path: root/indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h
diff options
authorAndrey Lihatskiy <>2020-04-21 13:12:05 +0300
committerAndrey Lihatskiy <>2020-04-21 13:12:05 +0300
commita4b1c0330a6a8e43bf4c41c5b0c836bd1dee2268 (patch)
tree6d68d3e3f665d60fa946bd24a4b324b5e63339fb /indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h
parenta8df6762ff88458916397b9707f6954b2714e14d (diff)
parentd7f1c88c35849e56f5b352f13c16a08467d1533b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into DRTVWR-482
# Conflicts: # indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/previewV.glsl # indra/newview/lldynamictexture.cpp # indra/newview/llfloatermodelpreview.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h')
1 files changed, 518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h b/indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d118f0789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/llinventory/llsettingsbase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+* @file llsettingsbase.h
+* @author optional
+* @brief A base class for asset based settings groups.
+* $LicenseInfo:2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+* Second Life Viewer Source Code
+* Copyright (C) 2017, Linden Research, Inc.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+* version 2.1 of the License only.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+* $/LicenseInfo$
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include "llsd.h"
+#include "llsdutil.h"
+#include "v2math.h"
+#include "v3math.h"
+#include "v4math.h"
+#include "llquaternion.h"
+#include "v4color.h"
+#include "v3color.h"
+#include "llunits.h"
+#include "llinventorysettings.h"
+#define PTR_NAMESPACE std
+#define SETTINGS_OVERRIDE override
+class LLSettingsBase :
+ public PTR_NAMESPACE::enable_shared_from_this<LLSettingsBase>,
+ private boost::noncopyable
+ friend class LLEnvironment;
+ friend class LLSettingsDay;
+ friend std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream& os, LLSettingsBase &settings);
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSettingsBase);
+ typedef F64Seconds Seconds;
+ typedef F64 BlendFactor;
+ typedef F32 TrackPosition; // 32-bit as these are stored in LLSD as such
+ static const TrackPosition INVALID_TRACKPOS;
+ static const std::string DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NAME;
+ static const std::string SETTING_ID;
+ static const std::string SETTING_NAME;
+ static const std::string SETTING_HASH;
+ static const std::string SETTING_TYPE;
+ static const std::string SETTING_ASSETID;
+ static const std::string SETTING_FLAGS;
+ static const U32 FLAG_NOCOPY;
+ static const U32 FLAG_NOMOD;
+ static const U32 FLAG_NOTRANS;
+ static const U32 FLAG_NOSAVE;
+ class DefaultParam
+ {
+ public:
+ DefaultParam(S32 key, const LLSD& value) : mShaderKey(key), mDefaultValue(value) {}
+ DefaultParam() : mShaderKey(-1) {}
+ S32 getShaderKey() const { return mShaderKey; }
+ const LLSD getDefaultValue() const { return mDefaultValue; }
+ private:
+ S32 mShaderKey;
+ LLSD mDefaultValue;
+ };
+ // Contains settings' names (map key), related shader id-key and default
+ // value for revert in case we need to reset shader (no need to search each time)
+ typedef std::map<std::string, DefaultParam> parammapping_t;
+ typedef PTR_NAMESPACE::shared_ptr<LLSettingsBase> ptr_t;
+ virtual ~LLSettingsBase() { };
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual std::string getSettingsType() const = 0;
+ virtual LLSettingsType::type_e getSettingsTypeValue() const = 0;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Settings status
+ inline bool hasSetting(const std::string &param) const { return mSettings.has(param); }
+ virtual bool isDirty() const { return mDirty; }
+ virtual bool isVeryDirty() const { return mReplaced; }
+ inline void setDirtyFlag(bool dirty) { mDirty = dirty; clearAssetId(); }
+ size_t getHash() const; // Hash will not include Name, ID or a previously stored Hash
+ inline LLUUID getId() const
+ {
+ return getValue(SETTING_ID).asUUID();
+ }
+ inline std::string getName() const
+ {
+ return getValue(SETTING_NAME).asString();
+ }
+ inline void setName(std::string val)
+ {
+ setValue(SETTING_NAME, val);
+ }
+ inline LLUUID getAssetId() const
+ {
+ if (mSettings.has(SETTING_ASSETID))
+ return mSettings[SETTING_ASSETID].asUUID();
+ return LLUUID();
+ }
+ inline U32 getFlags() const
+ {
+ if (mSettings.has(SETTING_FLAGS))
+ return static_cast<U32>(mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS].asInteger());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline void setFlags(U32 value)
+ {
+ setLLSD(SETTING_FLAGS, LLSD::Integer(value));
+ }
+ inline bool getFlag(U32 flag) const
+ {
+ if (mSettings.has(SETTING_FLAGS))
+ return ((U32)mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS].asInteger() & flag) == flag;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline void setFlag(U32 flag)
+ {
+ U32 flags((mSettings.has(SETTING_FLAGS)) ? (U32)mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS].asInteger() : 0);
