path: root/indra/newview/llconversationview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llconversationview.cpp')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llconversationview.cpp b/indra/newview/llconversationview.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..53392ac372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llconversationview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+ * @file llconversationview.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of conversations list widgets and views
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llconversationview.h"
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include "llagentdata.h"
+#include "llconversationmodel.h"
+#include "llfloaterimsession.h"
+#include "llfloaterimnearbychat.h"
+#include "llfloaterimsessiontab.h"
+#include "llfloaterimcontainer.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llgroupiconctrl.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+// Implementation of conversations list session widgets
+static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLConversationViewSession> r_conversation_view_session("conversation_view_session");
+const LLColor4U DEFAULT_WHITE(255, 255, 255);
+class LLNearbyVoiceClientStatusObserver : public LLVoiceClientStatusObserver
+ LLNearbyVoiceClientStatusObserver(LLConversationViewSession* conv)
+ : conversation(conv)
+ {}
+ virtual void onChange(EStatusType status, const std::string &channelURI, bool proximal)
+ {
+ if (conversation
+ && status != STATUS_JOINING
+ && status != STATUS_LEFT_CHANNEL
+ && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->voiceEnabled()
+ && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isVoiceWorking())
+ {
+ conversation->showVoiceIndicator();
+ }
+ }
+ LLConversationViewSession* conversation;
+LLConversationViewSession::Params::Params() :
+ container()
+LLConversationViewSession::LLConversationViewSession(const LLConversationViewSession::Params& p):
+ LLFolderViewFolder(p),
+ mContainer(p.container),
+ mItemPanel(NULL),
+ mCallIconLayoutPanel(NULL),
+ mSessionTitle(NULL),
+ mSpeakingIndicator(NULL),
+ mVoiceClientObserver(NULL),
+ mMinimizedMode(false)
+ mActiveVoiceChannelConnection.disconnect();
+ if(LLVoiceClient::instanceExists() && mVoiceClientObserver)
+ {
+ LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->removeObserver(mVoiceClientObserver);
+ }
+BOOL LLConversationViewSession::postBuild()
+ LLFolderViewItem::postBuild();
+ mItemPanel = LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile<LLPanel>("panel_conversation_list_item.xml", NULL, LLPanel::child_registry_t::instance());
+ addChild(mItemPanel);
+ mCallIconLayoutPanel = mItemPanel->getChild<LLPanel>("call_icon_panel");
+ mSessionTitle = mItemPanel->getChild<LLTextBox>("conversation_title");
+ mActiveVoiceChannelConnection = LLVoiceChannel::setCurrentVoiceChannelChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLConversationViewSession::onCurrentVoiceSessionChanged, this, _1));
+ mSpeakingIndicator = getChild<LLOutputMonitorCtrl>("speaking_indicator");
+ LLConversationItem* vmi = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(getViewModelItem());
+ if (vmi)
+ {
+ switch(vmi->getType())
+ {
+ case LLConversationItem::CONV_PARTICIPANT:
+ case LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_1_ON_1:
+ {
+ LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session= LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(vmi->getUUID());
+ if (session)
+ {
+ LLAvatarIconCtrl* icon = mItemPanel->getChild<LLAvatarIconCtrl>("avatar_icon");
+ icon->setVisible(true);
+ icon->setValue(session->mOtherParticipantID);
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(gAgentID, session->mSessionID, true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_AD_HOC:
+ {
+ LLGroupIconCtrl* icon = mItemPanel->getChild<LLGroupIconCtrl>("group_icon");
+ icon->setVisible(true);
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(gAgentID, vmi->getUUID(), true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_GROUP:
+ {
+ LLGroupIconCtrl* icon = mItemPanel->getChild<LLGroupIconCtrl>("group_icon");
+ icon->setVisible(true);
+ icon->setValue(vmi->getUUID());
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(gAgentID, vmi->getUUID(), true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_NEARBY:
+ {
+ LLIconCtrl* icon = mItemPanel->getChild<LLIconCtrl>("nearby_chat_icon");
+ icon->setVisible(true);
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(gAgentID, LLUUID::null, true);
+ if(LLVoiceClient::instanceExists())
+ {
+ LLNearbyVoiceClientStatusObserver* mVoiceClientObserver = new LLNearbyVoiceClientStatusObserver(this);
+ LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->addObserver(mVoiceClientObserver);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ refresh();
+ return TRUE;
+void LLConversationViewSession::draw()
+ getViewModelItem()->update();
+ const LLFolderViewItem::Params& default_params = LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams<LLFolderViewItem>();
+ const BOOL show_context = (getRoot() ? getRoot()->getShowSelectionContext() : FALSE);
+ // we don't draw the open folder arrow in minimized mode
+ if (!mMinimizedMode)
+ {
+ // update the rotation angle of open folder arrow
+ updateLabelRotation();
+ drawOpenFolderArrow(default_params, sFgColor);
+ }
+ // draw highlight for selected items
+ drawHighlight(show_context, true, sHighlightBgColor, sFocusOutlineColor, sMouseOverColor);
+ // Draw children if root folder, or any other folder that is open. Do not draw children when animating to closed state or you get rendering overlap.
