path: root/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llenvironment.h')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llenvironment.h b/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
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index 0000000000..a7159ca84d
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+++ b/indra/newview/llenvironment.h
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+ * @file llenvmanager.h
+ * @brief Declaration of classes managing WindLight and water settings.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llsettingsbase.h"
+#include "llsettingssky.h"
+#include "llsettingswater.h"
+#include "llsettingsdaycycle.h"
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+class LLViewerCamera;
+class LLGLSLShader;
+class LLEnvironment : public LLSingleton<LLEnvironment>
+ LLSINGLETON(LLEnvironment);
+ LOG_CLASS(LLEnvironment);
+ static const F32Seconds TRANSITION_INSTANT;
+ static const F32Seconds TRANSITION_FAST;
+ static const F32Seconds TRANSITION_DEFAULT;
+ static const F32Seconds TRANSITION_SLOW;
+ struct EnvironmentInfo
+ {
+ EnvironmentInfo();
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentInfo> ptr_t;
+ S32 mParcelId;
+ LLUUID mRegionId;
+ S64Seconds mDayLength;
+ S64Seconds mDayOffset;
+ size_t mDayHash;
+ LLSD mDaycycleData;
+ LLSD mAltitudes;
+ bool mIsDefault;
+ bool mIsRegion;
+ static ptr_t extract(LLSD);
+ };
+ enum EnvSelection_t
+ {
+ };
+ typedef boost::signals2::connection connection_t;
+ class UserPrefs
+ {
+ friend class LLEnvironment;
+ public:
+ UserPrefs();
+ bool getUseRegionSettings() const { return mUseRegionSettings; }
+ bool getUseDayCycle() const { return mUseDayCycle; }
+ bool getUseFixedSky() const { return !getUseDayCycle(); }
+ std::string getWaterPresetName() const { return mWaterPresetName; }
+ std::string getSkyPresetName() const { return mSkyPresetName; }
+ std::string getDayCycleName() const { return mDayCycleName; }
+ void setUseRegionSettings(bool val);
+ void setUseWaterPreset(const std::string& name);
+ void setUseSkyPreset(const std::string& name);
+ void setUseDayCycle(const std::string& name);
+ private:
+ void load();
+ void store();
+ bool mUseRegionSettings;
+ bool mUseDayCycle;
+ bool mPersistEnvironment;
+ std::string mWaterPresetName;
+ std::string mSkyPresetName;
+ std::string mDayCycleName;
+ };
+ typedef std::pair<LLSettingsSky::ptr_t, LLSettingsWater::ptr_t> fixedEnvironment_t;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LLSettingsBase::ptr_t> namedSettingMap_t;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, LLUUID> name_id_t;
+ typedef std::vector<name_id_t> list_name_id_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> change_signal_t;
+ typedef std::function<void(S32, EnvironmentInfo::ptr_t)> environment_apply_fn;
+ virtual ~LLEnvironment();
+ void loadPreferences();
+ void updatePreferences();
+ const UserPrefs & getPreferences() const { return mUserPrefs; }
+ bool canEdit() const;
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t getCurrentSky() const { return mCurrentEnvironment->getSky(); }
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t getCurrentWater() const { return mCurrentEnvironment->getWater(); }
+ void update(const LLViewerCamera * cam);
+ void updateGLVariablesForSettings(LLGLSLShader *shader, const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &psetting);
+ void updateShaderUniforms(LLGLSLShader *shader);
+ void setSelectedEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env, F64Seconds transition = TRANSITION_DEFAULT);
+ EnvSelection_t getSelectedEnvironment() const { return mSelectedEnvironment; }
+ bool hasEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env);
+ void setEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env, const LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &pday, S64Seconds daylength, S64Seconds dayoffset);
+ void setEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env, fixedEnvironment_t fixed);
+ void setEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env, const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t & fixed) { setEnvironment(env, fixedEnvironment_t(fixed, LLSettingsWater::ptr_t())); }
