions in other threads. State itself
+// could also suffer the same fate with canceled operations. Even
+// done this way, I'm not fully trusting we're truly safe. This
+// module is due for a major refactoring and we'll deal with it then.
+// Threads: Ttf
+// Locks: -Mw (must not hold any worker when called)
+void LLTextureFetch::releaseHttpWaiters()
+ // Use mHttpSemaphore rather than mHTTPTextureQueue.size()
+ // to avoid a lock.
+ return;
+ // Quickly make a copy of all the LLUIDs. Get off the
+ // mutex as early as possible.
+ typedef std::vector<LLUUID> uuid_vec_t;
+ uuid_vec_t tids;
+ {
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mNetworkQueueMutex); // +Mfnq
+ if (mHttpWaitResource.empty())
+ return;
+ tids.reserve(mHttpWaitResource.size());
+ tids.assign(mHttpWaitResource.begin(), mHttpWaitResource.end());
+ } // -Mfnq
+ // Now lookup the UUUIDs to find valid requests and sort
+ // them in priority order, highest to lowest. We're going
+ // to modify priority later as a side-effect of releasing
+ // these objects. That, in turn, would violate the partial
+ // ordering assumption of std::set, std::map, etc. so we
+ // don't use those containers. We use a vector and an explicit
+ // sort to keep the containers valid later.
+ typedef std::vector<LLTextureFetchWorker *> worker_list_t;
+ worker_list_t tids2;
+ tids2.reserve(tids.size());
+ for (uuid_vec_t::iterator iter(tids.begin());
+ tids.end() != iter;
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ LLTextureFetchWorker * worker(getWorker(* iter));
+ if (worker)
+ {
+ tids2.push_back(worker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If worker isn't found, this should be due to a request
+ // for deletion. We signal our recognition that this
+ // uuid shouldn't be used for resource waiting anymore by
+ // erasing it from the resource waiter list. That allows
+ // deleteOK to do final deletion on the worker.
+ removeHttpWaiter(* iter);
+ }
+ }
+ tids.clear();
+ // Sort into priority order, if necessary and only as much as needed
+ if (tids2.size() > mHttpSemaphore)
+ {
+ LLTextureFetchWorker::Compare compare;
+ std::partial_sort(tids2.begin(), tids2.begin() + mHttpSemaphore, tids2.end(), compare);
+ }
+ // Release workers up to the high water mark. Since we aren't
+ // holding any locks at this point, we can be in competition
+ // with other callers. Do defensive things like getting
+ // refreshed counts of requests and checking if someone else
+ // has moved any worker state around....
+ for (worker_list_t::iterator iter2(tids2.begin()); tids2.end() != iter2; ++iter2)
+ {
+ LLTextureFetchWorker * worker(* iter2);
+ worker->lockWorkMutex(); // +Mw
+ if (LLTextureFetchWorker::WAIT_HTTP_RESOURCE2 != worker->mState)
+ {
+ // Not in expected state, remove it, try the next one
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
+ LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Resource-waited texture " << worker->mID
+ << " in unexpected state: " << worker->mState
+ << ". Removing from wait list."
