path: root/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
index 5dbcf4c9b8..ac40125f75 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/tests/llsdserialize_test.cpp
@@ -45,21 +45,22 @@ typedef U32 uint32_t;
#include "boost/range.hpp"
-#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
-#include "boost/function.hpp"
-#include "boost/bind.hpp"
-#include "boost/phoenix/bind/bind_function.hpp"
-#include "boost/phoenix/core/argument.hpp"
-using namespace boost::phoenix;
-#include "../llsd.h"
-#include "../llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
#include "llsdutil.h"
-#include "../llformat.h"
+#include "llformat.h"
+#include "llmemorystream.h"
+#include "../test/hexdump.h"
#include "../test/lltut.h"
#include "../test/namedtempfile.h"
#include "stringize.h"
+#include "StringVec.h"
+#include <functional>
+typedef std::function<void(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& str)> FormatterFunction;
+typedef std::function<bool(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes)> ParserFunction;
std::vector<U8> string_to_vector(const std::string& str)
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ namespace tut
mSD = LLUUID::null;
expected = "<llsd><uuid /></llsd>\n";
xml_test("null uuid", expected);
mSD = LLUUID("c96f9b1e-f589-4100-9774-d98643ce0bed");
expected = "<llsd><uuid>c96f9b1e-f589-4100-9774-d98643ce0bed</uuid></llsd>\n";
xml_test("uuid", expected);
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ namespace tut
expected = "<llsd><binary encoding=\"base64\">aGVsbG8=</binary></llsd>\n";
xml_test("binary", expected);
template<> template<>
void sd_xml_object::test<2>()
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ namespace tut
expected = "<llsd><map><key>baz</key><undef /><key>foo</key><string>bar</string></map></llsd>\n";
xml_test("2 element map", expected);
template<> template<>
void sd_xml_object::test<6>()
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ namespace tut
expected = "<llsd><binary encoding=\"base64\">Nnw2fGFzZGZoYXBweWJveHw2MGU0NGVjNS0zMDVjLTQzYzItOWExOS1iNGI4OWIxYWUyYTZ8NjBlNDRlYzUtMzA1Yy00M2MyLTlhMTktYjRiODliMWFlMmE2fDYwZTQ0ZWM1LTMwNWMtNDNjMi05YTE5LWI0Yjg5YjFhZTJhNnwwMDAwMDAwMC0wMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMC0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDB8N2ZmZmZmZmZ8N2ZmZmZmZmZ8MHwwfDgyMDAwfDQ1MGZlMzk0LTI5MDQtYzlhZC0yMTRjLWEwN2ViN2ZlZWMyOXwoTm8gRGVzY3JpcHRpb24pfDB8MTB8MA==</binary></llsd>\n";
xml_test("binary", expected);
class TestLLSDSerializeData
@@ -250,9 +251,34 @@ namespace tut
void doRoundTripTests(const std::string&);
void checkRoundTrip(const std::string&, const LLSD& v);
- LLPointer<LLSDFormatter> mFormatter;
- LLPointer<LLSDParser> mParser;
+ void setFormatterParser(LLPointer<LLSDFormatter> formatter, LLPointer<LLSDParser> parser)
+ {
+ mFormatter = [formatter](const LLSD& data, std::ostream& str)
+ {
+ formatter->format(data, str);
+ };
+ // this lambda must be mutable since otherwise the bound 'parser'
+ // is assumed to point to a const LLSDParser
+ mParser = [parser](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes) mutable
+ {
+ // reset() call is needed since test code re-uses parser object
+ parser->reset();
+ return (parser->parse(istr, data, max_bytes) > 0);
+ };
+ }
+ void setParser(bool (*parser)(LLSD&, std::istream&, llssize))
+ {
+ // why does LLSDSerialize::deserialize() reverse the parse() params??
