diff options
authorNat Goodspeed <>2021-11-10 10:17:12 -0500
committerNat Goodspeed <>2021-11-10 10:17:12 -0500
commit214d8d40c12c0a39dffdd837c861abe4c005caf1 (patch)
parentdf8e17d8e851c34a83de6c508aba07f6bde12a10 (diff)
SL-16094: Statically link to Windows IMM32.LIB.
llwindowwin32.cpp's LLWinImm class used to dynamically load IMM32.DLL and populate its methods using GetProcAddress(). That was to support Windows XP. Since we've dropped Windows XP, use static linking instead, with dramatically fewer lines of code (and less of a thread safety alarm trigger). We retain the LLWinImm wrapper class only as a hook for Tracy instrumentation.
3 files changed, 21 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llui/CMakeLists.txt
index f781ff4110..25ceb68b19 100644
--- a/indra/llui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -308,6 +308,6 @@ if(LL_TESTS)
- LL_ADD_INTEGRATION_TEST(llurlentry llurlentry.cpp "${test_libs}")
+ LL_ADD_INTEGRATION_TEST(llurlentry llurlentry.cpp "imm32;${test_libs}")
endif(NOT LINUX)
diff --git a/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp b/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
index a26924c2fb..736887e286 100644
--- a/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
+++ b/indra/llwindow/llwindowwin32.cpp
@@ -176,23 +176,19 @@ DWORD LLWindowWin32::sWinIMESentenceMode = IME_SMODE_AUTOMATIC;
LLCoordWindow LLWindowWin32::sWinIMEWindowPosition(-1,-1);
// The following class LLWinImm delegates Windows IMM APIs.
-// We need this because some language versions of Windows,
-// e.g., US version of Windows XP, doesn't install IMM32.DLL
-// as a default, and we can't link against imm32.lib statically.
-// I believe DLL loading of this type is best suited to do
-// in a static initialization of a class. What I'm not sure is
-// whether it follows the Linden Conding Standard...
-// See
+// It was originally introduced to support US Windows XP, on which we needed
+// to dynamically load IMM32.DLL and use GetProcAddress to resolve its entry
+// points. Now that that's moot, we retain this wrapper only for hooks for
+// metrics.
class LLWinImm
- static bool isAvailable() { return sTheInstance.mHImmDll != NULL; }
+ static bool isAvailable() { return true; }
// Wrappers for IMM API.
static BOOL isIME(HKL hkl);
- static HWND getDefaultIMEWnd(HWND hwnd);
static HIMC getContext(HWND hwnd);
static BOOL releaseContext(HWND hwnd, HIMC himc);
static BOOL getOpenStatus(HIMC himc);
@@ -206,236 +202,96 @@ public:
static BOOL setCompositionFont(HIMC himc, LPLOGFONTW logfont);
static BOOL setCandidateWindow(HIMC himc, LPCANDIDATEFORM candidate_form);
static BOOL notifyIME(HIMC himc, DWORD action, DWORD index, DWORD value);
- LLWinImm();
- ~LLWinImm();
- // Pointers to IMM API.
- HWND (WINAPI *mImmGetDefaultIMEWnd)(HWND);
- HIMC (WINAPI *mImmGetContext)(HWND);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmReleaseContext)(HWND, HIMC);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmGetOpenStatus)(HIMC);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmSetOpenStatus)(HIMC, BOOL);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmGetConversionStatus)(HIMC, LPDWORD, LPDWORD);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmSetConversionStatus)(HIMC, DWORD, DWORD);
- LONG (WINAPI *mImmGetCompositionString)(HIMC, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD);
- BOOL (WINAPI *mImmSetCompositionFont)(HIMC, LPLOGFONTW);
- static LLWinImm sTheInstance;
-LLWinImm LLWinImm::sTheInstance;
-LLWinImm::LLWinImm() : mHImmDll(NULL)
- // Check system metrics
- if ( !GetSystemMetrics( SM_IMMENABLED ) )
- return;
- mHImmDll = LoadLibraryA("Imm32");
- if (mHImmDll != NULL)
- {
- mImmIsIME = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HKL)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmIsIME");
- mImmGetDefaultIMEWnd = (HWND (WINAPI *)(HWND)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd");
- mImmGetContext = (HIMC (WINAPI *)(HWND)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetContext");
- mImmReleaseContext = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, HIMC)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmReleaseContext");
- mImmGetOpenStatus = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetOpenStatus");
- mImmSetOpenStatus = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, BOOL)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetOpenStatus");
- mImmGetConversionStatus = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, LPDWORD, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetConversionStatus");
- mImmSetConversionStatus = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, DWORD, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetConversionStatus");
- mImmGetCompostitionWindow = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetCompositionWindow");
- mImmSetCompostitionWindow = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetCompositionWindow");
- mImmGetCompositionString= (LONG (WINAPI *)(HIMC, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmGetCompositionStringW");
- mImmSetCompositionString= (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetCompositionStringW");
- mImmSetCompositionFont = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, LPLOGFONTW)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetCompositionFontW");
- mImmSetCandidateWindow = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, LPCANDIDATEFORM)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmSetCandidateWindow");
- mImmNotifyIME = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(mHImmDll, "ImmNotifyIME");
- if (mImmIsIME == NULL ||
- mImmGetDefaultIMEWnd == NULL ||
- mImmGetContext == NULL ||
- mImmReleaseContext == NULL ||
- mImmGetOpenStatus == NULL ||
- mImmSetOpenStatus == NULL ||
- mImmGetConversionStatus == NULL ||
- mImmSetConversionStatus == NULL ||
- mImmGetCompostitionWindow == NULL ||
- mImmSetCompostitionWindow == NULL ||
- mImmGetCompositionString == NULL ||
- mImmSetCompositionString == NULL ||
- mImmSetCompositionFont == NULL ||
- mImmSetCandidateWindow == NULL ||
- mImmNotifyIME == NULL)
- {
- // If any of the above API entires are not found, we can't use IMM API.
