path: root/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp b/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..629c7d9bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llui/lltoolbar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+ * @file lltoolbar.cpp
+ * @author Richard Nelson
+ * @brief User customizable toolbar class
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include "lltoolbar.h"
+#include "llcommandmanager.h"
+#include "llmenugl.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "lliconctrl.h"
+// uncomment this and remove the one in llui.cpp when there is an external reference to this translation unit
+// thanks, MSVC!
+//static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLToolBar> r1("toolbar");
+namespace LLToolBarEnums
+ LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation getOrientation(SideType sideType)
+ {
+ LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientation = LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL;
+ if ((sideType == SIDE_LEFT) || (sideType == SIDE_RIGHT))
+ {
+ orientation = LLLayoutStack::VERTICAL;
+ }
+ return orientation;
+ }
+using namespace LLToolBarEnums;
+namespace LLInitParam
+ void TypeValues<ButtonType>::declareValues()
+ {
+ declare("icons_with_text", BTNTYPE_ICONS_WITH_TEXT);
+ declare("icons_only", BTNTYPE_ICONS_ONLY);
+ }
+ void TypeValues<SideType>::declareValues()
+ {
+ declare("bottom", SIDE_BOTTOM);
+ declare("left", SIDE_LEFT);
+ declare("right", SIDE_RIGHT);
+ declare("top", SIDE_TOP);
+ }
+: button_display_mode("button_display_mode"),
+ commands("command"),
+ side("side", SIDE_TOP),
+ button_icon("button_icon"),
+ button_icon_and_text("button_icon_and_text"),
+ read_only("read_only", false),
+ wrap("wrap", true),
+ pad_left("pad_left"),
+ pad_top("pad_top"),
+ pad_right("pad_right"),
+ pad_bottom("pad_bottom"),
+ pad_between("pad_between"),
+ min_girth("min_girth"),
+ button_panel("button_panel")
+LLToolBar::LLToolBar(const LLToolBar::Params& p)
+: LLUICtrl(p),
+ mReadOnly(p.read_only),
+ mButtonType(p.button_display_mode),
+ mSideType(p.side),
+ mWrap(p.wrap),
+ mNeedsLayout(false),
+ mModified(false),
+ mButtonPanel(NULL),
+ mCenteringStack(NULL),
+ mPadLeft(p.pad_left),
+ mPadRight(p.pad_right),
+ mPadTop(p.pad_top),
+ mPadBottom(p.pad_bottom),
+ mPadBetween(p.pad_between),
+ mMinGirth(p.min_girth),
+ mPopupMenuHandle(),
+ mStartDragItemCallback(NULL),
+ mHandleDragItemCallback(NULL),
+ mHandleDropCallback(NULL),
+ mDragAndDropTarget(false)
+ mButtonParams[LLToolBarEnums::BTNTYPE_ICONS_WITH_TEXT] = p.button_icon_and_text;
+ mButtonParams[LLToolBarEnums::BTNTYPE_ICONS_ONLY] = p.button_icon;
+ delete mPopupMenuHandle.get();
+void LLToolBar::createContextMenu()
+ if (!mPopupMenuHandle.get())
+ {
+ // Setup bindings specific to this instance for the context menu options
+ LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar commit_reg;
+ commit_reg.add("Toolbars.EnableSetting", boost::bind(&LLToolBar::onSettingEnable, this, _2));
+ LLUICtrl::EnableCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar enable_reg;
+ enable_reg.add("Toolbars.CheckSetting", boost::bind(&LLToolBar::isSettingChecked, this, _2));
+ // Create the context menu
+ LLContextMenu* menu = LLUICtrlFactory::instance().createFromFile<LLContextMenu>("menu_toolbars.xml", LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer, LLMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance());
