path: root/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.cpp')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff6806082c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ * @file llfasttimer.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of the fast timer.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llfasttimer.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "llprocessor.h"
+#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include "lltreeiterators.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include "lltimer.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include "lltimer.h"
+#elif LL_DARWIN
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "lltimer.h" // get_clock_count()
+#error "architecture not supported"
+// statics
+S32 LLFastTimer::sCurFrameIndex = -1;
+S32 LLFastTimer::sLastFrameIndex = -1;
+U64 LLFastTimer::sLastFrameTime = LLFastTimer::getCPUClockCount64();
+bool LLFastTimer::sPauseHistory = 0;
+bool LLFastTimer::sResetHistory = 0;
+LLFastTimer::CurTimerData LLFastTimer::sCurTimerData;
+BOOL LLFastTimer::sLog = FALSE;
+std::string LLFastTimer::sLogName = "";
+BOOL LLFastTimer::sMetricLog = FALSE;
+LLMutex* LLFastTimer::sLogLock = NULL;
+std::queue<LLSD> LLFastTimer::sLogQueue;
+U64 LLFastTimer::sClockResolution = 1000000000; // Nanosecond resolution
+U64 LLFastTimer::sClockResolution = 1000000; // Microsecond resolution
+// FIXME: move these declarations to the relevant modules
+// helper functions
+typedef LLTreeDFSPostIter<LLFastTimer::NamedTimer, LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::child_const_iter> timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t;
+static timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t begin_timer_tree_bottom_up(LLFastTimer::NamedTimer& id)
+ return timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t(&id,
+ boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::beginChildren), _1),
+ boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::endChildren), _1));
+static timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t end_timer_tree_bottom_up()
+ return timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t();
+typedef LLTreeDFSIter<LLFastTimer::NamedTimer, LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::child_const_iter> timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t;
+static timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t begin_timer_tree(LLFastTimer::NamedTimer& id)
+ return timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t(&id,
+ boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::beginChildren), _1),
+ boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::endChildren), _1));
+static timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t end_timer_tree()
+ return timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t();
+// factory class that creates NamedTimers via static DeclareTimer objects
+class NamedTimerFactory : public LLSingleton<NamedTimerFactory>
+ NamedTimerFactory()
+ : mTimerRoot(NULL)
+ {}
+ /*virtual */ void initSingleton()
+ {
+ mTimerRoot = new LLFastTimer::NamedTimer("root");
+ mRootFrameState.setNamedTimer(mTimerRoot);
+ mTimerRoot->setFrameState(&mRootFrameState);
+ mTimerRoot->mParent = mTimerRoot;
+ mRootFrameState.mParent = &mRootFrameState;
+ }
+ ~NamedTimerFactory()
+ {
+ std::for_each(mTimers.begin(), mTimers.end(), DeletePairedPointer());
+ delete mTimerRoot;
+ }
+ LLFastTimer::NamedTimer& createNamedTimer(const std::string& name, LLFastTimer::FrameState* state)
+ {
+ timer_map_t::iterator found_it = mTimers.find(name);
+ if (found_it != mTimers.end())
+ {
+ llerrs << "Duplicate timer declaration for: " << name << llendl;
+ return *found_it->second;
+ }
+ LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* timer = new LLFastTimer::NamedTimer(name);
+ timer->setFrameState(state);
+ timer->setParent(mTimerRoot);
+ mTimers.insert(std::make_pair(name, timer));
+ return *timer;
