path: root/indra/llcommon/llcallbacklist.h
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1 files changed, 253 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llcallbacklist.h b/indra/llcommon/llcallbacklist.h
index d6c415f7c5..2fb27d5ea8 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llcallbacklist.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llcallbacklist.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
* @file llcallbacklist.h
* @brief A simple list of callback functions to call.
* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
* Second Life Viewer Source Code
* Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
+ *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
+ *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
+ *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
+ *
* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
* $/LicenseInfo$
@@ -27,53 +27,274 @@
+#include "lldate.h"
+#include "llsingleton.h"
#include "llstl.h"
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <list>
+#include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp>
+#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+#include <unordered_map>
-class LLCallbackList
+* LLCallbackList: callbacks every idle tick (every callFunctions() call)
+class LLCallbackList: public LLSingleton<LLCallbackList>
+ LLSINGLETON(LLCallbackList);
- typedef void (*callback_t)(void*);
+ typedef void (*callback_t)(void*);
- typedef std::pair< callback_t,void* > callback_pair_t;
- // NOTE: It is confirmed that we DEPEND on the order provided by using a list :(
- //
- typedef std::list< callback_pair_t > callback_list_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> callback_list_t;
+ typedef callback_list_t::slot_type callable_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::connection handle_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection temp_handle_t;
+ typedef std::function<bool ()> bool_func_t;
- LLCallbackList();
- ~LLCallbackList();
+ ~LLCallbackList();
- void addFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // register a callback, which will be called as func(data)
- bool containsFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // true if list already contains the function/data pair
- bool deleteFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // removes the first instance of this function/data pair from the list, false if not found
- void callFunctions(); // calls all functions
- void deleteAllFunctions();
+ handle_t addFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // register a callback, which will be called as func(data)
+ handle_t addFunction( const callable_t& func );
+ bool containsFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // true if list already contains the function/data pair
+ bool deleteFunction( callback_t func, void *data = NULL ); // removes the first instance of this function/data pair from the list, false if not found
+ void deleteFunction( const handle_t& handle );
+ void callFunctions(); // calls all functions
+ void deleteAllFunctions();
- static void test();
+ handle_t doOnIdleOneTime( const callable_t& func );
+ handle_t doOnIdleRepeating( const bool_func_t& func );
+ bool isRunning(const handle_t& handle) const { return handle.connected(); };
+ static void test();
- inline callback_list_t::iterator find(callback_t func, void *data);
+ callback_list_t mCallbackList;
- callback_list_t mCallbackList;
+ // "Additional specializations for std::pair and the standard container
+ // types, as well as utility functions to compose hashes are available in
+ // boost::hash."
+ //
+ typedef std::pair< callback_t,void* > callback_pair_t;
+ typedef std::unordered_map<callback_pair_t, handle_t,
+ boost::hash<callback_pair_t>> lookup_table;
+ lookup_table mLookup;
-typedef boost::function<void ()> nullary_func_t;
-typedef boost::function<bool ()> bool_func_t;
+/*-------------------- legacy names in global namespace --------------------*/
+#define gIdleCallbacks (LLCallbackList::instance())
+using nullary_func_t = LLCallbackList::callable_t;
+using bool_func_t = LLCallbackList::bool_func_t;
// Call a given callable once in idle loop.
-void doOnIdleOneTime(nullary_func_t callable);
+LLCallbackList::handle_t doOnIdleOneTime(nullary_func_t callable)
+ return gIdleCallbacks.doOnIdleOneTime(callable);
// Repeatedly call a callable in idle loop until it returns true.
-void doOnIdleRepeating(bool_func_t callable);
+LLCallbackList::handle_t doOnIdleRepeating(bool_func_t callable)
+ return gIdleCallbacks.doOnIdleRepeating(callable);
+* LL::Timers: callbacks at some future time
+namespace LL
+class Timers: public LLSingleton<Timers>
+ using token_t = U32;
+ // Define a struct for our priority queue entries, instead of using
+ // a tuple, because we need to define the comparison operator.
+ struct func_at
+ {
+ // callback to run when this timer fires
+ bool_func_t mFunc;
+ // key to look up metadata in mHandles
+ token_t mToken;
+ // time at which this timer is supposed to fire
+ LLDate::timestamp mTime;
+ func_at(const bool_func_t& func, token_t token, LLDate::timestamp tm):
+ mFunc(func),
+ mToken(token),
+ mTime(tm)
+ {}
+ friend bool operator<(const func_at& lhs, const func_at& rhs)
+ {
+ // use greater-than because we want fibonacci_heap to select the
+ // EARLIEST time as the top()
+ return lhs.mTime > rhs.mTime;
+ }
+ };
+ // Accept default stable<false>: when two funcs have the same timestamp,
+ // we don't care in what order they're called.
+ // Specify constant_time_size<false>: we don't need to optimize the size()
+ // method, iow we don't need to store and maintain a count of entries.
+ typedef boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<func_at, boost::heap::constant_time_size<false>>
+ queue_t;
+ // If tasks that come ready during a given tick() take longer than this,
+ // defer any subsequent ready tasks to a future tick() call.
