path: root/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl
index 8bf4ec0a7e..2121088405 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/environment/waterF.glsl
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
// class3/environment/waterF.glsl
+#define WATER_MINIMAL 1
out vec4 frag_color;
@@ -86,23 +88,17 @@ uniform sampler2D screenTex;
uniform sampler2D depthMap;
-uniform sampler2D refTex;
+uniform sampler2D exclusionTex;
-uniform float sunAngle;
-uniform float sunAngle2;
+uniform int classic_mode;
uniform vec3 lightDir;
uniform vec3 specular;
-uniform float lightExp;
+uniform float blurMultiplier;
uniform float refScale;
uniform float kd;
-uniform vec2 screenRes;
uniform vec3 normScale;
uniform float fresnelScale;
uniform float fresnelOffset;
-uniform float blurMultiplier;
-uniform vec4 waterFogColor;
-uniform vec3 waterFogColorLinear;
//bigWave is (refCoord.w, view.w);
in vec4 refCoord;
@@ -122,6 +118,10 @@ vec3 BlendNormal(vec3 bump1, vec3 bump2)
vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 col);
vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 col);
+vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light);
+vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light);
+vec3 toneMapNoExposure(vec3 color);
vec3 vN, vT, vB;
vec3 transform_normal(vec3 vNt)
@@ -132,59 +132,107 @@ vec3 transform_normal(vec3 vNt)
void sampleReflectionProbesWater(inout vec3 ambenv, inout vec3 glossenv,
vec2 tc, vec3 pos, vec3 norm, float glossiness, vec3 amblit_linear);
+void sampleReflectionProbes(inout vec3 ambenv, inout vec3 glossenv,
+ vec2 tc, vec3 pos, vec3 norm, float glossiness, bool transparent, vec3 amblit_linear);
+void sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(inout vec3 ambenv, inout vec3 glossenv, inout vec3 legacyenv,
+ vec2 tc, vec3 pos, vec3 norm, float glossiness, float envIntensity, bool transparent, vec3 amblit);
vec3 getPositionWithNDC(vec3 ndc);
+void generateWaveNormals(out vec3 wave1, out vec3 wave2, out vec3 wave3)
+ // Generate all of our wave normals.
+ // We layer these back and forth.
+ vec2 bigwave = vec2(refCoord.w, view.w);
+ vec3 wave1_a = texture(bumpMap, bigwave).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 wave2_a = texture(bumpMap, littleWave.xy).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 wave3_a = texture(bumpMap, * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 wave1_b = texture(bumpMap2, bigwave).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 wave2_b = texture(bumpMap2, littleWave.xy).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ vec3 wave3_b = texture(bumpMap2, * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ wave1 = BlendNormal(wave1_a, wave1_b);
+ wave2 = BlendNormal(wave2_a, wave2_b);
+ wave3 = BlendNormal(wave3_a, wave3_b);
+void calculateFresnelFactors(out vec3 df3, out vec2 df2, vec3 viewVec, vec3 wave1, vec3 wave2, vec3 wave3, vec3 wavef)
+ // We calculate the fresnel here.
+ // We do this by getting the dot product for each sets of waves, and applying scale and offset.
+ df3 = max(vec3(0), vec3(
+ dot(viewVec, wave1),
+ dot(viewVec, (wave2 + wave3) * 0.5),
+ dot(viewVec, wave3)
+ ) * fresnelScale + fresnelOffset);
+ df3 *= df3;
+ df2 = max(vec2(0), vec2(
+ df3.x + df3.y + df3.z,
+ dot(viewVec, wavef) * fresnelScale + fresnelOffset
+ ));
void main()
vN = vary_normal;
vT = vary_tangent;
vB = cross(vN, vT);
vec3 pos =;
+ float linear_depth = 1 / -pos.z;
float dist = length(;
//normalize view vector
vec3 viewVec = normalize(;
- //get wave normals
- vec2 bigwave = vec2(refCoord.w, view.w);
- vec3 wave1_a = texture(bumpMap, bigwave, -2 ).xyz*2.0-1.0;
- vec3 wave2_a = texture(bumpMap, littleWave.xy).xyz*2.0-1.0;
- vec3 wave3_a = texture(bumpMap,*2.0-1.0;
- vec3 wave1_b = texture(bumpMap2, bigwave ).xyz*2.0-1.0;
- vec3 wave2_b = texture(bumpMap2, littleWave.xy).xyz*2.0-1.0;
- vec3 wave3_b = texture(bumpMap2,*2.0-1.0;
+ // Setup our waves.