+ }
+ LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* getTimerByName(const std::string& name)
+ {
+ timer_map_t::iterator found_it = mTimers.find(name);
+ if (found_it != mTimers.end())
+ {
+ return found_it->second;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* getRootTimer() { return mTimerRoot; }
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LLFastTimer::NamedTimer*> timer_map_t;
+ timer_map_t::iterator beginTimers() { return mTimers.begin(); }
+ timer_map_t::iterator endTimers() { return mTimers.end(); }
+ S32 timerCount() { return mTimers.size(); }
+ timer_map_t mTimers;
+ LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* mTimerRoot;
+ LLFastTimer::FrameState mRootFrameState;
+LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer::DeclareTimer(const std::string& name, bool open )
+: mTimer(NamedTimerFactory::instance().createNamedTimer(name, &mFrameState))
+ mTimer.setCollapsed(!open);
+LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer::DeclareTimer(const std::string& name)
+: mTimer(NamedTimerFactory::instance().createNamedTimer(name, &mFrameState))
+#if (LL_DARWIN || LL_LINUX || LL_SOLARIS) && !(defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))
+U64 LLFastTimer::countsPerSecond() // counts per second for the *32-bit* timer
+ return sClockResolution >> 8;
+#else // windows or x86-mac or x86-linux or x86-solaris
+U64 LLFastTimer::countsPerSecond() // counts per second for the *32-bit* timer
+ //getCPUFrequency returns MHz and sCPUClockFrequency wants to be in Hz
+ static U64 sCPUClockFrequency = U64(LLProcessorInfo().getCPUFrequency()*1000000.0);
+ // we drop the low-order byte in our timers, so report a lower frequency
+ // If we're not using RDTSC, each fasttimer tick is just a performance counter tick.
+ // Not redefining the clock frequency itself (in llprocessor.cpp/calculate_cpu_frequency())
+ // since that would change displayed MHz stats for CPUs
+ static bool firstcall = true;
+ static U64 sCPUClockFrequency;
+ if (firstcall)
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&sCPUClockFrequency);
+ firstcall = false;
+ }
+ return sCPUClockFrequency >> 8;
+: mActiveCount(0),
+ mCalls(0),
+ mSelfTimeCounter(0),
+ mParent(NULL),
+ mLastCaller(NULL),
+ mMoveUpTree(false)
+LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::NamedTimer(const std::string& name)
+: mName(name),
+ mCollapsed(true),
+ mParent(NULL),
+ mTotalTimeCounter(0),
+ mCountAverage(0),
+ mCallAverage(0),
+ mNeedsSorting(false),
+ mFrameState(NULL)
+ mCountHistory = new U32[HISTORY_NUM];
+ memset(mCountHistory, 0, sizeof(U32) * HISTORY_NUM);
+ mCallHistory = new U32[HISTORY_NUM];
+ memset(mCallHistory, 0, sizeof(U32) * HISTORY_NUM);
+ delete[] mCountHistory;
+ delete[] mCallHistory;
+std::string LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getToolTip(S32 history_idx)
+ F64 ms_multiplier = 1000.0 / (F64)LLFastTimer::countsPerSecond();
+ if (history_idx < 0)
+ {
+ // by default, show average number of call
+ return llformat("%s (%d ms, %d calls)", getName().c_str(), (S32)(getCountAverage() * ms_multiplier), (S32)getCallAverage());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return llformat("%s (%d ms, %d calls)", getName().c_str(), (S32)(getHistoricalCount(history_idx) * ms_multiplier), (S32)getHistoricalCalls(history_idx));
+ }
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::setParent(NamedTimer* parent)
+ llassert_always(parent != this);
+ llassert_always(parent != NULL);
+ if (mParent)
+ {
+ // subtract our accumulated from previous parent
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < HISTORY_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ mParent->mCountHistory[i] -= mCountHistory[i];
+ }
+ // subtract average timing from previous parent
+ mParent->mCountAverage -= mCountAverage;
+ std::vector<NamedTimer*>& children = mParent->getChildren();
+ std::vector<NamedTimer*>::iterator found_it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), this);
