path: root/indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp b/indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp
index 36f2d05fab..1aedfec86f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpaneleditwearable.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "llagentwearables.h"
#include "llscrollingpanelparam.h"
#include "llradiogroup.h"
+#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "llcolorswatch.h"
#include "lltexturectrl.h"
@@ -60,6 +61,9 @@
#include "llagentcamera.h"
#include "llmorphview.h"
+#include "llcommandhandler.h"
+#include "lltextutil.h"
// register panel with appropriate XML
static LLRegisterPanelClassWrapper<LLPanelEditWearable> t_edit_wearable("panel_edit_wearable");
@@ -520,7 +524,8 @@ static void init_color_swatch_ctrl(LLPanelEditWearable* self, LLPanel* panel, co
LLColorSwatchCtrl* color_swatch_ctrl = panel->getChild<LLColorSwatchCtrl>(entry->mControlName);
if (color_swatch_ctrl)
- color_swatch_ctrl->setOriginal(self->getWearable()->getClothesColor(entry->mTextureIndex));
+ // Can't get the color from the wearable here, since the wearable may not be set when this is called.
+ color_swatch_ctrl->setOriginal(LLColor4::white);
@@ -606,6 +611,36 @@ LLPanelEditWearable::~LLPanelEditWearable()
+bool LLPanelEditWearable::changeHeightUnits(const LLSD& new_value)
+ updateMetricLayout( new_value.asBoolean() );
+ updateTypeSpecificControls(LLWearableType::WT_SHAPE);
+ return true;
+void LLPanelEditWearable::updateMetricLayout(BOOL new_value)
+ LLUIString current_metric, replacment_metric;
+ current_metric = new_value ? mMeters : mFeet;
+ replacment_metric = new_value ? mFeet : mMeters;
+ mHeigthValue.setArg( "[METRIC1]", current_metric.getString() );
+ mReplacementMetricUrl.setArg( "[URL_METRIC2]", std::string("[secondlife:///app/metricsystem ") + replacment_metric.getString() + std::string("]"));
+void LLPanelEditWearable::updateAvatarHeightLabel()
+ mTxtAvatarHeight->setText(LLStringUtil::null);
+ LLStyle::Params param;
+ param.color = mAvatarHeigthLabelColor;
+ mTxtAvatarHeight->appendText(mHeigth, false, param);
+ param.color = mAvatarHeigthValueLabelColor;
+ mTxtAvatarHeight->appendText(mHeigthValue, false, param);
+ param.color = mAvatarHeigthLabelColor; // using mAvatarHeigthLabelColor for '/' separator
+ mTxtAvatarHeight->appendText(" / ", false, param);
+ mTxtAvatarHeight->appendText(this->mReplacementMetricUrl, false, param);
// virtual
BOOL LLPanelEditWearable::postBuild()
@@ -623,6 +658,7 @@ BOOL LLPanelEditWearable::postBuild()
mDescTitle = getChild<LLTextBox>("description_text");
getChild<LLRadioGroup>("sex_radio")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::onCommitSexChange, this));
+ getChild<LLButton>("save_as_button")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::onSaveAsButtonClicked, this));
// The following panels will be shown/hidden based on what wearable we're editing
// body parts
@@ -654,6 +690,63 @@ BOOL LLPanelEditWearable::postBuild()
configureAlphaCheckbox(LLVOAvatarDefines::TEX_EYES_ALPHA, "eye alpha texture invisible");
configureAlphaCheckbox(LLVOAvatarDefines::TEX_HAIR_ALPHA, "hair alpha texture invisible");
+ // configure tab expanded callbacks
+ for (U32 type_index = 0; type_index < (U32)LLWearableType::WT_COUNT; ++type_index)
+ {
+ LLWearableType::EType type = (LLWearableType::EType) type_index;
+ const LLEditWearableDictionary::WearableEntry *wearable_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearable(type);
+ if (!wearable_entry)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get wearable dictionary entry for wearable of type: " << type << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ U8 num_subparts = wearable_entry->mSubparts.size();
+ for (U8 index = 0; index < num_subparts; ++index)
+ {
+ // dive into data structures to get the panel we need
+ ESubpart subpart_e = wearable_entry->mSubparts[index];
+ const LLEditWearableDictionary::SubpartEntry *subpart_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getSubpart(subpart_e);
+ if (!subpart_entry)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get wearable subpart dictionary entry for subpart: " << subpart_e << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const std::string accordion_tab = subpart_entry->mAccordionTab;
+ LLAccordionCtrlTab *tab = getChild<LLAccordionCtrlTab>(accordion_tab);
+ if (!tab)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get llaccordionctrltab from UI with name: " << accordion_tab << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // initialize callback to ensure camera view changes appropriately.
