path: root/indra/llcommon/tests
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3 files changed, 918 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llprocess_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llprocess_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ad45bdf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llprocess_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+ * @file llprocess_test.cpp
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2011-12-19
+ * @brief Test for llprocess.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// associated header
+#include "llprocess.h"
+// STL headers
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+// std headers
+#include <fstream>
+// external library headers
+#include "llapr.h"
+#include "apr_thread_proc.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/find_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp>
+//#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
+//#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+#include "../test/manageapr.h"
+#include "../test/namedtempfile.h"
+#include "stringize.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+#define sleep(secs) _sleep((secs) * 1000)
+#define EOL "\r\n"
+#define EOL "\n"
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+//namespace lambda = boost::lambda;
+// static instance of this manages APR init/cleanup
+static ManageAPR manager;
+* Helpers
+#define ensure_equals_(left, right) \
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(#left << " != " << #right), (left), (right))
+#define aprchk(expr) aprchk_(#expr, (expr))
+static void aprchk_(const char* call, apr_status_t rv, apr_status_t expected=APR_SUCCESS)
+ tut::ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(call << " => " << rv << ": " << manager.strerror(rv)),
+ rv, expected);
+ * Read specified file using std::getline(). It is assumed to be an error if
+ * the file is empty: don't use this function if that's an acceptable case.
+ * Last line will not end with '\n'; this is to facilitate the usual case of
+ * string compares with a single line of output.
+ * @param pathname The file to read.
+ * @param desc Optional description of the file for error message;
+ * defaults to "in <pathname>"
+ */
+static std::string readfile(const std::string& pathname, const std::string& desc="")
+ std::string use_desc(desc);
+ if (use_desc.empty())
+ {
+ use_desc = STRINGIZE("in " << pathname);
+ }
+ std::ifstream inf(pathname.c_str());
+ std::string output;
+ tut::ensure(STRINGIZE("No output " << use_desc), std::getline(inf, output));
+ std::string more;
+ while (std::getline(inf, more))
+ {
+ output += '\n' + more;
+ }
+ return output;
+ * Construct an LLProcess to run a Python script.
+ */
+struct PythonProcessLauncher
+ /**
+ * @param desc Arbitrary description for error messages
+ * @param script Python script, any form acceptable to NamedTempFile,
+ * typically either a std::string or an expression of the form
+ * (lambda::_1 << "script content with " << variable_data)
+ */
+ template <typename CONTENT>
+ PythonProcessLauncher(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script):
+ mDesc(desc),
+ mScript("py", script)
+ {
+ const char* PYTHON(getenv("PYTHON"));
+ tut::ensure("Set $PYTHON to the Python interpreter", PYTHON);
+ mParams.executable = PYTHON;
+ mParams.args.add(mScript.getName());
+ }
+ /// Run Python script and wait for it to complete.
+ void run()
+ {
+ mPy = LLProcess::create(mParams);
+ tut::ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't launch " << mDesc << " script"), mPy);
+ // One of the irritating things about LLProcess is that
+ // there's no API to wait for the child to terminate -- but given
+ // its use in our graphics-intensive interactive viewer, it's
+ // understandable.
+ while (mPy->isRunning())
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a Python script using LLProcess, expecting that it will
+ * write to the file passed as its sys.argv[1]. Retrieve that output.
+ *
+ * Until January 2012, LLProcess provided distressingly few
+ * mechanisms for a child process to communicate back to its caller --
+ * not even its return code. We've introduced a convention by which we
+ * create an empty temp file, pass the name of that file to our child
+ * as sys.argv[1] and expect the script to write its output to that
+ * file. This function implements the C++ (parent process) side of
+ * that convention.
+ */
+ std::string run_read()
+ {
+ NamedTempFile out("out", ""); // placeholder
+ // pass name of this temporary file to the script
+ mParams.args.add(out.getName());
+ run();
+ // assuming the script wrote to that file, read it
+ return readfile(out.getName(), STRINGIZE("from " << mDesc << " script"));
+ }
+ LLProcess::Params mParams;
+ LLProcessPtr mPy;
+ std::string mDesc;
+ NamedTempFile mScript;
+/// convenience function for PythonProcessLauncher::run()
+template <typename CONTENT>
+static void python(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script)
+ PythonProcessLauncher py(desc, script);
+/// convenience function for PythonProcessLauncher::run_read()
+template <typename CONTENT>
+static std::string python_out(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script)
+ PythonProcessLauncher py(desc, script);
+ return py.run_read();
+/// Create a temporary directory and clean it up later.
+class NamedTempDir: public boost::noncopyable
+ // Use python() function to create a temp directory: I've found
+ // nothing in either Boost.Filesystem or APR quite like Python's
+ // tempfile.mkdtemp().
+ // Special extra bonus: on Mac, mkdtemp() reports a pathname
+ // starting with /var/folders/something, whereas that's really a
+ // symlink to /private/var/folders/something. Have to use
+ // realpath() to compare properly.
