path: root/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llimview.cpp')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
index 5b3f3952c9..c1a5f21010 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include "llimview.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llfontgl.h"
#include "llrect.h"
#include "llerror.h"
@@ -44,12 +45,13 @@
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llavatariconctrl.h"
#include "llcallingcard.h"
#include "llchat.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llfloaterchat.h"
#include "llfloaterchatterbox.h"
-#include "llfloaternewim.h"
+#include "llavataractions.h"
#include "llhttpnode.h"
#include "llimpanel.h"
#include "llresizebar.h"
@@ -67,8 +69,10 @@
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llnotify.h"
#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
#include "llfirstuse.h"
+#include "llagentui.h"
// Globals
@@ -88,16 +92,531 @@ std::map<std::string,std::string> LLFloaterIM::sEventStringsMap;
std::map<std::string,std::string> LLFloaterIM::sErrorStringsMap;
std::map<std::string,std::string> LLFloaterIM::sForceCloseSessionMap;
+std::map<LLUUID, LLIMModel::LLIMSession*> LLIMModel::sSessionsMap;
+void toast_callback(const LLSD& msg){
+ //we send notifications to reset counter also
+ if (msg["num_unread"].asInteger())
+ {
+ LLSD args;
+ args["MESSAGE"] = msg["message"];
+ args["TIME"] = msg["time"];
+ args["FROM"] = msg["from"];
+ args["FROM_ID"] = msg["from_id"];
+ args["SESSION_ID"] = msg["session_id"];
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("IMToast", args, LLSD(), boost::bind(&LLFloaterChatterBox::onOpen, LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(), msg["session_id"].asUUID()));
+ }
+ addChangedCallback(toast_callback);
+ addChangedCallback(LLIMFloater::newIMCallback);
+void LLIMModel::testMessages()
+ LLUUID bot1_id("d0426ec6-6535-4c11-a5d9-526bb0c654d9");
+ LLUUID bot1_session_id;
+ std::string from = "IM Tester";
+ bot1_session_id = LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot1_id);
+ newSession(bot1_session_id, from, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot1_id);
+ addMessage(bot1_session_id, from, bot1_id, "Test Message: Hi from testerbot land!");
+ LLUUID bot2_id;
+ std::string firstname[] = {"Roflcopter", "Joe"};
+ std::string lastname[] = {"Linden", "Tester", "Resident", "Schmoe"};
+ S32 rand1 = ll_rand(sizeof firstname)/(sizeof firstname[0]);
+ S32 rand2 = ll_rand(sizeof lastname)/(sizeof lastname[0]);
+ from = firstname[rand1] + " " + lastname[rand2];
+ bot2_id.generate(from);
+ LLUUID bot2_session_id = LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot2_id);
+ newSession(bot2_session_id, from, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot2_id);
+ addMessage(bot2_session_id, from, bot2_id, "Test Message: Can I haz bear? ");
+ addMessage(bot2_session_id, from, bot2_id, "Test Message: OMGWTFBBQ.");
+bool LLIMModel::newSession(LLUUID session_id, std::string name, EInstantMessage type, LLUUID other_participant_id)
+ if (is_in_map(sSessionsMap, session_id))
+ {
+ llwarns << "IM Session " << session_id << " already exists" << llendl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ LLIMSession* session = new LLIMSession(name, type, other_participant_id);
+ sSessionsMap[session_id] = session;
+ LLIMMgr::getInstance()->notifyObserverSessionAdded(session_id, name, other_participant_id);
+ return true;
+bool LLIMModel::clearSession(LLUUID session_id)
+ if (sSessionsMap.find(session_id) == sSessionsMap.end()) return false;
+ delete (sSessionsMap[session_id]);
+ sSessionsMap.erase(session_id);
+ return true;
+std::list<LLSD> LLIMModel::getMessages(LLUUID session_id, int start_index)
+ std::list<LLSD> return_list;
+ LLIMSession* session = get_if_there(sSessionsMap, session_id, (LLIMSession*)NULL);
+ if (!session)
+ {
+ llwarns << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << llendl;
+ return return_list;
+ }
+ int i = session->mMsgs.size() - start_index;
+ for (std::list<LLSD>::iterator iter = session->mMsgs.begin();
+ iter != session->mMsgs.end() && i > 0;
+ iter++)
+ {
+ LLSD msg;
+ msg = *iter;
+ return_list.push_back(*iter);
+ i--;
+ }
+ session->mNumUnread = 0;
+ LLSD arg;
+ arg["session_id"] = session_id;
+ arg["num_unread"] = 0;
+ mChangedSignal(arg);
+ // TODO: in the future is there a more efficient way to return these
