path: root/indra/newview/lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp b/indra/newview/lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..82affcf068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+* @file lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.cpp
+* @brief Implementation of lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage
+* @author
+* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
+* Second Life Viewer Source Code
+* Copyright (C) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+* version 2.1 of the License only.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+* $/LicenseInfo$
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.h"
+#include "llcommunicationchannel.h"
+#include "lldir.h"
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llimview.h"
+#include "llnotifications.h"
+#include "llnotificationhandler.h"
+#include "llnotificationstorage.h"
+#include "llscriptfloater.h"
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include "lluuid.h"
+static const F32 DND_TIMER = 3.0;
+const char * LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::toastName = "IMToast";
+const char * LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::offerName = "UserGiveItem";
+LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorageTimer::LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorageTimer() : LLEventTimer(DND_TIMER)
+BOOL LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorageTimer::tick()
+ LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage * doNotDisturbNotificationStorage = LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::getInstance();
+ if(doNotDisturbNotificationStorage
+ && doNotDisturbNotificationStorage->getDirty())
+ {
+ doNotDisturbNotificationStorage->saveNotifications();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ : LLSingleton<LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage>()
+ , LLNotificationStorage(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "dnd_notifications.xml"))
+ , mDirty(false)
+ nameToPayloadParameterMap[toastName] = "SESSION_ID";
+ nameToPayloadParameterMap[offerName] = "object_id";
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::initialize()
+ getCommunicationChannel()->connectFailedFilter(boost::bind(&LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::onChannelChanged, this, _1));
+bool LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::getDirty()
+ return mDirty;
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::resetDirty()
+ mDirty = false;
+static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_SAVE_DND_NOTIFICATIONS("Save DND Notifications");
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::saveNotifications()
+ LLNotificationChannelPtr channelPtr = getCommunicationChannel();
+ const LLCommunicationChannel *commChannel = dynamic_cast<LLCommunicationChannel*>(channelPtr.get());
+ llassert(commChannel != NULL);
+ LLSD output = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ LLSD& data = output["data"];
+ data = LLSD::emptyArray();
+ for (LLCommunicationChannel::history_list_t::const_iterator historyIter = commChannel->beginHistory();
+ historyIter != commChannel->endHistory(); ++historyIter)
+ {
+ LLNotificationPtr notificationPtr = historyIter->second;
+ if (!notificationPtr->isRespondedTo() && !notificationPtr->isCancelled() && !notificationPtr->isExpired())
+ {
+ data.append(notificationPtr->asLLSD(true));
+ }
+ }
+ writeNotifications(output);
+ resetDirty();
+static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_LOAD_DND_NOTIFICATIONS("Load DND Notifications");
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::loadNotifications()
+ LL_INFOS("LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage") << "start loading notifications" << LL_ENDL;
+ LLSD input;
+ if (!readNotifications(input) ||input.isUndefined())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLSD& data = input["data"];
+ if (data.isUndefined())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLNotifications& instance = LLNotifications::instance();
+ bool imToastExists = false;
+ bool group_ad_hoc_toast_exists = false;
+ S32 toastSessionType;
+ bool offerExists = false;
+ for (LLSD::array_const_iterator notification_it = data.beginArray();
+ notification_it != data.endArray();
+ ++notification_it)
+ {
+ LLSD notification_params = *notification_it;
+ const LLUUID& notificationID = notification_params["id"];
+ std::string notificationName = notification_params["name"];
+ LLNotificationPtr notification = instance.find(notificationID);
+ if(notificationName == toastName)
+ {
+ toastSessionType = notification_params["payload"]["SESSION_TYPE"];
+ if(toastSessionType == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::P2P_SESSION)
+ {
+ imToastExists = true;
+ }
+ //Don't add group/ad-hoc messages to the notification system because
+ //this means the group/ad-hoc session has to be re-created
+ else if(toastSessionType == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::GROUP_SESSION
