path: root/indra/newview/llsettingssky.h
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1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsettingssky.h b/indra/newview/llsettingssky.h
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index 0000000000..ade5a06553
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+++ b/indra/newview/llsettingssky.h
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+* @file llsettingssky.h
+* @author optional
+* @brief A base class for asset based settings groups.
+* $LicenseInfo:2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+* Second Life Viewer Source Code
+* Copyright (C) 2017, Linden Research, Inc.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+* version 2.1 of the License only.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+* $/LicenseInfo$
+#include "llsettingsbase.h"
+class LLSettingsSky: public LLSettingsBase
+ static const std::string SETTING_AMBIENT;
+ static const std::string SETTING_BLOOM_TEXTUREID;
+ static const std::string SETTING_BLUE_DENSITY;
+ static const std::string SETTING_BLUE_HORIZON;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_COLOR;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY1;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY2;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SCALE;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SHADOW;
+ static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_TEXTUREID;
+ static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER;
+ static const std::string SETTING_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER;
+ static const std::string SETTING_DOME_OFFSET;
+ static const std::string SETTING_DOME_RADIUS;
+ static const std::string SETTING_GAMMA;
+ static const std::string SETTING_GLOW;
+ static const std::string SETTING_HAZE_DENSITY;
+ static const std::string SETTING_HAZE_HORIZON;
+ static const std::string SETTING_LIGHT_NORMAL;
+ static const std::string SETTING_MAX_Y;
+ static const std::string SETTING_MOON_ROTATION;
+ static const std::string SETTING_MOON_TEXTUREID;
+ static const std::string SETTING_STAR_BRIGHTNESS;
+ static const std::string SETTING_SUNLIGHT_COLOR;
+ static const std::string SETTING_SUN_ROTATION;
+ static const std::string SETTING_SUN_TEXUTUREID;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<LLSettingsSky> ptr_t;
+ typedef std::pair<F32, F32> azimalt_t;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLSettingsSky(const LLSD &data);
+ virtual ~LLSettingsSky() { };
+ static ptr_t buildFromLegacyPreset(const std::string &name, const LLSD &oldsettings);
+ static ptr_t buildDefaultSky();
+ ptr_t buildClone();
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual std::string getSettingType() const { return std::string("sky"); }
+ // Settings status
+ virtual void blend(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &end, F32 blendf);
+ static LLSD defaults();
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ LLColor3 getAmbientColor() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_AMBIENT]);
+ }
+ void setAmbientColor(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_AMBIENT, val);
+ }
+ LLUUID getBloomTextureId() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_BLOOM_TEXTUREID].asUUID();
+ }
+ LLColor3 getBlueDensity() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_BLUE_DENSITY]);
+ }
+ void setBlueDensity(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_BLUE_DENSITY, val);
+ }
+ LLColor3 getBlueHorizon() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_BLUE_HORIZON]);
+ }
+ void setBlueHorizon(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_BLUE_HORIZON, val);
+ }
+ LLColor3 getCloudColor() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_COLOR]);
+ }
+ void setCloudColor(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_CLOUD_COLOR, val);
+ }
+ LLUUID getCloudNoiseTextureId() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_TEXTUREID].asUUID();
+ }
+ LLColor3 getCloudPosDensity1() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY1]);
+ }
+ void setCloudPosDensity1(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ }
+ LLColor3 getCloudPosDensity2() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY2]);
+ }
+ void setCloudPosDensity2(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ }
+ F32 getCloudScale() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_SCALE].asReal();
+ }
+ void setCloudScale(F32 val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_CLOUD_SCALE, val);
+ }
+ LLVector2 getCloudScrollRate() const
+ {
+ return LLVector2(mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE]);
+ }
+ void setCloudScrollRate(const LLVector2 &val)
+ {
+ }
+ void setCloudScrollRateX(F32 val)
+ {
+ mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE][0] = val;
+ setDirtyFlag(true);
+ }
+ void setCloudScrollRateY(F32 val)
+ {
+ mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE][1] = val;
+ setDirtyFlag(true);
+ }
+ F32 getCloudShadow() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_SHADOW].asReal();
+ }
+ void setCloudShadow(F32 val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_CLOUD_SHADOW, val);
+ }
+ F32 getDensityMultiplier() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER].asReal();
+ }
+ void setDensityMultiplier(F32 val)
+ {
+ }
+ F32 getDistanceMultiplier() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER].asReal();
+ }
+ void setDistanceMultiplier(F32 val)
+ {
+ }
+ F32 getDomeOffset() const
+ {
+ return DOME_OFFSET;
+ //return mSettings[SETTING_DOME_OFFSET].asReal();
+ }
+ F32 getDomeRadius() const
+ {
+ return DOME_RADIUS;
+ //return mSettings[SETTING_DOME_RADIUS].asReal();
+ }
+ F32 getGamma() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_GAMMA].asReal();
+ }
+ void setGamma(F32 val)
+ {
+ mSettings[SETTING_GAMMA] = LLSD::Real(val);
+ setDirtyFlag(true);
+ }
+ LLColor3 getGlow() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_GLOW]);
+ }
+ void setGlow(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_GLOW, val);
+ }
+ F32 getHazeDensity() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_HAZE_DENSITY].asReal();
+ }
+ void setHazeDensity(F32 val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_HAZE_DENSITY, val);
+ }
+ F32 getHazeHorizon() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_HAZE_HORIZON].asReal();
+ }
+ void setHazeHorizon(F32 val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_HAZE_HORIZON, val);
+ }
+ LLVector3 getLightNormal() const
+ {
+ return LLVector3(mSettings[SETTING_LIGHT_NORMAL]);
+ }
+ void setLightNormal(const LLVector3 &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_LIGHT_NORMAL, val);
+ }
+ F32 getMaxY() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_MAX_Y].asReal();
+ }
+ LLQuaternion getMoonRotation() const
+ {
+ return LLQuaternion(mSettings[SETTING_MOON_ROTATION]);
+ }
+ void setMoonRotation(const LLQuaternion &val)
+ {
+ }
+ azimalt_t getMoonRotationAzAl() const;
+ void setMoonRotation(F32 azimuth, F32 altitude);
+ void setMoonRotation(const azimalt_t &azialt)
+ {
+ setMoonRotation(azialt.first, azialt.second);
+ }
+ LLUUID getMoonTextureId() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_MOON_TEXTUREID].asUUID();
+ }
+ F32 getStarBrightness() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_STAR_BRIGHTNESS].asReal();
+ }
+ void setStarBrightness(F32 val)
+ {
+ }
+ LLColor3 getSunlightColor() const
+ {
+ return LLColor3(mSettings[SETTING_SUNLIGHT_COLOR]);
+ }
+ void setSunlightColor(const LLColor3 &val)
+ {
+ }
+ LLQuaternion getSunRotation() const
+ {
+ return LLQuaternion(mSettings[SETTING_SUN_ROTATION]);
+ }
+ azimalt_t getSunRotationAzAl() const;
+ void setSunRotation(const LLQuaternion &val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_SUN_ROTATION, val);
+ }
+ void setSunRotation(F32 azimuth, F32 altitude);
+ void setSunRotation(const azimalt_t & azimalt)
+ {
+ setSunRotation(azimalt.first, azimalt.second);
+ }
+ LLUUID getSunTextureId() const
+ {
+ return mSettings[SETTING_SUN_TEXUTUREID].asUUID();
+ }
+ // Internal/calculated settings
+ LLVector3 getLightDirection() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mLightDirection;
+ };
+ LLVector3 getClampedLightDirection() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mClampedLightDirection;
+ };
+ LLVector3 getSunDirection() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mSunDirection;
+ }
+ LLVector3 getMoonDirection() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mMoonDirection;
+ }
+ LLColor4U getFadeColor() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mFadeColor;
+ }
+ LLColor4 getMoonAmbient() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mMoonAmbient;
+ }
+ LLColor3 getMoonDiffuse() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mMoonDiffuse;
+ }
+ LLColor4 getSunAmbient() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mSunAmbient;
+ }
+ LLColor3 getSunDiffuse() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mSunDiffuse;
+ }
+ LLColor4 getTotalAmbient() const
+ {
+ update();
+ return mTotalAmbient;
+ }
+ LLSettingsSky();
+ virtual stringset_t getSlerpKeys() const;
+ virtual void updateSettings();
+ virtual parammapping_t getParameterMap() const;
+ virtual void applySpecial(void *);
+ static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_EAST_ANGLE;
+ static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_ENABLE_CLOUD_SCROLL;
+ static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_SUN_ANGLE;
+ void calculateHeavnlyBodyPositions();
+ void calculateLightSettings();
+ LLVector3 mSunDirection;
+ LLVector3 mMoonDirection;
+ LLVector3 mLightDirection;
+ LLVector3 mClampedLightDirection;
+ static const F32 DOME_RADIUS;
+ static const F32 DOME_OFFSET;
+ LLColor4U mFadeColor;
+ LLColor4 mMoonAmbient;
+ LLColor3 mMoonDiffuse;
+ LLColor4 mSunAmbient;
+ LLColor3 mSunDiffuse;
+ LLColor4 mTotalAmbient;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, S32> mapNameToUniformId_t;
+ static mapNameToUniformId_t sNameToUniformMapping;