diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi')
-rw-r--r-- | indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi | 1804 |
1 files changed, 902 insertions, 902 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi b/indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi index ed37f541c8..6bcce93704 100644 --- a/indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi +++ b/indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi @@ -1,902 +1,902 @@ -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Second Life setup.nsi
-;; Copyright 2004-2015, Linden Research, Inc.
-;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-;; version 2.1 of the License only.
-;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-;; Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
-;; NSIS 3 or higher required for Unicode support
-;; Author: James Cook, TankMaster Finesmith, Don Kjer, Callum Prentice
-;; Compiler flags
-Unicode true
-SetOverwrite on # Overwrite files
-SetCompress auto # Compress if saves space
-SetCompressor /solid lzma # Compress whole installer as one block
-SetDatablockOptimize off # Only saves us 0.1%, not worth it
-XPStyle on # Add an XP manifest to the installer
-RequestExecutionLevel admin # For when we write to Program Files
-;; Project flags
-# This placeholder is replaced by viewer_manifest.py
-;; - language files - one for each language (or flavor thereof)
-;; (these files are in the same place as the nsi template but the python script generates a new nsi file in the
-;; application directory so we have to add a path to these include files)
-;; Ansariel notes: "Under certain circumstances the installer will fall back
-;; to the first defined (aka default) language version. So you want to include
-;; en-us as first language file."
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_en-us.nsi"
-# Danish and Polish no longer supported by the viewer itself
-##!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_da.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_de.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_es.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_fr.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_ja.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_it.nsi"
-##!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_pl.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_pt-br.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_ru.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_tr.nsi"
-!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_zh.nsi"
-# *TODO: Move these into the language files themselves
-##LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_DANISH} "da"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_GERMAN} "de"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_ENGLISH} "en"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_SPANISH} "es"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_FRENCH} "fr"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_JAPANESE} "ja"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_ITALIAN} "it"
-##LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_POLISH} "pl"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_PORTUGUESEBR} "pt"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_RUSSIAN} "ru"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_TURKISH} "tr"
-LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} "zh"
-# This placeholder is replaced by viewer_manifest.py
-SubCaption 0 $(LicenseSubTitleSetup) # Override "license agreement" text
-!define MUI_ICON "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\install_icon.ico"
-!define MUI_UNICON "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\uninstall_icon.ico"
-BrandingText " " # Bottom of window text
-Icon "${MUI_ICON}"
-UninstallIcon "${MUI_UNICON}"
-WindowIcon on # Show our icon in left corner
-BGGradient off # No big background window
-CRCCheck on # Make sure CRC is OK
-InstProgressFlags smooth colored # New colored smooth look
-SetOverwrite on # Overwrite files by default
-AutoCloseWindow true # After all files install, close window
-# Registry key paths, ours and Microsoft's
-!define LINDEN_KEY "SOFTWARE\Linden Research, Inc."
-!define MSCURRVER_KEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
-!define MSNTCURRVER_KEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
-# from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/MultiUser/Readme.html
-### Highest level permitted for user: Admin for Admin, Standard for Standard
-### Look for /AllUsers or /CurrentUser switches
-# appended to $PROGRAMFILES, as affected by MULTIUSER_USE_PROGRAMFILES64
-# expands to !define MULTIUSER_USE_PROGRAMFILES64 or nothing
-# should make MultiUser.nsh initialization read existing INSTDIR from registry
-## SL-10506: don't
-# write $MultiUser.InstallMode to the registry, because when the user installs
-# multiple viewers with the same channel (same ${INSTNAME}, hence same
-# ${INSTNAME_KEY}), the registry entry is overwritten. Instead we'll write a
-# little file into the install directory -- see .onInstSuccess and un.onInit.
-!include MultiUser.nsh
-!include MUI2.nsh
-UninstallText $(UninstallTextMsg)
-DirText $(DirectoryChooseTitle) $(DirectoryChooseSetup)
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
-;; Variables
-Var COMMANDLINE # Command line passed to this installer, set in .onInit
-Var SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM # "--set InstallLanguage de", Passes language to viewer
-Var SKIP_DIALOGS # Set from command line in .onInit. autoinstall GUI and the defaults.
-Var SKIP_AUTORUN # Skip automatic launch of the viewer after install
-Var DO_UNINSTALL_V2 # If non-null, path to a previous Viewer 2 installation that will be uninstalled.
-# Function definitions should go before file includes, because calls to
-# DLLs like LangDLL trigger an implicit file include, so if that call is at
-# the end of this script NSIS has to decompress the whole installer before
-# it can call the DLL function. JC
-!include "FileFunc.nsh" # For GetParameters, GetOptions
-!insertmacro GetParameters
-!insertmacro GetOptions
-!include WinVer.nsh # For OS and SP detection
-!include 'LogicLib.nsh' # for value comparison
-!include "x64.nsh" # for 64bit detection
-;; Pre-directory page callback
-Function dirPre
- StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" 0 +2
- Abort
-;; Prep Installer Section
-;; Note: to add new languages, add a language file include to the list
-;; at the top of this file, add an entry to the menu and then add an
-;; entry to the language ID selector below
-Function .onInit
-!insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT
-# read the current location of the install for this version into INSTDIR.
-# However, SL-10506 complains about the resulting behavior, so the logic below
-# is adapted from before we introduced MultiUser.nsh.
-# if $0 is empty, this is the first time for this viewer name
-# viewer with this name was installed before
-${If} $0 != ""
- # use the value we got from registry as install location
- StrCpy $INSTDIR $0
-Call CheckCPUFlags # Make sure we have SSE2 support
-Call CheckWindowsVersion # Don't install On unsupported systems
- Push $0
- ${GetParameters} $COMMANDLINE # Get our command line
- IfErrors +2 0 # If error jump past setting SKIP_DIALOGS
- StrCpy $SKIP_DIALOGS "true"
- IfErrors +2 0 ; If error jump past setting SKIP_AUTORUN
- StrCpy $SKIP_AUTORUN "true"
- ${GetOptions} $COMMANDLINE "/LANGID=" $0 # /LANGID=1033 implies US English
-# If no language (error), then proceed
- IfErrors lbl_configure_default_lang
-# No error means we got a language, so use it
- StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0
- Goto lbl_return
-# If we currently have a version of SL installed, default to the language of that install
-# Otherwise don't change $LANGUAGE and it will default to the OS UI language.
- ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage"
- IfErrors +2 0 # If error skip the copy instruction
- StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0
-# For silent installs, no language prompt, use default
- IfSilent 0 +3
- StrCpy $SKIP_AUTORUN "true"
- Goto lbl_return
- StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" lbl_return
- Push ""
-# Use separate file so labels can be UTF-16 but we can still merge changes into this ASCII file. JC
- !include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\language_menu.nsi"
- Push A # A means auto count languages for the auto count to work the first empty push (Push "") must remain
- LangDLL::LangDialog $(InstallerLanguageTitle) $(SelectInstallerLanguage)
- Pop $0
- StrCmp $0 "cancel" 0 +2
- Abort
- StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0
-# Save language in registry
- WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage" $LANGUAGE
- Pop $0
- Return
-;; Prep Uninstaller Section
-Function un.onInit
- # Save $INSTDIR -- it appears to have the correct value before
- # MULTIUSER_UNINIT, but then gets munged by MULTIUSER_UNINIT?!
- !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT
- # Now read InstallMode.txt from $INSTDIR
- Push $0
- ClearErrors
- FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt" r
- IfErrors skipread
- FileRead $0 $MultiUser.InstallMode
- FileClose $0
- Pop $0
-# Read language from registry and set for uninstaller. Key will be removed on successful uninstall
- ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage"
- IfErrors lbl_end
- StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0
-## MessageBox MB_OK "After restoring:$\n$$INSTDIR = '$INSTDIR'$\n$$MultiUser.InstallMode = '$MultiUser.InstallMode'$\n$$LANGUAGE = '$LANGUAGE'"
- Return
-;; Checks for CPU valid (must have SSE2 support)
-Function CheckCPUFlags
- Push $1
- System::Call 'kernel32::IsProcessorFeaturePresent(i) i(10) .r1'
- IntCmp $1 1 OK_SSE2
- Quit
- OK_SSE2:
- Pop $1
- Return
-;; Make sure this computer meets the minimum system requirements.
-;; Currently: Windows Vista SP2
-Function CheckWindowsVersion
- ${If} ${AtMostWin2003}
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB)
- Quit
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} ${IsWinVista}
- ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 2
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB)
- Quit
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} ${IsWin2008}
- ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 2
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB)
- Quit
- ${EndIf}
-;; Install Section
-Section ""
-# SetShellVarContext is set by MultiUser.nsh initialization.
-# Start with some default values.
-Call CheckIfAdministrator # Make sure the user can install/uninstall
-Call CloseSecondLife # Make sure Second Life not currently running
-Call CheckWillUninstallV2 # Check if Second Life is already installed
-# Viewer had "SLLauncher" for some time and we was seting "IsHostApp" for viewer, make sure to clean it up
-DeleteRegValue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$VIEWER_EXE" "IsHostApp"
-DeleteRegValue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$VIEWER_EXE" "NoStartPage"
-Call RemoveProgFilesOnInst # Remove existing files to prevent certain errors when running the new version of the viewer
-# This placeholder is replaced by the complete list of all the files in the installer, by viewer_manifest.py
- # We are quiting, cleanup.
- # Silence warnings from RemoveProgFilesOnInst.
- StrCpy $SKIP_DIALOGS "true"
- Call RemoveProgFilesOnInst
- MessageBox MB_OK $(ErrorSecondLifeInstallSupport)
- Quit
-# Pass the installer's language to the client to use as a default
-StrCpy $SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM "--set InstallLanguage $(LanguageCode)"
-# Shortcuts in start menu
-SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
-WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Create Account.url" \
- "InternetShortcut" "URL" \
- "http://join.secondlife.com/"
-WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Your Account.url" \
- "InternetShortcut" "URL" \
- "http://www.secondlife.com/account/"
-WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Scripting Language Help.url" \
- "InternetShortcut" "URL" \
- "http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal"
- '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"' ''
-# Other shortcuts
-SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
-CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \
-CreateShortCut "$INSTDIR\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \
-CreateShortCut "$INSTDIR\Uninstall $INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \
- '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"' ''
-# Write registry
-WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "Publisher" "Linden Research, Inc."
-WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "http://secondlife.com/whatis/"
-WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "URLUpdateInfo" "http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/"
-WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "HelpLink" "https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/"
-WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"'
-WriteRegDWORD SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "EstimatedSize" "0x0001D500" # ~117 MB
-# from FS:Ansariel
-# BUG-2707 Disable SEHOP for installed viewer.
-WriteRegDWORD SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\Image File Execution Options\$VIEWER_EXE" "DisableExceptionChainValidation" 1
-# Write URL registry info
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}" "(default)" "URL:Second Life"
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}" "URL Protocol" ""
-# URL param must be last item passed to viewer, it ignores subsequent params to avoid parameter injection attacks.
-# MAINT-8305: On SLURL click, directly invoke the viewer, not the launcher.
-WriteRegExpandStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" -url "%1"'
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info" "(default)" "URL:Second Life"
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info" "URL Protocol" ""
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE"'
-# URL param must be last item passed to viewer, it ignores subsequent params to avoid parameter injection attacks.
-WriteRegExpandStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" -url "%1"'
-WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$INSTEXE" "IsHostApp" ""
-##WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\${VIEWER_EXE}" "NoStartPage" ""
-# Write out uninstaller
-WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
-# Uninstall existing "Second Life Viewer 2" install if needed.
- ExecWait '"$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" /S _?=$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2'
- Delete "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" # With _? option above, uninst.exe will be left behind.
- RMDir "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2" # Will remove only if empty.
-;; Uninstall Section
-Section Uninstall
-# Start with some default values.