+ if (menu)
+ {
+ menu->setBackgroundColor(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MenuPopupBgColor"));
+ mPopupMenuHandle = menu->getHandle();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Unable to load toolbars context menu." << llendl;
+ }
+ }
+void LLToolBar::initFromParams(const LLToolBar::Params& p)
+ // Initialize the base object
+ LLUICtrl::initFromParams(p);
+ LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientation = getOrientation(p.side);
+ LLLayoutStack::Params centering_stack_p;
+ = "centering_stack";
+ centering_stack_p.rect = getLocalRect();
+ centering_stack_p.follows.flags = FOLLOWS_ALL;
+ centering_stack_p.orientation = orientation;
+ centering_stack_p.mouse_opaque = false;
+ mCenteringStack = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLayoutStack>(centering_stack_p);
+ addChild(mCenteringStack);
+ LLLayoutPanel::Params border_panel_p;
+ = "border_panel";
+ border_panel_p.rect = getLocalRect();
+ border_panel_p.auto_resize = true;
+ border_panel_p.user_resize = false;
+ border_panel_p.mouse_opaque = false;
+ mCenteringStack->addChild(LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLayoutPanel>(border_panel_p));
+ LLLayoutPanel::Params center_panel_p;
+ = "center_panel";
+ center_panel_p.rect = getLocalRect();
+ center_panel_p.auto_resize = false;
+ center_panel_p.user_resize = false;
+ center_panel_p.mouse_opaque = false;
+ LLLayoutPanel* center_panel = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLayoutPanel>(center_panel_p);
+ mCenteringStack->addChild(center_panel);
+ LLPanel::Params button_panel_p(p.button_panel);
+ button_panel_p.rect = center_panel->getLocalRect();
+ button_panel_p.follows.flags = FOLLOWS_BOTTOM|FOLLOWS_LEFT;
+ mButtonPanel = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLPanel>(button_panel_p);
+ center_panel->addChild(mButtonPanel);
+ mCenteringStack->addChild(LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLayoutPanel>(border_panel_p));
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLCommandId id, p.commands)
+ {
+ addCommand(id);
+ }
+ mNeedsLayout = true;
+bool LLToolBar::addCommand(const LLCommandId& commandId, int rank)
+ LLCommand * command = LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(commandId);
+ if (!command) return false;
+ // Create the button and do the things that don't need ordering
+ LLToolBarButton* button = createButton(commandId);
+ mButtonPanel->addChild(button);
+ mButtonMap.insert(std::make_pair(commandId.uuid(), button));
+ // Insert the command and button in the right place in their respective lists
+ if ((rank >= mButtonCommands.size()) || (rank == RANK_NONE))
+ {
+ // In that case, back load
+ mButtonCommands.push_back(commandId);
+ mButtons.push_back(button);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Insert in place: iterate to the right spot...
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator it_button = mButtons.begin();
+ command_id_list_t::iterator it_command = mButtonCommands.begin();
+ while (rank > 0)
+ {
+ ++it_button;
+ ++it_command;
+ rank--;
+ }
+ // ...then insert
+ mButtonCommands.insert(it_command,commandId);
+ mButtons.insert(it_button,button);
+ }
+ mNeedsLayout = true;
+ return true;
+// Remove a command from the list
+// Returns the rank of the command in the original list so that doing addCommand(id,rank) right after
+// a removeCommand(id) would leave the list unchanged.
