path: root/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
index 5742b5ad1a..810c18de40 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llfontgl.h"
// project includes
+#include "llagent.h" // gAgent
#include "llagentdata.h"
#include "llbutton.h"
#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
@@ -45,10 +46,15 @@
#include "llcombobox.h"
#include "lldrawpoolbump.h"
#include "llface.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h" // gInventory
+#include "llinventorymodelbackgroundfetch.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "llmaterialmgr.h"
#include "llmediaentry.h"
+#include "llmenubutton.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
+#include "llpanelobject.h" // LLPanelObject::canCopyTexture
#include "llradiogroup.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
@@ -57,6 +63,8 @@
#include "lltexturectrl.h"
#include "lltextureentry.h"
#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
+#include "lltoolface.h"
+#include "lltoolmgr.h"
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "llui.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
@@ -298,7 +306,18 @@ BOOL LLPanelFace::postBuild()
mCtrlGlow->setCommitCallback(LLPanelFace::onCommitGlow, this);
+ mBtnCopyFaces = getChild<LLButton>("copy_face_btn");
+ if(mBtnCopyFaces)
+ {
+ mBtnCopyFaces->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::onCopyFaces, this));
+ }
+ mBtnPasteFaces = getChild<LLButton>("paste_face_btn");
+ if (mBtnPasteFaces)
+ {
+ mBtnPasteFaces->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::onPasteFaces, this));
+ }
+ mBtnPasteMenu = getChild<LLMenuButton>("paste_face_gear_btn");
@@ -307,9 +326,22 @@ BOOL LLPanelFace::postBuild()
: LLPanel(),
- mIsAlpha(false)
+ mIsAlpha(false),
+ mPasteColor(TRUE),
+ mPasteAlpha(TRUE),
+ mPasteGlow(TRUE),
+ mPasteDiffuse(TRUE),
+ mPasteNormal(TRUE),
+ mPasteSpecular(TRUE),
+ mPasteMapping(TRUE),
+ mPasteMedia(TRUE),
+ mPopulateAllTEs(TRUE)
USE_TEXTURE = LLTrans::getString("use_texture");
+ mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildFace.PasteCheckItem", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::pasteCheckMenuItem, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildFace.PasteDoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::pasteDoMenuItem, this, _2));
+ mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildFace.PasteEnable", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::pasteEnabletMenuItem, this, _2));
@@ -1535,6 +1567,12 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateUI(bool force_set_values /*false*/)
+ S32 selected_count = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount();
+ BOOL single_volume = (selected_count == 1);
+ mBtnCopyFaces->setEnabled(editable && single_volume);
+ mBtnPasteFaces->setEnabled(editable && (mClipboard.size() > 0));
+ mBtnPasteMenu->setEnabled(editable);
// Set variable values for numeric expressions
LLCalc* calcp = LLCalc::getInstance();
calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_U_SCALE, childGetValue("TexScaleU").asReal());
@@ -1735,8 +1773,6 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateVisibility()
// static
@@ -2850,3 +2886,621 @@ void LLPanelFace::LLSelectedTE::getMaxDiffuseRepeats(F32& repeats, bool& identic
} max_diff_repeats_func;
identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &max_diff_repeats_func, repeats );
+static LLSD texture_clipboard;
+void LLPanelFace::onCopyFaces()
+ LLViewerObject* objectp = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstObject();
+ LLSelectNode* node = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstNode();
+ S32 selected_count = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount();
+ if( !objectp || !node
+ || objectp->getPCode() != LL_PCODE_VOLUME
+ || !objectp->permModify()
+ || objectp->isPermanentEnforced()
+ || selected_count > 1)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mClipboard.clear();
+ std::map<LLUUID, LLUUID> asset_item_map;
+ S32 num_tes = llmin((S32)objectp->getNumTEs(), (S32)objectp->getNumFaces());
+ mPopulateAllTEs = (num_tes != 1) || (LLToolFace::getInstance() == LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentTool());
+ for (S32 te = 0; te < num_tes; ++te)
+ {
+ if (node->isTESelected(te))
+ {
+ LLTextureEntry* tep = objectp->getTE(te);
+ if (tep)
+ {
+ LLSD te_data;
+ // asLLSD() includes media
+ te_data["te"] = tep->asLLSD();
+ te_data["te"]["glow"] = tep->getGlow();
+ te_data["te"]["shiny"] = tep->getShiny();
+ te_data["te"]["bumpmap"] = tep->getBumpmap();
+ te_data["te"]["bumpshiny"] = tep->getBumpShiny();
+ te_data["te"]["bumpfullbright"] = tep->getBumpShinyFullbright();
+ if (te_data["te"].has("imageid"))
+ {
+ LLUUID item_id;
+ LLUUID id = te_data["te"]["imageid"].asUUID();
+ bool full_perm = LLPanelObject::isLibraryTexture(id) || (objectp->permCopy() && objectp->permTransfer() && objectp->permModify());
+ if (id.notNull() && !full_perm)
+ {
+ std::map<LLUUID, LLUUID>::iterator iter = asset_item_map.find(id);
+ if (iter != asset_item_map.end())
+ {
+ item_id = iter->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // What this does is simply searches inventory for item with same asset id,
+ // as result it is Hightly unreliable, leaves little control to user, borderline hack
+ // but there are little options to preserve permissions - multiple inventory
+ // items might reference same asset and inventory search is expensive.