+ return return_list;
+bool LLIMModel::addToHistory(LLUUID session_id, std::string from, std::string utf8_text) {
+ LLIMSession* session = get_if_there(sSessionsMap, session_id, (LLIMSession*)NULL);
+ if (!session)
+ {
+ llwarns << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << llendl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ LLSD message;
+ message["from"] = from;
+ message["message"] = utf8_text;
+ message["time"] = LLLogChat::timestamp(false); //might want to add date separately
+ message["index"] = (LLSD::Integer)session->mMsgs.size();
+ session->mMsgs.push_front(message);
+ return true;
+bool LLIMModel::addMessage(LLUUID session_id, std::string from, LLUUID from_id, std::string utf8_text) {
+ LLIMSession* session = get_if_there(sSessionsMap, session_id, (LLIMSession*)NULL);
+ if (!session)
+ {
+ llwarns << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << llendl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ addToHistory(session_id, from, utf8_text);
+ std::string agent_name;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(agent_name);
+ session->mNumUnread++;
+ // notify listeners
+ LLSD arg;
+ arg["session_id"] = session_id;
+ arg["num_unread"] = session->mNumUnread;
+ arg["message"] = utf8_text;
+ arg["from"] = from;
+ arg["from_id"] = from_id;
+ arg["time"] = LLLogChat::timestamp(false);
+ mChangedSignal(arg);
+ return true;
+const std::string& LLIMModel::getName(LLUUID session_id)
+ LLIMSession* session = get_if_there(sSessionsMap, session_id, (LLIMSession*)NULL);
+ if (!session)
+ {
+ llwarns << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << llendl;
+ return LLStringUtil::null;
+ }
+ return session->mName;
+// TODO get rid of other participant ID
+void LLIMModel::sendTypingState(LLUUID session_id, LLUUID other_participant_id, BOOL typing)
+ std::string name;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name);
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ other_participant_id,
+ name,
+ std::string("typing"),
+ session_id);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+void LLIMModel::sendLeaveSession(LLUUID session_id, LLUUID other_participant_id)
+ if(session_id.notNull())
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name);
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ other_participant_id,
+ name,
+ LLStringUtil::null,
+ session_id);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ }
+void LLIMModel::sendMessage(const std::string& utf8_text,
+ const LLUUID& im_session_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ EInstantMessage dialog)
+ std::string name;
+ bool sent = false;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name);
+ const LLRelationship* info = NULL;
+ info = LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(other_participant_id);
+ U8 offline = (!info || info->isOnline()) ? IM_ONLINE : IM_OFFLINE;
+ if((offline == IM_OFFLINE) && (LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isOnlineSIP(other_participant_id)))
+ {
+ // User is online through the OOW connector, but not with a regular viewer. Try to send the message via SLVoice.
+ sent = gVoiceClient->sendTextMessage(other_participant_id, utf8_text);
+ }
+ if(!sent)
+ {
+ // Send message normally.
+ // default to IM_SESSION_SEND unless it's nothing special - in
+ // which case it's probably an IM to everyone.
+ U8 new_dialog = dialog;
+ if ( dialog != IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL )
+ {
+ new_dialog = IM_SESSION_SEND;
+ }
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ other_participant_id,
+ name.c_str(),
+ utf8_text.c_str(),
+ offline,
+ (EInstantMessage)new_dialog,
+ im_session_id);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ }
+ // If there is a mute list and this is not a group chat...
+ if ( LLMuteList::getInstance() )
+ {
+ // ... the target should not be in our mute list for some message types.
+ // Auto-remove them if present.
+ switch( dialog )
+ {
+ case IM_SESSION_SEND: // This one is marginal - erring on the side of hearing.
+ case IM_LURE_USER:
+ LLMuteList::getInstance()->autoRemove(other_participant_id, LLMuteList::AR_IM);
+ break;
+ default: ; // do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ if((dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) &&
+ (other_participant_id.notNull()))
+ {
+ // Do we have to replace the /me's here?