+// Returns RANK_NONE if the command is not found in the list
+int LLToolBar::removeCommand(const LLCommandId& commandId)
+ if (!hasCommand(commandId)) return RANK_NONE;
+ // First erase the map record
+ command_id_map::iterator it = mButtonMap.find(commandId.uuid());
+ mButtonMap.erase(it);
+ // Now iterate on the commands and buttons to identify the relevant records
+ int rank = 0;
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator it_button = mButtons.begin();
+ command_id_list_t::iterator it_command = mButtonCommands.begin();
+ while (*it_command != commandId)
+ {
+ ++it_button;
+ ++it_command;
+ ++rank;
+ }
+ // Delete the button and erase the command and button records
+ delete (*it_button);
+ mButtonCommands.erase(it_command);
+ mButtons.erase(it_button);
+ mNeedsLayout = true;
+ return rank;
+void LLToolBar::clearCommandsList()
+ // Clears the commands list
+ mButtonCommands.clear();
+ // This will clear the buttons
+ createButtons();
+bool LLToolBar::hasCommand(const LLCommandId& commandId) const
+ if (commandId != LLCommandId::null)
+ {
+ command_id_map::const_iterator it = mButtonMap.find(commandId.uuid());
+ return (it != mButtonMap.end());
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LLToolBar::enableCommand(const LLCommandId& commandId, bool enabled)
+ LLButton * command_button = NULL;
+ if (commandId != LLCommandId::null)
+ {
+ command_id_map::iterator it = mButtonMap.find(commandId.uuid());
+ if (it != mButtonMap.end())
+ {
+ it->second->setEnabled(enabled);
+ }
+ }
+ return (command_button != NULL);
+BOOL LLToolBar::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLRect button_panel_rect;
+ mButtonPanel->localRectToOtherView(mButtonPanel->getLocalRect(), &button_panel_rect, this);
+ BOOL handle_it_here = !mReadOnly && button_panel_rect.pointInRect(x, y);
+ if (handle_it_here)
+ {
+ createContextMenu();
+ LLContextMenu * menu = (LLContextMenu *) mPopupMenuHandle.get();
+ if (menu)
+ {
+ menu->show(x, y);
+ LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, menu, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ return handle_it_here;
+BOOL LLToolBar::isSettingChecked(const LLSD& userdata)
+ BOOL retval = FALSE;
+ const std::string setting_name = userdata.asString();
+ if (setting_name == "icons_with_text")
+ {
+ retval = (mButtonType == BTNTYPE_ICONS_WITH_TEXT);
+ }
+ else if (setting_name == "icons_only")
+ {
+ retval = (mButtonType == BTNTYPE_ICONS_ONLY);
+ }
+ return retval;
+void LLToolBar::onSettingEnable(const LLSD& userdata)
+ llassert(!mReadOnly);
+ const std::string setting_name = userdata.asString();
+ if (setting_name == "icons_with_text")
+ {
+ }
+ else if (setting_name == "icons_only")
+ {
+ setButtonType(BTNTYPE_ICONS_ONLY);
+ }
+void LLToolBar::setButtonType(LLToolBarEnums::ButtonType button_type)
+ bool regenerate_buttons = (mButtonType != button_type);
+ mButtonType = button_type;
+ if (regenerate_buttons)
+ {
+ createButtons();
+ }
+void LLToolBar::resizeButtonsInRow(std::vector<LLToolBarButton*>& buttons_in_row, S32 max_row_girth)
+ // make buttons in current row all same girth
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLToolBarButton* button, buttons_in_row)
+ {
+ if (getOrientation(mSideType) == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ button->reshape(button->mWidthRange.clamp(button->getRect().getWidth()), max_row_girth);
+ }
+ else // VERTICAL
+ {
+ button->reshape(max_row_girth, button->getRect().getHeight());
+ }
+ }
+// Returns the position of the coordinates as a rank in the button list.
+// The rank is the position a tool dropped in (x,y) would assume in the button list.
+// The returned value is between 0 and mButtons.size(), 0 being the first element to the left
+// (or top) and mButtons.size() the last one to the right (or bottom).
+// Various drag data are stored in the toolbar object though are not exposed outside (and shouldn't).