+ item_id = LLPanelObject::getCopyPermInventoryTextureId(id);
+ // record value to avoid repeating inventory search when possible
+ asset_item_map[id] = item_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (id.isNull()
+ || (!full_perm && item_id.isNull()))
+ {
+ if (!LLLocalBitmapMgr::getInstance()->isLocalBitmap(id))
+ {
+ te_data["te"].erase("imageid");
+ te_data["te"]["imageid"] = LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("DefaultObjectTexture"));
+ }
+ te_data["te"]["itemfullperm"] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ te_data["te"]["itemfullperm"] = full_perm;
+ // If full permission object, texture is free to copy,
+ // but otherwise we need to check inventory and extract permissions
+ //
+ // Normally we care only about restrictions for current user and objects
+ // don't inherit any 'next owner' permissions from texture, so there is
+ // no need to record item id if full_perm==true
+ if (!full_perm && item_id.notNull())
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* itemp = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
+ if (itemp)
+ {
+ LLPermissions item_permissions = itemp->getPermissions();
+ if (item_permissions.allowOperationBy(PERM_COPY,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getGroupID()))
+ {
+ te_data["te"]["imageitemid"] = item_id;
+ te_data["te"]["itemfullperm"] = itemp->getIsFullPerm();
+ if (!itemp->isFinished())
+ {
+ // needed for dropTextureAllFaces
+ LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().start(item_id, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LLMaterialPtr material_ptr = tep->getMaterialParams();
+ if (!material_ptr.isNull())
+ {
+ LLSD mat_data;
+ mat_data["NormMap"] = material_ptr->getNormalID();
+ mat_data["SpecMap"] = material_ptr->getSpecularID();
+ mat_data["NormRepX"] = material_ptr->getNormalRepeatX();
+ mat_data["NormRepY"] = material_ptr->getNormalRepeatY();
+ mat_data["NormOffX"] = material_ptr->getNormalOffsetX();
+ mat_data["NormOffY"] = material_ptr->getNormalOffsetY();
+ mat_data["NormRot"] = material_ptr->getNormalRotation();
+ mat_data["SpecRepX"] = material_ptr->getSpecularRepeatX();
+ mat_data["SpecRepY"] = material_ptr->getSpecularRepeatY();
+ mat_data["SpecOffX"] = material_ptr->getSpecularOffsetX();
+ mat_data["SpecOffY"] = material_ptr->getSpecularOffsetY();
+ mat_data["SpecRot"] = material_ptr->getSpecularRotation();
+ mat_data["SpecColor"] = material_ptr->getSpecularLightColor().getValue();
+ mat_data["SpecExp"] = material_ptr->getSpecularLightExponent();
+ mat_data["EnvIntensity"] = material_ptr->getEnvironmentIntensity();
+ mat_data["AlphaMaskCutoff"] = material_ptr->getAlphaMaskCutoff();
+ mat_data["DiffuseAlphaMode"] = material_ptr->getDiffuseAlphaMode();
+ // Replace no-copy textures, destination texture will get used instead if available
+ if (mat_data.has("NormMap"))
+ {
+ LLUUID id = mat_data["NormMap"].asUUID();
+ if (id.notNull() && !LLPanelObject::canCopyTexture(id))
+ {
+ mat_data["NormMap"] = LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString( "DefaultObjectTexture" ));
+ mat_data["NormMapNoCopy"] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mat_data.has("SpecMap"))
+ {
+ LLUUID id = mat_data["SpecMap"].asUUID();
+ if (id.notNull() && !LLPanelObject::canCopyTexture(id))
+ {
+ mat_data["SpecMap"] = LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString( "DefaultObjectTexture" ));
+ mat_data["SpecMapNoCopy"] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ te_data["material"] = mat_data;
+ }
+ mClipboard.append(te_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LLPanelFace::pasteFace(LLViewerObject* objectp, S32 te)
+ LLSD te_data;
+ if ((mClipboard.size() == 1) && mPopulateAllTEs)
+ {
+ te_data = *(mClipboard.beginArray());
+ }
+ else if (mClipboard[te])
+ {
+ te_data = mClipboard[te];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLTextureEntry* tep = objectp->getTE(te);
+ if (tep)
+ {
+ if (te_data.has("te"))
+ {
+ // Texture
+ bool full_perm = te_data["te"].has("itemfullperm") && te_data["te"]["itemfullperm"].asBoolean();
+ if (mPasteDiffuse && te_data["te"].has("imageid"))
+ {
