path: root/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1
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authorDave Parks <>2010-03-20 14:15:13 -0500
committerDave Parks <>2010-03-20 14:15:13 -0500
commitb576cbfb4289adfe8eecc793cf5e4e7a8f1b502e (patch)
tree3e0398011ac8d8a4843c3e527dd0bc12c40aa7cc /indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1
parent2b060b796acdc7c27fb8eb63066c0f9dd689a5f0 (diff)
SSAO version of sunLight shaders.
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7450817ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/sunLightSSAOF.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * @file sunLightSSAOF.glsl
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
+ * $License$
+ */
+#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
+//class 1 -- no shadow, SSAO only
+uniform sampler2DRect depthMap;
+uniform sampler2DRect normalMap;
+uniform sampler2D noiseMap;
+uniform sampler2D lightFunc;
+// Inputs
+uniform mat4 shadow_matrix[6];
+uniform vec4 shadow_clip;
+uniform float ssao_radius;
+uniform float ssao_max_radius;
+uniform float ssao_factor;
+uniform float ssao_factor_inv;
+varying vec2 vary_fragcoord;
+varying vec4 vary_light;
+uniform mat4 inv_proj;
+uniform vec2 screen_res;
+uniform float shadow_bias;
+uniform float shadow_offset;
+vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen)
+ float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, pos_screen.xy).a;
+ vec2 sc = pos_screen.xy*2.0;
+ sc /= screen_res;
+ sc -= vec2(1.0,1.0);
+ vec4 ndc = vec4(sc.x, sc.y, 2.0*depth-1.0, 1.0);
+ vec4 pos = inv_proj * ndc;
+ pos /= pos.w;
+ pos.w = 1.0;
+ return pos;
+//calculate decreases in ambient lighting when crowded out (SSAO)
+float calcAmbientOcclusion(vec4 pos, vec3 norm)
+ float ret = 1.0;
+ float dist = dot(,;
+ if (dist < 64.0*64.0)
+ {
+ vec2 kern[8];
+ // exponentially (^2) distant occlusion samples spread around origin
+ kern[0] = vec2(-1.0, 0.0) * 0.125*0.125;
+ kern[1] = vec2(1.0, 0.0) * 0.250*0.250;
+ kern[2] = vec2(0.0, 1.0) * 0.375*0.375;
+ kern[3] = vec2(0.0, -1.0) * 0.500*0.500;
+ kern[4] = vec2(0.7071, 0.7071) * 0.625*0.625;
+ kern[5] = vec2(-0.7071, -0.7071) * 0.750*0.750;
+ kern[6] = vec2(-0.7071, 0.7071) * 0.875*0.875;
+ kern[7] = vec2(0.7071, -0.7071) * 1.000*1.000;
+ vec2 pos_screen = vary_fragcoord.xy;
+ vec3 pos_world =;
+ vec2 noise_reflect = texture2D(noiseMap, vary_fragcoord.xy/128.0).xy;
+ float angle_hidden = 0.0;
+ int points = 0;
+ float scale = min(ssao_radius / -pos_world.z, ssao_max_radius);
+ // it was found that keeping # of samples a constant was the fastest, probably due to compiler optimizations (unrolling?)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ vec2 samppos_screen = pos_screen + scale * reflect(kern[i], noise_reflect);
+ vec3 samppos_world = getPosition(samppos_screen).xyz;
+ vec3 diff = pos_world - samppos_world;
+ float dist2 = dot(diff, diff);
+ // assume each sample corresponds to an occluding sphere with constant radius, constant x-sectional area
+ // --> solid angle shrinking by the square of distance
+ //radius is somewhat arbitrary, can approx with just some constant k * 1 / dist^2
+ //(k should vary inversely with # of samples, but this is taken care of later)
+ //if (dot((samppos_world - 0.05*norm - pos_world), norm) > 0.0) // -0.05*norm to shift sample point back slightly for flat surfaces
+ // angle_hidden += min(1.0/dist2, ssao_factor_inv); // dist != 0 follows from conditional. max of 1.0 (= ssao_factor_inv * ssao_factor)
+ angle_hidden = angle_hidden + float(dot((samppos_world - 0.05*norm - pos_world), norm) > 0.0) * min(1.0/dist2, ssao_factor_inv);
+ // 'blocked' samples (significantly closer to camera relative to pos_world) are "no data", not "no occlusion"
+ points = points + int(diff.z > -1.0);
+ }
+ angle_hidden = min(ssao_factor*angle_hidden/float(points), 1.0);
+ ret = (1.0 - (float(points != 0) * angle_hidden));
+ ret += max((dist-32.0*32.0)/(32.0*32.0), 0.0);
+ }
+ return min(ret, 1.0);
+void main()
+ vec2 pos_screen = vary_fragcoord.xy;
+ //try doing an unproject here
+ vec4 pos = getPosition(pos_screen);
+ vec3 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, pos_screen).xyz*2.0-1.0;
+ gl_FragColor[0] = 1.0;
+ gl_FragColor[1] = calcAmbientOcclusion(pos, norm);
+ gl_FragColor[2] = 1.0;
+ gl_FragColor[3] = 1.0;