path: root/indra/newview/llworld.cpp
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authorNat Goodspeed <>2012-06-07 05:47:50 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2012-06-07 05:47:50 -0400
commitce563795e1f5d7493b975393bea9ec5cab90fd6a (patch)
treeedc0b403ee80989bfa55b6d1cae3680093fb61fc /indra/newview/llworld.cpp
parentd167ebe35f8cdec1ca88e0d817e2878f14a5aa68 (diff)
parent89ea7ccfc7fd4c33eab4ad9123141fa40231a00d (diff)
MAINT-1144: Merge llhttpclient_test.cpp fix back to tip
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llworld.cpp')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llworld.cpp b/indra/newview/llworld.cpp
index a7ae456f3c..3d971e738e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llworld.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llworld.cpp
@@ -589,22 +589,22 @@ void LLWorld::updateVisibilities()
F32 cur_far_clip = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getFar();
- LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setFar(mLandFarClip);
- F32 diagonal_squared = F_SQRT2 * F_SQRT2 * mWidth * mWidth;
- // Go through the culled list and check for visible regions
+ // Go through the culled list and check for visible regions (region is visible if land is visible)
for (region_list_t::iterator iter = mCulledRegionList.begin();
iter != mCulledRegionList.end(); )
region_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
LLViewerRegion* regionp = *curiter;
- F32 height = regionp->getLand().getMaxZ() - regionp->getLand().getMinZ();
- F32 radius = 0.5f*(F32) sqrt(height * height + diagonal_squared);
- if (!regionp->getLand().hasZData()
- || LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->sphereInFrustum(regionp->getCenterAgent(), radius))
+ LLSpatialPartition* part = regionp->getSpatialPartition(LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TERRAIN);
+ if (part)
- mCulledRegionList.erase(curiter);
- mVisibleRegionList.push_back(regionp);
+ LLSpatialGroup* group = (LLSpatialGroup*) part->mOctree->getListener(0);
+ if (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->AABBInFrustum(group->mBounds[0], group->mBounds[1]))
+ {
+ mCulledRegionList.erase(curiter);
+ mVisibleRegionList.push_back(regionp);
+ }
@@ -619,17 +619,20 @@ void LLWorld::updateVisibilities()
- F32 height = regionp->getLand().getMaxZ() - regionp->getLand().getMinZ();
- F32 radius = 0.5f*(F32) sqrt(height * height + diagonal_squared);
- if (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->sphereInFrustum(regionp->getCenterAgent(), radius))
- {
- regionp->calculateCameraDistance();
- regionp->getLand().updatePatchVisibilities(gAgent);
- }
- else
+ LLSpatialPartition* part = regionp->getSpatialPartition(LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TERRAIN);
+ if (part)
- mVisibleRegionList.erase(curiter);
- mCulledRegionList.push_back(regionp);
+ LLSpatialGroup* group = (LLSpatialGroup*) part->mOctree->getListener(0);
+ if (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->AABBInFrustum(group->mBounds[0], group->mBounds[1]))
+ {
+ regionp->calculateCameraDistance();
+ regionp->getLand().updatePatchVisibilities(gAgent);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mVisibleRegionList.erase(curiter);
+ mCulledRegionList.push_back(regionp);
+ }
@@ -815,14 +818,11 @@ void LLWorld::updateWaterObjects()
max_x = (S32)region_x + range;
max_y = (S32)region_y + range;
- F32 height = 0.f;
for (region_list_t::iterator iter = mRegionList.begin();
iter != mRegionList.end(); ++iter)
LLViewerRegion* regionp = *iter;
LLVOWater* waterp = regionp->getLand().getWaterObj();
- height += regionp->getWaterHeight();
if (waterp)
@@ -839,6 +839,7 @@ void LLWorld::updateWaterObjects()
// Now, get a list of the holes
S32 x, y;
+ F32 water_height = gAgent.getRegion()->getWaterHeight() + 256.f;
for (x = min_x; x <= max_x; x += rwidth)
for (y = min_y; y <= max_y; y += rwidth)
@@ -850,7 +851,7 @@ void LLWorld::updateWaterObjects()
waterp->setPositionGlobal(LLVector3d(x + rwidth/2,
y + rwidth/2,
+ water_height));
waterp->setScale(LLVector3((F32)rwidth, (F32)rwidth, 512.f));
@@ -907,8 +908,7 @@ void LLWorld::updateWaterObjects()
- LLVector3d water_pos(water_center_x, water_center_y,
+ LLVector3d water_pos(water_center_x, water_center_y, water_height) ;
LLVector3 water_scale((F32) dim[0], (F32) dim[1], 512.f);
//stretch out to horizon
@@ -1161,24 +1161,13 @@ void send_agent_resume()
static LLVector3d unpackLocalToGlobalPosition(U32 compact_local, const LLVector3d& region_origin)
- LLVector3d pos_global;
- LLVector3 pos_local;
- U8 bits;
- bits = compact_local & 0xFF;
- pos_local.mV[VZ] = F32(bits) * 4.f;
- compact_local >>= 8;
+ LLVector3d pos_local;
- bits = compact_local & 0xFF;
- pos_local.mV[VY] = (F32)bits;
- compact_local >>= 8;
+ pos_local.mdV[VZ] = (compact_local & 0xFFU) * 4;
+ pos_local.mdV[VY] = (compact_local >> 8) & 0xFFU;
+ pos_local.mdV[VX] = (compact_local >> 16) & 0xFFU;
- bits = compact_local & 0xFF;
- pos_local.mV[VX] = (F32)bits;
- pos_global.setVec( pos_local );
- pos_global += region_origin;
- return pos_global;
+ return region_origin + pos_local;
void LLWorld::getAvatars(uuid_vec_t* avatar_ids, std::vector<LLVector3d>* positions, const LLVector3d& relative_to, F32 radius) const
@@ -1199,22 +1188,22 @@ void LLWorld::getAvatars(uuid_vec_t* avatar_ids, std::vector<LLVector3d>* positi
iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter)
LLVOAvatar* pVOAvatar = (LLVOAvatar*) *iter;
- if(!pVOAvatar->isDead() && !pVOAvatar->isSelf())
+ if (!pVOAvatar->isDead() && !pVOAvatar->isSelf())
+ LLVector3d pos_global = pVOAvatar->getPositionGlobal();
LLUUID uuid = pVOAvatar->getID();
- if(!uuid.isNull())
+ if (!uuid.isNull()
+ && dist_vec_squared(pos_global, relative_to) <= radius_squared)
- LLVector3d pos_global = pVOAvatar->getPositionGlobal();
- if(dist_vec_squared(pos_global, relative_to) <= radius_squared)
+ if(positions != NULL)
- if(positions != NULL)
- {
- positions->push_back(pos_global);
- }
- if(avatar_ids !=NULL)
- {
- avatar_ids->push_back(uuid);
- }
+ positions->push_back(pos_global);
+ }
+ if(avatar_ids !=NULL)
+ {
+ avatar_ids->push_back(uuid);
@@ -1233,9 +1222,9 @@ void LLWorld::getAvatars(uuid_vec_t* avatar_ids, std::vector<LLVector3d>* positi
LLUUID uuid = regionp->mMapAvatarIDs.get(i);
// if this avatar doesn't already exist in the list, add it
- if(uuid.notNull() && avatar_ids!=NULL && std::find(avatar_ids->begin(), avatar_ids->end(), uuid) == avatar_ids->end())
+ if(uuid.notNull() && avatar_ids != NULL && std::find(avatar_ids->begin(), avatar_ids->end(), uuid) == avatar_ids->end())
- if(positions != NULL)
+ if (positions != NULL)
@@ -1246,6 +1235,11 @@ void LLWorld::getAvatars(uuid_vec_t* avatar_ids, std::vector<LLVector3d>* positi
+bool LLWorld::isRegionListed(const LLViewerRegion* region) const
+ region_list_t::const_iterator it = find(mRegionList.begin(), mRegionList.end(), region);
+ return it != mRegionList.end();