+ tab->setDropDownStateChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::onTabExpandedCollapsed,this,_2,index));
+ }
+ // initialize texture and color picker controls
+ for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLColorSwatchCtrl> (getPanel(type), type, boost::bind(init_color_swatch_ctrl, this, _1, _2));
+ for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLTextureCtrl> (getPanel(type), type, boost::bind(init_texture_ctrl, this, _1, _2));
+ }
+ // init all strings
+ mMeters = mPanelShape->getString("meters");
+ mFeet = mPanelShape->getString("feet");
+ mHeigth = mPanelShape->getString("height") + " ";
+ mHeigthValue = "[HEIGHT] [METRIC1]";
+ mReplacementMetricUrl = "[URL_METRIC2]";
+ std::string color = mPanelShape->getString("heigth_label_color");
+ mAvatarHeigthLabelColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor(color, LLColor4::green);
+ color = mPanelShape->getString("heigth_value_label_color");
+ mAvatarHeigthValueLabelColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor(color, LLColor4::green);
+ gSavedSettings.getControl("HeightUnits")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::changeHeightUnits, this, _2));
+ updateMetricLayout(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("HeightUnits"));
return TRUE;
@@ -690,10 +783,9 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::setWearable(LLWearable *wearable)
showWearable(mWearablePtr, FALSE);
mWearablePtr = wearable;
showWearable(mWearablePtr, TRUE);
- initializePanel();
void LLPanelEditWearable::onRevertButtonClicked(void* userdata)
@@ -701,6 +793,28 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::onRevertButtonClicked(void* userdata)
+void LLPanelEditWearable::onSaveAsButtonClicked()
+ LLSD args;
+ args["DESC"] = mTextEditor->getText();
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("SaveWearableAs", args, LLSD(), boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::saveAsCallback, this, _1, _2));
+void LLPanelEditWearable::saveAsCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ if (0 == option)
+ {
+ std::string wearable_name = response["message"].asString();
+ LLStringUtil::trim(wearable_name);
+ if( !wearable_name.empty() )
+ {
+ mTextEditor->setText(wearable_name);
+ saveChanges();
+ }
+ }
void LLPanelEditWearable::onCommitSexChange()
@@ -880,29 +994,89 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::showWearable(LLWearable* wearable, BOOL show)
std::string title;
std::string description_title;
- const LLEditWearableDictionary::WearableEntry *entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearable(type);
- if (!entry)
+ const LLEditWearableDictionary::WearableEntry *wearable_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearable(type);
+ if (!wearable_entry)
llwarns << "called LLPanelEditWearable::showWearable with an invalid wearable type! (" << type << ")" << llendl;
targetPanel = getPanel(type);
- title = getString(entry->mTitle);
- description_title = getString(entry->mDescTitle);
+ title = getString(wearable_entry->mTitle);
+ description_title = getString(wearable_entry->mDescTitle);
+ // Update picker controls state
+ for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLColorSwatchCtrl> (targetPanel, type, boost::bind(set_enabled_color_swatch_ctrl, show, _1, _2));
+ for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLTextureCtrl> (targetPanel, type, boost::bind(set_enabled_texture_ctrl, show, _1, _2));
+ toggleTypeSpecificControls(type);
if (show)
- }
+ // set name
+ mTextEditor->setText(wearable->getName());
- // Update picker controls state
- for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLColorSwatchCtrl> (targetPanel, type, boost::bind(set_enabled_color_swatch_ctrl, show, _1, _2));
