path: root/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 841 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp b/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
index 3e3ce45cb0..c55c44e671 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llluamanager.cpp
@@ -28,14 +28,11 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
#include "llluamanager.h"
-#include "hexdump.h"
+#include "llcoros.h"
#include "llerror.h"
#include "lleventcoro.h"
-#include "lleventfilter.h"
-#include "llevents.h"
-#include "llinstancetracker.h"
-#include "llleaplistener.h"
-#include "lluuid.h"
+#include "lua_function.h"
+#include "lualistener.h"
#include "stringize.h"
// skip all these link dependencies for integration testing
@@ -55,237 +52,25 @@ extern LLUIListener sUIListener;
#include "luau/luaconf.h"
#include "luau/lualib.h"
-#define lua_register(L, n, f) (lua_pushcfunction(L, (f), n), lua_setglobal(L, (n)))
-#define lua_rawlen lua_objlen
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdlib> // std::rand()
-#include <cstring> // std::memcpy()
-#include <map>
-#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include <sstream>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
-std::string lua_tostdstring(lua_State* L, int index);
-void lua_pushstdstring(lua_State* L, const std::string& str);
-LLSD lua_tollsd(lua_State* L, int index);
-void lua_pushllsd(lua_State* L, const LLSD& data);
- * LuaListener is based on LLLeap. It serves an analogous function.
- *
- * Each LuaListener instance has an int key, generated randomly to
- * inconvenience malicious Lua scripts wanting to mess with others. The idea
- * is that a given lua_State stores in its Registry:
- * - "event.listener": the int key of the corresponding LuaListener, if any
- * - "event.function": the Lua function to be called with incoming events
- * The original thought was that LuaListener would itself store the Lua
- * function -- but surprisingly, there is no C/C++ type in the API that stores
- * a Lua function.
- *
- * (We considered storing in "event.listener" the LuaListener pointer itself
- * as a light userdata, but the problem would be if Lua code overwrote that.
- * We want to prevent any Lua script from crashing the viewer, intentionally
- * or otherwise. Safer to use a key lookup.)
- *
- * Like LLLeap, each LuaListener instance also has an associated
- * LLLeapListener to respond to LLEventPump management commands.
- */
-class LuaListener: public LLInstanceTracker<LuaListener, int>
- using super = LLInstanceTracker<LuaListener, int>;
- LuaListener(lua_State* L):
- super(getUniqueKey()),
- mListener(
- new LLLeapListener(
- [L](LLEventPump& pump, const std::string& listener)
- { return connect(L, pump, listener); }))
- {
- mReplyConnection = connect(L, mReplyPump, "LuaListener");
- }
- LuaListener(const LuaListener&) = delete;
- LuaListener& operator=(const LuaListener&) = delete;
- ~LuaListener()
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "~LuaListener('" << mReplyPump.getName() << "')" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- std::string getReplyName() const { return mReplyPump.getName(); }
- std::string getCommandName() const { return mListener->getPumpName(); }
- static int getUniqueKey()
- {
- // Find a random key that does NOT already correspond to a LuaListener
- // instance. Passing a duplicate key to LLInstanceTracker would do Bad
- // Things.
- int key;
- do
- {
- key = std::rand();
- } while (LuaListener::getInstance(key));
- // This is theoretically racy, if we were instantiating new
- // LuaListeners on multiple threads. Don't.
- return key;
- }
- static LLBoundListener connect(lua_State* L, LLEventPump& pump, const std::string& listener)
- {
- return pump.listen(
- listener,
- [L, pumpname=pump.getName()](const LLSD& data)
- { return call_lua(L, pumpname, data); });
- }
- static bool call_lua(lua_State* L, const std::string& pump, const LLSD& data)
- {
- LL_INFOS("Lua") << "LuaListener::call_lua('" << pump << "', " << data << ")" << LL_ENDL;
- if (! lua_checkstack(L, 3))
- {
- LL_WARNS("Lua") << "Cannot extend Lua stack to call listen_events() callback"
- << LL_ENDL;
- return false;
- }
- // push the registered Lua callback function stored in our registry as
- // "event.function"
- lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "event.function");
- llassert(lua_isfunction(L, -1));
- // pass pump name
- lua_pushstdstring(L, pump);
- // then the data blob
- lua_pushllsd(L, data);
- // call the registered Lua listener function; allow it to return bool;
- // no message handler
- auto status = lua_pcall(L, 2, 1, 0);
- bool result{ false };
- if (status != LUA_OK)
- {
- LL_WARNS("Lua") << "Error in listen_events() callback: "
- << lua_tostdstring(L, -1) << LL_ENDL;
- }
- else
- {
- result = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
- }
- // discard either the error message or the bool return value
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- return result;
- }
-#ifndef LL_TEST
- LLEventStream mReplyPump{ LLUUID::generateNewID().asString() };
- LLEventLogProxyFor<LLEventStream> mReplyPump{ "luapump", false };
- LLTempBoundListener mReplyConnection;
- std::unique_ptr<LLLeapListener> mListener;
- * LuaPopper is an RAII struct whose role is to pop some number of entries
- * from the Lua stack if the calling function exits early.