-# SetShellVarContext per the mode saved at install time in registry at
-# Couldn't get NSIS to expand $MultiUser.InstallMode into the function name at Call time
-${If} $MultiUser.InstallMode == 'AllUsers'
-##MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstalling for all users"
- Call un.MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers
-##MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstalling for current user"
- Call un.MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser
-# Make sure we're not running
-Call un.CloseSecondLife
-# Clean up registry keys and subkeys (these should all be !defines somewhere)
-# BUG-2707 Remove entry that disabled SEHOP
-DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\Image File Execution Options\$VIEWER_EXE"
-DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$INSTEXE"
-DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\${VIEWER_EXE}"
-# Clean up shortcuts
-Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall $INSTSHORTCUT.lnk"
-# Remove the main installation directory
-Call un.ProgramFiles
-# Clean up cache and log files, but leave them in-place for non AGNI installs.
-Call un.UserSettingsFiles
-;; Make sure the user can install/uninstall
-Function CheckIfAdministrator
- DetailPrint $(CheckAdministratorInstDP)
- UserInfo::GetAccountType
- Pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 "Admin" lbl_is_admin
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckAdministratorInstMB)
- Quit
- Return
-;; Function CheckWillUninstallV2
-;; If called through auto-update, need to uninstall any existing V2 installation.
-;; Don't want to end up with SecondLifeViewer2 and SecondLifeViewer installations
-;; existing side by side with no indication on which to use.
-Function CheckWillUninstallV2
- StrCpy $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 ""
- StrCmp $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2" CHECKV2_DONE # Don't uninstall our own install dir.
- IfFileExists "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" CHECKV2_FOUND CHECKV2_DONE
- StrCpy $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "true"
-;; Close the program, if running. Modifies no variables.
-;; Allows user to bail out of install process.
-Function CloseSecondLife
- Push $0
- FindWindow $0 "Second Life" ""
- IntCmp $0 0 DONE
- Quit
- DetailPrint $(CloseSecondLifeInstDP)
- SendMessage $0 16 0 0
- FindWindow $0 "Second Life" ""
- IntCmp $0 0 SLEEP
- Sleep 500
- Goto LOOP
- # Second life window just closed, but program might not be fully done yet
- # and OS might have not released some locks, wait a bit more to make sure
- # all file handles were released.
- # If something still isn't unlocked, it will trigger a notification from
- # RemoveProgFilesOnInst
- Sleep 1000
- Pop $0
- Return
-;; Close the program, if running. Modifies no variables.
-;; Allows user to bail out of uninstall process.
-Function un.CloseSecondLife
- Push $0
- FindWindow $0 "Second Life" ""
- IntCmp $0 0 DONE
- Quit
- DetailPrint $(CloseSecondLifeUnInstDP)
- SendMessage $0 16 0 0
- FindWindow $0 "Second Life" ""
- IntCmp $0 0 DONE
- Sleep 500
- Goto LOOP
- Pop $0
- Return
-;; Delete files on install if previous install exists to prevent undesired behavior
-Function RemoveProgFilesOnInst
-# We do not remove whole pervious install folder on install, since
-# there is a chance that viewer was installed into some important
-# folder by intent or accident
-# RMDir /r $INSTDIR is especially unsafe if user installed somewhere
-# like Program Files
-# Set retry counter. All integers are strings.
-Push $0
-StrCpy $0 0
-# Remove old SecondLife.exe to invalidate any old shortcuts to it that may be in non-standard locations. See MAINT-3575
-# Remove old shader files first so fallbacks will work. See DEV-5663
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\app_settings\shaders"
-# Remove folders to clean up files removed during development
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\app_settings"
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\skins"
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\vmp_icons"
-# Remove llplugin, plugins can crash or malfunction if they
-# find modules from different versions
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\llplugin"
-IntOp $0 $0 + 1
- IntCmp $0 1 PREINSTALL_REMOVE #try again once
- Quit
-# We are no longer including release notes with the viewer, so remove them.
-Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Release Notes.lnk"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\releasenotes.txt"
-Pop $0
-;; Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\
-Function un.UserSettingsFiles
-StrCmp $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "true" Keep # Don't remove user's settings files on auto upgrade
-# Ask if user wants to keep data files or not
-MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION $(RemoveDataFilesMB) IDYES Remove IDNO Keep
-Push $0
-Push $1
-Push $2
- DetailPrint "Deleting Second Life data files"
- StrCpy $0 0 # Index number used to iterate via EnumRegKey
- EnumRegKey $1 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList" $0
- StrCmp $1 "" DONE # No more users
- ReadRegStr $2 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList\$1" "ProfileImagePath"
- StrCmp $2 "" CONTINUE 0 # "ProfileImagePath" value is missing
-# Required since ProfileImagePath is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ
- ExpandEnvStrings $2 $2
-# Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife
-# Remove all settings files but leave any other .txt files to preserve the chat logs
-; RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs"
- RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\browser_profile"
- RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings"
- Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\*.xml"
- Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\*.bmp"
- Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\search_history.txt"
- Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\plugin_cookies.txt"
- Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\typed_locations.txt"
-# Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\Local\SecondLife
- RmDir /r "$2\AppData\Local\SecondLife" #Delete the cache folder
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1
- Goto LOOP
-Pop $2
-Pop $1
-Pop $0
-# Delete files in ProgramData\Secondlife
-Push $0
- ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Explorer\Shell Folders" "Common AppData"
- StrCmp $0 "" +2
- RMDir /r "$0\SecondLife"
-Pop $0
-;; Delete the installed files
-;; This deletes the uninstall executable, but it works because it is copied to temp directory before running
-;; Note: You must list all files here, because we only want to delete our files,
-;; not things users left in the program directory.
-Function un.ProgramFiles
-# This placeholder is replaced by the complete list of files to uninstall by viewer_manifest.py
-# our InstallMode.txt
-Delete "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt"
-# Optional/obsolete files. Delete won't fail if they don't exist.
-Delete "$INSTDIR\autorun.bat"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\dronesettings.ini"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\message_template.msg"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.pdb"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.map"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.pdb"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.map"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\comm.dat"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\*.glsl"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\motions\*.lla"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\trial\*.html"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.exe"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.exe"
-# MAINT-3099 workaround - prevent these log files, if present, from causing a user alert
-Delete "$INSTDIR\VivoxVoiceService-*.log"
-# Remove entire help directory
-RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\help"
-Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
- MessageBox MB_OK $(DeleteProgramFilesMB) /SD IDOK IDOK NOFOLDER
-MessageBox MB_YESNO $(DeleteRegistryKeysMB) IDYES DeleteKeys IDNO NoDelete
- DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "SOFTWARE\Classes\x-grid-location-info"
- DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "SOFTWARE\Classes\secondlife"
- DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info"
- DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "secondlife"
-;; After install completes, launch app
-Function .onInstSuccess
- Push $0
- FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt" w
- # No newline -- this is for our use, not for users to read.
