path: root/indra/llrender/llgl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llrender/llgl.h')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llgl.h b/indra/llrender/llgl.h
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index 0000000000..5e8965c06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llrender/llgl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ * @file llgl.h
+ * @brief LLGL definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LL_LLGL_H
+#define LL_LLGL_H
+// This file contains various stuff for handling gl extensions and other gl related stuff.
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#include "llerror.h"
+#include "v4color.h"
+#include "llstring.h"
+#include "stdtypes.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "llplane.h"
+#include "llgltypes.h"
+#include "llglheaders.h"
+#include "glh/glh_linear.h"
+extern BOOL gDebugGL;
+extern BOOL gDebugSession;
+extern std::ofstream gFailLog;
+#define LL_GL_ERRS LL_ERRS("RenderState")
+void ll_init_fail_log(std::string filename);
+void ll_fail(std::string msg);
+void ll_close_fail_log();
+class LLSD;
+// Manage GL extensions...
+class LLGLManager
+ LLGLManager();
+ bool initGL();
+ void shutdownGL();
+ void initWGL(); // Initializes stupid WGL extensions
+ std::string getRawGLString(); // For sending to simulator
+ BOOL mInited;
+ BOOL mIsDisabled;
+ // Extensions used by everyone
+ BOOL mHasMultitexture;
+ S32 mNumTextureUnits;
+ BOOL mHasMipMapGeneration;
+ BOOL mHasCompressedTextures;
+ BOOL mHasFramebufferObject;
+ BOOL mHasFramebufferMultisample;
+ BOOL mHasBlendFuncSeparate;
+ // ARB Extensions
+ BOOL mHasVertexBufferObject;
+ BOOL mHasPBuffer;
+ BOOL mHasShaderObjects;
+ BOOL mHasVertexShader;
+ BOOL mHasFragmentShader;
+ BOOL mHasOcclusionQuery;
+ BOOL mHasPointParameters;
+ BOOL mHasDrawBuffers;
+ BOOL mHasTextureRectangle;
+ // Other extensions.
+ BOOL mHasAnisotropic;
+ BOOL mHasARBEnvCombine;
+ BOOL mHasCubeMap;
+ // Vendor-specific extensions
+ BOOL mIsIntel;
+ BOOL mIsGF2or4MX;
+ BOOL mIsGF3;
+ BOOL mATIOffsetVerticalLines;
+ BOOL mATIOldDriver;
+ // Whether this version of GL is good enough for SL to use
+ BOOL mHasRequirements;
+ // Misc extensions
+ BOOL mHasSeparateSpecularColor;
+ //whether this GPU is in the debug list.
+ BOOL mDebugGPU;
+ S32 mDriverVersionMajor;
+ S32 mDriverVersionMinor;
+ S32 mDriverVersionRelease;
+ F32 mGLVersion; // e.g = 1.4
+ std::string mDriverVersionVendorString;
+ S32 mVRAM; // VRAM in MB
+ S32 mGLMaxVertexRange;
+ S32 mGLMaxIndexRange;
+ void getPixelFormat(); // Get the best pixel format
+ std::string getGLInfoString();
+ void printGLInfoString();
+ void getGLInfo(LLSD& info);
+ // In ALL CAPS
+ std::string mGLVendor;
+ std::string mGLVendorShort;
+ // In ALL CAPS
+ std::string mGLRenderer;
+ void initExtensions();
+ void initGLStates();
+ void initGLImages();
+ void setToDebugGPU();
+extern LLGLManager gGLManager;
+class LLQuaternion;
+class LLMatrix4;
+void rotate_quat(LLQuaternion& rotation);
+void flush_glerror(); // Flush GL errors when we know we're handling them correctly.
+void assert_glerror();
+void clear_glerror();
+//#if LL_DEBUG
+# define stop_glerror() assert_glerror()
+# define llglassertok() assert_glerror()
+//# define stop_glerror()
+//# define llglassertok()
+#define llglassertok_always() assert_glerror()
+// Note: U32's are GLEnum's...
+// This is a class for GL state management
+ LLGLState and its two subclasses, LLGLEnable and LLGLDisable, manage the current
+ enable/disable states of the GL to prevent redundant setting of state within a
+ render path or the accidental corruption of what state the next path expects.
+ Essentially, wherever you would call glEnable set a state and then
+ subsequently reset it by calling glDisable (or vice versa), make an instance of
+ LLGLEnable with the state you want to set, and assume it will be restored to its
+ original state when that instance of LLGLEnable is destroyed. It is good practice
+ to exploit stack frame controls for optimal setting/unsetting and readability of
+ code. In llglstates.h, there are a collection of helper classes that define groups
+ of enables/disables that can cause multiple states to be set with the creation of
+ one instance.
+ Sample usage:
+ //disable lighting for rendering hud objects
+ LLGLEnable lighting(GL_LIGHTING);
+ renderHUD();
+ LLGLDisable lighting(GL_LIGHTING);
+ {
+ LLGLEnable lighting(GL_LIGHTING);
+ renderHUD();
+ }
+ If a state is to be set on a conditional, the following mechanism
+ is useful:
+ {
+ LLGLEnable lighting(light_hud ? GL_LIGHTING : 0);
+ renderHUD();
+ }
+ A LLGLState initialized with a parameter of 0 does nothing.