+ NamedTempDir():
+ mPath(python_out("mkdtemp()",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import os.path, sys, tempfile\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write(os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp()))\n"))
+ {}
+ ~NamedTempDir()
+ {
+ aprchk(apr_dir_remove(mPath.c_str(), gAPRPoolp));
+ }
+ std::string getName() const { return mPath; }
+ std::string mPath;
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct llprocess_data
+ {
+ LLAPRPool pool;
+ };
+ typedef test_group<llprocess_data> llprocess_group;
+ typedef llprocess_group::object object;
+ llprocess_group llprocessgrp("llprocess");
+ struct Item
+ {
+ Item(): tries(0) {}
+ unsigned tries;
+ std::string which;
+ std::string what;
+ };
+#define tabent(symbol) { symbol, #symbol }
+ static struct ReasonCode
+ {
+ int code;
+ const char* name;
+ } reasons[] =
+ {
+ };
+#undef tabent
+ struct WaitInfo
+ {
+ WaitInfo(apr_proc_t* child_):
+ child(child_),
+ rv(-1), // we haven't yet called apr_proc_wait()
+ rc(0),
+ why(apr_exit_why_e(0))
+ {}
+ apr_proc_t* child; // which subprocess
+ apr_status_t rv; // return from apr_proc_wait()
+ int rc; // child's exit code
+ };
+ void child_status_callback(int reason, void* data, int status)
+ {
+ std::string reason_str;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const ReasonCode& rcp, reasons)
+ {
+ if (reason == rcp.code)
+ {
+ reason_str =;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reason_str.empty())
+ {
+ reason_str = STRINGIZE("unknown reason " << reason);
+ }
+ std::cout << "child_status_callback(" << reason_str << ")\n";
+ if (reason == APR_OC_REASON_DEATH || reason == APR_OC_REASON_LOST)
+ {
+ // Somewhat oddly, APR requires that you explicitly unregister
+ // even when it already knows the child has terminated.
+ apr_proc_other_child_unregister(data);
+ WaitInfo* wi(static_cast<WaitInfo*>(data));
+ // It's just wrong to call apr_proc_wait() here. The only way APR
+ // knows to call us with APR_OC_REASON_DEATH is that it's already
+ // reaped this child process, so calling wait() will only produce
+ // "huh?" from the OS. We must rely on the status param passed in,
+ // which unfortunately comes straight from the OS wait() call.
+// wi->rv = apr_proc_wait(wi->child, &wi->rc, &wi->why, APR_NOWAIT);
+ wi->rv = APR_CHILD_DONE; // fake apr_proc_wait() results
+#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+ wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT;
+ wi->rc = status; // no encoding on Windows (no signals)
+#else // Posix
+ if (WIFEXITED(status))
+ {
+ wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT;
+ wi->rc = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ }
+ else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
+ {
+ wi->why = APR_PROC_SIGNAL;
+ wi->rc = WTERMSIG(status);
+ }
+ else // uh, shouldn't happen?
+ {
+ wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT;
+ wi->rc = status; // someone else will have to decode
+ }
+#endif // Posix
+ }
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("raw APR nonblocking I/O");
+ // Create a script file in a temporary place.
+ NamedTempFile script("py",
+ "import sys" EOL
+ "import time" EOL
+ "time.sleep(2)" EOL
+ "print >>sys.stdout, 'stdout after wait'" EOL
+ "sys.stdout.flush()" EOL
+ "time.sleep(2)" EOL
+ "print >>sys.stderr, 'stderr after wait'" EOL
+ "sys.stderr.flush()" EOL
+ );
+ // Arrange to track the history of our interaction with child: what we
+ // fetched, which pipe it came from, how many tries it took before we
+ // got it.
+ std::vector<Item> history;
+ history.push_back(Item());
+ // Run the child process.
+ apr_procattr_t *procattr = NULL;
+ aprchk(apr_procattr_create(&procattr, pool.getAPRPool()));
+ aprchk(apr_procattr_io_set(procattr, APR_CHILD_BLOCK, APR_CHILD_BLOCK, APR_CHILD_BLOCK));
+ aprchk(apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(procattr, APR_PROGRAM_PATH));
+ std::vector<const char*> argv;
+ apr_proc_t child;
+ argv.push_back("python");
+ // Have to have a named copy of this std::string so its c_str() value
+ // will persist.
+ std::string scriptname(script.getName());
+ argv.push_back(scriptname.c_str());
+ argv.push_back(NULL);
+ aprchk(apr_proc_create(&child, argv[0],
+ &argv[0],
+ NULL, // if we wanted to pass explicit environment
+ procattr,
+ pool.getAPRPool()));
+ // We do not want this child process to outlive our APR pool. On
+ // destruction of the pool, forcibly kill the process. Tell APR to try
+ // SIGTERM and wait 3 seconds. If that didn't work, use SIGKILL.
