path: root/indra/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 862 deletions
diff --git a/indra/ b/indra/
deleted file mode 100755
index 36c947327a..0000000000
--- a/indra/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,862 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# @file
-# @authors Bryan O'Sullivan, Mark Palange, Aaron Brashears
-# @brief Fire and forget script to appropriately configure cmake for SL.
-# $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
-# Second Life Viewer Source Code
-# Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-# version 2.1 of the License only.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
-# $/LicenseInfo$
-import errno
-import getopt
-import os
-import random
-import re
-import shutil
-import socket
-import sys
-import commands
-import subprocess
-class CommandError(Exception):
- pass
-def mkdir(path):
- try:
- os.mkdir(path)
- return path
- except OSError, err:
- if err.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(path):
- raise
-def getcwd():
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- if 'a' <= cwd[0] <= 'z' and cwd[1] == ':':
- # CMake wants DOS drive letters to be in uppercase. The above
- # condition never asserts on platforms whose full path names
- # always begin with a slash, so we don't need to test whether
- # we are running on Windows.
- cwd = cwd[0].upper() + cwd[1:]
- return cwd
-def quote(opts):
- return '"' + '" "'.join([ opt.replace('"', '') for opt in opts ]) + '"'
-class PlatformSetup(object):
- generator = None
- build_types = {}
- for t in ('Debug', 'Release', 'RelWithDebInfo'):
- build_types[t.lower()] = t
- build_type = build_types['relwithdebinfo']
- standalone = 'OFF'
- unattended = 'OFF'
- universal = 'OFF'
- project_name = 'SecondLife'
- distcc = True
- cmake_opts = []
- word_size = 32
- using_express = False
- def __init__(self):
- self.script_dir = os.path.realpath(
- os.path.dirname(__import__(__name__).__file__))
- def os(self):
- '''Return the name of the OS.'''
- raise NotImplemented('os')
- def arch(self):
- '''Return the CPU architecture.'''
- return None
- def platform(self):
- '''Return a stringified two-tuple of the OS name and CPU
- architecture.'''
- ret = self.os()
- if self.arch():
- ret += '-' + self.arch()
- return ret
- def build_dirs(self):
- '''Return the top-level directories in which builds occur.
- This can return more than one directory, e.g. if doing a
- 32-bit viewer and server build on Linux.'''
- return ['build-' + self.platform()]
- def cmake_commandline(self, src_dir, build_dir, opts, simple):
- '''Return the command line to run cmake with.'''
- args = dict(
- dir=src_dir,
- generator=self.generator,
- opts=quote(opts),
- standalone=self.standalone,
- unattended=self.unattended,
- word_size=self.word_size,
- type=self.build_type.upper(),
- )
- #if simple:
- # return 'cmake %(opts)s %(dir)r' % args
- return ('cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%(type)s '
- '-DSTANDALONE:BOOL=%(standalone)s '
- '-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=%(unattended)s '
- '-DWORD_SIZE:STRING=%(word_size)s '
- '-G %(generator)r %(opts)s %(dir)r' % args)
- def run_cmake(self, args=[]):
- '''Run cmake.'''
- # do a sanity check to make sure we have a generator
- if not hasattr(self, 'generator'):
- raise "No generator available for '%s'" % (self.__name__,)
- cwd = getcwd()
- created = []
- try:
- for d in self.build_dirs():
- simple = True
- if mkdir(d):
- created.append(d)
- simple = False
- try:
- os.chdir(d)
- cmd = self.cmake_commandline(cwd, d, args, simple)
- print 'Running %r in %r' % (cmd, d)
-, 'cmake')
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
- except:
- # If we created a directory in which to run cmake and
- # something went wrong, the directory probably just
- # contains garbage, so delete it.
- os.chdir(cwd)
- for d in created:
- print 'Cleaning %r' % d
- shutil.rmtree(d)
- raise
- def parse_build_opts(self, arguments):
- opts, targets = getopt.getopt(arguments, 'o:', ['option='])
- build_opts = []
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ('-o', '--option'):
- build_opts.append(a)
- return build_opts, targets
- def run_build(self, opts, targets):
- '''Build the default targets for this platform.'''
- raise NotImplemented('run_build')
- def cleanup(self):
- '''Delete all build directories.'''
- cleaned = 0
- for d in self.build_dirs():
- if os.path.isdir(d):
- print 'Cleaning %r' % d
- shutil.rmtree(d)
- cleaned += 1
- if not cleaned:
- print 'Nothing to clean up!'