+ void setEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env, const LLSettingsWater::ptr_t & fixed) { setEnvironment(env, fixedEnvironment_t(LLSettingsSky::ptr_t(), fixed)); }
+ void clearEnvironment(EnvSelection_t env);
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t getEnvironmentDay(EnvSelection_t env);
+ S64Seconds getEnvironmentDayLength(EnvSelection_t env);
+ S64Seconds getEnvironmentDayOffset(EnvSelection_t env);
+ fixedEnvironment_t getEnvironmentFixed(EnvSelection_t env);
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t getEnvironmentFixedSky(EnvSelection_t env) { return getEnvironmentFixed(env).first; };
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t getEnvironmentFixedWater(EnvSelection_t env) { return getEnvironmentFixed(env).second; };
+ void updateEnvironment(F64Seconds transition = TRANSITION_DEFAULT);
+ void addSky(const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &sky);
+ void addWater(const LLSettingsWater::ptr_t &sky);
+ void addDayCycle(const LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &day);
+ list_name_id_t getSkyList() const;
+ list_name_id_t getWaterList() const;
+ list_name_id_t getDayCycleList() const;
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t findSkyByName(std::string name) const;
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t findWaterByName(std::string name) const;
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t findDayCycleByName(std::string name) const;
+ inline LLVector2 getCloudScrollDelta() const { return mCloudScrollDelta; }
+ F32 getCamHeight() const;
+ F32 getWaterHeight() const;
+ bool getIsDayTime() const; // "Day Time" is defined as the sun above the horizon.
+ bool getIsNightTime() const { return !getIsDayTime(); } // "Not Day Time"
+ inline F32 getSceneLightStrength() const { return mSceneLightStrength; }
+ inline void setSceneLightStrength(F32 light_strength) { mSceneLightStrength = light_strength; }
+ inline LLVector4 getLightDirection() const { return ((mCurrentEnvironment->getSky()) ? LLVector4(mCurrentEnvironment->getSky()->getLightDirection(), 0.0f) : LLVector4()); }
+ inline LLVector4 getClampedLightDirection() const { return LLVector4(mCurrentEnvironment->getSky()->getClampedLightDirection(), 0.0f); }
+ inline LLVector4 getRotatedLight() const { return mRotatedLight; }
+ //-------------------------------------------
+ connection_t setSkyListChange(const change_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
+ connection_t setWaterListChange(const change_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
+ connection_t setDayCycleListChange(const change_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
+ void requestRegionEnvironment();
+ void onLegacyRegionSettings(LLSD data);
+ void requestRegion();
+ void updateRegion(LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &pday, S32 day_length, S32 day_offset);
+ void resetRegion();
+ void requestParcel(S32 parcel_id);
+ void updateParcel(S32 parcel_id, LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &pday, S32 day_length, S32 day_offset);
+ void resetParcel(S32 parcel_id);
+ void selectAgentEnvironment();
+ virtual void initSingleton();
+ class DayInstance
+ {
+ public:
+ enum InstanceType_t
+ {
+ };
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<DayInstance> ptr_t;
+ DayInstance();
+ virtual ~DayInstance() { };
+ virtual void update(F64Seconds);
+ void setDay(const LLSettingsDay::ptr_t &pday, S64Seconds daylength, S64Seconds dayoffset);
+ void setSky(const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &psky);
+ void setWater(const LLSettingsWater::ptr_t &pwater);
+ void initialize();
+ bool isInitialized();
+ void clear();
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t getDayCycle() const { return mDayCycle; }
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t getSky() const { return mSky; }
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t getWater() const { return mWater; }
+ S64Seconds getDayLength() const { return mDayLength; }
+ S64Seconds getDayOffset() const { return mDayOffset; }
+ virtual void animate();