+ apr_pool_note_subprocess(pool.getAPRPool(), &child, APR_KILL_AFTER_TIMEOUT);
+ // arrange to call child_status_callback()
+ WaitInfo wi(&child);
+ apr_proc_other_child_register(&child, child_status_callback, &wi,, pool.getAPRPool());
+ // TODO:
+ // Stuff until it (would) block to verify EWOULDBLOCK/EAGAIN.
+ // Have child script clear it later, then write one more line to prove
+ // that it gets through.
+ // Monitor two different output pipes. Because one will be closed
+ // before the other, keep them in a list so we can drop whichever of
+ // them is closed first.
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, apr_file_t*> DescFile;
+ typedef std::list<DescFile> DescFileList;
+ DescFileList outfiles;
+ outfiles.push_back(DescFile("out", child.out));
+ outfiles.push_back(DescFile("err", child.err));
+ while (! outfiles.empty())
+ {
+ // This peculiar for loop is designed to let us erase(dfli). With
+ // a list, that invalidates only dfli itself -- but even so, we
+ // lose the ability to increment it for the next item. So at the
+ // top of every loop, while dfli is still valid, increment
+ // dflnext. Then before the next iteration, set dfli to dflnext.
+ for (DescFileList::iterator
+ dfli(outfiles.begin()), dflnext(outfiles.begin()), dflend(outfiles.end());
+ dfli != dflend; dfli = dflnext)
+ {
+ // Only valid to increment dflnext once we're sure it's not
+ // already at dflend.
+ ++dflnext;
+ char buf[4096];
+ apr_status_t rv = apr_file_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfli->second);
+ if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv))
+ {
+// std::cout << "(EOF on " << dfli->first << ")\n";
+// history.back().which = dfli->first;
+// history.back().what = "*eof*";
+// history.push_back(Item());
+ outfiles.erase(dfli);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rv == EWOULDBLOCK || rv == EAGAIN)
+ {
+// std::cout << "(waiting; apr_file_gets(" << dfli->first << ") => " << rv << ": " << manager.strerror(rv) << ")\n";
+ ++history.back().tries;
+ continue;
+ }
+ aprchk_("apr_file_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfli->second)", rv);
+ // Is it even possible to get APR_SUCCESS but read 0 bytes?
+ // Hope not, but defend against that anyway.
+ if (buf[0])
+ {
+// std::cout << dfli->first << ": " << buf;
+ history.back().which = dfli->first;
+ history.back().what.append(buf);
+ if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')
+ history.push_back(Item());
+ else
+ {
+ // Just for pretty output... if we only read a partial
+ // line, terminate it.
+// std::cout << "...\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Do this once per tick, as we expect the viewer will
+ apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all(APR_OC_REASON_RUNNING);
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ apr_file_close(;
+ apr_file_close(child.out);
+ apr_file_close(child.err);
+ // Okay, we've broken the loop because our pipes are all closed. If we
+ // haven't yet called wait, give the callback one more chance. This
+ // models the fact that unlike this small test program, the viewer
+ // will still be running.
+ if (wi.rv == -1)
+ {
+ std::cout << "last gasp apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all()\n";
+ apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all(APR_OC_REASON_RUNNING);
+ }
+ if (wi.rv == -1)
+ {
+ std::cout << "child_status_callback(APR_OC_REASON_DEATH) wasn't called" << std::endl;
+ wi.rv = apr_proc_wait(wi.child, &wi.rc, &wi.why, APR_NOWAIT);
+ }
+// std::cout << "child done: rv = " << rv << " (" << manager.strerror(rv) << "), why = " << why << ", rc = " << rc << '\n';
+ aprchk_("apr_proc_wait(wi->child, &wi->rc, &wi->why, APR_NOWAIT)", wi.rv, APR_CHILD_DONE);
+ ensure_equals_(wi.why, APR_PROC_EXIT);
+ ensure_equals_(wi.rc, 0);
+ // Beyond merely executing all the above successfully, verify that we
+ // obtained expected output -- and that we duly got control while
+ // waiting, proving the non-blocking nature of these pipes.
+ try
+ {
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ ensure("blocking I/O on child pipe (0)", history[i].tries);
+ ensure_equals_(history[i].which, "out");
+ ensure_equals_(history[i].what, "stdout after wait" EOL);
+// ++i;
+// ensure_equals_(history[i].which, "out");
+// ensure_equals_(history[i].what, "*eof*");
+ ++i;
+ ensure("blocking I/O on child pipe (1)", history[i].tries);
+ ensure_equals_(history[i].which, "err");
+ ensure_equals_(history[i].what, "stderr after wait" EOL);
+// ++i;
+// ensure_equals_(history[i].which, "err");
+// ensure_equals_(history[i].what, "*eof*");
+ }
+ catch (const failure&)
+ {
+ std::cout << "History:\n";
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Item& item, history)
+ {
+ std::string what(item.what);
+ if ((! what.empty()) && what[what.length() - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ what.erase(what.length() - 1);
+ if ((! what.empty()) && what[what.length() - 1] == '\r')
+ {
+ what.erase(what.length() - 1);
+ what.append("\\r");
+ }
+ what.append("\\n");
+ }
+ std::cout << " " << item.which << ": '" << what << "' ("
+ << item.tries << " tries)\n";
+ }
+ std::cout << std::flush;
+ // re-raise same error; just want to enrich the output
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<2>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("setWorkingDirectory()");
+ // We want to test setWorkingDirectory(). But what directory is
+ // guaranteed to exist on every machine, under every OS? Have to
+ // create one. Naturally, ensure we clean it up when done.