- for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLTextureCtrl> (targetPanel, type, boost::bind(set_enabled_texture_ctrl, show, _1, _2));
+ updatePanelPickerControls(type);
+ updateTypeSpecificControls(type);
+ // clear and rebuild visual param list
+ U8 num_subparts = wearable_entry->mSubparts.size();
+ for (U8 index = 0; index < num_subparts; ++index)
+ {
+ // dive into data structures to get the panel we need
+ ESubpart subpart_e = wearable_entry->mSubparts[index];
+ const LLEditWearableDictionary::SubpartEntry *subpart_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getSubpart(subpart_e);
+ if (!subpart_entry)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get wearable subpart dictionary entry for subpart: " << subpart_e << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const std::string scrolling_panel = subpart_entry->mParamList;
+ const std::string accordion_tab = subpart_entry->mAccordionTab;
+ LLScrollingPanelList *panel_list = getChild<LLScrollingPanelList>(scrolling_panel);
+ LLAccordionCtrlTab *tab = getChild<LLAccordionCtrlTab>(accordion_tab);
+ if (!panel_list)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get scrolling panel list: " << scrolling_panel << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!tab)
+ {
+ llwarns << "could not get llaccordionctrltab from UI with name: " << accordion_tab << llendl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // what edit group do we want to extract params for?
+ const std::string edit_group = subpart_entry->mEditGroup;
+ // storage for ordered list of visual params
+ value_map_t sorted_params;
+ getSortedParams(sorted_params, edit_group);
+ LLJoint* jointp = gAgentAvatarp->getJoint( subpart_entry->mTargetJoint );
+ if (!jointp)
+ {
+ jointp = gAgentAvatarp->getJoint("mHead");
+ }
- showDefaultSubpart();
+ buildParamList(panel_list, sorted_params, tab, jointp);
+ updateScrollingPanelUI();
+ }
+ showDefaultSubpart();
+ updateVerbs();
+ }
void LLPanelEditWearable::showDefaultSubpart()
@@ -967,91 +1141,6 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::updateScrollingPanelList()
-void LLPanelEditWearable::initializePanel()
- if (!mWearablePtr)
- {
- // cannot initialize with a null reference.
- return;
- }
- LLWearableType::EType type = mWearablePtr->getType();
- // set name
- mTextEditor->setText(mWearablePtr->getName());
- // toggle wearable type-specific controls
- toggleTypeSpecificControls(type);
- // clear and rebuild visual param list
- const LLEditWearableDictionary::WearableEntry *wearable_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getWearable(type);
- if (!wearable_entry)
- {
- llwarns << "could not get wearable dictionary entry for wearable of type: " << type << llendl;
- return;
- }
- U8 num_subparts = wearable_entry->mSubparts.size();
- for (U8 index = 0; index < num_subparts; ++index)
- {
- // dive into data structures to get the panel we need
- ESubpart subpart_e = wearable_entry->mSubparts[index];
- const LLEditWearableDictionary::SubpartEntry *subpart_entry = LLEditWearableDictionary::getInstance()->getSubpart(subpart_e);
- if (!subpart_entry)
- {
- llwarns << "could not get wearable subpart dictionary entry for subpart: " << subpart_e << llendl;
- continue;
- }
- const std::string scrolling_panel = subpart_entry->mParamList;
- const std::string accordion_tab = subpart_entry->mAccordionTab;
- LLScrollingPanelList *panel_list = getChild<LLScrollingPanelList>(scrolling_panel);
- LLAccordionCtrlTab *tab = getChild<LLAccordionCtrlTab>(accordion_tab);
- if (!panel_list)
- {
- llwarns << "could not get scrolling panel list: " << scrolling_panel << llendl;
- continue;
- }
- if (!tab)
- {
- llwarns << "could not get llaccordionctrltab from UI with name: " << accordion_tab << llendl;
- continue;
- }
- // what edit group do we want to extract params for?