+int LLToolBar::getRankFromPosition(S32 x, S32 y)
+ if (mButtons.empty())
+ {
+ return RANK_NONE;
+ }
+ int rank = 0;
+ // Convert the toolbar coord into button panel coords
+ LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientation = getOrientation(mSideType);
+ S32 button_panel_x = 0;
+ S32 button_panel_y = 0;
+ localPointToOtherView(x, y, &button_panel_x, &button_panel_y, mButtonPanel);
+ S32 dx = x - button_panel_x;
+ S32 dy = y - button_panel_y;
+ // Simply compare the passed coord with the buttons outbound box + padding
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator it_button = mButtons.begin();
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator end_button = mButtons.end();
+ LLRect button_rect;
+ while (it_button != end_button)
+ {
+ button_rect = (*it_button)->getRect();
+ S32 point_x = button_rect.mRight + mPadRight;
+ S32 point_y = button_rect.mBottom - mPadBottom;
+ if ((button_panel_x < point_x) && (button_panel_y > point_y))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ rank++;
+ ++it_button;
+ }
+ // Update the passed coordinates to the hit button relevant corner
+ // (different depending on toolbar orientation)
+ if (rank < mButtons.size())
+ {
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ // Horizontal
+ S32 mid_point = (button_rect.mRight + button_rect.mLeft) / 2;
+ if (button_panel_x < mid_point)
+ {
+ mDragx = button_rect.mLeft - mPadLeft;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mTop + mPadTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rank++;
+ mDragx = button_rect.mRight + mPadRight - 1;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mTop + mPadTop;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Vertical
+ S32 mid_point = (button_rect.mTop + button_rect.mBottom) / 2;
+ if (button_panel_y > mid_point)
+ {
+ mDragx = button_rect.mLeft - mPadLeft;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mTop + mPadTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rank++;
+ mDragx = button_rect.mLeft - mPadLeft;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mBottom - mPadBottom + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We hit passed the end of the list so put the insertion point at the end
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ mDragx = button_rect.mRight + mPadRight;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mTop + mPadTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mDragx = button_rect.mLeft - mPadLeft;
+ mDragy = button_rect.mBottom - mPadBottom;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the "girth" of the caret, i.e. the width or height (depending of orientation)
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ mDragGirth = button_rect.getHeight() + mPadBottom + mPadTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mDragGirth = button_rect.getWidth() + mPadLeft + mPadRight;
+ }
+ // The delta account for the coord model change (i.e. convert back to toolbar coord)
+ mDragx += dx;
+ mDragy += dy;
+ return rank;
+int LLToolBar::getRankFromPosition(const LLCommandId& id)
+ if (!hasCommand(id))
+ {
+ return RANK_NONE;
+ }
+ int rank = 0;
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator it_button = mButtons.begin();
+ std::list<LLToolBarButton*>::iterator end_button = mButtons.end();
+ while (it_button != end_button)
+ {
+ if ((*it_button)->mId == id)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ rank++;
+ ++it_button;
+ }
+ return rank;
+void LLToolBar::updateLayoutAsNeeded()
+ if (!mNeedsLayout) return;
+ LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientation = getOrientation(mSideType);
+ // our terminology for orientation-agnostic layout is such that
+ // length refers to a distance in the direction we stack the buttons
+ // and girth refers to a distance in the direction buttons wrap
+ S32 max_row_girth = 0;
+ S32 max_row_length = 0;
+ S32 max_length;
+ S32 max_total_girth;
+ S32 cur_start;
+ S32 cur_row ;
+ S32 row_pad_start;
+ S32 row_pad_end;
+ S32 girth_pad_end;
+ S32 row_running_length;
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ max_length = getRect().getWidth() - mPadLeft - mPadRight;
+ max_total_girth = getRect().getHeight() - mPadTop - mPadBottom;
+ row_pad_start = mPadLeft;
+ row_pad_end = mPadRight;
+ cur_row = mPadTop;
+ girth_pad_end = mPadBottom;
+ }
+ else // VERTICAL
+ {
+ max_length = getRect().getHeight() - mPadTop - mPadBottom;
+ max_total_girth = getRect().getWidth() - mPadLeft - mPadRight;
+ row_pad_start = mPadTop;
+ row_pad_end = mPadBottom;
+ cur_row = mPadLeft;
+ girth_pad_end = mPadRight;
+ }
+ row_running_length = row_pad_start;
+ cur_start = row_pad_start;
+ LLRect panel_rect = mButtonPanel->getLocalRect();
+ std::vector<LLToolBarButton*> buttons_in_row;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLToolBarButton* button, mButtons)
+ {
+ button->reshape(button->mWidthRange.getMin(), button->mDesiredHeight);
+ button->autoResize();
+ S32 button_clamped_width = button->mWidthRange.clamp(button->getRect().getWidth());
+ S32 button_length = (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ ? button_clamped_width
+ : button->getRect().getHeight();
+ S32 button_girth = (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ ? button->getRect().getHeight()
+ : button_clamped_width;
+ // wrap if needed
+ if (mWrap
+ && row_running_length + button_length > max_length // out of room...