+ if (found_it != children.end())
+ {
+ children.erase(found_it);
+ }
+ }
+ mParent = parent;
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ getFrameState().mParent = &parent->getFrameState();
+ parent->getChildren().push_back(this);
+ parent->mNeedsSorting = true;
+ }
+S32 LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getDepth()
+ S32 depth = 0;
+ NamedTimer* timerp = mParent;
+ while(timerp)
+ {
+ depth++;
+ timerp = timerp->mParent;
+ }
+ return depth;
+// static
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::processTimes()
+ if (sCurFrameIndex < 0) return;
+ buildHierarchy();
+ accumulateTimings();
+// sort child timers by name
+struct SortTimerByName
+ bool operator()(const LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* i1, const LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* i2)
+ {
+ return i1->getName() < i2->getName();
+ }
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::buildHierarchy()
+ if (sCurFrameIndex < 0 ) return;
+ // set up initial tree
+ {
+ for (instance_iter it = beginInstances(); it != endInstances(); ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer& timer = *it;
+ if (&timer == NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer()) continue;
+ // bootstrap tree construction by attaching to last timer to be on stack
+ // when this timer was called
+ if (timer.getFrameState().mLastCaller && timer.mParent == NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer())
+ {
+ timer.setParent(timer.getFrameState().mLastCaller->mTimer);
+ // no need to push up tree on first use, flag can be set spuriously
+ timer.getFrameState().mMoveUpTree = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // bump timers up tree if they've been flagged as being in the wrong place
+ // do this in a bottom up order to promote descendants first before promoting ancestors
+ // this preserves partial order derived from current frame's observations
+ for(timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t it = begin_timer_tree_bottom_up(*NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer());
+ it != end_timer_tree_bottom_up();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer* timerp = *it;
+ // skip root timer
+ if (timerp == NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer()) continue;
+ if (timerp->getFrameState().mMoveUpTree)
+ {
+ // since ancestors have already been visited, reparenting won't affect tree traversal
+ //step up tree, bringing our descendants with us
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "Moving " << timerp->getName() << " from child of " << timerp->getParent()->getName() <<
+ " to child of " << timerp->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << LL_ENDL;
+ timerp->setParent(timerp->getParent()->getParent());
+ timerp->getFrameState().mMoveUpTree = false;
+ // don't bubble up any ancestors until descendants are done bubbling up
+ it.skipAncestors();
+ }
+ }
+ // sort timers by time last called, so call graph makes sense
+ for(timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t it = begin_timer_tree(*NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer());
+ it != end_timer_tree();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer* timerp = (*it);
+ if (timerp->mNeedsSorting)
+ {
+ std::sort(timerp->getChildren().begin(), timerp->getChildren().end(), SortTimerByName());
+ }
+ timerp->mNeedsSorting = false;
+ }
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::accumulateTimings()
+ U32 cur_time = getCPUClockCount32();
+ // walk up stack of active timers and accumulate current time while leaving timing structures active
+ LLFastTimer* cur_timer = sCurTimerData.mCurTimer;
+ // root defined by parent pointing to self
+ CurTimerData* cur_data = &sCurTimerData;
+ while(cur_timer && cur_timer->mLastTimerData.mCurTimer != cur_timer)
+ {
+ U32 cumulative_time_delta = cur_time - cur_timer->mStartTime;
+ U32 self_time_delta = cumulative_time_delta - cur_data->mChildTime;
