path: root/indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp
index 8ca044f72b..021e1f5159 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelclassified.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "lldir.h"
#include "lldispatcher.h"
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llhttpclient.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "llparcel.h"
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@
#include "llviewerwindow.h" // for window width, height
#include "llappviewer.h" // abortQuit()
#include "lltrans.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
#include "llstatusbar.h"
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ const S32 DECLINE_TO_STATE = 0;
std::list<LLPanelClassified*> LLPanelClassified::sAllPanels;
+std::list<LLPanelClassifiedInfo*> LLPanelClassifiedInfo::sAllPanels;
// "classifiedclickthrough"
// strings[0] = classified_id
@@ -102,15 +105,32 @@ public:
S32 teleport_clicks = atoi(strings[1].c_str());
S32 map_clicks = atoi(strings[2].c_str());
S32 profile_clicks = atoi(strings[3].c_str());
- LLPanelClassified::setClickThrough(classified_id, teleport_clicks,
- map_clicks,
- profile_clicks,
- false);
+ LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setClickThrough(
+ classified_id, teleport_clicks, map_clicks, profile_clicks, false);
return true;
static LLDispatchClassifiedClickThrough sClassifiedClickThrough;
+// Just to debug errors. Can be thrown away later.
+class LLClassifiedClickMessageResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+ LOG_CLASS(LLClassifiedClickMessageResponder);
+ // If we get back an error (not found, etc...), handle it here
+ virtual void errorWithContent(
+ U32 status,
+ const std::string& reason,
+ const LLSD& content)
+ {
+ llwarns << "Sending click message failed (" << status << "): [" << reason << "]" << llendl;
+ llwarns << "Content: [" << content << "]" << llendl;
+ }
/* Re-expose this if we need to have classified ad HTML detail
pages. JC
@@ -496,7 +516,7 @@ void LLPanelClassified::sendClassifiedInfoRequest()
if (!url.empty())
llinfos << "Classified stat request via capability" << llendl;
- LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, new LLClassifiedStatsResponder(((LLView*)this)->getHandle(), mClassifiedID));
+ LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, new LLClassifiedStatsResponder(mClassifiedID));
@@ -1152,11 +1172,25 @@ void LLPanelClassified::setDefaultAccessCombo()
: LLPanel()
, mInfoLoaded(false)
+ , mScrollingPanel(NULL)
+ , mScrollContainer(NULL)
+ , mScrollingPanelMinHeight(0)
+ , mScrollingPanelWidth(0)
+ , mSnapshotStreched(false)
+ , mTeleportClicksOld(0)
+ , mMapClicksOld(0)
+ , mProfileClicksOld(0)
+ , mTeleportClicksNew(0)
+ , mMapClicksNew(0)
+ , mProfileClicksNew(0)
+ , mSnapshotCtrl(NULL)
+ sAllPanels.push_back(this);
+ sAllPanels.remove(this);
// static
@@ -1173,6 +1207,15 @@ BOOL LLPanelClassifiedInfo::postBuild()
childSetAction("show_on_map_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onMapClick, this));
childSetAction("teleport_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onTeleportClick, this));
+ mScrollingPanel = getChild<LLPanel>("scroll_content_panel");
+ mScrollContainer = getChild<LLScrollContainer>("profile_scroll");
+ mScrollingPanelMinHeight = mScrollContainer->getScrolledViewRect().getHeight();
+ mScrollingPanelWidth = mScrollingPanel->getRect().getWidth();
+ mSnapshotCtrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>("classified_snapshot");
+ mSnapshotRect = getDefaultSnapshotRect();
return TRUE;
@@ -1186,9 +1229,32 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setEditClassifiedCallback(const commit_callback_t& c
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent /* = TRUE */)
+ LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);
+ if (!mScrollContainer || !mScrollingPanel)
+ return;
+ static LLUICachedControl<S32> scrollbar_size ("UIScrollbarSize", 0);
+ S32 scroll_height = mScrollContainer->getRect().getHeight();
+ if (mScrollingPanelMinHeight >= scroll_height)
+ {
+ mScrollingPanel->reshape(mScrollingPanelWidth, mScrollingPanelMinHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mScrollingPanel->reshape(mScrollingPanelWidth + scrollbar_size, scroll_height);
+ }
+ mSnapshotRect = getDefaultSnapshotRect();
+ stretchSnapshot();
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
- LLUUID avatar_id = key["avatar_id"];
+ LLUUID avatar_id = key["classified_creator_id"];
@@ -1203,14 +1269,35 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ scrollToTop();
- setClassifiedName(key["name"]);
- setDescription(key["desc"]);
- setSnapshotId(key["snapshot_id"]);
+ setClassifiedName(key["classified_name"]);
+ setDescription(key["classified_desc"]);
+ setSnapshotId(key["classified_snapshot_id"]);
+ setFromSearch(key["from_search"]);
+ llinfos << "Opening classified [" << getClassifiedName() << "] (" << getClassifiedId() << ")" << llendl;
LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->addObserver(getAvatarId(), this);
+ gGenericDispatcher.addHandler("classifiedclickthrough", &sClassifiedClickThrough);
+ // While we're at it let's get the stats from the new table if that
+ // capability exists.
