path: root/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
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authorAnsariel <>2024-05-22 21:25:21 +0200
committerAndrey Lihatskiy <>2024-05-22 22:40:26 +0300
commite2e37cced861b98de8c1a7c9c0d3a50d2d90e433 (patch)
tree1bb897489ce524986f6196201c10ac0d8861aa5f /indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
parent069ea06848f766466f1a281144c82a0f2bd79f3a (diff)
Fix line endlings
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp')
1 files changed, 3890 insertions, 3890 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
index f6dd38bce5..1249461be9 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
@@ -1,3890 +1,3890 @@
- * @file lltextbase.cpp
- * @author Martin Reddy
- * @brief The base class of text box/editor, providing Url handling support
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "lltextbase.h"
-#include "llemojidictionary.h"
-#include "llemojihelper.h"
-#include "lllocalcliprect.h"
-#include "llmenugl.h"
-#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
-#include "llspellcheck.h"
-#include "llstl.h"
-#include "lltextparser.h"
-#include "lltextutil.h"
-#include "lltooltip.h"
-#include "lltrans.h"
-#include "lluictrl.h"
-#include "llurlaction.h"
-#include "llurlregistry.h"
-#include "llview.h"
-#include "llwindow.h"
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-const F32 CURSOR_FLASH_DELAY = 1.0f; // in seconds
-const S32 CURSOR_THICKNESS = 2;
-const F32 TRIPLE_CLICK_INTERVAL = 0.3f; // delay between double and triple click.
-LLTextBase::line_info::line_info(S32 index_start, S32 index_end, LLRect rect, S32 line_num)
-: mDocIndexStart(index_start),
- mDocIndexEnd(index_end),
- mRect(rect),
- mLineNum(line_num)
-bool LLTextBase::compare_segment_end::operator()(const LLTextSegmentPtr& a, const LLTextSegmentPtr& b) const
- // sort empty spans (e.g. 11-11) after previous non-empty spans (e.g. 5-11)
- if (a->getEnd() == b->getEnd())
- {
- return a->getStart() < b->getStart();
- }
- else
- {
- return a->getEnd() < b->getEnd();
- }
-// helper functors
-bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const S32& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
- return a > b.mRect.mBottom; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
-bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const S32& b) const
- return a.mRect.mBottom > b; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
-bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
- return a.mRect.mBottom > b.mRect.mBottom; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
-// helper functors
-bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const S32& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
- return a > b.mRect.mTop; // top of a is higher than top of b
-bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const S32& b) const
- return a.mRect.mTop > b; // top of a is higher than top of b
-bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
- return a.mRect.mTop > b.mRect.mTop; // top of a is higher than top of b
-struct LLTextBase::line_end_compare
- bool operator()(const S32& pos, const LLTextBase::line_info& info) const
- {
- return (pos < info.mDocIndexEnd);
- }
- bool operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& info, const S32& pos) const
- {
- return (info.mDocIndexEnd < pos);
- }
- bool operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
- {
- return (a.mDocIndexEnd < b.mDocIndexEnd);
- }
-// LLTextBase
-// register LLTextBase::Params under name "textbase"
-static LLWidgetNameRegistry::StaticRegistrar sRegisterTextBaseParams(&typeid(LLTextBase::Params), "textbase");
-: multiple("multiple", 1.f),
- pixels("pixels", 0)
-: cursor_color("cursor_color"),
- text_color("text_color"),
- text_readonly_color("text_readonly_color"),
- text_tentative_color("text_tentative_color"),
- bg_visible("bg_visible", false),
- border_visible("border_visible", false),
- bg_readonly_color("bg_readonly_color"),
- bg_writeable_color("bg_writeable_color"),
- bg_focus_color("bg_focus_color"),
- text_selected_color("text_selected_color"),
- bg_selected_color("bg_selected_color"),
- allow_scroll("allow_scroll", true),
- plain_text("plain_text",false),
- track_end("track_end", false),
- read_only("read_only", false),
- skip_link_underline("skip_link_underline", false),
- spellcheck("spellcheck", false),
- v_pad("v_pad", 0),
- h_pad("h_pad", 0),
- clip("clip", true),
- clip_partial("clip_partial", true),
- line_spacing("line_spacing"),
- max_text_length("max_length", 255),
- font_shadow("font_shadow"),
- text_valign("text_valign"),
- wrap("wrap"),
- trusted_content("trusted_content", true),
- always_show_icons("always_show_icons", false),
- use_ellipses("use_ellipses", false),
- use_emoji("use_emoji", true),
- use_color("use_color", true),
- parse_urls("parse_urls", false),
- force_urls_external("force_urls_external", false),
- parse_highlights("parse_highlights", false)
- addSynonym(track_end, "track_bottom");
- addSynonym(wrap, "word_wrap");
- addSynonym(parse_urls, "allow_html");
-LLTextBase::LLTextBase(const LLTextBase::Params &p)
-: LLUICtrl(p, LLTextViewModelPtr(new LLTextViewModel)),
- mURLClickSignal(NULL),
- mIsFriendSignal(NULL),
- mIsObjectBlockedSignal(NULL),
- mMaxTextByteLength( p.max_text_length ),
- mFont(p.font),
- mFontShadow(p.font_shadow),
- mPopupMenuHandle(),
- mReadOnly(p.read_only),
- mSkipTripleClick(false),
- mSkipLinkUnderline(p.skip_link_underline),
- mSpellCheck(p.spellcheck),
- mSpellCheckStart(-1),
- mSpellCheckEnd(-1),
- mCursorColor(p.cursor_color),
- mFgColor(p.text_color),
- mBorderVisible( p.border_visible ),
- mReadOnlyFgColor(p.text_readonly_color),
- mTentativeFgColor(p.text_tentative_color()),
- mWriteableBgColor(p.bg_writeable_color),
- mReadOnlyBgColor(p.bg_readonly_color),
- mFocusBgColor(p.bg_focus_color),
- mTextSelectedColor(p.text_selected_color),
- mSelectedBGColor(p.bg_selected_color),
- mReflowIndex(S32_MAX),
- mCursorPos( 0 ),
- mScrollNeeded(false),
- mDesiredXPixel(-1),
- mHPad(p.h_pad),
- mVPad(p.v_pad),
- mHAlign(p.font_halign),
- mVAlign(p.font_valign),
- mTextVAlign(p.text_valign.isProvided() ? p.text_valign.getValue() : p.font_valign.getValue()),
- mLineSpacingMult(p.line_spacing.multiple),
- mLineSpacingPixels(p.line_spacing.pixels),
- mClip(p.clip),
- mClipPartial(p.clip_partial && !p.allow_scroll),
- mTrustedContent(p.trusted_content),
- mAlwaysShowIcons(p.always_show_icons),
- mTrackEnd( p.track_end ),
- mScrollIndex(-1),
- mSelectionStart( 0 ),
- mSelectionEnd( 0 ),
- mIsSelecting( false ),
- mPlainText ( p.plain_text ),
- mWordWrap(p.wrap),
- mUseEllipses( p.use_ellipses ),
- mUseEmoji(p.use_emoji),
- mUseColor(p.use_color),
- mParseHTML(p.parse_urls),
- mForceUrlsExternal(p.force_urls_external),
- mParseHighlights(p.parse_highlights),
- mBGVisible(p.bg_visible),
- mScroller(NULL),
- mStyleDirty(true)
- if(p.allow_scroll)
- {
- LLScrollContainer::Params scroll_params;
- = "text scroller";
- scroll_params.rect = getLocalRect();
- scroll_params.follows.flags = FOLLOWS_ALL;
- scroll_params.is_opaque = false;
- scroll_params.mouse_opaque = false;
- scroll_params.min_auto_scroll_rate = 200;
- scroll_params.max_auto_scroll_rate = 800;
- scroll_params.border_visible = p.border_visible;
- mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLScrollContainer>(scroll_params);
- addChild(mScroller);
- }
- LLView::Params view_params;
- = "text_contents";
- view_params.rect = LLRect(0, 500, 500, 0);
- view_params.mouse_opaque = false;
- mDocumentView = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLView>(view_params);
- if (mScroller)
- {
- mScroller->addChild(mDocumentView);
- }
- else
- {
- addChild(mDocumentView);
- }
- if (mSpellCheck)
- {
- LLSpellChecker::setSettingsChangeCallback(boost::bind(&LLTextBase::onSpellCheckSettingsChange, this));
- }
- mSpellCheckTimer.reset();
- createDefaultSegment();
- updateRects();
- mSegments.clear();
- LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
- if (menu)
- {
- menu->die();
- mPopupMenuHandle.markDead();
- }
- delete mURLClickSignal;
- delete mIsFriendSignal;
- delete mIsObjectBlockedSignal;
-void LLTextBase::initFromParams(const LLTextBase::Params& p)
- LLUICtrl::initFromParams(p);
- resetDirty(); // Update saved text state
- updateSegments();
- // HACK: work around enabled == readonly design bug -- RN
- // setEnabled will modify our read only status, so do this after
- // LLTextBase::initFromParams
- if (p.read_only.isProvided())
- {
- mReadOnly = p.read_only;
- }
-bool LLTextBase::truncate()
- bool did_truncate = false;
- // First rough check - if we're less than 1/4th the size, we're OK
- if (getLength() >= S32(mMaxTextByteLength / 4))
- {
- // Have to check actual byte size
- S32 utf8_byte_size = 0;
- LLSD value = getViewModel()->getValue();
- if (value.type() == LLSD::TypeString)
- {
- // save a copy for strings.
- utf8_byte_size = value.size();
- }
- else
- {
- // non string LLSDs need explicit conversion to string
- utf8_byte_size = value.asString().size();
- }
- if ( utf8_byte_size > mMaxTextByteLength )
- {
- // Truncate safely in UTF-8
- std::string temp_utf8_text = value.asString();
- temp_utf8_text = utf8str_truncate( temp_utf8_text, mMaxTextByteLength );
- LLWString text = utf8str_to_wstring( temp_utf8_text );
- // remove extra bit of current string, to preserve formatting, etc.
- removeStringNoUndo(text.size(), getWText().size() - text.size());
- did_truncate = true;
- }
- }
- return did_truncate;
-const LLStyle::Params& LLTextBase::getStyleParams()
- //FIXME: convert mDefaultStyle to a flyweight
- //and eliminate color member values
- if (mStyleDirty)
- {
- mStyle
- .color(LLUIColor(&mFgColor)) // pass linked color instead of copy of mFGColor
- .readonly_color(LLUIColor(&mReadOnlyFgColor))
- .selected_color(LLUIColor(&mTextSelectedColor))
- .font(mFont)
- .drop_shadow(mFontShadow);
- mStyleDirty = false;
- }
- return mStyle;
-void LLTextBase::beforeValueChange()
-void LLTextBase::onValueChange(S32 start, S32 end)
-std::vector<LLRect> LLTextBase::getSelectionRects()
- // Nor supposed to be called without selection
- llassert(hasSelection());
- llassert(!mLineInfoList.empty());
- std::vector<LLRect> selection_rects;
- S32 selection_left = llmin(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd);
- S32 selection_right = llmax(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd);
- // Skip through the lines we aren't drawing.
- LLRect content_display_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- // binary search for line that starts before top of visible buffer
- line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), content_display_rect.mTop, compare_bottom());
- line_list_t::const_iterator end_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), content_display_rect.mBottom, compare_top());
- bool done = false;
- // Find the coordinates of the selected area
- for (; line_iter != end_iter && !done; ++line_iter)
- {
- // is selection visible on this line?
- if (line_iter->mDocIndexEnd > selection_left && line_iter->mDocIndexStart < selection_right)
- {
- segment_set_t::iterator segment_iter;
- S32 segment_offset;
- getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &segment_iter, &segment_offset);
- // Use F32 otherwise a string of multiple segments
- // will accumulate a large error
- F32 left_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
- F32 right_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
- for (; segment_iter != mSegments.end(); ++segment_iter, segment_offset = 0)
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_iter;
- S32 segment_line_start = segmentp->getStart() + segment_offset;
- S32 segment_line_end = llmin(segmentp->getEnd(), line_iter->mDocIndexEnd);
- if (segment_line_start > segment_line_end) break;
- F32 segment_width = 0;
- S32 segment_height = 0;
- // if selection after beginning of segment
- if (selection_left >= segment_line_start)
- {
- S32 num_chars = llmin(selection_left, segment_line_end) - segment_line_start;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
- left_precise += segment_width;
- }
- // if selection_right == segment_line_end then that means we are the first character of the next segment
- // or first character of the next line, in either case we want to add the length of the current segment
- // to the selection rectangle and continue.
- // if selection right > segment_line_end then selection spans end of current segment...
- if (selection_right >= segment_line_end)
- {
- // extend selection slightly beyond end of line
- // to indicate selection of newline character (use "n" character to determine width)
- S32 num_chars = segment_line_end - segment_line_start;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
- right_precise += segment_width;
- }
- // else if selection ends on current segment...
- else
- {
- S32 num_chars = selection_right - segment_line_start;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
- right_precise += segment_width;
- break;
- }
- }
- LLRect selection_rect;
- selection_rect.mLeft = left_precise;
- selection_rect.mRight = right_precise;
- selection_rect.mBottom = line_iter->mRect.mBottom;
- selection_rect.mTop = line_iter->mRect.mTop;
- selection_rects.push_back(selection_rect);
- }
- }
- return selection_rects;
-// Draws the black box behind the selected text
-void LLTextBase::drawSelectionBackground()
- // Draw selection even if we don't have keyboard focus for search/replace
- if (hasSelection() && !mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- std::vector<LLRect> selection_rects = getSelectionRects();
- // Draw the selection box (we're using a box instead of reversing the colors on the selected text).
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- const LLColor4& color = mSelectedBGColor;
- F32 alpha = hasFocus() ? 0.7f : 0.3f;
- alpha *= getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- LLColor4 selection_color(color.mV[VRED], color.mV[VGREEN], color.mV[VBLUE], alpha);
- LLRect content_display_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- for (std::vector<LLRect>::iterator rect_it = selection_rects.begin();
- rect_it != selection_rects.end();
- ++rect_it)
- {
- LLRect selection_rect = *rect_it;
- if (mScroller)
- {
- // If scroller is On content_display_rect has correct rect and safe to use as is
- // Note: we might need to account for border
- selection_rect.translate(mVisibleTextRect.mLeft - content_display_rect.mLeft, mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom);
- }
- else
- {
- // If scroller is Off content_display_rect will have rect from document, adjusted to text width, heigh and position
- // and we have to acount for offset depending on position
- S32 v_delta = 0;
- S32 h_delta = 0;
- switch (mVAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::TOP:
- v_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - content_display_rect.mTop - mVPad;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
- v_delta = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - content_display_rect.mTop, -content_display_rect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom)) / 2;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
- v_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- switch (mHAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::LEFT:
- h_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mLeft - content_display_rect.mLeft + mHPad;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::HCENTER:
- h_delta = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - content_display_rect.mLeft, -content_display_rect.mRight) + (mVisibleTextRect.mRight - content_display_rect.mRight)) / 2;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::RIGHT:
- h_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mRight - content_display_rect.mRight;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- selection_rect.translate(h_delta, v_delta);
- }
- gl_rect_2d(selection_rect, selection_color);
- }
- }
-void LLTextBase::drawCursor()
- F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- if( hasFocus()
- && gFocusMgr.getAppHasFocus()
- && !mReadOnly)
- {
- const LLWString &wtext = getWText();
- const llwchar* text = wtext.c_str();
- LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- cursor_rect.translate(-1, 0);
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_it = getSegIterContaining(mCursorPos);
- // take style from last segment
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
- if (seg_it != mSegments.end())
- {
- segmentp = *seg_it;
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- // Draw the cursor
- // (Flash the cursor every half second starting a fixed time after the last keystroke)
- F32 elapsed = mCursorBlinkTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
- if( (elapsed < CURSOR_FLASH_DELAY ) || (S32(elapsed * 2) & 1) )
- {
- if (LL_KIM_OVERWRITE == gKeyboard->getInsertMode() && !hasSelection())
- {
- S32 segment_width = 0;
- S32 segment_height = 0;
- segmentp->getDimensions(mCursorPos - segmentp->getStart(), 1, segment_width, segment_height);
- S32 width = llmax(CURSOR_THICKNESS, segment_width);
- cursor_rect.mRight = cursor_rect.mLeft + width;
- }
- else
- {
- cursor_rect.mRight = cursor_rect.mLeft + CURSOR_THICKNESS;
- }
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
- LLColor4 cursor_color = mCursorColor.get() % alpha;
- gGL.color4fv( cursor_color.mV );
- gl_rect_2d(cursor_rect);
- if (LL_KIM_OVERWRITE == gKeyboard->getInsertMode() && !hasSelection() && text[mCursorPos] != '\n')
- {
- LLColor4 text_color;
- const LLFontGL* fontp;
- text_color = segmentp->getColor();
- fontp = segmentp->getStyle()->getFont();
- fontp->render(text, mCursorPos, cursor_rect,
- LLColor4(1.f - text_color.mV[VRED], 1.f - text_color.mV[VGREEN], 1.f - text_color.mV[VBLUE], alpha),
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mTextVAlign,
- 1);
- }
- // Make sure the IME is in the right place
- LLRect screen_pos = calcScreenRect();
- LLCoordGL ime_pos( screen_pos.mLeft + llfloor(cursor_rect.mLeft), screen_pos.mBottom + llfloor(cursor_rect.mTop) );
- ime_pos.mX = (S32) (ime_pos.mX * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VX]);
- ime_pos.mY = (S32) (ime_pos.mY * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VY]);
- getWindow()->setLanguageTextInput( ime_pos );
- }
- }
-void LLTextBase::drawText()
- S32 text_len = getLength();
- if (text_len <= 0 && mLabel.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- else if (useLabel())
- {
- text_len = mLabel.getWString().length();
- }
- S32 selection_left = -1;
- S32 selection_right = -1;
- // Draw selection even if we don't have keyboard focus for search/replace
- if( hasSelection())
- {
- selection_left = llmin( mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd );
- selection_right = llmax( mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd );
- }
- std::pair<S32, S32> line_range = getVisibleLines(mClipPartial);
- S32 first_line = line_range.first;
- S32 last_line = line_range.second;
- if (first_line >= last_line)
- {
- return;
- }
- S32 line_start = getLineStart(first_line);
- // find first text segment that spans top of visible portion of text buffer
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(line_start);
- if (seg_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- return;
- }
- // Perform spell check if needed
- if ( (getSpellCheck()) && (getWText().length() > 2) )
- {
- // Calculate start and end indices for the spell checking range
- S32 start = line_start;
- S32 end = getLineEnd(last_line);
- if ( (mSpellCheckStart != start) || (mSpellCheckEnd != end) )
- {
- const LLWString& wstrText = getWText();
- mMisspellRanges.clear();
- segment_set_t::const_iterator seg_it = getSegIterContaining(start);
- while (mSegments.end() != seg_it)
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = *seg_it;
- if ( (text_segment.isNull()) || (text_segment->getStart() >= end) )
- {
- break;
- }
- if (!text_segment->canEdit())
- {
- ++seg_it;
- continue;
- }
- // Combine adjoining text segments into one
- U32 seg_start = text_segment->getStart(), seg_end = llmin(text_segment->getEnd(), end);
- while (mSegments.end() != ++seg_it)
- {
- text_segment = *seg_it;
- if ( (text_segment.isNull()) || (!text_segment->canEdit()) || (text_segment->getStart() >= end) )
- {
- break;
- }
- seg_end = llmin(text_segment->getEnd(), end);
- }
- // Find the start of the first word
- U32 word_start = seg_start, word_end = -1;
- U32 text_length = wstrText.length();
- while ( (word_start < text_length) && (!LLStringOps::isAlpha(wstrText[word_start])) )
- {
- word_start++;
- }
- // Iterate over all words in the text block and check them one by one
- while (word_start < seg_end)
- {
- // Find the end of the current word (special case handling for "'" when it's used as a contraction)
- word_end = word_start + 1;
- while ( (word_end < seg_end) &&
- ((LLWStringUtil::isPartOfWord(wstrText[word_end])) ||
- ((L'\'' == wstrText[word_end]) &&
- (LLStringOps::isAlnum(wstrText[word_end - 1])) && (LLStringOps::isAlnum(wstrText[word_end + 1])))) )
- {
- word_end++;
- }
- if (word_end > seg_end)
- {
- break;
- }
- if (word_start < text_length && word_end <= text_length && word_end > word_start)
- {
- std::string word = wstring_to_utf8str(wstrText.substr(word_start, word_end - word_start));
- // Don't process words shorter than 3 characters
- if ( (word.length() >= 3) && (!LLSpellChecker::instance().checkSpelling(word)) )
- {
- mMisspellRanges.push_back(std::pair<U32, U32>(word_start, word_end));
- }
- }
- // Find the start of the next word
- word_start = word_end + 1;
- while ( (word_start < seg_end) && (!LLWStringUtil::isPartOfWord(wstrText[word_start])) )
- {
- word_start++;
- }
- }
- }
- mSpellCheckStart = start;
- mSpellCheckEnd = end;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mMisspellRanges.clear();
- }
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = *seg_iter;
- std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator misspell_it = std::lower_bound(mMisspellRanges.begin(), mMisspellRanges.end(), std::pair<U32, U32>(line_start, 0));
- for (S32 cur_line = first_line; cur_line < last_line; cur_line++)
- {
- S32 next_line = cur_line + 1;
- line_info& line = mLineInfoList[cur_line];
- S32 next_start = -1;
- S32 line_end = text_len;
- if (next_line < getLineCount())
- {
- next_start = getLineStart(next_line);
- line_end = next_start;
- }
- LLRectf text_rect(line.mRect.mLeft, line.mRect.mTop, line.mRect.mRight, line.mRect.mBottom);
- text_rect.mRight = mDocumentView->getRect().getWidth(); // clamp right edge to document extents
- text_rect.translate(mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft, mDocumentView->getRect().mBottom); // adjust by scroll position
- // draw a single line of text
- S32 seg_start = line_start;
- while( seg_start < line_end )
- {
- while( cur_segment->getEnd() <= seg_start )
- {
- seg_iter++;
- if (seg_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- LL_WARNS() << "Ran off the segmentation end!" << LL_ENDL;
- return;
- }
- cur_segment = *seg_iter;
- }
- S32 seg_end = llmin(line_end, cur_segment->getEnd());
- S32 clipped_end = seg_end - cur_segment->getStart();
- if (mUseEllipses // using ellipses
- && clipped_end == line_end // last segment on line
- && next_line == last_line // this is the last visible line
- && last_line < (S32)mLineInfoList.size()) // and there is more text to display
- {
- // more lines of text to go, but we can't fit them
- // so shrink text rect to force ellipses
- text_rect.mRight -= 2;
- }
- // Draw squiggly lines under any visible misspelled words
- while ( (mMisspellRanges.end() != misspell_it) && (misspell_it->first < seg_end) && (misspell_it->second > seg_start) )
- {
- // Skip the current word if the user is still busy editing it
- if ( (!mSpellCheckTimer.hasExpired()) && (misspell_it->first <= (U32)mCursorPos) && (misspell_it->second >= (U32)mCursorPos) )
- {
- ++misspell_it;
- continue;
- }
- U32 misspell_start = llmax<U32>(misspell_it->first, seg_start), misspell_end = llmin<U32>(misspell_it->second, seg_end);
- S32 squiggle_start = 0, squiggle_end = 0, pony = 0;
- cur_segment->getDimensions(seg_start - cur_segment->getStart(), misspell_start - seg_start, squiggle_start, pony);
- cur_segment->getDimensions(misspell_start - cur_segment->getStart(), misspell_end - misspell_start, squiggle_end, pony);
- squiggle_start += text_rect.mLeft;
- pony = (squiggle_end + 3) / 6;
- squiggle_start += squiggle_end / 2 - pony * 3;
- squiggle_end = squiggle_start + pony * 6;
- S32 squiggle_bottom = text_rect.mBottom + (S32)cur_segment->getStyle()->getFont()->getDescenderHeight();
- gGL.color4ub(255, 0, 0, 200);
- while (squiggle_start + 1 < squiggle_end)
- {
- gl_line_2d(squiggle_start, squiggle_bottom, squiggle_start + 2, squiggle_bottom - 2);
- if (squiggle_start + 3 < squiggle_end)
- {
- gl_line_2d(squiggle_start + 2, squiggle_bottom - 3, squiggle_start + 4, squiggle_bottom - 1);
- }
- squiggle_start += 4;
- }
- if (misspell_it->second > seg_end)
- {
- break;
- }
- ++misspell_it;
- }
- text_rect.mLeft = cur_segment->draw(seg_start - cur_segment->getStart(), clipped_end, selection_left, selection_right, text_rect);
- seg_start = clipped_end + cur_segment->getStart();
- }
- line_start = next_start;
- }
-// Returns change in number of characters in mWText
-S32 LLTextBase::insertStringNoUndo(S32 pos, const LLWString &wstr, LLTextBase::segment_vec_t* segments )
- beforeValueChange();
- S32 old_len = getLength(); // length() returns character length
- S32 insert_len = wstr.length();
- pos = getEditableIndex(pos, true);
- if (pos > old_len)
- {
- pos = old_len;
- // Should not happen,
- // if you encounter this, check where wrong position comes from
- llassert(false);
- }
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getEditableSegIterContaining(pos);
- LLTextSegmentPtr default_segment;
