path: root/indra/newview/llperfstats.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llperfstats.h')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llperfstats.h b/indra/newview/llperfstats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48ac483ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llperfstats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+* @file llperfstats.h
+* @brief Statistics collection to support autotune and perf flaoter.
+* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2022&license=viewerlgpl$
+* Second Life Viewer Source Code
+* Copyright (C) 2022, Linden Research, Inc.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+* version 2.1 of the License only.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+* $/LicenseInfo$
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <array>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <mutex>
+#include "lluuid.h"
+#include "llfasttimer.h"
+#include "llapp.h"
+#include "llprofiler.h"
+#include "pipeline.h"
+extern U32 gFrameCount;
+extern LLUUID gAgentID;
+namespace LLPerfStats
+// Note if changing these, they should correspond with the log range of the correpsonding sliders
+ static constexpr U64 ART_UNLIMITED_NANOS{50000000};
+ static constexpr U64 ART_MINIMUM_NANOS{100000};
+ static constexpr U64 ART_MIN_ADJUST_UP_NANOS{5000};
+ static constexpr U64 ART_MIN_ADJUST_DOWN_NANOS{10000};
+ static constexpr F32 PREFERRED_DD{180};
+ static constexpr U32 SMOOTHING_PERIODS{50};
+ static constexpr U32 DD_STEP{10};
+ static constexpr U32 TUNE_AVATARS_ONLY{0};
+ static constexpr U32 TUNE_SCENE_AND_AVATARS{1};
+ static constexpr U32 TUNE_SCENE_ONLY{2};
+ extern F64 cpu_hertz;
+ extern std::atomic<int64_t> tunedAvatars;
+ extern std::atomic<U64> renderAvatarMaxART_ns;
+ extern bool belowTargetFPS;
+ extern U32 lastGlobalPrefChange;
+ extern U32 lastSleepedFrame;
+ extern U64 meanFrameTime;
+ extern std::mutex bufferToggleLock;
+ enum class ObjType_t{
+ OT_GENERAL=0, // Also Unknown. Used for n/a type stats such as scenery
+ };
+ enum class StatType_t{
+ RENDER_DONE, // toggle buffer & clearbuffer (see processUpdate for hackery)
+ };
+ struct StatsRecord
+ {
+ StatType_t statType;
+ ObjType_t objType;
+ uint64_t time;
+ bool isRigged;
+ bool isHUD;
+ };
+ struct Tunables
+ {
+ static constexpr U32 Nothing{0};
+ static constexpr U32 NonImpostors{1};
+ static constexpr U32 ReflectionDetail{2};
+ static constexpr U32 FarClip{4};
+ static constexpr U32 UserMinDrawDistance{8};
+ static constexpr U32 UserTargetDrawDistance{16};
+ static constexpr U32 UserImpostorDistance{32};
+ static constexpr U32 UserImpostorDistanceTuningEnabled{64};
+ static constexpr U32 UserFPSTuningStrategy{128};
+ static constexpr U32 UserAutoTuneEnabled{256};
+ static constexpr U32 UserTargetFPS{512};
+ static constexpr U32 UserARTCutoff{1024};
+ static constexpr U32 UserTargetReflections{2048};
+ static constexpr U32 UserAutoTuneLock{4096};
+ U32 tuningFlag{0}; // bit mask for changed settings
+ // proxy variables, used to pas the new value to be set via the mainthread
+ U32 nonImpostors{0};
+ S32 reflectionDetail{0};
+ F32 farClip{0.0};
+ F32 userMinDrawDistance{0.0};
+ F32 userTargetDrawDistance{0.0};
+ F32 userImpostorDistance{0.0};
+ bool userImpostorDistanceTuningEnabled{false};
+ U32 userFPSTuningStrategy{0};
+ bool userAutoTuneEnabled{false};
+ bool userAutoTuneLock{true};
+ U32 userTargetFPS{0};
+ F32 userARTCutoffSliderValue{0};
+ S32 userTargetReflections{0};
+ bool autoTuneTimeout{true};
+ bool vsyncEnabled{true};
+ void updateNonImposters(U32 nv){nonImpostors=nv; tuningFlag |= NonImpostors;};
+ void updateReflectionDetail(S32 nv){reflectionDetail=nv; tuningFlag |= ReflectionDetail;};
