path: root/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp')
1 files changed, 793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718ea894aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+ * @file llimpanel.cpp
+ * @brief LLIMPanel class definition
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $License$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llimpanel.h"
+#include "indra_constants.h"
+#include "llfocusmgr.h"
+#include "llfontgl.h"
+#include "llrect.h"
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "llstring.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "lltextbox.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llbutton.h"
+#include "llcallingcard.h"
+#include "llconsole.h"
+#include "llfloater.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventoryview.h"
+#include "llfloateravatarinfo.h"
+#include "llkeyboard.h"
+#include "lllineeditor.h"
+#include "llresmgr.h"
+#include "lltabcontainer.h"
+#include "llimview.h"
+#include "llviewertexteditor.h"
+#include "llviewermessage.h"
+#include "llviewerstats.h"
+#include "viewer.h"
+#include "llvieweruictrlfactory.h"
+#include "lllogchat.h"
+#include "llfloaterhtml.h"
+#include "llweb.h"
+// Constants
+const S32 LINE_HEIGHT = 16;
+const S32 MIN_WIDTH = 200;
+const S32 MIN_HEIGHT = 130;
+// Statics
+static LLString sTitleString = "Instant Message with [NAME]";
+static LLString sTypingStartString = "[NAME]: ...";
+// Member Functions
+LLFloaterIMPanel::LLFloaterIMPanel(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect,
+ const std::string& session_label,
+ const LLUUID& session_id,
+ const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
+ EInstantMessage dialog) :
+ LLFloater(name, rect, session_label),
+ mInputEditor(NULL),
+ mHistoryEditor(NULL),
+ mSessionLabel(session_label),
+ mSessionUUID(session_id),
+ mOtherParticipantUUID(other_participant_id),
+ mLureID(),
+ mDialog(dialog),
+ mTyping(FALSE),
+ mOtherTyping(FALSE),
+ mTypingLineStartIndex(0),
+ mSentTypingState(TRUE),
+ mFirstKeystrokeTimer(),
+ mLastKeystrokeTimer()
+ init();
+ setLabel(session_label);
+ setTitle(session_label);
+ mInputEditor->setMaxTextLength(1023);
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::init()
+ gUICtrlFactory->buildFloater(this, "floater_instant_message.xml", NULL, FALSE);
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::postBuild()
+ requires("chat_editor", WIDGET_TYPE_LINE_EDITOR);
+ requires("profile_btn", WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON);
+ requires("close_btn", WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON);
+ requires("im_history", WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_EDITOR);
+ requires("live_help_dialog", WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_BOX);
+ requires("title_string", WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_BOX);
+ requires("typing_start_string", WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_BOX);
+ if (checkRequirements())
+ {
+ mInputEditor = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(this, "chat_editor");
+ mInputEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( onInputEditorFocusReceived );
+ mInputEditor->setFocusLostCallback( onInputEditorFocusLost );
+ mInputEditor->setKeystrokeCallback( onInputEditorKeystroke );
+ mInputEditor->setCallbackUserData(this);
+ mInputEditor->setCommitOnFocusLost( FALSE );
+ LLButton* profile_btn = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, "profile_btn");
+ profile_btn->setClickedCallback(&LLFloaterIMPanel::onClickProfile, this);
+ LLButton* close_btn = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, "close_btn");
+ close_btn->setClickedCallback(&LLFloaterIMPanel::onClickClose, this);
+ mHistoryEditor = LLViewerUICtrlFactory::getViewerTextEditorByName(this, "im_history");
+ mHistoryEditor->setParseHTML(TRUE);
+ if ( gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogShowHistory") )
+ {
+ LLLogChat::loadHistory(mSessionLabel, &chatFromLogFile, (void *)this);
+ }
+ || IM_SESSION_911_START == mDialog)
+ {
+ profile_btn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ if(IM_SESSION_911_START == mDialog)
+ {
+ LLTextBox* live_help_text = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextBoxByName(this, "live_help_dialog");
+ addHistoryLine(live_help_text->getText());
+ }
+ }
+ LLTextBox* title = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextBoxByName(this, "title_string");
+ sTitleString = title->getText();
+ LLTextBox* typing_start = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextBoxByName(this, "typing_start_string");
+ sTypingStartString = typing_start->getText();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// virtual
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::draw()
+ if (mTyping)
+ {
+ // Time out if user hasn't typed for a while.