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
- if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- segmentp = *seg_iter;
- }
- else
- {
- //segmentp = mSegments.back();
- return pos;
- }
- if (segmentp->canEdit())
- {
- segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() + insert_len);
- if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- ++seg_iter;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // create default editable segment to hold new text
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(getStyleParams()));
- default_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, pos, pos + insert_len, *this);
- }
- // shift remaining segments to right
- for(;seg_iter != mSegments.end(); ++seg_iter)
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *seg_iter;
- segmentp->setStart(segmentp->getStart() + insert_len);
- segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() + insert_len);
- }
- // insert new segments
- if (segments)
- {
- if (default_segment.notNull())
- {
- // potentially overwritten by segments passed in
- insertSegment(default_segment);
- }
- for (segment_vec_t::iterator seg_iter = segments->begin();
- seg_iter != segments->end();
- ++seg_iter)
- {
- LLTextSegment* segmentp = *seg_iter;
- insertSegment(segmentp);
- }
- }
- // Insert special segments where necessary (insertSegment takes care of splitting normal text segments around them for us)
- if (mUseEmoji)
- {
- LLStyleSP emoji_style;
- LLEmojiDictionary* ed = LLEmojiDictionary::instanceExists() ? LLEmojiDictionary::getInstance() : NULL;
- for (S32 text_kitty = 0, text_len = wstr.size(); text_kitty < text_len; text_kitty++)
- {
- llwchar code = wstr[text_kitty];
- bool isEmoji = ed ? ed->isEmoji(code) : LLStringOps::isEmoji(code);
- if (isEmoji)
- {
- if (!emoji_style)
- {
- emoji_style = new LLStyle(getStyleParams());
- emoji_style->setFont(LLFontGL::getFontEmojiLarge());
- }
- S32 new_seg_start = pos + text_kitty;
- insertSegment(new LLEmojiTextSegment(emoji_style, new_seg_start, new_seg_start + 1, *this));
- }
- }
- }
- getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay().insert(pos, wstr);
- if ( truncate() )
- {
- insert_len = getLength() - old_len;
- }
- onValueChange(pos, pos + insert_len);
- needsReflow(pos);
- return insert_len;
-S32 LLTextBase::removeStringNoUndo(S32 pos, S32 length)
- beforeValueChange();
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(pos);
- while(seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *seg_iter;
- S32 end = pos + length;
- if (segmentp->getStart() < pos)
- {
- // deleting from middle of segment
- if (segmentp->getEnd() > end)
- {
- segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
- }
- // truncating segment
- else
- {
- segmentp->setEnd(pos);
- }
- }
- else if (segmentp->getStart() < end)
- {
- // deleting entire segment
- if (segmentp->getEnd() <= end)
- {
- // remove segment
- segmentp->unlinkFromDocument(this);
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_to_erase(seg_iter++);
- mSegments.erase(seg_to_erase);
- continue;
- }
- // deleting head of segment
- else
- {
- segmentp->setStart(pos);
- segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // shifting segments backward to fill deleted portion
- segmentp->setStart(segmentp->getStart() - length);
- segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
- }
- ++seg_iter;
- }
- getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay().erase(pos, length);
- // recreate default segment in case we erased everything
- createDefaultSegment();
- onValueChange(pos, pos);
- needsReflow(pos);
- return -length; // This will be wrong if someone calls removeStringNoUndo with an excessive length
-S32 LLTextBase::overwriteCharNoUndo(S32 pos, llwchar wc)
- beforeValueChange();
- if (pos > (S32)getLength())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay()[pos] = wc;
- onValueChange(pos, pos + 1);
- needsReflow(pos);
- return 1;
-void LLTextBase::createDefaultSegment()
- // ensures that there is always at least one segment
- if (mSegments.empty())
- {
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(getStyleParams()));
- LLTextSegmentPtr default_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, 0, getLength() + 1, *this);
- mSegments.insert(default_segment);
- default_segment->linkToDocument(this);
- }
-void LLTextBase::insertSegment(LLTextSegmentPtr segment_to_insert)
- if (segment_to_insert.isNull())
- {
- return;
- }
- segment_set_t::iterator cur_seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(segment_to_insert->getStart());
- S32 reflow_start_index = 0;
- if (cur_seg_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- mSegments.insert(segment_to_insert);
- segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
- reflow_start_index = segment_to_insert->getStart();
- }
- else
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segmentp = *cur_seg_iter;
- reflow_start_index = cur_segmentp->getStart();
- if (cur_segmentp->getStart() < segment_to_insert->getStart())
- {
- S32 old_segment_end = cur_segmentp->getEnd();
- // split old at start point for new segment
- cur_segmentp->setEnd(segment_to_insert->getStart());
- // advance to next segment
- // insert remainder of old segment
- LLStyleConstSP sp = cur_segmentp->getStyle();
- LLTextSegmentPtr remainder_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, segment_to_insert->getStart(), old_segment_end, *this);
- mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, remainder_segment);
- remainder_segment->linkToDocument(this);
- // insert new segment before remainder of old segment
- mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, segment_to_insert);
- segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
- // at this point, there will be two overlapping segments owning the text
- // associated with the incoming segment
- }
- else
- {
- mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, segment_to_insert);
- segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
- }
- // now delete/truncate remaining segments as necessary
- // cur_seg_iter points to segment before incoming segment
- while(cur_seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- cur_segmentp = *cur_seg_iter;
- if (cur_segmentp == segment_to_insert)
- {
- ++cur_seg_iter;
- continue;
- }
- if (cur_segmentp->getStart() >= segment_to_insert->getStart())
- {
- if(cur_segmentp->getEnd() <= segment_to_insert->getEnd())
- {
- cur_segmentp->unlinkFromDocument(this);
- // grab copy of iterator to erase, and bump it
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_to_erase(cur_seg_iter++);
- mSegments.erase(seg_to_erase);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // last overlapping segment, clip to end of incoming segment
- // and stop traversal
- cur_segmentp->setStart(segment_to_insert->getEnd());
- break;
- }
- }
- ++cur_seg_iter;
- }
- }
- // layout potentially changed
- needsReflow(reflow_start_index);
-bool LLTextBase::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- // handle triple click
- if (!mTripleClickTimer.hasExpired())
- {
- if (mSkipTripleClick)
- {
- return true;
- }
- S32 real_line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos, false);
- S32 line_start = -1;
- S32 line_end = -1;
- for (line_list_t::const_iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(), end_it = mLineInfoList.end();
- it != end_it;
- ++it)
- {
- if (it->mLineNum < real_line)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (it->mLineNum > real_line)
- {
- break;
- }
- if (line_start == -1)
- {
- line_start = it->mDocIndexStart;
- }
- line_end = it->mDocIndexEnd;
- line_end = llclamp(line_end, 0, getLength());
- }
- if (line_start == -1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- mSelectionEnd = line_start;
- mSelectionStart = line_end;
- setCursorPos(line_start);
- return true;
- }
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMouseDown(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (hasMouseCapture() && cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMouseUp(x, y, mask))
- {
- // Did we just click on a link?
- if (mURLClickSignal
- && cur_segment->getStyle()
- && cur_segment->getStyle()->isLink())
- {
- // *TODO: send URL here?
- (*mURLClickSignal)(this, LLSD() );
- }
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMiddleMouseDown(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleMiddleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMiddleMouseUp(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleMiddleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleRightMouseDown(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleRightMouseDown(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleRightMouseUp(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleRightMouseUp(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- //Don't start triple click timer if user have clicked on scrollbar
- mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
- if (x >= mVisibleTextRect.mLeft && x <= mVisibleTextRect.mRight
- && y >= mVisibleTextRect.mBottom && y <= mVisibleTextRect.mTop)
- {
- mTripleClickTimer.setTimerExpirySec(TRIPLE_CLICK_INTERVAL);
- }
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleDoubleClick(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleDoubleClick(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleHover(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleHover(x, y, mask);
-bool LLTextBase::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleScrollWheel(x, y, clicks))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleScrollWheel(x, y, clicks);
-bool LLTextBase::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
- if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleToolTip(x, y, mask))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return LLUICtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, mask);
-void LLTextBase::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent)
- if (width != getRect().getWidth() || height != getRect().getHeight() || LLView::sForceReshape)
- {
- bool scrolled_to_bottom = mScroller ? mScroller->isAtBottom() : false;
- LLUICtrl::reshape( width, height, called_from_parent );
- if (mScroller && scrolled_to_bottom && mTrackEnd)
- {
- // keep bottom of text buffer visible
- // do this here as well as in reflow to handle case
- // where shrinking from top, which causes buffer to temporarily
- // not be scrolled to the bottom, since the scroll index
- // specified the _top_ of the visible document region
- mScroller->goToBottom();
- }
- // do this first after reshape, because other things depend on
- // up-to-date mVisibleTextRect
- updateRects();
- needsReflow();
- }
-void LLTextBase::draw()
- // reflow if needed, on demand
- reflow();
- // then update scroll position, as cursor may have moved
- if (!mReadOnly)
- {
- updateScrollFromCursor();
- }
- LLRect text_rect;
- if (mScroller)
- {
- mScroller->localRectToOtherView(mScroller->getContentWindowRect(), &text_rect, this);
- }
- else
- {
- LLRect visible_lines_rect;
- std::pair<S32, S32> line_range = getVisibleLines(mClipPartial);
- for (S32 i = line_range.first; i < line_range.second; i++)
- {
- if (visible_lines_rect.isEmpty())
- {
- visible_lines_rect = mLineInfoList[i].mRect;
- }
- else
- {
- visible_lines_rect.unionWith(mLineInfoList[i].mRect);
- }
- }
- text_rect = visible_lines_rect;
- text_rect.translate(mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft, mDocumentView->getRect().mBottom);
- }
- if (mBGVisible)
- {
- F32 alpha = getCurrentTransparency();
- // clip background rect against extents, if we support scrolling
- LLRect bg_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
- if (mScroller)
- {
- bg_rect.intersectWith(text_rect);
- }
- LLColor4 bg_color = mReadOnly
- ? mReadOnlyBgColor.get()
- : hasFocus()
- ? mFocusBgColor.get()
- : mWriteableBgColor.get();
- gl_rect_2d(text_rect, bg_color % alpha, true);
- }
- // Draw highlighted if needed
- if( ll::ui::SearchableControl::getHighlighted() )
- {
- LLColor4 bg_color = ll::ui::SearchableControl::getHighlightColor();
- LLRect bg_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
- if( mScroller )
- bg_rect.intersectWith( text_rect );
- gl_rect_2d( text_rect, bg_color, true );
- }
- bool should_clip = mClip || mScroller != NULL;
- { LLLocalClipRect clip(text_rect, should_clip);
- // draw document view
- if (mScroller)
- {
- drawChild(mScroller);
- }
- else
- {
- drawChild(mDocumentView);
- }
- drawSelectionBackground();
- drawText();
- drawCursor();
- }
- mDocumentView->setVisibleDirect(false);
- LLUICtrl::draw();
- mDocumentView->setVisibleDirect(true);
-void LLTextBase::setColor( const LLColor4& c )
- mFgColor = c;
- mStyleDirty = true;
-void LLTextBase::setReadOnlyColor(const LLColor4 &c)
- mReadOnlyFgColor = c;
- mStyleDirty = true;
-void LLTextBase::onVisibilityChange( bool new_visibility )
- LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
- if(!new_visibility && menu)
- {
- menu->hide();
- }
- LLUICtrl::onVisibilityChange(new_visibility);
-void LLTextBase::setValue(const LLSD& value )
- setText(value.asString());
-bool LLTextBase::canDeselect() const
- return hasSelection();
-void LLTextBase::deselect()
- mSelectionStart = 0;
- mSelectionEnd = 0;
- mIsSelecting = false;
-bool LLTextBase::getSpellCheck() const
- return (LLSpellChecker::getUseSpellCheck()) && (!mReadOnly) && (mSpellCheck);
-const std::string& LLTextBase::getSuggestion(U32 index) const
- return (index < mSuggestionList.size()) ? mSuggestionList[index] : LLStringUtil::null;
-U32 LLTextBase::getSuggestionCount() const
- return mSuggestionList.size();
-void LLTextBase::replaceWithSuggestion(U32 index)
- for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ( (it->first <= (U32)mCursorPos) && (it->second >= (U32)mCursorPos) )
- {
- deselect();
- // Insert the suggestion in its place
- LLWString suggestion = utf8str_to_wstring(mSuggestionList[index]);
- insertStringNoUndo(it->first, utf8str_to_wstring(mSuggestionList[index]));
- // Delete the misspelled word
- removeStringNoUndo(it->first + (S32)suggestion.length(), it->second - it->first);
- setCursorPos(it->first + (S32)suggestion.length());
- onSpellCheckPerformed();
- break;
- }
- }
- mSpellCheckStart = mSpellCheckEnd = -1;
-void LLTextBase::addToDictionary()
- if (canAddToDictionary())
- {
- LLSpellChecker::instance().addToCustomDictionary(getMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
- }
-bool LLTextBase::canAddToDictionary() const
- return (getSpellCheck()) && (isMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
-void LLTextBase::addToIgnore()
- if (canAddToIgnore())
- {
- LLSpellChecker::instance().addToIgnoreList(getMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
- }
-bool LLTextBase::canAddToIgnore() const
- return (getSpellCheck()) && (isMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
-std::string LLTextBase::getMisspelledWord(U32 pos) const
- for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ( (it->first <= pos) && (it->second >= pos) )
- {
- return wstring_to_utf8str(getWText().substr(it->first, it->second - it->first));
- }
- }
- return LLStringUtil::null;
-bool LLTextBase::isMisspelledWord(U32 pos) const
- for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
- {
- if ( (it->first <= pos) && (it->second >= pos) )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void LLTextBase::onSpellCheckSettingsChange()
- // Recheck the spelling on every change
- mMisspellRanges.clear();
- mSpellCheckStart = mSpellCheckEnd = -1;
-void LLTextBase::onFocusReceived()
- LLUICtrl::onFocusReceived();
- if (!getLength() && !mLabel.empty())
- {
- // delete label which is LLLabelTextSegment
- clearSegments();
- }
-void LLTextBase::onFocusLost()
- LLUICtrl::onFocusLost();
- if (!getLength() && !mLabel.empty())
- {
- resetLabel();
- }
-// Sets the scrollbar from the cursor position
-void LLTextBase::updateScrollFromCursor()
- // Update scroll position even in read-only mode (when there's no cursor displayed)
- // because startOfDoc()/endOfDoc() modify cursor position. See EXT-736.
- if (!mScrollNeeded || !mScroller)
- {
- return;
- }
- mScrollNeeded = false;
- // scroll so that the cursor is at the top of the page
- LLRect scroller_doc_window = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- LLRect cursor_rect_doc = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- mScroller->scrollToShowRect(cursor_rect_doc, LLRect(0, scroller_doc_window.getHeight() - 5, scroller_doc_window.getWidth(), 5));
-S32 LLTextBase::getLeftOffset(S32 width)
- switch (mHAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::LEFT:
- return mHPad;
- case LLFontGL::HCENTER:
- return mHPad + llmax(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - width - mHPad) / 2);
- case LLFontGL::RIGHT:
- {
- // Font's rendering rounds string size, if value gets rounded
- // down last symbol might not have enough space to render,
- // compensate by adding an extra pixel as padding
- const S32 right_padding = 1;
- return llmax(mHPad, mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - width - right_padding);
- }
- default:
- return mHPad;
- }
-void LLTextBase::reflow()
- updateSegments();
- if (mReflowIndex == S32_MAX)
- {
- return;
- }
- bool scrolled_to_bottom = mScroller ? mScroller->isAtBottom() : false;
- LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- bool follow_selection = getLocalRect().overlaps(cursor_rect); // cursor is (potentially) visible
- // store in top-left relative coordinates to avoid issues with horizontal scrollbar appearing and disappearing
- cursor_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mTop;
- cursor_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mBottom;
- S32 first_line = getFirstVisibleLine();
- // if scroll anchor not on first line, update it to first character of first line
- if ((first_line < mLineInfoList.size())
- && (mScrollIndex < mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexStart
- || mScrollIndex >= mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexEnd))
- {
- mScrollIndex = mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexStart;
- }
- LLRect first_char_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mScrollIndex);
- // store in top-left relative coordinates to avoid issues with horizontal scrollbar appearing and disappearing
- first_char_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mTop;
- first_char_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mBottom;
- S32 reflow_count = 0;
- while(mReflowIndex < S32_MAX)
- {
- // we can get into an infinite loop if the document height does not monotonically increase
- // with decreasing width (embedded ui elements with alternate layouts). In that case,
- // we want to stop reflowing after 2 iterations. We use 2, since we need to handle the case
- // of introducing a vertical scrollbar causing a reflow with less width. We should also always
- // use an even number of iterations to avoid user visible oscillation of the layout
- if(++reflow_count > 2)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS() << "Breaking out of reflow due to possible infinite loop in " << getName() << LL_ENDL;
- break;
- }
- S32 start_index = mReflowIndex;
- mReflowIndex = S32_MAX;
- // shrink document to minimum size (visible portion of text widget)
- // to force inlined widgets with follows set to shrink
- if (mWordWrap)
- {
- mDocumentView->reshape(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mDocumentView->getRect().getHeight());
- }
- S32 cur_top = 0;
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = mSegments.begin();
- S32 seg_offset = 0;
- S32 line_start_index = 0;
- const F32 text_available_width = mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - mHPad; // reserve room for margin
- F32 remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
- S32 line_count = 0;
- // find and erase line info structs starting at start_index and going to end of document
- if (!mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- // find first element whose end comes after start_index
- line_list_t::iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), start_index, line_end_compare());
- if (iter != mLineInfoList.end())
- {
- line_start_index = iter->mDocIndexStart;
- line_count = iter->mLineNum;
- cur_top = iter->mRect.mTop;
- getSegmentAndOffset(iter->mDocIndexStart, &seg_iter, &seg_offset);
- mLineInfoList.erase(iter, mLineInfoList.end());
- }
- }
- S32 line_height = 0;
- S32 seg_line_offset = line_count + 1;
- while(seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segment = *seg_iter;
- // track maximum height of any segment on this line
- S32 cur_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
- // ask segment how many character fit in remaining space
- S32 character_count = segment->getNumChars(getWordWrap() ? llmax(0, ll_round(remaining_pixels)) : S32_MAX,
- seg_offset,
- cur_index - line_start_index,
- S32_MAX,
- line_count - seg_line_offset);
- F32 segment_width;
- S32 segment_height;
- bool force_newline = segment->getDimensionsF32(seg_offset, character_count, segment_width, segment_height);
- // grow line height as necessary based on reported height of this segment
- line_height = llmax(line_height, segment_height);
- remaining_pixels -= segment_width;
- seg_offset += character_count;
- S32 last_segment_char_on_line = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
- // Note: make sure text will fit in width - use ceil, but also make sure
- // ceil is used only once per line
- S32 text_actual_width = llceil(text_available_width - remaining_pixels);
- S32 text_left = getLeftOffset(text_actual_width);
- LLRect line_rect(text_left,
- cur_top,
- text_left + text_actual_width,
- cur_top - line_height);
- // if we didn't finish the current segment...
- if (last_segment_char_on_line < segment->getEnd())
- {
- // add line info and keep going
- mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
- line_start_index,
- last_segment_char_on_line,
- line_rect,
- line_count));
- line_start_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
- cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
- remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
- line_height = 0;
- }
- // ...just consumed last segment..
- else if (++segment_set_t::iterator(seg_iter) == mSegments.end())
- {
- mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
- line_start_index,
- last_segment_char_on_line,
- line_rect,
- line_count));
- cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
- break;
- }
- // ...or finished a segment and there are segments remaining on this line
- else
- {
- // subtract pixels used and increment segment
- if (force_newline)
- {
- mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
- line_start_index,
- last_segment_char_on_line,
- line_rect,
- line_count));
- line_start_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
- cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
- line_height = 0;
- remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
- }
- ++seg_iter;
- seg_offset = 0;
- seg_line_offset = force_newline ? line_count + 1 : line_count;
- }
- if (force_newline)
- {
- line_count++;
- }
- }
- // calculate visible region for diplaying text
- updateRects();
- for (segment_set_t::iterator segment_it = mSegments.begin();
- segment_it != mSegments.end();
- ++segment_it)
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_it;
- segmentp->updateLayout(*this);
- }
- }
- // apply scroll constraints after reflowing text
- if (!hasMouseCapture() && mScroller)
- {
- if (scrolled_to_bottom && mTrackEnd)
- {
- // keep bottom of text buffer visible
- endOfDoc();
- }
- else if (hasSelection() && follow_selection)
- {
- // keep cursor in same vertical position on screen when selecting text
- LLRect new_cursor_rect_doc = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- LLRect old_cursor_rect = cursor_rect;
- old_cursor_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mTop;
- old_cursor_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mBottom;
- mScroller->scrollToShowRect(new_cursor_rect_doc, old_cursor_rect);
- }
- else
- {
- // keep first line of text visible
- LLRect new_first_char_rect = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mScrollIndex);
- // pass in desired rect in the coordinate frame of the document viewport
- LLRect old_first_char_rect = first_char_rect;
- old_first_char_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mTop;
- old_first_char_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mBottom;
- mScroller->scrollToShowRect(new_first_char_rect, old_first_char_rect);
- }
- }
- // reset desired x cursor position
- updateCursorXPos();
-LLRect LLTextBase::getTextBoundingRect()
- reflow();
- return mTextBoundingRect;
-void LLTextBase::clearSegments()
- mSegments.clear();
- createDefaultSegment();
-S32 LLTextBase::getLineStart( S32 line ) const
- S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
- if (num_lines == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- line = llclamp(line, 0, num_lines-1);
- return mLineInfoList[line].mDocIndexStart;
-S32 LLTextBase::getLineEnd( S32 line ) const
- S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
- if (num_lines == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- line = llclamp(line, 0, num_lines-1);
- return mLineInfoList[line].mDocIndexEnd;
-S32 LLTextBase::getLineNumFromDocIndex( S32 doc_index, bool include_wordwrap) const
- if (mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), doc_index, line_end_compare());
- if (include_wordwrap)
- {
- return iter - mLineInfoList.begin();
- }
- else
- {
- if (iter == mLineInfoList.end())
- {
- return mLineInfoList.back().mLineNum;
- }
- else
- {
- return iter->mLineNum;
- }
- }
- }
-// Given an offset into text (pos), find the corresponding line (from the start of the doc) and an offset into the line.