+ std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("SearchStatRequest");
+ if (!url.empty())
+ {
+ llinfos << "Classified stat request via capability" << llendl;
+ LLSD body;
+ body["classified_id"] = getClassifiedId();
+ LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, new LLClassifiedStatsResponder(getClassifiedId()));
+ }
+ // Update classified click stats.
+ // *TODO: Should we do this when opening not from search?
+ sendClickMessage("profile");
@@ -1226,20 +1313,32 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType t
+ setSimName(c_info->sim_name);
setClassifiedLocation(createLocationText(c_info->parcel_name, c_info->sim_name, c_info->pos_global));
childSetValue("category", LLClassifiedInfo::sCategories[c_info->category]);
static std::string mature_str = getString("type_mature");
static std::string pg_str = getString("type_pg");
static LLUIString price_str = getString("l$_price");
+ static std::string date_fmt = getString("date_fmt");
bool mature = is_cf_mature(c_info->flags);
childSetValue("content_type", mature ? mature_str : pg_str);
- childSetValue("auto_renew", is_cf_auto_renew(c_info->flags));
+ getChild<LLIconCtrl>("content_type_moderate")->setVisible(mature);
+ getChild<LLIconCtrl>("content_type_general")->setVisible(!mature);
+ std::string auto_renew_str = is_cf_auto_renew(c_info->flags) ?
+ getString("auto_renew_on") : getString("auto_renew_off");
+ childSetValue("auto_renew", auto_renew_str);
price_str.setArg("[PRICE]", llformat("%d", c_info->price_for_listing));
childSetValue("price_for_listing", LLSD(price_str));
+ std::string date_str = date_fmt;
+ LLStringUtil::format(date_str, LLSD().with("datetime", (S32) c_info->creation_date));
+ childSetText("creation_date", date_str);
@@ -1252,23 +1351,38 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::resetData()
- mPosGlobal.clearVec();
- childSetValue("category", LLStringUtil::null);
- childSetValue("content_type", LLStringUtil::null);
+ setPosGlobal(LLVector3d::zero);
+ setParcelId(LLUUID::null);
+ setSimName(LLStringUtil::null);
+ setFromSearch(false);
+ // reset click stats
+ mTeleportClicksOld = 0;
+ mMapClicksOld = 0;
+ mProfileClicksOld = 0;
+ mTeleportClicksNew = 0;
+ mMapClicksNew = 0;
+ mProfileClicksNew = 0;
+ childSetText("category", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("content_type", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("click_through_text", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("price_for_listing", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("auto_renew", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("creation_date", LLStringUtil::null);
+ childSetText("click_through_text", LLStringUtil::null);
+ getChild<LLIconCtrl>("content_type_moderate")->setVisible(FALSE);
+ getChild<LLIconCtrl>("content_type_general")->setVisible(FALSE);
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::resetControls()
- if(getAvatarId() == gAgent.getID())
- {
- childSetEnabled("edit_btn", TRUE);
- childSetVisible("edit_btn", TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- childSetEnabled("edit_btn", FALSE);
- childSetVisible("edit_btn", FALSE);
- }
+ bool is_self = getAvatarId() == gAgent.getID();
+ childSetEnabled("edit_btn", is_self);
+ childSetVisible("edit_btn", is_self);
+ childSetVisible("price_layout_panel", is_self);
+ childSetVisible("clickthrough_layout_panel", is_self);
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setClassifiedName(const std::string& name)
@@ -1296,9 +1410,27 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setClassifiedLocation(const std::string& location)
childSetValue("classified_location", location);
+std::string LLPanelClassifiedInfo::getClassifiedLocation()
+ return childGetValue("classified_location").asString();