+ cur_data->mChildTime = 0;
+ cur_timer->mFrameState->mSelfTimeCounter += self_time_delta;
+ cur_timer->mStartTime = cur_time;
+ cur_data = &cur_timer->mLastTimerData;
+ cur_data->mChildTime += cumulative_time_delta;
+ cur_timer = cur_timer->mLastTimerData.mCurTimer;
+ }
+ // traverse tree in DFS post order, or bottom up
+ for(timer_tree_bottom_up_iterator_t it = begin_timer_tree_bottom_up(*NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer());
+ it != end_timer_tree_bottom_up();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer* timerp = (*it);
+ timerp->mTotalTimeCounter = timerp->getFrameState().mSelfTimeCounter;
+ for (child_const_iter child_it = timerp->beginChildren(); child_it != timerp->endChildren(); ++child_it)
+ {
+ timerp->mTotalTimeCounter += (*child_it)->mTotalTimeCounter;
+ }
+ S32 cur_frame = sCurFrameIndex;
+ if (cur_frame >= 0)
+ {
+ // update timer history
+ int hidx = cur_frame % HISTORY_NUM;
+ timerp->mCountHistory[hidx] = timerp->mTotalTimeCounter;
+ timerp->mCountAverage = ((U64)timerp->mCountAverage * cur_frame + timerp->mTotalTimeCounter) / (cur_frame+1);
+ timerp->mCallHistory[hidx] = timerp->getFrameState().mCalls;
+ timerp->mCallAverage = ((U64)timerp->mCallAverage * cur_frame + timerp->getFrameState().mCalls) / (cur_frame+1);
+ }
+ }
+// static
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::resetFrame()
+ if (sLog)
+ { //output current frame counts to performance log
+ static S32 call_count = 0;
+ if (call_count % 100 == 0)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "countsPerSecond (32 bit): " << countsPerSecond() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "get_clock_count (64 bit): " << get_clock_count() << llendl;
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "LLProcessorInfo().getCPUFrequency() " << LLProcessorInfo().getCPUFrequency() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "getCPUClockCount32() " << getCPUClockCount32() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "getCPUClockCount64() " << getCPUClockCount64() << LL_ENDL;
+ LL_DEBUGS("FastTimers") << "elapsed sec " << ((F64)getCPUClockCount64())/((F64)LLProcessorInfo().getCPUFrequency()*1000000.0) << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ call_count++;
+ F64 iclock_freq = 1000.0 / countsPerSecond(); // good place to calculate clock frequency
+ F64 total_time = 0;
+ LLSD sd;
+ {
+ for (instance_iter it = beginInstances(); it != endInstances(); ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer& timer = *it;
+ FrameState& info = timer.getFrameState();
+ sd[timer.getName()]["Time"] = (LLSD::Real) (info.mSelfTimeCounter*iclock_freq);
+ sd[timer.getName()]["Calls"] = (LLSD::Integer) info.mCalls;
+ // computing total time here because getting the root timer's getCountHistory
+ // doesn't work correctly on the first frame
+ total_time = total_time + info.mSelfTimeCounter * iclock_freq;
+ }
+ }
+ sd["Total"]["Time"] = (LLSD::Real) total_time;
+ sd["Total"]["Calls"] = (LLSD::Integer) 1;
+ {
+ LLMutexLock lock(sLogLock);
+ sLogQueue.push(sd);
+ }
+ }
+ // reset for next frame
+ for (instance_iter it = beginInstances(); it != endInstances(); ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer& timer = *it;
+ FrameState& info = timer.getFrameState();
+ info.mSelfTimeCounter = 0;
+ info.mCalls = 0;
+ info.mLastCaller = NULL;
+ info.mMoveUpTree = false;
+ // update parent pointer in timer state struct
+ if (timer.mParent)
+ {
+ info.mParent = &timer.mParent->getFrameState();
+ }
+ }
+void LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::reset()
+ resetFrame(); // reset frame data
+ // walk up stack of active timers and reset start times to current time
+ // effectively zeroing out any accumulated time
+ U32 cur_time = getCPUClockCount32();
+ // root defined by parent pointing to self
+ CurTimerData* cur_data = &sCurTimerData;
+ LLFastTimer* cur_timer = cur_data->mCurTimer;
+ while(cur_timer && cur_timer->mLastTimerData.mCurTimer != cur_timer)
