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2 files changed, 64 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvector4a.inl b/indra/llmath/llvector4a.inl
index 7c52ffef21..558fe09323 100755
--- a/indra/llmath/llvector4a.inl
+++ b/indra/llmath/llvector4a.inl
@@ -409,6 +409,26 @@ inline void LLVector4a::normalize3fast()
mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, approxRsqrt );
+inline void LLVector4a::normalize3fast_checked(LLVector4a* d)
+ if (!isFinite3())
+ {
+ *this = d ? *d : LLVector4a(0,1,0,1);
+ return;
+ }
+ LLVector4a lenSqrd; lenSqrd.setAllDot3( *this, *this );
+ if (lenSqrd.getF32ptr()[0] <= FLT_EPSILON)
+ {
+ *this = d ? *d : LLVector4a(0,1,0,1);
+ return;
+ }
+ const LLQuad approxRsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps(lenSqrd.mQ);
+ mQ = _mm_mul_ps( mQ, approxRsqrt );
// Return true if this vector is normalized with respect to x,y,z up to tolerance
inline LLBool32 LLVector4a::isNormalized3( F32 tolerance ) const
diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
index 14cebfe5aa..58cac57e7f 100755
--- a/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
+++ b/indra/llmath/llvolume.cpp
@@ -4472,6 +4472,9 @@ void LLVolume::generateSilhouetteVertices(std::vector<LLVector3> &vertices,
continue; //skip degenerate face
+ LLVector4a default_norm;
+ default_norm.set(0,1,0,1);
//for each edge
for (S32 k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
S32 index = face.mEdge[j*3+k];
@@ -4493,14 +4496,14 @@ void LLVolume::generateSilhouetteVertices(std::vector<LLVector3> &vertices,
norm_mat.rotate(n[v1], t);
- t.normalize3fast();
+ t.normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
mat.affineTransform(v[v2], t);
vertices.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
norm_mat.rotate(n[v2], t);
- t.normalize3fast();
+ t.normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
normals.push_back(LLVector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]));
@@ -6096,6 +6099,9 @@ BOOL LLVolumeFace::createUnCutCubeCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
VertexData corners[4];
VertexData baseVert;
+ LLVector4a default_norm;
+ default_norm.set(0,1,0,1);
for(S32 t = 0; t < 4; t++)
corners[t].getPosition().load3( mesh[offset + (grid_size*t)].mPos.mV);
@@ -6108,8 +6114,8 @@ BOOL LLVolumeFace::createUnCutCubeCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
lhs.setSub(corners[1].getPosition(), corners[0].getPosition());
LLVector4a rhs;
rhs.setSub(corners[2].getPosition(), corners[1].getPosition());
- baseVert.getNormal().setCross3(lhs, rhs);
- baseVert.getNormal().normalize3fast();
+ baseVert.getNormal().setCross3(lhs, rhs);
+ baseVert.getNormal().normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
if(!(mTypeMask & TOP_MASK))
@@ -6559,17 +6565,12 @@ BOOL LLVolumeFace::createCap(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
d1.setSub(mPositions[mIndices[2]], mPositions[mIndices[0]]);
LLVector4a normal;
- normal.setCross3(d0,d1);
- if (normal.dot3(normal).getF32() > F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO)
- {
- normal.normalize3fast();
- }
- else
- { //degenerate, make up a value
- normal.set(0,0,1);
- }
+ LLVector4a default_norm;
+ default_norm.set(0,1,0,1);
+ normal.setCross3(d0,d1);