+ LLGLState works by maintaining a map of the current GL states, and ignoring redundant
+ enables/disables. If a redundant call is attempted, it becomes a noop, otherwise,
+ it is set in the constructor and reset in the destructor.
+ For debugging GL state corruption, running with debug enabled will trigger asserts
+ if the existing GL state does not match the expected GL state.
+class LLGLState
+ static void initClass();
+ static void restoreGL();
+ static void resetTextureStates();
+ static void dumpStates();
+ static void checkStates(const std::string& msg = "");
+ static void checkTextureChannels(const std::string& msg = "");
+ static void checkClientArrays(const std::string& msg = "", U32 data_mask = 0x0001);
+ static boost::unordered_map<LLGLenum, LLGLboolean> sStateMap;
+ enum { CURRENT_STATE = -2 };
+ LLGLState(LLGLenum state, S32 enabled = CURRENT_STATE);
+ ~LLGLState();
+ void setEnabled(S32 enabled);
+ void enable() { setEnabled(TRUE); }
+ void disable() { setEnabled(FALSE); }
+ LLGLenum mState;
+ BOOL mWasEnabled;
+ BOOL mIsEnabled;
+// New LLGLState class wrappers that don't depend on actual GL flags.
+class LLGLEnableBlending : public LLGLState
+ LLGLEnableBlending(bool enable);
+class LLGLEnableAlphaReject : public LLGLState
+ LLGLEnableAlphaReject(bool enable);
+/// TODO: Being deprecated.
+class LLGLEnable : public LLGLState
+ LLGLEnable(LLGLenum state) : LLGLState(state, TRUE) {}
+/// TODO: Being deprecated.
+class LLGLDisable : public LLGLState
+ LLGLDisable(LLGLenum state) : LLGLState(state, FALSE) {}
+ Store and modify projection matrix to create an oblique
+ projection that clips to the specified plane. Oblique
+ projections alter values in the depth buffer, so this
+ class should not be used mid-renderpass.
+ Restores projection matrix on destruction.
+ GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX is active whenever program execution
+ leaves this class.
+ Does not stack.
+ Caches inverse of projection matrix used in gGLObliqueProjectionInverse
+class LLGLUserClipPlane
+ LLGLUserClipPlane(const LLPlane& plane, const glh::matrix4f& modelview, const glh::matrix4f& projection);
+ ~LLGLUserClipPlane();
+ void setPlane(F32 a, F32 b, F32 c, F32 d);
+ glh::matrix4f mProjection;
+ glh::matrix4f mModelview;
+ Modify and load projection matrix to push depth values to far clip plane.
+ Restores projection matrix on destruction.
+ GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX is active whenever program execution
+ leaves this class.
+ Does not stack.
+class LLGLClampToFarClip
+ LLGLClampToFarClip(glh::matrix4f projection);
+ ~LLGLClampToFarClip();
+ Generic pooling scheme for things which use GL names (used for occlusion queries and vertex buffer objects).
+ Prevents thrashing of GL name caches by avoiding calls to glGenFoo and glDeleteFoo.
+class LLGLNamePool
+ struct NameEntry
+ {
+ GLuint name;
+ BOOL used;
+ };
+ struct CompareUsed
+ {
+ bool operator()(const NameEntry& lhs, const NameEntry& rhs)
+ {
+ return lhs.used < rhs.used; //FALSE entries first
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<NameEntry> name_list_t;
+ name_list_t mNameList;
+ LLGLNamePool();
+ virtual ~LLGLNamePool();
+ void upkeep();
+ void cleanup();
+ GLuint allocate();
+ void release(GLuint name);
+ static void registerPool(LLGLNamePool* pool);
+ static void upkeepPools();
+ static void cleanupPools();
+ typedef std::vector<LLGLNamePool*> pool_list_t;
+ static pool_list_t sInstances;
+ virtual GLuint allocateName() = 0;
+ virtual void releaseName(GLuint name) = 0;
+ Interface for objects that need periodic GL updates applied to them.
+ Used to synchronize GL updates with GL thread.
+class LLGLUpdate
+ static std::list<LLGLUpdate*> sGLQ;
+ BOOL mInQ;
+ LLGLUpdate()
+ : mInQ(FALSE)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~LLGLUpdate()
+ {
+ if (mInQ)
+ {
+ std::list<LLGLUpdate*>::iterator iter = std::find(sGLQ.begin(), sGLQ.end(), this);
+ if (iter != sGLQ.end())
+ {
+ sGLQ.erase(iter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void updateGL() = 0;
+extern LLMatrix4 gGLObliqueProjectionInverse;
+#include "llglstates.h"
+void init_glstates();
+void enable_vertex_weighting(const S32 index);
+void disable_vertex_weighting(const S32 index);
+void enable_binormals(const S32 index);
+void disable_binormals(const S32 index);
+void enable_cloth_weights(const S32 index);
+void disable_cloth_weights(const S32 index);
+void set_vertex_weights(const S32 index, const U32 stride, const F32 *weights);
+void set_vertex_clothing_weights(const S32 index, const U32 stride, const LLVector4 *weights);
+void set_binormals(const S32 index, const U32 stride, const LLVector3 *binormals);
+void parse_gl_version( S32* major, S32* minor, S32* release, std::string* vendor_specific );
+extern BOOL gClothRipple;
+extern BOOL gNoRender;
+extern BOOL gGLActive;
+#endif // LL_LLGL_H