- def is_internal_tree(self):
- '''Indicate whether we are building in an internal source tree.'''
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.script_dir, 'newsim'))
- def find_in_path(self, name, defval=None, basename=False):
- for ext in self.exe_suffixes:
- name_ext = name + ext
- if os.sep in name_ext:
- path = os.path.abspath(name_ext)
- if os.access(path, os.X_OK):
- return [basename and os.path.basename(path) or path]
- for p in os.getenv('PATH', self.search_path).split(os.pathsep):
- path = os.path.join(p, name_ext)
- if os.access(path, os.X_OK):
- return [basename and os.path.basename(path) or path]
- if defval:
- return [defval]
- return []
-class UnixSetup(PlatformSetup):
- '''Generic Unixy build instructions.'''
- search_path = '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'
- exe_suffixes = ('',)
- def __init__(self):
- super(UnixSetup, self).__init__()
- self.generator = 'Unix Makefiles'
- def os(self):
- return 'unix'
- def arch(self):
- cpu = os.uname()[-1]
- if cpu.endswith('386'):
- cpu = 'i386'
- elif cpu.endswith('86'):
- cpu = 'i686'
- elif cpu in ('athlon',):
- cpu = 'i686'
- elif cpu == 'Power Macintosh':
- cpu = 'ppc'
- elif cpu == 'x86_64' and self.word_size == 32:
- cpu = 'i686'
- return cpu
- def run(self, command, name=None):
- '''Run a program. If the program fails, raise an exception.'''
- sys.stdout.flush()
- ret = os.system(command)
- if ret:
- if name is None:
- name = command.split(None, 1)[0]
- if os.WIFEXITED(ret):
- st = os.WEXITSTATUS(ret)
- if st == 127:
- event = 'was not found'
- else:
- event = 'exited with status %d' % st
- elif os.WIFSIGNALED(ret):
- event = 'was killed by signal %d' % os.WTERMSIG(ret)
- else:
- event = 'died unexpectedly (!?) with 16-bit status %d' % ret
- raise CommandError('the command %r %s' %
- (name, event))
-class LinuxSetup(UnixSetup):
- def __init__(self):
- super(LinuxSetup, self).__init__()
- try:
- self.debian_sarge = open('/etc/debian_version').read().strip() == '3.1'
- except:
- self.debian_sarge = False
- def os(self):
- return 'linux'
- def build_dirs(self):
- # Only build the server code if we have it.
- platform_build = '%s-%s' % (self.platform(), self.build_type.lower())
- if self.arch() == 'i686' and self.is_internal_tree():
- return ['viewer-' + platform_build, 'server-' + platform_build]
- elif self.arch() == 'x86_64' and self.is_internal_tree():
- # the viewer does not build in 64bit -- kdu5 issues
- # we can either use openjpeg, or overhaul our viewer to handle kdu5 or higher
- # doug knows about kdu issues
- return ['server-' + platform_build]
- else:
- return ['viewer-' + platform_build]
- def cmake_commandline(self, src_dir, build_dir, opts, simple):
- args = dict(
- dir=src_dir,
- generator=self.generator,
- opts=quote(opts),
- standalone=self.standalone,
- unattended=self.unattended,
- type=self.build_type.upper(),
- project_name=self.project_name,
- word_size=self.word_size,
- )
- if not self.is_internal_tree():
- args.update({'cxx':'g++', 'server':'OFF', 'viewer':'ON'})
- else:
- if self.distcc:
- distcc = self.find_in_path('distcc')
- baseonly = True
- else:
- distcc = []
- baseonly = False
- if 'server' in build_dir:
- gcc = distcc + self.find_in_path(
- self.debian_sarge and 'g++-3.3' or 'g++-4.1',
- 'g++', baseonly)
- args.update({'cxx': ' '.join(gcc), 'server': 'ON',
- 'viewer': 'OFF'})
- else:
- gcc41 = distcc + self.find_in_path('g++-4.1', 'g++', baseonly)
- args.update({'cxx': ' '.join(gcc41),
- 'server': 'OFF',
- 'viewer': 'ON'})
- cmd = (('cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%(type)s '
- '-G %(generator)r -DSERVER:BOOL=%(server)s '
- '-DVIEWER:BOOL=%(viewer)s -DSTANDALONE:BOOL=%(standalone)s '
- '-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=%(unattended)s '
- '-DWORD_SIZE:STRING=%(word_size)s '
- '-DROOT_PROJECT_NAME:STRING=%(project_name)s '
- '%(opts)s %(dir)r')
- % args)
- if 'CXX' not in os.environ:
- args.update({'cmd':cmd})
- cmd = ('CXX=%(cxx)r %(cmd)s' % args)
- return cmd
- def run_build(self, opts, targets):
- job_count = None
