path: root/indra
diff options
authorXiaohong Bao <>2009-11-03 15:55:53 -0700
committerXiaohong Bao <>2009-11-03 15:55:53 -0700
commit81e719387983990fe0a2a197a6e09059219c119a (patch)
treef9f8b1bcab20e99413311f758dac521a3093050b /indra
parenteaa1ce61b084f23746934e0a7b899242045d691b (diff)
parent9637333708a84a73784248cb842df68e520a311a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
-rw-r--r--indra/newview/skins/default/textures/bottomtray/Snapshot_Off.pngbin332 -> 3204 bytes
233 files changed, 15631 insertions, 13575 deletions
diff --git a/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake b/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7e772bd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# DeploySharedLibs.cmake
+# This is a script to be run at build time! Its not part of the cmake configuration!
+# See indra/cmake/LLSharedLibs.cmake for a macro that simplifies adding a command to a target to run this script.
+# This script requires a few cmake variable to be set on the command line:
+# BIN_NAME= The full path the the binary to search for dependecies.
+# SEARCH_DIRS= The full paths to dirs to search for dependencies.
+# DST_PATH= The full path where the dependecies will be copied.
+message("Getting recursive dependencies for file: ${BIN_NAME}")
+set(RECURSE 1)
+get_filename_component(EXE_PATH ${BIN_NAME} PATH)
+foreach(DEP ${RESULTS})
+ Message("Processing dependency: ${DEP}")
+ get_filename_component(DEP_FILE ${DEP} NAME)
+foreach(DEP_FILE ${DEP_FILES})
+ set(FOUND -1)
+ endif(FOUND_FILES)
+ if(FOUND EQUAL -1)
+ if(DEP_PATH)
+ set(DEP_PATH NOTFOUND) #reset DEP_PATH for the next find_path call.
+ else(DEP_PATH)
+ endif(DEP_PATH)
+ endif(FOUND EQUAL -1)
+ message("Missing:")
+ foreach(FILE ${MISSING_FILES})
+ message(" ${FILE}")
+ endforeach(FILE)
+ message("Searched in:")
+ message(" ${SEARCH_DIR}")
+ endforeach(SEARCH_DIR)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed")
+ foreach(FILE ${FOUND_FILES})
+ get_filename_component(DST_FILE ${FILE} NAME)
+ message("Copying ${FILE} to ${DST_FILE}")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${FILE} ${DST_FILE}
+ )
+ endforeach(FILE ${FOUND_FILES})
diff --git a/indra/cmake/LLSharedLibs.cmake b/indra/cmake/LLSharedLibs.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8c81609bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/cmake/LLSharedLibs.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# ll_deploy_sharedlibs_command
+# target_exe: the cmake target of the executable for which the shared libs will be deployed.
+# search_dirs: a list of dirs to search for the dependencies
+# dst_path: path to copy deps to, relative to the output location of the target_exe
+macro(ll_deploy_sharedlibs_command target_exe search_dirs dst_path)
+ get_target_property(OUTPUT_LOCATION ${target_exe} LOCATION)
+ if(DARWIN)
+ get_target_property(IS_BUNDLE ${target_exe} MACOSX_BUNDLE)
+ get_filename_component(TARGET_FILE ${OUTPUT_LOCATION} NAME)
+ set(OUTPUT_PATH ${OUTPUT_LOCATION}.app/Contents/MacOS)
+ endif(IS_BUNDLE)
+ else(DARWIN)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Only darwin currently supported!")
+ endif(DARWIN)
+ add_custom_command(
+ TARGET ${target_exe} POST_BUILD
+ "-DSEARCH_DIRS=\"${search_dirs}\""
+ "-DDST_PATH=\"${OUTPUT_PATH}/${dst_path}\""
+ "-P"
+ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/DeploySharedLibs.cmake"
+ )
diff --git a/indra/cmake/ b/indra/cmake/
index 17bce6f434..fff78ecbe3 100644
--- a/indra/cmake/
+++ b/indra/cmake/
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-@author Nat Goodspeed
-@date 2009-09-03
-@brief Helper script to allow CMake to run some command after setting
- environment variables.
-CMake has commands to run an external program. But remember that each CMake
-command must be backed by multiple build-system implementations. Unfortunately
-it seems CMake can't promise that every target build system can set specified
-environment variables before running the external program of interest.
-This helper script is a workaround. It simply sets the requested environment
-variables and then executes the program specified on the rest of its command
-python -DFOO=bar myprog somearg otherarg
-sets environment variable FOO=bar, then runs:
-myprog somearg otherarg
-Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
-import os
-import sys
-import subprocess
-def main(command, libpath=[], vars={}):
- """Pass:
- command is a sequence (e.g. a list) of strings. The first item in the list
- must be the command name, the rest are its arguments.
- libpath is a sequence of directory pathnames. These will be appended to
- the platform-specific dynamic library search path environment variable.
- vars is a dict of arbitrary (var, value) pairs to be added to the
- environment before running 'command'.
- This function runs the specified command, waits for it to terminate and
- returns its return code. This will be negative if the command terminated
- with a signal, else it will be the process's specified exit code.
- """
- # Handle platform-dependent libpath first.
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- lpvars = ["PATH"]
- elif sys.platform == "darwin":
- elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
- lpvars = ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
- else:
- # No idea what the right pathname might be! But only crump if this
- # feature is requested.
- if libpath:
- raise NotImplemented("run_build_test: unknown platform %s" % sys.platform)
- lpvars = []
- for var in lpvars:
- # Split the existing path. Bear in mind that the variable in question
- # might not exist; instead of KeyError, just use an empty string.
- dirs = os.environ.get(var, "").split(os.pathsep)
- # Append the sequence in libpath
-## print "%s += %r" % (var, libpath)
- dirs.extend(libpath)
- # Now rebuild the path string. This way we use a minimum of separators
- # -- and we avoid adding a pointless separator when libpath is empty.
- os.environ[var] = os.pathsep.join(dirs)
- # Now handle arbitrary environment variables. The tricky part is ensuring
- # that all the keys and values we try to pass are actually strings.
-## if vars:
-## print "Setting:"
-## for key, value in vars.iteritems():
-## print "%s=%s" % (key, value)
- os.environ.update(dict([(str(key), str(value)) for key, value in vars.iteritems()]))
- # Run the child process.
-## print "Running: %s" % " ".join(command)
- return
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] command args...")
- # We want optparse support for the options we ourselves handle -- but we
- # DO NOT want it looking at options for the executable we intend to run,
- # rejecting them as invalid because we don't define them. So configure the
- # parser to stop looking for options as soon as it sees the first
- # positional argument (traditional Unix syntax).
- parser.disable_interspersed_args()
- parser.add_option("-D", "--define", dest="vars", default=[], action="append",
- metavar="VAR=value",
- help="Add VAR=value to the env variables defined")
- parser.add_option("-l", "--libpath", dest="libpath", default=[], action="append",
- metavar="DIR",
- help="Add DIR to the platform-dependent DLL search path")
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- # What we have in opts.vars is a list of strings of the form "VAR=value"
- # or possibly just "VAR". What we want is a dict. We can build that dict by
- # constructing a list of ["VAR", "value"] pairs -- so split each
- # "VAR=value" string on the '=' sign (but only once, in case we have
- # "VAR=some=user=string"). To handle the case of just "VAR", append "" to
- # the list returned by split(), then slice off anything after the pair we
- # want.
- rc = main(command=args, libpath=opts.libpath,
- vars=dict([(pair.split('=', 1) + [""])[:2] for pair in opts.vars]))
- if rc not in (None, 0):
- print >>sys.stderr, "Failure running: %s" % " ".join(args)
- print >>sys.stderr, "Error: %s" % rc
- sys.exit((rc < 0) and 255 or rc)
+@author Nat Goodspeed
+@date 2009-09-03
+@brief Helper script to allow CMake to run some command after setting
+ environment variables.
+CMake has commands to run an external program. But remember that each CMake
+command must be backed by multiple build-system implementations. Unfortunately
+it seems CMake can't promise that every target build system can set specified
+environment variables before running the external program of interest.
+This helper script is a workaround. It simply sets the requested environment
+variables and then executes the program specified on the rest of its command
+python -DFOO=bar myprog somearg otherarg
+sets environment variable FOO=bar, then runs:
+myprog somearg otherarg
+Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+def main(command, libpath=[], vars={}):
+ """Pass:
+ command is a sequence (e.g. a list) of strings. The first item in the list
+ must be the command name, the rest are its arguments.
+ libpath is a sequence of directory pathnames. These will be appended to
+ the platform-specific dynamic library search path environment variable.
+ vars is a dict of arbitrary (var, value) pairs to be added to the
+ environment before running 'command'.
+ This function runs the specified command, waits for it to terminate and
+ returns its return code. This will be negative if the command terminated
+ with a signal, else it will be the process's specified exit code.
+ """
+ # Handle platform-dependent libpath first.
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ lpvars = ["PATH"]
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ lpvars = ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
+ else:
+ # No idea what the right pathname might be! But only crump if this
+ # feature is requested.
+ if libpath:
+ raise NotImplemented("run_build_test: unknown platform %s" % sys.platform)
+ lpvars = []
+ for var in lpvars:
+ # Split the existing path. Bear in mind that the variable in question
+ # might not exist; instead of KeyError, just use an empty string.
+ dirs = os.environ.get(var, "").split(os.pathsep)
+ # Append the sequence in libpath
+## print "%s += %r" % (var, libpath)
+ dirs.extend(libpath)
+ # Now rebuild the path string. This way we use a minimum of separators
+ # -- and we avoid adding a pointless separator when libpath is empty.
+ os.environ[var] = os.pathsep.join(dirs)
+ # Now handle arbitrary environment variables. The tricky part is ensuring
+ # that all the keys and values we try to pass are actually strings.
+## if vars:
+## print "Setting:"
+## for key, value in vars.iteritems():
+## print "%s=%s" % (key, value)
+ os.environ.update(dict([(str(key), str(value)) for key, value in vars.iteritems()]))
+ # Run the child process.
+## print "Running: %s" % " ".join(command)
+ return
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] command args...")
+ # We want optparse support for the options we ourselves handle -- but we
+ # DO NOT want it looking at options for the executable we intend to run,
+ # rejecting them as invalid because we don't define them. So configure the
+ # parser to stop looking for options as soon as it sees the first
+ # positional argument (traditional Unix syntax).
+ parser.disable_interspersed_args()
+ parser.add_option("-D", "--define", dest="vars", default=[], action="append",
+ metavar="VAR=value",
+ help="Add VAR=value to the env variables defined")
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--libpath", dest="libpath", default=[], action="append",
+ metavar="DIR",
+ help="Add DIR to the platform-dependent DLL search path")
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ # What we have in opts.vars is a list of strings of the form "VAR=value"
+ # or possibly just "VAR". What we want is a dict. We can build that dict by
+ # constructing a list of ["VAR", "value"] pairs -- so split each
+ # "VAR=value" string on the '=' sign (but only once, in case we have
+ # "VAR=some=user=string"). To handle the case of just "VAR", append "" to
+ # the list returned by split(), then slice off anything after the pair we
+ # want.
+ rc = main(command=args, libpath=opts.libpath,
+ vars=dict([(pair.split('=', 1) + [""])[:2] for pair in opts.vars]))
+ if rc not in (None, 0):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Failure running: %s" % " ".join(args)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Error: %s" % rc
+ sys.exit((rc < 0) and 255 or rc)
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llallocator.h b/indra/llcommon/llallocator.h
index 0d6f18c5d4..50129b4526 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llallocator.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llallocator.h
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
- * @file llallocator.h
- * @brief Declaration of the LLAllocator class.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <string>
-#include "llmemtype.h"
-#include "llallocator_heap_profile.h"
-class LL_COMMON_API LLAllocator {
- friend class LLMemoryView;
- friend class LLMemType;
- static void pushMemType(S32 type);
- static S32 popMemType();
- void setProfilingEnabled(bool should_enable);
- static bool isProfiling();
- LLAllocatorHeapProfile const & getProfile();
- std::string getRawProfile();
- LLAllocatorHeapProfile mProf;
+ * @file llallocator.h
+ * @brief Declaration of the LLAllocator class.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "llmemtype.h"
+#include "llallocator_heap_profile.h"
+class LL_COMMON_API LLAllocator {
+ friend class LLMemoryView;
+ friend class LLMemType;
+ static void pushMemType(S32 type);
+ static S32 popMemType();
+ void setProfilingEnabled(bool should_enable);
+ static bool isProfiling();
+ LLAllocatorHeapProfile const & getProfile();
+ std::string getRawProfile();
+ LLAllocatorHeapProfile mProf;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llapr.h b/indra/llcommon/llapr.h
index 0898aeec47..a1fcd2cf8d 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llapr.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llapr.h
@@ -1,259 +1,259 @@
- * @file llapr.h
- * @author Phoenix
- * @date 2004-11-28
- * @brief Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#ifndef LL_LLAPR_H
-#define LL_LLAPR_H
-#include <sys/param.h> // Need PATH_MAX in APR headers...
-#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-#include "apr_thread_proc.h"
-#include "apr_thread_mutex.h"
-#include "apr_getopt.h"
-#include "apr_signal.h"
-#include "apr_atomic.h"
-#include "llstring.h"
-extern LL_COMMON_API apr_thread_mutex_t* gLogMutexp;
-extern apr_thread_mutex_t* gCallStacksLogMutexp;
- * @brief initialize the common apr constructs -- apr itself, the
- * global pool, and a mutex.
- */
-void LL_COMMON_API ll_init_apr();
- * @brief Cleanup those common apr constructs.
- */
-void LL_COMMON_API ll_cleanup_apr();
-//LL apr_pool
-//manage apr_pool_t, destroy allocated apr_pool in the destruction function.
- LLAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE) ;
- ~LLAPRPool() ;
- apr_pool_t* getAPRPool() ;
- apr_status_t getStatus() {return mStatus ; }
- void releaseAPRPool() ;
- void createAPRPool() ;
- apr_pool_t* mPool ; //pointing to an apr_pool
- apr_pool_t* mParent ; //parent pool
- apr_size_t mMaxSize ; //max size of mPool, mPool should return memory to system if allocated memory beyond this limit. However it seems not to work.
- apr_status_t mStatus ; //status when creating the pool
- BOOL mReleasePoolFlag ; //if set, mPool is destroyed when LLAPRPool is deleted. default value is true.
-//volatile LL apr_pool
-//which clears memory automatically.
-//so it can not hold static data or data after memory is cleared
-class LL_COMMON_API LLVolatileAPRPool : public LLAPRPool
- LLVolatileAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE);
- ~LLVolatileAPRPool(){}
- apr_pool_t* getVolatileAPRPool() ;
- void clearVolatileAPRPool() ;
- BOOL isFull() ;
- BOOL isEmpty() {return !mNumActiveRef ;}
- S32 mNumActiveRef ; //number of active pointers pointing to the apr_pool.
- S32 mNumTotalRef ; //number of total pointers pointing to the apr_pool since last creating.
-} ;
- * @class LLScopedLock
- * @brief Small class to help lock and unlock mutexes.
- *
- * This class is used to have a stack level lock once you already have
- * an apr mutex handy. The constructor handles the lock, and the
- * destructor handles the unlock. Instances of this class are
- * <b>not</b> thread safe.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLScopedLock : private boost::noncopyable
- /**
- * @brief Constructor which accepts a mutex, and locks it.
- *
- * @param mutex An allocated APR mutex. If you pass in NULL,
- * this wrapper will not lock.
- */
- LLScopedLock(apr_thread_mutex_t* mutex);
- /**
- * @brief Destructor which unlocks the mutex if still locked.
- */
- ~LLScopedLock();
- /**
- * @brief Check lock.
- */
- bool isLocked() const { return mLocked; }
- /**
- * @brief This method unlocks the mutex.
- */
- void unlock();
- bool mLocked;
- apr_thread_mutex_t* mMutex;
-template <typename Type> class LLAtomic32
- LLAtomic32<Type>() {};
- LLAtomic32<Type>(Type x) {apr_atomic_set32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); };
- ~LLAtomic32<Type>() {};
- operator const Type() { apr_uint32_t data = apr_atomic_read32(&mData); return Type(data); }
- Type operator =(const Type& x) { apr_atomic_set32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); return Type(mData); }
- void operator -=(Type x) { apr_atomic_sub32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); }
- void operator +=(Type x) { apr_atomic_add32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); }
- Type operator ++(int) { return apr_atomic_inc32(&mData); } // Type++
- Type operator --(int) { return apr_atomic_dec32(&mData); } // Type--
- apr_uint32_t mData;
-typedef LLAtomic32<U32> LLAtomicU32;
-typedef LLAtomic32<S32> LLAtomicS32;
-// File IO convenience functions.
-// Returns NULL if the file fails to openm sets *sizep to file size of not NULL
-// abbreviated flags
-#define LL_APR_R (APR_READ) // "r"
-#define LL_APR_RB (APR_READ|APR_BINARY) // "rb"
-//apr_file manager
-//which: 1)only keeps one file open;
-// 2)closes the open file in the destruction function
-// 3)informs the apr_pool to clean the memory when the file is closed.
-//Note: please close an open file at the earliest convenience.
-// especially do not put some time-costly operations between open() and close().
-// otherwise it might lock the APRFilePool.
-//there are two different apr_pools the APRFile can use:
-// 1, a temperary pool passed to an APRFile function, which is used within this function and only once.
-// 2, a global pool.
- apr_file_t* mFile ;
- LLVolatileAPRPool *mCurrentFilePoolp ; //currently in use apr_pool, could be one of them: sAPRFilePoolp, or a temp pool.
- LLAPRFile() ;
- ~LLAPRFile() ;
- apr_status_t open(LLVolatileAPRPool* pool, const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, S32* sizep = NULL);
- apr_status_t open(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, apr_pool_t* pool = NULL, S32* sizep = NULL);
- apr_status_t close() ;
- // Returns actual offset, -1 if seek fails
- S32 seek(apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
- apr_status_t eof() { return apr_file_eof(mFile);}
- // Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
- S32 read(void* buf, S32 nbytes);
- S32 write(const void* buf, S32 nbytes);
- apr_file_t* getFileHandle() {return mFile;}
- apr_pool_t* getAPRFilePool(apr_pool_t* pool) ;
-//static components
- static LLVolatileAPRPool *sAPRFilePoolp ; //a global apr_pool for APRFile, which is used only when local pool does not exist.
- static apr_file_t* open(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool, apr_int32_t flags);
- static apr_status_t close(apr_file_t* file, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool) ;
- static S32 seek(apr_file_t* file, apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
- // returns false if failure:
- static bool remove(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- static bool rename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& newname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- static bool isExist(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL, apr_int32_t flags = APR_READ);
- static S32 size(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- static bool makeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- static bool removeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- // Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
- static S32 readEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- static S32 writeEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
- * @brief Function which approprately logs error or remains quiet on
- * @return Returns <code>true</code> if status is an error condition.
- */
-bool LL_COMMON_API ll_apr_warn_status(apr_status_t status);
-void LL_COMMON_API ll_apr_assert_status(apr_status_t status);
-extern "C" LL_COMMON_API apr_pool_t* gAPRPoolp; // Global APR memory pool
-#endif // LL_LLAPR_H
+ * @file llapr.h
+ * @author Phoenix
+ * @date 2004-11-28
+ * @brief Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LL_LLAPR_H
+#define LL_LLAPR_H
+#include <sys/param.h> // Need PATH_MAX in APR headers...
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include "apr_thread_proc.h"
+#include "apr_thread_mutex.h"
+#include "apr_getopt.h"
+#include "apr_signal.h"
+#include "apr_atomic.h"
+#include "llstring.h"
+extern LL_COMMON_API apr_thread_mutex_t* gLogMutexp;
+extern apr_thread_mutex_t* gCallStacksLogMutexp;
+ * @brief initialize the common apr constructs -- apr itself, the
+ * global pool, and a mutex.
+ */
+void LL_COMMON_API ll_init_apr();
+ * @brief Cleanup those common apr constructs.
+ */
+void LL_COMMON_API ll_cleanup_apr();
+//LL apr_pool
+//manage apr_pool_t, destroy allocated apr_pool in the destruction function.
+ LLAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE) ;
+ ~LLAPRPool() ;
+ apr_pool_t* getAPRPool() ;
+ apr_status_t getStatus() {return mStatus ; }
+ void releaseAPRPool() ;
+ void createAPRPool() ;
+ apr_pool_t* mPool ; //pointing to an apr_pool
+ apr_pool_t* mParent ; //parent pool
+ apr_size_t mMaxSize ; //max size of mPool, mPool should return memory to system if allocated memory beyond this limit. However it seems not to work.
+ apr_status_t mStatus ; //status when creating the pool
+ BOOL mReleasePoolFlag ; //if set, mPool is destroyed when LLAPRPool is deleted. default value is true.
+//volatile LL apr_pool
+//which clears memory automatically.
+//so it can not hold static data or data after memory is cleared
+class LL_COMMON_API LLVolatileAPRPool : public LLAPRPool
+ LLVolatileAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL, apr_size_t size = 0, BOOL releasePoolFlag = TRUE);
+ ~LLVolatileAPRPool(){}
+ apr_pool_t* getVolatileAPRPool() ;
+ void clearVolatileAPRPool() ;
+ BOOL isFull() ;
+ BOOL isEmpty() {return !mNumActiveRef ;}
+ S32 mNumActiveRef ; //number of active pointers pointing to the apr_pool.
+ S32 mNumTotalRef ; //number of total pointers pointing to the apr_pool since last creating.
+} ;
+ * @class LLScopedLock
+ * @brief Small class to help lock and unlock mutexes.
+ *
+ * This class is used to have a stack level lock once you already have
+ * an apr mutex handy. The constructor handles the lock, and the
+ * destructor handles the unlock. Instances of this class are
+ * <b>not</b> thread safe.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLScopedLock : private boost::noncopyable
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor which accepts a mutex, and locks it.
+ *
+ * @param mutex An allocated APR mutex. If you pass in NULL,
+ * this wrapper will not lock.
+ */
+ LLScopedLock(apr_thread_mutex_t* mutex);
+ /**
+ * @brief Destructor which unlocks the mutex if still locked.
+ */
+ ~LLScopedLock();
+ /**
+ * @brief Check lock.
+ */
+ bool isLocked() const { return mLocked; }
+ /**
+ * @brief This method unlocks the mutex.
+ */
+ void unlock();
+ bool mLocked;
+ apr_thread_mutex_t* mMutex;
+template <typename Type> class LLAtomic32
+ LLAtomic32<Type>() {};
+ LLAtomic32<Type>(Type x) {apr_atomic_set32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); };
+ ~LLAtomic32<Type>() {};
+ operator const Type() { apr_uint32_t data = apr_atomic_read32(&mData); return Type(data); }
+ Type operator =(const Type& x) { apr_atomic_set32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); return Type(mData); }
+ void operator -=(Type x) { apr_atomic_sub32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); }
+ void operator +=(Type x) { apr_atomic_add32(&mData, apr_uint32_t(x)); }
+ Type operator ++(int) { return apr_atomic_inc32(&mData); } // Type++
+ Type operator --(int) { return apr_atomic_dec32(&mData); } // Type--
+ apr_uint32_t mData;
+typedef LLAtomic32<U32> LLAtomicU32;
+typedef LLAtomic32<S32> LLAtomicS32;
+// File IO convenience functions.
+// Returns NULL if the file fails to openm sets *sizep to file size of not NULL
+// abbreviated flags
+#define LL_APR_R (APR_READ) // "r"
+#define LL_APR_RB (APR_READ|APR_BINARY) // "rb"
+//apr_file manager
+//which: 1)only keeps one file open;
+// 2)closes the open file in the destruction function
+// 3)informs the apr_pool to clean the memory when the file is closed.
+//Note: please close an open file at the earliest convenience.
+// especially do not put some time-costly operations between open() and close().
+// otherwise it might lock the APRFilePool.
+//there are two different apr_pools the APRFile can use:
+// 1, a temperary pool passed to an APRFile function, which is used within this function and only once.
+// 2, a global pool.
+ apr_file_t* mFile ;
+ LLVolatileAPRPool *mCurrentFilePoolp ; //currently in use apr_pool, could be one of them: sAPRFilePoolp, or a temp pool.
+ LLAPRFile() ;
+ ~LLAPRFile() ;
+ apr_status_t open(LLVolatileAPRPool* pool, const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, S32* sizep = NULL);
+ apr_status_t open(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, apr_pool_t* pool = NULL, S32* sizep = NULL);
+ apr_status_t close() ;
+ // Returns actual offset, -1 if seek fails
+ S32 seek(apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
+ apr_status_t eof() { return apr_file_eof(mFile);}
+ // Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
+ S32 read(void* buf, S32 nbytes);
+ S32 write(const void* buf, S32 nbytes);
+ apr_file_t* getFileHandle() {return mFile;}
+ apr_pool_t* getAPRFilePool(apr_pool_t* pool) ;
+//static components
+ static LLVolatileAPRPool *sAPRFilePoolp ; //a global apr_pool for APRFile, which is used only when local pool does not exist.
+ static apr_file_t* open(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool, apr_int32_t flags);
+ static apr_status_t close(apr_file_t* file, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool) ;
+ static S32 seek(apr_file_t* file, apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset);
+ // returns false if failure:
+ static bool remove(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ static bool rename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& newname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ static bool isExist(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL, apr_int32_t flags = APR_READ);
+ static S32 size(const std::string& filename, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ static bool makeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ static bool removeDir(const std::string& dirname, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ // Returns bytes read/written, 0 if read/write fails:
+ static S32 readEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ static S32 writeEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes, LLVolatileAPRPool* pool = NULL);
+ * @brief Function which approprately logs error or remains quiet on
+ * @return Returns <code>true</code> if status is an error condition.
+ */
+bool LL_COMMON_API ll_apr_warn_status(apr_status_t status);
+void LL_COMMON_API ll_apr_assert_status(apr_status_t status);
+extern "C" LL_COMMON_API apr_pool_t* gAPRPoolp; // Global APR memory pool
+#endif // LL_LLAPR_H
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llassettype.h b/indra/llcommon/llassettype.h
index 33705cd2b1..3c760e4d91 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llassettype.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llassettype.h
@@ -1,205 +1,205 @@
- * @file llassettype.h
- * @brief Declaration of LLAssetType.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <string>
-#include "stdenums.h" // for EDragAndDropType
-class LL_COMMON_API LLAssetType
- enum EType
- {
- // Used for painting the faces of geometry.
- // Stored in typical j2c stream format.
- AT_SOUND = 1,
- // Used to fill the aural spectrum.
- // Links instant message access to the user on the card.
- // : E.G. A card for yourself, for linden support, for
- // : the guy you were talking to in the coliseum.
- // Links to places in the world with location and a screen shot or image saved.
- // : E.G. Home, linden headquarters, the coliseum, destinations where
- // : we want to increase traffic.
- AT_SCRIPT = 4,
- // Valid scripts that can be attached to an object.
- // : E.G. Open a door, jump into the air.
- // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.
- AT_OBJECT = 6,
- // Any combination of textures, sounds, and scripts that are
- // associated with a fixed piece of geometry.
- // : E.G. A hot tub, a house with working door.
- // Just text.
- // Holds a collection of inventory items.
- // It's treated as an item in the inventory and therefore needs a type.
- // A user's root inventory category.
- // We decided to expose it visually, so it seems logical to fold
- // it into the asset types.
- AT_LSL_TEXT = 10,
- // The LSL is the scripting language.
- // We've split it into a text and bytecode representation.
- // Uncompressed TGA texture.
- // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.
- AT_TRASH = 14,
- // Only to be used as a marker for a category preferred type.
- // Using this, we can throw things in the trash before completely deleting.
- // A marker for a folder meant for snapshots.
- // No actual assets will be snapshots, though if there were, you
- // could interpret them as textures.
- // Used to stuff lost&found items into.
- AT_SOUND_WAV = 17,
- // Uncompressed sound.
- AT_IMAGE_TGA = 18,
- // Uncompressed image, non-square.
- // Not appropriate for use as a texture.
- // Compressed image, non-square.
- // Not appropriate for use as a texture.
- // Animation.
- AT_GESTURE = 21,
- // Gesture, sequence of animations, sounds, chat, wait steps.
- // Simstate file.
- // favorite items
- AT_LINK = 24,
- // Inventory symbolic link
- // Inventory folder link
- // This range is reserved for special clothing folder types.
- // Current outfit
- AT_OUTFIT = 47,
- // Predefined outfit ("look")
- // Folder that holds your outfits.
- AT_COUNT = 49,
- // +*********************************************************+
- // +*********************************************************+
- // | 3. ADD TO LLAssetDictionary in LLAssetType.cpp |
- // | 3. ADD TO DEFAULT_ASSET_FOR_INV in LLInventoryType.cpp |
- // +*********************************************************+
- AT_NONE = -1
- };
- // machine transation between type and strings
- static EType lookup(const char* name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
- static EType lookup(const std::string& type_name);
- static const char* lookup(EType asset_type);
- // translation from a type to a human readable form.
- static EType lookupHumanReadable(const char* desc_name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
- static EType lookupHumanReadable(const std::string& readable_name);
- static const char* lookupHumanReadable(EType asset_type);
- // Generate a good default description. You may want to add a verb
- // or agent name after this depending on your application.
- static void generateDescriptionFor(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
- std::string& description);
- static EType getType(const std::string& desc_name);
- static const std::string& getDesc(EType asset_type);
- static EDragAndDropType lookupDragAndDropType(EType asset_type);
- static bool lookupCanLink(EType asset_type);
- static bool lookupIsLinkType(EType asset_type);
- static const char* lookupCategoryName(EType asset_type);
- static bool lookupIsProtectedCategoryType(EType asset_type);
- static bool lookupIsEnsembleCategoryType(EType asset_type);
- /* TODO: Change return types from "const char *" to "const std::string &".
- This is fairly straightforward, but requires changing some calls to use .c_str().
- e.g.:
- - fprintf(fp, "\t\ttype\t%s\n", LLAssetType::lookup(mType));
- + fprintf(fp, "\t\ttype\t%s\n", LLAssetType::lookup(mType).c_str());
- */
- // don't instantiate or derive one of these objects
- LLAssetType( void ) {}
- ~LLAssetType( void ) {}
+ * @file llassettype.h
+ * @brief Declaration of LLAssetType.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "stdenums.h" // for EDragAndDropType
+class LL_COMMON_API LLAssetType
+ enum EType
+ {
+ // Used for painting the faces of geometry.
+ // Stored in typical j2c stream format.
+ AT_SOUND = 1,
+ // Used to fill the aural spectrum.
+ // Links instant message access to the user on the card.
+ // : E.G. A card for yourself, for linden support, for
+ // : the guy you were talking to in the coliseum.
+ // Links to places in the world with location and a screen shot or image saved.
+ // : E.G. Home, linden headquarters, the coliseum, destinations where
+ // : we want to increase traffic.
+ AT_SCRIPT = 4,
+ // Valid scripts that can be attached to an object.
+ // : E.G. Open a door, jump into the air.
+ // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.
+ AT_OBJECT = 6,
+ // Any combination of textures, sounds, and scripts that are
+ // associated with a fixed piece of geometry.
+ // : E.G. A hot tub, a house with working door.
+ // Just text.
+ // Holds a collection of inventory items.
+ // It's treated as an item in the inventory and therefore needs a type.
+ // A user's root inventory category.
+ // We decided to expose it visually, so it seems logical to fold
+ // it into the asset types.
+ AT_LSL_TEXT = 10,
+ // The LSL is the scripting language.
+ // We've split it into a text and bytecode representation.
+ // Uncompressed TGA texture.
+ // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.
+ AT_TRASH = 14,
+ // Only to be used as a marker for a category preferred type.
+ // Using this, we can throw things in the trash before completely deleting.
+ // A marker for a folder meant for snapshots.
+ // No actual assets will be snapshots, though if there were, you
+ // could interpret them as textures.
+ // Used to stuff lost&found items into.
+ AT_SOUND_WAV = 17,
+ // Uncompressed sound.
+ AT_IMAGE_TGA = 18,
+ // Uncompressed image, non-square.
+ // Not appropriate for use as a texture.
+ // Compressed image, non-square.
+ // Not appropriate for use as a texture.
+ // Animation.
+ AT_GESTURE = 21,
+ // Gesture, sequence of animations, sounds, chat, wait steps.
+ // Simstate file.
+ // favorite items
+ AT_LINK = 24,
+ // Inventory symbolic link
+ // Inventory folder link
+ // This range is reserved for special clothing folder types.
+ // Current outfit
+ AT_OUTFIT = 47,
+ // Predefined outfit ("look")
+ // Folder that holds your outfits.
+ AT_COUNT = 49,
+ // +*********************************************************+
+ // +*********************************************************+
+ // | 3. ADD TO LLAssetDictionary in LLAssetType.cpp |
+ // | 3. ADD TO DEFAULT_ASSET_FOR_INV in LLInventoryType.cpp |
+ // +*********************************************************+
+ AT_NONE = -1
+ };
+ // machine transation between type and strings
+ static EType lookup(const char* name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
+ static EType lookup(const std::string& type_name);
+ static const char* lookup(EType asset_type);
+ // translation from a type to a human readable form.
+ static EType lookupHumanReadable(const char* desc_name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
+ static EType lookupHumanReadable(const std::string& readable_name);
+ static const char* lookupHumanReadable(EType asset_type);
+ // Generate a good default description. You may want to add a verb
+ // or agent name after this depending on your application.
+ static void generateDescriptionFor(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ std::string& description);
+ static EType getType(const std::string& desc_name);
+ static const std::string& getDesc(EType asset_type);
+ static EDragAndDropType lookupDragAndDropType(EType asset_type);
+ static bool lookupCanLink(EType asset_type);
+ static bool lookupIsLinkType(EType asset_type);
+ static const char* lookupCategoryName(EType asset_type);
+ static bool lookupIsProtectedCategoryType(EType asset_type);
+ static bool lookupIsEnsembleCategoryType(EType asset_type);
+ /* TODO: Change return types from "const char *" to "const std::string &".
+ This is fairly straightforward, but requires changing some calls to use .c_str().
+ e.g.:
+ - fprintf(fp, "\t\ttype\t%s\n", LLAssetType::lookup(mType));
+ + fprintf(fp, "\t\ttype\t%s\n", LLAssetType::lookup(mType).c_str());
+ */
+ // don't instantiate or derive one of these objects
+ LLAssetType( void ) {}
+ ~LLAssetType( void ) {}
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llcoros.h b/indra/llcommon/llcoros.h
index 6c5fa5af6d..141b0df43c 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llcoros.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llcoros.h
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
- * @file llcoros.h
- * @author Nat Goodspeed
- * @date 2009-06-02
- * @brief Manage running boost::coroutine instances
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#if ! defined(LL_LLCOROS_H)
-#define LL_LLCOROS_H
-#include <boost/coroutine/coroutine.hpp>
-#include "llsingleton.h"
-#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
-#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
-#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/local.hpp>
-#include <stdexcept>
- * Registry of named Boost.Coroutine instances
- *
- * The Boost.Coroutine library supports the general case of a coroutine
- * accepting arbitrary parameters and yielding multiple (sets of) results. For
- * such use cases, it's natural for the invoking code to retain the coroutine
- * instance: the consumer repeatedly calls into the coroutine, perhaps passing
- * new parameter values, prompting it to yield its next result.
- *
- * Our typical coroutine usage is different, though. For us, coroutines
- * provide an alternative to the @c Responder pattern. Our typical coroutine
- * has @c void return, invoked in fire-and-forget mode: the handler for some
- * user gesture launches the coroutine and promptly returns to the main loop.
- * The coroutine initiates some action that will take multiple frames (e.g. a
- * capability request), waits for its result, processes it and silently steals
- * away.
- *
- * This usage poses two (related) problems:
- *
- * # Who should own the coroutine instance? If it's simply local to the
- * handler code that launches it, return from the handler will destroy the
- * coroutine object, terminating the coroutine.
- * # Once the coroutine terminates, in whatever way, who's responsible for
- * cleaning up the coroutine object?
- *
- * LLCoros is a Singleton collection of currently-active coroutine instances.
- * Each has a name. You ask LLCoros to launch a new coroutine with a suggested
- * name prefix; from your prefix it generates a distinct name, registers the
- * new coroutine and returns the actual name.
- *
- * The name can be used to kill off the coroutine prematurely, if needed. It
- * can also provide diagnostic info: we can look up the name of the
- * currently-running coroutine.
- *
- * Finally, the next frame ("mainloop" event) after the coroutine terminates,
- * LLCoros will notice its demise and destroy it.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLCoros: public LLSingleton<LLCoros>
- /// Canonical boost::coroutines::coroutine signature we use
- typedef boost::coroutines::coroutine<void()> coro;
- /// Canonical 'self' type
- typedef coro::self self;
- /**
- * Create and start running a new coroutine with specified name. The name
- * string you pass is a suggestion; it will be tweaked for uniqueness. The
- * actual name is returned to you.
- *
- * Usage looks like this, for (e.g.) two coroutine parameters:
- * @code
- * class MyClass
- * {
- * public:
- * ...
- * // Do NOT NOT NOT accept reference params other than 'self'!
- * // Pass by value only!
- * void myCoroutineMethod(LLCoros::self& self, std::string, LLSD);
- * ...
- * };
- * ...
- * std::string name = LLCoros::instance().launch(
- * "mycoro", boost::bind(&MyClass::myCoroutineMethod, this, _1,
- * "somestring", LLSD(17));
- * @endcode
- *
- * Your function/method must accept LLCoros::self& as its first parameter.
- * It can accept any other parameters you want -- but ONLY BY VALUE!
- * Other reference parameters are a BAD IDEA! You Have Been Warned. See
- * DEV-32777 comments for an explanation.
- *
- * Pass a callable that accepts the single LLCoros::self& parameter. It
- * may work to pass a free function whose only parameter is 'self'; for
- * all other cases use boost::bind(). Of course, for a non-static class
- * method, the first parameter must be the class instance. Use the
- * placeholder _1 for the 'self' parameter. Any other parameters should be
- * passed via the bind() expression.
- *
- * launch() tweaks the suggested name so it won't collide with any
- * existing coroutine instance, creates the coroutine instance, registers
- * it with the tweaked name and runs it until its first wait. At that
- * point it returns the tweaked name.
- */
- template <typename CALLABLE>
- std::string launch(const std::string& prefix, const CALLABLE& callable)
- {
- return launchImpl(prefix, new coro(callable));
- }
- /**
- * Abort a running coroutine by name. Normally, when a coroutine either
- * runs to completion or terminates with an exception, LLCoros quietly
- * cleans it up. This is for use only when you must explicitly interrupt
- * one prematurely. Returns @c true if the specified name was found and
- * still running at the time.
- */
- bool kill(const std::string& name);
- /**
- * From within a coroutine, pass its @c self object to look up the
- * (tweaked) name string by which this coroutine is registered. Returns
- * the empty string if not found (e.g. if the coroutine was launched by
- * hand rather than using LLCoros::launch()).
- */
- template <typename COROUTINE_SELF>
- std::string getName(const COROUTINE_SELF& self) const
- {
- return getNameByID(self.get_id());
- }
- /// getName() by self.get_id()
- std::string getNameByID(const void* self_id) const;
- friend class LLSingleton<LLCoros>;
- LLCoros();
- std::string launchImpl(const std::string& prefix, coro* newCoro);
- std::string generateDistinctName(const std::string& prefix) const;
- bool cleanup(const LLSD&);
- typedef boost::ptr_map<std::string, coro> CoroMap;
- CoroMap mCoros;
-#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLCOROS_H) */
+ * @file llcoros.h
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2009-06-02
+ * @brief Manage running boost::coroutine instances
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#if ! defined(LL_LLCOROS_H)
+#define LL_LLCOROS_H
+#include <boost/coroutine/coroutine.hpp>
+#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/local.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+ * Registry of named Boost.Coroutine instances
+ *
+ * The Boost.Coroutine library supports the general case of a coroutine
+ * accepting arbitrary parameters and yielding multiple (sets of) results. For
+ * such use cases, it's natural for the invoking code to retain the coroutine
+ * instance: the consumer repeatedly calls into the coroutine, perhaps passing
+ * new parameter values, prompting it to yield its next result.
+ *
+ * Our typical coroutine usage is different, though. For us, coroutines
+ * provide an alternative to the @c Responder pattern. Our typical coroutine
+ * has @c void return, invoked in fire-and-forget mode: the handler for some
+ * user gesture launches the coroutine and promptly returns to the main loop.
+ * The coroutine initiates some action that will take multiple frames (e.g. a
+ * capability request), waits for its result, processes it and silently steals
+ * away.
+ *
+ * This usage poses two (related) problems:
+ *
+ * # Who should own the coroutine instance? If it's simply local to the
+ * handler code that launches it, return from the handler will destroy the
+ * coroutine object, terminating the coroutine.
+ * # Once the coroutine terminates, in whatever way, who's responsible for
+ * cleaning up the coroutine object?
+ *
+ * LLCoros is a Singleton collection of currently-active coroutine instances.
+ * Each has a name. You ask LLCoros to launch a new coroutine with a suggested
+ * name prefix; from your prefix it generates a distinct name, registers the
+ * new coroutine and returns the actual name.
+ *
+ * The name can be used to kill off the coroutine prematurely, if needed. It
+ * can also provide diagnostic info: we can look up the name of the
+ * currently-running coroutine.
+ *
+ * Finally, the next frame ("mainloop" event) after the coroutine terminates,
+ * LLCoros will notice its demise and destroy it.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLCoros: public LLSingleton<LLCoros>
+ /// Canonical boost::coroutines::coroutine signature we use
+ typedef boost::coroutines::coroutine<void()> coro;
+ /// Canonical 'self' type
+ typedef coro::self self;
+ /**
+ * Create and start running a new coroutine with specified name. The name
+ * string you pass is a suggestion; it will be tweaked for uniqueness. The
+ * actual name is returned to you.
+ *
+ * Usage looks like this, for (e.g.) two coroutine parameters:
+ * @code
+ * class MyClass
+ * {
+ * public:
+ * ...
+ * // Do NOT NOT NOT accept reference params other than 'self'!
+ * // Pass by value only!
+ * void myCoroutineMethod(LLCoros::self& self, std::string, LLSD);
+ * ...
+ * };
+ * ...
+ * std::string name = LLCoros::instance().launch(
+ * "mycoro", boost::bind(&MyClass::myCoroutineMethod, this, _1,
+ * "somestring", LLSD(17));
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Your function/method must accept LLCoros::self& as its first parameter.
+ * It can accept any other parameters you want -- but ONLY BY VALUE!
+ * Other reference parameters are a BAD IDEA! You Have Been Warned. See
+ * DEV-32777 comments for an explanation.
+ *
+ * Pass a callable that accepts the single LLCoros::self& parameter. It
+ * may work to pass a free function whose only parameter is 'self'; for
+ * all other cases use boost::bind(). Of course, for a non-static class
+ * method, the first parameter must be the class instance. Use the
+ * placeholder _1 for the 'self' parameter. Any other parameters should be
+ * passed via the bind() expression.
+ *
+ * launch() tweaks the suggested name so it won't collide with any
+ * existing coroutine instance, creates the coroutine instance, registers
+ * it with the tweaked name and runs it until its first wait. At that
+ * point it returns the tweaked name.
+ */
+ template <typename CALLABLE>
+ std::string launch(const std::string& prefix, const CALLABLE& callable)
+ {
+ return launchImpl(prefix, new coro(callable));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Abort a running coroutine by name. Normally, when a coroutine either
+ * runs to completion or terminates with an exception, LLCoros quietly
+ * cleans it up. This is for use only when you must explicitly interrupt
+ * one prematurely. Returns @c true if the specified name was found and
+ * still running at the time.
+ */
+ bool kill(const std::string& name);
+ /**
+ * From within a coroutine, pass its @c self object to look up the
+ * (tweaked) name string by which this coroutine is registered. Returns
+ * the empty string if not found (e.g. if the coroutine was launched by
+ * hand rather than using LLCoros::launch()).
+ */
+ template <typename COROUTINE_SELF>
+ std::string getName(const COROUTINE_SELF& self) const
+ {
+ return getNameByID(self.get_id());
+ }
+ /// getName() by self.get_id()
+ std::string getNameByID(const void* self_id) const;
+ friend class LLSingleton<LLCoros>;
+ LLCoros();
+ std::string launchImpl(const std::string& prefix, coro* newCoro);
+ std::string generateDistinctName(const std::string& prefix) const;
+ bool cleanup(const LLSD&);
+ typedef boost::ptr_map<std::string, coro> CoroMap;
+ CoroMap mCoros;
+#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLCOROS_H) */
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lleventdispatcher.h b/indra/llcommon/lleventdispatcher.h
index 671f2a4d1c..5a86b90bff 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/lleventdispatcher.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/lleventdispatcher.h
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
- * @file lleventdispatcher.h
- * @author Nat Goodspeed
- * @date 2009-06-18
- * @brief Central mechanism for dispatching events by string name. This is
- * useful when you have a single LLEventPump listener on which you can
- * request different operations, vs. instantiating a different
- * LLEventPump for each such operation.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include "llevents.h"
-class LLSD;
- * Given an LLSD map, examine a string-valued key and call a corresponding
- * callable. This class is designed to be contained by an LLEventPump
- * listener class that will register some of its own methods, though any
- * callable can be used.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLEventDispatcher
- LLEventDispatcher(const std::string& desc, const std::string& key);
- virtual ~LLEventDispatcher();
- /// Accept any C++ callable, typically a boost::bind() expression
- typedef boost::function<void(const LLSD&)> Callable;
- /**
- * Register a @a callable by @a name. The optional @a required parameter
- * is used to validate the structure of each incoming event (see
- * llsd_matches()).
- */
- void add(const std::string& name, const Callable& callable, const LLSD& required=LLSD());
- /**
- * Special case: a subclass of this class can pass an unbound member
- * function pointer without explicitly specifying the
- * <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression.
- */
- template <class CLASS>
- void add(const std::string& name, void (CLASS::*method)(const LLSD&),
- const LLSD& required=LLSD())
- {
- addMethod<CLASS>(name, method, required);
- }
- /// Overload for both const and non-const methods
- template <class CLASS>
- void add(const std::string& name, void (CLASS::*method)(const LLSD&) const,
- const LLSD& required=LLSD())
- {
- addMethod<CLASS>(name, method, required);
- }
- /// Unregister a callable
- bool remove(const std::string& name);
- /// Call a registered callable with an explicitly-specified name. If no
- /// such callable exists, die with LL_ERRS. If the @a event fails to match
- /// the @a required prototype specified at add() time, die with LL_ERRS.
- void operator()(const std::string& name, const LLSD& event) const;
- /// Extract the @a key value from the incoming @a event, and call the
- /// callable whose name is specified by that map @a key. If no such
- /// callable exists, die with LL_ERRS. If the @a event fails to match the
- /// @a required prototype specified at add() time, die with LL_ERRS.
- void operator()(const LLSD& event) const;
- /// Fetch the Callable for the specified name. If no such name was
- /// registered, return an empty() Callable.
- Callable get(const std::string& name) const;
- template <class CLASS, typename METHOD>
- void addMethod(const std::string& name, const METHOD& method, const LLSD& required)
- {
- CLASS* downcast = dynamic_cast<CLASS*>(this);
- if (! downcast)
- {
- addFail(name, typeid(CLASS).name());
- }
- else
- {
- add(name, boost::bind(method, downcast, _1), required);
- }
- }
- void addFail(const std::string& name, const std::string& classname) const;
- /// try to dispatch, return @c true if success
- bool attemptCall(const std::string& name, const LLSD& event) const;
- std::string mDesc, mKey;
- typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<Callable, LLSD> > DispatchMap;
- DispatchMap mDispatch;
- * Bundle an LLEventPump and a listener with an LLEventDispatcher. A class
- * that contains (or derives from) LLDispatchListener need only specify the
- * LLEventPump name and dispatch key, and add() its methods. Incoming events
- * will automatically be dispatched.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLDispatchListener: public LLEventDispatcher
- LLDispatchListener(const std::string& pumpname, const std::string& key);
- std::string getPumpName() const { return mPump.getName(); }
- bool process(const LLSD& event);
- LLEventStream mPump;
- LLTempBoundListener mBoundListener;
-#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLEVENTDISPATCHER_H) */
+ * @file lleventdispatcher.h
+ * @author Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2009-06-18
+ * @brief Central mechanism for dispatching events by string name. This is
+ * useful when you have a single LLEventPump listener on which you can
+ * request different operations, vs. instantiating a different
+ * LLEventPump for each such operation.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include "llevents.h"
+class LLSD;
+ * Given an LLSD map, examine a string-valued key and call a corresponding
+ * callable. This class is designed to be contained by an LLEventPump
+ * listener class that will register some of its own methods, though any
+ * callable can be used.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLEventDispatcher
+ LLEventDispatcher(const std::string& desc, const std::string& key);
+ virtual ~LLEventDispatcher();
+ /// Accept any C++ callable, typically a boost::bind() expression
+ typedef boost::function<void(const LLSD&)> Callable;
+ /**
+ * Register a @a callable by @a name. The optional @a required parameter
+ * is used to validate the structure of each incoming event (see
+ * llsd_matches()).
+ */
+ void add(const std::string& name, const Callable& callable, const LLSD& required=LLSD());
+ /**
+ * Special case: a subclass of this class can pass an unbound member
+ * function pointer without explicitly specifying the
+ * <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression.
+ */
+ template <class CLASS>
+ void add(const std::string& name, void (CLASS::*method)(const LLSD&),
+ const LLSD& required=LLSD())
+ {
+ addMethod<CLASS>(name, method, required);
+ }
+ /// Overload for both const and non-const methods
+ template <class CLASS>
+ void add(const std::string& name, void (CLASS::*method)(const LLSD&) const,
+ const LLSD& required=LLSD())
+ {
+ addMethod<CLASS>(name, method, required);
+ }
+ /// Unregister a callable
+ bool remove(const std::string& name);
+ /// Call a registered callable with an explicitly-specified name. If no
+ /// such callable exists, die with LL_ERRS. If the @a event fails to match
+ /// the @a required prototype specified at add() time, die with LL_ERRS.
+ void operator()(const std::string& name, const LLSD& event) const;
+ /// Extract the @a key value from the incoming @a event, and call the
+ /// callable whose name is specified by that map @a key. If no such
+ /// callable exists, die with LL_ERRS. If the @a event fails to match the
+ /// @a required prototype specified at add() time, die with LL_ERRS.
+ void operator()(const LLSD& event) const;
+ /// Fetch the Callable for the specified name. If no such name was
+ /// registered, return an empty() Callable.
+ Callable get(const std::string& name) const;
+ template <class CLASS, typename METHOD>
+ void addMethod(const std::string& name, const METHOD& method, const LLSD& required)
+ {
+ CLASS* downcast = dynamic_cast<CLASS*>(this);
+ if (! downcast)
+ {
+ addFail(name, typeid(CLASS).name());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ add(name, boost::bind(method, downcast, _1), required);
+ }
+ }
+ void addFail(const std::string& name, const std::string& classname) const;
+ /// try to dispatch, return @c true if success
+ bool attemptCall(const std::string& name, const LLSD& event) const;
+ std::string mDesc, mKey;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<Callable, LLSD> > DispatchMap;
+ DispatchMap mDispatch;
+ * Bundle an LLEventPump and a listener with an LLEventDispatcher. A class
+ * that contains (or derives from) LLDispatchListener need only specify the
+ * LLEventPump name and dispatch key, and add() its methods. Incoming events
+ * will automatically be dispatched.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLDispatchListener: public LLEventDispatcher
+ LLDispatchListener(const std::string& pumpname, const std::string& key);
+ std::string getPumpName() const { return mPump.getName(); }
+ bool process(const LLSD& event);
+ LLEventStream mPump;
+ LLTempBoundListener mBoundListener;
+#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLEVENTDISPATCHER_H) */
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llevents.h b/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
index 64e5cb5da7..192d79b27d 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llevents.h
@@ -1,943 +1,943 @@
- * @file llevents.h
- * @author Kent Quirk, Nat Goodspeed
- * @date 2008-09-11
- * @brief This is an implementation of the event system described at
- *,
- * originally introduced in llnotifications.h. It has nothing
- * whatsoever to do with the older system in llevent.h.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewergpl$
- * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#if ! defined(LL_LLEVENTS_H)
-#define LL_LLEVENTS_H
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include <deque>
-#include <stdexcept>
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning (disable : 4263) // boost::signals2::expired_slot::what() has const mismatch
- #pragma warning (disable : 4264)
-#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
- #pragma warning (pop)
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility.hpp> // noncopyable
-#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
-#include <boost/visit_each.hpp>
-#include <boost/ref.hpp> // reference_wrapper
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include "llsd.h"
-#include "llsingleton.h"
-#include "lldependencies.h"
-// override this to allow binding free functions with more parameters
-// hack for testing
-#ifndef testable
-#define testable private
-* Signal and handler declarations
-* Using a single handler signature means that we can have a common handler
-* type, rather than needing a distinct one for each different handler.
- * A boost::signals Combiner that stops the first time a handler returns true
- * We need this because we want to have our handlers return bool, so that
- * we have the option to cause a handler to stop further processing. The
- * default handler fails when the signal returns a value but has no slots.
- */
-struct LLStopWhenHandled
- typedef bool result_type;
- template<typename InputIterator>
- result_type operator()(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) const
- {
- for (InputIterator si = first; si != last; ++si)
- {
- if (*si)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- * We want to have a standard signature for all signals; this way,
- * we can easily document a protocol for communicating across
- * dlls and into scripting languages someday.
- *
- * We want to return a bool to indicate whether the signal has been
- * handled and should NOT be passed on to other listeners.
- * Return true to stop further handling of the signal, and false
- * to continue.
- *
- * We take an LLSD because this way the contents of the signal
- * are independent of the API used to communicate it.
- * It is const ref because then there's low cost to pass it;
- * if you only need to inspect it, it's very cheap.
- *
- * @internal
- * The @c float template parameter indicates that we will internally use @c
- * float to indicate relative listener order on a given LLStandardSignal.
- * Don't worry, the @c float values are strictly internal! They are not part
- * of the interface, for the excellent reason that requiring the caller to
- * specify a numeric key to establish order means that the caller must know
- * the universe of possible values. We use LLDependencies for that instead.
- */
-typedef boost::signals2::signal<bool(const LLSD&), LLStopWhenHandled, float> LLStandardSignal;
-/// Methods that forward listeners (e.g. constructed with
-/// <tt>boost::bind()</tt>) should accept (const LLEventListener&)
-typedef LLStandardSignal::slot_type LLEventListener;
-/// Result of registering a listener, supports <tt>connected()</tt>,
-/// <tt>disconnect()</tt> and <tt>blocked()</tt>
-typedef boost::signals2::connection LLBoundListener;
-/// Storing an LLBoundListener in LLTempBoundListener will disconnect the
-/// referenced listener when the LLTempBoundListener instance is destroyed.
-typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection LLTempBoundListener;
- * A common idiom for event-based code is to accept either a callable --
- * directly called on completion -- or the string name of an LLEventPump on
- * which to post the completion event. Specifying a parameter as <tt>const
- * LLListenerOrPumpName&</tt> allows either.
- *
- * Calling a validly-constructed LLListenerOrPumpName, passing the LLSD
- * 'event' object, either calls the callable or posts the event to the named
- * LLEventPump.
- *
- * A default-constructed LLListenerOrPumpName is 'empty'. (This is useful as
- * the default value of an optional method parameter.) Calling it throws
- * LLListenerOrPumpName::Empty. Test for this condition beforehand using
- * either <tt>if (param)</tt> or <tt>if (! param)</tt>.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLListenerOrPumpName
- /// passing string name of LLEventPump
- LLListenerOrPumpName(const std::string& pumpname);
- /// passing string literal (overload so compiler isn't forced to infer
- /// double conversion)
- LLListenerOrPumpName(const char* pumpname);
- /// passing listener -- the "anything else" catch-all case. The type of an
- /// object constructed by boost::bind() isn't intended to be written out.
- /// Normally we'd just accept 'const LLEventListener&', but that would
- /// require double implicit conversion: boost::bind() object to
- /// LLEventListener, LLEventListener to LLListenerOrPumpName. So use a
- /// template to forward anything.
- template<typename T>
- LLListenerOrPumpName(const T& listener): mListener(listener) {}
- /// for omitted method parameter: uninitialized mListener
- LLListenerOrPumpName() {}
- /// test for validity
- operator bool() const { return bool(mListener); }
- bool operator! () const { return ! mListener; }
- /// explicit accessor
- const LLEventListener& getListener() const { return *mListener; }
- /// implicit conversion to LLEventListener
- operator LLEventListener() const { return *mListener; }
- /// allow calling directly
- bool operator()(const LLSD& event) const;
- /// exception if you try to call when empty
- struct Empty: public std::runtime_error
- {
- Empty(const std::string& what):
- std::runtime_error(std::string("LLListenerOrPumpName::Empty: ") + what) {}
- };
- boost::optional<LLEventListener> mListener;
-* LLEventPumps
-class LLEventPump;
- * LLEventPumps is a Singleton manager through which one typically accesses
- * this subsystem.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLEventPumps: public LLSingleton<LLEventPumps>
- friend class LLSingleton<LLEventPumps>;
- /**
- * Find or create an LLEventPump instance with a specific name. We return
- * a reference so there's no question about ownership. obtain() @em finds
- * an instance without conferring @em ownership.
- */
- LLEventPump& obtain(const std::string& name);
- /**
- * Flush all known LLEventPump instances
- */
- void flush();
- /**
- * Reset all known LLEventPump instances
- * workaround for DEV-35406 crash on shutdown
- */
- void reset();
- friend class LLEventPump;
- /**
- * Register a new LLEventPump instance (internal)
- */
- std::string registerNew(const LLEventPump&, const std::string& name, bool tweak);
- /**
- * Unregister a doomed LLEventPump instance (internal)
- */
- void unregister(const LLEventPump&);
- LLEventPumps();
- ~LLEventPumps();
- // Map of all known LLEventPump instances, whether or not we instantiated
- // them. We store a plain old LLEventPump* because this map doesn't claim
- // ownership of the instances. Though the common usage pattern is to
- // request an instance using obtain(), it's fair to instantiate an
- // LLEventPump subclass statically, as a class member, on the stack or on
- // the heap. In such cases, the instantiating party is responsible for its
- // lifespan.
- typedef std::map<std::string, LLEventPump*> PumpMap;
- PumpMap mPumpMap;
- // Set of all LLEventPumps we instantiated. Membership in this set means
- // we claim ownership, and will delete them when this LLEventPumps is
- // destroyed.
- typedef std::set<LLEventPump*> PumpSet;
- PumpSet mOurPumps;
- // LLEventPump names that should be instantiated as LLEventQueue rather
- // than as LLEventStream
- typedef std::set<std::string> PumpNames;
- PumpNames mQueueNames;
-* details
-namespace LLEventDetail
- /// Any callable capable of connecting an LLEventListener to an
- /// LLStandardSignal to produce an LLBoundListener can be mapped to this
- /// signature.
- typedef boost::function<LLBoundListener(const LLEventListener&)> ConnectFunc;
- /**
- * Utility template function to use Visitor appropriately
- *
- * @param listener Callable to connect, typically a boost::bind()
- * expression. This will be visited by Visitor using boost::visit_each().
- * @param connect_func Callable that will connect() @a listener to an
- * LLStandardSignal, returning LLBoundListener.
- */
- template <typename LISTENER>
- LLBoundListener visit_and_connect(const LISTENER& listener,
- const ConnectFunc& connect_func);
-} // namespace LLEventDetail
-* LLEventTrackable
- * LLEventTrackable wraps boost::signals2::trackable, which resembles
- * boost::trackable. Derive your listener class from LLEventTrackable instead,
- * and use something like
- * <tt>LLEventPump::listen(boost::bind(&YourTrackableSubclass::method,
- * instance, _1))</tt>. This will implicitly disconnect when the object
- * referenced by @c instance is destroyed.
- *
- * @note
- * LLEventTrackable doesn't address a couple of cases:
- * * Object destroyed during call
- * - You enter a slot call in thread A.
- * - Thread B destroys the object, which of course disconnects it from any
- * future slot calls.
- * - Thread A's call uses 'this', which now refers to a defunct object.
- * Undefined behavior results.
- * * Call during destruction
- * - @c MySubclass is derived from LLEventTrackable.
- * - @c MySubclass registers one of its own methods using
- * <tt>LLEventPump::listen()</tt>.
- * - The @c MySubclass object begins destruction. <tt>~MySubclass()</tt>
- * runs, destroying state specific to the subclass. (For instance, a
- * <tt>Foo*</tt> data member is <tt>delete</tt>d but not zeroed.)
- * - The listening method will not be disconnected until
- * <tt>~LLEventTrackable()</tt> runs.
- * - Before we get there, another thread posts data to the @c LLEventPump
- * instance, calling the @c MySubclass method.
- * - The method in question relies on valid @c MySubclass state. (For
- * instance, it attempts to dereference the <tt>Foo*</tt> pointer that was
- * <tt>delete</tt>d but not zeroed.)
- * - Undefined behavior results.
- * If you suspect you may encounter any such scenario, you're better off
- * managing the lifespan of your object with <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt>.
- * Passing <tt>LLEventPump::listen()</tt> a <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression
- * involving a <tt>boost::weak_ptr<Foo></tt> is recognized specially, engaging
- * thread-safe Boost.Signals2 machinery.
- */
-typedef boost::signals2::trackable LLEventTrackable;
-* LLEventPump
- * LLEventPump is the base class interface through which we access the
- * concrete subclasses LLEventStream and LLEventQueue.
- *
- * @NOTE
- * LLEventPump derives from LLEventTrackable so that when you "chain"
- * LLEventPump instances together, they will automatically disconnect on
- * destruction. Please see LLEventTrackable documentation for situations in
- * which this may be perilous across threads.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLEventPump: public LLEventTrackable
- /**
- * Exception thrown by LLEventPump(). You are trying to instantiate an
- * LLEventPump (subclass) using the same name as some other instance, and
- * you didn't pass <tt>tweak=true</tt> to permit it to generate a unique
- * variant.
- */
- struct DupPumpName: public std::runtime_error
- {
- DupPumpName(const std::string& what):
- std::runtime_error(std::string("DupPumpName: ") + what) {}
- };
- /**
- * Instantiate an LLEventPump (subclass) with the string name by which it
- * can be found using LLEventPumps::obtain().
- *
- * If you pass (or default) @a tweak to @c false, then a duplicate name
- * will throw DupPumpName. This won't happen if LLEventPumps::obtain()
- * instantiates the LLEventPump, because obtain() uses find-or-create
- * logic. It can only happen if you instantiate an LLEventPump in your own
- * code -- and a collision with the name of some other LLEventPump is
- * likely to cause much more subtle problems!
- *
- * When you hand-instantiate an LLEventPump, consider passing @a tweak as
- * @c true. This directs LLEventPump() to append a suffix to the passed @a
- * name to make it unique. You can retrieve the adjusted name by calling
- * getName() on your new instance.
- */
- LLEventPump(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false);
- virtual ~LLEventPump();
- /// group exceptions thrown by listen(). We use exceptions because these
- /// particular errors are likely to be coding errors, found and fixed by
- /// the developer even before preliminary checkin.
- struct ListenError: public std::runtime_error
- {
- ListenError(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(what) {}
- };
- /**
- * exception thrown by listen(). You are attempting to register a
- * listener on this LLEventPump using the same listener name as an
- * already-registered listener.
- */
- struct DupListenerName: public ListenError
- {
- DupListenerName(const std::string& what):
- ListenError(std::string("DupListenerName: ") + what)
- {}
- };
- /**
- * exception thrown by listen(). The order dependencies specified for your
- * listener are incompatible with existing listeners.
- *
- * Consider listener "a" which specifies before "b" and "b" which
- * specifies before "c". You are now attempting to register "c" before
- * "a". There is no order that can satisfy all constraints.
- */
- struct Cycle: public ListenError
- {
- Cycle(const std::string& what): ListenError(std::string("Cycle: ") + what) {}
- };
- /**
- * exception thrown by listen(). This one means that your new listener
- * would force a change to the order of previously-registered listeners,
- * and we don't have a good way to implement that.
- *
- * Consider listeners "some", "other" and "third". "some" and "other" are
- * registered earlier without specifying relative order, so "other"
- * happens to be first. Now you attempt to register "third" after "some"
- * and before "other". Whoops, that would require swapping "some" and
- * "other", which we can't do. Instead we throw this exception.
- *
- * It may not be possible to change the registration order so we already
- * know "third"s order requirement by the time we register the second of
- * "some" and "other". A solution would be to specify that "some" must
- * come before "other", or equivalently that "other" must come after
- * "some".
- */
- struct OrderChange: public ListenError
- {
- OrderChange(const std::string& what): ListenError(std::string("OrderChange: ") + what) {}
- };
- /// used by listen()
- typedef std::vector<std::string> NameList;
- /// convenience placeholder for when you explicitly want to pass an empty
- /// NameList
- const static NameList empty;
- /// Get this LLEventPump's name
- std::string getName() const { return mName; }
- /**
- * Register a new listener with a unique name. Specify an optional list
- * of other listener names after which this one must be called, likewise
- * an optional list of other listener names before which this one must be
- * called. The other listeners mentioned need not yet be registered
- * themselves. listen() can throw any ListenError; see ListenError
- * subclasses.
- *
- * The listener name must be unique among active listeners for this
- * LLEventPump, else you get DupListenerName. If you don't care to invent
- * a name yourself, use inventName(). (I was tempted to recognize e.g. ""
- * and internally generate a distinct name for that case. But that would
- * handle badly the scenario in which you want to add, remove, re-add,
- * etc. the same listener: each new listen() call would necessarily
- * perform a new dependency sort. Assuming you specify the same
- * after/before lists each time, using inventName() when you first
- * instantiate your listener, then passing the same name on each listen()
- * call, allows us to optimize away the second and subsequent dependency
- * sorts.
- *
- * If (as is typical) you pass a <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression as @a
- * listener, listen() will inspect the components of that expression. If a
- * bound object matches any of several cases, the connection will
- * automatically be disconnected when that object is destroyed.
- *
- * * You bind a <tt>boost::weak_ptr</tt>.
- * * Binding a <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt> that way would ensure that the
- * referenced object would @em never be destroyed, since the @c
- * shared_ptr stored in the LLEventPump would remain an outstanding
- * reference. Use the weaken() function to convert your @c shared_ptr to
- * @c weak_ptr. Because this is easy to forget, binding a @c shared_ptr
- * will produce a compile error (@c BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT failure).
- * * You bind a simple pointer or reference to an object derived from
- * <tt>boost::enable_shared_from_this</tt>. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
- * * You bind a simple pointer or reference to an object derived from
- * LLEventTrackable. Unlike the cases described above, though, this is
- * vulnerable to a couple of cross-thread race conditions, as described
- * in the LLEventTrackable documentation.
- */
- template <typename LISTENER>
- LLBoundListener listen(const std::string& name, const LISTENER& listener,
- const NameList& after=NameList(),
- const NameList& before=NameList())
- {
- // Examine listener, using our listen_impl() method to make the
- // actual connection.
- // This is why listen() is a template. Conversion from boost::bind()
- // to LLEventListener performs type erasure, so it's important to look
- // at the boost::bind object itself before that happens.
- return LLEventDetail::visit_and_connect(listener,
- boost::bind(&LLEventPump::listen_impl,
- this,
- name,
- _1,
- after,
- before));
- }
- /// Get the LLBoundListener associated with the passed name (dummy
- /// LLBoundListener if not found)
- virtual LLBoundListener getListener(const std::string& name) const;
- /**
- * Instantiate one of these to block an existing connection:
- * @code
- * { // in some local scope
- * LLEventPump::Blocker block(someLLBoundListener);
- * // code that needs the connection blocked
- * } // unblock the connection again
- * @endcode
- */
- typedef boost::signals2::shared_connection_block Blocker;
- /// Unregister a listener by name. Prefer this to
- /// <tt>getListener(name).disconnect()</tt> because stopListening() also
- /// forgets this name.
- virtual void stopListening(const std::string& name);
- /// Post an event to all listeners. The @c bool return is only meaningful
- /// if the underlying leaf class is LLEventStream -- beware of relying on
- /// it too much! Truthfully, we return @c bool mostly to permit chaining
- /// one LLEventPump as a listener on another.
- virtual bool post(const LLSD&) = 0;
- /// Enable/disable: while disabled, silently ignore all post() calls
- virtual void enable(bool enabled=true) { mEnabled = enabled; }
- /// query
- virtual bool enabled() const { return mEnabled; }
- /// Generate a distinct name for a listener -- see listen()
- static std::string inventName(const std::string& pfx="listener");
- friend class LLEventPumps;
- /// flush queued events
- virtual void flush() {}
- virtual void reset();
- virtual LLBoundListener listen_impl(const std::string& name, const LLEventListener&,
- const NameList& after,
- const NameList& before);
- std::string mName;
- /// implement the dispatching
- boost::scoped_ptr<LLStandardSignal> mSignal;
- /// valve open?
- bool mEnabled;
- /// Map of named listeners. This tracks the listeners that actually exist
- /// at this moment. When we stopListening(), we discard the entry from
- /// this map.
- typedef std::map<std::string, boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionMap;
- ConnectionMap mConnections;
- typedef LLDependencies<std::string, float> DependencyMap;
- /// Dependencies between listeners. For each listener, track the float
- /// used to establish its place in mSignal's order. This caches all the
- /// listeners that have ever registered; stopListening() does not discard
- /// the entry from this map. This is to avoid a new dependency sort if the
- /// same listener with the same dependencies keeps hopping on and off this
- /// LLEventPump.
- DependencyMap mDeps;
-* LLEventStream
- * LLEventStream is a thin wrapper around LLStandardSignal. Posting an
- * event immediately calls all registered listeners.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLEventStream: public LLEventPump
- LLEventStream(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false): LLEventPump(name, tweak) {}
- virtual ~LLEventStream() {}
- /// Post an event to all listeners
- virtual bool post(const LLSD& event);
-* LLEventQueue
- * LLEventQueue isa LLEventPump whose post() method defers calling registered
- * listeners until flush() is called.
- */
-class LL_COMMON_API LLEventQueue: public LLEventPump
- LLEventQueue(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false): LLEventPump(name, tweak) {}
- virtual ~LLEventQueue() {}
- /// Post an event to all listeners
- virtual bool post(const LLSD& event);
- /// flush queued events
- virtual void flush();
- typedef std::deque<LLSD> EventQueue;
- EventQueue mEventQueue;
-* LLReqID
- * This class helps the implementer of a given event API to honor the
- * ["reqid"] convention. By this convention, each event API stamps into its
- * response LLSD a ["reqid"] key whose value echoes the ["reqid"] value, if
- * any, from the corresponding request.
- *
- * This supports an (atypical, but occasionally necessary) use case in which
- * two or more asynchronous requests are multiplexed onto the same ["reply"]
- * LLEventPump. Since the response events could arrive in arbitrary order, the
- * caller must be able to demux them. It does so by matching the ["reqid"]
- * value in each response with the ["reqid"] value in the corresponding
- * request.
- *
- * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure distinct ["reqid"] values for
- * that case. Though LLSD::UUID is guaranteed to work, it might be overkill:
- * the "namespace" of unique ["reqid"] values is simply the set of requests
- * specifying the same ["reply"] LLEventPump name.
- *
- * Making a given event API echo the request's ["reqid"] into the response is
- * nearly trivial. This helper is mostly for mnemonic purposes, to serve as a
- * place to put these comments. We hope that each time a coder implements a
- * new event API based on some existing one, s/he will say, "Huh, what's an
- * LLReqID?" and look up this material.
- *
- * The hardest part about the convention is deciding where to store the
- * ["reqid"] value. Ironically, LLReqID can't help with that: you must store
- * an LLReqID instance in whatever storage will persist until the reply is
- * sent. For example, if the request ultimately ends up using a Responder
- * subclass, storing an LLReqID instance in the Responder works.
- *
- * @note
- * The @em implementer of an event API must honor the ["reqid"] convention.
- * However, the @em caller of an event API need only use it if s/he is sharing
- * the same ["reply"] LLEventPump for two or more asynchronous event API
- * requests.
- *
- * In most cases, it's far easier for the caller to instantiate a local
- * LLEventStream and pass its name to the event API in question. Then it's
- * perfectly reasonable not to set a ["reqid"] key in the request, ignoring
- * the @c isUndefined() ["reqid"] value in the response.
- */
- /**
- * If you have the request in hand at the time you instantiate the
- * LLReqID, pass that request to extract its ["reqid"].
- */
- LLReqID(const LLSD& request):
- mReqid(request["reqid"])
- {}
- /// If you don't yet have the request, use setFrom() later.
- LLReqID() {}
- /// Extract and store the ["reqid"] value from an incoming request.
- void setFrom(const LLSD& request)
- {
- mReqid = request["reqid"];
- }
- /// Set ["reqid"] key into a pending response LLSD object.
- void stamp(LLSD& response) const;
- /// Make a whole new response LLSD object with our ["reqid"].
- LLSD makeResponse() const
- {
- LLSD response;
- stamp(response);
- return response;
- }
- /// Not really sure of a use case for this accessor...
- LLSD getReqID() const { return mReqid; }
- LLSD mReqid;
-* Underpinnings
- * We originally provided a suite of overloaded
- * LLEventTrackable::listenTo(LLEventPump&, ...) methods that would call
- * LLEventPump::listen(...) and then pass the returned LLBoundListener to
- * LLEventTrackable::track(). This was workable but error-prone: the coder
- * must remember to call listenTo() rather than the more straightforward
- * listen() method.
- *
- * Now we publish only the single canonical listen() method, so there's a
- * uniform mechanism. Having a single way to do this is good, in that there's
- * no question in the coder's mind which of several alternatives to choose.
- *
- * To support automatic connection management, we use boost::visit_each
- * ( to
- * inspect each argument of a boost::bind expression. (Although the visit_each
- * mechanism was first introduced with the original Boost.Signals library, it
- * was only later documented.)
- *
- * Cases:
- * * At least one of the function's arguments is a boost::weak_ptr<T>. Pass
- * the corresponding shared_ptr to slot_type::track(). Ideally that would be
- * the object whose method we want to call, but in fact we do the same for
- * any weak_ptr we might find among the bound arguments. If we're passing
- * our bound method a weak_ptr to some object, wouldn't the destruction of
- * that object invalidate the call? So we disconnect automatically when any
- * such object is destroyed. This is the mechanism preferred by boost::
- * signals2.
- * * One of the functions's arguments is a boost::shared_ptr<T>. This produces
- * a compile error: the bound copy of the shared_ptr stored in the
- * boost_bind object stored in the signal object would make the referenced
- * T object immortal. We provide a weaken() function. Pass
- * weaken(your_shared_ptr) instead. (We can inspect, but not modify, the
- * boost::bind object. Otherwise we'd replace the shared_ptr with weak_ptr
- * implicitly and just proceed.)
- * * One of the function's arguments is a plain pointer/reference to an object
- * derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this. We assume that this object
- * is managed using boost::shared_ptr, so we implicitly extract a shared_ptr
- * and track that. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
- * * One of the function's arguments is derived from LLEventTrackable. Pass
- * the LLBoundListener to its LLEventTrackable::track(). This is vulnerable
- * to a couple different race conditions, as described in LLEventTrackable
- * documentation. (NOTE: Now that LLEventTrackable is a typedef for
- * boost::signals2::trackable, the Signals2 library handles this itself, so
- * our visitor needs no special logic for this case.)
- * * Any other argument type is irrelevant to automatic connection management.
- */
-namespace LLEventDetail
- template <typename F>
- const F& unwrap(const F& f) { return f; }
- template <typename F>
- const F& unwrap(const boost::reference_wrapper<F>& f) { return f.get(); }
- // Most of the following is lifted from the Boost.Signals use of
- // visit_each.
- template<bool Cond> struct truth {};
- /**
- * boost::visit_each() Visitor, used on a template argument <tt>const F&
- * f</tt> as follows (see visit_and_connect()):
- * @code
- * LLEventListener listener(f);
- * Visitor visitor(listener); // bind listener so it can track() shared_ptrs
- * using boost::visit_each; // allow unqualified visit_each() call for ADL
- * visit_each(visitor, unwrap(f));
- * @endcode
- */
- class Visitor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Visitor binds a reference to LLEventListener so we can track() any
- * shared_ptrs we find in the argument list.
- */
- Visitor(LLEventListener& listener):
- mListener(listener)
- {
- }
- /**
- * boost::visit_each() calls this method for each component of a
- * boost::bind() expression.
- */
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(const T& t) const
- {
- decode(t, 0);
- }
- private:
- // decode() decides between a reference wrapper and anything else
- // boost::ref() variant
- template<typename T>
- void decode(const boost::reference_wrapper<T>& t, int) const
- {
-// add_if_trackable(t.get_pointer());
- }
- // decode() anything else
- template<typename T>
- void decode(const T& t, long) const
- {
- typedef truth<(boost::is_pointer<T>::value)> is_a_pointer;
- maybe_get_pointer(t, is_a_pointer());
- }
- // maybe_get_pointer() decides between a pointer and a non-pointer
- // plain pointer variant
- template<typename T>
- void maybe_get_pointer(const T& t, truth<true>) const
- {
-// add_if_trackable(t);
- }
- // shared_ptr variant
- template<typename T>
- void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& t, truth<false>) const
- {
- // If we have a shared_ptr to this object, it doesn't matter
- // whether the object is derived from LLEventTrackable, so no
- // further analysis of T is needed.
-// mListener.track(t);
- // Make this case illegal. Passing a bound shared_ptr to
- // slot_type::track() is useless, since the bound shared_ptr will
- // keep the object alive anyway! Force the coder to cast to weak_ptr.
- // Trivial as it is, make the BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT() condition
- // dependent on template param so the macro is only evaluated if
- // this method is in fact instantiated, as described here:
- //
- // ATTENTION: Don't bind a shared_ptr<anything> using
- // LLEventPump::listen(boost::bind()). Doing so captures a copy of
- // the shared_ptr, making the referenced object effectively
- // immortal. Use the weaken() function, e.g.:
- // somepump.listen(boost::bind(...weaken(my_shared_ptr)...));
- // This lets us automatically disconnect when the referenced
- // object is destroyed.
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == 0);
- }
- // weak_ptr variant
- template<typename T>
- void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::weak_ptr<T>& t, truth<false>) const
- {
- // If we have a weak_ptr to this object, it doesn't matter
- // whether the object is derived from LLEventTrackable, so no
- // further analysis of T is needed.
- mListener.track(t);
-// std::cout << "Found weak_ptr<" << typeid(T).name() << ">!\n";
- }
-#if 0
- // reference to anything derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this
- template <typename T>
- inline void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>& ct,
- truth<false>) const
- {
- // Use the slot_type::track(shared_ptr) mechanism. Cast away
- // const-ness because (in our code base anyway) it's unusual
- // to find shared_ptr<const T>.
- boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>&
- t(const_cast<boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>&>(ct));
- std::cout << "Capturing shared_from_this()" << std::endl;
- boost::shared_ptr<T> sp(t.shared_from_this());
- std::cout << "Capturing weak_ptr" << std::endl;
- boost::weak_ptr<T> wp(sp);
- std::cout << "Tracking shared__ptr" << std::endl;
- mListener.track(sp);
- }
- // non-pointer variant
- template<typename T>
- void maybe_get_pointer(const T& t, truth<false>) const
- {
- // Take the address of this object, because the object itself may be
- // trackable
-// add_if_trackable(boost::addressof(t));
- }
- // add_if_trackable() adds LLEventTrackable objects to mTrackables
- inline void add_if_trackable(const LLEventTrackable* t) const
- {
- if (t)
- {
- }
- }
- // pointer to anything not an LLEventTrackable subclass
- inline void add_if_trackable(const void*) const
- {
- }
- // pointer to free function
- // The following construct uses the preprocessor to generate
- // add_if_trackable() overloads accepting pointer-to-function taking
- // 0, 1, ..., LLEVENTS_LISTENER_ARITY parameters of arbitrary type.
-#define BOOST_PP_LOCAL_MACRO(n) \
- template <typename R \
- BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, typename T)> \
- inline void \
- add_if_trackable(R (*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, T))) const \
- { \
- }
- /// Bind a reference to the LLEventListener to call its track() method.
- LLEventListener& mListener;
- };
- /**
- * Utility template function to use Visitor appropriately
- *
- * @param raw_listener Callable to connect, typically a boost::bind()
- * expression. This will be visited by Visitor using boost::visit_each().
- * @param connect_funct Callable that will connect() @a raw_listener to an
- * LLStandardSignal, returning LLBoundListener.
- */
- template <typename LISTENER>
- LLBoundListener visit_and_connect(const LISTENER& raw_listener,
- const ConnectFunc& connect_func)
- {
- // Capture the listener
- LLEventListener listener(raw_listener);
- // Define our Visitor, binding the listener so we can call
- // listener.track() if we discover any shared_ptr<Foo>.
- LLEventDetail::Visitor visitor(listener);
- // Allow unqualified visit_each() call for ADL
- using boost::visit_each;
- // Visit each component of a boost::bind() expression. Pass
- // 'raw_listener', our template argument, rather than 'listener' from
- // which type details have been erased. unwrap() comes from
- // Boost.Signals, in case we were passed a boost::ref().
- visit_each(visitor, LLEventDetail::unwrap(raw_listener));
- // Make the connection using passed function. At present, wrapping
- // this functionality into this function is a bit silly: we don't
- // really need a visit_and_connect() function any more, just a visit()
- // function. The definition of this function dates from when, after
- // visit_each(), after establishing the connection, we had to
- // postprocess the new connection with the visitor object. That's no
- // longer necessary.
- return connect_func(listener);
- }
-} // namespace LLEventDetail
-// Somewhat to my surprise, passing boost::bind(...boost::weak_ptr<T>...) to
-// listen() fails in Boost code trying to instantiate LLEventListener (i.e.
-// LLStandardSignal::slot_type) because the boost::get_pointer() utility function isn't
-// specialized for boost::weak_ptr. This remedies that omission.
-namespace boost
- template <typename T>
- T* get_pointer(const weak_ptr<T>& ptr) { return shared_ptr<T>(ptr).get(); }
-/// Since we forbid use of listen(boost::bind(...shared_ptr<T>...)), provide an
-/// easy way to cast to the corresponding weak_ptr.
-template <typename T>
-boost::weak_ptr<T> weaken(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& ptr)
- return boost::weak_ptr<T>(ptr);
-#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLEVENTS_H) */
+ * @file llevents.h
+ * @author Kent Quirk, Nat Goodspeed
+ * @date 2008-09-11
+ * @brief This is an implementation of the event system described at
+ *,
+ * originally introduced in llnotifications.h. It has nothing
+ * whatsoever to do with the older system in llevent.h.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewergpl$
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#if ! defined(LL_LLEVENTS_H)
+#define LL_LLEVENTS_H
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <deque>
+#include <stdexcept>
+ #pragma warning (push)
+ #pragma warning (disable : 4263) // boost::signals2::expired_slot::what() has const mismatch
+ #pragma warning (disable : 4264)
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+ #pragma warning (pop)
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp> // noncopyable
+#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
+#include <boost/visit_each.hpp>
+#include <boost/ref.hpp> // reference_wrapper
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llsingleton.h"
+#include "lldependencies.h"
+// override this to allow binding free functions with more parameters
+// hack for testing
+#ifndef testable
+#define testable private
+* Signal and handler declarations
+* Using a single handler signature means that we can have a common handler
+* type, rather than needing a distinct one for each different handler.
+ * A boost::signals Combiner that stops the first time a handler returns true
+ * We need this because we want to have our handlers return bool, so that
+ * we have the option to cause a handler to stop further processing. The
+ * default handler fails when the signal returns a value but has no slots.
+ */
+struct LLStopWhenHandled
+ typedef bool result_type;
+ template<typename InputIterator>
+ result_type operator()(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) const
+ {
+ for (InputIterator si = first; si != last; ++si)
+ {
+ if (*si)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ * We want to have a standard signature for all signals; this way,
+ * we can easily document a protocol for communicating across
+ * dlls and into scripting languages someday.
+ *
+ * We want to return a bool to indicate whether the signal has been
+ * handled and should NOT be passed on to other listeners.
+ * Return true to stop further handling of the signal, and false
+ * to continue.
+ *
+ * We take an LLSD because this way the contents of the signal
+ * are independent of the API used to communicate it.
+ * It is const ref because then there's low cost to pass it;
+ * if you only need to inspect it, it's very cheap.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ * The @c float template parameter indicates that we will internally use @c
+ * float to indicate relative listener order on a given LLStandardSignal.
+ * Don't worry, the @c float values are strictly internal! They are not part
+ * of the interface, for the excellent reason that requiring the caller to
+ * specify a numeric key to establish order means that the caller must know
+ * the universe of possible values. We use LLDependencies for that instead.
+ */
+typedef boost::signals2::signal<bool(const LLSD&), LLStopWhenHandled, float> LLStandardSignal;
+/// Methods that forward listeners (e.g. constructed with
+/// <tt>boost::bind()</tt>) should accept (const LLEventListener&)
+typedef LLStandardSignal::slot_type LLEventListener;
+/// Result of registering a listener, supports <tt>connected()</tt>,
+/// <tt>disconnect()</tt> and <tt>blocked()</tt>
+typedef boost::signals2::connection LLBoundListener;
+/// Storing an LLBoundListener in LLTempBoundListener will disconnect the
+/// referenced listener when the LLTempBoundListener instance is destroyed.
+typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection LLTempBoundListener;
+ * A common idiom for event-based code is to accept either a callable --
+ * directly called on completion -- or the string name of an LLEventPump on
+ * which to post the completion event. Specifying a parameter as <tt>const
+ * LLListenerOrPumpName&</tt> allows either.
+ *
+ * Calling a validly-constructed LLListenerOrPumpName, passing the LLSD
+ * 'event' object, either calls the callable or posts the event to the named
+ * LLEventPump.
+ *
+ * A default-constructed LLListenerOrPumpName is 'empty'. (This is useful as
+ * the default value of an optional method parameter.) Calling it throws
+ * LLListenerOrPumpName::Empty. Test for this condition beforehand using
+ * either <tt>if (param)</tt> or <tt>if (! param)</tt>.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLListenerOrPumpName
+ /// passing string name of LLEventPump
+ LLListenerOrPumpName(const std::string& pumpname);
+ /// passing string literal (overload so compiler isn't forced to infer
+ /// double conversion)
+ LLListenerOrPumpName(const char* pumpname);
+ /// passing listener -- the "anything else" catch-all case. The type of an
+ /// object constructed by boost::bind() isn't intended to be written out.
+ /// Normally we'd just accept 'const LLEventListener&', but that would
+ /// require double implicit conversion: boost::bind() object to
+ /// LLEventListener, LLEventListener to LLListenerOrPumpName. So use a
+ /// template to forward anything.
+ template<typename T>
+ LLListenerOrPumpName(const T& listener): mListener(listener) {}
+ /// for omitted method parameter: uninitialized mListener
+ LLListenerOrPumpName() {}
+ /// test for validity
+ operator bool() const { return bool(mListener); }
+ bool operator! () const { return ! mListener; }
+ /// explicit accessor
+ const LLEventListener& getListener() const { return *mListener; }
+ /// implicit conversion to LLEventListener
+ operator LLEventListener() const { return *mListener; }
+ /// allow calling directly
+ bool operator()(const LLSD& event) const;
+ /// exception if you try to call when empty
+ struct Empty: public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ Empty(const std::string& what):
+ std::runtime_error(std::string("LLListenerOrPumpName::Empty: ") + what) {}
+ };
+ boost::optional<LLEventListener> mListener;
+* LLEventPumps
+class LLEventPump;
+ * LLEventPumps is a Singleton manager through which one typically accesses
+ * this subsystem.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLEventPumps: public LLSingleton<LLEventPumps>
+ friend class LLSingleton<LLEventPumps>;
+ /**
+ * Find or create an LLEventPump instance with a specific name. We return
+ * a reference so there's no question about ownership. obtain() @em finds
+ * an instance without conferring @em ownership.
+ */
+ LLEventPump& obtain(const std::string& name);
+ /**
+ * Flush all known LLEventPump instances
+ */
+ void flush();
+ /**
+ * Reset all known LLEventPump instances
+ * workaround for DEV-35406 crash on shutdown
+ */
+ void reset();
+ friend class LLEventPump;
+ /**
+ * Register a new LLEventPump instance (internal)
+ */
+ std::string registerNew(const LLEventPump&, const std::string& name, bool tweak);
+ /**
+ * Unregister a doomed LLEventPump instance (internal)
+ */
+ void unregister(const LLEventPump&);
+ LLEventPumps();
+ ~LLEventPumps();
+ // Map of all known LLEventPump instances, whether or not we instantiated
+ // them. We store a plain old LLEventPump* because this map doesn't claim
+ // ownership of the instances. Though the common usage pattern is to
+ // request an instance using obtain(), it's fair to instantiate an
+ // LLEventPump subclass statically, as a class member, on the stack or on
+ // the heap. In such cases, the instantiating party is responsible for its
+ // lifespan.
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LLEventPump*> PumpMap;
+ PumpMap mPumpMap;
+ // Set of all LLEventPumps we instantiated. Membership in this set means
+ // we claim ownership, and will delete them when this LLEventPumps is
+ // destroyed.
+ typedef std::set<LLEventPump*> PumpSet;
+ PumpSet mOurPumps;
+ // LLEventPump names that should be instantiated as LLEventQueue rather
+ // than as LLEventStream
+ typedef std::set<std::string> PumpNames;
+ PumpNames mQueueNames;
+* details
+namespace LLEventDetail
+ /// Any callable capable of connecting an LLEventListener to an
+ /// LLStandardSignal to produce an LLBoundListener can be mapped to this
+ /// signature.