+ && cur_start != row_pad_start) // ...and not first button in row
+ {
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::VERTICAL)
+ { // row girth (width in this case) is clamped to allowable button widths
+ max_row_girth = button->mWidthRange.clamp(max_row_girth);
+ }
+ // make buttons in current row all same girth
+ resizeButtonsInRow(buttons_in_row, max_row_girth);
+ buttons_in_row.clear();
+ max_row_length = llmax(max_row_length, row_running_length);
+ row_running_length = row_pad_start;
+ cur_start = row_pad_start;
+ cur_row += max_row_girth + mPadBetween;
+ max_row_girth = 0;
+ }
+ LLRect button_rect;
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ button_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(cur_start, panel_rect.mTop - cur_row, button_clamped_width, button->getRect().getHeight());
+ }
+ else // VERTICAL
+ {
+ button_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(cur_row, panel_rect.mTop - cur_start, button_clamped_width, button->getRect().getHeight());
+ }
+ button->setShape(button_rect);
+ buttons_in_row.push_back(button);
+ row_running_length += button_length + mPadBetween;
+ cur_start = row_running_length;
+ max_row_girth = llmax(button_girth, max_row_girth);
+ }
+ // final resizing in "girth" direction
+ S32 total_girth = cur_row // current row position...
+ + max_row_girth // ...incremented by size of final row...
+ + girth_pad_end; // padding reserved on end
+ total_girth = llmax(total_girth,mMinGirth);
+ max_row_length = llmax(max_row_length, row_running_length - mPadBetween + row_pad_end);
+ resizeButtonsInRow(buttons_in_row, max_row_girth);
+ // grow and optionally shift toolbar to accommodate buttons
+ if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ if (mSideType == SIDE_TOP)
+ { // shift down to maintain top edge
+ translate(0, getRect().getHeight() - total_girth);
+ }
+ reshape(getRect().getWidth(), total_girth);
+ mButtonPanel->reshape(max_row_length, total_girth);
+ }
+ else // VERTICAL
+ {
+ if (mSideType == SIDE_RIGHT)
+ { // shift left to maintain right edge
+ translate(getRect().getWidth() - total_girth, 0);
+ }
+ reshape(total_girth, getRect().getHeight());
+ mButtonPanel->reshape(total_girth, max_row_length);
+ }
+ // make parent fit button panel
+ mButtonPanel->getParent()->setShape(mButtonPanel->getLocalRect());
+ // re-center toolbar buttons
+ mCenteringStack->updateLayout();
+ // don't clear flag until after we've resized ourselves, to avoid laying out every frame
+ mNeedsLayout = false;
+void LLToolBar::draw()
+ if (mButtons.empty())
+ {
+ mButtonPanel->setVisible(FALSE);
+ mButtonPanel->setMouseOpaque(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mButtonPanel->setVisible(TRUE);
+ mButtonPanel->setMouseOpaque(TRUE);
+ }
+ // Update enable/disable state and highlight state for editable toolbars
+ if (!mReadOnly)
+ {
+ for (toolbar_button_list::iterator btn_it = mButtons.begin(); btn_it != mButtons.end(); ++btn_it)
+ {
+ LLToolBarButton* btn = *btn_it;
+ LLCommand* command = LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(btn->mId);
+ if (command && btn->mIsEnabledSignal)
+ {
+ const bool button_command_enabled = (*btn->mIsEnabledSignal)(btn, command->isEnabledParameters());
+ btn->setEnabled(button_command_enabled);
+ }
+ if (command && btn->mIsRunningSignal)
+ {
+ const bool button_command_running = (*btn->mIsRunningSignal)(btn, command->isRunningParameters());
+ btn->setToggleState(button_command_running);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateLayoutAsNeeded();
+ // rect may have shifted during layout
+ LLUI::popMatrix();
+ LLUI::pushMatrix();
+ LLUI::translate((F32)getRect().mLeft, (F32)getRect().mBottom, 0.f);
+ // Position the caret
+ LLIconCtrl* caret = getChild<LLIconCtrl>("caret");
+ caret->setVisible(FALSE);
+ if (mDragAndDropTarget && !mButtonCommands.empty())
+ {
+ LLRect caret_rect = caret->getRect();
+ LLRect toolbar_rect = getRect();
+ if (getOrientation(mSideType) == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ caret->setRect(LLRect(mDragx-caret_rect.getWidth()/2+1,
+ mDragy,
+ mDragx+caret_rect.getWidth()/2+1,
+ mDragy-mDragGirth));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ caret->setRect(LLRect(mDragx,
+ mDragy+caret_rect.getHeight()/2,
+ mDragx+mDragGirth,
+ mDragy-caret_rect.getHeight()/2));
+ }
+ caret->setVisible(TRUE);
+ }
+ LLUICtrl::draw();
+ caret->setVisible(FALSE);
+ mDragAndDropTarget = false;
+void LLToolBar::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
+ LLUICtrl::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);
+ mNeedsLayout = true;
+void LLToolBar::createButtons()
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLToolBarButton* button, mButtons)
+ {
+ delete button;
+ }
+ mButtons.clear();
+ mButtonMap.clear();
+ BOOST_FOREACH(LLCommandId& command_id, mButtonCommands)
+ {
+ LLToolBarButton* button = createButton(command_id);
+ mButtons.push_back(button);
+ mButtonPanel->addChild(button);
+ mButtonMap.insert(std::make_pair(command_id.uuid(), button));
+ }
+ mNeedsLayout = true;
+void LLToolBarButton::callIfEnabled(LLUICtrl::commit_callback_t commit, LLUICtrl* ctrl, const LLSD& param )
+ LLCommand* command = LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(mId);
+ if (!mIsEnabledSignal || (*mIsEnabledSignal)(this, command->isEnabledParameters()))
+ {
+ commit(ctrl, param);
+ }
+LLToolBarButton* LLToolBar::createButton(const LLCommandId& id)
+ LLCommand* commandp = LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(id);
+ if (!commandp) return NULL;
+ LLToolBarButton::Params button_p;
+ =;
+ button_p.label = LLTrans::getString(commandp->labelRef());
+ button_p.tool_tip = LLTrans::getString(commandp->tooltipRef());
+ button_p.image_overlay = LLUI::getUIImage(commandp->icon());
+ button_p.overwriteFrom(mButtonParams[mButtonType]);
+ LLToolBarButton* button = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLToolBarButton>(button_p);
+ if (!mReadOnly)
+ {
+ enable_callback_t isEnabledCB;
+ const std::string& isEnabledFunction = commandp->isEnabledFunctionName();
+ if (isEnabledFunction.length() > 0)
+ {
+ LLUICtrl::EnableCallbackParam isEnabledParam;
+ isEnabledParam.function_name = isEnabledFunction;
+ isEnabledParam.parameter = commandp->isEnabledParameters();
+ isEnabledCB = initEnableCallback(isEnabledParam);
+ if (NULL == button->mIsEnabledSignal)
+ {
+ button->mIsEnabledSignal = new enable_signal_t();
+ }
+ button->mIsEnabledSignal->connect(isEnabledCB);
+ }
+ LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackParam executeParam;
+ executeParam.function_name = commandp->executeFunctionName();
+ executeParam.parameter = commandp->executeParameters();
+ // If we have a "stop" function then we map the command to mouse down / mouse up otherwise commit
+ const std::string& executeStopFunction = commandp->executeStopFunctionName();
+ if (executeStopFunction.length() > 0)
+ {
+ LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackParam executeStopParam;