-S32 LLTextBase::getLineOffsetFromDocIndex( S32 startpos, bool include_wordwrap) const
- if (mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- return startpos;
- }
- else
- {
- line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), startpos, line_end_compare());
- return startpos - iter->mDocIndexStart;
- }
-S32 LLTextBase::getFirstVisibleLine() const
- LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- // binary search for line that starts before top of visible buffer
- line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_bottom());
- return iter - mLineInfoList.begin();
-std::pair<S32, S32> LLTextBase::getVisibleLines(bool require_fully_visible)
- LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- line_list_t::const_iterator first_iter;
- line_list_t::const_iterator last_iter;
- // make sure we have an up-to-date mLineInfoList
- reflow();
- if (require_fully_visible)
- {
- first_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_top());
- last_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mBottom, compare_bottom());
- }
- else
- {
- first_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_bottom());
- last_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mBottom, compare_top());
- }
- return std::pair<S32, S32>(first_iter - mLineInfoList.begin(), last_iter - mLineInfoList.begin());
-LLTextViewModel* LLTextBase::getViewModel() const
- return (LLTextViewModel*)mViewModel.get();
-void LLTextBase::addDocumentChild(LLView* view)
- mDocumentView->addChild(view);
-void LLTextBase::removeDocumentChild(LLView* view)
- mDocumentView->removeChild(view);
-void LLTextBase::updateSegments()
- createDefaultSegment();
-void LLTextBase::getSegmentAndOffset( S32 startpos, segment_set_t::const_iterator* seg_iter, S32* offsetp ) const
- *seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(startpos);
- if (*seg_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- *offsetp = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *offsetp = startpos - (**seg_iter)->getStart();
- }
-void LLTextBase::getSegmentAndOffset( S32 startpos, segment_set_t::iterator* seg_iter, S32* offsetp )
- *seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(startpos);
- if (*seg_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- *offsetp = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *offsetp = startpos - (**seg_iter)->getStart();
- }
-LLTextBase::segment_set_t::iterator LLTextBase::getEditableSegIterContaining(S32 index)
- segment_set_t::iterator it = getSegIterContaining(index);
- segment_set_t::iterator orig_it = it;
- if (it == mSegments.end()) return it;
- if (!(*it)->canEdit()
- && index == (*it)->getStart()
- && it != mSegments.begin())
- {
- it--;
- if ((*it)->canEdit())
- {
- return it;
- }
- }
- return orig_it;
-LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator LLTextBase::getEditableSegIterContaining(S32 index) const
- segment_set_t::const_iterator it = getSegIterContaining(index);
- segment_set_t::const_iterator orig_it = it;
- if (it == mSegments.end()) return it;
- if (!(*it)->canEdit()
- && index == (*it)->getStart()
- && it != mSegments.begin())
- {
- it--;
- if ((*it)->canEdit())
- {
- return it;
- }
- }
- return orig_it;
-LLTextBase::segment_set_t::iterator LLTextBase::getSegIterContaining(S32 index)
- static LLPointer<LLIndexSegment> index_segment = new LLIndexSegment();
- // when there are no segments, we return the end iterator, which must be checked by caller
- if (mSegments.size() <= 1) { return mSegments.begin(); }
- index_segment->setStart(index);
- index_segment->setEnd(index);
- segment_set_t::iterator it = mSegments.upper_bound(index_segment);
- return it;
-LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator LLTextBase::getSegIterContaining(S32 index) const
- static LLPointer<LLIndexSegment> index_segment = new LLIndexSegment();
- // when there are no segments, we return the end iterator, which must be checked by caller
- if (mSegments.size() <= 1) { return mSegments.begin(); }
- index_segment->setStart(index);
- index_segment->setEnd(index);
- LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator it = mSegments.upper_bound(index_segment);
- return it;
-// Finds the text segment (if any) at the give local screen position
-LLTextSegmentPtr LLTextBase::getSegmentAtLocalPos( S32 x, S32 y, bool hit_past_end_of_line)
- // Find the cursor position at the requested local screen position
- S32 offset = getDocIndexFromLocalCoord( x, y, false, hit_past_end_of_line);
- segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(offset);
- if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- return *seg_iter;
- }
- else
- {
- return LLTextSegmentPtr();
- }
-void LLTextBase::createUrlContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, const std::string &in_url)
- // work out the XUI menu file to use for this url
- LLUrlMatch match;
- std::string url = in_url;
- if (! LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
- {
- return;
- }
- std::string xui_file = match.getMenuName();
- if (xui_file.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- // set up the callbacks for all of the potential menu items, N.B. we
- // don't use const ref strings in callbacks in case url goes out of scope
- LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar registrar;
- registrar.add("Url.Open", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURL, url));
- registrar.add("Url.OpenInternal", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURLInternal, url));
- registrar.add("Url.OpenExternal", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURLExternal, url));
- registrar.add("Url.Execute", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::executeSLURL, url, true));
- registrar.add("Url.Block", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::blockObject, url));
- registrar.add("Url.Unblock", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::unblockObject, url));
- registrar.add("Url.Teleport", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::teleportToLocation, url));
- registrar.add("Url.ShowProfile", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::showProfile, url));
- registrar.add("Url.AddFriend", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::addFriend, url));
- registrar.add("Url.RemoveFriend", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::removeFriend, url));
- registrar.add("Url.ReportAbuse", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::reportAbuse, url));
- registrar.add("Url.SendIM", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::sendIM, url));
- registrar.add("Url.ShowOnMap", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::showLocationOnMap, url));
- registrar.add("Url.CopyLabel", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyLabelToClipboard, url));
- registrar.add("Url.CopyUrl", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyURLToClipboard, url));
- // create and return the context menu from the XUI file
- LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
- if (menu)
- {
- menu->die();
- mPopupMenuHandle.markDead();
- }
- llassert(LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer != NULL);
- menu = LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile<LLContextMenu>(xui_file, LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer,
- LLMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance());
- if (menu)
- {
- mPopupMenuHandle = menu->getHandle();
- if (mIsFriendSignal)
- {
- bool isFriend = *(*mIsFriendSignal)(LLUUID(LLUrlAction::getUserID(url)));
- LLView* addFriendButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("add_friend");
- LLView* removeFriendButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("remove_friend");
- if (addFriendButton && removeFriendButton)
- {
- addFriendButton->setEnabled(!isFriend);
- removeFriendButton->setEnabled(isFriend);
- }
- }
- if (mIsObjectBlockedSignal)
- {
- bool is_blocked = *(*mIsObjectBlockedSignal)(LLUUID(LLUrlAction::getObjectId(url)), LLUrlAction::getObjectName(url));
- LLView* blockButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("block_object");
- LLView* unblockButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("unblock_object");
- if (blockButton && unblockButton)
- {
- blockButton->setVisible(!is_blocked);
- unblockButton->setVisible(is_blocked);
- }
- }
- menu->show(x, y);
- LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, menu, x, y);
- }
-void LLTextBase::setText(const LLStringExplicit &utf8str, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
- // clear out the existing text and segments
- getViewModel()->setDisplay(LLWStringUtil::null);
- clearSegments();
-// createDefaultSegment();
- deselect();
- // append the new text (supports Url linking)
- std::string text(utf8str);
- LLStringUtil::removeCRLF(text);
- // appendText modifies mCursorPos...
- appendText(text, false, input_params);
- // move cursor to top after appending text
- if (!mTrackEnd)
- {
- startOfDoc();
- }
- onValueChange(0, getLength());
-// virtual
-const std::string& LLTextBase::getText() const
- return getViewModel()->getStringValue();
-// IDEVO - icons can be UI image names or UUID sent from
-// server with avatar display name
-static LLUIImagePtr image_from_icon_name(const std::string& icon_name)
- if (LLUUID::validate(icon_name))
- {
- return LLUI::getUIImageByID( LLUUID(icon_name) );
- }
- else
- {
- return LLUI::getUIImage(icon_name);
- }
-void LLTextBase::appendTextImpl(const std::string &new_text, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
- LLStyle::Params style_params(input_params);
- style_params.fillFrom(getStyleParams());
- S32 part = (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE;
- if (mParseHTML && !style_params.is_link) // Don't search for URLs inside a link segment (STORM-358).
- {
- S32 start=0,end=0;
- LLUrlMatch match;
- std::string text = new_text;
- while (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(text, match,
- boost::bind(&LLTextBase::replaceUrl, this, _1, _2, _3), isContentTrusted() || mAlwaysShowIcons))
- {
- start = match.getStart();
- end = match.getEnd()+1;
- LLStyle::Params link_params(style_params);
- link_params.overwriteFrom(match.getStyle());
- // output the text before the Url
- if (start > 0)
- {
- if (part == (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE ||
- part == (S32)LLTextParser::START)
- {
- part = (S32)LLTextParser::START;
- }
- else
- {
- part = (S32)LLTextParser::MIDDLE;
- }
- std::string subtext=text.substr(0,start);
- appendAndHighlightText(subtext, part, style_params);
- }
- // add icon before url if need
- LLTextUtil::processUrlMatch(&match, this, isContentTrusted() || match.isTrusted() || mAlwaysShowIcons);
- if ((isContentTrusted() || match.isTrusted()) && !match.getIcon().empty() )
- {
- setLastSegmentToolTip(LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLIcon"));
- }
- // output the styled Url
- appendAndHighlightTextImpl(match.getLabel(), part, link_params, match.underlineOnHoverOnly());
- bool tooltip_required = !match.getTooltip().empty();
- // set the tooltip for the Url label
- if (tooltip_required)
- {
- setLastSegmentToolTip(match.getTooltip());
- }
- // show query part of url with gray color only for LLUrlEntryHTTP url entries
- std::string label = match.getQuery();
- if (label.size())
- {
- link_params.color = LLColor4::grey;
- link_params.readonly_color = LLColor4::grey;
- appendAndHighlightTextImpl(label, part, link_params, match.underlineOnHoverOnly());
- // set the tooltip for the query part of url
- if (tooltip_required)
- {
- setLastSegmentToolTip(match.getTooltip());
- }
- }
- // move on to the rest of the text after the Url
- if (end < (S32)text.length())
- {
- text = text.substr(end,text.length() - end);
- end=0;
- part=(S32)LLTextParser::END;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (part != (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE)
- part=(S32)LLTextParser::END;
- if (end < (S32)text.length())
- appendAndHighlightText(text, part, style_params);
- }
- else
- {
- appendAndHighlightText(new_text, part, style_params);
- }
-void LLTextBase::setLastSegmentToolTip(const std::string &tooltip)
- segment_set_t::iterator it = getSegIterContaining(getLength()-1);
- if (it != mSegments.end())
- {
- LLTextSegmentPtr segment = *it;
- segment->setToolTip(tooltip);
- }
-void LLTextBase::appendText(const std::string &new_text, bool prepend_newline, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
- if (new_text.empty())
- return;
- if(prepend_newline)
- appendLineBreakSegment(input_params);
- appendTextImpl(new_text,input_params);
-void LLTextBase::setLabel(const LLStringExplicit& label)
- mLabel = label;
- resetLabel();
-bool LLTextBase::setLabelArg(const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
- mLabel.setArg(key, text);
- return true;
-void LLTextBase::resetLabel()
- if (useLabel())
- {
- clearSegments();
- LLStyle* style = new LLStyle(getStyleParams());
- style->setColor(mTentativeFgColor);
- LLStyleConstSP sp(style);
- LLTextSegmentPtr label = new LLLabelTextSegment(sp, 0, mLabel.getWString().length() + 1, *this);
- insertSegment(label);
- }
-bool LLTextBase::useLabel() const
- return !getLength() && !mLabel.empty() && !hasFocus();
-void LLTextBase::setFont(const LLFontGL* font)
- mFont = font;
- mStyleDirty = true;
-void LLTextBase::needsReflow(S32 index)
- LL_DEBUGS() << "reflow on object " << (void*)this << " index = " << mReflowIndex << ", new index = " << index << LL_ENDL;
- mReflowIndex = llmin(mReflowIndex, index);
-S32 LLTextBase::removeFirstLine()
- if (!mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- S32 length = getLineEnd(0);
- deselect();
- removeStringNoUndo(0, length);
- return length;
- }
- return 0;
-void LLTextBase::appendLineBreakSegment(const LLStyle::Params& style_params)
- segment_vec_t segments;
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
- segments.push_back(new LLLineBreakTextSegment(sp, getLength()));
- insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), utf8str_to_wstring("\n"), &segments);
-void LLTextBase::appendImageSegment(const LLStyle::Params& style_params)
- if(getPlainText())
- {
- return;
- }
- segment_vec_t segments;
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
- segments.push_back(new LLImageTextSegment(sp, getLength(),*this));
- insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), utf8str_to_wstring(" "), &segments);
-void LLTextBase::appendWidget(const LLInlineViewSegment::Params& params, const std::string& text, bool allow_undo)
- segment_vec_t segments;
- LLWString widget_wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(text);
- segments.push_back(new LLInlineViewSegment(params, getLength(), getLength() + widget_wide_text.size()));
- insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), widget_wide_text, &segments);
-void LLTextBase::appendAndHighlightTextImpl(const std::string &new_text, S32 highlight_part, const LLStyle::Params& style_params, bool underline_on_hover_only)
- // Save old state
- S32 selection_start = mSelectionStart;
- S32 selection_end = mSelectionEnd;
- bool was_selecting = mIsSelecting;
- S32 cursor_pos = mCursorPos;
- S32 old_length = getLength();
- bool cursor_was_at_end = (mCursorPos == old_length);
- deselect();
- setCursorPos(old_length);
- if (mParseHighlights)
- {
- LLStyle::Params highlight_params(style_params);
- LLSD pieces = LLTextParser::instance().parsePartialLineHighlights(new_text, highlight_params.color(), (LLTextParser::EHighlightPosition)highlight_part);
- for (S32 i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++)
- {
- LLSD color_llsd = pieces[i]["color"];
- LLColor4 lcolor;
- lcolor.setValue(color_llsd);
- highlight_params.color = lcolor;
- LLWString wide_text;
- wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(pieces[i]["text"].asString());
- S32 cur_length = getLength();
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(highlight_params));
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
- if (underline_on_hover_only || mSkipLinkUnderline)
- {
- LLStyleConstSP normal_sp(new LLStyle(highlight_params));
- segmentp = new LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment(sp, normal_sp, cur_length, cur_length + wide_text.size(), *this);
- }
- else
- {
- segmentp = new LLNormalTextSegment(sp, cur_length, cur_length + wide_text.size(), *this);
- }
- segment_vec_t segments;
- segments.push_back(segmentp);
- insertStringNoUndo(cur_length, wide_text, &segments);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- LLWString wide_text;
- wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(new_text);
- segment_vec_t segments;
- S32 segment_start = old_length;
- S32 segment_end = old_length + wide_text.size();
- LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
- if (underline_on_hover_only || mSkipLinkUnderline)
- {
- LLStyle::Params normal_style_params(style_params);
- LLStyleConstSP normal_sp(new LLStyle(normal_style_params));
- segments.push_back(new LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment(sp, normal_sp, segment_start, segment_end, *this));
- }
- else
- {
- segments.push_back(new LLNormalTextSegment(sp, segment_start, segment_end, *this));
- }
- insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), wide_text, &segments);
- }
- // Set the cursor and scroll position
- if (selection_start != selection_end)
- {
- mSelectionStart = selection_start;
- mSelectionEnd = selection_end;
- mIsSelecting = was_selecting;
- setCursorPos(cursor_pos);
- }
- else if (cursor_was_at_end)
- {
- setCursorPos(getLength());
- }
- else
- {
- setCursorPos(cursor_pos);
- }
-void LLTextBase::appendAndHighlightText(const std::string &new_text, S32 highlight_part, const LLStyle::Params& style_params, bool underline_on_hover_only)
- if (new_text.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- std::string::size_type start = 0;
- std::string::size_type pos = new_text.find("\n", start);
- while (pos != std::string::npos)
- {
- if (pos != start)
- {
- std::string str = std::string(new_text,start,pos-start);
- appendAndHighlightTextImpl(str, highlight_part, style_params, underline_on_hover_only);
- }
- appendLineBreakSegment(style_params);
- start = pos+1;
- pos = new_text.find("\n", start);
- }
- std::string str = std::string(new_text, start, new_text.length() - start);
- appendAndHighlightTextImpl(str, highlight_part, style_params, underline_on_hover_only);
-void LLTextBase::replaceUrl(const std::string &url,
- const std::string &label,
- const std::string &icon)
- // get the full (wide) text for the editor so we can change it
- LLWString text = getWText();
- LLWString wlabel = utf8str_to_wstring(label);
- bool modified = false;
- S32 seg_start = 0;
- // iterate through each segment looking for ones styled as links
- segment_set_t::iterator it;
- for (it = mSegments.begin(); it != mSegments.end(); ++it)
- {
- LLTextSegment *seg = *it;
- LLStyleConstSP style = seg->getStyle();
- // update segment start/end length in case we replaced text earlier
- S32 seg_length = seg->getEnd() - seg->getStart();
- seg->setStart(seg_start);
- seg->setEnd(seg_start + seg_length);
- // if we find a link with our Url, then replace the label
- if (style->getLinkHREF() == url)
- {
- S32 start = seg->getStart();
- S32 end = seg->getEnd();
- text = text.substr(0, start) + wlabel + text.substr(end, text.size() - end + 1);
- seg->setEnd(start + wlabel.size());
- modified = true;
- }
- // Icon might be updated when more avatar or group info
- // becomes available
- if (style->isImage() && style->getLinkHREF() == url)
- {
- LLUIImagePtr image = image_from_icon_name( icon );
- if (image)
- {
- LLStyle::Params icon_params;
- icon_params.image = image;
- LLStyleConstSP new_style(new LLStyle(icon_params));
- seg->setStyle(new_style);
- modified = true;
- }
- }
- // work out the character offset for the next segment
- seg_start = seg->getEnd();
- }
- // update the editor with the new (wide) text string
- if (modified)
- {
- getViewModel()->setDisplay(text);
- deselect();
- setCursorPos(mCursorPos);
- needsReflow();
- }
-void LLTextBase::setWText(const LLWString& text)
- setText(wstring_to_utf8str(text));
-const LLWString& LLTextBase::getWText() const
- return getViewModel()->getDisplay();
-// If round is true, if the position is on the right half of a character, the cursor
-// will be put to its right. If round is false, the cursor will always be put to the
-// character's left.
-S32 LLTextBase::getDocIndexFromLocalCoord( S32 local_x, S32 local_y, bool round, bool hit_past_end_of_line) const
- // Figure out which line we're nearest to.
- LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getRect();
- S32 doc_y = local_y - doc_rect.mBottom;
- // binary search for line that starts before local_y
- line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), doc_y, compare_bottom());
- if (!mLineInfoList.size() || line_iter == mLineInfoList.end())
- {
- return getLength(); // past the end
- }
- S32 pos = getLength();
- F32 start_x = line_iter->mRect.mLeft + doc_rect.mLeft;
- segment_set_t::iterator line_seg_iter;
- S32 line_seg_offset;
- for(getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &line_seg_iter, &line_seg_offset);
- line_seg_iter != mSegments.end();
- ++line_seg_iter, line_seg_offset = 0)
- {
- const LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *line_seg_iter;
- S32 segment_line_start = segmentp->getStart() + line_seg_offset;
- S32 segment_line_length = llmin(segmentp->getEnd(), line_iter->mDocIndexEnd) - segment_line_start;
- F32 text_width;
- S32 text_height;
- bool newline = segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, text_width, text_height);
- if(newline)
- {
- pos = segment_line_start + segmentp->getOffset(local_x - start_x, line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, round);
- break;
- }
- // if we've reached a line of text *below* the mouse cursor, doc index is first character on that line
- if (hit_past_end_of_line && doc_y > line_iter->mRect.mTop)
- {
- pos = segment_line_start;
- break;
- }
- if (local_x < start_x + text_width) // cursor to left of right edge of text
- {
- // Figure out which character we're nearest to.
- S32 offset;
- if (!segmentp->canEdit())
- {
- F32 segment_width;
- S32 segment_height;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(0, segmentp->getEnd() - segmentp->getStart(), segment_width, segment_height);
- if (round && local_x - start_x > segment_width / 2)
- {
- offset = segment_line_length;
- }
- else
- {
- offset = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- offset = segmentp->getOffset(local_x - start_x, line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, round);
- }
- pos = segment_line_start + offset;
- break;
- }
- else if (hit_past_end_of_line && segmentp->getEnd() >= line_iter->mDocIndexEnd)
- {
- if (getLineNumFromDocIndex(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd - 1) == line_iter->mLineNum)
- {
- // if segment wraps to the next line we should step one char back
- // to compensate for the space char between words
- // which is removed due to wrapping
- pos = llclamp(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd - 1, 0, getLength());
- }
- else
- {
- pos = llclamp(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd, 0, getLength());
- }
- break;
- }
- start_x += text_width;
- }
- return pos;
-// returns rectangle of insertion caret
-// in document coordinate frame from given index into text
-LLRect LLTextBase::getDocRectFromDocIndex(S32 pos) const
- if (mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- return LLRect();
- }
- // clamp pos to valid values
- pos = llclamp(pos, 0, mLineInfoList.back().mDocIndexEnd - 1);
- line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), pos, line_end_compare());
- segment_set_t::iterator line_seg_iter;
- S32 line_seg_offset;
- segment_set_t::iterator cursor_seg_iter;
- S32 cursor_seg_offset;
- getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &line_seg_iter, &line_seg_offset);
- getSegmentAndOffset(pos, &cursor_seg_iter, &cursor_seg_offset);
- F32 doc_left_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
- while(line_seg_iter != mSegments.end())
- {
- const LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *line_seg_iter;
- if (line_seg_iter == cursor_seg_iter)
- {
- // cursor advanced to right based on difference in offset of cursor to start of line
- F32 segment_width;
- S32 segment_height;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, cursor_seg_offset - line_seg_offset, segment_width, segment_height);
- doc_left_precise += segment_width;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // add remainder of current text segment to cursor position
- F32 segment_width;
- S32 segment_height;
- segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, (segmentp->getEnd() - segmentp->getStart()) - line_seg_offset, segment_width, segment_height);
- doc_left_precise += segment_width;
- // offset will be 0 for all segments after the first
- line_seg_offset = 0;
- // go to next text segment on this line
- ++line_seg_iter;
- }
- }
- LLRect doc_rect;
- doc_rect.mLeft = doc_left_precise;
- doc_rect.mBottom = line_iter->mRect.mBottom;
- doc_rect.mTop = line_iter->mRect.mTop;
- // set rect to 0 width
- doc_rect.mRight = doc_rect.mLeft;
- return doc_rect;
-LLRect LLTextBase::getLocalRectFromDocIndex(S32 pos) const
- LLRect content_window_rect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
- if (mBorderVisible)
- {
- content_window_rect.stretch(-1);
- }
- LLRect local_rect;
- if (mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- // return default height rect in upper left
- local_rect = content_window_rect;
- local_rect.mBottom = local_rect.mTop - mFont->getLineHeight();
- return local_rect;
- }
- // get the rect in document coordinates
- LLRect doc_rect = getDocRectFromDocIndex(pos);
- // compensate for scrolled, inset view of doc
- LLRect scrolled_view_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- local_rect = doc_rect;
- local_rect.translate(content_window_rect.mLeft - scrolled_view_rect.mLeft,
- content_window_rect.mBottom - scrolled_view_rect.mBottom);
- return local_rect;
-void LLTextBase::updateCursorXPos()
- // reset desired x cursor position
- mDesiredXPixel = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos).mLeft;
-void LLTextBase::startOfLine()
- S32 offset = getLineOffsetFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- setCursorPos(mCursorPos - offset);
-void LLTextBase::endOfLine()
- S32 line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
- if (line + 1 >= num_lines)
- {
- setCursorPos(getLength());
- }
- else
- {
- setCursorPos( getLineStart(line + 1) - 1 );
- }
-void LLTextBase::startOfDoc()
- setCursorPos(0);
- if (mScroller)
- {
- mScroller->goToTop();
- }
-void LLTextBase::endOfDoc()
- setCursorPos(getLength());
- if (mScroller)
- {
- mScroller->goToBottom();
- }
-void LLTextBase::changePage( S32 delta )
- if (delta == 0 || !mScroller) return;
- LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- if( delta == -1 )
- {
- }
- else
- if( delta == 1 )
- {
- mScroller->pageDown(PIXEL_OVERLAP_ON_PAGE_CHANGE);
- }
- if (getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos) == cursor_rect)
- {
- // cursor didn't change apparent position, so move to top or bottom of document, respectively
- if (delta < 0)
- {
- startOfDoc();
- }
- else
- {
- endOfDoc();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setCursorAtLocalPos(cursor_rect.getCenterX(), cursor_rect.getCenterY(), true, false);
- }
-// Picks a new cursor position based on the screen size of text being drawn.