+ typedef boost::function<LLBoundListener(const LLEventListener&)> ConnectFunc;
+ /**
+ * Utility template function to use Visitor appropriately
+ *
+ * @param listener Callable to connect, typically a boost::bind()
+ * expression. This will be visited by Visitor using boost::visit_each().
+ * @param connect_func Callable that will connect() @a listener to an
+ * LLStandardSignal, returning LLBoundListener.
+ */
+ template <typename LISTENER>
+ LLBoundListener visit_and_connect(const LISTENER& listener,
+ const ConnectFunc& connect_func);
+} // namespace LLEventDetail
+* LLEventTrackable
+ * LLEventTrackable wraps boost::signals2::trackable, which resembles
+ * boost::trackable. Derive your listener class from LLEventTrackable instead,
+ * and use something like
+ * <tt>LLEventPump::listen(boost::bind(&YourTrackableSubclass::method,
+ * instance, _1))</tt>. This will implicitly disconnect when the object
+ * referenced by @c instance is destroyed.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * LLEventTrackable doesn't address a couple of cases:
+ * * Object destroyed during call
+ * - You enter a slot call in thread A.
+ * - Thread B destroys the object, which of course disconnects it from any
+ * future slot calls.
+ * - Thread A's call uses 'this', which now refers to a defunct object.
+ * Undefined behavior results.
+ * * Call during destruction
+ * - @c MySubclass is derived from LLEventTrackable.
+ * - @c MySubclass registers one of its own methods using
+ * <tt>LLEventPump::listen()</tt>.
+ * - The @c MySubclass object begins destruction. <tt>~MySubclass()</tt>
+ * runs, destroying state specific to the subclass. (For instance, a
+ * <tt>Foo*</tt> data member is <tt>delete</tt>d but not zeroed.)
+ * - The listening method will not be disconnected until
+ * <tt>~LLEventTrackable()</tt> runs.
+ * - Before we get there, another thread posts data to the @c LLEventPump
+ * instance, calling the @c MySubclass method.
+ * - The method in question relies on valid @c MySubclass state. (For
+ * instance, it attempts to dereference the <tt>Foo*</tt> pointer that was
+ * <tt>delete</tt>d but not zeroed.)
+ * - Undefined behavior results.
+ * If you suspect you may encounter any such scenario, you're better off
+ * managing the lifespan of your object with <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt>.
+ * Passing <tt>LLEventPump::listen()</tt> a <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression
+ * involving a <tt>boost::weak_ptr<Foo></tt> is recognized specially, engaging
+ * thread-safe Boost.Signals2 machinery.
+ */
+typedef boost::signals2::trackable LLEventTrackable;
+* LLEventPump
+ * LLEventPump is the base class interface through which we access the
+ * concrete subclasses LLEventStream and LLEventQueue.
+ *
+ * @NOTE
+ * LLEventPump derives from LLEventTrackable so that when you "chain"
+ * LLEventPump instances together, they will automatically disconnect on
+ * destruction. Please see LLEventTrackable documentation for situations in
+ * which this may be perilous across threads.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLEventPump: public LLEventTrackable
+ /**
+ * Exception thrown by LLEventPump(). You are trying to instantiate an
+ * LLEventPump (subclass) using the same name as some other instance, and
+ * you didn't pass <tt>tweak=true</tt> to permit it to generate a unique
+ * variant.
+ */
+ struct DupPumpName: public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ DupPumpName(const std::string& what):
+ std::runtime_error(std::string("DupPumpName: ") + what) {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * Instantiate an LLEventPump (subclass) with the string name by which it
+ * can be found using LLEventPumps::obtain().
+ *
+ * If you pass (or default) @a tweak to @c false, then a duplicate name
+ * will throw DupPumpName. This won't happen if LLEventPumps::obtain()
+ * instantiates the LLEventPump, because obtain() uses find-or-create
+ * logic. It can only happen if you instantiate an LLEventPump in your own
+ * code -- and a collision with the name of some other LLEventPump is
+ * likely to cause much more subtle problems!
+ *
+ * When you hand-instantiate an LLEventPump, consider passing @a tweak as
+ * @c true. This directs LLEventPump() to append a suffix to the passed @a
+ * name to make it unique. You can retrieve the adjusted name by calling
+ * getName() on your new instance.
+ */
+ LLEventPump(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false);
+ virtual ~LLEventPump();
+ /// group exceptions thrown by listen(). We use exceptions because these
+ /// particular errors are likely to be coding errors, found and fixed by
+ /// the developer even before preliminary checkin.
+ struct ListenError: public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ ListenError(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(what) {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * exception thrown by listen(). You are attempting to register a
+ * listener on this LLEventPump using the same listener name as an
+ * already-registered listener.
+ */
+ struct DupListenerName: public ListenError
+ {
+ DupListenerName(const std::string& what):
+ ListenError(std::string("DupListenerName: ") + what)
+ {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * exception thrown by listen(). The order dependencies specified for your
+ * listener are incompatible with existing listeners.
+ *
+ * Consider listener "a" which specifies before "b" and "b" which
+ * specifies before "c". You are now attempting to register "c" before
+ * "a". There is no order that can satisfy all constraints.
+ */
+ struct Cycle: public ListenError
+ {
+ Cycle(const std::string& what): ListenError(std::string("Cycle: ") + what) {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * exception thrown by listen(). This one means that your new listener
+ * would force a change to the order of previously-registered listeners,
+ * and we don't have a good way to implement that.
+ *
+ * Consider listeners "some", "other" and "third". "some" and "other" are
+ * registered earlier without specifying relative order, so "other"
+ * happens to be first. Now you attempt to register "third" after "some"
+ * and before "other". Whoops, that would require swapping "some" and
+ * "other", which we can't do. Instead we throw this exception.
+ *
+ * It may not be possible to change the registration order so we already
+ * know "third"s order requirement by the time we register the second of
+ * "some" and "other". A solution would be to specify that "some" must
+ * come before "other", or equivalently that "other" must come after
+ * "some".
+ */
+ struct OrderChange: public ListenError
+ {
+ OrderChange(const std::string& what): ListenError(std::string("OrderChange: ") + what) {}
+ };
+ /// used by listen()
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> NameList;
+ /// convenience placeholder for when you explicitly want to pass an empty
+ /// NameList
+ const static NameList empty;
+ /// Get this LLEventPump's name
+ std::string getName() const { return mName; }
+ /**
+ * Register a new listener with a unique name. Specify an optional list
+ * of other listener names after which this one must be called, likewise
+ * an optional list of other listener names before which this one must be
+ * called. The other listeners mentioned need not yet be registered
+ * themselves. listen() can throw any ListenError; see ListenError
+ * subclasses.
+ *
+ * The listener name must be unique among active listeners for this
+ * LLEventPump, else you get DupListenerName. If you don't care to invent
+ * a name yourself, use inventName(). (I was tempted to recognize e.g. ""
+ * and internally generate a distinct name for that case. But that would
+ * handle badly the scenario in which you want to add, remove, re-add,
+ * etc. the same listener: each new listen() call would necessarily
+ * perform a new dependency sort. Assuming you specify the same
+ * after/before lists each time, using inventName() when you first
+ * instantiate your listener, then passing the same name on each listen()
+ * call, allows us to optimize away the second and subsequent dependency
+ * sorts.
+ *
+ * If (as is typical) you pass a <tt>boost::bind()</tt> expression as @a
+ * listener, listen() will inspect the components of that expression. If a
+ * bound object matches any of several cases, the connection will
+ * automatically be disconnected when that object is destroyed.
+ *
+ * * You bind a <tt>boost::weak_ptr</tt>.
+ * * Binding a <tt>boost::shared_ptr</tt> that way would ensure that the
+ * referenced object would @em never be destroyed, since the @c
+ * shared_ptr stored in the LLEventPump would remain an outstanding
+ * reference. Use the weaken() function to convert your @c shared_ptr to
+ * @c weak_ptr. Because this is easy to forget, binding a @c shared_ptr
+ * will produce a compile error (@c BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT failure).
+ * * You bind a simple pointer or reference to an object derived from
+ * <tt>boost::enable_shared_from_this</tt>. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
+ * * You bind a simple pointer or reference to an object derived from
+ * LLEventTrackable. Unlike the cases described above, though, this is
+ * vulnerable to a couple of cross-thread race conditions, as described
+ * in the LLEventTrackable documentation.
+ */
+ template <typename LISTENER>
+ LLBoundListener listen(const std::string& name, const LISTENER& listener,
+ const NameList& after=NameList(),
+ const NameList& before=NameList())
+ {
+ // Examine listener, using our listen_impl() method to make the
+ // actual connection.
+ // This is why listen() is a template. Conversion from boost::bind()
+ // to LLEventListener performs type erasure, so it's important to look
+ // at the boost::bind object itself before that happens.
+ return LLEventDetail::visit_and_connect(listener,
+ boost::bind(&LLEventPump::listen_impl,
+ this,
+ name,
+ _1,
+ after,
+ before));
+ }
+ /// Get the LLBoundListener associated with the passed name (dummy
+ /// LLBoundListener if not found)
+ virtual LLBoundListener getListener(const std::string& name) const;
+ /**
+ * Instantiate one of these to block an existing connection:
+ * @code
+ * { // in some local scope
+ * LLEventPump::Blocker block(someLLBoundListener);
+ * // code that needs the connection blocked
+ * } // unblock the connection again
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ typedef boost::signals2::shared_connection_block Blocker;
+ /// Unregister a listener by name. Prefer this to
+ /// <tt>getListener(name).disconnect()</tt> because stopListening() also
+ /// forgets this name.
+ virtual void stopListening(const std::string& name);
+ /// Post an event to all listeners. The @c bool return is only meaningful
+ /// if the underlying leaf class is LLEventStream -- beware of relying on
+ /// it too much! Truthfully, we return @c bool mostly to permit chaining
+ /// one LLEventPump as a listener on another.
+ virtual bool post(const LLSD&) = 0;
+ /// Enable/disable: while disabled, silently ignore all post() calls
+ virtual void enable(bool enabled=true) { mEnabled = enabled; }
+ /// query
+ virtual bool enabled() const { return mEnabled; }
+ /// Generate a distinct name for a listener -- see listen()
+ static std::string inventName(const std::string& pfx="listener");
+ friend class LLEventPumps;
+ /// flush queued events
+ virtual void flush() {}
+ virtual void reset();
+ virtual LLBoundListener listen_impl(const std::string& name, const LLEventListener&,
+ const NameList& after,
+ const NameList& before);
+ std::string mName;
+ /// implement the dispatching
+ boost::scoped_ptr<LLStandardSignal> mSignal;
+ /// valve open?
+ bool mEnabled;
+ /// Map of named listeners. This tracks the listeners that actually exist
+ /// at this moment. When we stopListening(), we discard the entry from
+ /// this map.
+ typedef std::map<std::string, boost::signals2::connection> ConnectionMap;
+ ConnectionMap mConnections;
+ typedef LLDependencies<std::string, float> DependencyMap;
+ /// Dependencies between listeners. For each listener, track the float
+ /// used to establish its place in mSignal's order. This caches all the
+ /// listeners that have ever registered; stopListening() does not discard
+ /// the entry from this map. This is to avoid a new dependency sort if the
+ /// same listener with the same dependencies keeps hopping on and off this
+ /// LLEventPump.
+ DependencyMap mDeps;
+* LLEventStream
+ * LLEventStream is a thin wrapper around LLStandardSignal. Posting an
+ * event immediately calls all registered listeners.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLEventStream: public LLEventPump
+ LLEventStream(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false): LLEventPump(name, tweak) {}
+ virtual ~LLEventStream() {}
+ /// Post an event to all listeners
+ virtual bool post(const LLSD& event);
+* LLEventQueue
+ * LLEventQueue isa LLEventPump whose post() method defers calling registered
+ * listeners until flush() is called.
+ */
+class LL_COMMON_API LLEventQueue: public LLEventPump
+ LLEventQueue(const std::string& name, bool tweak=false): LLEventPump(name, tweak) {}
+ virtual ~LLEventQueue() {}
+ /// Post an event to all listeners
+ virtual bool post(const LLSD& event);
+ /// flush queued events
+ virtual void flush();
+ typedef std::deque<LLSD> EventQueue;
+ EventQueue mEventQueue;
+* LLReqID
+ * This class helps the implementer of a given event API to honor the
+ * ["reqid"] convention. By this convention, each event API stamps into its
+ * response LLSD a ["reqid"] key whose value echoes the ["reqid"] value, if
+ * any, from the corresponding request.
+ *
+ * This supports an (atypical, but occasionally necessary) use case in which
+ * two or more asynchronous requests are multiplexed onto the same ["reply"]
+ * LLEventPump. Since the response events could arrive in arbitrary order, the
+ * caller must be able to demux them. It does so by matching the ["reqid"]
+ * value in each response with the ["reqid"] value in the corresponding
+ * request.
+ *
+ * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure distinct ["reqid"] values for
+ * that case. Though LLSD::UUID is guaranteed to work, it might be overkill:
+ * the "namespace" of unique ["reqid"] values is simply the set of requests
+ * specifying the same ["reply"] LLEventPump name.
+ *
+ * Making a given event API echo the request's ["reqid"] into the response is
+ * nearly trivial. This helper is mostly for mnemonic purposes, to serve as a
+ * place to put these comments. We hope that each time a coder implements a
+ * new event API based on some existing one, s/he will say, "Huh, what's an
+ * LLReqID?" and look up this material.
+ *
+ * The hardest part about the convention is deciding where to store the
+ * ["reqid"] value. Ironically, LLReqID can't help with that: you must store
+ * an LLReqID instance in whatever storage will persist until the reply is
+ * sent. For example, if the request ultimately ends up using a Responder
+ * subclass, storing an LLReqID instance in the Responder works.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * The @em implementer of an event API must honor the ["reqid"] convention.
+ * However, the @em caller of an event API need only use it if s/he is sharing
+ * the same ["reply"] LLEventPump for two or more asynchronous event API
+ * requests.
+ *
+ * In most cases, it's far easier for the caller to instantiate a local
+ * LLEventStream and pass its name to the event API in question. Then it's
+ * perfectly reasonable not to set a ["reqid"] key in the request, ignoring
+ * the @c isUndefined() ["reqid"] value in the response.
+ */
+ /**
+ * If you have the request in hand at the time you instantiate the
+ * LLReqID, pass that request to extract its ["reqid"].
+ */
+ LLReqID(const LLSD& request):
+ mReqid(request["reqid"])
+ {}
+ /// If you don't yet have the request, use setFrom() later.
+ LLReqID() {}
+ /// Extract and store the ["reqid"] value from an incoming request.
+ void setFrom(const LLSD& request)
+ {
+ mReqid = request["reqid"];
+ }
+ /// Set ["reqid"] key into a pending response LLSD object.
+ void stamp(LLSD& response) const;
+ /// Make a whole new response LLSD object with our ["reqid"].
+ LLSD makeResponse() const
+ {
+ LLSD response;
+ stamp(response);
+ return response;
+ }
+ /// Not really sure of a use case for this accessor...
+ LLSD getReqID() const { return mReqid; }
+ LLSD mReqid;
+* Underpinnings
+ * We originally provided a suite of overloaded
+ * LLEventTrackable::listenTo(LLEventPump&, ...) methods that would call
+ * LLEventPump::listen(...) and then pass the returned LLBoundListener to
+ * LLEventTrackable::track(). This was workable but error-prone: the coder
+ * must remember to call listenTo() rather than the more straightforward
+ * listen() method.
+ *
+ * Now we publish only the single canonical listen() method, so there's a
+ * uniform mechanism. Having a single way to do this is good, in that there's
+ * no question in the coder's mind which of several alternatives to choose.
+ *
+ * To support automatic connection management, we use boost::visit_each
+ * ( to
+ * inspect each argument of a boost::bind expression. (Although the visit_each
+ * mechanism was first introduced with the original Boost.Signals library, it
+ * was only later documented.)
+ *
+ * Cases:
+ * * At least one of the function's arguments is a boost::weak_ptr<T>. Pass
+ * the corresponding shared_ptr to slot_type::track(). Ideally that would be
+ * the object whose method we want to call, but in fact we do the same for
+ * any weak_ptr we might find among the bound arguments. If we're passing
+ * our bound method a weak_ptr to some object, wouldn't the destruction of
+ * that object invalidate the call? So we disconnect automatically when any
+ * such object is destroyed. This is the mechanism preferred by boost::
+ * signals2.
+ * * One of the functions's arguments is a boost::shared_ptr<T>. This produces
+ * a compile error: the bound copy of the shared_ptr stored in the
+ * boost_bind object stored in the signal object would make the referenced
+ * T object immortal. We provide a weaken() function. Pass
+ * weaken(your_shared_ptr) instead. (We can inspect, but not modify, the
+ * boost::bind object. Otherwise we'd replace the shared_ptr with weak_ptr
+ * implicitly and just proceed.)
+ * * One of the function's arguments is a plain pointer/reference to an object
+ * derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this. We assume that this object
+ * is managed using boost::shared_ptr, so we implicitly extract a shared_ptr
+ * and track that. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
+ * * One of the function's arguments is derived from LLEventTrackable. Pass
+ * the LLBoundListener to its LLEventTrackable::track(). This is vulnerable
+ * to a couple different race conditions, as described in LLEventTrackable
+ * documentation. (NOTE: Now that LLEventTrackable is a typedef for
+ * boost::signals2::trackable, the Signals2 library handles this itself, so
+ * our visitor needs no special logic for this case.)
+ * * Any other argument type is irrelevant to automatic connection management.
+ */
+namespace LLEventDetail
+ template <typename F>
+ const F& unwrap(const F& f) { return f; }
+ template <typename F>
+ const F& unwrap(const boost::reference_wrapper<F>& f) { return f.get(); }
+ // Most of the following is lifted from the Boost.Signals use of
+ // visit_each.
+ template<bool Cond> struct truth {};
+ /**
+ * boost::visit_each() Visitor, used on a template argument <tt>const F&
+ * f</tt> as follows (see visit_and_connect()):
+ * @code
+ * LLEventListener listener(f);
+ * Visitor visitor(listener); // bind listener so it can track() shared_ptrs
+ * using boost::visit_each; // allow unqualified visit_each() call for ADL
+ * visit_each(visitor, unwrap(f));
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ class Visitor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Visitor binds a reference to LLEventListener so we can track() any
+ * shared_ptrs we find in the argument list.
+ */
+ Visitor(LLEventListener& listener):
+ mListener(listener)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * boost::visit_each() calls this method for each component of a
+ * boost::bind() expression.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()(const T& t) const
+ {
+ decode(t, 0);
+ }
+ private:
+ // decode() decides between a reference wrapper and anything else
+ // boost::ref() variant
+ template<typename T>
+ void decode(const boost::reference_wrapper<T>& t, int) const
+ {
+// add_if_trackable(t.get_pointer());
+ }
+ // decode() anything else
+ template<typename T>
+ void decode(const T& t, long) const
+ {
+ typedef truth<(boost::is_pointer<T>::value)> is_a_pointer;
+ maybe_get_pointer(t, is_a_pointer());
+ }
+ // maybe_get_pointer() decides between a pointer and a non-pointer
+ // plain pointer variant
+ template<typename T>
+ void maybe_get_pointer(const T& t, truth<true>) const
+ {
+// add_if_trackable(t);
+ }
+ // shared_ptr variant
+ template<typename T>
+ void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& t, truth<false>) const
+ {
+ // If we have a shared_ptr to this object, it doesn't matter
+ // whether the object is derived from LLEventTrackable, so no
+ // further analysis of T is needed.
+// mListener.track(t);
+ // Make this case illegal. Passing a bound shared_ptr to
+ // slot_type::track() is useless, since the bound shared_ptr will
+ // keep the object alive anyway! Force the coder to cast to weak_ptr.
+ // Trivial as it is, make the BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT() condition
+ // dependent on template param so the macro is only evaluated if
+ // this method is in fact instantiated, as described here:
+ //
+ // ATTENTION: Don't bind a shared_ptr<anything> using
+ // LLEventPump::listen(boost::bind()). Doing so captures a copy of
+ // the shared_ptr, making the referenced object effectively
+ // immortal. Use the weaken() function, e.g.:
+ // somepump.listen(boost::bind(...weaken(my_shared_ptr)...));
+ // This lets us automatically disconnect when the referenced
+ // object is destroyed.
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == 0);
+ }
+ // weak_ptr variant
+ template<typename T>
+ void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::weak_ptr<T>& t, truth<false>) const
+ {
+ // If we have a weak_ptr to this object, it doesn't matter
+ // whether the object is derived from LLEventTrackable, so no
+ // further analysis of T is needed.
+ mListener.track(t);
+// std::cout << "Found weak_ptr<" << typeid(T).name() << ">!\n";
+ }
+#if 0
+ // reference to anything derived from boost::enable_shared_from_this
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void maybe_get_pointer(const boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>& ct,
+ truth<false>) const
+ {
+ // Use the slot_type::track(shared_ptr) mechanism. Cast away
+ // const-ness because (in our code base anyway) it's unusual
+ // to find shared_ptr<const T>.
+ boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>&
+ t(const_cast<boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>&>(ct));
+ std::cout << "Capturing shared_from_this()" << std::endl;
+ boost::shared_ptr<T> sp(t.shared_from_this());
+ std::cout << "Capturing weak_ptr" << std::endl;
+ boost::weak_ptr<T> wp(sp);
+ std::cout << "Tracking shared__ptr" << std::endl;
+ mListener.track(sp);
+ }
+ // non-pointer variant
+ template<typename T>
+ void maybe_get_pointer(const T& t, truth<false>) const
+ {
+ // Take the address of this object, because the object itself may be
+ // trackable
+// add_if_trackable(boost::addressof(t));
+ }
+ // add_if_trackable() adds LLEventTrackable objects to mTrackables
+ inline void add_if_trackable(const LLEventTrackable* t) const
+ {
+ if (t)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ // pointer to anything not an LLEventTrackable subclass
+ inline void add_if_trackable(const void*) const
+ {
+ }
+ // pointer to free function
+ // The following construct uses the preprocessor to generate
+ // add_if_trackable() overloads accepting pointer-to-function taking
+ // 0, 1, ..., LLEVENTS_LISTENER_ARITY parameters of arbitrary type.
+#define BOOST_PP_LOCAL_MACRO(n) \
+ template <typename R \
+ BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, typename T)> \
+ inline void \
+ add_if_trackable(R (*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, T))) const \
+ { \
+ }
+ /// Bind a reference to the LLEventListener to call its track() method.
+ LLEventListener& mListener;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Utility template function to use Visitor appropriately
+ *
+ * @param raw_listener Callable to connect, typically a boost::bind()
+ * expression. This will be visited by Visitor using boost::visit_each().
+ * @param connect_funct Callable that will connect() @a raw_listener to an
+ * LLStandardSignal, returning LLBoundListener.
+ */
+ template <typename LISTENER>
+ LLBoundListener visit_and_connect(const LISTENER& raw_listener,
+ const ConnectFunc& connect_func)
+ {
+ // Capture the listener
+ LLEventListener listener(raw_listener);
+ // Define our Visitor, binding the listener so we can call
+ // listener.track() if we discover any shared_ptr<Foo>.
+ LLEventDetail::Visitor visitor(listener);
+ // Allow unqualified visit_each() call for ADL
+ using boost::visit_each;
+ // Visit each component of a boost::bind() expression. Pass
+ // 'raw_listener', our template argument, rather than 'listener' from
+ // which type details have been erased. unwrap() comes from
+ // Boost.Signals, in case we were passed a boost::ref().
+ visit_each(visitor, LLEventDetail::unwrap(raw_listener));
+ // Make the connection using passed function. At present, wrapping
+ // this functionality into this function is a bit silly: we don't
+ // really need a visit_and_connect() function any more, just a visit()
+ // function. The definition of this function dates from when, after
+ // visit_each(), after establishing the connection, we had to
+ // postprocess the new connection with the visitor object. That's no
+ // longer necessary.
+ return connect_func(listener);
+ }
+} // namespace LLEventDetail
+// Somewhat to my surprise, passing boost::bind(...boost::weak_ptr<T>...) to
+// listen() fails in Boost code trying to instantiate LLEventListener (i.e.
+// LLStandardSignal::slot_type) because the boost::get_pointer() utility function isn't
+// specialized for boost::weak_ptr. This remedies that omission.
+namespace boost
+ template <typename T>
+ T* get_pointer(const weak_ptr<T>& ptr) { return shared_ptr<T>(ptr).get(); }
+/// Since we forbid use of listen(boost::bind(...shared_ptr<T>...)), provide an
+/// easy way to cast to the corresponding weak_ptr.
+template <typename T>
+boost::weak_ptr<T> weaken(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& ptr)
+ return boost::weak_ptr<T>(ptr);
+#endif /* ! defined(LL_LLEVENTS_H) */
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.h b/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.h
index 905d736d62..45b84ea3ea 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llfasttimer.h
@@ -1,317 +1,317 @@
- * @file llfasttimer.h
- * @brief Declaration of a fast timer.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llinstancetracker.h"
-#define FAST_TIMER_ON 1
-// shift off lower 8 bits for lower resolution but longer term timing
-// on 1Ghz machine, a 32-bit word will hold ~1000 seconds of timing
-inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
- U32 ret_val;
- __asm
- {
- _emit 0x0f
- _emit 0x31
- shr eax,8
- shl edx,24
- or eax, edx
- mov dword ptr [ret_val], eax
- }
- return ret_val;
-// return full timer value, still shifted by 8 bits
-inline U64 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
- U64 ret_val;
- __asm
- {
- _emit 0x0f
- _emit 0x31
- mov eax,eax
- mov edx,edx
- mov dword ptr [ret_val+4], edx
- mov dword ptr [ret_val], eax
- }
- return ret_val >> 8;
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
-#if (LL_LINUX || LL_SOLARIS || LL_DARWIN) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))
-inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
- U64 x;
- __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31": "=A"(x));
- return (U32)x >> 8;
-inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
- U64 x;
- __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31": "=A"(x));
- return x >> 8;
-#if ( LL_DARWIN && !(defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))) || (LL_SOLARIS && defined(__sparc__))
-// Mac PPC (deprecated) & Solaris SPARC implementation of CPU clock
-// Just use gettimeofday implementation for now
-inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
- return (U32)get_clock_count();
-inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
- return get_clock_count();
-class LLMutex;
-#include <queue>
-#include "llsd.h"
-class LL_COMMON_API LLFastTimer
- // stores a "named" timer instance to be reused via multiple LLFastTimer stack instances
- class LL_COMMON_API NamedTimer
- : public LLInstanceTracker<NamedTimer>
- {
- friend class DeclareTimer;
- public:
- ~NamedTimer();
- enum { HISTORY_NUM = 60 };
- const std::string& getName() const { return mName; }
- NamedTimer* getParent() const { return mParent; }
- void setParent(NamedTimer* parent);
- S32 getDepth();
- std::string getToolTip(S32 history_index = -1);
- typedef std::vector<NamedTimer*>::const_iterator child_const_iter;
- child_const_iter beginChildren();
- child_const_iter endChildren();
- std::vector<NamedTimer*>& getChildren();
- void setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { mCollapsed = collapsed; }
- bool getCollapsed() const { return mCollapsed; }
- U32 getCountAverage() const { return mCountAverage; }
- U32 getCallAverage() const { return mCallAverage; }
- U32 getHistoricalCount(S32 history_index = 0) const;
- U32 getHistoricalCalls(S32 history_index = 0) const;
- static NamedTimer& getRootNamedTimer();
- struct FrameState
- {
- FrameState(NamedTimer* timerp);
- U32 mSelfTimeCounter;
- U32 mCalls;
- FrameState* mParent; // info for caller timer
- FrameState* mLastCaller; // used to bootstrap tree construction
- NamedTimer* mTimer;
- U16 mActiveCount; // number of timers with this ID active on stack
- bool mMoveUpTree; // needs to be moved up the tree of timers at the end of frame
- };
- S32 getFrameStateIndex() const { return mFrameStateIndex; }
- FrameState& getFrameState() const;
- private:
- friend class LLFastTimer;
- friend class NamedTimerFactory;
- //
- // methods
- //
- NamedTimer(const std::string& name);
- // recursive call to gather total time from children
- static void accumulateTimings();
- // updates cumulative times and hierarchy,
- // can be called multiple times in a frame, at any point
- static void processTimes();
- static void buildHierarchy();
- static void resetFrame();
- static void reset();
- //
- // members
- //
- S32 mFrameStateIndex;
- std::string mName;
- U32 mTotalTimeCounter;
- U32 mCountAverage;
- U32 mCallAverage;
- U32* mCountHistory;
- U32* mCallHistory;
- // tree structure
- NamedTimer* mParent; // NamedTimer of caller(parent)
- std::vector<NamedTimer*> mChildren;
- bool mCollapsed; // don't show children
- bool mNeedsSorting; // sort children whenever child added
- };
- // used to statically declare a new named timer
- class LL_COMMON_API DeclareTimer
- : public LLInstanceTracker<DeclareTimer>
- {
- public:
- DeclareTimer(const std::string& name, bool open);
- DeclareTimer(const std::string& name);
- static void updateCachedPointers();
- // convertable to NamedTimer::FrameState for convenient usage of LLFastTimer(declared_timer)
- operator NamedTimer::FrameState&() { return *mFrameState; }
- private:
- NamedTimer& mTimer;
- NamedTimer::FrameState* mFrameState;
- };
- static LLMutex* sLogLock;
- static std::queue<LLSD> sLogQueue;
- static BOOL sLog;
- static BOOL sMetricLog;
- typedef std::vector<NamedTimer::FrameState> info_list_t;
- static info_list_t& getFrameStateList();
- enum RootTimerMarker { ROOT };
- LLFastTimer(RootTimerMarker);
- LLFastTimer(NamedTimer::FrameState& timer)
- : mFrameState(&timer)
- {
- NamedTimer::FrameState* frame_state = &timer;
- U32 cur_time = get_cpu_clock_count_32();
- mStartSelfTime = cur_time;
- mStartTotalTime = cur_time;
- frame_state->mActiveCount++;
- frame_state->mCalls++;
- // keep current parent as long as it is active when we are
- frame_state->mMoveUpTree |= (frame_state->mParent->mActiveCount == 0);
- mLastTimer = sCurTimer;
- sCurTimer = this;
- }
- ~LLFastTimer()
- {
- NamedTimer::FrameState* frame_state = mFrameState;
- U32 cur_time = get_cpu_clock_count_32();
- frame_state->mSelfTimeCounter += cur_time - mStartSelfTime;
- frame_state->mActiveCount--;
- LLFastTimer* last_timer = mLastTimer;
- sCurTimer = last_timer;
- // store last caller to bootstrap tree creation
- frame_state->mLastCaller = last_timer->mFrameState;
- // we are only tracking self time, so subtract our total time delta from parents
- U32 total_time = cur_time - mStartTotalTime;
- last_timer->mStartSelfTime += total_time;
- }
- // call this once a frame to reset timers
- static void nextFrame();
- // dumps current cumulative frame stats to log
- // call nextFrame() to reset timers
- static void dumpCurTimes();
- // call this to reset timer hierarchy, averages, etc.
- static void reset();
- static U64 countsPerSecond();
- static S32 getLastFrameIndex() { return sLastFrameIndex; }
- static S32 getCurFrameIndex() { return sCurFrameIndex; }
- static void writeLog(std::ostream& os);
- static const NamedTimer* getTimerByName(const std::string& name);
- static bool sPauseHistory;
- static bool sResetHistory;
- typedef std::vector<LLFastTimer*> timer_stack_t;
- static LLFastTimer* sCurTimer;
- static S32 sCurFrameIndex;
- static S32 sLastFrameIndex;
- static U64 sLastFrameTime;
- static info_list_t* sTimerInfos;
- U32 mStartSelfTime; // start time + time of all child timers
- U32 mStartTotalTime; // start time + time of all child timers
- NamedTimer::FrameState* mFrameState;
- LLFastTimer* mLastTimer;
+ * @file llfasttimer.h
+ * @brief Declaration of a fast timer.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llinstancetracker.h"
+#define FAST_TIMER_ON 1
+// shift off lower 8 bits for lower resolution but longer term timing
+// on 1Ghz machine, a 32-bit word will hold ~1000 seconds of timing
+inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
+ U32 ret_val;
+ __asm
+ {
+ _emit 0x0f
+ _emit 0x31
+ shr eax,8
+ shl edx,24
+ or eax, edx
+ mov dword ptr [ret_val], eax
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+// return full timer value, still shifted by 8 bits
+inline U64 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
+ U64 ret_val;
+ __asm
+ {
+ _emit 0x0f
+ _emit 0x31
+ mov eax,eax
+ mov edx,edx
+ mov dword ptr [ret_val+4], edx
+ mov dword ptr [ret_val], eax
+ }
+ return ret_val >> 8;
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+#if (LL_LINUX || LL_SOLARIS || LL_DARWIN) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))
+inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
+ U64 x;
+ __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31": "=A"(x));
+ return (U32)x >> 8;
+inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
+ U64 x;
+ __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31": "=A"(x));
+ return x >> 8;
+#if ( LL_DARWIN && !(defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__))) || (LL_SOLARIS && defined(__sparc__))
+// Mac PPC (deprecated) & Solaris SPARC implementation of CPU clock
+// Just use gettimeofday implementation for now
+inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_32()
+ return (U32)get_clock_count();
+inline U32 get_cpu_clock_count_64()
+ return get_clock_count();
+class LLMutex;
+#include <queue>
+#include "llsd.h"
+class LL_COMMON_API LLFastTimer
+ // stores a "named" timer instance to be reused via multiple LLFastTimer stack instances
+ class LL_COMMON_API NamedTimer
+ : public LLInstanceTracker<NamedTimer>
+ {
+ friend class DeclareTimer;
+ public:
+ ~NamedTimer();
+ enum { HISTORY_NUM = 60 };
+ const std::string& getName() const { return mName; }
+ NamedTimer* getParent() const { return mParent; }
+ void setParent(NamedTimer* parent);
+ S32 getDepth();
+ std::string getToolTip(S32 history_index = -1);
+ typedef std::vector<NamedTimer*>::const_iterator child_const_iter;
+ child_const_iter beginChildren();
+ child_const_iter endChildren();
+ std::vector<NamedTimer*>& getChildren();
+ void setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { mCollapsed = collapsed; }
+ bool getCollapsed() const { return mCollapsed; }
+ U32 getCountAverage() const { return mCountAverage; }
+ U32 getCallAverage() const { return mCallAverage; }
+ U32 getHistoricalCount(S32 history_index = 0) const;
+ U32 getHistoricalCalls(S32 history_index = 0) const;
+ static NamedTimer& getRootNamedTimer();
+ struct FrameState
+ {
+ FrameState(NamedTimer* timerp);
+ U32 mSelfTimeCounter;
+ U32 mCalls;
+ FrameState* mParent; // info for caller timer
+ FrameState* mLastCaller; // used to bootstrap tree construction
+ NamedTimer* mTimer;
+ U16 mActiveCount; // number of timers with this ID active on stack
+ bool mMoveUpTree; // needs to be moved up the tree of timers at the end of frame
+ };
+ S32 getFrameStateIndex() const { return mFrameStateIndex; }
+ FrameState& getFrameState() const;
+ private:
+ friend class LLFastTimer;
+ friend class NamedTimerFactory;
+ //
+ // methods
+ //
+ NamedTimer(const std::string& name);
+ // recursive call to gather total time from children
+ static void accumulateTimings();
+ // updates cumulative times and hierarchy,
+ // can be called multiple times in a frame, at any point
+ static void processTimes();
+ static void buildHierarchy();
+ static void resetFrame();
+ static void reset();
+ //
+ // members
+ //
+ S32 mFrameStateIndex;
+ std::string mName;
+ U32 mTotalTimeCounter;
+ U32 mCountAverage;
+ U32 mCallAverage;
+ U32* mCountHistory;
+ U32* mCallHistory;
+ // tree structure
+ NamedTimer* mParent; // NamedTimer of caller(parent)
+ std::vector<NamedTimer*> mChildren;
+ bool mCollapsed; // don't show children
+ bool mNeedsSorting; // sort children whenever child added
+ };
+ // used to statically declare a new named timer
+ class LL_COMMON_API DeclareTimer
+ : public LLInstanceTracker<DeclareTimer>
+ {
+ public:
+ DeclareTimer(const std::string& name, bool open);
+ DeclareTimer(const std::string& name);
+ static void updateCachedPointers();
+ // convertable to NamedTimer::FrameState for convenient usage of LLFastTimer(declared_timer)
+ operator NamedTimer::FrameState&() { return *mFrameState; }
+ private:
+ NamedTimer& mTimer;
+ NamedTimer::FrameState* mFrameState;
+ };
+ static LLMutex* sLogLock;
+ static std::queue<LLSD> sLogQueue;
+ static BOOL sLog;
+ static BOOL sMetricLog;
+ typedef std::vector<NamedTimer::FrameState> info_list_t;
+ static info_list_t& getFrameStateList();
+ enum RootTimerMarker { ROOT };
+ LLFastTimer(RootTimerMarker);
+ LLFastTimer(NamedTimer::FrameState& timer)
+ : mFrameState(&timer)
+ {
+ NamedTimer::FrameState* frame_state = &timer;
+ U32 cur_time = get_cpu_clock_count_32();
+ mStartSelfTime = cur_time;
+ mStartTotalTime = cur_time;
+ frame_state->mActiveCount++;
+ frame_state->mCalls++;
+ // keep current parent as long as it is active when we are
+ frame_state->mMoveUpTree |= (frame_state->mParent->mActiveCount == 0);
+ mLastTimer = sCurTimer;
+ sCurTimer = this;
+ }
+ ~LLFastTimer()
+ {
+ NamedTimer::FrameState* frame_state = mFrameState;
+ U32 cur_time = get_cpu_clock_count_32();
+ frame_state->mSelfTimeCounter += cur_time - mStartSelfTime;
+ frame_state->mActiveCount--;
+ LLFastTimer* last_timer = mLastTimer;
+ sCurTimer = last_timer;
+ // store last caller to bootstrap tree creation
+ frame_state->mLastCaller = last_timer->mFrameState;
+ // we are only tracking self time, so subtract our total time delta from parents
+ U32 total_time = cur_time - mStartTotalTime;
+ last_timer->mStartSelfTime += total_time;
+ }
+ // call this once a frame to reset timers
+ static void nextFrame();
+ // dumps current cumulative frame stats to log
+ // call nextFrame() to reset timers
+ static void dumpCurTimes();
+ // call this to reset timer hierarchy, averages, etc.
+ static void reset();
+ static U64 countsPerSecond();
+ static S32 getLastFrameIndex() { return sLastFrameIndex; }
+ static S32 getCurFrameIndex() { return sCurFrameIndex; }
+ static void writeLog(std::ostream& os);
+ static const NamedTimer* getTimerByName(const std::string& name);
+ static bool sPauseHistory;
+ static bool sResetHistory;
+ typedef std::vector<LLFastTimer*> timer_stack_t;
+ static LLFastTimer* sCurTimer;
+ static S32 sCurFrameIndex;
+ static S32 sLastFrameIndex;
+ static U64 sLastFrameTime;
+ static info_list_t* sTimerInfos;
+ U32 mStartSelfTime; // start time + time of all child timers
+ U32 mStartTotalTime; // start time + time of all child timers
+ NamedTimer::FrameState* mFrameState;
+ LLFastTimer* mLastTimer;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h b/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
index 09f19532b7..1c6f64dd8b 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llmemory.h
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
- * @file llmemory.h
- * @brief Memory allocation/deallocation header-stuff goes here.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#ifndef LLMEMORY_H
-#define LLMEMORY_H
-extern S32 gTotalDAlloc;
-extern S32 gTotalDAUse;
-extern S32 gDACount;
-extern void* ll_allocate (size_t size);
-extern void ll_release (void *p);
-class LL_COMMON_API LLMemory
- static void initClass();
- static void cleanupClass();
- static void freeReserve();
- // Return the resident set size of the current process, in bytes.
- // Return value is zero if not known.
- static U64 getCurrentRSS();
- static char* reserveMem;
-// LLRefCount moved to llrefcount.h
-// LLPointer moved to llpointer.h
-// LLSafeHandle moved to llsafehandle.h
-// LLSingleton moved to llsingleton.h
+ * @file llmemory.h
+ * @brief Memory allocation/deallocation header-stuff goes here.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LLMEMORY_H
+#define LLMEMORY_H
+extern S32 gTotalDAlloc;
+extern S32 gTotalDAUse;
+extern S32 gDACount;
+extern void* ll_allocate (size_t size);
+extern void ll_release (void *p);
+class LL_COMMON_API LLMemory
+ static void initClass();
+ static void cleanupClass();
+ static void freeReserve();
+ // Return the resident set size of the current process, in bytes.
+ // Return value is zero if not known.
+ static U64 getCurrentRSS();
+ static char* reserveMem;
+// LLRefCount moved to llrefcount.h
+// LLPointer moved to llpointer.h
+// LLSafeHandle moved to llsafehandle.h
+// LLSingleton moved to llsingleton.h
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llmemtype.h b/indra/llcommon/llmemtype.h
index 5952a3a7c5..677fad3034 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llmemtype.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llmemtype.h
@@ -1,248 +1,248 @@
- * @file llmemtype.h
- * @brief Runtime memory usage debugging utilities.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#ifndef LL_MEMTYPE_H
-#define LL_MEMTYPE_H
-#include "linden_common.h"
-// WARNING: Never commit with MEM_TRACK_MEM == 1
-#define MEM_TRACK_MEM (0 && LL_WINDOWS)
-#include <vector>
-#define MEM_TYPE_NEW(T)
-class LL_COMMON_API LLMemType
- // class we'll initialize all instances of as
- // static members of MemType. Then use
- // to construct any new mem type.
- class LL_COMMON_API DeclareMemType
- {
- public:
- DeclareMemType(char const * st);
- ~DeclareMemType();
- S32 mID;
- char const * mName;
- // array so we can map an index ID to Name
- static std::vector<char const *> mNameList;
- };
- LLMemType(DeclareMemType& dt);
- ~LLMemType();
- static char const * getNameFromID(S32 id);
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INIT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_STARTUP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_MAIN;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_FRAME;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_GATHER_INPUT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_JOY_KEY;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_PUMP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_NETWORK;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_UPDATE_REGIONS;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_UPDATE_SURFACE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_AUDIO;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_MESSAGE_CHECK_ALL;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_RENDER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SLEEP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_NETWORK;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PHYSICS;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INTERESTLIST;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGEBASE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGERAW;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGEFORMATTED;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPFMTIMAGE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPRAWIMAGE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPAUXRAWIMAGE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DRAWABLE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_OBJECT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE_GEOM;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_SWAP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE_HUD;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_STATE_SORT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_SKY;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_RENDER_GEOM;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_RENDER_UI;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_DATA;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_DESTRUCTOR;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_UPDATE_VERTS;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_MAP_BUFFER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_UNMAP_BUFFER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_SET_STRIDE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_SET_BUFFER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SPACE_PARTITION;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_INIT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_RESTORE_GL;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_ADD_POOL;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_ADD_OBJECT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_MARK_MOVED;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_MARK_SHIFT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_STATE_SORT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_POST_SORT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_RENDER_HL;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_UPKEEP_POOLS;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_AVATAR;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_AVATAR_MESH;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PARTICLES;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_REGIONS;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_DRAW;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_DO_FOLDER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_FROM_XML;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_VIEW_INIT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_VIEW_SHOW;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_ANIMATION;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VOLUME;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PRIMITIVE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT_RUN;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT_BYTECODE;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_PUMP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_TCP;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_BUFFER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_HTTP_SERVER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_SD_SERVER;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_SD_CLIENT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_URL_REQUEST;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DIRECTX_INIT;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP1;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP2;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP3;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP4;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP5;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP6;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP7;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP8;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP9;
- static DeclareMemType MTYPE_OTHER; // Special; used by display code
- S32 mTypeIndex;
+ * @file llmemtype.h
+ * @brief Runtime memory usage debugging utilities.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LL_MEMTYPE_H
+#define LL_MEMTYPE_H
+#include "linden_common.h"
+// WARNING: Never commit with MEM_TRACK_MEM == 1
+#define MEM_TRACK_MEM (0 && LL_WINDOWS)
+#include <vector>
+#define MEM_TYPE_NEW(T)
+class LL_COMMON_API LLMemType
+ // class we'll initialize all instances of as
+ // static members of MemType. Then use
+ // to construct any new mem type.
+ class LL_COMMON_API DeclareMemType
+ {
+ public:
+ DeclareMemType(char const * st);
+ ~DeclareMemType();
+ S32 mID;
+ char const * mName;
+ // array so we can map an index ID to Name
+ static std::vector<char const *> mNameList;
+ };
+ LLMemType(DeclareMemType& dt);
+ ~LLMemType();
+ static char const * getNameFromID(S32 id);
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INIT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_STARTUP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_MAIN;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_FRAME;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_GATHER_INPUT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_JOY_KEY;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_PUMP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_NETWORK;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_UPDATE_REGIONS;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_UPDATE_SURFACE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IDLE_AUDIO;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_MESSAGE_CHECK_ALL;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_RENDER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SLEEP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_NETWORK;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PHYSICS;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INTERESTLIST;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGEBASE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGERAW;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IMAGEFORMATTED;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPFMTIMAGE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPRAWIMAGE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_APPAUXRAWIMAGE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DRAWABLE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_OBJECT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE_GEOM;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_SWAP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_UPDATE_HUD;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_STATE_SORT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_SKY;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_RENDER_GEOM;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DISPLAY_RENDER_UI;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_DATA;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_DESTRUCTOR;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_UPDATE_VERTS;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_MAP_BUFFER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_UNMAP_BUFFER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_SET_STRIDE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VERTEX_SET_BUFFER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SPACE_PARTITION;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_INIT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_RESTORE_GL;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_ADD_POOL;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_ADD_OBJECT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_MARK_MOVED;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_MARK_SHIFT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_STATE_SORT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_POST_SORT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PIPELINE_RENDER_HL;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_UPKEEP_POOLS;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_AVATAR;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_AVATAR_MESH;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PARTICLES;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_REGIONS;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_DRAW;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_DO_FOLDER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_FROM_XML;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_VIEW_INIT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_INVENTORY_VIEW_SHOW;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_ANIMATION;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_VOLUME;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_PRIMITIVE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT_RUN;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_SCRIPT_BYTECODE;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_PUMP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_TCP;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_BUFFER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_HTTP_SERVER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_SD_SERVER;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_SD_CLIENT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_IO_URL_REQUEST;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_DIRECTX_INIT;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP1;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP2;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP3;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP4;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP5;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP6;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP7;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP8;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_TEMP9;
+ static DeclareMemType MTYPE_OTHER; // Special; used by display code
+ S32 mTypeIndex;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llpreprocessor.h b/indra/llcommon/llpreprocessor.h
index 48baa50edb..48244480b1 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llpreprocessor.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llpreprocessor.h
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
- * @file llpreprocessor.h
- * @brief This file should be included in all Linden Lab files and
- * should only contain special preprocessor directives
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-// Figure out endianness of platform
-#ifdef LL_LINUX
-#include <endian.h>
-#endif // LL_LINUX
-# ifdef __sparc // Since we're talking Solaris 10 and up, only 64 bit is supported.
-# define LL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-# define LL_SOLARIS_ALIGNED_CPU 1 // used to designate issues where SPARC alignment is addressed
-# define LL_SOLARIS_NON_MESA_GL 1 // The SPARC GL does not provide a MESA-based GL API
-# endif
-# include <sys/isa_defs.h> // ensure we know which end is up
-#endif // LL_SOLARIS
-#if (defined(LL_WINDOWS) || (defined(LL_LINUX) && (__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN)) || (defined(LL_DARWIN) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)) || (defined(LL_SOLARIS) && defined(__i386)))
-#define LL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-// Per-compiler switches
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define LL_FORCE_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
-#define LL_FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
-// Figure out differences between compilers
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
- #define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 \
- + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \
- #ifndef LL_GNUC
- #define LL_GNUC 1
- #endif
-#elif defined(__MSVC_VER__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
- #ifndef LL_MSVC
- #define LL_MSVC 1
- #endif
- #if _MSC_VER < 1400
- #define LL_MSVC7 //Visual C++ 2003 or earlier
- #endif
-// Deal with minor differences on Unixy OSes.
- // Different name, same functionality.
- #define stricmp strcasecmp
- #define strnicmp strncasecmp
- // Not sure why this is different, but...
- #ifndef MAX_PATH
- #endif // not MAX_PATH
-// Static linking with apr on windows needs to be declared.
-#define APR_DECLARE_STATIC // For APR on Windows
-#define APU_DECLARE_STATIC // For APR util on Windows
-#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
-#ifndef XML_STATIC
-#define XML_STATIC
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
-// Deal with VC6 problems
-#if LL_MSVC
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4701 ) // "local variable used without being initialized" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4702 ) // "unreachable code" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4189 ) // "local variable initialized but not referenced" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
-//#pragma warning( 3 : 4018 ) // "signed/unsigned mismatch" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4263 ) // 'function' : member function does not override any base class virtual member function
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4264 ) // "'virtual_function' : no override available for virtual member function from base 'class'; function is hidden"
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4265 ) // "class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual"
-#pragma warning( 3 : 4266 ) // 'function' : no override available for virtual member function from base 'type'; function is hidden
-#pragma warning( disable : 4284 ) // silly MS warning deep inside their <map> include file
-#pragma warning( disable : 4503 ) // 'decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated'. Does not seem to affect compilation.
-#pragma warning( disable : 4800 ) // 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // warning: deprecated
-// level 4 warnings that we need to disable:
-#pragma warning (disable : 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter
-#pragma warning (disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant (e.g. while(1) )
-#pragma warning (disable : 4244) // possible loss of data on conversions
-#pragma warning (disable : 4396) // the inline specifier cannot be used when a friend declaration refers to a specialization of a function template
-#pragma warning (disable : 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
-#pragma warning (disable : 4706) // assignment within conditional (even if((x = y)) )
-#pragma warning (disable : 4251) // member needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class
-#pragma warning (disable : 4275) // non dll-interface class used as base for dll-interface class
-#endif // LL_MSVC
-#define LL_DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#define LL_DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#elif LL_LINUX
-#define LL_DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
-// CMake automagically defines llcommon_EXPORTS only when building llcommon
-// sources, and only when llcommon is a shared library (i.e. when
-// LL_COMMON_LINK_SHARED). We must still test LL_COMMON_LINK_SHARED because
-// otherwise we can't distinguish between (non-llcommon source) and (llcommon
-// not shared).
-# if defined(llcommon_EXPORTS)
-# else //llcommon_EXPORTS
-# endif //llcommon_EXPORTS
-# define LL_COMMON_API
+ * @file llpreprocessor.h
+ * @brief This file should be included in all Linden Lab files and
+ * should only contain special preprocessor directives
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Figure out endianness of platform
+#ifdef LL_LINUX
+#include <endian.h>
+#endif // LL_LINUX
+# ifdef __sparc // Since we're talking Solaris 10 and up, only 64 bit is supported.
+# define LL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+# define LL_SOLARIS_ALIGNED_CPU 1 // used to designate issues where SPARC alignment is addressed
+# define LL_SOLARIS_NON_MESA_GL 1 // The SPARC GL does not provide a MESA-based GL API
+# endif
+# include <sys/isa_defs.h> // ensure we know which end is up
+#endif // LL_SOLARIS
+#if (defined(LL_WINDOWS) || (defined(LL_LINUX) && (__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN)) || (defined(LL_DARWIN) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)) || (defined(LL_SOLARIS) && defined(__i386)))
+#define LL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+// Per-compiler switches
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define LL_FORCE_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+#define LL_FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
+// Figure out differences between compilers
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+ #define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 \
+ + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \
+ #ifndef LL_GNUC
+ #define LL_GNUC 1
+ #endif
+#elif defined(__MSVC_VER__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+ #ifndef LL_MSVC
+ #define LL_MSVC 1
+ #endif
+ #if _MSC_VER < 1400
+ #define LL_MSVC7 //Visual C++ 2003 or earlier
+ #endif
+// Deal with minor differences on Unixy OSes.
+ // Different name, same functionality.
+ #define stricmp strcasecmp
+ #define strnicmp strncasecmp
+ // Not sure why this is different, but...
+ #ifndef MAX_PATH
+ #endif // not MAX_PATH
+// Static linking with apr on windows needs to be declared.
+#define APR_DECLARE_STATIC // For APR on Windows
+#define APU_DECLARE_STATIC // For APR util on Windows
+#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+#ifndef XML_STATIC
+#define XML_STATIC
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+// Deal with VC6 problems
+#if LL_MSVC
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4701 ) // "local variable used without being initialized" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4702 ) // "unreachable code" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4189 ) // "local variable initialized but not referenced" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
+//#pragma warning( 3 : 4018 ) // "signed/unsigned mismatch" Treat this as level 3, not level 4.
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4263 ) // 'function' : member function does not override any base class virtual member function
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4264 ) // "'virtual_function' : no override available for virtual member function from base 'class'; function is hidden"
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4265 ) // "class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual"
+#pragma warning( 3 : 4266 ) // 'function' : no override available for virtual member function from base 'type'; function is hidden
+#pragma warning( disable : 4284 ) // silly MS warning deep inside their <map> include file
+#pragma warning( disable : 4503 ) // 'decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated'. Does not seem to affect compilation.
+#pragma warning( disable : 4800 ) // 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
+#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // warning: deprecated
+// level 4 warnings that we need to disable:
+#pragma warning (disable : 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter
+#pragma warning (disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant (e.g. while(1) )
+#pragma warning (disable : 4244) // possible loss of data on conversions
+#pragma warning (disable : 4396) // the inline specifier cannot be used when a friend declaration refers to a specialization of a function template
+#pragma warning (disable : 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
+#pragma warning (disable : 4706) // assignment within conditional (even if((x = y)) )
+#pragma warning (disable : 4251) // member needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class
+#pragma warning (disable : 4275) // non dll-interface class used as base for dll-interface class
+#endif // LL_MSVC
+#define LL_DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define LL_DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#elif LL_LINUX
+#define LL_DLLEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+// CMake automagically defines llcommon_EXPORTS only when building llcommon
+// sources, and only when llcommon is a shared library (i.e. when
+// LL_COMMON_LINK_SHARED). We must still test LL_COMMON_LINK_SHARED because
+// otherwise we can't distinguish between (non-llcommon source) and (llcommon
+// not shared).
+# if defined(llcommon_EXPORTS)
+# else //llcommon_EXPORTS
+# endif //llcommon_EXPORTS
+# define LL_COMMON_API
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.cpp
index 3cb074257b..6558df70a4 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.cpp
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
- * @file llstacktrace.cpp
- * @brief stack tracing functionality
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "llstacktrace.h"
-#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "windows.h"
-#include "Dbghelp.h"
-typedef USHORT NTAPI RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function(
- IN ULONG frames_to_skip,
- IN ULONG frames_to_capture,
- OUT PVOID *backtrace,
- OUT PULONG backtrace_hash);
-static RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function* const RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_fn =
- (RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function*)
- GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace");
-bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines)
- const S32 MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 32;
- const S32 STRING_NAME_LENGTH = 200;
- const S32 FRAME_SKIP = 2;
- static BOOL symbolsLoaded = false;
- static BOOL firstCall = true;
- HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
- // load the symbols if they're not loaded
- if(!symbolsLoaded && firstCall)
- {
- symbolsLoaded = SymInitialize(hProc, NULL, true);
- firstCall = false;
- }
- // if loaded, get the call stack
- if(symbolsLoaded)
- {
- // create the frames to hold the addresses
- void* frames[MAX_STACK_DEPTH];
- memset(frames, 0, sizeof(void*)*MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
- S32 depth = 0;
- // get the addresses
- depth = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_fn(FRAME_SKIP, MAX_STACK_DEPTH, frames, NULL);
- memset(&line, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64));
- line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);
- // create something to hold address info
- memset(pSym, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + STRING_NAME_LENGTH);
- pSym->MaxNameLength = STRING_NAME_LENGTH;
- pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64);
- // get address info for each address frame
- // and store
- for(S32 i=0; i < depth; i++)
- {
- std::stringstream stack_line;
- BOOL ret;
- DWORD64 addr = (DWORD64)frames[i];
- ret = SymGetSymFromAddr64(hProc, addr, 0, pSym);
- if(ret)
- {
- stack_line << pSym->Name << " ";
- }
- DWORD dummy;
- ret = SymGetLineFromAddr64(hProc, addr, &dummy, &line);
- if(ret)
- {
- std::string file_name = line.FileName;
- std::string::size_type index = file_name.rfind("\\");
- stack_line << file_name.substr(index + 1, file_name.size()) << ":" << line.LineNumber;
- }
- lines.push_back(stack_line.str());
- }
- free(pSym);
- // TODO: figure out a way to cleanup symbol loading
- // Not hugely necessary, however.
- //SymCleanup(hProc);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- lines.push_back("Stack Trace Failed. PDB symbol info not loaded");
- }
- return false;
-bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines)
- return false;
+ * @file llstacktrace.cpp
+ * @brief stack tracing functionality
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llstacktrace.h"
+#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "Dbghelp.h"
+typedef USHORT NTAPI RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function(
+ IN ULONG frames_to_skip,
+ IN ULONG frames_to_capture,
+ OUT PVOID *backtrace,
+ OUT PULONG backtrace_hash);
+static RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function* const RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_fn =
+ (RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_Function*)
+ GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace");
+bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines)
+ const S32 MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 32;
+ const S32 STRING_NAME_LENGTH = 200;
+ const S32 FRAME_SKIP = 2;
+ static BOOL symbolsLoaded = false;
+ static BOOL firstCall = true;
+ HANDLE hProc = GetCurrentProcess();
+ // load the symbols if they're not loaded
+ if(!symbolsLoaded && firstCall)
+ {
+ symbolsLoaded = SymInitialize(hProc, NULL, true);
+ firstCall = false;
+ }
+ // if loaded, get the call stack
+ if(symbolsLoaded)
+ {
+ // create the frames to hold the addresses
+ void* frames[MAX_STACK_DEPTH];
+ memset(frames, 0, sizeof(void*)*MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
+ S32 depth = 0;
+ // get the addresses
+ depth = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace_fn(FRAME_SKIP, MAX_STACK_DEPTH, frames, NULL);
+ memset(&line, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64));
+ line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);
+ // create something to hold address info
+ memset(pSym, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + STRING_NAME_LENGTH);
+ pSym->MaxNameLength = STRING_NAME_LENGTH;
+ pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64);
+ // get address info for each address frame
+ // and store
+ for(S32 i=0; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ std::stringstream stack_line;
+ BOOL ret;
+ DWORD64 addr = (DWORD64)frames[i];
+ ret = SymGetSymFromAddr64(hProc, addr, 0, pSym);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ stack_line << pSym->Name << " ";
+ }
+ DWORD dummy;
+ ret = SymGetLineFromAddr64(hProc, addr, &dummy, &line);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ std::string file_name = line.FileName;
+ std::string::size_type index = file_name.rfind("\\");
+ stack_line << file_name.substr(index + 1, file_name.size()) << ":" << line.LineNumber;
+ }
+ lines.push_back(stack_line.str());
+ }
+ free(pSym);
+ // TODO: figure out a way to cleanup symbol loading
+ // Not hugely necessary, however.
+ //SymCleanup(hProc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lines.push_back("Stack Trace Failed. PDB symbol info not loaded");
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines)
+ return false;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.h b/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.h
index b84b1aa6ad..9f857f0fd3 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llstacktrace.h
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
- * @file llstacktrace.h
- * @brief stack trace functions
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "stdtypes.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-LL_COMMON_API bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines);
+ * @file llstacktrace.h
+ * @brief stack trace functions
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "stdtypes.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+LL_COMMON_API bool ll_get_stack_trace(std::vector<std::string>& lines);
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llstring.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llstring.cpp
index 721e5670e7..c027aa7bdd 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llstring.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llstring.cpp
@@ -671,9 +671,9 @@ std::string ll_convert_wide_to_string(const wchar_t* in)
#endif // LL_WINDOWS
-long LLStringOps::sltOffset;
-long LLStringOps::localTimeOffset;
-bool LLStringOps::daylightSavings;
+long LLStringOps::sPacificTimeOffset = 0;
+long LLStringOps::sLocalTimeOffset = 0;
+bool LLStringOps::sPacificDaylightTime = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::string> LLStringOps::datetimeToCodes;
S32 LLStringOps::collate(const llwchar* a, const llwchar* b)
@@ -700,11 +700,11 @@ void LLStringOps::setupDatetimeInfo (bool daylight)
tmpT = gmtime (&nowT);
gmtT = mktime (tmpT);
- localTimeOffset = (long) (gmtT - localT);
+ sLocalTimeOffset = (long) (gmtT - localT);
- daylightSavings = daylight;
- sltOffset = (daylightSavings? 7 : 8 ) * 60 * 60;
+ sPacificDaylightTime = daylight;
+ sPacificTimeOffset = (sPacificDaylightTime? 7 : 8 ) * 60 * 60;
datetimeToCodes["wkday"] = "%a"; // Thu
datetimeToCodes["weekday"] = "%A"; // Thursday
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ bool LLStringUtil::formatDatetime(std::string& replacement, std::string token,
else if (param != "utc") // slt
- secFromEpoch -= LLStringOps::getSltOffset();
+ secFromEpoch -= LLStringOps::getPacificTimeOffset();
// if never fell into those two ifs above, param must be utc
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ bool LLStringUtil::formatDatetime(std::string& replacement, std::string token,
// "slt" = Second Life Time, which is deprecated.
// If not utc or user local time, fallback to Pacific time
- replacement = LLStringOps::getDaylightSavings() ? "PDT" : "PST";
+ replacement = LLStringOps::getPacificDaylightTime() ? "PDT" : "PST";
return true;
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llstring.h b/indra/llcommon/llstring.h
index 0f2f05a0d8..31e70e0fe4 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llstring.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llstring.h
@@ -1,1297 +1,1300 @@
- * @file llstring.h
- * @brief String utility functions and std::string class.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#ifndef LL_LLSTRING_H
-#define LL_LLSTRING_H
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <locale>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "llsd.h"
-#include "llfasttimer.h"
-#include <wctype.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// stricmp and strnicmp do not exist on Solaris:
-#define stricmp strcasecmp
-#define strnicmp strncasecmp
-const char LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR = '?';
-// Template specialization of char_traits for U16s. Only necessary on Mac and Linux (exists on Windows already)
-#include <cstring>
-namespace std
-struct char_traits<U16>
- typedef U16 char_type;
- typedef int int_type;
- typedef streampos pos_type;
- typedef streamoff off_type;
- typedef mbstate_t state_type;
- static void
- assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
- { __c1 = __c2; }
- static bool
- eq(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
- { return __c1 == __c2; }
- static bool
- lt(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
- { return __c1 < __c2; }
- static int
- compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
- { return memcmp(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type)); }
- static size_t
- length(const char_type* __s)
- {
- const char_type *cur_char = __s;
- while (*cur_char != 0)
- {
- ++cur_char;
- }
- return cur_char - __s;
- }
- static const char_type*
- find(const char_type* __s, size_t __n, const char_type& __a)
- { return static_cast<const char_type*>(memchr(__s, __a, __n * sizeof(char_type))); }
- static char_type*
- move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
- { return static_cast<char_type*>(memmove(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type))); }
- static char_type*
- copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
- { return static_cast<char_type*>(memcpy(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type))); } /* Flawfinder: ignore */
- static char_type*
- assign(char_type* __s, size_t __n, char_type __a)
- {
- // This isn't right.
- //return static_cast<char_type*>(memset(__s, __a, __n * sizeof(char_type)));
- // I don't think there's a standard 'memset' for 16-bit values.
- // Do this the old-fashioned way.
- size_t __i;
- for(__i = 0; __i < __n; __i++)
- {
- __s[__i] = __a;
- }
- return __s;
- }
- static char_type
- to_char_type(const int_type& __c)
- { return static_cast<char_type>(__c); }
- static int_type
- to_int_type(const char_type& __c)
- { return static_cast<int_type>(__c); }
- static bool
- eq_int_type(const int_type& __c1, const int_type& __c2)
- { return __c1 == __c2; }
- static int_type
- eof() { return static_cast<int_type>(EOF); }
- static int_type
- not_eof(const int_type& __c)
- { return (__c == eof()) ? 0 : __c; }
- };
-class LL_COMMON_API LLStringOps
- static long sltOffset;
- static long localTimeOffset;
- static bool daylightSavings;
- static std::map<std::string, std::string> datetimeToCodes;
- static char toUpper(char elem) { return toupper((unsigned char)elem); }
- static llwchar toUpper(llwchar elem) { return towupper(elem); }
- static char toLower(char elem) { return tolower((unsigned char)elem); }
- static llwchar toLower(llwchar elem) { return towlower(elem); }
- static bool isSpace(char elem) { return isspace((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
- static bool isSpace(llwchar elem) { return iswspace(elem) != 0; }
- static bool isUpper(char elem) { return isupper((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
- static bool isUpper(llwchar elem) { return iswupper(elem) != 0; }
- static bool isLower(char elem) { return islower((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
- static bool isLower(llwchar elem) { return iswlower(elem) != 0; }
- static bool isDigit(char a) { return isdigit((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
- static bool isDigit(llwchar a) { return iswdigit(a) != 0; }
- static bool isPunct(char a) { return ispunct((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
- static bool isPunct(llwchar a) { return iswpunct(a) != 0; }
- static bool isAlnum(char a) { return isalnum((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
- static bool isAlnum(llwchar a) { return iswalnum(a) != 0; }
- static S32 collate(const char* a, const char* b) { return strcoll(a, b); }
- static S32 collate(const llwchar* a, const llwchar* b);
- static void setupDatetimeInfo (bool daylight);
- static long getSltOffset (void) {return sltOffset;}
- static long getLocalTimeOffset (void) {return localTimeOffset;}
- static bool getDaylightSavings (void) {return daylightSavings;}
- static std::string getDatetimeCode (std::string key);
- * @brief Return a string constructed from in without crashing if the
- * pointer is NULL.
- */
-LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_safe_string(const char* in);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_safe_string(const char* in, S32 maxlen);
-// Allowing assignments from non-strings into format_map_t is apparently
-// *really* error-prone, so subclass std::string with just basic c'tors.
-class LLFormatMapString
- LLFormatMapString() {};
- LLFormatMapString(const char* s) : mString(ll_safe_string(s)) {};
- LLFormatMapString(const std::string& s) : mString(s) {};
- operator std::string() const { return mString; }
- bool operator<(const LLFormatMapString& rhs) const { return mString < rhs.mString; }
- std::size_t length() const { return mString.length(); }
- std::string mString;
-template <class T>
-class LLStringUtilBase
- static std::string sLocale;
- typedef typename std::basic_string<T>::size_type size_type;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Static Utility functions that operate on std::strings
- static std::basic_string<T> null;
- typedef std::map<LLFormatMapString, LLFormatMapString> format_map_t;
- LL_COMMON_API static void getTokens(const std::basic_string<T>& instr, std::vector<std::basic_string<T> >& tokens, const std::basic_string<T>& delims);
- LL_COMMON_API static void formatNumber(std::basic_string<T>& numStr, std::basic_string<T> decimals);
- LL_COMMON_API static bool formatDatetime(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, std::basic_string<T> param, S32 secFromEpoch);
- LL_COMMON_API static S32 format(std::basic_string<T>& s, const format_map_t& substitutions);
- LL_COMMON_API static S32 format(std::basic_string<T>& s, const LLSD& substitutions);
- LL_COMMON_API static bool simpleReplacement(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, const format_map_t& substitutions);
- LL_COMMON_API static bool simpleReplacement(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, const LLSD& substitutions);
- static void setLocale (std::string inLocale) {sLocale = inLocale;};
- static std::string getLocale (void) {return sLocale;};
- static bool isValidIndex(const std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type i)
- {
- return !string.empty() && (0 <= i) && (i <= string.size());
- }
- static void trimHead(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void trimTail(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void trim(std::basic_string<T>& string) { trimHead(string); trimTail(string); }
- static void truncate(std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type count);
- static void toUpper(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void toLower(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- // True if this is the head of s.
- static BOOL isHead( const std::basic_string<T>& string, const T* s );
- /**
- * @brief Returns true if string starts with substr
- *
- * If etither string or substr are empty, this method returns false.
- */
- static bool startsWith(
- const std::basic_string<T>& string,
- const std::basic_string<T>& substr);
- /**
- * @brief Returns true if string ends in substr
- *
- * If etither string or substr are empty, this method returns false.
- */
- static bool endsWith(
- const std::basic_string<T>& string,
- const std::basic_string<T>& substr);
- static void addCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void removeCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void replaceTabsWithSpaces( std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type spaces_per_tab );
- static void replaceNonstandardASCII( std::basic_string<T>& string, T replacement );
- static void replaceChar( std::basic_string<T>& string, T target, T replacement );
- static void replaceString( std::basic_string<T>& string, std::basic_string<T> target, std::basic_string<T> replacement );
- static BOOL containsNonprintable(const std::basic_string<T>& string);
- static void stripNonprintable(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- /**
- * @brief Unsafe way to make ascii characters. You should probably
- * only call this when interacting with the host operating system.
- * The 1 byte std::string does not work correctly.
- * The 2 and 4 byte std::string probably work, so LLWStringUtil::_makeASCII
- * should work.
- */
- static void _makeASCII(std::basic_string<T>& string);
- // Conversion to other data types
- static BOOL convertToBOOL(const std::basic_string<T>& string, BOOL& value);
- static BOOL convertToU8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U8& value);
- static BOOL convertToS8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S8& value);
- static BOOL convertToS16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S16& value);
- static BOOL convertToU16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U16& value);
- static BOOL convertToU32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U32& value);
- static BOOL convertToS32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S32& value);
- static BOOL convertToF32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F32& value);
- static BOOL convertToF64(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F64& value);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Utility functions for working with char*'s and strings
- // Like strcmp but also handles empty strings. Uses
- // current locale.
- static S32 compareStrings(const T* lhs, const T* rhs);
- static S32 compareStrings(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs);
- // case insensitive version of above. Uses current locale on
- // Win32, and falls back to a non-locale aware comparison on
- // Linux.
- static S32 compareInsensitive(const T* lhs, const T* rhs);
- static S32 compareInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs);
- // Case sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
- // a.k.a. strdictcmp()
- static S32 compareDict(const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b);
- // Case *in*sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
- // a.k.a. strdictcmp()
- static S32 compareDictInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b);
- // Puts compareDict() in a form appropriate for LL container classes to use for sorting.
- static BOOL precedesDict( const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b );
- // A replacement for strncpy.
- // If the dst buffer is dst_size bytes long or more, ensures that dst is null terminated and holds
- // up to dst_size-1 characters of src.
- static void copy(T* dst, const T* src, size_type dst_size);
- // Copies src into dst at a given offset.
- static void copyInto(std::basic_string<T>& dst, const std::basic_string<T>& src, size_type offset);
- static bool isPartOfWord(T c) { return (c == (T)'_') || LLStringOps::isAlnum(c); }
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- LL_COMMON_API static void testHarness();
- LL_COMMON_API static size_type getSubstitution(const std::basic_string<T>& instr, size_type& start, std::vector<std::basic_string<T> >& tokens);
-template<class T> std::basic_string<T> LLStringUtilBase<T>::null;
-template<class T> std::string LLStringUtilBase<T>::sLocale;
-typedef LLStringUtilBase<char> LLStringUtil;
-typedef LLStringUtilBase<llwchar> LLWStringUtil;
-typedef std::basic_string<llwchar> LLWString;
-//@ Use this where we want to disallow input in the form of "foo"
-// This is used to catch places where english text is embedded in the code
-// instead of in a translatable XUI file.
-class LLStringExplicit : public std::string
- explicit LLStringExplicit(const char* s) : std::string(s) {}
- LLStringExplicit(const std::string& s) : std::string(s) {}
- LLStringExplicit(const std::string& s, size_type pos, size_type n = std::string::npos) : std::string(s, pos, n) {}
-struct LLDictionaryLess
- bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string& b)
- {
- return (LLStringUtil::precedesDict(a, b) ? true : false);
- }
- * Simple support functions
- */
- * @brief chop off the trailing characters in a string.
- *
- * This function works on bytes rather than glyphs, so this will
- * incorrectly truncate non-single byte strings.
- * Use utf8str_truncate() for utf8 strings
- * @return a copy of in string minus the trailing count bytes.
- */
-inline std::string chop_tail_copy(
- const std::string& in,
- std::string::size_type count)
- return std::string(in, 0, in.length() - count);
- * @brief This translates a nybble stored as a hex value from 0-f back
- * to a nybble in the low order bits of the return byte.
- */
-LL_COMMON_API U8 hex_as_nybble(char hex);
- * @brief read the contents of a file into a string.
- *
- * Since this function has no concept of character encoding, most
- * anything you do with this method ill-advised. Please avoid.
- * @param str [out] The string which will have.
- * @param filename The full name of the file to read.
- * @return Returns true on success. If false, str is unmodified.
- */
-LL_COMMON_API bool _read_file_into_string(std::string& str, const std::string& filename);
-LL_COMMON_API bool iswindividual(llwchar elem);
- * Unicode support
- */
-// Make the incoming string a utf8 string. Replaces any unknown glyph
-// with the UNKOWN_CHARACTER. Once any unknown glph is found, the rest
-// of the data may not be recovered.
-LL_COMMON_API std::string rawstr_to_utf8(const std::string& raw);
-// We should never use UTF16 except when communicating with Win32!
-typedef std::basic_string<U16> llutf16string;
-LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf16str_to_wstring(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf16str_to_wstring(const llutf16string &utf16str);
-LL_COMMON_API llutf16string wstring_to_utf16str(const LLWString &utf32str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API llutf16string wstring_to_utf16str(const LLWString &utf32str);
-LL_COMMON_API llutf16string utf8str_to_utf16str ( const std::string& utf8str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API llutf16string utf8str_to_utf16str ( const std::string& utf8str );
-LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf8str_to_wstring(const std::string &utf8str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf8str_to_wstring(const std::string &utf8str);
-// Same function, better name. JC
-inline LLWString utf8string_to_wstring(const std::string& utf8_string) { return utf8str_to_wstring(utf8_string); }
-LL_COMMON_API S32 wchar_to_utf8chars(llwchar inchar, char* outchars);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string wstring_to_utf8str(const LLWString &utf32str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string wstring_to_utf8str(const LLWString &utf32str);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf16str_to_utf8str(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf16str_to_utf8str(const llutf16string &utf16str);
-// Length of this UTF32 string in bytes when transformed to UTF8
-LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_utf8_length(const LLWString& wstr);
-// Length in bytes of this wide char in a UTF8 string
-LL_COMMON_API S32 wchar_utf8_length(const llwchar wc);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_tolower(const std::string& utf8str);
-// Length in llwchar (UTF-32) of the first len units (16 bits) of the given UTF-16 string.
-LL_COMMON_API S32 utf16str_wstring_length(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
-// Length in utf16string (UTF-16) of wlen wchars beginning at woffset.
-LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_utf16_length(const LLWString & wstr, S32 woffset, S32 wlen);
-// Length in wstring (i.e., llwchar count) of a part of a wstring specified by utf16 length (i.e., utf16 units.)
-LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_wstring_length_from_utf16_length(const LLWString & wstr, S32 woffset, S32 utf16_length, BOOL *unaligned = NULL);
- * @brief Properly truncate a utf8 string to a maximum byte count.
- *
- * The returned string may be less than max_len if the truncation
- * happens in the middle of a glyph. If max_len is longer than the
- * string passed in, the return value == utf8str.
- * @param utf8str A valid utf8 string to truncate.
- * @param max_len The maximum number of bytes in the return value.
- * @return Returns a valid utf8 string with byte count <= max_len.
- */
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_truncate(const std::string& utf8str, const S32 max_len);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_trim(const std::string& utf8str);
-LL_COMMON_API S32 utf8str_compare_insensitive(
- const std::string& lhs,
- const std::string& rhs);
- * @brief Replace all occurences of target_char with replace_char
- *
- * @param utf8str A utf8 string to process.
- * @param target_char The wchar to be replaced
- * @param replace_char The wchar which is written on replace
- */
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_substChar(
- const std::string& utf8str,
- const llwchar target_char,
- const llwchar replace_char);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_makeASCII(const std::string& utf8str);
-// Hack - used for evil notecards.
-LL_COMMON_API std::string mbcsstring_makeASCII(const std::string& str);
-LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_removeCRLF(const std::string& utf8str);
-/* @name Windows string helpers
- */
- * @brief Implementation the expected snprintf interface.
- *
- * If the size of the passed in buffer is not large enough to hold the string,
- * two bad things happen:
- * 1. resulting formatted string is NOT null terminated
- * 2. Depending on the platform, the return value could be a) the required
- * size of the buffer to copy the entire formatted string or b) -1.
- * On Windows with VS.Net 2003, it returns -1 e.g.
- *
- * safe_snprintf always adds a NULL terminator so that the caller does not
- * need to check for return value or need to add the NULL terminator.
- * It does not, however change the return value - to let the caller know
- * that the passed in buffer size was not large enough to hold the
- * formatted string.
- *
- */
-// Deal with the differeneces on Windows
-namespace snprintf_hack
- LL_COMMON_API int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);
-using snprintf_hack::snprintf;
- * @brief Convert a wide string to std::string
- *
- * This replaces the unsafe W2A macro from ATL.
- */
-LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_convert_wide_to_string(const wchar_t* in);
-#endif // LL_WINDOWS
- * Many of the 'strip' and 'replace' methods of LLStringUtilBase need
- * specialization to work with the signed char type.
- * Sadly, it is not possible (AFAIK) to specialize a single method of
- * a template class.
- * That stuff should go here.
- */
-namespace LLStringFn
- /**
- * @brief Replace all non-printable characters with replacement in
- * string.
- * NOTE - this will zap non-ascii
- *
- * @param [in,out] string the to modify. out value is the string
- * with zero non-printable characters.
- * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
- */
- LL_COMMON_API void replace_nonprintable_in_ascii(
- std::basic_string<char>& string,
- char replacement);
- /**
- * @brief Replace all non-printable characters and pipe characters
- * with replacement in a string.
- * NOTE - this will zap non-ascii
- *
- * @param [in,out] the string to modify. out value is the string
- * with zero non-printable characters and zero pipe characters.
- * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
- */
- LL_COMMON_API void replace_nonprintable_and_pipe_in_ascii(std::basic_string<char>& str,
- char replacement);
- /**
- * @brief Remove all characters that are not allowed in XML 1.0.
- * Returns a copy of the string with those characters removed.
- * Works with US ASCII and UTF-8 encoded strings. JC
- */
- LL_COMMON_API std::string strip_invalid_xml(const std::string& input);
- /**
- * @brief Replace all control characters (0 <= c < 0x20) with replacement in
- * string. This is safe for utf-8
- *
- * @param [in,out] string the to modify. out value is the string
- * with zero non-printable characters.
- * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
- */
- LL_COMMON_API void replace_ascii_controlchars(
- std::basic_string<char>& string,
- char replacement);
-// NOTE: LLStringUtil::format, getTokens, and support functions moved to llstring.cpp.
-// There is no LLWStringUtil::format implementation currently.
-// Calling thse for anything other than LLStringUtil will produce link errors.
-// static
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareStrings(const T* lhs, const T* rhs)
- S32 result;
- if( lhs == rhs )
- {
- result = 0;
- }
- else
- if ( !lhs || !lhs[0] )
- {
- result = ((!rhs || !rhs[0]) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- else
- if ( !rhs || !rhs[0])
- {
- result = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- result = LLStringOps::collate(lhs, rhs);
- }
- return result;
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareStrings(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs)
- return LLStringOps::collate(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str());
-// static
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareInsensitive(const T* lhs, const T* rhs )
- S32 result;
- if( lhs == rhs )
- {
- result = 0;
- }
- else
- if ( !lhs || !lhs[0] )
- {
- result = ((!rhs || !rhs[0]) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- else
- if ( !rhs || !rhs[0] )
- {
- result = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- std::basic_string<T> lhs_string(lhs);
- std::basic_string<T> rhs_string(rhs);
- LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(lhs_string);
- LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(rhs_string);
- result = LLStringOps::collate(lhs_string.c_str(), rhs_string.c_str());
- }
- return result;
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs)
- std::basic_string<T> lhs_string(lhs);
- std::basic_string<T> rhs_string(rhs);
- LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(lhs_string);
- LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(rhs_string);
- return LLStringOps::collate(lhs_string.c_str(), rhs_string.c_str());
-// Case sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
-// a.k.a. strdictcmp()
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDict(const std::basic_string<T>& astr, const std::basic_string<T>& bstr)
- const T* a = astr.c_str();
- const T* b = bstr.c_str();
- T ca, cb;
- S32 ai, bi, cnt = 0;
- S32 bias = 0;
- ca = *(a++);
- cb = *(b++);
- while( ca && cb ){
- if( bias==0 ){
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); bias--; }
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); bias++; }
- }else{
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); }
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); }
- }
- if( LLStringOps::isDigit(ca) ){
- if( cnt-->0 ){
- if( cb!=ca ) break;
- }else{
- if( !LLStringOps::isDigit(cb) ) break;
- for(ai=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(a[ai]); ai++);
- for(bi=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(b[bi]); bi++);
- if( ai<bi ){ ca=0; break; }
- if( bi<ai ){ cb=0; break; }
- if( ca!=cb ) break;
- cnt = ai;
- }
- }else if( ca!=cb ){ break;
- }
- ca = *(a++);
- cb = *(b++);
- }
- if( ca==cb ) ca += bias;
- return ca-cb;
-// static
-template<class T>
-S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDictInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& astr, const std::basic_string<T>& bstr)
- const T* a = astr.c_str();
- const T* b = bstr.c_str();
- T ca, cb;
- S32 ai, bi, cnt = 0;
- ca = *(a++);
- cb = *(b++);
- while( ca && cb ){
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); }
- if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); }
- if( LLStringOps::isDigit(ca) ){
- if( cnt-->0 ){
- if( cb!=ca ) break;
- }else{
- if( !LLStringOps::isDigit(cb) ) break;
- for(ai=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(a[ai]); ai++);
- for(bi=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(b[bi]); bi++);
- if( ai<bi ){ ca=0; break; }
- if( bi<ai ){ cb=0; break; }
- if( ca!=cb ) break;
- cnt = ai;
- }
- }else if( ca!=cb ){ break;
- }
- ca = *(a++);
- cb = *(b++);
- }
- return ca-cb;
-// Puts compareDict() in a form appropriate for LL container classes to use for sorting.
-// static
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::precedesDict( const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b )
- if( a.size() && b.size() )
- {
- return (LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDict(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0);
- }
- else
- {
- return (!b.empty());
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- if( !string.empty() )
- {
- std::transform(
- string.begin(),
- string.end(),
- string.begin(),
- (T(*)(T)) &LLStringOps::toUpper);
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::toLower(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- if( !string.empty() )
- {
- std::transform(
- string.begin(),
- string.end(),
- string.begin(),
- (T(*)(T)) &LLStringOps::toLower);
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::trimHead(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- if( !string.empty() )
- {
- size_type i = 0;
- while( i < string.length() && LLStringOps::isSpace( string[i] ) )
- {
- i++;
- }
- string.erase(0, i);
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::trimTail(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- if( string.size() )
- {
- size_type len = string.length();
- size_type i = len;
- while( i > 0 && LLStringOps::isSpace( string[i-1] ) )
- {
- i--;
- }
- string.erase( i, len - i );
- }
-// Replace line feeds with carriage return-line feed pairs.
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::addCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- const T LF = 10;
- const T CR = 13;
- // Count the number of line feeds
- size_type count = 0;
- size_type len = string.size();
- size_type i;
- for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
- {
- if( string[i] == LF )
- {
- count++;
- }
- }
- // Insert a carriage return before each line feed
- if( count )
- {
- size_type size = len + count;
- T *t = new T[size];
- size_type j = 0;
- for( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
- {
- if( string[i] == LF )
- {
- t[j] = CR;
- ++j;
- }
- t[j] = string[i];
- ++j;
- }
- string.assign(t, size);
- }
-// Remove all carriage returns
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::removeCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- const T CR = 13;
- size_type cr_count = 0;
- size_type len = string.size();
- size_type i;
- for( i = 0; i < len - cr_count; i++ )
- {
- if( string[i+cr_count] == CR )
- {
- cr_count++;
- }
- string[i] = string[i+cr_count];
- }
- string.erase(i, cr_count);
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceChar( std::basic_string<T>& string, T target, T replacement )
- size_type found_pos = 0;
- while( (found_pos = string.find(target, found_pos)) != std::basic_string<T>::npos )
- {
- string[found_pos] = replacement;
- found_pos++; // avoid infinite defeat if target == replacement
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceString( std::basic_string<T>& string, std::basic_string<T> target, std::basic_string<T> replacement )
- size_type found_pos = 0;
- while( (found_pos = string.find(target, found_pos)) != std::basic_string<T>::npos )
- {
- string.replace( found_pos, target.length(), replacement );
- found_pos += replacement.length(); // avoid infinite defeat if replacement contains target
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceNonstandardASCII( std::basic_string<T>& string, T replacement )
- const char LF = 10;
- const S8 MIN = 32;
-// const S8 MAX = 127;
- size_type len = string.size();
- for( size_type i = 0; i < len; i++ )
- {
- // No need to test MAX < mText[i] because we treat mText[i] as a signed char,
- // which has a max value of 127.
- if( ( S8(string[i]) < MIN ) && (string[i] != LF) )
- {
- string[i] = replacement;
- }
- }
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceTabsWithSpaces( std::basic_string<T>& str, size_type spaces_per_tab )
- const T TAB = '\t';
- const T SPACE = ' ';
- std::basic_string<T> out_str;
- // Replace tabs with spaces
- for (size_type i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
- {
- if (str[i] == TAB)
- {
- for (size_type j = 0; j < spaces_per_tab; j++)
- out_str += SPACE;
- }
- else
- {
- out_str += str[i];
- }
- }
- str = out_str;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::containsNonprintable(const std::basic_string<T>& string)
- const char MIN = 32;
- BOOL rv = FALSE;
- for (size_type i = 0; i < string.size(); i++)
- {
- if(string[i] < MIN)
- {
- rv = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- return rv;
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::stripNonprintable(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- const char MIN = 32;
- size_type j = 0;
- if (string.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- size_t src_size = string.size();
- char* c_string = new char[src_size + 1];
- if(c_string == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- copy(c_string, string.c_str(), src_size+1);
- char* write_head = &c_string[0];
- for (size_type i = 0; i < src_size; i++)
- {
- char* read_head = &string[i];
- write_head = &c_string[j];
- if(!(*read_head < MIN))
- {
- *write_head = *read_head;
- ++j;
- }
- }
- c_string[j]= '\0';
- string = c_string;
- delete []c_string;
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::_makeASCII(std::basic_string<T>& string)
- // Replace non-ASCII chars with LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR
- for (size_type i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
- {
- if (string[i] > 0x7f)
- {
- string[i] = LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR;
- }
- }
-// static
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::copy( T* dst, const T* src, size_type dst_size )
- if( dst_size > 0 )
- {
- size_type min_len = 0;
- if( src )
- {
- min_len = llmin( dst_size - 1, strlen( src ) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
- memcpy(dst, src, min_len * sizeof(T)); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
- }
- dst[min_len] = '\0';
- }
-// static
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::copyInto(std::basic_string<T>& dst, const std::basic_string<T>& src, size_type offset)
- if ( offset == dst.length() )
- {
- // special case - append to end of string and avoid expensive
- // (when strings are large) string manipulations
- dst += src;
- }
- else
- {
- std::basic_string<T> tail = dst.substr(offset);
- dst = dst.substr(0, offset);
- dst += src;
- dst += tail;
- };
-// True if this is the head of s.
