path: root/scripts
diff options
authorOz Linden <>2015-06-08 16:33:02 -0400
committerOz Linden <>2015-06-08 16:33:02 -0400
commit949942c730b0b7463338c2cb3bc411ac12f4f648 (patch)
tree159b9cf6bb6a9de9b538f17e3d721be25a15b79a /scripts
parenta219cf1c98527faa0e7addeb9660f679208bb0e7 (diff)
parentf3c58f765c0168f25bb13c4427e34b4bdad2f671 (diff)
merge changes for 3.7.29-release
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 93 insertions, 391 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automated_build_scripts/ b/scripts/automated_build_scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index c1b592a972..0000000000
--- a/scripts/automated_build_scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# This is the build script used by Linden Lab's autmated build system.
-set -x
-export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
-arch=`uname | cut -b-6`
-here=`echo $0 | sed 's:[^/]*$:.:'`
-year=`date +%Y`
-branch=`svn info | grep '^URL:' | sed 's:.*/::'`
-revision=`svn info | grep '^Revision:' | sed 's/.*: //'`
-[ x"$WGET_CACHE" = x ] && export WGET_CACHE=/var/tmp/parabuild/wget
-[ x"$S3GET_URL" = x ] && export S3GET_URL=$year
-[ x"$S3PUT_URL" = x ] && export S3PUT_URL=$year
-[ x"$PUBLIC_URL" = x ] && export PUBLIC_URL=$year
-[ x"$PUBLIC_EMAIL" = x ] && export
-# Make sure command worked and bail out if not, reporting failure to parabuild
- release_lock
- echo "BUILD FAILED" $@
- exit 1
- release_lock
- exit 0
-# Locking to avoid contention with u-s-c
- test -x "$LOCK_CREATE"\
- -a -x "$LOCK_TOUCH"\
- -a -x "$LOCK_REMOVE"
- if locking_available
- then
- if "$LOCK_CREATE" /var/lock/update-system-config --retry 99
- then
- "$LOCK_TOUCH" /var/lock/update-system-config &
- else
- fail acquire lock
- fi
- else
- true
- fi
- if locking_available
- then
- if test x"$LOCK_PROCESS" != x
- then
- kill "$LOCK_PROCESS"
- "$LOCK_REMOVE" /var/lock/update-system-config
- else
- echo No Lock Acquired >&2
- fi
- else
- true
- fi
- mkdir -p "$WGET_CACHE" || fail creating WGET_CACHE
- local tarball=`basename "$1"`
- test -r "$WGET_CACHE/$tarball" || ( cd "$WGET_CACHE" && curl --location --remote-name "$1" || fail getting $1 )
- case "$tarball" in
- *.zip) unzip -qq -d .. -o "$WGET_CACHE/$tarball" || fail unzip $tarball ;;
- *.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar -C .. -xzf "$WGET_CACHE/$tarball" || fail untar $tarball ;;
- *) fail unrecognized filetype: $tarball ;;
- esac
- test -x "$helpers/" -a -x "$helpers/" -a -r "$helpers/"
- echo build-darwin-universal
- echo viewer-linux-i686-`echo $1 | tr A-Z a-z`
- echo build-vc80
- ls -1td "`build_dir_Darwin Release`/newview/"*.dmg 2>/dev/null | sed 1q
- ls -1td "`build_dir_Linux Release`/newview/"*.tar.bz2 2>/dev/null | sed 1q
- d=`build_dir_CYGWIN Release`
- p=`sed 's:.*=::' "$d/newview/Release/touched.bat"`
- echo "$d/newview/Release/$p"
-# deal with aborts etc..
-trap fail 1 2 3 14 15
-# Check location
-cd "$here/../.."