+ std::string from;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(from);
+ LLIMModel::instance().addToHistory(im_session_id, from, utf8_text);
+ //local echo for the legacy communicate panel
+ std::string history_echo;
+ std::string utf8_copy = utf8_text;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(history_echo);
+ // Look for IRC-style emotes here.
+ std::string prefix = utf8_copy.substr(0, 4);
+ if (prefix == "/me " || prefix == "/me'")
+ {
+ utf8_copy.replace(0,3,"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ history_echo += ": ";
+ }
+ history_echo += utf8_copy;
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = gIMMgr->findFloaterBySession(im_session_id);
+ if (floater) floater->addHistoryLine(history_echo, LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("IMChatColor"), true, gAgent.getID());
+ }
+ // Add the recipient to the recent people list.
+ LLRecentPeople::instance().add(other_participant_id);
+boost::signals2::connection LLIMModel::addChangedCallback( boost::function<void (const LLSD& data)> cb )
+ return mChangedSignal.connect(cb);
+void session_starter_helper(
+ const LLUUID& temp_session_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ EInstantMessage im_type)
+ LLMessageSystem *msg = gMessageSystem;
+ msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ImprovedInstantMessage);
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MessageBlock);
+ msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_FromGroup, FALSE);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ToAgentID, other_participant_id);
+ msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Offline, IM_ONLINE);
+ msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Dialog, im_type);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ID, temp_session_id);
+ msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Timestamp, NO_TIMESTAMP); // no timestamp necessary
+ std::string name;
+ LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name);
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_FromAgentName, name);
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Message, LLStringUtil::null);
+ msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ParentEstateID, 0);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RegionID, LLUUID::null);
+ msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Position, gAgent.getPositionAgent());
+void start_deprecated_conference_chat(
+ const LLUUID& temp_session_id,
+ const LLUUID& creator_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ const LLSD& agents_to_invite)
+ U8* bucket;
+ U8* pos;
+ S32 count;
+ S32 bucket_size;
+ // *FIX: this could suffer from endian issues
+ count = agents_to_invite.size();
+ bucket_size = UUID_BYTES * count;
+ bucket = new U8[bucket_size];
+ pos = bucket;
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ LLUUID agent_id = agents_to_invite[i].asUUID();
+ memcpy(pos, &agent_id, UUID_BYTES);
+ pos += UUID_BYTES;
+ }
+ session_starter_helper(
+ temp_session_id,
+ other_participant_id,
+ gMessageSystem->addBinaryDataFast(
+ _PREHASH_BinaryBucket,
+ bucket,
+ bucket_size);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ delete[] bucket;
+class LLStartConferenceChatResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+ LLStartConferenceChatResponder(
+ const LLUUID& temp_session_id,
+ const LLUUID& creator_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ const LLSD& agents_to_invite)
+ {
+ mTempSessionID = temp_session_id;
+ mCreatorID = creator_id;
+ mOtherParticipantID = other_participant_id;
+ mAgents = agents_to_invite;
+ }
+ virtual void error(U32 statusNum, const std::string& reason)
+ {
+ //try an "old school" way.
+ if ( statusNum == 400 )
+ {
+ start_deprecated_conference_chat(
+ mTempSessionID,
+ mCreatorID,
+ mOtherParticipantID,
+ mAgents);
+ }
+ //else throw an error back to the client?
+ //in theory we should have just have these error strings
+ //etc. set up in this file as opposed to the IMMgr,
+ //but the error string were unneeded here previously
+ //and it is not worth the effort switching over all
+ //the possible different language translations
+ }
+ LLUUID mTempSessionID;
+ LLUUID mCreatorID;
+ LLUUID mOtherParticipantID;
+ LLSD mAgents;
+// Returns true if any messages were sent, false otherwise.
+// Is sort of equivalent to "does the server need to do anything?"
