path: root/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua
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authorNat Goodspeed <>2024-09-25 11:56:44 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2024-09-25 11:56:44 -0400
commit55df7328c6f8c864ea309c57d73e791e079b3c2c (patch)
treecb4cba5e51d9649ba229c4eefeaafe783b9250e2 /indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua
parent4b2b94f4864f2e2e7d76f4f17b2d58bb959b3edb (diff)
parent86d2fb93b73d2689104c564ec859be7f83416691 (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' into marchcat/xcode-16
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3c684dd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/fiber.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+-- Organize Lua coroutines into fibers.
+-- In this usage, the difference between coroutines and fibers is that fibers
+-- have a scheduler. Yielding a fiber means allowing other fibers, plural, to
+-- run: it's more than just returning control to the specific Lua thread that
+-- resumed the running coroutine.
+-- fiber.launch() creates a new fiber ready to run.
+-- fiber.status() reports (augmented) status of the passed fiber: instead of
+-- 'suspended', it returns either 'ready' or 'waiting'
+-- fiber.yield() allows other fibers to run, but leaves the calling fiber
+-- ready to run.
+-- fiber.wait() marks the running fiber not ready, and resumes other fibers.
+-- fiber.wake() marks the designated suspended fiber ready to run, but does
+-- not yet resume it.
+-- runs all current fibers until all have terminated (successfully
+-- or with an error).
+local printf = require 'printf'
+local function dbg(...) end
+-- local dbg = printf
+local coro = require 'coro'
+local fiber = {}
+-- The tables in which we track fibers must have weak keys so dead fibers
+-- can be garbage-collected.
+local weak_values = {__mode='v'}
+local weak_keys = {__mode='k'}
+-- Track each current fiber as being either ready to run or not ready
+-- (waiting). wait() moves the running fiber from ready to waiting; wake()
+-- moves the designated fiber from waiting back to ready.
+-- The ready table is used as a list so yield() can go round robin.
+local ready = setmetatable({'main'}, weak_keys)
+-- The waiting table is used as a set because order doesn't matter.
+local waiting = setmetatable({}, weak_keys)
+-- Every fiber has a name, for diagnostic purposes. Names must be unique.
+-- A colliding name will be suffixed with an integer.
+-- Predefine 'main' with our marker so nobody else claims that name.
+local names = setmetatable({main='main'}, weak_keys)
+local byname = setmetatable({main='main'}, weak_values)
+-- each colliding name has its own distinct suffix counter
+local suffix = {}
+-- Specify a nullary idle() callback to be called whenever there are no ready
+-- fibers but there are waiting fibers. The idle() callback is responsible for
+-- changing zero or more waiting fibers to ready fibers by calling
+-- fiber.wake(), although a given call may leave them all still waiting.
+-- When there are no ready fibers, it's a good idea for the idle() function to
+-- return control to a higher-level execution agent. Simply returning without
+-- changing any fiber's status will spin the CPU.
+-- The idle() callback can return non-nil to exit with that value.
+function fiber._idle()
+ error('fiber.yield(): you must first call set_idle(nullary idle() function)')
+function fiber.set_idle(func)
+ fiber._idle = func
+-- Launch a new Lua fiber, ready to run.
+function fiber.launch(name, func, ...)
+ local args = table.pack(...)
+ local co = coroutine.create(function() func(table.unpack(args)) end)
+ -- a new fiber is ready to run
+ table.insert(ready, co)
+ local namekey = name
+ while byname[namekey] do
+ if not suffix[name] then
+ suffix[name] = 1
+ end
+ suffix[name] += 1
+ namekey = name .. tostring(suffix[name])
+ end
+ -- found a namekey not yet in byname: set it
+ byname[namekey] = co
+ -- and remember it as this fiber's name
+ names[co] = namekey
+-- dbg('launch(%s)', namekey)
+-- dbg('byname[%s] = %s', namekey, tostring(byname[namekey]))
+-- dbg('names[%s] = %s', tostring(co), names[co])
+-- dbg('ready[-1] = %s', tostring(ready[#ready]))
+-- for debugging
+function format_all()
+ output = {}
+ table.insert(output, 'Ready fibers:' .. if next(ready) then '' else ' none')
+ for _, co in pairs(ready) do
+ table.insert(output, string.format(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co)))
+ end
+ table.insert(output, 'Waiting fibers:' .. if next(waiting) then '' else ' none')
+ for co in pairs(waiting) do
+ table.insert(output, string.format(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co)))
+ end
+ return table.concat(output, '\n')
+function fiber.print_all()
+ print(format_all())
+-- return either the running coroutine or, if called from the main thread,
+-- 'main'
+function fiber.running()
+ return coroutine.running() or 'main'
+-- Query a fiber's name (nil for the running fiber)
+function fiber.get_name(co)
+ return names[co or fiber.running()] or 'unknown'
+-- Query status of the passed fiber
+function fiber.status(co)
+ local running = coroutine.running()
+ if (not co) or co == running then
+ -- silly to ask the status of the running fiber: it's 'running'
+ return 'running'
+ end
+ if co ~= 'main' then
+ -- for any coroutine but main, consult coroutine.status()
+ local status = coroutine.status(co)
+ if status ~= 'suspended' then
+ return status
+ end
+ -- here co is suspended, answer needs further refinement
+ else
+ -- co == 'main'
+ if not running then
+ -- asking about 'main' from the main fiber
+ return 'running'
+ end
+ -- asking about 'main' from some other fiber, so presumably main is suspended
+ end
+ -- here we know co is suspended -- but is it ready to run?
+ if waiting[co] then
+ return 'waiting'
+ end
+ -- not waiting should imply ready: sanity check
+ if table.find(ready, co) then
+ return 'ready'
+ end
+ -- Calls within yield() between popping the next ready fiber and
+ -- re-appending it to the list are in this state. Once we're done
+ -- debugging yield(), we could reinstate either of the below.
+-- error(string.format('fiber.status(%s) is stumped', fiber.get_name(co)))
+-- print(string.format('*** fiber.status(%s) is stumped', fiber.get_name(co)))
+ return '(unknown)'
+-- change the running fiber's status to waiting
+local function set_waiting()
+ -- if called from the main fiber, inject a 'main' marker into the list
+ co = fiber.running()
+ -- delete from ready list
+ local i = table.find(ready, co)
+ if i then
+ table.remove(ready, i)
+ end
+ -- add to waiting list
+ waiting[co] = true
+-- Suspend the current fiber until some other fiber calls fiber.wake() on it
+function fiber.wait()
+ dbg('Fiber %q waiting', fiber.get_name())
+ set_waiting()
+ -- now yield to other fibers
+ fiber.yield()
+-- Mark a suspended fiber as being ready to run
+function fiber.wake(co)
+ if not waiting[co] then
+ error(string.format('fiber.wake(%s) but status=%s, ready=%s, waiting=%s',
+ names[co], fiber.status(co), ready[co], waiting[co]))
+ end
+ -- delete from waiting list
+ waiting[co] = nil
+ -- add to end of ready list
+ table.insert(ready, co)
+ dbg('Fiber %q ready', fiber.get_name(co))
+ -- but don't yet resume it: that happens next time we reach yield()
+-- pop and return the next not-dead fiber in the ready list, or nil if none remain
+local function live_ready_iter()
+ -- don't write:
+ -- for co in table.remove, ready, 1
+ -- because it would keep passing a new second parameter!
+ for co in function() return table.remove(ready, 1) end do
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() sees %s, status %s',
+ fiber.get_name(), fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co))
+ -- keep removing the head entry until we find one that's not dead,
+ -- discarding any dead coroutines along the way
+ if co == 'main' or coroutine.status(co) ~= 'dead' then
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() returning %s',
+ fiber.get_name(), fiber.get_name(co))
+ return co
+ end
+ end
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() returning nil', fiber.get_name())
+ return nil
+-- prune the set of waiting fibers
+local function prune_waiting()
+ for waiter in pairs(waiting) do
+ if waiter ~= 'main' and coroutine.status(waiter) == 'dead' then
+ waiting[waiter] = nil
+ end
+ end
+-- Run other ready fibers, leaving this one ready, returning after a cycle.
+-- Returns:
+-- * true, nil if there remain other live fibers, whether ready or waiting,
+-- but it's our turn to run
+-- * false, nil if this is the only remaining fiber
+-- * nil, x if configured idle() callback returns non-nil x
+local function scheduler()
+ dbg('scheduler():\n%s', format_all())
+ -- scheduler() is asymmetric because Lua distinguishes the main thread
+ -- from other coroutines. The main thread can't yield; it can only resume
+ -- other coroutines. So although an arbitrary coroutine could resume still
+ -- other arbitrary coroutines, it could NOT resume the main thread because
+ -- the main thread can't yield. Therefore, scheduler() delegates its real
+ -- processing to the main thread. If called from a coroutine, pass control
+ -- back to the main thread.
+ if coroutine.running() then
+ -- this is a real coroutine, yield normally to main thread
+ coroutine.yield()
+ -- main certainly still exists
+ return true
+ end
+ -- This is the main fiber: coroutine.yield() doesn't work.
+ -- Instead, resume each of the ready fibers.
+ -- Prune the set of waiting fibers after every time fiber business logic
+ -- runs (i.e. other fibers might have terminated or hit error), such as
+ -- here on entry.
+ prune_waiting()
+ local others, idle_stop
+ repeat
+ for co in live_ready_iter do
+ -- seize the opportunity to make sure the viewer isn't shutting down
+ LL.check_stop()
+ -- before we re-append co, is it the only remaining entry?
+ others = next(ready)
+ -- co is live, re-append it to the ready list
+ table.insert(ready, co)
+ if co == 'main' then
+ -- Since we know the caller is the main fiber, it's our turn.
+ -- Tell caller if there are other ready or waiting fibers.
+ return others or next(waiting)
+ end
+ -- not main, but some other ready coroutine:
+ -- use coro.resume() so we'll propagate any error encountered
+ coro.resume(co)
+ prune_waiting()
+ end
+ -- Here there are no ready fibers. Are there any waiting fibers?
+ if not next(waiting) then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- there are waiting fibers: call consumer's configured idle() function
+ idle_stop = fiber._idle()
+ if idle_stop ~= nil then
+ return nil, idle_stop
+ end
+ prune_waiting()
+ -- loop "forever", that is, until:
+ -- * main is ready, or
+ -- * there are neither ready fibers nor waiting fibers, or
+ -- * fiber._idle() returned non-nil
+ until false
+-- Let other fibers run. This is useful in either of two cases:
+-- * fiber.wait() calls this to run other fibers while this one is waiting.
+-- fiber.yield() (and therefore fiber.wait()) works from the main thread as
+-- well as from explicitly-launched fibers, without the caller having to
+-- care.
+-- * A long-running fiber that doesn't often call fiber.wait() should sprinkle
+-- in fiber.yield() calls to interleave processing on other fibers.
+function fiber.yield()
+ -- The difference between this and is that fiber.yield()
+ -- assumes its caller has work to do. yield() returns to its caller as
+ -- soon as scheduler() pops this fiber from the ready list.
+ -- continues looping until all other fibers have terminated, or the
+ -- set_idle() callback tells it to stop.
+ local others, idle_done = scheduler()
+ -- scheduler() returns either if we're ready, or if idle_done ~= nil.
+ if idle_done ~= nil then
+ -- Returning normally from yield() means the caller can carry on with
+ -- its pending work. But in this case scheduler() returned because the
+ -- configured set_idle() function interrupted it -- not because we're
+ -- actually ready. Don't return normally.
+ error('fiber.set_idle() interrupted yield() with: ' .. tostring(idle_done))
+ end
+ -- We're ready! Just return to caller. In this situation we don't care
+ -- whether there are other ready fibers.
+ dbg('fiber.yield() returning to %s (%sothers are ready)',
+ fiber.get_name(), ((not others) and "no " or ""))
+-- Run fibers until all but main have terminated: return nil.
+-- Or until configured idle() callback returns x ~= nil: return x.
+ -- A fiber calling run() is not also doing other useful work. Remove the
+ -- calling fiber from the ready list. Otherwise yield() would keep seeing
+ -- that our caller is ready and return to us, instead of realizing that
+ -- all coroutines are waiting and call idle(). But don't say we're
+ -- waiting, either, because then when all other fibers have terminated
+ -- we'd call idle() forever waiting for something to make us ready again.
+ local i = table.find(ready, fiber.running())
+ if i then
+ table.remove(ready, i)
+ end
+ local others, idle_done
+ repeat
+ dbg('%s calling calling scheduler()', fiber.get_name())
+ others, idle_done = scheduler()
+ dbg("%s's scheduler() returned %s, %s", fiber.get_name(),
+ tostring(others), tostring(idle_done))
+ until (not others)
+ dbg('%s done', fiber.get_name())
+ -- For whatever it's worth, put our own fiber back in the ready list.
+ table.insert(ready, fiber.running())
+ -- Once there are no more waiting fibers, and the only ready fiber is
+ -- us, return to caller. All previously-launched fibers are done. Possibly
+ -- the chunk is done, or the chunk may decide to launch a new batch of
+ -- fibers.
+ return idle_done
+-- Make sure we finish up with a call to run(). That allows a consuming script
+-- to kick off some number of fibers, do some work on the main thread and then
+-- fall off the end of the script without explicitly calling
+-- run() ensures the rest of the fibers run to completion (or error).
+return fiber