- for i in range(len(opts)):
- if opts[i].startswith('-j'):
- try:
- job_count = int(opts[i][2:])
- except ValueError:
- try:
- job_count = int(opts[i+1])
- except ValueError:
- job_count = True
- def get_cpu_count():
- count = 0
- for line in open('/proc/cpuinfo'):
- if re.match(r'processor\s*:', line):
- count += 1
- return count
- def localhost():
- count = get_cpu_count()
- return 'localhost/' + str(count), count
- def get_distcc_hosts():
- try:
- hosts = []
- name = os.getenv('DISTCC_DIR', '/etc/distcc') + '/hosts'
- for l in open(name):
- l = l[l.find('#')+1:].strip()
- if l: hosts.append(l)
- return hosts
- except IOError:
- return (os.getenv('DISTCC_HOSTS', '').split() or
- [localhost()[0]])
- def count_distcc_hosts():
- cpus = 0
- hosts = 0
- for host in get_distcc_hosts():
- m = re.match(r'.*/(\d+)', host)
- hosts += 1
- cpus += m and int( or 1
- return hosts, cpus
- def mk_distcc_hosts(basename, range, num_cpus):
- '''Generate a list of LL-internal machines to build on.'''
- loc_entry, cpus = localhost()
- hosts = [loc_entry]
- dead = []
- stations = [s for s in xrange(range) if s not in dead]
- random.shuffle(stations)
- hosts += [',lzo' % (basename, s, num_cpus) for s in stations]
- cpus += 2 * len(stations)
- return ' '.join(hosts), cpus
- if job_count is None:
- hosts, job_count = count_distcc_hosts()
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- if hosts == 1:
- if hostname.startswith('station'):
- hosts, job_count = mk_distcc_hosts('station', 36, 2)
- os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = hosts
- if hostname.startswith('eniac'):
- hosts, job_count = mk_distcc_hosts('eniac', 71, 2)
- os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = hosts
- if hostname.startswith('build'):
- max_jobs = 6
- else:
- max_jobs = 12
- if job_count > max_jobs:
- job_count = max_jobs;
- opts.extend(['-j', str(job_count)])
- if targets:
- targets = ' '.join(targets)
- else:
- targets = 'all'
- for d in self.build_dirs():
- cmd = 'make -C %r %s %s' % (d, ' '.join(opts), targets)
- print 'Running %r' % cmd
-class DarwinSetup(UnixSetup):
- def __init__(self):
- super(DarwinSetup, self).__init__()
- self.generator = 'Xcode'
- def os(self):
- return 'darwin'
- def arch(self):
- if self.universal == 'ON':
- return 'universal'
- else:
- return UnixSetup.arch(self)
- def cmake_commandline(self, src_dir, build_dir, opts, simple):
- args = dict(
- dir=src_dir,
- generator=self.generator,
- opts=quote(opts),
- standalone=self.standalone,
- word_size=self.word_size,
- unattended=self.unattended,
- project_name=self.project_name,
- universal=self.universal,
- type=self.build_type.upper(),
- )
- if self.universal == 'ON':
- args['universal'] = '-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES:STRING=\'i386;ppc\''
- #if simple:
- # return 'cmake %(opts)s %(dir)r' % args
- return ('cmake -G %(generator)r '
- '-DSTANDALONE:BOOL=%(standalone)s '
- '-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=%(unattended)s '
- '-DWORD_SIZE:STRING=%(word_size)s '
- '-DROOT_PROJECT_NAME:STRING=%(project_name)s '
- '%(universal)s '
- '%(opts)s %(dir)r' % args)
- def run_build(self, opts, targets):
- cwd = getcwd()
- if targets:
- targets = ' '.join(['-target ' + repr(t) for t in targets])
- else:
- targets = ''
- cmd = ('xcodebuild -configuration %s %s %s | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*setenv" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}' %
- (self.build_type, ' '.join(opts), targets))
- for d in self.build_dirs():
- try:
- os.chdir(d)
- print 'Running %r in %r' % (cmd, d)
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
-class WindowsSetup(PlatformSetup):
- gens = {
- 'vc71' : {
- 'gen' : r'Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003',
- 'ver' : r'7.1'
- },
- 'vc80' : {
- 'gen' : r'Visual Studio 8 2005',
- 'ver' : r'8.0'
- },
- 'vc90' : {
- 'gen' : r'Visual Studio 9 2008',
- 'ver' : r'9.0'
- }
- }
- gens['vs2003'] = gens['vc71']
- gens['vs2005'] = gens['vc80']
- gens['vs2008'] = gens['vc90']
- search_path = r'C:\windows'
- exe_suffixes = ('.exe', '.bat', '.com')
