path: root/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h
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authorJames Cook <>2007-01-02 08:33:20 +0000
committerJames Cook <>2007-01-02 08:33:20 +0000
commit420b91db29485df39fd6e724e782c449158811cb (patch)
treeb471a94563af914d3ed3edd3e856d21cb1b69945 /indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h
Print done when done.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h b/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9823c82a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * @file llviewerparcelmgr.h
+ * @brief Viewer-side representation of owned land
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $License$
+ */
+#include "v3dmath.h"
+#include "lldarray.h"
+#include "llframetimer.h"
+#include "llmemory.h"
+#include "llviewerimage.h"
+class LLUUID;
+class LLMessageSystem;
+class LLParcel;
+class LLViewerRegion;
+// Constants for sendLandOwner
+//const U32 NO_NEIGHBOR_JOIN = 0x0;
+// | WEST_MASK);
+const F32 PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT = 0.666f;
+//const F32 PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT = 20.f;
+// Specify the type of land transfer taking place
+//enum ELandTransferType
+// LTT_CLAIM_LAND = 0x2,
+// LTT_BUY_LAND = 0x4,
+// LTT_DEED_LAND = 0x8,
+// LTT_FOR_GROUP = 0x16
+// Base class for people who want to "observe" changes in the viewer
+// parcel selection.
+class LLParcelObserver
+ virtual ~LLParcelObserver() {};
+ virtual void changed() = 0;
+class LLViewerParcelMgr
+ LLViewerParcelMgr();
+ ~LLViewerParcelMgr();
+ void destroyGL();
+ void restoreGL();
+ BOOL selectionEmpty() const;
+ F32 getSelectionWidth() const { return F32(mEastNorth.mdV[VX] - mWestSouth.mdV[VX]); }
+ F32 getSelectionHeight() const { return F32(mEastNorth.mdV[VY] - mWestSouth.mdV[VY]); }
+ BOOL getSelection(LLVector3d &min, LLVector3d &max) { min = mWestSouth; max = mEastNorth; return !selectionEmpty();}
+ LLViewerRegion* getSelectionRegion();
+ void getDisplayInfo(S32* area, S32* claim, S32* rent, BOOL* for_sale, F32* dwell);
+ void getPrimInfo(S32 &sw_max, S32 &sw_total, S32 &max, S32 &total, S32 &owner, S32 &group, S32 &other, S32& selected, F32 &parcel_object_bonus, S32 &other_clean);
+ // Does the selection have multiple land owners in it?
+ BOOL getMultipleOwners() const;
+ // Is the entire parcel selected, or just a part?
+ BOOL getWholeParcelSelected() const;
+ // Returns area that will actually be claimed in meters squared.
+ S32 getClaimableArea() const;
+ bool hasOthersSelected() const;
+ // Returns selected area
+ S32 getSelectedArea() const;
+ void resetSegments(U8* segments);
+ // write a rectangle's worth of line segments into the highlight array
+ void writeHighlightSegments(F32 west, F32 south, F32 east, F32 north);
+ // Write highlight segments from a packed bitmap of the appropriate
+ // parcel.
+ void writeSegmentsFromBitmap(U8* bitmap, U8* segments);
+ void writeAgentParcelFromBitmap(U8* bitmap);
+ // Select the collision parcel
+ void selectCollisionParcel();
+ // Select the parcel at a specific point
+ void selectParcelAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global);
+ // Take the current rectangle select, and select the parcel contained
+ // within it.
+ void selectParcelInRectangle();
+ // Select a piece of land
+ void selectLand(const LLVector3d &corner1, const LLVector3d &corner2,
+ BOOL snap_to_parcel);
+ // Clear the selection, and stop drawing the highlight.
+ void deselectLand();
+ void addObserver(LLParcelObserver* observer);
+ void removeObserver(LLParcelObserver* observer);
+ void notifyObservers();
+ void setSelectionVisible(BOOL visible) { mRenderSelection = visible; }
+ BOOL isOwnedAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
+ BOOL isOwnedSelfAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
+ BOOL isOwnedOtherAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) const;
+ BOOL isSoundLocal(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;
+ BOOL canHearSound(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;
+ LLParcel *getSelectedParcel() const;
+ LLParcel *getAgentParcel() const;
+ BOOL inAgentParcel(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;
+ // Return the number of grid units that are owned by you within
+ // the selection (computed by server).
+ S32 getSelfCount() const { return mSelectedSelfCount; }
+ // Returns a pointer only when it has valid data.
+ LLParcel* getHoverParcel() const;
+ LLParcel* getCollisionParcel() const;
+ BOOL agentCanTakeDamage() const;
+ BOOL agentCanFly() const;
+ F32 agentDrawDistance() const;
+ BOOL agentCanBuild() const;
+ F32 getHoverParcelWidth() const
+ { return F32(mHoverEastNorth.mdV[VX] - mHoverWestSouth.mdV[VX]); }
+ F32 getHoverParcelHeight() const
+ { return F32(mHoverEastNorth.mdV[VY] - mHoverWestSouth.mdV[VY]); }
+ void render();
+ void renderParcelCollision();
+ void renderRect( const LLVector3d &west_south_bottom,
+ const LLVector3d &east_north_top );
+ void renderOneSegment(F32 x1, F32 y1, F32 x2, F32 y2, F32 height, U8 direction, LLViewerRegion* regionp);
+ void renderHighlightSegments(const U8* segments, LLViewerRegion* regionp);
+ void renderCollisionSegments(U8* segments, BOOL use_pass, LLViewerRegion* regionp);
+ void sendParcelGodForceOwner(const LLUUID& owner_id);
+ // make the selected parcel a content parcel.
+ void sendParcelGodForceToContent();
+ // Take the selected parcel, and toggle it's 'reserved for newbie'
+ // status.
+ // *NOTE: There is no longer a newbie toggle. It is a linden sale
+ // for newbie now.
+ //void toggleParcelGodReserveForNewbie();
+ // Pack information about this parcel and send it to the region
+ // containing the southwest corner of the selection.
+ // If want_reply_to_update, simulator will send back a ParcelProperties
+ // message.
+ void sendParcelPropertiesUpdate(LLParcel* parcel, BOOL want_reply_to_update);
+ // Takes an Access List flag, like AL_ACCESS or AL_BAN
+ void sendParcelAccessListUpdate(U32 which);
+ // Takes an Access List flag, like AL_ACCESS or AL_BAN
+ void sendParcelAccessListRequest(U32 flags);
+ // Dwell is not part of the usual parcel update information because the
+ // simulator doesn't actually know the per-parcel dwell. Ack! We have
+ // to get it out of the database.
+ void sendParcelDwellRequest();
+ // If the point is outside the current hover parcel, request more data
+ void requestHoverParcelProperties(const LLVector3d& pos_global);
+ bool canAgentBuyParcel(LLParcel*, bool forGroup) const;
+// void startClaimLand(BOOL is_for_group = FALSE);
+ void startBuyLand(BOOL is_for_group = FALSE);
+ void startSellLand();
+ void startReleaseLand();
+ void startDivideLand();
+ void startJoinLand();
+ void startDeedLandToGroup();
+ void reclaimParcel();
+ void buyPass();
+ // Buying Land
+ class ParcelBuyInfo;
+ ParcelBuyInfo* setupParcelBuy(const LLUUID& agent_id,
+ const LLUUID& session_id,
+ const LLUUID& group_id,
+ BOOL is_group_owned,
+ BOOL is_claim,
+ BOOL remove_contribution);
+ // callers responsibility to call deleteParcelBuy() on return value
+ void sendParcelBuy(ParcelBuyInfo*);
+ void deleteParcelBuy(ParcelBuyInfo*&);
+ void sendParcelDeed(const LLUUID& group_id);
+ // Send the ParcelRelease message
+ void sendParcelRelease();
+ // accessors for mAgentParcel
+ const char *getAgentParcelName() const;
+ // Create a landmark at the "appropriate" location for the
+ // currently selected parcel.
+ // *NOTE: Taken out 2005-03-21. Phoenix.
+ //void makeLandmarkAtSelection();
+ static void processParcelOverlay(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data);
+ static void processParcelProperties(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data);
+ static void processParcelAccessListReply(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user);
+ static void processParcelDwellReply(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user);
+ void dump();
+ // Whether or not the collision border around the parcel is there because
+ // the agent is banned or not in the allowed group
+ BOOL isCollisionBanned();
+ static BOOL isParcelOwnedByAgent(const LLParcel* parcelp, U64 group_proxy_power);
+ static BOOL isParcelModifiableByAgent(const LLParcel* parcelp, U64 group_proxy_power);
+ static void releaseAlertCB(S32 option, void *data);
+ // If the user is claiming land and the current selection
+ // borders a piece of land the user already owns, ask if he
+ // wants to join this land to the other piece.
+ //void askJoinIfNecessary(ELandTransferType land_transfer_type);
+ //static void joinAlertCB(S32 option, void* data);
+ //void buyAskMoney(ELandTransferType land_transfer_type);
+ // move land from current owner to it's group.
+ void deedLandToGroup();
+ static void claimAlertCB(S32 option, void* data);
+ static void buyAlertCB(S32 option, void* data);
+ static void deedAlertCB(S32 option, void*);
+ static void callbackDivideLand(S32 option, void* data);
+ static void callbackJoinLand(S32 option, void* data);
+ //void finishClaim(BOOL user_to_user_sale, U32 join);
+ BOOL mSelected;
+ BOOL mSelectedMultipleOwners;
+ BOOL mWholeParcelSelected;
+ S32 mSelectedSelfCount;
+ S32 mSelectedOtherCount;
+ S32 mSelectedPublicCount;
+ LLParcel *mParcel; // selected parcel info
+ S32 mRequestResult; // result of last parcel request
+ LLVector3d mWestSouth;
+ LLVector3d mEastNorth;
+ F32 mSelectedDwell;
+ LLParcel *mAgentParcel; // info for parcel agent is in
+ S32 mAgentParcelSequenceID; // incrementing counter to suppress out of order updates
+ LLParcel* mHoverParcel;
+ S32 mHoverRequestResult;
+ LLVector3d mHoverWestSouth;
+ LLVector3d mHoverEastNorth;
+ LLDynamicArray<LLParcelObserver*> mObservers;
+ // Array of pieces of parcel edges to potentially draw
+ // Has (parcels_per_edge + 1) * (parcels_per_edge + 1) elements so
+ // we can represent edges of the grid.
+ // WEST_MASK = draw west edge
+ // SOUTH_MASK = draw south edge
+ S32 mParcelsPerEdge;
+ U8* mHighlightSegments;
+ U8* mAgentParcelOverlay;
+ // Raw data buffer for unpacking parcel overlay chunks
+ // Size = parcels_per_edge * parcels_per_edge / parcel_overlay_chunks
+ static U8* sPackedOverlay;
+ // Watch for pending collisions with a parcel you can't access.
+ // If it's coming, draw the parcel's boundaries.
+ LLParcel* mCollisionParcel;
+ U8* mCollisionSegments;
+ BOOL mRenderCollision;
+ BOOL mRenderSelection;
+ S32 mCollisionBanned;
+ LLFrameTimer mCollisionTimer;
+ LLUUID mBlockedImageID;
+ LLUUID mPassImageID;
+ LLPointer<LLViewerImage> mBlockedImage;
+ LLPointer<LLViewerImage> mPassImage;
+ // Media
+ S32 mMediaParcelId;
+ U64 mMediaRegionId;
+extern LLViewerParcelMgr *gParcelMgr;
+void sanitize_corners(const LLVector3d &corner1, const LLVector3d &corner2,
+ LLVector3d &west_south_bottom, LLVector3d &east_north_top);