path: root/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 659 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
index 132bef0296..20bceb4675 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
@@ -40,65 +40,26 @@
static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLTextBox> r("text");
-: text_color("text_color"),
- length("length"),
- type("type"),
- border_visible("border_visible", false),
- border_drop_shadow_visible("border_drop_shadow_visible", false),
- bg_visible("bg_visible", false),
- use_ellipses("use_ellipses"),
- word_wrap("word_wrap", false),
- drop_shadow_visible("drop_shadow_visible"),
- disabled_color("disabled_color"),
- background_color("background_color"),
- v_pad("v_pad", 0),
- h_pad("h_pad", 0),
- line_spacing("line_spacing", 0),
- text("text"),
- font_shadow("font_shadow", LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW)
LLTextBox::LLTextBox(const LLTextBox::Params& p)
-: LLUICtrl(p),
- LLTextBase(p),
- mBackgroundVisible( p.bg_visible ),
- mBorderVisible( p.border_visible ),
- mShadowType( p.font_shadow ),
- mBorderDropShadowVisible( p.border_drop_shadow_visible ),
- mUseEllipses( p.use_ellipses ),
- mHPad(p.h_pad),
- mVPad(p.v_pad),
- mVAlign( LLFontGL::TOP ),
- mClickedCallback(NULL),
- mTextColor(p.text_color()),
- mDisabledColor(p.disabled_color()),
- mBackgroundColor(p.background_color()),
- mHAlign(p.font_halign),
- mLineSpacing(p.line_spacing),
- mDidWordWrap(FALSE)
- mWordWrap = p.word_wrap;
- setText( p.text() );
+: LLTextBase(p),
+ mClickedCallback(NULL)
BOOL LLTextBox::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- BOOL handled = FALSE;
+ BOOL handled = LLTextBase::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
- // HACK: Only do this if there actually is something to click, so that
- // overly large text boxes in the older UI won't start eating clicks.
- if (isClickable())
+ if (getSoundFlags() & MOUSE_DOWN)
- handled = TRUE;
+ make_ui_sound("UISndClick");
+ }
+ if (!handled && mClickedCallback)
+ {
// Route future Mouse messages here preemptively. (Release on mouse up.)
gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( this );
- if (getSoundFlags() & MOUSE_DOWN)
- {
- make_ui_sound("UISndClick");
- }
+ handled = TRUE;
return handled;
@@ -108,657 +69,73 @@ BOOL LLTextBox::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
BOOL handled = FALSE;
- // We only handle the click if the click both started and ended within us
- // HACK: Only do this if there actually is something to click, so that
- // overly large text boxes in the older UI won't start eating clicks.
- if (isClickable() && hasMouseCapture())
+ if (getSoundFlags() & MOUSE_UP)
- handled = TRUE;
+ make_ui_sound("UISndClickRelease");
+ }
+ // We only handle the click if the click both started and ended within us
+ if (hasMouseCapture())
+ {
// Release the mouse
gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( NULL );
- if (getSoundFlags() & MOUSE_UP)
- {
- make_ui_sound("UISndClickRelease");
- }
- // handle clicks on Urls in the textbox first
- if (! handleMouseUpOverUrl(x, y))
+ // DO THIS AT THE VERY END to allow the button to be destroyed
+ // as a result of being clicked. If mouseup in the widget,
+ // it's been clicked
+ if (mClickedCallback && !handled)
- // DO THIS AT THE VERY END to allow the button to be destroyed
- // as a result of being clicked. If mouseup in the widget,
- // it's been clicked
- if (mClickedCallback && ! handled)
- {
- mClickedCallback();
- }
+ mClickedCallback();
+ handled = TRUE;
- return handled;
-BOOL LLTextBox::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- // pop up a context menu for any Url under the cursor