+ if (mLastKeystrokeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > LLAgent::TYPING_TIMEOUT_SECS)
+ {
+ setTyping(FALSE);
+ }
+ // If we are typing, and it's been a little while, send the
+ // typing indicator
+ if (!mSentTypingState
+ && mFirstKeystrokeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > 1.f)
+ {
+ sendTypingState(TRUE);
+ mSentTypingState = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ LLFloater::draw();
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::addParticipants(const LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>& ids)
+ if(isAddAllowed())
+ {
+ llinfos << "LLFloaterIMPanel::addParticipants() - adding participants" << llendl;
+ const S32 MAX_AGENTS = 50;
+ S32 count = ids.count();
+ if(count > MAX_AGENTS) return FALSE;
+ LLMessageSystem *msg = gMessageSystem;
+ msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ImprovedInstantMessage);
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MessageBlock);
+ msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_FromGroup, FALSE);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ToAgentID, mOtherParticipantUUID);
+ msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Offline, IM_ONLINE);
+ msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Dialog, mDialog);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ID, mSessionUUID);
+ msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Timestamp, NO_TIMESTAMP); // no timestamp necessary
+ std::string name;
+ gAgent.buildFullname(name);
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_FromAgentName, name);
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Message, LLString::null);
+ msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ParentEstateID, 0);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RegionID, LLUUID::null);
+ msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Position, gAgent.getPositionAgent());
+ if (IM_SESSION_GROUP_START == mDialog)
+ {
+ // *HACK: binary bucket contains session label - the server
+ // will actually add agents.
+ llinfos << "Group IM session name '" << mSessionLabel
+ << "'" << llendl;
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_BinaryBucket, mSessionLabel);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ }
+ else if (IM_SESSION_911_START == mDialog)
+ {
+ // HACK -- we modify the name of the session going out to
+ // the helpers to help them easily identify "Help"
+ // sessions in their collection of IM panels.
+ LLString name;
+ gAgent.getName(name);
+ LLString buffer = LLString("HELP ") + name;
+ llinfos << "LiveHelp IM session '" << buffer << "'." << llendl;
+ msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_BinaryBucket, buffer.c_str());
+ // automaticaly open a wormhole when this reliable message gets through
+ msg->sendReliable(
+ gAgent.getRegionHost(),
+ 3, // retries
+ TRUE, // ping-based
+ 5.0f, // timeout
+ send_lure_911,
+ (void**)&mSessionUUID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mDialog != IM_SESSION_ADD
+ {
+ llwarns << "LLFloaterIMPanel::addParticipants() - dialog type " << mDialog
+ << " is not an ADD" << llendl;
+ }
+ // *FIX: this could suffer from endian issues
+ S32 bucket_size = UUID_BYTES * count;
+ U8* bucket = new U8[bucket_size];
+ U8* pos = bucket;
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ memcpy(pos, &(ids.get(i)), UUID_BYTES);
+ pos += UUID_BYTES;
+ }
+ msg->addBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_BinaryBucket, bucket, bucket_size);
+ delete[] bucket;
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llinfos << "LLFloaterIMPanel::addParticipants() - no need to add agents for "
+ << mDialog << llendl;
+ // successful add, because everyone that needed to get added
+ // was added.