-test -x ../linden/scripts/automated_build_scripts/\
- || fail 'The parent dir of your checkout needs to be named "linden"'
-. doc/asset_urls.txt
-get_asset "$SLASSET_ART"
-# Set up platform specific stuff
-case "$arch" in
-# Note that we can only build the "Release" variant for Darwin, because of a compiler bug:
-# ld: bl out of range (-16777272 max is +/-16M)
-# from __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)at 0x033D319C
-# in __StaticInit of
-# indra/build-darwin-universal/newview/
-# to ___cxa_atexit$island_2 at 0x023D50F8
-# in __text of
-# indra/build-darwin-universal/newview/ Life
-# in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)
-# from indra/build-darwin-universal/newview/
- helpers=/usr/local/buildscripts/generic_vc
- variants="Release"
- cmake_generator="Xcode"
- fmod=fmodapi375mac
- fmod_tar="$"
- fmod_so=libfmod.a
- fmod_lib=lib
- target_dirs="libraries/universal-darwin/lib_debug
- libraries/universal-darwin/lib_release
- libraries/universal-darwin/lib_release_client"
- other_archs="$S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/CYGWIN $S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/Linux"
- mail="$helpers"/
- all_done="$helpers"/
- get_asset "$SLASSET_LIBS_DARWIN"
- ;;
- helpers=/cygdrive/c/buildscripts
- variants="Debug RelWithDebInfo Release"
- #variants="Release"
- cmake_generator="vc80"
- fmod=fmodapi375win
- fmod_so=fmodvc.lib
- fmod_lib=lib
- target_dirs="libraries/i686-win32/lib/debug
- libraries/i686-win32/lib/release"
- other_archs="$S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/Darwin $S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/Linux"
- export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Python25:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Cmake 2.6/bin":$PATH
- export PERL="/cygdrive/c/Perl/bin/perl.exe"
- export S3CURL="C:\\buildscripts\"
- export CURL="C:\\cygwin\\bin\\curl.exe"
- mail="C:\\buildscripts\\"
- all_done="C:\\buildscripts\\"
- get_asset "$SLASSET_LIBS_WIN32"
- ;;
- helpers=/var/opt/parabuild/buildscripts/generic_vc
- [ x"$CXX" = x ] && test -x /usr/bin/g++-4.1 && export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.1
- acquire_lock
- variants="Debug RelWithDebInfo Release"
- #variants="Release"
- cmake_generator="Unix Makefiles"
- fmod=fmodapi375linux
- fmod_tar="$fmod".tar.gz
- fmod_lib=.
- target_dirs="libraries/i686-linux/lib_debug
- libraries/i686-linux/lib_release
- libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client"
- other_archs="$S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/Darwin $S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/CYGWIN"
- mail="$helpers"/
- all_done="$helpers"/
- # Change the DISTCC_DIR to be somewhere that the parabuild process can write to
- if test -r /etc/debian_version
- then
- [ x"$DISTCC_DIR" = x ] && export DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/parabuild
- case `cat /etc/debian_version` in
- 3.*) [ x"$DISTCC_HOSTS" = x ]\
- && export DISTCC_HOSTS="build-linux-1
- build-linux-2
- build-linux-3
- build-linux-4
- build-linux-5" ;;
- 4.*) [ x"$DISTCC_HOSTS" = x ]\
- && export DISTCC_HOSTS="build-linux-6
- build-linux-7
- build-linux-8
- build-linux-9" ;;
- esac
- fi
- get_asset "$SLASSET_LIBS_LINUXI386"
- ;;
-*) fail undefined $arch ;;
-get_asset "$fmod_tar"
-# Special case for Mac...
-case "$arch" in
- if lipo -create -output "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmod-universal.a\
- "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmod.a\
- "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmodx86.a
- then
- mv "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmod.a "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmodppc.a
- mv "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmod-universal.a "../$fmod"/api/$fmod_lib/libfmod.a
- echo Created fat binary
- else
- fail running lipo
- fi
- ;;
-# ensure helpers are up to date
-( cd "$helpers" && svn up )
-# First, go into the directory where the code was checked out by Parabuild
-cd indra
-# This is the way it works now, but it will soon work on a variant dependent way
-for target_dir in $target_dirs
- mkdir -p "../$target_dir"
- cp -f "../../$fmod/api/$fmod_lib/$fmod_so" "../$target_dir"
-mkdir -p "../libraries/include"
-cp -f "../../$fmod/api/inc/"* "../libraries/include"
-# Special Windows case
-test -r "../../$fmod/api/fmod.dll" && cp -f "../../$fmod/api/fmod.dll" newview
-# Now run the build command over all variants
-cp /dev/null build.log
-### TEST CODE - remove when done
-### variants=
-### echo "Artificial build failure to test notifications" > build.log
-### succeeded=false
-for variant in $variants
- build_dir=`build_dir_$arch $variant`
- rm -rf "$build_dir"