- def __init__(self):
- super(WindowsSetup, self).__init__()
- self._generator = None
- self.incredibuild = False
- def _get_generator(self):
- if self._generator is None:
- for version in 'vc80 vc90 vc71'.split():
- if self.find_visual_studio(version):
- self._generator = version
- print 'Building with ', self.gens[version]['gen']
- break
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot find a Visual Studio installation, testing for express editions'
- for version in 'vc80 vc90 vc71'.split():
- if self.find_visual_studio_express(version):
- self._generator = version
- self.using_express = True
- print 'Building with ', self.gens[version]['gen'] , "Express edition"
- break
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot find any Visual Studio installation'
- sys.exit(1)
- return self._generator
- def _set_generator(self, gen):
- self._generator = gen
- generator = property(_get_generator, _set_generator)
- def os(self):
- return 'win32'
- def build_dirs(self):
- return ['build-' + self.generator]
- def cmake_commandline(self, src_dir, build_dir, opts, simple):
- args = dict(
- dir=src_dir,
- generator=self.gens[self.generator.lower()]['gen'],
- opts=quote(opts),
- standalone=self.standalone,
- unattended=self.unattended,
- project_name=self.project_name,
- word_size=self.word_size,
- )
- #if simple:
- # return 'cmake %(opts)s "%(dir)s"' % args
- return ('cmake -G "%(generator)s" '
- '-DSTANDALONE:BOOL=%(standalone)s '
- '-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=%(unattended)s '
- '-DWORD_SIZE:STRING=%(word_size)s '
- '-DROOT_PROJECT_NAME:STRING=%(project_name)s '
- '%(opts)s "%(dir)s"' % args)
- def get_HKLM_registry_value(self, key_str, value_str):
- import _winreg
- reg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
- key = _winreg.OpenKey(reg, key_str)
- value = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_str)[0]
- print 'Found: %s' % value
- return value
- def find_visual_studio(self, gen=None):
- if gen is None:
- gen = self._generator
- gen = gen.lower()
- value_str = (r'EnvironmentDirectory')
- key_str = (r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%s\Setup\VS' %
- self.gens[gen]['ver'])
- print ('Reading VS environment from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s\%s' %
- (key_str, value_str))
- try:
- return self.get_HKLM_registry_value(key_str, value_str)
- except WindowsError, err:
- key_str = (r'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%s\Setup\VS' %
- self.gens[gen]['ver'])
- try:
- return self.get_HKLM_registry_value(key_str, value_str)
- except:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Didn't find ", self.gens[gen]['gen']
- return ''
- def find_visual_studio_express(self, gen=None):
- if gen is None:
- gen = self._generator
- gen = gen.lower()
- try:
- import _winreg
- key_str = (r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VCEXpress\%s\Setup\VC' %
- self.gens[gen]['ver'])
- value_str = (r'ProductDir')
- print ('Reading VS environment from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s\%s' %
- (key_str, value_str))
- print key_str
- reg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
- key = _winreg.OpenKey(reg, key_str)
- value = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_str)[0]+"IDE"
- print 'Found: %s' % value
- return value
- except WindowsError, err:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Didn't find ", self.gens[gen]['gen']
- return ''
- def get_build_cmd(self):
- if self.incredibuild:
- config = self.build_type
- if self.gens[self.generator]['ver'] in [ r'8.0', r'9.0' ]:
- config = '\"%s|Win32\"' % config
- executable = 'buildconsole'
- cmd = "%(bin)s %(prj)s.sln /build /cfg=%(cfg)s" % {'prj': self.project_name, 'cfg': config, 'bin': executable}
- return (executable, cmd)
- environment = self.find_visual_studio()
- if environment == '':
- environment = self.find_visual_studio_express()
- if environment == '':
- print >> sys.stderr, "Something went very wrong during build stage, could not find a Visual Studio installation."