+ mParser = [parser](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes)
+ {
+ return parser(data, istr, max_bytes);
+ };
+ }
+ FormatterFunction mFormatter;
+ ParserFunction mParser;
@@ -265,12 +291,11 @@ namespace tut
void TestLLSDSerializeData::checkRoundTrip(const std::string& msg, const LLSD& v)
- std::stringstream stream;
- mFormatter->format(v, stream);
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ mFormatter(v, stream);
//LL_INFOS() << "checkRoundTrip: length " << stream.str().length() << LL_ENDL;
- mParser->reset(); // reset() call is needed since test code re-uses mParser
- mParser->parse(stream, w, stream.str().size());
+ mParser(stream, w, stream.str().size());
@@ -299,52 +324,52 @@ namespace tut
fillmap(root[key], width, depth - 1);
void TestLLSDSerializeData::doRoundTripTests(const std::string& msg)
checkRoundTrip(msg + " undefined", v);
v = true;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " true bool", v);
v = false;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " false bool", v);
v = 1;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " positive int", v);
v = 0;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " zero int", v);
v = -1;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " negative int", v);
v = 1234.5f;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " positive float", v);
v = 0.0f;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " zero float", v);
v = -1234.5f;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " negative float", v);
// FIXME: need a NaN test
v = LLUUID::null;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " null uuid", v);
v = newUUID;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " new uuid", v);
v = "";
checkRoundTrip(msg + " empty string", v);
v = "some string";
checkRoundTrip(msg + " non-empty string", v);
v =
"Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. "
"Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is "
@@ -372,7 +397,7 @@ namespace tut
for (U32 block = 0x000000; block <= 0x10ffff; block += block_size)
std::ostringstream out;
for (U32 c = block; c < block + block_size; ++c)
if (c <= 0x000001f
@@ -386,7 +411,7 @@ namespace tut
if (0x00fdd0 <= c && c <= 0x00fdef) { continue; }
if ((c & 0x00fffe) == 0x00fffe) { continue; }
// see Unicode standard, section 15.8
if (c <= 0x00007f)
out << (char)(c & 0x7f);
@@ -410,55 +435,55 @@ namespace tut
out << (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3f));
v = out.str();
std::ostringstream blockmsg;
blockmsg << msg << " unicode string block 0x" << std::hex << block;
checkRoundTrip(blockmsg.str(), v);
LLDate epoch;
v = epoch;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " epoch date", v);
LLDate aDay("2002-12-07T05:07:15.00Z");
v = aDay;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " date", v);
LLURI path("");
v = path;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " url", v);
const char source[] = "it must be a blue moon again";
std::vector<U8> data;
// note, includes terminating '\0'
copy(&source[0], &source[sizeof(source)], back_inserter(data));
v = data;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " binary", v);
v = LLSD::emptyMap();
checkRoundTrip(msg + " empty map", v);
v = LLSD::emptyMap();
v["name"] = "luke"; //v.insert("name", "luke");
v["age"] = 3; //v.insert("age", 3);
checkRoundTrip(msg + " map", v);
v["a"]["1"] = true;
v["b"]["0"] = false;
checkRoundTrip(msg + " nested maps", v);
v = LLSD::emptyArray();
checkRoundTrip(msg + " empty array", v);
v = LLSD::emptyArray();
checkRoundTrip(msg + " array", v);
v[0][0] = true;
v[1][0] = false;
@@ -468,7 +493,7 @@ namespace tut
fillmap(v, 10, 3); // 10^6 maps
checkRoundTrip(msg + " many nested maps", v);
typedef tut::test_group<TestLLSDSerializeData> TestLLSDSerializeGroup;
typedef TestLLSDSerializeGroup::object TestLLSDSerializeObject;
TestLLSDSerializeGroup gTestLLSDSerializeGroup("llsd serialization");
@@ -476,35 +501,106 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<1>()
- mFormatter = new LLSDNotationFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);
- mParser = new LLSDNotationParser();
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDNotationFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY),
+ new LLSDNotationParser());
doRoundTripTests("pretty binary notation serialization");
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<2>()
- mFormatter = new LLSDNotationFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE);
- mParser = new LLSDNotationParser();
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDNotationFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE),
+ new LLSDNotationParser());
doRoundTripTests("raw binary notation serialization");
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<3>()
- mFormatter = new LLSDXMLFormatter();
- mParser = new LLSDXMLParser();
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDXMLFormatter(), new LLSDXMLParser());
doRoundTripTests("xml serialization");
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<4>()
- mFormatter = new LLSDBinaryFormatter();
- mParser = new LLSDBinaryParser();
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDBinaryFormatter(), new LLSDBinaryParser());
doRoundTripTests("binary serialization");
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<5>()
+ {
+ mFormatter = [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
+ {
+ LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, str, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_BINARY);
+ };
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ doRoundTripTests("serialize(LLSD_BINARY)");
+ };
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<6>()
+ {
+ mFormatter = [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
+ {
+ LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, str, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_XML);
+ };
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ doRoundTripTests("serialize(LLSD_XML)");
+ };
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<7>()
+ {
+ mFormatter = [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
+ {
+ LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, str, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_NOTATION);
+ };
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ // In this test, serialize(LLSD_NOTATION) emits a header recognized by
+ // deserialize().