- # This is the way it will work in future
- #for target_dir in $target_dirs
- #do
- # mkdir -p "$build_dir/$target_dir"
- # cp "../../$fmod/api/$fmod_lib/$fmod_so" "$build_dir/$target_dir"
- #done
- #mkdir -p "$build_dir/libraries/include"
- #cp "../../$fmod/api/inc/"* "$build_dir/libraries/include"
- echo "==== $variant ====" >> build.log
- if ./ \
- --unattended \
- --incredibuild \
- -t $variant \
- -G "$cmake_generator" \
- configure \
- -DPACKAGE:BOOL=ON >>build.log 2>&1
- then
- if ./\
- --unattended\
- --incredibuild \
- -t $variant\
- -G "$cmake_generator" \
- build package >>build.log 2>&1
- then
- # run tests if needed
- true
- else
- succeeded=false
- fi
- else
- succeeded=false
- fi
-# check statuis and upload results to S3
-if $succeeded
- package=`installer_$arch`
- test -r "$package" || fail not found: $package
- package_file=`echo $package | sed 's:.*/::'`
- if s3_available
- then
- echo "$PUBLIC_URL/$branch/$revision/$package_file" > "$arch"
- echo "$PUBLIC_URL/$branch/$revision/good-build.$arch" >> "$arch"
- "$helpers/" "$package" "$S3PUT_URL/$branch/$revision/$package_file" binary/octet-stream\
- || fail Uploading "$package"
- "$helpers/" build.log "$S3PUT_URL/$branch/$revision/good-build.$arch" text/plain\
- || fail Uploading build.log
- "$helpers/" "$arch" "$S3PUT_URL/$branch/$revision/$arch" text/plain\
- || fail Uploading token file
- if python "$all_done"\
- curl\
- "$S3GET_URL/$branch/$revision/$arch"\
- $other_archs > message
- then
- subject="Successful Build for $branch ($revision)"
- fi
- else
- true s3 is not available
- fi
- if s3_available
- then
- "$helpers/" build.log "$S3PUT_URL/$branch/$revision/failed-build.$arch" text/plain\
- || fail Uploading build.log
- subject="Failed Build for $branch ($revision) on $arch"
- cat >message <<EOF
-Build for $branch ($revision) failed for $arch.
-Please see the build log for details:
- else
- true s3 is not available
- fi
-# We have something to say...
-if [ x"$subject" != x ]
- # Extract change list since last build
- then
- echo "No change information available" >> message
- then
- ( cd .. && svn log --verbose --stop-on-copy --limit 50 ) >>message
- else
- ( cd .. && svn log --verbose -r"$PARABUILD_PREVIOUS_CHANGE_LIST_NUMBER":"$PARABUILD_CHANGE_LIST_NUMBER" ) >>message
- fi
- # $PUBLIC_EMAIL can be a list, so no quotes
- python "$mail" "$subject" $PUBLIC_EMAIL <message
-if $succeeded
- pass
- fail
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4e66cf9ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module formats the package version and copyright information for the
+viewer and its dependent packages.
+Second Life Viewer Source Code
+Copyright (C) 2014, Linden Research, Inc.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+version 2.1 of the License only.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+import os
+import sys
+import errno
+import re
+import subprocess
+_autobuild=os.getenv('AUTOBUILD', 'autobuild')
+def autobuild(*args):
+ """
+ Launch autobuild with specified command-line arguments.
+ Return its stdout pipe from which the caller can read.
+ """
+ # subprocess wants a list, not a tuple
+ command = [_autobuild] + list(args)
+ try:
+ child = subprocess.Popen(command,
+ stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True)
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ # Don't attempt to interpret anything but ENOENT
+ raise
+ # Here it's ENOENT: subprocess can't find the autobuild executable.
+ print >>sys.stderr, "packages-formatter on %s: can't run autobuild:\n%s\n%s" % \
+ (sys.platform, ' '.join(command), err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # no exceptions yet, let caller read stdout
+ return child.stdout
+versions=autobuild('install', '--versions')
+for line in versions:
+ pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
+ if pkg_info:
+ pkg =
+ if pkg not in version:
+ version[pkg] =
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Duplicate version for %s" % pkg)
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Unrecognized --versions output: %s" % line)
+copyrights=autobuild('install', '--copyrights')
+viewer_copyright = copyrights.readline() # first line is the copyright for the viewer itself
+for line in copyrights:
+ pkg_info = pkg_line.match(line)
+ if pkg_info:
+ pkg =
+ if pkg not in copyright:
+ copyright[pkg] =
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Duplicate copyright for %s" % pkg)
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Unrecognized --copyrights output: %s" % line)
+print viewer_copyright
+for pkg in sorted(version):
+ print ': '.join([pkg, version[pkg]])
+ if pkg in copyright:
+ print copyright[pkg]
+ else:
+ sys.exit("No copyright for %s" % pkg)