+ NamedTempDir tempdir;
+ PythonProcessLauncher py("getcwd()",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import os, sys\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write(os.getcwd())\n");
+ // Before running, call setWorkingDirectory()
+ py.mParams.cwd = tempdir.getName();
+ ensure_equals("os.getcwd()", py.run_read(), tempdir.getName());
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<3>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("arguments");
+ PythonProcessLauncher py("args",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import sys\n"
+ // note nonstandard output-file arg!
+ "with open(sys.argv[3], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n"
+ " print >>f, arg\n");
+ // We expect that PythonProcessLauncher has already appended
+ // its own NamedTempFile to mParams.args (sys.argv[0]).
+ py.mParams.args.add("first arg"); // sys.argv[1]
+ py.mParams.args.add("second arg"); // sys.argv[2]
+ // run_read() appends() one more argument, hence [3]
+ std::string output(py.run_read());
+ boost::split_iterator<std::string::const_iterator>
+ li(output, boost::first_finder("\n")), lend;
+ ensure("didn't get first arg", li != lend);
+ std::string arg(li->begin(), li->end());
+ ensure_equals(arg, "first arg");
+ ++li;
+ ensure("didn't get second arg", li != lend);
+ arg.assign(li->begin(), li->end());
+ ensure_equals(arg, "second arg");
+ ++li;
+ ensure("didn't get output filename?!", li != lend);
+ arg.assign(li->begin(), li->end());
+ ensure("output filename empty?!", ! arg.empty());
+ ++li;
+ ensure("too many args", li == lend);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<4>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("explicit kill()");
+ PythonProcessLauncher py("kill()",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import sys, time\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('ok')\n"
+ "# now sleep; expect caller to kill\n"
+ "time.sleep(120)\n"
+ "# if caller hasn't managed to kill by now, bad\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('bad')\n");
+ NamedTempFile out("out", "not started");
+ py.mParams.args.add(out.getName());
+ py.mPy = LLProcess::create(py.mParams);
+ ensure("couldn't launch kill() script", py.mPy);
+ // Wait for the script to wake up and do its first write
+ int i = 0, timeout = 60;
+ for ( ; i < timeout; ++i)
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ if (readfile(out.getName(), "from kill() script") == "ok")
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we broke this loop because of the counter, something's wrong
+ ensure("script never started", i < timeout);
+ // script has performed its first write and should now be sleeping.
+ py.mPy->kill();
+ // wait for the script to terminate... one way or another.
+ while (py.mPy->isRunning())
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ // If kill() failed, the script would have woken up on its own and
+ // overwritten the file with 'bad'. But if kill() succeeded, it should
+ // not have had that chance.
+ ensure_equals("kill() script output", readfile(out.getName()), "ok");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<5>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("implicit kill()");
+ NamedTempFile out("out", "not started");
+ LLProcess::handle phandle(0);
+ {
+ PythonProcessLauncher py("kill()",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import sys, time\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('ok')\n"
+ "# now sleep; expect caller to kill\n"
+ "time.sleep(120)\n"
+ "# if caller hasn't managed to kill by now, bad\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('bad')\n");
+ py.mParams.args.add(out.getName());
+ py.mPy = LLProcess::create(py.mParams);
+ ensure("couldn't launch kill() script", py.mPy);
+ // Capture handle for later
+ phandle = py.mPy->getProcessHandle();
+ // Wait for the script to wake up and do its first write
+ int i = 0, timeout = 60;
+ for ( ; i < timeout; ++i)
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ if (readfile(out.getName(), "from kill() script") == "ok")
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we broke this loop because of the counter, something's wrong
+ ensure("script never started", i < timeout);
+ // Script has performed its first write and should now be sleeping.
+ // Destroy the LLProcess, which should kill the child.
+ }
+ // wait for the script to terminate... one way or another.
+ while (LLProcess::isRunning(phandle))
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ // If kill() failed, the script would have woken up on its own and
+ // overwritten the file with 'bad'. But if kill() succeeded, it should
+ // not have had that chance.
