path: root/indra/newview/llface.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llface.cpp')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llface.cpp b/indra/newview/llface.cpp
index 965ac1cad0..80acc71a41 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llface.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llface.cpp
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ void LLFace::init(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerObject* objp)
mAtlasInfop = NULL ;
mUsingAtlas = FALSE ;
+ mHasMedia = FALSE ;
@@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ void LLFace::switchTexture(LLViewerTexture* new_texture)
- llerrs << "Can not switch to a null texture." << llendl ;
+ llerrs << "Can not switch to a null texture." << llendl;
+ return;
new_texture->addTextureStats(mTexture->getMaxVirtualSize()) ;
@@ -1040,17 +1042,20 @@ BOOL LLFace::getGeometryVolume(const LLVolume& volume,
if (rebuild_color)
- GLfloat alpha[4] =
- {
- 0.00f,
- 0.25f,
- 0.5f,
- 0.75f
- };
- if (getPoolType() != LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA && (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred || (LLPipeline::sRenderBump && tep->getShiny())))
+ if (tep)
- color.mV[3] = U8 (alpha[tep->getShiny()] * 255);
+ GLfloat alpha[4] =
+ {
+ 0.00f,
+ 0.25f,
+ 0.5f,
+ 0.75f
+ };
+ if (getPoolType() != LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA && (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred || (LLPipeline::sRenderBump && tep->getShiny())))
+ {
+ color.mV[3] = U8 (alpha[tep->getShiny()] * 255);
+ }
@@ -1323,17 +1328,33 @@ BOOL LLFace::getGeometryVolume(const LLVolume& volume,
return TRUE;
+//check if the face has a media
+BOOL LLFace::hasMedia() const
+ if(mHasMedia)
+ {
+ return TRUE ;
+ }
+ if(mTexture.notNull())
+ {
+ return mTexture->hasParcelMedia() ; //if has a parcel media
+ }
+ return FALSE ; //no media.
const F32 LEAST_IMPORTANCE = 0.05f ;
F32 LLFace::getTextureVirtualSize()
F32 radius;
- F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir;
- mPixelArea = calcPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius);
+ F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir;
+ BOOL in_frustum = calcPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius);
- if (mPixelArea <= 0)
+ if (mPixelArea < 0.0001f || !in_frustum)
+ setVirtualSize(0.f) ;
return 0.f;
@@ -1370,23 +1391,48 @@ F32 LLFace::getTextureVirtualSize()
+ setVirtualSize(face_area) ;
return face_area;
-F32 LLFace::calcPixelArea(F32& cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32& radius)
+BOOL LLFace::calcPixelArea(F32& cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32& radius)
//get area of circle around face
LLVector3 center = getPositionAgent();
- LLVector3 size = (mExtents[1] - mExtents[0]) * 0.5f;
+ LLVector3 size = (mExtents[1] - mExtents[0]) * 0.5f;
LLViewerCamera* camera = LLViewerCamera::getInstance();
+ F32 size_squared = size.lengthSquared() ;
LLVector3 lookAt = center - camera->getOrigin();
- F32 dist = lookAt.normVec() ;
+ F32 dist = lookAt.normVec() ;
//get area of circle around node
- F32 app_angle = atanf(size.length()/dist);
+ F32 app_angle = atanf(fsqrtf(size_squared) / dist);
radius = app_angle*LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle;
- F32 face_area = radius*radius * 3.14159f;
+ mPixelArea = radius*radius * 3.14159f;
+ cos_angle_to_view_dir = lookAt * camera->getXAxis() ;
+ //if has media, check if the face is out of the view frustum.
+ if(hasMedia())
+ {
+ if(!camera->AABBInFrustum(center, size))
+ {
+ mImportanceToCamera = 0.f ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ if(cos_angle_to_view_dir > camera->getCosHalfFov()) //the center is within the view frustum
+ {
+ cos_angle_to_view_dir = 1.0f ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(dist * dist * (lookAt - camera->getXAxis()).lengthSquared() < size_squared)
+ {
+ cos_angle_to_view_dir = 1.0f ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if(dist < mBoundingSphereRadius) //camera is very close
@@ -1394,12 +1440,11 @@ F32 LLFace::calcPixelArea(F32& cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32& radius)
mImportanceToCamera = 1.0f ;
- {
- cos_angle_to_view_dir = lookAt * camera->getXAxis() ;
+ {
mImportanceToCamera = LLFace::calcImportanceToCamera(cos_angle_to_view_dir, dist) ;
- return face_area ;
+ return true ;
//the projection of the face partially overlaps with the screen