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ removeHttpWaiter(worker->mID);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (! worker->acquireHttpSemaphore())
+ {
+ // Out of active slots, quit
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
+ break;
+ }
+ worker->mState = LLTextureFetchWorker::SEND_HTTP_REQ;
+ worker->setPriority(LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_HIGH | worker->mWorkPriority);
+ worker->unlockWorkMutex(); // -Mw
+ removeHttpWaiter(worker->mID);
+ }
+// Threads: T*
+void LLTextureFetch::cancelHttpWaiters()
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ mHttpWaitResource.clear();
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
+// Threads: T*
+int LLTextureFetch::getHttpWaitersCount()
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.lock(); // +Mfnq
+ int ret(mHttpWaitResource.size());
+ mNetworkQueueMutex.unlock(); // -Mfnq
+ return ret;
+// Threads: T*
+void LLTextureFetch::updateStateStats(U32 cache_read, U32 cache_write, U32 res_wait)
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex); // +Mfq
+ mTotalCacheReadCount += cache_read;
+ mTotalCacheWriteCount += cache_write;
+ mTotalResourceWaitCount += res_wait;
+} // -Mfq
+// Threads: T*
+void LLTextureFetch::getStateStats(U32 * cache_read, U32 * cache_write, U32 * res_wait)
+ U32 ret1(0U), ret2(0U), ret3(0U);
+ {
+ LLMutexLock lock(&mQueueMutex); // +Mfq
+ ret1 = mTotalCacheReadCount;
+ ret2 = mTotalCacheWriteCount;
+ ret3 = mTotalResourceWaitCount;
+ } // -Mfq
+ *cache_read = ret1;
+ *cache_write = ret2;
+ *res_wait = ret3;
// cross-thread command methods
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::commandSetRegion(U64 region_handle)
TFReqSetRegion * req = new TFReqSetRegion(region_handle);
@@ -2743,6 +3589,7 @@ void LLTextureFetch::commandSetRegion(U64 region_handle)
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::commandSendMetrics(const std::string & caps_url,
const LLUUID & session_id,
const LLUUID & agent_id,
@@ -2753,6 +3600,7 @@ void LLTextureFetch::commandSendMetrics(const std::string & caps_url,
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::commandDataBreak()
// The pedantically correct way to implement this is to create a command
@@ -2763,30 +3611,33 @@ void LLTextureFetch::commandDataBreak()
LLTextureFetch::svMetricsDataBreak = true;
+// Threads: T*
void LLTextureFetch::cmdEnqueue(TFRequest * req)
- lockQueue();
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
- unlockQueue();
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
+// Threads: T*
LLTextureFetch::TFRequest * LLTextureFetch::cmdDequeue()
TFRequest * ret = 0;
- lockQueue();
+ lockQueue(); // +Mfq
if (! mCommands.empty())
ret = mCommands.front();
- unlockQueue();
+ unlockQueue(); // -Mfq
return ret;
+// Threads: Ttf
void LLTextureFetch::cmdDoWork()
if (mDebugPause)
@@ -2803,7 +3654,6 @@ void LLTextureFetch::cmdDoWork()
// Private (anonymous) class methods implementing the command scheme.
@@ -2811,6 +3661,37 @@ void LLTextureFetch::cmdDoWork()
+// Example of a simple notification handler for metrics
+// delivery notification. Earlier versions of the code used
+// a Responder that tried harder to detect delivery breaks
+// but it really isn't that important. If someone wants to
+// revisit that effort, here is a place to start.
+class AssetReportHandler : public LLCore::HttpHandler
+ // Threads: Ttf
+ virtual void onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response)
+ {
+ LLCore::HttpStatus status(response->getStatus());
+ if (status)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Successfully delivered asset metrics to grid."
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Error delivering asset metrics to grid. Reason: "
+ << status.toString() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+}; // end class AssetReportHandler
+AssetReportHandler stats_handler;
* Implements the 'Set Region' command.
@@ -2841,73 +3722,8 @@ TFReqSendMetrics::~TFReqSendMetrics()
TFReqSendMetrics::doWork(LLTextureFetch * fetcher)
- /*
- * HTTP POST responder. Doesn't do much but tries to
- * detect simple breaks in recording the metrics stream.
- *
- * The 'volatile' modifiers don't indicate signals,
- * mmap'd memory or threads, really. They indicate that
- * the referenced data is part of a pseudo-closure for
- * this responder rather than being required for correct
- * operation.
- *
- * We don't try very hard with the POST request. We give
- * it one shot and that's more-or-less it. With a proper
- * refactoring of the LLQueuedThread usage, these POSTs
- * could be put in a request object and made more reliable.