- FileWrite $0 "$MultiUser.InstallMode"
- FileClose $0
- Pop $0
- Push $R0
- Push $0
- ;; MAINT-7812: Only write nsis.winstall file with /marker switch
- ${GetParameters} $R0
- ${GetOptionsS} $R0 "/marker" $0
- ;; If no /marker switch, skip to ClearErrors
- IfErrors +4 0
- ;; $EXEDIR is where we find the installer file
- ;; Put a marker file there so VMP will know we're done
- ;; and it can delete the download directory next time.
- ;; http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Write_text_to_a_file
- FileOpen $0 "$EXEDIR\nsis.winstall" w
- FileWrite $0 "NSIS done$\n"
- FileClose $0
- ClearErrors
- Pop $0
- Pop $R0
- Call CheckWindowsServPack # Warn if not on the latest SP before asking to launch.
- StrCmp $SKIP_AUTORUN "true" +2;
- # Assumes SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- # Run INSTEXE (our updater), passing VIEWER_EXE plus the command-line
- # arguments built into our shortcuts. This gives the updater a chance
- # to verify that the viewer we just installed is appropriate for the
- # running system -- or, if not, to download and install a different
- # viewer. For instance, if a user running 32-bit Windows installs a
- # 64-bit viewer, it cannot run on this system. But since the updater
- # is a 32-bit executable even in the 64-bit viewer package, the
- # updater can detect the problem and adapt accordingly.
- # Once everything is in order, the updater will run the specified
- # viewer with the specified params.
- # Quote the updater executable and the viewer executable because each
- # must be a distinct command-line token, but DO NOT quote the language
- # string because it must decompose into separate command-line tokens.
-;; Recommend Upgrading to Service Pack 1 for Windows 7, if not present
-Function CheckWindowsServPack
- ${If} ${IsWin7}
- ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 1
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsServPackMB)
- DetailPrint $(UseLatestServPackDP)
- Return
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} ${IsWin2008R2}
- ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 1
- MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsServPackMB)
- DetailPrint $(UseLatestServPackDP)
- Return
- ${EndIf}
-;; Clobber user files - TEST ONLY
-;Function ClobberUserFilesTESTONLY
-;Push $0
-;Push $1
-;Push $2
-; StrCpy $0 0 # Index number used to iterate via EnumRegKey
-; LOOP:
-; EnumRegKey $1 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList" $0
-; StrCmp $1 "" DONE # no more users
-; ReadRegStr $2 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList\$1" "ProfileImagePath"
-; StrCmp $2 "" CONTINUE 0 # "ProfileImagePath" value is missing
-;# Required since ProfileImagePath is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ
-; ExpandEnvStrings $2 $2
-; RMDir /r "$2\Application Data\SecondLife\"
-; IntOp $0 $0 + 1
-; Goto LOOP
-; DONE:
-;Pop $2
-;Pop $1
-;Pop $0
-;# Copy files in Documents and Settings\All Users\SecondLife
-;Push $0
-; ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Explorer\Shell Folders" "Common AppData"
-; StrCmp $0 "" +2
-; RMDir /r "$2\Application Data\SecondLife\"
-;Pop $0
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EOF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Second Life setup.nsi +;; Copyright 2004-2015, Linden Research, Inc. +;; +;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; +;; version 2.1 of the License only. +;; +;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +;; Lesser General Public License for more details. +;; +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +;; +;; Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA +;; +;; NSIS 3 or higher required for Unicode support +;; +;; Author: James Cook, TankMaster Finesmith, Don Kjer, Callum Prentice +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Compiler flags +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Unicode true +SetOverwrite on # Overwrite files +SetCompress auto # Compress if saves space +SetCompressor /solid lzma # Compress whole installer as one block +SetDatablockOptimize off # Only saves us 0.1%, not worth it +XPStyle on # Add an XP manifest to the installer +RequestExecutionLevel admin # For when we write to Program Files + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Project flags +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + +# This placeholder is replaced by viewer_manifest.py +%%VERSION%% + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; - language files - one for each language (or flavor thereof) +;; (these files are in the same place as the nsi template but the python script generates a new nsi file in the +;; application directory so we have to add a path to these include files) +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Ansariel notes: "Under certain circumstances the installer will fall back +;; to the first defined (aka default) language version. So you want to include +;; en-us as first language file." +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_en-us.nsi" + +# Danish and Polish no longer supported by the viewer itself +##!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_da.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_de.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_es.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_fr.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_ja.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_it.nsi" +##!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_pl.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_pt-br.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_ru.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_tr.nsi" +!include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\lang_zh.nsi" + +# *TODO: Move these into the language files themselves +##LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_DANISH} "da" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_GERMAN} "de" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_ENGLISH} "en" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_SPANISH} "es" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_FRENCH} "fr" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_JAPANESE} "ja" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_ITALIAN} "it" +##LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_POLISH} "pl" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_PORTUGUESEBR} "pt" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_RUSSIAN} "ru" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_TURKISH} "tr" +LangString LanguageCode ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} "zh" + +# This placeholder is replaced by viewer_manifest.py +%%INST_VARS%% + +Name ${INSTNAME} + +SubCaption 0 $(LicenseSubTitleSetup) # Override "license agreement" text + +!define MUI_ICON "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\install_icon.ico" +!define MUI_UNICON "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\uninstall_icon.ico" + +BrandingText " " # Bottom of window text +Icon "${MUI_ICON}" +UninstallIcon "${MUI_UNICON}" +WindowIcon on # Show our icon in left corner +BGGradient off # No big background window +CRCCheck on # Make sure CRC is OK +InstProgressFlags smooth colored # New colored smooth look +SetOverwrite on # Overwrite files by default +AutoCloseWindow true # After all files install, close window + +# Registry key paths, ours and Microsoft's +!define LINDEN_KEY "SOFTWARE\Linden Research, Inc." +!define INSTNAME_KEY "${LINDEN_KEY}\${INSTNAME}" +!define