+ doRoundTripTests("serialize(LLSD_NOTATION)");
+ };
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<8>()
+ {
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDNotationFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE),
+ new LLSDNotationParser());
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ // This is an interesting test because LLSDNotationFormatter does not
+ // emit an llsd/notation header.
+ doRoundTripTests("LLSDNotationFormatter -> deserialize");
+ };
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<9>()
+ {
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDXMLFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE),
+ new LLSDXMLParser());
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ // This is an interesting test because LLSDXMLFormatter does not
+ // emit an LLSD/XML header.
+ doRoundTripTests("LLSDXMLFormatter -> deserialize");
+ };
+ // We do not expect this test to succeed. Without a header, neither
+ // notation LLSD nor binary LLSD reliably start with a distinct character,
+ // the way XML LLSD starts with '<'. By convention, we default to notation
+ // rather than binary.
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestLLSDSerializeObject::test<10>()
+ {
+ setFormatterParser(new LLSDBinaryFormatter(false, "", LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE),
+ new LLSDBinaryParser());
+ setParser(LLSDSerialize::deserialize);
+ // This is an interesting test because LLSDBinaryFormatter does not
+ // emit an LLSD/Binary header.
+ doRoundTripTests("LLSDBinaryFormatter -> deserialize");
+ };
* @class TestLLSDParsing
@@ -555,7 +651,7 @@ namespace tut
TestLLSDXMLParsing() {}
typedef tut::test_group<TestLLSDXMLParsing> TestLLSDXMLParsingGroup;
typedef TestLLSDXMLParsingGroup::object TestLLSDXMLParsingObject;
TestLLSDXMLParsingGroup gTestLLSDXMLParsingGroup("llsd XML parsing");
@@ -586,8 +682,8 @@ namespace tut
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDXMLParsingObject::test<2>()
@@ -596,7 +692,7 @@ namespace tut
v["amy"] = 23;
v["bob"] = LLSD();
v["cam"] = 1.23;
"unknown data type",
@@ -607,16 +703,16 @@ namespace tut
v.size() + 1);
template<> template<>
void TestLLSDXMLParsingObject::test<3>()
// test handling of nested bad data
v["amy"] = 23;
v["cam"] = 1.23;
"map with html",
@@ -626,7 +722,7 @@ namespace tut
v.size() + 1);
v["amy"] = 23;
v["cam"] = 1.23;
@@ -639,7 +735,7 @@ namespace tut
v.size() + 1);
v["amy"] = 23;
v["bob"] = LLSD::emptyMap();
@@ -661,7 +757,7 @@ namespace tut
v[0] = 23;
v[1] = LLSD();
v[2] = 1.23;
"array value of html",
@@ -671,7 +767,7 @@ namespace tut
v.size() + 1);
v[0] = 23;
v[1] = LLSD::emptyMap();
@@ -1225,7 +1321,7 @@ namespace tut
vec[0] = 'a'; vec[1] = 'b'; vec[2] = 'c';
vec[3] = '3'; vec[4] = '2'; vec[5] = '1';
LLSD value = vec;
vec[0] = 'b'; // for binary
vec[5] = 'a'; vec[6] = 'b'; vec[7] = 'c';
@@ -1694,85 +1790,92 @@ namespace tut
ensureBinaryAndXML("map", test);
- struct TestPythonCompatible
+ // helper for TestPythonCompatible
+ static std::string import_llsd("import os.path\n"
+ "import sys\n"
+ "import llsd\n");
+ // helper for TestPythonCompatible
+ template <typename CONTENT, typename... ARGS>
+ void python_expect(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script, int expect=0,
+ ARGS&&... args)
- TestPythonCompatible():
- // Note the peculiar insertion of __FILE__ into this string. Since
- // this script is being written into a platform-dependent temp
- // directory, we can't locate indra/lib/python relative to
- // Python's __file__. Use __FILE__ instead, navigating relative
- // to this C++ source file. Use Python raw-string syntax so
- // Windows pathname backslashes won't mislead Python's string
- // scanner.