+bool LLIMModel::sendStartSession(
+ const LLUUID& temp_session_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ const std::vector<LLUUID>& ids,
+ EInstantMessage dialog)
+ if ( dialog == IM_SESSION_GROUP_START )
+ {
+ session_starter_helper(
+ temp_session_id,
+ other_participant_id,
+ dialog);
+ switch(dialog)
+ {
+ gMessageSystem->addBinaryDataFast(
+ _PREHASH_BinaryBucket,
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( dialog == IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START )
+ {
+ LLSD agents;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (S32) ids.size(); i++)
+ {
+ agents.append(ids[i]);
+ }
+ //we have a new way of starting conference calls now
+ LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+ if (region)
+ {
+ std::string url = region->getCapability(
+ "ChatSessionRequest");
+ LLSD data;
+ data["method"] = "start conference";
+ data["session-id"] = temp_session_id;
+ data["params"] = agents;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(
+ url,
+ data,
+ new LLStartConferenceChatResponder(
+ temp_session_id,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ other_participant_id,
+ data["params"]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start_deprecated_conference_chat(
+ temp_session_id,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ other_participant_id,
+ agents);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
// Helper Functions
-// returns true if a should appear before b
-//static BOOL group_dictionary_sort( LLGroupData* a, LLGroupData* b )
-// return (LLStringUtil::compareDict( a->mName, b->mName ) < 0);
class LLViewerChatterBoxInvitationAcceptResponder :
public LLHTTPClient::Responder
@@ -145,11 +664,11 @@ public:
// always open IM window when connecting to voice
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance(TRUE);
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate", LLSD(), TRUE);
else if ( mInvitiationType == LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_IMMEDIATE )
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance(TRUE);
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate", LLSD(), TRUE);
@@ -234,14 +753,15 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(
// LLFloaterIM
+ : LLMultiFloater(LLSD())
// autoresize=false is necessary to avoid resizing of the IM window whenever
// a session is opened or closed (it would otherwise resize the window to match
// the size of the im-sesssion when they were created. This happens in
// LLMultiFloater::resizeToContents() when called through LLMultiFloater::addFloater())
- this->mAutoResize = FALSE;
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_im.xml");
+ mAutoResize = FALSE;
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_im.xml", NULL);
BOOL LLFloaterIM::postBuild()
@@ -325,6 +845,172 @@ BOOL LLFloaterIM::postBuild()
+// Class LLIncomingCallDialog
+LLIncomingCallDialog::LLIncomingCallDialog(const LLSD& payload) :
+ LLModalDialog(payload),
+ mPayload(payload)
+BOOL LLIncomingCallDialog::postBuild()
+ LLSD caller_id = mPayload["caller_id"];
+ EInstantMessage type = (EInstantMessage)mPayload["type"].asInteger();
+ std::string call_type = getString("VoiceInviteP2P");
+ std::string caller_name = mPayload["caller_name"].asString();
+ if (caller_name == "anonymous")
+ {
+ caller_name = getString("anonymous");
+ }
+ setTitle(caller_name + " " + call_type);
+ // If it is not a P2P invite, then it's an AdHoc invite
+ if ( type != IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE )
+ {
+ call_type = getString("VoiceInviteAdHoc");
+ }
+ LLUICtrl* caller_name_widget = getChild<LLUICtrl>("caller name");
+ caller_name_widget->setValue(caller_name + " " + call_type);
+ LLAvatarIconCtrl* icon = getChild<LLAvatarIconCtrl>("avatar_icon");
+ icon->setValue(caller_id);
+ childSetAction("Accept", onAccept, this);
+ childSetAction("Reject", onReject, this);
+ childSetAction("Start IM", onStartIM, this);
+ childSetFocus("Accept");
+ return TRUE;
+void LLIncomingCallDialog::onAccept(void* user_data)
+ LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data;
+ self->processCallResponse(0);
+ self->closeFloater();
+void LLIncomingCallDialog::onReject(void* user_data)
+ LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data;
+ self->processCallResponse(1);
+ self->closeFloater();
+void LLIncomingCallDialog::onStartIM(void* user_data)
+ LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data;
+ self->processCallResponse(2);
+ self->closeFloater();
+void LLIncomingCallDialog::processCallResponse(S32 response)
+ LLUUID session_id = mPayload["session_id"].asUUID();
+ EInstantMessage type = (EInstantMessage)mPayload["type"].asInteger();
+ LLIMMgr::EInvitationType inv_type = (LLIMMgr::EInvitationType)mPayload["inv_type"].asInteger();
+ bool voice = true;
+ switch(response)
+ {
+ case 2: // start IM: just don't start the voice chat
+ {
+ voice = false;
+ }
+ case 0: // accept
+ {
+ if (type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE)
+ {
+ // create a normal IM session
+ session_id = gIMMgr->addP2PSession(
+ mPayload["session_name"].asString(),
+ mPayload["caller_id"].asUUID(),
+ mPayload["session_handle"].asString());
+ if (voice)
+ {