- */
-struct LuaPopper
+lua_function(sleep, "sleep(seconds): pause the running coroutine")
- LuaPopper(lua_State* L, int count):
- mState(L),
- mCount(count)
- {}
- LuaPopper(const LuaPopper&) = delete;
- LuaPopper& operator=(const LuaPopper&) = delete;
- ~LuaPopper()
- {
- if (mCount)
- {
- lua_pop(mState, mCount);
- }
- }
- void disarm() { set(0); }
- void set(int count) { mCount = count; }
- lua_State* mState;
- int mCount;
- * LuaFunction is a base class containing a static registry of its static
- * subclass call() methods. call() is NOT virtual: instead, each subclass
- * constructor passes a pointer to its distinct call() method to the base-
- * class constructor, along with a name by which to register that method.
- *
- * The init() method walks the registry and registers each such name with the
- * passed lua_State.
- */
-class LuaFunction
- LuaFunction(const std::string_view& name, lua_CFunction function)
- {
- getRegistry().emplace(name, function);
- }
- static void init(lua_State* L)
- {
- for (const auto& pair: getRegistry())
- {
- lua_register(L, pair.first.c_str(), pair.second);
- }
- }
- static lua_CFunction get(const std::string& key)
- {
- // use find() instead of subscripting to avoid creating an entry for
- // unknown key
- const auto& registry{ getRegistry() };
- auto found{ registry.find(key) };
- return (found == registry.end())? nullptr : found->second;
- }
- using Registry = std::map<std::string, lua_CFunction>;
- static Registry& getRegistry()
- {
- // use a function-local static to ensure it's initialized
- static Registry registry;
- return registry;
- }
+ F32 seconds = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(seconds);
+ return 0;
- * lua_function(name) is a macro to facilitate defining C++ functions
- * available to Lua. It defines a subclass of LuaFunction and declares a
- * static instance of that subclass, thereby forcing the compiler to call its
- * constructor at module initialization time. The constructor passes the
- * stringized instance name to its LuaFunction base-class constructor, along
- * with a pointer to the static subclass call() method. It then emits the
- * call() method definition header, to be followed by a method body enclosed
- * in curly braces as usual.
- */
-#define lua_function(name) \
-static struct name##_ : public LuaFunction \
-{ \
- name##_(): LuaFunction(#name, &call) {} \
- static int call(lua_State* L); \
-} name; \
-int name##_::call(lua_State* L)
-// {
-// ... supply method body here, referencing 'L' ...
-// }
// This function consumes ALL Lua stack arguments and returns concatenated
// message string
-std::string lua_print_msg_args(lua_State* L, const std::string_view& level)
+std::string lua_print_msg(lua_State* L, const std::string_view& level)
- // On top of existing Lua arguments, push 'where' info
- luaL_checkstack(L, 1, nullptr);
+ // On top of existing Lua arguments, we're going to push tostring() and
+ // duplicate each existing stack entry so we can stringize each one.
+ luaL_checkstack(L, 2, nullptr);
luaL_where(L, 1);
// start with the 'where' info at the top of the stack
std::ostringstream out;
@@ -294,7 +79,7 @@ std::string lua_print_msg_args(lua_State* L, const std::string_view& level)
const char* sep = ""; // 'where' info ends with ": "
// now iterate over arbitrary args, calling Lua tostring() on each and
// concatenating with separators
- for (int p = 1; p <= lua_gettop(L); ++p)
+ for (int p = 1, top = lua_gettop(L); p <= top; ++p)
out << sep;
sep = " ";
@@ -302,15 +87,15 @@ std::string lua_print_msg_args(lua_State* L, const std::string_view& level)
// lua_tostring()!
lua_getglobal(L, "tostring");
// Now the stack is arguments 1 .. N, plus tostring().