- //wave1_a = wave2_a = wave3_a = wave1_b = wave2_b = wave3_b = vec3(0,0,1);
+ vec3 wave1 = vec3(0, 0, 1);
+ vec3 wave2 = vec3(0, 0, 1);
+ vec3 wave3 = vec3(0, 0, 1);
- vec3 wave1 = BlendNormal(wave1_a, wave1_b);
- vec3 wave2 = BlendNormal(wave2_a, wave2_b);
- vec3 wave3 = BlendNormal(wave3_a, wave3_b);
+ generateWaveNormals(wave1, wave2, wave3);
+ float dmod = sqrt(dist);
vec2 distort = (refCoord.xy/refCoord.z) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- //wave1 = transform_normal(wave1);
- //wave2 = transform_normal(wave2);
- //wave3 = transform_normal(wave3);
vec3 wavef = (wave1 + wave2 * 0.4 + wave3 * 0.6) * 0.5;
+ vec3 df3 = vec3(0);
+ vec2 df2 = vec2(0);
+ vec3 sunlit;
+ vec3 amblit;
+ vec3 additive;
+ vec3 atten;
+ calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, wavef, vary_light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
+ calculateFresnelFactors(df3, df2, normalize(, wave1, wave2, wave3, wavef);
vec3 waver = wavef*3;
vec3 up = transform_normal(vec3(0,0,1));
float vdu = -dot(viewVec, up)*2;
- vec3 wave_ibl = wavef;
+ vec3 wave_ibl = wavef * normScale;
wave_ibl.z *= 2.0;
wave_ibl = transform_normal(normalize(wave_ibl));
vec3 norm = transform_normal(normalize(wavef));
vdu = clamp(vdu, 0, 1);
- wavef.z *= max(vdu*vdu*vdu, 0.1);
+ //wavef.z *= max(vdu*vdu*vdu, 0.1);
wavef = normalize(wavef);
@@ -194,62 +242,66 @@ void main()
float dist2 = dist;
dist = max(dist, 5.0);
- float dmod = sqrt(dist);
//figure out distortion vector (ripply)
- vec2 distort2 = distort + waver.xy * refScale / max(dmod, 1.0);
+ vec2 distort2 = distort + waver.xy * refScale / max(dmod, 1.0) * 2;
distort2 = clamp(distort2, vec2(0), vec2(0.999));
- vec3 sunlit;
- vec3 amblit;
- vec3 additive;
- vec3 atten;
float shadow = 1.0f;
+ float water_mask = texture(exclusionTex, distort).r;
shadow = sampleDirectionalShadow(,, distort);
- calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, wavef, vary_light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
+ vec3 sunlit_linear = sunlit;
+ float fade = 1;
+ float depth = texture(depthMap, distort).r;
- vec3 sunlit_linear = srgb_to_linear(sunlit);
+ vec3 refPos = getPositionWithNDC(vec3(distort*2.0-vec2(1.0), depth*2.0-1.0));
- vec4 fb = texture(screenTex, distort2);
- float depth = texture(depthMap, distort2).r;
- vec3 refPos = getPositionWithNDC(vec3(distort2*2.0-vec2(1.0), depth*2.0-1.0));
+ // Calculate some distance fade in the water to better assist with refraction blending and reducing the refraction texture's "disconnect".
+ fade = max(0,min(1, (pos.z - refPos.z) / 10)) * water_mask;
+ distort2 = mix(distort, distort2, min(1, fade * 10));
+ depth = texture(depthMap, distort2).r;
- if (refPos.z > pos.z-0.05)
+ refPos = getPositionWithNDC(vec3(distort2 * 2.0 - vec2(1.0), depth * 2.0 - 1.0));
+ if (pos.z < refPos.z - 0.05)
- //we sampled an above water sample, don't distort
distort2 = distort;
- fb = texture(screenTex, distort2);
- depth = texture(depthMap, distort2).r;
- refPos = getPositionWithNDC(vec3(distort2 * 2.0 - vec2(1.0), depth * 2.0 - 1.0));
+ vec4 fb = texture(screenTex, distort2);
vec4 fb = applyWaterFogViewLinear(viewVec*2048.0, vec4(1.0));
- // fudge sample on other side of water to be a tad darker
- fb.rgb *= 0.75;
+ if (water_mask < 1)
+ discard;
- float metallic = 0.0;
- float perceptualRoughness = 0.05;
- float gloss = 1.0 - perceptualRoughness;
+ float metallic = 1.0;
+ float perceptualRoughness = blurMultiplier;
+ float gloss = 1 - perceptualRoughness;
vec3 irradiance = vec3(0);
vec3 radiance = vec3(0);
- sampleReflectionProbesWater(irradiance, radiance, distort2,,, gloss, amblit);
+ vec3 legacyenv = vec3(0);
- irradiance = vec3(0);
+ // TODO: Make this an option.