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::addHistoryLine(const std::string &utf8msg, const LLColor4& color, bool log_to_file)
+ LLMultiFloater* hostp = getHost();
+ if( !getVisible() && hostp && log_to_file)
+ {
+ // Only flash for logged ("real") messages
+ LLTabContainer* parent = (LLTabContainer*) getParent();
+ parent->setTabPanelFlashing( this, TRUE );
+ }
+ // Now we're adding the actual line of text, so erase the
+ // "Foo is typing..." text segment, and the optional timestamp
+ // if it was present. JC
+ removeTypingIndicator();
+ // Actually add the line
+ LLString timestring;
+ bool prepend_newline = true;
+ if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMShowTimestamps"))
+ {
+ timestring = mHistoryEditor->appendTime(prepend_newline);
+ prepend_newline = false;
+ }
+ mHistoryEditor->appendColoredText(utf8msg, false, prepend_newline, color);
+ if (log_to_file
+ && gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogInstantMessages") )
+ {
+ LLString histstr = timestring + utf8msg;
+ LLLogChat::saveHistory(mSessionLabel,histstr);
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::setVisible(BOOL b)
+ LLPanel::setVisible(b);
+ LLMultiFloater* hostp = getHost();
+ if( b && hostp )
+ {
+ LLTabContainer* parent = (LLTabContainer*) getParent();
+ // When this tab is displayed, you can stop flashing.
+ parent->setTabPanelFlashing( this, FALSE );
+ /* Don't change containing floater title - leave it "Instant Message" JC
+ LLUIString title = sTitleString;
+ title.setArg("[NAME]", mSessionLabel);
+ hostp->setTitle( title );
+ */
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::setInputFocus( BOOL b )
+ mInputEditor->setFocus( b );
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::selectAll()
+ mInputEditor->selectAll();
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::selectNone()
+ mInputEditor->deselect();
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent )
+ BOOL handled = FALSE;
+ if( getVisible() && mEnabled && !called_from_parent && gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this))
+ {
+ if( KEY_RETURN == key && mask == MASK_NONE)
+ {
+ sendMsg();
+ handled = TRUE;
+ // Close talk panels on hitting return
+ // but not shift-return or control-return
+ if ( !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PinTalkViewOpen") && !(mask & MASK_CONTROL) && !(mask & MASK_SHIFT) )
+ {
+ gIMView->toggle(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( KEY_ESCAPE == key )
+ {
+ handled = TRUE;
+ gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL, NULL);
+ // Close talk panel with escape
+ if( !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PinTalkViewOpen") )
+ {
+ gIMView->toggle(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // May need to call base class LLPanel::handleKeyHere if not handled
+ // in order to tab between buttons. JNC 1.2.2002
+ return handled;
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ LLString& tooltip_msg)
+ BOOL accepted = FALSE;
+ switch(cargo_type)
+ {
+ accepted = dropCallingCard((LLInventoryItem*)cargo_data, drop);
+ break;
+ accepted = dropCategory((LLInventoryCategory*)cargo_data, drop);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (accepted)
+ {
+ *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *accept = ACCEPT_NO;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::dropCallingCard(LLInventoryItem* item, BOOL drop)
+ BOOL rv = isAddAllowed();
+ if(rv && item && item->getCreatorUUID().notNull())
+ {
+ if(drop)
+ {
+ LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids;
+ ids.put(item->getCreatorUUID());
+ addParticipants(ids);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set to false if creator uuid is null.