- else:
- build_dirs=self.build_dirs();
- print >> sys.stderr, "\nSolution generation complete, it can can now be found in:", build_dirs[0]
- print >> sys.stderr, "\nPlease see for express specific information"
- exit(0)
- # is CLI friendly, devenv.exe... not so much.
- executable = '' % (self.find_visual_studio(),)
- cmd = ('"%s" %s.sln /build %s' %
- (executable, self.project_name, self.build_type))
- return (executable, cmd)
- def run(self, command, name=None, retry_on=None, retries=1):
- '''Run a program. If the program fails, raise an exception.'''
- assert name is not None, 'On windows an executable path must be given in name. [DEV-44838]'
- if os.path.isfile(name):
- path = name
- else:
- path = self.find_in_path(name)[0]
- while retries:
- retries = retries - 1
- print " tries to run:", command
- ret =, executable=path)
- print "got ret", ret, "from", command
- if ret == 0:
- break
- else:
- error = 'exited with status %d' % ret
- if retry_on is not None and retry_on == ret:
- print "Retrying... the command %r %s" % (name, error)
- else:
- raise CommandError('the command %r %s' % (name, error))
- def run_cmake(self, args=[]):
- '''Override to add the vstool.exe call after running cmake.'''
- PlatformSetup.run_cmake(self, args)
- if self.unattended == 'OFF':
- if self.using_express == False:
- self.run_vstool()
- def run_vstool(self):
- for build_dir in self.build_dirs():
- stamp = os.path.join(build_dir, 'vstool.txt')
- try:
- prev_build = open(stamp).read().strip()
- except IOError:
- prev_build = ''
- if prev_build == self.build_type:
- # Only run vstool if the build type has changed.
- continue
- executable = os.path.join('tools','vstool','VSTool.exe')
- vstool_cmd = (executable +
- ' --solution ' +
- os.path.join(build_dir,'SecondLife.sln') +
- ' --config ' + self.build_type +
- ' --startup secondlife-bin')
- print 'Running %r in %r' % (vstool_cmd, getcwd())
-, name=executable)
- print >> open(stamp, 'w'), self.build_type
- def run_build(self, opts, targets):
- for t in targets:
- assert t.strip(), 'Unexpected empty targets: ' + repr(targets)
- cwd = getcwd()
- executable, build_cmd = self.get_build_cmd()
- for d in self.build_dirs():
- try:
- os.chdir(d)
- if targets:
- for t in targets:
- cmd = '%s /project %s %s' % (build_cmd, t, ' '.join(opts))
- print 'Running %r in %r' % (cmd, d)
-, name=executable, retry_on=4, retries=3)
- else:
- cmd = '%s %s' % (build_cmd, ' '.join(opts))
- print 'Running %r in %r' % (cmd, d)
-, name=executable, retry_on=4, retries=3)
- finally:
- os.chdir(cwd)
-class CygwinSetup(WindowsSetup):
- def __init__(self):
- super(CygwinSetup, self).__init__()
- self.generator = 'vc80'
- def cmake_commandline(self, src_dir, build_dir, opts, simple):
- dos_dir = commands.getoutput("cygpath -w %s" % src_dir)
- args = dict(
- dir=dos_dir,
- generator=self.gens[self.generator.lower()]['gen'],
- opts=quote(opts),
- standalone=self.standalone,
- unattended=self.unattended,
- project_name=self.project_name,
- word_size=self.word_size,
- )
- #if simple:
- # return 'cmake %(opts)s "%(dir)s"' % args
- return ('cmake -G "%(generator)s" '
- '-DUNATTENDED:BOOl=%(unattended)s '
- '-DSTANDALONE:BOOL=%(standalone)s '
- '-DWORD_SIZE:STRING=%(word_size)s '
- '-DROOT_PROJECT_NAME:STRING=%(project_name)s '
- '%(opts)s "%(dir)s"' % args)
-setup_platform = {
- 'darwin': DarwinSetup,
- 'linux2': LinuxSetup,
- 'win32' : WindowsSetup,
- 'cygwin' : CygwinSetup
- }
-usage_msg = '''
-Usage: [options] [command [command-options]]
- -h | --help print this help message
- --standalone build standalone, without Linden prebuild libraries
- --unattended build unattended, do not invoke any tools requiring
- a human response
- --universal build a universal binary on Mac OS X (unsupported)
- -t | --type=NAME build type ("Debug", "Release", or "RelWithDebInfo")
- -m32 | -m64 build architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
- -N | --no-distcc disable use of distcc
- -G | --generator=NAME generator name
- Windows: VC71 or VS2003 (default), VC80 (VS2005) or
- VC90 (VS2008)
- Mac OS X: Xcode (default), Unix Makefiles
- Linux: Unix Makefiles (default), KDevelop3
- -p | --project=NAME set the root project name. (Doesn't effect makefiles)
- build configure and build default target
- clean delete all build directories, does not affect sources
- configure configure project by running cmake (default if none given)
- printbuilddirs print the build directory that will be used
-Command-options for "configure":
- We use cmake variables to change the build configuration.