- // Rotate downwards, producing stack args 2 .. N, tostring(), arg1.
- lua_rotate(L, 1, -1);
- // pop tostring() and arg1, pushing tostring(arg1)
+ // Push a copy of the argument at index p.
+ lua_pushvalue(L, p);
+ // pop tostring() and arg-p, pushing tostring(arg-p)
// (ignore potential error code from lua_pcall() because, if there was
// an error, we expect the stack top to be an error message -- which
// we'll print)
lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0);
- // stack now holds args 2 .. N, tostring(arg1)
out << lua_tostring(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
// pop everything
lua_settop(L, 0);
@@ -320,35 +105,21 @@ std::string lua_print_msg_args(lua_State* L, const std::string_view& level)
LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("lua output").post(stringize(level, ": ", msg));
return msg;
-std::string lua_print_msg(lua_State *L, const std::string_view &level)
- lua_getglobal(L, "tostring");
- lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* function to be called */
- lua_pushvalue(L, 1); /* value to print */
- lua_call(L, 1, 1);
- std::string msg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
- LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("lua output").post(stringize(level, ": ", msg));
- return msg;
+lua_function(print_debug, "print_debug(args...): DEBUG level logging")
LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << lua_print_msg(L, "DEBUG") << LL_ENDL;
return 0;
// also used for print(); see LuaState constructor
+lua_function(print_info, "print_info(args...): INFO level logging")
LL_INFOS("Lua") << lua_print_msg(L, "INFO") << LL_ENDL;
return 0;
+lua_function(print_warning, "print_warning(args...): WARNING level logging")
LL_WARNS("Lua") << lua_print_msg(L, "WARN") << LL_ENDL;
return 0;
@@ -356,7 +127,9 @@ lua_function(print_warning)
#ifndef LL_TEST
+ "run_ui_command(name [, parameter]): "
+ "call specified UI command with specified parameter")
int top = lua_gettop(L);
std::string func_name;
@@ -383,7 +156,7 @@ lua_function(run_ui_command)
#endif // ! LL_TEST
+lua_function(post_on, "post_on(pumpname, data): post specified data to specified LLEventPump")
std::string pumpname{ lua_tostdstring(L, 1) };
LLSD data{ lua_tollsd(L, 2) };
@@ -393,7 +166,10 @@ lua_function(post_on)
return 0;
+ "listen_events(callback): call callback(pumpname, data) with events received\n"
+ "on this Lua chunk's replypump.\n"
+ "Returns replypump, commandpump: names of LLEventPumps specific to this chunk.")
if (! lua_isfunction(L, 1))
@@ -402,19 +178,24 @@ lua_function(listen_events)
luaL_checkstack(L, 2, nullptr);
// Get the lua_State* for the main thread of this state, in case we were
// called from a coroutine thread. We're going to make callbacks into Lua
// code, and we want to do it on the main thread rather than a (possibly
// suspended) coroutine thread.
// Registry table is at pseudo-index LUA_REGISTRYINDEX
// Main thread is at registry key LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD
- auto regtype {lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, 1 /*LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD*/)};
+ auto regtype {lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD)};
// Not finding the main thread at the documented place isn't a user error,
// it's a Problem
llassert_always(regtype == LUA_TTHREAD);
lua_State* mainthread{ lua_tothread(L, -1) };
// pop the main thread
lua_pop(L, 1);
+ // Luau is based on Lua 5.1, and Lua 5.1 apparently provides no way to get
+ // back to the main thread from a coroutine thread?
+ lua_State* mainthread{ L };
luaL_checkstack(mainthread, 1, nullptr);
LuaListener::ptr_t listener;
@@ -461,9 +242,10 @@ lua_function(listen_events)
return 2;
+ "await_event(pumpname [, timeout [, value to return if timeout (default nil)]]):\n"
+ "pause the running Lua chunk until the next event on the named LLEventPump")
- // await_event(pumpname [, timeout [, value to return if timeout (default nil)]])
auto pumpname{ lua_tostdstring(L, 1) };
LLSD result;
if (lua_gettop(L) > 1)
@@ -484,141 +266,119 @@ lua_function(await_event)
return 1;
- * RAII class to manage the lifespan of a lua_State
- */
-class LuaState
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string& filename, script_finished_fn cb)
- LuaState(const std::string_view& desc, LLLUAmanager::script_finished_fn cb):
- mDesc(desc),
- mCallback(cb),
- mState(luaL_newstate())
- {
- luaL_openlibs(mState);
- LuaFunction::init(mState);
- // Try to make print() write to our log.