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* im_floater =
+ gIMMgr->findFloaterBySession(
+ session_id);
+ if (im_floater)
+ {
+ im_floater->requestAutoConnect();
+ LLFloaterIMPanel::onClickStartCall(im_floater);
+ }
+ }
+ // always open IM window when connecting to voice
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate", session_id);
+ gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id);
+ gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(session_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gIMMgr->addSession(
+ mPayload["session_name"].asString(),
+ type,
+ session_id);
+ std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability(
+ "ChatSessionRequest");
+ if (voice)
+ {
+ LLSD data;
+ data["method"] = "accept invitation";
+ data["session-id"] = session_id;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(
+ url,
+ data,
+ new LLViewerChatterBoxInvitationAcceptResponder(
+ session_id,
+ inv_type));
+ }
+ }
+ if (voice)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case 1: // decline
+ {
+ if (type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE)
+ {
+ if(gVoiceClient)
+ {
+ std::string s = mPayload["session_handle"].asString();
+ gVoiceClient->declineInvite(s);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability(
+ "ChatSessionRequest");
+ LLSD data;
+ data["method"] = "decline invitation";
+ data["session-id"] = session_id;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(
+ url,
+ data,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id);
+ gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(session_id);
+ }
// Class LLIMViewFriendObserver
// Bridge to suport knowing when the inventory has changed.
@@ -375,7 +1061,7 @@ bool inviteUserResponse(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
// always open IM window when connecting to voice
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance(session_id);
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate", session_id, TRUE);
@@ -448,74 +1134,6 @@ bool inviteUserResponse(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
-// Public Static Member Functions
-// This is a helper function to determine what kind of im session
-// should be used for the given agent.
-// static
-EInstantMessage LLIMMgr::defaultIMTypeForAgent(const LLUUID& agent_id)
- EInstantMessage type = IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL;
- if(is_agent_friend(agent_id))
- {
- if(LLAvatarTracker::instance().isBuddyOnline(agent_id))
- {
- }
- }
- return type;
-// static
-//void LLIMMgr::onPinButton(void*)
-// BOOL state = gSavedSettings.getBOOL( "PinTalkViewOpen" );
-// gSavedSettings.setBOOL( "PinTalkViewOpen", !state );
-// static
-void LLIMMgr::toggle(void*)
- static BOOL return_to_mouselook = FALSE;
- // Hide the button and show the floater or vice versa.
- llassert( gIMMgr );
- BOOL old_state = gIMMgr->getFloaterOpen();
- // If we're in mouselook and we triggered the Talk View, we want to talk.
- if( gAgent.cameraMouselook() && old_state )
- {
- return_to_mouselook = TRUE;
- gAgent.changeCameraToDefault();
- return;
- }
- BOOL new_state = !old_state;
- if (new_state)
- {
- // ...making visible
- if ( gAgent.cameraMouselook() )
- {
- return_to_mouselook = TRUE;
- gAgent.changeCameraToDefault();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // ...hiding
- if ( gAgent.cameraThirdPerson() && return_to_mouselook )
- {
- gAgent.changeCameraToMouselook();
- }
- return_to_mouselook = FALSE;
- }
- gIMMgr->setFloaterOpen( new_state );
// Member Functions
@@ -523,6 +1141,13 @@ LLIMMgr::LLIMMgr() :
+ static bool registered_dialog = false;
+ if (!registered_dialog)
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::add("incoming_call", "floater_incoming_call.xml.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLIncomingCallDialog>);
+ registered_dialog = true;
+ }
mFriendObserver = new LLIMViewFriendObserver(this);
@@ -614,10 +1239,10 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage(
// *TODO:translate (low priority, god ability)
std::ostringstream bonus_info;
- bonus_info << "*** parent estate: "
+ bonus_info << LLTrans::getString("***")+ " "+ LLTrans::getString("IMParentEstate") + ":" + " "
<< parent_estate_id
- << ((parent_estate_id == 1) ? ", mainland" : "")
- << ((parent_estate_id == 5) ? ", teen" : "");
+ << ((parent_estate_id == 1) ? "," + LLTrans::getString("IMMainland") : "")
+ << ((parent_estate_id == 5) ? "," + LLTrans::getString ("IMTeen") : "");
// once we have web-services (or something) which returns
// information about a region id, we can print this out
@@ -625,7 +1250,8 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage(
//<< "*** region_id: " << region_id << std::endl
//<< "*** position: " << position << std::endl;
- floater->addHistoryLine(bonus_info.str(), gSavedSettings.getColor4("SystemChatColor"));
+ floater->addHistoryLine(bonus_info.str(), LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
+ LLIMModel::instance().addMessage(new_session_id, from, other_participant_id, bonus_info.str());
@@ -634,8 +1260,8 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage(
// now add message to floater
bool is_from_system = target_id.isNull() || (from == SYSTEM_FROM);
const LLColor4& color = ( is_from_system ?