- import_llsd("import os.path\n"
- "import sys\n"
- "from llbase import llsd\n")
- {}
- ~TestPythonCompatible() {}
+ auto PYTHON(LLStringUtil::getenv("PYTHON"));
+ ensure("Set $PYTHON to the Python interpreter", !PYTHON.empty());
- std::string import_llsd;
+ NamedTempFile scriptfile("py", script);
- template <typename CONTENT>
- void python(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script, int expect=0)
+ std::string q("\"");
+ std::string qPYTHON(q + PYTHON + q);
+ std::string qscript(q + scriptfile.getName() + q);
+ int rc = _spawnl(_P_WAIT, PYTHON.c_str(), qPYTHON.c_str(), qscript.c_str(),
+ std::forward<ARGS>(args)..., NULL);
+ if (rc == -1)
- auto PYTHON(LLStringUtil::getenv("PYTHON"));
- ensure("Set $PYTHON to the Python interpreter", !PYTHON.empty());
- NamedTempFile scriptfile("py", script);
+ char buffer[256];
+ strerror_s(buffer, errno); // C++ can infer the buffer size! :-O
+ ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't run Python " << desc << "script: " << buffer), false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated with rc " << rc), rc, expect);
+ }
- std::string q("\"");
- std::string qPYTHON(q + PYTHON + q);
- std::string qscript(q + scriptfile.getName() + q);
- int rc = _spawnl(_P_WAIT, PYTHON.c_str(), qPYTHON.c_str(), qscript.c_str(), NULL);
- if (rc == -1)
+ LLProcess::Params params;
+ params.executable = PYTHON;
+ params.args.add(scriptfile.getName());
+ for (const std::string& arg : StringVec{ std::forward<ARGS>(args)... })
+ {
+ params.args.add(arg);
+ }
+ LLProcessPtr py(LLProcess::create(params));
+ ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't launch " << desc << " script"), bool(py));
+ // Implementing timeout would mean messing with alarm() and
+ // catching SIGALRM... later maybe...
+ int status(0);
+ if (waitpid(py->getProcessID(), &status, 0) == -1)
+ {
+ int waitpid_errno(errno);
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("Couldn't retrieve rc from " << desc << " script: "
+ "waitpid() errno " << waitpid_errno),
+ waitpid_errno, ECHILD);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (WIFEXITED(status))
- char buffer[256];
- strerror_s(buffer, errno); // C++ can infer the buffer size! :-O
- ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't run Python " << desc << "script: " << buffer), false);
+ int rc(WEXITSTATUS(status));
+ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated with rc " << rc),
+ rc, expect);
- else
+ else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
- ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated with rc " << rc), rc, expect);
- }
- LLProcess::Params params;
- params.executable = PYTHON;
- params.args.add(scriptfile.getName());
- LLProcessPtr py(LLProcess::create(params));
- ensure(STRINGIZE("Couldn't launch " << desc << " script"), bool(py));
- // Implementing timeout would mean messing with alarm() and
- // catching SIGALRM... later maybe...