+ const LLUUID& imageid = te_data["te"]["imageid"].asUUID(); //texture or asset id
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* itemp_res = NULL;
+ if (te_data["te"].has("imageitemid"))
+ {
+ LLUUID item_id = te_data["te"]["imageitemid"].asUUID();
+ if (item_id.notNull())
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* itemp = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
+ if (itemp && itemp->isFinished())
+ {
+ // dropTextureAllFaces will fail if incomplete
+ itemp_res = itemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for case when item got removed from inventory after we pressed 'copy'
+ if (!itemp_res && !full_perm)
+ {
+ // todo: fix this, we are often searching same tuxter multiple times (equal to number of faces)
+ LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t items;
+ LLAssetIDMatches asset_id_matches(imageid);
+ gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(LLUUID::null,
+ cats,
+ items,
+ LLInventoryModel::INCLUDE_TRASH,
+ asset_id_matches);
+ // Extremely unreliable and perfomance unfriendly.
+ // But we need this to check permissions and it is how texture control finds items
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* itemp = items[i];
+ if (itemp && itemp->isFinished())
+ {
+ // dropTextureAllFaces will fail if incomplete
+ LLPermissions item_permissions = itemp->getPermissions();
+ if (item_permissions.allowOperationBy(PERM_COPY,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getGroupID()))
+ {
+ itemp_res = itemp;
+ break; // first match
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (itemp_res)
+ {
+ if (te == -1) // all faces
+ {
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::dropTextureAllFaces(objectp,
+ itemp_res,
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::SOURCE_AGENT,
+ LLUUID::null);
+ }
+ else // one face
+ {
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::dropTextureOneFace(objectp,
+ te,
+ itemp_res,
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::SOURCE_AGENT,
+ LLUUID::null);
+ }
+ }
+ // not an inventory item or no complete items
+ else if (full_perm)
+ {
+ // Either library, local or existed as fullperm when user made a copy
+ LLViewerTexture* image = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(imageid, FTT_DEFAULT, TRUE, LLGLTexture::BOOST_NONE, LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE);
+ objectp->setTEImage(U8(te), image);
+ }
+ }
+ // Color / Alpha
+ if ((mPasteColor || mPasteAlpha) && te_data["te"].has("colors"))
+ {
+ LLColor4 color = tep->getColor();
+ LLColor4 clip_color;
+ clip_color.setValue(te_data["te"]["colors"]);
+ // Color
+ if (mPasteColor)
+ {
+ color.mV[VRED] = clip_color.mV[VRED];
+ color.mV[VGREEN] = clip_color.mV[VGREEN];
+ color.mV[VBLUE] = clip_color.mV[VBLUE];
+ }
+ // Alpha
+ if (mPasteAlpha)
+ {
+ color.mV[VALPHA] = clip_color.mV[VALPHA];
+ }
+ objectp->setTEColor(te, color);
+ }
+ if (mPasteColor && te_data["te"].has("fullbright"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEFullbright(te, te_data["te"]["fullbright"].asInteger());
+ }
+ // Glow
+ if (mPasteGlow && te_data["te"].has("glow"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEGlow(te, (F32)te_data["te"]["glow"].asReal());
+ }
+ if (mPasteNormal && te_data["te"].has("bumpmap"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEBumpmap(te, (U8)te_data["te"]["bumpmap"].asInteger());
+ }
+ if (mPasteSpecular && te_data["te"].has("bumpshiny"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEBumpShiny(te, (U8)te_data["te"]["bumpshiny"].asInteger());
+ }
+ if (mPasteSpecular && te_data["te"].has("bumpfullbright"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEBumpShinyFullbright(te, (U8)te_data["te"]["bumpfullbright"].asInteger());
+ }
+ // Texture map
+ if (mPasteMapping)
+ {
+ if (te_data["te"].has("scales") && te_data["te"].has("scalet"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEScale(te, (F32)te_data["te"]["scales"].asReal(), (F32)te_data["te"]["scalet"].asReal());
+ }
+ if (te_data["te"].has("offsets") && te_data["te"].has("offsett"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEOffset(te, (F32)te_data["te"]["offsets"].asReal(), (F32)te_data["te"]["offsett"].asReal());