- lua_register(mState, "print", LuaFunction::get("print_info"));
- }
- LuaState(const LuaState&) = delete;
- LuaState& operator=(const LuaState&) = delete;
- ~LuaState()
- {
- // Did somebody call listen_events() on this LuaState?
- // That is, is there a LuaListener key in its registry?
- auto keytype{ lua_getfield(mState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "event.listener") };
- if (keytype == LUA_TNUMBER)
- {
- // We do have a LuaListener. Retrieve it.
- int isint;
- auto listener{ LuaListener::getInstance(lua_tointegerx(mState, -1, &isint)) };
- // pop the int "event.listener" key
- lua_pop(mState, 1);
- // if we got a LuaListener instance, destroy it
- // (if (! isint), lua_tointegerx() returned 0, but key 0 might
- // validly designate someone ELSE's LuaListener)
- if (isint && listener)
- {
- auto lptr{ listener.get() };
- listener.reset();
- delete lptr;
- }
- }
- lua_close(mState);
- if (mCallback)
- {
- // mError potentially set by previous checkLua() call(s)
- mCallback(mError);
- }
- }
- bool checkLua(int r)
- {
- if (r != LUA_OK)
- {
- mError = lua_tostring(mState, -1);
- lua_pop(mState, 1);
+ // A script_finished_fn is used to initialize the LuaState.
+ // It will be called when the LuaState is destroyed.
+ LuaState L(cb);
+ runScriptFile(L, filename);
- LL_WARNS() << mDesc << ": " << mError << LL_ENDL;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string& filename, script_result_fn cb)
+ LuaState L;
+ // A script_result_fn will be called when LuaState::expr() completes.
+ runScriptFile(L, filename, cb);
- operator lua_State*() const { return mState; }
+LLCoros::Future<std::pair<int, LLSD>>
+LLLUAmanager::startScriptFile(LuaState& L, const std::string& filename)
+ // Despite returning from startScriptFile(), we need this Promise to
+ // remain alive until the callback has fired.
+ auto promise{ std::make_shared<LLCoros::Promise<std::pair<int, LLSD>>>() };
+ runScriptFile(L, filename,
+ [promise](int count, LLSD result)
+ { promise->set_value({ count, result }); });
+ return LLCoros::getFuture(*promise);
- std::string mDesc;
- LLLUAmanager::script_finished_fn mCallback;
- lua_State* mState;
- std::string mError;
+std::pair<int, LLSD> LLLUAmanager::waitScriptFile(LuaState& L, const std::string& filename)
+ return startScriptFile(L, filename).get();
-void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(const std::string& filename, script_finished_fn cb)
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptFile(LuaState& L, const std::string& filename, script_result_fn cb)
std::string desc{ stringize("runScriptFile('", filename, "')") };
- LLCoros::instance().launch(desc, [desc, filename, cb]()
+ LLCoros::instance().launch(desc, [&L, desc, filename, cb]()
- LuaState L(desc, cb);
- auto LUA_sleep_func = [](lua_State *L)
- {
- F32 seconds = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(seconds);
- return 0;
- };
- lua_register(L, "sleep", LUA_sleep_func);
llifstream in_file;;
if (in_file.is_open())
- std::string text((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in_file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
- size_t bytecodeSize = 0;
- char *bytecode = luau_compile(text.c_str(), text.length(), NULL, &bytecodeSize);
- L.checkLua(luau_load(L, desc.c_str(), bytecode, bytecodeSize, 0));
- free(bytecode);
- L.checkLua(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0));
- in_file.close();
+ std::string text{std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in_file),
+ std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()};
+ auto [count, result] = L.expr(desc, text);
+ if (cb)
+ {
+ cb(count, result);
+ }
- LL_WARNS("Lua") << "unable to open script file '" << filename << "'" << LL_ENDL;
+ auto msg{ stringize("unable to open script file '", filename, "'") };
+ LL_WARNS("Lua") << msg << LL_ENDL;
+ if (cb)
+ {
+ cb(-1, msg);
+ }
-void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string& cmd, script_finished_fn cb)
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string& chunk, script_finished_fn cb)
+ // A script_finished_fn is used to initialize the LuaState.
+ // It will be called when the LuaState is destroyed.