- int status(0);
- if (waitpid(py->getProcessID(), &status, 0) == -1)
- {
- int waitpid_errno(errno);
- ensure_equals(STRINGIZE("Couldn't retrieve rc from " << desc << " script: "
- "waitpid() errno " << waitpid_errno),
- waitpid_errno, ECHILD);
+ ensure(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated by signal " << WTERMSIG(status)),
+ false);
- if (WIFEXITED(status))
- {
- int rc(WEXITSTATUS(status));
- ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated with rc " << rc),
- rc, expect);
- }
- else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
- {
- ensure(STRINGIZE(desc << " script terminated by signal " << WTERMSIG(status)),
- false);
- }
- else
- {
- ensure(STRINGIZE(desc << " script produced impossible status " << status),
- false);
- }
+ ensure(STRINGIZE(desc << " script produced impossible status " << status),
+ false);
+ }
+ // helper for TestPythonCompatible
+ template <typename CONTENT, typename... ARGS>
+ void python(const std::string& desc, const CONTENT& script, ARGS&&... args)
+ {
+ // plain python() expects rc 0
+ python_expect(desc, script, 0, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
+ }
+ struct TestPythonCompatible
+ {
+ TestPythonCompatible() {}
+ ~TestPythonCompatible() {}
typedef tut::test_group<TestPythonCompatible> TestPythonCompatibleGroup;
@@ -1783,10 +1886,10 @@ namespace tut
void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<1>()
set_test_name("verify python()");
- python("hello",
- "import sys\n"
- "sys.exit(17)\n",
- 17); // expect nonzero rc
+ python_expect("hello",
+ "import sys\n"
+ "sys.exit(17)\n",
+ 17); // expect nonzero rc
template<> template<>
@@ -1798,25 +1901,40 @@ namespace tut
"print('Running on', sys.platform)\n");
- // helper for test<3>
- static void writeLLSDArray(std::ostream& out, const LLSD& array)
+ // helper for test<3> - test<7>
+ static void writeLLSDArray(const FormatterFunction& serialize,
+ std::ostream& out, const LLSD& array)
- BOOST_FOREACH(LLSD item, llsd::inArray(array))
+ for (const LLSD& item: llsd::inArray(array))
- LLSDSerialize::toNotation(item, out);
- // It's important to separate with newlines because Python's llsd
- // module doesn't support parsing from a file stream, only from a
- // string, so we have to know how much of the file to read into a
- // string.
- out << '\n';
+ // It's important to delimit the entries in this file somehow
+ // because, although Python's llsd.parse() can accept a file
+ // stream, the XML parser expects EOF after a single outer element
+ // -- it doesn't just stop. So we must extract a sequence of bytes
+ // strings from the file. But since one of the serialization
+ // formats we want to test is binary, we can't pick any single
+ // byte value as a delimiter! Use a binary integer length prefix
+ // instead.
+ std::ostringstream buffer;
+ serialize(item, buffer);
+ auto buffstr{ buffer.str() };
+ int bufflen{ static_cast<int>(buffstr.length()) };
+ out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bufflen), sizeof(bufflen));
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Wrote length: "
+ << hexdump(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bufflen),
+ sizeof(bufflen))
+ << LL_ENDL;
+ out.write(buffstr.c_str(), buffstr.length());
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Wrote data: "
+ << hexmix(buffstr.c_str(), buffstr.length())
+ << LL_ENDL;
- template<> template<>
- void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<3>()
+ // helper for test<3> - test<7>
+ static void toPythonUsing(const std::string& desc,
+ const FormatterFunction& serialize)
- set_test_name("verify sequence to Python");
LLSD cdata(llsd::array(17, 3.14,
"This string\n"
"has several\n"
@@ -1836,41 +1954,153 @@ namespace tut
" except StopIteration:\n"
" pass\n"
" else:\n"
- " assert False, 'Too many data items'\n";
+ " raise AssertionError('Too many data items')\n";
- // Create an llsdXXXXXX file containing 'data' serialized to
- // notation.
+ // Create an llsdXXXXXX file containing 'data' serialized per
+ // FormatterFunction.
NamedTempFile file("llsd",
- // NamedTempFile's boost::function constructor
+ // NamedTempFile's function constructor
// takes a callable. To this callable it passes the
// std::ostream with which it's writing the
// NamedTempFile.
