path: root/indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp b/indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp
index d5d8cda8ce..e8da458168 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llestateinfomodel.cpp
@@ -34,15 +34,101 @@
// viewer
#include "llagent.h"
-#include "llfloaterregioninfo.h" // for invoice id
#include "llviewerregion.h"
#include "llcorehttputil.h"
-: mID(0)
-, mFlags(0)
-, mSunHour(0)
+ class LLDispatchEstateUpdateInfo : public LLDispatchHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ LLDispatchEstateUpdateInfo() {}
+ virtual ~LLDispatchEstateUpdateInfo() {}
+ virtual bool operator()(const LLDispatcher* dispatcher, const std::string& key,
+ const LLUUID& invoice, const sparam_t& strings)
+ {
+ // key = "estateupdateinfo"
+ // strings[0] = estate name
+ // strings[1] = str(owner_id)
+ // strings[2] = str(estate_id)
+ // strings[3] = str(estate_flags)
+ // strings[4] = str((S32)(sun_hour * 1024))
+ // strings[5] = str(parent_estate_id)
+ // strings[6] = str(covenant_id)
+ // strings[7] = str(covenant_timestamp)
+ // strings[8] = str(send_to_agent_only)
+ // strings[9] = str(abuse_email_addr)
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Received estate update" << LL_ENDL;
+ // Update estate info model.
+ // This will call LLPanelEstateInfo::refreshFromEstate().
+ // *TODO: Move estate message handling stuff to llestateinfomodel.cpp.
+ LLEstateInfoModel::instance().updateEstateInfo(strings);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ class LLDispatchSetEstateAccess : public LLDispatchHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ LLDispatchSetEstateAccess() {}
+ virtual ~LLDispatchSetEstateAccess() {}
+ virtual bool operator()(
+ const LLDispatcher* dispatcher, const std::string& key,
+ const LLUUID& invoice, const sparam_t& strings)
+ {
+ // key = "setaccess"
+ // strings[0] = str(estate_id)
+ // strings[1] = str(packed_access_lists)
+ // strings[2] = str(num allowed agent ids)
+ // strings[3] = str(num allowed group ids)
+ // strings[4] = str(num banned agent ids)
+ // strings[5] = str(num estate manager agent ids)
+ // strings[6] = bin(uuid)
+ // strings[7] = bin(uuid)
+ // strings[8] = bin(uuid)
+ // ...
+ LLEstateInfoModel::instance().updateAccessInfo(strings);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ class LLDispatchSetEstateExperience : public LLDispatchHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual bool operator()(const LLDispatcher* dispatcher, const std::string& key,
+ const LLUUID& invoice, const sparam_t& strings)
+ {
+ // key = "setexperience"
+ // strings[0] = str(estate_id)
+ // strings[1] = str(send_to_agent_only)
+ // strings[2] = str(num blocked)
+ // strings[3] = str(num trusted)
+ // strings[4] = str(num allowed)
+ // strings[8] = bin(uuid) ...
+ // ...
+ LLEstateInfoModel::instance().updateExperienceInfo(strings);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ mID(0),
+ mFlags(0),
+ mSunHour(0),
+ mRegion(nullptr)
@@ -51,40 +137,52 @@ boost::signals2::connection LLEstateInfoModel::setUpdateCallback(const update_si
return mUpdateSignal.connect(cb);
+boost::signals2::connection LLEstateInfoModel::setUpdateAccessCallback(const update_flaged_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ return mUpdateAccess.connect(cb);
+boost::signals2::connection LLEstateInfoModel::setUpdateExperienceCallback(const update_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ return mUpdateExperience.connect(cb);
boost::signals2::connection LLEstateInfoModel::setCommitCallback(const update_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
return mCommitSignal.connect(cb);
+void LLEstateInfoModel::setRegion(LLViewerRegion* region)
+ if (region != mRegion)
+ {
+ mRegion = region;
+ if (mRegion)
+ {
+ nextInvoice();
+ sendEstateOwnerMessage("getinfo", strings_t());
+ }
+ }
+void LLEstateInfoModel::clearRegion()
+ mRegion = nullptr;
void LLEstateInfoModel::sendEstateInfo()
if (!commitEstateInfoCaps())
// the caps method failed, try the old way
- LLFloaterRegionInfo::nextInvoice();
+ nextInvoice();
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getUseFixedSun() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_SUN_FIXED); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getIsExternallyVisible() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getAllowDirectTeleport() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DIRECT_TELEPORT); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getDenyAnonymous() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_DENY_ANONYMOUS); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getDenyAgeUnverified() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_DENY_AGEUNVERIFIED); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getAllowVoiceChat() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_VOICE); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getAllowAccessOverride() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_ACCESS_OVERRIDE); }
-bool LLEstateInfoModel::getAllowEnvironmentOverride() const { return getFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setUseFixedSun(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_SUN_FIXED, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setIsExternallyVisible(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setAllowDirectTeleport(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_DIRECT_TELEPORT, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setDenyAnonymous(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_DENY_ANONYMOUS, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setDenyAgeUnverified(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_DENY_AGEUNVERIFIED, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setAllowVoiceChat(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_VOICE, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setAllowAccessOverride(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_ACCESS_OVERRIDE, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::setAllowEnvironmentOverride(bool val) { setFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE, val); }
-void LLEstateInfoModel::update(const strings_t& strings)
+void LLEstateInfoModel::updateEstateInfo(const strings_t& strings)
// NOTE: LLDispatcher extracts strings with an extra \0 at the
// end. If we pass the std::string direct to the UI/renderer
@@ -95,10 +193,10 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::update(const strings_t& strings)
mFlags = strtoul(strings[3].c_str(), NULL, 10);
mSunHour = ((F32)(strtod(strings[4].c_str(), NULL)))/1024.0f;
- LL_DEBUGS("WindlightSync") << "Received estate info: "
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Received estate info: "
<< "is_sun_fixed = " << getUseFixedSun()
<< ", sun_hour = " << getSunHour() << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS() << getInfoDump() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << getInfoDump() << LL_ENDL;
// Update region owner.