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::isHead( const std::basic_string<T>& string, const T* s )
- if( string.empty() )
- {
- // Early exit
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- return (strncmp( s, string.c_str(), string.size() ) == 0);
- }
-// static
-template<class T>
-bool LLStringUtilBase<T>::startsWith(
- const std::basic_string<T>& string,
- const std::basic_string<T>& substr)
- if(string.empty() || (substr.empty())) return false;
- if(0 == string.find(substr)) return true;
- return false;
-// static
-template<class T>
-bool LLStringUtilBase<T>::endsWith(
- const std::basic_string<T>& string,
- const std::basic_string<T>& substr)
- if(string.empty() || (substr.empty())) return false;
- std::string::size_type idx = string.rfind(substr);
- if(std::string::npos == idx) return false;
- return (idx == (string.size() - substr.size()));
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToBOOL(const std::basic_string<T>& string, BOOL& value)
- if( string.empty() )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
- trim(temp);
- if(
- (temp == "1") ||
- (temp == "T") ||
- (temp == "t") ||
- (temp == "TRUE") ||
- (temp == "true") ||
- (temp == "True") )
- {
- value = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- if(
- (temp == "0") ||
- (temp == "F") ||
- (temp == "f") ||
- (temp == "FALSE") ||
- (temp == "false") ||
- (temp == "False") )
- {
- value = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U8& value)
- S32 value32 = 0;
- BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
- if( success && (U8_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= U8_MAX) )
- {
- value = (U8) value32;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S8& value)
- S32 value32 = 0;
- BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
- if( success && (S8_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= S8_MAX) )
- {
- value = (S8) value32;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S16& value)
- S32 value32 = 0;
- BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
- if( success && (S16_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= S16_MAX) )
- {
- value = (S16) value32;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U16& value)
- S32 value32 = 0;
- BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
- if( success && (U16_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= U16_MAX) )
- {
- value = (U16) value32;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U32& value)
- if( string.empty() )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
- trim(temp);
- U32 v;
- std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
- if(i_stream >> v)
- {
- value = v;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S32& value)
- if( string.empty() )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
- trim(temp);
- S32 v;
- std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
- if(i_stream >> v)
- {
- //TODO: figure out overflow and underflow reporting here
- //if((LONG_MAX == v) || (LONG_MIN == v))
- //{
- // // Underflow or overflow
- // return FALSE;
- //}
- value = v;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToF32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F32& value)
- F64 value64 = 0.0;
- BOOL success = convertToF64(string, value64);
- if( success && (-F32_MAX <= value64) && (value64 <= F32_MAX) )
- {
- value = (F32) value64;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToF64(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F64& value)
- if( string.empty() )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
- trim(temp);
- F64 v;
- std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
- if(i_stream >> v)
- {
- //TODO: figure out overflow and underflow reporting here
- //if( ((-HUGE_VAL == v) || (HUGE_VAL == v))) )
- //{
- // // Underflow or overflow
- // return FALSE;
- //}
- value = v;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-template<class T>
-void LLStringUtilBase<T>::truncate(std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type count)
- size_type cur_size = string.size();
- string.resize(count < cur_size ? count : cur_size);
-#endif // LL_STRING_H
+ * @file llstring.h
+ * @brief String utility functions and std::string class.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#ifndef LL_LLSTRING_H
+#define LL_LLSTRING_H
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <locale>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llfasttimer.h"
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// stricmp and strnicmp do not exist on Solaris:
+#define stricmp strcasecmp
+#define strnicmp strncasecmp
+const char LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR = '?';
+// Template specialization of char_traits for U16s. Only necessary on Mac and Linux (exists on Windows already)
+#include <cstring>
+namespace std
+struct char_traits<U16>
+ typedef U16 char_type;
+ typedef int int_type;
+ typedef streampos pos_type;
+ typedef streamoff off_type;
+ typedef mbstate_t state_type;
+ static void
+ assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
+ { __c1 = __c2; }
+ static bool
+ eq(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
+ { return __c1 == __c2; }
+ static bool
+ lt(const char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2)
+ { return __c1 < __c2; }
+ static int
+ compare(const char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
+ { return memcmp(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type)); }
+ static size_t
+ length(const char_type* __s)
+ {
+ const char_type *cur_char = __s;
+ while (*cur_char != 0)
+ {
+ ++cur_char;
+ }
+ return cur_char - __s;
+ }
+ static const char_type*
+ find(const char_type* __s, size_t __n, const char_type& __a)
+ { return static_cast<const char_type*>(memchr(__s, __a, __n * sizeof(char_type))); }
+ static char_type*
+ move(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
+ { return static_cast<char_type*>(memmove(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type))); }
+ static char_type*
+ copy(char_type* __s1, const char_type* __s2, size_t __n)
+ { return static_cast<char_type*>(memcpy(__s1, __s2, __n * sizeof(char_type))); } /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ static char_type*
+ assign(char_type* __s, size_t __n, char_type __a)
+ {
+ // This isn't right.
+ //return static_cast<char_type*>(memset(__s, __a, __n * sizeof(char_type)));
+ // I don't think there's a standard 'memset' for 16-bit values.
+ // Do this the old-fashioned way.
+ size_t __i;
+ for(__i = 0; __i < __n; __i++)
+ {
+ __s[__i] = __a;
+ }
+ return __s;
+ }
+ static char_type
+ to_char_type(const int_type& __c)
+ { return static_cast<char_type>(__c); }
+ static int_type
+ to_int_type(const char_type& __c)
+ { return static_cast<int_type>(__c); }
+ static bool
+ eq_int_type(const int_type& __c1, const int_type& __c2)
+ { return __c1 == __c2; }
+ static int_type
+ eof() { return static_cast<int_type>(EOF); }
+ static int_type
+ not_eof(const int_type& __c)
+ { return (__c == eof()) ? 0 : __c; }
+ };
+class LL_COMMON_API LLStringOps
+ static long sPacificTimeOffset;
+ static long sLocalTimeOffset;
+ static bool sPacificDaylightTime;
+ static std::map<std::string, std::string> datetimeToCodes;
+ static char toUpper(char elem) { return toupper((unsigned char)elem); }
+ static llwchar toUpper(llwchar elem) { return towupper(elem); }
+ static char toLower(char elem) { return tolower((unsigned char)elem); }
+ static llwchar toLower(llwchar elem) { return towlower(elem); }
+ static bool isSpace(char elem) { return isspace((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isSpace(llwchar elem) { return iswspace(elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isUpper(char elem) { return isupper((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isUpper(llwchar elem) { return iswupper(elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isLower(char elem) { return islower((unsigned char)elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isLower(llwchar elem) { return iswlower(elem) != 0; }
+ static bool isDigit(char a) { return isdigit((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
+ static bool isDigit(llwchar a) { return iswdigit(a) != 0; }
+ static bool isPunct(char a) { return ispunct((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
+ static bool isPunct(llwchar a) { return iswpunct(a) != 0; }
+ static bool isAlnum(char a) { return isalnum((unsigned char)a) != 0; }
+ static bool isAlnum(llwchar a) { return iswalnum(a) != 0; }
+ static S32 collate(const char* a, const char* b) { return strcoll(a, b); }
+ static S32 collate(const llwchar* a, const llwchar* b);
+ static void setupDatetimeInfo(bool pacific_daylight_time);
+ static long getPacificTimeOffset(void) { return sPacificTimeOffset;}
+ static long getLocalTimeOffset(void) { return sLocalTimeOffset;}
+ // Is the Pacific time zone (aka server time zone)
+ // currently in daylight savings time?
+ static bool getPacificDaylightTime(void) { return sPacificDaylightTime;}
+ static std::string getDatetimeCode (std::string key);
+ * @brief Return a string constructed from in without crashing if the
+ * pointer is NULL.
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_safe_string(const char* in);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_safe_string(const char* in, S32 maxlen);
+// Allowing assignments from non-strings into format_map_t is apparently
+// *really* error-prone, so subclass std::string with just basic c'tors.
+class LLFormatMapString
+ LLFormatMapString() {};
+ LLFormatMapString(const char* s) : mString(ll_safe_string(s)) {};
+ LLFormatMapString(const std::string& s) : mString(s) {};
+ operator std::string() const { return mString; }
+ bool operator<(const LLFormatMapString& rhs) const { return mString < rhs.mString; }
+ std::size_t length() const { return mString.length(); }
+ std::string mString;
+template <class T>
+class LLStringUtilBase
+ static std::string sLocale;
+ typedef typename std::basic_string<T>::size_type size_type;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Static Utility functions that operate on std::strings
+ static std::basic_string<T> null;
+ typedef std::map<LLFormatMapString, LLFormatMapString> format_map_t;
+ LL_COMMON_API static void getTokens(const std::basic_string<T>& instr, std::vector<std::basic_string<T> >& tokens, const std::basic_string<T>& delims);
+ LL_COMMON_API static void formatNumber(std::basic_string<T>& numStr, std::basic_string<T> decimals);
+ LL_COMMON_API static bool formatDatetime(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, std::basic_string<T> param, S32 secFromEpoch);
+ LL_COMMON_API static S32 format(std::basic_string<T>& s, const format_map_t& substitutions);
+ LL_COMMON_API static S32 format(std::basic_string<T>& s, const LLSD& substitutions);
+ LL_COMMON_API static bool simpleReplacement(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, const format_map_t& substitutions);
+ LL_COMMON_API static bool simpleReplacement(std::basic_string<T>& replacement, std::basic_string<T> token, const LLSD& substitutions);
+ static void setLocale (std::string inLocale) {sLocale = inLocale;};
+ static std::string getLocale (void) {return sLocale;};
+ static bool isValidIndex(const std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type i)
+ {
+ return !string.empty() && (0 <= i) && (i <= string.size());
+ }
+ static void trimHead(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void trimTail(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void trim(std::basic_string<T>& string) { trimHead(string); trimTail(string); }
+ static void truncate(std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type count);
+ static void toUpper(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void toLower(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ // True if this is the head of s.
+ static BOOL isHead( const std::basic_string<T>& string, const T* s );
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns true if string starts with substr
+ *
+ * If etither string or substr are empty, this method returns false.
+ */
+ static bool startsWith(
+ const std::basic_string<T>& string,
+ const std::basic_string<T>& substr);
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns true if string ends in substr
+ *
+ * If etither string or substr are empty, this method returns false.
+ */
+ static bool endsWith(
+ const std::basic_string<T>& string,
+ const std::basic_string<T>& substr);
+ static void addCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void removeCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void replaceTabsWithSpaces( std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type spaces_per_tab );
+ static void replaceNonstandardASCII( std::basic_string<T>& string, T replacement );
+ static void replaceChar( std::basic_string<T>& string, T target, T replacement );
+ static void replaceString( std::basic_string<T>& string, std::basic_string<T> target, std::basic_string<T> replacement );
+ static BOOL containsNonprintable(const std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ static void stripNonprintable(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ /**
+ * @brief Unsafe way to make ascii characters. You should probably
+ * only call this when interacting with the host operating system.
+ * The 1 byte std::string does not work correctly.
+ * The 2 and 4 byte std::string probably work, so LLWStringUtil::_makeASCII
+ * should work.
+ */
+ static void _makeASCII(std::basic_string<T>& string);
+ // Conversion to other data types
+ static BOOL convertToBOOL(const std::basic_string<T>& string, BOOL& value);
+ static BOOL convertToU8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U8& value);
+ static BOOL convertToS8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S8& value);
+ static BOOL convertToS16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S16& value);
+ static BOOL convertToU16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U16& value);
+ static BOOL convertToU32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U32& value);
+ static BOOL convertToS32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S32& value);
+ static BOOL convertToF32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F32& value);
+ static BOOL convertToF64(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F64& value);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Utility functions for working with char*'s and strings
+ // Like strcmp but also handles empty strings. Uses
+ // current locale.
+ static S32 compareStrings(const T* lhs, const T* rhs);
+ static S32 compareStrings(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs);
+ // case insensitive version of above. Uses current locale on
+ // Win32, and falls back to a non-locale aware comparison on
+ // Linux.
+ static S32 compareInsensitive(const T* lhs, const T* rhs);
+ static S32 compareInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs);
+ // Case sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
+ // a.k.a. strdictcmp()
+ static S32 compareDict(const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b);
+ // Case *in*sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
+ // a.k.a. strdictcmp()
+ static S32 compareDictInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b);
+ // Puts compareDict() in a form appropriate for LL container classes to use for sorting.
+ static BOOL precedesDict( const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b );
+ // A replacement for strncpy.
+ // If the dst buffer is dst_size bytes long or more, ensures that dst is null terminated and holds
+ // up to dst_size-1 characters of src.
+ static void copy(T* dst, const T* src, size_type dst_size);
+ // Copies src into dst at a given offset.
+ static void copyInto(std::basic_string<T>& dst, const std::basic_string<T>& src, size_type offset);
+ static bool isPartOfWord(T c) { return (c == (T)'_') || LLStringOps::isAlnum(c); }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ LL_COMMON_API static void testHarness();
+ LL_COMMON_API static size_type getSubstitution(const std::basic_string<T>& instr, size_type& start, std::vector<std::basic_string<T> >& tokens);
+template<class T> std::basic_string<T> LLStringUtilBase<T>::null;
+template<class T> std::string LLStringUtilBase<T>::sLocale;
+typedef LLStringUtilBase<char> LLStringUtil;
+typedef LLStringUtilBase<llwchar> LLWStringUtil;
+typedef std::basic_string<llwchar> LLWString;
+//@ Use this where we want to disallow input in the form of "foo"
+// This is used to catch places where english text is embedded in the code
+// instead of in a translatable XUI file.
+class LLStringExplicit : public std::string
+ explicit LLStringExplicit(const char* s) : std::string(s) {}
+ LLStringExplicit(const std::string& s) : std::string(s) {}
+ LLStringExplicit(const std::string& s, size_type pos, size_type n = std::string::npos) : std::string(s, pos, n) {}
+struct LLDictionaryLess
+ bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string& b)
+ {
+ return (LLStringUtil::precedesDict(a, b) ? true : false);
+ }
+ * Simple support functions
+ */
+ * @brief chop off the trailing characters in a string.
+ *
+ * This function works on bytes rather than glyphs, so this will
+ * incorrectly truncate non-single byte strings.
+ * Use utf8str_truncate() for utf8 strings
+ * @return a copy of in string minus the trailing count bytes.
+ */
+inline std::string chop_tail_copy(
+ const std::string& in,
+ std::string::size_type count)
+ return std::string(in, 0, in.length() - count);
+ * @brief This translates a nybble stored as a hex value from 0-f back
+ * to a nybble in the low order bits of the return byte.
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API U8 hex_as_nybble(char hex);
+ * @brief read the contents of a file into a string.
+ *
+ * Since this function has no concept of character encoding, most
+ * anything you do with this method ill-advised. Please avoid.
+ * @param str [out] The string which will have.
+ * @param filename The full name of the file to read.
+ * @return Returns true on success. If false, str is unmodified.
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API bool _read_file_into_string(std::string& str, const std::string& filename);
+LL_COMMON_API bool iswindividual(llwchar elem);
+ * Unicode support
+ */
+// Make the incoming string a utf8 string. Replaces any unknown glyph
+// with the UNKOWN_CHARACTER. Once any unknown glph is found, the rest
+// of the data may not be recovered.
+LL_COMMON_API std::string rawstr_to_utf8(const std::string& raw);
+// We should never use UTF16 except when communicating with Win32!
+typedef std::basic_string<U16> llutf16string;
+LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf16str_to_wstring(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf16str_to_wstring(const llutf16string &utf16str);
+LL_COMMON_API llutf16string wstring_to_utf16str(const LLWString &utf32str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API llutf16string wstring_to_utf16str(const LLWString &utf32str);
+LL_COMMON_API llutf16string utf8str_to_utf16str ( const std::string& utf8str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API llutf16string utf8str_to_utf16str ( const std::string& utf8str );
+LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf8str_to_wstring(const std::string &utf8str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API LLWString utf8str_to_wstring(const std::string &utf8str);
+// Same function, better name. JC
+inline LLWString utf8string_to_wstring(const std::string& utf8_string) { return utf8str_to_wstring(utf8_string); }
+LL_COMMON_API S32 wchar_to_utf8chars(llwchar inchar, char* outchars);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string wstring_to_utf8str(const LLWString &utf32str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string wstring_to_utf8str(const LLWString &utf32str);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf16str_to_utf8str(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf16str_to_utf8str(const llutf16string &utf16str);
+// Length of this UTF32 string in bytes when transformed to UTF8
+LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_utf8_length(const LLWString& wstr);
+// Length in bytes of this wide char in a UTF8 string
+LL_COMMON_API S32 wchar_utf8_length(const llwchar wc);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_tolower(const std::string& utf8str);
+// Length in llwchar (UTF-32) of the first len units (16 bits) of the given UTF-16 string.
+LL_COMMON_API S32 utf16str_wstring_length(const llutf16string &utf16str, S32 len);
+// Length in utf16string (UTF-16) of wlen wchars beginning at woffset.
+LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_utf16_length(const LLWString & wstr, S32 woffset, S32 wlen);
+// Length in wstring (i.e., llwchar count) of a part of a wstring specified by utf16 length (i.e., utf16 units.)
+LL_COMMON_API S32 wstring_wstring_length_from_utf16_length(const LLWString & wstr, S32 woffset, S32 utf16_length, BOOL *unaligned = NULL);
+ * @brief Properly truncate a utf8 string to a maximum byte count.
+ *
+ * The returned string may be less than max_len if the truncation
+ * happens in the middle of a glyph. If max_len is longer than the
+ * string passed in, the return value == utf8str.
+ * @param utf8str A valid utf8 string to truncate.
+ * @param max_len The maximum number of bytes in the return value.
+ * @return Returns a valid utf8 string with byte count <= max_len.
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_truncate(const std::string& utf8str, const S32 max_len);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_trim(const std::string& utf8str);
+LL_COMMON_API S32 utf8str_compare_insensitive(
+ const std::string& lhs,
+ const std::string& rhs);
+ * @brief Replace all occurences of target_char with replace_char
+ *
+ * @param utf8str A utf8 string to process.
+ * @param target_char The wchar to be replaced
+ * @param replace_char The wchar which is written on replace
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_substChar(
+ const std::string& utf8str,
+ const llwchar target_char,
+ const llwchar replace_char);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_makeASCII(const std::string& utf8str);
+// Hack - used for evil notecards.
+LL_COMMON_API std::string mbcsstring_makeASCII(const std::string& str);
+LL_COMMON_API std::string utf8str_removeCRLF(const std::string& utf8str);
+/* @name Windows string helpers
+ */
+ * @brief Implementation the expected snprintf interface.
+ *
+ * If the size of the passed in buffer is not large enough to hold the string,
+ * two bad things happen:
+ * 1. resulting formatted string is NOT null terminated
+ * 2. Depending on the platform, the return value could be a) the required
+ * size of the buffer to copy the entire formatted string or b) -1.
+ * On Windows with VS.Net 2003, it returns -1 e.g.
+ *
+ * safe_snprintf always adds a NULL terminator so that the caller does not
+ * need to check for return value or need to add the NULL terminator.
+ * It does not, however change the return value - to let the caller know
+ * that the passed in buffer size was not large enough to hold the
+ * formatted string.
+ *
+ */
+// Deal with the differeneces on Windows
+namespace snprintf_hack
+ LL_COMMON_API int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);
+using snprintf_hack::snprintf;
+ * @brief Convert a wide string to std::string
+ *
+ * This replaces the unsafe W2A macro from ATL.
+ */
+LL_COMMON_API std::string ll_convert_wide_to_string(const wchar_t* in);
+#endif // LL_WINDOWS
+ * Many of the 'strip' and 'replace' methods of LLStringUtilBase need
+ * specialization to work with the signed char type.
+ * Sadly, it is not possible (AFAIK) to specialize a single method of
+ * a template class.
+ * That stuff should go here.
+ */
+namespace LLStringFn
+ /**
+ * @brief Replace all non-printable characters with replacement in
+ * string.
+ * NOTE - this will zap non-ascii
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] string the to modify. out value is the string
+ * with zero non-printable characters.
+ * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
+ */
+ LL_COMMON_API void replace_nonprintable_in_ascii(
+ std::basic_string<char>& string,
+ char replacement);
+ /**
+ * @brief Replace all non-printable characters and pipe characters
+ * with replacement in a string.
+ * NOTE - this will zap non-ascii
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] the string to modify. out value is the string
+ * with zero non-printable characters and zero pipe characters.
+ * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
+ */
+ LL_COMMON_API void replace_nonprintable_and_pipe_in_ascii(std::basic_string<char>& str,
+ char replacement);
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove all characters that are not allowed in XML 1.0.
+ * Returns a copy of the string with those characters removed.
+ * Works with US ASCII and UTF-8 encoded strings. JC
+ */
+ LL_COMMON_API std::string strip_invalid_xml(const std::string& input);
+ /**
+ * @brief Replace all control characters (0 <= c < 0x20) with replacement in
+ * string. This is safe for utf-8
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] string the to modify. out value is the string
+ * with zero non-printable characters.
+ * @param The replacement character. use LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR if unsure.
+ */
+ LL_COMMON_API void replace_ascii_controlchars(
+ std::basic_string<char>& string,
+ char replacement);
+// NOTE: LLStringUtil::format, getTokens, and support functions moved to llstring.cpp.
+// There is no LLWStringUtil::format implementation currently.
+// Calling thse for anything other than LLStringUtil will produce link errors.
+// static
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareStrings(const T* lhs, const T* rhs)
+ S32 result;
+ if( lhs == rhs )
+ {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !lhs || !lhs[0] )
+ {
+ result = ((!rhs || !rhs[0]) ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !rhs || !rhs[0])
+ {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = LLStringOps::collate(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ return result;
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareStrings(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs)
+ return LLStringOps::collate(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str());
+// static
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareInsensitive(const T* lhs, const T* rhs )
+ S32 result;
+ if( lhs == rhs )
+ {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !lhs || !lhs[0] )
+ {
+ result = ((!rhs || !rhs[0]) ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !rhs || !rhs[0] )
+ {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::basic_string<T> lhs_string(lhs);
+ std::basic_string<T> rhs_string(rhs);
+ LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(lhs_string);
+ LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(rhs_string);
+ result = LLStringOps::collate(lhs_string.c_str(), rhs_string.c_str());
+ }
+ return result;
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& lhs, const std::basic_string<T>& rhs)
+ std::basic_string<T> lhs_string(lhs);
+ std::basic_string<T> rhs_string(rhs);
+ LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(lhs_string);
+ LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(rhs_string);
+ return LLStringOps::collate(lhs_string.c_str(), rhs_string.c_str());
+// Case sensitive comparison with good handling of numbers. Does not use current locale.
+// a.k.a. strdictcmp()
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDict(const std::basic_string<T>& astr, const std::basic_string<T>& bstr)
+ const T* a = astr.c_str();
+ const T* b = bstr.c_str();
+ T ca, cb;
+ S32 ai, bi, cnt = 0;
+ S32 bias = 0;
+ ca = *(a++);
+ cb = *(b++);
+ while( ca && cb ){
+ if( bias==0 ){
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); bias--; }
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); bias++; }
+ }else{
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); }
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); }
+ }
+ if( LLStringOps::isDigit(ca) ){
+ if( cnt-->0 ){
+ if( cb!=ca ) break;
+ }else{
+ if( !LLStringOps::isDigit(cb) ) break;
+ for(ai=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(a[ai]); ai++);
+ for(bi=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(b[bi]); bi++);
+ if( ai<bi ){ ca=0; break; }
+ if( bi<ai ){ cb=0; break; }
+ if( ca!=cb ) break;
+ cnt = ai;
+ }
+ }else if( ca!=cb ){ break;
+ }
+ ca = *(a++);
+ cb = *(b++);
+ }
+ if( ca==cb ) ca += bias;
+ return ca-cb;
+// static
+template<class T>
+S32 LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDictInsensitive(const std::basic_string<T>& astr, const std::basic_string<T>& bstr)
+ const T* a = astr.c_str();
+ const T* b = bstr.c_str();
+ T ca, cb;
+ S32 ai, bi, cnt = 0;
+ ca = *(a++);
+ cb = *(b++);
+ while( ca && cb ){
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(ca) ){ ca = LLStringOps::toLower(ca); }
+ if( LLStringOps::isUpper(cb) ){ cb = LLStringOps::toLower(cb); }
+ if( LLStringOps::isDigit(ca) ){
+ if( cnt-->0 ){
+ if( cb!=ca ) break;
+ }else{
+ if( !LLStringOps::isDigit(cb) ) break;
+ for(ai=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(a[ai]); ai++);
+ for(bi=0; LLStringOps::isDigit(b[bi]); bi++);
+ if( ai<bi ){ ca=0; break; }
+ if( bi<ai ){ cb=0; break; }
+ if( ca!=cb ) break;
+ cnt = ai;
+ }
+ }else if( ca!=cb ){ break;
+ }
+ ca = *(a++);
+ cb = *(b++);
+ }
+ return ca-cb;
+// Puts compareDict() in a form appropriate for LL container classes to use for sorting.
+// static
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::precedesDict( const std::basic_string<T>& a, const std::basic_string<T>& b )
+ if( a.size() && b.size() )
+ {
+ return (LLStringUtilBase<T>::compareDict(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (!b.empty());
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::toUpper(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ if( !string.empty() )
+ {
+ std::transform(
+ string.begin(),
+ string.end(),
+ string.begin(),
+ (T(*)(T)) &LLStringOps::toUpper);
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::toLower(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ if( !string.empty() )
+ {
+ std::transform(
+ string.begin(),
+ string.end(),
+ string.begin(),
+ (T(*)(T)) &LLStringOps::toLower);
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::trimHead(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ if( !string.empty() )
+ {
+ size_type i = 0;
+ while( i < string.length() && LLStringOps::isSpace( string[i] ) )
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ string.erase(0, i);
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::trimTail(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ if( string.size() )
+ {
+ size_type len = string.length();
+ size_type i = len;
+ while( i > 0 && LLStringOps::isSpace( string[i-1] ) )
+ {
+ i--;
+ }
+ string.erase( i, len - i );
+ }
+// Replace line feeds with carriage return-line feed pairs.
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::addCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ const T LF = 10;
+ const T CR = 13;
+ // Count the number of line feeds
+ size_type count = 0;
+ size_type len = string.size();
+ size_type i;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+ {
+ if( string[i] == LF )
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Insert a carriage return before each line feed
+ if( count )
+ {
+ size_type size = len + count;
+ T *t = new T[size];
+ size_type j = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
+ {
+ if( string[i] == LF )
+ {
+ t[j] = CR;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ t[j] = string[i];
+ ++j;
+ }
+ string.assign(t, size);
+ }
+// Remove all carriage returns
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::removeCRLF(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ const T CR = 13;
+ size_type cr_count = 0;
+ size_type len = string.size();
+ size_type i;
+ for( i = 0; i < len - cr_count; i++ )
+ {
+ if( string[i+cr_count] == CR )
+ {
+ cr_count++;
+ }
+ string[i] = string[i+cr_count];
+ }
+ string.erase(i, cr_count);
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceChar( std::basic_string<T>& string, T target, T replacement )
+ size_type found_pos = 0;
+ while( (found_pos = string.find(target, found_pos)) != std::basic_string<T>::npos )
+ {
+ string[found_pos] = replacement;
+ found_pos++; // avoid infinite defeat if target == replacement
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceString( std::basic_string<T>& string, std::basic_string<T> target, std::basic_string<T> replacement )
+ size_type found_pos = 0;
+ while( (found_pos = string.find(target, found_pos)) != std::basic_string<T>::npos )
+ {
+ string.replace( found_pos, target.length(), replacement );
+ found_pos += replacement.length(); // avoid infinite defeat if replacement contains target
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceNonstandardASCII( std::basic_string<T>& string, T replacement )
+ const char LF = 10;
+ const S8 MIN = 32;
+// const S8 MAX = 127;
+ size_type len = string.size();
+ for( size_type i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+ {
+ // No need to test MAX < mText[i] because we treat mText[i] as a signed char,
+ // which has a max value of 127.
+ if( ( S8(string[i]) < MIN ) && (string[i] != LF) )
+ {
+ string[i] = replacement;
+ }
+ }
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::replaceTabsWithSpaces( std::basic_string<T>& str, size_type spaces_per_tab )
+ const T TAB = '\t';
+ const T SPACE = ' ';
+ std::basic_string<T> out_str;
+ // Replace tabs with spaces
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
+ {
+ if (str[i] == TAB)
+ {
+ for (size_type j = 0; j < spaces_per_tab; j++)
+ out_str += SPACE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out_str += str[i];
+ }
+ }
+ str = out_str;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::containsNonprintable(const std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ const char MIN = 32;
+ BOOL rv = FALSE;
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < string.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(string[i] < MIN)
+ {
+ rv = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::stripNonprintable(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ const char MIN = 32;
+ size_type j = 0;
+ if (string.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t src_size = string.size();
+ char* c_string = new char[src_size + 1];
+ if(c_string == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ copy(c_string, string.c_str(), src_size+1);
+ char* write_head = &c_string[0];
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < src_size; i++)
+ {
+ char* read_head = &string[i];
+ write_head = &c_string[j];
+ if(!(*read_head < MIN))
+ {
+ *write_head = *read_head;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ c_string[j]= '\0';
+ string = c_string;
+ delete []c_string;
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::_makeASCII(std::basic_string<T>& string)
+ // Replace non-ASCII chars with LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
+ {
+ if (string[i] > 0x7f)
+ {
+ string[i] = LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR;
+ }
+ }
+// static
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::copy( T* dst, const T* src, size_type dst_size )
+ if( dst_size > 0 )
+ {
+ size_type min_len = 0;
+ if( src )
+ {
+ min_len = llmin( dst_size - 1, strlen( src ) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ memcpy(dst, src, min_len * sizeof(T)); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+ }
+ dst[min_len] = '\0';
+ }
+// static
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::copyInto(std::basic_string<T>& dst, const std::basic_string<T>& src, size_type offset)
+ if ( offset == dst.length() )
+ {
+ // special case - append to end of string and avoid expensive
+ // (when strings are large) string manipulations
+ dst += src;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::basic_string<T> tail = dst.substr(offset);
+ dst = dst.substr(0, offset);
+ dst += src;
+ dst += tail;
+ };
+// True if this is the head of s.
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::isHead( const std::basic_string<T>& string, const T* s )
+ if( string.empty() )
+ {
+ // Early exit
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (strncmp( s, string.c_str(), string.size() ) == 0);
+ }
+// static
+template<class T>
+bool LLStringUtilBase<T>::startsWith(
+ const std::basic_string<T>& string,
+ const std::basic_string<T>& substr)
+ if(string.empty() || (substr.empty())) return false;
+ if(0 == string.find(substr)) return true;
+ return false;
+// static
+template<class T>
+bool LLStringUtilBase<T>::endsWith(
+ const std::basic_string<T>& string,
+ const std::basic_string<T>& substr)
+ if(string.empty() || (substr.empty())) return false;
+ std::string::size_type idx = string.rfind(substr);
+ if(std::string::npos == idx) return false;
+ return (idx == (string.size() - substr.size()));
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToBOOL(const std::basic_string<T>& string, BOOL& value)
+ if( string.empty() )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
+ trim(temp);
+ if(
+ (temp == "1") ||
+ (temp == "T") ||
+ (temp == "t") ||
+ (temp == "TRUE") ||
+ (temp == "true") ||
+ (temp == "True") )
+ {
+ value = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ if(
+ (temp == "0") ||
+ (temp == "F") ||
+ (temp == "f") ||
+ (temp == "FALSE") ||
+ (temp == "false") ||
+ (temp == "False") )
+ {
+ value = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U8& value)
+ S32 value32 = 0;
+ BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
+ if( success && (U8_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= U8_MAX) )
+ {
+ value = (U8) value32;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS8(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S8& value)
+ S32 value32 = 0;
+ BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
+ if( success && (S8_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= S8_MAX) )
+ {
+ value = (S8) value32;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S16& value)
+ S32 value32 = 0;
+ BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
+ if( success && (S16_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= S16_MAX) )
+ {
+ value = (S16) value32;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU16(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U16& value)
+ S32 value32 = 0;
+ BOOL success = convertToS32(string, value32);
+ if( success && (U16_MIN <= value32) && (value32 <= U16_MAX) )
+ {
+ value = (U16) value32;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToU32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, U32& value)
+ if( string.empty() )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
+ trim(temp);
+ U32 v;
+ std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
+ if(i_stream >> v)
+ {
+ value = v;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToS32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, S32& value)
+ if( string.empty() )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
+ trim(temp);
+ S32 v;
+ std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
+ if(i_stream >> v)
+ {
+ //TODO: figure out overflow and underflow reporting here
+ //if((LONG_MAX == v) || (LONG_MIN == v))
+ //{
+ // // Underflow or overflow
+ // return FALSE;
+ //}
+ value = v;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToF32(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F32& value)
+ F64 value64 = 0.0;
+ BOOL success = convertToF64(string, value64);
+ if( success && (-F32_MAX <= value64) && (value64 <= F32_MAX) )
+ {
+ value = (F32) value64;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+BOOL LLStringUtilBase<T>::convertToF64(const std::basic_string<T>& string, F64& value)
+ if( string.empty() )
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::basic_string<T> temp( string );
+ trim(temp);
+ F64 v;
+ std::basic_istringstream<T> i_stream((std::basic_string<T>)temp);
+ if(i_stream >> v)
+ {
+ //TODO: figure out overflow and underflow reporting here
+ //if( ((-HUGE_VAL == v) || (HUGE_VAL == v))) )
+ //{
+ // // Underflow or overflow
+ // return FALSE;
+ //}
+ value = v;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+template<class T>
+void LLStringUtilBase<T>::truncate(std::basic_string<T>& string, size_type count)
+ size_type cur_size = string.size();
+ string.resize(count < cur_size ? count : cur_size);
+#endif // LL_STRING_H
diff --git a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
index 8bb9e0d9ff..aca4dc56ee 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llfloaterreg.cpp
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ LLFloater* LLFloaterReg::getInstance(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key)
res->mKey = key;
res->applyRectControl(); // Can't apply rect control until setting instance name
+ res->applyDockState();//same...
if (res->mAutoTile && !res->getHost() && index > 0)
const LLRect& cur_rect = res->getRect();
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
index 9a26f0b472..e11e5f446e 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
@@ -1419,6 +1419,7 @@ void LLTextBase::createUrlContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, const std::string &in_url)
registrar.add("Url.OpenExternal", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURLExternal, url));
registrar.add("Url.Execute", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::executeSLURL, url));
registrar.add("Url.Teleport", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::teleportToLocation, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.ShowOnMap", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::showLocationOnMap, url));
registrar.add("Url.CopyLabel", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyLabelToClipboard, url));
registrar.add("Url.CopyUrl", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyURLToClipboard, url));
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
index 20bceb4675..00f1d833a3 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbox.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ LLTextBox::LLTextBox(const LLTextBox::Params& p)
BOOL LLTextBox::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
BOOL handled = LLTextBase::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
@@ -97,6 +100,18 @@ BOOL LLTextBox::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
return handled;
+BOOL LLTextBox::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ BOOL handled = LLTextBase::handleHover(x, y, mask);
+ if (!handled && mClickedCallback)
+ {
+ // Clickable text boxes change the cursor to a hand
+ LLUI::getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_HAND);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return handled;
void LLTextBox::setText(const LLStringExplicit& text)
// does string argument insertion
@@ -105,6 +120,11 @@ void LLTextBox::setText(const LLStringExplicit& text)
+void LLTextBox::setClickedCallback( boost::function<void (void*)> cb, void* userdata /*= NULL */ )
+ mClickedCallback = boost::bind(cb, userdata);
S32 LLTextBox::getTextPixelWidth()
return getContentsRect().getWidth();
@@ -115,6 +135,12 @@ S32 LLTextBox::getTextPixelHeight()
return getContentsRect().getHeight();
+LLSD LLTextBox::getValue() const
+ return LLSD(getText());
BOOL LLTextBox::setTextArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
mText.setArg(key, text);
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbox.h b/indra/llui/lltextbox.h
index da0bcbe972..73f8a7c299 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbox.h
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbox.h
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
-#include "v4color.h"
-#include "llstring.h"
#include "lluistring.h"
#include "lltextbase.h"
@@ -54,28 +52,25 @@ protected:
friend class LLUICtrlFactory;
- virtual ~LLTextBox() {}
+ virtual ~LLTextBox();
- virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
- virtual BOOL handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
- /*virtual*/ void setText( const LLStringExplicit& text );
+ /*virtual*/ void setText( const LLStringExplicit& text );
void setRightAlign() { mHAlign = LLFontGL::RIGHT; }
void setHAlign( LLFontGL::HAlign align ) { mHAlign = align; }
- void setClickedCallback( boost::function<void (void*)> cb, void* userdata = NULL ){ mClickedCallback = boost::bind(cb, userdata); } // mouse down and up within button
- //const LLFontGL* getFont() const { return mDefaultFont; }
- //void setFont(const LLFontGL* font) { mDefaultFont = font; }
+ void setClickedCallback( boost::function<void (void*)> cb, void* userdata = NULL );
void reshapeToFitText();
- //const std::string& getText() const { return mText.getString(); }
S32 getTextPixelWidth();
S32 getTextPixelHeight();
- virtual LLSD getValue() const { return LLSD(getText()); }
- virtual BOOL setTextArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text );
+ /*virtual*/ LLSD getValue() const;
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL setTextArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text );
void onUrlLabelUpdated(const std::string &url, const std::string &label);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llurlaction.cpp b/indra/llui/llurlaction.cpp
index f3401f91f7..679db5e39b 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llurlaction.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llurlaction.cpp
@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ void LLUrlAction::teleportToLocation(std::string url)
+void LLUrlAction::showLocationOnMap(std::string url)
+ LLUrlMatch match;
+ if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
+ {
+ if (! match.getLocation().empty())
+ {
+ executeSLURL("secondlife:///app/worldmap/" + match.getLocation());
+ }
+ }
void LLUrlAction::copyURLToClipboard(std::string url)
diff --git a/indra/llui/llurlaction.h b/indra/llui/llurlaction.h
index 6b9d565b44..4830cf27ef 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llurlaction.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llurlaction.h
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ public:
/// if the Url specifies an SL location, teleport there
static void teleportToLocation(std::string url);
+ /// if the Url specifies an SL location, show it on a map
+ static void showLocationOnMap(std::string url);
/// perform the appropriate action for left-clicking on a Url
static void clickAction(std::string url);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llurlentry.cpp b/indra/llui/llurlentry.cpp
index 52e4229fb4..ddb6c6baff 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llurlentry.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llurlentry.cpp
@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@ std::string LLUrlEntryTeleport::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabe
LLURI uri(url);
LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
S32 path_parts = path_array.size();
+ const std::string label = LLTrans::getString("SLurlLabelTeleport");
if (path_parts == 6)
// handle teleport url with (X,Y,Z) coordinates
@@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ std::string LLUrlEntryTeleport::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabe
std::string x = path_array[path_parts-3];
std::string y = path_array[path_parts-2];
std::string z = path_array[path_parts-1];
- return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
+ return label + " " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
else if (path_parts == 5)
@@ -483,20 +484,20 @@ std::string LLUrlEntryTeleport::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabe
std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-3]);
std::string x = path_array[path_parts-2];
std::string y = path_array[path_parts-1];
- return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + ")";
+ return label + " " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + ")";
else if (path_parts == 4)
// handle teleport url with (X) coordinate only
std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-2]);
std::string x = path_array[path_parts-1];
- return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + ")";
+ return label + " " + location + " (" + x + ")";
else if (path_parts == 3)
// handle teleport url with no coordinates
std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-1]);
- return "Teleport to " + location;
+ return label + " " + location;
return url;
@@ -599,3 +600,52 @@ std::string LLUrlEntrySLLabel::getUrl(const std::string &string)
return getUrlFromWikiLink(string);
+// LLUrlEntryWorldMap Describes secondlife:///<location> URLs
+ mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/worldmap/\\S+/?(\\d+)?/?(\\d+)?/?(\\d+)?/?\\S*",
+ boost::regex::perl|boost::regex::icase);
+ mMenuName = "menu_url_map.xml";
+ mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipMapUrl");
+std::string LLUrlEntryWorldMap::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
+ //
+ // we handle SLURLs in the following formats:
+ // - secondlife:///app/worldmap/PLACE/X/Y/Z
+ // - secondlife:///app/worldmap/PLACE/X/Y
+ // - secondlife:///app/worldmap/PLACE/X
+ //
+ LLURI uri(url);
+ LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
+ S32 path_parts = path_array.size();
+ if (path_parts < 3)
+ {
+ return url;
+ }
+ const std::string label = LLTrans::getString("SLurlLabelShowOnMap");
+ std::string location = path_array[2];
+ std::string x = (path_parts > 3) ? path_array[3] : "128";
+ std::string y = (path_parts > 4) ? path_array[4] : "128";
+ std::string z = (path_parts > 5) ? path_array[5] : "0";
+ return label + " " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
+std::string LLUrlEntryWorldMap::getLocation(const std::string &url) const
+ // return the part of the Url after secondlife:///app/worldmap/ part
+ const std::string search_string = "//app/worldmap/";
+ size_t pos = url.find(search_string);
+ if (pos == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ pos += search_string.size();
+ return url.substr(pos, url.size() - pos);
diff --git a/indra/llui/llurlentry.h b/indra/llui/llurlentry.h
index afb2fdcde9..180ef85673 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llurlentry.h
+++ b/indra/llui/llurlentry.h
@@ -243,4 +243,16 @@ public:
/*virtual*/ std::string getUrl(const std::string &string);
+/// LLUrlEntryWorldMap Describes a Second Life worldmap Url, e.g.,
+/// secondlife:///app/worldmap/Ahern/50/50/50
+class LLUrlEntryWorldMap : public LLUrlEntryBase
+ LLUrlEntryWorldMap();
+ /*virtual*/ std::string getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb);
+ /*virtual*/ std::string getLocation(const std::string &url) const;
diff --git a/indra/llui/llurlregistry.cpp b/indra/llui/llurlregistry.cpp
index 249c7320d6..60275b60bc 100644
--- a/indra/llui/llurlregistry.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/llurlregistry.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ LLUrlRegistry::LLUrlRegistry()
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryGroup());
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryParcel());
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryTeleport());
+ registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryWorldMap());
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryObjectIM());
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntryPlace());
registerUrl(new LLUrlEntrySL());
diff --git a/indra/mac_crash_logger/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/mac_crash_logger/CMakeLists.txt
index daf3e10857..1d6494fecf 100644
--- a/indra/mac_crash_logger/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/mac_crash_logger/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include(LLMessage)
@@ -74,3 +75,7 @@ add_custom_command(
+ mac-crash-logger
+ "../Resources")
diff --git a/indra/mac_updater/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/mac_updater/CMakeLists.txt
index 0eac76fa69..d7bd6f993c 100644
--- a/indra/mac_updater/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/mac_updater/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -77,3 +77,7 @@ add_custom_command(
+ mac-updater
+ "../Resources")
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/example/media_plugin_example.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/example/media_plugin_example.cpp
index e873a0d034..99e0199a29 100644
--- a/indra/media_plugins/example/media_plugin_example.cpp
+++ b/indra/media_plugins/example/media_plugin_example.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class MediaPluginExample :
bool init();
- void update( int milliseconds );
+ void update( F64 milliseconds );
void write_pixel( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
bool mFirstTime;
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void MediaPluginExample::receiveMessage( const char* message_string )
if ( key == ' ')
mLastUpdateTime = 0;
- update( 0 );
+ update( 0.0f );
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ void MediaPluginExample::receiveMessage( const char* message_string )
mLastUpdateTime = 0;
mFirstTime = true;
mStopAction = false;
- update( 0 );
+ update( 0.0f );
if ( message_name == "browse_stop" )
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void MediaPluginExample::receiveMessage( const char* message_string )
mXInc[ n ] = mYInc[ n ] = 0;
mStopAction = true;
- update( 0 );
+ update( 0.0f );
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void MediaPluginExample::write_pixel( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned ch
-void MediaPluginExample::update( int milliseconds )
+void MediaPluginExample::update( F64 milliseconds )
if ( mWidth < 1 || mWidth > 2048 || mHeight < 1 || mHeight > 2048 )
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/quicktime/media_plugin_quicktime.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/quicktime/media_plugin_quicktime.cpp
index fb6d5b2905..de927de1cd 100644
--- a/indra/media_plugins/quicktime/media_plugin_quicktime.cpp
+++ b/indra/media_plugins/quicktime/media_plugin_quicktime.cpp
@@ -1,1098 +1,1098 @@
- * @file media_plugin_quicktime.cpp
- * @brief QuickTime plugin for LLMedia API plugin system
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "llgl.h"
-#include "llplugininstance.h"
-#include "llpluginmessage.h"
-#include "llpluginmessageclasses.h"
-#include "media_plugin_base.h"
-#if defined(LL_DARWIN)
- #include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
-#elif defined(LL_WINDOWS)
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #include "QTML.h"
- #include "Movies.h"
- #include "QDoffscreen.h"
- #include "FixMath.h"
- #include "QTLoadLibraryUtils.h"
-// TODO: Make sure that the only symbol exported from this library is LLPluginInitEntryPoint
-class MediaPluginQuickTime : public MediaPluginBase
- MediaPluginQuickTime(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data);
- ~MediaPluginQuickTime();
- /* virtual */ void receiveMessage(const char *message_string);
- int mNaturalWidth;
- int mNaturalHeight;
- Movie mMovieHandle;
- GWorldPtr mGWorldHandle;
- ComponentInstance mMovieController;
- int mCurVolume;
- bool mMediaSizeChanging;
- bool mIsLooping;
- std::string mMovieTitle;
- bool mReceivedTitle;
- const int mMinWidth;
- const int mMaxWidth;
- const int mMinHeight;
- const int mMaxHeight;
- F64 mPlayRate;
- std::string mNavigateURL;
- enum ECommand {
- };
- ECommand mCommand;
- // Override this to add current time and duration to the message
- /*virtual*/ void setDirty(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
- {
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "updated");
- message.setValueS32("left", left);
- message.setValueS32("top", top);
- message.setValueS32("right", right);
- message.setValueS32("bottom", bottom);
- if(mMovieHandle)
- {
- message.setValueReal("current_time", getCurrentTime());
- message.setValueReal("duration", getDuration());
- message.setValueReal("current_rate", Fix2X(GetMovieRate(mMovieHandle)));
- }
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- static Rect rectFromSize(int width, int height)
- {
- Rect result;
- result.left = 0;
- = 0;
- result.right = width;
- result.bottom = height;
- return result;
- }
- Fixed getPlayRate(void)
- {
- Fixed result;
- if(mPlayRate == 0.0f)
- {
- // Default to the movie's preferred rate
- result = GetMoviePreferredRate(mMovieHandle);
- if(result == 0)
- {
- // Don't return a 0 play rate, ever.
- std::cerr << "Movie's preferred rate is 0, forcing to 1.0." << std::endl;
- result = X2Fix(1.0f);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = X2Fix(mPlayRate);
- }
- return result;
- }
- void load( const std::string url )
- {
- if ( url.empty() )
- return;
- // Stop and unload any existing movie before starting another one.
- unload();
- setStatus(STATUS_LOADING);
- //In case std::string::c_str() makes a copy of the url data,
- //make sure there is memory to hold it before allocating memory for handle.
- //if fails, NewHandleClear(...) should return NULL.
- const char* url_string = url.c_str() ;
- Handle handle = NewHandleClear( ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );
- if ( NULL == handle || noErr != MemError() || NULL == *handle )
- {
- setStatus(STATUS_ERROR);
- return;
- }
- BlockMove( url_string, *handle, ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );
- OSErr err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &mMovieHandle, newMovieActive | newMovieDontInteractWithUser | newMovieAsyncOK | newMovieIdleImportOK, nil, handle, URLDataHandlerSubType );
- DisposeHandle( handle );
- if ( noErr != err )
- {
- setStatus(STATUS_ERROR);
- return;
- };
- mNavigateURL = url;
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_begin");
- message.setValue("uri", mNavigateURL);
- sendMessage(message);
- // do pre-roll actions (typically fired for streaming movies but not always)
- PrePrerollMovie( mMovieHandle, 0, getPlayRate(), moviePrePrerollCompleteCallback, ( void * )this );
- Rect movie_rect = rectFromSize(mWidth, mHeight);
- // make a new movie controller
- mMovieController = NewMovieController( mMovieHandle, &movie_rect, mcNotVisible | mcTopLeftMovie );
- // movie controller
- MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( mMovieController, mcActionFilterCallBack, ( long )this );
- SetMoviePlayHints( mMovieHandle, hintsAllowDynamicResize, hintsAllowDynamicResize );
- // function that gets called when a frame is drawn
- SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc( mMovieHandle, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, movieDrawingCompleteCallback, ( long )this );
- setStatus(STATUS_LOADED);
- sizeChanged();
- };
- bool unload()
- {
- // new movie and have to get title again
- mReceivedTitle = false;
- if ( mMovieHandle )
- {
- StopMovie( mMovieHandle );
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
- };
- };
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( mMovieController, NULL, (long)this );
- DisposeMovieController( mMovieController );
- mMovieController = NULL;
- };
- if ( mMovieHandle )
- {
- SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc( mMovieHandle, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, nil, ( long )this );
- DisposeMovie( mMovieHandle );
- mMovieHandle = NULL;
- };
- if ( mGWorldHandle )
- {
- DisposeGWorld( mGWorldHandle );
- mGWorldHandle = NULL;
- };
- setStatus(STATUS_NONE);
- return true;
- }
- bool navigateTo( const std::string url )
- {
- unload();
- load( url );
- return true;
- };
- bool sizeChanged()
- {
- if ( ! mMovieHandle )
- return false;
- // Check to see whether the movie's natural size has updated
- {
- int width, height;
- getMovieNaturalSize(&width, &height);
- if((width != 0) && (height != 0) && ((width != mNaturalWidth) || (height != mNaturalHeight)))
- {
- mNaturalWidth = width;
- mNaturalHeight = height;
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change_request");
- message.setValue("name", mTextureSegmentName);
- message.setValueS32("width", width);
- message.setValueS32("height", height);
- sendMessage(message);
- //std::cerr << "<--- Sending size change request to application with name: " << mTextureSegmentName << " - size is " << width << " x " << height << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // sanitize destination size
- Rect dest_rect = rectFromSize(mWidth, mHeight);
- // media depth won't change
- int depth_bits = mDepth * 8;
- long rowbytes = mDepth * mTextureWidth;
- GWorldPtr old_gworld_handle = mGWorldHandle;
- if(mPixels != NULL)
- {
- // We have pixels. Set up a GWorld pointing at the texture.
- OSErr result = NewGWorldFromPtr( &mGWorldHandle, depth_bits, &dest_rect, NULL, NULL, 0, (Ptr)mPixels, rowbytes);
- if ( noErr != result )
- {
- // TODO: unrecoverable?? throw exception? return something?
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We don't have pixels. Create a fake GWorld we can point the movie at when it's not safe to render normally.
- Rect tempRect = rectFromSize(1, 1);
- OSErr result = NewGWorld( &mGWorldHandle, depth_bits, &tempRect, NULL, NULL, 0);
- if ( noErr != result )
- {
- // TODO: unrecoverable?? throw exception? return something?
- return false;
- }
- }
- SetMovieGWorld( mMovieHandle, mGWorldHandle, GetGWorldDevice( mGWorldHandle ) );
- // If the GWorld was already set up, delete it.
- if(old_gworld_handle != NULL)
- {
- DisposeGWorld( old_gworld_handle );
- }
- // Set up the movie display matrix
- {
- // scale movie to fit rect and invert vertically to match opengl image format
- MatrixRecord transform;
- SetIdentityMatrix( &transform ); // transforms are additive so start from identify matrix
- double scaleX = (double) mWidth / mNaturalWidth;
- double scaleY = -1.0 * (double) mHeight / mNaturalHeight;
- double centerX = mWidth / 2.0;
- double centerY = mHeight / 2.0;
- ScaleMatrix( &transform, X2Fix( scaleX ), X2Fix( scaleY ), X2Fix( centerX ), X2Fix( centerY ) );
- SetMovieMatrix( mMovieHandle, &transform );
- }
- // update movie controller
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- MCSetControllerPort( mMovieController, mGWorldHandle );
- MCPositionController( mMovieController, &dest_rect, &dest_rect,
- mcTopLeftMovie | mcPositionDontInvalidate );
- MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
- }
- // Emit event with size change so the calling app knows about it too
- // TODO:
- //LLMediaEvent event( this );
- //mEventEmitter.update( &LLMediaObserver::onMediaSizeChange, event );
- return true;
- }
- static Boolean mcActionFilterCallBack( MovieController mc, short action, void *params, long ref )
- {
- Boolean result = false;
- MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
- switch( action )
- {
- // handle window resizing
- case mcActionControllerSizeChanged:
- // Ensure that the movie draws correctly at the new size
- self->sizeChanged();
- break;
- // Block any movie controller actions that open URLs.
- case mcActionLinkToURL:
- case mcActionGetNextURL:
- case mcActionLinkToURLExtended:
- // Prevent the movie controller from handling the message
- result = true;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- };
- return result;
- };
- static OSErr movieDrawingCompleteCallback( Movie call_back_movie, long ref )
- {
- MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
- // IMPORTANT: typically, a consumer who is observing this event will set a flag
- // when this event is fired then render later. Be aware that the media stream
- // can change during this period - dimensions, depth, format etc.
- //LLMediaEvent event( self );
-// self->updateQuickTime();
- // TODO ^^^
- if ( self->mWidth > 0 && self->mHeight > 0 )
- self->setDirty( 0, 0, self->mWidth, self->mHeight );
- return noErr;
- };
- static void moviePrePrerollCompleteCallback( Movie movie, OSErr preroll_err, void *ref )
- {
- MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
- // TODO:
- //LLMediaEvent event( self );
- //self->mEventEmitter.update( &LLMediaObserver::onMediaPreroll, event );
- // Send a "navigate complete" event.
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_complete");
- message.setValue("uri", self->mNavigateURL);
- message.setValueS32("result_code", 200);
- message.setValue("result_string", "OK");
- self->sendMessage(message);
- };
- void rewind()
- {
- GoToBeginningOfMovie( mMovieHandle );
- MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
- };
- bool processState()
- {
- if ( mCommand == COMMAND_PLAY )
- {
- if ( mStatus == STATUS_LOADED || mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING || mStatus == STATUS_DONE )
- {
- long state = GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle );
- if ( state >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
- {
- // if the movie is at the end (generally because it reached it naturally)
- // and we play is requested, jump back to the start of the movie.
- // note: this is different from having loop flag set.
- if ( IsMovieDone( mMovieHandle ) )
- {
- Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
- rewind();
- };
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)getPlayRate() );
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
- setStatus(STATUS_PLAYING);
- mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
- };
- };
- }
- else
- if ( mCommand == COMMAND_STOP )
- {
- if ( mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING || mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_DONE )
- {
- if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
- {
- Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
- rewind();
- setStatus(STATUS_LOADED);
- mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
- };
- };
- }
- else
- if ( mCommand == COMMAND_PAUSE )
- {
- if ( mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING )
- {
- if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
- {
- Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
- setStatus(STATUS_PAUSED);
- mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
- };
- };
- };
- return true;
- };
- void play(F64 rate)
- {
- mPlayRate = rate;
- mCommand = COMMAND_PLAY;
- };
- void stop()
- {
- mCommand = COMMAND_STOP;
- };
- void pause()
- {
- mCommand = COMMAND_PAUSE;
- };
- void getMovieNaturalSize(int *movie_width, int *movie_height)
- {
- Rect rect;
- GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect( mMovieHandle, &rect );
- int width = ( rect.right - rect.left );
- int height = ( rect.bottom - );
- // make sure width and height fall in valid range
- if ( width < mMinWidth )
- width = mMinWidth;
- if ( width > mMaxWidth )
- width = mMaxWidth;
- if ( height < mMinHeight )
- height = mMinHeight;
- if ( height > mMaxHeight )
- height = mMaxHeight;
- // return the new rect
- *movie_width = width;
- *movie_height = height;
- }
- void updateQuickTime(int milliseconds)
- {
- if ( ! mMovieHandle )
- return;
- if ( ! mMovieController )
- return;
- // service QuickTime
- // Calling it this way doesn't have good behavior on Windows...
-// MoviesTask( mMovieHandle, milliseconds );
- // This was the original, but I think using both MoviesTask and MCIdle is redundant. Trying with only MCIdle.
-// MoviesTask( mMovieHandle, 0 );
- MCIdle( mMovieController );
- if ( ! mGWorldHandle )
- return;
- if ( mMediaSizeChanging )
- return;
- // update state machine
- processState();
- // see if title arrived and if so, update member variable with contents
- checkTitle();
- // QT call to see if we are at the end - can't do with controller
- if ( IsMovieDone( mMovieHandle ) )
- {
- // special code for looping - need to rewind at the end of the movie
- if ( mIsLooping )
- {
- // go back to start
- rewind();
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- // kick off new play
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)getPlayRate() );
- // set the volume
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
- };
- }
- else
- {
- if(mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING)
- {
- setStatus(STATUS_DONE);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- int getDataWidth() const
- {
- if ( mGWorldHandle )
- {
- int depth = mDepth;
- if (depth < 1)
- depth = 1;
- // ALWAYS use the row bytes from the PixMap if we have a GWorld because
- // sometimes it's not the same as mMediaDepth * mMediaWidth !
- PixMapHandle pix_map_handle = GetGWorldPixMap( mGWorldHandle );
- return QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes( pix_map_handle ) / depth;
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO : return LLMediaImplCommon::getaDataWidth();
- return 0;
- }
- };
- void seek( F64 time )
- {
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- TimeRecord when;
- when.scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
- when.base = 0;
- // 'time' is in (floating point) seconds. The timebase time will be in 'units', where
- // there are 'scale' units per second.
- SInt64 raw_time = ( SInt64 )( time * (double)( when.scale ) );
- when.value.hi = ( SInt32 )( raw_time >> 32 );
- when.value.lo = ( SInt32 )( ( raw_time & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) );
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionGoToTime, &when );
- };
- };
- F64 getLoadedDuration()
- {
- TimeValue duration;
- if(GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie( mMovieHandle, &duration ) != noErr)
- {
- // If GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie returns an error, return the full duration of the movie.
- duration = GetMovieDuration( mMovieHandle );
- }
- TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
- return (F64)duration / (F64)scale;
- };
- F64 getDuration()
- {
- TimeValue duration = GetMovieDuration( mMovieHandle );
- TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
- return (F64)duration / (F64)scale;
- };
- F64 getCurrentTime()
- {
- TimeValue curr_time = GetMovieTime( mMovieHandle, 0 );
- TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
- return (F64)curr_time / (F64)scale;
- };
- void setVolume( F64 volume )
- {
- mCurVolume = (short)(volume * ( double ) 0x100 );
- if ( mMovieController )
- {
- MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
- };
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void update(int milliseconds = 0)
- {
- updateQuickTime(milliseconds);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void mouseDown( int x, int y )
- {
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void mouseUp( int x, int y )
- {
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void mouseMove( int x, int y )
- {
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void keyPress( unsigned char key )
- {
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Grab movie title into mMovieTitle - should be called repeatedly
- // until it returns true since movie title takes a while to become
- // available.
- const bool getMovieTitle()
- {
- // grab meta data from movie
- QTMetaDataRef media_data_ref;
- OSErr result = QTCopyMovieMetaData( mMovieHandle, &media_data_ref );
- if ( noErr != result )
- return false;
- // look up "Display Name" in meta data
- OSType meta_data_key = kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDisplayName;
- QTMetaDataItem item = kQTMetaDataItemUninitialized;
- result = QTMetaDataGetNextItem( media_data_ref, kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard,
- 0, kQTMetaDataKeyFormatCommon,
- (const UInt8 *)&meta_data_key,
- sizeof( meta_data_key ), &item );
- if ( noErr != result )
- return false;
- // find the size of the title
- ByteCount size;
- result = QTMetaDataGetItemValue( media_data_ref, item, NULL, 0, &size );
- if ( noErr != result || size <= 0 )
- return false;
- // allocate some space and grab it
- UInt8* item_data = new UInt8( size );
- memset( item_data, 0, size * sizeof( UInt8* ) );
- result = QTMetaDataGetItemValue( media_data_ref, item, item_data, size, NULL );
- if ( noErr != result )
- return false;
- // save it
- mMovieTitle = std::string( (char* )item_data );
- // clean up
- delete [] item_data;
- return true;
- };
- // called regularly to see if title changed
- void checkTitle()
- {
- // we did already receive title so keep checking
- if ( ! mReceivedTitle )
- {
- // grab title from movie meta data
- if ( getMovieTitle() )
- {
- // pass back to host application
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "name_text");
- message.setValue("name", mMovieTitle );
- sendMessage( message );
- // stop looking once we find a title for this movie.
- // TODO: this may to be reset if movie title changes
- // during playback but this is okay for now
- mReceivedTitle = true;
- };
- };
- };
- LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func,
- void *host_user_data ) :
- MediaPluginBase(host_send_func, host_user_data),
- mMinWidth( 0 ),
- mMaxWidth( 2048 ),
- mMinHeight( 0 ),
- mMaxHeight( 2048 )
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime constructor" << std::endl;
- mNaturalWidth = -1;
- mNaturalHeight = -1;
- mMovieHandle = 0;
- mGWorldHandle = 0;
- mMovieController = 0;
- mCurVolume = 0x99;
- mMediaSizeChanging = false;
- mIsLooping = false;
- mMovieTitle = std::string();
- mReceivedTitle = false;
- mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
- mPlayRate = 0.0f;
- mStatus = STATUS_NONE;
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime destructor" << std::endl;
- ExitMovies();
-#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
- TerminateQTML();
-// std::cerr << "QuickTime closing down" << std::endl;
-void MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage(const char *message_string)
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: received message: \"" << message_string << "\"" << std::endl;
- LLPluginMessage message_in;
- if(message_in.parse(message_string) >= 0)
- {
- std::string message_class = message_in.getClass();
- std::string message_name = message_in.getName();
- if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_BASE)
- {
- if(message_name == "init")
- {
- LLPluginMessage message("base", "init_response");
- LLSD versions = LLSD::emptyMap();
- // Normally a plugin would only specify one of these two subclasses, but this is a demo...
- message.setValueLLSD("versions", versions);
- #ifdef LL_WINDOWS
- // QuickTime 7.6.4 has an issue (that was not present in 7.6.2) with initializing QuickTime
- // according to this article:
- // The solution presented there appears to work.
- QTLoadLibrary("qtcf.dll");
- // main initialization for QuickTime - only required on Windows
- OSErr result = InitializeQTML( 0L );
- if ( result != noErr )
- {
- //TODO: If no QT on Windows, this fails - respond accordingly.
- }
- else
- {
- //std::cerr << "QuickTime initialized" << std::endl;
- };
- #endif
- // required for both Windows and Mac
- EnterMovies();
- std::string plugin_version = "QuickTime media plugin, QuickTime version ";
- long version = 0;
- Gestalt( gestaltQuickTimeVersion, &version );
- std::ostringstream codec( "" );
- codec << std::hex << version << std::dec;
- plugin_version += codec.str();
- message.setValue("plugin_version", plugin_version);
- sendMessage(message);
- // Plugin gets to decide the texture parameters to use.
- message.setMessage(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "texture_params");
- #if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
- // Values for Windows
- mDepth = 3;
- message.setValueU32("format", GL_RGB);
- message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
- // We really want to pad the texture width to a multiple of 32 bytes, but since we're using 3-byte pixels, it doesn't come out even.
- // Padding to a multiple of 3*32 guarantees it'll divide out properly.
- message.setValueU32("padding", 32 * 3);
- #else
- // Values for Mac
- mDepth = 4;
- message.setValueU32("format", GL_BGRA_EXT);
- #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
- message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV );
- #else
- message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8);
- #endif
- // Pad texture width to a multiple of 32 bytes, to line up with cache lines.
- message.setValueU32("padding", 32);
- #endif
- message.setValueS32("depth", mDepth);
- message.setValueU32("internalformat", GL_RGB);
- message.setValueBoolean("coords_opengl", true); // true == use OpenGL-style coordinates, false == (0,0) is upper left.
- message.setValueBoolean("allow_downsample", true);
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- else if(message_name == "idle")
- {
- // no response is necessary here.
- F64 time = message_in.getValueReal("time");
- // Convert time to milliseconds for update()
- update((int)(time * 1000.0f));
- }
- else if(message_name == "cleanup")
- {
- // TODO: clean up here
- }
- else if(message_name == "shm_added")
- {
- SharedSegmentInfo info;
- info.mAddress = message_in.getValuePointer("address");
- info.mSize = (size_t)message_in.getValueS32("size");
- std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: shared memory added, name: " << name
-// << ", size: " << info.mSize
-// << ", address: " << info.mAddress
-// << std::endl;
- mSharedSegments.insert(SharedSegmentMap::value_type(name, info));
- }
- else if(message_name == "shm_remove")
- {
- std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: shared memory remove, name = " << name << std::endl;
- SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
- if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
- {
- if(mPixels == iter->second.mAddress)
- {
- // This is the currently active pixel buffer. Make sure we stop drawing to it.
- mPixels = NULL;
- mTextureSegmentName.clear();
- // Make sure the movie GWorld is no longer pointed at the shared segment.
- sizeChanged();
- }
- mSharedSegments.erase(iter);
- }
- else
- {
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown shared memory region!" << std::endl;
- }
- // Send the response so it can be cleaned up.
- LLPluginMessage message("base", "shm_remove_response");
- message.setValue("name", name);
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- else
- {
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown base message: " << message_name << std::endl;
- }
- }
- else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA)
- {
- if(message_name == "size_change")
- {
- std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
- S32 width = message_in.getValueS32("width");
- S32 height = message_in.getValueS32("height");
- S32 texture_width = message_in.getValueS32("texture_width");
- S32 texture_height = message_in.getValueS32("texture_height");
- //std::cerr << "---->Got size change instruction from application with name: " << name << " - size is " << width << " x " << height << std::endl;
- LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change_response");
- message.setValue("name", name);
- message.setValueS32("width", width);
- message.setValueS32("height", height);
- message.setValueS32("texture_width", texture_width);
- message.setValueS32("texture_height", texture_height);
- sendMessage(message);
- if(!name.empty())
- {
- // Find the shared memory region with this name
- SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
- if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
- {
-// std::cerr << "%%% Got size change, new size is " << width << " by " << height << std::endl;
-// std::cerr << "%%%% texture size is " << texture_width << " by " << texture_height << std::endl;
- mPixels = (unsigned char*)iter->second.mAddress;
- mTextureSegmentName = name;
- mWidth = width;
- mHeight = height;
- mTextureWidth = texture_width;
- mTextureHeight = texture_height;
- mMediaSizeChanging = false;
- sizeChanged();
- update();
- };
- };
- }
- else if(message_name == "load_uri")
- {
- std::string uri = message_in.getValue("uri");
- load( uri );
- sendStatus();
- }
- else if(message_name == "mouse_event")
- {
- std::string event = message_in.getValue("event");
- S32 x = message_in.getValueS32("x");
- S32 y = message_in.getValueS32("y");
- if(event == "down")
- {
- mouseDown(x, y);
- }
- else if(event == "up")
- {
- mouseUp(x, y);
- }
- else if(event == "move")
- {
- mouseMove(x, y);
- };
- };
- }
- else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME)
- {
- if(message_name == "stop")
- {
- stop();
- }
- else if(message_name == "start")
- {
- F64 rate = 0.0;
- if(message_in.hasValue("rate"))
- {
- rate = message_in.getValueReal("rate");
- }
- play(rate);
- }
- else if(message_name == "pause")
- {
- pause();
- }
- else if(message_name == "seek")
- {
- F64 time = message_in.getValueReal("time");
- seek(time);
- }
- else if(message_name == "set_loop")
- {
- bool loop = message_in.getValueBoolean("loop");
- mIsLooping = loop;
- }
- else if(message_name == "set_volume")
- {
- F64 volume = message_in.getValueReal("volume");
- setVolume(volume);
- }
- }
- else
- {
-// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown message class: " << message_class << std::endl;
- };
- };
-int init_media_plugin(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data, LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction *plugin_send_func, void **plugin_user_data)
- MediaPluginQuickTime *self = new MediaPluginQuickTime(host_send_func, host_user_data);
- *plugin_send_func = MediaPluginQuickTime::staticReceiveMessage;
- *plugin_user_data = (void*)self;
- return 0;
-// Stubbed-out class with constructor/destructor (necessary or windows linker
-// will just think its dead code and optimize it all out)
-class MediaPluginQuickTime : public MediaPluginBase
- MediaPluginQuickTime(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data);
- ~MediaPluginQuickTime();
- /* virtual */ void receiveMessage(const char *message_string);
- LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func,
- void *host_user_data ) :
- MediaPluginBase(host_send_func, host_user_data)
- // no-op
- // no-op
-void MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage(const char *message_string)
- // no-op
-// We're building without quicktime enabled. Just refuse to initialize.
-int init_media_plugin(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data, LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction *plugin_send_func, void **plugin_user_data)
- return -1;
+ * @file media_plugin_quicktime.cpp
+ * @brief QuickTime plugin for LLMedia API plugin system
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llgl.h"
+#include "llplugininstance.h"
+#include "llpluginmessage.h"
+#include "llpluginmessageclasses.h"
+#include "media_plugin_base.h"
+#if defined(LL_DARWIN)
+ #include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
+#elif defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+ #include "MacTypes.h"
+ #include "QTML.h"
+ #include "Movies.h"
+ #include "QDoffscreen.h"
+ #include "FixMath.h"
+ #include "QTLoadLibraryUtils.h"
+// TODO: Make sure that the only symbol exported from this library is LLPluginInitEntryPoint
+class MediaPluginQuickTime : public MediaPluginBase
+ MediaPluginQuickTime(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data);
+ ~MediaPluginQuickTime();
+ /* virtual */ void receiveMessage(const char *message_string);
+ int mNaturalWidth;
+ int mNaturalHeight;
+ Movie mMovieHandle;
+ GWorldPtr mGWorldHandle;
+ ComponentInstance mMovieController;
+ int mCurVolume;
+ bool mMediaSizeChanging;
+ bool mIsLooping;
+ std::string mMovieTitle;
+ bool mReceivedTitle;
+ const int mMinWidth;
+ const int mMaxWidth;
+ const int mMinHeight;
+ const int mMaxHeight;
+ F64 mPlayRate;
+ std::string mNavigateURL;
+ enum ECommand {
+ };
+ ECommand mCommand;
+ // Override this to add current time and duration to the message
+ /*virtual*/ void setDirty(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
+ {
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "updated");
+ message.setValueS32("left", left);
+ message.setValueS32("top", top);
+ message.setValueS32("right", right);
+ message.setValueS32("bottom", bottom);
+ if(mMovieHandle)
+ {
+ message.setValueReal("current_time", getCurrentTime());
+ message.setValueReal("duration", getDuration());
+ message.setValueReal("current_rate", Fix2X(GetMovieRate(mMovieHandle)));
+ }
+ sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ static Rect rectFromSize(int width, int height)
+ {
+ Rect result;
+ result.left = 0;
+ = 0;
+ result.right = width;
+ result.bottom = height;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Fixed getPlayRate(void)
+ {
+ Fixed result;
+ if(mPlayRate == 0.0f)
+ {
+ // Default to the movie's preferred rate
+ result = GetMoviePreferredRate(mMovieHandle);
+ if(result == 0)
+ {
+ // Don't return a 0 play rate, ever.
+ std::cerr << "Movie's preferred rate is 0, forcing to 1.0." << std::endl;
+ result = X2Fix(1.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = X2Fix(mPlayRate);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ void load( const std::string url )
+ {
+ if ( url.empty() )
+ return;
+ // Stop and unload any existing movie before starting another one.
+ unload();
+ setStatus(STATUS_LOADING);
+ //In case std::string::c_str() makes a copy of the url data,
+ //make sure there is memory to hold it before allocating memory for handle.
+ //if fails, NewHandleClear(...) should return NULL.
+ const char* url_string = url.c_str() ;
+ Handle handle = NewHandleClear( ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );
+ if ( NULL == handle || noErr != MemError() || NULL == *handle )
+ {
+ setStatus(STATUS_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ BlockMove( url_string, *handle, ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );
+ OSErr err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &mMovieHandle, newMovieActive | newMovieDontInteractWithUser | newMovieAsyncOK | newMovieIdleImportOK, nil, handle, URLDataHandlerSubType );
+ DisposeHandle( handle );
+ if ( noErr != err )
+ {
+ setStatus(STATUS_ERROR);
+ return;
+ };
+ mNavigateURL = url;
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_begin");
+ message.setValue("uri", mNavigateURL);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ // do pre-roll actions (typically fired for streaming movies but not always)
+ PrePrerollMovie( mMovieHandle, 0, getPlayRate(), moviePrePrerollCompleteCallback, ( void * )this );
+ Rect movie_rect = rectFromSize(mWidth, mHeight);
+ // make a new movie controller
+ mMovieController = NewMovieController( mMovieHandle, &movie_rect, mcNotVisible | mcTopLeftMovie );
+ // movie controller
+ MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( mMovieController, mcActionFilterCallBack, ( long )this );
+ SetMoviePlayHints( mMovieHandle, hintsAllowDynamicResize, hintsAllowDynamicResize );
+ // function that gets called when a frame is drawn
+ SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc( mMovieHandle, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, movieDrawingCompleteCallback, ( long )this );
+ setStatus(STATUS_LOADED);
+ sizeChanged();
+ };
+ bool unload()
+ {
+ // new movie and have to get title again
+ mReceivedTitle = false;
+ if ( mMovieHandle )
+ {
+ StopMovie( mMovieHandle );
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
+ };
+ };
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( mMovieController, NULL, (long)this );
+ DisposeMovieController( mMovieController );
+ mMovieController = NULL;
+ };
+ if ( mMovieHandle )
+ {
+ SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc( mMovieHandle, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, nil, ( long )this );
+ DisposeMovie( mMovieHandle );
+ mMovieHandle = NULL;
+ };
+ if ( mGWorldHandle )
+ {
+ DisposeGWorld( mGWorldHandle );
+ mGWorldHandle = NULL;
+ };
+ setStatus(STATUS_NONE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool navigateTo( const std::string url )
+ {
+ unload();
+ load( url );
+ return true;
+ };
+ bool sizeChanged()
+ {
+ if ( ! mMovieHandle )
+ return false;
+ // Check to see whether the movie's natural size has updated
+ {
+ int width, height;
+ getMovieNaturalSize(&width, &height);
+ if((width != 0) && (height != 0) && ((width != mNaturalWidth) || (height != mNaturalHeight)))
+ {
+ mNaturalWidth = width;
+ mNaturalHeight = height;
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change_request");
+ message.setValue("name", mTextureSegmentName);
+ message.setValueS32("width", width);
+ message.setValueS32("height", height);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ //std::cerr << "<--- Sending size change request to application with name: " << mTextureSegmentName << " - size is " << width << " x " << height << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // sanitize destination size
+ Rect dest_rect = rectFromSize(mWidth, mHeight);
+ // media depth won't change
+ int depth_bits = mDepth * 8;
+ long rowbytes = mDepth * mTextureWidth;
+ GWorldPtr old_gworld_handle = mGWorldHandle;
+ if(mPixels != NULL)
+ {
+ // We have pixels. Set up a GWorld pointing at the texture.
+ OSErr result = NewGWorldFromPtr( &mGWorldHandle, depth_bits, &dest_rect, NULL, NULL, 0, (Ptr)mPixels, rowbytes);
+ if ( noErr != result )
+ {
+ // TODO: unrecoverable?? throw exception? return something?
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We don't have pixels. Create a fake GWorld we can point the movie at when it's not safe to render normally.
+ Rect tempRect = rectFromSize(1, 1);
+ OSErr result = NewGWorld( &mGWorldHandle, depth_bits, &tempRect, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ if ( noErr != result )
+ {
+ // TODO: unrecoverable?? throw exception? return something?
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ SetMovieGWorld( mMovieHandle, mGWorldHandle, GetGWorldDevice( mGWorldHandle ) );
+ // If the GWorld was already set up, delete it.
+ if(old_gworld_handle != NULL)
+ {
+ DisposeGWorld( old_gworld_handle );
+ }
+ // Set up the movie display matrix
+ {
+ // scale movie to fit rect and invert vertically to match opengl image format
+ MatrixRecord transform;
+ SetIdentityMatrix( &transform ); // transforms are additive so start from identify matrix
+ double scaleX = (double) mWidth / mNaturalWidth;
+ double scaleY = -1.0 * (double) mHeight / mNaturalHeight;
+ double centerX = mWidth / 2.0;
+ double centerY = mHeight / 2.0;
+ ScaleMatrix( &transform, X2Fix( scaleX ), X2Fix( scaleY ), X2Fix( centerX ), X2Fix( centerY ) );
+ SetMovieMatrix( mMovieHandle, &transform );
+ }
+ // update movie controller
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ MCSetControllerPort( mMovieController, mGWorldHandle );
+ MCPositionController( mMovieController, &dest_rect, &dest_rect,
+ mcTopLeftMovie | mcPositionDontInvalidate );
+ MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
+ }
+ // Emit event with size change so the calling app knows about it too
+ // TODO:
+ //LLMediaEvent event( this );
+ //mEventEmitter.update( &LLMediaObserver::onMediaSizeChange, event );
+ return true;
+ }
+ static Boolean mcActionFilterCallBack( MovieController mc, short action, void *params, long ref )
+ {
+ Boolean result = false;
+ MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
+ switch( action )
+ {
+ // handle window resizing
+ case mcActionControllerSizeChanged:
+ // Ensure that the movie draws correctly at the new size
+ self->sizeChanged();
+ break;
+ // Block any movie controller actions that open URLs.
+ case mcActionLinkToURL:
+ case mcActionGetNextURL:
+ case mcActionLinkToURLExtended:
+ // Prevent the movie controller from handling the message
+ result = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ };
+ return result;
+ };
+ static OSErr movieDrawingCompleteCallback( Movie call_back_movie, long ref )
+ {
+ MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
+ // IMPORTANT: typically, a consumer who is observing this event will set a flag
+ // when this event is fired then render later. Be aware that the media stream
+ // can change during this period - dimensions, depth, format etc.
+ //LLMediaEvent event( self );
+// self->updateQuickTime();
+ // TODO ^^^
+ if ( self->mWidth > 0 && self->mHeight > 0 )
+ self->setDirty( 0, 0, self->mWidth, self->mHeight );
+ return noErr;
+ };
+ static void moviePrePrerollCompleteCallback( Movie movie, OSErr preroll_err, void *ref )
+ {
+ MediaPluginQuickTime* self = ( MediaPluginQuickTime* )ref;
+ // TODO:
+ //LLMediaEvent event( self );
+ //self->mEventEmitter.update( &LLMediaObserver::onMediaPreroll, event );
+ // Send a "navigate complete" event.
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_complete");
+ message.setValue("uri", self->mNavigateURL);
+ message.setValueS32("result_code", 200);
+ message.setValue("result_string", "OK");
+ self->sendMessage(message);
+ };
+ void rewind()
+ {
+ GoToBeginningOfMovie( mMovieHandle );
+ MCMovieChanged( mMovieController, mMovieHandle );
+ };
+ bool processState()
+ {
+ if ( mCommand == COMMAND_PLAY )
+ {
+ if ( mStatus == STATUS_LOADED || mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING || mStatus == STATUS_DONE )
+ {
+ long state = GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle );
+ if ( state >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
+ {
+ // if the movie is at the end (generally because it reached it naturally)
+ // and we play is requested, jump back to the start of the movie.
+ // note: this is different from having loop flag set.
+ if ( IsMovieDone( mMovieHandle ) )
+ {
+ Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
+ rewind();
+ };
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)getPlayRate() );
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
+ setStatus(STATUS_PLAYING);
+ mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ if ( mCommand == COMMAND_STOP )
+ {
+ if ( mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING || mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_DONE )
+ {
+ if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
+ {
+ Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
+ rewind();
+ setStatus(STATUS_LOADED);
+ mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ if ( mCommand == COMMAND_PAUSE )
+ {
+ if ( mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING )
+ {
+ if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
+ {
+ Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );
+ setStatus(STATUS_PAUSED);
+ mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return true;
+ };
+ void play(F64 rate)
+ {
+ mPlayRate = rate;
+ mCommand = COMMAND_PLAY;
+ };
+ void stop()
+ {
+ mCommand = COMMAND_STOP;
+ };
+ void pause()
+ {
+ mCommand = COMMAND_PAUSE;
+ };
+ void getMovieNaturalSize(int *movie_width, int *movie_height)
+ {
+ Rect rect;
+ GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect( mMovieHandle, &rect );
+ int width = ( rect.right - rect.left );
+ int height = ( rect.bottom - );
+ // make sure width and height fall in valid range
+ if ( width < mMinWidth )
+ width = mMinWidth;
+ if ( width > mMaxWidth )
+ width = mMaxWidth;
+ if ( height < mMinHeight )
+ height = mMinHeight;
+ if ( height > mMaxHeight )
+ height = mMaxHeight;
+ // return the new rect
+ *movie_width = width;
+ *movie_height = height;
+ }
+ void updateQuickTime(int milliseconds)
+ {
+ if ( ! mMovieHandle )
+ return;
+ if ( ! mMovieController )
+ return;
+ // service QuickTime
+ // Calling it this way doesn't have good behavior on Windows...
+// MoviesTask( mMovieHandle, milliseconds );
+ // This was the original, but I think using both MoviesTask and MCIdle is redundant. Trying with only MCIdle.
+// MoviesTask( mMovieHandle, 0 );
+ MCIdle( mMovieController );
+ if ( ! mGWorldHandle )
+ return;
+ if ( mMediaSizeChanging )
+ return;
+ // update state machine
+ processState();
+ // see if title arrived and if so, update member variable with contents
+ checkTitle();
+ // QT call to see if we are at the end - can't do with controller
+ if ( IsMovieDone( mMovieHandle ) )
+ {
+ // special code for looping - need to rewind at the end of the movie
+ if ( mIsLooping )
+ {
+ // go back to start
+ rewind();
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ // kick off new play
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)getPlayRate() );
+ // set the volume
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mStatus == STATUS_PLAYING)
+ {
+ setStatus(STATUS_DONE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ int getDataWidth() const
+ {
+ if ( mGWorldHandle )
+ {
+ int depth = mDepth;
+ if (depth < 1)
+ depth = 1;
+ // ALWAYS use the row bytes from the PixMap if we have a GWorld because
+ // sometimes it's not the same as mMediaDepth * mMediaWidth !
+ PixMapHandle pix_map_handle = GetGWorldPixMap( mGWorldHandle );
+ return QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes( pix_map_handle ) / depth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO : return LLMediaImplCommon::getaDataWidth();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ void seek( F64 time )
+ {
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ TimeRecord when;
+ when.scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
+ when.base = 0;
+ // 'time' is in (floating point) seconds. The timebase time will be in 'units', where
+ // there are 'scale' units per second.
+ SInt64 raw_time = ( SInt64 )( time * (double)( when.scale ) );
+ when.value.hi = ( SInt32 )( raw_time >> 32 );
+ when.value.lo = ( SInt32 )( ( raw_time & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF ) );
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionGoToTime, &when );
+ };
+ };
+ F64 getLoadedDuration()
+ {
+ TimeValue duration;
+ if(GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie( mMovieHandle, &duration ) != noErr)
+ {
+ // If GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie returns an error, return the full duration of the movie.
+ duration = GetMovieDuration( mMovieHandle );
+ }
+ TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
+ return (F64)duration / (F64)scale;
+ };
+ F64 getDuration()
+ {
+ TimeValue duration = GetMovieDuration( mMovieHandle );
+ TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
+ return (F64)duration / (F64)scale;
+ };
+ F64 getCurrentTime()
+ {
+ TimeValue curr_time = GetMovieTime( mMovieHandle, 0 );
+ TimeValue scale = GetMovieTimeScale( mMovieHandle );
+ return (F64)curr_time / (F64)scale;
+ };
+ void setVolume( F64 volume )
+ {
+ mCurVolume = (short)(volume * ( double ) 0x100 );
+ if ( mMovieController )
+ {
+ MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );
+ };
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ void update(int milliseconds = 0)
+ {
+ updateQuickTime(milliseconds);
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ void mouseDown( int x, int y )
+ {
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ void mouseUp( int x, int y )
+ {
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ void mouseMove( int x, int y )
+ {
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ void keyPress( unsigned char key )
+ {
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Grab movie title into mMovieTitle - should be called repeatedly
+ // until it returns true since movie title takes a while to become
+ // available.
+ const bool getMovieTitle()
+ {
+ // grab meta data from movie
+ QTMetaDataRef media_data_ref;
+ OSErr result = QTCopyMovieMetaData( mMovieHandle, &media_data_ref );
+ if ( noErr != result )
+ return false;
+ // look up "Display Name" in meta data
+ OSType meta_data_key = kQTMetaDataCommonKeyDisplayName;
+ QTMetaDataItem item = kQTMetaDataItemUninitialized;
+ result = QTMetaDataGetNextItem( media_data_ref, kQTMetaDataStorageFormatWildcard,
+ 0, kQTMetaDataKeyFormatCommon,
+ (const UInt8 *)&meta_data_key,
+ sizeof( meta_data_key ), &item );
+ if ( noErr != result )
+ return false;
+ // find the size of the title
+ ByteCount size;
+ result = QTMetaDataGetItemValue( media_data_ref, item, NULL, 0, &size );
+ if ( noErr != result || size <= 0 )
+ return false;
+ // allocate some space and grab it
+ UInt8* item_data = new UInt8( size );
+ memset( item_data, 0, size * sizeof( UInt8* ) );
+ result = QTMetaDataGetItemValue( media_data_ref, item, item_data, size, NULL );
+ if ( noErr != result )
+ return false;
+ // save it
+ mMovieTitle = std::string( (char* )item_data );
+ // clean up
+ delete [] item_data;
+ return true;
+ };
+ // called regularly to see if title changed
+ void checkTitle()
+ {
+ // we did already receive title so keep checking
+ if ( ! mReceivedTitle )
+ {
+ // grab title from movie meta data
+ if ( getMovieTitle() )
+ {
+ // pass back to host application
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "name_text");
+ message.setValue("name", mMovieTitle );
+ sendMessage( message );
+ // stop looking once we find a title for this movie.
+ // TODO: this may to be reset if movie title changes
+ // during playback but this is okay for now
+ mReceivedTitle = true;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func,
+ void *host_user_data ) :
+ MediaPluginBase(host_send_func, host_user_data),
+ mMinWidth( 0 ),
+ mMaxWidth( 2048 ),
+ mMinHeight( 0 ),
+ mMaxHeight( 2048 )
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime constructor" << std::endl;
+ mNaturalWidth = -1;
+ mNaturalHeight = -1;
+ mMovieHandle = 0;
+ mGWorldHandle = 0;
+ mMovieController = 0;
+ mCurVolume = 0x99;
+ mMediaSizeChanging = false;
+ mIsLooping = false;
+ mMovieTitle = std::string();
+ mReceivedTitle = false;
+ mCommand = COMMAND_NONE;
+ mPlayRate = 0.0f;
+ mStatus = STATUS_NONE;
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime destructor" << std::endl;
+ ExitMovies();
+#ifdef LL_WINDOWS
+ TerminateQTML();
+// std::cerr << "QuickTime closing down" << std::endl;
+void MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage(const char *message_string)
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: received message: \"" << message_string << "\"" << std::endl;
+ LLPluginMessage message_in;
+ if(message_in.parse(message_string) >= 0)
+ {
+ std::string message_class = message_in.getClass();
+ std::string message_name = message_in.getName();
+ if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_BASE)
+ {
+ if(message_name == "init")
+ {
+ LLPluginMessage message("base", "init_response");
+ LLSD versions = LLSD::emptyMap();
+ // Normally a plugin would only specify one of these two subclasses, but this is a demo...
+ message.setValueLLSD("versions", versions);
+ #ifdef LL_WINDOWS
+ // QuickTime 7.6.4 has an issue (that was not present in 7.6.2) with initializing QuickTime
+ // according to this article:
+ // The solution presented there appears to work.
+ QTLoadLibrary("qtcf.dll");
+ // main initialization for QuickTime - only required on Windows
+ OSErr result = InitializeQTML( 0L );
+ if ( result != noErr )
+ {
+ //TODO: If no QT on Windows, this fails - respond accordingly.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "QuickTime initialized" << std::endl;
+ };
+ #endif
+ // required for both Windows and Mac
+ EnterMovies();
+ std::string plugin_version = "QuickTime media plugin, QuickTime version ";
+ long version = 0;
+ Gestalt( gestaltQuickTimeVersion, &version );
+ std::ostringstream codec( "" );
+ codec << std::hex << version << std::dec;
+ plugin_version += codec.str();
+ message.setValue("plugin_version", plugin_version);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ // Plugin gets to decide the texture parameters to use.
+ message.setMessage(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "texture_params");
+ #if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+ // Values for Windows
+ mDepth = 3;
+ message.setValueU32("format", GL_RGB);
+ message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
+ // We really want to pad the texture width to a multiple of 32 bytes, but since we're using 3-byte pixels, it doesn't come out even.
+ // Padding to a multiple of 3*32 guarantees it'll divide out properly.
+ message.setValueU32("padding", 32 * 3);
+ #else
+ // Values for Mac
+ mDepth = 4;
+ message.setValueU32("format", GL_BGRA_EXT);
+ #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
+ message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV );
+ #else
+ message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8);
+ #endif
+ // Pad texture width to a multiple of 32 bytes, to line up with cache lines.
+ message.setValueU32("padding", 32);
+ #endif
+ message.setValueS32("depth", mDepth);
+ message.setValueU32("internalformat", GL_RGB);
+ message.setValueBoolean("coords_opengl", true); // true == use OpenGL-style coordinates, false == (0,0) is upper left.
+ message.setValueBoolean("allow_downsample", true);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "idle")
+ {
+ // no response is necessary here.
+ F64 time = message_in.getValueReal("time");
+ // Convert time to milliseconds for update()
+ update((int)(time * 1000.0f));
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "cleanup")
+ {
+ // TODO: clean up here
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "shm_added")
+ {
+ SharedSegmentInfo info;
+ info.mAddress = message_in.getValuePointer("address");
+ info.mSize = (size_t)message_in.getValueS32("size");
+ std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: shared memory added, name: " << name
+// << ", size: " << info.mSize
+// << ", address: " << info.mAddress
+// << std::endl;
+ mSharedSegments.insert(SharedSegmentMap::value_type(name, info));
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "shm_remove")
+ {
+ std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: shared memory remove, name = " << name << std::endl;
+ SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
+ if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
+ {
+ if(mPixels == iter->second.mAddress)
+ {
+ // This is the currently active pixel buffer. Make sure we stop drawing to it.
+ mPixels = NULL;
+ mTextureSegmentName.clear();
+ // Make sure the movie GWorld is no longer pointed at the shared segment.
+ sizeChanged();
+ }
+ mSharedSegments.erase(iter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown shared memory region!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Send the response so it can be cleaned up.