+ static constexpr F32 TIMESLICE{ 0.005f };
+ class handle_t
+ {
+ private:
+ friend class Timers;
+ token_t token;
+ public:
+ handle_t(token_t token=0): token(token) {}
+ bool operator==(const handle_t& rhs) const { return this->token == rhs.token; }
+ explicit operator bool() const { return bool(token); }
+ bool operator!() const { return ! bool(*this); }
+ };
+ // Call a given callable once at specified timestamp.
+ handle_t scheduleAt(nullary_func_t callable, LLDate::timestamp time);
+ // Call a given callable once after specified interval.
+ handle_t scheduleAfter(nullary_func_t callable, F32 seconds);
+ // Call a given callable every specified number of seconds, until it returns true.
+ handle_t scheduleEvery(bool_func_t callable, F32 seconds);
+ // test whether specified handle is still live
+ bool isRunning(handle_t timer) const;
+ // check remaining time
+ F32 timeUntilCall(handle_t timer) const;
+ // Cancel a future timer set by scheduleAt(), scheduleAfter(), scheduleEvery().
+ // Return true if and only if the handle corresponds to a live timer.
+ bool cancel(const handle_t& timer);
+ // If we're canceling a non-const handle_t, also clear it so we need not
+ // cancel again.
+ bool cancel(handle_t& timer);
+ // Store a handle_t returned by scheduleAt(), scheduleAfter() or
+ // scheduleEvery() in a temp_handle_t to cancel() automatically on
+ // destruction of the temp_handle_t.
+ class temp_handle_t
+ {
+ public:
+ temp_handle_t() = default;
+ temp_handle_t(const handle_t& hdl): mHandle(hdl) {}
+ temp_handle_t(const temp_handle_t&) = delete;
+ temp_handle_t(temp_handle_t&&) = default;
+ temp_handle_t& operator=(const handle_t& hdl)
+ {
+ // initializing a new temp_handle_t, then swapping it into *this,
+ // takes care of destroying any previous mHandle
+ temp_handle_t replacement(hdl);
+ swap(replacement);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ temp_handle_t& operator=(const temp_handle_t&) = delete;
+ temp_handle_t& operator=(temp_handle_t&&) = default;
+ ~temp_handle_t()
+ {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ // temp_handle_t should be usable wherever handle_t is
+ operator handle_t() const { return mHandle; }
+ // If we're dealing with a non-const temp_handle_t, pass a reference
+ // to our handle_t member (e.g. to Timers::cancel()).
+ operator handle_t&() { return mHandle; }
+ // For those in the know, provide a cancel() method of our own that
+ // avoids Timers::instance() lookup when mHandle isn't live.
+ bool cancel()
+ {
+ if (! mHandle)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Timers::instance().cancel(mHandle);
+ }
+ }
+ void swap(temp_handle_t& other) noexcept
+ {
+ std::swap(this->mHandle, other.mHandle);
+ }
+ private:
+ handle_t mHandle;
+ };
+ handle_t scheduleAtEvery(bool_func_t callable, LLDate::timestamp time, F32 interval);
+ LLDate::timestamp now() const { return LLDate::now().secondsSinceEpoch(); }
+ // wrap a nullary_func_t with a bool_func_t that will only execute once
+ bool_func_t once(nullary_func_t callable)
+ {
+ return [callable]
+ {
+ callable();
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ bool tick();
+ // NOTE: We don't lock our data members because it doesn't make sense to
+ // register cross-thread callbacks. If we start wanting to use Timers on
+ // threads other than the main thread, it would make more sense to make
+ // our data members thread_local than to lock them.
+ // the heap aka priority queue
+ queue_t mQueue;
+ // metadata about a given task
+ struct Metadata
+ {
+ // handle to mQueue entry
+ queue_t::handle_type mHandle;
+ // time at which this timer is supposed to fire
+ LLDate::timestamp mTime;
+ // interval at which this timer is supposed to fire repeatedly
+ F32 mInterval{ 0 };
+ // mFunc is currently running: don't delete this entry
+ bool mRunning{ false };
+ // cancel() was called while mFunc was running: deferred cancel
+ bool mCancel{ false };
+ };
+ using MetaMap = std::unordered_map<token_t, Metadata>;
+ MetaMap mMeta;
+ token_t mToken{ 0 };
+ // While mQueue is non-empty, register for regular callbacks.
+ LLCallbackList::temp_handle_t mLive;
+} // namespace LL
+/*-------------------- legacy names in global namespace --------------------*/
// Call a given callable once after specified interval.
-void doAfterInterval(nullary_func_t callable, F32 seconds);
+LL::Timers::handle_t doAfterInterval(nullary_func_t callable, F32 seconds)
+ return LL::Timers::instance().scheduleAfter(callable, seconds);
// Call a given callable every specified number of seconds, until it returns true.
-void doPeriodically(bool_func_t callable, F32 seconds);
-extern LLCallbackList gIdleCallbacks;
+LL::Timers::handle_t doPeriodically(bool_func_t callable, F32 seconds)
+ return LL::Timers::instance().scheduleEvery(callable, seconds);