+ ensure_equals("kill() script output", readfile(out.getName()), "ok");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("autokill");
+ NamedTempFile from("from", "not started");
+ NamedTempFile to("to", "");
+ LLProcess::handle phandle(0);
+ {
+ PythonProcessLauncher py("autokill",
+ "from __future__ import with_statement\n"
+ "import sys, time\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('ok')\n"
+ "# wait for 'go' from test program\n"
+ "for i in xrange(60):\n"
+ " time.sleep(1)\n"
+ " with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:\n"
+ " go =\n"
+ " if go == 'go':\n"
+ " break\n"
+ "else:\n"
+ " with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('never saw go')\n"
+ " sys.exit(1)\n"
+ "# okay, saw 'go', write 'ack'\n"
+ "with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f:\n"
+ " f.write('ack')\n");
+ py.mParams.args.add(from.getName());
+ py.mParams.args.add(to.getName());
+ py.mParams.autokill = false;
+ py.mPy = LLProcess::create(py.mParams);
+ ensure("couldn't launch kill() script", py.mPy);
+ // Capture handle for later
+ phandle = py.mPy->getProcessHandle();
+ // Wait for the script to wake up and do its first write
+ int i = 0, timeout = 60;
+ for ( ; i < timeout; ++i)
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ if (readfile(from.getName(), "from autokill script") == "ok")
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we broke this loop because of the counter, something's wrong
+ ensure("script never started", i < timeout);
+ // Now destroy the LLProcess, which should NOT kill the child!
+ }
+ // If the destructor killed the child anyway, give it time to die
+ sleep(2);
+ // How do we know it's not terminated? By making it respond to
+ // a specific stimulus in a specific way.
+ {
+ std::ofstream outf(to.getName().c_str());
+ outf << "go";
+ } // flush and close.
+ // now wait for the script to terminate... one way or another.
+ while (LLProcess::isRunning(phandle))
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ // If the LLProcess destructor implicitly called kill(), the
+ // script could not have written 'ack' as we expect.
+ ensure_equals("autokill script output", readfile(from.getName()), "ack");
+ }
+} // namespace tut
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
index 72322c3b72..e625545763 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
@@ -40,41 +40,15 @@ typedef U32 uint32_t;
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "llprocesslauncher.h"
+#include "llprocess.h"
-#include <sstream>
-// Whoops, seems Linden's Boost package and the viewer are built with
-// different settings of VC's /Zc:wchar_t switch! Using Boost.Filesystem
-// pathname operations produces Windows link errors:
-// unresolved external symbol "private: static class std::codecvt<unsigned short,
-// char,int> const * & __cdecl boost::filesystem3::path::wchar_t_codecvt_facet()"
-// unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::filesystem3::path_traits::convert()"
-// See:
-// which points to:
-// As we're not trying to preserve compatibility with old Boost.Filesystem
-// code, but rather writing brand-new code, use the newest available
-// Filesystem API.
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "boost/filesystem/v3/fstream.hpp"
#include "boost/range.hpp"
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp"
#include "boost/lambda/bind.hpp"
namespace lambda = boost::lambda;
-// Aaaarrgh, Linden's Boost package doesn't even include Boost.Iostreams!
-#include "boost/iostreams/stream.hpp"
-#include "boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp"
#include "../llsd.h"
#include "../llsdserialize.h"
@@ -82,236 +56,17 @@ namespace lambda = boost::lambda;
#include "../llformat.h"
#include "../test/lltut.h"
+#include "../test/manageapr.h"
+#include "../test/namedtempfile.h"
#include "stringize.h"
+static ManageAPR manager;
std::vector<U8> string_to_vector(const std::string& str)
return std::vector<U8>(str.begin(), str.end());
-// We want to call strerror_r(), but alarmingly, there are two different
-// variants. The one that returns int always populates the passed buffer
-// (except in case of error), whereas the other one always returns a valid
-// char* but might or might not populate the passed buffer. How do we know
-// which one we're getting? Define adapters for each and let the compiler
-// select the applicable adapter.
-// strerror_r() returns char*
-std::string message_from(int /*orig_errno*/, const char* /*buffer*/, const char* strerror_ret)
- return strerror_ret;
-// strerror_r() returns int
-std::string message_from(int orig_errno, const char* buffer, int strerror_ret)
- if (strerror_ret == 0)
- {
- return buffer;
- }
- // Here strerror_r() has set errno. Since strerror_r() has already failed,
- // seems like a poor bet to call it again to diagnose its own error...
- int stre_errno = errno;
- if (stre_errno == ERANGE)
- {
- return STRINGIZE("strerror_r() can't explain errno " << orig_errno
- << " (buffer too small)");
- }
- if (stre_errno == EINVAL)
- {
- return STRINGIZE("unknown errno " << orig_errno);
- }
- // Here we don't even understand the errno from strerror_r()!
- return STRINGIZE("strerror_r() can't explain errno " << orig_errno
- << " (error " << stre_errno << ')');
-#endif // ! LL_WINDOWS
-// boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() isn't yet in Boost 1.45! :-(
-std::string temp_directory_path()
- char buffer[4096];
- GetTempPathA(sizeof(buffer), buffer);
- return buffer;
- static const char* vars[] = { "TMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR" };
- BOOST_FOREACH(const char* var, vars)
- {
- const char* found = getenv(var);
- if (found)
- return found;
- }
- return "/tmp";
-#endif // LL_DARWIN, LL_LINUX
-// Windows presents a kinda sorta compatibility layer. Code to the yucky
-// Windows names because they're less likely than the Posix names to collide
-// with any other names in this source.
-#define _remove DeleteFileA
-#else // ! LL_WINDOWS
-#define _open open
-#define _write write
-#define _close close
-#define _remove remove
-#endif // ! LL_WINDOWS
-// Create a text file with specified content "somewhere in the
-// filesystem," cleaning up when it goes out of scope.
-class NamedTempFile
- // Function that accepts an ostream ref and (presumably) writes stuff to
- // it, e.g.:
- // (lambda::_1 << "the value is " << 17 << '\n')
- typedef boost::function<void(std::ostream&)> Streamer;
- NamedTempFile(const std::string& ext, const std::string& content):
- mPath(temp_directory_path())
- {
- createFile(ext, lambda::_1 << content);
- }
- // Disambiguate when passing string literal
- NamedTempFile(const std::string& ext, const char* content):
- mPath(temp_directory_path())
- {
- createFile(ext, lambda::_1 << content);
- }
- NamedTempFile(const std::string& ext, const Streamer& func):
- mPath(temp_directory_path())
- {
- createFile(ext, func);
- }
- ~NamedTempFile()
- {
- _remove(mPath.c_str());
- }
- std::string getName() const { return mPath; }
- void createFile(const std::string& ext, const Streamer& func)
- {
- // Silly maybe, but use 'ext' as the name prefix. Strip off a leading
- // '.' if present.
- int pfx_offset = ((! ext.empty()) && ext[0] == '.')? 1 : 0;
- // Make sure mPath ends with a directory separator, if it doesn't already.
- if (mPath.empty() ||
- ! (mPath[mPath.length() - 1] == '\\' || mPath[mPath.length() - 1] == '/'))
- {
- mPath.append("/");
- }
- // mkstemp() accepts and modifies a char* template string. Generate
- // the template string, then copy to modifiable storage.
- // mkstemp() requires its template string to end in six X's.
- mPath += ext.substr(pfx_offset) + "XXXXXX";
- // Copy to vector<char>
- std::vector<char> pathtemplate(mPath.begin(), mPath.end());
- // append a nul byte for classic-C semantics
- pathtemplate.push_back('\0');
- // std::vector promises that a pointer to the 0th element is the same
- // as a pointer to a contiguous classic-C array
- int fd(mkstemp(&pathtemplate[0]));
- if (fd == -1)
- {
- // The documented errno values (
- // are used in a somewhat unusual way, so provide context-specific
- // errors.
- if (errno == EEXIST)
- {
- LL_ERRS("NamedTempFile") << "mkstemp(\"" << mPath
- << "\") could not create unique file " << LL_ENDL;
- }
- if (errno == EINVAL)
- {
- LL_ERRS("NamedTempFile") << "bad mkstemp() file path template '"
- << mPath << "'" << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // Shrug, something else
- int mkst_errno = errno;
- char buffer[256];
- LL_ERRS("NamedTempFile") << "mkstemp(\"" << mPath << "\") failed: "
- << message_from(mkst_errno, buffer,
- strerror_r(mkst_errno, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
- << LL_ENDL;
- }
- // mkstemp() seems to have worked! Capture the modified filename.
- // Avoid the nul byte we appended.
- mPath.assign(pathtemplate.begin(), (pathtemplate.end()-1));
- // Define an ostream on the open fd. Tell it to close fd on destruction.
- boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink>
- out(fd, boost::iostreams::close_handle);
- // Write desired content.
- std::ostringstream out;
- // Stream stuff to it.
- func(out);
- std::string data(out.str());
- int written(_write(fd, data.c_str(), data.length()));
- int closed(_close(fd));
- llassert_always(written == data.length() && closed == 0);
-#else // LL_WINDOWS
- // GetTempFileName() is documented to require a MAX_PATH buffer.
- char tempname[MAX_PATH];
- // Use 'ext' as filename prefix, but skip leading '.' if any.
- // The 0 param is very important: requests iterating until we get a
- // unique name.
- if (0 == GetTempFileNameA(mPath.c_str(), ext.c_str() + pfx_offset, 0, tempname))
- {
- // I always have to look up this call... :-P
- LPSTR msgptr;
- FormatMessageA(
- GetLastError(),
- LPSTR(&msgptr), // have to cast (char**) to (char*)
- 0, NULL );
- LL_ERRS("NamedTempFile") << "GetTempFileName(\"" << mPath << "\", \""
- << (ext.c_str() + pfx_offset) << "\") failed: "
- << msgptr << LL_ENDL;
- LocalFree(msgptr);
- }
- // GetTempFileName() appears to have worked! Capture the actual
- // filename.
- mPath = tempname;
- // Open the file and stream content to it. Destructor will close.
- std::ofstream out(tempname);
- func(out);
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
- }
- void peep()
- {
- std::cout << "File '" << mPath << "' contains:\n";
- std::ifstream reader(mPath.c_str());
- std::string line;
- while (std::getline(reader, line))
- std::cout << line << '\n';
- std::cout << "---\n";
- }
- std::string mPath;
namespace tut
struct sd_xml_data
@@ -1783,7 +1538,7 @@ namespace tut
const char* PYTHON(getenv("PYTHON"));
ensure("Set $PYTHON to the Python interpreter", PYTHON);
- NamedTempFile scriptfile(".py", script);
+ NamedTempFile scriptfile("py", script);
std::string q("\"");
@@ -1802,14 +1557,15 @@ namespace tut
- LLProcessLauncher py;
- py.setExecutable(PYTHON);
- py.addArgument(scriptfile.getName());
- ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("Couldn't launch " << desc << " script"), py.launch(), 0);
+ LLProcess::Params params;
+ params.executable = PYTHON;
+ params.args.add(scriptfile.getName());
+ LLProcessPtr py(LLProcess::create(params));
+ ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't launch " << desc << " script"), py);
// Implementing timeout would mean messing with alarm() and
// catching SIGALRM... later maybe...
int status(0);
- if (waitpid(py.getProcessID(), &status, 0) == -1)
+ if (waitpid(py->getProcessID(), &status, 0) == -1)
int waitpid_errno(errno);
ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("Couldn't retrieve rc from " << desc << " script: "
@@ -1888,12 +1644,12 @@ namespace tut
" else:\n"
" assert False, 'Too many data items'\n";
- // Create a something.llsd file containing 'data' serialized to
+ // Create an llsdXXXXXX file containing 'data' serialized to
// notation. It's important to separate with newlines because Python's
// llsd module doesn't support parsing from a file stream, only from a
// string, so we have to know how much of the file to read into a
// string.
- NamedTempFile file(".llsd",
+ NamedTempFile file("llsd",
// NamedTempFile's boost::function constructor
// takes a callable. To this callable it passes the
// std::ostream with which it's writing the
@@ -1926,7 +1682,7 @@ namespace tut
// Create an empty data file. This is just a placeholder for our
// script to write into. Create it to establish a unique name that
// we know.
- NamedTempFile file(".llsd", "");
+ NamedTempFile file("llsd", "");
python("write Python notation",
lambda::_1 <<
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llstreamqueue_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llstreamqueue_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..050ad5c5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llstreamqueue_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * @file llstreamqueue_test.cpp
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2012-01-05
+ * @brief Test for llstreamqueue.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// associated header
+#include "llstreamqueue.h"
+// STL headers
+#include <vector>
+// std headers
+// external library headers
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+#include "stringize.h"
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct llstreamqueue_data
+ {
+ llstreamqueue_data():
+ // we want a buffer with actual bytes in it, not an empty vector
+ buffer(10)
+ {}
+ // As LLStreamQueue is merely a typedef for
+ // LLGenericStreamQueue<char>, and no logic in LLGenericStreamQueue is
+ // specific to the <char> instantiation, we're comfortable for now
+ // testing only the narrow-char version.
+ LLStreamQueue strq;
+ // buffer for use in multiple tests
+ std::vector<char> buffer;
+ };
+ typedef test_group<llstreamqueue_data> llstreamqueue_group;
+ typedef llstreamqueue_group::object object;
+ llstreamqueue_group llstreamqueuegrp("llstreamqueue");
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("empty LLStreamQueue");
+ ensure_equals("brand-new LLStreamQueue isn't empty",
+ strq.size(), 0);
+ ensure_equals("brand-new LLStreamQueue returns data",
+ strq.asSource().read(&buffer[0], buffer.size()), 0);
+ strq.asSink().close();
+ ensure_equals("closed empty LLStreamQueue not at EOF",
+ strq.asSource().read(&buffer[0], buffer.size()), -1);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<2>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("one internal block, one buffer");
+ LLStreamQueue::Sink sink(strq.asSink());
+ ensure_equals("write(\"\")", sink.write("", 0), 0);
+ ensure_equals("0 write should leave LLStreamQueue empty (size())",
+ strq.size(), 0);
+ ensure_equals("0 write should leave LLStreamQueue empty (peek())",
+ strq.peek(&buffer[0], buffer.size()), 0);
+ // The meaning of "atomic" is that it must be smaller than our buffer.
+ std::string atomic("atomic");
+ ensure("test data exceeds buffer", atomic.length() < buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("write(\"" << atomic << "\")"),
+ sink.write(&atomic[0], atomic.length()), atomic.length());
+ ensure_equals("size() after write()", strq.size(), atomic.length());
+ size_t peeklen(strq.peek(&buffer[0], buffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << atomic << "\")"),
+ peeklen, atomic.length());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << atomic << "\") result"),
+ std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + peeklen), atomic);
+ ensure_equals("size() after peek()", strq.size(), atomic.length());
+ // peek() should not consume. Use a different buffer to prove it isn't
+ // just leftover data from the first peek().
+ std::vector<char> again(buffer.size());
+ peeklen = size_t(strq.peek(&again[0], again.size()));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << atomic << "\") again"),
+ peeklen, atomic.length());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << atomic << "\") again result"),
+ std::string(again.begin(), again.begin() + peeklen), atomic);
+ // now consume.
+ std::vector<char> third(buffer.size());
+ size_t readlen([0], third.size()));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("read(\"" << atomic << "\")"),
+ readlen, atomic.length());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("read(\"" << atomic << "\") result"),
+ std::string(third.begin(), third.begin() + readlen), atomic);
+ ensure_equals("peek() after read()", strq.peek(&buffer[0], buffer.size()), 0);
+ ensure_equals("size() after read()", strq.size(), 0);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<3>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("basic skip()");
+ std::string lovecraft("lovecraft");
+ ensure("test data exceeds buffer", lovecraft.length() < buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("write(\"" << lovecraft << "\")"),
+ strq.write(&lovecraft[0], lovecraft.length()), lovecraft.length());
+ size_t peeklen(strq.peek(&buffer[0], buffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << lovecraft << "\")"),
+ peeklen, lovecraft.length());
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("peek(\"" << lovecraft << "\") result"),
+ std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + peeklen), lovecraft);
+ std::streamsize skip1(4);
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("skip(" << skip1 << ")"), strq.skip(skip1), skip1);
+ ensure_equals("size() after skip()", strq.size(), lovecraft.length() - skip1);
+ size_t readlen([0], buffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("read(\"" << lovecraft.substr(skip1) << "\")"),
+ readlen, lovecraft.length() - skip1);
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("read(\"" << lovecraft.substr(skip1) << "\") result"),
+ std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + readlen),
+ lovecraft.substr(skip1));
+ ensure_equals("unconsumed",[0], buffer.size()), 0);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<4>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("skip() multiple blocks");
+ std::string blocks[] = { "books of ", "H.P. ", "Lovecraft" };
+ std::streamsize total(blocks[0].length() + blocks[1].length() + blocks[2].length());
+ std::streamsize leave(5); // len("craft") above
+ std::streamsize skip(total - leave);
+ std::streamsize written(0);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& block, blocks)
+ {
+ written += strq.write(&block[0], block.length());
+ ensure_equals("size() after write()", strq.size(), written);
+ }
+ std::streamsize skiplen(strq.skip(skip));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("skip(" << skip << ")"), skiplen, skip);
+ ensure_equals("size() after skip()", strq.size(), leave);
+ size_t readlen([0], buffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals("read(\"craft\")", readlen, leave);
+ ensure_equals("read(\"craft\") result",
+ std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + readlen), "craft");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<5>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("concatenate blocks");
+ std::string blocks[] = { "abcd", "efghij", "klmnopqrs" };
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& block, blocks)
+ {
+ strq.write(&block[0], block.length());
+ }
+ std::vector<char> longbuffer(30);
+ std::streamsize readlen([0], longbuffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals("read() multiple blocks",
+ readlen, blocks[0].length() + blocks[1].length() + blocks[2].length());
+ ensure_equals("read() multiple blocks result",
+ std::string(longbuffer.begin(), longbuffer.begin() + readlen),
+ blocks[0] + blocks[1] + blocks[2]);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void object::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("split blocks");
+ std::string blocks[] = { "abcdefghijklm", "nopqrstuvwxyz" };
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& block, blocks)
+ {
+ strq.write(&block[0], block.length());
+ }
+ strq.close();
+ // We've already verified what strq.size() should be at this point;
+ // see above test named "skip() multiple blocks"
+ std::streamsize chksize(strq.size());
+ std::streamsize readlen([0], buffer.size()));
+ ensure_equals("read() 0", readlen, buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals("read() 0 result", std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()), "abcdefghij");
+ chksize -= readlen;
+ ensure_equals("size() after read() 0", strq.size(), chksize);
+ readlen =[0], buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals("read() 1", readlen, buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals("read() 1 result", std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()), "klmnopqrst");
+ chksize -= readlen;
+ ensure_equals("size() after read() 1", strq.size(), chksize);
+ readlen =[0], buffer.size());
+ ensure_equals("read() 2", readlen, chksize);
+ ensure_equals("read() 2 result",
+ std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + readlen), "uvwxyz");
+ ensure_equals("read() 3",[0], buffer.size()), -1);
+ }
+} // namespace tut