path: root/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
diff options
authorBrad Linden <>2024-10-29 15:43:21 -0700
committerBrad Linden <>2024-10-29 15:43:21 -0700
commit74b0c86e48387e2154cb2acf03f626ca11229bce (patch)
tree0c74138a6d0c60eb5dffcc745464b58a6b315036 /indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
parent9598e2f4cedd3dc36d447086273e0ed97967bbf9 (diff)
parent1a7909517368206d54407e54b9332aed1e4c9863 (diff)
Merge brad/2549-downrez-controls into release/2024.09-ExtraFPS (#2864)
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
index 0aebf7543c..cbbf83d679 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
@@ -948,7 +948,6 @@ S32 LLTextBase::insertStringNoUndo(S32 pos, const LLWString &wstr, LLTextBase::s
S32 LLTextBase::removeStringNoUndo(S32 pos, S32 length)
segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(pos);
while(seg_iter != mSegments.end())
@@ -1325,6 +1324,7 @@ void LLTextBase::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent)
void LLTextBase::draw()
// reflow if needed, on demand
@@ -2368,6 +2368,34 @@ S32 LLTextBase::removeFirstLine()
return 0;
+// virtual
+void LLTextBase::copyContents(const LLTextBase* source)
+ llassert(source);
+ if (!source)
+ return;
+ beforeValueChange();
+ deselect();
+ mSegments.clear();
+ for (const LLTextSegmentPtr& segp : source->mSegments)
+ {
+ mSegments.emplace(segp->clone(*this));
+ }
+ mLineInfoList.clear();
+ for (const line_info& li : mLineInfoList)
+ {
+ mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(li));
+ }
+ getViewModel()->setDisplay(source->getViewModel()->getDisplay());
+ onValueChange(0, getLength());
+ needsReflow();
void LLTextBase::appendLineBreakSegment(const LLStyle::Params& style_params)
segment_vec_t segments;
@@ -2586,6 +2614,11 @@ const LLWString& LLTextBase::getWText() const
return getViewModel()->getDisplay();
+S32 LLTextBase::getTextGeneration() const
+ return getViewModel()->getDisplayGeneration();
// If round is true, if the position is on the right half of a character, the cursor
// will be put to its right. If round is false, the cursor will always be put to the
// character's left.
@@ -3228,6 +3261,24 @@ boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setIsObjectBlockedCallback(const is_bloc
+// static
+LLStyleSP LLTextSegment::cloneStyle(LLTextBase& target, const LLStyle* source)
+ // Take most params from target
+ LLStyle::Params params = target.getStyleParams();
+ LLStyle* style = new LLStyle(params);
+ // Take some params from source
+ style->setLinkHREF(source->getLinkHREF());
+ if (source->isImage())
+ {
+ style->setImage(source->getImage()->getName());
+ }
+ return style;
bool LLTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const { width = 0; height = 0; return false; }
bool LLTextSegment::getDimensions(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, S32& width, S32& height) const
@@ -3280,7 +3331,8 @@ LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 e
: LLTextSegment(start, end),
mStyle( style ),
- mEditor(editor)
+ mEditor(editor),
+ mLastGeneration(-1)
mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
@@ -3294,7 +3346,8 @@ LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 e
LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( const LLUIColor& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
: LLTextSegment(start, end),
- mEditor(editor)
+ mEditor(editor),
+ mLastGeneration(-1)
mStyle = new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(is_visible).color(color));
@@ -3313,25 +3366,41 @@ F32 LLNormalTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selec
return drawClippedSegment( getStart() + start, getStart() + end, selection_start, selection_end, draw_rect);
+ else
+ {
+ mFontBufferPreSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferPostSelection.reset();
+ }
return draw_rect.mLeft;
// Draws a single text segment, reversing the color for selection if needed.