+ void setBlenders(const LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t &skyblend, const LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t &waterblend);
+ protected:
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t mDayCycle;
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t mSky;
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t mWater;
+ InstanceType_t mType;
+ bool mInitialized;
+ S64Seconds mDayLength;
+ S64Seconds mDayOffset;
+ LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t mBlenderSky;
+ LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t mBlenderWater;
+ F64 secondsToKeyframe(S64Seconds seconds);
+ void onTrackTransitionDone(S32 trackno, const LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t blender);
+ };
+ typedef std::array<DayInstance::ptr_t, ENV_END> InstanceArray_t;
+ class DayTransition : public DayInstance
+ {
+ public:
+ DayTransition(const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &skystart, const LLSettingsWater::ptr_t &waterstart, DayInstance::ptr_t &end, S64Seconds time);
+ virtual ~DayTransition() { };
+ virtual void update(F64Seconds);
+ virtual void animate();
+ protected:
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t mStartSky;
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t mStartWater;
+ DayInstance::ptr_t mNextInstance;
+ S64Seconds mTransitionTime;
+ };
+ static const F32 SUN_DELTA_YAW;
+ typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLSettingsBase::ptr_t> AssetSettingMap_t;
+ LLVector2 mCloudScrollDelta; // cumulative cloud delta
+ InstanceArray_t mEnvironments;
+ EnvSelection_t mSelectedEnvironment;
+ DayInstance::ptr_t mCurrentEnvironment;
+ LLSettingsSky::ptr_t mSelectedSky;
+ LLSettingsWater::ptr_t mSelectedWater;
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t mSelectedDay;
+ LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t mBlenderSky;
+ LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t mBlenderWater;
+ typedef std::vector<LLSettingsSky::ptr_t> SkyList_t;
+ typedef std::vector<LLSettingsWater::ptr_t> WaterList_t;
+ typedef std::vector<LLSettingsDay::ptr_t> DayList_t;
+ namedSettingMap_t mSkysByName;
+ AssetSettingMap_t mSkysById;
+ namedSettingMap_t mWaterByName;
+ AssetSettingMap_t mWaterById;
+ namedSettingMap_t mDayCycleByName;
+ AssetSettingMap_t mDayCycleById;
+ F32 mSceneLightStrength;
+ LLVector4 mRotatedLight;
+ UserPrefs mUserPrefs;
+ change_signal_t mSkyListChange;
+ change_signal_t mWaterListChange;
+ change_signal_t mDayCycleListChange;
+ DayInstance::ptr_t getEnvironmentInstance(EnvSelection_t env, bool create = false);
+ DayInstance::ptr_t getSelectedEnvironmentInstance();
+ //void addSky(const LLUUID &id, const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &sky);
+ void removeSky(const std::string &name);
+ //void removeSky(const LLUUID &id);
+ void clearAllSkys();
+ //void addWater(const LLUUID &id, const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &sky);
+ void removeWater(const std::string &name);
+ //void removeWater(const LLUUID &id);
+ void clearAllWater();
+ //void addDayCycle(const LLUUID &id, const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t &sky);
+ void removeDayCycle(const std::string &name);
+ //void removeDayCycle(const LLUUID &id);
+ void clearAllDayCycles();
+ void updateCloudScroll();
+ void onParcelChange();
+ void coroRequestEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, environment_apply_fn apply);
+ void coroUpdateEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, LLSettingsDay::ptr_t pday, S32 day_length, S32 day_offset, environment_apply_fn apply);
+ void coroResetEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, environment_apply_fn apply);
+ void recordEnvironment(S32 parcel_id, EnvironmentInfo::ptr_t environment);
+ void onTransitionDone(const LLSettingsBlender::ptr_t, bool isSky);
+ //=========================================================================
+ void legacyLoadAllPresets();
+ LLSD legacyLoadPreset(const std::string& path);
+ static std::string getSysDir(const std::string &subdir);
+ static std::string getUserDir(const std::string &subdir);