+ {
+ cur_timer->mStartTime = cur_time;
+ cur_data->mChildTime = 0;
+ cur_data = &cur_timer->mLastTimerData;
+ cur_timer = cur_data->mCurTimer;
+ }
+ // reset all history
+ {
+ for (instance_iter it = beginInstances(); it != endInstances(); ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer& timer = *it;
+ if (&timer != NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer())
+ {
+ timer.setParent(NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer());
+ }
+ timer.mCountAverage = 0;
+ timer.mCallAverage = 0;
+ memset(timer.mCountHistory, 0, sizeof(U32) * HISTORY_NUM);
+ memset(timer.mCallHistory, 0, sizeof(U32) * HISTORY_NUM);
+ }
+ }
+ sLastFrameIndex = 0;
+ sCurFrameIndex = 0;
+U32 LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getHistoricalCount(S32 history_index) const
+ S32 history_idx = (getLastFrameIndex() + history_index) % LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::HISTORY_NUM;
+ return mCountHistory[history_idx];
+U32 LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getHistoricalCalls(S32 history_index ) const
+ S32 history_idx = (getLastFrameIndex() + history_index) % LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::HISTORY_NUM;
+ return mCallHistory[history_idx];
+LLFastTimer::FrameState& LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getFrameState() const
+ return *mFrameState;
+std::vector<LLFastTimer::NamedTimer*>::const_iterator LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::beginChildren()
+ return mChildren.begin();
+std::vector<LLFastTimer::NamedTimer*>::const_iterator LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::endChildren()
+ return mChildren.end();
+std::vector<LLFastTimer::NamedTimer*>& LLFastTimer::NamedTimer::getChildren()
+ return mChildren;
+void LLFastTimer::nextFrame()
+ countsPerSecond(); // good place to calculate clock frequency
+ U64 frame_time = getCPUClockCount64();
+ if ((frame_time - sLastFrameTime) >> 8 > 0xffffffff)
+ {
+ llinfos << "Slow frame, fast timers inaccurate" << llendl;
+ }
+ if (!sPauseHistory)
+ {
+ NamedTimer::processTimes();
+ sLastFrameIndex = sCurFrameIndex++;
+ }
+ // get ready for next frame
+ NamedTimer::resetFrame();
+ sLastFrameTime = frame_time;
+void LLFastTimer::dumpCurTimes()
+ // accumulate timings, etc.
+ NamedTimer::processTimes();
+ F64 clock_freq = (F64)countsPerSecond();
+ F64 iclock_freq = 1000.0 / clock_freq; // clock_ticks -> milliseconds
+ // walk over timers in depth order and output timings
+ for(timer_tree_dfs_iterator_t it = begin_timer_tree(*NamedTimerFactory::instance().getRootTimer());
+ it != end_timer_tree();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ NamedTimer* timerp = (*it);
+ F64 total_time_ms = ((F64)timerp->getHistoricalCount(0) * iclock_freq);
+ // Don't bother with really brief times, keep output concise
+ if (total_time_ms < 0.1) continue;
+ std::ostringstream out_str;
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < timerp->getDepth(); i++)
+ {
+ out_str << "\t";
+ }
+ out_str << timerp->getName() << " "
+ << std::setprecision(3) << total_time_ms << " ms, "
+ << timerp->getHistoricalCalls(0) << " calls";
+ llinfos << out_str.str() << llendl;
+ }
+void LLFastTimer::reset()
+ NamedTimer::reset();
+void LLFastTimer::writeLog(std::ostream& os)
+ while (!sLogQueue.empty())
+ {
+ LLSD& sd = sLogQueue.front();
+ LLSDSerialize::toXML(sd, os);
+ LLMutexLock lock(sLogLock);
+ sLogQueue.pop();
+ }
+const LLFastTimer::NamedTimer* LLFastTimer::getTimerByName(const std::string& name)
+ return NamedTimerFactory::instance().getTimerByName(name);
+LLFastTimer::LLFastTimer(LLFastTimer::FrameState* state)
+: mFrameState(state)
+ U32 start_time = getCPUClockCount32();
+ mStartTime = start_time;
+ mFrameState->mActiveCount++;
+ LLFastTimer::sCurTimerData.mCurTimer = this;
+ LLFastTimer::sCurTimerData.mFrameState = mFrameState;
+ LLFastTimer::sCurTimerData.mChildTime = 0;
+ mLastTimerData = LLFastTimer::sCurTimerData;