+ LuaState L(cb);
+ runScriptLine(L, chunk);
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(const std::string& chunk, script_result_fn cb)
+ LuaState L;
+ // A script_result_fn will be called when LuaState::expr() completes.
+ runScriptLine(L, chunk, cb);
+LLCoros::Future<std::pair<int, LLSD>>
+LLLUAmanager::startScriptLine(LuaState& L, const std::string& chunk)
+ // Despite returning from startScriptLine(), we need this Promise to
+ // remain alive until the callback has fired.
+ auto promise{ std::make_shared<LLCoros::Promise<std::pair<int, LLSD>>>() };
+ runScriptLine(L, chunk,
+ [promise](int count, LLSD result)
+ { promise->set_value({ count, result }); });
+ return LLCoros::getFuture(*promise);
+std::pair<int, LLSD> LLLUAmanager::waitScriptLine(LuaState& L, const std::string& chunk)
- // find a suitable abbreviation for the cmd string
- std::string_view shortcmd{ cmd };
+ return startScriptLine(L, chunk).get();
+void LLLUAmanager::runScriptLine(LuaState& L, const std::string& chunk, script_result_fn cb)
+ // find a suitable abbreviation for the chunk string
+ std::string shortchunk{ chunk };
const size_t shortlen = 40;
- std::string::size_type eol = shortcmd.find_first_of("\r\n");
+ std::string::size_type eol = shortchunk.find_first_of("\r\n");
if (eol != std::string::npos)
- shortcmd = shortcmd.substr(0, eol);
- if (shortcmd.length() > shortlen)
- shortcmd = stringize(shortcmd.substr(0, shortlen), "...");
+ shortchunk = shortchunk.substr(0, eol);
+ if (shortchunk.length() > shortlen)
+ shortchunk = stringize(shortchunk.substr(0, shortlen), "...");
- std::string desc{ stringize("runScriptLine('", shortcmd, "')") };
- LLCoros::instance().launch(desc, [desc, cmd, cb]()
+ std::string desc{ stringize("runScriptLine('", shortchunk, "')") };
+ LLCoros::instance().launch(desc, [&L, desc, chunk, cb]()
- LuaState L(desc, cb);
- size_t bytecodeSize = 0;
- char *bytecode = luau_compile(cmd.c_str(), cmd.length(), NULL, &bytecodeSize);
- L.checkLua(luau_load(L, desc.c_str(), bytecode, bytecodeSize, 0));
- free(bytecode);
- L.checkLua(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0));
+ auto [count, result] = L.expr(desc, chunk);
+ if (cb)
+ {
+ cb(count, result);
+ }
@@ -642,479 +402,3 @@ void LLLUAmanager::runScriptOnLogin()
#endif // ! LL_TEST
-std::string lua_tostdstring(lua_State* L, int index)
- size_t len;
- const char* strval{ lua_tolstring(L, index, &len) };
- return { strval, len };
-void lua_pushstdstring(lua_State* L, const std::string& str)
- luaL_checkstack(L, 1, nullptr);
- lua_pushlstring(L, str.c_str(), str.length());
-// Usage: std::cout << lua_what(L, stackindex) << ...;
-// Reports on the Lua value found at the passed stackindex.
-// If cast to std::string, returns the corresponding string value.
-class lua_what
- lua_what(lua_State* state, int idx):
- L(state),
- index(idx)
- {}
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const lua_what& self)
- {
- switch (lua_type(self.L, self.index))
- {
- case LUA_TNONE:
- // distinguish acceptable but non-valid index
- out << "none";
- break;
- case LUA_TNIL:
- out << "nil";
- break;
- {
- auto oldflags { out.flags() };
- out << std::boolalpha << lua_toboolean(self.L, self.index);
- out.flags(oldflags);
- break;
- }
- out << lua_tonumber(self.L, self.index);
- break;
- out << std::quoted(lua_tostdstring(self.L, self.index));
- break;
- {
- const S32 maxlen = 20;
- S32 binlen{ lua_rawlen(self.L, self.index) };
- LLSD::Binary binary(std::min(maxlen, binlen));
- std::memcpy(, lua_touserdata(self.L, self.index), binary.size());
- out << LL::hexdump(binary);
- if (binlen > maxlen)
- {
- out << "...(" << (binlen - maxlen) << " more)";
- }
- break;
- }
- out << lua_touserdata(self.L, self.index);
- break;
- default:
- // anything else, don't bother trying to report value, just type
- out << lua_typename(self.L, lua_type(self.L, self.index));
- break;
- }
- return out;
- }
- operator std::string() const { return stringize(*this); }
- lua_State* L;
- int index;
-// Usage: std::cout << lua_stack(L) << ...;
-// Reports on the contents of the Lua stack.