+ || toastSessionType == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::ADHOC_SESSION)
+ {
+ //Just allows opening the conversation log for group/ad-hoc messages upon startup
+ group_ad_hoc_toast_exists = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(notificationName == offerName)
+ {
+ offerExists = true;
+ }
+ //Notification already exists due to persistent storage adding it first into the notification system
+ if(notification)
+ {
+ notification->setDND(true);
+ instance.update(instance.find(notificationID));
+ }
+ //New notification needs to be added
+ else
+ {
+ notification = (LLNotificationPtr) new LLNotification(notification_params.with("is_dnd", true));
+ LLNotificationResponderInterface* responder = createResponder(notification_params["responder_sd"]["responder_type"], notification_params["responder_sd"]);
+ if (responder == NULL)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS("LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage") << "cannot create responder for notification of type '"
+ << notification->getType() << "'" << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLNotificationResponderPtr responderPtr(responder);
+ notification->setResponseFunctor(responderPtr);
+ }
+ instance.add(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if(imToastExists)
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("im_container");
+ }
+ if(group_ad_hoc_toast_exists)
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("conversation");
+ }
+ if(imToastExists || group_ad_hoc_toast_exists || offerExists)
+ {
+ make_ui_sound_deferred("UISndNewIncomingIMSession");
+ }
+ //writes out empty .xml file (since LLCommunicationChannel::mHistory is empty)
+ saveNotifications();
+ LL_INFOS("LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage") << "finished loading notifications" << LL_ENDL;
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::updateNotifications()
+ LLNotificationChannelPtr channelPtr = getCommunicationChannel();
+ LLCommunicationChannel *commChannel = dynamic_cast<LLCommunicationChannel*>(channelPtr.get());
+ llassert(commChannel != NULL);
+ LLNotifications& instance = LLNotifications::instance();
+ bool imToastExists = false;
+ bool offerExists = false;
+ for (LLCommunicationChannel::history_list_t::const_iterator it = commChannel->beginHistory();
+ it != commChannel->endHistory();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ LLNotificationPtr notification = it->second;
+ std::string notificationName = notification->getName();
+ if(notificationName == toastName)
+ {
+ imToastExists = true;
+ }
+ else if(notificationName == offerName)
+ {
+ offerExists = true;
+ }
+ //Notification already exists in notification pipeline (same instance of app running)
+ if (notification)
+ {
+ notification->setDND(true);
+ instance.update(notification);
+ }
+ }
+ if(imToastExists)
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("im_container");
+ }
+ if(imToastExists || offerExists)
+ {
+ make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession");
+ }
+ //When exit DND mode, write empty notifications file
+ if(commChannel->getHistorySize())
+ {
+ commChannel->clearHistory();
+ saveNotifications();
+ }
+LLNotificationChannelPtr LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::getCommunicationChannel() const
+ LLNotificationChannelPtr channelPtr = LLNotifications::getInstance()->getChannel("Communication");
+ llassert(channelPtr);
+ return channelPtr;
+void LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::removeNotification(const char * name, const LLUUID& id)
+ LLNotifications& instance = LLNotifications::instance();
+ LLNotificationChannelPtr channelPtr = getCommunicationChannel();
+ LLCommunicationChannel *commChannel = dynamic_cast<LLCommunicationChannel*>(channelPtr.get());
+ LLNotificationPtr notification;
+ LLSD payload;
+ LLUUID notificationObjectID;
+ std::string notificationName;
+ std::string payloadVariable = nameToPayloadParameterMap[name];
+ LLCommunicationChannel::history_list_t::iterator it;
+ std::vector<LLCommunicationChannel::history_list_t::iterator> itemsToRemove;
+ //Find notification with the matching session id
+ for (it = commChannel->beginHistory();
+ it != commChannel->endHistory();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ notification = it->second;
+ payload = notification->getPayload();
+ notificationObjectID = payload[payloadVariable].asUUID();
+ notificationName = notification->getName();
+ if((notificationName == name)
+ && id == notificationObjectID)
+ {
+ itemsToRemove.push_back(it);
+ }
+ }
+ //Remove the notifications
+ if(itemsToRemove.size())
+ {
+ while(itemsToRemove.size())
+ {
+ it = itemsToRemove.back();
+ notification = it->second;
+ commChannel->removeItemFromHistory(notification);
+ instance.cancel(notification);
+ itemsToRemove.pop_back();
+ }
+ //Trigger saving of notifications to xml once all have been removed
+ saveNotifications();
+ }
+bool LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::onChannelChanged(const LLSD& pPayload)
+ if (pPayload["sigtype"].asString() != "load")
+ {
+ mDirty = true;
+ }
+ return false;