+ bool draw_children = getRoot() == static_cast<LLFolderViewFolder*>(this) || isOpen();
+ for (folders_t::iterator iter = mFolders.begin();
+ iter != mFolders.end();)
+ {
+ folders_t::iterator fit = iter++;
+ (*fit)->setVisible(draw_children);
+ }
+ for (items_t::iterator iter = mItems.begin();
+ iter != mItems.end();)
+ {
+ items_t::iterator iit = iter++;
+ (*iit)->setVisible(draw_children);
+ }
+ LLView::draw();
+BOOL LLConversationViewSession::handleMouseDown( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
+ LLConversationItem* item = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem *>(getViewModelItem());
+ LLUUID session_id = item? item->getUUID() : LLUUID();
+ BOOL result = LLFolderViewFolder::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+ (LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLFloaterIMContainer>("im_container"))->
+ selectConversationPair(session_id, false);
+ return result;
+// virtual
+S32 LLConversationViewSession::arrange(S32* width, S32* height)
+ S32 h_pad = getIndentation() + mArrowSize;
+ LLRect rect(mMinimizedMode ? getLocalRect().mLeft : h_pad,
+ getLocalRect().mTop,
+ getLocalRect().mRight,
+ getLocalRect().mTop - getItemHeight());
+ mItemPanel->setShape(rect);
+ return LLFolderViewFolder::arrange(width, height);
+// virtual
+void LLConversationViewSession::toggleOpen()
+ // conversations should not be opened while in minimized mode
+ if (!mMinimizedMode)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewFolder::toggleOpen();
+ // do item's selection when opened
+ if (LLFolderViewFolder::isOpen())
+ {
+ getParentFolder()->setSelection(this, true);
+ }
+ mContainer->reSelectConversation();
+ }
+void LLConversationViewSession::toggleMinimizedMode(bool is_minimized)
+ mMinimizedMode = is_minimized;
+ // hide the layout stack which contains all item's child widgets
+ // except for the icon which we display in minimized mode
+ getChild<LLView>("conversation_item_stack")->setVisible(!mMinimizedMode);
+ S32 h_pad = getIndentation() + mArrowSize;
+ mItemPanel->translate(mMinimizedMode ? -h_pad : h_pad, 0);
+void LLConversationViewSession::setVisibleIfDetached(BOOL visible)
+ // Do this only if the conversation floater has been torn off (i.e. no multi floater host) and is not minimized
+ // Note: minimized dockable floaters are brought to front hence unminimized when made visible and we don't want that here
+ LLFolderViewModelItem* item = mViewModelItem;
+ LLUUID session_uuid = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(item)->getUUID();
+ LLFloater* session_floater = LLFloaterIMSessionTab::getConversation(session_uuid);
+ if (session_floater && !session_floater->getHost() && !session_floater->isMinimized())
+ {
+ session_floater->setVisible(visible);
+ }
+LLConversationViewParticipant* LLConversationViewSession::findParticipant(const LLUUID& participant_id)
+ // This is *not* a general tree parsing algorithm. We search only in the mItems list
+ // assuming there is no mFolders which makes sense for sessions (sessions don't contain
+ // sessions).