- boost::bind(writeLLSDArray, _1, cdata));
+ [serialize, cdata]
+ (std::ostream& out)
+ { writeLLSDArray(serialize, out, cdata); });
- python("read C++ notation",
- placeholders::arg1 <<
- import_llsd <<
- "def parse_each(iterable):\n"
- " for item in iterable:\n"
- " yield llsd.parse(item)\n" <<
- pydata <<
- // Don't forget raw-string syntax for Windows pathnames.
- "verify(parse_each(open(r'" << file.getName() << "', 'rb')))\n");
+ // 'debug' starts empty because it's intended as an output file
+ NamedTempFile debug("debug", "");
+ try
+ {
+ python("read C++ " + desc,
+ [&](std::ostream& out){ out <<
+ import_llsd <<
+ "from functools import partial\n"
+ "import io\n"
+ "import struct\n"
+ "lenformat = struct.Struct('i')\n"
+ "def parse_each(inf):\n"
+ " for rawlen in iter(partial(, lenformat.size), b''):\n"
+ " print('Read length:', ''.join(('%02x' % b) for b in rawlen),\n"
+ " file=debug)\n"
+ " len = lenformat.unpack(rawlen)[0]\n"
+ // Since llsd.parse() has no max_bytes argument, instead of
+ // passing the input stream directly to parse(), read the item
+ // into a distinct bytes object and parse that.
+ " data =\n"
+ " print('Read data: ', repr(data), file=debug)\n"
+ " try:\n"
+ " frombytes = llsd.parse(data)\n"
+ " except llsd.LLSDParseError as err:\n"
+ " print(f'*** {err}')\n"
+ " print(f'Bad content:\\n{data!r}')\n"
+ " raise\n"
+ // Also try parsing from a distinct stream.
+ " stream = io.BytesIO(data)\n"
+ " fromstream = llsd.parse(stream)\n"
+ " assert frombytes == fromstream\n"
+ " yield frombytes\n"
+ << pydata <<
+ // Don't forget raw-string syntax for Windows pathnames.
+ "debug = open(r'" << debug.getName() << "', 'w')\n"
+ "verify(parse_each(open(r'" << file.getName() << "', 'rb')))\n";});
+ }
+ catch (const failure&)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Script debug output:" << LL_ENDL;
+ debug.peep_log();
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<3>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::serialize(LLSD_XML)");
+ toPythonUsing("LLSD_XML",
+ [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& out)
+ { LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, out, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_XML); });
template<> template<>
void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<4>()
- set_test_name("verify sequence from Python");
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::serialize(LLSD_NOTATION)");
+ toPythonUsing("LLSD_NOTATION",
+ [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& out)
+ { LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, out, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_NOTATION); });
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<5>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::serialize(LLSD_BINARY)");
+ toPythonUsing("LLSD_BINARY",
+ [](const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& out)
+ { LLSDSerialize::serialize(sd, out, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_BINARY); });
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::toXML()");
+ toPythonUsing("toXML()", LLSDSerialize::toXML);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<7>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::toNotation()");
+ toPythonUsing("toNotation()", LLSDSerialize::toNotation);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<8>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("to Python using LLSDSerialize::toBinary()");
+ // We don't expect this to work because, without a header,
+ // llsd.parse() will assume notation rather than binary.
+ toPythonUsing("toBinary()", LLSDSerialize::toBinary);
+ }
+ // helper for test<8> - test<12>
+ bool itemFromStream(std::istream& istr, LLSD& item, const ParserFunction& parse)
+ {
+ // reset the output value for debugging clarity
+ item.clear();
+ // We use an int length prefix as a foolproof delimiter even for
+ // binary serialized streams.
+ int length{ 0 };
+<char*>(&length), sizeof(length));
+// return parse(istr, item, length);
+ // Sadly, as of 2022-12-01 it seems we can't really trust our LLSD
+ // parsers to honor max_bytes: this test works better when we read
+ // each item into its own distinct LLMemoryStream, instead of passing
+ // the original istr with a max_bytes constraint.
+ std::vector<U8> buffer(length);
+<char*>(, length);
+ LLMemoryStream stream(, length);
+ return parse(stream, item, length);
+ }
+ // helper for test<8> - test<12>
+ void fromPythonUsing(const std::string& pyformatter,
+ const ParserFunction& parse=
+ [](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes)
+ { return LLSDSerialize::deserialize(data, istr, max_bytes); })
+ {
// Create an empty data file. This is just a placeholder for our
// script to write into. Create it to establish a unique name that
// we know.