-void LLTextBase::setCursorAtLocalPos( S32 local_x, S32 local_y, bool round, bool keep_cursor_offset )
- setCursorPos(getDocIndexFromLocalCoord(local_x, local_y, round), keep_cursor_offset);
-void LLTextBase::changeLine( S32 delta )
- S32 line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
- S32 max_line_nb = getLineCount() - 1;
- max_line_nb = (max_line_nb < 0 ? 0 : max_line_nb);
- S32 new_line = llclamp(line + delta, 0, max_line_nb);
- if (new_line != line)
- {
- LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
- S32 new_cursor_pos = getDocIndexFromLocalCoord(mDesiredXPixel,
- mLineInfoList[new_line].mRect.mBottom + mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - visible_region.mBottom, true);
- S32 actual_line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(new_cursor_pos);
- if (actual_line != new_line)
- {
- // line edge, correcting position by 1 to move onto proper line
- new_cursor_pos += new_line - actual_line;
- }
- setCursorPos(new_cursor_pos, true);
- }
-bool LLTextBase::scrolledToStart()
- return mScroller->isAtTop();
-bool LLTextBase::scrolledToEnd()
- return mScroller->isAtBottom();
-bool LLTextBase::setCursor(S32 row, S32 column)
- if (row < 0 || column < 0) return false;
- S32 n_lines = mLineInfoList.size();
- for (S32 line = row; line < n_lines; ++line)
- {
- const line_info& li = mLineInfoList[line];
- if (li.mLineNum < row)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (li.mLineNum > row)
- {
- break; // invalid column specified
- }
- // Found the given row.
- S32 line_length = li.mDocIndexEnd - li.mDocIndexStart;;
- if (column >= line_length)
- {
- column -= line_length;
- continue;
- }
- // Found the given column.
- updateCursorXPos();
- S32 doc_pos = li.mDocIndexStart + column;
- return setCursorPos(doc_pos);
- }
- return false; // invalid row or column specified
-bool LLTextBase::setCursorPos(S32 cursor_pos, bool keep_cursor_offset)
- S32 new_cursor_pos = cursor_pos;
- if (new_cursor_pos != mCursorPos)
- {
- new_cursor_pos = getEditableIndex(new_cursor_pos, new_cursor_pos >= mCursorPos);
- }
- mCursorPos = llclamp(new_cursor_pos, 0, (S32)getLength());
- needsScroll();
- if (!keep_cursor_offset)
- updateCursorXPos();
- // did we get requested position?
- return new_cursor_pos == cursor_pos;
-// constraint cursor to editable segments of document
-S32 LLTextBase::getEditableIndex(S32 index, bool increasing_direction)
- segment_set_t::iterator segment_iter;
- S32 offset;
- getSegmentAndOffset(index, &segment_iter, &offset);
- if (segment_iter == mSegments.end())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_iter;
- if (segmentp->canEdit())
- {
- return segmentp->getStart() + offset;
- }
- else if (segmentp->getStart() < index && index < segmentp->getEnd())
- {
- // bias towards document end
- if (increasing_direction)
- {
- return segmentp->getEnd();
- }
- // bias towards document start
- else
- {
- return segmentp->getStart();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return index;
- }
-void LLTextBase::updateRects()
- LLRect old_text_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
- mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
- if (mLineInfoList.empty())
- {
- mTextBoundingRect = LLRect(0, mVPad, mHPad, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- mTextBoundingRect = mLineInfoList.begin()->mRect;
- for (line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = ++mLineInfoList.begin();
- line_iter != mLineInfoList.end();
- ++line_iter)
- {
- mTextBoundingRect.unionWith(line_iter->mRect);
- }
- mTextBoundingRect.mTop += mVPad;
- S32 delta_pos = 0;
- switch(mVAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::TOP:
- delta_pos = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
- break;
- case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
- delta_pos = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom)) / 2;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
- delta_pos = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::BASELINE:
- // do nothing
- break;
- }
- // move line segments to fit new document rect
- for (line_list_t::iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(); it != mLineInfoList.end(); ++it)
- {
- it->mRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
- }
- mTextBoundingRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
- }
- // update document container dimensions according to text contents
- LLRect doc_rect;
- // use old mVisibleTextRect constraint document to width of viewable region
- doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
- doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
- // allow horizontal scrolling?
- // if so, use entire width of text contents
- // otherwise, stop at width of mVisibleTextRect
- //FIXME: consider use of getWordWrap() instead
- doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
- ? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
- : mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
- doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.mTop, mTextBoundingRect.mTop);
- if (!mScroller)
- {
- // push doc rect to top of text widget
- switch(mVAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::TOP:
- doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
- break;
- case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
- doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
- case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- mDocumentView->setShape(doc_rect);
- //update mVisibleTextRect *after* mDocumentView has been resized
- // so that scrollbars are added if document needs to scroll
- // since mVisibleTextRect does not include scrollbars
- mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
- //FIXME: replace border with image?
- if (mBorderVisible)
- {
- mVisibleTextRect.stretch(-1);
- }
- if (mVisibleTextRect != old_text_rect)
- {
- needsReflow();
- }
- // update mTextBoundingRect after mVisibleTextRect took scrolls into account
- if (!mLineInfoList.empty() && mScroller)
- {
- S32 delta_pos = 0;
- switch(mVAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::TOP:
- delta_pos = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
- break;
- case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
- delta_pos = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom)) / 2;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
- delta_pos = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
- break;
- case LLFontGL::BASELINE:
- // do nothing
- break;
- }
- // move line segments to fit new visible rect
- if (delta_pos != 0)
- {
- for (line_list_t::iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(); it != mLineInfoList.end(); ++it)
- {
- it->mRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
- }
- mTextBoundingRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
- }
- }
- // update document container again, using new mVisibleTextRect (that has scrollbars enabled as needed)
- doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
- doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
- doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
- ? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
- : mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
- doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight(), mTextBoundingRect.getHeight()) + doc_rect.mBottom;
- if (!mScroller)
- {
- // push doc rect to top of text widget
- switch(mVAlign)
- {
- case LLFontGL::TOP:
- doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
- break;
- case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
- doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
- case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- mDocumentView->setShape(doc_rect);
-void LLTextBase::startSelection()
- if( !mIsSelecting )
- {
- mIsSelecting = true;
- mSelectionStart = mCursorPos;
- mSelectionEnd = mCursorPos;
- }
-void LLTextBase::endSelection()
- if( mIsSelecting )
- {
- mIsSelecting = false;
- mSelectionEnd = mCursorPos;
- }
-// get portion of document that is visible in text editor
-LLRect LLTextBase::getVisibleDocumentRect() const
- if (mScroller)
- {
- return mScroller->getVisibleContentRect();
- }
- else if (mClip)
- {
- LLRect visible_text_rect = getVisibleTextRect();
- LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getRect();
- visible_text_rect.translate(-doc_rect.mLeft, -doc_rect.mBottom);
- // reject partially visible lines
- LLRect visible_lines_rect;
- for (line_list_t::const_iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(), end_it = mLineInfoList.end();
- it != end_it;
- ++it)
- {
- bool line_visible = mClipPartial ? visible_text_rect.contains(it->mRect) : visible_text_rect.overlaps(it->mRect);
- if (line_visible)
- {
- if (visible_lines_rect.isEmpty())
- {
- visible_lines_rect = it->mRect;
- }
- else
- {
- visible_lines_rect.unionWith(it->mRect);
- }
- }
- }
- return visible_lines_rect;
- }
- else
- { // entire document rect is visible
- // but offset according to height of widget
- LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getLocalRect();
- doc_rect.mLeft -= mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft;
- // adjust for height of text above widget baseline
- doc_rect.mBottom = doc_rect.getHeight() - mVisibleTextRect.getHeight();
- return doc_rect;
- }
-boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setURLClickedCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
- if (!mURLClickSignal)
- {
- mURLClickSignal = new commit_signal_t();
- }
- return mURLClickSignal->connect(cb);
-boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setIsFriendCallback(const is_friend_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
- if (!mIsFriendSignal)
- {
- mIsFriendSignal = new is_friend_signal_t();
- }
- return mIsFriendSignal->connect(cb);
-boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setIsObjectBlockedCallback(const is_blocked_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
- if (!mIsObjectBlockedSignal)
- {
- mIsObjectBlockedSignal = new is_blocked_signal_t();
- }
- return mIsObjectBlockedSignal->connect(cb);
-// LLTextSegment
-bool LLTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const { width = 0; height = 0; return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::getDimensions(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, S32& width, S32& height) const
- F32 fwidth = 0;
- bool result = getDimensionsF32(first_char, num_chars, fwidth, height);
- width = ll_round(fwidth);
- return result;
-S32 LLTextSegment::getOffset(S32 segment_local_x_coord, S32 start_offset, S32 num_chars, bool round) const { return 0; }
-S32 LLTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const { return 0; }
-void LLTextSegment::updateLayout(const LLTextBase& editor) {}
-F32 LLTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect) { return draw_rect.mLeft; }
-bool LLTextSegment::canEdit() const { return false; }
-void LLTextSegment::unlinkFromDocument(LLTextBase*) {}
-void LLTextSegment::linkToDocument(LLTextBase*) {}
-const LLColor4& LLTextSegment::getColor() const { return LLColor4::white; }
-//void LLTextSegment::setColor(const LLColor4 &color) {}
-LLStyleConstSP LLTextSegment::getStyle() const {static LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle()); return sp; }
-void LLTextSegment::setStyle(LLStyleConstSP style) {}
-void LLTextSegment::setToken( LLKeywordToken* token ) {}
-LLKeywordToken* LLTextSegment::getToken() const { return NULL; }
-void LLTextSegment::setToolTip( const std::string &msg ) {}
-void LLTextSegment::dump() const {}
-bool LLTextSegment::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleScrollHWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { return false; }
-bool LLTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
-const std::string& LLTextSegment::getName() const
- return LLStringUtil::null;
-void LLTextSegment::onMouseCaptureLost() {}
-void LLTextSegment::screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const {}
-void LLTextSegment::localPointToScreen(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, S32* screen_x, S32* screen_y) const {}
-bool LLTextSegment::hasMouseCapture() { return false; }
-// LLNormalTextSegment
-LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor )
-: LLTextSegment(start, end),
- mStyle( style ),
- mToken(NULL),
- mEditor(editor)
- mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
- LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
- if (image.notNull())
- {
- mImageLoadedConnection = image->addLoadedCallback(boost::bind(&LLTextBase::needsReflow, &mEditor, start));
- }
-LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
-: LLTextSegment(start, end),
- mToken(NULL),
- mEditor(editor)
- mStyle = new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(is_visible).color(color));
- mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
- mImageLoadedConnection.disconnect();
-F32 LLNormalTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
- if( end - start > 0 )
- {
- return drawClippedSegment( getStart() + start, getStart() + end, selection_start, selection_end, draw_rect);
- }
- return draw_rect.mLeft;
-// Draws a single text segment, reversing the color for selection if needed.
-F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, LLRectf rect)
- F32 alpha = LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext().mAlpha;
- const LLWString &text = getWText();
- F32 right_x = rect.mLeft;
- if (!mStyle->isVisible())
- {
- return right_x;
- }
- const LLFontGL* font = mStyle->getFont();
- LLColor4 color = (mEditor.getReadOnly() ? mStyle->getReadOnlyColor() : mStyle->getColor()) % alpha;
- if( selection_start > seg_start )
- {
- // Draw normally
- S32 start = seg_start;
- S32 end = llmin( selection_start, seg_end );
- S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- color,
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- mStyle->getShadowType(),
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
- }
- rect.mLeft = right_x;
- if( (selection_start < seg_end) && (selection_end > seg_start) )
- {
- // Draw reversed
- S32 start = llmax( selection_start, seg_start );
- S32 end = llmin( selection_end, seg_end );
- S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- mStyle->getSelectedColor().get(),
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
- }
- rect.mLeft = right_x;
- if( selection_end < seg_end )
- {
- // Draw normally
- S32 start = llmax( selection_end, seg_start );
- S32 end = seg_end;
- S32 length = end - start;
- font->render(text, start,
- rect,
- color,
- LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
- mStyle->getShadowType(),
- length,
- &right_x,
- mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
- mEditor.getUseColor());
- }
- return right_x;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
- {
- // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
- if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
- {
- LLUI::getInstance()->getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_HAND);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
- {
- // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
- if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
- {
- mEditor.createUrlContextMenu(x, y, getStyle()->getLinkHREF());
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
- {
- // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
- if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
- {
- // eat mouse down event on hyperlinks, so we get the mouse up
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
- {
- // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
- if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
- {
- std::string url = getStyle()->getLinkHREF();
- if (!mEditor.mForceUrlsExternal)
- {
- LLUrlAction::clickAction(url, mEditor.isContentTrusted());
- }
- else if (!LLUrlAction::executeSLURL(url, mEditor.isContentTrusted()))
- {
- LLUrlAction::openURLExternal(url);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- std::string msg;
- // do we have a tooltip for a loaded keyword (for script editor)?
- if (mToken && !mToken->getToolTip().empty())
- {
- const LLWString& wmsg = mToken->getToolTip();
- LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(wstring_to_utf8str(wmsg), (mToken->getType() == LLKeywordToken::TT_FUNCTION));
- return true;
- }
- // or do we have an explicitly set tooltip (e.g., for Urls)
- if (!mTooltip.empty())
- {
- LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(mTooltip);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void LLNormalTextSegment::setToolTip(const std::string& tooltip)
- // we cannot replace a keyword tooltip that's loaded from a file
- if (mToken)
- {
- LL_WARNS() << "LLTextSegment::setToolTip: cannot replace keyword tooltip." << LL_ENDL;
- return;
- }
- mTooltip = tooltip;
-bool LLNormalTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
- height = 0;
- width = 0;
- if (num_chars > 0)
- {
- height = mFontHeight;
- const LLWString &text = getWText();
- // if last character is a newline, then return true, forcing line break
- width = mStyle->getFont()->getWidthF32(text.c_str(), mStart + first_char, num_chars, true);
- }
- return false;
-S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getOffset(S32 segment_local_x_coord, S32 start_offset, S32 num_chars, bool round) const
- const LLWString &text = getWText();
- return mStyle->getFont()->charFromPixelOffset(text.c_str(), mStart + start_offset,
- (F32)segment_local_x_coord,
- F32_MAX,
- num_chars,
- round);
-S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
- const LLWString &text = getWText();
- LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
- if( image.notNull())
- {
- num_pixels = llmax(0, num_pixels - image->getWidth());
- }
- S32 last_char = mEnd;
- // set max characters to length of segment, or to first newline
- max_chars = llmin(max_chars, last_char - (mStart + segment_offset));
- // if no character yet displayed on this line, don't require word wrapping since
- // we can just move to the next line, otherwise insist on it so we make forward progress
- LLFontGL::EWordWrapStyle word_wrap_style = (line_offset == 0)
- S32 offsetLength = text.length() - (segment_offset + mStart);
- if(getLength() < segment_offset + mStart)
- {
- LL_INFOS() << "getLength() < segment_offset + mStart\t getLength()\t" << getLength() << "\tsegment_offset:\t"
- << segment_offset << "\tmStart:\t" << mStart << "\tsegments\t" << mEditor.mSegments.size() << "\tmax_chars\t" << max_chars << LL_ENDL;
- }
- if( (offsetLength + 1) < max_chars)
- {
- LL_INFOS() << "offsetString.length() + 1 < max_chars\t max_chars:\t" << max_chars << "\toffsetString.length():\t" << offsetLength << " getLength() : "
- << getLength() << "\tsegment_offset:\t" << segment_offset << "\tmStart:\t" << mStart << "\tsegments\t" << mEditor.mSegments.size() << LL_ENDL;
- }
- S32 num_chars = mStyle->getFont()->maxDrawableChars( text.c_str() + (segment_offset + mStart),
- (F32)num_pixels,
- max_chars,
- word_wrap_style);
- if (num_chars == 0
- && line_offset == 0
- && max_chars > 0)
- {
- // If at the beginning of a line, and a single character won't fit, draw it anyway
- num_chars = 1;
- }
- // include *either* the EOF or newline character in this run of text
- // but not both
- S32 last_char_in_run = mStart + segment_offset + num_chars;
- // check length first to avoid indexing off end of string
- if (last_char_in_run < mEnd
- && (last_char_in_run >= getLength()))
- {
- num_chars++;
- }
- return num_chars;
-void LLNormalTextSegment::dump() const
- LL_INFOS() << "Segment [" <<
-// mColor.mV[VX] << ", " <<
-// mColor.mV[VY] << ", " <<
-// mColor.mV[VZ] << "]\t[" <<
- mStart << ", " <<
- getEnd() << "]" <<
-const LLWString& LLNormalTextSegment::getWText() const
- return mEditor.getWText();
-const S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getLength() const
- return mEditor.getLength();
-LLLabelTextSegment::LLLabelTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor )
-: LLNormalTextSegment(style, start, end, editor)
-LLLabelTextSegment::LLLabelTextSegment( const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
-: LLNormalTextSegment(color, start, end, editor, is_visible)
-const LLWString& LLLabelTextSegment::getWText() const
- return mEditor.getWlabel();
-const S32 LLLabelTextSegment::getLength() const
- return mEditor.getWlabel().length();
-// LLEmojiTextSegment
-LLEmojiTextSegment::LLEmojiTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor)
- : LLNormalTextSegment(style, start, end, editor)
-LLEmojiTextSegment::LLEmojiTextSegment(const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
- : LLNormalTextSegment(color, start, end, editor, is_visible)
-bool LLEmojiTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (mTooltip.empty())
- {
- LLWString emoji = getWText().substr(getStart(), getEnd() - getStart());
- if (!emoji.empty())
- {
- mTooltip = LLEmojiHelper::instance().getToolTip(emoji[0]);
- }
- }
- return LLNormalTextSegment::handleToolTip(x, y, mask);
-// LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment
-LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, LLStyleConstSP normal_style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor ):
- LLNormalTextSegment(normal_style, start, end, editor),
- mHoveredStyle(style),
- mNormalStyle(normal_style){}
-F32 LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
- F32 result = LLNormalTextSegment::draw(start, end, selection_start, selection_end, draw_rect);
- if (end == mEnd - mStart)
- {
- mStyle = mNormalStyle;
- }
- return result;
-bool LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- mStyle = mEditor.getSkipLinkUnderline() ? mNormalStyle : mHoveredStyle;
- return LLNormalTextSegment::handleHover(x, y, mask);
-// LLInlineViewSegment
-LLInlineViewSegment::LLInlineViewSegment(const Params& p, S32 start, S32 end)
-: LLTextSegment(start, end),
- mView(p.view),
- mForceNewLine(p.force_newline),
- mLeftPad(p.left_pad),
- mRightPad(p.right_pad),
- mTopPad(p.top_pad),
- mBottomPad(p.bottom_pad)
- mView->die();
-bool LLInlineViewSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
- if (first_char == 0 && num_chars == 0)
- {
- // We didn't fit on a line or were forced to new string
- // the widget will fall on the next line, so width here is 0
- width = 0;
- if (mForceNewLine)
- {
- // Chat, string can't be smaller then font height even if it is empty
- LLStyleSP s(new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(true)));
- height = s->getFont()->getLineHeight();
- return true; // new line
- }
- else
- {
- // height from previous segment in same string will be used, word-wrap
- height = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- width = mLeftPad + mRightPad + mView->getRect().getWidth();
- height = mBottomPad + mTopPad + mView->getRect().getHeight();
- }
- return false;
-S32 LLInlineViewSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
- // if putting a widget anywhere but at the beginning of a line
- // and the widget doesn't fit or mForceNewLine is true
- // then return 0 chars for that line, and all characters for the next
- if (mForceNewLine && line_ind == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else if (line_offset != 0 && num_pixels < mView->getRect().getWidth())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- return mEnd - mStart;
- }
-void LLInlineViewSegment::updateLayout(const LLTextBase& editor)
- LLRect start_rect = editor.getDocRectFromDocIndex(mStart);
- mView->setOrigin(start_rect.mLeft + mLeftPad, start_rect.mBottom + mBottomPad);
-F32 LLInlineViewSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
- // return padded width of widget
- // widget is actually drawn during mDocumentView's draw()
- return (F32)(draw_rect.mLeft + mView->getRect().getWidth() + mLeftPad + mRightPad);
-void LLInlineViewSegment::unlinkFromDocument(LLTextBase* editor)
- editor->removeDocumentChild(mView);
-void LLInlineViewSegment::linkToDocument(LLTextBase* editor)
- editor->addDocumentChild(mView);
-LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
- LLStyleSP s( new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(true)));
- mFontHeight = s->getFont()->getLineHeight();
-LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
- mFontHeight = style->getFont()->getLineHeight();
-bool LLLineBreakTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
- width = 0;
- height = mFontHeight;
- return true;
-S32 LLLineBreakTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
- return 1;
-F32 LLLineBreakTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
- return draw_rect.mLeft;
-LLImageTextSegment::LLImageTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos,class LLTextBase& editor)
-: LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1),
- mStyle( style ),
- mEditor(editor)
-static const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
-bool LLImageTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
- width = 0;
- height = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
- LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
- if( num_chars>0 && image.notNull())
- {
- width += image->getWidth() + IMAGE_HPAD;
- height = llmax(height, image->getHeight() + IMAGE_HPAD );
- }
- return false;
-S32 LLImageTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
- LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
- if (image.isNull())
- {
- return 1;
- }
- S32 image_width = image->getWidth();
- if(line_offset == 0 || num_pixels>image_width + IMAGE_HPAD)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-bool LLImageTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
- if (!mTooltip.empty())
- {
- LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(mTooltip);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void LLImageTextSegment::setToolTip(const std::string& tooltip)
- mTooltip = tooltip;
-F32 LLImageTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
- if ( (start >= 0) && (end <= mEnd - mStart))
- {
- LLColor4 color = LLColor4::white % mEditor.getDrawContext().mAlpha;
- LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
- if (image.notNull())
- {
- S32 style_image_height = image->getHeight();
- S32 style_image_width = image->getWidth();
- // Text is drawn from the top of the draw_rect downward
- S32 text_center = draw_rect.mTop - (draw_rect.getHeight() / 2);
- // Align image to center of draw rect
- S32 image_bottom = text_center - (style_image_height / 2);
- image->draw(draw_rect.mLeft, image_bottom,
- style_image_width, style_image_height, color);
- const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
- return draw_rect.mLeft + style_image_width + IMAGE_HPAD;
- }
- }
- return 0.0;
-void LLTextBase::setWordWrap(bool wrap)
- mWordWrap = wrap;
+ * @file lltextbase.cpp
+ * @author Martin Reddy
+ * @brief The base class of text box/editor, providing Url handling support
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "linden_common.h"
+#include "lltextbase.h"
+#include "llemojidictionary.h"
+#include "llemojihelper.h"
+#include "lllocalcliprect.h"
+#include "llmenugl.h"
+#include "llscrollcontainer.h"
+#include "llspellcheck.h"
+#include "llstl.h"
+#include "lltextparser.h"
+#include "lltextutil.h"
+#include "lltooltip.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+#include "lluictrl.h"
+#include "llurlaction.h"
+#include "llurlregistry.h"
+#include "llview.h"
+#include "llwindow.h"
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+const F32 CURSOR_FLASH_DELAY = 1.0f; // in seconds
+const S32 CURSOR_THICKNESS = 2;
+const F32 TRIPLE_CLICK_INTERVAL = 0.3f; // delay between double and triple click.