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setSnapshotId(const LLUUID& id)
- childSetValue("classified_snapshot", id);
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setValue(id);
+ mSnapshotStreched = false;
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::draw()
+ LLPanel::draw();
+ // Stretch in draw because it takes some time to load a texture,
+ // going to try to stretch snapshot until texture is loaded
+ if(!mSnapshotStreched)
+ {
+ stretchSnapshot();
+ }
LLUUID LLPanelClassifiedInfo::getSnapshotId()
@@ -1307,6 +1439,69 @@ LLUUID LLPanelClassifiedInfo::getSnapshotId()
// static
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::setClickThrough(
+ const LLUUID& classified_id,
+ S32 teleport,
+ S32 map,
+ S32 profile,
+ bool from_new_table)
+ llinfos << "Click-through data for classified " << classified_id << " arrived: ["
+ << teleport << ", " << map << ", " << profile << "] ("
+ << (from_new_table ? "new" : "old") << ")" << llendl;
+ for (panel_list_t::iterator iter = sAllPanels.begin(); iter != sAllPanels.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLPanelClassifiedInfo* self = *iter;
+ if (self->getClassifiedId() != classified_id)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // *HACK: Skip LLPanelClassifiedEdit instances: they don't display clicks data.
+ // Those instances should not be in the list at all.
+ if (typeid(*self) != typeid(LLPanelClassifiedInfo))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ llinfos << "Updating classified info panel" << llendl;
+ // We need to check to see if the data came from the new stat_table
+ // or the old classified table. We also need to cache the data from
+ // the two separate sources so as to display the aggregate totals.
+ if (from_new_table)
+ {
+ self->mTeleportClicksNew = teleport;
+ self->mMapClicksNew = map;
+ self->mProfileClicksNew = profile;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self->mTeleportClicksOld = teleport;
+ self->mMapClicksOld = map;
+ self->mProfileClicksOld = profile;
+ }
+ static LLUIString ct_str = self->getString("click_through_text_fmt");
+ ct_str.setArg("[TELEPORT]", llformat("%d", self->mTeleportClicksNew + self->mTeleportClicksOld));
+ ct_str.setArg("[MAP]", llformat("%d", self->mMapClicksNew + self->mMapClicksOld));
+ ct_str.setArg("[PROFILE]", llformat("%d", self->mProfileClicksNew + self->mProfileClicksOld));
+ self->childSetText("click_through_text", ct_str.getString());
+ // *HACK: remove this when there is enough room for click stats in the info panel
+ self->childSetToolTip("click_through_text", ct_str.getString());
+ llinfos << "teleport: " << llformat("%d", self->mTeleportClicksNew + self->mTeleportClicksOld)
+ << ", map: " << llformat("%d", self->mMapClicksNew + self->mMapClicksOld)
+ << ", profile: " << llformat("%d", self->mProfileClicksNew + self->mProfileClicksOld)
+ << llendl;
+ }
+// static
std::string LLPanelClassifiedInfo::createLocationText(
const std::string& original_name,
const std::string& sim_name,
@@ -1337,8 +1532,100 @@ std::string LLPanelClassifiedInfo::createLocationText(
return location_text;
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::stretchSnapshot()
+ // *NOTE dzaporozhan
+ // Could be moved to LLTextureCtrl
+ LLViewerFetchedTexture* texture = mSnapshotCtrl->getTexture();
+ if(!texture)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(0 == texture->getOriginalWidth() || 0 == texture->getOriginalHeight())
+ {
+ // looks like texture is not loaded yet
+ return;
+ }
+ LLRect rc = mSnapshotRect;
+ // *HACK dzaporozhan
+ // LLTextureCtrl uses BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL as bottom for texture which causes
+ // drawn texture to be smaller than expected. (see LLTextureCtrl::draw())
+ // Lets increase texture height to force texture look as expected.
