path: root/indra
diff options
authorRick Pasetto <>2010-01-08 15:11:15 -0800
committerRick Pasetto <>2010-01-08 15:11:15 -0800
commite31d695247f89df1490afb4b9581f562fa99617c (patch)
treee61a73b467c78e626343f135d1060e0b04539620 /indra
parent1500e90eccf237fb50f901528c5dc9d747f6d2f0 (diff)
get rid of commented-out code
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp b/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
index 439c10c95c..ed39786b37 100644
--- a/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
+++ b/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
@@ -2376,60 +2376,6 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK LLWindowWin32::mainWindowProc(HWND h_wnd, UINT u_msg, WPARAM w_
return 0;
- // only useful for droppnig files - could be used for file upload dialog one day
- //case WM_DROPFILES:
- // {
- // // HDROP contains what we need
- // HDROP hdrop = (HDROP)w_param;
- // // get location in window space where drop occured and convert to OpenGL coordinate space
- // POINT pt;
- // DragQueryPoint( hdrop, &pt );
- // LLCoordGL gl_coord;
- // LLCoordWindow cursor_coord_window( pt.x, pt.y );
- // window_imp->convertCoords(cursor_coord_window, &gl_coord);
- // // get payload (eventually, this needs to more advanced and grab size of payload dynamically
- // static char file_name[ 1024 ];
- // DragQueryFileA( hdrop, 0, file_name, 1024 );
- // void* url = (void*)( file_name );
- // // if it's a .URL or .lnk ("shortcut") file
- // if ( std::string( file_name ).find( ".lnk" ) != std::string::npos ||
- // std::string( file_name ).find( ".URL" ) != std::string::npos )
- // {
- // // read through file - looks like a 2 line file with second line URL= but who knows..
- // std::ifstream file_handle( file_name );
- // if ( file_handle.is_open() )
- // {
- // std::string line;
- // while ( ! file_handle.eof() )
- // {
- // std::getline( file_handle, line );
- // if ( ! file_handle.eof() )
- // {
- // std::string prefix( "URL=" );
- // if ( line.find( prefix, 0 ) != std::string::npos )
- // {
- // line = line.substr( 4 ); // skip off the URL= bit
- // strcpy( (char*)url, line.c_str() );
- // break;
- // };
- // };
- // };
- // file_handle.close();
- // };
- // };
- // MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE);
- // if ( window_imp->completeDragNDropRequest( gl_coord, mask, true, (char*)url, false ) )
- // {
- // return 0;
- // };
- // }