+ executeStopParam.function_name = executeStopFunction;
+ executeStopParam.parameter = commandp->executeStopParameters();
+ LLUICtrl::commit_callback_t execute_func = initCommitCallback(executeParam);
+ LLUICtrl::commit_callback_t stop_func = initCommitCallback(executeStopParam);
+ button->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLToolBarButton::callIfEnabled, button, execute_func, _1, _2));
+ button->setMouseUpCallback(boost::bind(&LLToolBarButton::callIfEnabled, button, stop_func, _1, _2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ button->setCommitCallback(executeParam);
+ }
+ const std::string& isRunningFunction = commandp->isRunningFunctionName();
+ if (isRunningFunction.length() > 0)
+ {
+ LLUICtrl::EnableCallbackParam isRunningParam;
+ isRunningParam.function_name = isRunningFunction;
+ isRunningParam.parameter = commandp->isRunningParameters();
+ enable_signal_t::slot_type isRunningCB = initEnableCallback(isRunningParam);
+ if (NULL == button->mIsRunningSignal)
+ {
+ button->mIsRunningSignal = new enable_signal_t();
+ }
+ button->mIsRunningSignal->connect(isRunningCB);
+ }
+ }
+ // Drag and drop behavior must work also if provided in the Toybox and, potentially, any read-only toolbar
+ button->setStartDragCallback(mStartDragItemCallback);
+ button->setHandleDragCallback(mHandleDragItemCallback);
+ button->setCommandId(id);
+ return button;
+BOOL LLToolBar::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg)
+ // If we have a drop callback, that means that we can handle the drop
+ BOOL handled = (mHandleDropCallback ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ // if drop is set, it's time to call the callback to get the operation done
+ if (handled && drop)
+ {
+ handled = mHandleDropCallback(cargo_data, x, y ,this);
+ }
+ // We accept only single tool drop on toolbars
+ *accept = (handled ? ACCEPT_YES_SINGLE : ACCEPT_NO);
+ // We'll use that flag to change the visual aspect of the toolbar target on draw()
+ mDragAndDropTarget = false;
+ // Convert drag position into insert position and rank
+ if (!isReadOnly() && handled && !drop)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* inv_item = (LLInventoryItem*)cargo_data;
+ LLAssetType::EType type = inv_item->getType();
+ if (type == LLAssetType::AT_WIDGET)
+ {
+ LLCommandId dragged_command(inv_item->getUUID());
+ int orig_rank = getRankFromPosition(dragged_command);
+ mDragRank = getRankFromPosition(x, y);
+ // Don't DaD if we're dragging a command on itself
+ mDragAndDropTarget = ((orig_rank != RANK_NONE) && ((mDragRank == orig_rank) || ((mDragRank-1) == orig_rank)) ? false : true);
+ //llinfos << "Merov debug : DaD, rank = " << mDragRank << ", dragged uui = " << inv_item->getUUID() << llendl;
+ /* Do the following if you want to animate the button itself
+ LLCommandId dragged_command(inv_item->getUUID());
+ removeCommand(dragged_command);
+ addCommand(dragged_command,rank);
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handled = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return handled;
+LLToolBarButton::LLToolBarButton(const Params& p)
+: LLButton(p),
+ mMouseDownX(0),
+ mMouseDownY(0),
+ mWidthRange(p.button_width),
+ mDesiredHeight(p.desired_height),
+ mId(""),
+ mIsEnabledSignal(NULL),
+ mIsRunningSignal(NULL),
+ mIsStartingSignal(NULL),
+ mIsDragged(false),
+ mStartDragItemCallback(NULL),
+ mHandleDragItemCallback(NULL),
+ mOriginalImageSelected(p.image_selected),