- const std::string edit_group = subpart_entry->mEditGroup;
- // initialize callback to ensure camera view changes appropriately.
- tab->setDropDownStateChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEditWearable::onTabExpandedCollapsed,this,_2,index));
- // storage for ordered list of visual params
- value_map_t sorted_params;
- getSortedParams(sorted_params, edit_group);
- buildParamList(panel_list, sorted_params, tab);
- updateScrollingPanelUI();
- }
- // initialize texture and color picker controls
- for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLColorSwatchCtrl> (getPanel(type), type, boost::bind(init_color_swatch_ctrl, this, _1, _2));
- for_each_picker_ctrl_entry <LLTextureCtrl> (getPanel(type), type, boost::bind(init_texture_ctrl, this, _1, _2));
- showDefaultSubpart();
- updateVerbs();
- if (getWearable())
- {
- LLWearableType::EType type = getWearable()->getType();
- updatePanelPickerControls(type);
- updateTypeSpecificControls(type);
- }
void LLPanelEditWearable::toggleTypeSpecificControls(LLWearableType::EType type)
// Toggle controls specific to shape editing panel.
@@ -1065,12 +1154,22 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::toggleTypeSpecificControls(LLWearableType::EType type)
void LLPanelEditWearable::updateTypeSpecificControls(LLWearableType::EType type)
+ const F32 ONE_METER = 1.0;
+ const F32 ONE_FOOT = 0.3048 * ONE_METER; // in meters
// Update controls specific to shape editing panel.
if (type == LLWearableType::WT_SHAPE)
// Update avatar height
- std::string avatar_height_str = llformat("%.2f", gAgentAvatarp->mBodySize.mV[VZ]);
- mTxtAvatarHeight->setTextArg("[HEIGHT]", avatar_height_str);
+ F32 new_size = gAgentAvatarp->mBodySize.mV[VZ];
+ if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("HeightUnits") == FALSE)
+ {
+ // convert meters to feet
+ new_size = new_size / ONE_FOOT;
+ }
+ std::string avatar_height_str = llformat("%.2f", new_size);
+ mHeigthValue.setArg("[HEIGHT]", avatar_height_str);
+ updateAvatarHeightLabel();
if (LLWearableType::WT_ALPHA == type)
@@ -1217,7 +1316,7 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::getSortedParams(value_map_t &sorted_params, const std:
-void LLPanelEditWearable::buildParamList(LLScrollingPanelList *panel_list, value_map_t &sorted_params, LLAccordionCtrlTab *tab)
+void LLPanelEditWearable::buildParamList(LLScrollingPanelList *panel_list, value_map_t &sorted_params, LLAccordionCtrlTab *tab, LLJoint* jointp)
// sorted_params is sorted according to magnitude of effect from
// least to greatest. Adding to the front of the child list
@@ -1231,7 +1330,7 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::buildParamList(LLScrollingPanelList *panel_list, value
LLPanel::Params p;"LLScrollingPanelParam");
- LLScrollingPanelParam* panel_param = new LLScrollingPanelParam( p, NULL, (*it).second, TRUE, this->getWearable());
+ LLScrollingPanelParam* panel_param = new LLScrollingPanelParam( p, NULL, (*it).second, TRUE, this->getWearable(), jointp);
height = panel_list->addPanel( panel_param );
@@ -1339,4 +1438,21 @@ void LLPanelEditWearable::initPreviousAlphaTextureEntry(LLVOAvatarDefines::EText
+// handle secondlife:///app/metricsystem
+class LLMetricSystemHandler : public LLCommandHandler
+ LLMetricSystemHandler() : LLCommandHandler("metricsystem", UNTRUSTED_THROTTLE) { }
+ bool handle(const LLSD& params, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web)
+ {
+ // change height units TRUE for meters and FALSE for feet
+ BOOL new_value = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("HeightUnits") == FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("HeightUnits", new_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+LLMetricSystemHandler gMetricSystemHandler;
// EOF