+ LLConversationViewParticipant* participant = NULL;
+ items_t::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = getItemsBegin(); iter != getItemsEnd(); iter++)
+ {
+ participant = dynamic_cast<LLConversationViewParticipant*>(*iter);
+ if (participant->hasSameValue(participant_id))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (iter == getItemsEnd() ? NULL : participant);
+void LLConversationViewSession::showVoiceIndicator()
+ if (LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel()->getSessionID().isNull())
+ {
+ mCallIconLayoutPanel->setVisible(true);
+ }
+void LLConversationViewSession::refresh()
+ // Refresh the session view from its model data
+ LLConversationItem* vmi = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(getViewModelItem());
+ vmi->resetRefresh();
+ if (mSessionTitle)
+ {
+ mSessionTitle->setText(vmi->getDisplayName());
+ }
+ // Note: for the moment, all that needs to be done is done by LLFolderViewItem::refresh()
+ // Do the regular upstream refresh
+ LLFolderViewFolder::refresh();
+void LLConversationViewSession::onCurrentVoiceSessionChanged(const LLUUID& session_id)
+ LLConversationItem* vmi = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(getViewModelItem());
+ if (vmi)
+ {
+ bool is_active = vmi->getUUID() == session_id;
+ bool is_nearby = vmi->getType() == LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_NEARBY;
+ if (is_nearby)
+ {
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(is_active ? gAgentID : LLUUID::null);
+ }
+ mSpeakingIndicator->switchIndicator(is_active);
+ mCallIconLayoutPanel->setVisible(is_active);
+ }
+void LLConversationViewSession::drawOpenFolderArrow(const LLFolderViewItem::Params& default_params, const LLUIColor& fg_color)
+ LLConversationItem * itemp = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(getViewModelItem());
+ if (itemp && itemp->getType() != LLConversationItem::CONV_SESSION_1_ON_1)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewFolder::drawOpenFolderArrow(default_params, fg_color);
+ }
+// Implementation of conversations list participant (avatar) widgets
+static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLConversationViewParticipant> r("conversation_view_participant");
+bool LLConversationViewParticipant::sStaticInitialized = false;
+S32 LLConversationViewParticipant::sChildrenWidths[LLConversationViewParticipant::ALIC_COUNT];
+LLConversationViewParticipant::Params::Params() :
+LLConversationViewParticipant::LLConversationViewParticipant( const LLConversationViewParticipant::Params& p ):
+ LLFolderViewItem(p),
+ mAvatarIcon(NULL),
+ mInfoBtn(NULL),
+ mSpeakingIndicator(NULL),
+ mUUID(p.participant_id)
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::initFromParams(const LLConversationViewParticipant::Params& params)
+ LLAvatarIconCtrl::Params avatar_icon_params(params.avatar_icon());
+ applyXUILayout(avatar_icon_params, this);
+ LLAvatarIconCtrl * avatarIcon = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLAvatarIconCtrl>(avatar_icon_params);
+ addChild(avatarIcon);
+ LLButton::Params info_button_params(params.info_button());
+ applyXUILayout(info_button_params, this);
+ LLButton * button = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLButton>(info_button_params);
+ addChild(button);
+ LLOutputMonitorCtrl::Params output_monitor_params(params.output_monitor());
+ applyXUILayout(output_monitor_params, this);
+ LLOutputMonitorCtrl * outputMonitor = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLOutputMonitorCtrl>(output_monitor_params);
+ addChild(outputMonitor);
+BOOL LLConversationViewParticipant::postBuild()
+ mAvatarIcon = getChild<LLAvatarIconCtrl>("avatar_icon");
+ mInfoBtn = getChild<LLButton>("info_btn");
+ mInfoBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLConversationViewParticipant::onInfoBtnClick, this));
+ mInfoBtn->setVisible(false);
+ mSpeakingIndicator = getChild<LLOutputMonitorCtrl>("speaking_indicator");
+ if (!sStaticInitialized)
+ {
+ // Remember children widths including their padding from the next sibling,
+ // so that we can hide and show them again later.
+ initChildrenWidths(this);
+ sStaticInitialized = true;
+ }
+ updateChildren();
+ return LLFolderViewItem::postBuild();
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::draw()
+ static LLUIColor sFgColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MenuItemEnabledColor", DEFAULT_WHITE);
+ static LLUIColor sHighlightFgColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MenuItemHighlightFgColor", DEFAULT_WHITE);
+ static LLUIColor sHighlightBgColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MenuItemHighlightBgColor", DEFAULT_WHITE);
+ static LLUIColor sFocusOutlineColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("InventoryFocusOutlineColor", DEFAULT_WHITE);
+ static LLUIColor sMouseOverColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("InventoryMouseOverColor", DEFAULT_WHITE);
+ const BOOL show_context = (getRoot() ? getRoot()->getShowSelectionContext() : FALSE);
+ const LLFontGL* font = getLabelFontForStyle(mLabelStyle);
+ F32 right_x = 0;
+ F32 y = (F32)getRect().getHeight() - font->getLineHeight() - (F32)mTextPad;
+ F32 text_left = (F32)getLabelXPos();
+ LLColor4 color = mIsSelected ? sHighlightFgColor : sFgColor;