+ flags |= flag;
+ if (flags)
+ mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS] = LLSD::Integer(flags);
+ else
+ mSettings.erase(SETTING_FLAGS);
+ }
+ inline void clearFlag(U32 flag)
+ {
+ U32 flags((mSettings.has(SETTING_FLAGS)) ? (U32)mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS].asInteger() : 0);
+ flags &= ~flag;
+ if (flags)
+ mSettings[SETTING_FLAGS] = LLSD::Integer(flags);
+ else
+ mSettings.erase(SETTING_FLAGS);
+ }
+ virtual void replaceSettings(LLSD settings)
+ {
+ mBlendedFactor = 0.0;
+ setDirtyFlag(true);
+ mReplaced = true;
+ mSettings = settings;
+ }
+ virtual LLSD getSettings() const;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ inline void setLLSD(const std::string &name, const LLSD &value)
+ {
+ mSettings[name] = value;
+ mDirty = true;
+ if (name != SETTING_ASSETID)
+ clearAssetId();
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLSD &value)
+ {
+ setLLSD(name, value);
+ }
+ inline LLSD getValue(const std::string &name, const LLSD &deflt = LLSD()) const
+ {
+ if (!mSettings.has(name))
+ return deflt;
+ return mSettings[name];
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, F32 v)
+ {
+ setLLSD(name, LLSD::Real(v));
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLVector2 &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLVector3 &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLVector4 &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLQuaternion &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLColor3 &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline void setValue(const std::string &name, const LLColor4 &value)
+ {
+ setValue(name, value.getValue());
+ }
+ inline BlendFactor getBlendFactor() const
+ {
+ return mBlendedFactor;
+ }
+ // Note this method is marked const but may modify the settings object.
+ // (note the internal const cast). This is so that it may be called without
+ // special consideration from getters.
+ inline void update() const
+ {
+ if ((!mDirty) && (!mReplaced))
+ return;
+ (const_cast<LLSettingsBase *>(this))->updateSettings();
+ }
+ virtual void blend(const ptr_t &end, BlendFactor blendf) = 0;
+ virtual bool validate();
+ virtual ptr_t buildDerivedClone() const = 0;
+ class Validator
+ {
+ public:
+ static const U32 VALIDATION_PARTIAL;
+ typedef boost::function<bool(LLSD &)> verify_pr;
+ Validator(std::string name, bool required, LLSD::Type type, verify_pr verify = verify_pr(), LLSD defval = LLSD()) :
+ mName(name),
+ mRequired(required),
+ mType(type),
+ mVerify(verify),
+ mDefault(defval)
+ { }
+ std::string getName() const { return mName; }
+ bool isRequired() const { return mRequired; }
+ LLSD::Type getType() const { return mType; }
+ bool verify(LLSD &data, U32 flags);
+ // Some basic verifications
+ static bool verifyColor(LLSD &value);
+ static bool verifyVector(LLSD &value, S32 length);
+ static bool verifyVectorMinMax(LLSD &value, LLSD minvals, LLSD maxvals);
+ static bool verifyVectorNormalized(LLSD &value, S32 length);
+ static bool verifyQuaternion(LLSD &value);
+ static bool verifyQuaternionNormal(LLSD &value);
+ static bool verifyFloatRange(LLSD &value, LLSD range);
+ static bool verifyIntegerRange(LLSD &value, LLSD range);
+ static bool verifyStringLength(LLSD &value, S32 length);
+ private:
+ std::string mName;
+ bool mRequired;
+ LLSD::Type mType;
+ verify_pr mVerify;
+ LLSD mDefault;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Validator> validation_list_t;
+ static LLSD settingValidation(LLSD &settings, validation_list_t &validations, bool partial = false);
+ inline void setAssetId(LLUUID value)
+ { // note that this skips setLLSD
+ mSettings[SETTING_ASSETID] = value;
+ }
+ inline void clearAssetId()
+ {
+ if (mSettings.has(SETTING_ASSETID))
+ mSettings.erase(SETTING_ASSETID);
+ }
+ // Calculate any custom settings that may need to be cached.
+ virtual void updateSettings() { mDirty = false; mReplaced = false; }
+ LLSettingsBase();
+ LLSettingsBase(const LLSD setting);
+ static LLSD settingValidation(LLSD settings);
+ typedef std::set<std::string> stringset_t;
+ // combining settings objects. Customize for specific setting types
+ virtual void lerpSettings(const LLSettingsBase &other, BlendFactor mix);
+ // combining settings maps where it can based on mix rate
+ // @settings initial value (mix==0)
+ // @other target value (mix==1)
+ // @defaults list of default values for legacy fields and (re)setting shaders
+ // @mix from 0 to 1, ratio or rate of transition from initial 'settings' to 'other'
+ // return interpolated and combined LLSD map
+ LLSD interpolateSDMap(const LLSD &settings, const LLSD &other, const parammapping_t& defaults, BlendFactor mix) const;
+ LLSD interpolateSDValue(const std::string& name, const LLSD &value, const LLSD &other, const parammapping_t& defaults, BlendFactor mix, const stringset_t& slerps) const;
+ /// when lerping between settings, some may require special handling.
+ /// Get a list of these key to be skipped by the default settings lerp.
+ /// (handling should be performed in the override of lerpSettings.