LLViewerRegion* regionp = gAgent.getRegion();
@@ -108,20 +206,205 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::update(const strings_t& strings)
+void LLEstateInfoModel::updateAccessInfo(const strings_t& strings)
+ S32 index = 1; // skip estate_id
+ U32 access_flags = strtoul(strings[index++].c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_allowed_agents = strtol(strings[index++].c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_allowed_groups = strtol(strings[index++].c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_banned_agents = strtol(strings[index++].c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_estate_managers = strtol(strings[index++].c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ // sanity ckecks
+ if (num_allowed_agents > 0
+ && !(access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENTS))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "non-zero count for allowed agents, but no corresponding flag" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ if (num_allowed_groups > 0
+ && !(access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUPS))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "non-zero count for allowed groups, but no corresponding flag" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ if (num_banned_agents > 0
+ && !(access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENTS))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "non-zero count for banned agents, but no corresponding flag" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ if (num_estate_managers > 0
+ && !(access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_MANAGERS))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "non-zero count for managers, but no corresponding flag" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ // grab the UUID's out of the string fields
+ if (access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENTS)
+ {
+ mAllowedAgents.clear();
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < num_allowed_agents && i < ESTATE_MAX_ACCESS_IDS; i++)
+ {
+ LLUUID id;
+ memcpy(id.mData, strings[index++].data(), UUID_BYTES); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ mAllowedAgents.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUPS)
+ {
+ mAllowedGroups.clear();
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < num_allowed_groups && i < ESTATE_MAX_GROUP_IDS; i++)
+ {
+ LLUUID id;
+ memcpy(id.mData, strings[index++].data(), UUID_BYTES); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ mAllowedGroups.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENTS)
+ {
+ mBannedAgents.clear();
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < num_banned_agents && i < ESTATE_MAX_ACCESS_IDS; i++)
+ {
+ LLUUID id;
+ memcpy(id.mData, strings[index++].data(), UUID_BYTES); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ mBannedAgents.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ if (access_flags & ESTATE_ACCESS_MANAGERS)
+ {
+ mEstateManagers.clear();
+ // There should be only ESTATE_MAX_MANAGERS people in the list, but if the database gets more (SL-46107) don't
+ // truncate the list unless it's really big. Go ahead and show the extras so the user doesn't get confused,
+ // and they can still remove them.
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < num_estate_managers && i < (ESTATE_MAX_MANAGERS * 4); i++)
+ {
+ LLUUID id;
+ memcpy(id.mData, strings[index++].data(), UUID_BYTES); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ mEstateManagers.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the buttons which may change based on the list contents but also needs to account for general access features.