+ void updateFarClip(F32 nv){farClip=nv; tuningFlag |= FarClip;};
+ void updateUserMinDrawDistance(F32 nv){userMinDrawDistance=nv; tuningFlag |= UserMinDrawDistance;};
+ void updateUserTargetDrawDistance(F32 nv){userTargetDrawDistance=nv; tuningFlag |= UserTargetDrawDistance;};
+ void updateImposterDistance(F32 nv){userImpostorDistance=nv; tuningFlag |= UserImpostorDistance;};
+ void updateImposterDistanceTuningEnabled(bool nv){userImpostorDistanceTuningEnabled=nv; tuningFlag |= UserImpostorDistanceTuningEnabled;};
+ void updateUserFPSTuningStrategy(U32 nv){userFPSTuningStrategy=nv; tuningFlag |= UserFPSTuningStrategy;};
+ void updateTargetFps(U32 nv){userTargetFPS=nv; tuningFlag |= UserTargetFPS;};
+ void updateUserARTCutoffSlider(F32 nv){userARTCutoffSliderValue=nv; tuningFlag |= UserARTCutoff;};
+ void updateUserAutoTuneEnabled(bool nv){userAutoTuneEnabled=nv; tuningFlag |= UserAutoTuneEnabled;};
+ void updateUserAutoTuneLock(bool nv){userAutoTuneLock=nv; tuningFlag |= UserAutoTuneLock;};
+ void updateUserTargetReflections(S32 nv){userTargetReflections=nv; tuningFlag |= UserTargetReflections;};
+ void resetChanges(){tuningFlag=Nothing;};
+ void initialiseFromSettings();
+ void updateRenderCostLimitFromSettings();
+ void updateSettingsFromRenderCostLimit();
+ void applyUpdates();
+ };
+ extern Tunables tunables;
+ class StatsRecorder{
+ using Queue = LLThreadSafeQueue<StatsRecord>;
+ public:
+ static inline StatsRecorder& getInstance()
+ {
+ static StatsRecorder instance;
+ return instance;
+ }
+ static inline void setFocusAv(const LLUUID& avID){focusAv = avID;};
+ static inline const LLUUID& getFocusAv(){return focusAv;};
+ static inline void setAutotuneInit(){autotuneInit = true;};
+ static inline void send(StatsRecord && upd){StatsRecorder::getInstance().q.pushFront(std::move(upd));};
+ static void endFrame(){StatsRecorder::getInstance().q.pushFront(StatsRecord{StatType_t::RENDER_DONE, ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL, LLUUID::null, LLUUID::null, 0});};
+ static void clearStats(){StatsRecorder::getInstance().q.pushFront(StatsRecord{StatType_t::RENDER_DONE, ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL, LLUUID::null, LLUUID::null, 1});};
+ static inline void setEnabled(bool on_or_off){collectionEnabled=on_or_off;};
+ static inline void enable() { collectionEnabled=true; };
+ static inline void disable() { collectionEnabled=false; };
+ static inline bool enabled() { return collectionEnabled; };
+ static inline int getReadBufferIndex() { return (writeBuffer ^ 1); };
+ // static inline const StatsTypeMatrix& getCurrentStatsMatrix(){ return statsDoubleBuffer[getReadBufferIndex()];}
+ static inline uint64_t get(ObjType_t otype, LLUUID id, StatType_t type)
+ {
+ return statsDoubleBuffer[getReadBufferIndex()][static_cast<size_t>(otype)][id][static_cast<size_t>(type)];
+ }
+ static inline uint64_t getSceneStat(StatType_t type)
+ {
+ return statsDoubleBuffer[getReadBufferIndex()][static_cast<size_t>(ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL)][LLUUID::null][static_cast<size_t>(type)];
+ }
+ static inline uint64_t getSum(ObjType_t otype, StatType_t type)
+ {
+ return sum[getReadBufferIndex()][static_cast<size_t>(otype)][static_cast<size_t>(type)];
+ }
+ static inline uint64_t getMax(ObjType_t otype, StatType_t type)
+ {
+ return max[getReadBufferIndex()][static_cast<size_t>(otype)][static_cast<size_t>(type)];
+ }
+ static void updateAvatarParams();
+ private:
+ StatsRecorder();
+ static int countNearbyAvatars(S32 distance);
+ static U64 getMeanTotalFrameTime();
+ static void updateMeanFrameTime(U64 tot_frame_time_raw);
+// StatsArray is a uint64_t for each possible statistic type.