+ drawHighlight(show_context, mIsSelected, sHighlightBgColor, sFocusOutlineColor, sMouseOverColor);
+ drawLabel(font, text_left, y, color, right_x);
+ LLView::draw();
+// virtual
+S32 LLConversationViewParticipant::arrange(S32* width, S32* height)
+ //Need to call arrange first since it computes value used in getIndentation()
+ S32 arranged = LLFolderViewItem::arrange(width, height);
+ //Adjusts the avatar icon based upon the indentation
+ LLRect avatarRect(getIndentation(),
+ mAvatarIcon->getRect().mTop,
+ getIndentation() + mAvatarIcon->getRect().getWidth(),
+ mAvatarIcon->getRect().mBottom);
+ mAvatarIcon->setShape(avatarRect);
+ return arranged;
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::refresh()
+ // Refresh the participant view from its model data
+ LLConversationItemParticipant* vmi = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItemParticipant*>(getViewModelItem());
+ vmi->resetRefresh();
+ // *TODO: We should also do something with vmi->isModerator() to echo that state in the UI somewhat
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setIsMuted(vmi->isMuted());
+ // Do the regular upstream refresh
+ LLFolderViewItem::refresh();
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::addToFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ //Add the item to the folder (conversation)
+ LLFolderViewItem::addToFolder(folder);
+ //Now retrieve the folder (conversation) UUID, which is the speaker session
+ LLConversationItem* vmi = this->getParentFolder() ? dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(this->getParentFolder()->getViewModelItem()) : NULL;
+ if(vmi)
+ {
+ //Allows speaking icon image to be loaded based on mUUID
+ mAvatarIcon->setValue(mUUID);
+ //Allows the speaker indicator to be activated based on the user and conversation
+ mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(mUUID, vmi->getUUID());
+ }
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::onInfoBtnClick()
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("inspect_avatar", LLSD().with("avatar_id", mUUID));
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::onMouseEnter(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ mInfoBtn->setVisible(true);
+ updateChildren();
+ LLFolderViewItem::onMouseEnter(x, y, mask);
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::onMouseLeave(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ mInfoBtn->setVisible(false);
+ updateChildren();
+ LLFolderViewItem::onMouseLeave(x, y, mask);
+BOOL LLConversationViewParticipant::handleMouseDown( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
+ LLConversationItem* item = NULL;
+ LLConversationViewSession* session_widget =
+ dynamic_cast<LLConversationViewSession *>(this->getParentFolder());
+ if (session_widget)
+ {
+ item = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItem*>(session_widget->getViewModelItem());
+ }
+ LLUUID session_id = item? item->getUUID() : LLUUID();
+ BOOL result = LLFolderViewItem::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+ (LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLFloaterIMContainer>("im_container"))->
+ selectConversationPair(session_id, false);
+ return result;
+S32 LLConversationViewParticipant::getLabelXPos()
+ return getIndentation() + mAvatarIcon->getRect().getWidth() + mIconPad;
+// static
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::initChildrenWidths(LLConversationViewParticipant* self)
+ //speaking indicator width + padding
+ S32 speaking_indicator_width = self->getRect().getWidth() - self->mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mLeft;
+ //info btn width + padding
+ S32 info_btn_width = self->mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mLeft - self->mInfoBtn->getRect().mLeft;
+ S32 index = ALIC_COUNT;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = info_btn_width;
+ sChildrenWidths[--index] = speaking_indicator_width;
+ llassert(index == 0);
+void LLConversationViewParticipant::updateChildren()
+ LLView* control;
+ S32 ctrl_width;
+ LLRect controlRect;
+ //Cycles through controls starting from right to left
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < ALIC_COUNT; ++i)
+ {
+ control = getItemChildView((EAvatarListItemChildIndex)i);
+ // skip invisible views
+ if (!control->getVisible()) continue;
+ //Get current pos/dimensions
+ controlRect = control->getRect();
+ ctrl_width = sChildrenWidths[i]; // including space between current & left controls
+ // accumulate the amount of space taken by the controls
+ mLabelPaddingRight += ctrl_width;
+ //Reposition visible controls in case adjacent controls to the right are hidden.
+ controlRect.setLeftTopAndSize(
+ getLocalRect().getWidth() - mLabelPaddingRight,
+ controlRect.mTop,
+ controlRect.getWidth(),
+ controlRect.getHeight());
+ //Sets the new position
+ control->setShape(controlRect);
+ }
+LLView* LLConversationViewParticipant::getItemChildView(EAvatarListItemChildIndex child_view_index)
+ LLView* child_view = NULL;
+ switch (child_view_index)
+ {
+ child_view = mSpeakingIndicator;
+ break;
+ child_view = mInfoBtn;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LL_WARNS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Unexpected child view index is passed: " << child_view_index << LL_ENDL;
+ llassert(0);
+ break;
+ // leave child_view untouched
+ }
+ return child_view;
+// EOF