path: root/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp
diff options
authorLoren Shih <>2010-08-24 11:54:22 -0400
committerLoren Shih <>2010-08-24 11:54:22 -0400
commit8c95027334b24130dfdc1a51b3020156f371d538 (patch)
treed7428b07ae0474d0b2e1727a126fa28afe1ca2dc /indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp
parent2c6a9dd47e617c79ab3df4d758cd9f2e6b77c21a (diff)
Moved BreastMotion class to its own separate file out of llvoavatar.
Changed range of some breast motion params. Updated icon.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp
index c9e47d8996..b98c64310d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "llagentwearables.h"
#include "llanimationstates.h"
#include "llavatarpropertiesprocessor.h"
+#include "llbreastmotion.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "lldrawpoolavatar.h"
#include "lldriverparam.h"
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_HEAD_ROT = LLUUID("e6e8d1dd-e643-fff7-b238-c6b4b056a68d"
const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_PELVIS_FIX = LLUUID("0c5dd2a2-514d-8893-d44d-05beffad208b"); //"pelvis_fix"
const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_TARGET = LLUUID("0e4896cb-fba4-926c-f355-8720189d5b55"); //"target"
const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST = LLUUID("829bc85b-02fc-ec41-be2e-74cc6dd7215d"); //"walk_adjust"
-const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_BREAST_MOTION = LLUUID("ce52c2b2-b62a-1e90-6152-7cd1efe2fd60"); //"breast_motion"
+const LLUUID ANIM_AGENT_BREAST_MOTION = LLUUID("7360e029-3cb8-ebc4-863e-212df440d987"); //"breast_motion"
@@ -576,385 +577,6 @@ private:
LLCharacter* mCharacter;
-// class LLBreatheMotionRot
-class LLBreastMotion :
- public LLMotion
- // Constructor
- LLBreastMotion(const LLUUID &id) :
- LLMotion(id),
- mCharacter(NULL),
- mFileWrite(NULL)
- {
- mName = "breast_motion";
- mChestState = new LLJointState;
- mBreastMassParam = (F32)1.0;
- mBreastDragParam = LLVector3((F32)0.1, (F32)0.1, (F32)0.1);
- mBreastSmoothingParam = (U32)2;
- mBreastGravityParam = (F32)0.0;
- mBreastSpringParam = LLVector3((F32)3.0, (F32)0.0, (F32)3.0);
- mBreastGainParam = LLVector3((F32)50.0, (F32)0.0, (F32)50.0);
- mBreastDampingParam = LLVector3((F32)0.3, (F32)0.0, (F32)0.3);
- mBreastMaxVelocityParam = LLVector3((F32)10.0, (F32)0.0, (F32)10.0);
- mBreastParamsUser[0] = mBreastParamsUser[1] = mBreastParamsUser[2] = NULL;
- mBreastParamsDriven[0] = mBreastParamsDriven[1] = mBreastParamsDriven[2] = NULL;
- mCharLastPosition_world_pt = LLVector3(0,0,0);
- mCharLastVelocity_local_vec = LLVector3(0,0,0);
- mCharLastAcceleration_local_vec = LLVector3(0,0,0);
- mBreastLastPosition_local_pt = LLVector3(0,0,0);
- mBreastVelocity_local_vec = LLVector3(0,0,0);
- }
- // Destructor
- virtual ~LLBreastMotion() {}
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // functions to support MotionController and MotionRegistry
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // static constructor
- // all subclasses must implement such a function and register it
- static LLMotion *create(const LLUUID &id) { return new LLBreastMotion(id); }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // animation callbacks to be implemented by subclasses
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // motions must specify whether or not they loop
- virtual BOOL getLoop() { return TRUE; }
- // motions must report their total duration
- virtual F32 getDuration() { return 0.0; }
- // motions must report their "ease in" duration
- virtual F32 getEaseInDuration() { return 0.0; }
- // motions must report their "ease out" duration.