- return handleRightMouseDownOverUrl(this, x, y);
-BOOL LLTextBox::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- // Check to see if we're over an HTML-style link
- if (handleHoverOverUrl(x, y))
- {
- lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << llendl;
- getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_HAND);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return LLView::handleHover(x,y,mask);
-BOOL LLTextBox::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, std::string& msg, LLRect& sticky_rect_screen)
- if (handleToolTipForUrl(this, x, y, msg, sticky_rect_screen))
+ else
- return TRUE;
+ handled = LLTextBase::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
- return LLUICtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, msg, sticky_rect_screen);
+ return handled;
void LLTextBox::setText(const LLStringExplicit& text)
- if(mWordWrap && !mDidWordWrap)
- {
- setWrappedText(text);
- }
- else
- {
- mText.assign(text);
- updateDisplayTextAndSegments();
- }
-void LLTextBox::setLineLengths()
- mLineLengthList.clear();
+ // does string argument insertion
+ mText.assign(text);
- std::string::size_type cur = 0;
- std::string::size_type len = mDisplayText.size();
- while (cur < len)
- {
- std::string::size_type end = mDisplayText.find('\n', cur);
- std::string::size_type runLen;
- if (end == std::string::npos)
- {
- runLen = len - cur;
- cur = len;
- }
- else
- {
- runLen = end - cur;
- cur = end + 1; // skip the new line character
- }
- mLineLengthList.push_back( (S32)runLen );
- }
-LLWString LLTextBox::wrapText(const LLWString &wtext, S32 &hoffset, S32 &line_num, F32 max_width)
- LLWString final_wtext;
- LLWString::size_type cur = 0;
- LLWString::size_type len = wtext.size();
- while (cur < len)
- {
- LLWString::size_type end = wtext.find('\n', cur);
- if (end == LLWString::npos)
- {
- end = len;
- }
- bool charsRemaining = true;
- LLWString::size_type runLen = end - cur;
- if (runLen > 0)
- {
- // work out how many chars can fit onto the current line
- LLWString run(wtext, cur, runLen);
- LLWString::size_type useLen =
- mDefaultFont->maxDrawableChars(run.c_str(), max_width-hoffset, runLen, TRUE);
- charsRemaining = (cur + useLen < len);
- // try to break lines on word boundaries
- if (useLen < run.size())
- {
- LLWString::size_type prev_use_len = useLen;
- while (useLen > 0 && ! isspace(run[useLen-1]) && ! ispunct(run[useLen-1]))
- {
- --useLen;
- }
- if (useLen == 0)
- {
- useLen = prev_use_len;
- }
- }
- // add the chars that could fit onto one line to our result
- final_wtext.append(wtext, cur, useLen);
- cur += useLen;
- hoffset += mDefaultFont->getWidth(run.substr(0, useLen).c_str());
- // abort if not enough room to add any more characters
- if (useLen == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (charsRemaining)
- {
- if (wtext[cur] == '\n')
- {
- cur += 1;
- }
- final_wtext += '\n';
- hoffset = 0;
- line_num += 1;
- }
- }
- return final_wtext;
-void LLTextBox::setWrappedText(const LLStringExplicit& in_text, F32 max_width)
- mDidWordWrap = TRUE;
- setText(wstring_to_utf8str(getWrappedText(in_text, max_width)));
-LLWString LLTextBox::getWrappedText(const LLStringExplicit& in_text, F32 max_width)
- //
- // we don't want to wrap Urls otherwise we won't be able to detect their
- // presence for hyperlinking. So we look for all Urls, and then word wrap
- // the text before and after, but never break a Url in the middle. We
- // also need to consider that the Url will be displayed as a label (not
- // necessary the actual Url string).