NamedTempFile file("llsd", "");
- python("write Python notation",
- placeholders::arg1 <<
+ python("Python " + pyformatter,
+ [&](std::ostream& out){ out <<
import_llsd <<
+ "import struct\n"
+ "lenformat = struct.Struct('i')\n"
"DATA = [\n"
" 17,\n"
" 3.14,\n"
@@ -1881,34 +2111,87 @@ namespace tut
// Don't forget raw-string syntax for Windows pathnames.
// N.B. Using 'print' implicitly adds newlines.
- "with open(r'" << file.getName() << "', 'w') as f:\n"
+ "with open(r'" << file.getName() << "', 'wb') as f:\n"
" for item in DATA:\n"
- " print(llsd.format_notation(item).decode(), file=f)\n");
+ " serialized = llsd." << pyformatter << "(item)\n"
+ " f.write(lenformat.pack(len(serialized)))\n"
+ " f.write(serialized)\n";});
std::ifstream inf(file.getName().c_str());
LLSD item;
- // Notice that we're not doing anything special to parse out the
- // newlines: LLSDSerialize::fromNotation ignores them. While it would
- // seem they're not strictly necessary, going in this direction, we
- // want to ensure that notation-separated-by-newlines works in both
- // directions -- since in practice, a given file might be read by
- // either language.
- ensure_equals("Failed to read LLSD::Integer from Python",
- LLSDSerialize::fromNotation(item, inf, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED),
- 1);
- ensure_equals(item.asInteger(), 17);
- ensure_equals("Failed to read LLSD::Real from Python",
- LLSDSerialize::fromNotation(item, inf, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED),
- 1);
- ensure_approximately_equals("Bad LLSD::Real value from Python",
- item.asReal(), 3.14, 7); // 7 bits ~= 0.01
- ensure_equals("Failed to read LLSD::String from Python",
- LLSDSerialize::fromNotation(item, inf, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED),
- 1);
- ensure_equals(item.asString(),
- "This string\n"
- "has several\n"
- "lines.");
+ try
+ {
+ ensure("Failed to read LLSD::Integer from Python",
+ itemFromStream(inf, item, parse));
+ ensure_equals(item.asInteger(), 17);
+ ensure("Failed to read LLSD::Real from Python",
+ itemFromStream(inf, item, parse));
+ ensure_approximately_equals("Bad LLSD::Real value from Python",
+ item.asReal(), 3.14, 7); // 7 bits ~= 0.01
+ ensure("Failed to read LLSD::String from Python",
+ itemFromStream(inf, item, parse));
+ ensure_equals(item.asString(),
+ "This string\n"
+ "has several\n"
+ "lines.");
+ }
+ catch (const tut::failure& err)
+ {
+ std::cout << "for " << err.what() << ", item = " << item << std::endl;
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<8>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python XML using LLSDSerialize::deserialize()");
+ fromPythonUsing("format_xml");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<9>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python notation using LLSDSerialize::deserialize()");
+ fromPythonUsing("format_notation");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<10>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python binary using LLSDSerialize::deserialize()");
+ fromPythonUsing("format_binary");
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<11>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python XML using fromXML()");
+ // fromXML()'s optional 3rd param isn't max_bytes, it's emit_errors
+ fromPythonUsing("format_xml",
+ [](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize)
+ { return LLSDSerialize::fromXML(data, istr) > 0; });
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<12>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python notation using fromNotation()");
+ fromPythonUsing("format_notation",
+ [](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes)
+ { return LLSDSerialize::fromNotation(data, istr, max_bytes) > 0; });
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void TestPythonCompatibleObject::test<13>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("from Python binary using fromBinary()");
+ // We don't expect this to work because format_binary() emits a
+ // header, but fromBinary() won't recognize a header.
+ fromPythonUsing("format_binary",
+ [](std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes)
+ { return LLSDSerialize::fromBinary(data, istr, max_bytes) > 0; });