- virtual F32 getEaseOutDuration() { return 0.0; }
- // motions must report their priority
- virtual LLJoint::JointPriority getPriority() { return LLJoint::MEDIUM_PRIORITY; }
- virtual LLMotionBlendType getBlendType() { return ADDITIVE_BLEND; }
- // called to determine when a motion should be activated/deactivated based on avatar pixel coverage
- virtual F32 getMinPixelArea() { return MIN_REQUIRED_PIXEL_AREA_BREATHE; }
- // run-time (post constructor) initialization,
- // called after parameters have been set
- // must return true to indicate success and be available for activation
- virtual LLMotionInitStatus onInitialize(LLCharacter *character)
- {
- mCharacter = character;
- BOOL success = true;
- if ( !mChestState->setJoint( character->getJoint( "mChest" ) ) ) { success = false; }
- if (!success)
- {
- }
- mChestState->setUsage(LLJointState::ROT);
- addJointState( mChestState );
- // User-set params
- static const std::string breast_param_names_user[3] =
- {
- "Breast_Female_Cleavage_Driver",
- "",
- "Breast_Gravity_Driver"
- };
- // Params driven by this algorithm
- static const std::string breast_param_names_driven[3] =
- {
- "Breast_Female_Cleavage",
- "",
- "Breast_Gravity"
- };
- for (U32 i=0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- mBreastParamsUser[i] = NULL;
- mBreastParamsDriven[i] = NULL;
- mBreastParamsMin[i] = 0;
- mBreastParamsMax[i] = 0;
- if (breast_param_names_user[i] != "" && breast_param_names_driven[i] != "")
- {
- mBreastParamsUser[i] = (LLViewerVisualParam*)mCharacter->getVisualParam(breast_param_names_user[i].c_str());
- mBreastParamsDriven[i] = (LLViewerVisualParam*)mCharacter->getVisualParam(breast_param_names_driven[i].c_str());
- if (mBreastParamsDriven[i])
- {
- mBreastParamsMin[i] = mBreastParamsDriven[i]->getMinWeight();
- mBreastParamsMax[i] = mBreastParamsDriven[i]->getMaxWeight();
- }
- }
- }
- //if (mCharacter->getSex() == SEX_FEMALE)
- if (dynamic_cast<LLVOAvatarSelf *>(mCharacter))
- {
- mFileWrite = fopen("c:\\temp\\data.txt","w");
- if (mFileWrite != NULL)
- {
- fprintf(mFileWrite,"Pos\tParam\tNet\tVel\t\tAccel\tSpring\tDamp\n");
- }
- }
- mTimer.reset();
- }
- // called when a motion is activated
- // must return TRUE to indicate success, or else
- // it will be deactivated
- virtual BOOL onActivate() { return TRUE; }
- F32 calculateTimeDelta()
- {
- const F32 time = mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- const F32 time_delta = time - mLastTime;
- mLastTime = time;
- return time_delta;
- }
- LLVector3 toLocal(const LLVector3 &world_vector)
- {
- LLVector3 local_vec(0,0,0);
- LLJoint *chest_joint = mChestState->getJoint();
- const LLQuaternion world_rot = chest_joint->getWorldRotation();
- // -1 because cleavage param changes opposite to direction.
- LLVector3 breast_dir_world_vec = LLVector3(-1,0,0) * world_rot;
- breast_dir_world_vec.normalize();
- local_vec[0] = world_vector * breast_dir_world_vec;
- LLVector3 breast_up_dir_world_vec = LLVector3(0,0,1) * world_rot;
- breast_up_dir_world_vec.normalize();
- local_vec[2] = world_vector * breast_up_dir_world_vec;
- /*
- {
- llinfos << "Dir: " << breast_dir_world_vec << "V: " << world_vector << "DP: " << local_vec[0] << " time: " << llendl;
- }
- */
- return local_vec;
- }
- LLVector3 calculateVelocity_local(const F32 time_delta)
- {
- LLJoint *chest_joint = mChestState->getJoint();
- const LLVector3 world_pos_pt = chest_joint->getWorldPosition();
- const LLQuaternion world_rot = chest_joint->getWorldRotation();
- const LLVector3 last_world_pos_pt = mCharLastPosition_world_pt;
- const LLVector3 char_velocity_world_vec = (world_pos_pt-last_world_pos_pt) / time_delta;
- const LLVector3 char_velocity_local_vec = toLocal(char_velocity_world_vec);
- return char_velocity_local_vec;
- }
- LLVector3 calculateAcceleration_local(const LLVector3 &new_char_velocity_local_vec,
- const F32 time_delta)
- {
- LLVector3 char_acceleration_local_vec = new_char_velocity_local_vec - mCharLastVelocity_local_vec;
- char_acceleration_local_vec =
- char_acceleration_local_vec * 1.0/mBreastSmoothingParam +
- mCharLastAcceleration_local_vec * (mBreastSmoothingParam-1.0)/mBreastSmoothingParam;
- mCharLastAcceleration_local_vec = char_acceleration_local_vec;
- return char_acceleration_local_vec;
- }
- // called per time step
- // must return TRUE while it is active, and
- // must return FALSE when the motion is completed.
- virtual BOOL onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask)
- {
- if (!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AvatarPhysics"))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* TEST:
- 1. Change outfits
- 2. FPS effect
- 3. Add disable
- 4. Disappearing chests
- 5. Overwrites breast params
- 6. Threshold for not setting param
- */
- mBreastMassParam = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Mass");
- mBreastSmoothingParam = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Smoothing");
- mBreastGravityParam = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Gravity");
- mBreastSpringParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Spring");
- mBreastGainParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Gain");
- mBreastDampingParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Damping");
- mBreastMaxVelocityParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Max_Velocity");
- mBreastDragParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Drag");
- mBreastSpringParam[2] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Spring");
- mBreastGainParam[2] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Gain");
- mBreastDampingParam[2] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Damping");
- mBreastMaxVelocityParam[2] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Max_Velocity");
- mBreastDragParam[2] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Drag");
- if (mCharacter->getSex() != SEX_FEMALE) return TRUE;
- const F32 time_delta = calculateTimeDelta();
- if (time_delta < .01 || time_delta > 10.0) return TRUE;
- LLVector3 breast_user_local_pt(0,0,0);
- for (U32 i=0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- if (mBreastParamsUser[i] != NULL)
- {
- breast_user_local_pt[i] = mBreastParamsUser[i]->getWeight();
- }
- }
- LLVector3 breast_current_local_pt = mBreastLastPosition_local_pt;
- const LLVector3 char_velocity_local_vec = calculateVelocity_local(time_delta);
- const LLVector3 char_acceleration_local_vec = calculateAcceleration_local(char_velocity_local_vec, time_delta);
- mCharLastVelocity_local_vec = char_velocity_local_vec;
- LLJoint *chest_joint = mChestState->getJoint();
- mCharLastPosition_world_pt = chest_joint->getWorldPosition();
- const LLVector3 spring_length_local = breast_current_local_pt-breast_user_local_pt;
- LLVector3 force_spring_local_vec = -spring_length_local; force_spring_local_vec *= mBreastSpringParam;
- LLVector3 force_accel_local_vec = char_acceleration_local_vec * mBreastMassParam;
- const LLVector3 force_gravity_local_vec = toLocal(LLVector3(0,0,1))* mBreastGravityParam * mBreastMassParam;
- force_accel_local_vec += force_gravity_local_vec;
- force_accel_local_vec[0] *= mBreastGainParam[0];
- force_accel_local_vec[1] *= mBreastGainParam[1];
- force_accel_local_vec[2] *= mBreastGainParam[2];
- LLVector3 force_damping_local_vec = -mBreastDampingParam; force_damping_local_vec *= mBreastVelocity_local_vec;
- LLVector3 force_drag_local_vec = .5*char_velocity_local_vec; // should square char_velocity_vec
- force_drag_local_vec[0] *= mBreastDragParam[0];
- force_drag_local_vec[1] *= mBreastDragParam[1];
- force_drag_local_vec[2] *= mBreastDragParam[2];
- LLVector3 force_net_local_vec =
- force_accel_local_vec +
- force_gravity_local_vec +
- force_spring_local_vec +
- force_damping_local_vec +
- force_drag_local_vec;
- LLVector3 acceleration_local_vec = force_net_local_vec / mBreastMassParam;
- mBreastVelocity_local_vec += acceleration_local_vec;
- mBreastVelocity_local_vec.clamp(-mBreastMaxVelocityParam, mBreastMaxVelocityParam);
- LLVector3 new_local_pt = breast_current_local_pt + mBreastVelocity_local_vec*time_delta;
- new_local_pt.clamp(mBreastParamsMin,mBreastParamsMax);
- for (U32 i=0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- if (mBreastMaxVelocityParam[0] == 0)
- {
- new_local_pt[i] = breast_user_local_pt[i];
- }
- if (mBreastParamsDriven[i])
- {
- mCharacter->setVisualParamWeight(mBreastParamsDriven[i],
- new_local_pt[i],
- }
- }
- if (mFileWrite != NULL)
- {
- fprintf(mFileWrite,"%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\t%f\t%f\t%f\t \t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",
- mCharLastPosition_world_pt[2],
- breast_current_local_pt[2],
- acceleration_local_vec[2],
- mBreastVelocity_local_vec[2],
- force_accel_local_vec[2],
- force_spring_local_vec[2],
- force_damping_local_vec[2],
- force_accel_local_vec[2],
- force_damping_local_vec[2],
- force_drag_local_vec[2],
- force_net_local_vec[2],
- time_delta,
- mBreastMassParam
- );
- }
- mBreastLastPosition_local_pt = new_local_pt;
- mCharacter->updateVisualParams();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // called when a motion is deactivated
- virtual void onDeactivate() {}
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // joint states to be animated
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LLPointer<LLJointState> mChestState;
- LLCharacter* mCharacter;
- LLViewerVisualParam *mBreastParamsUser[3];
- LLViewerVisualParam *mBreastParamsDriven[3];
- LLVector3 mBreastParamsMin;
- LLVector3 mBreastParamsMax;
- LLVector3 mCharLastPosition_world_pt; // Last position of the avatar
- LLVector3 mCharLastVelocity_local_vec; // How fast the character is moving
- LLVector3 mCharLastAcceleration_local_vec; // Change in character velocity
- LLVector3 mBreastLastPosition_local_pt; // Last parameters for breast
- LLVector3 mBreastVelocity_local_vec; // How fast the breast params are moving
- F32 mBreastMassParam;
- F32 mBreastGravityParam;
- U32 mBreastSmoothingParam;
- LLVector3 mBreastSpringParam;
- LLVector3 mBreastDampingParam;
- LLVector3 mBreastGainParam;
- LLVector3 mBreastMaxVelocityParam;
- LLVector3 mBreastDragParam;
- LLFrameTimer mTimer;
- F32 mLastTime;
- FILE *mFileWrite;
- U32 mFileTicks;
** End LLVOAvatar Support classes