- //
- if (max_width < 0.0f)
- {
- max_width = (F32)getRect().getWidth();
- }
- LLWString wtext = utf8str_to_wstring(in_text);
- LLWString final_wtext;
- S32 line_num = 1;
- S32 hoffset = 0;
- // find the next Url in the text string
- LLUrlMatch match;
- while ( LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(wtext, match))
- {
- S32 start = match.getStart();
- S32 end = match.getEnd() + 1;
- // perform word wrap on the text before the Url
- final_wtext += wrapText(wtext.substr(0, start), hoffset, line_num, max_width);
- // add the Url (but compute width based on its label)
- S32 label_width = mDefaultFont->getWidth(match.getLabel());
- if (hoffset > 0 && hoffset + label_width > max_width)
- {
- final_wtext += '\n';
- line_num++;
- hoffset = 0;
- }
- final_wtext += wtext.substr(start, end-start);
- hoffset += label_width;
- if (hoffset > max_width)
- {
- final_wtext += '\n';
- line_num++;
- hoffset = 0;
- // eat any leading whitespace on the next line
- while (isspace(wtext[end]) && end < (S32)wtext.size())
- {
- end++;
- }
- }
- // move on to the rest of the text after the Url
- wtext = wtext.substr(end, wtext.size() - end + 1);
- }
- final_wtext += wrapText(wtext, hoffset, line_num, max_width);
- return final_wtext;
+ LLTextBase::setText(mText.getString());
S32 LLTextBox::getTextPixelWidth()
- S32 max_line_width = 0;
- if( mLineLengthList.size() > 0 )
- {
- S32 cur_pos = 0;
- for (std::vector<S32>::iterator iter = mLineLengthList.begin();
- iter != mLineLengthList.end(); ++iter)
- {
- S32 line_length = *iter;
- S32 line_width = mDefaultFont->getWidth( mDisplayText.c_str(), cur_pos, line_length );
- if( line_width > max_line_width )
- {
- max_line_width = line_width;
- }
- cur_pos += line_length+1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- max_line_width = mDefaultFont->getWidth(mDisplayText.c_str());
- }
- return max_line_width;
+ return getContentsRect().getWidth();
S32 LLTextBox::getTextPixelHeight()
- S32 num_lines = mLineLengthList.size();
- if( num_lines < 1 )
- {
- num_lines = 1;
- }
- return (S32)(num_lines * mDefaultFont->getLineHeight());
-void LLTextBox::setValue(const LLSD& value )
- mDidWordWrap = FALSE;
- setText(value.asString());
+ return getContentsRect().getHeight();
BOOL LLTextBox::setTextArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
mText.setArg(key, text);
- updateDisplayTextAndSegments();
- return TRUE;
+ LLTextBase::setText(mText.getString());
-void LLTextBox::draw()
- F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- if (mBorderVisible)
- {
- gl_rect_2d_offset_local(getLocalRect(), 2, FALSE);
- }
- if( mBorderDropShadowVisible )
- {
- static LLUIColor color_drop_shadow = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ColorDropShadow");
- static LLUICachedControl<S32> drop_shadow_tooltip ("DropShadowTooltip", 0);
- gl_drop_shadow(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0,
- color_drop_shadow % alpha, drop_shadow_tooltip);
- }
- if (mBackgroundVisible)
- {
- LLRect r( 0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0 );
- gl_rect_2d( r, mBackgroundColor.get() % alpha );
- }
- S32 text_x = 0;
- switch( mHAlign )
- {
- case LLFontGL::LEFT:
- text_x = mHPad;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::HCENTER:
- text_x = getRect().getWidth() / 2;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::RIGHT:
- text_x = getRect().getWidth() - mHPad;
- break;
- }
- S32 text_y = getRect().getHeight() - mVPad;
- if ( getEnabled() )
- {
- drawText( text_x, text_y, mDisplayText, mTextColor.get() );
- }
- else
- {
- drawText( text_x, text_y, mDisplayText, mDisabledColor.get() );
- }
- if (sDebugRects)
- {
- drawDebugRect();
- }
- //// *HACK: also draw debug rectangles around currently-being-edited LLView, and any elements that are being highlighted by GUI preview code (see LLFloaterUIPreview)
- //std::set<LLView*>::iterator iter = std::find(sPreviewHighlightedElements.begin(), sPreviewHighlightedElements.end(), this);
- //if ((sEditingUI && this == sEditingUIView) || (iter != sPreviewHighlightedElements.end() && sDrawPreviewHighlights))
- //{
- // drawDebugRect();
- //}
-void LLTextBox::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