+ sampleReflectionProbesWater(irradiance, radiance, distort2,,, gloss, amblit);
+ sampleReflectionProbes(irradiance, radiance, distort2,,, gloss, false, amblit);
vec3 diffuseColor = vec3(0);
vec3 specularColor = vec3(0);
- calcDiffuseSpecular(vec3(1), metallic, diffuseColor, specularColor);
+ vec3 specular_linear = srgb_to_linear(specular);
+ calcDiffuseSpecular(specular_linear, metallic, diffuseColor, specularColor);
vec3 v = -normalize(;
@@ -257,46 +309,36 @@ void main()
float ao = 1.0;
vec3 light_dir = transform_normal(lightDir);
- perceptualRoughness = 0.0;
- metallic = 1.0;
float NdotV = clamp(abs(dot(norm, v)), 0.001, 1.0);
float nl = 0;
vec3 diffPunc = vec3(0);
vec3 specPunc = vec3(0);
- pbrPunctual(vec3(0), specularColor, 0.1, metallic, normalize(wavef+up*max(dist, 32.0)/32.0*(1.0-vdu)), v, normalize(light_dir), nl, diffPunc, specPunc);
- vec3 punctual = clamp(nl * (diffPunc + specPunc), vec3(0), vec3(10));
- vec3 color = punctual * sunlit_linear * 2.75 * shadow;
- vec3 iblDiff;
- vec3 iblSpec;
- pbrIbl(vec3(0), vec3(1), radiance, vec3(0), ao, NdotV, 0.0, iblDiff, iblSpec);
- color += iblDiff + iblSpec;
+ pbrPunctual(diffuseColor, specularColor, perceptualRoughness, metallic, normalize(wavef+up*max(dist, 32.0)/32.0*(1.0-vdu)), v, normalize(light_dir), nl, diffPunc, specPunc);
- float nv = clamp(abs(dot(, v)), 0.001, 1.0);
- vec2 brdf = BRDF(clamp(nv, 0, 1), 1.0);
- float f = 1.0-brdf.y; //1.0 - (brdf.x+brdf.y);
- f *= 0.9;
- f *= f;
+ vec3 punctual = clamp(nl * (diffPunc + specPunc), vec3(0), vec3(10)) * sunlit_linear * shadow * atten;
+ radiance *= df2.y;
+ //radiance = toneMapNoExposure(radiance);
+ vec3 color = vec3(0);
+ color = mix(fb.rgb, radiance, min(1, df2.x)) + punctual.rgb;
- // incoming scale is [0, 1] with 0.5 being default
- // shift to 0.5 to 1.5
- f *= (fresnelScale - 0.5)+1.0;
+ float water_haze_scale = 4;
- // incoming offset is [0, 1] with 0.5 being default
- // shift from -1 to 1
- f += (fresnelOffset - 0.5) * 2.0;
+ if (classic_mode > 0)
+ water_haze_scale = 1;
- f = clamp(f, 0, 1);
+ // This looks super janky, but we do this to restore water haze in the distance.
+ // These values were finagled in to try and bring back some of the distant brightening on legacy water. Also works reasonably well on PBR skies such as PBR midday.
+ // color = mix(color, additive * water_haze_scale, (1 - atten));
- color = ((1.0 - f) * color) + fb.rgb;
+ // We shorten the fade here at the shoreline so it doesn't appear too soft from a distance.
+ fade *= 60;
+ fade = min(1, fade);
+ color = mix(fb.rgb, color, fade);
- float spec = min(max(max(punctual.r, punctual.g), punctual.b), 0.05);
+ float spec = min(max(max(punctual.r, punctual.g), punctual.b), 0);
- frag_color = max(vec4(color, spec), vec4(0));
+ frag_color = min(vec4(1),max(vec4(color.rgb, spec * water_mask), vec4(0)));