+ using StatsArray = std::array<uint64_t, static_cast<size_t>(LLPerfStats::StatType_t::STATS_COUNT)>;
+ using StatsMap = std::unordered_map<LLUUID, StatsArray, boost::hash<LLUUID>>;
+ using StatsTypeMatrix = std::array<StatsMap, static_cast<size_t>(LLPerfStats::ObjType_t::OT_COUNT)>;
+ using StatsSummaryArray = std::array<StatsArray, static_cast<size_t>(LLPerfStats::ObjType_t::OT_COUNT)>;
+ static std::atomic<int> writeBuffer;
+ static LLUUID focusAv;
+ static bool autotuneInit;
+ static std::array<StatsTypeMatrix,2> statsDoubleBuffer;
+ static std::array<StatsSummaryArray,2> max;
+ static std::array<StatsSummaryArray,2> sum;
+ static bool collectionEnabled;
+ void processUpdate(const StatsRecord& upd) const
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "processing update:" << LL_ENDL;
+ // Note: nullptr is used as the key for global stats
+ static char avstr[36];
+ static char obstr[36];
+ #endif
+ if (upd.statType == StatType_t::RENDER_DONE && upd.objType == ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL && upd.time == 0)
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "End of Frame Toggle Buffer:" << gFrameCount << LL_ENDL;
+ toggleBuffer();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (upd.statType == StatType_t::RENDER_DONE && upd.objType == ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL && upd.time == 1)
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "New region - clear buffers:" << gFrameCount << LL_ENDL;
+ clearStatsBuffers();
+ return;
+ }
+ auto ot{upd.objType};
+ auto& key{upd.objID};
+ auto& avKey{upd.avID};
+ auto type {upd.statType};
+ auto val {upd.time};
+ if (ot == ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL)
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "General update:" << LL_ENDL;
+ doUpd(key, ot, type,val);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ot == ObjType_t::OT_AVATAR)
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "Avatar update:" << LL_ENDL;
+ doUpd(avKey, ot, type, val);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ot == ObjType_t::OT_ATTACHMENT)
+ {
+ if( !upd.isHUD ) // don't include HUD cost in self.
+ {
+ // For all attachments that are not rigged we add them to the avatar (for all avatars) cost.
+ doUpd(avKey, ObjType_t::OT_AVATAR, type, val);
+ }
+ if( avKey == focusAv )
+ {
+ // For attachments that are for the focusAv (self for now) we record them for the attachment/complexity view
+ if(upd.isHUD)
+ {
+ ot = ObjType_t::OT_HUD;
+ }
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "frame: " << gFrameCount << " Attachment update("<< (type==StatType_t::RENDER_GEOMETRY?"GEOMETRY":"SHADOW") << ": " << key.asString() << " = " << val << LL_ENDL;
+ doUpd(key, ot, type, val);
+ }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "frame: " << gFrameCount << " non-self Att update("<< (type==StatType_t::RENDER_GEOMETRY?"GEOMETRY":"SHADOW") << ": " << key.asString() << " = " << val << " for av " << avKey.asString() << LL_ENDL;
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ static inline void doUpd(const LLUUID& key, ObjType_t ot, StatType_t type, uint64_t val)
+ {
+ using ST = StatType_t;
+ StatsMap& stm {statsDoubleBuffer[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)]};
+ auto& thisAsset = stm[key];
+ thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(type)] += val;
+ thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)] += val;
+ sum[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(type)] += val;
+ sum[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)] += val;
+ if(max[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(type)] < thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(type)])
+ {
+ max[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(type)] = thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
+ }
+ if(max[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)] < thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)])
+ {