+ rc.mBottom -= BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL;
+ F32 t_width = texture->getFullWidth();
+ F32 t_height = texture->getFullHeight();
+ F32 ratio = llmin<F32>( (rc.getWidth() / t_width), (rc.getHeight() / t_height) );
+ t_width *= ratio;
+ t_height *= ratio;
+ rc.setCenterAndSize(rc.getCenterX(), rc.getCenterY(), llfloor(t_width), llfloor(t_height));
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setShape(rc);
+ mSnapshotStreched = true;
+LLRect LLPanelClassifiedInfo::getDefaultSnapshotRect()
+ // Using scroll container makes getting default rect a hard task
+ // because rect in postBuild() and in first reshape() is not the same.
+ // Using snapshot_panel makes it easier to reshape snapshot.
+ return getChild<LLUICtrl>("snapshot_panel")->getLocalRect();
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::scrollToTop()
+ LLScrollContainer* scrollContainer = findChild<LLScrollContainer>("profile_scroll");
+ if (scrollContainer)
+ scrollContainer->goToTop();
+// static
+// *TODO: move out of the panel
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::sendClickMessage(
+ const std::string& type,
+ bool from_search,
+ const LLUUID& classified_id,
+ const LLUUID& parcel_id,
+ const LLVector3d& global_pos,
+ const std::string& sim_name)
+ // You're allowed to click on your own ads to reassure yourself
+ // that the system is working.
+ LLSD body;
+ body["type"] = type;
+ body["from_search"] = from_search;
+ body["classified_id"] = classified_id;
+ body["parcel_id"] = parcel_id;
+ body["dest_pos_global"] = global_pos.getValue();
+ body["region_name"] = sim_name;
+ std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("SearchStatTracking");
+ llinfos << "Sending click msg via capability (url=" << url << ")" << llendl;
+ llinfos << "body: [" << body << "]" << llendl;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, new LLClassifiedClickMessageResponder());
+void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::sendClickMessage(const std::string& type)
+ sendClickMessage(
+ type,
+ fromSearch(),
+ getClassifiedId(),
+ getParcelId(),
+ getPosGlobal(),
+ getSimName());
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onMapClick()
+ sendClickMessage("map");
LLFloaterReg::showInstance("world_map", "center");
@@ -1347,6 +1634,7 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onTeleportClick()
if (!getPosGlobal().isExactlyZero())
+ sendClickMessage("teleport");
@@ -1355,6 +1643,7 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onTeleportClick()
void LLPanelClassifiedInfo::onExit()
LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->removeObserver(getAvatarId(), this);
+ gGenericDispatcher.addHandler("classifiedclickthrough", NULL); // deregister our handler
@@ -1367,7 +1656,9 @@ static const S32 CB_ITEM_PG = 1;
: LLPanelClassifiedInfo()
, mIsNew(false)
+ , mIsNewWithErrors(false)
, mCanClose(false)
+ , mPublishFloater(NULL)
@@ -1419,22 +1710,17 @@ BOOL LLPanelClassifiedEdit::postBuild()
childSetAction("save_changes_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onSaveClick, this));
childSetAction("set_to_curr_location_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onSetLocationClick, this));
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setOnSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onTextureSelected, this));
return TRUE;
-void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::fillIn(const LLSD& key)
- LLUUID classified_id = key["classified_id"];
- mIsNew = classified_id.isNull();
+ setAvatarId(gAgent.getID());
- if(mIsNew)
+ if(key.isUndefined())
- setAvatarId(gAgent.getID());
- resetData();
- resetControls();
LLUUID snapshot_id = LLUUID::null;
@@ -1457,22 +1743,55 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
childSetValue("classified_name", makeClassifiedName());
childSetValue("classified_desc", desc);
setClassifiedLocation(createLocationText(getLocationNotice(), region_name, getPosGlobal()));
// server will set valid parcel id
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setClassifiedId(key["classified_id"]);
+ setClassifiedName(key["name"]);
+ setDescription(key["desc"]);
+ setSnapshotId(key["snapshot_id"]);
+ setCategory((U32)key["category"].asInteger());
+ setContentType((U32)key["content_type"].asInteger());
+ setClassifiedLocation(key["location_text"]);
+ childSetValue("auto_renew", key["auto_renew"]);
+ childSetValue("price_for_listing", key["price_for_listing"].asInteger());
+ }
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ mIsNew = key.isUndefined();
+ scrollToTop();
+ // classified is not created yet
+ bool is_new = isNew() || isNewWithErrors();
+ if(is_new)
+ {
+ resetData();
+ resetControls();
- enableVerbs(true);
- enableEditing(true);
+ fillIn(key);
+ if(isNew())
+ {
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->addObserver(getAvatarId(), this);
+ }
- enableVerbs(false);
- enableEditing(false);
+ std::string save_btn_label = is_new ? getString("publish_label") : getString("save_label");
+ childSetLabelArg("save_changes_btn", "[LABEL]", save_btn_label);
+ enableVerbs(is_new);
+ enableEditing(is_new);
@@ -1484,6 +1803,14 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType t
LLAvatarClassifiedInfo* c_info = static_cast<LLAvatarClassifiedInfo*>(data);
if(c_info && getClassifiedId() == c_info->classified_id)
+ // see LLPanelClassifiedEdit::sendUpdate() for notes
+ mIsNewWithErrors = false;
+ // for just created classified - panel will probably be closed when we get here.