MSCURRVER_KEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" +!define MSNTCURRVER_KEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" +!define MSUNINSTALL_KEY "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Uninstall\${INSTNAME}" + +# from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/MultiUser/Readme.html +### Highest level permitted for user: Admin for Admin, Standard for Standard +##!define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL Highest +!define MULTIUSER_EXECUTIONLEVEL Admin +!define MULTIUSER_MUI +### Look for /AllUsers or /CurrentUser switches +##!define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_COMMANDLINE +# appended to $PROGRAMFILES, as affected by MULTIUSER_USE_PROGRAMFILES64 +!define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR "${INSTNAME}" +# expands to !define MULTIUSER_USE_PROGRAMFILES64 or nothing +%%PROGRAMFILES%% +# should make MultiUser.nsh initialization read existing INSTDIR from registry +## SL-10506: don't +##!define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY "${INSTNAME_KEY}" +##!define MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "" +# Don't set MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY and +# MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME to cause the installer to +# write $MultiUser.InstallMode to the registry, because when the user installs +# multiple viewers with the same channel (same ${INSTNAME}, hence same +# ${INSTNAME_KEY}), the registry entry is overwritten. Instead we'll write a +# little file into the install directory -- see .onInstSuccess and un.onInit. +!include MultiUser.nsh +!include MUI2.nsh +!define MUI_BGCOLOR FFFFFF +!insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_GUIINIT + +UninstallText $(UninstallTextMsg) +DirText $(DirectoryChooseTitle) $(DirectoryChooseSetup) +##!insertmacro MULTIUSER_PAGE_INSTALLMODE +!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE dirPre +!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY +!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Variables +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Var INSTNAME +Var INSTEXE +Var VIEWER_EXE +Var INSTSHORTCUT +Var COMMANDLINE # Command line passed to this installer, set in .onInit +Var SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM # "--set InstallLanguage de", Passes language to viewer +Var SKIP_DIALOGS # Set from command line in .onInit. autoinstall GUI and the defaults. +Var SKIP_AUTORUN # Skip automatic launch of the viewer after install +Var DO_UNINSTALL_V2 # If non-null, path to a previous Viewer 2 installation that will be uninstalled. + +# Function definitions should go before file includes, because calls to +# DLLs like LangDLL trigger an implicit file include, so if that call is at +# the end of this script NSIS has to decompress the whole installer before +# it can call the DLL function. JC + +!include "FileFunc.nsh" # For GetParameters, GetOptions +!insertmacro GetParameters +!insertmacro GetOptions +!include WinVer.nsh # For OS and SP detection +!include 'LogicLib.nsh' # for value comparison +!include "x64.nsh" # for 64bit detection + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Pre-directory page callback +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function dirPre + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" 0 +2 + Abort + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Prep Installer Section +;; +;; Note: to add new languages, add a language file include to the list +;; at the top of this file, add an entry to the menu and then add an +;; entry to the language ID selector below +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function .onInit +!insertmacro MULTIUSER_INIT + +%%ENGAGEREGISTRY%% + +# SL-10506: Setting MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_KEY and +# MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_INSTDIR_REGISTRY_VALUENAME should +# read the current location of the install for this version into INSTDIR. +# However, SL-10506 complains about the resulting behavior, so the logic below +# is adapted from before we introduced MultiUser.nsh. + +# if $0 is empty, this is the first time for this viewer name +ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "" + +# viewer with this name was installed before +${If} $0 != "" + # use the value we got from registry as install location + StrCpy $INSTDIR $0 +${EndIf} + +Call CheckCPUFlags # Make sure we have SSE2 support +Call CheckWindowsVersion # Don't install On unsupported systems + Push $0 + ${GetParameters} $COMMANDLINE # Get our command line + + ${GetOptions} $COMMANDLINE "/SKIP_DIALOGS" $0 + IfErrors +2 0 # If error jump past setting SKIP_DIALOGS + StrCpy $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" + + ${GetOptions} $COMMANDLINE "/SKIP_AUTORUN" $0 + IfErrors +2 0 ; If error jump past setting SKIP_AUTORUN + StrCpy $SKIP_AUTORUN "true" + + ${GetOptions} $COMMANDLINE "/LANGID=" $0 # /LANGID=1033 implies US English + +# If no language (error), then proceed + IfErrors lbl_configure_default_lang +# No error means we got a language, so use it + StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0 + Goto lbl_return + +lbl_configure_default_lang: +# If we currently have a version of SL installed, default to the language of that install +# Otherwise don't change $LANGUAGE and it will default to the OS UI language. + ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage" + IfErrors +2 0 # If error skip the copy instruction + StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0 + +# For silent installs, no language prompt, use default + IfSilent 0 +3 + StrCpy $SKIP_AUTORUN "true" + Goto lbl_return + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" lbl_return + + Push "" +# Use separate file so labels can be UTF-16 but we can still merge changes into this ASCII file. JC + !include "%%SOURCE%%\installers\windows\language_menu.nsi" + + Push A # A means auto count languages for the auto count to work the first empty push (Push "") must remain + LangDLL::LangDialog $(InstallerLanguageTitle) $(SelectInstallerLanguage) + Pop $0 + StrCmp $0 "cancel" 0 +2 + Abort + StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0 + +# Save language in registry + WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage" $LANGUAGE +lbl_return: + Pop $0 + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Prep Uninstaller Section +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function un.onInit + # Save $INSTDIR -- it appears to have the correct value before + # MULTIUSER_UNINIT, but then gets munged by MULTIUSER_UNINIT?! + Push $INSTDIR + !insertmacro MULTIUSER_UNINIT + Pop $INSTDIR + + # Now read InstallMode.txt from $INSTDIR + Push $0 + ClearErrors + FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt" r + IfErrors skipread + FileRead $0 $MultiUser.InstallMode + FileClose $0 +skipread: + Pop $0 + +%%ENGAGEREGISTRY%% + +# Read language from registry and set for uninstaller. Key will be removed on successful uninstall + ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "InstallerLanguage" + IfErrors lbl_end + StrCpy $LANGUAGE $0 +lbl_end: + +## MessageBox MB_OK "After restoring:$\n$$INSTDIR = '$INSTDIR'$\n$$MultiUser.InstallMode = '$MultiUser.InstallMode'$\n$$LANGUAGE = '$LANGUAGE'" + + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Checks for CPU valid (must have SSE2 support) +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CheckCPUFlags + Push $1 + System::Call 'kernel32::IsProcessorFeaturePresent(i) i(10) .r1' + IntCmp $1 1 OK_SSE2 + MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL $(MissingSSE2) /SD IDOK IDOK OK_SSE2 + Quit + + OK_SSE2: + Pop $1 + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Make sure this computer meets the minimum system requirements. +;; Currently: Windows Vista SP2 +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CheckWindowsVersion + ${If} ${AtMostWin2003} + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB) + Quit + ${EndIf} + + ${If} ${IsWinVista} + ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 2 + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB) + Quit + ${EndIf} + + ${If} ${IsWin2008} + ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 2 + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsVersionMB) + Quit + ${EndIf} + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Install Section +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Section "" + +# SetShellVarContext is set by MultiUser.nsh initialization. + +# Start with some default values. +StrCpy $INSTNAME "${INSTNAME}" +StrCpy $INSTEXE "${INSTEXE}" +StrCpy $VIEWER_EXE "${VIEWER_EXE}" +StrCpy $INSTSHORTCUT "${SHORTCUT}" + +Call CheckIfAdministrator # Make sure the user can install/uninstall +Call CloseSecondLife # Make sure Second Life not currently running +Call CheckWillUninstallV2 # Check if Second Life is already installed + +StrCmp $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "" PRESERVE_DONE +PRESERVE_DONE: + +# Viewer had "SLLauncher" for some time and we was seting "IsHostApp" for viewer, make sure to clean it up +DeleteRegValue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$VIEWER_EXE" "IsHostApp" +DeleteRegValue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$VIEWER_EXE" "NoStartPage" +ClearErrors + +INSTALL_FILES_START: + +Call RemoveProgFilesOnInst # Remove existing files to prevent certain errors when running the new version of the viewer + +# This placeholder is replaced by the complete list of all the files in the installer, by viewer_manifest.py +%%INSTALL_FILES%% + +IfErrors 0 INSTALL_FILES_DONE + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" INSTALL_FILES_DONE + MessageBox MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE $(ErrorSecondLifeInstallRetry) IDABORT INSTALL_FILES_CANCEL IDRETRY INSTALL_FILES_START + # MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE does not accept IDIGNORE + Goto INSTALL_FILES_DONE + +INSTALL_FILES_CANCEL: + # We are quiting, cleanup. + # Silence warnings from RemoveProgFilesOnInst. + StrCpy $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" + Call RemoveProgFilesOnInst + MessageBox MB_OK $(ErrorSecondLifeInstallSupport) + Quit + +INSTALL_FILES_DONE: + +# Pass the installer's language to the client to use as a default +StrCpy $SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM "--set InstallLanguage $(LanguageCode)" + +# Shortcuts in start menu +CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT" +SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" +CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \ + "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" "$SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM" "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" + + +WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Create Account.url" \ + "InternetShortcut" "URL" \ + "http://join.secondlife.com/" +WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Your Account.url" \ + "InternetShortcut" "URL" \ + "http://www.secondlife.com/account/" +WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Scripting Language Help.url" \ + "InternetShortcut" "URL" \ + "http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal" +CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\Uninstall $INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \ + '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"' '' + +# Other shortcuts +SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" +CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \ + "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" "$SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM" "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" +CreateShortCut "$INSTDIR\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \ + "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" "$SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM" "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" +CreateShortCut "$INSTDIR\Uninstall $INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" \ + '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"' '' + +# Write registry +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "" "$INSTDIR" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "Version" "${VERSION_LONG}" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "Shortcut" "$INSTSHORTCUT" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" "Exe" "$VIEWER_EXE" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "Publisher" "Linden Research, Inc." +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "http://secondlife.com/whatis/" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "URLUpdateInfo" "http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "HelpLink" "https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$INSTNAME" +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"' +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION_LONG}" +WriteRegDWORD SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "EstimatedSize" "0x0001D500" # ~117 MB + +# from FS:Ansariel +WriteRegStr SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSUNINSTALL_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE"' + +# BUG-2707 Disable SEHOP for installed viewer. +WriteRegDWORD SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\Image File Execution Options\$VIEWER_EXE" "DisableExceptionChainValidation" 1 + +# Write URL registry info +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}" "(default)" "URL:Second Life" +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}" "URL Protocol" "" +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE"' + +# URL param must be last item passed to viewer, it ignores subsequent params to avoid parameter injection attacks. +# MAINT-8305: On SLURL click, directly invoke the viewer, not the launcher. +WriteRegExpandStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "${URLNAME}\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" -url "%1"' +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info" "(default)" "URL:Second Life" +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info" "URL Protocol" "" +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info\DefaultIcon" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE"' + +# URL param must be last item passed to viewer, it ignores subsequent params to avoid parameter injection attacks. +WriteRegExpandStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" -url "%1"' + +WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$INSTEXE" "IsHostApp" "" +##WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\${VIEWER_EXE}" "NoStartPage" "" + +# Write out uninstaller +WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" + +# Uninstall existing "Second Life Viewer 2" install if needed. +StrCmp $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "" REMOVE_SLV2_DONE + ExecWait '"$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" /S _?