+ mOriginalImageUnselected(p.image_unselected),
+ mOriginalImagePressed(p.image_pressed),
+ mOriginalImagePressedSelected(p.image_pressed_selected),
+ mOriginalLabelColor(p.label_color),
+ mOriginalLabelColorSelected(p.label_color_selected),
+ mOriginalImageOverlayColor(p.image_overlay_color),
+ mOriginalImageOverlaySelectedColor(p.image_overlay_selected_color)
+ mButtonFlashRate = 0.0;
+ mButtonFlashCount = 0;
+ delete mIsEnabledSignal;
+ delete mIsRunningSignal;
+ delete mIsStartingSignal;
+BOOL LLToolBarButton::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ mMouseDownX = x;
+ mMouseDownY = y;
+ return LLButton::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+BOOL LLToolBarButton::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ BOOL handled = FALSE;
+ S32 mouse_distance_squared = (x - mMouseDownX) * (x - mMouseDownX) + (y - mMouseDownY) * (y - mMouseDownY);
+ S32 drag_threshold = LLUI::sSettingGroups["config"]->getS32("DragAndDropDistanceThreshold");
+ if (mouse_distance_squared > drag_threshold * drag_threshold
+ && hasMouseCapture() &&
+ mStartDragItemCallback && mHandleDragItemCallback)
+ {
+ if (!mIsDragged)
+ {
+ mStartDragItemCallback(x,y,mId.uuid());
+ mIsDragged = true;
+ handled = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handled = mHandleDragItemCallback(x,y,mId.uuid(),LLAssetType::AT_WIDGET);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handled = LLButton::handleHover(x, y, mask);
+ }
+ return handled;
+void LLToolBarButton::onMouseEnter(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLUICtrl::onMouseEnter(x, y, mask);
+ // Always highlight toolbar buttons, even if they are disabled
+ if (!gFocusMgr.getMouseCapture() || gFocusMgr.getMouseCapture() == this)
+ {
+ mNeedsHighlight = TRUE;
+ }
+void LLToolBarButton::onMouseCaptureLost()
+ mIsDragged = false;
+void LLToolBarButton::onCommit()
+ LLCommand* command = LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(mId);
+ if (!mIsEnabledSignal || (*mIsEnabledSignal)(this, command->isEnabledParameters()))
+ {
+ LLButton::onCommit();
+ }
+void LLToolBarButton::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
+ LLButton::reshape(mWidthRange.clamp(width), height, called_from_parent);
+void LLToolBarButton::setEnabled(BOOL enabled)
+ if (enabled)
+ {
+ mImageSelected = mOriginalImageSelected;
+ mImageUnselected = mOriginalImageUnselected;
+ mImagePressed = mOriginalImagePressed;
+ mImagePressedSelected = mOriginalImagePressedSelected;
+ mUnselectedLabelColor = mOriginalLabelColor;
+ mSelectedLabelColor = mOriginalLabelColorSelected;
+ mImageOverlayColor = mOriginalImageOverlayColor;
+ mImageOverlaySelectedColor = mOriginalImageOverlaySelectedColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mImageSelected = mImageDisabledSelected;
+ mImageUnselected = mImageDisabled;
+ mImagePressed = mImageDisabled;
+ mImagePressedSelected = mImageDisabledSelected;
+ mUnselectedLabelColor = mDisabledLabelColor;
+ mSelectedLabelColor = mDisabledSelectedLabelColor;
+ mImageOverlayColor = mImageOverlayDisabledColor;
+ mImageOverlaySelectedColor = mImageOverlayDisabledColor;
+ }
+const std::string LLToolBarButton::getToolTip() const
+ std::string tooltip;
+ if (labelIsTruncated() || getCurrentLabel().empty())
+ {
+ return LLTrans::getString(LLCommandManager::instance().getCommand(mId)->labelRef()) + " -- " + LLView::getToolTip();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return LLView::getToolTip();
+ }