+ if(!getVisible())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
@@ -1492,18 +1819,23 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType t
setClassifiedLocation(createLocationText(c_info->parcel_name, c_info->sim_name, c_info->pos_global));
- getChild<LLComboBox>("category")->setCurrentByIndex(c_info->category + 1);
- getChild<LLComboBox>("category")->resetDirty();
+ // *HACK see LLPanelClassifiedEdit::sendUpdate()
+ setCategory(c_info->category - 1);
bool mature = is_cf_mature(c_info->flags);
bool auto_renew = is_cf_auto_renew(c_info->flags);
- getChild<LLComboBox>("content_type")->setCurrentByIndex(mature ? CB_ITEM_MATURE : CB_ITEM_PG);
+ setContentType(mature ? CB_ITEM_MATURE : CB_ITEM_PG);
childSetValue("auto_renew", auto_renew);
childSetValue("price_for_listing", c_info->price_for_listing);
+ childSetEnabled("price_for_listing", isNew());
+ enableVerbs(false);
+ // for just created classified - in case user opened edit panel before processProperties() callback
+ childSetLabelArg("save_changes_btn", "[LABEL]", getString("save_label"));
@@ -1534,19 +1866,24 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::resetDirty()
- getChild<LLUICtrl>("classified_desc")->resetDirty();
+ LLTextEditor* desc = getChild<LLTextEditor>("classified_desc");
+ // call blockUndo() to really reset dirty(and make isDirty work as intended)
+ desc->blockUndo();
+ desc->resetDirty();
-void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setSaveCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setSaveCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
- getChild<LLButton>("save_changes_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
+ mSaveButtonClickedSignal.connect(cb);
-void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setCancelCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setCancelCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
@@ -1556,9 +1893,10 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::resetControls()
- getChild<LLComboBox>("content_type")->setCurrentByIndex(0);
+ getChild<LLIconsComboBox>("content_type")->setCurrentByIndex(0);
childSetValue("auto_renew", false);
childSetValue("price_for_listing", MINIMUM_PRICE_FOR_LISTING);
+ childSetEnabled("price_for_listing", TRUE);
bool LLPanelClassifiedEdit::canClose()
@@ -1566,20 +1904,54 @@ bool LLPanelClassifiedEdit::canClose()
return mCanClose;
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::draw()
+ LLPanel::draw();
+ // Need to re-stretch on every draw because LLTextureCtrl::onSelectCallback
+ // does not trigger callbacks when user navigates through images.
