path: root/indra/llwindow/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llwindow/')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llwindow/ b/indra/llwindow/
index bebb537cd8..95b9cdb863 100755
--- a/indra/llwindow/
+++ b/indra/llwindow/
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
+#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include "llopenglview-objc.h"
+#include "llwindowmacosx-objc.h"
+#include "llappdelegate-objc.h"
* These functions are broken out into a separate file because the
@@ -34,7 +38,10 @@
* linden headers with any objective-C++ source.
-#include "llwindowmacosx-objc.h"
+int createNSApp(int argc, const char *argv[])
+ return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
void setupCocoa()
@@ -48,15 +55,6 @@ void setupCocoa()
// ie. running './secondlife -set Language fr' would cause a pop-up saying can't open document 'fr'
// when init'ing the Cocoa App window.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen"];
- // This is a bit of voodoo taken from the Apple sample code "CarbonCocoa_PictureCursor":
- //
- // Needed for Carbon based applications which call into Cocoa
- NSApplicationLoad();
- // Must first call [[[NSWindow alloc] init] release] to get the NSWindow machinery set up so that NSCursor can use a window to cache the cursor image
- [[[NSWindow alloc] init] release];
[pool release];
@@ -64,6 +62,41 @@ void setupCocoa()
+bool copyToPBoard(const unsigned short *str, unsigned int len)
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
+ [pboard clearContents];
+ NSArray *contentsToPaste = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSString stringWithCharacters:str length:len], nil];
+ [pool release];
+ return [pboard writeObjects:contentsToPaste];
+bool pasteBoardAvailable()
+ NSArray *classArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString class]];
+ return [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] canReadObjectForClasses:classArray options:[NSDictionary dictionary]];
+const unsigned short *copyFromPBoard()
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
+ NSArray *classArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString class]];
+ NSString *str = NULL;
+ BOOL ok = [pboard canReadObjectForClasses:classArray options:[NSDictionary dictionary]];
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ NSArray *objToPaste = [pboard readObjectsForClasses:classArray options:[NSDictionary dictionary]];
+ str = [objToPaste objectAtIndex:0];
+ }
+ unichar* temp = (unichar*)calloc([str length], sizeof(unichar));
+ [str getCharacters:temp];
+ [pool release];
+ return temp;
CursorRef createImageCursor(const char *fullpath, int hotspotX, int hotspotY)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
@@ -83,6 +116,58 @@ CursorRef createImageCursor(const char *fullpath, int hotspotX, int hotspotY)
return (CursorRef)cursor;
+void setArrowCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor arrowCursor];
+ [NSCursor unhide];
+ [cursor set];
+void setIBeamCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor IBeamCursor];
+ [cursor set];
+void setPointingHandCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor pointingHandCursor];
+ [cursor set];
+void setCopyCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor dragCopyCursor];
+ [cursor set];
+void setCrossCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor crosshairCursor];
+ [cursor set];
+void setNotAllowedCursor()
+ NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor operationNotAllowedCursor];
+ [cursor set];
+void hideNSCursor()
+ [NSCursor hide];
+void showNSCursor()
+ [NSCursor unhide];
+void hideNSCursorTillMove(bool hide)
+ [NSCursor setHiddenUntilMouseMoves:hide];
// This is currently unused, since we want all our cursors to persist for the life of the app, but I've included it for completeness.
OSErr releaseImageCursor(CursorRef ref)
@@ -118,3 +203,206 @@ OSErr setImageCursor(CursorRef ref)
return noErr;
+// Now for some unholy juggling between generic pointers and casting them to Obj-C objects!
+// Note: things can get a bit hairy from here. This is not for the faint of heart.