F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, LLRectf rect)
- F32 alpha = LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext().mAlpha;
- const LLWString &text = getWText();
F32 right_x = rect.mLeft;
if (!mStyle->isVisible())
return right_x;
- const LLFontGL* font = mStyle->getFont();
+ F32 alpha = LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext().mAlpha;
+ const LLWString& text = getWText();
+ S32 text_gen = mEditor.getTextGeneration();
+ if (text_gen != mLastGeneration)
+ {
+ mLastGeneration = text_gen;
+ mFontBufferPreSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferPostSelection.reset();
+ }
+ const LLFontGL* font = mStyle->getFont();
LLColor4 color = (mEditor.getReadOnly() ? mStyle->getReadOnlyColor() : mStyle->getColor()) % (alpha * mStyle->getAlpha());
+ bool use_font_buffers = useFontBuffers();
if( selection_start > seg_start )
@@ -3339,16 +3408,40 @@ F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 sele
S32 start = seg_start;
S32 end = llmin( selection_start, seg_end );
S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- color,
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- mStyle->getShadowType(),
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
+ if (use_font_buffers)
+ {
+ mFontBufferPreSelection.render(
+ font,
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Font buffer doesn't do well with changes and huge notecard with a bunch
+ // of segments will see a lot of buffer updates, so instead use derect
+ // rendering to cache.
+ // Todo: instead of mLastGeneration make buffer invalidation more fine grained
+ // like string hash of a given segment.
+ font->render(
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
rect.mLeft = right_x;
@@ -3359,16 +3452,35 @@ F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 sele
S32 end = llmin( selection_end, seg_end );
S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- mStyle->getSelectedColor().get(),
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
+ if (use_font_buffers)
+ {
+ mFontBufferSelection.render(
+ font,
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ mStyle->getSelectedColor().get(),
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ font->render(
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ mStyle->getSelectedColor().get(),
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
rect.mLeft = right_x;
if( selection_end < seg_end )
@@ -3377,16 +3489,36 @@ F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 sele
S32 start = llmax( selection_end, seg_start );
S32 end = seg_end;
S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- color,
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- mStyle->getShadowType(),
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
+ if (use_font_buffers)
+ {
+ mFontBufferPostSelection.render(
+ font,
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ font->render(
+ text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
return right_x;
@@ -3488,6 +3620,13 @@ void LLNormalTextSegment::setToolTip(const std::string& tooltip)
mTooltip = tooltip;
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLNormalTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(cloneStyle(target, mStyle));
+ return new LLNormalTextSegment(sp, mStart, mEnd, target);
bool LLNormalTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
height = 0;
@@ -3573,6 +3712,15 @@ S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 lin
return num_chars;
+void LLNormalTextSegment::updateLayout(const class LLTextBase& editor)
+ LLTextSegment::updateLayout(editor);
+ mFontBufferPreSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferSelection.reset();
+ mFontBufferPostSelection.reset();
void LLNormalTextSegment::dump() const
LL_INFOS() << "Segment [" <<
@@ -3606,6 +3754,13 @@ LLLabelTextSegment::LLLabelTextSegment( const LLUIColor& color, S32 start, S32 e
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLLabelTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(cloneStyle(target, mStyle));
+ return new LLLabelTextSegment(sp, mStart, mEnd, target);
const LLWString& LLLabelTextSegment::getWText() const
@@ -3630,6 +3785,13 @@ LLEmojiTextSegment::LLEmojiTextSegment(const LLUIColor& color, S32 start, S32 en
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLEmojiTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(cloneStyle(target, mStyle));
+ return new LLEmojiTextSegment(sp, mStart, mEnd, target);
bool LLEmojiTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
if (mTooltip.empty())
@@ -3653,6 +3815,14 @@ LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP s
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLStyleConstSP hsp(cloneStyle(target, mHoveredStyle));
+ LLStyleConstSP nsp(cloneStyle(target, mNormalStyle));
+ return new LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment(hsp, nsp, mStart, mEnd, target);
F32 LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
@@ -3692,6 +3862,13 @@ LLInlineViewSegment::~LLInlineViewSegment()
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLInlineViewSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ llassert_always_msg(false, "NOT SUPPORTED");
+ return nullptr;
bool LLInlineViewSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
if (first_char == 0 && num_chars == 0)
@@ -3779,6 +3956,14 @@ LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos):LLT
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLLineBreakTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLLineBreakTextSegment* copy = new LLLineBreakTextSegment(mStart);
+ copy->mFontHeight = mFontHeight;
+ return copy;
bool LLLineBreakTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
width = 0;
@@ -3806,8 +3991,16 @@ LLImageTextSegment::~LLImageTextSegment()
+// virtual
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLImageTextSegment::clone(LLTextBase& target) const
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(cloneStyle(target, mStyle));
+ return new LLImageTextSegment(sp, mStart, target);
static const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
+// virtual
bool LLImageTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
width = 0;