+ stretchSnapshot();
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::stretchSnapshot()
+ LLPanelClassifiedInfo::stretchSnapshot();
+ getChild<LLUICtrl>("edit_icon")->setShape(mSnapshotCtrl->getRect());
+U32 LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getContentType()
+ LLComboBox* ct_cb = getChild<LLComboBox>("content_type");
+ return ct_cb->getCurrentIndex();
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setContentType(U32 content_type)
+ LLIconsComboBox* ct_cb = getChild<LLIconsComboBox>("content_type");
+ ct_cb->setCurrentByIndex(content_type);
+ ct_cb->resetDirty();
+bool LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getAutoRenew()
+ return childGetValue("auto_renew").asBoolean();
void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::sendUpdate()
LLAvatarClassifiedInfo c_data;
- LLUUID id;
- id.generate();
- setClassifiedId(id);
+ setClassifiedId(LLUUID::generateNewID());
c_data.agent_id = gAgent.getID();
c_data.classified_id = getClassifiedId();
- c_data.category = getCategory();
+ // *HACK
+ // Categories on server start with 1 while combo-box index starts with 0
+ c_data.category = getCategory() + 1; = getClassifiedName();
c_data.description = getDescription();
c_data.parcel_id = getParcelId();
@@ -1589,19 +1961,34 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::sendUpdate()
c_data.price_for_listing = getPriceForListing();
+ if(isNew())
+ {
+ // Lets assume there will be some error.
+ // Successful sendClassifiedInfoUpdate will trigger processProperties and
+ // let us know there was no error.
+ mIsNewWithErrors = true;
+ }
U32 LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getCategory()
LLComboBox* cat_cb = getChild<LLComboBox>("category");
- return cat_cb->getCurrentIndex() + 1;
+ return cat_cb->getCurrentIndex();
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setCategory(U32 category)
+ LLComboBox* cat_cb = getChild<LLComboBox>("category");
+ cat_cb->setCurrentByIndex(category);
+ cat_cb->resetDirty();
U8 LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getFlags()
bool auto_renew = childGetValue("auto_renew").asBoolean();
- LLComboBox* content_cb = getChild<LLComboBox>("content_type");
+ LLComboBox* content_cb = getChild<LLIconsComboBox>("content_type");
bool mature = content_cb->getCurrentIndex() == CB_ITEM_MATURE;
return pack_classified_flags_request(auto_renew, false, mature, false);
@@ -1653,6 +2040,11 @@ S32 LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getPriceForListing()
return childGetValue("price_for_listing").asInteger();
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::setPriceForListing(S32 price)
+ childSetValue("price_for_listing", price);
void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onSetLocationClick()
@@ -1687,18 +2079,51 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onSaveClick()
- if(isNew())
+ if(isNew() || isNewWithErrors())
if(gStatusBar->getBalance() < getPriceForListing())
+ mPublishFloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLPublishClassifiedFloater>(
+ "publish_classified", LLSD());
+ if(!mPublishFloater)
+ {
+ mPublishFloater = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLPublishClassifiedFloater>(
+ "publish_classified", LLSD());
+ mPublishFloater->setPublishClickedCallback(boost::bind
+ (&LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onPublishFloaterPublishClicked, this));
+ }
+ // set spinner value before it has focus or value wont be set
+ mPublishFloater->setPrice(getPriceForListing());
+ mPublishFloater->openFloater(mPublishFloater->getKey());
+ mPublishFloater->center();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ doSave();
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::doSave()
mCanClose = true;
+ mSaveButtonClickedSignal(this, LLSD());
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onPublishFloaterPublishClicked()
+ setPriceForListing(mPublishFloater->getPrice());
+ doSave();
std::string LLPanelClassifiedEdit::getLocationNotice()
@@ -1745,4 +2170,52 @@ void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onTexturePickerMouseLeave(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
+void LLPanelClassifiedEdit::onTextureSelected()
+ setSnapshotId(mSnapshotCtrl->getValue().asUUID());
+LLPublishClassifiedFloater::LLPublishClassifiedFloater(const LLSD& key)
+ : LLFloater(key)
+BOOL LLPublishClassifiedFloater::postBuild()
+ LLFloater::postBuild();
+ childSetAction("publish_btn", boost::bind(&LLFloater::closeFloater, this, false));
+ childSetAction("cancel_btn", boost::bind(&LLFloater::closeFloater, this, false));
+ return TRUE;
+void LLPublishClassifiedFloater::setPrice(S32 price)
+ childSetValue("price_for_listing", price);
+S32 LLPublishClassifiedFloater::getPrice()
+ return childGetValue("price_for_listing").asInteger();
+void LLPublishClassifiedFloater::setPublishClickedCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ getChild<LLButton>("publish_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
+void LLPublishClassifiedFloater::setCancelClickedCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ getChild<LLButton>("cancel_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);