- gSavedSettings.getColor4("SystemChatColor") :
- gSavedSettings.getColor("IMChatColor"));
+ LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor") :
+ LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("IMChatColor"));
if ( !link_name )
floater->addHistoryLine(msg,color); // No name to prepend, so just add the message normally
@@ -645,10 +1271,12 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage(
floater->addHistoryLine(msg, color, true, other_participant_id, from); // Insert linked name to front of message
- LLFloaterChatterBox* chat_floater = LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD());
+ LLIMModel::instance().addMessage(new_session_id, from, other_participant_id, msg);
- if( !chat_floater->getVisible() && !floater->getVisible())
+ if( !LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("communicate") && !floater->getVisible())
+ LLFloaterChatterBox* chat_floater = LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance();
//if the IM window is not open and the floater is not visible (i.e. not torn off)
LLFloater* previouslyActiveFloater = chat_floater->getActiveFloater();
@@ -675,14 +1303,12 @@ void LLIMMgr::addSystemMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& mess
// null session id means near me (chat history)
if (session_id.isNull())
- LLFloaterChat* floaterp = LLFloaterChat::getInstance();
- message = floaterp->getString(message_name);
+ message = LLTrans::getString(message_name);
LLChat chat(message);
chat.mSourceType = CHAT_SOURCE_SYSTEM;
- LLFloaterChat::getInstance()->addChatHistory(chat);
+ LLFloaterChat::addChatHistory(chat);
else // going to IM session
@@ -699,12 +1325,28 @@ void LLIMMgr::addSystemMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& mess
void LLIMMgr::notifyNewIM()
- if(!gIMMgr->getFloaterOpen())
+ if(!LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("communicate"))
mIMReceived = TRUE;
+S32 LLIMMgr::getNumberOfUnreadIM()
+ std::map<LLUUID, LLIMModel::LLIMSession*>::iterator it;
+ S32 num = 0;
+ for(it = LLIMModel::sSessionsMap.begin(); it != LLIMModel::sSessionsMap.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if((*it).first != mBeingRemovedSessionID)
+ {
+ num += (*it).second->mNumUnread;
+ }
+ }
+ return num;
void LLIMMgr::clearNewIMNotification()
mIMReceived = FALSE;
@@ -750,39 +1392,9 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
EInstantMessage dialog,
const LLUUID& other_participant_id)
- LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(dialog, other_participant_id);
- LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = findFloaterBySession(session_id);
- if(!floater)
- {
- LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids;
- ids.put(other_participant_id);
- floater = createFloater(
- session_id,
- other_participant_id,
- name,
- ids,
- dialog,
- TRUE);
- noteOfflineUsers(floater, ids);
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance(session_id);
- // Only warn for regular IMs - not group IMs
- if( dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL )
- {
- noteMutedUsers(floater, ids);
- }
- LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD())->showFloater(floater);
- }
- else
- {
- floater->open();
- }
- //mTabContainer->selectTabPanel(panel);
- floater->setInputFocus(TRUE);
- return floater->getSessionID();
+ LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids;
+ ids.put(other_participant_id);
+ return addSession(name, dialog, other_participant_id, ids);
// Adds a session using the given session_id. If the session already exists
@@ -798,9 +1410,7 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
return LLUUID::null;
- LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(
- dialog,
- other_participant_id);
+ LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(dialog,other_participant_id);
LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = findFloaterBySession(session_id);
@@ -811,14 +1421,13 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
- ids,
- TRUE);
+ ids);
if ( !floater ) return LLUUID::null;
noteOfflineUsers(floater, ids);
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance(session_id);
// Only warn for regular IMs - not group IMs
if( dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL )
@@ -828,27 +1437,45 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
- floater->open();
+ // *TODO: Remove this? Otherwise old communicate window opens on
+ // second initiation of IM session from People panel?