+ LLPluginMessage message("base", "shm_remove_response");
+ message.setValue("name", name);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown base message: " << message_name << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA)
+ {
+ if(message_name == "size_change")
+ {
+ std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
+ S32 width = message_in.getValueS32("width");
+ S32 height = message_in.getValueS32("height");
+ S32 texture_width = message_in.getValueS32("texture_width");
+ S32 texture_height = message_in.getValueS32("texture_height");
+ //std::cerr << "---->Got size change instruction from application with name: " << name << " - size is " << width << " x " << height << std::endl;
+ LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change_response");
+ message.setValue("name", name);
+ message.setValueS32("width", width);
+ message.setValueS32("height", height);
+ message.setValueS32("texture_width", texture_width);
+ message.setValueS32("texture_height", texture_height);
+ sendMessage(message);
+ if(!name.empty())
+ {
+ // Find the shared memory region with this name
+ SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
+ if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
+ {
+// std::cerr << "%%% Got size change, new size is " << width << " by " << height << std::endl;
+// std::cerr << "%%%% texture size is " << texture_width << " by " << texture_height << std::endl;
+ mPixels = (unsigned char*)iter->second.mAddress;
+ mTextureSegmentName = name;
+ mWidth = width;
+ mHeight = height;
+ mTextureWidth = texture_width;
+ mTextureHeight = texture_height;
+ mMediaSizeChanging = false;
+ sizeChanged();
+ update();
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "load_uri")
+ {
+ std::string uri = message_in.getValue("uri");
+ load( uri );
+ sendStatus();
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "mouse_event")
+ {
+ std::string event = message_in.getValue("event");
+ S32 x = message_in.getValueS32("x");
+ S32 y = message_in.getValueS32("y");
+ if(event == "down")
+ {
+ mouseDown(x, y);
+ }
+ else if(event == "up")
+ {
+ mouseUp(x, y);
+ }
+ else if(event == "move")
+ {
+ mouseMove(x, y);
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME)
+ {
+ if(message_name == "stop")
+ {
+ stop();
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "start")
+ {
+ F64 rate = 0.0;
+ if(message_in.hasValue("rate"))
+ {
+ rate = message_in.getValueReal("rate");
+ }
+ play(rate);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "pause")
+ {
+ pause();
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "seek")
+ {
+ F64 time = message_in.getValueReal("time");
+ seek(time);
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "set_loop")
+ {
+ bool loop = message_in.getValueBoolean("loop");
+ mIsLooping = loop;
+ }
+ else if(message_name == "set_volume")
+ {
+ F64 volume = message_in.getValueReal("volume");
+ setVolume(volume);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// std::cerr << "MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage: unknown message class: " << message_class << std::endl;
+ };
+ };
+int init_media_plugin(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data, LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction *plugin_send_func, void **plugin_user_data)
+ MediaPluginQuickTime *self = new MediaPluginQuickTime(host_send_func, host_user_data);
+ *plugin_send_func = MediaPluginQuickTime::staticReceiveMessage;
+ *plugin_user_data = (void*)self;
+ return 0;
+// Stubbed-out class with constructor/destructor (necessary or windows linker
+// will just think its dead code and optimize it all out)
+class MediaPluginQuickTime : public MediaPluginBase
+ MediaPluginQuickTime(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data);
+ ~MediaPluginQuickTime();
+ /* virtual */ void receiveMessage(const char *message_string);
+ LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func,
+ void *host_user_data ) :
+ MediaPluginBase(host_send_func, host_user_data)
+ // no-op
+ // no-op
+void MediaPluginQuickTime::receiveMessage(const char *message_string)
+ // no-op
+// We're building without quicktime enabled. Just refuse to initialize.
+int init_media_plugin(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data, LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction *plugin_send_func, void **plugin_user_data)
+ return -1;
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index 0133d2222d..e138b431c5 100644
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -251,7 +251,9 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
+ llinventoryfunctions.cpp
+ llinventorypanel.cpp
@@ -313,7 +315,6 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
- llpanelinventory.cpp
@@ -321,12 +322,14 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
+ llpanelmaininventory.cpp
+ llpanelobjectinventory.cpp
@@ -366,6 +369,8 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
+ llsidepanelinventory.cpp
+ llsidepanelobjectinfo.cpp
@@ -731,7 +736,9 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
+ llinventoryfunctions.h
+ llinventorypanel.h
@@ -791,7 +798,6 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
- llpanelinventory.h
@@ -799,12 +805,14 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
+ llpanelmaininventory.h
+ llpanelobjectinventory.h
@@ -846,6 +854,8 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
+ llsidepanelinventory.h
+ llsidepanelobjectinfo.h
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml
index 669235af1b..ab18febccc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/ignorable_dialogs.xml
@@ -1,291 +1,291 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <key>FirstAppearance</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstAppearance warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstAttach</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstAttach warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstBalanceDecrease</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstBalanceDecrease warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstBalanceIncrease</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstBalanceIncrease warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstBuild</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstBuild warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstDebugMenus</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstDebugMenus warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstFlexible</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstFlexible warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstGoTo</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstGoTo warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstInventory</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstInventory warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstLeftClickNoHit</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstLeftClickNoHit warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstMap</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstMap warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstMedia</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstMedia warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstOverrideKeys</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstOverrideKeys warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstSandbox</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstSandbox warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstSculptedPrim</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstSculptedPrim warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstSit</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstSit warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstStreamingMusic</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstStreamingMusic warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstStreamingVideo</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstStreamingVideo warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstTeleport</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstTeleport warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>FirstVoice</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables FirstVoice warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>AboutDirectX9</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables AboutDirectX9 warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>BrowserLaunch</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables BrowserLaunch warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>DeedObject</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables DeedObject warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>NewClassified</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables NewClassified warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>QuickTimeInstalled</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables QuickTimeInstalled warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- <key>ReturnToOwner</key>
- <map>
- <key>Comment</key>
- <string>Enables ReturnToOwner warning dialog</string>
- <key>Persist</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>Type</key>
- <string>Boolean</string>
- <key>Value</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </map>
- </map>
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ <key>FirstAppearance</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstAppearance warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstAttach</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstAttach warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstBalanceDecrease</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstBalanceDecrease warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstBalanceIncrease</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstBalanceIncrease warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstBuild</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstBuild warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstDebugMenus</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstDebugMenus warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstFlexible</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstFlexible warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstGoTo</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstGoTo warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstInventory</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstInventory warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstLeftClickNoHit</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstLeftClickNoHit warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstMap</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstMap warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstMedia</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstMedia warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstOverrideKeys</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstOverrideKeys warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstSandbox</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstSandbox warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstSculptedPrim</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstSculptedPrim warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstSit</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstSit warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstStreamingMusic</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstStreamingMusic warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstStreamingVideo</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstStreamingVideo warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstTeleport</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstTeleport warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>FirstVoice</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables FirstVoice warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>AboutDirectX9</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables AboutDirectX9 warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>BrowserLaunch</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables BrowserLaunch warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>DeedObject</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables DeedObject warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>NewClassified</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables NewClassified warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>QuickTimeInstalled</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables QuickTimeInstalled warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>ReturnToOwner</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Enables ReturnToOwner warning dialog</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </map>
+ </map>
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini b/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini
index 544f1c598e..5f6fd6e4a7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/keywords.ini
@@ -560,7 +560,8 @@ STATUS_WHITELIST_FAILED URL failed to pass whitelist
NULL_KEY Indicates an empty key
EOF Indicates the last line of a notecard was read
TEXTURE_BLANK UUID for the "Blank" texture
-TEXTURE_DEFAULT UUID for the "Default Media" texture
+TEXTURE_MEDIA UUID for the "Default Media" texture
TEXTURE_PLYWOOD UUID for the default "Plywood" texture
TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT UUID for the "White - Transparent" texture
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
index c4722b772e..7254fff664 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
@@ -5294,7 +5294,6 @@
@@ -5361,6 +5360,17 @@
+ <key>PrimMediaControlsUseHoverControlSet</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Whether or not hovering over prim media uses minimal "hover" controls or the authored control set.</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </map>
@@ -5548,6 +5558,17 @@
+ <key>RegInClient</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Experimental: Embed registration in login screen</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Boolean</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </map>
diff --git a/indra/newview/installers/windows/FILES_ARE_UNICODE_UTF-16LE.txt b/indra/newview/installers/windows/FILES_ARE_UNICODE_UTF-16LE.txt
index 185c0180fb..30f9349111 100644
--- a/indra/newview/installers/windows/FILES_ARE_UNICODE_UTF-16LE.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/installers/windows/FILES_ARE_UNICODE_UTF-16LE.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-The language files in this directory are Unicode (Little-Endian) format, also known as UTF-16 LE.
-This is the format required for NSIS Unicode. See for details.
-James Cook
-September 2008
+The language files in this directory are Unicode (Little-Endian) format, also known as UTF-16 LE.
+This is the format required for NSIS Unicode. See for details.
+James Cook
+September 2008
diff --git a/indra/newview/llagentwearables.cpp b/indra/newview/llagentwearables.cpp
index 380469f5b3..4b3d27767c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llagentwearables.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llagentwearables.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llinventorybridge.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llnotify.h"
#include "llviewerregion.h"
#include "llvoavatarself.h"
@@ -2014,7 +2015,8 @@ void LLInitialWearablesFetch::done()
LLFindWearables is_wearable;
gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(mCompleteFolders.front(), cat_array, wearable_array,
LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_wearable);
+ LLAppearanceManager::setAttachmentInvLinkEnable(true);
if (wearable_array.count() > 0)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp
index 4e022aeb29..8d0f11e021 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp
@@ -296,15 +296,28 @@ struct LLWearableHoldingPattern
bool append;
+/* static */ void removeDuplicateItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items)
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t new_items;
+ std::set<LLUUID> items_seen;
+ for (S32 i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.get(i);
+ LLUUID item_id = item->getLinkedUUID();
+ if (items_seen.find(item_id)!=items_seen.end())
+ continue;
+ items_seen.insert(item_id);
+ new_items.push_back(item);
+ }
+ items = new_items;
void removeDuplicateItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& dst, const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& src)
LLInventoryModel::item_array_t new_dst;
std::set<LLUUID> mark_inventory;
- std::set<LLUUID> mark_asset;
S32 inventory_dups = 0;
- S32 asset_dups = 0;
for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator src_pos = src.begin();
src_pos != src.end();
@@ -312,8 +325,6 @@ void removeDuplicateItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& dst, const LLInventory
LLUUID src_item_id = (*src_pos)->getLinkedUUID();
- LLUUID src_asset_id = (*src_pos)->getAssetUUID();
- mark_asset.insert(src_asset_id);
for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator dst_pos = dst.begin();
@@ -324,32 +335,21 @@ void removeDuplicateItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& dst, const LLInventory
if (mark_inventory.find(dst_item_id) == mark_inventory.end())
- }
- else
- {
- inventory_dups++;
- }
- LLUUID dst_asset_id = (*dst_pos)->getAssetUUID();
- if (mark_asset.find(dst_asset_id) == mark_asset.end())
- {
// Item is not already present in COF.
- mark_asset.insert(dst_item_id);
+ mark_inventory.insert(dst_item_id);
- asset_dups++;
+ inventory_dups++;
llinfos << "removeDups, original " << dst.count() << " final " << new_dst.count()
- << " inventory dups " << inventory_dups << " asset_dups " << asset_dups << llendl;
+ << " inventory dups " << inventory_dups << llendl;
dst = new_dst;
/* static */
LLUUID LLAppearanceManager::getCOF()
@@ -363,6 +363,9 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::changeOutfit(bool proceed, const LLUUID& category, boo
if (!proceed)
+#if 1
+ updateCOF(category,append);
if (append)
updateCOFFromCategory(category, append); // append is true - add non-duplicates to COF.
@@ -380,6 +383,7 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::changeOutfit(bool proceed, const LLUUID& category, boo
// Append to current COF contents by recursively traversing a folder.
@@ -520,6 +524,130 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::shallowCopyCategory(const LLUUID& src_id, const LLUUID
+/* static */ void LLAppearanceManager::purgeCategory(const LLUUID& category, bool keep_outfit_links)
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items;
+ gInventory.collectDescendents(category, cats, items,
+ LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.get(i);
+ if (keep_outfit_links && (item->getActualType() == LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER))
+ continue;
+ gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID());
+ }
+// Keep the last N wearables of each type. For viewer 2.0, N is 1 for
+// both body parts and clothing items.
+/* static */ void LLAppearanceManager::filterWearableItems(
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, S32 max_per_type)
+ // Divvy items into arrays by wearable type.
+ std::vector<LLInventoryModel::item_array_t> items_by_type(WT_COUNT);
+ for (S32 i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.get(i);
+ // Ignore non-wearables.
+ if (!item->isWearableType())
+ continue;
+ EWearableType type = item->getWearableType();
+ items_by_type[type].push_back(item);
+ }
+ // rebuild items list, retaining the last max_per_type of each array
+ items.clear();
+ for (S32 i=0; i<WT_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ S32 size = items_by_type[i].size();
+ if (size <= 0)
+ continue;
+ S32 start_index = llmax(0,size-max_per_type);
+ for (S32 j = start_index; j<size; j++)
+ {
+ items.push_back(items_by_type[i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+// Create links to all listed items.
+/* static */ void LLAppearanceManager::linkAll(const LLUUID& category,
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
+ LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb)
+ for (S32 i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
+ {
+ const LLInventoryItem* item = items.get(i).get();
+ link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(),
+ item->getLinkedUUID(),
+ category,
+ item->getName(),
+ LLAssetType::AT_LINK,
+ cb);
+ }
+/* static */ void LLAppearanceManager::updateCOF(const LLUUID& category, bool append)
+ const LLUUID cof = getCOF();
+ // Collect and filter descendents to determine new COF contents.
+ // - Body parts: always include COF contents as a fallback in case any
+ // required parts are missing.
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t body_items;
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, body_items, LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART, false);
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, body_items, LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART, false);
+ // Reduce body items to max of one per type.
+ removeDuplicateItems(body_items);
+ filterWearableItems(body_items, 1);
+ // - Wearables: include COF contents only if appending.
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wear_items;
+ if (append)
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, wear_items, LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, false);
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, wear_items, LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, false);
+ // Reduce wearables to max of one per type.
+ removeDuplicateItems(wear_items);
+ filterWearableItems(wear_items, 1);
+ // - Attachments: include COF contents only if appending.
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t obj_items;
+ if (append)
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, obj_items, LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, false);
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, obj_items, LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, false);
+ removeDuplicateItems(obj_items);
+ // - Gestures: include COF contents only if appending.
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t gest_items;
+ if (append)
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, gest_items, LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, false);
+ getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, gest_items, LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, false);
+ removeDuplicateItems(gest_items);
+ // Remove current COF contents.
+ bool keep_outfit_links = append;
+ purgeCategory(cof, keep_outfit_links);
+ gInventory.notifyObservers();
+ // Create links to new COF contents.
+ LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> link_waiter = new LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy;
+ linkAll(cof, body_items, link_waiter);
+ linkAll(cof, wear_items, link_waiter);
+ linkAll(cof, obj_items, link_waiter);
+ linkAll(cof, gest_items, link_waiter);
+ // Add link to outfit if category is an outfit.
+ LLViewerInventoryCategory* catp = gInventory.getCategory(category);
+ if (!append && catp && catp->getPreferredType() == LLAssetType::AT_OUTFIT)
+ {
+ link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), category, cof, catp->getName(),
+ LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER, link_waiter);
+ }
/* static */
bool LLAppearanceManager::isMandatoryWearableType(EWearableType type)
@@ -792,6 +920,22 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::getCOFValidDescendents(const LLUUID& category,
+/* static */
+void LLAppearanceManager::getDescendentsOfAssetType(const LLUUID& category,
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
+ LLAssetType::EType type,
+ bool follow_folder_links)
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLIsType is_of_type(type);
+ gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category,
+ cats,
+ items,
+ LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH,
+ is_of_type,
+ follow_folder_links);
/* static */
void LLAppearanceManager::getUserDescendents(const LLUUID& category,
LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& wear_items,
@@ -998,14 +1142,16 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::removeItemLinks(const LLUUID& item_id, bool do_update)
/* static */
-void LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, std::string str)
+void LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, const std::string& msg)
LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items;
gInventory.collectDescendents(cat_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH);
-#if 0
llinfos << llendl;
llinfos << str << llendl;
S32 hitcount = 0;
@@ -1017,6 +1163,89 @@ void LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, std::string str)
llinfos << i <<" "<< item->getName() <<llendl;
- llinfos << str << " count " << items.count() << llendl;
+ llinfos << msg << " count " << items.count() << llendl;
+/* static */
+void LLAppearanceManager::dumpItemArray(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
+ const std::string& msg)
+ llinfos << msg << llendl;
+ for (S32 i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.get(i);
+ llinfos << i <<" " << item->getName() << llendl;
+ }
+ llinfos << llendl;
+std::set<LLUUID> LLAppearanceManager::sRegisteredAttachments;
+bool LLAppearanceManager::sAttachmentInvLinkEnabled(false);
+/* static */
+void LLAppearanceManager::setAttachmentInvLinkEnable(bool val)
+ llinfos << "setAttachmentInvLinkEnable => " << (int) val << llendl;
+ sAttachmentInvLinkEnabled = val;
+void dumpAttachmentSet(const std::set<LLUUID>& atts, const std::string& msg)
+ llinfos << msg << llendl;
+ for (std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator it = atts.begin();
+ it != atts.end();
+ ++it)
+ {
+ LLUUID item_id = *it;
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
+ if (item)
+ llinfos << "atts " << item->getName() << llendl;
+ else
+ llinfos << "atts " << "UNKNOWN[" << item_id.asString() << "]" << llendl;
+ }
+ llinfos << llendl;
+/* static */
+void LLAppearanceManager::registerAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id)
+ sRegisteredAttachments.insert(item_id);
+ dumpAttachmentSet(sRegisteredAttachments,"after register:");
+ if (sAttachmentInvLinkEnabled)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
+ if (item)
+ {
+ LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(LLAppearanceManager::getCOF(),"Adding attachment link:");
+ LLAppearanceManager::wearItem(item,false); // Add COF link for item.
+ gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
+ gInventory.notifyObservers();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llinfos << "no link changes, inv link not enabled" << llendl;
+ }
+/* static */
+void LLAppearanceManager::unregisterAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id)
+ sRegisteredAttachments.erase(item_id);
+ dumpAttachmentSet(sRegisteredAttachments,"after unregister:");
+ if (sAttachmentInvLinkEnabled)
+ {
+ LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(LLAppearanceManager::getCOF(),"Removing attachment link:");
+ LLAppearanceManager::removeItemLinks(item_id, false);
+ // BAP - needs to change for label to track link.
+ gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
+ gInventory.notifyObservers();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llinfos << "no link changes, inv link not enabled" << llendl;
+ }
diff --git a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.h b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.h
index 828af32101..56f54dfc23 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.h
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public:
static void updateAppearanceFromCOF();
static bool needToSaveCOF();
static void changeOutfit(bool proceed, const LLUUID& category, bool append);
+ static void updateCOF(const LLUUID& category, bool append = false);
static void updateCOFFromCategory(const LLUUID& category, bool append);
static void rebuildCOFFromOutfit(const LLUUID& category);
static void wearInventoryCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, bool copy, bool append);
@@ -65,9 +66,23 @@ public:
static void removeItemLinks(const LLUUID& item_id, bool do_update = true);
// For debugging - could be moved elsewhere.
- static void dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, std::string str);
+ static void dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, const std::string& msg);
+ static void dumpItemArray(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, const std::string& msg);
+ static void unregisterAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id);
+ static void registerAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id);
+ static void setAttachmentInvLinkEnable(bool val);
+ static void filterWearableItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, S32 max_per_type);
+ static void linkAll(const LLUUID& category,
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
+ LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb);
+ static void getDescendentsOfAssetType(const LLUUID& category,
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
+ LLAssetType::EType type,
+ bool follow_folder_links);
static void getCOFValidDescendents(const LLUUID& category,
LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items);
@@ -81,6 +96,11 @@ private:
static bool isMandatoryWearableType(EWearableType type);
static void checkMandatoryWearableTypes(const LLUUID& category, std::set<EWearableType>& types_found);
static void purgeCOFBeforeRebuild(const LLUUID& category);
+ static void purgeCategory(const LLUUID& category, bool keep_outfit_links);
+ static std::set<LLUUID> sRegisteredAttachments;
+ static bool sAttachmentInvLinkEnabled;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
index 06c9171d67..873215169e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
@@ -238,8 +238,6 @@ U32 gFrameCount = 0;
U32 gForegroundFrameCount = 0; // number of frames that app window was in foreground
LLPumpIO* gServicePump = NULL;
-BOOL gPacificDaylightTime = FALSE;
U64 gFrameTime = 0;
F32 gFrameTimeSeconds = 0.f;
F32 gFrameIntervalSeconds = 0.f;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewer.h b/indra/newview/llappviewer.h
index d970aa6ae1..73256a8fe6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llappviewer.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llappviewer.h
@@ -301,10 +301,6 @@ extern U32 gForegroundFrameCount;
extern LLPumpIO* gServicePump;
-// Is the Pacific time zone (aka server time zone)
-// currently in daylight savings time?
-extern BOOL gPacificDaylightTime;
extern U64 gFrameTime; // The timestamp of the most-recently-processed frame
extern F32 gFrameTimeSeconds; // Loses msec precision after ~4.5 hours...
extern F32 gFrameIntervalSeconds; // Elapsed time between current and previous gFrameTimeSeconds
diff --git a/indra/newview/llassetuploadresponders.cpp b/indra/newview/llassetuploadresponders.cpp
index cd3963050f..5dbf57c9be 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llassetuploadresponders.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llassetuploadresponders.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "llfilepicker.h"
#include "llnotify.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llpermissionsflags.h"
#include "llpreviewnotecard.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
index 65a2b8b5e6..7b2dc02864 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.cpp
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ static const LLFlatListView::ItemReverseComparator REVERSE_NAME_COMPARATOR(NAME_
: ignore_online_status("ignore_online_status", false)
, show_last_interaction_time("show_last_interaction_time", false)
+, show_info_btn("show_info_btn", true)
+, show_profile_btn("show_profile_btn", true)
@@ -89,6 +91,9 @@ LLAvatarList::LLAvatarList(const Params& p)
, mContextMenu(NULL)
, mDirty(true) // to force initial update
, mLITUpdateTimer(NULL)
+, mShowIcons(true)
+, mShowInfoBtn(p.show_info_btn)
+, mShowProfileBtn(p.show_profile_btn)
@@ -253,6 +258,8 @@ void LLAvatarList::addNewItem(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& name, BOOL is
item->childSetVisible("info_btn", false);
+ item->setShowInfoBtn(mShowInfoBtn);
+ item->setShowProfileBtn(mShowProfileBtn);
addItem(item, id, pos);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.h b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.h
index 8f2f0249a6..51d3760d39 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlist.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlist.h
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ public:
Optional<bool> ignore_online_status; // show all items as online
Optional<bool> show_last_interaction_time; // show most recent interaction time. *HACK: move this to a derived class
+ Optional<bool> show_info_btn;
+ Optional<bool> show_profile_btn;
@@ -96,6 +98,8 @@ private:
bool mShowLastInteractionTime;
bool mDirty;
bool mShowIcons;
+ bool mShowInfoBtn;
+ bool mShowProfileBtn;
LLTimer* mLITUpdateTimer; // last interaction time update timer
std::string mIconParamName;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
index 8464430501..a7ac14c948 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.cpp
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
#include "llavatariconctrl.h"
#include "llbutton.h"
-S32 LLAvatarListItem::sIconWidth = 0;
: LLPanel(),
@@ -53,15 +51,17 @@ LLAvatarListItem::LLAvatarListItem()
- mOnlineStatus(E_UNKNOWN)
+ mOnlineStatus(E_UNKNOWN),
+ mShowInfoBtn(true),
+ mShowProfileBtn(true)
LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_avatar_list_item.xml");
// Remember avatar icon width including its padding from the name text box,
// so that we can hide and show the icon again later.
- if (!sIconWidth)
- {
- sIconWidth = mAvatarName->getRect().mLeft - mAvatarIcon->getRect().mLeft;
- }
+ mIconWidth = mAvatarName->getRect().mLeft - mAvatarIcon->getRect().mLeft;
+ mInfoBtnWidth = mInfoBtn->getRect().mRight - mSpeakingIndicator->getRect().mRight;
+ mProfileBtnWidth = mProfileBtn->getRect().mRight - mInfoBtn->getRect().mRight;
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ BOOL LLAvatarListItem::postBuild()
void LLAvatarListItem::onMouseEnter(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
childSetVisible("hovered_icon", true);
- mInfoBtn->setVisible(true);
- mProfileBtn->setVisible(true);
+ mInfoBtn->setVisible(mShowInfoBtn);
+ mProfileBtn->setVisible(mShowProfileBtn);
LLPanel::onMouseEnter(x, y, mask);
@@ -202,6 +202,34 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setLastInteractionTime(const std::string& val)
+void LLAvatarListItem::setShowInfoBtn(bool show)
+ // Already done? Then do nothing.
+ if(mShowInfoBtn == show)
+ return;
+ mShowInfoBtn = show;
+ S32 width_delta = show ? - mInfoBtnWidth : mInfoBtnWidth;
+ //Translating speaking indicator
+ mSpeakingIndicator->translate(width_delta, 0);
+ //Reshaping avatar name
+ mAvatarName->reshape(mAvatarName->getRect().getWidth() + width_delta, mAvatarName->getRect().getHeight());
+void LLAvatarListItem::setShowProfileBtn(bool show)
+ // Already done? Then do nothing.
+ if(mShowProfileBtn == show)
+ return;
+ mShowProfileBtn = show;
+ S32 width_delta = show ? - mProfileBtnWidth : mProfileBtnWidth;
+ //Translating speaking indicator
+ mSpeakingIndicator->translate(width_delta, 0);
+ //Reshaping avatar name
+ mAvatarName->reshape(mAvatarName->getRect().getWidth() + width_delta, mAvatarName->getRect().getHeight());
void LLAvatarListItem::setAvatarIconVisible(bool visible)
// Already done? Then do nothing.
@@ -213,7 +241,7 @@ void LLAvatarListItem::setAvatarIconVisible(bool visible)
// Move the avatar name horizontally by icon size + its distance from the avatar name.
LLRect name_rect = mAvatarName->getRect();
- name_rect.mLeft += visible ? sIconWidth : -sIconWidth;
+ name_rect.mLeft += visible ? mIconWidth : -mIconWidth;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
index 10c0b17005..cd7a85c3dc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llavatarlistitem.h
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ public:
void setName(const std::string& name);
void setAvatarId(const LLUUID& id, bool ignore_status_changes = false);
void setLastInteractionTime(const std::string& val);
+ //Show/hide profile/info btn, translating speaker indicator and avatar name coordinates accordingly
+ void setShowProfileBtn(bool hide);
+ void setShowInfoBtn(bool hide);
void setAvatarIconVisible(bool visible);
const LLUUID& getAvatarId() const;
@@ -99,7 +102,13 @@ private:
LLUUID mAvatarId;
EOnlineStatus mOnlineStatus;
- static S32 sIconWidth; // icon width + padding
+ //Flag indicating that info/profile button shouldn't be shown at all.
+ //Speaker indicator and avatar name coords are translated accordingly
+ bool mShowInfoBtn;
+ bool mShowProfileBtn;
+ S32 mIconWidth; // icon width + padding
+ S32 mInfoBtnWidth; //info btn width + padding
+ S32 mProfileBtnWidth; //profile btn width + padding
diff --git a/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp b/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
index 7a81d0c4a1..e8812d87ee 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llvoavatar.h"
#include "llimview.h"
-#include "llimpanel.h"
/// Local function declarations, constants, enums, and typedefs
@@ -719,18 +718,8 @@ void LLAvatarTracker::processNotify(LLMessageSystem* msg, bool online)
// If there's an open IM session with this agent, send a notification there too.
LLUUID session_id = LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, agent_id);
- LLFloaterIMPanel *floater = gIMMgr->findFloaterBySession(session_id);
- if (floater)
- {
- std::string notifyMsg = notification->getMessage();
- if (!notifyMsg.empty())
- {
- floater->addHistoryLine(notifyMsg,LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
- }
- }
- //*TODO instead of adding IM message about online/offline status
- //do something like graying avatar icon on messages from a user that went offline, and make it colored when online.
+ std::string notify_msg = notification->getMessage();
+ LLIMModel::instance().proccessOnlineOfflineNotification(session_id, notify_msg);
mModifyMask |= LLFriendObserver::ONLINE;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llcurrencyuimanager.cpp b/indra/newview/llcurrencyuimanager.cpp
index 979a1a9a60..c4bfd71999 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llcurrencyuimanager.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llcurrencyuimanager.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
#include "lltextbox.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
+#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llversionviewer.h"
#include "llcurrencyuimanager.h"
@@ -156,6 +158,11 @@ void LLCurrencyUIManager::Impl::updateCurrencyInfo()
keywordArgs.appendInt("currencyBuy", mUserCurrencyBuy);
+ keywordArgs.appendString("viewerChannel", gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName"));
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerMajorVersion", LL_VERSION_MAJOR);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerMinorVersion", LL_VERSION_MINOR);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerPatchVersion", LL_VERSION_PATCH);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerBuildVersion", LL_VERSION_BUILD);
LLXMLRPCValue params = LLXMLRPCValue::createArray();
@@ -209,7 +216,12 @@ void LLCurrencyUIManager::Impl::startCurrencyBuy(const std::string& password)
keywordArgs.appendString("password", password);
+ keywordArgs.appendString("viewerChannel", gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName"));
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerMajorVersion", LL_VERSION_MAJOR);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerMinorVersion", LL_VERSION_MINOR);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerPatchVersion", LL_VERSION_PATCH);
+ keywordArgs.appendInt("viewerBuildVersion", LL_VERSION_BUILD);
LLXMLRPCValue params = LLXMLRPCValue::createArray();
diff --git a/indra/newview/lleventinfo.cpp b/indra/newview/lleventinfo.cpp
index 9be45d18fb..aabd7ed997 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lleventinfo.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lleventinfo.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
#include "lleventinfo.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h" // for gPacificDaylightTime
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "message.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp
index 63ea990d14..b01293d17c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp
@@ -1,341 +1,343 @@
- * @file llfloaterabout.cpp
- * @author James Cook
- * @brief The about box from Help->About
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-#include "llfloaterabout.h"
-// Viewer includes
-#include "llagent.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h"
-#include "llsecondlifeurls.h"
-#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
-#include "llviewertexteditor.h"
-#include "llviewercontrol.h"
-#include "llviewerstats.h"
-#include "llviewerregion.h"
-#include "llversionviewer.h"
-#include "llviewerbuild.h"
-#include "llweb.h"
-// Linden library includes
-#include "llaudioengine.h"
-#include "llbutton.h"
-#include "llcurl.h"
-#include "llglheaders.h"
-#include "llfloater.h"
-#include "llfloaterreg.h"
-#include "llimagej2c.h"
-#include "llsys.h"
-#include "lltrans.h"
-#include "lluri.h"
-#include "v3dmath.h"
-#include "llwindow.h"
-#include "stringize.h"
-#include "llsdutil_math.h"
-#include "lleventdispatcher.h"
-#include "lldxhardware.h"
-extern LLMemoryInfo gSysMemory;
-extern U32 gPacketsIn;
-static std::string get_viewer_release_notes_url();
-/// Class LLFloaterAbout
-class LLFloaterAbout
- : public LLFloater
- friend class LLFloaterReg;
- LLFloaterAbout(const LLSD& key);
- virtual ~LLFloaterAbout();
- /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
- /// Obtain the data used to fill out the contents string. This is
- /// separated so that we can programmatically access the same info.
- static LLSD getInfo();
- void onClickCopyToClipboard();
-// Default constructor
-LLFloaterAbout::LLFloaterAbout(const LLSD& key)
-: LLFloater(key)
- //LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_about.xml");
-// Destroys the object
-BOOL LLFloaterAbout::postBuild()
- center();
- LLViewerTextEditor *support_widget =
- getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("support_editor", true);
- LLViewerTextEditor *credits_widget =
- getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("credits_editor", true);
- getChild<LLUICtrl>("copy_btn")->setCommitCallback(
- boost::bind(&LLFloaterAbout::onClickCopyToClipboard, this));
- getWindow()->incBusyCount();
- getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
- LLSD info(getInfo());
- getWindow()->decBusyCount();
- getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
- std::ostringstream support;
- // Render the LLSD from getInfo() as a format_map_t
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t args;
- // For reasons I don't yet understand, [ReleaseNotes] is not part of the
- // default substitution strings whereas [APP_NAME] is. But it works to
- // simply copy it into these specific args.
- args["ReleaseNotes"] = LLTrans::getString("ReleaseNotes");
- for (LLSD::map_const_iterator ii(info.beginMap()), iend(info.endMap());
- ii != iend; ++ii)
- {
- if (! ii->second.isArray())
- {
- // Scalar value
- if (ii->second.isUndefined())
- {
- args[ii->first] = getString("none");
- }
- else
- {
- // don't forget to render value asString()
- args[ii->first] = ii->second.asString();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // array value: build KEY_0, KEY_1 etc. entries
- for (LLSD::Integer n(0), size(ii->second.size()); n < size; ++n)
- {
- args[STRINGIZE(ii->first << '_' << n)] = ii->second[n].asString();
- }
- }
- }
- // Now build the various pieces
- support << getString("AboutHeader", args);
- if (info.has("COMPILER"))
- {
- support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutCompiler", args);
- }
- if (info.has("REGION"))
- {
- support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutPosition", args);
- }
- support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutSystem", args);
- if (info.has("GRAPHICS_DRIVER_VERSION"))
- {
- support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutDriver", args);
- }
- support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutLibs", args);
- if (info.has("PACKETS_IN"))
- {
- support << '\n' << getString("AboutTraffic", args);
- }
- support_widget->appendText(support.str(),
- LLStyle::Params()
- .color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("TextFgReadOnlyColor")));
- support_widget->blockUndo();
- // Fix views
- support_widget->setCursorPos(0);
- support_widget->setEnabled(FALSE);
- credits_widget->setCursorPos(0);
- credits_widget->setEnabled(FALSE);
- return TRUE;
-// static
-LLSD LLFloaterAbout::getInfo()
- // The point of having one method build an LLSD info block and the other
- // construct the user-visible About string is to ensure that the same info
- // is available to a getInfo() caller as to the user opening
- // LLFloaterAbout.
- LLSD info;
- LLSD version;
- version.append(LL_VERSION_MAJOR);
- version.append(LL_VERSION_MINOR);
- version.append(LL_VERSION_PATCH);
- version.append(LL_VERSION_BUILD);
- info["VIEWER_VERSION"] = version;
- info["VIEWER_VERSION_STR"] = STRINGIZE(version[0].asInteger() << '.' <<
- version[1].asInteger() << '.' <<
- version[2].asInteger() << '.' <<
- version[3].asInteger());
- info["BUILD_DATE"] = __DATE__;
- info["BUILD_TIME"] = __TIME__;
- info["CHANNEL"] = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName");
- info["VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL"] = get_viewer_release_notes_url();
-#if LL_MSVC
- info["COMPILER"] = "MSVC";
-#elif LL_GNUC
- info["COMPILER"] = "GCC";
- // Position
- LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
- if (region)
- {
- const LLVector3d &pos = gAgent.getPositionGlobal();
- info["POSITION"] = ll_sd_from_vector3d(pos);
- info["REGION"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getName();
- info["HOSTNAME"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getHostName();
- info["HOSTIP"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getString();
- info["SERVER_VERSION"] = gLastVersionChannel;
- info["SERVER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL"] = LLWeb::escapeURL(region->getCapability("ServerReleaseNotes"));
- }
- // CPU
- info["CPU"] = gSysCPU.getCPUString();
- info["MEMORY_MB"] = LLSD::Integer(gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryKB() / 1024);
- // Moved hack adjustment to Windows memory size into llsys.cpp
- info["OS_VERSION"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSString();
- info["GRAPHICS_CARD_VENDOR"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
- info["GRAPHICS_CARD"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
- LLSD driver_info = gDXHardware.getDisplayInfo();
- if (driver_info.has("DriverVersion"))
- {
- info["GRAPHICS_DRIVER_VERSION"] = driver_info["DriverVersion"];
- }
- info["OPENGL_VERSION"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_VERSION));
- info["LIBCURL_VERSION"] = LLCurl::getVersionString();
- info["J2C_VERSION"] = LLImageJ2C::getEngineInfo();
- bool want_fullname = true;
- info["AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION"] = gAudiop ? LLSD(gAudiop->getDriverName(want_fullname)) : LLSD();
- // TODO: Implement media plugin version query
- info["QT_WEBKIT_VERSION"] = "4.5.2";
- if (gPacketsIn > 0)
- {
- info["PACKETS_LOST"] = LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsLostStat.getCurrent();
- info["PACKETS_IN"] = F32(gPacketsIn);
- info["PACKETS_PCT"] = 100.f*info["PACKETS_LOST"].asReal() / info["PACKETS_IN"].asReal();
- }
- return info;
-static std::string get_viewer_release_notes_url()
- std::ostringstream version;
- version << LL_VERSION_MAJOR << "."
- << LL_VERSION_MINOR << "."
- << LL_VERSION_PATCH << "."
- LLSD query;
- query["channel"] = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName");
- query["version"] = version.str();
- std::ostringstream url;
- url << LLTrans::getString("RELEASE_NOTES_BASE_URL") << LLURI::mapToQueryString(query);
- return LLWeb::escapeURL(url.str());
-class LLFloaterAboutListener: public LLDispatchListener
- LLFloaterAboutListener():
- LLDispatchListener("LLFloaterAbout", "op")
- {
- add("getInfo", &LLFloaterAboutListener::getInfo, LLSD().insert("reply", LLSD()));
- }
- void getInfo(const LLSD& request) const
- {
- LLReqID reqid(request);
- LLSD reply(LLFloaterAbout::getInfo());
- reqid.stamp(reply);
- LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(request["reply"]).post(reply);
- }
-static LLFloaterAboutListener floaterAboutListener;
-void LLFloaterAbout::onClickCopyToClipboard()
- LLViewerTextEditor *support_widget =
- getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("support_editor", true);
- support_widget->selectAll();
- support_widget->copy();
- support_widget->deselect();
-/// LLFloaterAboutUtil
-void LLFloaterAboutUtil::registerFloater()
- LLFloaterReg::add("sl_about", "floater_about.xml",
- &LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterAbout>);
+ * @file llfloaterabout.cpp
+ * @author James Cook
+ * @brief The about box from Help->About
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llfloaterabout.h"
+// Viewer includes
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llappviewer.h"
+#include "llsecondlifeurls.h"
+#include "llvoiceclient.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include "llviewertexteditor.h"
+#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llviewerstats.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llversionviewer.h"
+#include "llviewerbuild.h"
+#include "llweb.h"
+// Linden library includes
+#include "llaudioengine.h"
+#include "llbutton.h"
+#include "llcurl.h"
+#include "llglheaders.h"
+#include "llfloater.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llimagej2c.h"
+#include "llsys.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+#include "lluri.h"
+#include "v3dmath.h"
+#include "llwindow.h"
+#include "stringize.h"
+#include "llsdutil_math.h"
+#include "lleventdispatcher.h"
+#include "lldxhardware.h"
+extern LLMemoryInfo gSysMemory;
+extern U32 gPacketsIn;
+static std::string get_viewer_release_notes_url();
+/// Class LLFloaterAbout
+class LLFloaterAbout
+ : public LLFloater
+ friend class LLFloaterReg;
+ LLFloaterAbout(const LLSD& key);
+ virtual ~LLFloaterAbout();
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ /// Obtain the data used to fill out the contents string. This is
+ /// separated so that we can programmatically access the same info.
+ static LLSD getInfo();
+ void onClickCopyToClipboard();
+// Default constructor
+LLFloaterAbout::LLFloaterAbout(const LLSD& key)
+: LLFloater(key)
+ //LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_about.xml");
+// Destroys the object
+BOOL LLFloaterAbout::postBuild()
+ center();
+ LLViewerTextEditor *support_widget =
+ getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("support_editor", true);
+ LLViewerTextEditor *credits_widget =
+ getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("credits_editor", true);
+ getChild<LLUICtrl>("copy_btn")->setCommitCallback(
+ boost::bind(&LLFloaterAbout::onClickCopyToClipboard, this));
+ getWindow()->incBusyCount();
+ getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
+ LLSD info(getInfo());
+ getWindow()->decBusyCount();
+ getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
+ std::ostringstream support;
+ // Render the LLSD from getInfo() as a format_map_t
+ LLStringUtil::format_map_t args;
+ // For reasons I don't yet understand, [ReleaseNotes] is not part of the
+ // default substitution strings whereas [APP_NAME] is. But it works to
+ // simply copy it into these specific args.
+ args["ReleaseNotes"] = LLTrans::getString("ReleaseNotes");
+ for (LLSD::map_const_iterator ii(info.beginMap()), iend(info.endMap());
+ ii != iend; ++ii)
+ {
+ if (! ii->second.isArray())
+ {
+ // Scalar value
+ if (ii->second.isUndefined())
+ {
+ args[ii->first] = getString("none");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // don't forget to render value asString()
+ args[ii->first] = ii->second.asString();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // array value: build KEY_0, KEY_1 etc. entries
+ for (LLSD::Integer n(0), size(ii->second.size()); n < size; ++n)
+ {
+ args[STRINGIZE(ii->first << '_' << n)] = ii->second[n].asString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now build the various pieces
+ support << getString("AboutHeader", args);
+ if (info.has("COMPILER"))
+ {
+ support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutCompiler", args);
+ }
+ if (info.has("REGION"))
+ {
+ support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutPosition", args);
+ }
+ support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutSystem", args);
+ if (info.has("GRAPHICS_DRIVER_VERSION"))
+ {
+ support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutDriver", args);
+ }
+ support << "\n\n" << getString("AboutLibs", args);
+ if (info.has("PACKETS_IN"))
+ {
+ support << '\n' << getString("AboutTraffic", args);
+ }
+ support_widget->appendText(support.str(),
+ LLStyle::Params()
+ .color(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("TextFgReadOnlyColor")));
+ support_widget->blockUndo();
+ // Fix views
+ support_widget->setCursorPos(0);
+ support_widget->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ credits_widget->setCursorPos(0);
+ credits_widget->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ return TRUE;
+// static
+LLSD LLFloaterAbout::getInfo()
+ // The point of having one method build an LLSD info block and the other
+ // construct the user-visible About string is to ensure that the same info
+ // is available to a getInfo() caller as to the user opening
+ // LLFloaterAbout.
+ LLSD info;
+ LLSD version;
+ version.append(LL_VERSION_MAJOR);
+ version.append(LL_VERSION_MINOR);
+ version.append(LL_VERSION_PATCH);
+ version.append(LL_VERSION_BUILD);
+ info["VIEWER_VERSION"] = version;
+ info["VIEWER_VERSION_STR"] = STRINGIZE(version[0].asInteger() << '.' <<
+ version[1].asInteger() << '.' <<
+ version[2].asInteger() << '.' <<
+ version[3].asInteger());
+ info["BUILD_DATE"] = __DATE__;
+ info["BUILD_TIME"] = __TIME__;
+ info["CHANNEL"] = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName");
+ info["VIEWER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL"] = get_viewer_release_notes_url();
+#if LL_MSVC
+ info["COMPILER"] = "MSVC";
+#elif LL_GNUC
+ info["COMPILER"] = "GCC";
+ // Position
+ LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+ if (region)
+ {
+ const LLVector3d &pos = gAgent.getPositionGlobal();
+ info["POSITION"] = ll_sd_from_vector3d(pos);
+ info["REGION"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getName();
+ info["HOSTNAME"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getHostName();
+ info["HOSTIP"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getString();
+ info["SERVER_VERSION"] = gLastVersionChannel;
+ info["SERVER_RELEASE_NOTES_URL"] = LLWeb::escapeURL(region->getCapability("ServerReleaseNotes"));
+ }
+ // CPU
+ info["CPU"] = gSysCPU.getCPUString();
+ info["MEMORY_MB"] = LLSD::Integer(gSysMemory.getPhysicalMemoryKB() / 1024);
+ // Moved hack adjustment to Windows memory size into llsys.cpp
+ info["OS_VERSION"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getOSInfo().getOSString();
+ info["GRAPHICS_CARD_VENDOR"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
+ info["GRAPHICS_CARD"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
+ LLSD driver_info = gDXHardware.getDisplayInfo();
+ if (driver_info.has("DriverVersion"))
+ {
+ info["GRAPHICS_DRIVER_VERSION"] = driver_info["DriverVersion"];
+ }
+ info["OPENGL_VERSION"] = (const char*)(glGetString(GL_VERSION));
+ info["LIBCURL_VERSION"] = LLCurl::getVersionString();
+ info["J2C_VERSION"] = LLImageJ2C::getEngineInfo();
+ bool want_fullname = true;
+ info["AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION"] = gAudiop ? LLSD(gAudiop->getDriverName(want_fullname)) : LLSD();
+ info["VIVOX_VERSION"] = gVoiceClient ? gVoiceClient->getAPIVersion() : "Unknown";
+ // TODO: Implement media plugin version query
+ info["QT_WEBKIT_VERSION"] = "4.5.2";
+ if (gPacketsIn > 0)
+ {
+ info["PACKETS_LOST"] = LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mPacketsLostStat.getCurrent();
+ info["PACKETS_IN"] = F32(gPacketsIn);
+ info["PACKETS_PCT"] = 100.f*info["PACKETS_LOST"].asReal() / info["PACKETS_IN"].asReal();
+ }
+ return info;
+static std::string get_viewer_release_notes_url()
+ std::ostringstream version;
+ version << LL_VERSION_MAJOR << "."
+ << LL_VERSION_MINOR << "."
+ << LL_VERSION_PATCH << "."
+ LLSD query;
+ query["channel"] = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName");
+ query["version"] = version.str();
+ std::ostringstream url;
+ url << LLTrans::getString("RELEASE_NOTES_BASE_URL") << LLURI::mapToQueryString(query);
+ return LLWeb::escapeURL(url.str());
+class LLFloaterAboutListener: public LLDispatchListener
+ LLFloaterAboutListener():
+ LLDispatchListener("LLFloaterAbout", "op")
+ {
+ add("getInfo", &LLFloaterAboutListener::getInfo, LLSD().insert("reply", LLSD()));
+ }
+ void getInfo(const LLSD& request) const
+ {
+ LLReqID reqid(request);
+ LLSD reply(LLFloaterAbout::getInfo());
+ reqid.stamp(reply);
+ LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(request["reply"]).post(reply);
+ }
+static LLFloaterAboutListener floaterAboutListener;
+void LLFloaterAbout::onClickCopyToClipboard()
+ LLViewerTextEditor *support_widget =
+ getChild<LLViewerTextEditor>("support_editor", true);
+ support_widget->selectAll();
+ support_widget->copy();
+ support_widget->deselect();
+/// LLFloaterAboutUtil
+void LLFloaterAboutUtil::registerFloater()
+ LLFloaterReg::add("sl_about", "floater_about.xml",
+ &LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterAbout>);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.cpp
index a73ebf4e06..7cb8987879 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.cpp
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ LLFloaterBulkPermission::LLFloaterBulkPermission(const LLSD& seed)
BOOL LLFloaterBulkPermission::postBuild()
-// childSetAction("help", onHelpBtn, this); // this is not in use
return TRUE;
@@ -157,12 +155,6 @@ void LLFloaterBulkPermission::onApplyBtn()
-// angela -- this is not in use
-//void LLFloaterBulkPermission::onHelpBtn(void* user_data)
-// LLNotifications::instance().add("HelpBulkPermission");
void LLFloaterBulkPermission::onCloseBtn()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.h
index c34e4413cc..31f4f5c3e1 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.h
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ private:
U8 key,
bool is_new);
-// static void onHelpBtn(void* user_data);
void onCloseBtn();
void onApplyBtn();
void onCommitCopy();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbump.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterbump.cpp
index 8b64f913e0..68f06b1e5b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbump.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbump.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include "llsd.h"
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
#include "llviewermessage.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h" // gPacificDaylightTime
/// Class LLFloaterBump
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuy.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuy.cpp
index 9d07362edc..3da06fa7b3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuy.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuy.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "llinventorymodel.h" // for gInventory
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h" // for get_item_icon
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
#include "llscrolllistctrl.h"
#include "llviewerobject.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycontents.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycontents.cpp
index 3a4171c6be..f3eaa0c916 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycontents.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycontents.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "llagent.h" // for agent id
#include "llalertdialog.h"
#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h" // for gInventory
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h" // for get_item_icon
@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ void LLFloaterBuyContents::onClickBuy()
// We may want to wear this item
if (childGetValue("wear_check"))
- LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothing = TRUE;
+ LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothing = TRUE;
// Put the items where we put new folders.
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.cpp
index 7f3b988dfe..48d552022f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.cpp
@@ -105,20 +105,8 @@ LLFloaterDayCycle::~LLFloaterDayCycle()
-void LLFloaterDayCycle::onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert)
- LLNotifications::instance().add(contextualNotification(xml_alert));
-void LLFloaterDayCycle::initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert)
- getChild<LLButton>(name)->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterDayCycle::onClickHelp, this, xml_alert));
void LLFloaterDayCycle::initCallbacks(void)
- initHelpBtn("WLDayCycleHelp", "HelpDayCycle");
// WL Day Cycle
getChild<LLUICtrl>("WLTimeSlider")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterDayCycle::onTimeSliderMoved, this, _1));
getChild<LLUICtrl>("WLDayCycleKeys")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterDayCycle::onKeyTimeMoved, this, _1));
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.h
index 43c347d4f2..c250902b65 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterdaycycle.h
@@ -59,9 +59,6 @@ public:
LLFloaterDayCycle(const LLSD& key);
virtual ~LLFloaterDayCycle();
/*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
- /// help button stuff
- void onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert);
- void initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert);
/// initialize all
void initCallbacks(void);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.cpp
index a520df36de..2fffa6eece 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.cpp
@@ -70,10 +70,6 @@ BOOL LLFloaterEnvSettings::postBuild()
return TRUE;
-void LLFloaterEnvSettings::onClickHelp()
- LLNotifications::instance().add(contextualNotification("EnvSettingsHelpButton"));
void LLFloaterEnvSettings::initCallbacks(void)
@@ -89,10 +85,8 @@ void LLFloaterEnvSettings::initCallbacks(void)
getChild<LLUICtrl>("EnvAdvancedSkyButton")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEnvSettings::onOpenAdvancedSky, this));
getChild<LLUICtrl>("EnvAdvancedWaterButton")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEnvSettings::onOpenAdvancedWater, this));
getChild<LLUICtrl>("EnvUseEstateTimeButton")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEnvSettings::onUseEstateTime, this));
- getChild<LLUICtrl>("EnvSettingsHelpButton")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEnvSettings::onClickHelp, this));
// menu maintenance functions
void LLFloaterEnvSettings::syncMenu()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.h
index 083e3636d1..02bc502120 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterenvsettings.h
@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ public:
/// initialize all the callbacks for the menu
void initCallbacks(void);
- /// callback for the menus help button
- void onClickHelp();
/// handle if time of day is changed
void onChangeDayTime(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatergesture.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatergesture.cpp
index 1300103423..c114eed4a2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatergesture.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatergesture.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "llcombobox.h"
#include "llgesturemgr.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llkeyboard.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.cpp
index 9947cdc217..31b494b590 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.cpp
@@ -59,12 +59,6 @@ LLFloaterHardwareSettings::~LLFloaterHardwareSettings()
-void LLFloaterHardwareSettings::onClickHelp(void* data)
- const char* xml_alert = "HardwareSettingsHelpButton";
- LLNotifications::instance().add(xml_alert);
void LLFloaterHardwareSettings::initCallbacks(void)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.h
index 3f19d89cbb..ef0b0c905e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterhardwaresettings.h
@@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ public:
/// initialize all the callbacks for the menu
void initCallbacks(void);
- /// callback for the menus help button
- static void onClickHelp(void* data);
/// OK button
static void onBtnOK( void* userdata );
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.cpp
index a47916b7d7..8570b5eb4a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.cpp
@@ -32,539 +32,34 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-#include <utility> // for std::pair<>
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
-// library includes
#include "llagent.h"
-#include "llagentwearables.h"
-#include "llcallingcard.h"
-#include "llfloaterreg.h"
-#include "llsdserialize.h"
-#include "llfiltereditor.h"
-#include "llspinctrl.h"
-#include "llui.h"
-#include "message.h"
-// newview includes
-#include "llappearancemgr.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h"
#include "llfirstuse.h"
-#include "llfloaterchat.h"
-#include "llfloatercustomize.h"
-#include "llfocusmgr.h"
-#include "llfolderview.h"
-#include "llgesturemgr.h"
-#include "lliconctrl.h"
-#include "llimview.h"
-#include "llinventorybridge.h"
-#include "llinventoryclipboard.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
-#include "lllineeditor.h"
-#include "llmenugl.h"
-#include "llpreviewanim.h"
-#include "llpreviewgesture.h"
-#include "llpreviewnotecard.h"
-#include "llpreviewscript.h"
-#include "llpreviewsound.h"
-#include "llpreviewtexture.h"
+#include "llpanelmaininventory.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
-#include "llscrollbar.h"
-#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
-#include "llselectmgr.h"
-#include "lltabcontainer.h"
-#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
-#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
-#include "llviewerinventory.h"
-#include "llviewermessage.h"
-#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
-#include "llviewerregion.h"
-#include "llviewerwindow.h"
-#include "llvoavatarself.h"
-#include "llwearablelist.h"
-static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLInventoryPanel> r("inventory_panel");
-//BOOL LLFloaterInventory::sOpenNextNewItem = FALSE;
-BOOL LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothing = FALSE;
-LLUUID LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothingTransactionID;
-/// LLFloaterInventoryFinder
-LLFloaterInventoryFinder::LLFloaterInventoryFinder(LLFloaterInventory* inventory_view)
-: LLFloater(LLSD()),
- mFloaterInventory(inventory_view),
- mFilter(inventory_view->mActivePanel->getFilter())
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_inventory_view_finder.xml", NULL);
- updateElementsFromFilter();
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onCheckSinceLogoff(LLUICtrl *ctrl, void *user_data)
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder *self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder *)user_data;
- if (!self) return;
- bool since_logoff= self->childGetValue("check_since_logoff");
- if (!since_logoff &&
- !( self->mSpinSinceDays->get() || self->mSpinSinceHours->get() ) )
- {
- self->mSpinSinceHours->set(1.0f);
- }
-BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::postBuild()
- const LLRect& viewrect = mFloaterInventory->getRect();
- setRect(LLRect(viewrect.mLeft - getRect().getWidth(), viewrect.mTop, viewrect.mLeft, viewrect.mTop - getRect().getHeight()));
- childSetAction("All", selectAllTypes, this);
- childSetAction("None", selectNoTypes, this);
- mSpinSinceHours = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("spin_hours_ago");
- childSetCommitCallback("spin_hours_ago", onTimeAgo, this);
- mSpinSinceDays = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("spin_days_ago");
- childSetCommitCallback("spin_days_ago", onTimeAgo, this);
- // mCheckSinceLogoff = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("check_since_logoff");
- childSetCommitCallback("check_since_logoff", onCheckSinceLogoff, this);
- childSetAction("Close", onCloseBtn, this);
- updateElementsFromFilter();
- return TRUE;
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onTimeAgo(LLUICtrl *ctrl, void *user_data)
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder *self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder *)user_data;
- if (!self) return;
- bool since_logoff=true;
- if ( self->mSpinSinceDays->get() || self->mSpinSinceHours->get() )
- {
- since_logoff = false;
- }
- self->childSetValue("check_since_logoff", since_logoff);
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::changeFilter(LLInventoryFilter* filter)
- mFilter = filter;
- updateElementsFromFilter();
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::updateElementsFromFilter()
- if (!mFilter)
- return;
- // Get data needed for filter display
- U32 filter_types = mFilter->getFilterTypes();
- std::string filter_string = mFilter->getFilterSubString();
- LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show_folders = mFilter->getShowFolderState();
- U32 hours = mFilter->getHoursAgo();
- // update the ui elements
- LLFloater::setTitle(mFilter->getName());
- childSetValue("check_animation", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION));
- childSetValue("check_calling_card", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD));
- childSetValue("check_clothing", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE));
- childSetValue("check_gesture", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE));
- childSetValue("check_landmark", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK));
- childSetValue("check_notecard", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD));
- childSetValue("check_object", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT));
- childSetValue("check_script", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LSL));
- childSetValue("check_sound", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND));
- childSetValue("check_texture", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE));
- childSetValue("check_snapshot", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT));
- childSetValue("check_show_empty", show_folders == LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS);
- childSetValue("check_since_logoff", mFilter->isSinceLogoff());
- mSpinSinceHours->set((F32)(hours % 24));
- mSpinSinceDays->set((F32)(hours / 24));
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::draw()
- U32 filter = 0xffffffff;
- BOOL filtered_by_all_types = TRUE;
- if (!childGetValue("check_animation"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_calling_card"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_clothing"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_gesture"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_landmark"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_notecard"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_object"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT);
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ATTACHMENT);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_script"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LSL);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_sound"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_texture"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!childGetValue("check_snapshot"))
- {
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT);
- filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
- }
- if (!filtered_by_all_types)
- {
- // don't include folders in filter, unless I've selected everything
- filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY);
- }
- // update the panel, panel will update the filter
- mFloaterInventory->mActivePanel->setShowFolderState(getCheckShowEmpty() ?
- LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS : LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_NON_EMPTY_FOLDERS);
- mFloaterInventory->mActivePanel->setFilterTypes(filter);
- if (getCheckSinceLogoff())
- {
- mSpinSinceDays->set(0);
- mSpinSinceHours->set(0);
- }
- U32 days = (U32)mSpinSinceDays->get();
- U32 hours = (U32)mSpinSinceHours->get();
- if (hours > 24)
- {
- days += hours / 24;
- hours = (U32)hours % 24;
- mSpinSinceDays->set((F32)days);
- mSpinSinceHours->set((F32)hours);
- }
- hours += days * 24;
- mFloaterInventory->mActivePanel->setHoursAgo(hours);
- mFloaterInventory->mActivePanel->setSinceLogoff(getCheckSinceLogoff());
- mFloaterInventory->setFilterTextFromFilter();
- LLFloater::draw();
-BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::getCheckShowEmpty()
- return childGetValue("check_show_empty");
-BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::getCheckSinceLogoff()
- return childGetValue("check_since_logoff");
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onCloseBtn(void* user_data)
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder* finderp = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
- finderp->closeFloater();
-// static
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectAllTypes(void* user_data)
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder* self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
- if(!self) return;
- self->childSetValue("check_animation", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_calling_card", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_clothing", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_gesture", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_landmark", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_notecard", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_object", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_script", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_sound", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_texture", TRUE);
- self->childSetValue("check_snapshot", TRUE);
- self->mCheckCallingCard->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckClothing->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckGesture->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckLandmark->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckNotecard->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckObject->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckScript->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckSound->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckTexture->set(TRUE);
- self->mCheckSnapshot->set(TRUE);*/
-void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectNoTypes(void* user_data)
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder* self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
- if(!self) return;
- /*
- self->childSetValue("check_animation", FALSE);
- self->mCheckCallingCard->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckClothing->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckGesture->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckLandmark->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckNotecard->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckObject->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckScript->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckSound->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckTexture->set(FALSE);
- self->mCheckSnapshot->set(FALSE);*/
- self->childSetValue("check_animation", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_calling_card", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_clothing", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_gesture", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_landmark", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_notecard", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_object", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_script", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_sound", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_texture", FALSE);
- self->childSetValue("check_snapshot", FALSE);
/// LLFloaterInventory
-void LLSaveFolderState::setApply(BOOL apply)
- mApply = apply;
- // before generating new list of open folders, clear the old one
- if(!apply)
- {
- clearOpenFolders();
- }
-void LLSaveFolderState::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
- if(mApply)
- {
- // we're applying the open state
- LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder->getListener();
- if(!bridge) return;
- LLUUID id(bridge->getUUID());
- if(mOpenFolders.find(id) != mOpenFolders.end())
- {
- folder->setOpen(TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- // keep selected filter in its current state, this is less jarring to user
- if (!folder->isSelected())
- {
- folder->setOpen(FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // we're recording state at this point
- if(folder->isOpen())
- {
- LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder->getListener();
- if(!bridge) return;
- mOpenFolders.insert(bridge->getUUID());
- }
- }
LLFloaterInventory::LLFloaterInventory(const LLSD& key)
: LLFloater(key)
- // Menu Callbacks (non contex menus)
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::doToSelected, this, _2));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.CloseAllFolders", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::closeAllFolders, this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLAssetType::AT_TRASH));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLAssetType::AT_LOST_AND_FOUND));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::doCreate, this, _2));
-// mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.NewWindow", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::newWindow, this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.ShowFilters", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::toggleFindOptions, this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.ResetFilters", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::resetFilters, this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.SetSortBy", boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::setSortBy, this, _2));
- // Controls
- // *TODO: Just use persistant settings for each of these
- U32 sort_order = gSavedSettings.getU32("InventorySortOrder");
- BOOL sort_by_name = ! ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
- BOOL sort_folders_by_name = ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME );
- BOOL sort_system_folders_to_top = ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP );
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", sort_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", !sort_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", sort_folders_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", sort_system_folders_to_top, "Declared in code", FALSE);
- mSavedFolderState = new LLSaveFolderState();
- mSavedFolderState->setApply(FALSE);
- //Called from floater reg: LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_inventory.xml");
BOOL LLFloaterInventory::postBuild()
- gInventory.addObserver(this);
- mFilterTabs = getChild<LLTabContainer>("inventory filter tabs");
- mFilterTabs->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::onFilterSelected, this));
- //panel->getFilter()->markDefault();
- // Set up the default inv. panel/filter settings.
- mActivePanel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("All Items");
- if (mActivePanel)
- {
- // "All Items" is the previous only view, so it gets the InventorySortOrder
- mActivePanel->setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32("InventorySortOrder"));
- mActivePanel->getFilter()->markDefault();
- mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
- mActivePanel->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange, mActivePanel, _1, _2));
- }
- LLInventoryPanel* recent_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("Recent Items");
- if (recent_items_panel)
- {
- recent_items_panel->setSinceLogoff(TRUE);
- recent_items_panel->setSortOrder(LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE);
- recent_items_panel->setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_NON_EMPTY_FOLDERS);
- recent_items_panel->getFilter()->markDefault();
- recent_items_panel->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange, recent_items_panel, _1, _2));
- }
- // Now load the stored settings from disk, if available.
- std::ostringstream filterSaveName;
- filterSaveName << gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "filters.xml");
- llinfos << "LLFloaterInventory::init: reading from " << filterSaveName << llendl;
- llifstream file(filterSaveName.str());
- LLSD savedFilterState;
- if (file.is_open())
- {
- LLSDSerialize::fromXML(savedFilterState, file);
- file.close();
- // Load the persistent "Recent Items" settings.
- // Note that the "All Items" settings do not persist.
- if(recent_items_panel)
- {
- if(savedFilterState.has(recent_items_panel->getFilter()->getName()))
- {
- LLSD recent_items = savedFilterState.get(
- recent_items_panel->getFilter()->getName());
- recent_items_panel->getFilter()->fromLLSD(recent_items);
- }
- }
- }
- mFilterEditor = getChild<LLFilterEditor>("inventory search editor");
- if (mFilterEditor)
- {
- mFilterEditor->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterInventory::onFilterEdit, this, _2));
- }
- // *TODO:Get the cost info from the server
- const std::string upload_cost("10");
- childSetLabelArg("Upload Image", "[COST]", upload_cost);
- childSetLabelArg("Upload Sound", "[COST]", upload_cost);
- childSetLabelArg("Upload Animation", "[COST]", upload_cost);
- childSetLabelArg("Bulk Upload", "[COST]", upload_cost);
+ mPanelMainInventory = getChild<LLPanelMainInventory>("Inventory Panel");
return TRUE;
-// Destroys the object
-LLFloaterInventory::~LLFloaterInventory( void )
- // Save the filters state.
- LLSD filterRoot;
- LLInventoryPanel* all_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("All Items");
- if (all_items_panel)
- {
- LLInventoryFilter* filter = all_items_panel->getFilter();
- LLSD filterState;
- filter->toLLSD(filterState);
- filterRoot[filter->getName()] = filterState;
- }
- LLInventoryPanel* recent_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("Recent Items");
- if (recent_items_panel)
- {
- LLInventoryFilter* filter = recent_items_panel->getFilter();
- LLSD filterState;
- filter->toLLSD(filterState);
- filterRoot[filter->getName()] = filterState;
- }
- std::ostringstream filterSaveName;
- filterSaveName << gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "filters.xml");
- llofstream filtersFile(filterSaveName.str());
- if(!LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(filterRoot, filtersFile))
- {
- llwarns << "Could not write to filters save file " << filterSaveName << llendl;
- }
- else
- filtersFile.close();
- gInventory.removeObserver(this);
- delete mSavedFolderState;
void LLFloaterInventory::draw()
@@ -575,113 +70,6 @@ void LLFloaterInventory::draw()
-void LLOpenFilteredFolders::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
- if (item->getFiltered())
- {
- item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
-void LLOpenFilteredFolders::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
- if (folder->getFiltered() && folder->getParentFolder())
- {
- folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
- // if this folder didn't pass the filter, and none of its descendants did
- else if (!folder->getFiltered() && !folder->hasFilteredDescendants())
- {
- folder->setOpenArrangeRecursively(FALSE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_NO);
- }
-void LLSelectFirstFilteredItem::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
- if (item->getFiltered() && !mItemSelected)
- {
- item->getRoot()->setSelection(item, FALSE, FALSE);
- if (item->getParentFolder())
- {
- item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
- item->getRoot()->scrollToShowSelection();
- mItemSelected = TRUE;
- }
-void LLSelectFirstFilteredItem::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
- if (folder->getFiltered() && !mItemSelected)
- {
- folder->getRoot()->setSelection(folder, FALSE, FALSE);
- if (folder->getParentFolder())
- {
- folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
- folder->getRoot()->scrollToShowSelection();
- mItemSelected = TRUE;
- }
-void LLOpenFoldersWithSelection::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
- if (item->getParentFolder() && item->isSelected())
- {
- item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
-void LLOpenFoldersWithSelection::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
- if (folder->getParentFolder() && folder->isSelected())
- {
- folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
-void LLFloaterInventory::startSearch()
- // this forces focus to line editor portion of search editor
- if (mFilterEditor)
- {
- mFilterEditor->focusFirstItem(TRUE);
- }
-void LLFloaterInventory::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
- LLFirstUse::useInventory();
-BOOL LLFloaterInventory::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
- LLFolderView* root_folder = mActivePanel ? mActivePanel->getRootFolder() : NULL;
- if (root_folder)
- {
- // first check for user accepting current search results
- if (mFilterEditor
- && mFilterEditor->hasFocus()
- && (key == KEY_RETURN
- || key == KEY_DOWN)
- && mask == MASK_NONE)
- {
- // move focus to inventory proper
- mActivePanel->setFocus(TRUE);
- root_folder->scrollToShowSelection();
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (mActivePanel->hasFocus() && key == KEY_UP)
- {
- startSearch();
- }
- }
- return LLFloater::handleKeyHere(key, mask);
void LLFloaterInventory::updateTitle()
LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE);
@@ -690,7 +78,7 @@ void LLFloaterInventory::updateTitle()
LLStringUtil::format_map_t string_args;
string_args["[ITEM_COUNT]"] = item_count_string;
- string_args["[FILTER]"] = mFilterText;
+ string_args["[FILTER]"] = mPanelMainInventory->getFilterText();
if (LLInventoryModel::backgroundFetchActive())
@@ -699,102 +87,21 @@ void LLFloaterInventory::updateTitle()
setTitle(getString("TitleCompleted", string_args));
- }
+ }
void LLFloaterInventory::changed(U32 mask)
-// menu callbacks
-void LLFloaterInventory::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata)
- getPanel()->getRootFolder()->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
-void LLFloaterInventory::closeAllFolders()
- getPanel()->getRootFolder()->closeAllFolders();
-void LLFloaterInventory::doCreate(const LLSD& userdata)
- menu_create_inventory_item(getPanel()->getRootFolder(), NULL, userdata);
-void LLFloaterInventory::resetFilters()
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder *finder = getFinder();
- getActivePanel()->getFilter()->resetDefault();
- if (finder)
- {
- finder->updateElementsFromFilter();
- }
- setFilterTextFromFilter();
-void LLFloaterInventory::setSortBy(const LLSD& userdata)
+LLInventoryPanel* LLFloaterInventory::getPanel()
- std::string sort_field = userdata.asString();
- if (sort_field == "name")
- {
- U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
- getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order & ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", TRUE );
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", FALSE );
- }
- else if (sort_field == "date")
- {
- U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
- getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order | LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", FALSE );
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", TRUE );
- }
- else if (sort_field == "foldersalwaysbyname")
- {
- U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
- if ( order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME )
- {
- order &= ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME;
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", FALSE );
- }
- else
- {
- order |= LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME;
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", TRUE );
- }
- getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order );
- }
- else if (sort_field == "systemfolderstotop")
- {
- U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
- if ( order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP )
- {
- order &= ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP;
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", FALSE );
- }
- else
- {
- order |= LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP;
- gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", TRUE );
- }
- getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order );
- }
+ if (mPanelMainInventory)
+ return mPanelMainInventory->getPanel();
+ return NULL;
// static
LLFloaterInventory* LLFloaterInventory::showAgentInventory()
@@ -842,1112 +149,7 @@ void LLFloaterInventory::cleanup()
-void LLFloaterInventory::toggleFindOptions()
- LLFloater *floater = getFinder();
- if (!floater)
- {
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder * finder = new LLFloaterInventoryFinder(this);
- mFinderHandle = finder->getHandle();
- finder->openFloater();
- addDependentFloater(mFinderHandle);
- // start background fetch of folders
- gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
- }
- else
- {
- floater->closeFloater();
- }
-// static
-BOOL LLFloaterInventory::filtersVisible(void* user_data)
- LLFloaterInventory* self = (LLFloaterInventory*)user_data;
- if(!self) return FALSE;
- return self->getFinder() != NULL;
-void LLFloaterInventory::onClearSearch()
- LLFloater *finder = getFinder();
- if (mActivePanel)
- {
- mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(LLStringUtil::null);
- mActivePanel->setFilterTypes(0xffffffff);
- }
- if (finder)
- {
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectAllTypes(finder);
- }
- // re-open folders that were initially open
- if (mActivePanel)
- {
- mSavedFolderState->setApply(TRUE);
- mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
- LLOpenFoldersWithSelection opener;
- mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(opener);
- mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->scrollToShowSelection();
- }
-void LLFloaterInventory::onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string )
- if (search_string == "")
- {
- onClearSearch();
- }
- if (!mActivePanel)
- {
- return;
- }
- gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
- std::string uppercase_search_string = search_string;
- LLStringUtil::toUpper(uppercase_search_string);
- if (mActivePanel->getFilterSubString().empty() && uppercase_search_string.empty())
- {
- // current filter and new filter empty, do nothing
- return;
- }
- // save current folder open state if no filter currently applied
- if (!mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->isFilterModified())
- {
- mSavedFolderState->setApply(FALSE);
- mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
- }
- // set new filter string
- mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(uppercase_search_string);
- //static
- BOOL LLFloaterInventory::incrementalFind(LLFolderViewItem* first_item, const char *find_text, BOOL backward)
- {
- LLFloaterInventory* active_view = NULL;
- LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("inventory");
- for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter)
- {
- LLFloaterInventory* iv = dynamic_cast<LLFloaterInventory*>(*iter);
- if (iv)
- {
- if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(iv))
- {
- active_view = iv;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!active_view)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- std::string search_string(find_text);
- if (search_string.empty())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (active_view->mActivePanel &&
- active_view->mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->search(first_item, search_string, backward))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
-void LLFloaterInventory::onFilterSelected()
- // Find my index
- mActivePanel = (LLInventoryPanel*)childGetVisibleTab("inventory filter tabs");
- if (!mActivePanel)
- {
- return;
- }
- LLInventoryFilter* filter = mActivePanel->getFilter();
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder *finder = getFinder();
- if (finder)
- {
- finder->changeFilter(filter);
- }
- if (filter->isActive())
- {
- // If our filter is active we may be the first thing requiring a fetch so we better start it here.
- gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
- }
- setFilterTextFromFilter();
-BOOL LLFloaterInventory::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
- EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
- void* cargo_data,
- EAcceptance* accept,
- std::string& tooltip_msg)
- // Check to see if we are auto scrolling from the last frame
- LLInventoryPanel* panel = (LLInventoryPanel*)this->getActivePanel();
- BOOL needsToScroll = panel->getScrollableContainer()->autoScroll(x, y);
- if(mFilterTabs)
- {
- if(needsToScroll)
- {
- mFilterTabs->startDragAndDropDelayTimer();
- }
- }
- BOOL handled = LLFloater::handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
- return handled;
-const std::string& get_item_icon_name(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
- LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
- U32 attachment_point,
- BOOL item_is_multi )
- EInventoryIcon idx = OBJECT_ICON_NAME;
- if ( item_is_multi )
- {
- }
- switch(asset_type)
- {
- case LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE:
- if(LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT == inventory_type)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_SOUND:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD:
- if(attachment_point!= 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK:
- if(attachment_point!= 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_SCRIPT:
- case LLAssetType::AT_LSL_TEXT:
- case LLAssetType::AT_LSL_BYTECODE:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING:
- case LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART :
- if(LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART == asset_type)
- {
- }
- switch(LLInventoryItem::II_FLAGS_WEARABLES_MASK & attachment_point)
- {
- case WT_SHAPE:
- break;
- case WT_SKIN:
- break;
- case WT_HAIR:
- break;
- case WT_EYES:
- break;
- case WT_SHIRT:
- break;
- case WT_PANTS:
- break;
- case WT_SHOES:
- break;
- case WT_SOCKS:
- break;
- case WT_JACKET:
- break;
- case WT_GLOVES:
- break;
- break;
- break;
- case WT_SKIRT:
- break;
- case WT_ALPHA:
- break;
- case WT_TATTOO:
- break;
- default:
- // no-op, go with choice above
- break;
- }
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_NOTECARD:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_FAVORITE:
- //TODO - need bette idx
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_LINK:
- break;
- case LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ICON_NAME[idx];
-LLUIImagePtr get_item_icon(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
- LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
- U32 attachment_point,
- BOOL item_is_multi)
- const std::string& icon_name = get_item_icon_name(asset_type, inventory_type, attachment_point, item_is_multi );
- return LLUI::getUIImage(icon_name);
-const std::string LLInventoryPanel::DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = std::string("InventorySortOrder");
-const std::string LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER = std::string("RecentItemsSortOrder");
-const std::string LLInventoryPanel::INHERIT_SORT_ORDER = std::string("");
-static const LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder INVENTORY_BRIDGE_BUILDER;
-LLInventoryPanel::LLInventoryPanel(const LLInventoryPanel::Params& p)
-: LLPanel(p),
- mInventoryObserver(NULL),
- mFolders(NULL),
- mScroller(NULL),
- mSortOrderSetting(p.sort_order_setting),
- mInventory(p.inventory),
- mAllowMultiSelect(p.allow_multi_select),
- mHasInventoryConnection(false),
- mStartFolderString(p.start_folder)
-, mBuildDefaultHierarchy(true)
-, mInvFVBridgeBuilder(NULL)
- // contex menu callbacks
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected, this, _2));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLAssetType::AT_TRASH));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLAssetType::AT_LOST_AND_FOUND));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doCreate, this, _2));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.AttachObject", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::attachObject, this, _2));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.BeginIMSession", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession, this));
- setBackgroundColor(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("InventoryBackgroundColor"));
- setBackgroundVisible(TRUE);
- setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE);
-BOOL LLInventoryPanel::postBuild()
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); // registered as a widget; need to push callback scope ourselves
- // create root folder
- {
- LLRect folder_rect(0,
- 0,
- getRect().getWidth(),
- 0);
- LLFolderView::Params p;
- = getName();
- p.rect = folder_rect;
- p.parent_panel = this;
- mFolders = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderView>(p);
- mFolders->setAllowMultiSelect(mAllowMultiSelect);
- }
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.popScope();
- mFolders->setCallbackRegistrar(&mCommitCallbackRegistrar);
- // scroller
- {
- LLRect scroller_view_rect = getRect();
- scroller_view_rect.translate(-scroller_view_rect.mLeft, -scroller_view_rect.mBottom);
- LLScrollContainer::Params p;
-"Inventory Scroller");
- p.rect(scroller_view_rect);
- p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_ALL);
- p.reserve_scroll_corner(true);
- p.tab_stop(true);
- mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLScrollContainer>(p);
- }
- addChild(mScroller);
- mScroller->addChild(mFolders);
- mFolders->setScrollContainer(mScroller);
- // set up the callbacks from the inventory we're viewing, and then
- // build everything.
- mInventoryObserver = new LLInventoryPanelObserver(this);
- mInventory->addObserver(mInventoryObserver);
- // determine the root folder, if any, so inventory contents show just the children
- // of that folder (i.e. not including the folder itself).
- const LLAssetType::EType preferred_type = LLAssetType::lookupHumanReadable(mStartFolderString);
- if ("inventory" == mStartFolderString)
- {
- mStartFolderID = gInventory.getRootFolderID();
- }
- else if ("library" == mStartFolderString)
- {
- mStartFolderID = gInventory.getLibraryRootFolderID();
- }
- else
- {
- mStartFolderID = (preferred_type != LLAssetType::AT_NONE ? gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(preferred_type) : LLUUID::null);
- }
- // build view of inventory if we need default full hierarchy and inventory ready, otherwise wait for modelChanged() callback
- if (mBuildDefaultHierarchy && mInventory->isInventoryUsable() && !mHasInventoryConnection)
- {
- rebuildViewsFor(mStartFolderID);
- mHasInventoryConnection = true;
- }
- // bit of a hack to make sure the inventory is open.
- mFolders->openFolder(preferred_type != LLAssetType::AT_NONE ? LLAssetType::lookupCategoryName(preferred_type) : "My Inventory");
- if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER)
- {
- setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(mSortOrderSetting));
- }
- else
- {
- setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER));
- }
- mFolders->setSortOrder(mFolders->getFilter()->getSortOrder());
- return TRUE;
- // should this be a global setting?
- if (mFolders)
- {
- U32 sort_order = mFolders->getSortOrder();
- if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER)
- {
- gSavedSettings.setU32(mSortOrderSetting, sort_order);
- }
- }
- // LLView destructor will take care of the sub-views.
- mInventory->removeObserver(mInventoryObserver);
- delete mInventoryObserver;
- mScroller = NULL;
-LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_INVENTORY_FROM_XML); // ! BUG ! Should this be removed?
-void LLInventoryPanel::draw()
- // select the desired item (in case it wasn't loaded when the selection was requested)
- mFolders->updateSelection();
- LLPanel::draw();
-void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterTypes(U64 filter_types, BOOL filter_for_categories)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterTypes(filter_types, filter_for_categories);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterPermMask(PermissionMask filter_perm_mask)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterPermissions(filter_perm_mask);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterSubString(const std::string& string)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterSubString(string);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setSortOrder(U32 order)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setSortOrder(order);
- if (mFolders->getFilter()->isModified())
- {
- mFolders->setSortOrder(order);
- // try to keep selection onscreen, even if it wasn't to start with
- mFolders->scrollToShowSelection();
- }
-void LLInventoryPanel::setSinceLogoff(BOOL sl)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setDateRangeLastLogoff(sl);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setHoursAgo(U32 hours)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setHoursAgo(hours);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show)
- mFolders->getFilter()->setShowFolderState(show);
-LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow LLInventoryPanel::getShowFolderState()
- return mFolders->getFilter()->getShowFolderState();
-static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_REFRESH("Inventory Refresh");
-void LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged(U32 mask)
- LLFastTimer t2(FTM_REFRESH);
- bool handled = false;
- // inventory just initialized, do complete build
- if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD) && gInventory.getChangedIDs().empty() && !mHasInventoryConnection)
- {
- rebuildViewsFor(mStartFolderID);
- mHasInventoryConnection = true;
- return;
- }
- if(mask & LLInventoryObserver::LABEL)
- {
- handled = true;
- // label change - empty out the display name for each object
- // in this change set.
- const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
- LLFolderViewItem* view = NULL;
- LLInvFVBridge* bridge = NULL;
- for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
- {
- view = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);
- if(view)
- {
- // request refresh on this item (also flags for filtering)
- bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)view->getListener();
- if(bridge)
- { // Clear the display name first, so it gets properly re-built during refresh()
- bridge->clearDisplayName();
- }
- view->refresh();
- }
- }
- }
- if((mask & (LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE
- | LLInventoryObserver::ADD
- | LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)) != 0)
- {
- handled = true;
- // Record which folders are open by uuid.
- LLInventoryModel* model = getModel();
- if (model)
- {
- const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
- for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
- {
- // sync view with model
- LLInventoryObject* model_item = model->getObject(*id_it);
- LLFolderViewItem* view_item = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);
- if (model_item)
- {
- if (!view_item)
- {
- // this object was just created, need to build a view for it
- if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD) != LLInventoryObserver::ADD)
- {
- llwarns << *id_it << " is in model but not in view, but ADD flag not set" << llendl;
- }
- buildNewViews(*id_it);
- // select any newly created object
- // that has the auto rename at top of folder
- // root set
- if(mFolders->getRoot()->needsAutoRename())
- {
- setSelection(*id_it, FALSE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // this object was probably moved, check its parent
- if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE) != LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE)
- {
- llwarns << *id_it << " is in model and in view, but STRUCTURE flag not set" << llendl;
- }
- LLFolderViewFolder* new_parent = (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolders->getItemByID(model_item->getParentUUID());
- // added check against NULL for cases when Inventory panel contains startFolder.
- // in this case parent is LLFolderView (LLInventoryPanel::mFolders) itself.
- // this check is a fix for bug EXT-1859.
- if (NULL != new_parent && view_item->getParentFolder() != new_parent)
- {
- view_item->getParentFolder()->extractItem(view_item);
- view_item->addToFolder(new_parent, mFolders);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (view_item)
- {
- if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE) != LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)
- {
- llwarns << *id_it << " is not in model but in view, but REMOVE flag not set" << llendl;
- }
- // item in view but not model, need to delete view
- view_item->destroyView();
- }
- else
- {
- llwarns << *id_it << "Item does not exist in either view or model, but notification triggered" << llendl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!handled)
- {
- // it's a small change that only requires a refresh.
- // *TODO: figure out a more efficient way to do the refresh
- // since it is expensive on large inventories
- mFolders->refresh();
- }
-void LLInventoryPanel::rebuildViewsFor(const LLUUID& id)
- LLFolderViewItem* old_view = NULL;
- // get old LLFolderViewItem
- old_view = mFolders->getItemByID(id);
- if (old_view && id.notNull())
- {
- old_view->destroyView();
- }
- buildNewViews(id);
-void LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id)
- LLFolderViewItem* itemp = NULL;
- LLInventoryObject* objectp = NULL;
- // Don't add the start folder (the inventory panel will show contents
- // beginning with the children of the starting folder, excluding the starting folder itself).
- if (id != mStartFolderID)
- {
- objectp = gInventory.getObject(id);
- if (objectp)
- {
- const LLUUID &parent_id = objectp->getParentUUID();
- // If this item's parent is the starting folder, then just add it to the top level (recall that
- // the starting folder isn't actually represented in the view, parent_folder would be NULL in
- // this case otherwise).
- LLFolderViewFolder* parent_folder = (parent_id == mStartFolderID ?
- mFolders : (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolders->getItemByID(parent_id));
- // This item exists outside the inventory's hierarchy, so don't add it.
- if (!parent_folder)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (objectp->getType() <= LLAssetType::AT_NONE ||
- objectp->getType() >= LLAssetType::AT_COUNT)
- {
- llwarns << "LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews called with invalid objectp->mType : " <<
- ((S32) objectp->getType()) << llendl;
- return;
- }
- if (objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY &&
- objectp->getActualType() != LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER)
- {
- LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(objectp->getType(),
- objectp->getType(),
- LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY,
- this,
- objectp->getUUID());
- if (new_listener)
- {
- LLFolderViewFolder::Params p;
- = new_listener->getDisplayName();
- p.icon = new_listener->getIcon();
- p.root = mFolders;
- p.listener = new_listener;
- LLFolderViewFolder* folderp = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewFolder>(p);
- folderp->setItemSortOrder(mFolders->getSortOrder());
- itemp = folderp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Build new view for item
- LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)objectp;
- LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(item->getType(),
- item->getActualType(),
- item->getInventoryType(),
- this,
- item->getUUID(),
- item->getFlags());
- if (new_listener)
- {
- LLFolderViewItem::Params params;
- params.icon(new_listener->getIcon());
- params.creation_date(new_listener->getCreationDate());
- params.root(mFolders);
- params.listener(new_listener);
- params.rect(LLRect (0, 0, 0, 0));
- itemp = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewItem> (params);
- }
- }
- if (itemp)
- {
- itemp->addToFolder(parent_folder, mFolders);
- }
- }
- }
- // If this is a folder, add the children of the folder and recursively add any
- // child folders.
- if ((id == mStartFolderID) ||
- (objectp && objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY))
- {
- LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t* categories;
- LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t* items;
- mInventory->lockDirectDescendentArrays(id, categories, items);
- if(categories)
- {
- S32 count = categories->count();
- for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- LLInventoryCategory* cat = categories->get(i);
- buildNewViews(cat->getUUID());
- }
- }
- if(items)
- {
- S32 count = items->count();
- for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- LLInventoryItem* item = items->get(i);
- buildNewViews(item->getUUID());
- }
- }
- mInventory->unlockDirectDescendentArrays(id);
- }
-struct LLConfirmPurgeData
- LLInventoryModel* mModel;
-class LLIsNotWorn : public LLInventoryCollectFunctor
- LLIsNotWorn() {}
- virtual ~LLIsNotWorn() {}
- virtual bool operator()(LLInventoryCategory* cat,
- LLInventoryItem* item)
- {
- return !gAgentWearables.isWearingItem(item->getUUID());
- }
-class LLOpenFolderByID : public LLFolderViewFunctor
- LLOpenFolderByID(const LLUUID& id) : mID(id) {}
- virtual ~LLOpenFolderByID() {}
- virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
- {
- if (folder->getListener() && folder->getListener()->getUUID() == mID) folder->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
- }
- virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item) {}
- const LLUUID& mID;
-void LLInventoryPanel::openSelected()
- LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getCurSelectedItem();
- if(!folder_item) return;
- LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
- if(!bridge) return;
- bridge->openItem();
-BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- BOOL handled = LLView::handleHover(x, y, mask);
- if(handled)
- {
- ECursorType cursor = getWindow()->getCursor();
- if (LLInventoryModel::backgroundFetchActive() && cursor == UI_CURSOR_ARROW)
- {
- // replace arrow cursor with arrow and hourglass cursor
- getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_WORKING);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
- }
- return TRUE;
-BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
- EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
- void* cargo_data,
- EAcceptance* accept,
- std::string& tooltip_msg)
- BOOL handled = LLPanel::handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
- if (handled)
- {
- mFolders->setDragAndDropThisFrame();
- }
- return handled;
-void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusLost()
- // inventory no longer handles cut/copy/paste/delete
- if (LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler == mFolders)
- {
- LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = NULL;
- }
- LLPanel::onFocusLost();
-void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusReceived()
- // inventory now handles cut/copy/paste/delete
- LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = mFolders;
- LLPanel::onFocusReceived();
-void LLInventoryPanel::openAllFolders()
- mFolders->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_DOWN);
- mFolders->arrangeAll();
-void LLInventoryPanel::openDefaultFolderForType(LLAssetType::EType type)
- LLUUID category_id = mInventory->findCategoryUUIDForType(type);
- LLOpenFolderByID opener(category_id);
- mFolders->applyFunctorRecursively(opener);
-void LLInventoryPanel::setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus)
- // Don't select objects in COF (e.g. to prevent refocus when items are worn).
- const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(obj_id);
- if (obj && obj->getParentUUID() == LLAppearanceManager::getCOF())
- {
- return;
- }
- mFolders->setSelectionByID(obj_id, take_keyboard_focus);
-void LLInventoryPanel::clearSelection()
- mFolders->clearSelection();
-void LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*>& items, BOOL user_action)
- LLFolderView* fv = getRootFolder();
- if (fv->needsAutoRename()) // auto-selecting a new user-created asset and preparing to rename
- {
- fv->setNeedsAutoRename(FALSE);
- if (items.size()) // new asset is visible and selected
- {
- fv->startRenamingSelectedItem();
- }
- }
- // Seraph - Put determineFolderType in here for ensemble typing?
-void LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata)
- mFolders->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
-void LLInventoryPanel::doCreate(const LLSD& userdata)
- menu_create_inventory_item(mFolders, LLFolderBridge::sSelf, userdata);
-bool LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession()
- std::set<LLUUID> selected_items;
- mFolders->getSelectionList(selected_items);
- std::string name;
- static int session_num = 1;
- LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> members;
- std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator iter;
- for (iter = selected_items.begin(); iter != selected_items.end(); iter++)
- {
- LLUUID item = *iter;
- LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getItemByID(item);
- if(folder_item)
- {
- LLFolderViewEventListener* fve_listener = folder_item->getListener();
- if (fve_listener && (fve_listener->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY))
- {
- LLFolderBridge* bridge = (LLFolderBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
- if(!bridge) return true;
- LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = bridge->getCategory();
- if(!cat) return true;
- name = cat->getName();
- LLUniqueBuddyCollector is_buddy;
- LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
- LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array;
- gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(bridge->getUUID(),
- cat_array,
- item_array,
- LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH,
- is_buddy);
- S32 count = item_array.count();
- if(count > 0)
- {
- LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate");
- // create the session
- LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
- LLUUID id;
- for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- id = item_array.get(i)->getCreatorUUID();
- if(at.isBuddyOnline(id))
- {
- members.put(id);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getItemByID(item);
- if(!folder_item) return true;
- LLInvFVBridge* listenerp = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
- if (listenerp->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD)
- {
- LLInventoryItem* inv_item = gInventory.getItem(listenerp->getUUID());
- if (inv_item)
- {
- LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
- LLUUID id = inv_item->getCreatorUUID();
- if(at.isBuddyOnline(id))
- {
- members.put(id);
- }
- }
- } //if !IT_CATEGORY
- }
- } //for selected_items
- // the session_id is randomly generated UUID which will be replaced later
- // with a server side generated number
- if (name.empty())
- {
- name = llformat("Session %d", session_num++);
- }
- gIMMgr->addSession(name, type, members[0], members);
- return true;
-bool LLInventoryPanel::attachObject(const LLSD& userdata)
- std::set<LLUUID> selected_items;
- mFolders->getSelectionList(selected_items);
- std::string joint_name = userdata.asString();
- LLVOAvatar *avatarp = static_cast<LLVOAvatar*>(gAgent.getAvatarObject());
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachmentp = NULL;
- for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
- iter != avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.end(); )
- {
- LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
- LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second;
- if (attachment->getName() == joint_name)
- {
- attachmentp = attachment;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (attachmentp == NULL)
- {
- return true;
- }
- for (std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator set_iter = selected_items.begin();
- set_iter != selected_items.end();
- ++set_iter)
- {
- const LLUUID &id = *set_iter;
- LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gInventory.getItem(id);
- if(item && gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(id, gInventory.getRootFolderID()))
- {
- rez_attachment(item, attachmentp);
- }
- else if(item && item->isComplete())
- {
- // must be in library. copy it to our inventory and put it on.
- LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb = new RezAttachmentCallback(attachmentp);
- copy_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(),
- item->getPermissions().getOwner(),
- item->getUUID(),
- LLUUID::null,
- std::string(),
- cb);
- }
- }
- gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL);
- return true;
-// static DEBUG ONLY:
-void LLInventoryPanel::dumpSelectionInformation(void* user_data)
- LLInventoryPanel* iv = (LLInventoryPanel*)user_data;
- iv->mFolders->dumpSelectionInformation();
-BOOL LLInventoryPanel::getSinceLogoff()
- return mFolders->getFilter()->isSinceLogoff();
-void example_param_block_usage()
+void LLFloaterInventory::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
- LLInventoryPanel::Params param_block;
- param_block.sort_order_setting(LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER);
- param_block.allow_multi_select(true);
- param_block.filter(LLInventoryPanel::Filter()
- .sort_order(1)
- .types(0xffff0000));
- param_block.inventory(&gInventory);
- param_block.has_border(true);
- LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLInventoryPanel>(param_block);
- param_block = LLInventoryPanel::Params();
- //LLSD param_block_sd;
- //param_block_sd["sort_order_setting"] = LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER;
- //param_block_sd["allow_multi_select"] = true;
- //param_block_sd["filter"]["sort_order"] = 1;
- //param_block_sd["filter"]["types"] = (S32)0xffff0000;
- //param_block_sd["has_border"] = true;
- //LLInitParam::LLSDParser(param_block_sd).parse(param_block);
- LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLInventoryPanel>(param_block);
+ LLFirstUse::useInventory();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.h
index 4c9ac5d4c6..f2f2963a33 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterinventory.h
@@ -31,366 +31,54 @@
* $/LicenseInfo$
-#include "llassetstorage.h"
-#include "lldarray.h"
#include "llfloater.h"
-#include "llinventory.h"
-#include "llinventoryfilter.h"
-#include "llfolderview.h"
-#include "llinventorymodel.h"
-#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
-#include <set>
+class LLInventoryPanel;
+class LLPanelMainInventory;
// Class LLFloaterInventory
-// This is the agent inventory _floater_.
-// It deals with the buttons and views used to navigate as
-// well as controls the behavior of the overall object.
+// This deals with the buttons and views used to navigate as
+// well as controlling the behavior of the overall object.
-class LLFolderViewItem;
-class LLInventoryFilter;
-class LLInventoryModel;
-class LLInvFVBridge;
-class LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder;
-class LLMenuBarGL;
-class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
-class LLSpinCtrl;
-class LLScrollContainer;
-class LLTextBox;
-class LLIconCtrl;
-class LLSaveFolderState;
-class LLFilterEditor;
-class LLTabContainer;
-class LLInventoryPanel : public LLPanel
+class LLFloaterInventory : public LLFloater
- static const std::string DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER;
- static const std::string RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER;
- static const std::string INHERIT_SORT_ORDER;
- struct Filter : public LLInitParam::Block<Filter>
- {
- Optional<U32> sort_order;
- Optional<U32> types;
- Optional<std::string> search_string;
- Filter()
- : sort_order("sort_order"),
- types("types", 0xffffffff),
- search_string("search_string")
- {}
- };
- struct Params
- : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLPanel::Params>
- {
- Optional<std::string> sort_order_setting;
- Optional<LLInventoryModel*> inventory;
- Optional<bool> allow_multi_select;
- Optional<Filter> filter;
- Optional<std::string> start_folder;
- Params()
- : sort_order_setting("sort_order_setting"),
- inventory("", &gInventory),
- allow_multi_select("allow_multi_select", true),
- filter("filter"),
- start_folder("start_folder")
- {}
- };
- LLInventoryPanel(const Params&);
- friend class LLUICtrlFactory;
- virtual ~LLInventoryPanel();
- LLInventoryModel* getModel() { return mInventory; }
- BOOL postBuild();
- // LLView methods
- void draw();
- BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
- BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
- EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
- void* cargo_data,
- EAcceptance* accept,
- std::string& tooltip_msg);
- // LLUICtrl methods
- /*virtual*/ void onFocusLost();
- /*virtual*/ void onFocusReceived();
- // Call this method to set the selection.
- void openAllFolders();
- void openDefaultFolderForType(LLAssetType::EType);
- void setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus);
- void setSelectCallback(const LLFolderView::signal_t::slot_type& cb) { if (mFolders) mFolders->setSelectCallback(cb); }
- void clearSelection();
- LLInventoryFilter* getFilter() { return mFolders->getFilter(); }
- void setFilterTypes(U64 filter, BOOL filter_for_categories = FALSE); // if filter_for_categories is true, operate on folder preferred asset type
- U32 getFilterTypes() const { return mFolders->getFilterTypes(); }
- void setFilterPermMask(PermissionMask filter_perm_mask);
- U32 getFilterPermMask() const { return mFolders->getFilterPermissions(); }
- void setFilterSubString(const std::string& string);
- const std::string getFilterSubString() { return mFolders->getFilterSubString(); }
- void setSortOrder(U32 order);
- U32 getSortOrder() { return mFolders->getSortOrder(); }
- void setSinceLogoff(BOOL sl);
- void setHoursAgo(U32 hours);
- BOOL getSinceLogoff();
- void setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show);
- LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow getShowFolderState();
- void setAllowMultiSelect(BOOL allow) { mFolders->setAllowMultiSelect(allow); }
- // This method is called when something has changed about the inventory.
- void modelChanged(U32 mask);
- LLFolderView* getRootFolder() { return mFolders; }
- LLScrollContainer* getScrollableContainer() { return mScroller; }
- void onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*> &items, BOOL user_action);
- // Callbacks
- void doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata);
- void doCreate(const LLSD& userdata);
- bool beginIMSession();
- bool attachObject(const LLSD& userdata);
- static void dumpSelectionInformation(void* user_data);
- void openSelected();
- void unSelectAll() { mFolders->setSelection(NULL, FALSE, FALSE); }
- // Given the id and the parent, build all of the folder views.
- void rebuildViewsFor(const LLUUID& id);
- virtual void buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id); // made virtual to support derived classes. EXT-719
- LLInventoryModel* mInventory;
- LLInventoryObserver* mInventoryObserver;
- BOOL mAllowMultiSelect;
- std::string mSortOrderSetting;
-//private: // Can not make these private - needed by llinventorysubtreepanel
- LLFolderView* mFolders;
- std::string mStartFolderString;
- /**
- * Contains UUID of Inventory item from which hierarchy should be built.
- * Can be set with the "start_folder" xml property.
- * Default is LLUUID::null that means total Inventory hierarchy.
- */
- LLUUID mStartFolderID;
- LLScrollContainer* mScroller;
- bool mHasInventoryConnection;
- /**
- * Flag specified if default inventory hierarchy should be created in postBuild()
- */
- bool mBuildDefaultHierarchy;
- LLUUID mRootInventoryItemUUID;
- /**
- * Pointer to LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder.
- *
- * It is set in LLInventoryPanel's constructor and can be overridden in derived classes with
- * another implementation.
- * Take into account it will not be deleted by LLInventoryPanel itself.
- */
- const LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder* mInvFVBridgeBuilder;
-class LLFloaterInventory;
-class LLFloaterInventoryFinder : public LLFloater
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder( LLFloaterInventory* inventory_view);
- virtual void draw();
- /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
- void changeFilter(LLInventoryFilter* filter);
- void updateElementsFromFilter();
- BOOL getCheckShowEmpty();
- BOOL getCheckSinceLogoff();
- static void onTimeAgo(LLUICtrl*, void *);
- static void onCheckSinceLogoff(LLUICtrl*, void *);
- static void onCloseBtn(void* user_data);
- static void selectAllTypes(void* user_data);
- static void selectNoTypes(void* user_data);
- LLFloaterInventory* mFloaterInventory;
- LLSpinCtrl* mSpinSinceDays;
- LLSpinCtrl* mSpinSinceHours;
- LLInventoryFilter* mFilter;
-class LLFloaterInventory : public LLFloater, LLInventoryObserver
-friend class LLFloaterInventoryFinder;
LLFloaterInventory(const LLSD& key);
- /*virtual*/ void changed(U32 mask);
- BOOL postBuild();
- //
- // Misc functions
- //
- void setFilterTextFromFilter() { mFilterText = mActivePanel->getFilter()->getFilterText(); }
- void startSearch();
- // This method makes sure that an inventory view exists, is
- // visible, and has focus. The view chosen is returned.
- static LLFloaterInventory* showAgentInventory();
+ BOOL postBuild();
// Return the active inventory view if there is one. Active is
// defined as the inventory that is the closest to the front, and
// is visible.
static LLFloaterInventory* getActiveInventory();
- // This method calls showAgentInventory() if no views are visible,
- // or hides/destroyes them all if any are visible.
- static void toggleVisibility();
- static void toggleVisibility(void*) { toggleVisibility(); }
+ // This method makes sure that an inventory view exists, is
+ // visible, and has focus. The view chosen is returned.
+ static LLFloaterInventory* showAgentInventory();
// Final cleanup, destroy all open inventory views.
static void cleanup();
- // LLView & LLFloater functionality
- virtual void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
- virtual void draw();
- virtual BOOL handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask);
- BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
- EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
- void* cargo_data,
- EAcceptance* accept,
- std::string& tooltip_msg);
- LLInventoryPanel* getPanel() { return mActivePanel; }
- LLInventoryPanel* getActivePanel() { return mActivePanel; }
- static BOOL filtersVisible(void* user_data);
- void onClearSearch();
- static void onFoldersByName(void *user_data);
- static BOOL checkFoldersByName(void *user_data);
- void onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string );
- static BOOL incrementalFind(LLFolderViewItem* first_item, const char *find_text, BOOL backward);
- void onFilterSelected();
- const std::string getFilterSubString() { return mActivePanel->getFilterSubString(); }
- void setFilterSubString(const std::string& string) { mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(string); }
- // menu callbacks
- void doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata);
- void closeAllFolders();
- void doCreate(const LLSD& userdata);
- void resetFilters();
- void setSortBy(const LLSD& userdata);
- // HACK: Until we can route this info through the instant message hierarchy
- static BOOL sWearNewClothing;
- static LLUUID sWearNewClothingTransactionID; // wear all clothing in this transaction
- void toggleFindOptions();
- LLFloaterInventoryFinder* getFinder() { return (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)mFinderHandle.get(); }
+ // Inherited functionality
+ /*virtual*/ void changed(U32 mask);
+ /*virtual*/ void draw();
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
+ LLInventoryPanel* getPanel();
- LLFilterEditor* mFilterEditor;
- LLTabContainer* mFilterTabs;
- LLHandle<LLFloater> mFinderHandle;
- LLInventoryPanel* mActivePanel;
- LLSaveFolderState* mSavedFolderState;
- std::string mFilterText;
void updateTitle();
+ LLPanelMainInventory* mPanelMainInventory;
-class LLSelectFirstFilteredItem : public LLFolderViewFunctor
- LLSelectFirstFilteredItem() : mItemSelected(FALSE) {}
- virtual ~LLSelectFirstFilteredItem() {}
- virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
- virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
- BOOL wasItemSelected() { return mItemSelected; }
- BOOL mItemSelected;
-class LLOpenFilteredFolders : public LLFolderViewFunctor
- LLOpenFilteredFolders() {}
- virtual ~LLOpenFilteredFolders() {}
- virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
- virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
-class LLSaveFolderState : public LLFolderViewFunctor
- LLSaveFolderState() : mApply(FALSE) {}
- virtual ~LLSaveFolderState() {}
- virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
- virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item) {}
- void setApply(BOOL apply);
- void clearOpenFolders() { mOpenFolders.clear(); }
- std::set<LLUUID> mOpenFolders;
- BOOL mApply;
-class LLOpenFoldersWithSelection : public LLFolderViewFunctor
- LLOpenFoldersWithSelection() {}
- virtual ~LLOpenFoldersWithSelection() {}
- virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
- virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
-/// Function declarations, constants, enums, and typedefs
-// useful functions with the inventory view
-class LLInventoryCategory;
-class LLInventoryItem;
-const std::string& get_item_icon_name(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
- LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
- U32 attachment_point,
- BOOL item_is_multi );
-LLUIImagePtr get_item_icon(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
- LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
- U32 attachment_point,
- BOOL item_is_multi );
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterland.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterland.cpp
index bdf9842b01..015a947d91 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterland.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterland.cpp
@@ -1519,7 +1519,9 @@ void LLPanelLandObjects::processParcelObjectOwnersReply(LLMessageSystem *msg, vo
// Placeholder for name.
- item_params.columns.add().font(FONT).column("name");
+ std::string name;
+ gCacheName->getFullName(owner_id, name);
+ item_params.columns.add().value(name).font(FONT).column("name");
object_count_str = llformat("%d", object_count);
@@ -1743,7 +1745,6 @@ LLPanelLandOptions::LLPanelLandOptions(LLParcelSelectionHandle& parcel)
- mPublishHelpButton(NULL),
@@ -1812,14 +1813,9 @@ BOOL LLPanelLandOptions::postBuild()
mMatureCtrl = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>( "MatureCheck");
childSetCommitCallback("MatureCheck", onCommitAny, this);
- mPublishHelpButton = getChild<LLButton>("?");
- mPublishHelpButton->setClickedCallback(onClickPublishHelp, this);
if (gAgent.wantsPGOnly())
// Disable these buttons if they are PG (Teen) users
- mPublishHelpButton->setVisible(FALSE);
- mPublishHelpButton->setEnabled(FALSE);
@@ -1912,7 +1908,6 @@ void LLPanelLandOptions::refresh()
- mPublishHelpButton->setEnabled(FALSE);
@@ -1988,13 +1983,9 @@ void LLPanelLandOptions::refresh()
mSetBtn->setEnabled( can_change_landing_point );
mClearBtn->setEnabled( can_change_landing_point );
- mPublishHelpButton->setEnabled( can_change_identity );
if (gAgent.wantsPGOnly())
// Disable these buttons if they are PG (Teen) users
- mPublishHelpButton->setVisible(FALSE);
- mPublishHelpButton->setEnabled(FALSE);
@@ -2247,28 +2238,6 @@ void LLPanelLandOptions::onClickClear(void* userdata)
-// static
-void LLPanelLandOptions::onClickPublishHelp(void*)
- LLViewerRegion* region = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getSelectionRegion();
- LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getFloatingParcelSelection()->getParcel();
- llassert(region); // Region should never be null.
- bool can_change_identity = region && parcel ?
- LLViewerParcelMgr::isParcelModifiableByAgent(parcel, GP_LAND_CHANGE_IDENTITY) &&
- ! (region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_BLOCK_PARCEL_SEARCH) : false;
- if(! can_change_identity)
- {
- LLNotifications::instance().add("ClickPublishHelpLandDisabled");
- }
- else
- {
- LLNotifications::instance().add("ClickPublishHelpLand");
- }
// LLPanelLandAccess
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterland.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterland.h
index 749c395147..f7fb978c2a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterland.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterland.h
@@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ private:
static void onCommitAny(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata);
static void onClickSet(void* userdata);
static void onClickClear(void* userdata);
- static void onClickPublishHelp(void*);
LLCheckBoxCtrl* mCheckEditObjects;
@@ -345,7 +344,6 @@ private:
LLCheckBoxCtrl *mMatureCtrl;
LLCheckBoxCtrl *mPushRestrictionCtrl;
- LLButton *mPublishHelpButton;
LLSafeHandle<LLParcelSelection>& mParcel;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.cpp
index aa82dc34b7..b6ec0868cf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
* Shows the contents of an object.
- * A floater wrapper for llpanelinventory
+ * A floater wrapper for LLPanelObjectInventory
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
#include "llinventorybridge.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
-#include "llpanelinventory.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
+#include "llpanelobjectinventory.h"
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
#include "lluiconstants.h"
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
LLFloaterOpenObject::LLFloaterOpenObject(const LLSD& key)
: LLFloater(key),
- mPanelInventory(NULL),
+ mPanelInventoryObject(NULL),
// LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this,"floater_openobject.xml");
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ LLFloaterOpenObject::~LLFloaterOpenObject()
BOOL LLFloaterOpenObject::postBuild()
childSetTextArg("object_name", "[DESC]", std::string("Object") ); // *Note: probably do not want to translate this
- mPanelInventory = getChild<LLPanelInventory>("object_contents");
+ mPanelInventoryObject = getChild<LLPanelObjectInventory>("object_contents");
return TRUE;
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ void LLFloaterOpenObject::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
void LLFloaterOpenObject::refresh()
- mPanelInventory->refresh();
+ mPanelInventoryObject->refresh();
std::string name;
BOOL enabled;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.h b/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.h
index a61cc04941..10d96b7ea3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloateropenobject.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "llfloater.h"
class LLObjectSelection;
-class LLPanelInventory;
+class LLPanelObjectInventory;
class LLFloaterOpenObject
: public LLFloater
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ private:
- LLPanelInventory* mPanelInventory;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* mPanelInventoryObject;
LLSafeHandle<LLObjectSelection> mObjectSelection;
BOOL mDirty;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp
index 8b3391726a..2af1313db4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp
@@ -339,7 +339,6 @@ LLFloaterPreference::LLFloaterPreference(const LLSD& key)
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.ClickDisablePopup", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::onClickDisablePopup, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.LogPath", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::onClickLogPath, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.Logging", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::onCommitLogging, this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.OpenHelp", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::onOpenHelp, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.UpdateMeterText", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::updateMeterText, this, _1));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.HardwareSettings", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::onOpenHardwareSettings, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Pref.HardwareDefaults", boost::bind(&LLFloaterPreference::setHardwareDefaults, this));
@@ -608,12 +607,6 @@ void LLFloaterPreference::onBtnOK()
LLPanelLogin::refreshLocation( false );
-void LLFloaterPreference::onOpenHelp()
- const char* xml_alert = "GraphicsPreferencesHelp";
- LLNotifications::instance().add(this->contextualNotification(xml_alert));
// static
void LLFloaterPreference::onBtnApply( )
@@ -1043,11 +1036,15 @@ void LLFloaterPreference::onClickSetKey()
void LLFloaterPreference::setKey(KEY key)
childSetValue("modifier_combo", LLKeyboard::stringFromKey(key));
+ // update the control right away since we no longer wait for apply
+ getChild<LLUICtrl>("modifier_combo")->onCommit();
void LLFloaterPreference::onClickSetMiddleMouse()
childSetValue("modifier_combo", "MiddleMouse");
+ // update the control right away since we no longer wait for apply
+ getChild<LLUICtrl>("modifier_combo")->onCommit();
void LLFloaterPreference::onClickSkipDialogs()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.h
index 34723b8c7e..b1ad0348c0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.h
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ protected:
void onBtnOK();
void onBtnCancel();
void onBtnApply();
- void onOpenHelp();
// void onClickClearCache();
void onClickBrowserClearCache();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.cpp
index 11544f5b7b..32229bd850 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.cpp
@@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ BOOL LLFloaterRegionInfo::postBuild()
LLPanelRegionInfo* panel;
panel = new LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo;
+ panel->getCommitCallbackRegistrar().add("RegionInfo.ManageTelehub", boost::bind(&LLPanelRegionInfo::onClickManageTelehub, panel));
LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(panel, "panel_region_general.xml");
@@ -544,14 +546,10 @@ void LLPanelRegionInfo::initCtrl(const std::string& name)
getChild<LLUICtrl>(name)->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelRegionInfo::onChangeAnything, this));
-void LLPanelRegionInfo::initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert)
- getChild<LLUICtrl>(name)->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelRegionInfo::onClickHelp, this, xml_alert));
-void LLPanelRegionInfo::onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert)
+void LLPanelRegionInfo::onClickManageTelehub()
- LLNotifications::instance().add(xml_alert);
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("region_info");
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("telehubs");
@@ -589,22 +587,10 @@ BOOL LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo::postBuild()
- initHelpBtn("terraform_help", "HelpRegionBlockTerraform");
- initHelpBtn("fly_help", "HelpRegionBlockFly");
- initHelpBtn("damage_help", "HelpRegionAllowDamage");
- initHelpBtn("agent_limit_help", "HelpRegionAgentLimit");
- initHelpBtn("object_bonus_help", "HelpRegionObjectBonus");
- initHelpBtn("access_help", "HelpRegionMaturity");
- initHelpBtn("restrict_pushobject_help", "HelpRegionRestrictPushObject");
- initHelpBtn("land_resell_help", "HelpRegionLandResell");
- initHelpBtn("parcel_changes_help", "HelpParcelChanges");
- initHelpBtn("parcel_search_help", "HelpRegionSearch");
childSetAction("kick_btn", onClickKick, this);
childSetAction("kick_all_btn", onClickKickAll, this);
childSetAction("im_btn", onClickMessage, this);
// childSetAction("manage_telehub_btn", onClickManageTelehub, this);
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("RegionInfo.Cancel", boost::bind(&LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo::onClickManageTelehub, this));
return LLPanelRegionInfo::postBuild();
@@ -712,11 +698,7 @@ bool LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo::onMessageCommit(const LLSD& notification, const L
return false;
-void LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo::onClickManageTelehub()
- LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("region_info");
- LLFloaterReg::showInstance("telehubs");
// setregioninfo
// strings[0] = 'Y' - block terraform, 'N' - not
@@ -809,13 +791,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelRegionDebugInfo::postBuild()
- initHelpBtn("disable_scripts_help", "HelpRegionDisableScripts");
- initHelpBtn("disable_collisions_help", "HelpRegionDisableCollisions");
- initHelpBtn("disable_physics_help", "HelpRegionDisablePhysics");
- initHelpBtn("top_colliders_help", "HelpRegionTopColliders");
- initHelpBtn("top_scripts_help", "HelpRegionTopScripts");
- initHelpBtn("restart_help", "HelpRegionRestart");
childSetAction("choose_avatar_btn", onClickChooseAvatar, this);
childSetAction("return_btn", onClickReturn, this);
childSetAction("top_colliders_btn", onClickTopColliders, this);
@@ -1182,15 +1157,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelRegionTerrainInfo::postBuild()
- initHelpBtn("water_height_help", "HelpRegionWaterHeight");
- initHelpBtn("terrain_raise_help", "HelpRegionTerrainRaise");
- initHelpBtn("terrain_lower_help", "HelpRegionTerrainLower");
- initHelpBtn("upload_raw_help", "HelpRegionUploadRaw");
- initHelpBtn("download_raw_help", "HelpRegionDownloadRaw");
- initHelpBtn("use_estate_sun_help", "HelpRegionUseEstateSun");
- initHelpBtn("fixed_sun_help", "HelpRegionFixedSun");
- initHelpBtn("bake_terrain_help", "HelpRegionBakeTerrain");
@@ -2103,20 +2069,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelEstateInfo::postBuild()
getChild<LLUICtrl>("abuse_email_address")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEstateInfo::onChangeAnything, this));
getChild<LLLineEditor>("abuse_email_address")->setKeystrokeCallback(onChangeText, this);
- initHelpBtn("estate_manager_help", "HelpEstateEstateManager");
- initHelpBtn("use_global_time_help", "HelpEstateUseGlobalTime");
- initHelpBtn("fixed_sun_help", "HelpEstateFixedSun");
- initHelpBtn("WLEditSkyHelp", "HelpEditSky");
- initHelpBtn("WLEditDayCycleHelp", "HelpEditDayCycle");
- initHelpBtn("externally_visible_help", "HelpEstateExternallyVisible");
- initHelpBtn("allow_direct_teleport_help", "HelpEstateAllowDirectTeleport");
- initHelpBtn("allow_resident_help", "HelpEstateAllowResident");
- initHelpBtn("allow_group_help", "HelpEstateAllowGroup");
- initHelpBtn("ban_resident_help", "HelpEstateBanResident");
- initHelpBtn("abuse_email_address_help", "HelpEstateAbuseEmailAddress");
- initHelpBtn("voice_chat_help", "HelpEstateVoiceChat");
// set up the use global time checkbox
getChild<LLUICtrl>("use_global_time_check")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEstateInfo::onChangeUseGlobalTime, this));
getChild<LLUICtrl>("fixed_sun_check")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEstateInfo::onChangeFixedSun, this));
@@ -2694,7 +2646,6 @@ bool LLPanelEstateCovenant::estateUpdate(LLMessageSystem* msg)
// virtual
BOOL LLPanelEstateCovenant::postBuild()
- initHelpBtn("covenant_help", "HelpEstateCovenant");
mEstateNameText = getChild<LLTextBox>("estate_name_text");
mEstateOwnerText = getChild<LLTextBox>("estate_owner_text");
mLastModifiedText = getChild<LLTextBox>("covenant_timestamp_text");
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.h
index 95833af8a1..a3b91223b7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterregioninfo.h
@@ -123,12 +123,10 @@ public:
void enableButton(const std::string& btn_name, BOOL enable = TRUE);
void disableButton(const std::string& btn_name);
+ void onClickManageTelehub();
void initCtrl(const std::string& name);
- void initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert);
- // Callback for all help buttons, data is name of XML alert to show.
- void onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert);
// Returns TRUE if update sent and apply button should be
// disabled.
@@ -152,6 +150,7 @@ protected:
class LLPanelRegionGeneralInfo : public LLPanelRegionInfo
: LLPanelRegionInfo() {}
@@ -161,16 +160,16 @@ public:
// LLPanel
virtual BOOL postBuild();
virtual BOOL sendUpdate();
static void onClickKick(void* userdata);
static void onKickCommit(const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<LLUUID>& ids, void* userdata);
static void onClickKickAll(void* userdata);
bool onKickAllCommit(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
static void onClickMessage(void* userdata);
bool onMessageCommit(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
- void onClickManageTelehub();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatersearch.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatersearch.cpp
index 4c83530f43..bd9798c18e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatersearch.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatersearch.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
#include "llfloatersearch.h"
#include "llmediactrl.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
LLFloaterSearch::LLFloaterSearch(const LLSD& key) :
@@ -117,6 +118,14 @@ void LLFloaterSearch::search(const LLSD &key)
std::string search_text = key.has("id") ? key["id"].asString() : "";
url += std::string("?q=") + search_text;
+ // append the maturity and teen capabilities for this agent
+ BOOL godlike = gAgent.isGodlike();
+ bool mature_enabled = gAgent.canAccessMature() || godlike;
+ bool adult_enabled = gAgent.canAccessAdult() || godlike;
+ std::string mature = (mature_enabled) ? "True" : "False";
+ std::string teen = (!adult_enabled) ? "True" : "False";
+ url += "&t=" + teen + "&m=" + mature;
// and load the URL in the web view
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
index 5fee84190b..3aef15a35c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
#include "llpanelcontents.h"
#include "llpanelface.h"
#include "llpanelland.h"
-#include "llpanelinventory.h"
+#include "llpanelobjectinventory.h"
#include "llpanelobject.h"
#include "llpanelvolume.h"
#include "llpanelpermissions.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.cpp
index 72c82c178b..a0fe42bf61 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.cpp
@@ -110,23 +110,6 @@ BOOL LLFloaterWater::postBuild()
void LLFloaterWater::initCallbacks(void) {
- // help buttons
- initHelpBtn("WaterFogColorHelp", "HelpWaterFogColor");
- initHelpBtn("WaterFogDensityHelp", "HelpWaterFogDensity");
- initHelpBtn("WaterUnderWaterFogModHelp", "HelpUnderWaterFogMod");
- initHelpBtn("WaterGlowHelp", "HelpWaterGlow");
- initHelpBtn("WaterNormalScaleHelp", "HelpWaterNormalScale");
- initHelpBtn("WaterFresnelScaleHelp", "HelpWaterFresnelScale");
- initHelpBtn("WaterFresnelOffsetHelp", "HelpWaterFresnelOffset");
- initHelpBtn("WaterBlurMultiplierHelp", "HelpWaterBlurMultiplier");
- initHelpBtn("WaterScaleBelowHelp", "HelpWaterScaleBelow");
- initHelpBtn("WaterScaleAboveHelp", "HelpWaterScaleAbove");
- initHelpBtn("WaterNormalMapHelp", "HelpWaterNormalMap");
- initHelpBtn("WaterWave1Help", "HelpWaterWave1");
- initHelpBtn("WaterWave2Help", "HelpWaterWave2");
LLWaterParamManager * param_mgr = LLWaterParamManager::instance();
getChild<LLUICtrl>("WaterFogColor")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterWater::onWaterFogColorMoved, this, _1, &param_mgr->mFogColor));
@@ -173,16 +156,6 @@ void LLFloaterWater::initCallbacks(void) {
getChild<LLUICtrl>("WaterNormalMap")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterWater::onNormalMapPicked, this, _1));
-void LLFloaterWater::onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert)
- LLNotifications::instance().add(contextualNotification(xml_alert));
-void LLFloaterWater::initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert)
- getChild<LLButton>(name)->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterWater::onClickHelp, this, xml_alert));
bool LLFloaterWater::newPromptCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
std::string text = response["message"].asString();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.h
index 08c630c69e..0ea2436dbe 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterwater.h
@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ public:
/// initialize all
void initCallbacks(void);
- // help button stuff
- void onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert);
- void initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert);
bool newPromptCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
/// general purpose callbacks for dealing with color controllers
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.cpp
index 02979acdd7..60494f3cce 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.cpp
@@ -119,36 +119,6 @@ BOOL LLFloaterWindLight::postBuild()
void LLFloaterWindLight::initCallbacks(void) {
- // help buttons
- initHelpBtn("WLBlueHorizonHelp", "HelpBlueHorizon");
- initHelpBtn("WLHazeHorizonHelp", "HelpHazeHorizon");
- initHelpBtn("WLBlueDensityHelp", "HelpBlueDensity");
- initHelpBtn("WLHazeDensityHelp", "HelpHazeDensity");
- initHelpBtn("WLDensityMultHelp", "HelpDensityMult");
- initHelpBtn("WLDistanceMultHelp", "HelpDistanceMult");
- initHelpBtn("WLMaxAltitudeHelp", "HelpMaxAltitude");
- initHelpBtn("WLSunlightColorHelp", "HelpSunlightColor");
- initHelpBtn("WLAmbientHelp", "HelpSunAmbient");
- initHelpBtn("WLSunGlowHelp", "HelpSunGlow");
- initHelpBtn("WLTimeOfDayHelp", "HelpTimeOfDay");
- initHelpBtn("WLEastAngleHelp", "HelpEastAngle");
- initHelpBtn("WLSceneGammaHelp", "HelpSceneGamma");
- initHelpBtn("WLStarBrightnessHelp", "HelpStarBrightness");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudColorHelp", "HelpCloudColor");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudDetailHelp", "HelpCloudDetail");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudDensityHelp", "HelpCloudDensity");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudCoverageHelp", "HelpCloudCoverage");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudScaleHelp", "HelpCloudScale");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudScrollXHelp", "HelpCloudScrollX");
- initHelpBtn("WLCloudScrollYHelp", "HelpCloudScrollY");
- initHelpBtn("WLClassicCloudsHelp", "HelpClassicClouds");
LLWLParamManager * param_mgr = LLWLParamManager::instance();
// blue horizon
@@ -237,16 +207,6 @@ void LLFloaterWindLight::initCallbacks(void) {
getChild<LLUICtrl>("WLStarAlpha")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterWindLight::onStarAlphaMoved, this, _1));
-void LLFloaterWindLight::onClickHelp(std::string xml_alert)
- LLNotifications::instance().add(contextualNotification(xml_alert));
-void LLFloaterWindLight::initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert)
- getChild<LLButton>(name)->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterWindLight::onClickHelp, this, xml_alert));
bool LLFloaterWindLight::newPromptCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
std::string text = response["message"].asString();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.h
index 56c2c6623b..ed9322c450 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterwindlight.h
@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ public:
/// initialize all
void initCallbacks(void);
- // help button stuff
- void onClickHelp(std::string alert);
- void initHelpBtn(const std::string& name, const std::string& xml_alert);
bool newPromptCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
/// general purpose callbacks for dealing with color controllers
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterworldmap.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterworldmap.cpp
index b7e8835fb8..f3f600149f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterworldmap.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterworldmap.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "llcallingcard.h"
#include "llcombobox.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
+#include "llcommandhandler.h"
#include "lldraghandle.h"
#include "llfirstuse.h"
#include "llfloaterreg.h" // getTypedInstance()
@@ -96,6 +97,35 @@ static const F32 SIM_COORD_DEFAULT = 128.f;
// Globals
+// handle secondlife:///app/worldmap/{NAME}/{COORDS} URLs
+class LLWorldMapHandler : public LLCommandHandler
+ // requires trusted browser to trigger
+ LLWorldMapHandler() : LLCommandHandler("worldmap", UNTRUSTED_THROTTLE) { }
+ bool handle(const LLSD& params, const LLSD& query_map,
+ LLMediaCtrl* web)
+ {
+ if (params.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const std::string region_name = params[0].asString();
+ S32 x = (params.size() > 1) ? params[1].asInteger() : 128;
+ S32 y = (params.size() > 2) ? params[2].asInteger() : 128;
+ S32 z = (params.size() > 3) ? params[3].asInteger() : 0;
+ LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackURL(region_name, x, y, z);
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("world_map", "center");
+ return true;
+ }
+LLWorldMapHandler gWorldMapHandler;
LLFloaterWorldMap* gFloaterWorldMap = NULL;
class LLMapInventoryObserver : public LLInventoryObserver
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfolderview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfolderview.cpp
index de18e74752..a963c96da4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfolderview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfolderview.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llinventorybridge.h"
#include "llinventoryclipboard.h" // *TODO: remove this once hack below gone.
#include "llinventoryfilter.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llfoldertype.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"// hacked in for the bonus context menu items.
#include "llkeyboard.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp b/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
index b21df87093..dee86f4a22 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llvoicechannel.h"
#include "lltransientfloatermgr.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ void LLIMFloater::draw()
- LLFloater::draw();
+ LLTransientDockableFloater::draw();
@@ -602,6 +603,162 @@ void LLIMFloater::processSessionUpdate(const LLSD& session_update)
+BOOL LLIMFloater::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask,
+ BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg)
+ if (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::handleGiveDragAndDrop(mOtherParticipantUUID, mSessionID, drop,
+ cargo_type, cargo_data, accept);
+ }
+ // handle case for dropping calling cards (and folders of calling cards) onto invitation panel for invites
+ else if (isInviteAllowed())
+ {
+ *accept = ACCEPT_NO;
+ if (cargo_type == DAD_CALLINGCARD)
+ {
+ if (dropCallingCard((LLInventoryItem*)cargo_data, drop))
+ {
+ *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cargo_type == DAD_CATEGORY)
+ {
+ if (dropCategory((LLInventoryCategory*)cargo_data, drop))
+ {
+ *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL LLIMFloater::dropCallingCard(LLInventoryItem* item, BOOL drop)
+ BOOL rv = isInviteAllowed();
+ if(rv && item && item->getCreatorUUID().notNull())
+ {
+ if(drop)
+ {
+ std::vector<LLUUID> ids;
+ ids.push_back(item->getCreatorUUID());
+ inviteToSession(ids);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set to false if creator uuid is null.
+ rv = FALSE;
+ }
+ return rv;
+BOOL LLIMFloater::dropCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, BOOL drop)
+ BOOL rv = isInviteAllowed();
+ if(rv && category)
+ {
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items;
+ LLUniqueBuddyCollector buddies;
+ gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category->getUUID(),
+ cats,
+ items,
+ LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH,
+ buddies);
+ S32 count = items.count();
+ if(count == 0)
+ {
+ rv = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(drop)
+ {
+ std::vector<LLUUID> ids;
+ ids.reserve(count);
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ ids.push_back(items.get(i)->getCreatorUUID());
+ }
+ inviteToSession(ids);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+BOOL LLIMFloater::isInviteAllowed() const
+ return ( (IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == mDialog)
+ || (IM_SESSION_INVITE == mDialog) );
+class LLSessionInviteResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
+ LLSessionInviteResponder(const LLUUID& session_id)
+ {
+ mSessionID = session_id;
+ }
+ void error(U32 statusNum, const std::string& reason)
+ {
+ llinfos << "Error inviting all agents to session" << llendl;
+ //throw something back to the viewer here?
+ }
+ LLUUID mSessionID;
+BOOL LLIMFloater::inviteToSession(const std::vector<LLUUID>& ids)
+ LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+ if (!region)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ S32 count = ids.size();
+ if( isInviteAllowed() && (count > 0) )
+ {
+ llinfos << "LLIMFloater::inviteToSession() - inviting participants" << llendl;
+ std::string url = region->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest");
+ LLSD data;
+ data["params"] = LLSD::emptyArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ data["params"].append(ids[i]);
+ }
+ data["method"] = "invite";
+ data["session-id"] = mSessionID;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(
+ url,
+ data,
+ new LLSessionInviteResponder(
+ mSessionID));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llinfos << "LLIMFloater::inviteToSession -"
+ << " no need to invite agents for "
+ << mDialog << llendl;
+ // successful add, because everyone that needed to get added
+ // was added.
+ }
+ return TRUE;
void LLIMFloater::addTypingIndicator(const LLIMInfo* im_info)
// We may have lost a "stop-typing" packet, don't add it twice
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimfloater.h b/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
index d2aac57ee2..f5edb3188a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
@@ -35,11 +35,13 @@
#include "lltransientdockablefloater.h"
#include "lllogchat.h"
+#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
class LLLineEditor;
class LLPanelChatControlPanel;
class LLChatHistory;
+class LLInventoryItem;
+class LLInventoryCategory;
* Individual IM window that appears at the bottom of the screen,
@@ -90,10 +92,21 @@ public:
void processIMTyping(const LLIMInfo* im_info, BOOL typing);
void processSessionUpdate(const LLSD& session_update);
+ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask,
+ BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg);
// process focus events to set a currently active session
/* virtual */ void onFocusLost();
/* virtual */ void onFocusReceived();
+ BOOL dropCallingCard(LLInventoryItem* item, BOOL drop);
+ BOOL dropCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, BOOL drop);
+ BOOL isInviteAllowed() const;
+ BOOL inviteToSession(const std::vector<LLUUID>& agent_ids);
static void onInputEditorFocusReceived( LLFocusableElement* caller, void* userdata );
static void onInputEditorFocusLost(LLFocusableElement* caller, void* userdata);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
index c4beb666ea..7399f1e1b3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
#include "llpanelimcontrolpanel.h"
#include "llrecentpeople.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
+#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "lltabcontainer.h"
#include "llviewertexteditor.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
index 49fc9d8055..66a3e3e85c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
@@ -89,9 +89,6 @@ LLIMMgr* gIMMgr = NULL;
const static std::string IM_SEPARATOR(": ");
-std::map<LLUUID, LLIMModel::LLIMSession*> LLIMModel::sSessionsMap;
void toast_callback(const LLSD& msg){
// do not show toast in busy mode or it goes from agent
@@ -105,7 +102,13 @@ void toast_callback(const LLSD& msg){
+ // Skip toasting for system messages
+ if (msg["from_id"].asUUID() == LLUUID::null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
LLSD args;
args["MESSAGE"] = msg["message"];
args["TIME"] = msg["time"];
@@ -232,6 +235,12 @@ void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::addMessage(const std::string& from, const LLUUID& f
message["index"] = (LLSD::Integer)mMsgs.size();
+ if (mSpeakers && from_id.notNull())
+ {
+ mSpeakers->speakerChatted(from_id);
+ mSpeakers->setSpeakerTyping(from_id, FALSE);
+ }
void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::chatFromLogFile(LLLogChat::ELogLineType type, const LLSD& msg, void* userdata)
@@ -252,12 +261,11 @@ void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::chatFromLogFile(LLLogChat::ELogLineType type, const
LLIMModel::LLIMSession* LLIMModel::findIMSession(const LLUUID& session_id) const
- return get_if_there(LLIMModel::instance().sSessionsMap, session_id,
+ return get_if_there(mId2SessionMap, session_id,
(LLIMModel::LLIMSession*) NULL);
-//*TODO change name to represent session initialization aspect (IB)
-void LLIMModel::updateSessionID(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id)
+void LLIMModel::processSessionInitializedReply(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id)
LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(old_session_id);
if (session)
@@ -266,8 +274,8 @@ void LLIMModel::updateSessionID(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_
if (old_session_id != new_session_id)
- sSessionsMap.erase(old_session_id);
- sSessionsMap[new_session_id] = session;
+ mId2SessionMap.erase(old_session_id);
+ mId2SessionMap[new_session_id] = session;
gIMMgr->notifyObserverSessionIDUpdated(old_session_id, new_session_id);
@@ -316,14 +324,14 @@ void LLIMModel::testMessages()
bool LLIMModel::newSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const EInstantMessage& type,
const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const std::vector<LLUUID>& ids)
- if (is_in_map(sSessionsMap, session_id))
+ if (findIMSession(session_id))
llwarns << "IM Session " << session_id << " already exists" << llendl;
return false;
LLIMSession* session = new LLIMSession(session_id, name, type, other_participant_id, ids);
- sSessionsMap[session_id] = session;
+ mId2SessionMap[session_id] = session;
LLIMMgr::getInstance()->notifyObserverSessionAdded(session_id, name, other_participant_id);
@@ -333,9 +341,9 @@ bool LLIMModel::newSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, co
bool LLIMModel::clearSession(const LLUUID& session_id)
- if (sSessionsMap.find(session_id) == sSessionsMap.end()) return false;
- delete (sSessionsMap[session_id]);
- sSessionsMap.erase(session_id);
+ if (mId2SessionMap.find(session_id) == mId2SessionMap.end()) return false;
+ delete (mId2SessionMap[session_id]);
+ mId2SessionMap.erase(session_id);
return true;
@@ -383,7 +391,6 @@ bool LLIMModel::addToHistory(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from,
return true;
-//*TODO rewrite chat history persistence using LLSD serialization (IB)
bool LLIMModel::logToFile(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text)
S32 im_log_option = gSavedPerAccountSettings.getS32("IMLogOptions");
@@ -403,6 +410,23 @@ bool LLIMModel::logToFile(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, con
return false;
+bool LLIMModel::proccessOnlineOfflineNotification(
+ const LLUUID& session_id,
+ const std::string& utf8_text)
+ // Add message to old one floater
+ LLFloaterIMPanel *floater = gIMMgr->findFloaterBySession(session_id);
+ if ( floater )
+ {
+ if ( !utf8_text.empty() )
+ {
+ floater->addHistoryLine(utf8_text, LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Add system message to history
+ return addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, utf8_text);
bool LLIMModel::addMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id,
const std::string& utf8_text, bool log2file /* = true */) {
LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id);
@@ -547,8 +571,7 @@ void LLIMModel::sendLeaveSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const LLUUID& other_p
-//*TODO update list of messages in a LLIMSession (IB)
+//*TODO this method is better be moved to the LLIMMgr
void LLIMModel::sendMessage(const std::string& utf8_text,
const LLUUID& im_session_id,
const LLUUID& other_participant_id,
@@ -1443,14 +1466,6 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage(
floater->addHistoryLine(msg, color, true, other_participant_id, from); // Insert linked name to front of message
- //*TODO consider moving that speaker management stuff into model (IB)
- LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(new_session_id);
- if (speaker_mgr)
- {
- speaker_mgr->speakerChatted(gAgentID);
- speaker_mgr->setSpeakerTyping(gAgentID, FALSE);
- }
LLIMModel::instance().addMessage(new_session_id, from, other_participant_id, msg);
@@ -1516,7 +1531,7 @@ S32 LLIMMgr::getNumberOfUnreadIM()
std::map<LLUUID, LLIMModel::LLIMSession*>::iterator it;
S32 num = 0;
- for(it = LLIMModel::sSessionsMap.begin(); it != LLIMModel::sSessionsMap.end(); ++it)
+ for(it = LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.begin(); it != LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.end(); ++it)
num += (*it).second->mNumUnread;
@@ -1582,7 +1597,9 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(dialog,other_participant_id);
- if (!LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id))
+ bool new_session = !LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id);
+ if (new_session)
LLIMModel::getInstance()->newSession(session_id, name, dialog, other_participant_id, ids);
@@ -1604,6 +1621,9 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
+ //we don't need to show notes about online/offline, mute/unmute users' statuses for existing sessions
+ if (!new_session) return session_id;
noteOfflineUsers(session_id, floater, ids);
// Only warn for regular IMs - not group IMs
@@ -1612,8 +1632,6 @@ LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession(
noteMutedUsers(session_id, floater, ids);
return session_id;
@@ -2013,7 +2031,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::noteOfflineUsers(
const LLRelationship* info = NULL;
LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
- LLIMModel* im_model = LLIMModel::getInstance();
+ LLIMModel& im_model = LLIMModel::instance();
for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
info = at.getBuddyInfo(ids.get(i));
@@ -2024,13 +2042,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::noteOfflineUsers(
LLUIString offline = LLTrans::getString("offline_message");
offline.setArg("[FIRST]", first);
offline.setArg("[LAST]", last);
- if (floater)
- {
- floater->addHistoryLine(offline, LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("SystemChatColor"));
- }
- im_model->addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, offline);
+ im_model.proccessOnlineOfflineNotification(session_id, offline);
@@ -2122,7 +2134,7 @@ public:
session_id = body["session_id"].asUUID();
- LLIMModel::getInstance()->updateSessionID(temp_session_id, session_id);
+ LLIMModel::getInstance()->processSessionInitializedReply(temp_session_id, session_id);
LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(session_id);
if (speaker_mgr)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.h b/indra/newview/llimview.h
index d0bd594df1..f986d9dcdb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimview.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llimview.h
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ public:
void resetActiveSessionID() { mActiveSessionID.setNull(); }
LLUUID getActiveSessionID() { return mActiveSessionID; }
- //*TODO make it non-static as LLIMMOdel is a singleton (IB)
- static std::map<LLUUID, LLIMSession*> sSessionsMap; //mapping session_id to session
+ /** Session id to session object */
+ std::map<LLUUID, LLIMSession*> mId2SessionMap;
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(const LLSD&)> session_signal_t;
typedef boost::function<void(const LLSD&)> session_callback_t;
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public:
* Rebind session data to a new session id.
- void updateSessionID(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id);
+ void processSessionInitializedReply(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id);
boost::signals2::connection addNewMsgCallback( session_callback_t cb ) { return mNewMsgSignal.connect(cb); }
boost::signals2::connection addNoUnreadMsgsCallback( session_callback_t cb ) { return mNoUnreadMsgsSignal.connect(cb); }
@@ -136,7 +136,12 @@ public:
* It sends new message signal for each added message.
bool addMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const std::string& utf8_text, bool log2file = true);
+ /**
+ * Add a system message to an IM Model
+ */
+ bool proccessOnlineOfflineNotification(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& utf8_text);
* Get a session's name.
* For a P2P chat - it's an avatar's name,
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinspectavatar.cpp b/indra/newview/llinspectavatar.cpp
index 99580d0918..bfad2b1624 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llinspectavatar.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llinspectavatar.cpp
@@ -107,9 +107,12 @@ private:
void onClickPay();
void onClickBlock();
void onClickReport();
+ void onClickFreeze();
+ void onClickEject();
void onClickZoomIn();
void onClickFindOnMap();
bool onVisibleFindOnMap();
+ bool onVisibleFreezeEject();
void onClickMuteVolume();
void onVolumeChange(const LLSD& data);
@@ -190,11 +193,16 @@ LLInspectAvatar::LLInspectAvatar(const LLSD& sd)
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.InviteToGroup", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickInviteToGroup, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.Pay", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickPay, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.Block", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickBlock, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.Freeze",
+ boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickFreeze, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.Eject",
+ boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickEject, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.Report", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickReport, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.FindOnMap", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickFindOnMap, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.ZoomIn", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onClickZoomIn, this));
mVisibleCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.VisibleFindOnMap", boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onVisibleFindOnMap, this));
+ mVisibleCallbackRegistrar.add("InspectAvatar.VisibleFreezeEject",
+ boost::bind(&LLInspectAvatar::onVisibleFreezeEject, this));
// can't make the properties request until the widgets are constructed
// as it might return immediately, so do it in postBuild.
@@ -437,13 +445,13 @@ void LLInspectAvatar::nameUpdatedCallback(
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickAddFriend()
LLAvatarActions::requestFriendshipDialog(mAvatarID, mAvatarName);
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickViewProfile()
- // hide inspector when showing profile
- setFocus(FALSE);
+ closeFloater();
bool LLInspectAvatar::onVisibleFindOnMap()
@@ -451,24 +459,33 @@ bool LLInspectAvatar::onVisibleFindOnMap()
return gAgent.isGodlike() || is_agent_mappable(mAvatarID);
+bool LLInspectAvatar::onVisibleFreezeEject()
+ return enable_freeze_eject( LLSD(mAvatarID) );
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickIM()
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickTeleport()
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickInviteToGroup()
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickPay()
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickBlock()
@@ -476,11 +493,25 @@ void LLInspectAvatar::onClickBlock()
LLMute mute(mAvatarID, mAvatarName, LLMute::AGENT);
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickReport()
+ closeFloater();
+void LLInspectAvatar::onClickFreeze()
+ handle_avatar_freeze( LLSD(mAvatarID) );
+ closeFloater();
+void LLInspectAvatar::onClickEject()
+ handle_avatar_eject( LLSD(mAvatarID) );
+ closeFloater();
void LLInspectAvatar::onClickZoomIn()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
index 59f70ea1bd..b9775cf0e9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
#include "llavataractions.h"
#include "llgesturemgr.h"
#include "lliconctrl.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llinventoryclipboard.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "llmenugl.h"
@@ -275,7 +277,11 @@ void LLInvFVBridge::cutToClipboard()
// *TODO: make sure this does the right thing
void LLInvFVBridge::showProperties()
- LLFloaterReg::showInstance("properties", mUUID);
+ LLSD key;
+ key["id"] = mUUID;
+ LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("sidepanel_inventory", key);
+ // LLFloaterReg::showInstance("properties", mUUID);
void LLInvFVBridge::removeBatch(LLDynamicArray<LLFolderViewEventListener*>& batch)
@@ -506,7 +512,7 @@ BOOL LLInvFVBridge::isClipboardPasteableAsLink() const
return TRUE;
-void hideContextEntries(LLMenuGL& menu,
+void hide_context_entries(LLMenuGL& menu,
const std::vector<std::string> &entries_to_show,
const std::vector<std::string> &disabled_entries)
@@ -521,7 +527,7 @@ void hideContextEntries(LLMenuGL& menu,
LLMenuItemBranchGL* branchp = dynamic_cast<LLMenuItemBranchGL*>(*itor);
if ((name == "More") && branchp)
- hideContextEntries(*branchp->getBranch(), entries_to_show, disabled_entries);
+ hide_context_entries(*branchp->getBranch(), entries_to_show, disabled_entries);
@@ -598,6 +604,12 @@ void LLInvFVBridge::getClipboardEntries(bool show_asset_id,
+ // If multiple items are selected, disable properties (if it exists).
+ if ((flags & FIRST_SELECTED_ITEM) == 0)
+ {
+ disabled_items.push_back(std::string("Properties"));
+ }
void LLInvFVBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
@@ -621,7 +633,7 @@ void LLInvFVBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
getClipboardEntries(true, items, disabled_items, flags);
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
// *TODO: remove this
@@ -2387,7 +2399,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::folderOptionsMenu()
mItems.push_back(std::string("Take Off Items"));
- hideContextEntries(*mMenu, mItems, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(*mMenu, mItems, disabled_items);
BOOL LLFolderBridge::checkFolderForContentsOfType(LLInventoryModel* model, LLInventoryCollectFunctor& is_type)
@@ -2526,7 +2538,7 @@ void LLFolderBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
mItems.push_back(std::string("--no options--"));
mDisabledItems.push_back(std::string("--no options--"));
- hideContextEntries(menu, mItems, mDisabledItems);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, mItems, mDisabledItems);
BOOL LLFolderBridge::hasChildren() const
@@ -3147,7 +3159,7 @@ void LLSoundBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
items.push_back(std::string("Sound Separator"));
items.push_back(std::string("Sound Play"));
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
// +=================================================+
@@ -3204,7 +3216,7 @@ void LLLandmarkBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
disabled_items.push_back(std::string("About Landmark"));
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
// Convenience function for the two functions below.
@@ -3433,7 +3445,7 @@ void LLCallingCardBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
disabled_items.push_back(std::string("Conference Chat"));
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
BOOL LLCallingCardBridge::dragOrDrop(MASK mask, BOOL drop,
@@ -3662,7 +3674,7 @@ void LLGestureBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
// +=================================================+
@@ -3702,7 +3714,7 @@ void LLAnimationBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
items.push_back(std::string("Animation Play"));
items.push_back(std::string("Animation Audition"));
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
@@ -3847,6 +3859,10 @@ void LLObjectBridge::openItem()
+ LLSD key;
+ key["id"] = mUUID;
+ LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("sidepanel_inventory", key);
LLFloaterReg::showInstance("properties", mUUID);
@@ -4058,7 +4074,7 @@ void LLObjectBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
BOOL LLObjectBridge::renameItem(const std::string& new_name)
@@ -4471,7 +4487,7 @@ void LLWearableBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
// Called from menus
@@ -5043,7 +5059,7 @@ void LLLinkItemBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
@@ -5094,7 +5110,7 @@ void LLLinkFolderBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
void LLLinkFolderBridge::performAction(LLFolderView* folder, LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.h b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.h
index 6b2a2d32de..3f3513a665 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "llfoldervieweventlistener.h"
class LLInventoryPanel;
+class LLMenuGL;
enum EInventoryIcon
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ protected:
const std::string safe_inv_type_lookup(LLInventoryType::EType inv_type);
-void hideContextEntries(LLMenuGL& menu,
+void hide_context_entries(LLMenuGL& menu,
const std::vector<std::string> &entries_to_show,
const std::vector<std::string> &disabled_entries);
@@ -807,5 +808,9 @@ BOOL move_inv_category_world_to_agent(const LLUUID& object_id,
void teleport_via_landmark(const LLUUID& asset_id);
+// Utility function to hide all entries except those in the list
+void hide_context_entries(LLMenuGL& menu,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &entries_to_show,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &disabled_entries);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77121bd922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+ * @file llfloaterinventory.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of the inventory view and associated stuff.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include <utility> // for std::pair<>
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
+// library includes
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llagentwearables.h"
+#include "llcallingcard.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llfiltereditor.h"
+#include "llspinctrl.h"
+#include "llui.h"
+#include "message.h"
+// newview includes
+#include "llappearancemgr.h"
+#include "llappviewer.h"
+#include "llfirstuse.h"
+#include "llfloaterchat.h"
+#include "llfloatercustomize.h"
+#include "llfocusmgr.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
+#include "llgesturemgr.h"
+#include "lliconctrl.h"
+#include "llimview.h"
+#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventoryclipboard.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
+#include "lllineeditor.h"
+#include "llmenugl.h"
+#include "llpreviewanim.h"
+#include "llpreviewgesture.h"
+#include "llpreviewnotecard.h"
+#include "llpreviewscript.h"
+#include "llpreviewsound.h"
+#include "llpreviewtexture.h"
+#include "llresmgr.h"
+#include "llscrollbar.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
+#include "llselectmgr.h"
+#include "lltabcontainer.h"
+#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include "llviewerinventory.h"
+#include "llviewermessage.h"
+#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llviewerwindow.h"
+#include "llvoavatarself.h"
+#include "llwearablelist.h"
+BOOL LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothing = FALSE;
+LLUUID LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothingTransactionID;
+void LLSaveFolderState::setApply(BOOL apply)
+ mApply = apply;
+ // before generating new list of open folders, clear the old one
+ if(!apply)
+ {
+ clearOpenFolders();
+ }
+void LLSaveFolderState::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ if(mApply)
+ {
+ // we're applying the open state
+ LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder->getListener();
+ if(!bridge) return;
+ LLUUID id(bridge->getUUID());
+ if(mOpenFolders.find(id) != mOpenFolders.end())
+ {
+ folder->setOpen(TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // keep selected filter in its current state, this is less jarring to user
+ if (!folder->isSelected())
+ {
+ folder->setOpen(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we're recording state at this point
+ if(folder->isOpen())
+ {
+ LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder->getListener();
+ if(!bridge) return;
+ mOpenFolders.insert(bridge->getUUID());
+ }
+ }
+void LLOpenFilteredFolders::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
+ if (item->getFiltered())
+ {
+ item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+void LLOpenFilteredFolders::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ if (folder->getFiltered() && folder->getParentFolder())
+ {
+ folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+ // if this folder didn't pass the filter, and none of its descendants did
+ else if (!folder->getFiltered() && !folder->hasFilteredDescendants())
+ {
+ folder->setOpenArrangeRecursively(FALSE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_NO);
+ }
+void LLSelectFirstFilteredItem::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
+ if (item->getFiltered() && !mItemSelected)
+ {
+ item->getRoot()->setSelection(item, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if (item->getParentFolder())
+ {
+ item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+ item->getRoot()->scrollToShowSelection();
+ mItemSelected = TRUE;
+ }
+void LLSelectFirstFilteredItem::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ if (folder->getFiltered() && !mItemSelected)
+ {
+ folder->getRoot()->setSelection(folder, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if (folder->getParentFolder())
+ {
+ folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+ folder->getRoot()->scrollToShowSelection();
+ mItemSelected = TRUE;
+ }
+void LLOpenFoldersWithSelection::doItem(LLFolderViewItem *item)
+ if (item->getParentFolder() && item->isSelected())
+ {
+ item->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+void LLOpenFoldersWithSelection::doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ if (folder->getParentFolder() && folder->isSelected())
+ {
+ folder->getParentFolder()->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+const std::string& get_item_icon_name(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
+ U32 attachment_point,
+ BOOL item_is_multi )
+ EInventoryIcon idx = OBJECT_ICON_NAME;
+ if ( item_is_multi )
+ {
+ }
+ switch(asset_type)
+ {
+ case LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE:
+ if(LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT == inventory_type)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_SOUND:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD:
+ if(attachment_point!= 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK:
+ if(attachment_point!= 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_SCRIPT:
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LSL_TEXT:
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LSL_BYTECODE:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING:
+ case LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART :
+ if(LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART == asset_type)
+ {
+ }
+ switch(LLInventoryItem::II_FLAGS_WEARABLES_MASK & attachment_point)
+ {
+ case WT_SHAPE:
+ break;
+ case WT_SKIN:
+ break;
+ case WT_HAIR:
+ break;
+ case WT_EYES:
+ break;
+ case WT_SHIRT:
+ break;
+ case WT_PANTS:
+ break;
+ case WT_SHOES:
+ break;
+ case WT_SOCKS:
+ break;
+ case WT_JACKET:
+ break;
+ case WT_GLOVES:
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case WT_SKIRT:
+ break;
+ case WT_ALPHA:
+ break;
+ case WT_TATTOO:
+ break;
+ default:
+ // no-op, go with choice above
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_NOTECARD:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_FAVORITE:
+ //TODO - need bette idx
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LINK:
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ICON_NAME[idx];
+LLUIImagePtr get_item_icon(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
+ U32 attachment_point,
+ BOOL item_is_multi)
+ const std::string& icon_name = get_item_icon_name(asset_type, inventory_type, attachment_point, item_is_multi );
+ return LLUI::getUIImage(icon_name);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.h b/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95cc68ddbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventoryfunctions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * @file llinventoryfunctions.h
+ * @brief Miscellaneous inventory-related functions and classes
+ * class definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llassetstorage.h"
+#include "lldarray.h"
+#include "llfloater.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "llinventoryfilter.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include <set>
+class LLFolderViewItem;
+class LLInventoryFilter;
+class LLInventoryModel;
+class LLInventoryPanel;
+class LLInvFVBridge;
+class LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder;
+class LLMenuBarGL;
+class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
+class LLSpinCtrl;
+class LLScrollContainer;
+class LLTextBox;
+class LLIconCtrl;
+class LLSaveFolderState;
+class LLFilterEditor;
+class LLTabContainer;
+// This is a collection of miscellaneous functions and classes
+// that don't fit cleanly into any other class header.
+class LLInventoryState
+ // HACK: Until we can route this info through the instant message hierarchy
+ static BOOL sWearNewClothing;
+ static LLUUID sWearNewClothingTransactionID; // wear all clothing in this transaction
+class LLSelectFirstFilteredItem : public LLFolderViewFunctor
+ LLSelectFirstFilteredItem() : mItemSelected(FALSE) {}
+ virtual ~LLSelectFirstFilteredItem() {}
+ virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
+ virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
+ BOOL wasItemSelected() { return mItemSelected; }
+ BOOL mItemSelected;
+class LLOpenFilteredFolders : public LLFolderViewFunctor
+ LLOpenFilteredFolders() {}
+ virtual ~LLOpenFilteredFolders() {}
+ virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
+ virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
+class LLSaveFolderState : public LLFolderViewFunctor
+ LLSaveFolderState() : mApply(FALSE) {}
+ virtual ~LLSaveFolderState() {}
+ virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
+ virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item) {}
+ void setApply(BOOL apply);
+ void clearOpenFolders() { mOpenFolders.clear(); }
+ std::set<LLUUID> mOpenFolders;
+ BOOL mApply;
+class LLOpenFoldersWithSelection : public LLFolderViewFunctor
+ LLOpenFoldersWithSelection() {}
+ virtual ~LLOpenFoldersWithSelection() {}
+ virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
+ virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item);
+const std::string& get_item_icon_name(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
+ U32 attachment_point,
+ BOOL item_is_multi );
+LLUIImagePtr get_item_icon(LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ LLInventoryType::EType inventory_type,
+ U32 attachment_point,
+ BOOL item_is_multi );
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorymodel.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorymodel.cpp
index 1d7cbde0d5..23439191f3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llinventorymodel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorymodel.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
#include "llfloater.h"
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llviewerinventory.h"
#include "llviewermessage.h"
@@ -3174,13 +3176,13 @@ void LLInventoryModel::processBulkUpdateInventory(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**)
// The incoming inventory could span more than one BulkInventoryUpdate packet,
// so record the transaction ID for this purchase, then wear all clothing
// that comes in as part of that transaction ID. JC
- if (LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothing)
+ if (LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothing)
- LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothingTransactionID = tid;
- LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothing = FALSE;
+ LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothingTransactionID = tid;
+ LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothing = FALSE;
- if (tid == LLFloaterInventory::sWearNewClothingTransactionID)
+ if (tid == LLInventoryState::sWearNewClothingTransactionID)
count = wearable_ids.size();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1ca0efed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+ * @file llfloaterinventory.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of the inventory view and associated stuff.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include <utility> // for std::pair<>
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
+// Seraph TODO: Remove unnecessary headers
+// library includes
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llagentwearables.h"
+#include "llcallingcard.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llfiltereditor.h"
+#include "llspinctrl.h"
+#include "llui.h"
+#include "message.h"
+// newview includes
+#include "llappearancemgr.h"
+#include "llappviewer.h"
+#include "llfirstuse.h"
+#include "llfloaterchat.h"
+#include "llfloatercustomize.h"
+#include "llfocusmgr.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
+#include "llgesturemgr.h"
+#include "lliconctrl.h"
+#include "llimview.h"
+#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventoryclipboard.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "lllineeditor.h"
+#include "llmenugl.h"
+#include "llpreviewanim.h"
+#include "llpreviewgesture.h"
+#include "llpreviewnotecard.h"
+#include "llpreviewscript.h"
+#include "llpreviewsound.h"
+#include "llpreviewtexture.h"
+#include "llresmgr.h"
+#include "llscrollbar.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
+#include "llselectmgr.h"
+#include "lltabcontainer.h"
+#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include "llviewerinventory.h"
+#include "llviewermessage.h"
+#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llviewerwindow.h"
+#include "llvoavatarself.h"
+#include "llwearablelist.h"
+static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLInventoryPanel> r("inventory_panel");
+const std::string LLInventoryPanel::DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = std::string("InventorySortOrder");
+const std::string LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER = std::string("RecentItemsSortOrder");
+const std::string LLInventoryPanel::INHERIT_SORT_ORDER = std::string("");
+static const LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder INVENTORY_BRIDGE_BUILDER;
+LLInventoryPanel::LLInventoryPanel(const LLInventoryPanel::Params& p) :
+ LLPanel(p),
+ mInventoryObserver(NULL),
+ mFolders(NULL),
+ mScroller(NULL),
+ mSortOrderSetting(p.sort_order_setting),
+ mInventory(p.inventory),
+ mAllowMultiSelect(p.allow_multi_select),
+ mHasInventoryConnection(false),
+ mStartFolderString(p.start_folder),
+ mBuildDefaultHierarchy(true),
+ mInvFVBridgeBuilder(NULL)
+ // contex menu callbacks
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLAssetType::AT_TRASH));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLAssetType::AT_LOST_AND_FOUND));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doCreate, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.AttachObject", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::attachObject, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.BeginIMSession", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession, this));
+ setBackgroundColor(LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("InventoryBackgroundColor"));
+ setBackgroundVisible(TRUE);
+ setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE);
+BOOL LLInventoryPanel::postBuild()
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); // registered as a widget; need to push callback scope ourselves
+ // create root folder
+ {
+ LLRect folder_rect(0,
+ 0,
+ getRect().getWidth(),
+ 0);
+ LLFolderView::Params p;
+ = getName();
+ p.rect = folder_rect;
+ p.parent_panel = this;
+ mFolders = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderView>(p);
+ mFolders->setAllowMultiSelect(mAllowMultiSelect);
+ }
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.popScope();
+ mFolders->setCallbackRegistrar(&mCommitCallbackRegistrar);
+ // scroller
+ {
+ LLRect scroller_view_rect = getRect();
+ scroller_view_rect.translate(-scroller_view_rect.mLeft, -scroller_view_rect.mBottom);
+ LLScrollContainer::Params p;
+"Inventory Scroller");
+ p.rect(scroller_view_rect);
+ p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_ALL);
+ p.reserve_scroll_corner(true);
+ p.tab_stop(true);
+ mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLScrollContainer>(p);
+ }
+ addChild(mScroller);
+ mScroller->addChild(mFolders);
+ mFolders->setScrollContainer(mScroller);
+ // set up the callbacks from the inventory we're viewing, and then
+ // build everything.
+ mInventoryObserver = new LLInventoryPanelObserver(this);
+ mInventory->addObserver(mInventoryObserver);
+ // determine the root folder, if any, so inventory contents show just the children
+ // of that folder (i.e. not including the folder itself).
+ const LLAssetType::EType preferred_type = LLAssetType::lookupHumanReadable(mStartFolderString);
+ if ("inventory" == mStartFolderString)
+ {
+ mStartFolderID = gInventory.getRootFolderID();
+ }
+ else if ("library" == mStartFolderString)
+ {
+ mStartFolderID = gInventory.getLibraryRootFolderID();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mStartFolderID = (preferred_type != LLAssetType::AT_NONE ? gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(preferred_type) : LLUUID::null);
+ }
+ // build view of inventory if we need default full hierarchy and inventory ready, otherwise wait for modelChanged() callback
+ if (mBuildDefaultHierarchy && mInventory->isInventoryUsable() && !mHasInventoryConnection)
+ {
+ rebuildViewsFor(mStartFolderID);
+ mHasInventoryConnection = true;
+ }
+ // bit of a hack to make sure the inventory is open.
+ mFolders->openFolder(preferred_type != LLAssetType::AT_NONE ? LLAssetType::lookupCategoryName(preferred_type) : "My Inventory");
+ if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER)
+ {
+ setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(mSortOrderSetting));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER));
+ }
+ mFolders->setSortOrder(mFolders->getFilter()->getSortOrder());
+ return TRUE;
+ // should this be a global setting?
+ if (mFolders)
+ {
+ U32 sort_order = mFolders->getSortOrder();
+ if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER)
+ {
+ gSavedSettings.setU32(mSortOrderSetting, sort_order);
+ }
+ }
+ // LLView destructor will take care of the sub-views.
+ mInventory->removeObserver(mInventoryObserver);
+ delete mInventoryObserver;
+ mScroller = NULL;
+LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_INVENTORY_FROM_XML); // ! BUG ! Should this be removed?
+void LLInventoryPanel::draw()
+ // select the desired item (in case it wasn't loaded when the selection was requested)
+ mFolders->updateSelection();
+ LLPanel::draw();
+LLInventoryFilter* LLInventoryPanel::getFilter()
+ if (mFolders) return mFolders->getFilter();
+ return NULL;
+void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterTypes(U64 filter_types, BOOL filter_for_categories)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterTypes(filter_types, filter_for_categories);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterPermMask(PermissionMask filter_perm_mask)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterPermissions(filter_perm_mask);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterSubString(const std::string& string)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setFilterSubString(string);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setSortOrder(U32 order)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setSortOrder(order);
+ if (mFolders->getFilter()->isModified())
+ {
+ mFolders->setSortOrder(order);
+ // try to keep selection onscreen, even if it wasn't to start with
+ mFolders->scrollToShowSelection();
+ }
+void LLInventoryPanel::setSinceLogoff(BOOL sl)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setDateRangeLastLogoff(sl);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setHoursAgo(U32 hours)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setHoursAgo(hours);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show)
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setShowFolderState(show);
+LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow LLInventoryPanel::getShowFolderState()
+ return mFolders->getFilter()->getShowFolderState();
+static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_REFRESH("Inventory Refresh");
+void LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged(U32 mask)
+ LLFastTimer t2(FTM_REFRESH);
+ bool handled = false;
+ // inventory just initialized, do complete build
+ if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD) && gInventory.getChangedIDs().empty() && !mHasInventoryConnection)
+ {
+ rebuildViewsFor(mStartFolderID);
+ mHasInventoryConnection = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(mask & LLInventoryObserver::LABEL)
+ {
+ handled = true;
+ // label change - empty out the display name for each object
+ // in this change set.
+ const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();
+ std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
+ std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
+ LLFolderViewItem* view = NULL;
+ LLInvFVBridge* bridge = NULL;
+ for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
+ {
+ view = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);
+ if(view)
+ {
+ // request refresh on this item (also flags for filtering)
+ bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)view->getListener();
+ if(bridge)
+ { // Clear the display name first, so it gets properly re-built during refresh()
+ bridge->clearDisplayName();
+ }
+ view->refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((mask & (LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE
+ | LLInventoryObserver::ADD
+ | LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)) != 0)
+ {
+ handled = true;
+ // Record which folders are open by uuid.
+ LLInventoryModel* model = getModel();
+ if (model)
+ {
+ const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();
+ std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
+ std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
+ for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
+ {
+ // sync view with model
+ LLInventoryObject* model_item = model->getObject(*id_it);
+ LLFolderViewItem* view_item = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);
+ if (model_item)
+ {
+ if (!view_item)
+ {
+ // this object was just created, need to build a view for it
+ if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD) != LLInventoryObserver::ADD)
+ {
+ llwarns << *id_it << " is in model but not in view, but ADD flag not set" << llendl;
+ }
+ buildNewViews(*id_it);
+ // select any newly created object
+ // that has the auto rename at top of folder
+ // root set
+ if(mFolders->getRoot()->needsAutoRename())
+ {
+ setSelection(*id_it, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this object was probably moved, check its parent
+ if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE) != LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE)
+ {
+ llwarns << *id_it << " is in model and in view, but STRUCTURE flag not set" << llendl;
+ }
+ LLFolderViewFolder* new_parent = (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolders->getItemByID(model_item->getParentUUID());
+ // added check against NULL for cases when Inventory panel contains startFolder.
+ // in this case parent is LLFolderView (LLInventoryPanel::mFolders) itself.
+ // this check is a fix for bug EXT-1859.
+ if (NULL != new_parent && view_item->getParentFolder() != new_parent)
+ {
+ view_item->getParentFolder()->extractItem(view_item);
+ view_item->addToFolder(new_parent, mFolders);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (view_item)
+ {
+ if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE) != LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)
+ {
+ llwarns << *id_it << " is not in model but in view, but REMOVE flag not set" << llendl;
+ }
+ // item in view but not model, need to delete view
+ view_item->destroyView();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << *id_it << "Item does not exist in either view or model, but notification triggered" << llendl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ // it's a small change that only requires a refresh.
+ // *TODO: figure out a more efficient way to do the refresh
+ // since it is expensive on large inventories
+ mFolders->refresh();
+ }
+void LLInventoryPanel::rebuildViewsFor(const LLUUID& id)
+ LLFolderViewItem* old_view = NULL;
+ // get old LLFolderViewItem
+ old_view = mFolders->getItemByID(id);
+ if (old_view && id.notNull())
+ {
+ old_view->destroyView();
+ }
+ buildNewViews(id);
+void LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id)
+ LLFolderViewItem* itemp = NULL;
+ LLInventoryObject* objectp = NULL;
+ // Don't add the start folder (the inventory panel will show contents
+ // beginning with the children of the starting folder, excluding the starting folder itself).
+ if (id != mStartFolderID)
+ {
+ objectp = gInventory.getObject(id);
+ if (objectp)
+ {
+ const LLUUID &parent_id = objectp->getParentUUID();
+ // If this item's parent is the starting folder, then just add it to the top level (recall that
+ // the starting folder isn't actually represented in the view, parent_folder would be NULL in
+ // this case otherwise).
+ LLFolderViewFolder* parent_folder = (parent_id == mStartFolderID ?
+ mFolders : (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolders->getItemByID(parent_id));
+ // This item exists outside the inventory's hierarchy, so don't add it.
+ if (!parent_folder)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (objectp->getType() <= LLAssetType::AT_NONE ||
+ objectp->getType() >= LLAssetType::AT_COUNT)
+ {
+ llwarns << "LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews called with invalid objectp->mType : " <<
+ ((S32) objectp->getType()) << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY &&
+ objectp->getActualType() != LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER)
+ {
+ LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(objectp->getType(),
+ objectp->getType(),
+ LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY,
+ this,
+ objectp->getUUID());
+ if (new_listener)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewFolder::Params p;
+ = new_listener->getDisplayName();
+ p.icon = new_listener->getIcon();
+ p.root = mFolders;
+ p.listener = new_listener;
+ LLFolderViewFolder* folderp = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewFolder>(p);
+ folderp->setItemSortOrder(mFolders->getSortOrder());
+ itemp = folderp;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Build new view for item
+ LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)objectp;
+ LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(item->getType(),
+ item->getActualType(),
+ item->getInventoryType(),
+ this,
+ item->getUUID(),
+ item->getFlags());
+ if (new_listener)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewItem::Params params;
+ params.icon(new_listener->getIcon());
+ params.creation_date(new_listener->getCreationDate());
+ params.root(mFolders);
+ params.listener(new_listener);
+ params.rect(LLRect (0, 0, 0, 0));
+ itemp = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewItem> (params);
+ }
+ }
+ if (itemp)
+ {
+ itemp->addToFolder(parent_folder, mFolders);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If this is a folder, add the children of the folder and recursively add any
+ // child folders.
+ if ((id == mStartFolderID) ||
+ (objectp && objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY))
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t* categories;
+ LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t* items;
+ mInventory->lockDirectDescendentArrays(id, categories, items);
+ if(categories)
+ {
+ S32 count = categories->count();
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ LLInventoryCategory* cat = categories->get(i);
+ buildNewViews(cat->getUUID());
+ }
+ }
+ if(items)
+ {
+ S32 count = items->count();
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* item = items->get(i);
+ buildNewViews(item->getUUID());
+ }
+ }
+ mInventory->unlockDirectDescendentArrays(id);
+ }
+struct LLConfirmPurgeData
+ LLInventoryModel* mModel;
+class LLIsNotWorn : public LLInventoryCollectFunctor
+ LLIsNotWorn() {}
+ virtual ~LLIsNotWorn() {}
+ virtual bool operator()(LLInventoryCategory* cat,
+ LLInventoryItem* item)
+ {
+ return !gAgentWearables.isWearingItem(item->getUUID());
+ }
+class LLOpenFolderByID : public LLFolderViewFunctor
+ LLOpenFolderByID(const LLUUID& id) : mID(id) {}
+ virtual ~LLOpenFolderByID() {}
+ virtual void doFolder(LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ {
+ if (folder->getListener() && folder->getListener()->getUUID() == mID) folder->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_UP);
+ }
+ virtual void doItem(LLFolderViewItem* item) {}
+ const LLUUID& mID;
+void LLInventoryPanel::openSelected()
+ LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getCurSelectedItem();
+ if(!folder_item) return;
+ LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
+ if(!bridge) return;
+ bridge->openItem();
+BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ BOOL handled = LLView::handleHover(x, y, mask);
+ if(handled)
+ {
+ ECursorType cursor = getWindow()->getCursor();
+ if (LLInventoryModel::backgroundFetchActive() && cursor == UI_CURSOR_ARROW)
+ {
+ // replace arrow cursor with arrow and hourglass cursor
+ getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_WORKING);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg)
+ BOOL handled = LLPanel::handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
+ if (handled)
+ {
+ mFolders->setDragAndDropThisFrame();
+ }
+ return handled;
+void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusLost()
+ // inventory no longer handles cut/copy/paste/delete
+ if (LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler == mFolders)
+ {
+ LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = NULL;
+ }
+ LLPanel::onFocusLost();
+void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusReceived()
+ // inventory now handles cut/copy/paste/delete
+ LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = mFolders;
+ LLPanel::onFocusReceived();
+void LLInventoryPanel::openAllFolders()
+ mFolders->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_DOWN);
+ mFolders->arrangeAll();
+void LLInventoryPanel::openDefaultFolderForType(LLAssetType::EType type)
+ LLUUID category_id = mInventory->findCategoryUUIDForType(type);
+ LLOpenFolderByID opener(category_id);
+ mFolders->applyFunctorRecursively(opener);
+void LLInventoryPanel::setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus)
+ // Don't select objects in COF (e.g. to prevent refocus when items are worn).
+ const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(obj_id);
+ if (obj && obj->getParentUUID() == LLAppearanceManager::getCOF())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mFolders->setSelectionByID(obj_id, take_keyboard_focus);
+void LLInventoryPanel::clearSelection()
+ mFolders->clearSelection();
+void LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*>& items, BOOL user_action)
+ LLFolderView* fv = getRootFolder();
+ if (fv->needsAutoRename()) // auto-selecting a new user-created asset and preparing to rename
+ {
+ fv->setNeedsAutoRename(FALSE);
+ if (items.size()) // new asset is visible and selected
+ {
+ fv->startRenamingSelectedItem();
+ }
+ }
+ // Seraph - Put determineFolderType in here for ensemble typing?
+void LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata)
+ mFolders->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
+void LLInventoryPanel::doCreate(const LLSD& userdata)
+ menu_create_inventory_item(mFolders, LLFolderBridge::sSelf, userdata);
+bool LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession()
+ std::set<LLUUID> selected_items;
+ mFolders->getSelectionList(selected_items);
+ std::string name;
+ static int session_num = 1;
+ LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> members;
+ std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = selected_items.begin(); iter != selected_items.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ LLUUID item = *iter;
+ LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getItemByID(item);
+ if(folder_item)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewEventListener* fve_listener = folder_item->getListener();
+ if (fve_listener && (fve_listener->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY))
+ {
+ LLFolderBridge* bridge = (LLFolderBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
+ if(!bridge) return true;
+ LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = bridge->getCategory();
+ if(!cat) return true;
+ name = cat->getName();
+ LLUniqueBuddyCollector is_buddy;
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array;
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array;
+ gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(bridge->getUUID(),
+ cat_array,
+ item_array,
+ LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH,
+ is_buddy);
+ S32 count = item_array.count();
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate");
+ // create the session
+ LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
+ LLUUID id;
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ id = item_array.get(i)->getCreatorUUID();
+ if(at.isBuddyOnline(id))
+ {
+ members.put(id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolders->getItemByID(item);
+ if(!folder_item) return true;
+ LLInvFVBridge* listenerp = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener();
+ if (listenerp->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* inv_item = gInventory.getItem(listenerp->getUUID());
+ if (inv_item)
+ {
+ LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
+ LLUUID id = inv_item->getCreatorUUID();
+ if(at.isBuddyOnline(id))
+ {
+ members.put(id);
+ }
+ }
+ } //if !IT_CATEGORY
+ }
+ } //for selected_items
+ // the session_id is randomly generated UUID which will be replaced later
+ // with a server side generated number
+ if (name.empty())
+ {
+ name = llformat("Session %d", session_num++);
+ }
+ gIMMgr->addSession(name, type, members[0], members);
+ return true;
+bool LLInventoryPanel::attachObject(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::set<LLUUID> selected_items;
+ mFolders->getSelectionList(selected_items);
+ std::string joint_name = userdata.asString();
+ LLVOAvatar *avatarp = static_cast<LLVOAvatar*>(gAgent.getAvatarObject());
+ LLViewerJointAttachment* attachmentp = NULL;
+ for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
+ iter != avatarp->mAttachmentPoints.end(); )
+ {
+ LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
+ LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second;
+ if (attachment->getName() == joint_name)
+ {
+ attachmentp = attachment;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (attachmentp == NULL)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator set_iter = selected_items.begin();
+ set_iter != selected_items.end();
+ ++set_iter)
+ {
+ const LLUUID &id = *set_iter;
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gInventory.getItem(id);
+ if(item && gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(id, gInventory.getRootFolderID()))
+ {
+ rez_attachment(item, attachmentp);
+ }
+ else if(item && item->isComplete())
+ {
+ // must be in library. copy it to our inventory and put it on.
+ LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb = new RezAttachmentCallback(attachmentp);
+ copy_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(),
+ item->getPermissions().getOwner(),
+ item->getUUID(),
+ LLUUID::null,
+ std::string(),
+ cb);
+ }
+ }
+ gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL);
+ return true;
+// static DEBUG ONLY:
+void LLInventoryPanel::dumpSelectionInformation(void* user_data)
+ LLInventoryPanel* iv = (LLInventoryPanel*)user_data;
+ iv->mFolders->dumpSelectionInformation();
+BOOL LLInventoryPanel::getSinceLogoff()
+ return mFolders->getFilter()->isSinceLogoff();
+void example_param_block_usage()
+ LLInventoryPanel::Params param_block;
+ param_block.sort_order_setting(LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER);
+ param_block.allow_multi_select(true);
+ param_block.filter(LLInventoryPanel::Filter()
+ .sort_order(1)
+ .types(0xffff0000));
+ param_block.inventory(&gInventory);
+ param_block.has_border(true);
+ LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLInventoryPanel>(param_block);
+ param_block = LLInventoryPanel::Params();
+ //LLSD param_block_sd;
+ //param_block_sd["sort_order_setting"] = LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER;
+ //param_block_sd["allow_multi_select"] = true;
+ //param_block_sd["filter"]["sort_order"] = 1;
+ //param_block_sd["filter"]["types"] = (S32)0xffff0000;
+ //param_block_sd["has_border"] = true;
+ //LLInitParam::LLSDParser(param_block_sd).parse(param_block);
+ LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLInventoryPanel>(param_block);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..997678a478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * @file llinventorypanel.h
+ * @brief LLInventoryPanel
+ * class definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llassetstorage.h"
+#include "lldarray.h"
+#include "llfloater.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "llinventoryfilter.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include <set>
+class LLFolderViewItem;
+class LLInventoryFilter;
+class LLInventoryModel;
+class LLInvFVBridge;
+class LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder;
+class LLMenuBarGL;
+class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
+class LLSpinCtrl;
+class LLScrollContainer;
+class LLTextBox;
+class LLIconCtrl;
+class LLSaveFolderState;
+class LLFilterEditor;
+class LLTabContainer;
+class LLInventoryPanel : public LLPanel
+ static const std::string DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER;
+ static const std::string RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER;
+ static const std::string INHERIT_SORT_ORDER;
+ struct Filter : public LLInitParam::Block<Filter>
+ {
+ Optional<U32> sort_order;
+ Optional<U32> types;
+ Optional<std::string> search_string;
+ Filter()
+ : sort_order("sort_order"),
+ types("types", 0xffffffff),
+ search_string("search_string")
+ {}
+ };
+ struct Params
+ : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLPanel::Params>
+ {
+ Optional<std::string> sort_order_setting;
+ Optional<LLInventoryModel*> inventory;
+ Optional<bool> allow_multi_select;
+ Optional<Filter> filter;
+ Optional<std::string> start_folder;
+ Params()
+ : sort_order_setting("sort_order_setting"),
+ inventory("", &gInventory),
+ allow_multi_select("allow_multi_select", true),
+ filter("filter"),
+ start_folder("start_folder")
+ {}
+ };
+ LLInventoryPanel(const Params&);
+ friend class LLUICtrlFactory;
+ virtual ~LLInventoryPanel();
+ LLInventoryModel* getModel() { return mInventory; }
+ BOOL postBuild();
+ // LLView methods
+ void draw();
+ BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
+ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg);
+ // LLUICtrl methods
+ /*virtual*/ void onFocusLost();
+ /*virtual*/ void onFocusReceived();
+ // Call this method to set the selection.
+ void openAllFolders();
+ void openDefaultFolderForType(LLAssetType::EType);
+ void setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus);
+ void setSelectCallback(const LLFolderView::signal_t::slot_type& cb) { if (mFolders) mFolders->setSelectCallback(cb); }
+ void clearSelection();
+ LLInventoryFilter* getFilter();
+ void setFilterTypes(U64 filter, BOOL filter_for_categories = FALSE); // if filter_for_categories is true, operate on folder preferred asset type
+ U32 getFilterTypes() const { return mFolders->getFilterTypes(); }
+ void setFilterPermMask(PermissionMask filter_perm_mask);
+ U32 getFilterPermMask() const { return mFolders->getFilterPermissions(); }
+ void setFilterSubString(const std::string& string);
+ const std::string getFilterSubString() { return mFolders->getFilterSubString(); }
+ void setSortOrder(U32 order);
+ U32 getSortOrder() { return mFolders->getSortOrder(); }
+ void setSinceLogoff(BOOL sl);
+ void setHoursAgo(U32 hours);
+ BOOL getSinceLogoff();
+ void setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show);
+ LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow getShowFolderState();
+ void setAllowMultiSelect(BOOL allow) { mFolders->setAllowMultiSelect(allow); }
+ // This method is called when something has changed about the inventory.
+ void modelChanged(U32 mask);
+ LLFolderView* getRootFolder() { return mFolders; }
+ LLScrollContainer* getScrollableContainer() { return mScroller; }
+ void onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*> &items, BOOL user_action);
+ // Callbacks
+ void doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata);
+ void doCreate(const LLSD& userdata);
+ bool beginIMSession();
+ bool attachObject(const LLSD& userdata);
+ static void dumpSelectionInformation(void* user_data);
+ void openSelected();
+ void unSelectAll() { mFolders->setSelection(NULL, FALSE, FALSE); }
+ // Given the id and the parent, build all of the folder views.
+ void rebuildViewsFor(const LLUUID& id);
+ virtual void buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id); // made virtual to support derived classes. EXT-719
+ LLInventoryModel* mInventory;
+ LLInventoryObserver* mInventoryObserver;
+ BOOL mAllowMultiSelect;
+ std::string mSortOrderSetting;
+//private: // Can not make these private - needed by llinventorysubtreepanel
+ LLFolderView* mFolders;
+ std::string mStartFolderString;
+ /**
+ * Contains UUID of Inventory item from which hierarchy should be built.
+ * Can be set with the "start_folder" xml property.
+ * Default is LLUUID::null that means total Inventory hierarchy.
+ */
+ LLUUID mStartFolderID;
+ LLScrollContainer* mScroller;
+ bool mHasInventoryConnection;
+ /**
+ * Flag specified if default inventory hierarchy should be created in postBuild()
+ */
+ bool mBuildDefaultHierarchy;
+ LLUUID mRootInventoryItemUUID;
+ /**
+ * Pointer to LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder.
+ *
+ * It is set in LLInventoryPanel's constructor and can be overridden in derived classes with
+ * another implementation.
+ * Take into account it will not be deleted by LLInventoryPanel itself.
+ */
+ const LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder* mInvFVBridgeBuilder;
diff --git a/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.cpp b/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.cpp
index 091346d3b4..0b07dd4f21 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.cpp
@@ -133,6 +133,33 @@ public:
+// Returns true if the given inventory item is a landmark pointing to the current parcel.
+// Used to find out if there is at least one landmark from current parcel.
+class LLFistAgentParcelLandmark : public LLInventoryCollectFunctor
+ bool mFounded;// to avoid unnecessary check
+ LLFistAgentParcelLandmark(): mFounded(false){}
+ /*virtual*/ bool operator()(LLInventoryCategory* cat, LLInventoryItem* item)
+ {
+ if (mFounded || !item || item->getType() != LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK)
+ return false;
+ LLLandmark* landmark = gLandmarkList.getAsset(item->getAssetUUID());
+ if (!landmark) // the landmark not been loaded yet
+ return false;
+ LLVector3d landmark_global_pos;
+ if (!landmark->getGlobalPos(landmark_global_pos))
+ return false;
+ mFounded = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->inAgentParcel(landmark_global_pos);
+ return mFounded;
+ }
static void fetch_landmarks(LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t& cats,
LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items,
LLInventoryCollectFunctor& add)
@@ -172,6 +199,16 @@ bool LLLandmarkActions::landmarkAlreadyExists()
return findLandmarkForAgentPos() != NULL;
+bool LLLandmarkActions::hasParcelLandmark()
+ LLFistAgentParcelLandmark get_first_agent_landmark;
+ LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats;
+ LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items;
+ fetch_landmarks(cats, items, get_first_agent_landmark);
+ return !items.empty();
// *TODO: This could be made more efficient by only fetching the FIRST
// landmark that meets the criteria
diff --git a/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.h b/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.h
index 32f05e702b..312426cab0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lllandmarkactions.h
@@ -50,9 +50,14 @@ public:
static LLInventoryModel::item_array_t fetchLandmarksByName(std::string& name, BOOL if_use_substring);
- * @brief Checks whether landmark exists for current parcel.
+ * @brief Checks whether landmark exists for current agent position.
static bool landmarkAlreadyExists();
+ /**
+ * @brief Checks whether landmark exists for current parcel.
+ */
+ static bool hasParcelLandmark();
* @brief Searches landmark for global position.
diff --git a/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.cpp b/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.cpp
index 00f12ae2eb..8fe317a292 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.cpp
@@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ void LLLocationInputCtrl::hideList()
BOOL LLLocationInputCtrl::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if(mAddLandmarkBtn->parentPointInView(x,y))
+ {
+ updateAddLandmarkTooltip();
+ }
// Let the buttons show their tooltips.
if (LLUICtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, mask))
@@ -602,11 +607,12 @@ void LLLocationInputCtrl::enableAddLandmarkButton(bool val)
// depending on whether current parcel has been landmarked.
void LLLocationInputCtrl::updateAddLandmarkButton()
- bool landmark_exists = LLLandmarkActions::landmarkAlreadyExists();
- enableAddLandmarkButton(!landmark_exists);
+ enableAddLandmarkButton(LLLandmarkActions::hasParcelLandmark());
+void LLLocationInputCtrl::updateAddLandmarkTooltip()
std::string tooltip;
- if(landmark_exists)
+ if(LLLandmarkActions::landmarkAlreadyExists())
tooltip = mEditLandmarkTooltip;
diff --git a/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.h b/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.h
index c74a294ca3..44dc0cb251 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lllocationinputctrl.h
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ private:
bool findTeleportItemsByTitle(const LLTeleportHistoryItem& item, const std::string& filter);
void setText(const LLStringExplicit& text);
void updateAddLandmarkButton();
+ void updateAddLandmarkTooltip();
void updateContextMenu();
void updateWidgetlayout();
void changeLocationPresentation();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llloginhandler.cpp b/indra/newview/llloginhandler.cpp
index 6f0b8a3c1e..2a1f42c3c4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llloginhandler.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llloginhandler.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ bool LLLoginHandler::parseDirectLogin(std::string url)
LLURI uri(url);
- if (mWebLoginKey.isNull() ||
+ if (/*mWebLoginKey.isNull() ||*/
mFirstName.empty() ||
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ bool LLLoginHandler::parseDirectLogin(std::string url)
void LLLoginHandler::parse(const LLSD& queryMap)
- mWebLoginKey = queryMap["web_login_key"].asUUID();
+ //mWebLoginKey = queryMap["web_login_key"].asUUID();
mFirstName = queryMap["first_name"].asString();
mLastName = queryMap["last_name"].asString();
@@ -165,7 +165,15 @@ void LLLoginHandler::parse(const LLSD& queryMap)
bool LLLoginHandler::handle(const LLSD& tokens,
const LLSD& query_map,
LLMediaCtrl* web)
+ if (tokens.size() == 1
+ && tokens[0].asString() == "show")
+ {
+ // We're using reg-in-client, so show the XUI login widgets
+ LLPanelLogin::showLoginWidgets();
+ return true;
+ }
//if we haven't initialized stuff yet, this is
@@ -200,14 +208,15 @@ bool LLLoginHandler::handle(const LLSD& tokens,
LLPanelLogin::setFields(mFirstName, mLastName, password);
- if (mWebLoginKey.isNull())
- {
- LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage();
- }
- else
- {
- LLStartUp::setStartupState( STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP );
- }
+ //if (mWebLoginKey.isNull())
+ //{
+ // LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage();
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // LLStartUp::setStartupState( STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP );
+ //}
+ LLStartUp::setStartupState( STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP );
return true;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llloginhandler.h b/indra/newview/llloginhandler.h
index d36ceaf3cc..ac4648761b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llloginhandler.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llloginhandler.h
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ class LLLoginHandler : public LLCommandHandler
std::string getFirstName() const { return mFirstName; }
std::string getLastName() const { return mLastName; }
- LLUUID getWebLoginKey() const { return mWebLoginKey; }
+ // Web-based login unsupported
+ //LLUUID getWebLoginKey() const { return mWebLoginKey; }
void parse(const LLSD& queryMap);
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ private:
std::string mFirstName;
std::string mLastName;
- LLUUID mWebLoginKey;
+ //LLUUID mWebLoginKey;
extern LLLoginHandler gLoginHandler;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.h b/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.h
index 8b625e7fa6..04707d8d48 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llnavigationbar.h
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ private:
void onBackOrForwardButtonHeldDown(const LLSD& param);
void onForwardButtonClicked();
void onHomeButtonClicked();
- void onHelpButtonClicked();
void onLocationSelection();
void onLocationPrearrange(const LLSD& data);
void onSearchCommit();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp b/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
index 957513e154..8a8ad9d073 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llnearbychathandler.cpp
@@ -262,8 +262,9 @@ void LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::showToastsBottom()
toast_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(getRect().mLeft , toast_top, toast_rect.getWidth() ,toast_rect.getHeight());
+ toast->setIsHidden(false);
bottom = toast->getRect().mTop;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.cpp
index ea528a1df8..c28792a711 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
// project includes
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llfloaterbulkpermission.h"
-#include "llpanelinventory.h"
+#include "llpanelobjectinventory.h"
#include "llpreviewscript.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ BOOL LLPanelContents::postBuild()
childSetAction("button new script",&LLPanelContents::onClickNewScript, this);
childSetAction("button permissions",&LLPanelContents::onClickPermissions, this);
- mPanelInventory = getChild<LLPanelInventory>("contents_inventory");
+ mPanelInventoryObject = getChild<LLPanelObjectInventory>("contents_inventory");
return TRUE;
: LLPanel(),
- mPanelInventory(NULL)
+ mPanelInventoryObject(NULL)
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ void LLPanelContents::refresh()
LLViewerObject* object = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstRootObject(children_ok);
- if (mPanelInventory)
+ if (mPanelInventoryObject)
- mPanelInventory->refresh();
+ mPanelInventoryObject->refresh();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.h b/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.h
index bab980b524..14256845a6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelcontents.h
@@ -35,9 +35,14 @@
#include "v3math.h"
#include "llpanel.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "lluuid.h"
+#include "llmap.h"
+#include "llviewerobject.h"
+#include "llvoinventorylistener.h"
class LLButton;
-class LLPanelInventory;
+class LLPanelObjectInventory;
class LLViewerObject;
class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
class LLSpinCtrl;
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ protected:
void getState(LLViewerObject *object);
- LLPanelInventory* mPanelInventory;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* mPanelInventoryObject;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
index 4708d7ba36..10f015774a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
@@ -86,23 +86,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelGroupTab::postBuild()
return TRUE;
-void LLPanelGroupTab::handleClickHelp()
- // Display the help text.
- std::string help_text( getHelpText() );
- if ( !help_text.empty() )
- {
- LLSD args;
- args["MESSAGE"] = help_text;
- LLFloater* parent_floater = gFloaterView->getParentFloater(this);
- LLNotification::Params params(parent_floater->contextualNotification("GenericAlert"));
- params.substitutions(args);
- LLNotifications::instance().add(params);
- }
: LLPanel(),
LLGroupMgrObserver( LLUUID() ),
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.h b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.h
index 5c7b0ddd06..306e6575fc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.h
@@ -148,12 +148,6 @@ public:
// Triggered when group information changes in the group manager.
virtual void update(LLGroupChange gc) { }
- // This is the text to be displayed when a help button is pressed.
- virtual std::string getHelpText() const { return mHelpText; }
- // Display anything returned by getHelpText
- void handleClickHelp();
// This just connects the help button callback.
virtual BOOL postBuild();
@@ -171,11 +165,8 @@ public:
- std::string mHelpText;
BOOL mAllowEdit;
BOOL mHasModal;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgroupnotices.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelgroupnotices.cpp
index 0ce85818dd..22138a81ec 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgroupnotices.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgroupnotices.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llinventory.h"
#include "llviewerinventory.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llagent.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.cpp
index 71486c908c..88aad4923d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.cpp
@@ -361,20 +361,6 @@ void LLPanelGroupRoles::cancel()
-// Pass all of these messages to the currently visible sub tab.
-std::string LLPanelGroupRoles::getHelpText() const
- LLPanelGroupTab* panelp = (LLPanelGroupTab*) mSubTabContainer->getCurrentPanel();
- if (panelp)
- {
- return panelp->getHelpText();
- }
- else
- {
- return mHelpText;
- }
void LLPanelGroupRoles::update(LLGroupChange gc)
if (mGroupID.isNull()) return;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.h b/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.h
index bd5fc1d235..b6e2245e70 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgrouproles.h
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ public:
bool onModalClose(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
// Most of these messages are just passed on to the current sub-tab.
- virtual std::string getHelpText() const;
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual bool needsApply(std::string& mesg);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.cpp
index f9eeaf1e9e..b54975b76b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.cpp
@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ void LLPanelChatControlPanel::onEndCallButtonClicked()
+void LLPanelChatControlPanel::onOpenVoiceControlsClicked()
+ // TODO: implement Voice Control Panel opening
BOOL LLPanelChatControlPanel::postBuild()
childSetAction("call_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelChatControlPanel::onCallButtonClicked, this));
childSetAction("end_call_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelChatControlPanel::onEndCallButtonClicked, this));
+ childSetAction("voice_ctrls_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelChatControlPanel::onOpenVoiceControlsClicked, this));
return TRUE;
@@ -73,8 +79,10 @@ void LLPanelChatControlPanel::draw()
LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = session->mVoiceChannel;
if (voice_channel && voice_enabled)
- childSetVisible("end_call_btn", voice_channel->getState() >= LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED);
- childSetVisible("call_btn", voice_channel->getState() < LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED);
+ bool is_call_started = ( voice_channel->getState() >= LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED );
+ childSetVisible("end_call_btn", is_call_started);
+ childSetVisible("voice_ctrls_btn", is_call_started);
+ childSetVisible("call_btn", ! is_call_started);
bool session_initialized = session->mSessionInitialized;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.h b/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.h
index 220b7b14ba..d25f33935a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelimcontrolpanel.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public:
void onCallButtonClicked();
void onEndCallButtonClicked();
+ void onOpenVoiceControlsClicked();
virtual void setSessionId(const LLUUID& session_id) { mSessionId = session_id; }
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelland.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelland.cpp
index bce5525a40..417a804834 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelland.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelland.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelLandInfo::postBuild()
childSetAction("button subdivide land",onClickDivide,this);
childSetAction("button join land",onClickJoin,this);
childSetAction("button about land",onClickAbout,this);
- childSetAction("button show owners help", onShowOwnersHelp, this);
mCheckShowOwners = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("checkbox show owners");
childSetValue("checkbox show owners", gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowParcelOwners"));
@@ -265,8 +264,3 @@ void LLPanelLandInfo::onClickAbout(void*)
-void LLPanelLandInfo::onShowOwnersHelp(void* user_data)
- LLNotifications::instance().add("ShowOwnersHelp");
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelland.h b/indra/newview/llpanelland.h
index 92fe313405..02e7e7bf38 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelland.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelland.h
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ protected:
static void onClickDivide(void*);
static void onClickJoin(void*);
static void onClickAbout(void*);
- static void onShowOwnersHelp(void*);
//LLTextBox* mTextPriceLabel;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
index 48a93f0d42..91e1590dc3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include "lldndbutton.h"
#include "llfloaterworldmap.h"
#include "llfolderviewitem.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llinventorysubtreepanel.h"
#include "lllandmarkactions.h"
#include "llplacesinventorybridge.h"
@@ -184,9 +185,9 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::updateVerbs()
if (!isTabVisible())
- BOOL enabled = isLandmarkSelected();
- mTeleportBtn->setEnabled(enabled);
- mShowOnMapBtn->setEnabled(enabled);
+ bool landmark_selected = isLandmarkSelected();
+ mTeleportBtn->setEnabled(landmark_selected && isActionEnabled("teleport"));
+ mShowOnMapBtn->setEnabled(landmark_selected && isActionEnabled("show_on_map"));
// TODO: mantipov: Uncomment when mShareBtn is supported
// Share button should be enabled when neither a folder nor a landmark is selected
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
index 24e76e2c6e..5d826f0a56 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp
@@ -198,7 +198,16 @@ LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect,
//leave room for the login menu bar
setRect(LLRect(0, rect.getHeight()-18, rect.getWidth(), 0));
- reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
+ // Legacy login web page is hidden under the menu bar.
+ // Adjust reg-in-client web browser widget to not be hidden.
+ if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RegInClient"))
+ {
+ reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight() - MENU_BAR_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
+ }
childSetPrevalidate("first_name_edit", LLLineEditor::prevalidatePrintableNoSpace);
@@ -234,9 +243,7 @@ LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect,
childSetAction("connect_btn", onClickConnect, this);
- setDefaultBtn("connect_btn");
- // childSetAction("quit_btn", onClickQuit, this);
+ getChild<LLPanel>("login_widgets")->setDefaultBtn("connect_btn");
std::string channel = gSavedSettings.getString("VersionChannelName");
std::string version = llformat("%d.%d.%d (%d)",
@@ -267,19 +274,20 @@ LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect,
// web_browser->navigateToLocalPage( "loading", "loading.html" );
- // make links open in external browser
- web_browser->setOpenInExternalBrowser( true );
+ if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RegInClient"))
+ {
+ // need to follow links in the internal browser
+ web_browser->setOpenInExternalBrowser( false );
- // force the size to be correct (XML doesn't seem to be sufficient to do this) (with some padding so the other login screen doesn't show through)
- LLRect htmlRect = getRect();
- htmlRect.setCenterAndSize( getRect().getCenterX() - 2, getRect().getCenterY(), getRect().getWidth() + 6, getRect().getHeight());
- htmlRect.setCenterAndSize( getRect().getCenterX() - 2, getRect().getCenterY() + 40, getRect().getWidth() + 6, getRect().getHeight() - 78 );
- web_browser->setRect( htmlRect );
- web_browser->reshape( htmlRect.getWidth(), htmlRect.getHeight(), TRUE );
- reshape( getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight(), 1 );
+ getChild<LLView>("login_widgets")->setVisible(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // make links open in external browser
+ web_browser->setOpenInExternalBrowser( true );
+ reshapeBrowser();
+ }
// kick off a request to grab the url manually
gResponsePtr = LLIamHereLogin::build( this );
@@ -297,6 +305,27 @@ LLPanelLogin::LLPanelLogin(const LLRect &rect,
+// force the size to be correct (XML doesn't seem to be sufficient to do this)
+// (with some padding so the other login screen doesn't show through)
+void LLPanelLogin::reshapeBrowser()
+ LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html");
+ LLRect rect = gViewerWindow->getVirtualWindowRect();
+ LLRect html_rect;
+ html_rect.setCenterAndSize(
+ rect.getCenterX() - 2, rect.getCenterY(),
+ rect.getWidth() + 6, rect.getHeight());
+ html_rect.setCenterAndSize(
+ rect.getCenterX() - 2, rect.getCenterY() + 40,
+ rect.getWidth() + 6, rect.getHeight() - 78 );
+ web_browser->setRect( html_rect );
+ web_browser->reshape( html_rect.getWidth(), html_rect.getHeight(), TRUE );
+ reshape( rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), 1 );
void LLPanelLogin::setSiteIsAlive( bool alive )
LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html");
@@ -384,10 +413,14 @@ void LLPanelLogin::draw()
if ( mHtmlAvailable )
- // draw a background box in black
- gl_rect_2d( 0, height - 264, width, 264, LLColor4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.f ) );
- // draw the bottom part of the background image - just the blue background to the native client UI
- mLogoImage->draw(0, -264, width + 8, mLogoImage->getHeight());
+ if (getChild<LLView>("login_widgets")->getVisible())
+ {
+ // draw a background box in black
+ gl_rect_2d( 0, height - 264, width, 264, LLColor4::black );
+ // draw the bottom part of the background image
+ // just the blue background to the native client UI
+ mLogoImage->draw(0, -264, width + 8, mLogoImage->getHeight());
+ }
@@ -418,12 +451,6 @@ BOOL LLPanelLogin::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
return TRUE;
- if (KEY_RETURN == key && MASK_NONE == mask)
- {
- // let the panel handle UICtrl processing: calls onClickConnect()
- return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask);
- }
return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask);
@@ -483,6 +510,19 @@ void LLPanelLogin::giveFocus()
+// static
+void LLPanelLogin::showLoginWidgets()
+ sInstance->childSetVisible("login_widgets", true);
+ LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html");
+ web_browser->setOpenInExternalBrowser( true );
+ sInstance->reshapeBrowser();
+ // *TODO: Append all the usual login parameters, like first_login=Y etc.
+ std::string splash_screen_url = sInstance->getString("real_url");
+ web_browser->navigateTo( splash_screen_url, "text/html" );
+ LLUICtrl* first_name_edit = sInstance->getChild<LLUICtrl>("first_name_edit");
+ first_name_edit->setFocus(TRUE);
// static
void LLPanelLogin::show(const LLRect &rect,
@@ -797,8 +837,17 @@ void LLPanelLogin::loadLoginPage()
LLMediaCtrl* web_browser = sInstance->getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("login_html");
- // navigate to the "real" page
- web_browser->navigateTo( oStr.str(), "text/html" );
+ // navigate to the "real" page
+ if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RegInClient"))
+ {
+ web_browser->setFocus(TRUE);
+ login_page = sInstance->getString("reg_in_client_url");
+ web_browser->navigateTo(login_page, "text/html");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ web_browser->navigateTo( oStr.str(), "text/html" );
+ }
void LLPanelLogin::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* /*self*/, EMediaEvent event)
@@ -883,22 +932,6 @@ void LLPanelLogin::onClickNewAccount(void*)
-// *NOTE: This function is dead as of 2008 August. I left it here in case
-// we suddenly decide to put the Quit button back. JC
-// static
-void LLPanelLogin::onClickQuit(void*)
- if (sInstance && sInstance->mCallback)
- {
- // tell the responder we're not here anymore
- if ( gResponsePtr )
- gResponsePtr->setParent( 0 );
- sInstance->mCallback(1, sInstance->mCallbackData);
- }
// static
void LLPanelLogin::onClickVersion(void*)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.h b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.h
index 5692b8d345..acb2001c22 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellogin.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellogin.h
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ public:
virtual void draw();
virtual void setFocus( BOOL b );
+ // Show the XUI first name, last name, and password widgets. They are
+ // hidden on startup for reg-in-client
+ static void showLoginWidgets();
static void show(const LLRect &rect, BOOL show_server,
void (*callback)(S32 option, void* user_data),
void* callback_data);
@@ -86,10 +90,10 @@ public:
/*virtual*/ void handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, EMediaEvent event);
+ void reshapeBrowser();
static void onClickConnect(void*);
static void onClickNewAccount(void*);
// static bool newAccountAlertCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
- static void onClickQuit(void*);
static void onClickVersion(void*);
static void onClickForgotPassword(void*);
static void onPassKey(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..617445a27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+ * @file llsidepanelmaininventory.cpp
+ * @brief Implementation of llsidepanelmaininventory.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llpanelmaininventory.h"
+#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
+#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
+#include "llfiltereditor.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
+#include "llsdserialize.h"
+#include "llspinctrl.h"
+#include "lltooldraganddrop.h"
+static LLRegisterPanelClassWrapper<LLPanelMainInventory> t_inventory("panel_main_inventory"); // Seraph is this redundant with constructor?
+/// LLFloaterInventoryFinder
+class LLFloaterInventoryFinder : public LLFloater
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder( LLPanelMainInventory* inventory_view);
+ virtual void draw();
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ void changeFilter(LLInventoryFilter* filter);
+ void updateElementsFromFilter();
+ BOOL getCheckShowEmpty();
+ BOOL getCheckSinceLogoff();
+ static void onTimeAgo(LLUICtrl*, void *);
+ static void onCheckSinceLogoff(LLUICtrl*, void *);
+ static void onCloseBtn(void* user_data);
+ static void selectAllTypes(void* user_data);
+ static void selectNoTypes(void* user_data);
+ LLPanelMainInventory* mPanelInventoryDecorated;
+ LLSpinCtrl* mSpinSinceDays;
+ LLSpinCtrl* mSpinSinceHours;
+ LLInventoryFilter* mFilter;
+/// LLPanelMainInventory
+ : LLPanel()
+ // Menu Callbacks (non contex menus)
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::doToSelected, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.CloseAllFolders", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::closeAllFolders, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLAssetType::AT_TRASH));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLAssetType::AT_LOST_AND_FOUND));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::doCreate, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.NewWindow", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::newWindow, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.ShowFilters", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::toggleFindOptions, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.ResetFilters", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::resetFilters, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.SetSortBy", boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::setSortBy, this, _2));
+ // Controls
+ // *TODO: Just use persistant settings for each of these
+ U32 sort_order = gSavedSettings.getU32("InventorySortOrder");
+ BOOL sort_by_name = ! ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
+ BOOL sort_folders_by_name = ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME );
+ BOOL sort_system_folders_to_top = ( sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP );
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", sort_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", !sort_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", sort_folders_by_name, "Declared in code", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", sort_system_folders_to_top, "Declared in code", FALSE);
+ mSavedFolderState = new LLSaveFolderState();
+ mSavedFolderState->setApply(FALSE);
+BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::postBuild()
+ gInventory.addObserver(this);
+ mFilterTabs = getChild<LLTabContainer>("inventory filter tabs");
+ mFilterTabs->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::onFilterSelected, this));
+ //panel->getFilter()->markDefault();
+ // Set up the default inv. panel/filter settings.
+ mActivePanel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("All Items");
+ if (mActivePanel)
+ {
+ // "All Items" is the previous only view, so it gets the InventorySortOrder
+ mActivePanel->setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32("InventorySortOrder"));
+ mActivePanel->getFilter()->markDefault();
+ mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
+ mActivePanel->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange, mActivePanel, _1, _2));
+ }
+ LLInventoryPanel* recent_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("Recent Items");
+ if (recent_items_panel)
+ {
+ recent_items_panel->setSinceLogoff(TRUE);
+ recent_items_panel->setSortOrder(LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE);
+ recent_items_panel->setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_NON_EMPTY_FOLDERS);
+ recent_items_panel->getFilter()->markDefault();
+ recent_items_panel->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange, recent_items_panel, _1, _2));
+ }
+ // Now load the stored settings from disk, if available.
+ std::ostringstream filterSaveName;
+ filterSaveName << gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "filters.xml");
+ llinfos << "LLPanelMainInventory::init: reading from " << filterSaveName << llendl;
+ llifstream file(filterSaveName.str());
+ LLSD savedFilterState;
+ if (file.is_open())
+ {
+ LLSDSerialize::fromXML(savedFilterState, file);
+ file.close();
+ // Load the persistent "Recent Items" settings.
+ // Note that the "All Items" settings do not persist.
+ if(recent_items_panel)
+ {
+ if(savedFilterState.has(recent_items_panel->getFilter()->getName()))
+ {
+ LLSD recent_items = savedFilterState.get(
+ recent_items_panel->getFilter()->getName());
+ recent_items_panel->getFilter()->fromLLSD(recent_items);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mFilterEditor = getChild<LLFilterEditor>("inventory search editor");
+ if (mFilterEditor)
+ {
+ mFilterEditor->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelMainInventory::onFilterEdit, this, _2));
+ }
+ // *TODO:Get the cost info from the server
+ const std::string upload_cost("10");
+ childSetLabelArg("Upload Image", "[COST]", upload_cost);
+ childSetLabelArg("Upload Sound", "[COST]", upload_cost);
+ childSetLabelArg("Upload Animation", "[COST]", upload_cost);
+ childSetLabelArg("Bulk Upload", "[COST]", upload_cost);
+ return TRUE;
+// Destroys the object
+LLPanelMainInventory::~LLPanelMainInventory( void )
+ // Save the filters state.
+ LLSD filterRoot;
+ LLInventoryPanel* all_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("All Items");
+ if (all_items_panel)
+ {
+ LLInventoryFilter* filter = all_items_panel->getFilter();
+ if (filter)
+ {
+ LLSD filterState;
+ filter->toLLSD(filterState);
+ filterRoot[filter->getName()] = filterState;
+ }
+ }
+ LLInventoryPanel* recent_items_panel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("Recent Items");
+ if (recent_items_panel)
+ {
+ LLInventoryFilter* filter = recent_items_panel->getFilter();
+ if (filter)
+ {
+ LLSD filterState;
+ filter->toLLSD(filterState);
+ filterRoot[filter->getName()] = filterState;
+ }
+ }
+ std::ostringstream filterSaveName;
+ filterSaveName << gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "filters.xml");
+ llofstream filtersFile(filterSaveName.str());
+ if(!LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(filterRoot, filtersFile))
+ {
+ llwarns << "Could not write to filters save file " << filterSaveName << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ filtersFile.close();
+ gInventory.removeObserver(this);
+ delete mSavedFolderState;
+void LLPanelMainInventory::startSearch()
+ // this forces focus to line editor portion of search editor
+ if (mFilterEditor)
+ {
+ mFilterEditor->focusFirstItem(TRUE);
+ }
+BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
+ LLFolderView* root_folder = mActivePanel ? mActivePanel->getRootFolder() : NULL;
+ if (root_folder)
+ {
+ // first check for user accepting current search results
+ if (mFilterEditor
+ && mFilterEditor->hasFocus()
+ && (key == KEY_RETURN
+ || key == KEY_DOWN)
+ && mask == MASK_NONE)
+ {
+ // move focus to inventory proper
+ mActivePanel->setFocus(TRUE);
+ root_folder->scrollToShowSelection();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (mActivePanel->hasFocus() && key == KEY_UP)
+ {
+ startSearch();
+ }
+ }
+ return LLPanel::handleKeyHere(key, mask);
+// menu callbacks
+void LLPanelMainInventory::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata)
+ getPanel()->getRootFolder()->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
+void LLPanelMainInventory::closeAllFolders()
+ getPanel()->getRootFolder()->closeAllFolders();
+void LLPanelMainInventory::newWindow()
+ LLFloaterInventory::showAgentInventory();
+void LLPanelMainInventory::doCreate(const LLSD& userdata)
+ menu_create_inventory_item(getPanel()->getRootFolder(), NULL, userdata);
+void LLPanelMainInventory::resetFilters()
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder *finder = getFinder();
+ getActivePanel()->getFilter()->resetDefault();
+ if (finder)
+ {
+ finder->updateElementsFromFilter();
+ }
+ setFilterTextFromFilter();
+void LLPanelMainInventory::setSortBy(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string sort_field = userdata.asString();
+ if (sort_field == "name")
+ {
+ U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
+ getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order & ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", TRUE );
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", FALSE );
+ }
+ else if (sort_field == "date")
+ {
+ U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
+ getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order | LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByName", FALSE );
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SortByDate", TRUE );
+ }
+ else if (sort_field == "foldersalwaysbyname")
+ {
+ U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
+ if ( order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME )
+ {
+ order &= ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME;
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ order |= LLInventoryFilter::SO_FOLDERS_BY_NAME;
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName", TRUE );
+ }
+ getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order );
+ }
+ else if (sort_field == "systemfolderstotop")
+ {
+ U32 order = getActivePanel()->getSortOrder();
+ if ( order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP )
+ {
+ order &= ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP;
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ order |= LLInventoryFilter::SO_SYSTEM_FOLDERS_TO_TOP;
+ gSavedSettings.setBOOL("Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop", TRUE );
+ }
+ getActivePanel()->setSortOrder( order );
+ }
+// static
+BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::filtersVisible(void* user_data)
+ LLPanelMainInventory* self = (LLPanelMainInventory*)user_data;
+ if(!self) return FALSE;
+ return self->getFinder() != NULL;
+void LLPanelMainInventory::onClearSearch()
+ LLFloater *finder = getFinder();
+ if (mActivePanel)
+ {
+ mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(LLStringUtil::null);
+ mActivePanel->setFilterTypes(0xffffffff);
+ }
+ if (finder)
+ {
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectAllTypes(finder);
+ }
+ // re-open folders that were initially open
+ if (mActivePanel)
+ {
+ mSavedFolderState->setApply(TRUE);
+ mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
+ LLOpenFoldersWithSelection opener;
+ mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(opener);
+ mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->scrollToShowSelection();
+ }
+void LLPanelMainInventory::onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string )
+ if (search_string == "")
+ {
+ onClearSearch();
+ }
+ if (!mActivePanel)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
+ std::string uppercase_search_string = search_string;
+ LLStringUtil::toUpper(uppercase_search_string);
+ if (mActivePanel->getFilterSubString().empty() && uppercase_search_string.empty())
+ {
+ // current filter and new filter empty, do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ // save current folder open state if no filter currently applied
+ if (!mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->isFilterModified())
+ {
+ mSavedFolderState->setApply(FALSE);
+ mActivePanel->getRootFolder()->applyFunctorRecursively(*mSavedFolderState);
+ }
+ // set new filter string
+ mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(uppercase_search_string);
+ //static
+ BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::incrementalFind(LLFolderViewItem* first_item, const char *find_text, BOOL backward)
+ {
+ LLPanelMainInventory* active_view = NULL;
+ LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("inventory");
+ for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ LLPanelMainInventory* iv = dynamic_cast<LLPanelMainInventory*>(*iter);
+ if (iv)
+ {
+ if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(iv))
+ {
+ active_view = iv;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!active_view)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ std::string search_string(find_text);
+ if (search_string.empty())
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (active_view->getPanel() &&
+ active_view->getPanel()->getRootFolder()->search(first_item, search_string, backward))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+void LLPanelMainInventory::onFilterSelected()
+ // Find my index
+ mActivePanel = (LLInventoryPanel*)childGetVisibleTab("inventory filter tabs");
+ if (!mActivePanel)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLInventoryFilter* filter = mActivePanel->getFilter();
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder *finder = getFinder();
+ if (finder)
+ {
+ finder->changeFilter(filter);
+ }
+ if (filter->isActive())
+ {
+ // If our filter is active we may be the first thing requiring a fetch so we better start it here.
+ gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
+ }
+ setFilterTextFromFilter();
+const std::string LLPanelMainInventory::getFilterSubString()
+ return mActivePanel->getFilterSubString();
+void LLPanelMainInventory::setFilterSubString(const std::string& string)
+ mActivePanel->setFilterSubString(string);
+BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg)
+ // Check to see if we are auto scrolling from the last frame
+ LLInventoryPanel* panel = (LLInventoryPanel*)this->getActivePanel();
+ BOOL needsToScroll = panel->getScrollableContainer()->autoScroll(x, y);
+ if(mFilterTabs)
+ {
+ if(needsToScroll)
+ {
+ mFilterTabs->startDragAndDropDelayTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL handled = LLPanel::handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
+ return handled;
+void LLPanelMainInventory::changed(U32 mask)
+void LLPanelMainInventory::setFilterTextFromFilter()
+ mFilterText = mActivePanel->getFilter()->getFilterText();
+void LLPanelMainInventory::toggleFindOptions()
+ LLFloater *floater = getFinder();
+ if (!floater)
+ {
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder * finder = new LLFloaterInventoryFinder(this);
+ mFinderHandle = finder->getHandle();
+ finder->openFloater();
+ LLFloater* parent_floater = gFloaterView->getParentFloater(this);
+ if (parent_floater) // Seraph: Fix this, shouldn't be null even for sidepanel
+ parent_floater->addDependentFloater(mFinderHandle);
+ // start background fetch of folders
+ gInventory.startBackgroundFetch();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ floater->closeFloater();
+ }
+void LLPanelMainInventory::setSelectCallback(const LLFolderView::signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("All Items")->setSelectCallback(cb);
+ getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("Recent Items")->setSelectCallback(cb);
+/// LLFloaterInventoryFinder
+LLFloaterInventoryFinder* LLPanelMainInventory::getFinder()
+ return (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)mFinderHandle.get();
+LLFloaterInventoryFinder::LLFloaterInventoryFinder(LLPanelMainInventory* inventory_view) :
+ LLFloater(LLSD()),
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated(inventory_view),
+ mFilter(inventory_view->getPanel()->getFilter())
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_inventory_view_finder.xml", NULL);
+ updateElementsFromFilter();
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onCheckSinceLogoff(LLUICtrl *ctrl, void *user_data)
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder *self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder *)user_data;
+ if (!self) return;
+ bool since_logoff= self->childGetValue("check_since_logoff");
+ if (!since_logoff &&
+ !( self->mSpinSinceDays->get() || self->mSpinSinceHours->get() ) )
+ {
+ self->mSpinSinceHours->set(1.0f);
+ }
+BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::postBuild()
+ const LLRect& viewrect = mPanelInventoryDecorated->getRect();
+ setRect(LLRect(viewrect.mLeft - getRect().getWidth(), viewrect.mTop, viewrect.mLeft, viewrect.mTop - getRect().getHeight()));
+ childSetAction("All", selectAllTypes, this);
+ childSetAction("None", selectNoTypes, this);
+ mSpinSinceHours = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("spin_hours_ago");
+ childSetCommitCallback("spin_hours_ago", onTimeAgo, this);
+ mSpinSinceDays = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("spin_days_ago");
+ childSetCommitCallback("spin_days_ago", onTimeAgo, this);
+ // mCheckSinceLogoff = getChild<LLSpinCtrl>("check_since_logoff");
+ childSetCommitCallback("check_since_logoff", onCheckSinceLogoff, this);
+ childSetAction("Close", onCloseBtn, this);
+ updateElementsFromFilter();
+ return TRUE;
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onTimeAgo(LLUICtrl *ctrl, void *user_data)
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder *self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder *)user_data;
+ if (!self) return;
+ bool since_logoff=true;
+ if ( self->mSpinSinceDays->get() || self->mSpinSinceHours->get() )
+ {
+ since_logoff = false;
+ }
+ self->childSetValue("check_since_logoff", since_logoff);
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::changeFilter(LLInventoryFilter* filter)
+ mFilter = filter;
+ updateElementsFromFilter();
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::updateElementsFromFilter()
+ if (!mFilter)
+ return;
+ // Get data needed for filter display
+ U32 filter_types = mFilter->getFilterTypes();
+ std::string filter_string = mFilter->getFilterSubString();
+ LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show_folders = mFilter->getShowFolderState();
+ U32 hours = mFilter->getHoursAgo();
+ // update the ui elements
+ setTitle(mFilter->getName());
+ childSetValue("check_animation", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION));
+ childSetValue("check_calling_card", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD));
+ childSetValue("check_clothing", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE));
+ childSetValue("check_gesture", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE));
+ childSetValue("check_landmark", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK));
+ childSetValue("check_notecard", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD));
+ childSetValue("check_object", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT));
+ childSetValue("check_script", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LSL));
+ childSetValue("check_sound", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND));
+ childSetValue("check_texture", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE));
+ childSetValue("check_snapshot", (S32) (filter_types & 0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT));
+ childSetValue("check_show_empty", show_folders == LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS);
+ childSetValue("check_since_logoff", mFilter->isSinceLogoff());
+ mSpinSinceHours->set((F32)(hours % 24));
+ mSpinSinceDays->set((F32)(hours / 24));
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::draw()
+ U32 filter = 0xffffffff;
+ BOOL filtered_by_all_types = TRUE;
+ if (!childGetValue("check_animation"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_calling_card"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_clothing"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_gesture"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_landmark"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_notecard"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_object"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT);
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_ATTACHMENT);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_script"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_LSL);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_sound"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_texture"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!childGetValue("check_snapshot"))
+ {
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT);
+ filtered_by_all_types = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!filtered_by_all_types)
+ {
+ // don't include folders in filter, unless I've selected everything
+ filter &= ~(0x1 << LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY);
+ }
+ // update the panel, panel will update the filter
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated->getPanel()->setShowFolderState(getCheckShowEmpty() ?
+ LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS : LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_NON_EMPTY_FOLDERS);
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated->getPanel()->setFilterTypes(filter);
+ if (getCheckSinceLogoff())
+ {
+ mSpinSinceDays->set(0);
+ mSpinSinceHours->set(0);
+ }
+ U32 days = (U32)mSpinSinceDays->get();
+ U32 hours = (U32)mSpinSinceHours->get();
+ if (hours > 24)
+ {
+ days += hours / 24;
+ hours = (U32)hours % 24;
+ mSpinSinceDays->set((F32)days);
+ mSpinSinceHours->set((F32)hours);
+ }
+ hours += days * 24;
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated->getPanel()->setHoursAgo(hours);
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated->getPanel()->setSinceLogoff(getCheckSinceLogoff());
+ mPanelInventoryDecorated->setFilterTextFromFilter();
+ LLPanel::draw();
+BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::getCheckShowEmpty()
+ return childGetValue("check_show_empty");
+BOOL LLFloaterInventoryFinder::getCheckSinceLogoff()
+ return childGetValue("check_since_logoff");
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::onCloseBtn(void* user_data)
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder* finderp = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
+ finderp->closeFloater();
+// static
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectAllTypes(void* user_data)
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder* self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
+ if(!self) return;
+ self->childSetValue("check_animation", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_calling_card", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_clothing", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_gesture", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_landmark", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_notecard", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_object", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_script", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_sound", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_texture", TRUE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_snapshot", TRUE);
+void LLFloaterInventoryFinder::selectNoTypes(void* user_data)
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder* self = (LLFloaterInventoryFinder*)user_data;
+ if(!self) return;
+ self->childSetValue("check_animation", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_calling_card", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_clothing", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_gesture", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_landmark", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_notecard", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_object", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_script", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_sound", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_texture", FALSE);
+ self->childSetValue("check_snapshot", FALSE);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.h b/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2b988e80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmaininventory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * @file llpanelmaininventory.h
+ * @brief llpanelmaininventory.h
+ * class definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llpanel.h"
+#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
+class LLFolderViewItem;
+class LLInventoryPanel;
+class LLSaveFolderState;
+class LLFilterEditor;
+class LLTabContainer;
+class LLFloaterInventoryFinder;
+// Class LLPanelMainInventory
+// This is a panel used to view and control an agent's inventory,
+// including all the fixin's (e.g. AllItems/RecentItems tabs, filter floaters).
+class LLPanelMainInventory : public LLPanel, LLInventoryObserver
+ friend class LLFloaterInventoryFinder;
+ LLPanelMainInventory();
+ ~LLPanelMainInventory();
+ BOOL postBuild();
+ virtual BOOL handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask);
+ // Inherited functionality
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data,
+ EAcceptance* accept,
+ std::string& tooltip_msg);
+ /*virtual*/ void changed(U32 mask);
+ LLInventoryPanel* getPanel() { return mActivePanel; }
+ LLInventoryPanel* getActivePanel() { return mActivePanel; }
+ const std::string& getFilterText() const { return mFilterText; }
+ void setSelectCallback(const LLFolderView::signal_t::slot_type& cb);
+ //
+ // Misc functions
+ //
+ void setFilterTextFromFilter();
+ void startSearch();
+ void toggleFindOptions();
+ static BOOL filtersVisible(void* user_data);
+ void onClearSearch();
+ static void onFoldersByName(void *user_data);
+ static BOOL checkFoldersByName(void *user_data);
+ void onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string );
+ static BOOL incrementalFind(LLFolderViewItem* first_item, const char *find_text, BOOL backward);
+ void onFilterSelected();
+ const std::string getFilterSubString();
+ void setFilterSubString(const std::string& string);
+ // menu callbacks
+ void doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata);
+ void closeAllFolders();
+ void newWindow();
+ void doCreate(const LLSD& userdata);
+ void resetFilters();
+ void setSortBy(const LLSD& userdata);
+ LLFloaterInventoryFinder* getFinder();
+ LLFilterEditor* mFilterEditor;
+ LLTabContainer* mFilterTabs;
+ LLHandle<LLFloater> mFinderHandle;
+ LLInventoryPanel* mActivePanel;
+ LLSaveFolderState* mSavedFolderState;
+ std::string mFilterText;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
index a198499b47..85efe0f93e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
@@ -1,453 +1,453 @@
- * @file llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
- * @brief LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral class implementation
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-#include "llagent.h"
-#include "llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.h"
-#include "llcombobox.h"
-#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
-#include "llspinctrl.h"
-#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
-#include "llviewerwindow.h"
-#include "llviewermedia.h"
-#include "llsdutil.h"
-#include "llselectmgr.h"
-#include "llbutton.h"
-#include "lltexturectrl.h"
-#include "llurl.h"
-#include "llwindow.h"
-#include "llmediaentry.h"
-#include "llmediactrl.h"
-#include "llpanelcontents.h"
-#include "llpermissions.h"
-#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
-#include "llfloatermediasettings.h"
-#include "llfloatertools.h"
-#include "lltrans.h"
-LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral() :
- mControls( NULL ),
- mAutoLoop( NULL ),
- mFirstClick( NULL ),
- mAutoZoom( NULL ),
- mAutoPlay( NULL ),
- mAutoScale( NULL ),
- mWidthPixels( NULL ),
- mHeightPixels( NULL ),
- mHomeURL( NULL ),
- mCurrentURL( NULL ),
- mParent( NULL ),
- mMediaEditable(false)
- // build dialog from XML
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_media_settings_general.xml");
-BOOL LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::postBuild()
- // connect member vars with UI widgets
- mAutoLoop = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY );
- mAutoPlay = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY );
- mAutoScale = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY );
- mAutoZoom = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY );
- mControls = getChild< LLComboBox >( LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY );
- mCurrentURL = getChild< LLLineEditor >( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY );
- mFirstClick = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY );
- mHeightPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY );
- mHomeURL = getChild< LLLineEditor >( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY );
- mWidthPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY );
- mPreviewMedia = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("preview_media");
- // watch commit action for HOME URL
- childSetCommitCallback( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY, onCommitHomeURL, this);
- childSetCommitCallback( "current_url_reset_btn",onBtnResetCurrentUrl, this);
- // interrogates controls and updates widgets as required
- updateMediaPreview();
- updateCurrentURL();
- return true;
-// virtual
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::draw()
- // housekeeping
- LLPanel::draw();
- // enable/disable pixel values image entry based on auto scale checkbox
- if ( mAutoScale->getValue().asBoolean() == false )
- {
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, true );
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, true );
- }
- else
- {
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, false );
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, false );
- };
- // enable/disable UI based on type of media
- bool reset_button_is_active = true;
- if( mPreviewMedia )
- {
- LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mPreviewMedia->getMediaPlugin();
- if( media_plugin )
- {
- // turn off volume (if we can) for preview. Note: this really only
- // works for QuickTime movies right now - no way to control the
- // volume of a flash app embedded in a page for example
- media_plugin->setVolume( 0 );
- // some controls are only appropriate for time or browser type plugins
- // so we selectively enable/disable them - need to do it in draw
- // because the information from plugins arrives assynchronously
- bool show_time_controls = media_plugin->pluginSupportsMediaTime();
- if ( show_time_controls )
- {
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, false );
- reset_button_is_active = false;
- childSetEnabled( "current_url_label", false );
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, true );
- }
- else
- {
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, true );
- reset_button_is_active = true;
- childSetEnabled( "current_url_label", true );
- childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, false );
- };
- };
- };
- // current URL can change over time.
-// updateCurrentURL();
- LLPermissions perm;
- bool user_can_press_reset = mMediaEditable;
- // several places modify this widget so we must collect states in one place
- if ( reset_button_is_active )
- {
- // user has perms to press reset button and it is active
- if ( user_can_press_reset )
- {
- childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", true );
- }
- // user does not has perms to press reset button and it is active
- else
- {
- childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", false );
- };
- }
- else
- // reset button is inactive so we just slam it to off - other states don't matter
- {
- childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", false );
- };
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::clearValues( void* userdata, bool editable)
- LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
- self->mAutoLoop->clear();
- self->mAutoPlay->clear();
- self->mAutoScale->clear();
- self->mAutoZoom ->clear();
- self->mControls->clear();
- self->mCurrentURL->clear();
- self->mFirstClick->clear();
- self->mHeightPixels->clear();
- self->mHomeURL->clear();
- self->mWidthPixels->clear();
- self->mAutoLoop ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mAutoPlay ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mAutoScale ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mAutoZoom ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mControls ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mCurrentURL ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mFirstClick ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mHeightPixels ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mHomeURL ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->mWidthPixels ->setEnabled(editable);
- self->updateMediaPreview();
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& media_settings ,bool editable)
- LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
- self->mMediaEditable = editable;
- //llinfos << "---------------" << llendl;
- //llinfos << ll_pretty_print_sd(media_settings) << llendl;
- //llinfos << "---------------" << llendl;
- // IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media)
- if ( LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo )
- {
- if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia)
- {
- self->clearValues(self, self->mMediaEditable);
- // only show multiple
- self->mHomeURL ->setText(LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"));
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia)
- {
- self->clearValues(self, self->mMediaEditable);
- // only show multiple
- self->mHomeURL ->setText(LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"));
- return;
- }
- }
- std::string base_key( "" );
- std::string tentative_key( "" );
- struct
- {
- std::string key_name;
- LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
- std::string ctrl_type;
- } data_set [] =
- {
- { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, self->mAutoLoop, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY, self->mAutoPlay, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY, self->mAutoScale, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY, self->mAutoZoom, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY, self->mControls, "LLComboBox" },
- { LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, self->mCurrentURL, "LLLineEditor" },
- { LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, self->mHeightPixels, "LLSpinCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY, self->mHomeURL, "LLLineEditor" },
- { LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY, self->mFirstClick, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
- { LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, self->mWidthPixels, "LLSpinCtrl" },
- { "", NULL , "" }
- };
- for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
- {
- base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
- tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );
- // TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
- if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
- {
- if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLLineEditor" )
- {
- static_cast< LLLineEditor* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
- setText( media_settings[ base_key ].asString() );
- }
- else
- if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
- static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
- setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
- else
- if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLComboBox" )
- static_cast< LLComboBox* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
- setCurrentByIndex( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
- else
- if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLSpinCtrl" )
- static_cast< LLSpinCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
- setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
- data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(self->mMediaEditable);
- data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );
- };
- };
- // interrogates controls and updates widgets as required
- self->updateMediaPreview();
- self->updateCurrentURL();
-// Helper to set media control to media URL as required
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateMediaPreview()
- if ( mHomeURL->getValue().asString().length() > 0 )
- {
- mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( mHomeURL->getValue().asString() );
- }
- else
- // new home URL will be empty if media is deleted so display a
- // "preview goes here" data url page
- {
- mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 %3E%3Cdefs%3E%3Cpattern id=%22checker%22 patternUnits=%22userSpaceOnUse%22 x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22128%22 height=%22128%22 viewBox=%220 0 128 128%22 %3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3Crect x=%2264%22 y=%2264%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3C/pattern%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 fill=%22url(#checker)%22 /%3E%3C/svg%3E" );
- };
-// Helper to set current URL
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateCurrentURL()
- if( mCurrentURL->getText().empty() )
- {
- childSetText( "current_url", mHomeURL->getText() );
- }
-// virtual
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onClose(bool app_quitting)
- if(mPreviewMedia)
- {
- mPreviewMedia->unloadMediaSource();
- }
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onCommitHomeURL( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata )
- LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
- // check url user is trying to enter for home URL will pass whitelist
- // and decline to accept it if it doesn't.
- std::string home_url = self->mHomeURL->getValue().asString();
- if ( ! self->mParent->passesWhiteList( home_url ) )
- {
- LLNotifications::instance().add("WhiteListInvalidatesHomeUrl");
- return;
- };
- self->updateMediaPreview();
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onBtnResetCurrentUrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata)
- LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
- self->navigateHomeSelectedFace();
-// static
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::apply( void* userdata )
- LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
- self->mHomeURL->onCommit();
- // build LLSD Fragment
- LLSD media_data_general;
- self->getValues(media_data_general);
- // this merges contents of LLSD passed in with what's there so this is ok
- LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMediaData( media_data_general );
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getValues( LLSD &fill_me_in )
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY] = mAutoLoop->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY] = mAutoPlay->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY] = mAutoScale->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY] = mAutoZoom->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY] = mControls->getCurrentIndex();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = mCurrentURL->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY] = mHeightPixels->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY] = mHomeURL->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY] = mFirstClick->getValue();
- fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY] = mWidthPixels->getValue();
-void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::setParent( LLFloaterMediaSettings* parent )
- mParent = parent;
-bool LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::navigateHomeSelectedFace()
- // HACK: This is directly referencing an impl name. BAD!
- // This can be removed when we have a truly generic media browser that only
- // builds an impl based on the type of url it is passed.
- struct functor_navigate_media : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool>
- {
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- {
- if(object->permModify())
- {
- viewer_media_t media_impl = LLViewerMedia::getMediaImplFromTextureID(object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getMediaID());
- if(media_impl)
- {
- media_impl->navigateHome();
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- } functor_navigate_media;
- bool all_face_media_navigated = false;
- LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
- selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &functor_navigate_media, all_face_media_navigated );
- return all_face_media_navigated;
-const std::string LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getHomeUrl()
- return mHomeURL->getValue().asString();
+ * @file llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.cpp
+ * @brief LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral class implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llpanelmediasettingsgeneral.h"
+#include "llcombobox.h"
+#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
+#include "llspinctrl.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include "llviewerwindow.h"
+#include "llviewermedia.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#include "llselectmgr.h"
+#include "llbutton.h"
+#include "lltexturectrl.h"
+#include "llurl.h"
+#include "llwindow.h"
+#include "llmediaentry.h"
+#include "llmediactrl.h"
+#include "llpanelcontents.h"
+#include "llpermissions.h"
+#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
+#include "llfloatermediasettings.h"
+#include "llfloatertools.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral() :
+ mControls( NULL ),
+ mAutoLoop( NULL ),
+ mFirstClick( NULL ),
+ mAutoZoom( NULL ),
+ mAutoPlay( NULL ),
+ mAutoScale( NULL ),
+ mWidthPixels( NULL ),
+ mHeightPixels( NULL ),
+ mHomeURL( NULL ),
+ mCurrentURL( NULL ),
+ mParent( NULL ),
+ mMediaEditable(false)
+ // build dialog from XML
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_media_settings_general.xml");
+BOOL LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::postBuild()
+ // connect member vars with UI widgets
+ mAutoLoop = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY );
+ mAutoPlay = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY );
+ mAutoScale = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY );
+ mAutoZoom = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY );
+ mControls = getChild< LLComboBox >( LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY );
+ mCurrentURL = getChild< LLLineEditor >( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY );
+ mFirstClick = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY );
+ mHeightPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY );
+ mHomeURL = getChild< LLLineEditor >( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY );
+ mWidthPixels = getChild< LLSpinCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY );
+ mPreviewMedia = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("preview_media");
+ // watch commit action for HOME URL
+ childSetCommitCallback( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY, onCommitHomeURL, this);
+ childSetCommitCallback( "current_url_reset_btn",onBtnResetCurrentUrl, this);
+ // interrogates controls and updates widgets as required
+ updateMediaPreview();
+ updateCurrentURL();
+ return true;
+// virtual
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::draw()
+ // housekeeping
+ LLPanel::draw();
+ // enable/disable pixel values image entry based on auto scale checkbox
+ if ( mAutoScale->getValue().asBoolean() == false )
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, true );
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, true );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, false );
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, false );
+ };
+ // enable/disable UI based on type of media
+ bool reset_button_is_active = true;
+ if( mPreviewMedia )
+ {
+ LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mPreviewMedia->getMediaPlugin();
+ if( media_plugin )
+ {
+ // turn off volume (if we can) for preview. Note: this really only
+ // works for QuickTime movies right now - no way to control the
+ // volume of a flash app embedded in a page for example
+ media_plugin->setVolume( 0 );
+ // some controls are only appropriate for time or browser type plugins
+ // so we selectively enable/disable them - need to do it in draw
+ // because the information from plugins arrives assynchronously
+ bool show_time_controls = media_plugin->pluginSupportsMediaTime();
+ if ( show_time_controls )
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, false );
+ reset_button_is_active = false;
+ childSetEnabled( "current_url_label", false );
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, true );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, true );
+ reset_button_is_active = true;
+ childSetEnabled( "current_url_label", true );
+ childSetEnabled( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, false );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ // current URL can change over time.
+// updateCurrentURL();
+ LLPermissions perm;
+ bool user_can_press_reset = mMediaEditable;
+ // several places modify this widget so we must collect states in one place
+ if ( reset_button_is_active )
+ {
+ // user has perms to press reset button and it is active
+ if ( user_can_press_reset )
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", true );
+ }
+ // user does not has perms to press reset button and it is active
+ else
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", false );
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ // reset button is inactive so we just slam it to off - other states don't matter
+ {
+ childSetEnabled( "current_url_reset_btn", false );
+ };
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::clearValues( void* userdata, bool editable)
+ LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
+ self->mAutoLoop->clear();
+ self->mAutoPlay->clear();
+ self->mAutoScale->clear();
+ self->mAutoZoom ->clear();
+ self->mControls->clear();
+ self->mCurrentURL->clear();
+ self->mFirstClick->clear();
+ self->mHeightPixels->clear();
+ self->mHomeURL->clear();
+ self->mWidthPixels->clear();
+ self->mAutoLoop ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mAutoPlay ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mAutoScale ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mAutoZoom ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mControls ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mCurrentURL ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mFirstClick ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mHeightPixels ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mHomeURL ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->mWidthPixels ->setEnabled(editable);
+ self->updateMediaPreview();
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& media_settings ,bool editable)
+ LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
+ self->mMediaEditable = editable;
+ //llinfos << "---------------" << llendl;
+ //llinfos << ll_pretty_print_sd(media_settings) << llendl;
+ //llinfos << "---------------" << llendl;
+ // IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media)
+ if ( LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo )
+ {
+ if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia)
+ {
+ self->clearValues(self, self->mMediaEditable);
+ // only show multiple
+ self->mHomeURL ->setText(LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia)
+ {
+ self->clearValues(self, self->mMediaEditable);
+ // only show multiple
+ self->mHomeURL ->setText(LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string base_key( "" );
+ std::string tentative_key( "" );
+ struct
+ {
+ std::string key_name;
+ LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
+ std::string ctrl_type;
+ } data_set [] =
+ {
+ { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY, self->mAutoLoop, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY, self->mAutoPlay, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY, self->mAutoScale, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY, self->mAutoZoom, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY, self->mControls, "LLComboBox" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY, self->mCurrentURL, "LLLineEditor" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY, self->mHeightPixels, "LLSpinCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY, self->mHomeURL, "LLLineEditor" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY, self->mFirstClick, "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
+ { LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY, self->mWidthPixels, "LLSpinCtrl" },
+ { "", NULL , "" }
+ };
+ for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
+ {
+ base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
+ tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );
+ // TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
+ if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
+ {
+ if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLLineEditor" )
+ {
+ static_cast< LLLineEditor* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
+ setText( media_settings[ base_key ].asString() );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
+ static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
+ setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
+ else
+ if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLComboBox" )
+ static_cast< LLComboBox* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
+ setCurrentByIndex( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
+ else
+ if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLSpinCtrl" )
+ static_cast< LLSpinCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
+ setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
+ data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(self->mMediaEditable);
+ data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );
+ };
+ };
+ // interrogates controls and updates widgets as required
+ self->updateMediaPreview();
+ self->updateCurrentURL();
+// Helper to set media control to media URL as required
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateMediaPreview()
+ if ( mHomeURL->getValue().asString().length() > 0 )
+ {
+ mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( mHomeURL->getValue().asString() );
+ }
+ else
+ // new home URL will be empty if media is deleted so display a
+ // "preview goes here" data url page
+ {
+ mPreviewMedia->navigateTo( "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 %3E%3Cdefs%3E%3Cpattern id=%22checker%22 patternUnits=%22userSpaceOnUse%22 x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22128%22 height=%22128%22 viewBox=%220 0 128 128%22 %3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3Crect x=%2264%22 y=%2264%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 fill=%22#ddddff%22 /%3E%3C/pattern%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Crect x=%220%22 y=%220%22 width=%22100%%22 height=%22100%%22 fill=%22url(#checker)%22 /%3E%3C/svg%3E" );
+ };
+// Helper to set current URL
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::updateCurrentURL()
+ if( mCurrentURL->getText().empty() )
+ {
+ childSetText( "current_url", mHomeURL->getText() );
+ }
+// virtual
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onClose(bool app_quitting)
+ if(mPreviewMedia)
+ {
+ mPreviewMedia->unloadMediaSource();
+ }
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onCommitHomeURL( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata )
+ LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
+ // check url user is trying to enter for home URL will pass whitelist
+ // and decline to accept it if it doesn't.
+ std::string home_url = self->mHomeURL->getValue().asString();
+ if ( ! self->mParent->passesWhiteList( home_url ) )
+ {
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("WhiteListInvalidatesHomeUrl");
+ return;
+ };
+ self->updateMediaPreview();
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::onBtnResetCurrentUrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata)
+ LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral* self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
+ self->navigateHomeSelectedFace();
+// static
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::apply( void* userdata )
+ LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
+ self->mHomeURL->onCommit();
+ // build LLSD Fragment
+ LLSD media_data_general;
+ self->getValues(media_data_general);
+ // this merges contents of LLSD passed in with what's there so this is ok
+ LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMediaData( media_data_general );
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getValues( LLSD &fill_me_in )
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY] = mAutoLoop->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY] = mAutoPlay->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY] = mAutoScale->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY] = mAutoZoom->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY] = mControls->getCurrentIndex();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = mCurrentURL->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY] = mHeightPixels->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY] = mHomeURL->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY] = mFirstClick->getValue();
+ fill_me_in[LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY] = mWidthPixels->getValue();
+void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::setParent( LLFloaterMediaSettings* parent )
+ mParent = parent;
+bool LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::navigateHomeSelectedFace()
+ // HACK: This is directly referencing an impl name. BAD!
+ // This can be removed when we have a truly generic media browser that only
+ // builds an impl based on the type of url it is passed.
+ struct functor_navigate_media : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool>
+ {
+ bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
+ {
+ if ( object )
+ if ( object->getTE(face) )
+ if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
+ {
+ if(object->permModify())
+ {
+ viewer_media_t media_impl = LLViewerMedia::getMediaImplFromTextureID(object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getMediaID());
+ if(media_impl)
+ {
+ media_impl->navigateHome();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ } functor_navigate_media;
+ bool all_face_media_navigated = false;
+ LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
+ selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &functor_navigate_media, all_face_media_navigated );
+ return all_face_media_navigated;
+const std::string LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::getHomeUrl()
+ return mHomeURL->getValue().asString();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.cpp
index f5607aa287..3577f63340 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.cpp
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@
LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity::LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity() :
mParent( NULL )
- // build dialog from XML
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_media_settings_security.xml");
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Media.whitelistAdd", boost::bind(&LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity::onBtnAdd, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Media.whitelistDelete", boost::bind(&LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity::onBtnDel, this));
+ // build dialog from XML
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_media_settings_security.xml");
@@ -62,10 +63,7 @@ BOOL LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity::postBuild()
mEnableWhiteList = getChild< LLCheckBoxCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_ENABLE_KEY );
mWhiteListList = getChild< LLScrollListCtrl >( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_KEY );
- childSetAction("whitelist_add", onBtnAdd, this);
- childSetAction("whitelist_del", onBtnDel, this);
return true;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.h b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.h
index b78ee92193..2555bb8dc8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmediasettingssecurity.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity : public LLPanel
void addWhiteListItem(const std::string& url);
void setParent( LLFloaterMediaSettings* parent );
const std::string makeValidUrl( const std::string& src_url );
- bool passesWhiteList( const std::string& added_url, const std::string& test_url );
+ bool passesWhiteList( const std::string& added_url, const std::string& test_url );
LLFloaterMediaSettings* mParent;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelobject.h b/indra/newview/llpanelobject.h
index 1ab4ff581e..58d9fe9b76 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelobject.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelobject.h
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class LLUICtrl;
class LLButton;
class LLViewerObject;
class LLComboBox;
-class LLPanelInventory;
class LLColorSwatchCtrl;
class LLTextureCtrl;
class LLInventoryItem;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68181f12b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1927 @@
+ * @file llsidepanelinventory.cpp
+ * @brief LLPanelObjectInventory class implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Implementation of the panel inventory - used to view and control a
+// task's inventory.
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llpanelobjectinventory.h"
+#include "roles_constants.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llcallbacklist.h"
+#include "llfloaterbuycurrency.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
+#include "llpreviewanim.h"
+#include "llpreviewgesture.h"
+#include "llpreviewnotecard.h"
+#include "llpreviewscript.h"
+#include "llpreviewsound.h"
+#include "llpreviewtexture.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
+#include "llselectmgr.h"
+#include "llsidetray.h"
+#include "llstatusbar.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llviewerobjectlist.h"
+#include "llviewermessage.h"
+/// Class LLTaskInvFVBridge
+class LLTaskInvFVBridge : public LLFolderViewEventListener
+ std::string mName;
+ mutable std::string mDisplayName;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* mPanel;
+ U32 mFlags;
+ LLInventoryItem* findItem() const;
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ U32 flags=0);
+ virtual ~LLTaskInvFVBridge( void ) {}
+ virtual LLFontGL::StyleFlags getLabelStyle() const { return LLFontGL::NORMAL; }
+ virtual std::string getLabelSuffix() const { return LLStringUtil::null; }
+ static LLTaskInvFVBridge* createObjectBridge(LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ LLInventoryObject* object);
+ void showProperties();
+ void buyItem();
+ S32 getPrice();
+ static bool commitBuyItem(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
+ // LLFolderViewEventListener functionality
+ virtual const std::string& getName() const;
+ virtual const std::string& getDisplayName() const;
+ virtual PermissionMask getPermissionMask() const { return PERM_NONE; }
+ /*virtual*/ LLAssetType::EType getPreferredType() const { return LLAssetType::AT_NONE; }
+ virtual const LLUUID& getUUID() const { return mUUID; }
+ virtual time_t getCreationDate() const;
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual void closeItem() {}
+ virtual void previewItem();
+ virtual void selectItem() {}
+ virtual BOOL isItemRenameable() const;
+ virtual BOOL renameItem(const std::string& new_name);
+ virtual BOOL isItemMovable() const;
+ virtual BOOL isItemRemovable();
+ virtual BOOL removeItem();
+ virtual void removeBatch(LLDynamicArray<LLFolderViewEventListener*>& batch);
+ virtual void move(LLFolderViewEventListener* parent_listener);
+ virtual BOOL isItemCopyable() const;
+ virtual BOOL copyToClipboard() const;
+ virtual void cutToClipboard();
+ virtual BOOL isClipboardPasteable() const;
+ virtual void pasteFromClipboard();
+ virtual void pasteLinkFromClipboard();
+ virtual void buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags);
+ virtual void performAction(LLFolderView* folder, LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action);
+ virtual BOOL isUpToDate() const { return TRUE; }
+ virtual BOOL hasChildren() const { return FALSE; }
+ virtual LLInventoryType::EType getInventoryType() const { return LLInventoryType::IT_NONE; }
+ // LLDragAndDropBridge functionality
+ virtual BOOL startDrag(EDragAndDropType* type, LLUUID* id) const;
+ virtual BOOL dragOrDrop(MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data);
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ U32 flags):
+ mUUID(uuid),
+ mName(name),
+ mPanel(panel),
+ mFlags(flags)
+LLInventoryItem* LLTaskInvFVBridge::findItem() const
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ return (LLInventoryItem*)(object->getInventoryObject(mUUID));
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::showProperties()
+ LLSD key;
+ key["object"] = mPanel->getTaskUUID();
+ key["id"] = mUUID;
+ LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("sidepanel_inventory", key);
+ /*
+ LLFloaterProperties* floater = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLFloaterProperties>("properties", mUUID);
+ if (floater)
+ {
+ floater->setObjectID(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+ */
+struct LLBuyInvItemData
+ LLAssetType::EType mType;
+ LLBuyInvItemData(const LLUUID& task,
+ const LLUUID& item,
+ LLAssetType::EType type) :
+ mTaskID(task), mItemID(item), mType(type)
+ {}
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::buyItem()
+ llinfos << "LLTaskInvFVBridge::buyItem()" << llendl;
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(!item || !item->getSaleInfo().isForSale()) return;
+ LLBuyInvItemData* inv = new LLBuyInvItemData(mPanel->getTaskUUID(),
+ mUUID,
+ item->getType());
+ const LLSaleInfo& sale_info = item->getSaleInfo();
+ const LLPermissions& perm = item->getPermissions();
+ const std::string owner_name; // no owner name currently... FIXME?
+ LLViewerObject* obj;
+ if( ( obj = gObjectList.findObject( mPanel->getTaskUUID() ) ) && obj->isAttachment() )
+ {
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("Cannot_Purchase_an_Attachment");
+ llinfos << "Attempt to purchase an attachment" << llendl;
+ delete inv;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLSD args;
+ args["PRICE"] = llformat("%d",sale_info.getSalePrice());
+ args["OWNER"] = owner_name;
+ if (sale_info.getSaleType() != LLSaleInfo::FS_CONTENTS)
+ {
+ U32 next_owner_mask = perm.getMaskNextOwner();
+ args["MODIFYPERM"] = LLNotifications::instance().getGlobalString((next_owner_mask & PERM_MODIFY) ? "PermYes" : "PermNo");
+ args["COPYPERM"] = LLNotifications::instance().getGlobalString((next_owner_mask & PERM_COPY) ? "PermYes" : "PermNo");
+ args["RESELLPERM"] = LLNotifications::instance().getGlobalString((next_owner_mask & PERM_TRANSFER) ? "PermYes" : "PermNo");
+ }
+ std::string alertdesc;
+ switch(sale_info.getSaleType())
+ {
+ case LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL:
+ alertdesc = owner_name.empty() ? "BuyOriginalNoOwner" : "BuyOriginal";
+ break;
+ case LLSaleInfo::FS_CONTENTS:
+ alertdesc = owner_name.empty() ? "BuyContentsNoOwner" : "BuyContents";
+ break;
+ case LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY:
+ default:
+ alertdesc = owner_name.empty() ? "BuyCopyNoOwner" : "BuyCopy";
+ break;
+ }
+ LLSD payload;
+ payload["task_id"] = inv->mTaskID;
+ payload["item_id"] = inv->mItemID;
+ payload["type"] = inv->mType;
+ LLNotifications::instance().add(alertdesc, args, payload, LLTaskInvFVBridge::commitBuyItem);
+ }
+S32 LLTaskInvFVBridge::getPrice()
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(item)
+ {
+ return item->getSaleInfo().getSalePrice();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+// static
+bool LLTaskInvFVBridge::commitBuyItem(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ S32 option = LLNotification::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ if(0 == option)
+ {
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(notification["payload"]["task_id"].asUUID());
+ if(!object || !object->getRegion()) return false;
+ LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
+ msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_BuyObjectInventory);
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
+ msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Data);
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ObjectID, notification["payload"]["task_id"].asUUID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ItemID, notification["payload"]["item_id"].asUUID());
+ msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_FolderID,
+ gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType((LLAssetType::EType)notification["payload"]["type"].asInteger()));
+ msg->sendReliable(object->getRegion()->getHost());
+ }
+ return false;
+const std::string& LLTaskInvFVBridge::getName() const
+ return mName;
+const std::string& LLTaskInvFVBridge::getDisplayName() const
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(item)
+ {
+ if(item->getParentUUID().isNull())
+ {
+ if(item->getName() == "Contents")
+ {
+ mDisplayName.assign(LLTrans::getString("ViewerObjectContents"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mDisplayName.assign(item->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mDisplayName.assign(item->getName());
+ }
+ const LLPermissions& perm(item->getPermissions());
+ BOOL copy = gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_COPY, perm, GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE);
+ BOOL mod = gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_MODIFY, perm, GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE);
+ BOOL xfer = gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_TRANSFER, perm, GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE);
+ if(!copy)
+ {
+ mDisplayName.append(LLTrans::getString("no_copy"));
+ }
+ if(!mod)
+ {
+ mDisplayName.append(LLTrans::getString("no_modify"));
+ }
+ if(!xfer)
+ {
+ mDisplayName.append(LLTrans::getString("no_transfer"));
+ }
+ }
+ return mDisplayName;
+// BUG: No creation dates for task inventory
+time_t LLTaskInvFVBridge::getCreationDate() const
+ return 0;
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskInvFVBridge::getIcon() const
+ BOOL item_is_multi = FALSE;
+ if ( mFlags & LLInventoryItem::II_FLAGS_OBJECT_HAS_MULTIPLE_ITEMS )
+ {
+ item_is_multi = TRUE;
+ }
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT, 0, item_is_multi );
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::openItem()
+ // no-op.
+ lldebugs << "LLTaskInvFVBridge::openItem()" << llendl;
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::previewItem()
+ openItem();
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::isItemRenameable() const
+ if(gAgent.isGodlike()) return TRUE;
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* item;
+ item = (LLInventoryItem*)(object->getInventoryObject(mUUID));
+ if(item && gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_MODIFY, item->getPermissions(),
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::renameItem(const std::string& new_name)
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* item = NULL;
+ item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)object->getInventoryObject(mUUID);
+ if(item && (gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_MODIFY, item->getPermissions(),
+ {
+ LLPointer<LLViewerInventoryItem> new_item = new LLViewerInventoryItem(item);
+ new_item->rename(new_name);
+ object->updateInventory(
+ new_item,
+ false);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::isItemMovable() const
+ //LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ //if(object && (object->permModify() || gAgent.isGodlike()))
+ //{
+ // return TRUE;
+ //}
+ //return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::isItemRemovable()
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object
+ && (object->permModify() || object->permYouOwner()))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool remove_task_inventory_callback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response, LLPanelObjectInventory* panel)
+ S32 option = LLNotification::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(notification["payload"]["task_id"].asUUID());
+ if(option == 0 && object)
+ {
+ // yes
+ LLSD::array_const_iterator list_end = notification["payload"]["inventory_ids"].endArray();
+ for (LLSD::array_const_iterator list_it = notification["payload"]["inventory_ids"].beginArray();
+ list_it != list_end;
+ ++list_it)
+ {
+ object->removeInventory(list_it->asUUID());
+ }
+ // refresh the UI.
+ panel->refresh();
+ }
+ return false;
+// helper for remove
+// ! REFACTOR ! two_uuids_list_t is also defined in llinevntorybridge.h, but differently.
+typedef std::pair<LLUUID, std::list<LLUUID> > panel_two_uuids_list_t;
+typedef std::pair<LLPanelObjectInventory*, panel_two_uuids_list_t> remove_data_t;
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem()
+ if(isItemRemovable() && mPanel)
+ {
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ if(object->permModify())
+ {
+ // just do it.
+ object->removeInventory(mUUID);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ remove_data_t* data = new remove_data_t;
+ data->first = mPanel;
+ data->second.first = mPanel->getTaskUUID();
+ data->second.second.push_back(mUUID);
+ LLSD payload;
+ payload["task_id"] = mPanel->getTaskUUID();
+ payload["inventory_ids"].append(mUUID);
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("RemoveItemWarn", LLSD(), payload, boost::bind(&remove_task_inventory_callback, _1, _2, mPanel));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeBatch(LLDynamicArray<LLFolderViewEventListener*>& batch)
+ if (!mPanel)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if (!object)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!object->permModify())
+ {
+ LLSD payload;
+ payload["task_id"] = mPanel->getTaskUUID();
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)batch.size(); i++)
+ {
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge* itemp = (LLTaskInvFVBridge*)batch[i];
+ payload["inventory_ids"].append(itemp->getUUID());
+ }
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("RemoveItemWarn", LLSD(), payload, boost::bind(&remove_task_inventory_callback, _1, _2, mPanel));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32)batch.size(); i++)
+ {
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge* itemp = (LLTaskInvFVBridge*)batch[i];
+ if(itemp->isItemRemovable())
+ {
+ // just do it.
+ object->removeInventory(itemp->getUUID());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::move(LLFolderViewEventListener* parent_listener)
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::isItemCopyable() const
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(!item) return FALSE;
+ return gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_COPY, item->getPermissions(),
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::copyToClipboard() const
+ return FALSE;
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::cutToClipboard()
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::isClipboardPasteable() const
+ return FALSE;
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::pasteFromClipboard()
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::pasteLinkFromClipboard()
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::startDrag(EDragAndDropType* type, LLUUID* id) const
+ //llinfos << "LLTaskInvFVBridge::startDrag()" << llendl;
+ if(mPanel)
+ {
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* inv = NULL;
+ if((inv = (LLInventoryItem*)object->getInventoryObject(mUUID)))
+ {
+ const LLPermissions& perm = inv->getPermissions();
+ bool can_copy = gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_COPY, perm,
+ if (object->isAttachment() && !can_copy)
+ {
+ //RN: no copy contents of attachments cannot be dragged out
+ // due to a race condition and possible exploit where
+ // attached objects do not update their inventory items
+ // when their contents are manipulated
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if((can_copy && perm.allowTransferTo(gAgent.getID()))
+ || object->permYouOwner())
+// || gAgent.isGodlike())
+ {
+ *type = LLAssetType::lookupDragAndDropType(inv->getType());
+ *id = inv->getUUID();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskInvFVBridge::dragOrDrop(MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data)
+ //llinfos << "LLTaskInvFVBridge::dragOrDrop()" << llendl;
+ return FALSE;
+// virtual
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::performAction(LLFolderView* folder, LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
+ if (action == "task_buy")
+ {
+ // Check the price of the item.
+ S32 price = getPrice();
+ if (-1 == price)
+ {
+ llwarns << "label_buy_task_bridged_item: Invalid price" << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (price > 0 && price > gStatusBar->getBalance())
+ {
+ LLFloaterBuyCurrency::buyCurrency("This costs", price);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buyItem();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (action == "task_open")
+ {
+ openItem();
+ }
+ else if (action == "task_properties")
+ {
+ showProperties();
+ }
+void LLTaskInvFVBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ std::vector<std::string> items;
+ std::vector<std::string> disabled_items;
+ if (!item)
+ {
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_OWNER, item->getPermissions(),
+ && item->getSaleInfo().isForSale())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Buy"));
+ std::string label= LLTrans::getString("Buy");
+ // Check the price of the item.
+ S32 price = getPrice();
+ if (-1 == price)
+ {
+ llwarns << "label_buy_task_bridged_item: Invalid price" << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream info;
+ info << LLTrans::getString("BuyforL$") << price;
+ label.assign(info.str());
+ }
+ const LLView::child_list_t *list = menu.getChildList();
+ LLView::child_list_t::const_iterator itor;
+ for (itor = list->begin(); itor != list->end(); ++itor)
+ {
+ std::string name = (*itor)->getName();
+ LLMenuItemCallGL* menu_itemp = dynamic_cast<LLMenuItemCallGL*>(*itor);
+ if (name == "Task Buy" && menu_itemp)
+ {
+ menu_itemp->setLabel(label);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Open"));
+ if (!isItemCopyable())
+ {
+ disabled_items.push_back(std::string("Task Open"));
+ }
+ }
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Properties"));
+ if(isItemRenameable())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Rename"));
+ }
+ if(isItemRemovable())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Remove"));
+ }
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+/// Class LLTaskFolderBridge
+class LLTaskCategoryBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskCategoryBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual const std::string& getDisplayName() const { return getName(); }
+ virtual BOOL isItemRenameable() const;
+ virtual BOOL renameItem(const std::string& new_name);
+ virtual BOOL isItemRemovable();
+ virtual void buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags);
+ virtual BOOL hasChildren() const;
+ virtual BOOL startDrag(EDragAndDropType* type, LLUUID* id) const;
+ virtual BOOL dragOrDrop(MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data);
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskCategoryBridge::getIcon() const
+ return LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_FolderClosed");
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::isItemRenameable() const
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::renameItem(const std::string& new_name)
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::isItemRemovable()
+ return FALSE;
+void LLTaskCategoryBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
+ std::vector<std::string> items;
+ std::vector<std::string> disabled_items;
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Open"));
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::hasChildren() const
+ // return TRUE if we have or do know know if we have children.
+ // *FIX: For now, return FALSE - we will know for sure soon enough.
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::startDrag(EDragAndDropType* type, LLUUID* id) const
+ //llinfos << "LLTaskInvFVBridge::startDrag()" << llendl;
+ if(mPanel)
+ {
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* inv = NULL;
+ if((inv = (LLInventoryItem*)object->getInventoryObject(mUUID)))
+ {
+ const LLPermissions& perm = inv->getPermissions();
+ bool can_copy = gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_COPY, perm,
+ if((can_copy && perm.allowTransferTo(gAgent.getID()))
+ || object->permYouOwner())
+// || gAgent.isGodlike())
+ {
+ *type = LLAssetType::lookupDragAndDropType(inv->getType());
+ *id = inv->getUUID();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskCategoryBridge::dragOrDrop(MASK mask, BOOL drop,
+ EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
+ void* cargo_data)
+ //llinfos << "LLTaskCategoryBridge::dragOrDrop()" << llendl;
+ BOOL accept = FALSE;
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(object)
+ {
+ switch(cargo_type)
+ {
+ accept = LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->dadUpdateInventoryCategory(object,drop);
+ break;
+ case DAD_SOUND:
+ case DAD_OBJECT:
+ accept = LLToolDragAndDrop::isInventoryDropAcceptable(object, (LLViewerInventoryItem*)cargo_data);
+ if(accept && drop)
+ {
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::dropInventory(object,
+ (LLViewerInventoryItem*)cargo_data,
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSource(),
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSourceID());
+ }
+ break;
+ case DAD_SCRIPT:
+ // *HACK: In order to resolve SL-22177, we need to block
+ // drags from notecards and objects onto other
+ // objects. uncomment the simpler version when we have
+ // that right.
+ //accept = LLToolDragAndDrop::isInventoryDropAcceptable(object, (LLViewerInventoryItem*)cargo_data);
+ if(LLToolDragAndDrop::isInventoryDropAcceptable(
+ object, (LLViewerInventoryItem*)cargo_data)
+ && (LLToolDragAndDrop::SOURCE_WORLD != LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSource())
+ && (LLToolDragAndDrop::SOURCE_NOTECARD != LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSource()))
+ {
+ accept = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(accept && drop)
+ {
+ LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)cargo_data;
+ // rez in the script active by default, rez in
+ // inactive if the control key is being held down.
+ BOOL active = ((mask & MASK_CONTROL) == 0);
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::dropScript(object, item, active,
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSource(),
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSourceID());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return accept;
+/// Class LLTaskTextureBridge
+class LLTaskTextureBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskTextureBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ LLInventoryType::EType it);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ LLInventoryType::EType mInventoryType;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ LLInventoryType::EType it) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name),
+ mInventoryType(it)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskTextureBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE, mInventoryType, 0, FALSE);
+void LLTaskTextureBridge::openItem()
+ llinfos << "LLTaskTextureBridge::openItem()" << llendl;
+ LLPreviewTexture* preview = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLPreviewTexture>("preview_texture", LLSD(mUUID), TAKE_FOCUS_YES);
+ if(preview)
+ {
+ preview->setObjectID(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+/// Class LLTaskSoundBridge
+class LLTaskSoundBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskSoundBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual void performAction(LLFolderView* folder, LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action);
+ virtual void buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags);
+ static void openSoundPreview(void* data);
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskSoundBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_SOUND, LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND, 0, FALSE);
+void LLTaskSoundBridge::openItem()
+ openSoundPreview((void*)this);
+void LLTaskSoundBridge::openSoundPreview(void* data)
+ LLTaskSoundBridge* self = (LLTaskSoundBridge*)data;
+ if(!self)
+ return;
+ LLPreviewSound* preview = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLPreviewSound>("preview_sound", LLSD(self->mUUID), TAKE_FOCUS_YES);
+ if (preview)
+ {
+ preview->setObjectID(self->mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+// virtual
+void LLTaskSoundBridge::performAction(LLFolderView* folder, LLInventoryModel* model, std::string action)
+ if (action == "task_play")
+ {
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(item)
+ {
+ send_sound_trigger(item->getAssetUUID(), 1.0);
+ }
+ }
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge::performAction(folder, model, action);
+void LLTaskSoundBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
+ LLInventoryItem* item = findItem();
+ if(!item) return;
+ std::vector<std::string> items;
+ std::vector<std::string> disabled_items;
+ if(item->getPermissions().getOwner() != gAgent.getID()
+ && item->getSaleInfo().isForSale())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Buy"));
+ std::string label= LLTrans::getString("Buy");
+ // Check the price of the item.
+ S32 price = getPrice();
+ if (-1 == price)
+ {
+ llwarns << "label_buy_task_bridged_item: Invalid price" << llendl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream info;
+ info << LLTrans::getString("BuyforL$") << price;
+ label.assign(info.str());
+ }
+ const LLView::child_list_t *list = menu.getChildList();
+ LLView::child_list_t::const_iterator itor;
+ for (itor = list->begin(); itor != list->end(); ++itor)
+ {
+ std::string name = (*itor)->getName();
+ LLMenuItemCallGL* menu_itemp = dynamic_cast<LLMenuItemCallGL*>(*itor);
+ if (name == "Task Buy" && menu_itemp)
+ {
+ menu_itemp->setLabel(label);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Open"));
+ if (!isItemCopyable())
+ {
+ disabled_items.push_back(std::string("Task Open"));
+ }
+ }
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Properties"));
+ if(isItemRenameable())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Rename"));
+ }
+ if(isItemRemovable())
+ {
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Remove"));
+ }
+ items.push_back(std::string("Task Play"));
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+/// Class LLTaskLandmarkBridge
+class LLTaskLandmarkBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskLandmarkBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskLandmarkBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK, LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK, 0, FALSE);
+/// Class LLTaskCallingCardBridge
+class LLTaskCallingCardBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskCallingCardBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual BOOL isItemRenameable() const;
+ virtual BOOL renameItem(const std::string& new_name);
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskCallingCardBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD, LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD, 0, FALSE);
+BOOL LLTaskCallingCardBridge::isItemRenameable() const
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL LLTaskCallingCardBridge::renameItem(const std::string& new_name)
+ return FALSE;
+/// Class LLTaskScriptBridge
+class LLTaskScriptBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskScriptBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ //static BOOL enableIfCopyable( void* userdata );
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskScriptBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_SCRIPT, LLInventoryType::IT_LSL, 0, FALSE);
+class LLTaskLSLBridge : public LLTaskScriptBridge
+ LLTaskLSLBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual BOOL removeItem();
+ //virtual void buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu);
+ //static void copyToInventory(void* userdata);
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskScriptBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+void LLTaskLSLBridge::openItem()
+ llinfos << "LLTaskLSLBridge::openItem() " << mUUID << llendl;
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(!object || object->isInventoryPending())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLLiveLSLEditor* preview = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLLiveLSLEditor>("preview_scriptedit", LLSD(mUUID), TAKE_FOCUS_YES);
+ if (preview && (object->permModify() || gAgent.isGodlike()))
+ {
+ preview->setObjectID(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+BOOL LLTaskLSLBridge::removeItem()
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("preview_scriptedit", LLSD(mUUID));
+ return LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem();
+/// Class LLTaskObjectBridge
+class LLTaskObjectBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskObjectBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskObjectBridge::getIcon() const
+ BOOL item_is_multi = FALSE;
+ if ( mFlags & LLInventoryItem::II_FLAGS_OBJECT_HAS_MULTIPLE_ITEMS )
+ {
+ item_is_multi = TRUE;
+ }
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT, 0, item_is_multi);
+/// Class LLTaskNotecardBridge
+class LLTaskNotecardBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskNotecardBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual BOOL removeItem();
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskNotecardBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_NOTECARD, LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD, 0, FALSE);
+void LLTaskNotecardBridge::openItem()
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(!object || object->isInventoryPending())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(object->permModify() || gAgent.isGodlike())
+ {
+ LLPreviewNotecard* preview = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLPreviewNotecard>("preview_notecard", LLSD(mUUID), TAKE_FOCUS_YES);
+ if (preview)
+ {
+ preview->setObjectID(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+ }
+BOOL LLTaskNotecardBridge::removeItem()
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("preview_notecard", LLSD(mUUID));
+ return LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem();
+/// Class LLTaskGestureBridge
+class LLTaskGestureBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskGestureBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual BOOL removeItem();
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskGestureBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE, 0, FALSE);
+void LLTaskGestureBridge::openItem()
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(!object || object->isInventoryPending())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPreviewGesture::show(mUUID, mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+BOOL LLTaskGestureBridge::removeItem()
+ // Don't need to deactivate gesture because gestures inside objects can never be active.
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("preview_gesture", LLSD(mUUID));
+ return LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem();
+/// Class LLTaskAnimationBridge
+class LLTaskAnimationBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskAnimationBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ virtual void openItem();
+ virtual BOOL removeItem();
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name)
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskAnimationBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION, LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION, 0, FALSE);
+void LLTaskAnimationBridge::openItem()
+ LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ if(!object || object->isInventoryPending())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPreviewAnim* preview = LLFloaterReg::showTypedInstance<LLPreviewAnim>("preview_anim", LLSD(mUUID), TAKE_FOCUS_YES);
+ if (preview && (object->permModify() || gAgent.isGodlike()))
+ {
+ preview->setObjectID(mPanel->getTaskUUID());
+ }
+BOOL LLTaskAnimationBridge::removeItem()
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("preview_anim", LLSD(mUUID));
+ return LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem();
+/// Class LLTaskWearableBridge
+class LLTaskWearableBridge : public LLTaskInvFVBridge
+ LLTaskWearableBridge(
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ U32 flags);
+ virtual LLUIImagePtr getIcon() const;
+ LLAssetType::EType mAssetType;
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ const LLUUID& uuid,
+ const std::string& name,
+ LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
+ U32 flags) :
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge(panel, uuid, name, flags),
+ mAssetType( asset_type )
+LLUIImagePtr LLTaskWearableBridge::getIcon() const
+ return get_item_icon(mAssetType, LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE, mFlags, FALSE );
+/// LLTaskInvFVBridge impl
+LLTaskInvFVBridge* LLTaskInvFVBridge::createObjectBridge(LLPanelObjectInventory* panel,
+ LLInventoryObject* object)
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge* new_bridge = NULL;
+ LLAssetType::EType type = object->getType();
+ LLInventoryItem* item = NULL;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE:
+ item = (LLInventoryItem*)object;
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskTextureBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName(),
+ item->getInventoryType());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_SOUND:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskSoundBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskLandmarkBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskCallingCardBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_SCRIPT:
+ llwarns << "Old script" << llendl;
+ //new_bridge = new LLTaskOldScriptBridge(panel,
+ // object->getUUID(),
+ // object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskObjectBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_NOTECARD:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskNotecardBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskAnimationBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskGestureBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING:
+ case LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART:
+ item = (LLInventoryItem*)object;
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskWearableBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName(),
+ type,
+ item->getFlags());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY:
+ case LLAssetType::AT_FAVORITE:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskCategoryBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ case LLAssetType::AT_LSL_TEXT:
+ new_bridge = new LLTaskLSLBridge(panel,
+ object->getUUID(),
+ object->getName());
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ llinfos << "Unhandled inventory type (llassetstorage.h): "
+ << (S32)type << llendl;
+ break;
+ }
+ return new_bridge;
+/// Class LLPanelObjectInventory
+static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLPanelObjectInventory> r("panel_inventory_object");
+void do_nothing()
+// Default constructor
+LLPanelObjectInventory::LLPanelObjectInventory(const LLPanelObjectInventory::Params& p) :
+ LLPanel(p),
+ mScroller(NULL),
+ mFolders(NULL),
+ mHaveInventory(FALSE),
+ mIsInventoryEmpty(TRUE),
+ mInventoryNeedsUpdate(FALSE)
+ // Setup context menu callbacks
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLPanelObjectInventory::doToSelected, this, _2));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLAssetType::AT_TRASH));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLAssetType::AT_LOST_AND_FOUND));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&do_nothing));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.AttachObject", boost::bind(&do_nothing));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.BeginIMSession", boost::bind(&do_nothing));
+// Destroys the object
+ if (!gIdleCallbacks.deleteFunction(idle, this))
+ {
+ llwarns << "LLPanelObjectInventory::~LLPanelObjectInventory() failed to delete callback" << llendl;
+ }
+BOOL LLPanelObjectInventory::postBuild()
+ // clear contents and initialize menus, sets up mFolders
+ reset();
+ // Register an idle update callback
+ gIdleCallbacks.addFunction(idle, this);
+ return TRUE;
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata)
+ mFolders->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::clearContents()
+ mHaveInventory = FALSE;
+ mIsInventoryEmpty = TRUE;
+ if (LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance() && LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->getSource() == LLToolDragAndDrop::SOURCE_WORLD)
+ {
+ LLToolDragAndDrop::getInstance()->endDrag();
+ }
+ if( mScroller )
+ {
+ // removes mFolders
+ removeChild( mScroller ); //*TODO: Really shouldn't do this during draw()/refresh()
+ mScroller->die();
+ mScroller = NULL;
+ mFolders = NULL;
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::reset()
+ clearContents();
+ setBorderVisible(FALSE);
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); // push local callbacks
+ LLRect dummy_rect(0, 1, 1, 0);
+ LLFolderView::Params p;
+ = "task inventory";
+ p.task_id = getTaskUUID();
+ p.parent_panel = this;
+ mFolders = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderView>(p);
+ // this ensures that we never say "searching..." or "no items found"
+ mFolders->getFilter()->setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS);
+ mFolders->setCallbackRegistrar(&mCommitCallbackRegistrar);
+ LLRect scroller_rect(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0);
+ LLScrollContainer::Params scroll_p;
+"task inventory scroller");
+ scroll_p.rect(scroller_rect);
+ scroll_p.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_ALL);
+ mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLScrollContainer>(scroll_p);
+ addChild(mScroller);
+ mScroller->addChild(mFolders);
+ mFolders->setScrollContainer( mScroller );
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.popScope();
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::inventoryChanged(LLViewerObject* object,
+ InventoryObjectList* inventory,
+ S32 serial_num,
+ void* data)
+ if(!object) return;
+ //llinfos << "invetnory arrived: \n"
+ // << " panel UUID: " << panel->mTaskUUID << "\n"
+ // << " task UUID: " << object->mID << llendl;
+ if(mTaskUUID == object->mID)
+ {
+ mInventoryNeedsUpdate = TRUE;
+ }
+ // refresh any properties floaters that are hanging around.
+ if(inventory)
+ {
+ for (InventoryObjectList::const_iterator iter = inventory->begin();
+ iter != inventory->end(); )
+ {
+ LLInventoryObject* item = *iter++;
+ LLFloaterProperties* floater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLFloaterProperties>("properites", item->getUUID());
+ if(floater)
+ {
+ floater->refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::updateInventory()
+ //llinfos << "inventory arrived: \n"
+ // << " panel UUID: " << panel->mTaskUUID << "\n"
+ // << " task UUID: " << object->mID << llendl;
+ // We're still interested in this task's inventory.
+ std::set<LLUUID> selected_items;
+ BOOL inventory_has_focus = FALSE;
+ if (mHaveInventory && mFolders->getNumSelectedDescendants())
+ {
+ mFolders->getSelectionList(selected_items);
+ inventory_has_focus = gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(mFolders);
+ }
+ reset();
+ LLViewerObject* objectp = gObjectList.findObject(mTaskUUID);
+ if (objectp)
+ {
+ LLInventoryObject* inventory_root = objectp->getInventoryRoot();
+ InventoryObjectList contents;
+ objectp->getInventoryContents(contents);
+ if (inventory_root)
+ {
+ createFolderViews(inventory_root, contents);
+ mHaveInventory = TRUE;
+ mIsInventoryEmpty = FALSE;
+ mFolders->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: create an empty inventory
+ mIsInventoryEmpty = TRUE;
+ mHaveInventory = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: create an empty inventory
+ mIsInventoryEmpty = TRUE;
+ mHaveInventory = TRUE;
+ }
+ // restore previous selection
+ std::set<LLUUID>::iterator selection_it;
+ BOOL first_item = TRUE;
+ for (selection_it = selected_items.begin(); selection_it != selected_items.end(); ++selection_it)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewItem* selected_item = mFolders->getItemByID(*selection_it);
+ if (selected_item)
+ {
+ //HACK: "set" first item then "change" each other one to get keyboard focus right
+ if (first_item)
+ {
+ mFolders->setSelection(selected_item, TRUE, inventory_has_focus);
+ first_item = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mFolders->changeSelection(selected_item, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mFolders->requestArrange();
+ mInventoryNeedsUpdate = FALSE;
+// *FIX: This is currently a very expensive operation, because we have
+// to iterate through the inventory one time for each category. This
+// leads to an N^2 based on the category count. This could be greatly
+// speeded with an efficient multimap implementation, but we don't
+// have that in our current arsenal.
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::createFolderViews(LLInventoryObject* inventory_root, InventoryObjectList& contents)
+ if (!inventory_root)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a visible root category.
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge* bridge = NULL;
+ bridge = LLTaskInvFVBridge::createObjectBridge(this, inventory_root);
+ if(bridge)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewFolder* new_folder = NULL;
+ LLFolderViewFolder::Params p;
+ = inventory_root->getName();
+ p.icon = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_FolderClosed");
+ p.icon_open = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_FolderOpen");
+ p.root = mFolders;
+ p.listener = bridge;
+ new_folder = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewFolder>(p);
+ new_folder->addToFolder(mFolders, mFolders);
+ new_folder->toggleOpen();
+ createViewsForCategory(&contents, inventory_root, new_folder);
+ }
+typedef std::pair<LLInventoryObject*, LLFolderViewFolder*> obj_folder_pair;
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::createViewsForCategory(InventoryObjectList* inventory,
+ LLInventoryObject* parent,
+ LLFolderViewFolder* folder)
+ // Find all in the first pass
+ LLDynamicArray<obj_folder_pair*> child_categories;
+ LLTaskInvFVBridge* bridge;
+ LLFolderViewItem* view;
+ InventoryObjectList::iterator it = inventory->begin();
+ InventoryObjectList::iterator end = inventory->end();
+ for( ; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ LLInventoryObject* obj = *it;
+ if(parent->getUUID() == obj->getParentUUID())
+ {
+ bridge = LLTaskInvFVBridge::createObjectBridge(this, obj);
+ if(!bridge)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY == obj->getType())
+ {
+ LLFolderViewFolder::Params p;
+ = obj->getName();
+ p.icon = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_FolderClosed");
+ p.icon_open = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_FolderOpen");
+ p.root = mFolders;
+ p.listener = bridge;
+ view = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewFolder>(p);
+ child_categories.put(new obj_folder_pair(obj,
+ (LLFolderViewFolder*)view));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLFolderViewItem::Params params;
+ params.icon(bridge->getIcon());
+ params.creation_date(bridge->getCreationDate());
+ params.root(mFolders);
+ params.listener(bridge);
+ params.rect(LLRect());
+ view = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLFolderViewItem> (params);
+ }
+ view->addToFolder(folder, mFolders);
+ }
+ }
+ // now, for each category, do the second pass
+ for(S32 i = 0; i < child_categories.count(); i++)
+ {
+ createViewsForCategory(inventory, child_categories[i]->first,
+ child_categories[i]->second );
+ delete child_categories[i];
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::refresh()
+ //llinfos << "LLPanelObjectInventory::refresh()" << llendl;
+ BOOL has_inventory = FALSE;
+ const BOOL non_root_ok = TRUE;
+ LLSelectNode* node = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstRootNode(NULL, non_root_ok);
+ if(node)
+ {
+ LLViewerObject* object = node->getObject();
+ if(object && ((LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getRootObjectCount() == 1)
+ || (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount() == 1)))
+ {
+ // determine if we need to make a request. Start with a
+ // default based on if we have inventory at all.
+ BOOL make_request = !mHaveInventory;
+ // If the task id is different than what we've stored,
+ // then make the request.
+ if(mTaskUUID != object->mID)
+ {
+ mTaskUUID = object->mID;
+ make_request = TRUE;
+ // This is a new object so pre-emptively clear the contents
+ // Otherwise we show the old stuff until the update comes in
+ clearContents();
+ // Register for updates from this object,
+ registerVOInventoryListener(object,NULL);
+ }
+ // Based on the node information, we may need to dirty the
+ // object inventory and get it again.
+ if(node->mValid)
+ {
+ if(node->mInventorySerial != object->getInventorySerial() || object->isInventoryDirty())
+ {
+ make_request = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // do the request if necessary.
+ if(make_request)
+ {
+ requestVOInventory();
+ }
+ has_inventory = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!has_inventory)
+ {
+ mTaskUUID = LLUUID::null;
+ removeVOInventoryListener();
+ clearContents();
+ }
+ //llinfos << "LLPanelObjectInventory::refresh() " << mTaskUUID << llendl;
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::removeSelectedItem()
+ if(mFolders)
+ {
+ mFolders->removeSelectedItems();
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::startRenamingSelectedItem()
+ if(mFolders)
+ {
+ mFolders->startRenamingSelectedItem();
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::draw()
+ LLPanel::draw();
+ if(mIsInventoryEmpty)
+ {
+ if((LLUUID::null != mTaskUUID) && (!mHaveInventory))
+ {
+ LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()->renderUTF8(LLTrans::getString("LoadingContents"), 0,
+ (S32)(getRect().getWidth() * 0.5f),
+ 10,
+ LLColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
+ }
+ else if(mHaveInventory)
+ {
+ LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()->renderUTF8(LLTrans::getString("NoContents"), 0,
+ (S32)(getRect().getWidth() * 0.5f),
+ 10,
+ LLColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
+ }
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::deleteAllChildren()
+ mScroller = NULL;
+ mFolders = NULL;
+ LLView::deleteAllChildren();
+BOOL LLPanelObjectInventory::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept, std::string& tooltip_msg)
+ if (mFolders && mHaveInventory)
+ {
+ LLFolderViewItem* folderp = mFolders->getNextFromChild(NULL);
+ if (!folderp)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Try to pass on unmodified mouse coordinates
+ S32 local_x = x - mFolders->getRect().mLeft;
+ S32 local_y = y - mFolders->getRect().mBottom;
+ if (mFolders->pointInView(local_x, local_y))
+ {
+ return mFolders->handleDragAndDrop(local_x, local_y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //force mouse coordinates to be inside folder rectangle
+ return mFolders->handleDragAndDrop(5, 1, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+void LLPanelObjectInventory::idle(void* user_data)
+ LLPanelObjectInventory* self = (LLPanelObjectInventory*)user_data;
+ if (self->mInventoryNeedsUpdate)
+ {
+ self->updateInventory();
+ }
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.h b/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6722bb212e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelobjectinventory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * @file llpanelobjectinventory.h
+ * @brief LLPanelObjectInventory class definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llvoinventorylistener.h"
+#include "llpanel.h"
+#include "llinventory.h"
+class LLScrollContainer;
+class LLFolderView;
+class LLFolderViewFolder;
+class LLViewerObject;
+// Class LLPanelObjectInventory
+// This class represents the panel used to view and control a
+// particular task's inventory.
+class LLPanelObjectInventory : public LLPanel, public LLVOInventoryListener
+ // dummy param block for template registration purposes
+ struct Params : public LLPanel::Params {};
+ LLPanelObjectInventory(const Params&);
+ virtual ~LLPanelObjectInventory();
+ virtual BOOL postBuild();
+ void doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata);
+ void refresh();
+ const LLUUID& getTaskUUID() { return mTaskUUID;}
+ void removeSelectedItem();
+ void startRenamingSelectedItem();
+ LLFolderView* getRootFolder() const { return mFolders; }
+ virtual void draw();
+ virtual void deleteAllChildren();
+ virtual BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept, std::string& tooltip_msg);
+ static void idle(void* user_data);
+ void reset();
+ /*virtual*/ void inventoryChanged(LLViewerObject* object,
+ InventoryObjectList* inventory,
+ S32 serial_num,
+ void* user_data);
+ void updateInventory();
+ void createFolderViews(LLInventoryObject* inventory_root, InventoryObjectList& contents);
+ void createViewsForCategory(InventoryObjectList* inventory,
+ LLInventoryObject* parent,
+ LLFolderViewFolder* folder);
+ void clearContents();
+ LLScrollContainer* mScroller;
+ LLFolderView* mFolders;
+ BOOL mHaveInventory;
+ BOOL mIsInventoryEmpty;
+ BOOL mInventoryNeedsUpdate;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
index 5af27a5ec1..34644cfe42 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
#include "llaccordionctrltab.h"
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llagentui.h"
+#include "llappviewer.h"
#include "llavatarpropertiesprocessor.h"
#include "llcallbacklist.h"
#include "llexpandabletextbox.h"
@@ -1003,13 +1004,15 @@ void LLPanelPlaceInfo::updateYouAreHereBanner(void* userdata)
LLPanelPlaceInfo* self = static_cast<LLPanelPlaceInfo*>(userdata);
+ if(!gDisconnected)
+ {
+ static F32 radius = gSavedSettings.getF32("YouAreHereDistance");
- static F32 radius = gSavedSettings.getF32("YouAreHereDistance");
- BOOL display_banner = self->mLastSelectedRegionID == gAgent.getRegion()->getRegionID() &&
+ BOOL display_banner = gAgent.getRegion()->getRegionID() == self->mLastSelectedRegionID &&
LLAgentUI::checkAgentDistance(self->mPosRegion, radius);
- self->mYouAreHerePanel->setVisible(display_banner);
+ self->mYouAreHerePanel->setVisible(display_banner);
+ }
void LLPanelPlaceInfo::onForSaleBannerClick()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp
index e4b32c4820..58ca481b77 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp
@@ -228,7 +228,10 @@ void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::updateShape()
bool can_navigate = parcel->getMediaAllowNavigate();
bool enabled = false;
- bool has_focus = media_impl->hasFocus();
+ // There is no such thing as "has_focus" being different from normal controls set
+ // anymore (as of user feedback from bri 10/09). So we cheat here and force 'has_focus'
+ // to 'true' (or, actually, we use a setting)
+ bool has_focus = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PrimMediaControlsUseHoverControlSet")) ? media_impl->hasFocus() : true;
if (objectp)
@@ -310,8 +313,8 @@ void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::updateShape()
- media_play_slider_panel->setVisible(!mini_controls);
- media_play_slider_panel->setEnabled(!mini_controls);
+ media_play_slider_panel->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls);
+ media_play_slider_panel->setEnabled(has_focus && !mini_controls);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
index bec670cdaa..8147ff17f0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
@@ -59,17 +59,61 @@ public:
return false;
- if (params[1].asString() == "about")
+ const std::string verb = params[1].asString();
+ if (verb == "about")
return true;
- if (params[1].asString() == "inspect")
+ if (verb == "inspect")
LLFloaterReg::showInstance("inspect_avatar", LLSD().insert("avatar_id", avatar_id));
return true;
+ if (verb == "im")
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::startIM(avatar_id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (verb == "pay")
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::pay(avatar_id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (verb == "offerteleport")
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::offerTeleport(avatar_id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (verb == "requestfriend")
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::requestFriendshipDialog(avatar_id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (verb == "mute")
+ {
+ if (! LLAvatarActions::isBlocked(avatar_id))
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::toggleBlock(avatar_id);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (verb == "unmute")
+ {
+ if (LLAvatarActions::isBlocked(avatar_id))
+ {
+ LLAvatarActions::toggleBlock(avatar_id);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.cpp
index 1d16c4ef5e..d4ab5013f9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.cpp
@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llavatarconstants.h"
#include "lluserrelations.h"
#include "llpanelprofileview.h"
+#include "llavatarpropertiesprocessor.h"
#include "llcallingcard.h"
#include "llpanelavatar.h"
#include "llpanelpicks.h"
@@ -48,14 +50,46 @@ static std::string PANEL_NOTES = "panel_notes";
static const std::string PANEL_PROFILE = "panel_profile";
static const std::string PANEL_PICKS = "panel_picks";
+class AvatarStatusObserver : public LLAvatarPropertiesObserver
+ AvatarStatusObserver(LLPanelProfileView* profile_view)
+ {
+ mProfileView = profile_view;
+ }
+ void processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type)
+ {
+ if(APT_PROPERTIES != type) return;
+ const LLAvatarData* avatar_data = static_cast<const LLAvatarData*>(data);
+ if(avatar_data && mProfileView->getAvatarId() == avatar_data->avatar_id)
+ {
+ mProfileView->processOnlineStatus(avatar_data->flags & AVATAR_ONLINE);
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().removeObserver(mProfileView->getAvatarId(), this);
+ }
+ }
+ void subscribe()
+ {
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().addObserver(mProfileView->getAvatarId(), this);
+ }
+ LLPanelProfileView* mProfileView;
: LLPanelProfile()
, mStatusText(NULL)
+, mAvatarStatusObserver(NULL)
+ mAvatarStatusObserver = new AvatarStatusObserver(this);
+ delete mAvatarStatusObserver;
@@ -66,6 +100,9 @@ void LLPanelProfileView::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
id = key["id"];
+ // subscribe observer to get online status. Request will be sent by LLPanelAvatarProfile itself
+ mAvatarStatusObserver->subscribe();
if(id.notNull() && getAvatarId() != id)
@@ -74,10 +111,12 @@ void LLPanelProfileView::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
// Update the avatar name.
gCacheName->get(getAvatarId(), FALSE,
boost::bind(&LLPanelProfileView::onAvatarNameCached, this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
+// disable this part of code according to EXT-2022. See processOnlineStatus
// status should only show if viewer has permission to view online/offline. EXT-453
@@ -93,6 +132,7 @@ BOOL LLPanelProfileView::postBuild()
getTabContainer()[PANEL_PROFILE]->childSetVisible("status_combo", FALSE);
mStatusText = getChild<LLTextBox>("status");
+ mStatusText->setVisible(false);
@@ -135,13 +175,18 @@ void LLPanelProfileView::updateOnlineStatus()
bool online = relationship->isOnline();
-// std::string statusName();
std::string status = getString(online ? "status_online" : "status_offline");
+void LLPanelProfileView::processOnlineStatus(bool online)
+ mAvatarIsOnline = online;
+ mStatusText->setVisible(online);
void LLPanelProfileView::onAvatarNameCached(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& first_name, const std::string& last_name, BOOL is_group)
llassert(getAvatarId() == id);
@@ -155,7 +200,7 @@ void LLPanelProfileView::togglePanel(LLPanel* panel)
// LLPanelProfile::togglePanel shows/hides all children,
// we don't want to display online status for non friends, so re-hide it here
- mStatusText->setVisible(isGrantedToSeeOnlineStatus());
+ mStatusText->setVisible(mAvatarIsOnline);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.h b/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.h
index 07a6c3a9a0..b59d1d42f3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprofileview.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
class LLPanelProfile;
class LLPanelProfileTab;
class LLTextBox;
+class AvatarStatusObserver;
* Panel for displaying Avatar's profile. It consists of three sub panels - Profile,
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ class LLPanelProfileView : public LLPanelProfile
friend class LLUICtrlFactory;
+ friend class AvatarStatusObserver;
@@ -65,8 +67,9 @@ public:
void onBackBtnClick();
- bool isGrantedToSeeOnlineStatus();
- void updateOnlineStatus();
+ bool isGrantedToSeeOnlineStatus(); // deprecated after EXT-2022 is implemented
+ void updateOnlineStatus(); // deprecated after EXT-2022 is implemented
+ void processOnlineStatus(bool online);
// LLCacheName will call this function when avatar name is loaded from server.
@@ -78,6 +81,8 @@ private:
BOOL is_group);
LLTextBox* mStatusText;
+ AvatarStatusObserver* mAvatarStatusObserver;
+ bool mAvatarIsOnline;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.cpp
index 4ac109bf3d..5a70842a73 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
#include "llfirstuse.h"
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llmanipscale.h"
-#include "llpanelinventory.h"
#include "llpreviewscript.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.h b/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.h
index 9d197aafa5..7bc935f986 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelvolume.h
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class LLUICtrl;
class LLButton;
class LLViewerObject;
class LLComboBox;
-class LLPanelInventory;
class LLColorSwatchCtrl;
class LLPanelVolume : public LLPanel
diff --git a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
index b3b4857727..83443687c9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llfloaterinventory.h" // for LLInventoryPanel
#include "llfolderview.h" // for FIRST_SELECTED_ITEM
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
static const std::string LANDMARKS_INVENTORY_LIST_NAME("landmarks_list");
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ void LLPlacesLandmarkBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
// they should be synchronized with Places/My Landmarks/Gear menu. See EXT-1601
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ void LLPlacesFolderBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
// repeat parent functionality
sSelf = this; // necessary for "New Folder" functionality
- hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
+ hide_context_entries(menu, items, disabled_items);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpreviewscript.cpp b/indra/newview/llpreviewscript.cpp
index ac7abf1448..2382befcfa 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpreviewscript.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpreviewscript.cpp
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llappviewer.h"
-#include "llpanelinventory.h"
const std::string HELLO_LSL =
@@ -452,7 +451,7 @@ bool LLScriptEdCore::hasChanged()
if (!mEditor) return false;
- return !mEditor->isPristine();
+ return ((!mEditor->isPristine() || mEnableSave) && mHasScriptData);
void LLScriptEdCore::draw()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
index d68897b64f..759c86f3a0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
@@ -801,6 +801,8 @@ LLObjectSelectionHandle LLSelectMgr::setHoverObject(LLViewerObject *objectp, S32
return NULL;
+ mHoverObjects->mPrimaryObject = objectp;
objectp = objectp->getRootEdit();
// is the requested object the same as the existing hover object root?
@@ -834,6 +836,11 @@ LLSelectNode *LLSelectMgr::getHoverNode()
return mHoverObjects->getFirstRootNode();
+LLSelectNode *LLSelectMgr::getPrimaryHoverNode()
+ return mHoverObjects->mSelectNodeMap[mHoverObjects->mPrimaryObject];
void LLSelectMgr::highlightObjectOnly(LLViewerObject* objectp)
if (!objectp)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h
index 6e757ef976..2050a73f26 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h
@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ public:
LLObjectSelectionHandle setHoverObject(LLViewerObject *objectp, S32 face = -1);
LLSelectNode *getHoverNode();
+ LLSelectNode *getPrimaryHoverNode();
void highlightObjectOnly(LLViewerObject *objectp);
void highlightObjectAndFamily(LLViewerObject *objectp);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cf17fb7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * @file LLSidepanelInventory.cpp
+ * @brief Side Bar "Inventory" panel
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llsidepanelinventory.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llbutton.h"
+#include "llinventorybridge.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
+#include "llpanelmaininventory.h"
+#include "llsidepanelobjectinfo.h"
+#include "lltabcontainer.h"
+static const S32 LANDMARK_FOLDERS_MENU_WIDTH = 250;
+static const std::string AGENT_INFO_TYPE = "agent";
+static const std::string CREATE_LANDMARK_INFO_TYPE = "create_landmark";
+static const std::string LANDMARK_INFO_TYPE = "landmark";
+static const std::string REMOTE_PLACE_INFO_TYPE = "remote_place";
+static const std::string TELEPORT_HISTORY_INFO_TYPE = "teleport_history";
+static LLRegisterPanelClassWrapper<LLSidepanelInventory> t_inventory("sidepanel_inventory");
+ : LLPanel(),
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo(NULL)
+ //LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_inventory.xml"); // Called from LLRegisterPanelClass::defaultPanelClassBuilder()
+BOOL LLSidepanelInventory::postBuild()
+ mInfoBtn = getChild<LLButton>("info_btn");
+ mInfoBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onInfoButtonClicked, this));
+ mShareBtn = getChild<LLButton>("share_btn");
+ mShareBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onShareButtonClicked, this));
+ mShareBtn = getChild<LLButton>("share_btn");
+ mShareBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onShareButtonClicked, this));
+ mWearBtn = getChild<LLButton>("wear_btn");
+ mWearBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onWearButtonClicked, this));
+ mPlayBtn = getChild<LLButton>("play_btn");
+ mPlayBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onPlayButtonClicked, this));
+ mTeleportBtn = getChild<LLButton>("teleport_btn");
+ mTeleportBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onTeleportButtonClicked, this));
+ mOverflowBtn = getChild<LLButton>("overflow_btn");
+ mOverflowBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onOverflowButtonClicked, this));
+ mTabContainer = getChild<LLTabContainer>("Inventory Tabs");
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo = getChild<LLSidepanelObjectInfo>("sidepanel_object_info");
+ mPanelMainInventory = getChild<LLPanelMainInventory>("panel_main_inventory");
+ mPanelMainInventory->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onSelectionChange, this, _1, _2));
+ LLButton* back_btn = mSidepanelObjectInfo->getChild<LLButton>("back_btn");
+ back_btn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLSidepanelInventory::onBackButtonClicked, this));
+ return TRUE;
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ if(key.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->reset();
+ if (key.has("id"))
+ {
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->setItemID(key["id"].asUUID());
+ }
+ if (key.has("object"))
+ {
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->setObjectID(key["object"].asUUID());
+ }
+ toggleObjectInfoPanel(TRUE);
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onInfoButtonClicked()
+ LLInventoryItem *item = getSelectedItem();
+ if (item)
+ {
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->reset();
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->setItemID(item->getUUID());
+ toggleObjectInfoPanel(TRUE);
+ }
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onShareButtonClicked()
+void LLSidepanelInventory::performActionOnSelection(const std::string &action)
+ LLInventoryPanel *panel = mPanelMainInventory->getActivePanel();
+ LLFolderViewItem* current_item = panel->getRootFolder()->getCurSelectedItem();
+ if (!current_item)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ current_item->getListener()->performAction(panel->getRootFolder(), panel->getModel(), action);
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onWearButtonClicked()
+ performActionOnSelection("wear");
+ performActionOnSelection("attach");
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onPlayButtonClicked()
+ performActionOnSelection("activate");
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onTeleportButtonClicked()
+ performActionOnSelection("teleport");
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onOverflowButtonClicked()
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onBackButtonClicked()
+ toggleObjectInfoPanel(FALSE);
+ updateVerbs();
+void LLSidepanelInventory::onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*> &items, BOOL user_action)
+ updateVerbs();
+void LLSidepanelInventory::toggleObjectInfoPanel(BOOL visible)
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->setVisible(visible);
+ mTabContainer->setVisible(!visible);
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->reset();
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->setEditMode(FALSE);
+ LLRect rect = getRect();
+ LLRect new_rect = LLRect(rect.mLeft, rect.mTop, rect.mRight, mTabContainer->getRect().mBottom);
+ mSidepanelObjectInfo->reshape(new_rect.getWidth(),new_rect.getHeight());
+ }
+void LLSidepanelInventory::updateVerbs()
+ mInfoBtn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ mShareBtn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ mWearBtn->setVisible(FALSE);
+ mWearBtn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ mPlayBtn->setVisible(FALSE);
+ mPlayBtn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ mTeleportBtn->setVisible(FALSE);
+ mTeleportBtn->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ const LLInventoryItem *item = getSelectedItem();
+ if (!item)
+ return;
+ mInfoBtn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ mShareBtn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ switch(item->getInventoryType())
+ {
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE:
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT:
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_ATTACHMENT:
+ mWearBtn->setVisible(TRUE);
+ mWearBtn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ break;
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND:
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE:
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION:
+ mPlayBtn->setVisible(TRUE);
+ mPlayBtn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ break;
+ case LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK:
+ mTeleportBtn->setVisible(TRUE);
+ mTeleportBtn->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+LLInventoryItem *LLSidepanelInventory::getSelectedItem()
+ LLFolderViewItem* current_item = mPanelMainInventory->getActivePanel()->getRootFolder()->getCurSelectedItem();
+ if (!current_item)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const LLUUID &item_id = current_item->getListener()->getUUID();
+ LLInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
+ return item;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.h b/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62eeecc5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llsidepanelinventory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * @file LLSidepanelInventory.h
+ * @brief Side Bar "Inventory" panel
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llpanel.h"
+class LLInventoryItem;
+class LLSidepanelObjectInfo;
+class LLTabContainer;
+class LLPanelMainInventory;
+class LLFolderViewItem;
+class LLSidepanelInventory : public LLPanel
+ LLSidepanelInventory();
+ virtual ~LLSidepanelInventory();
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
+ LLInventoryItem *getSelectedItem();
+ void onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem*> &items, BOOL user_action);
+ void onTabSelected();
+ void toggleObjectInfoPanel(BOOL visible);
+ void updateVerbs();
+ void performActionOnSelection(const std::string &action);
+ LLTabContainer* mTabContainer;
+ LLSidepanelObjectInfo* mSidepanelObjectInfo;
+ LLPanelMainInventory* mPanelMainInventory;
+ void onInfoButtonClicked();
+ void onShareButtonClicked();
+ void onWearButtonClicked();
+ void onPlayButtonClicked();
+ void onTeleportButtonClicked();
+ void onOverflowButtonClicked();
+ void onBackButtonClicked();
+ LLButton* mInfoBtn;
+ LLButton* mShareBtn;
+ LLButton* mWearBtn;
+ LLButton* mPlayBtn;
+ LLButton* mTeleportBtn;
+ LLButton* mOverflowBtn;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp b/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp
index 43b039f94e..9bdea57491 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ bool idle_startup()
if (!gLoginHandler.getFirstName().empty()
|| !gLoginHandler.getLastName().empty()
- || !gLoginHandler.getWebLoginKey().isNull() )
+ /*|| !gLoginHandler.getWebLoginKey().isNull()*/ )
// We have at least some login information on a SLURL
gFirstname = gLoginHandler.getFirstName();
@@ -895,13 +895,9 @@ bool idle_startup()
//reset the values that could have come in from a slurl
- if (!gLoginHandler.getWebLoginKey().isNull())
- {
- gFirstname = gLoginHandler.getFirstName();
- gLastname = gLoginHandler.getLastName();
-// gWebLoginKey = gLoginHandler.getWebLoginKey();
- }
+ gFirstname = gLoginHandler.getFirstName();
+ gLastname = gLoginHandler.getLastName();
if (show_connect_box)
// TODO if not use viewer auth
@@ -1149,7 +1145,8 @@ bool idle_startup()
//setup map of datetime strings to codes and slt & local time offset from utc
- LLStringOps::setupDatetimeInfo (gPacificDaylightTime);
+ // *TODO: Does this need to be here?
+ LLStringOps::setupDatetimeInfo (false);
show_connect_box = true;
@@ -3037,14 +3034,15 @@ bool process_login_success_response()
+ bool pacific_daylight_time = false;
flag = login_flags["daylight_savings"].asString();
if(flag == "Y")
- gPacificDaylightTime = (flag == "Y") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ pacific_daylight_time = (flag == "Y");
//setup map of datetime strings to codes and slt & local time offset from utc
- LLStringOps::setupDatetimeInfo (gPacificDaylightTime);
+ LLStringOps::setupDatetimeInfo(pacific_daylight_time);
LLSD initial_outfit = response["initial-outfit"][0];
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
index 419603e14e..c255418429 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
@@ -409,7 +409,6 @@ bool LLSysWellWindow::isWindowEmpty()
void LLSysWellWindow::sessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id,
const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id)
- //*TODO get rid of get_session_value, session_id's are unique, cause performance degradation with lots chiclets (IB)
if (mMessageList->getItemByValue(session_id) == NULL)
S32 chicletCounter = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getNumUnread(session_id);
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp
index 4940d9b5bb..50ebc205a9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
#include "llfolderview.h"
#include "llfoldervieweventlistener.h"
#include "llinventory.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "llui.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoastgroupnotifypanel.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoastgroupnotifypanel.cpp
index e26a0776ff..e78737fe0d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoastgroupnotifypanel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoastgroupnotifypanel.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llbutton.h"
#include "lliconctrl.h"
+#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
#include "llnotify.h"
#include "lltextbox.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
index 304f1dffaf..0a9e72506b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp
@@ -598,6 +598,9 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
static bool needs_tooltip(LLSelectNode* nodep)
+ if (!nodep)
+ return false;
LLViewerObject* object = nodep->getObject();
LLViewerObject *parent = (LLViewerObject *)object->getParent();
if (object->flagHandleTouch()
@@ -773,7 +776,10 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleToolTip(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, MASK mask)
- bool needs_tip = needs_tooltip(nodep);
+ // also check the primary node since sometimes it can have an action even though
+ // the root node doesn't
+ bool needs_tip = needs_tooltip(nodep) ||
+ needs_tooltip(LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getPrimaryHoverNode());
if (show_all_object_tips || needs_tip)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerinventory.cpp
index 366e5602bd..470739baa9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerinventory.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerinventory.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llfoldertype.h"
+#include "llfolderview.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llconsole.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp
index cd60a8d560..5b8902dec4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ U32 LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape( F32 pixelArea, BOOL first_pass, BOOL is_dummy)
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR));
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT));
if (gRenderForSelect)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
index e89f17cf72..55e4f28e75 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
@@ -1190,6 +1190,17 @@ BOOL LLViewerMediaImpl::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+std::string LLViewerMediaImpl::getName() const
+ if (mMediaSource)
+ {
+ return mMediaSource->getMediaName();
+ }
+ return LLStringUtil::null;
void LLViewerMediaImpl::navigateBack()
if (mMediaSource)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.h b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.h
index dac0482078..d6dde0c93e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.h
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
/*virtual*/ BOOL handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return FALSE; };
/*virtual*/ BOOL handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return FALSE; };
/*virtual*/ BOOL handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) {return FALSE; };
- /*virtual*/ std::string getName() const { return LLStringUtil::null; };
+ /*virtual*/ std::string getName() const;
/*virtual*/ void screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const {};
/*virtual*/ void localPointToScreen(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, S32* screen_x, S32* screen_y) const {};
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public:
void calculateInterest();
F64 getInterest() const { return mInterest; };
F64 getApproximateTextureInterest();
- S32 getProximity() { return mProximity; };
+ S32 getProximity() const { return mProximity; };
// Mark this object as being used in a UI panel instead of on a prim
// This will be used as part of the interest sorting algorithm.
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp
index 2f7040aaa3..657c58364f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ void LLViewerMediaFocus::setFocusFace(LLPointer<LLViewerObject> objectp, S32 fac
mFocusedObjectID = objectp->getID();
mFocusedObjectFace = face;
mFocusedObjectNormal = pick_normal;
+ // Focusing on a media face clears its disable flag.
+ media_impl->setDisabled(false);
LLTextureEntry* tep = objectp->getTE(face);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
index 864cf9d57b..23ceb1e72d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llfontgl.h"
#include "llinstantmessage.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llpermissionsflags.h"
#include "llrect.h"
#include "llsecondlifeurls.h"
@@ -2963,11 +2964,20 @@ bool callback_freeze(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
-class LLAvatarFreeze : public view_listener_t
+void handle_avatar_freeze(const LLSD& avatar_id)
- bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata)
- {
- LLVOAvatar* avatar = find_avatar_from_object( LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject() );
+ // Use avatar_id if available, otherwise default to right-click avatar
+ LLVOAvatar* avatar = NULL;
+ if (avatar_id.asUUID().notNull())
+ {
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(avatar_id.asUUID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(
+ LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject());
+ }
if( avatar )
std::string fullname = avatar->getFullname();
@@ -2991,9 +3001,7 @@ class LLAvatarFreeze : public view_listener_t
- return true;
- }
class LLAvatarVisibleDebug : public view_listener_t
@@ -3003,14 +3011,6 @@ class LLAvatarVisibleDebug : public view_listener_t
-class LLAvatarEnableDebug : public view_listener_t
- bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata)
- {
- return gAgent.isGodlike();
- }
class LLAvatarDebug : public view_listener_t
bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata)
@@ -3087,11 +3087,20 @@ bool callback_eject(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
return false;
-class LLAvatarEject : public view_listener_t
+void handle_avatar_eject(const LLSD& avatar_id)
- bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata)
- {
- LLVOAvatar* avatar = find_avatar_from_object( LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject() );
+ // Use avatar_id if available, otherwise default to right-click avatar
+ LLVOAvatar* avatar = NULL;
+ if (avatar_id.asUUID().notNull())
+ {
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(avatar_id.asUUID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(
+ LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject());
+ }
if( avatar )
LLSD payload;
@@ -3142,38 +3151,41 @@ class LLAvatarEject : public view_listener_t
- return true;
- }
-class LLAvatarEnableFreezeEject : public view_listener_t
+bool enable_freeze_eject(const LLSD& avatar_id)
- bool handleEvent(const LLSD& userdata)
+ // Use avatar_id if available, otherwise default to right-click avatar
+ LLVOAvatar* avatar = NULL;
+ if (avatar_id.asUUID().notNull())
- LLVOAvatar* avatar = find_avatar_from_object( LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject() );
- bool new_value = (avatar != NULL);
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(avatar_id.asUUID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ avatar = find_avatar_from_object(
+ LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getPrimaryObject());
+ }
+ if (!avatar) return false;
- if (new_value)
- {
- const LLVector3& pos = avatar->getPositionRegion();
- const LLVector3d& pos_global = avatar->getPositionGlobal();
- LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->selectParcelAt(pos_global)->getParcel();
- LLViewerRegion* region = avatar->getRegion();
- new_value = (region != NULL);
- if (new_value)
- {
- new_value = region->isOwnedSelf(pos);
- if (!new_value || region->isOwnedGroup(pos))
- {
- new_value = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->isParcelOwnedByAgent(parcel,GP_LAND_ADMIN);
- }
- }
- }
+ // Gods can always freeze
+ if (gAgent.isGodlike()) return true;
- return new_value;
+ // Estate owners / managers can freeze
+ // Parcel owners can also freeze
+ const LLVector3& pos = avatar->getPositionRegion();
+ const LLVector3d& pos_global = avatar->getPositionGlobal();
+ LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->selectParcelAt(pos_global)->getParcel();
+ LLViewerRegion* region = avatar->getRegion();
+ if (!region) return false;
+ bool new_value = region->isOwnedSelf(pos);
+ if (!new_value || region->isOwnedGroup(pos))
+ {
+ new_value = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->isParcelOwnedByAgent(parcel,GP_LAND_ADMIN);
+ return new_value;
class LLAvatarGiveCard : public view_listener_t
@@ -8021,18 +8033,18 @@ void initialize_menus()
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLObjectMute(), "Avatar.Mute");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarAddFriend(), "Avatar.AddFriend");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarAddContact(), "Avatar.AddContact");
- view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarFreeze(), "Avatar.Freeze");
+ commit.add("Avatar.Freeze", boost::bind(&handle_avatar_freeze, LLSD()));
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarDebug(), "Avatar.Debug");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarVisibleDebug(), "Avatar.VisibleDebug");
- view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarEnableDebug(), "Avatar.EnableDebug");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarInviteToGroup(), "Avatar.InviteToGroup");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarGiveCard(), "Avatar.GiveCard");
- view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarEject(), "Avatar.Eject");
+ commit.add("Avatar.Eject", boost::bind(&handle_avatar_eject, LLSD()));
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarSendIM(), "Avatar.SendIM");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarReportAbuse(), "Avatar.ReportAbuse");
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarEnableAddFriend(), "Avatar.EnableAddFriend");
- view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLAvatarEnableFreezeEject(), "Avatar.EnableFreezeEject");
+ enable.add("Avatar.EnableFreezeEject", boost::bind(&enable_freeze_eject, _2));
+ visible.add("Avatar.EnableFreezeEject", boost::bind(&enable_freeze_eject, _2));
// Object pie menu
view_listener_t::addMenu(new LLObjectBuild(), "Object.Build");
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.h b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.h
index 6d32df2bc5..b65878b5e6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.h
@@ -101,6 +101,14 @@ void handle_take_copy();
void handle_look_at_selection(const LLSD& param);
void handle_zoom_to_object(LLUUID object_id);
+// Takes avatar UUID, or if no UUID passed, uses last selected object
+void handle_avatar_freeze(const LLSD& avatar_id);
+// Takes avatar UUID, or if no UUID passed, uses last selected object
+void handle_avatar_eject(const LLSD& avatar_id);
+bool enable_freeze_eject(const LLSD& avatar_id);
// Can anyone take a free copy of the object?
// *TODO: Move to separate file
bool anyone_copy_selection(LLSelectNode* nodep);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
index 8b7df63884..ff1c7b526f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
#include "llhudeffecttrail.h"
#include "llhudmanager.h"
#include "llinventorymodel.h"
+#include "llinventorypanel.h"
#include "llfloaterinventory.h"
#include "llmenugl.h"
#include "llmoveview.h"
@@ -2380,7 +2381,7 @@ void process_chat_from_simulator(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
- verb = "(" + LLTrans::getString("whisper") + ")";
+ verb = LLTrans::getString("whisper") + " ";
@@ -2388,7 +2389,7 @@ void process_chat_from_simulator(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
verb = "";
- verb = "(" + LLTrans::getString("shout") + ")";
+ verb = LLTrans::getString("shout") + " ";
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp
index 758db538a2..a964f43171 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp
@@ -1080,15 +1080,8 @@ const LLViewerJointAttachment *LLVOAvatarSelf::attachObject(LLViewerObject *view
if (attachment->isObjectAttached(viewer_object))
const LLUUID& attachment_id = viewer_object->getItemID();
- LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(attachment_id);
- if (item)
- {
- LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(LLAppearanceManager::getCOF(),"Adding attachment link:");
- LLAppearanceManager::wearItem(item,false); // Add COF link for item.
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, attachment_id);
- }
+ LLAppearanceManager::registerAttachment(attachment_id);
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
return attachment;
@@ -1096,12 +1089,12 @@ const LLViewerJointAttachment *LLVOAvatarSelf::attachObject(LLViewerObject *view
BOOL LLVOAvatarSelf::detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object)
- const LLUUID item_id = viewer_object->getItemID();
+ const LLUUID attachment_id = viewer_object->getItemID();
if (LLVOAvatar::detachObject(viewer_object))
// the simulator should automatically handle permission revocation
- stopMotionFromSource(item_id);
+ stopMotionFromSource(attachment_id);
LLFollowCamMgr::setCameraActive(viewer_object->getID(), FALSE);
LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = viewer_object->getChildren();
@@ -1126,13 +1119,9 @@ BOOL LLVOAvatarSelf::detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object)
- LLAppearanceManager::dumpCat(LLAppearanceManager::getCOF(),"Removing attachment link:");
- LLAppearanceManager::removeItemLinks(item_id, false);
+ LLAppearanceManager::unregisterAttachment(attachment_id);
- // BAP - needs to change for label to track link.
- gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id);
- gInventory.notifyObservers();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.cpp
index 2834284a9b..df5481c874 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.cpp
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ protected:
std::string nameString;
std::string audioMediaString;
std::string displayNameString;
+ std::string deviceString;
int participantType;
bool isLocallyMuted;
bool isModeratorMuted;
@@ -485,6 +486,14 @@ void LLVivoxProtocolParser::StartTag(const char *tag, const char **attr)
+ else if (!stricmp("CaptureDevice", tag))
+ {
+ deviceString.clear();
+ }
+ else if (!stricmp("RenderDevice", tag))
+ {
+ deviceString.clear();
+ }
else if (!stricmp("Buddies", tag))
@@ -508,7 +517,6 @@ void LLVivoxProtocolParser::StartTag(const char *tag, const char **attr)
void LLVivoxProtocolParser::EndTag(const char *tag)
const std::string& string = textBuffer;
- bool clearbuffer = true;
@@ -580,6 +588,8 @@ void LLVivoxProtocolParser::EndTag(const char *tag)
nameString = string;
else if (!stricmp("DisplayName", tag))
displayNameString = string;
+ else if (!stricmp("Device", tag))
+ deviceString = string;
else if (!stricmp("AccountName", tag))
nameString = string;
else if (!stricmp("ParticipantType", tag))
@@ -596,18 +606,13 @@ void LLVivoxProtocolParser::EndTag(const char *tag)
uriString = string;
else if (!stricmp("Presence", tag))
statusString = string;
- else if (!stricmp("Device", tag))
- {
- // This closing tag shouldn't clear the accumulated text.
- clearbuffer = false;
- }
else if (!stricmp("CaptureDevice", tag))
- gVoiceClient->addCaptureDevice(textBuffer);
+ gVoiceClient->addCaptureDevice(deviceString);
else if (!stricmp("RenderDevice", tag))
- gVoiceClient->addRenderDevice(textBuffer);
+ gVoiceClient->addRenderDevice(deviceString);
else if (!stricmp("Buddy", tag))
@@ -648,12 +653,8 @@ void LLVivoxProtocolParser::EndTag(const char *tag)
else if (!stricmp("SubscriptionType", tag))
subscriptionType = string;
- if(clearbuffer)
- {
- textBuffer.clear();
- accumulateText= false;
- }
+ textBuffer.clear();
+ accumulateText= false;
if (responseDepth == 0)
@@ -1160,7 +1161,8 @@ LLVoiceClient::LLVoiceClient() :
- mLipSyncEnabled(false)
+ mLipSyncEnabled(false),
+ mAPIVersion("Unknown")
gVoiceClient = this;
@@ -3749,6 +3751,7 @@ void LLVoiceClient::connectorCreateResponse(int statusCode, std::string &statusS
// Connector created, move forward.
LL_INFOS("Voice") << "Connector.Create succeeded, Vivox SDK version is " << versionID << LL_ENDL;
+ mAPIVersion = versionID;
mConnectorHandle = connectorHandle;
if(getState() == stateConnectorStarting)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h b/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h
index bddd18dee8..9df96d9a52 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoiceclient.h
@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ static void updatePosition(void);
void keyDown(KEY key, MASK mask);
void keyUp(KEY key, MASK mask);
void middleMouseState(bool down);
+ // Return the version of the Vivox library
+ std::string getAPIVersion() const { return mAPIVersion; }
// Accessors for data related to nearby speakers
@@ -739,6 +742,8 @@ static std::string nameFromsipURI(const std::string &uri);
BOOL mLipSyncEnabled;
+ std::string mAPIVersion;
typedef std::set<LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver*> observer_set_t;
observer_set_t mParticipantObservers;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoicevisualizer.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoicevisualizer.cpp
index 9bafc03a6d..e777d7362f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoicevisualizer.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoicevisualizer.cpp
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ LLVoiceVisualizer::LLVoiceVisualizer( const U8 type )
for (int i=0; i<NUM_VOICE_SYMBOL_WAVES; i++)
mSoundSymbol.mWaveFadeOutStartTime [i] = mCurrentTime;
- mSoundSymbol.mTexture [i] = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile(sound_level_img[i], FALSE, TRUE);
+ mSoundSymbol.mTexture [i] = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromFile(sound_level_img[i], FALSE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_UI);
mSoundSymbol.mWaveActive [i] = false;
mSoundSymbol.mWaveOpacity [i] = 1.0f;
mSoundSymbol.mWaveExpansion [i] = 1.0f;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llworldmap.cpp b/indra/newview/llworldmap.cpp
index 829d631473..f198f3a0cf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llworldmap.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llworldmap.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include "llregionhandle.h"
#include "message.h"
-#include "llappviewer.h" // for gPacificDaylightTime
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llmapresponders.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
diff --git a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
index a37de468b3..0dc1a88ee8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
@@ -7908,6 +7908,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateHighlight(LLCamera& camera)
gGL.setColorMask(true, false);
+ gViewerWindow->setup3DViewport();
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/html/da/loading/loading.html b/indra/newview/skins/default/html/da/loading/loading.html
index cdad5702b9..5f3426eb60 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/html/da/loading/loading.html
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/html/da/loading/loading.html
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/html/de/loading/loading.html
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--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/html/en-us/loading/loading.html
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diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_edit_profile.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_edit_profile.xml
index 1f67e0231d..3203eacdb5 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_edit_profile.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_edit_profile.xml
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-<panel name="edit_profile_panel">
- <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
- </string>
- <string name="AcctTypeResident"
- value="Einwohner" />
- <string name="AcctTypeTrial"
- value="Test" />
- <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"
- value="Charta-Mitglied" />
- <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"
- value="Linden Lab-Mitarbeiter" />
- <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"
- value="Zahlungsinfo verwendet" />
- <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"
- value="Zahlungsinfo archiviert" />
- <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"
- value="Keine Zahlungsinfo archiviert" />
- <string name="AgeVerified"
- value="Altersgeprüft" />
- <string name="NotAgeVerified"
- value="Nicht altersgeprüft" />
- <string name="partner_edit_link_url">
- </string>
- <panel name="scroll_content_panel">
- <panel name="data_panel" >
- <panel name="lifes_images_panel">
- <panel name="second_life_image_panel">
- <text name="second_life_photo_title_text">
- </text>
- </panel>
- </panel>
- <text name="title_partner_text" value="Partner:"/>
- <panel name="partner_data_panel">
- <text name="partner_text" value="[FIRST] [LAST]"/>
- </panel>
- <text name="text_box3">
- Antwort für Beschäftigt-Modus:
- </text>
- </panel>
- </panel>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+<panel name="edit_profile_panel">
+ <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
+ </string>
+ <string name="AcctTypeResident"
+ value="Einwohner" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeTrial"
+ value="Test" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"
+ value="Charta-Mitglied" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"
+ value="Linden Lab-Mitarbeiter" />
+ <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"
+ value="Zahlungsinfo verwendet" />
+ <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"
+ value="Zahlungsinfo archiviert" />
+ <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"
+ value="Keine Zahlungsinfo archiviert" />
+ <string name="AgeVerified"
+ value="Altersgeprüft" />
+ <string name="NotAgeVerified"
+ value="Nicht altersgeprüft" />
+ <string name="partner_edit_link_url">
+ </string>
+ <panel name="scroll_content_panel">
+ <panel name="data_panel" >
+ <panel name="lifes_images_panel">
+ <panel name="second_life_image_panel">
+ <text name="second_life_photo_title_text">
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="title_partner_text" value="Partner:"/>
+ <panel name="partner_data_panel">
+ <text name="partner_text" value="[FIRST] [LAST]"/>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="text_box3">
+ Antwort für Beschäftigt-Modus:
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about.xml
index 02c6ed1b20..3f2636ae52 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about.xml
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ libcurl Version: [LIBCURL_VERSION]
J2C Decoder Version: [J2C_VERSION]
Audio Driver Version: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION]
Qt Webkit Version: [QT_WEBKIT_VERSION]
+Vivox Version: [VIVOX_VERSION]
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml
index e13aa610e5..1def98d1bb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- legacy_header_height="18"
@@ -26,28 +25,24 @@
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- halign="center"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- tab_padding_right="5"
- tab_height="20"
- <panel
+ <panel
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- top="0"
+ top="-31"
name="new users only">
@@ -536,7 +531,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
@@ -632,7 +627,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- handle_edit_keys_directly="true"
+ handle_edit_keys_directly="true"
@@ -803,7 +798,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
@@ -854,7 +849,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- width="212">
+ width="260">
[COUNT] out of [MAX] ([AVAILABLE] available)
@@ -875,7 +870,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="152"
+ left_delta="200"
@@ -899,7 +894,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="152"
+ left_delta="200"
@@ -914,7 +909,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
name="Owned by parcel owner:"
- width="128">
+ width="176">
Owned by parcel owner:
@@ -923,7 +918,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="128"
+ left_delta="176"
@@ -939,7 +934,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-190"
+ right="-140"
width="60" />
@@ -951,7 +946,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-60"
+ right="-10"
tool_tip="Return objects to their owners."
width="119" />
@@ -963,7 +958,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
name="Set to group:"
- width="128">
+ width="176">
Set to group:
@@ -972,7 +967,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="128"
+ left_delta="176"
@@ -988,7 +983,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-190"
+ right="-140"
width="60" />
@@ -1000,7 +995,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-60"
+ right="-10"
tool_tip="Return objects to their owners."
width="119" />
@@ -1012,7 +1007,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
name="Owned by others:"
- width="128">
+ width="176">
Owned by others:
@@ -1021,7 +1016,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="128"
+ left_delta="176"
@@ -1037,7 +1032,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-190"
+ right="-140"
width="60" />
@@ -1049,7 +1044,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- right="-60"
+ right="-10"
tool_tip="Return objects to their owners."
width="119" />
@@ -1061,7 +1056,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
name="Selected / sat upon:"
- width="128">
+ width="176">
Selected / sat upon:
@@ -1070,7 +1065,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- left_delta="128"
+ left_delta="176"
@@ -1097,7 +1092,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
name="clean other time"
- right="-100"
+ right="-50"
width="56" />
@@ -1169,7 +1164,7 @@ Go to World menu &gt; About Land or select another parcel to show its details.
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
@@ -1492,16 +1487,6 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
value="other" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- label_selected="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="15"
- name="?"
- top_delta="0"
- width="18" />
label="Mature Content"
@@ -1605,15 +1590,16 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
value="Anywhere" />
- <panel
+ <panel
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
+ top_delta="1"
@@ -1624,22 +1610,24 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
name="with media:"
- width="100">
+ width="65">
- height="20"
+ height="18"
- left_pad="10"
+ left_pad="5"
name="media type"
tool_tip="Specify if the URL is a movie, web page, or other media"
- width="150" />
+ top_delta="-2"
+ width="120" />
+ top_delta="2"
width="200" />
@@ -1649,30 +1637,32 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
name="at URL:"
- top_pad="10"
- width="100">
+ top="29"
+ width="65">
Home URL:
+ bottom_delta="0"
- height="20"
+ height="16"
- left_pad="10"
+ left="80"
+ right="-80"
- width="270"
- />
+ text_readonly_color="0.576471 0.662745 0.835294 1" />
- height="20"
- label="Set"
- label_selected="Set"
+ height="16"
+ label="Set..."
+ label_selected="Set..."
- left_pad="5"
+ left_pad="8"
- width="50" />
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="60" />
@@ -1681,34 +1671,37 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- top_pad="10"
- width="100">
+ top="49"
+ width="65">
Current URL:
- left_pad="10"
+ left_pad="5"
- width="260">http://</text>
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="300" />
- height="20"
- label="Reset"
- label_selected="Reset"
+ font="SansSerifSmall"
+ height="16"
+ label="Reset..."
+ label_selected="Reset..."
+ top_delta="0"
width="60" />
label="Hide URL"
- left="120"
+ left="100"
tool_tip="Checking this option will hide the media url to any non-authorized viewers of this parcel information. Note this is not available for HTML types."
- top_pad="2"
+ top="89"
width="200" />
@@ -1718,20 +1711,23 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- top_pad="10"
- width="100">
+ top="49"
+ width="364">
+ border_style="line"
+ border_thickness="1"
+ bottom_delta="0"
- height="35"
+ height="16"
+ left="80"
+ max_length="255"
- left_pad="10"
+ right="-80"
- tool_tip="Text displayed next to play/load button"
- top_delta="0"
- width="270" />
+ tool_tip="Text displayed next to play/load button" />
@@ -1740,9 +1736,10 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
name="Media texture:"
- top_pad="10"
- width="100">
- Replace Texture:
+ top="69"
+ width="364">
+ Replace
@@ -1750,7 +1747,7 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- left_pad="10"
+ left_delta="70"
name="media texture"
tool_tip="Click to choose a picture"
@@ -1759,22 +1756,25 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- height="50"
+ height="16"
- left_pad="10"
+ left_delta="75"
- top_delta="0"
- word_wrap="true"
- width="240">
- Objects using this texture will show the movie or web page after you click the play arrow.
+ top="85"
+ width="270">
+ Objects using this texture will show the movie or
+ web page after you click the play arrow.
+ Select the thumbnail to choose a different texture.
label="Auto scale"
+ left_delta="70"
tool_tip="Checking this option will scale the content for this parcel automatically. It may be slightly slower and lower quality visually but no other texture scaling or alignment will be required."
- top_pad="3"
+ top_delta="0"
width="200" />
@@ -1782,11 +1782,11 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- left="10"
- top_pad="10"
+ left="85"
tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."
- width="100">
+ top="185"
+ width="85">
@@ -1798,22 +1798,12 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- left_pad="10"
+ left_delta="65"
tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."
width="64" />
- <text
- type="string"
- length="1"
- follows="left|top"
- height="16"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- name="pixels">
- px wide
- </text>
@@ -1823,21 +1813,23 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- left="120"
- top_pad="3"
+ left_pad="16"
tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."
+ top_delta="0"
width="64" />
+ bottom_delta="0"
- left_pad="5"
- name="pixels">
- px high
+ left_delta="70"
+ name="pixels"
+ right="-10">
+ pixels
@@ -1847,15 +1839,15 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- top_pad="10"
- width="100">
+ top="237"
+ width="292">
- left_pad="10"
+ left_delta="70"
tool_tip="Play media in a loop. When the media has finished playing, it will restart from the beginning."
@@ -1863,9 +1855,9 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- label="Sound"
+ label="Audio"
@@ -1916,16 +1908,6 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
name="check sound local"
width="292" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- label_selected="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="292"
- name="?"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1967,7 +1949,7 @@ Only large parcels can be listed in search.
- follows="all"
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_avatar_picker.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_avatar_picker.xml
index 3f4f8b197f..1fd9b95318 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_avatar_picker.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_avatar_picker.xml
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
- top="15"
+ top="5"
- Select a friend(s):
+ Select a person:
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_day_cycle_options.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_day_cycle_options.xml
index b8fa104352..b0d636445d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_day_cycle_options.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_day_cycle_options.xml
@@ -28,16 +28,6 @@
name="Day Cycle"
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="15"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="612"
- name="WLDayCycleHelp"
- top="3"
- width="18" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im.xml
index b6cf05aefc..92a6111759 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ legacy_header_height="18"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im_session.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im_session.xml
index d9c3ff77d9..26d2f4e497 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im_session.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_im_session.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- height="250"
+ height="270"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<layout_stack follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- height="235"
+ height="255"
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
- height="225"
+ height="255"
label="IM Control Panel"
user_resize="false" />
- <layout_panel height="235"
+ <layout_panel height="255"
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
- height="185"
+ height="205"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory.xml
index dfa6c83b4e..3e19bdee0f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inventory.xml
@@ -30,405 +30,16 @@
- <filter_editor
- search_button_visible="false"
- text_pad_left="12"
- follows="left|top|right"
- height="16"
- label="Type here to search"
- layout="topleft"
- left="6"
- name="inventory search editor"
- top="34"
- width="455" />
- <tab_container
- follows="all"
- height="508"
- halign="center"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="-4"
- name="inventory filter tabs"
- tab_position="top"
- tab_height="20"
- top_pad="5"
- width="463">
- <inventory_panel
- follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- height="491"
- label="All Items"
- layout="topleft"
- left="1"
- name="All Items"
- top="16"
- width="461" />
- <inventory_panel
- follows="left|top|right|bottom"
- height="491"
- label="Recent Items"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="0"
- name="Recent Items"
- top_delta="0"
- width="461" />
- </tab_container>
- <menu_bar
- bg_visible="false"
- follows="left|top|right"
- height="18"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="Inventory Menu"
- top_delta="-38"
- width="461">
- <menu
- height="101"
- label="File"
- layout="topleft"
- left="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="File"
- tear_off="true"
- top="-117"
- width="128">
- <menu_item_call
- label="Open"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Open">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoToSelected"
- parameter="open" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu
- create_jump_keys="true"
- label="Upload"
- layout="topleft"
- name="upload"
- tear_off="true">
- <menu_item_call
- label="Image (L$[COST])..."
- layout="topleft"
- name="Upload Image"
- shortcut="control|U">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="File.UploadImage"
- parameter="" />
- <menu_item_call.on_enable
- function="File.EnableUpload" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Sound (L$[COST])..."
- layout="topleft"
- name="Upload Sound">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="File.UploadSound"
- parameter="" />
- <menu_item_call.on_enable
- function="File.EnableUpload" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Animation (L$[COST])..."
- layout="topleft"
- name="Upload Animation">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="File.UploadAnim"
- parameter="" />
- <menu_item_call.on_enable
- function="File.EnableUpload" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Bulk (L$[COST] per file)..."
- layout="topleft"
- name="Bulk Upload">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="File.UploadBulk"
- parameter="" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_separator
- layout="topleft" />
- </menu>
- <menu_item_separator
- layout="topleft" />
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Window"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Window">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.NewWindow" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_separator
- layout="topleft"
- name="separator2" />
- <menu_item_call
- label="Show Filters"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Show Filters">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.ShowFilters" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Reset Filters"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Reset Current">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.ResetFilter" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Close All Folders"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Close All Folders">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.CloseAllFolders" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_separator
- layout="topleft"
- name="separator3" />
- <menu_item_call
- label="Empty Trash"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Empty Trash">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.EmptyTrash" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="Empty Lost And Found"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Empty Lost And Found">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound" />
- </menu_item_call>
- </menu>
- <menu
- height="121"
- label="Create"
- layout="topleft"
- left="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="Create"
- tear_off="true"
- top="-201"
- width="121">
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Folder"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Folder">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="category" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Script"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Script">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="lsl" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Note"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Note">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="notecard" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Gesture"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Gesture">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="gesture" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu
- height="175"
- label="New Clothes"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="New Clothes"
- top_pad="514"
- width="125">
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Shirt"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Shirt">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="shirt" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Pants"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Pants">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="pants" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Shoes"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Shoes">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="shoes" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Socks"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Socks">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="socks" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Jacket"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Jacket">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="jacket" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Skirt"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Skirt">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="skirt" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Gloves"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Gloves">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="gloves" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Undershirt"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Undershirt">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="undershirt" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Underpants"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Underpants">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="underpants" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Alpha"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Alpha">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="alpha" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Tattoo"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Tattoo">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="tattoo" />
- </menu_item_call>
- </menu>
- <menu
- height="85"
- label="New Body Parts"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="New Body Parts"
- top_pad="514"
- width="118">
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Shape"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Shape">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="shape" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Skin"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Skin">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="skin" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Hair"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Hair">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="hair" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="New Eyes"
- layout="topleft"
- name="New Eyes">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Inventory.DoCreate"
- parameter="eyes" />
- </menu_item_call>
- </menu>
- </menu>
- <menu
- height="49"
- label="Sort"
- layout="topleft"
- left="0"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="Sort"
- tear_off="true"
- top="-113"
- width="118">
- <menu_item_check
- control_name="Inventory.SortByName"
- label="By Name"
- layout="topleft"
- name="By Name">
- <menu_item_check.on_click
- function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
- parameter="name" />
- </menu_item_check>
- <menu_item_check
- control_name="Inventory.SortByDate"
- label="By Date"
- layout="topleft"
- name="By Date">
- <menu_item_check.on_click
- function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
- parameter="date" />
- </menu_item_check>
- <menu_item_separator
- layout="topleft" />
- <menu_item_check
- control_name="Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName"
- label="Folders Always By Name"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Folders Always By Name">
- <menu_item_check.on_click
- function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
- parameter="foldersalwaysbyname" />
- </menu_item_check>
- <menu_item_check
- control_name="Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop"
- label="System Folders To Top"
- layout="topleft"
- name="System Folders To Top">
- <menu_item_check.on_click
- function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
- parameter="systemfolderstotop" />
- </menu_item_check>
- </menu>
- </menu_bar>
+ bottom="560"
+ class="panel_main_inventory"
+ filename="panel_main_inventory.xml"
+ follows="all"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ label="Inventory Panel"
+ name="Inventory Panel"
+ top="15"
+ width="467">
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_lagmeter.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_lagmeter.xml
index d98fdc5118..309475098f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_lagmeter.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_lagmeter.xml
@@ -323,15 +323,6 @@
right="-32" />
- <!--button
- bottom="145"
- follows="left|top"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- name="server_help"
- right="-10"
- width="18" /-->
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_land_holdings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_land_holdings.xml
index 46d74b6aff..85f0e6411b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_land_holdings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_land_holdings.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- height="400"
+ height="430"
name="land holdings floater"
- title="My Land"
- width="280">
+ title="MY LAND"
+ width="600">
[AREA] m²
@@ -15,81 +15,82 @@
- left="8"
+ left="10"
name="parcel list"
- top="24"
- width="270">
+ top="28"
+ width="580">
- width="69" />
+ width="167" />
- width="74" />
+ width="180" />
- width="55" />
+ width="145" />
- width="10" />
+ width="88" />
width="-1" />
- height="20"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
+ height="23"
+ font="SansSerifBold"
- left_delta="4"
+ top="208"
+ left="10"
tool_tip="Teleport to the center of this land."
- top_pad="4"
- width="100" />
+ width="80" />
- height="20"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
+ height="23"
+ font="SansSerifBold"
- left_pad="4"
+ top="208"
+ left="95"
name="Show on Map"
tool_tip="Show this land on the world map"
- top_delta="0"
- width="100" />
+ width="80" />
- height="16"
- left="12"
+ top="251"
+ left="10"
- top="222"
- width="480">
+ height="16"
+ width="580">
Contributions to your groups:
- left_delta="-4"
name="grant list"
- top_pad="4"
- width="270">
+ top="271"
+ left="10"
+ width="580">
- width="125" />
+ width="290"
+ left_pad="10" />
- width="125" />
+ width="290" />
@@ -97,12 +98,11 @@
- left_delta="4"
- top_pad="4"
- width="150">
- Allowed land holdings at
-current payment plan:
+ top="366"
+ left="10"
+ width="290">
+ Allowed land holdings at current payment plan:
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ current payment plan:
- left_pad="5"
- top_delta="10"
- width="132">
+ top="366"
+ left="305"
+ width="290">
[AREA] m²
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ current payment plan:
- left="12"
+ top="386"
+ left="10"
- top_pad="5"
- width="150">
+ width="290">
Current land holdings:
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ current payment plan:
- left_pad="5"
+ top="386"
+ left="305"
- top_delta="0"
- width="132">
+ width="290">
[AREA] m²
@@ -147,12 +147,11 @@ current payment plan:
- left="12"
+ top="406"
+ left="10"
- top_pad="5"
- width="150">
- Available for land
+ width="290">
+ Available for land purchases:
@@ -161,10 +160,10 @@ purchases:
- left_pad="5"
- top_delta="5"
- width="140">
+ top="406"
+ left="305"
+ width="290">
[AREA] m²
</floater> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_nearby_chat.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_nearby_chat.xml
index 65dd4e74ff..e7c5bf8585 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_nearby_chat.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_nearby_chat.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
title="Nearby Chat"
+ save_dock_state="true"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_openobject.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_openobject.xml
index cc50f43339..af8aadf0e0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_openobject.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_openobject.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- <panel_inventory
+ <panel_inventory_object
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_perm_prefs.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_perm_prefs.xml
index eb0c22b9c4..0967706cc2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_perm_prefs.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_perm_prefs.xml
@@ -17,20 +17,6 @@
- <button
- follows="left"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- label_selected="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="260"
- name="help"
- top="7"
- width="22">
- <button.commit_callback
- function="Notification.Show"
- parameter="ClickUploadHelpPermissions" />
- </button>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preview_notecard.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preview_notecard.xml
index 3797055054..b44de8e178 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preview_notecard.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preview_notecard.xml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
name="Notecard Editor"
- allow_html="true"
+ allow_html="false"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
index ca12538302..1d87a0f9d2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
@@ -13,58 +13,58 @@
- <floater.string
+ <string
Drag colored bands to rotate object
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Click and drag to stretch selected side
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Drag to move, shift-drag to copy
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Click and hold to modify land
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Click and drag to move camera
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Drag to move, Ctrl to lift, Ctrl+Shift to rotate
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Click inworld to build
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
Click and drag to select land
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
- </floater.string>
- <floater.string
+ </string>
+ <string
- </floater.string>
+ </string>
@@ -1034,7 +1034,10 @@
value="1" />
+ Objects are allowed to be for sale for L$0 to invoke buy UI behavior
+ even though the user gets a free copy.
@@ -1046,7 +1049,7 @@
label="Price: L$"
- min_val="1"
+ min_val="0"
max_val="999999999" />
@@ -2793,7 +2796,7 @@
name="button permissions"
width="130" />
- <panel_inventory
+ <panel_inventory_object
@@ -2868,15 +2871,6 @@
tool_tip="Colorize the parcels according to the type of owner: &#10;&#10;Green = Your land &#10;Aqua = Your group&apos;s land &#10;Red = Owned by others &#10;Yellow = For sale &#10;Purple = For auction &#10;Grey = Public"
width="205" />
- <!-- <button
- image_overlay="Arrow_Right_Off"
- picture_style="true"
- left_pad="5"
- name="button show owners help"
- tool_tip="See an explanation of colors"
- width="26"
- height="22" />-->
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_water.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_water.xml
index af3606fd1c..012b69c3e3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_water.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_water.xml
@@ -95,16 +95,6 @@
Water Fog Color
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterFogColorHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
border_color="0.45098 0.517647 0.607843 1"
@@ -130,16 +120,6 @@
Fog Density Exponent
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterFogDensityHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -165,16 +145,6 @@
Underwater Fog Modifier
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterUnderWaterFogModHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -200,16 +170,6 @@
Reflection Wavelet Scale
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterNormalScaleHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -298,16 +258,6 @@
Fresnel Scale
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterFresnelScaleHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -333,16 +283,6 @@
Fresnel Offset
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterFresnelOffsetHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -368,16 +308,6 @@
Refract Scale Above
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterScaleAboveHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -403,16 +333,6 @@
Refract Scale Below
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterScaleBelowHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -438,16 +358,6 @@
Blur Multiplier
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WaterBlurMultiplierHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -486,16 +396,6 @@
Big Wave Direction
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="145"
- name="WaterWave1Help"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -563,16 +463,6 @@
Little Wave Direction
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="145"
- name="WaterWave2Help"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -640,16 +530,6 @@
Normal Map
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="125"
- name="WaterNormalMapHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_windlight_options.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_windlight_options.xml
index 2c09e82f08..fd905d7a14 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_windlight_options.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_windlight_options.xml
@@ -104,16 +104,6 @@
Blue Horizon
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLBlueHorizonHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -227,16 +217,6 @@
Haze Horizon
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLHazeHorizonHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -262,16 +242,6 @@
Blue Density
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLBlueDensityHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -385,16 +355,6 @@
Haze Density
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLHazeDensityHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -421,16 +381,6 @@
Density Multiplier
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLDensityMultHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -457,16 +407,6 @@
Distance Multiplier
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLDistanceMultHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -492,16 +432,6 @@
Max Altitude
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLMaxAltitudeHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -540,16 +470,6 @@
Sun/Moon Color
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLSunlightColorHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -663,16 +583,6 @@
Sun/Moon Position
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLTimeOfDayHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -705,16 +615,6 @@
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLAmbientHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -828,16 +728,6 @@
East Angle
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLEastAngleHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -863,16 +753,6 @@
Sun Glow
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLSunGlowHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -915,16 +795,6 @@
Scene Gamma
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLSceneGammaHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -951,16 +821,6 @@
Star Brightness
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLStarBrightnessHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1000,16 +860,6 @@
Cloud Color
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLCloudColorHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1123,16 +973,6 @@
Cloud XY/Density
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLCloudDensityHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1221,16 +1061,6 @@
Cloud Coverage
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLCloudCoverageHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1256,16 +1086,6 @@
Cloud Scale
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLCloudScaleHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1292,16 +1112,6 @@
Cloud Detail (XY/Density)
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="150"
- name="WLCloudDetailHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1390,16 +1200,6 @@
Cloud Scroll X
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="125"
- name="WLCloudScrollXHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1436,16 +1236,6 @@
Cloud Scroll Y
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="125"
- name="WLCloudScrollYHelp"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
@@ -1479,16 +1269,6 @@
width="200" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="608"
- name="WLClassicCloudsHelp"
- top="84"
- width="18" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/inspect_group.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/inspect_group.xml
index db12daa6e0..42a492090d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/inspect_group.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/inspect_group.xml
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ L$123 to join
width="38" />
+ <!-- Must be tab_stop="true" so something can hold focus even when the
+ other buttons are disabled or invisible, otherwise inspector closes -->
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ L$123 to join
- tab_stop="false"
+ tab_stop="true"
commit_callback.function="InspectGroup.ViewProfile" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_avatar_gear.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_avatar_gear.xml
index edff1a093a..6049476a43 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_avatar_gear.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_avatar_gear.xml
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- function="IsGodCustomerService"/>
+ function="InspectAvatar.VisibleFreezeEject"/>
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@
- function="IsGodCustomerService"/>
+ function="InspectAvatar.VisibleFreezeEject"/>
- function="InspectAvatar.Debug"/>
+ function="Avatar.Debug"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_self_gear.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_self_gear.xml
index 240822e5ca..19c2bf3496 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_self_gear.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_inspect_self_gear.xml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- create_jump_keys="true"
- layout="topleft"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- visible="false"
- name="Gear Menu">
- <menu_item_call
- label="Stand Up"
- layout="topleft"
- enabled="true"
- name="stand_up">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Self.StandUp"
- parameter="" />
- <menu_item_call.on_visible
- function="Self.VisibleStandUp" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="My Appearance"
- layout="topleft"
- name="my_appearance">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="ShowFloater"
- parameter="appearance" />
- <menu_item_call.on_enable
- function="Edit.EnableCustomizeAvatar" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="My Profile"
- layout="topleft"
- enabled="true"
- name="my_profile">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="ShowAgentProfile"
- parameter="agent" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="My Friends"
- layout="topleft"
- name="my_friends">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Self.Friends"
- parameter="" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call
- label="My Groups"
- layout="topleft"
- name="my_groups">
- <menu_item_call.on_click
- function="Self.Groups" />
- </menu_item_call>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ create_jump_keys="true"
+ layout="topleft"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ visible="false"
+ name="Gear Menu">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Stand Up"
+ layout="topleft"
+ enabled="true"
+ name="stand_up">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Self.StandUp"
+ parameter="" />
+ <menu_item_call.on_visible
+ function="Self.VisibleStandUp" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="My Appearance"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="my_appearance">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="ShowFloater"
+ parameter="appearance" />
+ <menu_item_call.on_enable
+ function="Edit.EnableCustomizeAvatar" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="My Profile"
+ layout="topleft"
+ enabled="true"
+ name="my_profile">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="ShowAgentProfile"
+ parameter="agent" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="My Friends"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="my_friends">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Self.Friends"
+ parameter="" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="My Groups"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="my_groups">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Self.Groups" />
+ </menu_item_call>
</menu> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_map.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_map.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ca9e3b3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_map.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Url Popup">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.Execute" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Teleport to Location"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="teleport_to_location">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.Teleport" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Copy SLurl to clipboard"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="url_copy">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.CopyUrl" />
+ </menu_item_call>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_objectim.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_objectim.xml
index 6f7e659f48..35c2269b0d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_objectim.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_objectim.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
layout="topleft" />
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.ShowOnMap" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
label="Teleport to Object Location"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_parcel.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_parcel.xml
index 3804f7f780..f477c310fb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_parcel.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_parcel.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,15 @@
layout="topleft" />
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.ShowOnMap" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
label="Copy SLurl to clipboard"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_slurl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_slurl.xml
index 58714f1f42..98abc206a5 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_slurl.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_slurl.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
layout="topleft" />
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.ShowOnMap" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
label="Teleport to Location"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_teleport.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_teleport.xml
index ff52d7e109..289e32bcf4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_teleport.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_url_teleport.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,15 @@
layout="topleft" />
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Url.ShowOnMap" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
label="Copy SLurl to clipboard"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/mime_types.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/mime_types.xml
index 2de9449ea6..76c0d027f3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/mime_types.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/mime_types.xml
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype name="application/javascript">
<label name="application/javascript_label">
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
<mimetype name="application/smil">
<label name="application/smil_label">
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
+ Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@
- media_plugin_webkit
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_webkit
+ </impl>
<mimetype menu="1" name="text/plain">
<label name="text/plain_label">
@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype name="video/mp4">
<label name="video/mp4_label">
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype menu="1" name="video/quicktime">
<label name="video/quicktime_label">
@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype name="video/x-ms-asf">
<label name="video/x-ms-asf_label">
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype name="video/x-ms-wmv">
<label name="video/x-ms-wmv_label">
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
<mimetype menu="1" name="video/x-msvideo">
<label name="video/x-msvideo_label">
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
- media_plugin_quicktime
- </impl>
+ media_plugin_quicktime
+ </impl>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index d51cb13093..babed28f10 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -370,80 +370,6 @@ Add this Ability to &apos;[ROLE_NAME]&apos;?
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickPublishHelpLand"
- type="alertmodal">
-Selecting the &quot;Publish in Search&quot;
-Checking this box will show:
-- this parcel in search results
-- this parcel&apos;s public objects
-- this parcel in web search
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickSoundHelpLand"
- type="alertmodal">Media and Music can only be experienced within the parcel. Sound and Voice options can be restricted to the parcel or will be heard by residents outside the parcel depending on their maturity Rating. Go to Knowledge Base to learn more about how to set these options?
- <url option="0" name="url">
- </url>
- <usetemplate
- name="okcancelbuttons"
- yestext="Go to Knowledge Base"
- notext="Close" />
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickSearchHelpAll"
- type="alertmodal">
-Search results are organized based on the tab you are in, your maturity Rating, the category chosen, and other factors. For more details, please see the Knowledge Base.
- <url option="0" name="url">
- </url>
- <usetemplate
- name="okcancelbuttons"
- yestext="Go to Knowledge Base"
- notext="Close" />
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickPublishHelpLandDisabled"
- type="alertmodal">
-You can&apos;t make this parcel show in search because it is located in a region that forbids this.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickPublishHelpAvatar"
- type="alertmodal">
-Selecting &quot;Show in Search&quot; will show:
-- my profile in search results
-- a link to my profile in public group pages
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickPartnerHelpAvatar"
- type="alertmodal">
-You can propose to another Resident or dissolve an existing partnership through the [SECOND_LIFE] website.
-Go to the [SECOND_LIFE] web site for more information on partnering?
- <usetemplate
- name="okcancelbuttons"
- notext="Cancel"
- yestext="Go to Page"/>
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="ClickUploadHelpPermissions"
- type="alertmodal">
-Your default permissions may not work in older regions.
- </notification>
@@ -452,19 +378,6 @@ Sorry, not implemented yet.
- name="ClickWebProfileHelpAvatar"
- type="alertmodal">
-If this Resident has set a web profile URL then you can:
- * Click &apos;Load&apos; to see the page in this Web tab.
- * Click Load &gt; &apos;In external browser&apos; to view the page in your default web browser.
- * Click Load &gt; &apos;Home URL&apos; to return to this Resident&apos;s web profile if you&apos;ve navigated away.
-When viewing your own profile, you can enter any URL as your web profile and click OK to set it.
-Other residents can visit the URL you set when they look at your profile.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
Joining this group costs L$[COST].
@@ -1959,21 +1872,6 @@ Join land?
- name="ShowOwnersHelp"
- type="alertmodal">
-Show owners:
-Color parcels to show the owner type.
-Green = Your land
-Aqua = Your Group&apos;s land
-Red = Owned by others
-Yellow = For sale
-Purple = For auction
-Grey = Public
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
This notecard needs to be saved before the item can be copied or viewed. Save notecard?
@@ -2847,18 +2745,6 @@ Visit the [SECOND_LIFE] Public Issue Tracker, where you can report bugs and othe
- name="WebLaunchPublicIssueHelp"
- type="alertmodal">
-Visit the [SECOND_LIFE] Wiki for info on how to use the Public Issue Tracker.
- <usetemplate
- ignoretext="Launch my browser to view instructions for the Public Issue Tracker"
- name="okcancelignore"
- notext="Cancel"
- yestext="Go to page"/>
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
Go to the Official Linden Blog, for the latest news and information.
@@ -3634,125 +3520,6 @@ Type a short announcement which will be sent to everyone in this region.
- label="Block Terraform"
- name="HelpRegionBlockTerraform"
- type="alertmodal">
-If this box is checked, land owners will not be able to terraform their land regardless of the per-parcel &apos;Edit Terrain&apos; setting.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Block Fly"
- name="HelpRegionBlockFly"
- type="alertmodal">
-If this box is checked, people will not be able to fly in this region regardless of the per-parcel &apos;Fly&apos; setting.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Bulk Change Content Permissions"
- name="HelpBulkPermission"
- type="alertmodal">
-The Bulk Permissions tool helps you to quickly change the permissions on multiple items in the contents of the selected object(s). However, please note that you are only setting permissions on the items in the Contents of the selected objects -- not permissions on the container object(s) themselves.
-Also note, the permissions are not applied to the nested contents of any of the contained items. Your request only operates on items exactly one level deep.
-You can selectively choose which types of items to modify by using the checklist under &apos;Content Types&apos; here. Snapshots are included when you select Textures.
-* This tool will only succeed at changing permissions on items you are allowed to change.
-* You cannot grant any Next owner permissions which you do not already have.
-* The Next owner permissions are merely requests. If any item cannot take all of the new permissions, none of its permissions will change.
-When you are ready to change the permissions in bulk, click &apos;Apply&apos; and wait for the results to display.
-If you close the Bulk Permissions window while permissions are being changed, it will halt the operation.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Allow Damage"
- name="HelpRegionAllowDamage"
- type="alertmodal">
-If this box is checked, the health system across all parcels regardless of individual parcel settings. If this box is left unchecked, individual parcel owners will still be able to activate the health system on their parcels.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Agent Limit"
- name="HelpRegionAgentLimit"
- type="alertmodal">
-Sets the maximum number of avatars allowed in this region.
-Performance may vary depending on the number avatars present.
-Default: 40
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Object Bonus"
- name="HelpRegionObjectBonus"
- type="alertmodal">
-The Object Bonus is a multiplier for primitives allowed on any given parcel. The range allowed is 1 to 10. Set at &apos;1&apos;, each 512m² parcel is allowed 117 objects. Set at &apos;2&apos;, each 512m² parcel is allowed 234, or twice as many, and so on. The max number of objects allowed per region remains 15,000 no matter what the Object Bonus is. Once set, be aware that lowering the Object Bonus may cause objects to be returned or deleted.
-Default: 1.0
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Maturity"
- name="HelpRegionMaturity"
- type="alertmodal">
-Sets the maturity Rating of the Region, as shown in the menu bar at the top of any Resident&apos;s viewer, and in tooltips on the World Map when the cursor hovers over this Region. This setting also affects access to this Region and search results. Other Residents may only enter Regions or view search results with the same maturity Ratings they have chosen in their preferences.
-It may take some time for this change to be reflected on the map.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Restrict Pushing"
- name="HelpRegionRestrictPushObject"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox sets the full region to restricted push permissions.
-When enabled, Residents may only be pushed by themselves or by the parcel&apos;s owner.
-(Push refers to the llPushObject() LSL function.)
-Default: Off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Parcel Join/Subdivide"
- name="HelpParcelChanges"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox sets whether or not parcels not owned by the estate owner can be joined or subdivided.
-If this option is unchecked:
- * Only estate owners or managers can join or subdivide parcels.
- * They may only join or subdivide parcels belonging to the owner, or to a group where they have the appropriate group powers.
-If this option is checked:
- * All parcel owners can join or subdivide the parcels they own.
- * For group owned parcels, those with appropriate group powers may join or subdivide parcels.
-Default: Checked
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Do Not Show In Search"
- name="HelpRegionSearch"
- type="alertmodal">
-Checking this box will block parcel owners from listing their parcels in search.
-Default: Off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
label="Changed Region Maturity"
@@ -3762,260 +3529,6 @@ It may take some time for the change to be reflected on the map.
- label="Land Resale"
- name="HelpRegionLandResell"
- type="alertmodal">
-Estate owners and managers can sell any land owned by the estate owner.
-If this option is left unchecked, buyers cannot resell their land in this region.
-If this option is checked, buyers can resell their land in this region.
-Default: Disallow
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Disable Scripts"
- name="HelpRegionDisableScripts"
- type="alertmodal">
-When sim performance is poor, a script may be to blame. Open the Statistics Bar (Ctrl+Shift+1). Look at the Simulator Physics FPS.
-If it is lower than 45, open the Time panel located at the bottom of the Stats Bar. If Script Time reads 25 ms or higher, click the Get Top Scripts button. You will be given the name and location of scripts that may be causing poor performance.
-Checking the Disable Scripts box and then pressing the Apply button will temporarily disable all scripts in this region. You may need to do this in order to travel to the location of a noted &apos;top script&apos;. Once you have arrived at the location, investigate the script to determine if it is causing the problem. You may want to contact the owner of the script or delete or return the object.
-Uncheck the Disable Script box and then Apply to reactivate the scripts in the region.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Disable Collisions"
- name="HelpRegionDisableCollisions"
- type="alertmodal">
-When sim performance is poor, physical objects may be to blame.
-Open the Statistics Bar (Ctrl+Shift+1). Look at the Simulator Physics FPS. If it is lower than 45, open the Time panel located at the bottom of the Stats Bar. If Sim Time (Physics) reads 20 ms or higher, click the Get Top Colliders button.
-You will be given the name and location of physical objects that may be causing poor performance.
-Checking the Disable Collisions box and then pressing the Apply button will temporarily disable object-object collisions. You may need to do this in order to travel to the location of a noted &apos;top collider&apos;. Once you have arrived at the location, investigate the object - is it constantly colliding with other objects? You may want to contact the owner of the object or delete or return the object.
-Uncheck the Disable Collisions box and then Apply to reactivate collisions in the region.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Disable Physics"
- name="HelpRegionDisablePhysics"
- type="alertmodal">
-Disable Physics is similar to Disable Collisions, except all physics simulation is disabled. This means that not only will objects stop colliding, but avatars will be unable to move.
-This should only be used when Disable Collisions does not give back enough performance to the region to investigate a physics problem or Top Collider.
-Be sure to re-enable physics when you are done, or avatars will continue to be unable to move.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Top Colliders"
- name="HelpRegionTopColliders"
- type="alertmodal">
-Show a list of objects experiencing the greatest number of potential object-object collisions. These objects can slow performance. Select Advanced &gt; Performance Tools &gt; Statistics Bar and look under Simulator &gt; Time &gt; Physics Time to see if more than 20 ms is being spent in physics.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Top Scripts"
- name="HelpRegionTopScripts"
- type="alertmodal">
-Show a list of objects spending the most time running LSL scripts. These objects can slow performance.
-Select Advanced &gt; Performance Tools &gt; Statistics Bar and look under Simulator &gt; Time &gt; Script Time to see if more than 25 ms is being spent in scripts.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Restart Region"
- name="HelpRegionRestart"
- type="alertmodal">
-Restart the server process running this region after a two minute warning. All Residents in the region will be disconnected. The region will save its data, and should come back up within 90 seconds.
-Restarting the region will not fix most performance problems, and should usually be used only when directed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Water Height"
- name="HelpRegionWaterHeight"
- type="alertmodal">
-This is the height in meters where water appears. If this setting is anything other than 20 and you have water that is adjacent to the edge of world or &apos;void&apos; water, there will be a visible gap.
-Default: 20
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Terrain Raise"
- name="HelpRegionTerrainRaise"
- type="alertmodal">
-This is the distance in meters that parcel owners can raise their terrain above the &apos;baked&apos; terrain default height.
-Default: 4
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Terrain Lower"
- name="HelpRegionTerrainLower"
- type="alertmodal">
-This is the distance in meters that parcel owners can lower their terrain below the &apos;baked&apos; terrain default height.
-Default: -4
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Upload RAW Terrain"
- name="HelpRegionUploadRaw"
- type="alertmodal">
-This button uploads a .RAW file to the region you are in.
-The file must have the correct dimensions (RGB, 256x256) and 13 channels. The best way to create a terrain file is to download the existing RAW file. A good first step is to modify the red channel (land height), and upload it.
-The upload can take up to 45 seconds. Note that uploading a terrain file *will not* move the objects that are on the land, only the terrain itself and the permissions associated with the parcels. This can result in objects going underground.
-For more information on editing region height fields, consult F1 Help.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Download RAW Terrain"
- name="HelpRegionDownloadRaw"
- type="alertmodal">
-This button downloads a file containing the height field data, parcel dimensions, parcel for sale status and some parcel permissions for this region. When opening the file in a program such as Photoshop you must specify the document&apos;s dimensions which are: RGB, 256x256 with 13 channels. This terrain file cannot be opened in any other way.
-For more information on editing region height fields, consult F1 help.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Use Estate Sun"
- name="HelpRegionUseEstateSun"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox makes the sun position in this region the same as the sun position in the rest of the estate.
-Default: on
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Fixed Sun"
- name="HelpRegionFixedSun"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox sets the sun position to the position in the Phase slider and stops the sun from moving.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Bake Terrain"
- name="HelpRegionBakeTerrain"
- type="alertmodal">
-This button saves the current shape of the terrain as the new default for the region. Once baked, the land can revert to the saved shape whenever you or others use the Edit Terrain &apos;Revert&apos; option. The baked terrain is also the middle point for the terrain raise and lower limits.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Estate Managers"
- name="HelpEstateEstateManager"
- type="alertmodal">
-An estate manager is a Resident to whom you have delegated control of region and estate settings. An estate manager can change any setting in these panels, except for uploading, downloading, and baking terrain. In particular, they can allow or ban Residents from your estate.
-Estate managers can only be added or removed by the owner of the estate, not by each other. Please only choose Residents you trust as estate managers, as you will be ultimately responsible for their actions.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Use Global Time"
- name="HelpEstateUseGlobalTime"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox makes the sun in your estate follow the same position as on the Linden-owned &apos;mainland&apos; estates.
-Default: on
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Fixed Sun"
- name="HelpEstateFixedSun"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox sets the sun position to the position in the Phase slider and stops the sun from moving.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Public Access"
- name="HelpEstateExternallyVisible"
- type="alertmodal">
-This checkbox sets whether Residents who are on other estates can enter this estate without being on an access list.
-Default: on
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Allow Direct Teleport"
- name="HelpEstateAllowDirectTeleport"
- type="alertmodal">
-When checked, allows Residents to directly teleport to any point in your estate. When unchecked, Residents teleport to the nearest telehub.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Allow Access"
- name="HelpEstateAllowResident"
- type="alertmodal">
-Access to this estate will be limited to Residents listed here and any groups below. This setting is only available when Public Access is unchecked.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Allow Group Access"
- name="HelpEstateAllowGroup"
- type="alertmodal">
-Access to this estate will be limited to groups listed here and any Residents above. This setting is only available when Public Access is unchecked.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Abuse Email Address"
- name="HelpEstateAbuseEmailAddress"
- type="alertmodal">
-Setting this to a valid email address will cause abuse reports on this estate to be sent to that address.
-Setting it blank will cause abuse reports to be sent only to Linden Lab.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Deny Access"
- name="HelpEstateBanResident"
- type="alertmodal">
-Residents on this list are denied access to your estate, regardless of any other settings.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- label="Allow Voice Chat"
- name="HelpEstateVoiceChat"
- type="alertmodal">
-Parcels in this estate are allowed to have their own voice channels in which residents may hear and talk with others nearby.
-Default: off
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
label="Voice Version Mismatch"
@@ -4024,18 +3537,6 @@ This version of [APP_NAME] is not compatible with the Voice Chat feature in this
- label="Estate Covenant"
- name="HelpEstateCovenant"
- type="alertmodal">
-Setting an estate covenant enables you to sell parcels within that estate. If a covenant is not set, you cannot sell the land. The notecard for your covenant can be empty if you do not wish to apply any rules or advise buyers of anything in relation to the land before they buy it.
-A covenant can be used to communicate rules, guidelines, cultural information or simply your own expectations to the prospective buyer. This can include zoning, building regulations, payment options or any other information you feel it is important for the new owner to have seen and to have agreed to before they purchase.
-The buyer must agree to the covenant by ticking the check box before they will be able to finish the purchase. Estate covenants are always visible in the About Land dialog for any parcels that have one set.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
label="Can&apos;t Buy Objects"
@@ -4261,18 +3762,6 @@ Go to your [ Dashboard] to see your account histo
- name="ClickOpenF1Help"
- type="alertmodal">
-Do you want to visit [SECOND_LIFE] help?
- <usetemplate
- ignoretext="Launch my browser to view Help/Support"
- name="okcancelignore"
- notext="Cancel"
- yestext="Go"/>
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
Are you sure you want to quit?
@@ -4501,31 +3990,6 @@ Link to this from a web page to give others easy access to this location, or try
- name="GraphicsPreferencesHelp"
- type="alertmodal">
-This panel controls window size and resolution and the quality of the client&apos;s graphics. The Preferences &gt; Graphics interface allows you to choose between four graphics levels: Low, Mid, High, and Ultra. You may also customize your graphics settings by clicking the Advanced button and manipulating the following settings:
-Shaders: Enable or disable various types of pixel shaders.
-Reflection Detail: Sets the types of objects that water can reflect.
-Avatar Rendering: Sets options that affect how the client renders avatars.
-Draw Distance: Affects how far out from your viewpoint objects will be rendered in the scene.
-Max Particle Count: Sets the maximum number of particles you are able to see on your screen at once.
-Post Process Quality: Sets the resolution with which Glow is rendered.
-Mesh Detail: Sets the amount of detail or number of triangles used in rendering certain objects. A higher value takes longer to render, but makes these objects appear with more detail.
-Lighting Detail: Selects what types of lights you would like to render.
-Terrain Detail: Sets the amount of detail you would like to see for the terrain texture.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
Do you wish to overwrite the saved preset?
@@ -4572,306 +4036,6 @@ PostProcess Effect exists. Do you still wish overwrite it?
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpEditSky"
- type="alertmodal">
-Edit the WindLight sliders to create and save a set of skies.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpEditDayCycle"
- type="alertmodal">
-Set which skies to turn to throughout the day.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="EnvSettingsHelpButton"
- type="alertmodal">
-These settings adjust the way the environment looks locally on your computer. Your graphics card needs to support atmospheric shaders in order to have access to all of the settings.
-Adjust the &quot;Time of Day&quot; slider to change the day&apos;s phase locally on the viewer.
-Adjust the &quot;Cloud Cover&quot; slider to control how much the clouds cover the sky.
-Pick a color in the &quot;Water Color&quot; color picker to change the color of the water.
-Adjust the &quot;Water Fog&quot; slider to control how dense the fog is underwater.
-Click &quot;Use Estate Time&quot; to reset the time of day to the region&apos;s current time of day and remain linked to it.
-Click &quot;Advanced Sky&quot; to bring up an editor with more advanced settings for the sky.
-Click &quot;Advanced Water&quot; to bring up an editor with more advanced settings for the water.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpDayCycle"
- type="alertmodal">
-The Day Cycle Editor gives you control over the sky during [SECOND_LIFE]&apos;s day/night cycle. This is the cycle that is used by the Basic Environment Editor&apos;s Time of Day slider.
-The Day Cycle Editor works by setting keyframes. These are nodes (represented by the gray blips on the time graph) that have Sky Presets associated with them. As the Time of Day progresses, the WindLight sky &quot;animates&quot; as it interpolates between these keyframes.
-The yellow arrow above the timeline represents your current view, based on Time of Day. Click and drag it to see how your day will animate. You may add or delete keyframes by pressing the Add Key and Delete Key buttons to the right of the timeline.
-You can set the time position of a keyframe by either dragging it along the timeline, or by setting its value manually in the Key Frame Settings frame. Within the Key Frame Settings frame, you&apos;ll be able to associate the keyframe with its respective WindLight preset.
-Length of Cycle dictates the overall duration of a &quot;day&quot;. Setting this to a low value (for instance, 2 min.) will mean your entire 24-hour timeline will animate in only two real minutes! Once you are satisfied with your timeline and keyframe cycle, use the Play and Stop buttons to preview the results. Remember- you can also move the yellow time-indicator arrow above the timeline to see the cycle animate interactively. Using the Use Estate Time button will synchronize your day length and time of day with the Estate&apos;s day cycle.
-Once you are pleased with your Day Cycle, you can save and load it with the Save Test Day and Load Test Day buttons. Note that, for now, we only allow one Day Cycle.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpBlueHorizon"
- type="alertmodal">
-Use the Red/Green/Blue (RGB) sliders to adjust the color of the sky. You can use the Intensity (I) slider to move all three RGB sliders in unison.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpHazeHorizon"
- type="alertmodal">
-Haze Horizon is one of the most useful parameters for adjusting overall light exposure in the scene. It is effective for simulating many exposure settings, such as white-outs from the sun and darker, closed-iris settings.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpBlueDensity"
- type="alertmodal">
-Blue Density affects the overall color saturation of the sky and fog. If you move the Intensity (I) slider to the right, colors will become brighter and more vibrant. If you move it all the way to the left, the colors will become duller, eventually fading to black and white. If you want to fine-tune the sky&apos;s color balance, you can control individual elements of saturation by using the Red/Green/Blue (RGB) sliders.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpHazeDensity"
- type="alertmodal">
-Haze Density controls the level of dull, gray haze in the atmosphere. It is effective for simulating scenes with high levels of smoke and man-made pollutants. It is also effective for simulating fog and mist.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpDensityMult"
- type="alertmodal">
-The Density Multiplier can be used to affect the overall atmospheric density. At lower settings, it creates a feeling of &quot;thin air&quot;, and at higher settings, it creates a very heavy, smoggy effect.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpDistanceMult"
- type="alertmodal">
-Adjusts WindLight&apos;s perceived distance. A value of zero effectively turns off WindLight&apos;s influence on terrain and objects. Values greater than 1 simulate greater distances for thicker atmospheric effects.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpMaxAltitude"
- type="alertmodal">
-Max Altitude adjusts the altitude calculations WindLight performs when computing its atmospheric lighting. At later times of day, it is useful for adjusting how &quot;deep&quot; the sunset appears.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpSunlightColor"
- type="alertmodal">
-Adjusts the color and intensity of the direct light in the scene.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpSunAmbient"
- type="alertmodal">
-Adjusts the color and intensity of ambient atmospheric light in the scene.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpSunGlow"
- type="alertmodal">
-The Size slider controls the size of the sun.
-The Focus slider controls how blurred the sun is over the sky.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpSceneGamma"
- type="alertmodal">
-Adjust the screen&apos;s distribution of light and dark.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpStarBrightness"
- type="alertmodal">
-Adjusts the brightness of the stars in the sky.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpTimeOfDay"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the location of the sun in the sky.
-Similar to elevation.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpEastAngle"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the location of the sun in the sky.
-Similar to azimuth.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudColor"
- type="alertmodal">
-Edits the color of the clouds. It is generally recommended to keep it whitish, but hey, have fun if you want.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudDetail"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the detail image layered on top of the main cloud image. X and Y control its position. D (Density) controls how puffy or fractured the clouds appear.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudDensity"
- type="alertmodal">
-Allows you to control the position of the clouds with the X and Y sliders and how dense they are with the the D slider.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudCoverage"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much the clouds cover the sky.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudScale"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the scaling of the cloud image on the sky dome.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudScrollX"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the speed of the clouds as they move in the X direction.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpCloudScrollY"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the speed of the clouds as they move in the Y direction.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpClassicClouds"
- type="alertmodal">
-Check this box to enable rendering of [SECOND_LIFE]&apos;s older classic clouds in addition to WindLight&apos;s clouds.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterFogColor"
- type="alertmodal">
-Chooses the color of the underwater fog.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterFogDensity"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how dense the water fog is and how far you can see underwater.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpUnderWaterFogMod"
- type="alertmodal">
-Modifies the effect of the Fog Density Exponent to control how far you can see when your avatar is underwater.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterGlow"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much the surface of the water glows.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterNormalScale"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls the scaling of the three wavelets that make up the water.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterFresnelScale"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much light is reflected at different angles.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterFresnelOffset"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much light intensity is reflected.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterScaleAbove"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much light is refracted from looking above the surface of the water.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterScaleBelow"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how much light is refracted from looking from below the surface of the water.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterBlurMultiplier"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls how waves and reflections are mixed.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterNormalMap"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls what normal map is layered across the water to determine reflections/refractions.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterWave1"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls where and how fast the large scaled version of the normal map moves in the X and Y direction.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="alertmodal.tga"
- name="HelpWaterWave2"
- type="alertmodal">
-Controls where and how fast the the small scaled version of the normal map moves in the X and Y direction.
- </notification>
- <notification
@@ -5620,14 +4784,6 @@ Your account cannot connect to this teen grid region.
- name="NoHelpIslandTP"
- type="notify">
-You cannot teleport back to Help Island.
-Go to &apos;Help Island Public&apos; to repeat the tutorial.
- </notification>
- <notification
- icon="notify.tga"
You do not have proper payment status to enter this region.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_adhoc_control_panel.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_adhoc_control_panel.xml
index 8db745fab7..f50acc224f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_adhoc_control_panel.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_adhoc_control_panel.xml
@@ -13,17 +13,26 @@
+ show_info_btn="false"
+ show_profile_btn="false"
width="140" />
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
label="End Call"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
+ <button
+ enabled="false"
+ name="voice_ctrls_btn"
+ label="Open Voice Controls"
+ width="125"
+ height="20"
+ visible="false"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_bottomtray.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_bottomtray.xml
index 73a1bae1c6..61bd1d186e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_bottomtray.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_bottomtray.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- chrome="true"
+ chrome="true"
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
- filename="panel_nearby_chat_bar.xml"/>
+ filename="panel_nearby_chat_bar.xml" />
@@ -55,23 +55,22 @@
- width="96"
+ width="100"
- <chiclet_talk
- follows="right"
- height="23"
- speak_button.font="SansSerifMedium"
- speak_button.tab_stop="true"
- show_button.tab_stop="true"
- layout="topleft"
- left="0"
- name="talk"
- top="3"
- width="96" />
- </layout_panel>
+ <chiclet_talk
+ follows="right"
+ height="23"
+ speak_button.tab_stop="true"
+ show_button.tab_stop="true"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ name="talk"
+ top="3"
+ width="100" />
+ </layout_panel>
@@ -89,21 +88,21 @@
- width="76"
+ width="80"
- <button
- follows="right"
- height="23"
- label="Gesture"
- layout="topleft"
- name="Gesture"
- left="0"
- top="3"
- use_ellipses="true"
- width="76" />
+ <button
+ follows="right"
+ height="23"
+ label="Gesture"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Gesture"
+ left="0"
+ top="3"
+ use_ellipses="true"
+ width="80" />
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@
- width="76"
+ width="80"
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@
tool_tip="Show/hide movement controls"
- width="76">
+ width="80">
parameter="moveview" />
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@
tool_tip="Show/hide camera controls"
- width="76">
+ width="80">
parameter="camera" />
@@ -199,28 +198,19 @@
- width="35">
- <split_button
- arrow_position="right"
+ width="40">
+ <button
+ label=""
- width="46"
- top="3">
- <split_button.item
- image_overlay="Snapshot_Off"
- name="snapshot"
- tool_tip="Take snapshot"
- />
- <split_button.arrow_button
- name="snapshot_settings"
- image_overlay="Widget_UpArrow"
- tool_tip="Snapshot and Preset Views"
- width="18"
+ width="36"
+ top="3"
+ image_overlay="Snapshot_Off"
+ tool_tip="Take snapshot"
- </split_button>
@@ -297,7 +287,7 @@
- left="0"
+ right="-1"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_control_panel.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_control_panel.xml
index 15b6b2a00d..9ed510dff3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_control_panel.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_control_panel.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- height="215"
+ height="238"
@@ -13,23 +13,32 @@
+ show_info_btn="false"
+ show_profile_btn="false"
width="140" />
label="Group Info"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
label="End Call"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
+ <button
+ enabled="false"
+ name="voice_ctrls_btn"
+ label="Open Voice Controls"
+ width="125"
+ height="20"
+ visible="false"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_land_money.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_land_money.xml
index 04e0ad3be8..c81c7113ae 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_land_money.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_land_money.xml
@@ -29,17 +29,6 @@
Unable to set your land contribution.
- <!--
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- height="16"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="250"
- name="help_button"
- top="8"
- width="20" />
- -->
<!-- <text
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml
index d9fb962998..0e4d490369 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_notices.xml
@@ -22,16 +22,6 @@ the General tab.
There are no past notices.
- <!-- <button
- follows="left|top"
- height="16"
- label="?"
- label_selected="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="250"
- name="help_button"
- top="8"
- width="20" /> -->
@@ -383,4 +373,4 @@ the General tab.
width="135" />
-</panel> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml
index 909c3f4577..e87859f788 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_roles.xml
@@ -18,17 +18,6 @@
name="help_text" />
- <!--
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- height="16"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="250"
- name="help_button"
- top="8"
- width="20" />
- -->
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_im_control_panel.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_im_control_panel.xml
index dca52def49..c4cdaa41f9 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_im_control_panel.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_im_control_panel.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<panel name="panel_im_control_panel"
- width="96"
- height="225"
+ width="125"
+ height="248"
<avatar_icon name="avatar_icon"
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
<button name="view_profile_btn"
label="View Profile"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
<button name="add_friend_btn"
label="Add Friend"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
<button name="call_btn"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
@@ -29,11 +29,19 @@
label="End Call"
- width="90" />
+ width="125" />
+ <button
+ enabled="false"
+ name="voice_ctrls_btn"
+ label="Open Voice Controls"
+ width="125"
+ height="20"
+ visible="false"/>
<button name="share_btn"
- width="90"
+ width="125"
height="20" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
index afe00271f7..1646cba0a7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_login.xml
@@ -15,27 +15,34 @@
+ <string name="reg_in_client_url">
+ </string>
+ <!-- *NOTE: Custom resize logic for login_html in llpanellogin.cpp -->
- layout="topleft"
- right="-1"
- top="1" />
+ top="0"
+ height="600"
+ width="800"/>
+ <panel
+ follows="left|bottom|right"
+ name="login_widgets"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ top="0">
- type="string"
- length="1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -46,7 +53,6 @@
- layout="topleft"
@@ -55,12 +61,9 @@
width="120" />
- type="string"
- length="1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -72,7 +75,6 @@
- layout="topleft"
@@ -81,12 +83,9 @@
width="120" />
- type="string"
- length="1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@
- layout="topleft"
@@ -124,12 +122,9 @@
width="100" />
- type="string"
- length="1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -141,7 +136,6 @@
- layout="topleft"
@@ -165,20 +159,14 @@
label="Remember password"
- layout="topleft"
width="138" />
- type="string"
- length="1"
- hover="true"
- hover_color="0.2 0.45 0.72 1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -186,14 +174,9 @@
Create a new account
- type="string"
- length="1"
- hover="true"
- hover_color="0.2 0.45 0.72 1"
- layout="topleft"
@@ -201,18 +184,14 @@
Forgot your name or password?
- type="string"
- length="1"
- hover="true"
- hover_color="0.2 0.45 0.72 1"
- layout="topleft"
+ </panel>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_main_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_main_inventory.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a3fdcc327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_main_inventory.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ background_visible="true"
+ follows="all"
+ height="400"
+ label="Things"
+ layout="topleft"
+ min_height="350"
+ min_width="240"
+ name="inventory panel"
+ width="330">
+ <panel.string
+ name="Title">
+ Things
+ </panel.string>
+ <filter_editor
+ text_pad_left="12"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SanSerif"
+ height="20"
+ label="Filter"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="15"
+ name="inventory search editor"
+ top="34"
+ width="300" />
+ <tab_container
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
+ height="300"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="-4"
+ name="inventory filter tabs"
+ tab_position="top"
+ top_pad="4"
+ width="305">
+ <inventory_panel
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
+ height="295"
+ label="All Items"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="1"
+ name="All Items"
+ top="16"
+ width="290" />
+ <inventory_panel
+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
+ height="295"
+ label="Recent Items"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ name="Recent Items"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="290" />
+ </tab_container>
+ <menu_bar
+ bg_visible="false"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="18"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="Inventory Menu"
+ top_delta="-45"
+ width="290">
+ <menu
+ height="101"
+ label="File"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="File"
+ tear_off="true"
+ top="-117"
+ width="128">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Open"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Open">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoToSelected"
+ parameter="open" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu
+ create_jump_keys="true"
+ label="Upload"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="upload"
+ tear_off="true">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Image (L$[COST])..."
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Upload Image"
+ shortcut="control|U">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="File.UploadImage"
+ parameter="" />
+ <menu_item_call.on_enable
+ function="File.EnableUpload" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Sound (L$[COST])..."
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Upload Sound">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="File.UploadSound"
+ parameter="" />
+ <menu_item_call.on_enable
+ function="File.EnableUpload" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Animation (L$[COST])..."
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Upload Animation">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="File.UploadAnim"
+ parameter="" />
+ <menu_item_call.on_enable
+ function="File.EnableUpload" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Bulk (L$[COST] per file)..."
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Bulk Upload">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="File.UploadBulk"
+ parameter="" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ </menu>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Window"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Window">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.NewWindow" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="separator2" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Show Filters"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Show Filters">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.ShowFilters" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Reset Filters"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Reset Current">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.ResetFilter" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Close All Folders"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Close All Folders">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.CloseAllFolders" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="separator3" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Empty Trash"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Empty Trash">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.EmptyTrash" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Empty Lost And Found"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Empty Lost And Found">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ height="121"
+ label="Create"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="Create"
+ tear_off="true"
+ top="-201"
+ width="121">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Folder"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Folder">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="category" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Script"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Script">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="lsl" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Note"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Note">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="notecard" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Gesture"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Gesture">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="gesture" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu
+ height="175"
+ label="New Clothes"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="New Clothes"
+ top_pad="514"
+ width="125">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Shirt"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Shirt">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="shirt" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Pants"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Pants">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="pants" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Shoes"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Shoes">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="shoes" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Socks"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Socks">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="socks" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Jacket"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Jacket">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="jacket" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Skirt"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Skirt">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="skirt" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Gloves"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Gloves">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="gloves" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Undershirt"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Undershirt">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="undershirt" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Underpants"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Underpants">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="underpants" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Alpha"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Alpha">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="alpha" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Tattoo"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Tattoo">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="tattoo" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ height="85"
+ label="New Body Parts"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="New Body Parts"
+ top_pad="514"
+ width="118">
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Shape"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Shape">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="shape" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Skin"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Skin">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="skin" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Hair"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Hair">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="hair" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="New Eyes"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="New Eyes">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Inventory.DoCreate"
+ parameter="eyes" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ </menu>
+ </menu>
+ <menu
+ height="49"
+ label="Sort"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="Sort"
+ tear_off="true"
+ top="-113"
+ width="118">
+ <menu_item_check
+ control_name="Inventory.SortByName"
+ label="By Name"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="By Name">
+ <menu_item_check.on_click
+ function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
+ parameter="name" />
+ </menu_item_check>
+ <menu_item_check
+ control_name="Inventory.SortByDate"
+ label="By Date"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="By Date">
+ <menu_item_check.on_click
+ function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
+ parameter="date" />
+ </menu_item_check>
+ <menu_item_separator
+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_check
+ control_name="Inventory.FoldersAlwaysByName"
+ label="Folders Always By Name"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Folders Always By Name">
+ <menu_item_check.on_click
+ function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
+ parameter="foldersalwaysbyname" />
+ </menu_item_check>
+ <menu_item_check
+ control_name="Inventory.SystemFoldersToTop"
+ label="System Folders To Top"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="System Folders To Top">
+ <menu_item_check.on_click
+ function="Inventory.SetSortBy"
+ parameter="systemfolderstotop" />
+ </menu_item_check>
+ </menu>
+ </menu_bar>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_advanced.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_advanced.xml
index 91dcdce23b..f98f3a0850 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_advanced.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_advanced.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,19 @@
width="150" />
+ <color_swatch
+ border_color="0.45098 0.517647 0.607843 1"
+ can_apply_immediately="true"
+ color="0 0 0 1"
+ control_name="BackgroundChatColor"
+ follows="left|top"
+ height="47"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="280"
+ name="background"
+ tool_tip="Choose color for bubble chat"
+ top_delta="1"
+ width="44" />
@@ -37,8 +49,8 @@
- left_delta="50"
- top_pad="5"
+ left_delta="-230"
+ top_pad="-28"
width="200" />
@@ -240,8 +252,8 @@ Avatars:
- enabled_control="ShowScriptErrors"
- control_name="ShowScriptErrorsLocation"
+ enabled_control="ShowScriptErrors"
+ control_name="ShowScriptErrorsLocation"
@@ -269,6 +281,8 @@ Avatars:
+ enabled_control="EnableVoiceChat"
+ control_name="PushToTalkToggle"
label="Use Push-to-talk in toggle mode"
@@ -279,6 +293,9 @@ Avatars:
tool_tip="When in toggle mode, press and release the push-to-talk trigger to switch your microphone on and off. When not in toggle mode, the microphone is active only when the trigger is held down."/>
+ control_name="PushToTalkButton"
+ enabled="false"
+ enabled_control="EnableVoiceChat"
@@ -287,22 +304,30 @@ Avatars:
width="280" />
- follows="top|left"
- height="20"
- label="Set Key"
- left_delta="0"
- name="set_voice_hotkey_button"
- width="115"
- top_pad="5" />
+ follows="top|left"
+ enabled_control="EnableVoiceChat"
+ height="20"
+ label="Set Key"
+ left_delta="0"
+ name="set_voice_hotkey_button"
+ width="115"
+ top_pad="5">
+ <button.commit_callback
+ function="Pref.VoiceSetKey" />
+ </button>
- bottom_delta="0"
- follows="left"
- font="SansSerif"
- halign="center"
- height="20"
- label="Middle Mouse Button"
- left_delta="120"
- mouse_opaque="true"
- name="set_voice_middlemouse_button"
- width="160" />
+ bottom_delta="0"
+ enabled_control="EnableVoiceChat"
+ follows="left"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ halign="center"
+ height="20"
+ label="Middle Mouse Button"
+ left_delta="120"
+ mouse_opaque="true"
+ name="set_voice_middlemouse_button"
+ width="160">
+ <button.commit_callback
+ function="Pref.VoiceSetMiddleMouse" />
+ </button>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml
index 051cb51d25..645863e7a4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml
@@ -220,37 +220,12 @@
border_color="0.45098 0.517647 0.607843 1"
- color="0 0 0 1"
- control_name="BackgroundChatColor"
- follows="left|top"
- height="47"
- layout="topleft"
- left="180"
- name="background"
- top_pad="-17"
- width="44" />
- <text
- type="string"
- length="1"
- follows="left|top"
- height="10"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- mouse_opaque="false"
- name="text_box8"
- top_delta="5"
- width="95">
- Bubble
- </text>
- <color_swatch
- border_color="0.45098 0.517647 0.607843 1"
- can_apply_immediately="true"
color="0.6 0.6 1 1"
- left="350"
+ left="180"
width="44" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_covenant.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_covenant.xml
index b3147f5e6b..49fc930cd8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_covenant.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_covenant.xml
@@ -103,17 +103,6 @@
Last Modified Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- name="covenant_help"
- top_delta="-2"
- width="18" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_debug.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_debug.xml
index 25e1171688..a1bca4229d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_debug.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_debug.xml
@@ -40,16 +40,6 @@
tool_tip="Disable all scripts in this region"
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="70"
- name="disable_scripts_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Disable Collisions"
@@ -59,16 +49,6 @@
tool_tip="Disable non-avatar collisions in this region"
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="70"
- name="disable_collisions_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Disable Physics"
@@ -79,16 +59,6 @@
width="80" />
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="70"
- name="disable_physics_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
@@ -207,16 +177,6 @@
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="top_colliders_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
label="Get Top Scripts..."
@@ -228,16 +188,6 @@
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="top_scripts_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
label="Restart Region"
@@ -249,16 +199,6 @@
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="restart_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
label="Delay Restart"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_estate.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_estate.xml
index c7a60ed2e4..add1476179 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_estate.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_estate.xml
@@ -94,16 +94,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="200" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="20"
- name="use_global_time_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Fixed Sun"
@@ -112,16 +102,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="100" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="120"
- name="fixed_sun_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -151,16 +131,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="200" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="20"
- name="externally_visible_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -201,16 +171,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="200" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="20"
- name="voice_chat_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Direct Teleport"
@@ -219,16 +179,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="140"
- name="allow_direct_teleport_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -250,16 +200,6 @@ regions in the estate.
width="205" />
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="12"
- name="abuse_email_address_help"
- top_dekta="0"
- width="18" />
- <button
@@ -300,16 +240,6 @@ regions in the estate.
Estate Managers:
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="182"
- name="estate_manager_help"
- top_delta="-1"
- width="18" />
@@ -357,16 +287,6 @@ regions in the estate.
Allowed Residents:
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="182"
- name="allow_resident_help"
- top_delta="-1"
- width="18" />
@@ -414,16 +334,6 @@ regions in the estate.
Allowed Groups:
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="182"
- name="allow_group_help"
- top_delta="-1"
- width="18" />
@@ -471,16 +381,6 @@ regions in the estate.
Banned Residents:
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_delta="182"
- name="ban_resident_help"
- top_delta="-1"
- width="18" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general.xml
index 160ae96fc4..42c6319699 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general.xml
@@ -83,16 +83,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="terraform_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Block Fly"
@@ -101,16 +91,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="fly_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Damage"
@@ -119,16 +99,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="damage_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Restrict Pushing"
@@ -137,16 +107,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="restrict_pushobject_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Land Resell"
@@ -155,16 +115,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="land_resell_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Land Join/Divide"
@@ -173,16 +123,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="parcel_changes_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Block Land Show in Search"
@@ -192,16 +132,6 @@
tool_tip="Let people see this region and its parcels in search results"
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="parcel_search_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -215,16 +145,6 @@
width="170" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="25"
- name="agent_limit_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -238,16 +158,6 @@
width="170" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="25"
- name="object_bonus_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -281,16 +191,6 @@
value="13" />
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="access_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
@@ -299,10 +199,7 @@
- width="100">
- <button.commit_callback
- function="RegionInfo.Cancel" />
- </button>
+ width="100"/>
@@ -338,5 +235,8 @@
- width="150" />
+ width="150">
+ <button.commit_callback
+ function="RegionInfo.ManageTelehub" />
+ </button>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general_layout.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general_layout.xml
index 9b9c62dbf9..bffd84877f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general_layout.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_general_layout.xml
@@ -83,16 +83,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="terraform_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Block Fly"
@@ -101,16 +91,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="fly_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Damage"
@@ -119,16 +99,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="damage_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Restrict Pushing"
@@ -137,16 +107,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="restrict_pushobject_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Land Resell"
@@ -155,16 +115,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="land_resell_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Allow Land Join/Divide"
@@ -173,16 +123,6 @@
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="parcel_changes_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Block Land Show in Search"
@@ -192,16 +132,6 @@
tool_tip="Let people see this region and its parcels in search results"
width="80" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="115"
- name="parcel_search_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -215,16 +145,6 @@
width="170" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="25"
- name="agent_limit_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -238,16 +158,6 @@
width="170" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="25"
- name="object_bonus_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -281,16 +191,6 @@
value="13" />
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="access_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
@@ -299,10 +199,7 @@
- width="100">
- <button.commit_callback
- function="RegionInfo.Cancel" />
- </button>
+ width="100"/>
@@ -338,5 +235,8 @@
- width="150" />
+ width="150" >
+ <button.commit_callback
+ function="RegionInfo.ManageTelehub" />
+ </button>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_terrain.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_terrain.xml
index 148d9500bb..ffd51bf510 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_terrain.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_region_terrain.xml
@@ -42,16 +42,6 @@
width="180" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- name="water_height_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -64,16 +54,6 @@
width="180" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- name="terrain_raise_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -87,16 +67,6 @@
width="180" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="5"
- name="terrain_lower_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Use Estate Sun"
@@ -105,16 +75,6 @@
width="100" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="70"
- name="use_estate_sun_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
label="Fixed Sun"
@@ -123,16 +83,6 @@
width="100" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="70"
- name="fixed_sun_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
@@ -184,16 +134,6 @@
width="170" />
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="download_raw_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
label="Upload RAW terrain..."
@@ -204,16 +144,6 @@
width="170" />
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="upload_raw_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
label="Bake Terrain"
@@ -222,14 +152,4 @@
tool_tip="Set current terrain as mid-point for raise/lower limits"
width="100" />
- <button
- follows="left|top"
- font="SansSerifSmall"
- height="18"
- label="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="bake_terrain_help"
- top_delta="2"
- width="18" />
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index 3f64c9c633..3582de1c71 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_side_tray.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_side_tray.xml
@@ -128,4 +128,23 @@
+ <sidetray_tab
+ name="sidebar_inventory"
+ help_topic="sidebar_inventory"
+ tab_title="Inventory"
+ description="Browse your inventory."
+ image="TabIcon_Inventory_Off"
+ image_selected="TabIcon_Inventory_Selected"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ background_visible="true"
+ >
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+ class="sidepanel_inventory"
+ name="sidepanel_inventory"
+ filename="sidepanel_inventory.xml"
+ label="Edit Inventory"
+ font="SansSerifBold"
+ />
+ </sidetray_tab>
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index 247054772e..9636e32187 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_sidetray_home_tab.xml
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@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
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+ height="90"
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
width="20" />
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
- height="120"
+ height="90"
@@ -195,4 +195,51 @@
Change your appearance and current look.
+ <panel
+ background_visible="true"
+ bg_alpha_color="DkGray2"
+ class="panel_sidetray_home_info"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="90"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="15"
+ top_pad="15"
+ name="sidebar_inventory"
+ width="303">
+ <text
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+ height="30"
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+ left="10"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="tab_name"
+ text_color="EmphasisColor"
+ top="10"
+ value="My Inventory"
+ width="200"
+ word_wrap="true" />
+ <icon
+ follows="top|right"
+ height="20"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="tab_icon"
+ right="-10"
+ top="10"
+ width="20"
+ image_name="TabIcon_Inventory_Selected"/>
+ <text
+ follows="all"
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+ left="10"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="tab_description"
+ right="-10"
+ text_color="white"
+ top="40"
+ word_wrap="true">
+ Browse your inventory.
+ </text>
+ </panel>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_teleport_history_item.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_teleport_history_item.xml
index 73a7d95ff4..f559343b34 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_teleport_history_item.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_teleport_history_item.xml
@@ -28,15 +28,14 @@
width="320" />
- height="20"
- follows="top|right|left"
- image_name="ListItem_Select"
+ height="16"
+ follows="top|left"
+ image_name="Inv_Landmark"
- visible="false"
- width="20" />
+ width="16" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_inventory.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0c3cdfafc
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
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+ follows="all"
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+ tab_height="0"
+ visible="true">
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+ class="panel_main_inventory"
+ filename="panel_main_inventory.xml"
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+ enabled="true"
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+ top="0"
+ width="60" />
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+ enabled="true"
+ follows="bottom|left"
+ font="SansSerifSmallBold"
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+ top="0"
+ width="60" />
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+ enabled="false"
+ follows="bottom|left"
+ font="SansSerifSmallBold"
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+ left="130"
+ name="wear_btn"
+ top="0"
+ width="60" />
+ <button
+ enabled="false"
+ follows="bottom|left"
+ font="SansSerifSmallBold"
+ height="25"
+ label="Play"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="play_btn"
+ left="130"
+ top="0"
+ width="50" />
+ <button
+ enabled="false"
+ follows="bottom|left"
+ font="SansSerifSmallBold"
+ height="25"
+ label="Teleport"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="130"
+ name="teleport_btn"
+ top="0"
+ width="77" />
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+ follows="bottom|right"
+ font="SansSerifSmallBold"
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+ layout="topleft"
+ name="overflow_btn"
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+ top="0"
+ width="30" />
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+ </panel>
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diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
index e842517853..0f7e8cb137 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
@@ -73,8 +73,13 @@
<string name="TooltipParcelUrl">Click to view this parcel's description</string>
<string name="TooltipTeleportUrl">Click to teleport to this location</string>
<string name="TooltipObjectIMUrl">Click to view this object's description</string>
+ <string name="TooltipMapUrl">Click to view this location on a map</string>
<string name="TooltipSLAPP">Click to run the secondlife:// command</string>
<string name="CurrentURL" value=" CurrentURL: [CurrentURL]" />
+ <!-- text for SLURL labels -->
+ <string name="SLurlLabelTeleport">Teleport to</string>
+ <string name="SLurlLabelShowOnMap">Show Map for</string>
<!-- ButtonToolTips, llfloater.cpp -->
<string name="BUTTON_CLOSE_DARWIN">Close (&#8984;W)</string>
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index bcf4128e01..c12dd8d58c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_edit_profile.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_edit_profile.xml
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
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- <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
- </string>
- <string name="AcctTypeResident"
- value="Residente" />
- <string name="AcctTypeTrial"
- value="Prueba" />
- <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"
- value="Miembro fundador" />
- <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"
- value="Empleado de Linden Lab" />
- <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"
- value="Ha usado una forma de pago" />
- <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"
- value="Hay infor. de la forma de pago" />
- <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"
- value="Sin infor. de la forma de pago" />
- <string name="AgeVerified"
- value="Edad verificada" />
- <string name="NotAgeVerified"
- value="Edad no verificada" />
- <string name="partner_edit_link_url">
- </string>
- <panel name="scroll_content_panel">
- <panel name="data_panel" >
- <panel name="lifes_images_panel">
- <panel name="second_life_image_panel">
- <text name="second_life_photo_title_text">
- </text>
- </panel>
- </panel>
- <text name="title_partner_text" value="Compañero/a:"/>
- <panel name="partner_data_panel">
- <text name="partner_text" value="[FIRST] [LAST]"/>
- </panel>
- <text name="text_box3">
- Mensaje en el estado ocupado:
- </text>
- </panel>
- </panel>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+<panel name="edit_profile_panel">
+ <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
+ </string>
+ <string name="AcctTypeResident"
+ value="Residente" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeTrial"
+ value="Prueba" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"
+ value="Miembro fundador" />
+ <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"
+ value="Empleado de Linden Lab" />
+ <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"
+ value="Ha usado una forma de pago" />
+ <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"
+ value="Hay infor. de la forma de pago" />
+ <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"
+ value="Sin infor. de la forma de pago" />
+ <string name="AgeVerified"
+ value="Edad verificada" />
+ <string name="NotAgeVerified"
+ value="Edad no verificada" />
+ <string name="partner_edit_link_url">
+ </string>
+ <panel name="scroll_content_panel">
+ <panel name="data_panel" >
+ <panel name="lifes_images_panel">
+ <panel name="second_life_image_panel">
+ <text name="second_life_photo_title_text">
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="title_partner_text" value="Compañero/a:"/>
+ <panel name="partner_data_panel">
+ <text name="partner_text" value="[FIRST] [LAST]"/>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="text_box3">
+ Mensaje en el estado ocupado:
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
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- Réponse si occupé(e) :
- </text>
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+ Réponse si occupé(e) :
+ </text>
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- Risposta agli IM quando sono in &apos;Occupato&apos;:
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+ Risposta agli IM quando sono in &apos;Occupato&apos;:
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- 取り込み中応答メッセージ:
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+ 取り込み中応答メッセージ:
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- Antwoord bij Niet Storen:
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+ Antwoord bij Niet Storen:
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- Pracuś Mówi:
- </text>
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+ Pracuś Mówi:
+ </text>
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- </panel>
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- Resposta no Modo Ocupado:
- </text>
- </panel>
- </panel>
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+ value="Estatuto do membro" />
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+ value="Contratado da Linden Lab" />
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+ value="Infor. de pagamento utilizadas" />
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+ value="Infor. de pagamento no arquivo" />
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+ value="Sem infor. de pagamento no arquivo" />
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+ value="Idade Verificada" />
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+ value="Idade não Verificada" />
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+ <panel name="partner_data_panel">
+ <text name="partner_text" value="[FIRST] [LAST]"/>
+ </panel>
+ <text name="text_box3">
+ Resposta no Modo Ocupado:
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ </panel>
diff --git a/indra/newview/tests/lllogininstance_test.cpp b/indra/newview/tests/lllogininstance_test.cpp
index 009be35f64..d31a81e128 100644
--- a/indra/newview/tests/lllogininstance_test.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/tests/lllogininstance_test.cpp
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
- * @file lllogininstance_test.cpp
- * @brief Test for lllogininstance.cpp.
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=internal$
- * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-// Precompiled header
-#include "../llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
-// Own header
-#include "../lllogininstance.h"
-// STL headers
-// std headers
-// external library headers
-// other Linden headers
-#include "../test/lltut.h"
-#include "llevents.h"
-#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4355) // using 'this' in base-class ctor initializer expr
-// Constants
-const std::string VIEWERLOGIN_URI("viewerlogin_uri");
-const std::string VIEWERLOGIN_GRIDLABEL("viewerlogin_grid");
-const std::string APPVIEWER_SERIALNUMBER("appviewer_serialno");
-// Link seams.
-static LLEventStream gTestPump("test_pump");
-#include "lllogin.h"
-static std::string gLoginURI;
-static LLSD gLoginCreds;
-static bool gDisconnectCalled = false;
-class LLLogin::Impl
-LLLogin::LLLogin() {}
-LLLogin::~LLLogin() {}
-LLEventPump& LLLogin::getEventPump() { return gTestPump; }
-void LLLogin::connect(const std::string& uri, const LLSD& credentials)
- gLoginURI = uri;
- gLoginCreds = credentials;
-void LLLogin::disconnect()
- gDisconnectCalled = true;
-#include "../llviewernetwork.h"
-unsigned char gMACAddress[MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES] = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
-LLViewerLogin::LLViewerLogin() {}
-LLViewerLogin::~LLViewerLogin() {}
-void LLViewerLogin::getLoginURIs(std::vector<std::string>& uris) const
- uris.push_back(VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
-std::string LLViewerLogin::getGridLabel() const { return VIEWERLOGIN_GRIDLABEL; }
-#include "../llviewercontrol.h"
-LLControlGroup gSavedSettings("Global");
-std::string gCurrentVersion = "invalid_version";
-LLControlGroup::LLControlGroup(const std::string& name) :
- LLInstanceTracker<LLControlGroup, std::string>(name){}
-LLControlGroup::~LLControlGroup() {}
-void LLControlGroup::setBOOL(const std::string& name, BOOL val) {}
-BOOL LLControlGroup::getBOOL(const std::string& name) { return FALSE; }
-U32 LLControlGroup::saveToFile(const std::string& filename, BOOL nondefault_only) { return 1; }
-void LLControlGroup::setString(const std::string& name, const std::string& val) {}
-std::string LLControlGroup::getString(const std::string& name) { return "test_string"; }
-BOOL LLControlGroup::declareBOOL(const std::string& name, BOOL initial_val, const std::string& comment, BOOL persist) { return TRUE; }
-BOOL LLControlGroup::declareString(const std::string& name, const std::string &initial_val, const std::string& comment, BOOL persist) { return TRUE; }
-#include "lluicolortable.h"
-void LLUIColorTable::saveUserSettings(void)const {}
-#include "../llurlsimstring.h"
-LLURLSimString LLURLSimString::sInstance;
-bool LLURLSimString::parse() { return true; }
-#include "llnotifications.h"
-#include "llfloaterreg.h"
-static std::string gTOSType;
-static LLEventPump * gTOSReplyPump = NULL;
-LLFloater* LLFloaterReg::showInstance(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key, BOOL focus)
- gTOSType = name;
- gTOSReplyPump = &LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(key["reply_pump"]);
- return NULL;
-// LLNotifications
-class MockNotifications : public LLNotificationsInterface
- boost::function<void (const LLSD&, const LLSD&)> mResponder;
- int mAddedCount;
- MockNotifications() :
- mResponder(0),
- mAddedCount(0)
- {
- }
- virtual ~MockNotifications() {}
- /* virtual */ LLNotificationPtr add(
- const std::string& name,
- const LLSD& substitutions,
- const LLSD& payload,
- LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::ResponseFunctor functor)
- {
- mResponder = functor;
- mAddedCount++;
- return LLNotificationPtr((LLNotification*)NULL);
- }
- void sendYesResponse()
- {
- LLSD notification;
- LLSD response;
- response = 1;
- mResponder(notification, response);
- }
- void sendNoResponse()
- {
- LLSD notification;
- LLSD response;
- response = 2;
- mResponder(notification, response);
- }
- void sendBogusResponse()
- {
- LLSD notification;
- LLSD response;
- response = 666;
- mResponder(notification, response);
- }
- int addedCount() { return mAddedCount; }
-S32 LLNotification::getSelectedOption(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
- return response.asInteger();
-// misc
-std::string xml_escape_string(const std::string& in)
- return in;
-* TUT
-namespace tut
- struct lllogininstance_data
- {
- lllogininstance_data() : logininstance(LLLoginInstance::getInstance())
- {
- // Global initialization
- gLoginURI.clear();
- gLoginCreds.clear();
- gDisconnectCalled = false;
- gTOSType = ""; // Set to invalid value.
- gTOSReplyPump = 0; // clear the callback.
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("NoInventoryLibrary", FALSE, "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("ConnectAsGod", FALSE, "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("UseDebugMenus", FALSE, "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("ForceMandatoryUpdate", FALSE, "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareString("ClientSettingsFile", "test_settings.xml", "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareString("VersionChannelName", "test_version_string", "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareString("NextLoginLocation", "", "", FALSE);
- gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("LoginLastLocation", FALSE, "", FALSE);
- credentials["first"] = "testfirst";
- credentials["last"] = "testlast";
- credentials["passwd"] = "testpass";
- logininstance->setNotificationsInterface(&notifications);
- }
- LLLoginInstance* logininstance;
- LLSD credentials;
- MockNotifications notifications;
- };
- typedef test_group<lllogininstance_data> lllogininstance_group;
- typedef lllogininstance_group::object lllogininstance_object;
- lllogininstance_group llsdmgr("lllogininstance");
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<1>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test Simple Success And Disconnect");
- // Test default connect.
- logininstance->connect(credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- // Dummy success response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "online";
- response["change"] = "connect";
- response["progress"] = 1.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"] = "test_data";
- ensure("Success response", logininstance->authSuccess());
- ensure_equals("Test Response Data", logininstance->getResponse().asString(), "test_data");
- logininstance->disconnect();
- ensure_equals("Called Login Module Disconnect", gDisconnectCalled, true);
- response.clear();
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "disconnect";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 0;
- response["data"] = "test_data";
- ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<2>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test User TOS/Critical message Interaction");
- const std::string test_uri = "testing-uri";
- // Test default connect.
- logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
- // connect should call LLLogin::connect to init gLoginURI and gLoginCreds.
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, "testing-uri");
- ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
- ensure_equals("Default for read critical", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
- // TOS failure response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "fail.login";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"]["reason"] = "tos";
- ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_tos");
- ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
- gTOSReplyPump->post(false); // Call callback denying TOS.
- ensure("No TOS, failed auth", logininstance->authFailure());
- // Start again.
- logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
-; // Fail for tos again.
- gTOSReplyPump->post(true); // Accept tos, should reconnect w/ agree_to_tos.
- ensure_equals("Accepted agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), true);
- ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
- // Fail connection, attempt connect again.
- // The new request should have reset agree to tos to default.
- response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
- ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
- logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
- ensure_equals("Reset to default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
- // Critical Message failure response.
- logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
- response["data"]["reason"] = "critical"; // Change response to "critical message"
- ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_critical");
- ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
- gTOSReplyPump->post(true);
- ensure_equals("Accepted read critical message", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), true);
- ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
- // Fail then attempt new connection
- response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
- ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
- logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<3>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test Mandatory Update User Accepts");
- // Part 1 - Mandatory Update, with User accepts response.
- // Test connect with update needed.
- logininstance->connect(credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- // Update needed failure response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "fail.login";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"]["reason"] = "update";
- ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
- notifications.sendYesResponse();
- ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<4>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test Mandatory Update User Decline");
- // Test connect with update needed.
- logininstance->connect(credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- // Update needed failure response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "fail.login";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"]["reason"] = "update";
- ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
- notifications.sendNoResponse();
- ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<6>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test Optional Update User Accept");
- // Part 3 - Mandatory Update, with bogus response.
- // Test connect with update needed.
- logininstance->connect(credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- // Update needed failure response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "fail.login";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"]["reason"] = "optional";
- ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
- notifications.sendYesResponse();
- ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void lllogininstance_object::test<7>()
- {
- set_test_name("Test Optional Update User Denies");
- // Part 3 - Mandatory Update, with bogus response.
- // Test connect with update needed.
- logininstance->connect(credentials);
- ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- // Update needed failure response.
- LLSD response;
- response["state"] = "offline";
- response["change"] = "fail.login";
- response["progress"] = 0.0;
- response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
- response["data"]["reason"] = "optional";
- ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
- notifications.sendNoResponse();
- // User skips, should be reconnecting.
- ensure_equals("reconnect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
- ensure_equals("skipping optional update", gLoginCreds["params"]["skipoptional"].asBoolean(), true);
- }
+ * @file lllogininstance_test.cpp
+ * @brief Test for lllogininstance.cpp.
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=internal$
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+// Precompiled header
+#include "../llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+// Own header
+#include "../lllogininstance.h"
+// STL headers
+// std headers
+// external library headers
+// other Linden headers
+#include "../test/lltut.h"
+#include "llevents.h"
+#if defined(LL_WINDOWS)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4355) // using 'this' in base-class ctor initializer expr
+// Constants
+const std::string VIEWERLOGIN_URI("viewerlogin_uri");
+const std::string VIEWERLOGIN_GRIDLABEL("viewerlogin_grid");
+const std::string APPVIEWER_SERIALNUMBER("appviewer_serialno");
+// Link seams.
+static LLEventStream gTestPump("test_pump");
+#include "lllogin.h"
+static std::string gLoginURI;
+static LLSD gLoginCreds;
+static bool gDisconnectCalled = false;
+class LLLogin::Impl
+LLLogin::LLLogin() {}
+LLLogin::~LLLogin() {}
+LLEventPump& LLLogin::getEventPump() { return gTestPump; }
+void LLLogin::connect(const std::string& uri, const LLSD& credentials)
+ gLoginURI = uri;
+ gLoginCreds = credentials;
+void LLLogin::disconnect()
+ gDisconnectCalled = true;
+#include "../llviewernetwork.h"
+unsigned char gMACAddress[MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES] = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; /* Flawfinder: ignore */
+LLViewerLogin::LLViewerLogin() {}
+LLViewerLogin::~LLViewerLogin() {}
+void LLViewerLogin::getLoginURIs(std::vector<std::string>& uris) const
+ uris.push_back(VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+std::string LLViewerLogin::getGridLabel() const { return VIEWERLOGIN_GRIDLABEL; }
+#include "../llviewercontrol.h"
+LLControlGroup gSavedSettings("Global");
+std::string gCurrentVersion = "invalid_version";
+LLControlGroup::LLControlGroup(const std::string& name) :
+ LLInstanceTracker<LLControlGroup, std::string>(name){}
+LLControlGroup::~LLControlGroup() {}
+void LLControlGroup::setBOOL(const std::string& name, BOOL val) {}
+BOOL LLControlGroup::getBOOL(const std::string& name) { return FALSE; }
+U32 LLControlGroup::saveToFile(const std::string& filename, BOOL nondefault_only) { return 1; }
+void LLControlGroup::setString(const std::string& name, const std::string& val) {}
+std::string LLControlGroup::getString(const std::string& name) { return "test_string"; }
+BOOL LLControlGroup::declareBOOL(const std::string& name, BOOL initial_val, const std::string& comment, BOOL persist) { return TRUE; }
+BOOL LLControlGroup::declareString(const std::string& name, const std::string &initial_val, const std::string& comment, BOOL persist) { return TRUE; }
+#include "lluicolortable.h"
+void LLUIColorTable::saveUserSettings(void)const {}
+#include "../llurlsimstring.h"
+LLURLSimString LLURLSimString::sInstance;
+bool LLURLSimString::parse() { return true; }
+#include "llnotifications.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+static std::string gTOSType;
+static LLEventPump * gTOSReplyPump = NULL;
+LLFloater* LLFloaterReg::showInstance(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key, BOOL focus)
+ gTOSType = name;
+ gTOSReplyPump = &LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(key["reply_pump"]);
+ return NULL;
+// LLNotifications
+class MockNotifications : public LLNotificationsInterface
+ boost::function<void (const LLSD&, const LLSD&)> mResponder;
+ int mAddedCount;
+ MockNotifications() :
+ mResponder(0),
+ mAddedCount(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~MockNotifications() {}
+ /* virtual */ LLNotificationPtr add(
+ const std::string& name,
+ const LLSD& substitutions,
+ const LLSD& payload,
+ LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::ResponseFunctor functor)
+ {
+ mResponder = functor;
+ mAddedCount++;
+ return LLNotificationPtr((LLNotification*)NULL);
+ }
+ void sendYesResponse()
+ {
+ LLSD notification;
+ LLSD response;
+ response = 1;
+ mResponder(notification, response);
+ }
+ void sendNoResponse()
+ {
+ LLSD notification;
+ LLSD response;
+ response = 2;
+ mResponder(notification, response);
+ }
+ void sendBogusResponse()
+ {
+ LLSD notification;
+ LLSD response;
+ response = 666;
+ mResponder(notification, response);
+ }
+ int addedCount() { return mAddedCount; }
+S32 LLNotification::getSelectedOption(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ return response.asInteger();
+// misc
+std::string xml_escape_string(const std::string& in)
+ return in;
+* TUT
+namespace tut
+ struct lllogininstance_data
+ {
+ lllogininstance_data() : logininstance(LLLoginInstance::getInstance())
+ {
+ // Global initialization
+ gLoginURI.clear();
+ gLoginCreds.clear();
+ gDisconnectCalled = false;
+ gTOSType = ""; // Set to invalid value.
+ gTOSReplyPump = 0; // clear the callback.
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("NoInventoryLibrary", FALSE, "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("ConnectAsGod", FALSE, "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("UseDebugMenus", FALSE, "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("ForceMandatoryUpdate", FALSE, "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareString("ClientSettingsFile", "test_settings.xml", "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareString("VersionChannelName", "test_version_string", "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareString("NextLoginLocation", "", "", FALSE);
+ gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("LoginLastLocation", FALSE, "", FALSE);
+ credentials["first"] = "testfirst";
+ credentials["last"] = "testlast";
+ credentials["passwd"] = "testpass";
+ logininstance->setNotificationsInterface(&notifications);
+ }
+ LLLoginInstance* logininstance;
+ LLSD credentials;
+ MockNotifications notifications;
+ };
+ typedef test_group<lllogininstance_data> lllogininstance_group;
+ typedef lllogininstance_group::object lllogininstance_object;
+ lllogininstance_group llsdmgr("lllogininstance");
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<1>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test Simple Success And Disconnect");
+ // Test default connect.
+ logininstance->connect(credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ // Dummy success response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "online";
+ response["change"] = "connect";
+ response["progress"] = 1.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"] = "test_data";
+ ensure("Success response", logininstance->authSuccess());
+ ensure_equals("Test Response Data", logininstance->getResponse().asString(), "test_data");
+ logininstance->disconnect();
+ ensure_equals("Called Login Module Disconnect", gDisconnectCalled, true);
+ response.clear();
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "disconnect";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 0;
+ response["data"] = "test_data";
+ ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<2>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test User TOS/Critical message Interaction");
+ const std::string test_uri = "testing-uri";
+ // Test default connect.
+ logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
+ // connect should call LLLogin::connect to init gLoginURI and gLoginCreds.
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, "testing-uri");
+ ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
+ ensure_equals("Default for read critical", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
+ // TOS failure response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "fail.login";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "tos";
+ ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_tos");
+ ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
+ gTOSReplyPump->post(false); // Call callback denying TOS.
+ ensure("No TOS, failed auth", logininstance->authFailure());
+ // Start again.
+ logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
+; // Fail for tos again.
+ gTOSReplyPump->post(true); // Accept tos, should reconnect w/ agree_to_tos.
+ ensure_equals("Accepted agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), true);
+ ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
+ // Fail connection, attempt connect again.
+ // The new request should have reset agree to tos to default.
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
+ ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
+ logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Reset to default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["agree_to_tos"].asBoolean(), false);
+ // Critical Message failure response.
+ logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "critical"; // Change response to "critical message"
+ ensure_equals("TOS Dialog type", gTOSType, "message_critical");
+ ensure("TOS callback given", gTOSReplyPump != 0);
+ gTOSReplyPump->post(true);
+ ensure_equals("Accepted read critical message", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), true);
+ ensure("Incomplete login status", !logininstance->authFailure() && !logininstance->authSuccess());
+ // Fail then attempt new connection
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "key"; // bad creds.
+ ensure("TOS auth failure", logininstance->authFailure());
+ logininstance->connect(test_uri, credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default for agree to tos", gLoginCreds["params"]["read_critical"].asBoolean(), false);
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<3>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test Mandatory Update User Accepts");
+ // Part 1 - Mandatory Update, with User accepts response.
+ // Test connect with update needed.
+ logininstance->connect(credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ // Update needed failure response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "fail.login";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "update";
+ ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
+ notifications.sendYesResponse();
+ ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<4>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test Mandatory Update User Decline");
+ // Test connect with update needed.
+ logininstance->connect(credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ // Update needed failure response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "fail.login";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "update";
+ ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
+ notifications.sendNoResponse();
+ ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<6>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test Optional Update User Accept");
+ // Part 3 - Mandatory Update, with bogus response.
+ // Test connect with update needed.
+ logininstance->connect(credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ // Update needed failure response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "fail.login";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "optional";
+ ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
+ notifications.sendYesResponse();
+ ensure("Disconnected", !(logininstance->authSuccess()));
+ }
+ template<> template<>
+ void lllogininstance_object::test<7>()
+ {
+ set_test_name("Test Optional Update User Denies");
+ // Part 3 - Mandatory Update, with bogus response.
+ // Test connect with update needed.
+ logininstance->connect(credentials);
+ ensure_equals("Default connect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ // Update needed failure response.
+ LLSD response;
+ response["state"] = "offline";
+ response["change"] = "fail.login";
+ response["progress"] = 0.0;
+ response["transfer_rate"] = 7;
+ response["data"]["reason"] = "optional";
+ ensure_equals("Notification added", notifications.addedCount(), 1);
+ notifications.sendNoResponse();
+ // User skips, should be reconnecting.
+ ensure_equals("reconnect uri", gLoginURI, VIEWERLOGIN_URI);
+ ensure_equals("skipping optional update", gLoginCreds["params"]["skipoptional"].asBoolean(), true);
+ }
diff --git a/indra/tools/vstool/README.txt b/indra/tools/vstool/README.txt
index e419180031..6f64aa41df 100644
--- a/indra/tools/vstool/README.txt
+++ b/indra/tools/vstool/README.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-VSTool is a command line utility to manipulate VisualStudio settings.
-The windows cmake project configuration uses VSTool.exe
-A handy upgrade:
- figure out how to make cmake build this csharp app
- - or write the app using script (jscript?!?) so it doesn't need to be built.
+VSTool is a command line utility to manipulate VisualStudio settings.
+The windows cmake project configuration uses VSTool.exe
+A handy upgrade:
+ figure out how to make cmake build this csharp app
+ - or write the app using script (jscript?!?) so it doesn't need to be built.
diff --git a/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.csproj b/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.csproj
index 24f1031f81..5d8764b6bf 100644
--- a/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.csproj
+++ b/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.csproj
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
-<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
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- <ProjectType>Local</ProjectType>
- <ProductVersion>8.0.50727</ProductVersion>
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- <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
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- <ApplicationIcon>
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- <AssemblyKeyContainerName>
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- <DefaultHTMLPageLayout>Grid</DefaultHTMLPageLayout>
- <DefaultTargetSchema>IE50</DefaultTargetSchema>
- <DelaySign>false</DelaySign>
- <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
- <RootNamespace>VSTool</RootNamespace>
- <RunPostBuildEvent>Always</RunPostBuildEvent>
- <StartupObject>VSTool.VSToolMain</StartupObject>
- <FileUpgradeFlags>
- </FileUpgradeFlags>
- <UpgradeBackupLocation>
- </UpgradeBackupLocation>
- </PropertyGroup>
- <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
- <OutputPath>.\</OutputPath>
- <AllowUnsafeBlocks>false</AllowUnsafeBlocks>
- <BaseAddress>285212672</BaseAddress>
- <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>false</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
- <ConfigurationOverrideFile>
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- <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>
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diff --git a/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.sln b/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.sln
index 8859671802..543a0a2efc 100644
--- a/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.sln
+++ b/indra/tools/vstool/VSTool.sln
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
-# Visual Studio 2005
-Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VSTool", "VSTool.csproj", "{96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}"
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
- Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
- Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
- {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
- {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
- {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
- HideSolutionNode = FALSE
- EndGlobalSection
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
+# Visual Studio 2005
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VSTool", "VSTool.csproj", "{96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {96943E2D-1373-4617-A117-D0F997A94919}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/indra/tools/vstool/main.cs b/indra/tools/vstool/main.cs
index cc268d59d9..5c41c916e2 100644
--- a/indra/tools/vstool/main.cs
+++ b/indra/tools/vstool/main.cs
@@ -1,711 +1,711 @@
-// Code about getting running instances visual studio
-// was borrowed from
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
-using Microsoft.CSharp;
-namespace VSTool
- // The MessageFilter class comes from:
- //
- // It allows vstool to get timing error messages from
- // visualstudio and handle them.
- public class MessageFilter : IOleMessageFilter
- {
- //
- // Class containing the IOleMessageFilter
- // thread error-handling functions.
- // Start the filter.
- public static void Register()
- {
- IOleMessageFilter newFilter = new MessageFilter();
- IOleMessageFilter oldFilter = null;
- CoRegisterMessageFilter(newFilter, out oldFilter);
- }
- // Done with the filter, close it.
- public static void Revoke()
- {
- IOleMessageFilter oldFilter = null;
- CoRegisterMessageFilter(null, out oldFilter);
- }
- //
- // IOleMessageFilter functions.
- // Handle incoming thread requests.
- int IOleMessageFilter.HandleInComingCall(int dwCallType,
- System.IntPtr hTaskCaller, int dwTickCount, System.IntPtr
- lpInterfaceInfo)
- {
- //Return the flag SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED.
- return 0;
- }
- // Thread call was rejected, so try again.
- int IOleMessageFilter.RetryRejectedCall(System.IntPtr
- hTaskCallee, int dwTickCount, int dwRejectType)
- {
- if (dwRejectType == 2)
- {
- // Retry the thread call immediately if return >=0 &
- // <100.
- return 99;
- }
- // Too busy; cancel call.
- return -1;
- }
- int IOleMessageFilter.MessagePending(System.IntPtr hTaskCallee,
- int dwTickCount, int dwPendingType)
- {
- return 2;
- }
- // Implement the IOleMessageFilter interface.
- [DllImport("Ole32.dll")]
- private static extern int
- CoRegisterMessageFilter(IOleMessageFilter newFilter, out
- IOleMessageFilter oldFilter);
- }
- [ComImport(), Guid("00000016-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
- InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
- interface IOleMessageFilter
- {
- [PreserveSig]
- int HandleInComingCall(
- int dwCallType,
- IntPtr hTaskCaller,
- int dwTickCount,
- IntPtr lpInterfaceInfo);
- [PreserveSig]
- int RetryRejectedCall(
- IntPtr hTaskCallee,
- int dwTickCount,
- int dwRejectType);
- [PreserveSig]
- int MessagePending(
- IntPtr hTaskCallee,
- int dwTickCount,
- int dwPendingType);
- }
- class ViaCOM
- {
- public static object GetProperty(object from_obj, string prop_name)
- {
- try
- {
- Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
- return objType.InvokeMember(
- prop_name,
- BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
- from_obj,
- null);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Error getting property: \"{0}\"", prop_name);
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- public static object SetProperty(object from_obj, string prop_name, object new_value)
- {
- try
- {
- object[] args = { new_value };
- Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
- return objType.InvokeMember(
- prop_name,
- BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
- BindingFlags.Public |
- BindingFlags.NonPublic |
- BindingFlags.Instance |
- BindingFlags.SetProperty,
- null,
- from_obj,
- args);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Error setting property: \"{0}\"", prop_name);
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- public static object CallMethod(object from_obj, string method_name, params object[] args)
- {
- try
- {
- Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
- return objType.InvokeMember(
- method_name,
- BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
- BindingFlags.Public |
- BindingFlags.NonPublic |
- BindingFlags.Instance |
- BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
- null,
- from_obj,
- args);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Error calling method \"{0}\"", method_name);
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// The main entry point class for VSTool.
- /// </summary>
- class VSToolMain
- {
- #region Interop imports
- [DllImport("ole32.dll")]
- public static extern int GetRunningObjectTable(int reserved, out IRunningObjectTable prot);
- [DllImport("ole32.dll")]
- public static extern int CreateBindCtx(int reserved, out IBindCtx ppbc);
- #endregion
- static System.Boolean ignore_case = true;
- static string solution_name = null;
- static bool use_new_vs = false;
- static Hashtable projectDict = new Hashtable();
- static string startup_project = null;
- static string config = null;
- static object dte = null;
- static object solution = null;
- /// <summary>
- /// The main entry point for the application.
- /// </summary>
- [STAThread]
- static int Main(string[] args)
- {
- int retVal = 0;
- bool need_save = false;
- try
- {
- parse_command_line(args);
- Console.WriteLine("Editing solution: {0}", solution_name);
- bool found_open_solution = GetDTEAndSolution();
- if (dte == null || solution == null)
- {
- retVal = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- MessageFilter.Register();
- // Walk through all of the projects in the solution
- // and list the type of each project.
- foreach (DictionaryEntry p in projectDict)
- {
- string project_name = (string)p.Key;
- string working_dir = (string)p.Value;
- if (SetProjectWorkingDir(solution, project_name, working_dir))
- {
- need_save = true;
- }
- }
- if (config != null)
- {
- need_save = SetActiveConfig(config);
- }
- if (startup_project != null)
- {
- need_save = SetStartupProject(startup_project);
- }
- if (need_save)
- {
- if (found_open_solution == false)
- {
- ViaCOM.CallMethod(solution, "Close", null);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- retVal = 1;
- }
- finally
- {
- if (solution != null)
- {
- Marshal.ReleaseComObject(solution);
- solution = null;
- }
- if (dte != null)
- {
- Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dte);
- dte = null;
- }
- MessageFilter.Revoke();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- public static bool parse_command_line(string[] args)
- {
- string options_desc =
- "--solution <solution_name> : MSVC solution name. (required)\n" +
- "--use_new_vs : Ignore running versions of visual studio.\n" +
- "--workingdir <project> <dir> : Set working dir of a VC project.\n" +
- "--config <config> : Set the active config for the solution.\n" +
- "--startup <project> : Set the startup project for the solution.\n";
- try
- {
- // Command line param parsing loop.
- int i = 0;
- for (; i < args.Length; ++i)
- {
- if ("--solution" == args[i])
- {
- if (solution_name != null)
- {
- throw new ApplicationException("Found second --solution option");
- }
- solution_name = args[++i];
- }
- else if ("--use_new_vs" == args[i])
- {
- use_new_vs = true;
- }
- else if ("--workingdir" == args[i])
- {
- string project_name = args[++i];
- string working_dir = args[++i];
- projectDict.Add(project_name, working_dir);
- }
- else if ("--config" == args[i])
- {
- if (config != null)
- {
- throw new ApplicationException("Found second --config option");
- }
- config = args[++i];
- }
- else if ("--startup" == args[i])
- {
- if (startup_project != null)
- {
- throw new ApplicationException("Found second --startup option");
- }
- startup_project = args[++i];
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ApplicationException("Found unrecognized token on command line: " + args[i]);
- }
- }
- if (solution_name == null)
- {
- throw new ApplicationException("The --solution option is required.");
- }
- }
- catch(ApplicationException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Oops! " + e.Message);
- Console.Write("Command line:");
- foreach (string arg in args)
- {
- Console.Write(" " + arg);
- }
- Console.Write("\n\n");
- Console.WriteLine("VSTool command line usage");
- Console.Write(options_desc);
- throw e;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public static bool GetDTEAndSolution()
- {
- bool found_open_solution = true;
- Console.WriteLine("Looking for existing VisualStudio instance...");
- // Get an instance of the currently running Visual Studio .NET IDE.
- // dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.7.1");
- string full_solution_name = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(solution_name);
- if (false == use_new_vs)
- {
- dte = GetIDEInstance(full_solution_name);
- }
- if (dte == null)
- {
- try
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" Didn't find open solution, starting new background VisualStudio instance...");
- Console.WriteLine(" Reading .sln file version...");
- string version = GetSolutionVersion(full_solution_name);
- Console.WriteLine(" Using version: {0}...", version);
- string progid = GetVSProgID(version);
- Type objType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progid);
- dte = System.Activator.CreateInstance(objType);
- Console.WriteLine(" Reading solution: \"{0}\"", full_solution_name);
- solution = ViaCOM.GetProperty(dte, "Solution");
- object[] openArgs = { full_solution_name };
- ViaCOM.CallMethod(solution, "Open", openArgs);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- Console.WriteLine("Quitting do to error opening: {0}", full_solution_name);
- solution = null;
- dte = null;
- return found_open_solution;
- }
- found_open_solution = false;
- }
- if (solution == null)
- {
- solution = ViaCOM.GetProperty(dte, "Solution");
- }
- return found_open_solution;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Get the DTE object for the instance of Visual Studio IDE that has
- /// the specified solution open.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="solutionFile">The absolute filename of the solution</param>
- /// <returns>Corresponding DTE object or null if no such IDE is running</returns>
- public static object GetIDEInstance( string solutionFile )
- {
- Hashtable runningInstances = GetIDEInstances( true );
- IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = runningInstances.GetEnumerator();
- while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
- {
- try
- {
- object ide = enumerator.Value;
- if (ide != null)
- {
- object sol = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ide, "Solution");
- if (0 == string.Compare((string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "FullName"), solutionFile, ignore_case))
- {
- return ide;
- }
- }
- }
- catch{}
- }
- return null;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Get a table of the currently running instances of the Visual Studio .NET IDE.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="openSolutionsOnly">Only return instances that have opened a solution</param>
- /// <returns>A hashtable mapping the name of the IDE in the running object table to the corresponding DTE object</returns>
- public static Hashtable GetIDEInstances( bool openSolutionsOnly )
- {
- Hashtable runningIDEInstances = new Hashtable();
- Hashtable runningObjects = GetRunningObjectTable();
- IDictionaryEnumerator rotEnumerator = runningObjects.GetEnumerator();
- while ( rotEnumerator.MoveNext() )
- {
- string candidateName = (string) rotEnumerator.Key;
- if (!candidateName.StartsWith("!VisualStudio.DTE"))
- continue;
- object ide = rotEnumerator.Value;
- if (ide == null)
- continue;
- if (openSolutionsOnly)
- {
- try
- {
- object sol = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ide, "Solution");
- string solutionFile = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "FullName");
- if (solutionFile != String.Empty)
- {
- runningIDEInstances[ candidateName ] = ide;
- }
- }
- catch {}
- }
- else
- {
- runningIDEInstances[ candidateName ] = ide;
- }
- }
- return runningIDEInstances;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Get a snapshot of the running object table (ROT).
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>A hashtable mapping the name of the object in the ROT to the corresponding object</returns>
- [STAThread]
- public static Hashtable GetRunningObjectTable()
- {
- Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
- int numFetched = 0;
- IRunningObjectTable runningObjectTable;
- IEnumMoniker monikerEnumerator;
- IMoniker[] monikers = new IMoniker[1];
- GetRunningObjectTable(0, out runningObjectTable);
- runningObjectTable.EnumRunning(out monikerEnumerator);
- monikerEnumerator.Reset();
- while (monikerEnumerator.Next(1, monikers, new IntPtr(numFetched)) == 0)
- {
- IBindCtx ctx;
- CreateBindCtx(0, out ctx);
- string runningObjectName;
- monikers[0].GetDisplayName(ctx, null, out runningObjectName);
- object runningObjectVal;
- runningObjectTable.GetObject( monikers[0], out runningObjectVal);
- result[ runningObjectName ] = runningObjectVal;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static string GetSolutionVersion(string solutionFullFileName)
- {
- string version;
- System.IO.StreamReader solutionStreamReader = null;
- string firstLine;
- string format;
- try
- {
- solutionStreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(solutionFullFileName);
- do
- {
- firstLine = solutionStreamReader.ReadLine();
- }
- while (firstLine == "");
- format = firstLine.Substring(firstLine.LastIndexOf(" ")).Trim();
- switch(format)
- {
- case "7.00":
- version = "VC70";
- break;
- case "8.00":
- version = "VC71";
- break;
- case "9.00":
- version = "VC80";
- break;
- case "10.00":
- version = "VC90";
- break;
- default:
- throw new ApplicationException("Unknown .sln version: " + format);
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if(solutionStreamReader != null)
- {
- solutionStreamReader.Close();
- }
- }
- return version;
- }
- public static string GetVSProgID(string version)
- {
- string progid = null;
- switch(version)
- {
- case "VC70":
- progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.7";
- break;
- case "VC71":
- progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.7.1";
- break;
- case "VC80":
- progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.8.0";
- break;
- case "VC90":
- progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.9.0";
- break;
- default:
- throw new ApplicationException("Can't handle VS version: " + version);
- }
- return progid;
- }
- public static bool SetProjectWorkingDir(object sol, string project_name, string working_dir)
- {
- bool made_change = false;
- Console.WriteLine("Looking for project {0}...", project_name);
- try
- {
- object prjs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "Projects");
- object count = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prjs, "Count");
- for(int i = 1; i <= (int)count; ++i)
- {
- object[] prjItemArgs = { (object)i };
- object prj = ViaCOM.CallMethod(prjs, "Item", prjItemArgs);
- string name = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Name");
- if (0 == string.Compare(name, project_name, ignore_case))
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Found project: {0}", project_name);
- Console.WriteLine("Setting working directory");
- string full_project_name = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "FullName");
- Console.WriteLine(full_project_name);
- // *NOTE:Mani Thanks to incompatibilities between different versions of the
- // VCProjectEngine.dll assembly, we can't cast the objects recevied from the DTE to
- // the VCProjectEngine types from a different version than the one built
- // with. ie, VisualStudio.DTE.7.1 objects can't be converted in a project built
- // in VS 8.0. To avoid this problem, we can use the com object interfaces directly,
- // without the type casting. Its tedious code, but it seems to work.
- // oCfgs should be assigned to a 'Project.Configurations' collection.
- object oCfgs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Object"), "Configurations");
- // oCount will be assigned to the number of configs present in oCfgs.
- object oCount = ViaCOM.GetProperty(oCfgs, "Count");
- for (int cfgIndex = 1; cfgIndex <= (int)oCount; ++cfgIndex)
- {
- object[] itemArgs = {(object)cfgIndex};
- object oCfg = ViaCOM.CallMethod(oCfgs, "Item", itemArgs);
- object oDebugSettings = ViaCOM.GetProperty(oCfg, "DebugSettings");
- ViaCOM.SetProperty(oDebugSettings, "WorkingDirectory", (object)working_dir);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- made_change = true;
- }
- catch( Exception e )
- {
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- Console.WriteLine("Failed to set working dir for project, {0}.", project_name);
- }
- return made_change;
- }
- public static bool SetStartupProject(string startup_project)
- {
- bool result = false;
- try
- {
- // You need the 'unique name of the project to set StartupProjects.
- // find the project by generic name.
- Console.WriteLine("Trying to set \"{0}\" to the startup project", startup_project);
- object prjs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "Projects");
- object count = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prjs, "Count");
- for (int i = 1; i <= (int)count; ++i)
- {
- object[] itemArgs = { (object)i };
- object prj = ViaCOM.CallMethod(prjs, "Item", itemArgs);
- object prjName = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Name");
- if (0 == string.Compare((string)prjName, startup_project, ignore_case))
- {
- object solBuild = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "SolutionBuild");
- ViaCOM.SetProperty(solBuild, "StartupProjects", ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "UniqueName"));
- Console.WriteLine(" Success!");
- result = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (result == false)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" Could not find project \"{0}\" in the solution.", startup_project);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" Failed to set the startup project!");
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static bool SetActiveConfig(string config)
- {
- bool result = false;
- try
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Trying to set active config to \"{0}\"", config);
- object solBuild = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "SolutionBuild");
- object solCfgs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solBuild, "SolutionConfigurations");
- object[] itemArgs = { (object)config };
- object solCfg = ViaCOM.CallMethod(solCfgs, "Item", itemArgs);
- ViaCOM.CallMethod(solCfg, "Activate", null);
- Console.WriteLine(" Success!");
- result = true;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" Failed to set \"{0}\" as the active config.", config);
- Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
+// Code about getting running instances visual studio
+// was borrowed from
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
+using Microsoft.CSharp;
+namespace VSTool
+ // The MessageFilter class comes from:
+ //
+ // It allows vstool to get timing error messages from
+ // visualstudio and handle them.
+ public class MessageFilter : IOleMessageFilter
+ {
+ //
+ // Class containing the IOleMessageFilter
+ // thread error-handling functions.
+ // Start the filter.
+ public static void Register()
+ {
+ IOleMessageFilter newFilter = new MessageFilter();
+ IOleMessageFilter oldFilter = null;
+ CoRegisterMessageFilter(newFilter, out oldFilter);
+ }
+ // Done with the filter, close it.
+ public static void Revoke()
+ {
+ IOleMessageFilter oldFilter = null;
+ CoRegisterMessageFilter(null, out oldFilter);
+ }
+ //
+ // IOleMessageFilter functions.
+ // Handle incoming thread requests.
+ int IOleMessageFilter.HandleInComingCall(int dwCallType,
+ System.IntPtr hTaskCaller, int dwTickCount, System.IntPtr
+ lpInterfaceInfo)
+ {
+ //Return the flag SERVERCALL_ISHANDLED.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Thread call was rejected, so try again.
+ int IOleMessageFilter.RetryRejectedCall(System.IntPtr
+ hTaskCallee, int dwTickCount, int dwRejectType)
+ {
+ if (dwRejectType == 2)
+ {
+ // Retry the thread call immediately if return >=0 &
+ // <100.
+ return 99;
+ }
+ // Too busy; cancel call.
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int IOleMessageFilter.MessagePending(System.IntPtr hTaskCallee,
+ int dwTickCount, int dwPendingType)
+ {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ // Implement the IOleMessageFilter interface.
+ [DllImport("Ole32.dll")]
+ private static extern int
+ CoRegisterMessageFilter(IOleMessageFilter newFilter, out
+ IOleMessageFilter oldFilter);
+ }
+ [ComImport(), Guid("00000016-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"),
+ InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
+ interface IOleMessageFilter
+ {
+ [PreserveSig]
+ int HandleInComingCall(
+ int dwCallType,
+ IntPtr hTaskCaller,
+ int dwTickCount,
+ IntPtr lpInterfaceInfo);
+ [PreserveSig]
+ int RetryRejectedCall(
+ IntPtr hTaskCallee,
+ int dwTickCount,
+ int dwRejectType);
+ [PreserveSig]
+ int MessagePending(
+ IntPtr hTaskCallee,
+ int dwTickCount,
+ int dwPendingType);
+ }
+ class ViaCOM
+ {
+ public static object GetProperty(object from_obj, string prop_name)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
+ return objType.InvokeMember(
+ prop_name,
+ BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
+ from_obj,
+ null);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Error getting property: \"{0}\"", prop_name);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static object SetProperty(object from_obj, string prop_name, object new_value)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ object[] args = { new_value };
+ Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
+ return objType.InvokeMember(
+ prop_name,
+ BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
+ BindingFlags.Public |
+ BindingFlags.NonPublic |
+ BindingFlags.Instance |
+ BindingFlags.SetProperty,
+ null,
+ from_obj,
+ args);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Error setting property: \"{0}\"", prop_name);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static object CallMethod(object from_obj, string method_name, params object[] args)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Type objType = from_obj.GetType();
+ return objType.InvokeMember(
+ method_name,
+ BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
+ BindingFlags.Public |
+ BindingFlags.NonPublic |
+ BindingFlags.Instance |
+ BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
+ null,
+ from_obj,
+ args);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Error calling method \"{0}\"", method_name);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The main entry point class for VSTool.
+ /// </summary>
+ class VSToolMain
+ {
+ #region Interop imports
+ [DllImport("ole32.dll")]
+ public static extern int GetRunningObjectTable(int reserved, out IRunningObjectTable prot);
+ [DllImport("ole32.dll")]
+ public static extern int CreateBindCtx(int reserved, out IBindCtx ppbc);
+ #endregion
+ static System.Boolean ignore_case = true;
+ static string solution_name = null;
+ static bool use_new_vs = false;
+ static Hashtable projectDict = new Hashtable();
+ static string startup_project = null;
+ static string config = null;
+ static object dte = null;
+ static object solution = null;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The main entry point for the application.
+ /// </summary>
+ [STAThread]
+ static int Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ int retVal = 0;
+ bool need_save = false;
+ try
+ {
+ parse_command_line(args);
+ Console.WriteLine("Editing solution: {0}", solution_name);
+ bool found_open_solution = GetDTEAndSolution();
+ if (dte == null || solution == null)
+ {
+ retVal = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MessageFilter.Register();
+ // Walk through all of the projects in the solution
+ // and list the type of each project.
+ foreach (DictionaryEntry p in projectDict)
+ {
+ string project_name = (string)p.Key;
+ string working_dir = (string)p.Value;
+ if (SetProjectWorkingDir(solution, project_name, working_dir))
+ {
+ need_save = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (config != null)
+ {
+ need_save = SetActiveConfig(config);
+ }
+ if (startup_project != null)
+ {
+ need_save = SetStartupProject(startup_project);
+ }
+ if (need_save)
+ {
+ if (found_open_solution == false)
+ {
+ ViaCOM.CallMethod(solution, "Close", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ retVal = 1;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (solution != null)
+ {
+ Marshal.ReleaseComObject(solution);
+ solution = null;
+ }
+ if (dte != null)
+ {
+ Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dte);
+ dte = null;
+ }
+ MessageFilter.Revoke();
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ public static bool parse_command_line(string[] args)
+ {
+ string options_desc =
+ "--solution <solution_name> : MSVC solution name. (required)\n" +
+ "--use_new_vs : Ignore running versions of visual studio.\n" +
+ "--workingdir <project> <dir> : Set working dir of a VC project.\n" +
+ "--config <config> : Set the active config for the solution.\n" +
+ "--startup <project> : Set the startup project for the solution.\n";
+ try
+ {
+ // Command line param parsing loop.
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < args.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ if ("--solution" == args[i])
+ {
+ if (solution_name != null)
+ {
+ throw new ApplicationException("Found second --solution option");
+ }
+ solution_name = args[++i];
+ }
+ else if ("--use_new_vs" == args[i])
+ {
+ use_new_vs = true;
+ }
+ else if ("--workingdir" == args[i])
+ {
+ string project_name = args[++i];
+ string working_dir = args[++i];
+ projectDict.Add(project_name, working_dir);
+ }
+ else if ("--config" == args[i])
+ {
+ if (config != null)
+ {
+ throw new ApplicationException("Found second --config option");
+ }
+ config = args[++i];
+ }
+ else if ("--startup" == args[i])
+ {
+ if (startup_project != null)
+ {
+ throw new ApplicationException("Found second --startup option");
+ }
+ startup_project = args[++i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new ApplicationException("Found unrecognized token on command line: " + args[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (solution_name == null)
+ {
+ throw new ApplicationException("The --solution option is required.");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(ApplicationException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Oops! " + e.Message);
+ Console.Write("Command line:");
+ foreach (string arg in args)
+ {
+ Console.Write(" " + arg);
+ }
+ Console.Write("\n\n");
+ Console.WriteLine("VSTool command line usage");
+ Console.Write(options_desc);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static bool GetDTEAndSolution()
+ {
+ bool found_open_solution = true;
+ Console.WriteLine("Looking for existing VisualStudio instance...");
+ // Get an instance of the currently running Visual Studio .NET IDE.
+ // dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.7.1");
+ string full_solution_name = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(solution_name);
+ if (false == use_new_vs)
+ {
+ dte = GetIDEInstance(full_solution_name);
+ }
+ if (dte == null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" Didn't find open solution, starting new background VisualStudio instance...");
+ Console.WriteLine(" Reading .sln file version...");
+ string version = GetSolutionVersion(full_solution_name);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Using version: {0}...", version);
+ string progid = GetVSProgID(version);
+ Type objType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progid);
+ dte = System.Activator.CreateInstance(objType);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Reading solution: \"{0}\"", full_solution_name);
+ solution = ViaCOM.GetProperty(dte, "Solution");
+ object[] openArgs = { full_solution_name };
+ ViaCOM.CallMethod(solution, "Open", openArgs);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Quitting do to error opening: {0}", full_solution_name);
+ solution = null;
+ dte = null;
+ return found_open_solution;
+ }
+ found_open_solution = false;
+ }
+ if (solution == null)
+ {
+ solution = ViaCOM.GetProperty(dte, "Solution");
+ }
+ return found_open_solution;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get the DTE object for the instance of Visual Studio IDE that has
+ /// the specified solution open.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="solutionFile">The absolute filename of the solution</param>
+ /// <returns>Corresponding DTE object or null if no such IDE is running</returns>
+ public static object GetIDEInstance( string solutionFile )
+ {
+ Hashtable runningInstances = GetIDEInstances( true );
+ IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = runningInstances.GetEnumerator();
+ while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ object ide = enumerator.Value;
+ if (ide != null)
+ {
+ object sol = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ide, "Solution");
+ if (0 == string.Compare((string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "FullName"), solutionFile, ignore_case))
+ {
+ return ide;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch{}
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get a table of the currently running instances of the Visual Studio .NET IDE.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="openSolutionsOnly">Only return instances that have opened a solution</param>
+ /// <returns>A hashtable mapping the name of the IDE in the running object table to the corresponding DTE object</returns>
+ public static Hashtable GetIDEInstances( bool openSolutionsOnly )
+ {
+ Hashtable runningIDEInstances = new Hashtable();
+ Hashtable runningObjects = GetRunningObjectTable();
+ IDictionaryEnumerator rotEnumerator = runningObjects.GetEnumerator();
+ while ( rotEnumerator.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ string candidateName = (string) rotEnumerator.Key;
+ if (!candidateName.StartsWith("!VisualStudio.DTE"))
+ continue;
+ object ide = rotEnumerator.Value;
+ if (ide == null)
+ continue;
+ if (openSolutionsOnly)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ object sol = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ide, "Solution");
+ string solutionFile = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "FullName");
+ if (solutionFile != String.Empty)
+ {
+ runningIDEInstances[ candidateName ] = ide;
+ }
+ }
+ catch {}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ runningIDEInstances[ candidateName ] = ide;
+ }
+ }
+ return runningIDEInstances;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Get a snapshot of the running object table (ROT).
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <returns>A hashtable mapping the name of the object in the ROT to the corresponding object</returns>
+ [STAThread]
+ public static Hashtable GetRunningObjectTable()
+ {
+ Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
+ int numFetched = 0;
+ IRunningObjectTable runningObjectTable;
+ IEnumMoniker monikerEnumerator;
+ IMoniker[] monikers = new IMoniker[1];
+ GetRunningObjectTable(0, out runningObjectTable);
+ runningObjectTable.EnumRunning(out monikerEnumerator);
+ monikerEnumerator.Reset();
+ while (monikerEnumerator.Next(1, monikers, new IntPtr(numFetched)) == 0)
+ {
+ IBindCtx ctx;
+ CreateBindCtx(0, out ctx);
+ string runningObjectName;
+ monikers[0].GetDisplayName(ctx, null, out runningObjectName);
+ object runningObjectVal;
+ runningObjectTable.GetObject( monikers[0], out runningObjectVal);
+ result[ runningObjectName ] = runningObjectVal;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static string GetSolutionVersion(string solutionFullFileName)
+ {
+ string version;
+ System.IO.StreamReader solutionStreamReader = null;
+ string firstLine;
+ string format;
+ try
+ {
+ solutionStreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(solutionFullFileName);
+ do
+ {
+ firstLine = solutionStreamReader.ReadLine();
+ }
+ while (firstLine == "");
+ format = firstLine.Substring(firstLine.LastIndexOf(" ")).Trim();
+ switch(format)
+ {
+ case "7.00":
+ version = "VC70";
+ break;
+ case "8.00":
+ version = "VC71";
+ break;
+ case "9.00":
+ version = "VC80";
+ break;
+ case "10.00":
+ version = "VC90";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationException("Unknown .sln version: " + format);
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if(solutionStreamReader != null)
+ {
+ solutionStreamReader.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ public static string GetVSProgID(string version)
+ {
+ string progid = null;
+ switch(version)
+ {
+ case "VC70":
+ progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.7";
+ break;
+ case "VC71":
+ progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.7.1";
+ break;
+ case "VC80":
+ progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.8.0";
+ break;
+ case "VC90":
+ progid = "VisualStudio.DTE.9.0";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationException("Can't handle VS version: " + version);
+ }
+ return progid;
+ }
+ public static bool SetProjectWorkingDir(object sol, string project_name, string working_dir)
+ {
+ bool made_change = false;
+ Console.WriteLine("Looking for project {0}...", project_name);
+ try
+ {
+ object prjs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(sol, "Projects");
+ object count = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prjs, "Count");
+ for(int i = 1; i <= (int)count; ++i)
+ {
+ object[] prjItemArgs = { (object)i };
+ object prj = ViaCOM.CallMethod(prjs, "Item", prjItemArgs);
+ string name = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Name");
+ if (0 == string.Compare(name, project_name, ignore_case))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Found project: {0}", project_name);
+ Console.WriteLine("Setting working directory");
+ string full_project_name = (string)ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "FullName");
+ Console.WriteLine(full_project_name);
+ // *NOTE:Mani Thanks to incompatibilities between different versions of the
+ // VCProjectEngine.dll assembly, we can't cast the objects recevied from the DTE to
+ // the VCProjectEngine types from a different version than the one built
+ // with. ie, VisualStudio.DTE.7.1 objects can't be converted in a project built
+ // in VS 8.0. To avoid this problem, we can use the com object interfaces directly,
+ // without the type casting. Its tedious code, but it seems to work.
+ // oCfgs should be assigned to a 'Project.Configurations' collection.
+ object oCfgs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Object"), "Configurations");
+ // oCount will be assigned to the number of configs present in oCfgs.
+ object oCount = ViaCOM.GetProperty(oCfgs, "Count");
+ for (int cfgIndex = 1; cfgIndex <= (int)oCount; ++cfgIndex)
+ {
+ object[] itemArgs = {(object)cfgIndex};
+ object oCfg = ViaCOM.CallMethod(oCfgs, "Item", itemArgs);
+ object oDebugSettings = ViaCOM.GetProperty(oCfg, "DebugSettings");
+ ViaCOM.SetProperty(oDebugSettings, "WorkingDirectory", (object)working_dir);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ made_change = true;
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Failed to set working dir for project, {0}.", project_name);
+ }
+ return made_change;
+ }
+ public static bool SetStartupProject(string startup_project)
+ {
+ bool result = false;
+ try
+ {
+ // You need the 'unique name of the project to set StartupProjects.
+ // find the project by generic name.
+ Console.WriteLine("Trying to set \"{0}\" to the startup project", startup_project);
+ object prjs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "Projects");
+ object count = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prjs, "Count");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= (int)count; ++i)
+ {
+ object[] itemArgs = { (object)i };
+ object prj = ViaCOM.CallMethod(prjs, "Item", itemArgs);
+ object prjName = ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "Name");
+ if (0 == string.Compare((string)prjName, startup_project, ignore_case))
+ {
+ object solBuild = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "SolutionBuild");
+ ViaCOM.SetProperty(solBuild, "StartupProjects", ViaCOM.GetProperty(prj, "UniqueName"));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Success!");
+ result = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == false)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" Could not find project \"{0}\" in the solution.", startup_project);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" Failed to set the startup project!");
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static bool SetActiveConfig(string config)
+ {
+ bool result = false;
+ try
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Trying to set active config to \"{0}\"", config);
+ object solBuild = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solution, "SolutionBuild");
+ object solCfgs = ViaCOM.GetProperty(solBuild, "SolutionConfigurations");
+ object[] itemArgs = { (object)config };
+ object solCfg = ViaCOM.CallMethod(solCfgs, "Item", itemArgs);
+ ViaCOM.CallMethod(solCfg, "Activate", null);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Success!");
+ result = true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(" Failed to set \"{0}\" as the active config.", config);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }