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2 files changed, 53 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
index e539174a4b..c52111ab54 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
mMouseOutsideSlop = FALSE;
mMouseDownX = x;
mMouseDownY = y;
- mLastYaw = 0.f;
//left mouse down always picks transparent
mPick = gViewerWindow->pickImmediate(x, y, TRUE);
mPick.mKeyMask = mask;
@@ -612,11 +612,6 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
LLViewerObject* obj = mPick.getObject();
U8 click_action = final_click_action(obj);
- if (hasMouseCapture())
- {
- setMouseCapture(FALSE);
- }
bool media_handled_click = handleMediaMouseUp() || LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocus();
bool mouse_moved = mMouseOutsideSlop;
mMouseOutsideSlop = FALSE;
@@ -634,6 +629,10 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (hasMouseCapture())
+ {
+ setMouseCapture(FALSE);
+ }
gAgentCamera.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_CONVERSATION, obj); // maybe look at object/person clicked on
@@ -1657,28 +1656,16 @@ void LLToolPie::showVisualContextMenuEffect()
-LLVector3 intersect_ray_with_sphere( const LLVector3& ray_pt, const LLVector3& ray_dir, const LLVector3& sphere_center, F32 sphere_radius)
+bool intersect_ray_with_sphere( const LLVector3& ray_pt, const LLVector3& ray_dir, const LLVector3& sphere_center, F32 sphere_radius, LLVector3& intersection_pt)
- // from
+ // do ray/sphere intersection by solving quadratic equation
LLVector3 sphere_to_ray_start_vec = ray_pt - sphere_center;
F32 B = 2.f * ray_dir * sphere_to_ray_start_vec;
F32 C = sphere_to_ray_start_vec.lengthSquared() - (sphere_radius * sphere_radius);
- LLVector3 intersection_pt;
F32 discriminant = B*B - 4.f*C;
- if (discriminant < 0.f)
- {
- // no intersection, compute closest intersection point
- LLVector3 ray_to_sphere(sphere_to_ray_start_vec * -1.f);
- LLVector3 ray_orthogonal_dir = ray_pt + projected_vec(ray_to_sphere, ray_dir) - sphere_center;
- ray_orthogonal_dir.normalize();
- intersection_pt = sphere_center + ray_orthogonal_dir * sphere_radius;
- }
- else
- {
+ if (discriminant > 0.f)
+ { // intersection detected, now find closest one
F32 t0 = (-B - sqrtf(discriminant)) / 2.f;
if (t0 > 0.f)
@@ -1689,49 +1676,25 @@ LLVector3 intersect_ray_with_sphere( const LLVector3& ray_pt, const LLVector3& r
F32 t1 = (-B + sqrtf(discriminant)) / 2.f;
intersection_pt = ray_pt + ray_dir * t1;
+ return true;
- return intersection_pt;
- //LLVector3 ray_pt_to_center = sphere_center - ray_pt;
- //F32 center_distance = ray_pt_to_center.normVec();
- //F32 dot = ray_dir * ray_pt_to_center;
- //if (dot == 0.f)
- //{
- // return LLVector3::zero;
- //}
- //// point which ray hits plane centered on sphere origin, facing ray origin
- //LLVector3 intersection_sphere_plane = ray_pt + (ray_dir * center_distance / dot);
- //// vector from sphere origin to the point, normalized to sphere radius
- //LLVector3 sphere_center_to_intersection = (intersection_sphere_plane - sphere_center) / sphere_radius;
- //F32 dist_squared = sphere_center_to_intersection.magVecSquared();
- //LLVector3 result;
- //if (dist_squared > 1.f)
- //{
- // result = sphere_center_to_intersection;
- // result.normVec();
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // result = sphere_center_to_intersection - ray_dir * sqrtf(1.f - dist_squared);
- //}
- //return sphere_center + (result * sphere_radius);
+ return false;
void LLToolPie::startCameraSteering()
mMouseSteerX = mMouseDownX;
mMouseSteerY = mMouseDownY;
+ const LLVector3 camera_to_rotation_center = gAgent.getFrameAgent().getOrigin() - LLViewerCamera::instance().getOrigin();
+ const LLVector3 rotation_center_to_pick = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mDragPick.mPosGlobal) - gAgent.getFrameAgent().getOrigin();
+ mClockwise = camera_to_rotation_center * rotation_center_to_pick < 0.f;
void LLToolPie::steerCameraWithMouse(S32 x, S32 y)
- const F32 MIN_ROTATION_RADIUS = 1.f;
const LLVector3 pick_pos = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mDragPick.mPosGlobal);
const LLVector3 rotation_center = gAgent.getFrameAgent().getOrigin();
@@ -1740,7 +1703,8 @@ void LLToolPie::steerCameraWithMouse(S32 x, S32 y)
LLVector3 pick_offset = pick_pos - rotation_center;
F32 up_distance = pick_offset * rotation_up_axis;
LLVector3 object_rotation_center = rotation_center + rotation_up_axis * up_distance;
- F32 pick_distance_from_rotation_center = llclamp(dist_vec(pick_pos, object_rotation_center), MIN_ROTATION_RADIUS, F32_MAX);
+ F32 min_rotation_radius = MIN_ROTATION_RADIUS_FRACTION * dist_vec(rotation_center, LLViewerCamera::instance().getOrigin());;
+ F32 pick_distance_from_rotation_center = llclamp(dist_vec(pick_pos, object_rotation_center), min_rotation_radius, F32_MAX);
LLVector3 screen_rotation_up_axis = rotation_up_axis - projected_vec(rotation_up_axis, LLViewerCamera::instance().getAtAxis());
@@ -1760,25 +1724,36 @@ void LLToolPie::steerCameraWithMouse(S32 x, S32 y)
LLVector3 rotation_fwd_axis = LLViewerCamera::instance().getAtAxis() - projected_vec(LLViewerCamera::instance().getAtAxis(), rotation_up_axis);
F64 pick_dist = dist_vec(pick_pos, adjusted_camera_pos);
- LLVector3 mouse_on_sphere = intersect_ray_with_sphere(adjusted_camera_pos + (mouse_ray * pick_dist * 1.1f),
- -1.f * mouse_ray,
- object_rotation_center,
- pick_distance_from_rotation_center);
- LLVector3 old_mouse_on_sphere = intersect_ray_with_sphere(adjusted_camera_pos + (old_mouse_ray * pick_dist * 1.1f),
- -1.f * old_mouse_ray,
- object_rotation_center,
- pick_distance_from_rotation_center);
- LLVector3 rotation_furthest_pt = object_rotation_center + pick_distance_from_rotation_center * rotation_fwd_axis;
- F32 mouse_lateral_distance = llclamp(((mouse_on_sphere - rotation_furthest_pt) * screen_rotation_left_axis) / pick_distance_from_rotation_center, -1.f, 1.f);
- F32 old_mouse_lateral_distance = llclamp(((old_mouse_on_sphere - rotation_furthest_pt) * screen_rotation_left_axis) / pick_distance_from_rotation_center, -1.f, 1.f);
- F32 yaw_angle = -1.f * asinf(mouse_lateral_distance);
- F32 old_yaw_angle = -1.f * asinf(old_mouse_lateral_distance);
- // apply delta
- gAgent.yaw(yaw_angle - old_yaw_angle);
- mMouseSteerX = x;
- mMouseSteerY = y;
+ LLVector3 mouse_on_sphere;
+ bool mouse_hit_sphere = intersect_ray_with_sphere(adjusted_camera_pos + (mouse_ray * pick_dist * 1.1f),
+ -1.f * mouse_ray,
+ object_rotation_center,
+ pick_distance_from_rotation_center,
+ mouse_on_sphere);
+ LLVector3 old_mouse_on_sphere;
+ intersect_ray_with_sphere(adjusted_camera_pos + (old_mouse_ray * pick_dist * 1.1f),
+ -1.f * old_mouse_ray,
+ object_rotation_center,
+ pick_distance_from_rotation_center,
+ old_mouse_on_sphere);
+ if (mouse_hit_sphere)
+ {
+ LLVector3 rotation_furthest_pt = object_rotation_center + pick_distance_from_rotation_center * rotation_fwd_axis;
+ F32 mouse_lateral_distance = llclamp(((mouse_on_sphere - rotation_furthest_pt) * screen_rotation_left_axis) / pick_distance_from_rotation_center, -1.f, 1.f);
+ F32 old_mouse_lateral_distance = llclamp(((old_mouse_on_sphere - rotation_furthest_pt) * screen_rotation_left_axis) / pick_distance_from_rotation_center, -1.f, 1.f);
+ F32 yaw_angle = -1.f * asinf(mouse_lateral_distance);
+ F32 old_yaw_angle = -1.f * asinf(old_mouse_lateral_distance);
+ F32 delta_angle = yaw_angle - old_yaw_angle;
+ if (mClockwise) delta_angle *= -1.f;
+ gAgent.yaw(delta_angle);
+ mMouseSteerX = x;
+ mMouseSteerY = y;
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.h b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.h
index c46fdd6799..26dcbd35e6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.h
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ private:
void startCameraSteering();
- BOOL mMouseButtonDown;
- BOOL mMouseOutsideSlop; // for this drag, has mouse moved outside slop region
+ bool mMouseButtonDown;
+ bool mMouseOutsideSlop; // for this drag, has mouse moved outside slop region
S32 mMouseDownX;
S32 mMouseDownY;
S32 mMouseSteerX;
S32 mMouseSteerY;
- F32 mLastYaw;
+ bool mClockwise;
LLUUID mMediaMouseCaptureID;
LLPickInfo mPick;
LLPickInfo mHoverPick;