+ // floater->openFloater();
+ LLIMFloater::show(session_id);
+ notifyObserverSessionAdded(floater->getSessionID(), name, other_participant_id);
return floater->getSessionID();
// This removes the panel referenced by the uuid, and then restores
-// internal consistency. The internal pointer is not deleted.
+// internal consistency. The internal pointer is not deleted? Did you mean
+// a pointer to the corresponding LLIMSession? Session data is cleared now.
void LLIMMgr::removeSession(const LLUUID& session_id)
LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = findFloaterBySession(session_id);
- LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD())->removeFloater(floater);
+ LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance()->removeFloater(floater);
+ // for some purposes storing ID of a sessios that is being removed
+ mBeingRemovedSessionID = session_id;
+ notifyObserverSessionRemoved(session_id);
+ //if we don't clear session data on removing the session
+ //we can't use LLBottomTray as observer of session creation/delettion and
+ //creating chiclets only on session created even, we need to handle chiclets creation
+ //the same way as LLFloaterIMPanels were managed.
+ LLIMModel::getInstance()->clearSession(session_id);
+ // now this session is completely removed
+ mBeingRemovedSessionID.setNull();
void LLIMMgr::inviteToSession(
@@ -932,66 +1559,55 @@ void LLIMMgr::inviteToSession(
if (caller_name.empty())
- BOOL is_group = FALSE; // Inviter must be a person
- gCacheName->getNameFromUUID(caller_id, is_group, onInviteNameLookup, new LLSD(payload));
+ gCacheName->get(caller_id, FALSE, boost::bind(&LLIMMgr::onInviteNameLookup, payload, _1, _2, _3, _4));
- LLSD args;
- args["NAME"] = caller_name;
- args["GROUP"] = session_name;
- LLNotifications::instance().add(notify_box_type,
- args,
- payload,
- &inviteUserResponse);
+ if (notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteP2P" || notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteAdHoc")
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("incoming_call", payload, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLSD args;
+ args["NAME"] = caller_name;
+ args["GROUP"] = session_name;
+ LLNotifications::instance().add(notify_box_type, args, payload, &inviteUserResponse);
+ }
mPendingInvitations[session_id.asString()] = LLSD();
-void LLIMMgr::onInviteNameLookup(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& first, const std::string& last, BOOL is_group, void* userdata)
+void LLIMMgr::onInviteNameLookup(LLSD payload, const LLUUID& id, const std::string& first, const std::string& last, BOOL is_group)
- LLSD payload = *(LLSD*)userdata;
- delete (LLSD*)userdata;
payload["caller_name"] = first + " " + last;
payload["session_name"] = payload["caller_name"].asString();
- LLSD args;
- args["NAME"] = payload["caller_name"].asString();
- LLNotifications::instance().add(
- payload["notify_box_type"].asString(),
- args,
- payload,
- &inviteUserResponse);
-void LLIMMgr::refresh()
+ std::string notify_box_type = payload["notify_box_type"].asString();
-void LLIMMgr::setFloaterOpen(BOOL set_open)
- if (set_open)
+ if (notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteP2P" || notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteAdHoc")
- LLFloaterChatterBox::showInstance();
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("incoming_call", payload, TRUE);
- LLFloaterChatterBox::hideInstance();
+ LLSD args;
+ args["NAME"] = payload["caller_name"].asString();
+ LLNotifications::instance().add(
+ payload["notify_box_type"].asString(),
+ args,
+ payload,
+ &inviteUserResponse);
-BOOL LLIMMgr::getFloaterOpen()
+void LLIMMgr::refresh()
- return LLFloaterChatterBox::instanceVisible(LLSD());
void LLIMMgr::disconnectAllSessions()
LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = NULL;
@@ -1008,7 +1624,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::disconnectAllSessions()
if (floater)
- floater->close(TRUE);
+ floater->closeFloater(TRUE);
@@ -1129,41 +1745,43 @@ void LLIMMgr::clearPendingAgentListUpdates(const LLUUID& session_id)
-// create a floater and update internal representation for
-// consistency. Returns the pointer, caller (the class instance since
-// it is a private method) is not responsible for deleting the
-// pointer. Add the floater to this but do not select it.