+ normal.normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
@@ -6611,11 +6612,13 @@ void LLVolumeFace::createTangents()
CalculateTangentArray(mNumVertices, mPositions, mNormals, mTexCoords, mNumIndices/3, mIndices, mTangents);
//normalize tangents
+ LLVector4a default_norm;
+ default_norm.set(0,1,0,1);
for (U32 i = 0; i < mNumVertices; i++)
//bump map/planar projection code requires normals to be normalized
- mNormals[i].normalize3fast();
+ mNormals[i].normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
@@ -6793,6 +6796,9 @@ void LLVolumeFace::appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& face, LLMatrix4& mat_in, LLMat
+ LLVector4a default_norm;
+ default_norm.set(0,1,0,1);
for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mNumVertices; ++i)
//transform appended face position and store
@@ -6800,7 +6806,7 @@ void LLVolumeFace::appendFace(const LLVolumeFace& face, LLMatrix4& mat_in, LLMat
//transform appended face normal and store
norm_mat.rotate(src_norm[i], dst_norm[i]);
- dst_norm[i].normalize3fast();
+ dst_norm[i].normalize3fast_checked(&default_norm);
//copy appended face texture coordinate
dst_tc[i] = src_tc[i];
@@ -7213,42 +7219,41 @@ BOOL LLVolumeFace::createSide(LLVolume* volume, BOOL partial_build)
void CalculateTangentArray(U32 vertexCount, const LLVector4a *vertex, const LLVector4a *normal,
const LLVector2 *texcoord, U32 triangleCount, const U16* index_array, LLVector4a *tangent)
- //LLVector4a *tan1 = new LLVector4a[vertexCount * 2];
LLVector4a* tan1 = (LLVector4a*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(vertexCount*2*sizeof(LLVector4a));
- LLVector4a* tan2 = tan1 + vertexCount;
+ LLVector4a* tan2 = tan1 + vertexCount;
memset(tan1, 0, vertexCount*2*sizeof(LLVector4a));
- for (U32 a = 0; a < triangleCount; a++)
- {
- U32 i1 = *index_array++;
- U32 i2 = *index_array++;
- U32 i3 = *index_array++;
+ for (U32 a = 0; a < triangleCount; a++)
+ {
+ U32 i1 = *index_array++;
+ U32 i2 = *index_array++;
+ U32 i3 = *index_array++;
- const LLVector4a& v1 = vertex[i1];
- const LLVector4a& v2 = vertex[i2];
- const LLVector4a& v3 = vertex[i3];
+ const LLVector4a& v1 = vertex[i1];
+ const LLVector4a& v2 = vertex[i2];
+ const LLVector4a& v3 = vertex[i3];
- const LLVector2& w1 = texcoord[i1];
- const LLVector2& w2 = texcoord[i2];
- const LLVector2& w3 = texcoord[i3];
+ const LLVector2& w1 = texcoord[i1];
+ const LLVector2& w2 = texcoord[i2];
+ const LLVector2& w3 = texcoord[i3];
const F32* v1ptr = v1.getF32ptr();
const F32* v2ptr = v2.getF32ptr();
const F32* v3ptr = v3.getF32ptr();
- float x1 = v2ptr[0] - v1ptr[0];
- float x2 = v3ptr[0] - v1ptr[0];
- float y1 = v2ptr[1] - v1ptr[1];
- float y2 = v3ptr[1] - v1ptr[1];
- float z1 = v2ptr[2] - v1ptr[2];
- float z2 = v3ptr[2] - v1ptr[2];
+ float x1 = v2ptr[0] - v1ptr[0];
+ float x2 = v3ptr[0] - v1ptr[0];
+ float y1 = v2ptr[1] - v1ptr[1];
+ float y2 = v3ptr[1] - v1ptr[1];
+ float z1 = v2ptr[2] - v1ptr[2];
+ float z2 = v3ptr[2] - v1ptr[2];
- float s1 = w2.mV[0] - w1.mV[0];
- float s2 = w3.mV[0] - w1.mV[0];
- float t1 = w2.mV[1] - w1.mV[1];
- float t2 = w3.mV[1] - w1.mV[1];
+ float s1 = w2.mV[0] - w1.mV[0];
+ float s2 = w3.mV[0] - w1.mV[0];
+ float t1 = w2.mV[1] - w1.mV[1];
+ float t2 = w3.mV[1] - w1.mV[1];
F32 rd = s1*t2-s2*t1;