+LLTextBase::line_info::line_info(S32 index_start, S32 index_end, LLRect rect, S32 line_num)
+: mDocIndexStart(index_start),
+ mDocIndexEnd(index_end),
+ mRect(rect),
+ mLineNum(line_num)
+bool LLTextBase::compare_segment_end::operator()(const LLTextSegmentPtr& a, const LLTextSegmentPtr& b) const
+ // sort empty spans (e.g. 11-11) after previous non-empty spans (e.g. 5-11)
+ if (a->getEnd() == b->getEnd())
+ {
+ return a->getStart() < b->getStart();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return a->getEnd() < b->getEnd();
+ }
+// helper functors
+bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const S32& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
+ return a > b.mRect.mBottom; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
+bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const S32& b) const
+ return a.mRect.mBottom > b; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
+bool LLTextBase::compare_bottom::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
+ return a.mRect.mBottom > b.mRect.mBottom; // bottom of a is higher than bottom of b
+// helper functors
+bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const S32& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
+ return a > b.mRect.mTop; // top of a is higher than top of b
+bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const S32& b) const
+ return a.mRect.mTop > b; // top of a is higher than top of b
+bool LLTextBase::compare_top::operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
+ return a.mRect.mTop > b.mRect.mTop; // top of a is higher than top of b
+struct LLTextBase::line_end_compare
+ bool operator()(const S32& pos, const LLTextBase::line_info& info) const
+ {
+ return (pos < info.mDocIndexEnd);
+ }
+ bool operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& info, const S32& pos) const
+ {
+ return (info.mDocIndexEnd < pos);
+ }
+ bool operator()(const LLTextBase::line_info& a, const LLTextBase::line_info& b) const
+ {
+ return (a.mDocIndexEnd < b.mDocIndexEnd);
+ }
+// LLTextBase
+// register LLTextBase::Params under name "textbase"
+static LLWidgetNameRegistry::StaticRegistrar sRegisterTextBaseParams(&typeid(LLTextBase::Params), "textbase");
+: multiple("multiple", 1.f),
+ pixels("pixels", 0)
+: cursor_color("cursor_color"),
+ text_color("text_color"),
+ text_readonly_color("text_readonly_color"),
+ text_tentative_color("text_tentative_color"),
+ bg_visible("bg_visible", false),
+ border_visible("border_visible", false),
+ bg_readonly_color("bg_readonly_color"),
+ bg_writeable_color("bg_writeable_color"),
+ bg_focus_color("bg_focus_color"),
+ text_selected_color("text_selected_color"),
+ bg_selected_color("bg_selected_color"),
+ allow_scroll("allow_scroll", true),
+ plain_text("plain_text",false),
+ track_end("track_end", false),
+ read_only("read_only", false),
+ skip_link_underline("skip_link_underline", false),
+ spellcheck("spellcheck", false),
+ v_pad("v_pad", 0),
+ h_pad("h_pad", 0),
+ clip("clip", true),
+ clip_partial("clip_partial", true),
+ line_spacing("line_spacing"),
+ max_text_length("max_length", 255),
+ font_shadow("font_shadow"),
+ text_valign("text_valign"),
+ wrap("wrap"),
+ trusted_content("trusted_content", true),
+ always_show_icons("always_show_icons", false),
+ use_ellipses("use_ellipses", false),
+ use_emoji("use_emoji", true),
+ use_color("use_color", true),
+ parse_urls("parse_urls", false),
+ force_urls_external("force_urls_external", false),
+ parse_highlights("parse_highlights", false)
+ addSynonym(track_end, "track_bottom");
+ addSynonym(wrap, "word_wrap");
+ addSynonym(parse_urls, "allow_html");
+LLTextBase::LLTextBase(const LLTextBase::Params &p)
+: LLUICtrl(p, LLTextViewModelPtr(new LLTextViewModel)),
+ mURLClickSignal(NULL),
+ mIsFriendSignal(NULL),
+ mIsObjectBlockedSignal(NULL),
+ mMaxTextByteLength( p.max_text_length ),
+ mFont(p.font),
+ mFontShadow(p.font_shadow),
+ mPopupMenuHandle(),
+ mReadOnly(p.read_only),
+ mSkipTripleClick(false),
+ mSkipLinkUnderline(p.skip_link_underline),
+ mSpellCheck(p.spellcheck),
+ mSpellCheckStart(-1),
+ mSpellCheckEnd(-1),
+ mCursorColor(p.cursor_color),
+ mFgColor(p.text_color),
+ mBorderVisible( p.border_visible ),
+ mReadOnlyFgColor(p.text_readonly_color),
+ mTentativeFgColor(p.text_tentative_color()),
+ mWriteableBgColor(p.bg_writeable_color),
+ mReadOnlyBgColor(p.bg_readonly_color),
+ mFocusBgColor(p.bg_focus_color),
+ mTextSelectedColor(p.text_selected_color),
+ mSelectedBGColor(p.bg_selected_color),
+ mReflowIndex(S32_MAX),
+ mCursorPos( 0 ),
+ mScrollNeeded(false),
+ mDesiredXPixel(-1),
+ mHPad(p.h_pad),
+ mVPad(p.v_pad),
+ mHAlign(p.font_halign),
+ mVAlign(p.font_valign),
+ mTextVAlign(p.text_valign.isProvided() ? p.text_valign.getValue() : p.font_valign.getValue()),
+ mLineSpacingMult(p.line_spacing.multiple),
+ mLineSpacingPixels(p.line_spacing.pixels),
+ mClip(p.clip),
+ mClipPartial(p.clip_partial && !p.allow_scroll),
+ mTrustedContent(p.trusted_content),
+ mAlwaysShowIcons(p.always_show_icons),
+ mTrackEnd( p.track_end ),
+ mScrollIndex(-1),
+ mSelectionStart( 0 ),
+ mSelectionEnd( 0 ),
+ mIsSelecting( false ),
+ mPlainText ( p.plain_text ),
+ mWordWrap(p.wrap),
+ mUseEllipses( p.use_ellipses ),
+ mUseEmoji(p.use_emoji),
+ mUseColor(p.use_color),
+ mParseHTML(p.parse_urls),
+ mForceUrlsExternal(p.force_urls_external),
+ mParseHighlights(p.parse_highlights),
+ mBGVisible(p.bg_visible),
+ mScroller(NULL),
+ mStyleDirty(true)
+ if(p.allow_scroll)
+ {
+ LLScrollContainer::Params scroll_params;
+ = "text scroller";
+ scroll_params.rect = getLocalRect();
+ scroll_params.follows.flags = FOLLOWS_ALL;
+ scroll_params.is_opaque = false;
+ scroll_params.mouse_opaque = false;
+ scroll_params.min_auto_scroll_rate = 200;
+ scroll_params.max_auto_scroll_rate = 800;
+ scroll_params.border_visible = p.border_visible;
+ mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLScrollContainer>(scroll_params);
+ addChild(mScroller);
+ }
+ LLView::Params view_params;
+ = "text_contents";
+ view_params.rect = LLRect(0, 500, 500, 0);
+ view_params.mouse_opaque = false;
+ mDocumentView = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLView>(view_params);
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ mScroller->addChild(mDocumentView);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addChild(mDocumentView);
+ }
+ if (mSpellCheck)
+ {
+ LLSpellChecker::setSettingsChangeCallback(boost::bind(&LLTextBase::onSpellCheckSettingsChange, this));
+ }
+ mSpellCheckTimer.reset();
+ createDefaultSegment();
+ updateRects();
+ mSegments.clear();
+ LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
+ if (menu)
+ {
+ menu->die();
+ mPopupMenuHandle.markDead();
+ }
+ delete mURLClickSignal;
+ delete mIsFriendSignal;
+ delete mIsObjectBlockedSignal;
+void LLTextBase::initFromParams(const LLTextBase::Params& p)
+ LLUICtrl::initFromParams(p);
+ resetDirty(); // Update saved text state
+ updateSegments();
+ // HACK: work around enabled == readonly design bug -- RN
+ // setEnabled will modify our read only status, so do this after
+ // LLTextBase::initFromParams
+ if (p.read_only.isProvided())
+ {
+ mReadOnly = p.read_only;
+ }
+bool LLTextBase::truncate()
+ bool did_truncate = false;
+ // First rough check - if we're less than 1/4th the size, we're OK
+ if (getLength() >= S32(mMaxTextByteLength / 4))
+ {
+ // Have to check actual byte size
+ S32 utf8_byte_size = 0;
+ LLSD value = getViewModel()->getValue();
+ if (value.type() == LLSD::TypeString)
+ {
+ // save a copy for strings.
+ utf8_byte_size = value.size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // non string LLSDs need explicit conversion to string
+ utf8_byte_size = value.asString().size();
+ }
+ if ( utf8_byte_size > mMaxTextByteLength )
+ {
+ // Truncate safely in UTF-8
+ std::string temp_utf8_text = value.asString();
+ temp_utf8_text = utf8str_truncate( temp_utf8_text, mMaxTextByteLength );
+ LLWString text = utf8str_to_wstring( temp_utf8_text );
+ // remove extra bit of current string, to preserve formatting, etc.
+ removeStringNoUndo(text.size(), getWText().size() - text.size());
+ did_truncate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return did_truncate;
+const LLStyle::Params& LLTextBase::getStyleParams()
+ //FIXME: convert mDefaultStyle to a flyweight
+ //and eliminate color member values
+ if (mStyleDirty)
+ {
+ mStyle
+ .color(LLUIColor(&mFgColor)) // pass linked color instead of copy of mFGColor
+ .readonly_color(LLUIColor(&mReadOnlyFgColor))
+ .selected_color(LLUIColor(&mTextSelectedColor))
+ .font(mFont)
+ .drop_shadow(mFontShadow);
+ mStyleDirty = false;
+ }
+ return mStyle;
+void LLTextBase::beforeValueChange()
+void LLTextBase::onValueChange(S32 start, S32 end)
+std::vector<LLRect> LLTextBase::getSelectionRects()
+ // Nor supposed to be called without selection
+ llassert(hasSelection());
+ llassert(!mLineInfoList.empty());
+ std::vector<LLRect> selection_rects;
+ S32 selection_left = llmin(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd);
+ S32 selection_right = llmax(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd);
+ // Skip through the lines we aren't drawing.
+ LLRect content_display_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ // binary search for line that starts before top of visible buffer
+ line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), content_display_rect.mTop, compare_bottom());
+ line_list_t::const_iterator end_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), content_display_rect.mBottom, compare_top());
+ bool done = false;
+ // Find the coordinates of the selected area
+ for (; line_iter != end_iter && !done; ++line_iter)
+ {
+ // is selection visible on this line?
+ if (line_iter->mDocIndexEnd > selection_left && line_iter->mDocIndexStart < selection_right)
+ {
+ segment_set_t::iterator segment_iter;
+ S32 segment_offset;
+ getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &segment_iter, &segment_offset);
+ // Use F32 otherwise a string of multiple segments
+ // will accumulate a large error
+ F32 left_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
+ F32 right_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
+ for (; segment_iter != mSegments.end(); ++segment_iter, segment_offset = 0)
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_iter;
+ S32 segment_line_start = segmentp->getStart() + segment_offset;
+ S32 segment_line_end = llmin(segmentp->getEnd(), line_iter->mDocIndexEnd);
+ if (segment_line_start > segment_line_end) break;
+ F32 segment_width = 0;
+ S32 segment_height = 0;
+ // if selection after beginning of segment
+ if (selection_left >= segment_line_start)
+ {
+ S32 num_chars = llmin(selection_left, segment_line_end) - segment_line_start;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
+ left_precise += segment_width;
+ }
+ // if selection_right == segment_line_end then that means we are the first character of the next segment
+ // or first character of the next line, in either case we want to add the length of the current segment
+ // to the selection rectangle and continue.
+ // if selection right > segment_line_end then selection spans end of current segment...
+ if (selection_right >= segment_line_end)
+ {
+ // extend selection slightly beyond end of line
+ // to indicate selection of newline character (use "n" character to determine width)
+ S32 num_chars = segment_line_end - segment_line_start;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
+ right_precise += segment_width;
+ }
+ // else if selection ends on current segment...
+ else
+ {
+ S32 num_chars = selection_right - segment_line_start;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(segment_offset, num_chars, segment_width, segment_height);
+ right_precise += segment_width;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LLRect selection_rect;
+ selection_rect.mLeft = left_precise;
+ selection_rect.mRight = right_precise;
+ selection_rect.mBottom = line_iter->mRect.mBottom;
+ selection_rect.mTop = line_iter->mRect.mTop;
+ selection_rects.push_back(selection_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ return selection_rects;
+// Draws the black box behind the selected text
+void LLTextBase::drawSelectionBackground()
+ // Draw selection even if we don't have keyboard focus for search/replace
+ if (hasSelection() && !mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ std::vector<LLRect> selection_rects = getSelectionRects();
+ // Draw the selection box (we're using a box instead of reversing the colors on the selected text).
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
+ const LLColor4& color = mSelectedBGColor;
+ F32 alpha = hasFocus() ? 0.7f : 0.3f;
+ alpha *= getDrawContext().mAlpha;
+ LLColor4 selection_color(color.mV[VRED], color.mV[VGREEN], color.mV[VBLUE], alpha);
+ LLRect content_display_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ for (std::vector<LLRect>::iterator rect_it = selection_rects.begin();
+ rect_it != selection_rects.end();
+ ++rect_it)
+ {
+ LLRect selection_rect = *rect_it;
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ // If scroller is On content_display_rect has correct rect and safe to use as is
+ // Note: we might need to account for border
+ selection_rect.translate(mVisibleTextRect.mLeft - content_display_rect.mLeft, mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If scroller is Off content_display_rect will have rect from document, adjusted to text width, heigh and position
+ // and we have to acount for offset depending on position
+ S32 v_delta = 0;
+ S32 h_delta = 0;
+ switch (mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ v_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - content_display_rect.mTop - mVPad;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ v_delta = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - content_display_rect.mTop, -content_display_rect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom)) / 2;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ v_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - content_display_rect.mBottom;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (mHAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::LEFT:
+ h_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mLeft - content_display_rect.mLeft + mHPad;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::HCENTER:
+ h_delta = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - content_display_rect.mLeft, -content_display_rect.mRight) + (mVisibleTextRect.mRight - content_display_rect.mRight)) / 2;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::RIGHT:
+ h_delta = mVisibleTextRect.mRight - content_display_rect.mRight;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ selection_rect.translate(h_delta, v_delta);
+ }
+ gl_rect_2d(selection_rect, selection_color);
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextBase::drawCursor()
+ F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha;
+ if( hasFocus()
+ && gFocusMgr.getAppHasFocus()
+ && !mReadOnly)
+ {
+ const LLWString &wtext = getWText();
+ const llwchar* text = wtext.c_str();
+ LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ cursor_rect.translate(-1, 0);
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_it = getSegIterContaining(mCursorPos);
+ // take style from last segment
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
+ if (seg_it != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ segmentp = *seg_it;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Draw the cursor
+ // (Flash the cursor every half second starting a fixed time after the last keystroke)
+ F32 elapsed = mCursorBlinkTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
+ if( (elapsed < CURSOR_FLASH_DELAY ) || (S32(elapsed * 2) & 1) )
+ {
+ if (LL_KIM_OVERWRITE == gKeyboard->getInsertMode() && !hasSelection())
+ {
+ S32 segment_width = 0;
+ S32 segment_height = 0;
+ segmentp->getDimensions(mCursorPos - segmentp->getStart(), 1, segment_width, segment_height);
+ S32 width = llmax(CURSOR_THICKNESS, segment_width);
+ cursor_rect.mRight = cursor_rect.mLeft + width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cursor_rect.mRight = cursor_rect.mLeft + CURSOR_THICKNESS;
+ }
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE);
+ LLColor4 cursor_color = mCursorColor.get() % alpha;
+ gGL.color4fv( cursor_color.mV );
+ gl_rect_2d(cursor_rect);
+ if (LL_KIM_OVERWRITE == gKeyboard->getInsertMode() && !hasSelection() && text[mCursorPos] != '\n')
+ {
+ LLColor4 text_color;
+ const LLFontGL* fontp;
+ text_color = segmentp->getColor();
+ fontp = segmentp->getStyle()->getFont();
+ fontp->render(text, mCursorPos, cursor_rect,
+ LLColor4(1.f - text_color.mV[VRED], 1.f - text_color.mV[VGREEN], 1.f - text_color.mV[VBLUE], alpha),
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mTextVAlign,
+ 1);
+ }
+ // Make sure the IME is in the right place
+ LLRect screen_pos = calcScreenRect();
+ LLCoordGL ime_pos( screen_pos.mLeft + llfloor(cursor_rect.mLeft), screen_pos.mBottom + llfloor(cursor_rect.mTop) );
+ ime_pos.mX = (S32) (ime_pos.mX * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VX]);
+ ime_pos.mY = (S32) (ime_pos.mY * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VY]);
+ getWindow()->setLanguageTextInput( ime_pos );
+ }
+ }
+void LLTextBase::drawText()
+ S32 text_len = getLength();
+ if (text_len <= 0 && mLabel.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (useLabel())
+ {
+ text_len = mLabel.getWString().length();
+ }
+ S32 selection_left = -1;
+ S32 selection_right = -1;
+ // Draw selection even if we don't have keyboard focus for search/replace
+ if( hasSelection())
+ {
+ selection_left = llmin( mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd );
+ selection_right = llmax( mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd );
+ }
+ std::pair<S32, S32> line_range = getVisibleLines(mClipPartial);
+ S32 first_line = line_range.first;
+ S32 last_line = line_range.second;
+ if (first_line >= last_line)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ S32 line_start = getLineStart(first_line);
+ // find first text segment that spans top of visible portion of text buffer
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(line_start);
+ if (seg_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Perform spell check if needed
+ if ( (getSpellCheck()) && (getWText().length() > 2) )
+ {
+ // Calculate start and end indices for the spell checking range
+ S32 start = line_start;
+ S32 end = getLineEnd(last_line);
+ if ( (mSpellCheckStart != start) || (mSpellCheckEnd != end) )
+ {
+ const LLWString& wstrText = getWText();
+ mMisspellRanges.clear();
+ segment_set_t::const_iterator seg_it = getSegIterContaining(start);
+ while (mSegments.end() != seg_it)
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = *seg_it;
+ if ( (text_segment.isNull()) || (text_segment->getStart() >= end) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!text_segment->canEdit())
+ {
+ ++seg_it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Combine adjoining text segments into one
+ U32 seg_start = text_segment->getStart(), seg_end = llmin(text_segment->getEnd(), end);
+ while (mSegments.end() != ++seg_it)
+ {
+ text_segment = *seg_it;
+ if ( (text_segment.isNull()) || (!text_segment->canEdit()) || (text_segment->getStart() >= end) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ seg_end = llmin(text_segment->getEnd(), end);
+ }
+ // Find the start of the first word
+ U32 word_start = seg_start, word_end = -1;
+ U32 text_length = wstrText.length();
+ while ( (word_start < text_length) && (!LLStringOps::isAlpha(wstrText[word_start])) )
+ {
+ word_start++;
+ }
+ // Iterate over all words in the text block and check them one by one
+ while (word_start < seg_end)
+ {
+ // Find the end of the current word (special case handling for "'" when it's used as a contraction)
+ word_end = word_start + 1;
+ while ( (word_end < seg_end) &&
+ ((LLWStringUtil::isPartOfWord(wstrText[word_end])) ||
+ ((L'\'' == wstrText[word_end]) &&
+ (LLStringOps::isAlnum(wstrText[word_end - 1])) && (LLStringOps::isAlnum(wstrText[word_end + 1])))) )
+ {
+ word_end++;
+ }
+ if (word_end > seg_end)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (word_start < text_length && word_end <= text_length && word_end > word_start)
+ {
+ std::string word = wstring_to_utf8str(wstrText.substr(word_start, word_end - word_start));
+ // Don't process words shorter than 3 characters
+ if ( (word.length() >= 3) && (!LLSpellChecker::instance().checkSpelling(word)) )
+ {
+ mMisspellRanges.push_back(std::pair<U32, U32>(word_start, word_end));
+ }
+ }
+ // Find the start of the next word
+ word_start = word_end + 1;
+ while ( (word_start < seg_end) && (!LLWStringUtil::isPartOfWord(wstrText[word_start])) )
+ {
+ word_start++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mSpellCheckStart = start;
+ mSpellCheckEnd = end;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mMisspellRanges.clear();
+ }
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = *seg_iter;
+ std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator misspell_it = std::lower_bound(mMisspellRanges.begin(), mMisspellRanges.end(), std::pair<U32, U32>(line_start, 0));
+ for (S32 cur_line = first_line; cur_line < last_line; cur_line++)
+ {
+ S32 next_line = cur_line + 1;
+ line_info& line = mLineInfoList[cur_line];
+ S32 next_start = -1;
+ S32 line_end = text_len;
+ if (next_line < getLineCount())
+ {
+ next_start = getLineStart(next_line);
+ line_end = next_start;
+ }
+ LLRectf text_rect(line.mRect.mLeft, line.mRect.mTop, line.mRect.mRight, line.mRect.mBottom);
+ text_rect.mRight = mDocumentView->getRect().getWidth(); // clamp right edge to document extents
+ text_rect.translate(mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft, mDocumentView->getRect().mBottom); // adjust by scroll position
+ // draw a single line of text
+ S32 seg_start = line_start;
+ while( seg_start < line_end )
+ {
+ while( cur_segment->getEnd() <= seg_start )
+ {
+ seg_iter++;
+ if (seg_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Ran off the segmentation end!" << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ cur_segment = *seg_iter;
+ }
+ S32 seg_end = llmin(line_end, cur_segment->getEnd());
+ S32 clipped_end = seg_end - cur_segment->getStart();
+ if (mUseEllipses // using ellipses
+ && clipped_end == line_end // last segment on line
+ && next_line == last_line // this is the last visible line
+ && last_line < (S32)mLineInfoList.size()) // and there is more text to display
+ {
+ // more lines of text to go, but we can't fit them
+ // so shrink text rect to force ellipses
+ text_rect.mRight -= 2;
+ }
+ // Draw squiggly lines under any visible misspelled words
+ while ( (mMisspellRanges.end() != misspell_it) && (misspell_it->first < seg_end) && (misspell_it->second > seg_start) )
+ {
+ // Skip the current word if the user is still busy editing it
+ if ( (!mSpellCheckTimer.hasExpired()) && (misspell_it->first <= (U32)mCursorPos) && (misspell_it->second >= (U32)mCursorPos) )
+ {
+ ++misspell_it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ U32 misspell_start = llmax<U32>(misspell_it->first, seg_start), misspell_end = llmin<U32>(misspell_it->second, seg_end);
+ S32 squiggle_start = 0, squiggle_end = 0, pony = 0;
+ cur_segment->getDimensions(seg_start - cur_segment->getStart(), misspell_start - seg_start, squiggle_start, pony);
+ cur_segment->getDimensions(misspell_start - cur_segment->getStart(), misspell_end - misspell_start, squiggle_end, pony);
+ squiggle_start += text_rect.mLeft;
+ pony = (squiggle_end + 3) / 6;
+ squiggle_start += squiggle_end / 2 - pony * 3;
+ squiggle_end = squiggle_start + pony * 6;
+ S32 squiggle_bottom = text_rect.mBottom + (S32)cur_segment->getStyle()->getFont()->getDescenderHeight();
+ gGL.color4ub(255, 0, 0, 200);
+ while (squiggle_start + 1 < squiggle_end)
+ {
+ gl_line_2d(squiggle_start, squiggle_bottom, squiggle_start + 2, squiggle_bottom - 2);
+ if (squiggle_start + 3 < squiggle_end)
+ {
+ gl_line_2d(squiggle_start + 2, squiggle_bottom - 3, squiggle_start + 4, squiggle_bottom - 1);
+ }
+ squiggle_start += 4;
+ }
+ if (misspell_it->second > seg_end)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++misspell_it;
+ }
+ text_rect.mLeft = cur_segment->draw(seg_start - cur_segment->getStart(), clipped_end, selection_left, selection_right, text_rect);
+ seg_start = clipped_end + cur_segment->getStart();
+ }
+ line_start = next_start;
+ }
+// Returns change in number of characters in mWText
+S32 LLTextBase::insertStringNoUndo(S32 pos, const LLWString &wstr, LLTextBase::segment_vec_t* segments )
+ beforeValueChange();
+ S32 old_len = getLength(); // length() returns character length
+ S32 insert_len = wstr.length();
+ pos = getEditableIndex(pos, true);
+ if (pos > old_len)
+ {
+ pos = old_len;
+ // Should not happen,
+ // if you encounter this, check where wrong position comes from
+ llassert(false);
+ }
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getEditableSegIterContaining(pos);
+ LLTextSegmentPtr default_segment;
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
+ if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ segmentp = *seg_iter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //segmentp = mSegments.back();
+ return pos;
+ }
+ if (segmentp->canEdit())
+ {
+ segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() + insert_len);
+ if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ ++seg_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create default editable segment to hold new text
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(getStyleParams()));
+ default_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, pos, pos + insert_len, *this);
+ }
+ // shift remaining segments to right
+ for(;seg_iter != mSegments.end(); ++seg_iter)
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *seg_iter;
+ segmentp->setStart(segmentp->getStart() + insert_len);
+ segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() + insert_len);
+ }
+ // insert new segments
+ if (segments)
+ {
+ if (default_segment.notNull())
+ {
+ // potentially overwritten by segments passed in
+ insertSegment(default_segment);
+ }
+ for (segment_vec_t::iterator seg_iter = segments->begin();
+ seg_iter != segments->end();
+ ++seg_iter)
+ {
+ LLTextSegment* segmentp = *seg_iter;
+ insertSegment(segmentp);
+ }
+ }
+ // Insert special segments where necessary (insertSegment takes care of splitting normal text segments around them for us)
+ if (mUseEmoji)
+ {
+ LLStyleSP emoji_style;
+ LLEmojiDictionary* ed = LLEmojiDictionary::instanceExists() ? LLEmojiDictionary::getInstance() : NULL;
+ for (S32 text_kitty = 0, text_len = wstr.size(); text_kitty < text_len; text_kitty++)
+ {
+ llwchar code = wstr[text_kitty];
+ bool isEmoji = ed ? ed->isEmoji(code) : LLStringOps::isEmoji(code);
+ if (isEmoji)
+ {
+ if (!emoji_style)
+ {
+ emoji_style = new LLStyle(getStyleParams());
+ emoji_style->setFont(LLFontGL::getFontEmojiLarge());
+ }
+ S32 new_seg_start = pos + text_kitty;
+ insertSegment(new LLEmojiTextSegment(emoji_style, new_seg_start, new_seg_start + 1, *this));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay().insert(pos, wstr);
+ if ( truncate() )
+ {
+ insert_len = getLength() - old_len;
+ }
+ onValueChange(pos, pos + insert_len);
+ needsReflow(pos);
+ return insert_len;
+S32 LLTextBase::removeStringNoUndo(S32 pos, S32 length)
+ beforeValueChange();
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(pos);
+ while(seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *seg_iter;
+ S32 end = pos + length;
+ if (segmentp->getStart() < pos)
+ {
+ // deleting from middle of segment
+ if (segmentp->getEnd() > end)
+ {
+ segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
+ }
+ // truncating segment
+ else
+ {
+ segmentp->setEnd(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (segmentp->getStart() < end)
+ {
+ // deleting entire segment
+ if (segmentp->getEnd() <= end)
+ {
+ // remove segment
+ segmentp->unlinkFromDocument(this);
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_to_erase(seg_iter++);
+ mSegments.erase(seg_to_erase);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // deleting head of segment
+ else
+ {
+ segmentp->setStart(pos);
+ segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // shifting segments backward to fill deleted portion
+ segmentp->setStart(segmentp->getStart() - length);
+ segmentp->setEnd(segmentp->getEnd() - length);
+ }
+ ++seg_iter;
+ }
+ getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay().erase(pos, length);
+ // recreate default segment in case we erased everything
+ createDefaultSegment();
+ onValueChange(pos, pos);
+ needsReflow(pos);
+ return -length; // This will be wrong if someone calls removeStringNoUndo with an excessive length
+S32 LLTextBase::overwriteCharNoUndo(S32 pos, llwchar wc)
+ beforeValueChange();
+ if (pos > (S32)getLength())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ getViewModel()->getEditableDisplay()[pos] = wc;
+ onValueChange(pos, pos + 1);
+ needsReflow(pos);
+ return 1;
+void LLTextBase::createDefaultSegment()
+ // ensures that there is always at least one segment
+ if (mSegments.empty())
+ {
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(getStyleParams()));
+ LLTextSegmentPtr default_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, 0, getLength() + 1, *this);
+ mSegments.insert(default_segment);
+ default_segment->linkToDocument(this);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::insertSegment(LLTextSegmentPtr segment_to_insert)
+ if (segment_to_insert.isNull())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ segment_set_t::iterator cur_seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(segment_to_insert->getStart());
+ S32 reflow_start_index = 0;
+ if (cur_seg_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ mSegments.insert(segment_to_insert);
+ segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
+ reflow_start_index = segment_to_insert->getStart();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segmentp = *cur_seg_iter;
+ reflow_start_index = cur_segmentp->getStart();
+ if (cur_segmentp->getStart() < segment_to_insert->getStart())
+ {
+ S32 old_segment_end = cur_segmentp->getEnd();
+ // split old at start point for new segment
+ cur_segmentp->setEnd(segment_to_insert->getStart());
+ // advance to next segment
+ // insert remainder of old segment
+ LLStyleConstSP sp = cur_segmentp->getStyle();
+ LLTextSegmentPtr remainder_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( sp, segment_to_insert->getStart(), old_segment_end, *this);
+ mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, remainder_segment);
+ remainder_segment->linkToDocument(this);
+ // insert new segment before remainder of old segment
+ mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, segment_to_insert);
+ segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
+ // at this point, there will be two overlapping segments owning the text
+ // associated with the incoming segment
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mSegments.insert(cur_seg_iter, segment_to_insert);
+ segment_to_insert->linkToDocument(this);
+ }
+ // now delete/truncate remaining segments as necessary
+ // cur_seg_iter points to segment before incoming segment
+ while(cur_seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ cur_segmentp = *cur_seg_iter;
+ if (cur_segmentp == segment_to_insert)
+ {
+ ++cur_seg_iter;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cur_segmentp->getStart() >= segment_to_insert->getStart())
+ {
+ if(cur_segmentp->getEnd() <= segment_to_insert->getEnd())
+ {
+ cur_segmentp->unlinkFromDocument(this);
+ // grab copy of iterator to erase, and bump it
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_to_erase(cur_seg_iter++);
+ mSegments.erase(seg_to_erase);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // last overlapping segment, clip to end of incoming segment
+ // and stop traversal
+ cur_segmentp->setStart(segment_to_insert->getEnd());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ++cur_seg_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ // layout potentially changed
+ needsReflow(reflow_start_index);
+bool LLTextBase::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ // handle triple click
+ if (!mTripleClickTimer.hasExpired())
+ {
+ if (mSkipTripleClick)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ S32 real_line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos, false);
+ S32 line_start = -1;
+ S32 line_end = -1;
+ for (line_list_t::const_iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(), end_it = mLineInfoList.end();
+ it != end_it;
+ ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->mLineNum < real_line)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (it->mLineNum > real_line)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (line_start == -1)
+ {
+ line_start = it->mDocIndexStart;
+ }
+ line_end = it->mDocIndexEnd;
+ line_end = llclamp(line_end, 0, getLength());
+ }
+ if (line_start == -1)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ mSelectionEnd = line_start;
+ mSelectionStart = line_end;
+ setCursorPos(line_start);
+ return true;
+ }
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMouseDown(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (hasMouseCapture() && cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMouseUp(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ // Did we just click on a link?