-// If cast to std::string, returns the corresponding string value.
-class lua_stack
- lua_stack(lua_State* state):
- L(state)
- {}
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const lua_stack& self)
- {
- const char* sep = "stack: [";
- for (int index = 1; index <= lua_gettop(self.L); ++index)
- {
- out << sep << lua_what(self.L, index);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- out << ']';
- return out;
- }
- operator std::string() const { return stringize(*this); }
- lua_State* L;
-// log exit from any block declaring an instance of DebugExit, regardless of
-// how control leaves that block
-struct DebugExit
- DebugExit(const std::string& name): mName(name) {}
- DebugExit(const DebugExit&) = delete;
- DebugExit& operator=(const DebugExit&) = delete;
- ~DebugExit()
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "exit " << mName << LL_ENDL;
- }
- std::string mName;
-// By analogy with existing lua_tomumble() functions, return an LLSD object
-// corresponding to the Lua object at stack index 'index' in state L.
-// This function assumes that a Lua caller is fully aware that they're trying
-// to call a viewer function. In other words, the caller must specifically
-// construct Lua data convertible to LLSD.
-// For proper error handling, we REQUIRE that the Lua runtime be compiled as
-// C++ so errors are raised as C++ exceptions rather than as longjmp() calls:
-// "Internally, Lua uses the C longjmp facility to handle errors. (Lua will
-// use exceptions if you compile it as C++; search for LUAI_THROW in the
-// source code for details.)"
-// Some blocks within this function construct temporary C++ objects in the
-// expectation that these objects will be properly destroyed even if code
-// reached by that block raises a Lua error.
-LLSD lua_tollsd(lua_State* L, int index)
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "lua_tollsd(" << index << ") of " << lua_gettop(L) << " stack entries: "
- << lua_what(L, index) << LL_ENDL;
- DebugExit log_exit("lua_tollsd()");
- switch (lua_type(L, index))
- {
- case LUA_TNONE:
- // Should LUA_TNONE be an error instead of returning isUndefined()?
- case LUA_TNIL:
- return {};
- return bool(lua_toboolean(L, index));
- {
- // check if integer truncation leaves the number intact
- int isint;
- lua_Integer intval{ lua_tointegerx(L, index, &isint) };
- if (isint)
- {
- return LLSD::Integer(intval);
- }
- else
- {
- return lua_tonumber(L, index);
- }
- }
- return lua_tostdstring(L, index);
- {
- LLSD::Binary binary(lua_rawlen(L, index));
- std::memcpy(, lua_touserdata(L, index), binary.size());
- return binary;
- }
- case LUA_TTABLE:
- {
- // A Lua table correctly constructed to convert to LLSD will have
- // either consecutive integer keys starting at 1, which we represent
- // as an LLSD array (with Lua key 1 at C++ index 0), or will have
- // all string keys.
- //
- // In the belief that Lua table traversal skips "holes," that is, it
- // doesn't report any key/value pair whose value is nil, we allow a
- // table with integer keys >= 1 but with "holes." This produces an
- // LLSD array with isUndefined() entries at unspecified keys. There
- // would be no other way for a Lua caller to construct an
- // isUndefined() LLSD array entry. However, to guard against crazy int
- // keys, we forbid gaps larger than a certain size: crazy int keys
- // could result in a crazy large contiguous LLSD array.
- //
- // Possible looseness could include:
- // - A mix of integer and string keys could produce an LLSD map in
- // which the integer keys are converted to string. (Key conversion
- // must be performed in C++, not Lua, to avoid confusing
- // lua_next().)
- // - However, since in Lua t[0] and t["0"] are distinct table entries,
- // do not consider converting numeric string keys to int to return
- // an LLSD array.
- // But until we get more experience with actual Lua scripts in
- // practice, let's say that any deviation is a Lua coding error.
- // An important property of the strict definition above is that most
- // conforming data blobs can make a round trip across the language
- // boundary and still compare equal. A non-conforming data blob would
- // lose that property.
- // Known exceptions to round trip identity:
- // - Empty LLSD map and empty LLSD array convert to empty Lua table.
- // But empty Lua table converts to isUndefined() LLSD object.
- // - LLSD::Real with integer value returns as LLSD::Integer.
- // - LLSD::UUID, LLSD::Date and LLSD::URI all convert to Lua string,
- // and so return as LLSD::String.
- // - Lua does not store any table key whose value is nil. An LLSD
- // array with isUndefined() entries produces a Lua table with
- // "holes" in the int key sequence; this converts back to an LLSD
- // array containing corresponding isUndefined() entries -- except
- // when one or more of the final entries isUndefined(). These are
- // simply dropped, producing a shorter LLSD array than the original.
- // - For the same reason, any keys in an LLSD map whose value
- // isUndefined() are simply discarded in the converted Lua table.
- // This converts back to an LLSD map lacking those keys.
- // - If it's important to preserve the original length of an LLSD
- // array whose final entries are undefined, or the full set of keys
- // for an LLSD map some of whose values are undefined, store an
- // LLSD::emptyArray() or emptyMap() instead. These will be
- // represented in Lua as empty table, which should convert back to
- // undefined LLSD. Naturally, though, those won't survive a second
- // round trip.
- // This is the most important of the luaL_checkstack() calls because a
- // deeply nested Lua structure will enter this case at each level, and
- // we'll need another 2 stack slots to traverse each nested table.
- luaL_checkstack(L, 2, nullptr);
- // BEFORE we push nil to initialize the lua_next() traversal, convert
- // 'index' to absolute! Our caller might have passed a relative index;
- // we do, below: lua_tollsd(L, -1). If 'index' is -1, then when we
- // push nil, what we find at index -1 is nil, not the table!
- index = lua_absindex(L, index);
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "checking for empty table" << LL_ENDL;
- lua_pushnil(L); // first key
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << lua_stack(L) << LL_ENDL;
- if (! lua_next(L, index))
- {
- // it's a table, but the table is empty -- no idea if it should be
- // modeled as empty array or empty map -- return isUndefined(),
- // which can be consumed as either
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "empty table" << LL_ENDL;
- return {};
- }
- // key is at stack index -2, value at index -1
- // from here until lua_next() returns 0, have to lua_pop(2) if we
- // return early
- LuaPopper popper(L, 2);
- // Remember the type of the first key
- auto firstkeytype{ lua_type(L, -2) };
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "table not empty, first key type " << lua_typename(L, firstkeytype)
- << LL_ENDL;
- switch (firstkeytype)
- {
- {
- // First Lua key is a number: try to convert table to LLSD array.
- // This is tricky because we don't know in advance the size of the
- // array. The Lua reference manual says that lua_rawlen() is the
- // same as the length operator '#'; but the length operator states
- // that it might stop at any "hole" in the subject table.
- // Moreover, the Lua next() function (and presumably lua_next())
- // traverses a table in unspecified order, even for numeric keys
- // (emphasized in the doc).
- // Make a preliminary pass over the whole table to validate and to
- // collect keys.
- std::vector<LLSD::Integer> keys;
- // Try to determine the length of the table. If the length
- // operator is truthful, avoid allocations while we grow the keys
- // vector. Even if it's not, we can still grow the vector, albeit
- // a little less efficiently.
- keys.reserve(lua_objlen(L, index));
- do
- {
- auto arraykeytype{ lua_type(L, -2) };
- switch (arraykeytype)
- {
- {
- int isint;
- lua_Integer intkey{ lua_tointegerx(L, -2, &isint) };
- if (! isint)
- {
- // key isn't an integer - this doesn't fit our LLSD
- // array constraints
- luaL_error(L, "Expected integer array key, got %f instead", lua_tonumber(L, -2));
- return 0;
- }
- if (intkey < 1)
- {
- luaL_error(L, "array key %d out of bounds", int(intkey));
- return 0;
- }
- keys.push_back(LLSD::Integer(intkey));
- break;
- }
- // break out strings specially to report the value
- luaL_error(L, "Cannot convert string array key '%s' to LLSD", lua_tostring(L, -2));
- return 0;
- default:
- luaL_error(L, "Cannot convert %s array key to LLSD", lua_typename(L, arraykeytype));
- return 0;
- }
- // remove value, keep key for next iteration
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- } while (lua_next(L, index) != 0);
- popper.disarm();
- // Table keys are all integers: are they reasonable integers?