- // So, turn off the IMM support. We should log some warning message in
- // the case, since it is very unusual; these APIs are available from
- // the beginning, and all versions of IMM32.DLL should have them all.
- // Unfortunately, this code may be executed before initialization of
- // the logging channel (LL_WARNS()), and we can't do it here... Yes, this
- // is one of disadvantages to use static constraction to DLL loading.
- FreeLibrary(mHImmDll);
- mHImmDll = NULL;
- // If we unload the library, make sure all the function pointers are cleared
- mImmIsIME = NULL;
- mImmGetDefaultIMEWnd = NULL;
- mImmGetContext = NULL;
- mImmReleaseContext = NULL;
- mImmGetOpenStatus = NULL;
- mImmSetOpenStatus = NULL;
- mImmGetConversionStatus = NULL;
- mImmSetConversionStatus = NULL;
- mImmGetCompostitionWindow = NULL;
- mImmSetCompostitionWindow = NULL;
- mImmGetCompositionString = NULL;
- mImmSetCompositionString = NULL;
- mImmSetCompositionFont = NULL;
- mImmSetCandidateWindow = NULL;
- mImmNotifyIME = NULL;
- }
- }
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::isIME(HKL hkl)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmIsIME )
- return sTheInstance.mImmIsIME(hkl);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmIsIME(hkl);
// static
HIMC LLWinImm::getContext(HWND hwnd)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmGetContext )
- return sTheInstance.mImmGetContext(hwnd);
- return 0;
+ return ImmGetContext(hwnd);
BOOL LLWinImm::releaseContext(HWND hwnd, HIMC himc)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmIsIME )
- return sTheInstance.mImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::getOpenStatus(HIMC himc)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmGetOpenStatus )
- return sTheInstance.mImmGetOpenStatus(himc);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmGetOpenStatus(himc);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setOpenStatus(HIMC himc, BOOL status)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetOpenStatus )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetOpenStatus(himc, status);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetOpenStatus(himc, status);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::getConversionStatus(HIMC himc, LPDWORD conversion, LPDWORD sentence)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmGetConversionStatus )
- return sTheInstance.mImmGetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmGetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setConversionStatus(HIMC himc, DWORD conversion, DWORD sentence)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetConversionStatus )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::getCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmGetCompostitionWindow )
- return sTheInstance.mImmGetCompostitionWindow(himc, form);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmGetCompositionWindow(himc, form);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetCompostitionWindow )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetCompostitionWindow(himc, form);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetCompositionWindow(himc, form);
// static
LONG LLWinImm::getCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID data, DWORD length)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmGetCompositionString )
- return sTheInstance.mImmGetCompositionString(himc, index, data, length);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmGetCompositionString(himc, index, data, length);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID pComp, DWORD compLength, LPVOID pRead, DWORD readLength)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetCompositionString )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetCompositionString(himc, index, pComp, compLength, pRead, readLength);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetCompositionString(himc, index, pComp, compLength, pRead, readLength);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionFont(HIMC himc, LPLOGFONTW pFont)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetCompositionFont )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetCompositionFont(himc, pFont);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetCompositionFont(himc, pFont);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::setCandidateWindow(HIMC himc, LPCANDIDATEFORM form)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmSetCandidateWindow )
- return sTheInstance.mImmSetCandidateWindow(himc, form);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmSetCandidateWindow(himc, form);
// static
BOOL LLWinImm::notifyIME(HIMC himc, DWORD action, DWORD index, DWORD value)
- if ( sTheInstance.mImmNotifyIME )
- return sTheInstance.mImmNotifyIME(himc, action, index, value);
- return FALSE;
+ return ImmNotifyIME(himc, action, index, value);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mHImmDll != NULL)
- {
- FreeLibrary(mHImmDll);
- mHImmDll = NULL;
- }
class LLMonitorInfo
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index 0144cff4b2..6d090be33a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1602,6 +1602,7 @@ if (WINDOWS)
+ imm32