- */
- class lcl_responder : public LLCurl::Responder
- {
- public:
- lcl_responder(LLTextureFetch * fetcher,
- S32 expected_sequence,
- volatile const S32 & live_sequence,
- volatile bool & reporting_break,
- volatile bool & reporting_started)
- : LLCurl::Responder(),
- mFetcher(fetcher),
- mExpectedSequence(expected_sequence),
- mLiveSequence(live_sequence),
- mReportingBreak(reporting_break),
- mReportingStarted(reporting_started)
- {
- mFetcher->incrCurlPOSTCount();
- }
- ~lcl_responder()
- {
- mFetcher->decrCurlPOSTCount();
- }
- // virtual
- void error(U32 status_num, const std::string & reason)
- {
- if (mLiveSequence == mExpectedSequence)
- {
- mReportingBreak = true;
- }
- LL_WARNS("Texture") << "Break in metrics stream due to POST failure to metrics collection service. Reason: "
- << reason << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // virtual
- void result(const LLSD & content)
- {
- if (mLiveSequence == mExpectedSequence)
- {
- mReportingBreak = false;
- mReportingStarted = true;
- }
- }
- private:
- LLTextureFetch * mFetcher;
- S32 mExpectedSequence;
- volatile const S32 & mLiveSequence;
- volatile bool & mReportingBreak;
- volatile bool & mReportingStarted;
- }; // class lcl_responder
+ static const U32 report_priority(1);
+ static LLCore::HttpHandler * const handler(fetcher->isQAMode() || true ? &stats_handler : NULL);
if (! gViewerAssetStatsThread1)
return true;
@@ -2935,21 +3751,26 @@ TFReqSendMetrics::doWork(LLTextureFetch * fetcher)
// Update sequence number
if (S32_MAX == ++report_sequence)
report_sequence = 0;
+ reporting_started = true;
// Limit the size of the stats report if necessary.
merged_llsd["truncated"] = truncate_viewer_metrics(10, merged_llsd);
if (! mCapsURL.empty())
- LLCurlRequest::headers_t headers;
- fetcher->getCurlRequest().post(mCapsURL,
- headers,
- merged_llsd,
- new lcl_responder(fetcher,
- report_sequence,
- report_sequence,
- LLTextureFetch::svMetricsDataBreak,
- reporting_started));
+ LLCore::BufferArray * ba = new LLCore::BufferArray;
+ LLCore::BufferArrayStream bas(ba);
+ LLSDSerialize::toXML(merged_llsd, bas);
+ fetcher->getHttpRequest().requestPost(fetcher->getPolicyClass(),
+ report_priority,
+ mCapsURL,
+ ba,
+ fetcher->getMetricsHeaders(),
+ handler);
+ ba->release();
+ LLTextureFetch::svMetricsDataBreak = false;
@@ -2959,7 +3780,7 @@ TFReqSendMetrics::doWork(LLTextureFetch * fetcher)
// In QA mode, Metrics submode, log the result for ease of testing
if (fetcher->isQAMode())
- LL_INFOS("Textures") << merged_llsd << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_INFOS("Textures") << ll_pretty_print_sd(merged_llsd) << LL_ENDL;
@@ -3008,4 +3829,950 @@ truncate_viewer_metrics(int max_regions, LLSD & metrics)
} // end of anonymous namespace
+//Start LLTextureFetchDebugger
+class LLDebuggerCacheReadResponder : public LLTextureCache::ReadResponder
+ LLDebuggerCacheReadResponder(LLTextureFetchDebugger* debugger, S32 id, LLImageFormatted* image)
+ : mDebugger(debugger), mID(id)
+ {
+ setImage(image);
+ }
+ virtual void completed(bool success)
+ {
+ mDebugger->callbackCacheRead(mID, success, mFormattedImage, mImageSize, mImageLocal);
+ }
+ LLTextureFetchDebugger* mDebugger;
+ S32 mID;
+class LLDebuggerCacheWriteResponder : public LLTextureCache::WriteResponder
+ LLDebuggerCacheWriteResponder(LLTextureFetchDebugger* debugger, S32 id)
+ : mDebugger(debugger), mID(id)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void completed(bool success)
+ {
+ mDebugger->callbackCacheWrite(mID, success);
+ }
+ LLTextureFetchDebugger* mDebugger;
+ S32 mID;
+class LLDebuggerDecodeResponder : public LLImageDecodeThread::Responder
+ LLDebuggerDecodeResponder(LLTextureFetchDebugger* debugger, S32 id)
+ : mDebugger(debugger), mID(id)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void completed(bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImageRaw* aux)
+ {
+ mDebugger->callbackDecoded(mID, success, raw, aux);
+ }
+ LLTextureFetchDebugger* mDebugger;
+ S32 mID;
+LLTextureFetchDebugger::LLTextureFetchDebugger(LLTextureFetch* fetcher, LLTextureCache* cache, LLImageDecodeThread* imagedecodethread) :
+ mFetcher(fetcher),
+ mTextureCache(cache),
+ mImageDecodeThread(imagedecodethread),
+ mHttpHeaders(NULL),
+ mHttpPolicyClass(fetcher->getPolicyClass())
+ init();
+ mFetchingHistory.clear();
+ mStopDebug = TRUE;
+ tryToStopDebug();
+ if (mHttpHeaders)
+ {
+ mHttpHeaders->release();