=$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2' + Delete "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" # With _? option above, uninst.exe will be left behind. + RMDir "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2" # Will remove only if empty. + +REMOVE_SLV2_DONE: + +SectionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Uninstall Section +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Section Uninstall + +# Start with some default values. +StrCpy $INSTNAME "${INSTNAME}" +StrCpy $INSTEXE "${INSTEXE}" +StrCpy $VIEWER_EXE "${VIEWER_EXE}" +StrCpy $INSTSHORTCUT "${SHORTCUT}" + +# SetShellVarContext per the mode saved at install time in registry at +# MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_KEY +# MULTIUSER_INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT_REGISTRY_VALUENAME +# Couldn't get NSIS to expand $MultiUser.InstallMode into the function name at Call time +${If} $MultiUser.InstallMode == 'AllUsers' +##MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstalling for all users" + Call un.MultiUser.InstallMode.AllUsers +${Else} +##MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstalling for current user" + Call un.MultiUser.InstallMode.CurrentUser +${EndIf} + +# Make sure we're not running +Call un.CloseSecondLife + +# Clean up registry keys and subkeys (these should all be !defines somewhere) +DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "${INSTNAME_KEY}" +DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Uninstall\$INSTNAME" +# BUG-2707 Remove entry that disabled SEHOP +DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\Image File Execution Options\$VIEWER_EXE" +DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\$INSTEXE" +DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "Applications\${VIEWER_EXE}" + +# Clean up shortcuts +Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\*.*" +RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT" + +Delete "$DESKTOP\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" +Delete "$INSTDIR\$INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" +Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall $INSTSHORTCUT.lnk" + +# Remove the main installation directory +Call un.ProgramFiles + +# Clean up cache and log files, but leave them in-place for non AGNI installs. +Call un.UserSettingsFiles + +SectionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Make sure the user can install/uninstall +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CheckIfAdministrator + DetailPrint $(CheckAdministratorInstDP) + UserInfo::GetAccountType + Pop $R0 + StrCmp $R0 "Admin" lbl_is_admin + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckAdministratorInstMB) + Quit +lbl_is_admin: + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Function CheckWillUninstallV2 +;; +;; If called through auto-update, need to uninstall any existing V2 installation. +;; Don't want to end up with SecondLifeViewer2 and SecondLifeViewer installations +;; existing side by side with no indication on which to use. +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CheckWillUninstallV2 + + StrCpy $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "" + + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" 0 CHECKV2_DONE + StrCmp $INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2" CHECKV2_DONE # Don't uninstall our own install dir. + IfFileExists "$PROGRAMFILES\SecondLifeViewer2\uninst.exe" CHECKV2_FOUND CHECKV2_DONE + +CHECKV2_FOUND: + StrCpy $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "true" + +CHECKV2_DONE: + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Close the program, if running. Modifies no variables. +;; Allows user to bail out of install process. +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CloseSecondLife + Push $0 + FindWindow $0 "Second Life" "" + IntCmp $0 0 DONE + + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" CLOSE + MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL $(CloseSecondLifeInstMB) IDOK CLOSE IDCANCEL CANCEL_INSTALL + + CANCEL_INSTALL: + Quit + + CLOSE: + DetailPrint $(CloseSecondLifeInstDP) + SendMessage $0 16 0 0 + + LOOP: + FindWindow $0 "Second Life" "" + IntCmp $0 0 SLEEP + Sleep 500 + Goto LOOP + + SLEEP: + # Second life window just closed, but program might not be fully done yet + # and OS might have not released some locks, wait a bit more to make sure + # all file handles were released. + # If something still isn't unlocked, it will trigger a notification from + # RemoveProgFilesOnInst + Sleep 1000 + DONE: + Pop $0 + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Close the program, if running. Modifies no variables. +;; Allows user to bail out of uninstall process. +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function un.CloseSecondLife + Push $0 + FindWindow $0 "Second Life" "" + IntCmp $0 0 DONE + MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL $(CloseSecondLifeUnInstMB) IDOK CLOSE IDCANCEL CANCEL_UNINSTALL + + CANCEL_UNINSTALL: + Quit + + CLOSE: + DetailPrint $(CloseSecondLifeUnInstDP) + SendMessage $0 16 0 0 + + LOOP: + FindWindow $0 "Second Life" "" + IntCmp $0 0 DONE + Sleep 500 + Goto LOOP + + DONE: + Pop $0 + Return + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Delete files on install if previous install exists to prevent undesired behavior +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function RemoveProgFilesOnInst + +# We do not remove whole pervious install folder on install, since +# there is a chance that viewer was installed into some important +# folder by intent or accident +# RMDir /r $INSTDIR is especially unsafe if user installed somewhere +# like Program Files + +# Set retry counter. All integers are strings. +Push $0 +StrCpy $0 0 + +ClearErrors + +PREINSTALL_REMOVE: + +# Remove old SecondLife.exe to invalidate any old shortcuts to it that may be in non-standard locations. See MAINT-3575 +Delete "$INSTDIR\$INSTEXE" +Delete "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" + +# Remove old shader files first so fallbacks will work. See DEV-5663 +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\app_settings\shaders" + +# Remove folders to clean up files removed during development +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\app_settings" +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\skins" +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\vmp_icons" + +# Remove llplugin, plugins can crash or malfunction if they +# find modules from different versions +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\llplugin" + +IntOp $0 $0 + 1 + +IfErrors 0 PREINSTALL_DONE + IntCmp $0 1 PREINSTALL_REMOVE #try again once + StrCmp $SKIP_DIALOGS "true" PREINSTALL_DONE + MessageBox MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE $(CloseSecondLifeInstRM) IDABORT PREINSTALL_FAIL IDRETRY PREINSTALL_REMOVE + # MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE does not accept IDIGNORE + Goto PREINSTALL_DONE + +PREINSTALL_FAIL: + Quit + +PREINSTALL_DONE: + +# We are no longer including release notes with the viewer, so remove them. +Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$INSTSHORTCUT\SL Release Notes.lnk" +Delete "$INSTDIR\releasenotes.txt" + +Pop $0 + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\ +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function un.UserSettingsFiles + +StrCmp $DO_UNINSTALL_V2 "true" Keep # Don't remove user's settings files on auto upgrade + +# Ask if user wants to keep data files or not +MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION $(RemoveDataFilesMB) IDYES Remove IDNO Keep + +Remove: +Push $0 +Push $1 +Push $2 + + DetailPrint "Deleting Second Life data files" + + StrCpy $0 0 # Index