+NSWindowRef createNSWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ LLNSWindow *window = [[LLNSWindow alloc]initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
+ styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
+ [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:TRUE];
+ return window;
+GLViewRef createOpenGLView(NSWindowRef window, unsigned int samples, bool vsync)
+ LLOpenGLView *glview = [[LLOpenGLView alloc]initWithFrame:[(LLNSWindow*)window frame] withSamples:samples andVsync:vsync];
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window setContentView:glview];
+ return glview;
+void glSwapBuffers(void* context)
+ [(NSOpenGLContext*)context flushBuffer];
+CGLContextObj getCGLContextObj(GLViewRef view)
+ return [(LLOpenGLView *)view getCGLContextObj];
+CGLPixelFormatObj* getCGLPixelFormatObj(NSWindowRef window)
+ LLOpenGLView *glview = [(LLNSWindow*)window contentView];
+ return [glview getCGLPixelFormatObj];
+unsigned long getVramSize(GLViewRef view)
+ return [(LLOpenGLView *)view getVramSize];
+void getContentViewBounds(NSWindowRef window, float* bounds)
+ bounds[0] = [[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView] bounds].origin.x;
+ bounds[1] = [[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView] bounds].origin.y;
+ bounds[2] = [[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView] bounds].size.width;
+ bounds[3] = [[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView] bounds].size.height;
+void getWindowSize(NSWindowRef window, float* size)
+ NSRect frame = [(LLNSWindow*)window frame];
+ size[0] = frame.origin.x;
+ size[1] = frame.origin.y;
+ size[2] = frame.size.width;
+ size[3] = frame.size.height;
+void setWindowSize(NSWindowRef window, int width, int height)
+ NSRect frame = [(LLNSWindow*)window frame];
+ frame.size.width = width;
+ frame.size.height = height;
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window setFrame:frame display:TRUE];
+void setWindowPos(NSWindowRef window, float* pos)
+ NSPoint point;
+ point.x = pos[0];
+ point.y = pos[1];
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window setFrameOrigin:point];
+void getCursorPos(NSWindowRef window, float* pos)
+ NSPoint mLoc;
+ mLoc = [(LLNSWindow*)window mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
+ pos[0] = mLoc.x;
+ pos[1] = mLoc.y;
+void makeWindowOrderFront(NSWindowRef window)
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+void convertScreenToWindow(NSWindowRef window, float *coord)
+ NSRect point;
+ point.origin.x = coord[0];
+ point.origin.y = coord[1];
+ point = [(LLNSWindow*)window convertRectFromScreen:point];
+ coord[0] = point.origin.x;
+ coord[1] = point.origin.y;
+void convertRectToScreen(NSWindowRef window, float *coord)
+ NSRect point;
+ point.origin.x = coord[0];
+ point.origin.y = coord[1];
+ point.size.width = coord[2];
+ point.size.height = coord[3];
+ point = [(LLNSWindow*)window convertRectToScreen:point];
+ coord[0] = point.origin.x;
+ coord[1] = point.origin.y;
+ coord[2] = point.size.width;
+ coord[3] = point.size.height;
+void convertRectFromScreen(NSWindowRef window, float *coord)
+ NSRect point;
+ point.origin.x = coord[0];
+ point.origin.y = coord[1];
+ point.size.width = coord[2];
+ point.size.height = coord[3];
+ point = [(LLNSWindow*)window convertRectFromScreen:point];
+ coord[0] = point.origin.x;
+ coord[1] = point.origin.y;
+ coord[2] = point.size.width;
+ coord[3] = point.size.height;
+void convertScreenToView(NSWindowRef window, float *coord)
+ NSRect point;
+ point.origin.x = coord[0];
+ point.origin.y = coord[1];
+ point.origin = [(LLNSWindow*)window convertScreenToBase:point.origin];
+ point.origin = [[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView] convertPoint:point.origin fromView:nil];
+void convertWindowToScreen(NSWindowRef window, float *coord)
+ NSPoint point;
+ point.x = coord[0];
+ point.y = coord[1];
+ point = [(LLNSWindow*)window convertToScreenFromLocalPoint:point relativeToView:[(LLNSWindow*)window contentView]];
+ coord[0] = point.x;
+ coord[1] = point.y;
+void closeWindow(NSWindowRef window)
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window close];
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window release];
+void removeGLView(GLViewRef view)
+ [(LLOpenGLView*)view removeFromSuperview];
+ [(LLOpenGLView*)view release];
+void setupInputWindow(NSWindowRef window, GLViewRef glview)
+ [[(LLAppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] inputView] setGLView:(LLOpenGLView*)glview];
+void showInputWindow(bool show)
+ [(LLAppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] showInputWindow:show];
+void commitCurrentPreedit(GLViewRef glView)
+ [(LLOpenGLView*)glView commitCurrentPreedit];
+void allowDirectMarkedTextInput(bool allow)
+NSWindowRef getMainAppWindow()
+ LLNSWindow *winRef = [(LLAppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window];
+ [winRef setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:TRUE];
+ return winRef;
+void makeFirstResponder(NSWindowRef window, GLViewRef view)
+ [(LLNSWindow*)window makeFirstResponder:(LLOpenGLView*)view];
+GLViewRef getGLView()
+ return [(LLAppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate] glview];
+unsigned int getModifiers()
+ return [NSEvent modifierFlags];