+ rv = FALSE;
+ }
+ return rv;
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::dropCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, BOOL drop)
+ BOOL rv = isAddAllowed();
+ if(rv && category)
+ {
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items;
+ LLUniqueBuddyCollector buddies;
+ gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category->getUUID(),
+ cats,
+ items,
+ LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH,
+ buddies);
+ S32 count = items.count();
+ if(count == 0)
+ {
+ rv = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(drop)
+ {
+ LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids;
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ ids.put(items.get(i)->getCreatorUUID());
+ }
+ addParticipants(ids);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+BOOL LLFloaterIMPanel::isAddAllowed() const
+ return ((IM_SESSION_ADD == mDialog)
+ || (IM_SESSION_OFFLINE_ADD == mDialog)
+ || (IM_SESSION_GROUP_START == mDialog)
+ || (IM_SESSION_911_START == mDialog)
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onTabClick(void* userdata)
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ self->setInputFocus(TRUE);
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onClickProfile( void* userdata )
+ // Bring up the Profile window
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ if (self->mOtherParticipantUUID.notNull())
+ {
+ LLFloaterAvatarInfo::showFromDirectory(self->getOtherParticipantID());
+ }
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onClickClose( void* userdata )
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ if(self)
+ {
+ self->close();
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::addTeleportButton(const LLUUID& lure_id)
+ LLButton* btn = LLViewerUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, "Teleport Btn");
+ if (!btn)
+ {
+ S32 BTN_VPAD = 2;
+ S32 BTN_HPAD = 2;
+ const char* teleport_label = "Teleport";
+ const LLFontGL* font = gResMgr->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF );
+ S32 p_btn_width = 75;
+ S32 c_btn_width = 60;
+ S32 t_btn_width = 75;
+ // adjust the size of the editor to make room for the new button
+ LLRect rect = mInputEditor->getRect();
+ S32 editor_right = rect.mRight - t_btn_width;
+ rect.mRight = editor_right;
+ mInputEditor->reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), FALSE);
+ mInputEditor->setRect(rect);
+ const S32 IMPANEL_INPUT_HEIGHT = 20;
+ rect.setLeftTopAndSize(
+ mRect.getWidth() - IMPANEL_PAD - p_btn_width - c_btn_width - t_btn_width - BTN_HPAD - RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH,
+ t_btn_width,
+ btn = new LLButton(
+ "Teleport Btn", rect,
+ "","", "",
+ &LLFloaterIMPanel::onTeleport, this,
+ font, teleport_label, teleport_label );
+ btn->setFollowsBottom();
+ btn->setFollowsRight();
+ addChild( btn );
+ }
+ btn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ mLureID = lure_id;
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::removeTeleportButton()
+ // TODO -- purge the button
+ LLButton* btn = LLViewerUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, "Teleport Btn");
+ if (btn)
+ {
+ btn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ }
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onTeleport(void* userdata)
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ if(self)
+ {
+ send_simple_im(self->mLureID,
+ "",
+ IM_LURE_911,
+ LLUUID::null);
+ self->removeTeleportButton();
+ }
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onInputEditorFocusReceived( LLUICtrl* caller, void* userdata )
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self= (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ self->mHistoryEditor->setCursorAndScrollToEnd();
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onInputEditorFocusLost(LLLineEditor* caller, void* userdata)
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*) userdata;
+ self->setTyping(FALSE);
+// static
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::onInputEditorKeystroke(LLLineEditor* caller, void* userdata)
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*)userdata;
+ LLString text = self->mInputEditor->getText();
+ if (!text.empty())
+ {
+ self->setTyping(TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Deleting all text counts as stopping typing.
+ self->setTyping(FALSE);
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::close(bool app_quitting)
+ setTyping(FALSE);
+ if(mSessionUUID.notNull())
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ gAgent.buildFullname(name);
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ mOtherParticipantUUID,
+ name.c_str(),
+ "",
+ mSessionUUID);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ }
+ gIMView->removeSession(mSessionUUID);
+ destroy();
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::sendMsg()
+ LLWString text = mInputEditor->getWText();
+ LLWString::trim(text);
+ if (!gAgent.isGodlike()
+ && (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL)
+ && mOtherParticipantUUID.isNull())
+ {
+ llinfos << "Cannot send IM to everyone unless you're a god." << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(text.length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Truncate and convert to UTF8 for transport
+ std::string utf8_text = wstring_to_utf8str(text);
+ utf8_text = utf8str_truncate(utf8_text, MAX_MSG_BUF_SIZE - 1);
+ std::string name;
+ gAgent.buildFullname(name);
+ const LLRelationship* info = NULL;
+ info = LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(mOtherParticipantUUID);
+ U8 offline = (!info || info->isOnline()) ? IM_ONLINE : IM_OFFLINE;
+ // default to IM_SESSION_SEND unless it's nothing special - in
+ // which case it's probably an IM to everyone.