+ }
+ if (te_data["te"].has("imagerot"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTERotation(te, (F32)te_data["te"]["imagerot"].asReal());
+ }
+ }
+ // Media
+ if (mPasteMedia && te_data["te"].has("media_flags"))
+ {
+ U8 media_flags = te_data["te"]["media_flags"].asInteger();
+ objectp->setTEMediaFlags(te, media_flags);
+ LLVOVolume *vo = dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(objectp);
+ if (vo && te_data["te"].has(LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY))
+ {
+ vo->syncMediaData(te, te_data["te"][LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY], true/*merge*/, true/*ignore_agent*/);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Keep media flags on destination unchanged
+ }
+ }
+ if (te_data.has("material"))
+ {
+ LLUUID object_id = objectp->getID();
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setAlphaMaskCutoff(this, (U8)te_data["material"]["SpecRot"].asInteger(), te, object_id);
+ if (mPasteNormal)
+ {
+ // Replace placeholders with target's
+ if (te_data["material"].has("NormMapNoCopy"))
+ {
+ LLMaterialPtr material = tep->getMaterialParams();
+ if (material.notNull())
+ {
+ LLUUID id = material->getNormalID();
+ if (id.notNull())
+ {
+ te_data["material"]["NormMap"] = id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalID(this, te_data["material"]["NormMap"].asUUID(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalRepeatX(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["NormRepX"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalRepeatY(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["NormRepY"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalOffsetX(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["NormOffX"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalOffsetY(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["NormOffY"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setNormalRotation(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["NormRot"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ }
+ if (mPasteSpecular)
+ {
+ // Replace placeholders with target's
+ if (te_data["material"].has("SpecMapNoCopy"))
+ {
+ LLMaterialPtr material = tep->getMaterialParams();
+ if (material.notNull())
+ {
+ LLUUID id = material->getSpecularID();
+ if (id.notNull())
+ {
+ te_data["material"]["SpecMap"] = id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularID(this, te_data["material"]["SpecMap"].asUUID(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularRepeatX(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["SpecRepX"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularRepeatY(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["SpecRepY"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularOffsetX(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["SpecOffX"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularOffsetY(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["SpecOffY"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularRotation(this, (F32)te_data["material"]["SpecRot"].asReal(), te, object_id);
+ LLColor4 spec_color(te_data["material"]["SpecColor"]);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularLightColor(this, spec_color, te);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setSpecularLightExponent(this, (U8)te_data["material"]["SpecExp"].asInteger(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setEnvironmentIntensity(this, (U8)te_data["material"]["EnvIntensity"].asInteger(), te, object_id);
+ LLSelectedTEMaterial::setDiffuseAlphaMode(this, (U8)te_data["material"]["SpecRot"].asInteger(), te, object_id);
+ if (te_data.has("te") && te_data["te"].has("shiny"))
+ {
+ objectp->setTEShiny(te, (U8)te_data["te"]["shiny"].asInteger());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+struct LLPanelFacePasteTexFunctor : public LLSelectedTEFunctor
+ LLPanelFacePasteTexFunctor(LLPanelFace* panel) :
+ mPanelFace(panel){}
+ virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* objectp, S32 te)
+ {
+ mPanelFace->pasteFace(objectp, te);
+ return true;
+ }
+ LLPanelFace *mPanelFace;