+ if (mURLClickSignal
+ && cur_segment->getStyle()
+ && cur_segment->getStyle()->isLink())
+ {
+ // *TODO: send URL here?
+ (*mURLClickSignal)(this, LLSD() );
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMiddleMouseDown(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleMiddleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleMiddleMouseUp(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleMiddleMouseUp(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleRightMouseDown(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleRightMouseDown(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleRightMouseUp(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleRightMouseUp(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ //Don't start triple click timer if user have clicked on scrollbar
+ mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
+ if (x >= mVisibleTextRect.mLeft && x <= mVisibleTextRect.mRight
+ && y >= mVisibleTextRect.mBottom && y <= mVisibleTextRect.mTop)
+ {
+ mTripleClickTimer.setTimerExpirySec(TRIPLE_CLICK_INTERVAL);
+ }
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleDoubleClick(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleDoubleClick(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleHover(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleHover(x, y, mask);
+bool LLTextBase::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleScrollWheel(x, y, clicks))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleScrollWheel(x, y, clicks);
+bool LLTextBase::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ LLTextSegmentPtr cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y);
+ if (cur_segment && cur_segment->handleToolTip(x, y, mask))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return LLUICtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, mask);
+void LLTextBase::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent)
+ if (width != getRect().getWidth() || height != getRect().getHeight() || LLView::sForceReshape)
+ {
+ bool scrolled_to_bottom = mScroller ? mScroller->isAtBottom() : false;
+ LLUICtrl::reshape( width, height, called_from_parent );
+ if (mScroller && scrolled_to_bottom && mTrackEnd)
+ {
+ // keep bottom of text buffer visible
+ // do this here as well as in reflow to handle case
+ // where shrinking from top, which causes buffer to temporarily
+ // not be scrolled to the bottom, since the scroll index
+ // specified the _top_ of the visible document region
+ mScroller->goToBottom();
+ }
+ // do this first after reshape, because other things depend on
+ // up-to-date mVisibleTextRect
+ updateRects();
+ needsReflow();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::draw()
+ // reflow if needed, on demand
+ reflow();
+ // then update scroll position, as cursor may have moved
+ if (!mReadOnly)
+ {
+ updateScrollFromCursor();
+ }
+ LLRect text_rect;
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ mScroller->localRectToOtherView(mScroller->getContentWindowRect(), &text_rect, this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLRect visible_lines_rect;
+ std::pair<S32, S32> line_range = getVisibleLines(mClipPartial);
+ for (S32 i = line_range.first; i < line_range.second; i++)
+ {
+ if (visible_lines_rect.isEmpty())
+ {
+ visible_lines_rect = mLineInfoList[i].mRect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ visible_lines_rect.unionWith(mLineInfoList[i].mRect);
+ }
+ }
+ text_rect = visible_lines_rect;
+ text_rect.translate(mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft, mDocumentView->getRect().mBottom);
+ }
+ if (mBGVisible)
+ {
+ F32 alpha = getCurrentTransparency();
+ // clip background rect against extents, if we support scrolling
+ LLRect bg_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ bg_rect.intersectWith(text_rect);
+ }
+ LLColor4 bg_color = mReadOnly
+ ? mReadOnlyBgColor.get()
+ : hasFocus()
+ ? mFocusBgColor.get()
+ : mWriteableBgColor.get();
+ gl_rect_2d(text_rect, bg_color % alpha, true);
+ }
+ // Draw highlighted if needed
+ if( ll::ui::SearchableControl::getHighlighted() )
+ {
+ LLColor4 bg_color = ll::ui::SearchableControl::getHighlightColor();
+ LLRect bg_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
+ if( mScroller )
+ bg_rect.intersectWith( text_rect );
+ gl_rect_2d( text_rect, bg_color, true );
+ }
+ bool should_clip = mClip || mScroller != NULL;
+ { LLLocalClipRect clip(text_rect, should_clip);
+ // draw document view
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ drawChild(mScroller);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drawChild(mDocumentView);
+ }
+ drawSelectionBackground();
+ drawText();
+ drawCursor();
+ }
+ mDocumentView->setVisibleDirect(false);
+ LLUICtrl::draw();
+ mDocumentView->setVisibleDirect(true);
+void LLTextBase::setColor( const LLColor4& c )
+ mFgColor = c;
+ mStyleDirty = true;
+void LLTextBase::setReadOnlyColor(const LLColor4 &c)
+ mReadOnlyFgColor = c;
+ mStyleDirty = true;
+void LLTextBase::onVisibilityChange( bool new_visibility )
+ LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
+ if(!new_visibility && menu)
+ {
+ menu->hide();
+ }
+ LLUICtrl::onVisibilityChange(new_visibility);
+void LLTextBase::setValue(const LLSD& value )
+ setText(value.asString());
+bool LLTextBase::canDeselect() const
+ return hasSelection();
+void LLTextBase::deselect()
+ mSelectionStart = 0;
+ mSelectionEnd = 0;
+ mIsSelecting = false;
+bool LLTextBase::getSpellCheck() const
+ return (LLSpellChecker::getUseSpellCheck()) && (!mReadOnly) && (mSpellCheck);
+const std::string& LLTextBase::getSuggestion(U32 index) const
+ return (index < mSuggestionList.size()) ? mSuggestionList[index] : LLStringUtil::null;
+U32 LLTextBase::getSuggestionCount() const
+ return mSuggestionList.size();
+void LLTextBase::replaceWithSuggestion(U32 index)
+ for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ( (it->first <= (U32)mCursorPos) && (it->second >= (U32)mCursorPos) )
+ {
+ deselect();
+ // Insert the suggestion in its place
+ LLWString suggestion = utf8str_to_wstring(mSuggestionList[index]);
+ insertStringNoUndo(it->first, utf8str_to_wstring(mSuggestionList[index]));
+ // Delete the misspelled word
+ removeStringNoUndo(it->first + (S32)suggestion.length(), it->second - it->first);
+ setCursorPos(it->first + (S32)suggestion.length());
+ onSpellCheckPerformed();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mSpellCheckStart = mSpellCheckEnd = -1;
+void LLTextBase::addToDictionary()
+ if (canAddToDictionary())
+ {
+ LLSpellChecker::instance().addToCustomDictionary(getMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
+ }
+bool LLTextBase::canAddToDictionary() const
+ return (getSpellCheck()) && (isMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
+void LLTextBase::addToIgnore()
+ if (canAddToIgnore())
+ {
+ LLSpellChecker::instance().addToIgnoreList(getMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
+ }
+bool LLTextBase::canAddToIgnore() const
+ return (getSpellCheck()) && (isMisspelledWord(mCursorPos));
+std::string LLTextBase::getMisspelledWord(U32 pos) const
+ for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ( (it->first <= pos) && (it->second >= pos) )
+ {
+ return wstring_to_utf8str(getWText().substr(it->first, it->second - it->first));
+ }
+ }
+ return LLStringUtil::null;
+bool LLTextBase::isMisspelledWord(U32 pos) const
+ for (std::list<std::pair<U32, U32> >::const_iterator it = mMisspellRanges.begin(); it != mMisspellRanges.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ( (it->first <= pos) && (it->second >= pos) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void LLTextBase::onSpellCheckSettingsChange()
+ // Recheck the spelling on every change
+ mMisspellRanges.clear();
+ mSpellCheckStart = mSpellCheckEnd = -1;
+void LLTextBase::onFocusReceived()
+ LLUICtrl::onFocusReceived();
+ if (!getLength() && !mLabel.empty())
+ {
+ // delete label which is LLLabelTextSegment
+ clearSegments();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::onFocusLost()
+ LLUICtrl::onFocusLost();
+ if (!getLength() && !mLabel.empty())
+ {
+ resetLabel();
+ }
+// Sets the scrollbar from the cursor position
+void LLTextBase::updateScrollFromCursor()
+ // Update scroll position even in read-only mode (when there's no cursor displayed)
+ // because startOfDoc()/endOfDoc() modify cursor position. See EXT-736.
+ if (!mScrollNeeded || !mScroller)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mScrollNeeded = false;
+ // scroll so that the cursor is at the top of the page
+ LLRect scroller_doc_window = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ LLRect cursor_rect_doc = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ mScroller->scrollToShowRect(cursor_rect_doc, LLRect(0, scroller_doc_window.getHeight() - 5, scroller_doc_window.getWidth(), 5));
+S32 LLTextBase::getLeftOffset(S32 width)
+ switch (mHAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::LEFT:
+ return mHPad;
+ case LLFontGL::HCENTER:
+ return mHPad + llmax(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - width - mHPad) / 2);
+ case LLFontGL::RIGHT:
+ {
+ // Font's rendering rounds string size, if value gets rounded
+ // down last symbol might not have enough space to render,
+ // compensate by adding an extra pixel as padding
+ const S32 right_padding = 1;
+ return llmax(mHPad, mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - width - right_padding);
+ }
+ default:
+ return mHPad;
+ }
+void LLTextBase::reflow()
+ updateSegments();
+ if (mReflowIndex == S32_MAX)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool scrolled_to_bottom = mScroller ? mScroller->isAtBottom() : false;
+ LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ bool follow_selection = getLocalRect().overlaps(cursor_rect); // cursor is (potentially) visible
+ // store in top-left relative coordinates to avoid issues with horizontal scrollbar appearing and disappearing
+ cursor_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mTop;
+ cursor_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mBottom;
+ S32 first_line = getFirstVisibleLine();
+ // if scroll anchor not on first line, update it to first character of first line
+ if ((first_line < mLineInfoList.size())
+ && (mScrollIndex < mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexStart
+ || mScrollIndex >= mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexEnd))
+ {
+ mScrollIndex = mLineInfoList[first_line].mDocIndexStart;
+ }
+ LLRect first_char_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mScrollIndex);
+ // store in top-left relative coordinates to avoid issues with horizontal scrollbar appearing and disappearing
+ first_char_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mTop;
+ first_char_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mBottom;
+ S32 reflow_count = 0;
+ while(mReflowIndex < S32_MAX)
+ {
+ // we can get into an infinite loop if the document height does not monotonically increase
+ // with decreasing width (embedded ui elements with alternate layouts). In that case,
+ // we want to stop reflowing after 2 iterations. We use 2, since we need to handle the case
+ // of introducing a vertical scrollbar causing a reflow with less width. We should also always
+ // use an even number of iterations to avoid user visible oscillation of the layout
+ if(++reflow_count > 2)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Breaking out of reflow due to possible infinite loop in " << getName() << LL_ENDL;
+ break;
+ }
+ S32 start_index = mReflowIndex;
+ mReflowIndex = S32_MAX;
+ // shrink document to minimum size (visible portion of text widget)
+ // to force inlined widgets with follows set to shrink
+ if (mWordWrap)
+ {
+ mDocumentView->reshape(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mDocumentView->getRect().getHeight());
+ }
+ S32 cur_top = 0;
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = mSegments.begin();
+ S32 seg_offset = 0;
+ S32 line_start_index = 0;
+ const F32 text_available_width = mVisibleTextRect.getWidth() - mHPad; // reserve room for margin
+ F32 remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
+ S32 line_count = 0;
+ // find and erase line info structs starting at start_index and going to end of document
+ if (!mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ // find first element whose end comes after start_index
+ line_list_t::iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), start_index, line_end_compare());
+ if (iter != mLineInfoList.end())
+ {
+ line_start_index = iter->mDocIndexStart;
+ line_count = iter->mLineNum;
+ cur_top = iter->mRect.mTop;
+ getSegmentAndOffset(iter->mDocIndexStart, &seg_iter, &seg_offset);
+ mLineInfoList.erase(iter, mLineInfoList.end());
+ }
+ }
+ S32 line_height = 0;
+ S32 seg_line_offset = line_count + 1;
+ while(seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segment = *seg_iter;
+ // track maximum height of any segment on this line
+ S32 cur_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
+ // ask segment how many character fit in remaining space
+ S32 character_count = segment->getNumChars(getWordWrap() ? llmax(0, ll_round(remaining_pixels)) : S32_MAX,
+ seg_offset,
+ cur_index - line_start_index,
+ S32_MAX,
+ line_count - seg_line_offset);
+ F32 segment_width;
+ S32 segment_height;
+ bool force_newline = segment->getDimensionsF32(seg_offset, character_count, segment_width, segment_height);
+ // grow line height as necessary based on reported height of this segment
+ line_height = llmax(line_height, segment_height);
+ remaining_pixels -= segment_width;
+ seg_offset += character_count;
+ S32 last_segment_char_on_line = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
+ // Note: make sure text will fit in width - use ceil, but also make sure
+ // ceil is used only once per line
+ S32 text_actual_width = llceil(text_available_width - remaining_pixels);
+ S32 text_left = getLeftOffset(text_actual_width);
+ LLRect line_rect(text_left,
+ cur_top,
+ text_left + text_actual_width,
+ cur_top - line_height);
+ // if we didn't finish the current segment...
+ if (last_segment_char_on_line < segment->getEnd())
+ {
+ // add line info and keep going
+ mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
+ line_start_index,
+ last_segment_char_on_line,
+ line_rect,
+ line_count));
+ line_start_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
+ cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
+ remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
+ line_height = 0;
+ }
+ // ...just consumed last segment..
+ else if (++segment_set_t::iterator(seg_iter) == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
+ line_start_index,
+ last_segment_char_on_line,
+ line_rect,
+ line_count));
+ cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
+ break;
+ }
+ // ...or finished a segment and there are segments remaining on this line
+ else
+ {
+ // subtract pixels used and increment segment
+ if (force_newline)
+ {
+ mLineInfoList.push_back(line_info(
+ line_start_index,
+ last_segment_char_on_line,
+ line_rect,
+ line_count));
+ line_start_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
+ cur_top -= ll_round((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
+ line_height = 0;
+ remaining_pixels = text_available_width;
+ }
+ ++seg_iter;
+ seg_offset = 0;
+ seg_line_offset = force_newline ? line_count + 1 : line_count;
+ }
+ if (force_newline)
+ {
+ line_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate visible region for diplaying text
+ updateRects();
+ for (segment_set_t::iterator segment_it = mSegments.begin();
+ segment_it != mSegments.end();
+ ++segment_it)
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_it;
+ segmentp->updateLayout(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ // apply scroll constraints after reflowing text
+ if (!hasMouseCapture() && mScroller)
+ {
+ if (scrolled_to_bottom && mTrackEnd)
+ {
+ // keep bottom of text buffer visible
+ endOfDoc();
+ }
+ else if (hasSelection() && follow_selection)
+ {
+ // keep cursor in same vertical position on screen when selecting text
+ LLRect new_cursor_rect_doc = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ LLRect old_cursor_rect = cursor_rect;
+ old_cursor_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mTop;
+ old_cursor_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - cursor_rect.mBottom;
+ mScroller->scrollToShowRect(new_cursor_rect_doc, old_cursor_rect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // keep first line of text visible
+ LLRect new_first_char_rect = getDocRectFromDocIndex(mScrollIndex);
+ // pass in desired rect in the coordinate frame of the document viewport
+ LLRect old_first_char_rect = first_char_rect;
+ old_first_char_rect.mTop = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mTop;
+ old_first_char_rect.mBottom = mVisibleTextRect.mTop - first_char_rect.mBottom;
+ mScroller->scrollToShowRect(new_first_char_rect, old_first_char_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ // reset desired x cursor position
+ updateCursorXPos();
+LLRect LLTextBase::getTextBoundingRect()
+ reflow();
+ return mTextBoundingRect;
+void LLTextBase::clearSegments()
+ mSegments.clear();
+ createDefaultSegment();
+S32 LLTextBase::getLineStart( S32 line ) const
+ S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
+ if (num_lines == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ line = llclamp(line, 0, num_lines-1);
+ return mLineInfoList[line].mDocIndexStart;
+S32 LLTextBase::getLineEnd( S32 line ) const
+ S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
+ if (num_lines == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ line = llclamp(line, 0, num_lines-1);
+ return mLineInfoList[line].mDocIndexEnd;
+S32 LLTextBase::getLineNumFromDocIndex( S32 doc_index, bool include_wordwrap) const
+ if (mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), doc_index, line_end_compare());
+ if (include_wordwrap)
+ {
+ return iter - mLineInfoList.begin();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iter == mLineInfoList.end())
+ {
+ return mLineInfoList.back().mLineNum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return iter->mLineNum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Given an offset into text (pos), find the corresponding line (from the start of the doc) and an offset into the line.