- -DSERVER:BOOL=OFF Don't configure simulator/dataserver/etc
- -DVIEWER:BOOL=OFF Don't configure the viewer
- -DPACKAGE:BOOL=ON Create "package" target to make installers
- -DLOCALIZESETUP:BOOL=ON Create one win_setup target per supported language
- Set up a viewer-only project for your system:
- configure -DSERVER:BOOL=OFF
- Set up a Visual Studio 2005 project with "package" target:
- -G vc80 configure -DPACKAGE:BOOL=ON
-def main(arguments):
- setup = setup_platform[sys.platform]()
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(
- arguments,
- '?hNt:p:G:m:',
- ['help', 'standalone', 'no-distcc', 'unattended', 'universal', 'type=', 'incredibuild', 'generator=', 'project='])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
- print >> sys.stderr, """
-Note: You must pass -D options to cmake after the "configure" command
-For example: configure -DSERVER:BOOL=OFF"""
- print >> sys.stderr, usage_msg.strip()
- sys.exit(1)
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ('-?', '-h', '--help'):
- print usage_msg.strip()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ('--standalone',):
- setup.standalone = 'ON'
- elif o in ('--unattended',):
- setup.unattended = 'ON'
- elif o in ('--universal',):
- setup.universal = 'ON'
- elif o in ('-m',):
- if a in ('32', '64'):
- setup.word_size = int(a)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: unknown word size', repr(a)
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Supported word sizes: 32, 64'
- sys.exit(1)
- elif o in ('-t', '--type'):
- try:
- setup.build_type = setup.build_types[a.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: unknown build type', repr(a)
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Supported build types:'
- types = setup.build_types.values()
- types.sort()
- for t in types:
- print ' ', t
- sys.exit(1)
- elif o in ('-G', '--generator'):
- setup.generator = a
- elif o in ('-N', '--no-distcc'):
- setup.distcc = False
- elif o in ('-p', '--project'):
- setup.project_name = a
- elif o in ('--incredibuild'):
- setup.incredibuild = True
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'INTERNAL ERROR: unhandled option', repr(o)
- sys.exit(1)
- if not args:
- setup.run_cmake()
- return
- try:
- cmd = args.pop(0)
- if cmd in ('cmake', 'configure'):
- setup.run_cmake(args)
- elif cmd == 'build':
- if os.getenv('DISTCC_DIR') is None:
- distcc_dir = os.path.join(getcwd(), '.distcc')
- if not os.path.exists(distcc_dir):
- os.mkdir(distcc_dir)
- print "setting DISTCC_DIR to %s" % distcc_dir
- os.environ['DISTCC_DIR'] = distcc_dir
- else:
- print "DISTCC_DIR is set to %s" % os.getenv('DISTCC_DIR')
- for d in setup.build_dirs():
- if not os.path.exists(d):
- raise CommandError('run " cmake" first')
- setup.run_cmake()
- opts, targets = setup.parse_build_opts(args)
- setup.run_build(opts, targets)
- elif cmd == 'clean':
- if args:
- raise CommandError('clean takes no arguments')
- setup.cleanup()
- elif cmd == 'printbuilddirs':
- for d in setup.build_dirs():
- print >> sys.stdout, d
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: unknown subcommand', repr(cmd)
- print >> sys.stderr, "(run ' --help' for help)"
- sys.exit(1)
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error with %r subcommand: %s' % (cmd, err)
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- main(sys.argv[1:])
- except CommandError, err:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
- sys.exit(1)