+struct LLPanelFaceUpdateFunctor : public LLSelectedObjectFunctor
+ LLPanelFaceUpdateFunctor(bool update_media) : mUpdateMedia(update_media) {}
+ virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* object)
+ {
+ object->sendTEUpdate();
+ if (mUpdateMedia)
+ {
+ LLVOVolume *vo = dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(object);
+ if (vo && vo->hasMedia())
+ {
+ vo->sendMediaDataUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool mUpdateMedia;
+struct LLPanelFaceNavigateHomeFunctor : public LLSelectedTEFunctor
+ virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* objectp, S32 te)
+ {
+ if (objectp && objectp->getTE(te))
+ {
+ LLTextureEntry* tep = objectp->getTE(te);
+ const LLMediaEntry *media_data = tep->getMediaData();
+ if (media_data)
+ {
+ if (media_data->getCurrentURL().empty() && media_data->getAutoPlay())
+ {
+ viewer_media_t media_impl =
+ LLViewerMedia::getInstance()->getMediaImplFromTextureID(tep->getMediaData()->getMediaID());
+ if (media_impl)
+ {
+ media_impl->navigateHome();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+void LLPanelFace::onPasteFaces()
+ LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
+ LLPanelFacePasteTexFunctor paste_func(this);
+ selected_objects->applyToTEs(&paste_func);
+ LLPanelFaceUpdateFunctor sendfunc(mPasteMedia);
+ selected_objects->applyToObjects(&sendfunc);
+ if (mPasteMedia)
+ {
+ LLPanelFaceNavigateHomeFunctor navigate_home_func;
+ selected_objects->applyToTEs(&navigate_home_func);
+ }
+bool LLPanelFace::pasteCheckMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string command = userdata.asString();
+ if ("Color" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteColor;
+ }
+ if ("Transparency" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteAlpha;
+ }
+ if ("Glow" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteGlow;
+ }
+ if ("Diffuse" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteDiffuse;
+ }
+ if ("Normal" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteNormal;
+ }
+ if ("Specular" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteSpecular;
+ }
+ if ("Mapping" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteMapping;
+ }
+ if ("Media" == command)
+ {
+ return mPasteMedia;
+ }
+ return false;
+void LLPanelFace::pasteDoMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string command = userdata.asString();
+ if ("Color" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteColor = !mPasteColor;
+ }
+ if ("Transparency" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteAlpha = !mPasteAlpha;
+ }
+ if ("Glow" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteGlow = !mPasteGlow;
+ }
+ if ("Diffuse" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteDiffuse = !mPasteDiffuse;
+ }
+ if ("Normal" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteNormal = !mPasteNormal;
+ }
+ if ("Specular" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteSpecular = !mPasteSpecular;
+ }
+ if ("Mapping" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteMapping = !mPasteMapping;
+ }
+ if ("Media" == command)
+ {
+ mPasteMedia = !mPasteMedia;
+ }
+bool LLPanelFace::pasteEnabletMenuItem(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string command = userdata.asString();
+ // Keep at least one option enabled
+ S32 num_enabled = mPasteColor
+ + mPasteAlpha
+ + mPasteGlow
+ + mPasteDiffuse
+ + mPasteNormal
+ + mPasteSpecular
+ + mPasteMapping
+ + mPasteMedia;
+ if ( num_enabled == 1)
+ {
+ if ("Color" == command && mPasteColor)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Transparency" == command && mPasteAlpha)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Glow" == command && mPasteGlow)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Diffuse" == command && mPasteDiffuse)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Normal" == command && mPasteNormal)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Specular" == command && mPasteSpecular)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Mapping" == command && mPasteMapping)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ("Media" == command && mPasteMedia)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;