path: root/indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h
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authorOz Linden <>2010-12-24 07:41:41 -0500
committerOz Linden <>2010-12-24 07:41:41 -0500
commit14d830ca43a7114140ebeb16a76829db4d21a95b (patch)
tree169ab24a903d59c762259810de684f1dcb8c4186 /indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h
parent551bfb88fce8a9cd6faac440e3d89d79213550ed (diff)
parent5a4bb72b8d37ca51deb84e1490fdefe2908d2d59 (diff)
merge improved fix for STORM_785
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h b/indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..905ceefad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerassetstats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ * @file llviewerassetstats.h
+ * @brief Client-side collection of asset request statistics
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewergpl$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
+ * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
+ * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
+ * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
+ * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
+ * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
+ * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
+ * online at
+ *
+ *
+ * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
+ * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
+ * and agree to abide by those obligations.
+ *
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "llpointer.h"
+#include "llrefcount.h"
+#include "llviewerassettype.h"
+#include "llviewerassetstorage.h"
+#include "llsimplestat.h"
+#include "llsd.h"
+ * @class LLViewerAssetStats
+ * @brief Records performance aspects of asset access operations.
+ *
+ * This facility is derived from a very similar simulator-based
+ * one, LLSimAssetStats. It's function is to count asset access
+ * operations and characterize response times. Collected data
+ * are binned in several dimensions:
+ *
+ * - Asset types collapsed into a few aggregated categories
+ * - By simulator UUID
+ * - By transport mechanism (HTTP vs MessageSystem)
+ * - By persistence (temp vs non-temp)
+ *
+ * Statistics collected are fairly basic at this point:
+ *
+ * - Counts of enqueue and dequeue operations
+ * - Min/Max/Mean of asset transfer operations
+ *
+ * This collector differs from the simulator-based on in a
+ * number of ways:
+ *
+ * - The front-end/back-end distinction doesn't exist in viewer
+ * code
+ * - Multiple threads must be safely accomodated in the viewer
+ *
+ * Access to results is by conversion to an LLSD with some standardized
+ * key names. The intent of this structure is that it be emitted as
+ * standard syslog-based metrics formatting where it can be picked
+ * up by interested parties.
+ *
+ * For convenience, a set of free functions in namespace
+ * LLViewerAssetStatsFF is provided for conditional test-and-call
+ * operations.
+ */
+class LLViewerAssetStats
+ enum EViewerAssetCategories
+ {
+ EVACTextureTempHTTPGet, //< Texture GETs - temp/baked, HTTP
+ EVACTextureTempUDPGet, //< Texture GETs - temp/baked, UDP
+ EVACTextureNonTempHTTPGet, //< Texture GETs - perm, HTTP
+ EVACTextureNonTempUDPGet, //< Texture GETs - perm, UDP
+ EVACWearableUDPGet, //< Wearable GETs
+ EVACSoundUDPGet, //< Sound GETs
+ EVACGestureUDPGet, //< Gesture GETs
+ EVACOtherGet, //< Other GETs
+ EVACCount // Must be last
+ };
+ /**
+ * Type for duration and other time values in the metrics. Selected
+ * for compatibility with the pre-existing timestamp on the texture
+ * fetcher class, LLTextureFetch.
+ */
+ typedef U64 duration_t;
+ /**
+ * Type for the region identifier used in stats. Currently uses
+ * the region handle's type (a U64) rather than the regions's LLUUID
+ * as the latter isn't available immediately.
+ */
+ typedef U64 region_handle_t;
+ /**
+ * @brief Collected data for a single region visited by the avatar.
+ *
+ * Fairly simple, for each asset bin enumerated above a count
+ * of enqueue and dequeue operations and simple stats on response
+ * times for completed requests.
+ */
+ class PerRegionStats : public LLRefCount
+ {
+ public:
+ PerRegionStats(const region_handle_t region_handle)
+ : LLRefCount(),
+ mRegionHandle(region_handle)
+ {
+ reset();
+ }
+ PerRegionStats(const PerRegionStats & src)
+ : LLRefCount(),
+ mRegionHandle(src.mRegionHandle),
+ mTotalTime(src.mTotalTime),
+ mStartTimestamp(src.mStartTimestamp),
+ mFPS(src.mFPS)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < LL_ARRAY_SIZE(mRequests); ++i)
+ {
+ mRequests[i] = src.mRequests[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Default assignment and destructor are correct.
+ void reset();
+ void merge(const PerRegionStats & src);
+ // Apply current running time to total and reset start point.
+ // Return current timestamp as a convenience.
+ void accumulateTime(duration_t now);
+ public:
+ region_handle_t mRegionHandle;
+ duration_t mTotalTime;
+ duration_t mStartTimestamp;
+ LLSimpleStatMMM<> mFPS;
+ struct prs_group
+ {
+ LLSimpleStatCounter mEnqueued;
+ LLSimpleStatCounter mDequeued;
+ LLSimpleStatMMM<duration_t> mResponse;
+ }
+ mRequests [EVACCount];
+ };
+ LLViewerAssetStats();
+ LLViewerAssetStats(const LLViewerAssetStats &);
+ // Default destructor is correct.
+ LLViewerAssetStats & operator=(const LLViewerAssetStats &); // Not defined
+ // Clear all metrics data. This leaves the currently-active region
+ // in place but with zero'd data for all metrics. All other regions
+ // are removed from the collection map.
+ void reset();
+ // Set hidden region argument and establish context for subsequent
+ // collection calls.
+ void setRegion(region_handle_t region_handle);
+ // Asset GET Requests
+ void recordGetEnqueued(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+ void recordGetDequeued(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+ void recordGetServiced(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp, duration_t duration);
+ // Frames-Per-Second Samples
+ void recordFPS(F32 fps);
+ // Merge a source instance into a destination instance. This is
+ // conceptually an 'operator+=()' method:
+ // - counts are added
+ // - minimums are min'd
+ // - maximums are max'd
+ // - other scalars are ignored ('this' wins)
+ //
+ void merge(const LLViewerAssetStats & src);
+ // Retrieve current metrics for all visited regions (NULL region UUID/handle excluded)
+ // Returned LLSD is structured as follows:
+ //
+ // &stats_group = {
+ // enqueued : int,
+ // dequeued : int,
+ // resp_count : int,
+ // resp_min : float,
+ // resp_max : float,
+ // resp_mean : float
+ // }
+ //
+ // &mmm_group = {
+ // count : int,
+ // min : float,
+ // max : float,
+ // mean : float
+ // }
+ //
+ // {
+ // duration: int
+ // regions: {
+ // $: { // Keys are strings of the region's handle in hex
+ // duration: : int,
+ // fps: : &mmm_group,
+ // get_texture_temp_http : &stats_group,
+ // get_texture_temp_udp : &stats_group,
+ // get_texture_non_temp_http : &stats_group,
+ // get_texture_non_temp_udp : &stats_group,
+ // get_wearable_udp : &stats_group,
+ // get_sound_udp : &stats_group,
+ // get_gesture_udp : &stats_group,
+ // get_other : &stats_group
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // @param compact_output If true, omits from conversion any mmm_block
+ // or stats_block that would contain all zero data.
+ // Useful for transmission when the receiver knows
+ // what is expected and will assume zero for missing
+ // blocks.
+ LLSD asLLSD(bool compact_output);
+ typedef std::map<region_handle_t, LLPointer<PerRegionStats> > PerRegionContainer;
+ // Region of the currently-active region. Always valid but may
+ // be zero after construction or when explicitly set. Unchanged
+ // by a reset() call.
+ region_handle_t mRegionHandle;
+ // Pointer to metrics collection for currently-active region. Always
+ // valid and unchanged after reset() though contents will be changed.
+ // Always points to a collection contained in mRegionStats.
+ LLPointer<PerRegionStats> mCurRegionStats;
+ // Metrics data for all regions during one collection cycle
+ PerRegionContainer mRegionStats;
+ // Time of last reset
+ duration_t mResetTimestamp;
+ * Global stats collectors one for each independent thread where
+ * assets and other statistics are gathered. The globals are
+ * expected to be created at startup time and then picked up by
+ * their respective threads afterwards. A set of free functions
+ * are provided to access methods behind the globals while both
+ * minimally disrupting visual flow and supplying a description
+ * of intent.
+ *
+ * Expected thread assignments:
+ *
+ * - Main: main() program execution thread
+ * - Thread1: TextureFetch worker thread
+ */
+extern LLViewerAssetStats * gViewerAssetStatsMain;
+extern LLViewerAssetStats * gViewerAssetStatsThread1;
+namespace LLViewerAssetStatsFF
+ * @brief Allocation and deallocation of globals.
+ *
+ * init() should be called before threads are started that will access it though
+ * you'll likely get away with calling it afterwards. cleanup() should only be
+ * called after threads are shutdown to prevent races on the global pointers.
+ */
+void init();
+void cleanup();
+ * We have many timers, clocks etc. in the runtime. This is the
+ * canonical timestamp for these metrics which is compatible with
+ * the pre-existing timestamping in the texture fetcher.
+ */
+inline LLViewerAssetStats::duration_t get_timestamp()
+ return LLTimer::getTotalTime();
+ * Region context, event and duration loggers for the Main thread.
+ */
+void set_region_main(LLViewerAssetStats::region_handle_t region_handle);
+void record_enqueue_main(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+void record_dequeue_main(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+void record_response_main(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp,
+ LLViewerAssetStats::duration_t duration);
+void record_fps_main(F32 fps);
+ * Region context, event and duration loggers for Thread 1.
+ */
+void set_region_thread1(LLViewerAssetStats::region_handle_t region_handle);
+void record_enqueue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+void record_dequeue_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp);
+void record_response_thread1(LLViewerAssetType::EType at, bool with_http, bool is_temp,
+ LLViewerAssetStats::duration_t duration);
+} // namespace LLViewerAssetStatsFF