- // Arbitrary max: may bite us, but more likely to protect us
- size_t array_max{ 10000 };
- if (keys.size() > array_max)
- {
- luaL_error(L, "Conversion from Lua to LLSD array limited to %d entries", int(array_max));
- return 0;
- }
- // We know the smallest key is >= 1. Check the largest. We also
- // know the vector is NOT empty, else we wouldn't have gotten here.
- std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
- LLSD::Integer highkey = *keys.rbegin();
- if ((highkey - LLSD::Integer(keys.size())) > 100)
- {
- // Looks like we've gone beyond intentional array gaps into
- // crazy key territory.
- luaL_error(L, "Gaps in Lua table too large for conversion to LLSD array");
- return 0;
- }
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "collected " << keys.size() << " keys, max " << highkey << LL_ENDL;
- // right away expand the result array to the size we'll need
- LLSD result{ LLSD::emptyArray() };
- result[highkey - 1] = LLSD();
- // Traverse the table again, and this time populate result array.
- lua_pushnil(L); // first key
- while (lua_next(L, index))
- {
- // key at stack index -2, value at index -1
- // We've already validated lua_tointegerx() for each key.
- auto key{ lua_tointeger(L, -2) };
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "key " << key << ':' << LL_ENDL;
- // Don't forget to subtract 1 from Lua key for LLSD subscript!
- result[LLSD::Integer(key) - 1] = lua_tollsd(L, -1);
- // remove value, keep key for next iteration
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- }
- return result;
- }
- {
- // First Lua key is a string: try to convert table to LLSD map
- LLSD result{ LLSD::emptyMap() };
- do
- {
- auto mapkeytype{ lua_type(L, -2) };
- if (mapkeytype != LUA_TSTRING)
- {
- luaL_error(L, "Cannot convert %s map key to LLSD", lua_typename(L, mapkeytype));
- return 0;
- }
- auto key{ lua_tostdstring(L, -2) };
- LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << "map key " << std::quoted(key) << ':' << LL_ENDL;
- result[key] = lua_tollsd(L, -1);
- // remove value, keep key for next iteration
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- } while (lua_next(L, index) != 0);
- popper.disarm();
- return result;
- }
- default:
- // First Lua key isn't number or string: sorry
- luaL_error(L, "Cannot convert %s table key to LLSD", lua_typename(L, firstkeytype));
- return 0;
- }
- }
- default:
- // Other Lua entities (e.g. function, C function, light userdata,
- // thread, userdata) are not convertible to LLSD, indicating a coding
- // error in the caller.
- luaL_error(L, "Cannot convert type %s to LLSD", luaL_typename(L, index));
- return 0;
- }
-// By analogy with existing lua_pushmumble() functions, push onto state L's
-// stack a Lua object corresponding to the passed LLSD object.
-void lua_pushllsd(lua_State* L, const LLSD& data)
- // might need 2 slots for array or map
- luaL_checkstack(L, 2, nullptr);
- switch (data.type())
- {
- case LLSD::TypeUndefined:
- lua_pushnil(L);
- break;
- case LLSD::TypeBoolean:
- lua_pushboolean(L, data.asBoolean());
- break;
- case LLSD::TypeInteger:
- lua_pushinteger(L, data.asInteger());
- break;
- case LLSD::TypeReal:
- lua_pushnumber(L, data.asReal());
- break;
- case LLSD::TypeBinary:
- {
- auto binary{ data.asBinary() };
- std::memcpy(lua_newuserdata(L, binary.size()),
-, binary.size());
- break;
- }
- case LLSD::TypeMap:
- {
- // push a new table with space for our non-array keys
- lua_createtable(L, 0, data.size());
- for (const auto& pair: llsd::inMap(data))
- {
- // push value -- so now table is at -2, value at -1
- lua_pushllsd(L, pair.second);
- // pop value, assign to table[key]
- lua_setfield(L, -2, pair.first.c_str());
- }
- break;
- }
- case LLSD::TypeArray:
- {
- // push a new table with space for array entries
- lua_createtable(L, data.size(), 0);
- lua_Integer key{ 0 };
- for (const auto& item: llsd::inArray(data))
- {
- // push new array value: table at -2, value at -1
- lua_pushllsd(L, item);
- // pop value, assign table[key] = value
- lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++key);
- }
- break;
- }
- case LLSD::TypeString:
- case LLSD::TypeUUID:
- case LLSD::TypeDate:
- case LLSD::TypeURI:
- default:
- {
- lua_pushstdstring(L, data.asString());
- break;
- }
- }