+ mUpdateAccess(access_flags);
+void LLEstateInfoModel::updateExperienceInfo(const strings_t& strings)
+ strings_t::const_iterator it = strings.begin();
+ ++it; // U32 estate_id = strtol((*it).c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ ++it; // U32 send_to_agent_only = strtoul((*(++it)).c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ LLUUID id;
+ S32 num_blocked = strtol((*(it++)).c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_trusted = strtol((*(it++)).c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ S32 num_allowed = strtol((*(it++)).c_str(), NULL, 10);
+ mExperienceAllowed.clear();
+ mExperienceTrusted.clear();
+ mExperienceBlocked.clear();
+ while (num_blocked-- > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(id.mData, (*(it++)).data(), UUID_BYTES);
+ mExperienceBlocked.insert(id);
+ }
+ while (num_trusted-- > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(id.mData, (*(it++)).data(), UUID_BYTES);
+ mExperienceTrusted.insert(id);
+ }
+ while (num_allowed-- > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(id.mData, (*(it++)).data(), UUID_BYTES);
+ mExperienceAllowed.insert(id);
+ }
+ mUpdateExperience();
void LLEstateInfoModel::notifyCommit()
+void LLEstateInfoModel::initSingleton()
+ gMessageSystem->setHandlerFunc("EstateOwnerMessage", &processEstateOwnerRequest);
+ // name.assign("setowner");
+ // static LLDispatchSetEstateOwner set_owner;
+ // dispatch.addHandler(name, &set_owner);
+ static LLDispatchEstateUpdateInfo estate_update_info;
+ mDispatch.addHandler("estateupdateinfo", &estate_update_info);
+ static LLDispatchSetEstateAccess set_access;
+ mDispatch.addHandler("setaccess", &set_access);
+ static LLDispatchSetEstateExperience set_experience;
+ mDispatch.addHandler("setexperience", &set_experience);
+void LLEstateInfoModel::sendEstateOwnerMessage(const std::string& request, const strings_t& strings)
+ if (!mRegion)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "No selected region." << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ LLMessageSystem* msg(gMessageSystem);
+ LLUUID invoice(LLEstateInfoModel::instance().getLastInvoice());
+ LL_INFOS() << "Sending estate request '" << request << "'" << LL_ENDL;
+ msg->newMessage("EstateOwnerMessage");
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_TransactionID, LLUUID::null); //not used
+ msg->nextBlock("MethodData");
+ msg->addString("Method", request);
+ msg->addUUID("Invoice", invoice);
+ if (strings.empty())
+ {
+ msg->nextBlock("ParamList");
+ msg->addString("Parameter", NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strings_t::const_iterator it = strings.begin();
+ strings_t::const_iterator end = strings.end();
+ for (; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ msg->nextBlock("ParamList");
+ msg->addString("Parameter", *it);
+ }
+ }
+ msg->sendReliable(mRegion->getHost());
//== PRIVATE STUFF ============================================================
// tries to send estate info using a cap; returns true if it succeeded
bool LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoCaps()
- std::string url = gAgent.getRegionCapability("EstateChangeInfo");
+ if (!mRegion)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Attempt to update estate caps with no anchor region! Don't do that!" << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string url = mRegion->getCapability("EstateChangeInfo");
if (url.empty())
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "No EstateChangeInfo cap from region." << LL_ENDL;
// whoops, couldn't find the cap, so bail out
return false;
@@ -152,12 +435,12 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoCapsCoro(std::string url)
body["override_public_access"] = getAllowAccessOverride();
body["override_environment"] = getAllowEnvironmentOverride();
- body["invoice"] = LLFloaterRegionInfo::getLastInvoice();
+ body["invoice"] = getLastInvoice();
- LL_DEBUGS("WindlightSync") << "Sending estate caps: "
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Sending estate caps: "
<< "is_sun_fixed = " << getUseFixedSun()
<< ", sun_hour = " << getSunHour() << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS() << body << LL_ENDL;
LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, body);
@@ -166,12 +449,12 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoCapsCoro(std::string url)
if (status)
- LL_INFOS() << "Committed estate info" << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_INFOS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Committed estate info" << LL_ENDL;
- LL_WARNS() << "Failed to commit estate info " << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Failed to commit estate info " << LL_ENDL;
@@ -184,10 +467,15 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoCapsCoro(std::string url)
// strings[3] = str((S32)(sun_hour * 1024.f))
void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoDataserver()
- LL_DEBUGS("WindlightSync") << "Sending estate info: "
+ if (!mRegion)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "No selected region." << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Sending estate info: "
<< "is_sun_fixed = " << getUseFixedSun()
<< ", sun_hour = " << getSunHour() << LL_ENDL;
- LL_DEBUGS() << getInfoDump() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("ESTATEINFOM") << getInfoDump() << LL_ENDL;
LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
@@ -198,7 +486,7 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoDataserver()
msg->addString("Method", "estatechangeinfo");
- msg->addUUID("Invoice", LLFloaterRegionInfo::getLastInvoice());
+ msg->addUUID("Invoice", getLastInvoice());
msg->addString("Parameter", getName());
@@ -209,7 +497,7 @@ void LLEstateInfoModel::commitEstateInfoDataserver()
msg->addString("Parameter", llformat("%d", (S32) (getSunHour() * 1024.0f)));
- gAgent.sendMessage();
+ msg->sendReliable(mRegion->getHost());
std::string LLEstateInfoModel::getInfoDump()
@@ -231,3 +519,22 @@ std::string LLEstateInfoModel::getInfoDump()
dump_str << dump;
return dump_str.str();
+// static
+void LLEstateInfoModel::processEstateOwnerRequest(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**)
+ // unpack the message
+ std::string request;
+ LLUUID invoice;
+ LLDispatcher::sparam_t strings;
+ LLDispatcher::unpackMessage(msg, request, invoice, strings);
+ if (invoice != LLEstateInfoModel::instance().getLastInvoice())
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("ESTATEINFOM") << "Mismatched Estate message: " << request << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ //dispatch the message
+ LLEstateInfoModel::instance().mDispatch.dispatch(request, invoice, strings);