- // reparse line lengths (don't need to recalculate the display text)
- setLineLengths();
- LLView::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);
+ return TRUE;
-void LLTextBox::drawText( S32 x, S32 y, const LLWString &text, const LLColor4& color )
- F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- if (mSegments.size() > 1)
- {
- // we have Urls (or other multi-styled segments)
- drawTextSegments(x, y, text);
- }
- else if( mLineLengthList.empty() )
- {
- // simple case of 1 line of text in one style
- mDefaultFont->render(text, 0, (F32)x, (F32)y, color % alpha,
- mHAlign, mVAlign,
- 0,
- mShadowType,
- S32_MAX, getRect().getWidth(), NULL, mUseEllipses);
- }
- else
- {
- // simple case of multiple lines of text, all in the same style
- S32 cur_pos = 0;
- for (std::vector<S32>::iterator iter = mLineLengthList.begin();
- iter != mLineLengthList.end(); ++iter)
- {
- S32 line_length = *iter;
- mDefaultFont->render(text, cur_pos, (F32)x, (F32)y, color % alpha,
- mHAlign, mVAlign,
- 0,
- mShadowType,
- line_length, getRect().getWidth(), NULL, mUseEllipses );
- cur_pos += line_length + 1;
- S32 line_height = llfloor(mDefaultFont->getLineHeight()) + mLineSpacing;
- y -= line_height;
- if(y < line_height)
- break;
- }
- }
void LLTextBox::reshapeToFitText()
- // wrap remaining lines that did not fit on call to setWrappedText()
- setLineLengths();
+ reflow();
S32 width = getTextPixelWidth();
S32 height = getTextPixelHeight();
- reshape( width + 2 * mHPad, height + 2 * mVPad );
-S32 LLTextBox::getDocIndexFromLocalCoord( S32 local_x, S32 local_y, BOOL round ) const
- // Returns the character offset for the character under the local (x, y) coordinate.
- // When round is true, if the position is on the right half of a character, the cursor
- // will be put to its right. If round is false, the cursor will always be put to the
- // character's left.
- LLRect rect = getLocalRect();
- rect.mLeft += mHPad;
- rect.mRight -= mHPad;
- rect.mTop += mVPad;
- rect.mBottom -= mVPad;
- // Figure out which line we're nearest to.
- S32 total_lines = getLineCount();
- S32 line_height = llround( mDefaultFont->getLineHeight() ) + mLineSpacing;
- S32 line = (rect.mTop - 1 - local_y) / line_height;
- if (line >= total_lines)
- {
- return getLength(); // past the end
- }
- line = llclamp( line, 0, total_lines );
- S32 line_start = getLineStart(line);
- S32 next_start = getLineStart(line+1);
- S32 line_end = (next_start != line_start) ? next_start - 1 : getLength();
- if (line_start == -1)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- S32 line_len = line_end - line_start;
- S32 pos = mDefaultFont->charFromPixelOffset(mDisplayText.c_str(), line_start,
- (F32)(local_x - rect.mLeft),
- (F32)rect.getWidth(),
- line_len, round);
- return line_start + pos;
-S32 LLTextBox::getLineStart( S32 line ) const
- line = llclamp(line, 0, getLineCount()-1);
- S32 result = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < line; i++)
- {
- result += mLineLengthList[i] + 1 /* add newline */;
- }
- return result;
+ reshape( width + 2 * mHPad, height + 2 * mVPad, FALSE );
-void LLTextBox::updateDisplayTextAndSegments()
- // remove any previous segment list
- clearSegments();
- // if URL parsing is turned off, then not much to bo
- if (! mParseHTML)
- {
- mDisplayText = mText.getWString();
- setLineLengths();
- return;
- }
- // create unique text segments for Urls
- mDisplayText.clear();
- S32 end = 0;
- LLUrlMatch match;
- LLWString text = mText.getWString();
- // find the next Url in the text string
- while ( LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(text, match,
- boost::bind(&LLTextBox::onUrlLabelUpdated, this, _1, _2)) )
- {
- // work out the char offset for the start/end of the url
- S32 url_start = match.getStart();
- S32 url_end = match.getEnd();
- // and the char offset for the label in the display text
- S32 seg_start = mDisplayText.size();
- S32 start = seg_start + url_start;
- S32 end = start + match.getLabel().size();
- // create a segment for the text before the Url
- mSegments.insert(new LLNormalTextSegment(new LLStyle(), seg_start, start, *this));
- mDisplayText += text.substr(0, url_start);