-LLFloaterIMPanel* LLIMMgr::createFloater(
- const LLUUID& session_id,
- const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
- const std::string& session_label,
- EInstantMessage dialog,
- BOOL user_initiated)
+void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id)
- if (session_id.isNull())
+ for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++)
- llwarns << "Creating LLFloaterIMPanel with null session ID" << llendl;
+ (*it)->sessionAdded(session_id, name, other_participant_id);
- llinfos << "LLIMMgr::createFloater: from " << other_participant_id
- << " in session " << session_id << llendl;
- LLFloaterIMPanel* floater = new LLFloaterIMPanel(session_label,
- session_id,
- other_participant_id,
- dialog);
- LLTabContainer::eInsertionPoint i_pt = user_initiated ? LLTabContainer::RIGHT_OF_CURRENT : LLTabContainer::END;
- LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD())->addFloater(floater, FALSE, i_pt);
- mFloaters.insert(floater->getHandle());
- return floater;
+void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id)
+ for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++)
+ {
+ (*it)->sessionRemoved(session_id);
+ }
+void LLIMMgr::addSessionObserver(LLIMSessionObserver *observer)
+ mSessionObservers.push_back(observer);
+void LLIMMgr::removeSessionObserver(LLIMSessionObserver *observer)
+ mSessionObservers.remove(observer);
+// create a floater and update internal representation for
+// consistency. Returns the pointer, caller (the class instance since
+// it is a private method) is not responsible for deleting the
+// pointer. Add the floater to this but do not select it.
LLFloaterIMPanel* LLIMMgr::createFloater(
const LLUUID& session_id,
const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
const std::string& session_label,
- const LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>& ids,
EInstantMessage dialog,
- BOOL user_initiated)
+ BOOL user_initiated,
+ const LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>& ids)
if (session_id.isNull())
@@ -1178,8 +1796,9 @@ LLFloaterIMPanel* LLIMMgr::createFloater(
LLTabContainer::eInsertionPoint i_pt = user_initiated ? LLTabContainer::RIGHT_OF_CURRENT : LLTabContainer::END;
- LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD())->addFloater(floater, FALSE, i_pt);
+ LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance()->addFloater(floater, FALSE, i_pt);
+ LLIMModel::instance().newSession(session_id, session_label, dialog, other_participant_id);
return floater;
@@ -1190,7 +1809,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::noteOfflineUsers(
S32 count = ids.count();
if(count == 0)
- floater->addHistoryLine(sOnlyUserMessage, gSavedSettings.getColor4("SystemChatColor"));
+ floater->addHistoryLine(sOnlyUserMessage, LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
@@ -1206,7 +1825,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::noteOfflineUsers(
LLUIString offline = sOfflineMessage;
offline.setArg("[FIRST]", first);
offline.setArg("[LAST]", last);
- floater->addHistoryLine(offline, gSavedSettings.getColor4("SystemChatColor"));
+ floater->addHistoryLine(offline, LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
@@ -1268,11 +1887,6 @@ void LLIMMgr::updateFloaterSessionID(
-LLFloaterChatterBox* LLIMMgr::getFloater()
- return LLFloaterChatterBox::getInstance(LLSD());
class LLViewerChatterBoxSessionStartReply : public LLHTTPNode
@@ -1515,7 +2129,7 @@ public:
saved = llformat("(Saved %s) ", formatted_time(timestamp).c_str());
- std::string buffer = separator_string + saved + message.substr(message_offset);
+ std::string buffer = saved + message.substr(message_offset);
BOOL is_this_agent = FALSE;
if(from_id == gAgentID)