+S32 LLTextBase::getLineOffsetFromDocIndex( S32 startpos, bool include_wordwrap) const
+ if (mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ return startpos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), startpos, line_end_compare());
+ return startpos - iter->mDocIndexStart;
+ }
+S32 LLTextBase::getFirstVisibleLine() const
+ LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ // binary search for line that starts before top of visible buffer
+ line_list_t::const_iterator iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_bottom());
+ return iter - mLineInfoList.begin();
+std::pair<S32, S32> LLTextBase::getVisibleLines(bool require_fully_visible)
+ LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ line_list_t::const_iterator first_iter;
+ line_list_t::const_iterator last_iter;
+ // make sure we have an up-to-date mLineInfoList
+ reflow();
+ if (require_fully_visible)
+ {
+ first_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_top());
+ last_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mBottom, compare_bottom());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ first_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mTop, compare_bottom());
+ last_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), visible_region.mBottom, compare_top());
+ }
+ return std::pair<S32, S32>(first_iter - mLineInfoList.begin(), last_iter - mLineInfoList.begin());
+LLTextViewModel* LLTextBase::getViewModel() const
+ return (LLTextViewModel*)mViewModel.get();
+void LLTextBase::addDocumentChild(LLView* view)
+ mDocumentView->addChild(view);
+void LLTextBase::removeDocumentChild(LLView* view)
+ mDocumentView->removeChild(view);
+void LLTextBase::updateSegments()
+ createDefaultSegment();
+void LLTextBase::getSegmentAndOffset( S32 startpos, segment_set_t::const_iterator* seg_iter, S32* offsetp ) const
+ *seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(startpos);
+ if (*seg_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ *offsetp = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *offsetp = startpos - (**seg_iter)->getStart();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::getSegmentAndOffset( S32 startpos, segment_set_t::iterator* seg_iter, S32* offsetp )
+ *seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(startpos);
+ if (*seg_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ *offsetp = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *offsetp = startpos - (**seg_iter)->getStart();
+ }
+LLTextBase::segment_set_t::iterator LLTextBase::getEditableSegIterContaining(S32 index)
+ segment_set_t::iterator it = getSegIterContaining(index);
+ segment_set_t::iterator orig_it = it;
+ if (it == mSegments.end()) return it;
+ if (!(*it)->canEdit()
+ && index == (*it)->getStart()
+ && it != mSegments.begin())
+ {
+ it--;
+ if ((*it)->canEdit())
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+ }
+ return orig_it;
+LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator LLTextBase::getEditableSegIterContaining(S32 index) const
+ segment_set_t::const_iterator it = getSegIterContaining(index);
+ segment_set_t::const_iterator orig_it = it;
+ if (it == mSegments.end()) return it;
+ if (!(*it)->canEdit()
+ && index == (*it)->getStart()
+ && it != mSegments.begin())
+ {
+ it--;
+ if ((*it)->canEdit())
+ {
+ return it;
+ }
+ }
+ return orig_it;
+LLTextBase::segment_set_t::iterator LLTextBase::getSegIterContaining(S32 index)
+ static LLPointer<LLIndexSegment> index_segment = new LLIndexSegment();
+ // when there are no segments, we return the end iterator, which must be checked by caller
+ if (mSegments.size() <= 1) { return mSegments.begin(); }
+ index_segment->setStart(index);
+ index_segment->setEnd(index);
+ segment_set_t::iterator it = mSegments.upper_bound(index_segment);
+ return it;
+LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator LLTextBase::getSegIterContaining(S32 index) const
+ static LLPointer<LLIndexSegment> index_segment = new LLIndexSegment();
+ // when there are no segments, we return the end iterator, which must be checked by caller
+ if (mSegments.size() <= 1) { return mSegments.begin(); }
+ index_segment->setStart(index);
+ index_segment->setEnd(index);
+ LLTextBase::segment_set_t::const_iterator it = mSegments.upper_bound(index_segment);
+ return it;
+// Finds the text segment (if any) at the give local screen position
+LLTextSegmentPtr LLTextBase::getSegmentAtLocalPos( S32 x, S32 y, bool hit_past_end_of_line)
+ // Find the cursor position at the requested local screen position
+ S32 offset = getDocIndexFromLocalCoord( x, y, false, hit_past_end_of_line);
+ segment_set_t::iterator seg_iter = getSegIterContaining(offset);
+ if (seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ return *seg_iter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return LLTextSegmentPtr();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::createUrlContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, const std::string &in_url)
+ // work out the XUI menu file to use for this url
+ LLUrlMatch match;
+ std::string url = in_url;
+ if (! LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string xui_file = match.getMenuName();
+ if (xui_file.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // set up the callbacks for all of the potential menu items, N.B. we
+ // don't use const ref strings in callbacks in case url goes out of scope
+ LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar registrar;
+ registrar.add("Url.Open", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURL, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.OpenInternal", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURLInternal, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.OpenExternal", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::openURLExternal, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.Execute", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::executeSLURL, url, true));
+ registrar.add("Url.Block", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::blockObject, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.Unblock", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::unblockObject, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.Teleport", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::teleportToLocation, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.ShowProfile", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::showProfile, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.AddFriend", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::addFriend, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.RemoveFriend", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::removeFriend, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.ReportAbuse", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::reportAbuse, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.SendIM", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::sendIM, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.ShowOnMap", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::showLocationOnMap, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.CopyLabel", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyLabelToClipboard, url));
+ registrar.add("Url.CopyUrl", boost::bind(&LLUrlAction::copyURLToClipboard, url));
+ // create and return the context menu from the XUI file
+ LLContextMenu* menu = static_cast<LLContextMenu*>(mPopupMenuHandle.get());
+ if (menu)
+ {
+ menu->die();
+ mPopupMenuHandle.markDead();
+ }
+ llassert(LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer != NULL);
+ menu = LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile<LLContextMenu>(xui_file, LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer,
+ LLMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance());
+ if (menu)
+ {
+ mPopupMenuHandle = menu->getHandle();
+ if (mIsFriendSignal)
+ {
+ bool isFriend = *(*mIsFriendSignal)(LLUUID(LLUrlAction::getUserID(url)));
+ LLView* addFriendButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("add_friend");
+ LLView* removeFriendButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("remove_friend");
+ if (addFriendButton && removeFriendButton)
+ {
+ addFriendButton->setEnabled(!isFriend);
+ removeFriendButton->setEnabled(isFriend);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mIsObjectBlockedSignal)
+ {
+ bool is_blocked = *(*mIsObjectBlockedSignal)(LLUUID(LLUrlAction::getObjectId(url)), LLUrlAction::getObjectName(url));
+ LLView* blockButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("block_object");
+ LLView* unblockButton = menu->getChild<LLView>("unblock_object");
+ if (blockButton && unblockButton)
+ {
+ blockButton->setVisible(!is_blocked);
+ unblockButton->setVisible(is_blocked);
+ }
+ }
+ menu->show(x, y);
+ LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, menu, x, y);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::setText(const LLStringExplicit &utf8str, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
+ // clear out the existing text and segments
+ getViewModel()->setDisplay(LLWStringUtil::null);
+ clearSegments();
+// createDefaultSegment();
+ deselect();
+ // append the new text (supports Url linking)
+ std::string text(utf8str);
+ LLStringUtil::removeCRLF(text);
+ // appendText modifies mCursorPos...
+ appendText(text, false, input_params);
+ // move cursor to top after appending text
+ if (!mTrackEnd)
+ {
+ startOfDoc();
+ }
+ onValueChange(0, getLength());
+// virtual
+const std::string& LLTextBase::getText() const
+ return getViewModel()->getStringValue();
+// IDEVO - icons can be UI image names or UUID sent from
+// server with avatar display name
+static LLUIImagePtr image_from_icon_name(const std::string& icon_name)
+ if (LLUUID::validate(icon_name))
+ {
+ return LLUI::getUIImageByID( LLUUID(icon_name) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return LLUI::getUIImage(icon_name);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::appendTextImpl(const std::string &new_text, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
+ LLStyle::Params style_params(input_params);
+ style_params.fillFrom(getStyleParams());
+ S32 part = (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE;
+ if (mParseHTML && !style_params.is_link) // Don't search for URLs inside a link segment (STORM-358).
+ {
+ S32 start=0,end=0;
+ LLUrlMatch match;
+ std::string text = new_text;
+ while (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(text, match,
+ boost::bind(&LLTextBase::replaceUrl, this, _1, _2, _3), isContentTrusted() || mAlwaysShowIcons))
+ {
+ start = match.getStart();
+ end = match.getEnd()+1;
+ LLStyle::Params link_params(style_params);
+ link_params.overwriteFrom(match.getStyle());
+ // output the text before the Url
+ if (start > 0)
+ {
+ if (part == (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE ||
+ part == (S32)LLTextParser::START)
+ {
+ part = (S32)LLTextParser::START;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ part = (S32)LLTextParser::MIDDLE;
+ }
+ std::string subtext=text.substr(0,start);
+ appendAndHighlightText(subtext, part, style_params);
+ }
+ // add icon before url if need
+ LLTextUtil::processUrlMatch(&match, this, isContentTrusted() || match.isTrusted() || mAlwaysShowIcons);
+ if ((isContentTrusted() || match.isTrusted()) && !match.getIcon().empty() )
+ {
+ setLastSegmentToolTip(LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLIcon"));
+ }
+ // output the styled Url
+ appendAndHighlightTextImpl(match.getLabel(), part, link_params, match.underlineOnHoverOnly());
+ bool tooltip_required = !match.getTooltip().empty();
+ // set the tooltip for the Url label
+ if (tooltip_required)
+ {
+ setLastSegmentToolTip(match.getTooltip());
+ }
+ // show query part of url with gray color only for LLUrlEntryHTTP url entries
+ std::string label = match.getQuery();
+ if (label.size())
+ {
+ link_params.color = LLColor4::grey;
+ link_params.readonly_color = LLColor4::grey;
+ appendAndHighlightTextImpl(label, part, link_params, match.underlineOnHoverOnly());
+ // set the tooltip for the query part of url
+ if (tooltip_required)
+ {
+ setLastSegmentToolTip(match.getTooltip());
+ }
+ }
+ // move on to the rest of the text after the Url
+ if (end < (S32)text.length())
+ {
+ text = text.substr(end,text.length() - end);
+ end=0;
+ part=(S32)LLTextParser::END;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (part != (S32)LLTextParser::WHOLE)
+ part=(S32)LLTextParser::END;
+ if (end < (S32)text.length())
+ appendAndHighlightText(text, part, style_params);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appendAndHighlightText(new_text, part, style_params);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::setLastSegmentToolTip(const std::string &tooltip)
+ segment_set_t::iterator it = getSegIterContaining(getLength()-1);
+ if (it != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segment = *it;
+ segment->setToolTip(tooltip);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::appendText(const std::string &new_text, bool prepend_newline, const LLStyle::Params& input_params)
+ if (new_text.empty())
+ return;
+ if(prepend_newline)
+ appendLineBreakSegment(input_params);
+ appendTextImpl(new_text,input_params);
+void LLTextBase::setLabel(const LLStringExplicit& label)
+ mLabel = label;
+ resetLabel();
+bool LLTextBase::setLabelArg(const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
+ mLabel.setArg(key, text);
+ return true;
+void LLTextBase::resetLabel()
+ if (useLabel())
+ {
+ clearSegments();
+ LLStyle* style = new LLStyle(getStyleParams());
+ style->setColor(mTentativeFgColor);
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(style);
+ LLTextSegmentPtr label = new LLLabelTextSegment(sp, 0, mLabel.getWString().length() + 1, *this);
+ insertSegment(label);
+ }
+bool LLTextBase::useLabel() const
+ return !getLength() && !mLabel.empty() && !hasFocus();
+void LLTextBase::setFont(const LLFontGL* font)
+ mFont = font;
+ mStyleDirty = true;
+void LLTextBase::needsReflow(S32 index)
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "reflow on object " << (void*)this << " index = " << mReflowIndex << ", new index = " << index << LL_ENDL;
+ mReflowIndex = llmin(mReflowIndex, index);
+S32 LLTextBase::removeFirstLine()
+ if (!mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ S32 length = getLineEnd(0);
+ deselect();
+ removeStringNoUndo(0, length);
+ return length;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void LLTextBase::appendLineBreakSegment(const LLStyle::Params& style_params)
+ segment_vec_t segments;
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
+ segments.push_back(new LLLineBreakTextSegment(sp, getLength()));
+ insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), utf8str_to_wstring("\n"), &segments);
+void LLTextBase::appendImageSegment(const LLStyle::Params& style_params)
+ if(getPlainText())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ segment_vec_t segments;
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
+ segments.push_back(new LLImageTextSegment(sp, getLength(),*this));
+ insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), utf8str_to_wstring(" "), &segments);
+void LLTextBase::appendWidget(const LLInlineViewSegment::Params& params, const std::string& text, bool allow_undo)
+ segment_vec_t segments;
+ LLWString widget_wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(text);
+ segments.push_back(new LLInlineViewSegment(params, getLength(), getLength() + widget_wide_text.size()));
+ insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), widget_wide_text, &segments);
+void LLTextBase::appendAndHighlightTextImpl(const std::string &new_text, S32 highlight_part, const LLStyle::Params& style_params, bool underline_on_hover_only)
+ // Save old state
+ S32 selection_start = mSelectionStart;
+ S32 selection_end = mSelectionEnd;
+ bool was_selecting = mIsSelecting;
+ S32 cursor_pos = mCursorPos;
+ S32 old_length = getLength();
+ bool cursor_was_at_end = (mCursorPos == old_length);
+ deselect();
+ setCursorPos(old_length);
+ if (mParseHighlights)
+ {
+ LLStyle::Params highlight_params(style_params);
+ LLSD pieces = LLTextParser::instance().parsePartialLineHighlights(new_text, highlight_params.color(), (LLTextParser::EHighlightPosition)highlight_part);
+ for (S32 i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++)
+ {
+ LLSD color_llsd = pieces[i]["color"];
+ LLColor4 lcolor;
+ lcolor.setValue(color_llsd);
+ highlight_params.color = lcolor;
+ LLWString wide_text;
+ wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(pieces[i]["text"].asString());
+ S32 cur_length = getLength();
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(highlight_params));
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp;
+ if (underline_on_hover_only || mSkipLinkUnderline)
+ {
+ LLStyleConstSP normal_sp(new LLStyle(highlight_params));
+ segmentp = new LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment(sp, normal_sp, cur_length, cur_length + wide_text.size(), *this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ segmentp = new LLNormalTextSegment(sp, cur_length, cur_length + wide_text.size(), *this);
+ }
+ segment_vec_t segments;
+ segments.push_back(segmentp);
+ insertStringNoUndo(cur_length, wide_text, &segments);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLWString wide_text;
+ wide_text = utf8str_to_wstring(new_text);
+ segment_vec_t segments;
+ S32 segment_start = old_length;
+ S32 segment_end = old_length + wide_text.size();
+ LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle(style_params));
+ if (underline_on_hover_only || mSkipLinkUnderline)
+ {
+ LLStyle::Params normal_style_params(style_params);
+ LLStyleConstSP normal_sp(new LLStyle(normal_style_params));
+ segments.push_back(new LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment(sp, normal_sp, segment_start, segment_end, *this));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ segments.push_back(new LLNormalTextSegment(sp, segment_start, segment_end, *this));
+ }
+ insertStringNoUndo(getLength(), wide_text, &segments);
+ }
+ // Set the cursor and scroll position
+ if (selection_start != selection_end)
+ {
+ mSelectionStart = selection_start;
+ mSelectionEnd = selection_end;
+ mIsSelecting = was_selecting;
+ setCursorPos(cursor_pos);
+ }
+ else if (cursor_was_at_end)
+ {
+ setCursorPos(getLength());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setCursorPos(cursor_pos);
+ }
+void LLTextBase::appendAndHighlightText(const std::string &new_text, S32 highlight_part, const LLStyle::Params& style_params, bool underline_on_hover_only)
+ if (new_text.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string::size_type start = 0;
+ std::string::size_type pos = new_text.find("\n", start);
+ while (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ if (pos != start)
+ {
+ std::string str = std::string(new_text,start,pos-start);
+ appendAndHighlightTextImpl(str, highlight_part, style_params, underline_on_hover_only);
+ }
+ appendLineBreakSegment(style_params);
+ start = pos+1;
+ pos = new_text.find("\n", start);
+ }
+ std::string str = std::string(new_text, start, new_text.length() - start);
+ appendAndHighlightTextImpl(str, highlight_part, style_params, underline_on_hover_only);
+void LLTextBase::replaceUrl(const std::string &url,
+ const std::string &label,
+ const std::string &icon)
+ // get the full (wide) text for the editor so we can change it
+ LLWString text = getWText();
+ LLWString wlabel = utf8str_to_wstring(label);
+ bool modified = false;
+ S32 seg_start = 0;
+ // iterate through each segment looking for ones styled as links
+ segment_set_t::iterator it;
+ for (it = mSegments.begin(); it != mSegments.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ LLTextSegment *seg = *it;
+ LLStyleConstSP style = seg->getStyle();
+ // update segment start/end length in case we replaced text earlier
+ S32 seg_length = seg->getEnd() - seg->getStart();
+ seg->setStart(seg_start);
+ seg->setEnd(seg_start + seg_length);
+ // if we find a link with our Url, then replace the label
+ if (style->getLinkHREF() == url)
+ {
+ S32 start = seg->getStart();
+ S32 end = seg->getEnd();
+ text = text.substr(0, start) + wlabel + text.substr(end, text.size() - end + 1);
+ seg->setEnd(start + wlabel.size());
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ // Icon might be updated when more avatar or group info
+ // becomes available
+ if (style->isImage() && style->getLinkHREF() == url)
+ {
+ LLUIImagePtr image = image_from_icon_name( icon );
+ if (image)
+ {
+ LLStyle::Params icon_params;
+ icon_params.image = image;
+ LLStyleConstSP new_style(new LLStyle(icon_params));
+ seg->setStyle(new_style);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // work out the character offset for the next segment
+ seg_start = seg->getEnd();
+ }
+ // update the editor with the new (wide) text string
+ if (modified)
+ {
+ getViewModel()->setDisplay(text);
+ deselect();
+ setCursorPos(mCursorPos);
+ needsReflow();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::setWText(const LLWString& text)
+ setText(wstring_to_utf8str(text));
+const LLWString& LLTextBase::getWText() const
+ return getViewModel()->getDisplay();
+// If round is true, if the position is on the right half of a character, the cursor
+// will be put to its right. If round is false, the cursor will always be put to the
+// character's left.
+S32 LLTextBase::getDocIndexFromLocalCoord( S32 local_x, S32 local_y, bool round, bool hit_past_end_of_line) const
+ // Figure out which line we're nearest to.
+ LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getRect();
+ S32 doc_y = local_y - doc_rect.mBottom;
+ // binary search for line that starts before local_y
+ line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::lower_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), doc_y, compare_bottom());
+ if (!mLineInfoList.size() || line_iter == mLineInfoList.end())
+ {
+ return getLength(); // past the end
+ }
+ S32 pos = getLength();
+ F32 start_x = line_iter->mRect.mLeft + doc_rect.mLeft;
+ segment_set_t::iterator line_seg_iter;
+ S32 line_seg_offset;
+ for(getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &line_seg_iter, &line_seg_offset);
+ line_seg_iter != mSegments.end();
+ ++line_seg_iter, line_seg_offset = 0)
+ {
+ const LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *line_seg_iter;
+ S32 segment_line_start = segmentp->getStart() + line_seg_offset;
+ S32 segment_line_length = llmin(segmentp->getEnd(), line_iter->mDocIndexEnd) - segment_line_start;
+ F32 text_width;
+ S32 text_height;
+ bool newline = segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, text_width, text_height);
+ if(newline)
+ {
+ pos = segment_line_start + segmentp->getOffset(local_x - start_x, line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, round);
+ break;
+ }
+ // if we've reached a line of text *below* the mouse cursor, doc index is first character on that line
+ if (hit_past_end_of_line && doc_y > line_iter->mRect.mTop)
+ {
+ pos = segment_line_start;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (local_x < start_x + text_width) // cursor to left of right edge of text
+ {
+ // Figure out which character we're nearest to.
+ S32 offset;
+ if (!segmentp->canEdit())
+ {
+ F32 segment_width;
+ S32 segment_height;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(0, segmentp->getEnd() - segmentp->getStart(), segment_width, segment_height);
+ if (round && local_x - start_x > segment_width / 2)
+ {
+ offset = segment_line_length;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = segmentp->getOffset(local_x - start_x, line_seg_offset, segment_line_length, round);
+ }
+ pos = segment_line_start + offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (hit_past_end_of_line && segmentp->getEnd() >= line_iter->mDocIndexEnd)
+ {
+ if (getLineNumFromDocIndex(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd - 1) == line_iter->mLineNum)
+ {
+ // if segment wraps to the next line we should step one char back
+ // to compensate for the space char between words
+ // which is removed due to wrapping
+ pos = llclamp(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd - 1, 0, getLength());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pos = llclamp(line_iter->mDocIndexEnd, 0, getLength());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ start_x += text_width;
+ }
+ return pos;
+// returns rectangle of insertion caret
+// in document coordinate frame from given index into text
+LLRect LLTextBase::getDocRectFromDocIndex(S32 pos) const
+ if (mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ return LLRect();
+ }
+ // clamp pos to valid values
+ pos = llclamp(pos, 0, mLineInfoList.back().mDocIndexEnd - 1);
+ line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = std::upper_bound(mLineInfoList.begin(), mLineInfoList.end(), pos, line_end_compare());
+ segment_set_t::iterator line_seg_iter;
+ S32 line_seg_offset;
+ segment_set_t::iterator cursor_seg_iter;
+ S32 cursor_seg_offset;
+ getSegmentAndOffset(line_iter->mDocIndexStart, &line_seg_iter, &line_seg_offset);
+ getSegmentAndOffset(pos, &cursor_seg_iter, &cursor_seg_offset);
+ F32 doc_left_precise = line_iter->mRect.mLeft;
+ while(line_seg_iter != mSegments.end())
+ {
+ const LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *line_seg_iter;
+ if (line_seg_iter == cursor_seg_iter)
+ {
+ // cursor advanced to right based on difference in offset of cursor to start of line
+ F32 segment_width;
+ S32 segment_height;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, cursor_seg_offset - line_seg_offset, segment_width, segment_height);
+ doc_left_precise += segment_width;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add remainder of current text segment to cursor position
+ F32 segment_width;
+ S32 segment_height;
+ segmentp->getDimensionsF32(line_seg_offset, (segmentp->getEnd() - segmentp->getStart()) - line_seg_offset, segment_width, segment_height);
+ doc_left_precise += segment_width;
+ // offset will be 0 for all segments after the first
+ line_seg_offset = 0;
+ // go to next text segment on this line
+ ++line_seg_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ LLRect doc_rect;
+ doc_rect.mLeft = doc_left_precise;
+ doc_rect.mBottom = line_iter->mRect.mBottom;
+ doc_rect.mTop = line_iter->mRect.mTop;
+ // set rect to 0 width
+ doc_rect.mRight = doc_rect.mLeft;
+ return doc_rect;
+LLRect LLTextBase::getLocalRectFromDocIndex(S32 pos) const
+ LLRect content_window_rect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
+ if (mBorderVisible)
+ {
+ content_window_rect.stretch(-1);
+ }
+ LLRect local_rect;
+ if (mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ // return default height rect in upper left
+ local_rect = content_window_rect;
+ local_rect.mBottom = local_rect.mTop - mFont->getLineHeight();
+ return local_rect;
+ }
+ // get the rect in document coordinates
+ LLRect doc_rect = getDocRectFromDocIndex(pos);
+ // compensate for scrolled, inset view of doc
+ LLRect scrolled_view_rect = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ local_rect = doc_rect;
+ local_rect.translate(content_window_rect.mLeft - scrolled_view_rect.mLeft,
+ content_window_rect.mBottom - scrolled_view_rect.mBottom);
+ return local_rect;
+void LLTextBase::updateCursorXPos()
+ // reset desired x cursor position
+ mDesiredXPixel = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos).mLeft;
+void LLTextBase::startOfLine()
+ S32 offset = getLineOffsetFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ setCursorPos(mCursorPos - offset);
+void LLTextBase::endOfLine()
+ S32 line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ S32 num_lines = getLineCount();
+ if (line + 1 >= num_lines)
+ {
+ setCursorPos(getLength());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setCursorPos( getLineStart(line + 1) - 1 );
+ }
+void LLTextBase::startOfDoc()
+ setCursorPos(0);
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ mScroller->goToTop();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::endOfDoc()
+ setCursorPos(getLength());
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ mScroller->goToBottom();
+ }
+void LLTextBase::changePage( S32 delta )
+ if (delta == 0 || !mScroller) return;
+ LLRect cursor_rect = getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ if( delta == -1 )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ if( delta == 1 )
+ {
+ mScroller->pageDown(PIXEL_OVERLAP_ON_PAGE_CHANGE);
+ }
+ if (getLocalRectFromDocIndex(mCursorPos) == cursor_rect)
+ {
+ // cursor didn't change apparent position, so move to top or bottom of document, respectively
+ if (delta < 0)
+ {
+ startOfDoc();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endOfDoc();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setCursorAtLocalPos(cursor_rect.getCenterX(), cursor_rect.getCenterY(), true, false);
+ }
+// Picks a new cursor position based on the screen size of text being drawn.