- // create a segment for the Url text
- LLStyleSP html(new LLStyle);
- html->setVisible(true);
- html->setColor(mLinkColor);
- html->mUnderline = TRUE;
- html->setLinkHREF(match.getUrl());
- LLNormalTextSegment *html_seg = new LLNormalTextSegment(html, start, end, *this);
- html_seg->setToolTip(match.getTooltip());
- mSegments.insert(html_seg);
- mDisplayText += utf8str_to_wstring(match.getLabel());
- // move on to the rest of the text after the Url
- text = text.substr(url_end+1, text.size() - url_end);
- }
- // output a segment for the remaining text
- if (text.size() > 0)
- {
- mSegments.insert(new LLNormalTextSegment(new LLStyle(), end, end + text.size(), *this));
- mDisplayText += text;
- }
- // strip whitespace from the end of the text
- while (mDisplayText.size() > 0 && isspace(mDisplayText[mDisplayText.size()-1]))
- {
- mDisplayText = mDisplayText.substr(0, mDisplayText.size() - 1);
- segment_set_t::iterator it = getSegIterContaining(mDisplayText.size());
- if (it != mSegments.end())
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr seg = *it;
- seg->setEnd(seg->getEnd()-1);
- }
- }
- // we may have changed the line lengths, so recalculate them
- setLineLengths();
void LLTextBox::onUrlLabelUpdated(const std::string &url, const std::string &label)
- if (mDidWordWrap)
- {
- // re-word wrap as the url label lengths may have changed
- setWrappedText(mText.getString());
- }
- else
- {
- // or just update the display text with the latest Url labels
- updateDisplayTextAndSegments();
- }
+ needsReflow();
-bool LLTextBox::isClickable() const
- // return true if we have been given a click callback
- if (mClickedCallback)
- {
- return true;
- }
- // also return true if we have a clickable Url in the text
- segment_set_t::const_iterator it;
- for (it = mSegments.begin(); it != mSegments.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *it;
- if (segmentp)
- {
- const LLStyleSP style = segmentp->getStyle();
- if (style && style->isLink())
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // otherwise there is nothing clickable here
- return false;
-void LLTextBox::drawTextSegments(S32 init_x, S32 init_y, const LLWString &text)
- F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- const S32 text_len = text.length();
- if (text_len <= 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- S32 cur_line = 0;
- S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
- S32 line_start = getLineStart(cur_line);
- S32 line_height = llround( mDefaultFont->getLineHeight() ) + mLineSpacing;
- F32 text_y = (F32) init_y;
- segment_set_t::iterator cur_seg = mSegments.begin();
- // render a line of text at a time
- const LLRect textRect = getLocalRect();
- while((textRect.mBottom <= text_y) && (cur_line < num_lines))
- {
- S32 next_start = -1;
- S32 line_end = text_len;
- if ((cur_line + 1) < num_lines)
- {
- next_start = getLineStart(cur_line + 1);
- line_end = next_start;
- }
- if ( text[line_end-1] == '\n' )
- {
- --line_end;
- }
- // render all segments on this line
- F32 text_x = init_x;
- S32 seg_start = line_start;
- while (seg_start < line_end && cur_seg != mSegments.end())
- {
- // move to the next segment (or continue the previous one)
- LLTextSegment *cur_segment = *cur_seg;
- while (cur_segment->getEnd() <= seg_start)
- {
- if (++cur_seg == mSegments.end())
- {
- return;
- }
- cur_segment = *cur_seg;
- }
- // Draw a segment within the line
- S32 clipped_end = llmin( line_end, cur_segment->getEnd() );
- S32 clipped_len = clipped_end - seg_start;
- if( clipped_len > 0 )
- {
- LLStyleSP style = cur_segment->getStyle();
- if (style && style->isVisible())
- {
- // work out the color for the segment
- LLColor4 color ;
- if (getEnabled())
- {
- color = style->isLink() ? mLinkColor.get() : mTextColor.get();
- }
- else
- {
- color = mDisabledColor.get();
- }
- color = color % alpha;
- // render a single line worth for this segment
- mDefaultFont->render(text, seg_start, text_x, text_y, color,
- mHAlign, mVAlign, 0, mShadowType, clipped_len,
- textRect.getWidth(), &text_x, mUseEllipses);
- }
- seg_start += clipped_len;
- }
- }
- // move down one line
- text_y -= (F32)line_height;
- line_start = next_start;
- cur_line++;
- }