+ virtual stringset_t getSkipInterpolateKeys() const;
+ // A list of settings that represent quaternions and should be slerped
+ // rather than lerped.
+ virtual stringset_t getSlerpKeys() const { return stringset_t(); }
+ virtual validation_list_t getValidationList() const = 0;
+ // Apply any settings that need special handling.
+ virtual void applySpecial(void *, bool force = false) { };
+ virtual parammapping_t getParameterMap() const { return parammapping_t(); }
+ LLSD mSettings;
+ bool mIsValid;
+ LLSD cloneSettings() const;
+ inline void setBlendFactor(BlendFactor blendfactor)
+ {
+ mBlendedFactor = blendfactor;
+ }
+ void replaceWith(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t other)
+ {
+ replaceSettings(other->cloneSettings());
+ setBlendFactor(other->getBlendFactor());
+ }
+ bool mDirty;
+ bool mReplaced; // super dirty!
+ LLSD combineSDMaps(const LLSD &first, const LLSD &other) const;
+ BlendFactor mBlendedFactor;
+class LLSettingsBlender : public PTR_NAMESPACE::enable_shared_from_this<LLSettingsBlender>
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSettingsBlender);
+ typedef PTR_NAMESPACE::shared_ptr<LLSettingsBlender> ptr_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(const ptr_t )> finish_signal_t;
+ typedef boost::signals2::connection connection_t;
+ LLSettingsBlender(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &target,
+ const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &initsetting, const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &endsetting) :
+ mOnFinished(),
+ mTarget(target),
+ mInitial(initsetting),
+ mFinal(endsetting)
+ {
+ if (mInitial && mTarget)
+ mTarget->replaceSettings(mInitial->getSettings());
+ if (!mFinal)
+ mFinal = mInitial;
+ }
+ virtual ~LLSettingsBlender() {}
+ virtual void reset( LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &initsetting, const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &endsetting, const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition&)
+ {
+ // note: the 'span' reset parameter is unused by the base class.
+ if (!mInitial)
+ LL_WARNS("BLENDER") << "Reseting blender with empty initial setting. Expect badness in the future." << LL_ENDL;
+ mInitial = initsetting;
+ mFinal = endsetting;
+ if (!mFinal)
+ mFinal = mInitial;
+ if (mTarget)
+ mTarget->replaceSettings(mInitial->getSettings());
+ }
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t getTarget() const
+ {
+ return mTarget;
+ }
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t getInitial() const
+ {
+ return mInitial;
+ }
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t getFinal() const
+ {
+ return mFinal;
+ }
+ connection_t setOnFinished(const finish_signal_t::slot_type &onfinished)
+ {
+ return mOnFinished.connect(onfinished);
+ }
+ virtual void update(const LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor& blendf);
+ virtual bool applyTimeDelta(const LLSettingsBase::Seconds& timedelta)
+ {
+ llassert(false);
+ // your derived class needs to implement an override of this func
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual F64 setBlendFactor(const LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor& position);
+ virtual void switchTrack(S32 trackno, const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition& position) { /*NoOp*/ }
+ void triggerComplete();
+ finish_signal_t mOnFinished;
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t mTarget;
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t mInitial;
+ LLSettingsBase::ptr_t mFinal;
+class LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta : public LLSettingsBlender
+ LOG_CLASS(LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta);
+ static const LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor MIN_BLEND_DELTA;
+ LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &target,
+ const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &initsetting, const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &endsetting, const LLSettingsBase::Seconds& blend_span) :
+ LLSettingsBlender(target, initsetting, endsetting),
+ mBlendSpan(blend_span),
+ mLastUpdate(0.0f),
+ mTimeSpent(0.0f),
+ mBlendFMinDelta(MIN_BLEND_DELTA),
+ mLastBlendF(-1.0f)
+ {
+ mTimeStart = LLSettingsBase::Seconds(LLDate::now().secondsSinceEpoch());
+ mLastUpdate = mTimeStart;
+ }
+ virtual ~LLSettingsBlenderTimeDelta()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void reset(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &initsetting, const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &endsetting, const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition& blend_span) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ LLSettingsBlender::reset(initsetting, endsetting, blend_span);
+ mBlendSpan = blend_span;
+ mTimeStart = LLSettingsBase::Seconds(LLDate::now().secondsSinceEpoch());
+ mLastUpdate = mTimeStart;
+ mTimeSpent = LLSettingsBase::Seconds(0.0f);
+ mLastBlendF = LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor(-1.0f);
+ }
+ virtual bool applyTimeDelta(const LLSettingsBase::Seconds& timedelta) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE;
+ inline void setTimeSpent(LLSettingsBase::Seconds time) { mTimeSpent = time; }
+ LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor calculateBlend(const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition& spanpos, const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition& spanlen) const;
+ LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition mBlendSpan;
+ LLSettingsBase::Seconds mLastUpdate;
+ LLSettingsBase::Seconds mTimeSpent;
+ LLSettingsBase::Seconds mTimeStart;
+ LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mBlendFMinDelta;
+ LLSettingsBase::BlendFactor mLastBlendF;