+ U8 dialog = (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL)
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ mOtherParticipantUUID,
+ name.c_str(),
+ utf8_text.c_str(),
+ offline,
+ (EInstantMessage)dialog,
+ mSessionUUID);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+ // local echo
+ if((mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) && (mOtherParticipantUUID.notNull()))
+ {
+ std::string history_echo;
+ gAgent.buildFullname(history_echo);
+ // Look for IRC-style emotes here.
+ char tmpstr[5];
+ strcpy(tmpstr,utf8_text.substr(0,4).c_str());
+ if (!strncmp(tmpstr, "/me ", 4) || !strncmp(tmpstr, "/me'", 4))
+ {
+ utf8_text.replace(0,3,"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ history_echo += ": ";
+ }
+ history_echo += utf8_text;
+ addHistoryLine(history_echo);
+ }
+ gViewerStats->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_IM_COUNT);
+ }
+ mInputEditor->setText("");
+ // Don't need to actually send the typing stop message, the other
+ // client will infer it from receiving the message.
+ mTyping = FALSE;
+ mSentTypingState = TRUE;
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::setTyping(BOOL typing)
+ if (typing)
+ {
+ // Every time you type something, reset this timer
+ mLastKeystrokeTimer.reset();
+ if (!mTyping)
+ {
+ // You just started typing.
+ mFirstKeystrokeTimer.reset();
+ // Will send typing state after a short delay.
+ mSentTypingState = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mTyping)
+ {
+ // you just stopped typing, send state immediately
+ sendTypingState(FALSE);
+ mSentTypingState = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ mTyping = typing;
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::sendTypingState(BOOL typing)
+ // Don't want to send typing indicators to multiple people, potentially too
+ // much network traffic. Only send in person-to-person IMs.
+ if (mDialog != IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) return;
+ std::string name;
+ gAgent.buildFullname(name);
+ pack_instant_message(
+ gMessageSystem,
+ gAgent.getID(),
+ gAgent.getSessionID(),
+ mOtherParticipantUUID,
+ name.c_str(),
+ "typing",
+ mSessionUUID);
+ gAgent.sendReliableMessage();
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::processIMTyping(const LLIMInfo* im_info, BOOL typing)
+ if (typing)
+ {
+ // other user started typing
+ addTypingIndicator(im_info);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // other user stopped typing
+ removeTypingIndicator();
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::addTypingIndicator(const LLIMInfo* im_info)
+ mTypingLineStartIndex = mHistoryEditor->getText().length();
+ LLUIString typing_start = sTypingStartString;
+ typing_start.setArg("[NAME]", im_info->mName);
+ bool log_to_file = false;
+ addHistoryLine(typing_start, LLColor4::grey, log_to_file);
+ mOtherTyping = TRUE;
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::removeTypingIndicator()
+ if (mOtherTyping)
+ {
+ // Must do this first, otherwise addHistoryLine calls us again.
+ mOtherTyping = FALSE;
+ S32 chars_to_remove = mHistoryEditor->getText().length() - mTypingLineStartIndex;
+ mHistoryEditor->removeTextFromEnd(chars_to_remove);
+ }
+void LLFloaterIMPanel::chatFromLogFile(LLString line, void* userdata)
+ LLFloaterIMPanel* self = (LLFloaterIMPanel*)userdata;
+ //self->addHistoryLine(line, LLColor4::grey, FALSE);
+ self->mHistoryEditor->appendColoredText(line, false, true, LLColor4::grey);