+void LLTextBase::setCursorAtLocalPos( S32 local_x, S32 local_y, bool round, bool keep_cursor_offset )
+ setCursorPos(getDocIndexFromLocalCoord(local_x, local_y, round), keep_cursor_offset);
+void LLTextBase::changeLine( S32 delta )
+ S32 line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos);
+ S32 max_line_nb = getLineCount() - 1;
+ max_line_nb = (max_line_nb < 0 ? 0 : max_line_nb);
+ S32 new_line = llclamp(line + delta, 0, max_line_nb);
+ if (new_line != line)
+ {
+ LLRect visible_region = getVisibleDocumentRect();
+ S32 new_cursor_pos = getDocIndexFromLocalCoord(mDesiredXPixel,
+ mLineInfoList[new_line].mRect.mBottom + mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - visible_region.mBottom, true);
+ S32 actual_line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(new_cursor_pos);
+ if (actual_line != new_line)
+ {
+ // line edge, correcting position by 1 to move onto proper line
+ new_cursor_pos += new_line - actual_line;
+ }
+ setCursorPos(new_cursor_pos, true);
+ }
+bool LLTextBase::scrolledToStart()
+ return mScroller->isAtTop();
+bool LLTextBase::scrolledToEnd()
+ return mScroller->isAtBottom();
+bool LLTextBase::setCursor(S32 row, S32 column)
+ if (row < 0 || column < 0) return false;
+ S32 n_lines = mLineInfoList.size();
+ for (S32 line = row; line < n_lines; ++line)
+ {
+ const line_info& li = mLineInfoList[line];
+ if (li.mLineNum < row)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (li.mLineNum > row)
+ {
+ break; // invalid column specified
+ }
+ // Found the given row.
+ S32 line_length = li.mDocIndexEnd - li.mDocIndexStart;;
+ if (column >= line_length)
+ {
+ column -= line_length;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Found the given column.
+ updateCursorXPos();
+ S32 doc_pos = li.mDocIndexStart + column;
+ return setCursorPos(doc_pos);
+ }
+ return false; // invalid row or column specified
+bool LLTextBase::setCursorPos(S32 cursor_pos, bool keep_cursor_offset)
+ S32 new_cursor_pos = cursor_pos;
+ if (new_cursor_pos != mCursorPos)
+ {
+ new_cursor_pos = getEditableIndex(new_cursor_pos, new_cursor_pos >= mCursorPos);
+ }
+ mCursorPos = llclamp(new_cursor_pos, 0, (S32)getLength());
+ needsScroll();
+ if (!keep_cursor_offset)
+ updateCursorXPos();
+ // did we get requested position?
+ return new_cursor_pos == cursor_pos;
+// constraint cursor to editable segments of document
+S32 LLTextBase::getEditableIndex(S32 index, bool increasing_direction)
+ segment_set_t::iterator segment_iter;
+ S32 offset;
+ getSegmentAndOffset(index, &segment_iter, &offset);
+ if (segment_iter == mSegments.end())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ LLTextSegmentPtr segmentp = *segment_iter;
+ if (segmentp->canEdit())
+ {
+ return segmentp->getStart() + offset;
+ }
+ else if (segmentp->getStart() < index && index < segmentp->getEnd())
+ {
+ // bias towards document end
+ if (increasing_direction)
+ {
+ return segmentp->getEnd();
+ }
+ // bias towards document start
+ else
+ {
+ return segmentp->getStart();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return index;
+ }
+void LLTextBase::updateRects()
+ LLRect old_text_rect = mVisibleTextRect;
+ mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
+ if (mLineInfoList.empty())
+ {
+ mTextBoundingRect = LLRect(0, mVPad, mHPad, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mTextBoundingRect = mLineInfoList.begin()->mRect;
+ for (line_list_t::const_iterator line_iter = ++mLineInfoList.begin();
+ line_iter != mLineInfoList.end();
+ ++line_iter)
+ {
+ mTextBoundingRect.unionWith(line_iter->mRect);
+ }
+ mTextBoundingRect.mTop += mVPad;
+ S32 delta_pos = 0;
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ delta_pos = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ delta_pos = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom)) / 2;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ delta_pos = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BASELINE:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ }
+ // move line segments to fit new document rect
+ for (line_list_t::iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(); it != mLineInfoList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ it->mRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
+ }
+ mTextBoundingRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
+ }
+ // update document container dimensions according to text contents
+ LLRect doc_rect;
+ // use old mVisibleTextRect constraint document to width of viewable region
+ doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
+ // allow horizontal scrolling?
+ // if so, use entire width of text contents
+ // otherwise, stop at width of mVisibleTextRect
+ //FIXME: consider use of getWordWrap() instead
+ doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
+ ? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
+ : mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
+ doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.mTop, mTextBoundingRect.mTop);
+ if (!mScroller)
+ {
+ // push doc rect to top of text widget
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mDocumentView->setShape(doc_rect);
+ //update mVisibleTextRect *after* mDocumentView has been resized
+ // so that scrollbars are added if document needs to scroll
+ // since mVisibleTextRect does not include scrollbars
+ mVisibleTextRect = mScroller ? mScroller->getContentWindowRect() : getLocalRect();
+ //FIXME: replace border with image?
+ if (mBorderVisible)
+ {
+ mVisibleTextRect.stretch(-1);
+ }
+ if (mVisibleTextRect != old_text_rect)
+ {
+ needsReflow();
+ }
+ // update mTextBoundingRect after mVisibleTextRect took scrolls into account
+ if (!mLineInfoList.empty() && mScroller)
+ {
+ S32 delta_pos = 0;
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ delta_pos = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ delta_pos = (llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - mTextBoundingRect.mTop, -mTextBoundingRect.mBottom) + (mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom)) / 2;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ delta_pos = mVisibleTextRect.mBottom - mTextBoundingRect.mBottom;
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::BASELINE:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ }
+ // move line segments to fit new visible rect
+ if (delta_pos != 0)
+ {
+ for (line_list_t::iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(); it != mLineInfoList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ it->mRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
+ }
+ mTextBoundingRect.translate(0, delta_pos);
+ }
+ }
+ // update document container again, using new mVisibleTextRect (that has scrollbars enabled as needed)
+ doc_rect.mBottom = llmin(mVisibleTextRect.mBottom, mTextBoundingRect.mBottom);
+ doc_rect.mLeft = 0;
+ doc_rect.mRight = mScroller
+ ? llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getWidth(), mTextBoundingRect.mRight)
+ : mVisibleTextRect.getWidth();
+ doc_rect.mTop = llmax(mVisibleTextRect.getHeight(), mTextBoundingRect.getHeight()) + doc_rect.mBottom;
+ if (!mScroller)
+ {
+ // push doc rect to top of text widget
+ switch(mVAlign)
+ {
+ case LLFontGL::TOP:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop);
+ break;
+ case LLFontGL::VCENTER:
+ doc_rect.translate(0, (mVisibleTextRect.getHeight() - doc_rect.mTop) / 2);
+ case LLFontGL::BOTTOM:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mDocumentView->setShape(doc_rect);
+void LLTextBase::startSelection()
+ if( !mIsSelecting )
+ {
+ mIsSelecting = true;
+ mSelectionStart = mCursorPos;
+ mSelectionEnd = mCursorPos;
+ }
+void LLTextBase::endSelection()
+ if( mIsSelecting )
+ {
+ mIsSelecting = false;
+ mSelectionEnd = mCursorPos;
+ }
+// get portion of document that is visible in text editor
+LLRect LLTextBase::getVisibleDocumentRect() const
+ if (mScroller)
+ {
+ return mScroller->getVisibleContentRect();
+ }
+ else if (mClip)
+ {
+ LLRect visible_text_rect = getVisibleTextRect();
+ LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getRect();
+ visible_text_rect.translate(-doc_rect.mLeft, -doc_rect.mBottom);
+ // reject partially visible lines
+ LLRect visible_lines_rect;
+ for (line_list_t::const_iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(), end_it = mLineInfoList.end();
+ it != end_it;
+ ++it)
+ {
+ bool line_visible = mClipPartial ? visible_text_rect.contains(it->mRect) : visible_text_rect.overlaps(it->mRect);
+ if (line_visible)
+ {
+ if (visible_lines_rect.isEmpty())
+ {
+ visible_lines_rect = it->mRect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ visible_lines_rect.unionWith(it->mRect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return visible_lines_rect;
+ }
+ else
+ { // entire document rect is visible
+ // but offset according to height of widget
+ LLRect doc_rect = mDocumentView->getLocalRect();
+ doc_rect.mLeft -= mDocumentView->getRect().mLeft;
+ // adjust for height of text above widget baseline
+ doc_rect.mBottom = doc_rect.getHeight() - mVisibleTextRect.getHeight();
+ return doc_rect;
+ }
+boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setURLClickedCallback(const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ if (!mURLClickSignal)
+ {
+ mURLClickSignal = new commit_signal_t();
+ }
+ return mURLClickSignal->connect(cb);
+boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setIsFriendCallback(const is_friend_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ if (!mIsFriendSignal)
+ {
+ mIsFriendSignal = new is_friend_signal_t();
+ }
+ return mIsFriendSignal->connect(cb);
+boost::signals2::connection LLTextBase::setIsObjectBlockedCallback(const is_blocked_signal_t::slot_type& cb)
+ if (!mIsObjectBlockedSignal)
+ {
+ mIsObjectBlockedSignal = new is_blocked_signal_t();
+ }
+ return mIsObjectBlockedSignal->connect(cb);
+// LLTextSegment
+bool LLTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const { width = 0; height = 0; return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::getDimensions(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, S32& width, S32& height) const
+ F32 fwidth = 0;
+ bool result = getDimensionsF32(first_char, num_chars, fwidth, height);
+ width = ll_round(fwidth);
+ return result;
+S32 LLTextSegment::getOffset(S32 segment_local_x_coord, S32 start_offset, S32 num_chars, bool round) const { return 0; }
+S32 LLTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const { return 0; }
+void LLTextSegment::updateLayout(const LLTextBase& editor) {}
+F32 LLTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect) { return draw_rect.mLeft; }
+bool LLTextSegment::canEdit() const { return false; }
+void LLTextSegment::unlinkFromDocument(LLTextBase*) {}
+void LLTextSegment::linkToDocument(LLTextBase*) {}
+const LLColor4& LLTextSegment::getColor() const { return LLColor4::white; }
+//void LLTextSegment::setColor(const LLColor4 &color) {}
+LLStyleConstSP LLTextSegment::getStyle() const {static LLStyleConstSP sp(new LLStyle()); return sp; }
+void LLTextSegment::setStyle(LLStyleConstSP style) {}
+void LLTextSegment::setToken( LLKeywordToken* token ) {}
+LLKeywordToken* LLTextSegment::getToken() const { return NULL; }
+void LLTextSegment::setToolTip( const std::string &msg ) {}
+void LLTextSegment::dump() const {}
+bool LLTextSegment::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleScrollHWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { return false; }
+bool LLTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { return false; }
+const std::string& LLTextSegment::getName() const
+ return LLStringUtil::null;
+void LLTextSegment::onMouseCaptureLost() {}
+void LLTextSegment::screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const {}
+void LLTextSegment::localPointToScreen(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, S32* screen_x, S32* screen_y) const {}
+bool LLTextSegment::hasMouseCapture() { return false; }
+// LLNormalTextSegment
+LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor )
+: LLTextSegment(start, end),
+ mStyle( style ),
+ mToken(NULL),
+ mEditor(editor)
+ mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+ LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
+ if (image.notNull())
+ {
+ mImageLoadedConnection = image->addLoadedCallback(boost::bind(&LLTextBase::needsReflow, &mEditor, start));
+ }
+LLNormalTextSegment::LLNormalTextSegment( const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
+: LLTextSegment(start, end),
+ mToken(NULL),
+ mEditor(editor)
+ mStyle = new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(is_visible).color(color));
+ mFontHeight = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+ mImageLoadedConnection.disconnect();
+F32 LLNormalTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
+ if( end - start > 0 )
+ {
+ return drawClippedSegment( getStart() + start, getStart() + end, selection_start, selection_end, draw_rect);
+ }
+ return draw_rect.mLeft;
+// Draws a single text segment, reversing the color for selection if needed.
+F32 LLNormalTextSegment::drawClippedSegment(S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, LLRectf rect)
+ F32 alpha = LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext().mAlpha;
+ const LLWString &text = getWText();
+ F32 right_x = rect.mLeft;
+ if (!mStyle->isVisible())
+ {
+ return right_x;
+ }
+ const LLFontGL* font = mStyle->getFont();
+ LLColor4 color = (mEditor.getReadOnly() ? mStyle->getReadOnlyColor() : mStyle->getColor()) % alpha;
+ if( selection_start > seg_start )
+ {
+ // Draw normally
+ S32 start = seg_start;
+ S32 end = llmin( selection_start, seg_end );
+ S32 length = end - start;
+ font->render(text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ rect.mLeft = right_x;
+ if( (selection_start < seg_end) && (selection_end > seg_start) )
+ {
+ // Draw reversed
+ S32 start = llmax( selection_start, seg_start );
+ S32 end = llmin( selection_end, seg_end );
+ S32 length = end - start;
+ font->render(text, start,
+ rect,
+ mStyle->getSelectedColor().get(),
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ rect.mLeft = right_x;
+ if( selection_end < seg_end )
+ {
+ // Draw normally
+ S32 start = llmax( selection_end, seg_start );
+ S32 end = seg_end;
+ S32 length = end - start;
+ font->render(text, start,
+ rect,
+ color,
+ LLFontGL::LEFT, mEditor.mTextVAlign,
+ mStyle->getShadowType(),
+ length,
+ &right_x,
+ mEditor.getUseEllipses(),
+ mEditor.getUseColor());
+ }
+ return right_x;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
+ {
+ // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
+ if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
+ {
+ LLUI::getInstance()->getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_HAND);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
+ {
+ // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
+ if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
+ {
+ mEditor.createUrlContextMenu(x, y, getStyle()->getLinkHREF());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
+ {
+ // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
+ if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
+ {
+ // eat mouse down event on hyperlinks, so we get the mouse up
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (getStyle() && getStyle()->isLink())
+ {
+ // Only process the click if it's actually in this segment, not to the right of the end-of-line.
+ if(mEditor.getSegmentAtLocalPos(x, y, false) == this)
+ {
+ std::string url = getStyle()->getLinkHREF();
+ if (!mEditor.mForceUrlsExternal)
+ {
+ LLUrlAction::clickAction(url, mEditor.isContentTrusted());
+ }
+ else if (!LLUrlAction::executeSLURL(url, mEditor.isContentTrusted()))
+ {
+ LLUrlAction::openURLExternal(url);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ std::string msg;
+ // do we have a tooltip for a loaded keyword (for script editor)?
+ if (mToken && !mToken->getToolTip().empty())
+ {
+ const LLWString& wmsg = mToken->getToolTip();
+ LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(wstring_to_utf8str(wmsg), (mToken->getType() == LLKeywordToken::TT_FUNCTION));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // or do we have an explicitly set tooltip (e.g., for Urls)
+ if (!mTooltip.empty())
+ {
+ LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(mTooltip);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void LLNormalTextSegment::setToolTip(const std::string& tooltip)
+ // we cannot replace a keyword tooltip that's loaded from a file
+ if (mToken)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "LLTextSegment::setToolTip: cannot replace keyword tooltip." << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ mTooltip = tooltip;
+bool LLNormalTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
+ height = 0;
+ width = 0;
+ if (num_chars > 0)
+ {
+ height = mFontHeight;
+ const LLWString &text = getWText();
+ // if last character is a newline, then return true, forcing line break
+ width = mStyle->getFont()->getWidthF32(text.c_str(), mStart + first_char, num_chars, true);
+ }
+ return false;
+S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getOffset(S32 segment_local_x_coord, S32 start_offset, S32 num_chars, bool round) const
+ const LLWString &text = getWText();
+ return mStyle->getFont()->charFromPixelOffset(text.c_str(), mStart + start_offset,
+ (F32)segment_local_x_coord,
+ F32_MAX,
+ num_chars,
+ round);
+S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
+ const LLWString &text = getWText();
+ LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
+ if( image.notNull())
+ {
+ num_pixels = llmax(0, num_pixels - image->getWidth());
+ }
+ S32 last_char = mEnd;
+ // set max characters to length of segment, or to first newline
+ max_chars = llmin(max_chars, last_char - (mStart + segment_offset));
+ // if no character yet displayed on this line, don't require word wrapping since
+ // we can just move to the next line, otherwise insist on it so we make forward progress
+ LLFontGL::EWordWrapStyle word_wrap_style = (line_offset == 0)
+ S32 offsetLength = text.length() - (segment_offset + mStart);
+ if(getLength() < segment_offset + mStart)
+ {
+ LL_INFOS() << "getLength() < segment_offset + mStart\t getLength()\t" << getLength() << "\tsegment_offset:\t"
+ << segment_offset << "\tmStart:\t" << mStart << "\tsegments\t" << mEditor.mSegments.size() << "\tmax_chars\t" << max_chars << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ if( (offsetLength + 1) < max_chars)
+ {
+ LL_INFOS() << "offsetString.length() + 1 < max_chars\t max_chars:\t" << max_chars << "\toffsetString.length():\t" << offsetLength << " getLength() : "
+ << getLength() << "\tsegment_offset:\t" << segment_offset << "\tmStart:\t" << mStart << "\tsegments\t" << mEditor.mSegments.size() << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+ S32 num_chars = mStyle->getFont()->maxDrawableChars( text.c_str() + (segment_offset + mStart),
+ (F32)num_pixels,
+ max_chars,
+ word_wrap_style);
+ if (num_chars == 0
+ && line_offset == 0
+ && max_chars > 0)
+ {
+ // If at the beginning of a line, and a single character won't fit, draw it anyway
+ num_chars = 1;
+ }
+ // include *either* the EOF or newline character in this run of text
+ // but not both
+ S32 last_char_in_run = mStart + segment_offset + num_chars;
+ // check length first to avoid indexing off end of string
+ if (last_char_in_run < mEnd
+ && (last_char_in_run >= getLength()))
+ {
+ num_chars++;
+ }
+ return num_chars;
+void LLNormalTextSegment::dump() const
+ LL_INFOS() << "Segment [" <<
+// mColor.mV[VX] << ", " <<
+// mColor.mV[VY] << ", " <<
+// mColor.mV[VZ] << "]\t[" <<
+ mStart << ", " <<
+ getEnd() << "]" <<
+const LLWString& LLNormalTextSegment::getWText() const
+ return mEditor.getWText();
+const S32 LLNormalTextSegment::getLength() const
+ return mEditor.getLength();
+LLLabelTextSegment::LLLabelTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor )
+: LLNormalTextSegment(style, start, end, editor)
+LLLabelTextSegment::LLLabelTextSegment( const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
+: LLNormalTextSegment(color, start, end, editor, is_visible)
+const LLWString& LLLabelTextSegment::getWText() const
+ return mEditor.getWlabel();
+const S32 LLLabelTextSegment::getLength() const
+ return mEditor.getWlabel().length();
+// LLEmojiTextSegment
+LLEmojiTextSegment::LLEmojiTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor)
+ : LLNormalTextSegment(style, start, end, editor)
+LLEmojiTextSegment::LLEmojiTextSegment(const LLColor4& color, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor, bool is_visible)
+ : LLNormalTextSegment(color, start, end, editor, is_visible)
+bool LLEmojiTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (mTooltip.empty())
+ {
+ LLWString emoji = getWText().substr(getStart(), getEnd() - getStart());
+ if (!emoji.empty())
+ {
+ mTooltip = LLEmojiHelper::instance().getToolTip(emoji[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ return LLNormalTextSegment::handleToolTip(x, y, mask);
+// LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment
+LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment( LLStyleConstSP style, LLStyleConstSP normal_style, S32 start, S32 end, LLTextBase& editor ):
+ LLNormalTextSegment(normal_style, start, end, editor),
+ mHoveredStyle(style),
+ mNormalStyle(normal_style){}
+F32 LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
+ F32 result = LLNormalTextSegment::draw(start, end, selection_start, selection_end, draw_rect);
+ if (end == mEnd - mStart)
+ {
+ mStyle = mNormalStyle;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool LLOnHoverChangeableTextSegment::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ mStyle = mEditor.getSkipLinkUnderline() ? mNormalStyle : mHoveredStyle;
+ return LLNormalTextSegment::handleHover(x, y, mask);
+// LLInlineViewSegment
+LLInlineViewSegment::LLInlineViewSegment(const Params& p, S32 start, S32 end)
+: LLTextSegment(start, end),
+ mView(p.view),
+ mForceNewLine(p.force_newline),
+ mLeftPad(p.left_pad),
+ mRightPad(p.right_pad),
+ mTopPad(p.top_pad),
+ mBottomPad(p.bottom_pad)
+ mView->die();
+bool LLInlineViewSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
+ if (first_char == 0 && num_chars == 0)
+ {
+ // We didn't fit on a line or were forced to new string
+ // the widget will fall on the next line, so width here is 0
+ width = 0;
+ if (mForceNewLine)
+ {
+ // Chat, string can't be smaller then font height even if it is empty
+ LLStyleSP s(new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(true)));
+ height = s->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+ return true; // new line
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // height from previous segment in same string will be used, word-wrap
+ height = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ width = mLeftPad + mRightPad + mView->getRect().getWidth();
+ height = mBottomPad + mTopPad + mView->getRect().getHeight();
+ }
+ return false;
+S32 LLInlineViewSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
+ // if putting a widget anywhere but at the beginning of a line
+ // and the widget doesn't fit or mForceNewLine is true
+ // then return 0 chars for that line, and all characters for the next
+ if (mForceNewLine && line_ind == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (line_offset != 0 && num_pixels < mView->getRect().getWidth())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return mEnd - mStart;
+ }
+void LLInlineViewSegment::updateLayout(const LLTextBase& editor)
+ LLRect start_rect = editor.getDocRectFromDocIndex(mStart);
+ mView->setOrigin(start_rect.mLeft + mLeftPad, start_rect.mBottom + mBottomPad);
+F32 LLInlineViewSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
+ // return padded width of widget
+ // widget is actually drawn during mDocumentView's draw()
+ return (F32)(draw_rect.mLeft + mView->getRect().getWidth() + mLeftPad + mRightPad);
+void LLInlineViewSegment::unlinkFromDocument(LLTextBase* editor)
+ editor->removeDocumentChild(mView);
+void LLInlineViewSegment::linkToDocument(LLTextBase* editor)
+ editor->addDocumentChild(mView);
+LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
+ LLStyleSP s( new LLStyle(LLStyle::Params().visible(true)));
+ mFontHeight = s->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+LLLineBreakTextSegment::LLLineBreakTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos):LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1)
+ mFontHeight = style->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+bool LLLineBreakTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
+ width = 0;
+ height = mFontHeight;
+ return true;
+S32 LLLineBreakTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
+ return 1;
+F32 LLLineBreakTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
+ return draw_rect.mLeft;
+LLImageTextSegment::LLImageTextSegment(LLStyleConstSP style,S32 pos,class LLTextBase& editor)
+: LLTextSegment(pos,pos+1),
+ mStyle( style ),
+ mEditor(editor)
+static const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
+bool LLImageTextSegment::getDimensionsF32(S32 first_char, S32 num_chars, F32& width, S32& height) const
+ width = 0;
+ height = mStyle->getFont()->getLineHeight();
+ LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
+ if( num_chars>0 && image.notNull())
+ {
+ width += image->getWidth() + IMAGE_HPAD;
+ height = llmax(height, image->getHeight() + IMAGE_HPAD );
+ }
+ return false;
+S32 LLImageTextSegment::getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars, S32 line_ind) const
+ LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
+ if (image.isNull())
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ S32 image_width = image->getWidth();
+ if(line_offset == 0 || num_pixels>image_width + IMAGE_HPAD)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool LLImageTextSegment::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
+ if (!mTooltip.empty())
+ {
+ LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(mTooltip);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void LLImageTextSegment::setToolTip(const std::string& tooltip)
+ mTooltip = tooltip;
+F32 LLImageTextSegment::draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRectf& draw_rect)
+ if ( (start >= 0) && (end <= mEnd - mStart))
+ {
+ LLColor4 color = LLColor4::white % mEditor.getDrawContext().mAlpha;
+ LLUIImagePtr image = mStyle->getImage();
+ if (image.notNull())
+ {
+ S32 style_image_height = image->getHeight();
+ S32 style_image_width = image->getWidth();
+ // Text is drawn from the top of the draw_rect downward
+ S32 text_center = draw_rect.mTop - (draw_rect.getHeight() / 2);
+ // Align image to center of draw rect
+ S32 image_bottom = text_center - (style_image_height / 2);
+ image->draw(draw_rect.mLeft, image_bottom,
+ style_image_width, style_image_height, color);
+ const S32 IMAGE_HPAD = 3;
+ return draw_rect.mLeft + style_image_width + IMAGE_HPAD;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+void LLTextBase::setWordWrap(bool wrap)
+ mWordWrap = wrap;