+ mHttpHeaders = NULL;
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::init()
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mCacheReadTime = -1.f;
+ mCacheWriteTime = -1.f;
+ mDecodingTime = -1.f;
+ mHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ mGLCreationTime = -1.f;
+ mTotalFetchingTime = 0.f;
+ mRefetchVisCacheTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchVisHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchAllCacheTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchAllHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ mNumFetchedTextures = 0;
+ mNumCacheHits = 0;
+ mNumVisibleFetchedTextures = 0;
+ mNumVisibleFetchingRequests = 0;
+ mFetchedData = 0;
+ mDecodedData = 0;
+ mVisibleFetchedData = 0;
+ mVisibleDecodedData = 0;
+ mRenderedData = 0;
+ mRenderedDecodedData = 0;
+ mFetchedPixels = 0;
+ mRenderedPixels = 0;
+ mRefetchedVisData = 0;
+ mRefetchedVisPixels = 0;
+ mRefetchedAllData = 0;
+ mRefetchedAllPixels = 0;
+ mFreezeHistory = FALSE;
+ mStopDebug = FALSE;
+ mClearHistory = FALSE;
+ if (! mHttpHeaders)
+ {
+ mHttpHeaders = new LLCore::HttpHeaders;
+ mHttpHeaders->mHeaders.push_back("Accept: image/x-j2c");
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::startWork(e_debug_state state)
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case IDLE:
+ break;
+ startDebug();
+ break;
+ case READ_CACHE:
+ debugCacheRead();
+ break;
+ debugCacheWrite();
+ break;
+ case DECODING:
+ debugDecoder();
+ break;
+ debugHTTP();
+ break;
+ case GL_TEX:
+ debugGLTextureCreation();
+ break;
+ debugRefetchVisibleFromCache();
+ break;
+ debugRefetchVisibleFromHTTP();
+ break;
+ debugRefetchAllFromCache();
+ break;
+ debugRefetchAllFromHTTP();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::startDebug()
+ //lock the fetcher
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(true);
+ mFreezeHistory = TRUE;
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ //clear the current fetching queue
+ gTextureList.clearFetchingRequests();
+ mState = START_DEBUG;
+bool LLTextureFetchDebugger::processStartDebug(F32 max_time)
+ mTimer.reset();
+ //wait for all works to be done
+ while(1)
+ {
+ S32 pending = 0;
+ pending += LLAppViewer::getTextureCache()->update(1);
+ pending += LLAppViewer::getImageDecodeThread()->update(1);
+ pending += LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->update(1);
+ if(!pending)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //collect statistics
+ mTotalFetchingTime = gDebugTimers[0].getElapsedTimeF32() - mTotalFetchingTime;
+ std::set<LLUUID> fetched_textures;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ bool in_list = true;
+ if(fetched_textures.find(mFetchingHistory[i].mID) == fetched_textures.end())
+ {
+ fetched_textures.insert(mFetchingHistory[i].mID);
+ in_list = false;
+ }
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = LLViewerTextureManager::findFetchedTexture(mFetchingHistory[i].mID);
+ if(tex && tex->isJustBound()) //visible
+ {
+ if(!in_list)
+ {
+ mNumVisibleFetchedTextures++;
+ }
+ mNumVisibleFetchingRequests++;
+ mVisibleFetchedData += mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize;
+ mVisibleDecodedData += mFetchingHistory[i].mDecodedSize;
+ if(tex->getDiscardLevel() >= mFetchingHistory[i].mDecodedLevel)
+ {
+ mRenderedData += mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize;
+ mRenderedDecodedData += mFetchingHistory[i].mDecodedSize;
+ mRenderedPixels += tex->getWidth() * tex->getHeight();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mNumFetchedTextures = fetched_textures.size();
+ return true;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::tryToStopDebug()
+ if(!mStopDebug)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //clear the current debug work
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ switch(mState)
+ {
+ case READ_CACHE:
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ if (mFetchingHistory[i]. mCacheHandle != LLTextureCache::nullHandle())
+ {
+ mTextureCache->readComplete(mFetchingHistory[i].mCacheHandle, true);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ if (mFetchingHistory[i].mCacheHandle != LLTextureCache::nullHandle())
+ {
+ mTextureCache->writeComplete(mFetchingHistory[i].mCacheHandle, true);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DECODING:
+ break;
+ break;
+ case GL_TEX:
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ mRefetchList.clear();
+ break;
+ mRefetchList.clear();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(update(0.005f))
+ {
+ //unlock the fetcher
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(false);
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ mFreezeHistory = FALSE;
+ mStopDebug = FALSE;
+ if(mClearHistory)
+ {
+ mFetchingHistory.clear();
+ mHandleToFetchIndex.clear();
+ init();
+ mTotalFetchingTime = gDebugTimers[0].getElapsedTimeF32(); //reset
+ }
+ }
+//called in the main thread and when the fetching queue is empty
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::clearHistory()
+ mClearHistory = TRUE;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::addHistoryEntry(LLTextureFetchWorker* worker)
+ if(worker->mRawImage.isNull() || worker->mFormattedImage.isNull())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(mFreezeHistory)
+ {
+ if(mState == REFETCH_VIS_CACHE || mState == REFETCH_VIS_HTTP)
+ {
+ mRefetchedVisPixels += worker->mRawImage->getWidth() * worker->mRawImage->getHeight();
+ mRefetchedVisData += worker->mFormattedImage->getDataSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mRefetchedAllPixels += worker->mRawImage->getWidth() * worker->mRawImage->getHeight();
+ mRefetchedAllData += worker->mFormattedImage->getDataSize();
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = LLViewerTextureManager::findFetchedTexture(worker->mID);
+ if(tex && mRefetchList[tex].begin() != mRefetchList[tex].end())
+ {
+ if(worker->mDecodedDiscard == mFetchingHistory[mRefetchList[tex][0]].mDecodedLevel)
+ {
+ mRefetchList[tex].erase(mRefetchList[tex].begin());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(worker->mInCache)
+ {
+ mNumCacheHits++;
+ }
+ mFetchedData += worker->mFormattedImage->getDataSize();
+ mDecodedData += worker->mRawImage->getDataSize();
+ mFetchedPixels += worker->mRawImage->getWidth() * worker->mRawImage->getHeight();
+ mFetchingHistory.push_back(FetchEntry(worker->mID, worker->mDesiredSize, worker->mDecodedDiscard,
+ worker->mFormattedImage->getDataSize(), worker->mRawImage->getDataSize()));
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::lockCache()
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::unlockCache()
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugCacheRead()
+ lockCache();
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mState = READ_CACHE;
+ mCacheReadTime = -1.f;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage = NULL;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mCacheHandle = mTextureCache->readFromCache(mFetchingHistory[i].mID, LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize,
+ new LLDebuggerCacheReadResponder(this, i, mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage));
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::clearCache()
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ {
+ std::set<LLUUID> deleted_list;
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ if(deleted_list.find(mFetchingHistory[i].mID) == deleted_list.end())
+ {
+ deleted_list.insert(mFetchingHistory[i].mID);
+ mTextureCache->removeFromCache(mFetchingHistory[i].mID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugCacheWrite()
+ //remove from cache
+ clearCache();
+ lockCache();
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mState = WRITE_CACHE;
+ mCacheWriteTime = -1.f;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ if(mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage.notNull())
+ {
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mCacheHandle = mTextureCache->writeToCache(mFetchingHistory[i].mID, LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_NORMAL,
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage->getData(), mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize,
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mDecodedLevel == 0 ? mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize : mFetchingHistory[i].mFetchedSize + 1,
+ NULL, 0, new LLDebuggerCacheWriteResponder(this, i));
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::lockDecoder()
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::unlockDecoder()
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugDecoder()
+ lockDecoder();
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mState = DECODING;
+ mDecodingTime = -1.f;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ if(mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage.isNull())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ mImageDecodeThread->decodeImage(mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage, LLWorkerThread::PRIORITY_NORMAL,
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mDecodedLevel, mFetchingHistory[i].mNeedsAux,
+ new LLDebuggerDecodeResponder(this, i));
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugHTTP()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+ if (!region)
+ {
+ llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : Current region undefined. Cannot fetch textures through HTTP." << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ mHTTPUrl = region->getHttpUrl();
+ if (mHTTPUrl.empty())
+ {
+ llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : Current region URL undefined. Cannot fetch textures through HTTP." << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for (S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mCurlState = FetchEntry::CURL_NOT_DONE;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mCurlReceivedSize = 0;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mHTTPFailCount = 0;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mFormattedImage = NULL;
+ }
+ mNbCurlRequests = 0;
+ mNbCurlCompleted = 0;
+ fillCurlQueue();
+S32 LLTextureFetchDebugger::fillCurlQueue()
+ if(mStopDebug) //stop
+ {
+ mNbCurlCompleted = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ return mNbCurlRequests;
+ }
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for (S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ mNbCurlRequests++;
+ if (mFetchingHistory[i].mCurlState != FetchEntry::CURL_NOT_DONE)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string texture_url = mHTTPUrl + "/?texture_id=" + mFetchingHistory[i].mID.asString().c_str();
+ S32 requestedSize = mFetchingHistory[i].mRequestedSize;
+ // We request the whole file if the size was not set.
+ requestedSize = llmax(0,requestedSize);
+ // We request the whole file if the size was set to an absurdly high value (meaning all file)
+ requestedSize = (requestedSize == 33554432 ? 0 : requestedSize);
+ LLCore::HttpHandle handle = mFetcher->getHttpRequest().requestGetByteRange(mHttpPolicyClass,
+ texture_url,
+ 0,
+ requestedSize,
+ mHttpHeaders,
+ this);
+ {
+ mHandleToFetchIndex[handle] = i;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mHttpHandle = handle;
+ mFetchingHistory[i].mCurlState = FetchEntry::CURL_IN_PROGRESS;
+ mNbCurlRequests++;
+ // Hack
+ if (mNbCurlRequests == HTTP_REQUESTS_IN_QUEUE_HIGH_WATER) // emulate normal pipeline
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : Having " << mNbCurlRequests << " requests through the curl thread." << llendl;
+ return mNbCurlRequests;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugGLTextureCreation()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ mState = GL_TEX;
+ mTempTexList.clear();
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ if(mFetchingHistory[i].mRawImage.notNull())
+ {
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = gTextureList.findImage(mFetchingHistory[i].mID) ;
+ if(tex && !tex->isForSculptOnly())
+ {
+ tex->destroyGLTexture() ;
+ mTempTexList.push_back(tex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mGLCreationTime = -1.f;
+ mTempIndex = 0;
+ mHistoryListIndex = 0;
+ return;
+bool LLTextureFetchDebugger::processGLCreation(F32 max_time)
+ mTimer.reset();
+ bool done = true;
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ S32 size1 = mTempTexList.size();
+ for(; mHistoryListIndex < size && mTempIndex < size1; mHistoryListIndex++)
+ {
+ if(mFetchingHistory[mHistoryListIndex].mRawImage.notNull())
+ {
+ if(mFetchingHistory[mHistoryListIndex].mID == mTempTexList[mTempIndex]->getID())
+ {
+ mTempTexList[mTempIndex]->createGLTexture(mFetchingHistory[mHistoryListIndex].mDecodedLevel,
+ mFetchingHistory[mHistoryListIndex].mRawImage, 0, TRUE, mTempTexList[mTempIndex]->getBoostLevel());
+ mTempIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > max_time)
+ {
+ done = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mGLCreationTime < 0.f)
+ {
+ mGLCreationTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mGLCreationTime += mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ }
+ return done;
+//clear fetching results of all textures.
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::clearTextures()
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = gTextureList.findImage(mFetchingHistory[i].mID) ;
+ if(tex)
+ {
+ tex->clearFetchedResults() ;
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::makeRefetchList()
+ mRefetchList.clear();
+ S32 size = mFetchingHistory.size();
+ for(S32 i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(mFetchingHistory[i].mID);
+ if(tex && tex->isJustBound()) //visible
+ {
+ continue; //the texture fetch pipeline will take care of visible textures.
+ }
+ mRefetchList[tex].push_back(i);
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::scanRefetchList()
+ if(mStopDebug)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!mRefetchNonVis)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for(std::map< LLPointer<LLViewerFetchedTexture>, std::vector<S32> >::iterator iter = mRefetchList.begin();
+ iter != mRefetchList.end(); )
+ {
+ if(iter->second.empty())
+ {
+ gTextureList.setDebugFetching(iter->first, -1);
+ mRefetchList.erase(iter++); // This is the correct method to "erase and move on" in an std::map
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gTextureList.setDebugFetching(iter->first, mFetchingHistory[iter->second[0]].mDecodedLevel);
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugRefetchVisibleFromCache()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ clearTextures();
+ mFetcher->setLoadSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_ALL);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(false);
+ mRefetchVisCacheTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchedVisData = 0;
+ mRefetchedVisPixels = 0;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugRefetchVisibleFromHTTP()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ clearTextures();
+ mFetcher->setLoadSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_HTTP_ONLY);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(false);
+ mRefetchVisHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchedVisData = 0;
+ mRefetchedVisPixels = 0;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugRefetchAllFromCache()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ clearTextures();
+ makeRefetchList();
+ mFetcher->setLoadSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_ALL);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(false);
+ mRefetchAllCacheTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchedAllData = 0;
+ mRefetchedAllPixels = 0;
+ mRefetchNonVis = FALSE;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::debugRefetchAllFromHTTP()
+ llassert_always(mState == IDLE);
+ clearTextures();
+ makeRefetchList();
+ mFetcher->setLoadSource(LLTextureFetch::FROM_HTTP_ONLY);
+ mTimer.reset();
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(false);
+ mRefetchAllHTTPTime = -1.f;
+ mRefetchedAllData = 0;
+ mRefetchedAllPixels = 0;
+ mRefetchNonVis = TRUE;
+bool LLTextureFetchDebugger::update(F32 max_time)
+ switch(mState)
+ {
+ if(processStartDebug(max_time))
+ {
+ mState = IDLE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case READ_CACHE:
+ if(!mTextureCache->update(1))
+ {
+ mCacheReadTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ unlockCache();
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!mTextureCache->update(1))
+ {
+ mCacheWriteTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ unlockCache();
+ }
+ break;
+ case DECODING:
+ if(!mImageDecodeThread->update(1))
+ {
+ mDecodingTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ unlockDecoder();
+ }
+ break;
+ // Do some notifications...
+ mFetcher->getHttpRequest().update(10);
+ if (!fillCurlQueue() && mNbCurlCompleted == mFetchingHistory.size())
+ {
+ mHTTPTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GL_TEX:
+ if(processGLCreation(max_time))
+ {
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mTempTexList.clear();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests() == 0)
+ {
+ mRefetchVisCacheTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(true);
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests() == 0)
+ {
+ mRefetchVisHTTPTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(true);
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ }
+ break;
+ scanRefetchList();
+ if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests() == 0)
+ {
+ if(!mRefetchNonVis)
+ {
+ mRefetchNonVis = TRUE; //start to fetch non-vis
+ scanRefetchList();
+ break;
+ }
+ mRefetchAllCacheTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(true);
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ mRefetchList.clear();
+ mRefetchNonVis = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ scanRefetchList();
+ if (LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->getNumRequests() == 0)
+ {
+ mRefetchAllHTTPTime = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() ;
+ mState = IDLE;
+ mFetcher->lockFetcher(true);
+ mFetcher->resetLoadSource();
+ mRefetchList.clear();
+ mRefetchNonVis = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ mState = IDLE;
+ break;
+ }
+ return mState == IDLE;
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, LLCore::HttpResponse * response)
+ handle_fetch_map_t::iterator iter(mHandleToFetchIndex.find(handle));
+ if (mHandleToFetchIndex.end() == iter)
+ {
+ llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : Couldn't find handle " << handle << " in fetch list." << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ S32 fetch_ind(iter->second);
+ mHandleToFetchIndex.erase(iter);
+ if (fetch_ind >= mFetchingHistory.size() || mFetchingHistory[fetch_ind].mHttpHandle != handle)
+ {
+ llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : Handle and fetch object in disagreement. Punting." << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ callbackHTTP(mFetchingHistory[fetch_ind], response);
+ mFetchingHistory[fetch_ind].mHttpHandle = LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID; // Not valid after notification
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::callbackCacheRead(S32 id, bool success, LLImageFormatted* image,
+ S32 imagesize, BOOL islocal)
+ if (success)
+ {
+ mFetchingHistory[id].mFormattedImage = image;
+ }
+ mTextureCache->readComplete(mFetchingHistory[id].mCacheHandle, false);
+ mFetchingHistory[id].mCacheHandle = LLTextureCache::nullHandle();
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::callbackCacheWrite(S32 id, bool success)
+ mTextureCache->writeComplete(mFetchingHistory[id].mCacheHandle);
+ mFetchingHistory[id].mCacheHandle = LLTextureCache::nullHandle();
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::callbackDecoded(S32 id, bool success, LLImageRaw* raw, LLImageRaw* aux)
+ if (success)
+ {
+ llassert_always(raw);
+ mFetchingHistory[id].mRawImage = raw;
+ }
+void LLTextureFetchDebugger::callbackHTTP(FetchEntry & fetch, LLCore::HttpResponse * response)
+ static const LLCore::HttpStatus par_status(HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT);
+ LLCore::HttpStatus status(response->getStatus());
+ mNbCurlRequests--;
+ if (status)
+ {
+ const bool partial(par_status == status);
+ LLCore::BufferArray * ba(response->getBody()); // *Not* holding reference to body
+ fetch.mCurlState = FetchEntry::CURL_DONE;
+ mNbCurlCompleted++;
+ S32 data_size = ba ? ba->size() : 0;
+ fetch.mCurlReceivedSize += data_size;
+ //llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : got results for " << fetch.mID << ", data_size = " << data_size << ", received = " << fetch.mCurlReceivedSize << ", requested = " << fetch.mRequestedSize << ", partial = " << partial << llendl;
+ if ((fetch.mCurlReceivedSize >= fetch.mRequestedSize) || !partial || (fetch.mRequestedSize == 600))
+ {
+ U8* d_buffer = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(LLImageBase::getPrivatePool(), data_size);
+ if (ba)
+ {
+ ba->read(0, d_buffer, data_size);
+ }
+ llassert_always(fetch.mFormattedImage.isNull());
+ {
+ // For now, create formatted image based on extension
+ std::string texture_url = mHTTPUrl + "/?texture_id=" + fetch.mID.asString().c_str();
+ std::string extension = gDirUtilp->getExtension(texture_url);
+ fetch.mFormattedImage = LLImageFormatted::createFromType(LLImageBase::getCodecFromExtension(extension));
+ if (fetch.mFormattedImage.isNull())
+ {
+ fetch.mFormattedImage = new LLImageJ2C; // default
+ }
+ }
+ fetch.mFormattedImage->setData(d_buffer, data_size);
+ }
+ }
+ else //failed
+ {
+ llinfos << "Fetch Debugger : CURL GET FAILED, ID = " << fetch.mID
+ << ", status: " << status.toHex()
+ << " reason: " << status.toString() << llendl;
+ fetch.mHTTPFailCount++;
+ if(fetch.mHTTPFailCount < 5)
+ {
+ // Fetch will have to be redone
+ fetch.mCurlState = FetchEntry::CURL_NOT_DONE;
+ }
+ else //skip
+ {
+ fetch.mCurlState = FetchEntry::CURL_DONE;
+ mNbCurlCompleted++;
+ }
+ }
+//End LLTextureFetchDebugger