number used to iterate via EnumRegKey + + LOOP: + EnumRegKey $1 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList" $0 + StrCmp $1 "" DONE # No more users + + ReadRegStr $2 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList\$1" "ProfileImagePath" + StrCmp $2 "" CONTINUE 0 # "ProfileImagePath" value is missing + +# Required since ProfileImagePath is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ + ExpandEnvStrings $2 $2 + +# Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife +# Remove all settings files but leave any other .txt files to preserve the chat logs +; RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs" + RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\browser_profile" + RMDir /r "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings" + Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\*.xml" + Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\*.bmp" + Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\search_history.txt" + Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\plugin_cookies.txt" + Delete "$2\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\typed_locations.txt" +# Delete files in \Users\<User>\AppData\Local\SecondLife + RmDir /r "$2\AppData\Local\SecondLife" #Delete the cache folder + + CONTINUE: + IntOp $0 $0 + 1 + Goto LOOP + DONE: + +Pop $2 +Pop $1 +Pop $0 + +# Delete files in ProgramData\Secondlife +Push $0 + ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Explorer\Shell Folders" "Common AppData" + StrCmp $0 "" +2 + RMDir /r "$0\SecondLife" +Pop $0 + +Keep: + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Delete the installed files +;; This deletes the uninstall executable, but it works because it is copied to temp directory before running +;; +;; Note: You must list all files here, because we only want to delete our files, +;; not things users left in the program directory. +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function un.ProgramFiles + +# This placeholder is replaced by the complete list of files to uninstall by viewer_manifest.py +%%DELETE_FILES%% + +# our InstallMode.txt +Delete "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt" + +# Optional/obsolete files. Delete won't fail if they don't exist. +Delete "$INSTDIR\autorun.bat" +Delete "$INSTDIR\dronesettings.ini" +Delete "$INSTDIR\message_template.msg" +Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.pdb" +Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.map" +Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.pdb" +Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.map" +Delete "$INSTDIR\comm.dat" +Delete "$INSTDIR\*.glsl" +Delete "$INSTDIR\motions\*.lla" +Delete "$INSTDIR\trial\*.html" +Delete "$INSTDIR\newview.exe" +Delete "$INSTDIR\SecondLife.exe" + +# MAINT-3099 workaround - prevent these log files, if present, from causing a user alert +Delete "$INSTDIR\VivoxVoiceService-*.log" + +# Remove entire help directory +RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\help" + +Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" +RMDir "$INSTDIR" + +IfFileExists "$INSTDIR" FOLDERFOUND NOFOLDER + +FOLDERFOUND: + MessageBox MB_OK $(DeleteProgramFilesMB) /SD IDOK IDOK NOFOLDER + +NOFOLDER: + +MessageBox MB_YESNO $(DeleteRegistryKeysMB) IDYES DeleteKeys IDNO NoDelete + +DeleteKeys: + DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "SOFTWARE\Classes\x-grid-location-info" + DeleteRegKey SHELL_CONTEXT "SOFTWARE\Classes\secondlife" + DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "x-grid-location-info" + DeleteRegKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "secondlife" + +NoDelete: + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; After install completes, launch app +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function .onInstSuccess + Push $0 + FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\InstallMode.txt" w + # No newline -- this is for our use, not for users to read. + FileWrite $0 "$MultiUser.InstallMode" + FileClose $0 + Pop $0 + + Push $R0 + Push $0 + ;; MAINT-7812: Only write nsis.winstall file with /marker switch + ${GetParameters} $R0 + ${GetOptionsS} $R0 "/marker" $0 + ;; If no /marker switch, skip to ClearErrors + IfErrors +4 0 + ;; $EXEDIR is where we find the installer file + ;; Put a marker file there so VMP will know we're done + ;; and it can delete the download directory next time. + ;; http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Write_text_to_a_file + FileOpen $0 "$EXEDIR\nsis.winstall" w + FileWrite $0 "NSIS done$\n" + FileClose $0 + + ClearErrors + Pop $0 + Pop $R0 + + Call CheckWindowsServPack # Warn if not on the latest SP before asking to launch. + StrCmp $SKIP_AUTORUN "true" +2; + # Assumes SetOutPath $INSTDIR + # Run INSTEXE (our updater), passing VIEWER_EXE plus the command-line + # arguments built into our shortcuts. This gives the updater a chance + # to verify that the viewer we just installed is appropriate for the + # running system -- or, if not, to download and install a different + # viewer. For instance, if a user running 32-bit Windows installs a + # 64-bit viewer, it cannot run on this system. But since the updater + # is a 32-bit executable even in the 64-bit viewer package, the + # updater can detect the problem and adapt accordingly. + # Once everything is in order, the updater will run the specified + # viewer with the specified params. + # Quote the updater executable and the viewer executable because each + # must be a distinct command-line token, but DO NOT quote the language + # string because it must decompose into separate command-line tokens. + Exec '"$INSTDIR\$INSTEXE" precheck "$INSTDIR\$VIEWER_EXE" $SHORTCUT_LANG_PARAM' +# +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Recommend Upgrading to Service Pack 1 for Windows 7, if not present +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +Function CheckWindowsServPack + ${If} ${IsWin7} + ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 1 + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsServPackMB) + DetailPrint $(UseLatestServPackDP) + Return + ${EndIf} + + ${If} ${IsWin2008R2} + ${AndIfNot} ${IsServicePack} 1 + MessageBox MB_OK $(CheckWindowsServPackMB) + DetailPrint $(UseLatestServPackDP) + Return + ${EndIf} + +FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;; Clobber user files - TEST ONLY +;; This is here for testing, DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TESTING FOR! +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +;Function ClobberUserFilesTESTONLY + +;Push $0 +;Push $1 +;Push $2 +; +; StrCpy $0 0 # Index number used to iterate via EnumRegKey +; +; LOOP: +; EnumRegKey $1 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList" $0 +; StrCmp $1 "" DONE # no more users +; +; ReadRegStr $2 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSNTCURRVER_KEY}\ProfileList\$1" "ProfileImagePath" +; StrCmp $2 "" CONTINUE 0 # "ProfileImagePath" value is missing +; +;# Required since ProfileImagePath is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ +; ExpandEnvStrings $2 $2 +; +; RMDir /r "$2\Application Data\SecondLife\" +; +; CONTINUE: +; IntOp $0 $0 + 1 +; Goto LOOP +; DONE: +; +;Pop $2 +;Pop $1 +;Pop $0 +; +;# Copy files in Documents and Settings\All Users\SecondLife +;Push $0 +; ReadRegStr $0 SHELL_CONTEXT "${MSCURRVER_KEY}\Explorer\Shell Folders" "Common AppData" +; StrCmp $0 "" +2 +; RMDir /r "$2\Application Data\SecondLife\" +;Pop $0 +; +;FunctionEnd + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EOF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |