path: root/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3
diff options
authorDave Parks <>2022-09-17 15:48:55 -0500
committerDave Parks <>2022-09-17 15:48:55 -0500
commitb2553fc8b46e44dd74b2840e041b3cf46d2b39fc (patch)
treead6846532a3fc9707e59354d48ecbe3cf8a21885 /indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3
parent48eea4de0a9304cd25af46defb52cb0adeeb87c4 (diff)
Fix for spotlights in background not matching foreground. Remove some unused functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3')
2 files changed, 15 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl
index 2294418e8a..bcacc44d0b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/multiSpotLightF.glsl
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ uniform vec2 screen_res;
uniform mat4 inv_proj;
vec3 BRDFLambertian( vec3 reflect0, vec3 reflect90, vec3 c_diff, float specWeight, float vh );
-vec3 BRDFSpecularGGX( vec3 reflect0, vec3 reflect90, float alphaRoughness, float specWeight, float vh, float nl, float nv, float nh );
void calcHalfVectors(vec3 lv, vec3 n, vec3 v, out vec3 h, out vec3 l, out float nh, out float nl, out float nv, out float vh, out float lightDist);
float calcLegacyDistanceAttenuation(float distance, float falloff);
vec3 colorized_dot(float x);
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/spotLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/spotLightF.glsl
index f23e9db040..787da799a5 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/spotLightF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/spotLightF.glsl
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ uniform vec2 screen_res;
uniform mat4 inv_proj;
vec3 BRDFLambertian( vec3 reflect0, vec3 reflect90, vec3 c_diff, float specWeight, float vh );
-vec3 BRDFSpecularGGX( vec3 reflect0, vec3 reflect90, float alphaRoughness, float specWeight, float vh, float nl, float nv, float nh );
void calcHalfVectors(vec3 lv, vec3 n, vec3 v, out vec3 h, out vec3 l, out float nh, out float nl, out float nv, out float vh, out float lightDist);
float calcLegacyDistanceAttenuation(float distance, float falloff);
bool clipProjectedLightVars(vec3 center, vec3 pos, out float dist, out float l_dist, out vec3 lv, out vec4 proj_tc );
@@ -150,11 +149,17 @@ void main()
- vec3 colorDiffuse = vec3(0);
- vec3 colorSpec = vec3(0);
vec3 colorEmissive = spec.rgb; // PBR sRGB Emissive. See: pbropaqueF.glsl
- vec3 packedORM = texture2DRect(emissiveRect, tc).rgb; // PBR linear packed Occlusion, Roughness, Metal. See: pbropaqueF.glsl
- float metal = packedORM.b;
+ vec3 orm = texture2DRect(emissiveRect, tc).rgb; //orm is packed into "emissiveRect" to keep the data in linear color space
+ float perceptualRoughness = orm.g;
+ float metallic = orm.b;
+ vec3 f0 = vec3(0.04);
+ vec3 baseColor = diffuse.rgb;
+ vec3 diffuseColor = baseColor.rgb*(vec3(1.0)-f0);
+ diffuseColor *= 1.0 - metallic;
+ vec3 specularColor = mix(f0, baseColor.rgb, metallic);
// We need this additional test inside a light's frustum since a spotlight's ambiance can be applied
if (proj_tc.x > 0.0 && proj_tc.x < 1.0
@@ -166,46 +171,16 @@ void main()
if (nl > 0.0)
amb_da += (nl*0.5 + 0.5) * proj_ambiance;
- lit = nl * dist_atten;
- vec3 c_diff, reflect0, reflect90;
- float alphaRough, specWeight;
- initMaterial( diffuse, packedORM, alphaRough, c_diff, reflect0, reflect90, specWeight );
dlit = getProjectedLightDiffuseColor( l_dist, proj_tc.xy );
- slit = getProjectedLightSpecularColor( pos, n );
- float exposure = M_PI;
- dlit *= exposure;
- slit *= exposure;
- colorDiffuse = shadow * lit * dlit * BRDFLambertian ( reflect0, reflect90, c_diff , specWeight, vh );
- colorSpec = shadow * lit * slit * BRDFSpecularGGX( reflect0, reflect90, alphaRough, specWeight, vh, nl, nv, nh );
- colorSpec += shadow * lit * BRDFSpecularGGX( reflect0, reflect90, alphaRough, specWeight, vh, nl, nv, nh );
- colorDiffuse = dlit.rgb; colorSpec = vec3(0);
- #endif
- colorDiffuse = vec3(0); colorSpec = slit.rgb;
- #endif
- colorDiffuse = dlit; colorSpec = vec3(0);
- colorDiffuse *= nl;
- colorDiffuse *= shadow;
- #endif
+ vec3 intensity = dist_atten * dlit * 3.0 * shadow; // Legacy attenuation
+ final_color += intensity*pbrPunctual(diffuseColor, specularColor, perceptualRoughness, metallic,, v, normalize(lv));
- vec3 amb_rgb = getProjectedLightAmbiance( amb_da, dist_atten, lit, nl, 1.0, proj_tc.xy );
- colorDiffuse += diffuse.rgb * amb_rgb;
+ amb_rgb = getProjectedLightAmbiance( amb_da, dist_atten, lit, nl, 1.0, proj_tc.xy );
+ final_color += diffuse.rgb * amb_rgb;
- colorDiffuse = vec3(0.5,0,0); colorSpec = vec3(0.0);
- #endif
- final_color = colorDiffuse + colorSpec;