+ max[writeBuffer][static_cast<size_t>(ot)][static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)] = thisAsset[static_cast<size_t>(ST::RENDER_COMBINED)];
+ }
+ }
+ static void toggleBuffer();
+ static void clearStatsBuffers();
+ // thread entry
+ static void run()
+ {
+ StatsRecord upd[10];
+ auto & instance {StatsRecorder::getInstance()};
+ while( enabled() && !LLApp::isExiting() )
+ {
+ auto count = 0;
+ while (count < 10)
+ {
+ if (instance.q.tryPopFor(std::chrono::milliseconds(10), upd[count]))
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(count)
+ {
+ // LL_INFOS("perfstats") << "processing " << count << " updates." << LL_ENDL;
+ for(auto i =0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ instance.processUpdate(upd[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Queue q;
+ std::thread t;
+ ~StatsRecorder() = default;
+ StatsRecorder(const StatsRecorder&) = delete;
+ StatsRecorder& operator=(const StatsRecorder&) = delete;
+ };
+ template <enum ObjType_t ObjTypeDiscriminator>
+ class RecordTime
+ {
+ private:
+ RecordTime(const RecordTime&) = delete;
+ RecordTime() = delete;
+ U64 start;
+ public:
+ StatsRecord stat;
+ RecordTime( const LLUUID& av, const LLUUID& id, StatType_t type, bool isRiggedAtt=false, bool isHUDAtt=false):
+ start{LLTrace::BlockTimer::getCPUClockCount64()},
+ stat{type, ObjTypeDiscriminator, std::move(av), std::move(id), 0, isRiggedAtt, isHUDAtt}
+ {
+ //LL_PROFILE_ZONE_COLOR(tracy::Color::Orange);
+ };
+ template < ObjType_t OD = ObjTypeDiscriminator,
+ std::enable_if_t<OD == ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL> * = nullptr>
+ explicit RecordTime( StatType_t type ):RecordTime<ObjTypeDiscriminator>(LLUUID::null, LLUUID::null, type )
+ {
+ };
+ template < ObjType_t OD = ObjTypeDiscriminator,
+ std::enable_if_t<OD == ObjType_t::OT_AVATAR> * = nullptr>
+ RecordTime( const LLUUID & av, StatType_t type ):RecordTime<ObjTypeDiscriminator>(std::move(av), LLUUID::null, type)
+ {
+ //LL_PROFILE_ZONE_COLOR(tracy::Color::Purple);
+ };
+ ~RecordTime()
+ {
+ if(!LLPerfStats::StatsRecorder::enabled())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //LL_PROFILE_ZONE_COLOR(tracy::Color::Red);
+ stat.time = LLTrace::BlockTimer::getCPUClockCount64() - start;
+ StatsRecorder::send(std::move(stat));
+ };
+ };
+ inline double raw_to_ns(U64 raw) { return (static_cast<double>(raw) * 1000000000.0) / LLPerfStats::cpu_hertz; };
+ inline double raw_to_us(U64 raw) { return (static_cast<double>(raw) * 1000000.0) / LLPerfStats::cpu_hertz; };
+ inline double raw_to_ms(U64 raw) { return (static_cast<double>(raw) * 1000.0) / LLPerfStats::cpu_hertz; };
+ using RecordSceneTime = RecordTime<ObjType_t::OT_GENERAL>;
+ using RecordAvatarTime = RecordTime<ObjType_t::OT_AVATAR>;
+ using RecordAttachmentTime = RecordTime<ObjType_t::OT_ATTACHMENT>;
+ using RecordHudAttachmentTime = RecordTime<ObjType_t::OT_HUD>;
+};// namespace LLPerfStats
+// helper functions
+using RATptr = std::unique_ptr<LLPerfStats::RecordAttachmentTime>;
+using RSTptr = std::unique_ptr<LLPerfStats::RecordSceneTime>;
+template <typename T>
+static inline void trackAttachments(const T * vobj, bool isRigged, RATptr* ratPtrp)
+ if( !vobj ){ ratPtrp->reset(); return;};
+ const T* rootAtt{vobj};
+ if (rootAtt->isAttachment())
+ {
+ while( !rootAtt->isRootEdit() )
+ {
+ rootAtt = (T*)(rootAtt->getParent());
+ }
+ auto avPtr = (T*)(rootAtt->getParent());
+ if(!avPtr){ratPtrp->reset(); return;}
+ auto& av = avPtr->getID();
+ auto& obj = rootAtt->getAttachmentItemID();
+ if (!*ratPtrp || (*ratPtrp)->stat.objID != obj || (*ratPtrp)->stat.avID != av)
+ {
+ if (*ratPtrp)
+ {
+ // deliberately reset to ensure destruction before construction of replacement.
+ ratPtrp->reset();
+ };
+ *ratPtrp = std::make_unique<LLPerfStats::RecordAttachmentTime>(
+ av,
+ obj,
+ ( LLPipeline::sShadowRender?LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_SHADOWS : LLPerfStats::StatType_t::RENDER_GEOMETRY ),
+ isRigged,
+ rootAtt->isHUDAttachment());
+ }
+ }
+ return;